#fractured blue
pizza-tower-fracture · 3 months
Yo, is the l au still alive?
Hell yeah it is! I just been awfully busy with work. Next week is my last week before I get 6 weeks of holiday.
So expect to see a bunch of new posts soon!
During this time, enjoy some sketches I did before I even start the blog. They were characters practice. (We easily see who are my favorites... XD)
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chaoswarfare · 2 years
a little dp x dc art ;))
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gotham in the ghost zone
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faorism · 2 years
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what IS mad cute? eliot and billy's matching plaid, carson football tshirt, blue jeans, and judgmental crossed arm scowls. "like father, like son" for sure
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deedoo-r · 28 days
I am on caffeine and lisdexamphetamine, anyway here's translations of alterations:
1. Aye aye, I eye my eyes (Chemical Overreaction / Compound Fracture)
"Affirmative, Myself checks my own visual organs"
2. This bear's diss bears dispair to spare, this pair's disparity's barely fair (Blue vs Monokuma)
"The roast that monokuma is about to perform contains more than enough of the daganrompa loss of hope, it's to the point that pitting Blue's Clues against Monokuma puts blue at a severe disadvantage in the Competition"
3. Well I bet a bottle of brandy so bitter'd be better than biting the bullet and bettering myself, sorry if I slur
"I find it easier to stay an alcoholic than go through the trouble of overcoming my alcoholism, sorry if that wasn't clear, I'm currently drunk because I'm an alcoholic"
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corzakhoekin · 2 years
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I cry out for an ending
An escape that is over due
Faced with the final judgement
No hand to pull me through
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The Blue Falcon
Trust the falcon
To preserve your song
Trust it's claws
To protect your wings
You prey to amuse
Your claws leave no room
For freedom
You put me on this stage.
To prance and spin.
Your sweetest fantasies to life
You bring.
You hunt to delight
Your speed leaves no room
For hope
You made me you bait.
A dance of endurance.
You took the song,
The songbird sang.
You maim the soul
Your abuse leaves no room
For trust
Trust the falcon
To consume your song
Trust the claws
To destroy your wings
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gamecube-stims · 1 month
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fracture ( oc ) stimboard with pink mineral stims , black rock stims , arcade stims / fnaf stims for day 1 of @ / vampire-bat-stims anniversary event
x - x - x / x - x - x / x - x - x
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digitalblindfold · 2 years
And God only knows that it's all stuck in my head
God fell silent
When I cried out
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ryssbelle · 2 years
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Fractured timelines 'Legend', a knight in Hyrules army, couldn't decide on a red cape or blue cape (theres a certain someone who doesn't think the blue tunic is superior when it is-) so I have two for you guys to decide if you want to help lol
he is not technically Legend as most people know him, tho I did steal the Lu hair from dtbs from myself, he took the name after mysteriously gaining the memories of the past hero and finding a connection with him.
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tsunagite · 1 year
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glimfag · 2 years
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Professor Chaos stimboard with thunderstorms and glitter <3
🌧⚡️🌧 ⭐️💙⭐️ 🌧⚡️🌧
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acircusfullofdemons · 8 months
GARNET - Are there gods? -🐺👑
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[ ASK GAME ] || Eternal Labyrinth is FULL of Gods/Deities! Arcadia has the most by default, obviously, but Earth I & Earth IV have a handful, too. Warning, this got...a lot longer than I thought it would 😅
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Earth I
Theia Mortimer — goddess of death
Vitalus Zoticus — god of life
Eloise Jekyll — first angel
Ketrill Hyde — first demon
Josephine "Fifi" Allaway — goddess of time
Emory Warwick — god of space & knowledge
Lucien Jekyll — goddess of order/harmony
Vincent Hyde — god of chaos
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Earth IV
Prism — mother of the 7 Emotional Deities, encompasses all emotions
Ares — deity of anger
Hermes — deity of greed
Phobos — deity of fear (+ Harvest aka Harlow Spade, who becomes the new goddess of fear at...some point)
Hercules — deity of determination
Pandora — deity of hope
Eleos — deity of compassion
Aphrodite — deity of love
There's also the 7's first followers & partners:
Orion Guerrero aka The Butcher
Edwin Kramer aka The Merchant
Aurelia Crowley aka The Witch
Cleo Barsotti aka The Hero
Silas Roux aka The Hopeful
Grace Lovatt aka The Merciful
Amanda Lovatt aka The Lover
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Alcus (al•cuss) — god of the ocean, rivers, water.
Alia (al•e•ah) — goddess of puzzles, riddles. wife of zagreus. mother of elythia.
Bruma — god of winter, cold. sister of rythsti.
Bytris (bye•tris) — god of technology. often confused for or replaced by vyris.
Calypso — would-be god of imagination, theater. associated with music, dance. son of illulia and joylena. brother of reverie.
Cletho (cle•though) — god of darkness, the void. associated with leadership, fatherhood. father of viktoria and deimos.
Deimos — god of destruction. associated with fear, nightmares. son of cletho. brother of viktoria.
Delphi — goddess of intelligence, wisdom.
Direna — goddess of magic. associated with purple, demons, wolves.
Elliott — goddess of space. also referred to as Mother of the Galaxy, Keeper of Constellations.
Elythia (el•ih•thiea) — goddess of the dead / ghosts, ensures spirits travel to their respective afterlife. daughter of zagreus and alia. caretaker of emrits. commonly goes by “theia (mortimer)”.
Fifi — goddess of time. also referred to as Father Time, Josephine Allaway. has an apprentice, toby reynolds, who is often referred to/confused as the actual god of time. he is most well-known in Earth I/Wonderland and Neverland, mainly for never working properly.
Ignius (ig•nus) — god of battle, strategy. associated with fire, summer.
Ilullia (ill•oo•leah) — goddess of slumber, dreams, nightmares. mother of reverie and calypso. wife of joylena.
Joylena — goddess of holidays, celebrations, marriage. associated with trickery, music, bells. wife of illulia. mother of calypso and reverie.
Lullaby — god of lullabies. son of reverie.
Nynx — god of the moon, dusklight (nighttime). serves as solar's right hand, technically king of the gods but has more respect of a prince than anything else. brother of sola.
Reverie — goddess of daydreams, imagination. daughter of ilullia. sister of calypso. mother of lullaby.
Rythsti (ry•th•st•ee) — goddess of nature. also referred to as Mother Nature. associated with motherhood. mother to zagreus. sister to bruma.
Sola — goddess of the sun, dawnrise (daytime). queen of the gods. sister to nynx.
Viktoria — former goddess of space. see: elliott.
Vyris — goddess of reality. associated with fate, prophecy. often confused for or replaces byrtis in some myths.
Zagreus — god of death. son of rythsti. husband of alia. father of elythia.
Zerlo — god of the weather. associated with storms.
There's other mythological figures & deities but this is just about the Gods + this post is long enough lmao
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pirunika · 4 months
no. 3 and 14 for your DA ocs :D
Aaaa thank you <3 its been soooo long since I thought about them so run the most familiar™ is my Aeducan, Lady Ayka ₍ᐢ.ˬ.⑅ᐢ₎♡
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No...She's a very family oriented and loyal person despite everything....... (😬) so she also supported her brother during that choice...other than that I can safely say she only killed demons or darkspawn. Like.She simply would not. She'd die.
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🤔🤔🤔 I think a villain version of Ayka would be someone who's going above and beyond to protect the ones she loves...whether they like it or not. Its for their good can't they just see????? (like I imagine for her it'd be putting Alistair on the throne, I'm not saying its a villainous act but that's villainous for Her soft self. Maybe she'd get a bit extreme too, she'd kill Anora because she's too dangerous to Alistair and go into a whole rampage to remove all the threats and suddenly she's The Most Wanted 💀)
Song though.. Mmm..this. Though its short it gives that Take my hand I know better Trust Me *delusional * POV of hers
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pinkcannibal · 1 year
writing for chapter 19 of eat your young like. how insane can i get w readers co-dependency and extreme attachment to marilyn born from her trauma from tyler. how that manifests into needing marilyn so badly regardless of her injuries. bc of the guilt. and fear. and idea of being collared. like how far am i willing to convey that and would it be insane of me to just have literally 10,000 words of hurt, aftercare, comfort and the most depraved but tender smut i can think of
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dragon-tamer-1 · 2 years
Surprise Visit
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"Aww, c'mon Fracture."
"No, Reaper, I can't do that. You know I can't, look at my wings, they aren't able to hold me up. I can barely move them without it hurting."
"But that's why I said we should look into a way of healing them. If for nothing else, then to let you not be in pain anymore."
"Reaper, I appreciate it, I really do, but did you forget that I can't leave or else I'm dead?" He paused, but in a softer voice, said, "It's alright, I'm used to it, I've been used to it for a while now. I'm fine if I don't get to fly. I don't even know why I have wings."
Reaper sighed, "No, I didn't forget. I still think there's a way to get them healed even without you leaving this place. I just have to look for a way in-between my job and visiting you."
Geno looked like he was going to argue more, but then sighed. "You're really not going to give up on this, huh?"
"... Fine, I can't keep you from doing it on your own time, so no use telling you not to. Let's just relax for now, though. Before you have to leave for your job."
Reaper was ecstatic, Fracture was going to be fine with this! He nodded, "Sure thing. Do you feel up to cuddles?"
"Yeah, we can do cudd-" The sound of a portal interrupted his response, and the two turned to look where the sound came from. Fracture remembered the specific sound, crackling static, only one other person's portals made just a bit too late. Before he could do anything, he's pushed behind Reaper before strings could grab him.
"Stay away from him, Reaper!"
"Fat chance, I know what you're capable of, and I ain't letting you hurt him!" Reaper summoned his scythe, ready to fight if he needed to.
Fracture tried to hold up a hand in front of Reaper to try to get Tempest to stop, but it seems like he didn't see it. "Guys-"
"I'll hurt you in a minute!"
Fracture tried to get between them so he can try to calm the two, but Reaper was not letting him get in front. Fracture's wings were puffed up, and he had subconsciously raised them in an attempt to move faster, but it just brought pain, though he kept them up. He understood why he didn't, but it didn't make it any less frustrating. He's not defenseless, dang it!
"Reaper, let me-" Interrupted again by Tempest throwing strings again and Reaper pulling him with as he dodged.
The two kept arguing, any attempts from Fracture to even get either of their attentions fell on deaf ears, and tensions were rising. Fracture knew that if he didn't do something, the two would start actually fighting, and he did not want to see which of the two would win.
So, with all the effort and concentration he could muster, he flapped his broken wings. It brought significant pain, but he pushed through it, determined to stop them from fighting. He kept at it until he was airborne, and tried to move forward. It looked like they were too focused on each other to notice. Straining himself, he managed to move between them, and then started falling.
The sight of him falling broke the two from their argument, and Tempest was faster to catch him. Tempest was very worried, how did he get up there? Seeing Fracture in a lot of pain made him think Reaper WAS hurting him, and he turned back to Reaper and glared at him. "I knew it, you were hurting him!"
"What!? No I wasn't! I don't know how he got up there, he was behind me."
Coughing, Fracture tries to speak loud enough to get their attention again. "Stop fi-*cough cough* Stop fighting! I'm okay!"
"No, you're not! He-"
"He didn't do anything to hurt me! Put me down, and both of you calm down!"
"I said put me down."
Tempest lowered him to the 'floor', but held his hand by his side to catch him if he fell. Reaper was surprised by Tempest's care for Fracture, did they know each other? Why didn't Fracture mention it?
Fracture swayed, the pain in his wings and upper back was excruciating. "Hrnng..."
"You're gonna be alright, how about sitting down, hm?"
"Y... yeah, alright."
Tempest then helped Fracture sit down, situating himself on the supposed ground. Reaper decided to sit down as well, since it was clear that there wasn't going to be a fight. Or at least not right now. Wait, how did Fracture fall? Unless...
"Fracture, did you actually fly?? How, though? Your wings..."
Tempest's eyes widened, "Oh! Jeez, if ya needed ta get my attention, ya could've just thrown a bone at me. Why'd you put so much strain on yourself?"
"Well, between you two arguing and the fact you would've thought it was Reaper's, it was the only thing I could think of. Reaper wasn't letting me get around him, and it's not like I can teleport. But this situation is kinda my fault. I never told either of you about how the other hangs out with me every now and then."
"It would have been more helpful to know that, yes, but it's not your fault. So Reaper doesn't bother you, then?"
"Oh, no, he does sometimes," "Hey!" "but I like his company. Besides, we figured out that I'm immune to his death touch. Mainly because the first time we met, he thought he could reap my Soul. But now we're friends, so don't go giving him the stink-eye like I know you’re doing right now."
Tempest sputtered, but couldn't deny that it wasn't true, so he opted to look away.
"So, how do you and Tempest know each other?"
"None of your business."
"I'm gonna tell him."
"Yes, because he'll figure it out eventually if he comes during your visits often enough. It's better to let him know now than try to explain why I didn't tell him. And it's not like I can't make him promise to keep it to himself. Plus it'll help with not fighting each other every time you catch each other with me."
Tempest grumbled, "Fine, you have a point."
"Of course I do, I'm the smart one," He teased, it wasn't entirely wrong. He knew Tempest knew a lot more than he did, but more often than not, when Tempest was complaining about something that didn't make sense to him, he was usually the one to point out how it does make sense. Of course, there were instances where he also didn't understand it, and joins Tempest's rant about it.
"Anyway. Reaper, Tempest is my adopted brother."
"Yeah, surprising, right? I know that I should've mentioned it at some point, but it never came up. Even if I knew this was an inevitable situation, I never brought it up. Oh, I suppose I should also mention the other adopted brother. His name is Radical, I don't know if you've met him yet. He's, very colorful."
"I think I've seen him in passing, but, wait. How did you guys become adoptive brothers? And how long have you been brothers?"
"Tempest had randomly found the Save Screen, and decided it was a nice place to relax. After many visits of that kind, we bonded enough that we considered each other brothers. And then he brought Radical over for introduction, thus leading to adopting each other as brothers as well. It was some time before we met."
Tempest wrapped one of his wings around Fracture, his way of hugging. "Radical was actually adopted as a brother by me first, which is why I had introduced him to Fracture, might as well let the two meet each other. It went well."
"Hm, makes sense. So, who is the oldest, or considered the oldest, at least?"
"We can't settle on who's the oldest between me and Fracture. But we all agree that Radical is the youngest."
Reaper nodded, but, upon looking at Fracture, noticed he had fallen asleep and had leaned on Tempest. "Oh, he fell asleep. Heh, he definitely strained himself, hope he gets a good rest. He gets nightmares."
"Yeah, I noticed that, too. There's not much I can do about it, but I tend to stick around if I visit around the time he does fall asleep."
"So do I. You know, now that I know you and Radical visit him, I'm glad you did and continue to do so. I can tell he gets lonely, so it's good he gets visitors."
Tempest just looks away slightly, feeling a little bit embarrassed. "Yeah, well, I can understand being lonely, even if I mostly do like keeping to myself most of the time."
It seemed like there was nothing much else to talk about, so they sat there for a while. Until Reaper knew that he had to go work now. "Well, nice to officially meet you as Fracture's brother, but I have to go for now. Hopefully next time we meet, we don't end up fighting in front of him."
"Yes, that would be ideal. See you, then."
And with that, Reaper left the Save Screen. Tempest took the opportunity to better situate himself and Fracture on the ground where he could sleep in a better position. And soon enough also fell asleep.
This was something I spontaneously decided to write for the art that I commissioned from @bluepallilworld. And you guys get a better look at Fracture and Tempest's relationship. And how Tempest found out about Reaper visiting his brother.
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sweet-milky-tea705 · 9 months
Haha guess who is about to get another massive vet bill...... haha..
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