#for those who didn’t know
frootyrooties · 6 months
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Eric Stewart, Graham Gouldman & Paul Burgess in the music video for “The Things We Do For Love.” A track featured on the group’s 1977 Album Deceptive Bends.
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clingyduoapologist · 2 years
If anyone didn’t know, I have an AO3! Would mean a lot if you checked it out and left a comment! :]
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selenityshiroi · 1 year
Zelda travelling around Hyrule after the Calamity and people are tripping over themselves to tell her stories about the Hero because they love that feral cryptid mad man and are so proud of him
'I met him when I was about to get eaten by a Hinox...he jumped off a horse, fired 12 arrows in the blink of an eye and then got smacked in the face with a tree...but then he came back and hacked away at it's legs with this stupidly big sword until it finally died'
'He was wearing this weird patched together mask that looked like a monster but he made enough curry for everyone so we didn't like to ask'
'But...the hero was a girl? She wore these lovely green silks and every time she came out of the Gerudo Canyon she had a bag full of electric safflina to sell to Beedle over there. The Gerudo think she's an amazing fighter, which says a lot, and she always thanked me for looking after her horses when she went into the desert'
'I swear to Hylia that he ran through here wearing nothing but his underwear and a mask shaped like a leaf...claimed he was looking for the Children of the Forest. Sorry, Princess, but I'm not sure he was quite right in the head at the time'
'He used to creep in here silently wearing this grey mask and with enough lizards and beetles that we could make enough elixirs to last for a month. Not sure I ever saw his face without it'
And the entire time Link is stood neatly dressed, three steps away, listening to every word and no one pays him the slightest bit of attention. Because none of them cotton on that 'prim and proper Royal Knight' Link and 'I will defeat this Lynel with a stick, a pot lid and a bucket load of adrenaline' Wild Child Hero is the same man. Especially with how many masks he owned.
When they walk away and are out of sight and earshot Zelda just raises her eyebrow with a smile and he is like '...I can explain...it made sense at the time'
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ditzybat · 1 month
Do you ever think about how Alfred probably doesn’t celebrate his birthday after Jason’s death because he can’t bear to celebrate the shared occasion without his grandson? No, just me? Alright.
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keferon · 3 months
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Okay I uh
Another Mistakes on mistakes until.. fanart because I'm very normal about this fic yep
Funny story. When I drew this sketch and decided to color it, I also decided that I wanted to add some sort of color symbolism to it. You know, when colors have an extra layer of meaning that you can't grasp if you don't think about it. That kind of thing.
The whole vision sank with funny bubbles because I realized that I don't know shit about momu!Jazz except.... a whole lot of shit I know about him….that is so unreliable that a paper plane looks impressively solid in comparison.
So, yeah. I gathered all the colors my finger could reach and threw them in the blender and then put the blender in the washing machine. What color is anything? I don't fucking know. If you poke this picture with a color picker, your device will take -5 damage.
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here-comes-the-moose · 4 months
Plot twist: Rex let Echo go with the Bad Batch because he took one look at Tech and Crosshair and their Twin Shenanigans™️ and was like “I have the perfect opportunity for karma right here”.
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ropes3amthoughts · 16 days
I know people are just joking when they say stuff like “Mithrun is an old grandpa he doesn’t know he can’t say those words anymore he doesn’t know they don’t have any book tokens anymore” because of these extras below:
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and whatever but like it honestly drives me kind of crazy. Like can we look at this for a second.
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He was the lord of the dungeon for five years. Then he was being rehabilitated for TWENTY YEARS. That’s not super long for elves, that’s like four years for us, but that’s still a long time. And then he was the captain for another fourteen years, but he didn’t have any desire other than getting revenge on the demon.
Mithrun hasn’t really been properly socialized for a total of FORTY YEARS, which is like eight years for elves. He was totally shut off from the world, then he was rehabilitated, and then he was with the Canaries on a onetrack mindset to go after the demon. Mithrun was doing bad, he was recovering, and then he was better enough to be the captain of the Canaries again, but he was still not “better.” In all that time, the world didn’t wait for him when he was at his low point. It didn’t wait for him when he was spending all that time recovering. And by the time it’s near the end of the story where these comics take place he’s just been so far detached from the world. Like he’s most likely never tried to go buy a book token after becoming a dungeon lord. He’s most likely never talked to people and learned the new slang of the time, he’s never been caught up which words are good versus outdated. Mithrun is technically better enough to be captain, he’s better enough to have reintegrated into society, but he’s not quite adjusted yet. He’s been out for so many years suffering under the hands of the demon and scraping his way through recovery and trying to work to get to the demon that by the time he’s stopped and done stuff like gift exchanges or whatever many aspects of the world are vastly different from what he remembers. I think that’s a lot like a lot of people in real life too who have similar experiences. People in mental health centers or hospitals who spends even just months recovering can miss out on so much.
Does this make any sense? It’s kind of late so I don’t really know what I’m saying and I’m probably repeating myself but like Mithrun was at a low point and then he was recovering for so long!!!! And then when he’s reintegrated back into the world it’s changed without him!!!! He’s not some racist old man!!! The world just kept on turning when he was struggling and how is he even supposed to deal with that? Like he doesn’t have much desire but everybody is so upset with him for not knowing things like outdated terms or using cash because he didn’t know there were no more book tokens and he just can’t have known that because he literally wasn’t in a state to keep up with all of the stuff like that and now everything is different and maybe he doesn’t care because he has no desire to but like aghhhhhhhhhhhh sob sob sniffle oughhhhh 😭😭😭😭 Mithrun 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 imagine I’m shaking him back and forth that’s how I feel right now oughhhhh
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sofitai28 · 2 months
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for my jon archivist enjoyers. quick doodle of the wife in the trash (banished by tim and melanie)
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xwildwhirlx · 2 months
of course they knew that keeping his name as “Poof” would be a bit too on-the-nose
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nightcolorz · 3 months
Lestat declaring confidently that armand and Louis can’t hurt him bcus he “has Akasha’s blood” is so unhinged and funny partly bcus he is fully aware, and direly acknowledges, that neither of the ppl he’s talking to know who akasha is, nor have any idea what akashas blood would entail. So he sounds like a straight dumb ass raving mad man when he says that 😭😭 funnier still that this causes both armand and Louis to falter through sheer power of how confident Lestat sounds 💀 “yeah u can’t hurt me haha 😈😈😈 I have the Mega Gods blood in my veins 🙏🙏🔥🔥 haha see that?? 😎😎 u don’t even know who the Mega God is lmao 🤣🤣🔥🔥 even more evidence as to why you are Nothing to me” and Louis and Armand r like well we have no fucking clue who the mega god is but this sounds pretty mf serious so let’s take a moment and reflect on our plan here. Amazing stuff 🙏even better that Armand and Louis also technically do in fact have akashas blood in their veins as well 💀 Armand through Marius and Louis through lestat, and lestat is fully aware of this and chooses to play that card anyway cuz like Louis and Armand don’t know that 💀💀
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yikesola · 2 months
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lightning-chicken · 4 months
i know plot convenience is a thing but i can’t stop thinking about the implications of jay finding bonzle in the fake monastery’s basement of all places. did he know it was there before he walked into the building? did his feet carry him there, subconsciously retracing old steps? did he wait there, knowing he was far from the fight, because his side of the fight wasn’t the one he truly believed in?
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sableeira · 1 year
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whoever edited that bsd official art to make it look like chuuya is holding onto dazai’s arm will be put on trial for irrevocably changing my brain chemistry and making me so much worse
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the original and the edit in question. this artwork really makes me crave a mid to late 19th century historical au where Chuuya is a swordsman struggling with changes to his job due to the meiji restoration and with Dazai as a detective/private investigator who hires Chuuya as his bodyguard when a seemingly harmless investigation turns dangerous. they kind of hate each other (as per usual) but Chuuya needs the job and Dazai, while he proclaims to dislike chuuya, is also very smitten with chuuya’s fighting style and temper (as per usual).
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sorio99 · 11 months
Knowing “Nerdy Prudes Must Die” was the first idea the Lang brothers had for Hatchetfield makes the whole series so much funnier.
Like, did they know in “The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals” that the weirdo who demanded a hot chocolate would be the leading man of the high school horror show?
Did they know the prude they mentioned a few times would be a homophobic murderer who defiled a corpse, fucked a ghost, and became a vessel for dark lords?
Was the homeless man joke in BEFORE the recast because they were still brothers, or not?
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mxtxfanatic · 6 months
Fandom Gripe #23: I know that fandom is in some deep denial about its treatment of female characters that are canonically involved with fan favorite m/m ships, but do y’all realize that when you disappear female characters from the narrative wholesale to push the idea that your canonically straight fav was “secretly gay all along!” you’re making several bad implications? That 1) bi men don’t exist, 2) bi men do exist, but those who have genuinely loved a woman before cannot genuinely love a man after that (therefore bi men don’t exist in practice), 3) women cannot inspire genuine love and devotion in men, therefore any relationship with a woman is “lesser” than the one they later have a man (see previous parenthesis), or 4) to acknowledge the existence of a lovable woman who isn’t a terrible person, where if a relationship previously existed, it did not end because of “incompatibility,” is enough to destabilize the present relationship between two queer men?
Because why is the tgcf fandom allergic to acknowledging that He Xuan had a whole ass fiancée that he loved? Why does no one ever seem to remember that the kidnappings and murders of He Xuan’s sister and fiancée were the final straws that sent him on his rampage, and he still keeps a shrine to them in the present-day of the story? Why is her entire existence and significance to He Xuan as a man, character, and to his character arc disappeared in favor of pushing Shi Qingxuan—the brother of the man responsible for his fiancée’s death—into that same role, as if to say that her impact on He Xuan is significant... just not when it's from her? Why does He Xuan’s life in fandom essentially begin not just after her death but because of it?
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asraindarkness · 3 months
WRONG!!! what if i say buck and eddie’s costume wasn’t that much 80’s either??
walk with me here to clarify something.
everyone except ravi is older than buck and eddie. they all grew up in 80’s. tommy and maddie are literally 80’s babies yet NO ONE guessed these two idiots costume and apparently miami vice was a big deal back then and we KNOW tommy is a film nerd. so i guess he at least would know?
these two dumb asses thought they cooked their costumes but they were at the same level of 80’s-ness (lol) as tommy’s shirt wa*gun shot*
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