#forgot tags existed and now cant rememvmber how to use them lol
phaedraismyusername · 2 years
tagged by the lovely @magiciansvoyage ❤️
Recently read - Lure by Tim McGregor a tasty little horror novella about a carnivorous mermaid taking revenge on the village menfolk for their transgressions. Stellar vibes, always fun to root for the monster.
Currently reading - The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov I don't know why I decided now was the time to try and get into the russian classics but I regret everything. The Pontius Pilate chapter really drove home that I was raised a heathen pagan and therefore am extremely uneducated in church stuff BUT there is a cat the size of a pig who pays his tram fares so all is not lost just yet
Coming next - The Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula le Guin I've read a couple of her standalone Sci-fi's and really just enjoy her brain so I'm looking forward to trying her fantasy series next
I feel like I'm super late in responding to this so I don't know who to tag but just incase I'll chuck in a couple with zero pressure lol @lapinlunairegames @kalorphic @gamingperipety @thenewromancer @metalicats
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