Double caffeine today. In my Lorelai Gilmore era (and it's still nowhere near her level tbh)
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jojobegood1 · 5 months
La Grande barrière de corail frappée par le pire épisode de blanchissement jamais observé
La Grande barrière de corail frappée par le pire épisode de blanchissement jamais observé https://www.rts.ch/info/sciences-tech/environnement/2024/article/la-grande-barriere-de-corail-frappee-par-le-pire-episode-de-blanchissement-jamais-observe-28472563.html
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valentin10 · 11 days
Chine. La ville de Shanghai frappée par son plus fort typhon depuis 1949
Après Yagi il y a une semaine, le typhon Bebinca a touché terre à Shanghai lundi matin en Chine, avec des pointes de vitesse de vent jamais observées depuis 75 ans. — À lire sur www.ledauphine.com/environnement/2024/09/16/la-ville-de-shanghai-frappee-par-son-plus-fort-typhon-depuis-1949
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theelectrikcowgirl · 5 months
Tw. Ed behavior is so bizarre, and hard to discuss even at the college level everyone is always so triggered about discussing weight but the truth of the matter it's all on the societal clock all about grand picture, what does the other person perceive? doesn't matter if it's accurate but do they see me as my smallest self?
I have been so good with my habits as of recent cooking meals based on my cycle and nutrient needs but then I mix together some chocolate chips grape jelly and some pbfit and that to much for me??
Like I used to eat ice cream and Taco Bell and not purge but looking at the choice to purge and not feel guilty or think about it as mark on my body is kinda where I'm at?? I haven't purged in forever and the fact a chocolate pb jelly sandwich with a cup of coffee sent me there is kinda concerning but also ?? Why am I impulsively eating? Like yes I'm on my cycle but it wasn't out of hunger cues or anything like while I was mixing up the concoction I had the idea and I still kept going and mixing and then eating? I don't feel bad about it I just feel weird, purging isn't a cute thing, I don't want ruin my teeth. Its weird what I consider a binge was probably 300+ calories but what others consider a binge is like 1000+
not tryna trigger no thin spo cause i wouldn't put that on me or anything but ew? It's really just sweets that I find disgusting? Like if I would have ate some eggs and cheese i wouldn't have had a second thought but the sugar is gross??? Like in the baked dairy sweet candy chocolate milk way not in the small jolly rancher and gum way? But also please don't give me gummy worms or? Heavily sweetened beverages? No frappees. I can't wait to be off my period I hate this feeling I don't want to feel sick and bloated all the time I'd rather be a shell
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scarletkaoru · 10 months
two days ago i did that ‘fix me caramel frappee’ or whatever it was post but with an ice cream bar AND IT WORKED
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suis-nous · 2 years
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butchwaifu · 2 years
8, 9, 22, 31, and 40!
8) How many water bottles are in your room right now?
Only!... Four.
9) Which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
This is an extremely hard decision but I'll say I like my coffee cold specifically iced coffee I'm too impatient to wait for hot coffee to cool down and frappees or anything blended leaves chunks of stuff I can drink through the straw
22) What type of person are you?
I don't actually know! My whole thing is I don't know myself and I comfort myself by saying it's beautiful to learn something about myself every day even if I feel lost and confused as its terrifying to not even be able to describe yourself however there's little things I know that are the base of my character that defines everything I do:
I'm lonely, I'm kind (not always nice), I'm patient, I'm goofy, I'm confident, I'm self conscious, I'm easily embarrassed, I'm in love with the idea of love, I'm aspec, I'm a smartass. I'm also super sexy all my friends agree and that's where the confidence comes from but also a massive amount of self consciousness; anyone would be lucky to have me, "Are you Sure you want Me?"
31) What type of music keeps you grounded?
Ok, so when I need to be grounded I basically need to be overloaded with emotion or completely reset to feel something else so strongly I cry and calm down and there's this One Song that grounds me in this way without fail every time but the music video helps as for other songs it depends on what I'm feeling at the moment I have playlists upon playlists and I'm into music like Madeon, Passion Pit, AJR idk I don't think any music You Specifically would be into but yeah anyways the super emotional song and music video I'll link but warning there's death
40) Did you have any snacks today?
I had a protein bar and shake! I'm gonna snack on a chocolate granola bar later and idk if drinks count as snacks but I've been sipping on a root beer all day
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yellowhearther0 · 2 years
how do you take coffee this is a very important question and also the only question i can think to ask anyone
if you dont like coffee then how do oyu take tea
have a wonderful day :]
augh not the biggest coffee fan but i’ll usually just go caramel frappee bc i dont care for the taste of coffee </3
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you wanna know a secret darlin'? I think I love ya. I think I love ya a whole lot.
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the-love-i-crave · 3 years
went to mcdonalds, first customer of the day.....
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howtodessert-blog · 5 years
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Mes boissons favorites de l’hiver frappées pour l’été : Chocolat Miel & Chaï Latte Blog Cuisine & DIY Bordeaux - Bonjour Darling - Anne-Laure: Mes boissons favorites de l'hiver frappées pour l'été : Chocolat Miel & Chaï Latte
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valentin10 · 1 month
Attaque au couteau à Béziers : la victime âgée de 16 ans est décédée, deux personnes en garde à vue - midilibre
Un jeune homme a été attaqué au couteau, ce mercredi 14 août, aux alentours de 17 h 45, sur le bas du boulevard de la Liberté, près du rond-point du Polygone. Frappé au cou à… — À lire sur www.midilibre.fr/2024/08/14/attaque-au-couteau-a-beziers-la-victime-frappee-a-plusieurs-reprises-au-cou-12142030.php
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ace-angel-judas · 2 years
Pairing: Hyejin/XX ft TXT
Genre: Surprise?
Synopsis: XX get their first music bank win, that's without saying that drama still happens in front of the camera.
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Turning in her chair, Hyejin looked up as her three older members were all looking down at her. They had serious looks on their face, Sunmi even sitting down next to her and softly grabbing the caramel frappee from her hands.
"I was drinking that..," Hyejin mumbled.
"Honey," Sunmi grabbed her hands, "Are you going to be okay?"
"What do you mean?" Hyejin asked.
"We'll be on stage next to TXT while they announce who wins this week," Sophia explained.
Hyejin hadn't seen or heard from Soobin since they had separated. She also never got a chance to meet any of the other TXT members properly either.
But they would be on camera.
"Nothings going to happen," Hyejin picked up her drink again, "We're on stage in front of cameras,"
"I have access to HYPE if anything does happen," Sophia grinned.
"Sophia!" Jinmi gasped.
Hyejin never got stage fright, even during her first ever performances, nothing. But this was slightly nerve wrecking, keeping a tight grip on Jinmi's hand as they stood on stage.
TXT were indeed right next to them, not even a full step away. At least she was standing next to Yeonjun and not Soobin.
Hyejin kept her eyes forward, a calm smile on her face. They were counting the votes now anyway.
As the confetti fell on stage, all the girls gasped and looked between each other. They had won, their first music bank win.
Before Hyejin would turned to Jinmi, a hand grabbed her own and pulled her into a hug. Her eyes went wide, before she noticed the four other TXT boys looking down at her.
"Good Job, I like the song," Yeonjun spoke as he pulled away, "Congratulations,"
"Ah, um, Thank You?" She whispered, nodding softly before turning back to her own group.
Jinmi quickly pulled her in close, moving between her and the other group. Hyejin could hear Sophia murmured under her breath.
"What the fuck was that?"
Hyejin could feel a piece of paper scrunched against her palm.
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suis-nous · 2 years
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mirrorontheworld · 4 years
La scène s'est déroulée vendredi 18 septembre près de la médiathèque Malraux.
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moiracistemechant · 4 years
Sympas, les flics, comme souvent. Cerise sur le gâteau : pas de dépôt de plainte pendant le confinement, débrouillez-vous avec notre service en ligne !
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