#fredreich von glower
grace-nakimura · 10 months
Okay, okay, okay! For real tho? When I was toying around writing it - gonna post it on A03 but I need to make a few tweaks - I initially had it where the baron survived. He survived and somehow felt a pull, like he could feel someone from his pack was around, and initially, when he makes it to Mumbai he thinks it's Gabriel. Grace, at this time, has no idea she's expecting, she just thinks it's "stress from moving" but since Grace isn't a wolf, Fredreich knows she is carrying a wolf or someone who could be potentially a wolf.
(Also, since he never died, Gabriel is kinda... wolf-y, but it's something he is still Fighting against, and in the third game his behavior is explained by that.)
For a month or two, especially when she finds out, Grace is kinda stalked - tho he claims it was protecting her - by a wolf. Until she runs into him and, since the last time they saw each other she tried to burn him alive - both she and Gabriel did - she is, understandably, terrified. Of course, he is only protective of her bc she is carrying a part of his pack, so it isn't genuine.
And - at first - he is kind of using her to get to Gabriel, so he plays nice, charming, and very approachable. You know how it takes Grace a while to figure out she does have feelings for Gabriel in the games - and in my personal hc it's towards the end of GK2, but keep in mind most of it was just her envy of him, and not wanting to be left out - and Gabriel even longer? Frederich is older than them. He realizes that he feels the same way about Gabriel as he does about Grace quickly and hard. She is passionate, sassy, and yes, she is hardheaded and unyielding, but Gabriel said it best - she is something.
Calling the baby Whoops was funny the first few times. It got old, but much like Gabriel, Grace hid behind sarcasm and humor to deflect true feelings, so he let it go.
Rittersberg is a lot more dramatic. Gabriel is filled with guilt. Thinks von Glower is using Grace as a human shield and is manipulating the situation - which, fine, he was at first, and he might still be pulling some strings, but he isn't lying that he fell hard for Grace just as he did for Gabriel - and, um, it takes a bit longer for the three of them to really meet in the middle. A bit quicker with Gabirel and Grace, they still have the same sort of talks, but eventually, Fredreich and Gabriel do talk. Things happen. Then things happen with Grace - honestly things already probably did happen with Grace in India, bc hormones, but only after he realizes his feelings were genuine - and then. Well, things happen.
They do tell their guardians about Whoops earlier. The nursery is also furnished earlier, too, since Fredreich is excited. Gabriel is still scared, but hedging on a shy sort of wonderment. Grace has made up her mind and she's going to see this through, but she ends up being a little more openly excited with Fredreich around. A bit shy, like Gabriel's, but she isn't so afraid to show it. Before Gabriel has to leave for Scotland, their only real contention is naming the baby - Fredreich suggests Elisse; Gabriel jokingly wants to name the baby after himself, if only to annoy both of them; Grace still goes by Whoops to annoy Gabriel more. You know, assert Dominance. He does think of the name Chiyo, though, both out of respect for Grace's heritage - which he does know Uchinaguchi and modern Japanese, since he's been around for a while - and because of the meaning. A thousand generations. Full circle, almost. And then when Gabriel suggests Rebecca - to bind a thousand generations - it fits.
Grace still calls her Whoops even up to her birth. Fredreich is a baby hog. Bex - or Whoops - might be a wolf, but she might be a dormant one, which happens, and she might be destined to be a Schattenjäger. Much like the ending of my story, nothing matters but the right now.
And if Grace and Gabriel driving slow as hell back to Schloss Ritter was first-time parent cringe, all three of them are kinda known to just watch Bex sleep to make sure she was breathing.
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grace-nakimura · 10 months
Sexuality Headcanon: Lesbian! Some people just know, but Bex - or Whoops - didn't figure it out until she was around fourteen. Gender Headcanon: For most of her life she is she/her, but it was around her early twenties she decided that she/they sort of fit. A ship I have with said character: I literally just made her. It'll be funny if she had her first romance with a supernatural, though. A BROTP I have with said character: While the two-part is more canonish, I am a sucker for Von Glower x Gabriel x Grace plus a Whoopse in there, so if I had to be extremely self-indulgent? Fredreich. He would be her favorite parent. Don't ask how it'll work. Shut up. This is for me, not you. He's also probably her favorite because he spoils her rotten, too. A NOTP I have with said character: IDK yet. A random headcanon: Most of the Ritters are artistically gifted in some way, right? Bex is no different. She's a singer. Classically trained, too, but she is also gifted at voice impressions, musical and otherwise. Her favorite past time is rapping Bodak Yellow as Elmo. She doesn't use her gifts for good, but gives people - namely Grace - a headache. General Opinion over said character: JANE LEFT US ON READ AND I AM JUST DOING MY BEST!
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