#for toby fox's twitter announcement
brainbugz · 1 year
everyone in this image is TRANSGENDER
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natsunenuko · 1 month
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Finally, I announce it! Another DTIYS challenge for REFUSETale's 8th Anniversary! It was a collective vote in dA and Discord poll!
The anniversary itself was at 8th of August but I had lot to do. X3
Draw this piece in your style! All three boys have to be included (obviously!), do not add your OCs or AU characters! (all references for each character can be found in references folder!)
Do not trace/copy other arts! Inspiration is fine but do not steal others work. (NO AI EITHER!)
You can draw this digitally, traditional, do animations etc. (where you post it doesn't matter, I have Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube and Discord [entries can be posted on my server too!])
Background is not mandatory, you can play with it a little!
Please announce in the comment you want to participate! Being a watcher would be appreciated, new and old ones are welcome!)
Remember to tag me so I can see your entry!
Here's references if needed!
[REFUSETale] Gaster Reference Sheet [Revamped] 
[REFUSETale] Sans Reference Sheet [Revamped]
[REFUSETale] Papyrus Reference Sheet [Revamped]
The prizes will be:
1st place -> Fullbody of any character with complex background
2nd place -> Halfbody of any character with complex background
3rd place -> Headshot of any character with complex background.
And so the deadline will be 20th of October 2024!
REFUSETale © NatsuneNuko Undertale © Toby Fox _________________________ | Youtube | Deviantart | Twitter | Ko-fi | Discord |
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mariacallous · 2 years
Having vanquished the manufactured menaces of vaccine mandates, the gay agenda and widespread election fraud, Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, used his midterm’s election victory speech to position himself as a wartime leader. Now, he was preparing his constituents for the existential battle posed by their newest imaginary adversary: wokeness. In Churchillian tones, he announced: “We fight the woke in the legislature. We fight the woke in the schools. We fight the woke in the corporations. We will never, ever surrender to the woke mob. Florida is where woke goes to die.”
DeSantis was summoning the resentment that produced the racial terrorism of Reconstruction, the pro-lynching Red Summer of 1919, and the pro-segregation states’ rights movement. This time, it was called anti-woke: a modern-day mixture of McCarthyism and white grievance.
In 2021, the right became increasingly irate at what it described as “wokeness” but which tended to mean any attempt to engage in civil rights or social justice. In 2022, anti-woke became an ideology in itself, an attempt for the right to rebrand bigotry as a resistance movement.
The movement found a leader in DeSantis, who leveraged the anxiety of white voters to win re-election and author the Stop Woke Act, a legislative prototype that would prevent educational institutions and businesses from teaching anything that would cause anyone to “feel guilt, anguish or any form of psychological distress” due to their race, color, sex or national origin. A federal judge ultimately struck down large parts of the bill, calling it “positively dystopian”.
DeSantis is not the only soldier in this war. Tucker Carlson, Fox News’ most celebrated anti-woke host, has informed his audience that everything from Black Lives Matter to brown M&Ms are purveyors of evil wokeism. He told his viewers that the threat from the woke was far greater than the threat from Russia, asking: “Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him?”
Then there’s Steve Bannon, a mercenary for hire who sympathized with the Russian president in February because “Putin ain’t woke, he is anti-woke”. They have ground support from infantrymen like Vivek Ramaswamy, a Fox News contributor and biotech founder who believes conscious investing is going to destroy America (the New Yorker described him as “the CEO of Anti-Woke Inc”).
Toby Neugebauer, another foot soldier, attempted to start an anti-woke bank this year until he was forced to step down after allegations of workplace misconduct (the bank shuttered shortly after). Elon Musk also signed up when he took over and torpedoed Twitter, declaring: “The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters.” And the movement has found a British ally in Piers Morgan, who rails against Meghan’s “woke war”.
These men are united in their crusade against consciousness. They say they are serving a patriotic ideology that will deliver America from the scourge of Black history, diversity, equity, inclusion, trans rights, homosexuality and women choosing what to do with their own bodies. Just as conservatives managed to turn terms like “political correctness”, “family values” and “religious liberty” into bludgeons with which they can beat back the specter of equality, they successfully redefined “wokeness” by turning it into a pejorative that is synonymous with the demise of everything good and white about America.
It’s a neat trick, really. But it’s nothing new.
Staying woke is predicated on a maxim so common in Black America that the New York Times once simply called it a part of the “Negro idiom”. The first documented use of the phrase “stay woke” occurred in 1938, when Huddie “Leadbelly” Ledbetter ended a song about nine Black men by advising Black people traveling through Alabama to “stay woke … Keep your eyes open.” In 1940, a member of the Negro United Mine Workers promised that the striking members would “stay woke up longer” than their opposition.
When Martin Luther King stood before Morehouse College’s graduating class to deliver the first draft of an address that would serve as his go-to speech for the rest of his life, he knew he was becoming a pariah. By 2 June 1959, the US government had already started a program aimed at “maintaining the existing social order” by “neutralizing individuals perceived as threats”. Long before King warned the students against complacency and racial backlash, the FBI had created what a Senate intelligence report referred to as “labels without meaning” that would eventually convince white Americans that King was an anti-American Marxist hellbent on destroying their beloved country.
On that day, King debuted his Remaining Awake speech, explaining: “There would be nothing more tragic during this period of social change than to allow our mental and moral attitudes to sleep while this tremendous social change takes place.”
But less than a decade later, many white Americans were ignoring the central theme of King’s most consistent message: stay woke. By 1964, a majority of white New Yorkers felt that the civil rights movement had “gone too far”. In 1965, a Gallup poll found that 85% of Americans believed that communists were involved in the civil rights movement. By 1966, only 36% of white Americans believed that King “helped the negro cause”.
My, how the times haven’t changed.
The war against wokeness is an inevitability, one that is either ignored or unknown to those who accept the whitewashed history that the anti-woke warriors seek to preserve. While some see this as part of the backlash to the racial reckoning of 2020, the cyclical effort to stymie progress is as predictable as a pendulum.
Historical precedent
When more than 90% of Black men in the post-civil war south registered to vote, the racial resentment resulted in poll disenfranchisement, Jim Crow, and the Black codes that fed the exploding prison labor industry. After the first world war, more than 380,000 Black veterans returned to the south and began asserting their rights, producing a nationwide lynching epidemic. The integration of the US armed forces created the Dixiecrat movement. Civil rights legislation created a mass migration of southern conservatives from the Democratic Party to the GOP.
And this year, the pro-racist movement convinced its followers to publicly come out against antiracism, empowering “small government” conservatives who were previously whining about the whittling away of their “freedoms” to start demanding that the government regulate reproductive rights, sexual identity and gender expression.
Our nation has always used misinformation as kindling for a bonfire that draws “patriotic” moths to an undemocratic flame. Ultimately, the rise of the anti-woke movement is the latest iteration of the effort to maintain the existing social and political order. It is just another “label without meaning”: a cloak for racism, homophobia, transphobia and all manner of inequality. At its core is the desire to form a less perfect union, establish injustice and dismantle domestic tranquility. It is unpatriotic. To be anti-woke is to be anti-American.
Contrary to the claims of those who profess to know “what MLK would have wanted”, King spoke more about being woke than he did about dreams or mountaintops. His Remaining Awake speech contradicted the conservative assertion that institutional racism is a myth and dispelled any notion that the US is not a racist country. In his 1964 address to Oberlin College, King called racism a “national problem”, explaining that “everyone must share in the guilt as individuals and as institutions”. Anti-woke activists would have hated his 1966 lecture at Southern Methodist University, when the speech included a version of history that began in 1619 as the “first Negro slaves landed on the shores of this nation … against their will”. That sounds a lot like critical race theory. Maybe he was trying to teach people how to be an anti-racist.
On 31 March 1968, King decided to sprinkle a few Bible verses into his trusty speech for a sermon at the National Cathedral in Washington DC. In the church called the “spiritual home for the nation”, King gave the most complete version of Remaining Awake Through a Revolution. It was longer than the I Have a Dream and I Have Been to the Mountaintop speeches combined. King explained that battling injustice would cause some Americans to lash out against those fighting to live in a free country. Still, he admonished the worshippers to stay woke, while he offered what still stands as the clearest explanation for the entire phenomenon.
“I say to you that our goal is freedom, and I believe we are going to get there because however much she strays away from it, the goal of America is freedom,” King preached, before revealing the reason why he believed the beta version of the anti-woke movement was doomed.
“If the inexpressible cruelties of slavery couldn’t stop us, the opposition that we now face will surely fail … however dark it is, however deep the angry feelings are, and however violent explosions are, I can still sing We Shall Overcome.”
Four days after he assured the nation that “we shall overcome because the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice”, an anti-woke warrior fired a bullet into Martin Luther King’s face.
So was King wrong?
Maybe the moral arc of the universe is just part of a circle that bends towards whiteness. Perhaps the lesson of 2022 is those who refuse to teach America’s true history have doomed us to repeat it. Or maybe it is a lesson in physics – for every positive action there is an equal and opposite backlash. Emancipation, then mass incarceration. Reconstruction, then segregation. The civil rights movement begat the states’ rights movement. The 1619 Project spawned the 1776 Project. LGBTQ+ pride produced “don’t say gay”. The response to critical race theory was the “great replacement theory”. Black Lives Matter spawned White Lives Matter. And when the murder of George Floyd opened the eyes of people who say they “don’t see color”, the racial reckoning resulted in an equal and opposite white backlash that morphed into the anti-woke movement.
On 5 April 1968, the president of the United States joined an estimated 4,000 mourners to remember King at the church where he delivered his last sermon. As a bell tolled and worshippers exited, a group of white children standing outside began singing We Shall Overcome.
This, my friend, is the oxymoron of America. And that is the lesson for 2022. The only reliable thing in America is the recurring racial backlash; everything else is sermon and song. Progress is fragile. Momentum is fleeting. This country is not a pendulum; it is a metronome. And King was right: we shall overcome. He was also correct when he told the audience at the National Cathedral that “truth, crushed to the ground, will rise again”.
2022 was about the crushing.
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babbybones · 2 years
i wonder if toby fox will continue exclusively using twitter for official UTDR announcements, or if he'll look into other options. there's always the official undertale tumblr, though maybe he'd want to opt for something with more mass appeal. twitter is kind of perfect for the casual user & for reaching the most people unfortunately
OH BTW i just made the connection that you can subscribe to a twitter feed vis RSS, so you can follow his tweets even if you don't have an account and don't want one. just use these urls in your RSS reader that i know you totally have -> https://nitter.net/undertale/rss https://nitter.net/tobyfox/rss
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gameringgungke · 11 months
ive been thinking about deltarune too much probably
last night i had a dream where taxiderby(?) posted a screenshot of a goth(?) mew mew with blue hair in hometown at night without context, then minutes later toby fox announced that james turner would be joining their team over twitter, and within hours people were theorizing how pokemon scarlet and violet were actually connected to deltarune and the internet was flooded with blue mew mew art
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lillayfran · 6 years
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T̰̰͕̣̹H̹̞̤͈̼̰̥A͕̤̙̯̤N̝K̯̼̣͚̺̖ ̠Y̳̩̲̫̹͈͚O̯̪͈̲̤͎̠U̗̝̗̤͈̦ͅ ͈V͎̼͎̮̟͚̹E̮̹ͅRY̘̯̻̜ ̗̖͕͓͙ͅM͓U͔C̠̙̝H̭̬ F͕͉̪̟̙̞O̫͓͎̜̱̻R̫ ̗͈̥̰YͅO͙̼̜U͉̩̻̠R̘ͅ ͎̹̗̮ͅT͙̙I͔M̮E.̬̹̦̗̼̠̥ ̦̟̘͚̜̳͖ ̙̠̬͇̘̯̳I̗͇ ̙̙ͅW͕̤͚̥I̠̙͓̬L̠͚̩̘͙ͅL̜͙̩͍̩ ̱͍͉̹͎͕͖B̘̠̣E̞̩̟ ͎̫̘̤̫̪I̪͍̯͖̹N̪ ͙̦̪̠C̙̰̭̜̳̠̖O̪N̪̟͚̟̳T͍̭̜͕̥A͇̤C̥T̖͕̻̭̫̯ ̯A̺̬G̣̹AI̬N͓͚̤̗̫̺͖ ̳̘̣̜̥S̹̖̯ỌO͇̟͙̰͚N̘.̠
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nerdwingblogs · 6 years
Me before @UnderTale: I’ve made my peace with Undertale. I still love it and it’ll always be a great game, but I've moved on to other things
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ch3st3r3 · 2 years
What the hell is going on; 8-9th September 2022 edition
- Combination of Tumblr and Twitter polls announce Sans (a character from the games Undertale and Deltarune) the winner of the Tumblr Sexyman poll between him and Reigen, a character from the anime “Mob Psycho 100”. #Sanssweep
- Toby Fox, creator of Undertale and Deltarune wrote a fan fiction about Sans victory over Reigen, making Reigen cannon in the Undertale/Deltarun universe.
- Pokemon Company announced a new upcoming Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet “Klawf”.  
- Queen Elizebeth of UK dies at age 96.
- The Crab rave meme is often used as celebration, with Tumblr celebrating the Queen’s death and Klawf getting wrapped up in the wave of crave rave memes.
- The beloved meme cat Thurston Waffles passed away :(
- “Destiel” the pairing of Dean and Castiel from the TV show “Supernatural”. When this ship was announced as cannon, Vladimir Putin resigned as President of Russia. Many are drawing comparisons between a monumental Tumblr event and the removal of a country’s head from power as the wheels of history repeating the motion.
note that Destiel and Putin resigning as PRESIDENT of Russia happened in November 2020 - Putin is still currently Prime Minister of Russia
- September 8th is Star Trek Day, in which a character called Data references the “Irish Reunification of 2024″. Many see the Queen’s death as phase 1 of this.
- It is US Senator Bernie Sander’s 81st birthday. Happy Birthday Bernie!
- Splatoon 3, a game featuring intelligent aquatic wildlife having built a society, releases on September 9th
- Youtube star Trisha Payta gives birth 3 minutes after the Queen dies.
- A Pine Marten, a small stout, has been sighted in London for the first time in 100 years
- Kiwi Farms, a social media site for extremists, “worst place on the internet”, has shut down
Im sorry but I don't have links to all of these, this is just a summary of what is going on
I’m glad that folks ARE questioning and fact checking this summary, it’s good to fact check anything these days and that has prompted me to clarify some parts of the post while others are updating the information. There’s a lot going on in the world right now and to view it solely through tumblr lenses means y’ won’t get the whole story. I hope this post, while not 100% correct, updates and explain some parts of current events to lead them into doing their own independent investigation into the full story.
EDIT 2023: happy 1 year anniversary to this post. What a lot has happened in one year.
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
sorry. you will never catch me screenshotting a reddit post again i promise but this is the single funniest dumb deltarune dream i have ever seen
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[image 1 description: a screenshot of a reddit post from user Kittysparkle101 on r/thomastheplankengine with a header that reads, "i had a dream that this is how toby fox announced Deltarune chapter 3, by harrassing a random twitter user." an image of a photoshopped tweet is attached. end id.]
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[image 2 description: the aforementioned attached image close up, a photoshopped tweet from a fake account called @/VladimirPutin, display name "Putin," in character as the russian president, reading "Russia allows all types of dog and only one type of man." end id.]
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[image 3 description: photoshopped replies to the putin tweet. it shows a twitter user with the username @/ieattoes saying, "I'm guessing it isn't a gay man?" toby fox replies to this reply with "HAVE YOU FOUND THE RIFT YET?" to which ieattoes replies, "what?". toby responds, "THE DOOR AWAITS". ieattoes replies, "who are you". end id.]
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directdogman · 2 years
Alright, I really didn't wanna have to post this, but it's an inevitability I guess. If Toby Fox can bite the bullet and make this announcement, I guess I can too.
If you draw Dialtown smut on Twitter/Tumblr, PLEASE tag it #dialgototown.
It's not my job to judge, it's just important for minors in the fandom. Dialtown has its fair share of crude humour, but save for how much the game says “fuck”, it’s pretty consistent with TV-14 stuff (Family Guy, as a for instance, is TV-14, according to me re-checking on Disney Plus.) The game has its share of raunchy dialogue at times, but nudity is something I avoid in-game, so it’s only fair people keep to a specific porn tag so minors, sex repulsed folk and peopel who just don’t wanna see rotary schlongs can choose not to see this content. Thank you all for understanding.
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agentravensong · 2 years
four degrees of separation: ace attorney -> stanley parable / the beginner's guide
Version 1, the expected version:
Ace Attorney features a character named Maya Fey
Toby Fox says in an interview that Susie DeltaRune was originally meant to be a Maya Fey - type character
Toby Fox replies to the Crows Crows Crows twitter account after they parody the DeltaRune announcement tweets...
...which they did for the release of The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe
Version 2, the weirder one:
YouTuber and Twitch streamer RTGame plays the original Ace Attorney trilogy
RTGame does a Twitch Plays Pokemon race with other content creators, including Twitch streamer DougDoug
DougDoug is the brother of Davey Wreden
Davey Wreden wrote The Stanley Parable and The Beginner's Guide
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years
Ray Ray I need to tell someone about these past few weeks bc it’s has been. A Ride. It’s almost been like a fever dream Ray and I need to tell SOMEONE so that I can stop obsessing over everything in my head. I have to let it out, to document this for posterity, sorry for ranting at you.
Let me set the stage for you. It's early September and the 7th anniversary of Undertale's release, as well as the 1st anniversary of Deltarune Chapter 2, are right around the corner and the UT/DR fandoms are salivating because Toby Fox, the creator, announced that there would be an event of some kind, as there has been for the past few years.
On the 5th one we got a magnificent orchestral concert and some lore tidbits. On the 6th we got an incredibly funny and wholesome stream of Deltarune Ch. 1 starring Toby himself, as well as the release of the aforementioned Ch. 2, so hopes were high
Let's tackle the events that followed in chronological order
First thing that happened, as I mentioned a few weeks ago, was that Sans Undertale becomes the Ultimate Tumblr Sexyman and kills the Queen of England (lol). Toby Fox posts a drabble on twitter to commemorate the occasion. Much fanart ensues
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2. Shortly after that, Fangamer announces the release of a highly anticipated plushie for a beloved Deltarune character. Said character is a funny psychotic trash gremlin, and is a personification of spam emails from the late 90s, so of course they're highly popular on tumblr (was even one of the contestants of the mentioned sexyman poll), so of course Fangamer somehow managed to capture their energy with the release trailer, which included: someone finding the plush in a literal garbage can, the plush apparently having a magnetized nose so that it can “sniff out” coins, and the plush being soaked in an entire gallon of milk, slurped on, and thrown against the walls??
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Despite the weirdness of the trailer, it seems Toby Fox and Fangamer know their people - The fandom goes WILD
3. On September 17th, Toby Fox announces that there will be a charity event themed after the previously mentioned spam character. Initially, we all think it’s just gonna some auctions or giveaways with a quirky design, but it turns out that Toby turned the website hosting the event into a maze chock-full of hidden links, easter eggs, new lore and teasers for the upcoming chapter 3. Also, new secrets and prizes were unlocked as more money was donated. The fandom goes APESHIT. There were people on watch for the entire 24h+ of the duration of the event, fancontent galore, hundreds of analysis posts, and a group of tumblr users made a 75 page Google doc compiling all the secrets and lore as they were revealed.
Btw the prizes included the gremlin’s “dirty socks”, him “after not surviving”, a body pillow, a “wedding ring”, toilet paper themed after him, and an “ass-scented” candle
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(no, I was not kidding about the candle)
I wonder who gets to explain to the kids benefiting from the charity that their lives were made better because over a million people liked this garbage man so much they donated over $320,000 for some of his backstory
4. About halfway through the charity event, we unlocked a Q&A with the gremlin, who had “taken over” Fangamer’s twitter account. Some of the tweets seem to imply the gremlin is bisexual and the ex of a character from Deltarune Ch 1?? Predictably, much fanart and fanfics ensue
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5. Near the end of the event, the last item to be unlocked by donations (which wasn't in the initial list of items available and appeared out of nowhere btw) was the gremlin’s “fate”, and we were told fans had to donate either towards “Freedom” or “Silence”. There was tons of speculation as to what this meant exactly for hours before finally “Freedom” won with ~$58,000 in favor
I saw several people among the donations towards Freedom saying stuff along the lines of "noooo he can't die he just came out as bisexual!", it was so funny 😂
Fun fact: out of the ~$29,000 for Silence, apparently around $15,000 were donated by Toby Fox and Fangamer with the caption "he can't get away with this!", which is so freaking funny asfdgfngfd his own creator lmao, top 10 anime betrayals
6. After the charity event was finished, there was an announcement that there would be a commemorative stream. We all thought it would be similar to the stream that happened on last year’s anniversary, especially since the people in the thumbnail were the same ones who participated in the previous one.
Instead, we got an unhinged, extremely cursed video where some guy wearing a costume of the spam character announced the winners of each item and narrated several poems praising the spam character, all in an old glitchy TV style.
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It included: the guy putting whole blue eggs in his mouth, infomercials for a fake product which was later said to explode, the assistant eating pasta with a vacant expression on his face, and several segments where they seemed to pray?? as if the gremlin was their god or something.
Near the end of the stream, the people in the thumbnail appeared and said that someone had illegally hijacked their stream and that the FBI were on their way to apprehend him. The guy in the costume then ran away saying that he was not actually the gremlin, and had just been hired to play the part BY the gremlin. The stream ends with the poor guy running away, attempting to call the gremlin, and then being grabbed by… something as ominous music played, leaving the phone hanging off the hook.
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So… the gremlin apparently paid a guy to impersonate him on camera so that he could get away scot-free while hosting his highly dubious giveaway?? Therefore, we the fandom gave him his Freedom but “killed” a man in the process adfgnasfgdhfng it’s so freaking funny
So concludes the deranged saga of this year's UT/DR anniversary. I still can't believe it all happened in like the span of 10 days.
Y'know, despite how crazy it was, I'm really glad I was there for all of it. It really Avengers Assembled the community too, we were all making theories about the new lore, documenting new findings, making art and writing fics shipping the gremlin with his ex 😂
I really do hope you play one or both of the games someday Ray, because even setting aside the fantastic storytelling, music, and characters, if you're careful and find your little niche of creators then the community is fantastic.
this is so much, so so much and I honestly love it
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natsunenuko · 1 year
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This might be little weird to some, as loyal watchers know RTale Anniversary happens in August! BUUUT, inspired by brittninja's DTIYS (Draw This In Your Style) event and since my AU will be a lucky number this year, I wanted to start this few months prior as I have something bigger planned to make myself along this one! It's the first time I'm hosting an event like this but there were bigger and harder to manage x'D RULES ARE SIMPLE!
Draw this piece in your style! Both Gaster and the SOULs have to be included (obviously!), do not add your OCs! (all references for each SOUL can be found in references folder!)
You can draw this digitally, traditional, do animations etc. (where you post it doesn't matter, I have Twitter, Tumblr, Youtube and Discord [entries can be posted on my server too!])
Background is not mandatory, you can play with it a little!Please announce in the comment you want to participate! Being a watcher would be appreciated, new and old ones)Remember to tag me so I can see your entry! The prizes will be; 1st place -> Fullbody of any character with complex background | 2nd place -> Halfbody of any character with simple background | 3rd place -> Headshot of any character with simple background.
And so the deadline will be early August 2023!
REFUSETale © NatsuneNuko Undertale © Toby Fox _________________________ Youtube | Deviantart | Twitter | Ko-fi | Discord | Art Discord
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dash-n-step · 2 years
thank you, and to cut to the chase, i am never not confused by the attempts to expand the hs fifty air quotes franchise. and thats less due to any inherent quality or content or the like. its more just seeing this constant cycle of "we're going to do something big", "we're going to try and weave this grand narrative into this thing", and then said thing stopping and being buried.
oh yeah the franchising (or attempts to do so) of homestuck is really interesting to look into, especially when you factor in Dantae Basco
My favorite example being the now deleted "Homestuck 2.0" video
Huge plans for community outreach, possibility of side projects and announcements, "celebrity" endorsement, and just by this being a reupload clearly something went wrong pretty quickly, and nothing came out of it.
Then you have everything involving Viz Media
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A big name publisher taking a web comic and redistribution it into a physical media for even more people to read, especially considering the huge popularity of homestuck, it leaves a lot of room for growth, and it almost makes me think of how One Punch Man/Mob PSycho 100 became as huge as it is now.
Then despite that, it gets fucked over by Viz repeatedly letting the site break, the absolute failure that was letting the mspaforums go down, and they currently have no plans on actually finishing adapting the comic into a physical medium.
Like, this is the webcomic that broke records with kickstarter: if cultivated correctly it should've led to easy growth, but as anyone who's seen anything about the development of hiveswap, a lot of factors came into why the "franchise" didn't grow outside of its niche.
I like to imagine that in some world where hiveswap's development wasn't fubar'd, or at least was slightly less fucked over, it could've been baby's first gateway drug into homestuck.
First part being played by big name youtubers (markiplier and jacksepticeye at the least
Music by the (at that point) well known Toby Fox
relatively normie safe compared to homestuck "more colorful" language and references
nostalgia bait with being set in the 90's
Overall, from a business standpoint, Hiveswap had the ability to learn from Homestuck's mistakes and lean into what worked. But as mentioned, it just didn't work out.
None of these youtubers ever went back to play part 2.
Toby Fox didn't even make a tweet about it coming out depsite a track he worked on being in it, but he did tweet about sales about part 1
all the nostalgia bait is gone because they fucked off to an alien planet
all of the concepts on said alien planet are only going to be familiar with established homestuck fans
And that's not even getting into the more recent developments, where even trying to pick things up, they just end up dropping the ball again.
Remember when they made a twitter to answer questions sent to them and then they stopped almost immediately?
Or how they made that "Homestuck is rated M" post and then deleted just about every other post they've ever made?
Around the activity of Pesterquest, they had a couple of decent publicity moments where they'd make "funny" replies to random big names/brands and it's pretty standard online engagement stuff but it still got the word out.
But unfortunately, everything was just poisoned either by HS^2 being a main focus that wasn't being received well, or the team behind what pumpkin either being targeted for drama or driving it themselves.
I think the core issue is that Andrew Hussie and the people they surrounded themselves with just didn't know what they were doing, knew what they were doing but didn't understand that what they were doing wasn't good, or even when they were doing something right then something outside their control screws it up.
Speaking of Toby Fox, I'm reminded of a post I made like two years ago about the huge contrast between the success of Toby versus everything that happened with Homestuck.
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It could just be the nature of selling video games versus selling a multimedia webcomic, but there's something to be said about the vast difference in success, from Andrew Hussie's basement to Smash Bros and Pokemon.
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sometinybees · 2 years
So Toby Fox for undertales anniversary he put on a charity event and gave away silly prizes and the stream announcing the winners was absolutely buck wild and funny and the amount of Twitter posts and comments on the stream like "what the fuck is this what is happening" like RIP to those fans but if you did not look at the SPAMTON sweepstakes and think it was going to be unhinged I don't think you understand Tobys humor or spamton as a character at all ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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ibatomik · 2 years
Pearl won the Finalfest. She won ! So now her world will be ruled by chaos.
The World of Splatoon is a world heavily influenced by our world, but this day, the July 21st 2019, for balance, Splatoon influenced OUR world, so both our world will live Chaos.
The first instance of this is 2020. This year was the first hit of the chaos wave. All year prepared especially for its fifth day of the eleventh month.
Pure utter chaos. The American election, and the canonisation of a fables tumblr ship to name the two major events.
Now, we skip to 2022. Where 2020 was calamity chaos, 2022 is Alive chaos. The announcement of Splatoon 3, the dub of Shadow the hedgehog goes to hell, the real ease of bee and puppycat. and now, one event : A character award contest.
The two firsts were for Ultimate Twink and ultimate DILF. Reigen MP100 won twice. The condition were perfect for a chaotic resolution. And it happened. A vote similar to the one of November 5th, can only Finish with one winner, and which better than Sans. So close to his anniversary he could have lost as the votes were ALMOST a tie. By 0.1%. The official Mob Psycho Twitter and Toby Fox Himself not only noticed all unfolding, but also commented on that fact. To bay released a fic of the event.
All of that, is because Chaos won the Final splatfest In 2019.
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