#following it up with ares showing up and then the fighting stopping once he’s dead? why
cowlovely · 1 year
every day i think about how much better wonder woman (2017) would have been if ares wasn’t actually there
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jinx-blackout-84 · 2 months
Five is one of my favorite fictional characters for a few reasons.
I mean, first of all, the apocalypse that follows wherever he goes. At what point does the apocalypse end and he begins? Can he really exist anywhere without bringing complete destruction with him?
All of time, flickering in the palm of his hand, and he can't control it. What if he goes too far forward? What if he can't get back again? What if he's trapped again, lost in a world of rubble and ashes, and what if he doesn't make it out this time? What if he starves inside a tiny shelter, or dies in a catastrophic storm? What if it all ends and there's nothing he can do to save everyone? The amount of paranoia and anxiety he must have about his power, I mean, even just rewinding a few seconds at the end of S2 must have been terrifying, if he went just a bit too far he could be trapped again, he could actually die this time around.
Also, he's watched his siblings die once, and found their dead bodies buried in rubble another time. He's left in this barren wasteland, only his thoughts, his dead siblings corpses, and a mannequin to keep him company.
It fostered this sort of uncanny loyalty towards all of them, making him unable to let them get hurt or put in harms way, and I imagine everytime one of them does something risky, or they fail to stop the apocalypse, all he can see it their unfocused eyes and limp bodies, all he can see is their blood on his hands as he tries to dig them put of the rubble, yelling their names like he doesn't know they won't respond.
Also, he's had one purpose since he was born: to kill. Every wall of the house was lined with details on how to end someone's life with the nearest object. He wants a peaceful life, to finally be happy, like we don't all know that that kind fo violence sticks around. He can't just get rid of that, every time he picks up a fork or sees a blanket all he will think about is the hundred different ways he could kill someone with it, every time he walks into a room he will know exactly how to most efficiently murder everyone in the room.
And all those years in the apocalypse, the kind of desperation he learned there, the weight of that glass eye in his pocket, always, the thousands of equations and numbers, the hours spent tying and failing to find a way home, getting hungrier, older, more desperate. It was really over, wasn't it? He was going to die there, and never save his family.
And then to find out that Vanya caused it? To discover that to save the rest of his family he might very well have to kill his sibling? Luther trying to stop him from killing an "innocent person" like he hasn't breathed violence ever since he was old enough to lift a butter knife, like Luther doesn't know that they were raised to be soldiers, not people.
The Commission, making him their best assassin, using him for jobs he didn't understand, constantly having him jump all over time and kill, kill, kill, of course he wants peace!
And then he gets hime, with enough time to stop the apocalypse, he tries to help them understand, tries to fix the family (like he doesn't know it's too broken to be fixed in time) and after 45 years stuck in a wasteland, FAILS to save himself from reliving that fate, but saves his family, and loses then across time again. He finds them, and realizes the apocalypse followed him, like he's some sort of catalyst for death, no matter where he goes, everything burns.
Hazel and Cha Cha burning down the place with the glass eyes (idk what it's called) as more imagery for not only Five losing everything he wants in the apocalypse, but also to show that the things he tampers with ar inevitably destroyed? I was going bonkers.
The fats-paced fight scenes to strangely upbeat music have me going insane evry time I watch them.
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olympushit · 1 year
Keeping up with the Olympians
Episode 4:
Zeus' compromising with the ankle monitor detector proves to be a bigger deal that what it seemed like. Triton's humiliation makes him quit his sinful dream. Apollo tries to find a way to get back at Ares for cheating on him with Aphrodite and Hermes is more than willing to help. Many more to follow on this unholy episode!
Scene 1:(Zeus' grand palace at Olympus)
Zeus' confessional:
This piece of shit around my ankle is making my life a living hell! Why Hera? Why?
Zeus: Sometimes I feel imprisoned in my own house!
Hera(reading a book): I'm not taking off your ankle monitor detector!
Zeus: I had to try!
Hephaestus enters the room
Hephaestus: Hey pops! How is it going?
Zeus(glaring at him): Everything was perfect until you suggested that stupid thing around my ankle!
Hera: That thing will save our marriage!
Hephaestus: Yeah, definitely.
Hephaestus' confessional:
Man! The look on Zeus' face is priceless! It's high time I took revenge on these bastards! My cunning brain has a lot more ideas now!
Hephaestus: Mom! Have I told ypu5 about the arm smell detector?
Zeus: The what?
Hera: That's interesting! Go on dear son!
Hephaestus: It's the same as the ankle monitor detector, but this item can detect feminine perfume and produce the same shock! This is about any chance the ankle monitor detector fails to work!
Zeus: Dare you do this and I swear to Chaos Hephaestus I'm gonna throw you down the mountain!
Hera: Don't scream like that to our son!
Zeus: Last time I checked he was your son only!
Hera: But you adopted him!
Zeus: In life there are many regrets!
Zeus and Hera continue fighting.
Hephaestus' confessional:
I love this! I simply love this drama? Get it pops!
Scene 2: (Poseidon's sea getaway)
Poseidon: Thanks goodness Triton realized his awful passion wasn't going to lead anywhere.
Amphitrite: I'm still in shock!
Poseidon: It's over now.
Amphitrite: What did I do wrong as a mom?
Poseidon: Nothing babe, but I think that someone played a prank on him!
Amphitrite: What was he thinking about challenging Eros? He is literally the god of sex!
Triton: Mom, dad, I really wanna apologize for my behavior earlier. I know that porn is no reputable but Anteros challenged me because I lost a bet!
Poseidon: This piece of shit!
Amphitrite: Hey! No bad blood! Just stop and you'll show him you're above the situation!
Poseidon: No! Be a pornstar and prove him wrong!
Amphitrite: No! Stop provoking!
Poseidon: Boy! Do it!
Amphitrite: No!
Triton: I'm outta here!
Scene 3: (Olympus grand palace)
Hera: Zeus is under control now!
Demeter: So, it worked?
Hera: Absolutely!
Hestia: I think that what you are doing is wrong by many aspects!
Hera's confessional:
How dare she oppose my satanic loyalty method? I'm the queen and I know what's right!
Demeter: No! I think this is great!
Hestia: Girls, get serious! This is absurd!
Hera: Are you on my side or his, sister?
Hestia: It's not about taking sides!
Demeter: Zeus put you!
Hestia: No, this is just my honest opinion!
Hera: Zeus, you are so dead!
Hestia: Please, can this mountain for once be in peace?
Demeter: We didn't wage a war!
Hestia: You can't derive him his freedom! He has duties to attend to with many gods, most of them female!
Hera: That's the spirit!
Demeter's confessional:
I don't know what's wrong with Hestia all this time! I'm sure that Zeus put her to calm us down!
Hera's confessional:
I feel betrayed in many ways! I love my sister but this is beyond acceptable!
Scene 4:
Apollo: Soooo, what do we do to get back at Ares?
Dionysus: Are you sure about this?
Apollo: Damn yeah!
Hermes: What about we stole his weapons?
Apollo: Too mainstream!
Hermes: How about we change his shampoo to colored shampoo?
Apollo: Too childish!
Dionysus: Just a question. Do you still love him?
Apollo: No!
Dionysus: This boy is liar, this boy is a liar!
Apollo: I'm not lying!
Dionysus: If you don't feel anything for him then you wouldn't want revenge, but you would respect his decision!
Hermes: I agree to this one bro!
Apollo: I know what to do!
Hermes: What?
Apollo: We'll tell Hephaestus that Aphrodite is cheating on him!
Dionysus: Pure evil!
Hermes: Smells like Ohio!
Dionysus: But he will know it was you!
Apollo: I'll tell Helios!
Hermes: Satanic!
Scene 5: (Ares and Aphrodite meeting secretely)
Ares: Finally, we'll have some time together!
Aphrodite: It's been a week!
Hephaestus: What's going on here?
Aphrodite: Babe, it's not what it looks like!
Ares: It's exactly what it looks like, plus something else you haven't even noticed yet!
Aphrodite: Stop Ares, I got this!
Ares: What's the pont in arguing? We are naked on his bed!
Aphrodite: Heph, Ares here helps me to find those earrings I lost a week ago!
Ares: But you found them in the pool!
Hephaestus blank stares at them
Ares: Does he communicate with the environment?
Aphrodite: I don't know!
All the male gods barge in the bedroom
Apollo: Ares bitch! Suck it!
Hermes: Wow! Aphrodite is gorgeous!
Apollo: What? He cheated on me with her!
Ares: Can you blame me?
Hermes: I agree with Ares!
Aphrodite: I know I'm fabulous!
Hephaestus: So I was the last one to know?
Zeus far away from the other gods: Yeah, we all knew!
Dionysus: Why are you so far?
Zeus: It's the ankle and arm monitor detectors!
Poseidon: The what?
Zeus: Hephaestus' crazy ideas!
Apollo: That's not the point right now!
Ares: I knew it was you!
Apollo: You cheated on me!
Ares: Because you are paranoid!
Aphrodite: Okay, let's set a schedule, I take him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, you take him Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays!
Hermes: And Sundays?
Aphrodite: He gets a day off!
Ares: What?
Apollo: Deal!
Dionysus: Ok, can we leave now?
Hephaestus: And what about me?
Zeus still from afar: What did you expect son?
Hephaestus: I want a divorce!
Zeus: Ok, just let's be done with this stupidity before Hera notices I'm missing!
Poseidon: What did I just watch?
Scene 6: Artemis and Athena discussing while shaking their salads
Artemis: So, did you hear about Ares and Aphrodite?
Athena: Hilarious!
Artemis: My brother did him good!
Athena: Even if it's immature, I support everything against Ares!
Artemis: Why do you hate him so much?
Athena: I don't hate him! It serves him right! He must learn to think with his upper head!
Artemis: True.
Athena: Did you hear about the arm monitor detector?
Artemis: Dude! That's so humiliating!
Athena: The lengths my father does for this woman are unimaginable!
Artemis: What does he see in her?
Athena: Good question! My mom would be a great queen!
Artemis: And why not mine?
Athena: Because my mom was married to Zeus!
Artemis: So what? That doesn't make her worthy!
Athena: You insult my mom?
Artemis: You degraded mine!
Athena: I was expressing my opinion!
Artemis: A very selfish opinion!
Athena: That's what I got, whether you like it or not!
Artemis' confessional:
This bitch of a sister! I can't believe her!
Athena's confessional:
I don't understand her aggravation! It's not superiority! It ain't bragging if you know it's true!
Artemis: Take it back!
Athena: No!
Artemis: Take it back!
Athena: NO! Ypu accept my mom was better!
Artemis: If she was shw would be here now!
Athena: That hurt!
Artemis: As your words do!
Athena: I'm leaving!
Scene 7: (The Underworld)
Hades' confessional:
Ever since Minoas decided to degrade my queen, his life has been a literal hell!
Minoas: Where do I put this?
Hades: Do you really want an answer?
Minoas: Not really!
Hades: Do your job amd stop fussing!
Persephone: Hades babe! Don't be too hard on him. I believe he understood tge assignment!
Hades: You think so?
Persephone: Absolutely!
Minoas: Thanks, your Majesty!
Hades: You learn fast, you little brat!
Persephone: Honey! Wanna go somewhere more private? (winks)
Hades: Hell yeah, your Majesty!
Persephone: Have I told you that you turn me on!
Hades: Today or in general?
Persephone: We lost track of time!
Hades: That's what happens when I'm with you!
Minoas' confessional:
I can't with these two! Get a room! Disgusting!
Hades: Minoas leave the room!
Minoas: Sure, my King!
Hades: What do we do now?
Persephone: Do you remember my favorite?
Hades: This is how I spend most of my showers!
Persephone: Baby!
Hades: Off to the shower then!
I know I took long but here I am! Episode 4 is up!
Tell me in the comments what you think!
Till episode 5! ✌️😁😜
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months
File: Adventure Time - The Lich
Code Name: The Lich: God of Death, Destruction, Monsters, and Oblivion/ 353rd Child of the Distortion.
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Due to being an K Class Apocalyptic Hazard Anomaly that can't be contained by normal or even experimental means SCP-AHG has been contained at Site-AR. He is contained within a large block of amber mixed with trace metals such as Telekill and other anomalous metals that suppress SCP-AHG's anomalous properties. The Amber's outer layer is also engraved with thaumaturgic symbols that prevent the amber from taking any damage in its current form. This amber is stored within a 20x20 meter containment cell, the walls of the containment cell are pasted with paper talisman that work well with sealing the influence of demons, dark spirits, entities of the Abyss, and other paranormal entities. For obvious reasons, there is no testing allowed on SCP-AHG. 
In the event of a containment breach Mobile Task Force Hecate-Alpha "Real Magic" Division: Sorcerer's Staff are to mobilize to SCP-AHG's containment room at once. If possible one or two members of Division: Oracle's Third Eye are to guard SCP-AHG's cell as well. If SCP-AHG somehow breaks containment, Mobile Task Force Hephaestus-1 “Legion Crafters” has full jurisdiction to reestablish containment or if deemed necessary, neutralize SCP-AHG. They are free to use any experimental methods or technology to deal with an anomalous threat such as SCP-AHG.
Description: SCP-AHG is an undead being that takes on the form of a large skeletal monster with curled horns on its head. Despite being nothing but bones SCP-AHG is perfectly capable of speech, utilize the five basic sense, and can move normally while also being strong enough to break steel with his hand. SCP-AHG also possesses an abundance of anomalous properties including: the ability to command others with his voice, rotting corruption touch, manifestation of cold like death fire, the ability to destroy anything through touch alone, the ability to raise and command the dead, and the ability to corrupt any living organism into his slave.
SCP-AHG is always strong but naturally grows stronger when around nuclear and radioactive waste. It is theorized that nuclear waste makes SCP-AHG makes him stronger because it's a negative aspect of reality something that brings destruction and death generally. As such anything that can bring death and is highly toxic is considered a life source to SCP-AHG. If true, this implies that anything that brings life or extends life such as SCP-006 can be highly toxic to SCP-AHG. Though there is currently no way to test this theory as doing so would require us to release SCP-AHG first. 
SCP-AHG was discovered in 1945 during the testing of the first atomic bomb at [data expunged], New Mexico. After the bomb was ignited SCP-AHG rose up from the ground and created an army of anomalous monsters made of the earth and the nuclear fire and waist resulting from the explosion. PENTAGRAM forces in the area did their best to fight off SCP-AHG but were ultimately unsuccessful. The SCP Foundation, the Horizon Initiative, and the Eight Wings of Mekhane were a part of the Global Paranormal Control Alliance and thus took it upon themselves to combine their resources and stop SCP-AHG. Eventually they were successful but at extremely heavy cost of at least [data expunged] casualties. It was unknown if SCP-AHG could be killed so it was instead contained and given to the SCP Foundation to be locked away forever. During its first containment SCP-AHG showed it was capable of speech and actually had a conversation with O5-[data expunged]. Please see Addendum X-50 for details.  
Addendum X-50
The following is a written transcript of what was said between O5-[data expunged] and SCP-AHG during its first containment.
O5-[data expunged]: Can you hear me? 
SCP-AHG: ... Yes, I can hear you mortal.
O5-[data expunged]: Interesting, what exactly are you?
SCP-AHG: I am death, destruction, oblivion, the end to all, the creator of the abyss.
O5-[data expunged]: Bold words, do you know what created you?
SCP-AHG: Not the bomb if that's what you're thinking.
O5-[data expunged]: I... Wait what? The atomic bomb didn't create you?
SCP-AHG: No, it merely woke me from my slumber, it was a... delicious meal to say the least.
O5-[data expunged]: So if your not a mutant created by the radiation and [data expunged by order of the O5 Council] then what the hell created you?
SCP-AHG: I was born long before time existed, before there was even anything... there was nothing, but even before that. THERE WERE MONSTERS. These beings were everything and simultaneously nothing. We were the original balance but now, there is creation and with-it chaos. 
O5-[data expunged]: Oh my god, are you one of the ancients?
SCP-AHG: No, not entirely... But I am their liberator. Soon I will bring about a destruction so great it will wipe out every star in the sky, mortal. Then... Then it will be YOU and all other children of creation that are the forgotten memories. 
O5-[data expunged]: We'll see about that.
Later on in 2010, SCP-AGO was sighted at SCP-AHG's containment area touching the amber. Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" was deployed but instead the Distortion surrendered and offered to explain more about SCP-AHG. This led to an interview with Site Director Wyllt and SCP-AGO, please see Addendum X-51 for details. 
Addendum X-51
The following is a quick recording of Site Director Wyllt interviewing SCP-AGO on his surprise visit. 
Begin Recording
Site Director Wyllt: What the hell do you want SCP-AGO?
SCP-AGO: 1 4M 7H3 D1S70R710N 4ND 1 D3M4ND 7O B3 C4LL3D 5UCH.
Site Director Wyllt: I don't care for what you demand I care for why you are here and what you want with SCP-AHG. 
SCP-AGO: 7CH, 5CP FUCK5... W3LL WH473V3R 4NYW4Y5 1 W45 M3R3LY V13W1NG 7H3 R35UL75 0F MY W0RK.
Site Director Wyllt: ... SCP-AHG is one of your sons?
SCP-AGO: CH1LDR3N S173 D1R3C70R, 17'5 N07 N1C3 70 A55UM3 G3ND3R, N0W 15 17?
Site Director Wyllt: Whatever, the point is you created SCP-AHG, but how? It claims to have existed before the beginning of time when there were only the ancient gods. Did it lie?
SCP-AGO: ... N0, WH3N 1 CR3473D MY G0D 3GG5 1 D1DN'7 JU57 S3ND 7H3M 4LL 7R0UGH 0U7 5PAC3 BU7 7HR0UH D1FF3R3N7 71M35, R34L17135, 4ND D1M3N510NS 45 W3LL. 1 D1D 50 B3C4AS3 1 W4N73D 4 L177L3 B17 0F 3V3RY7H1NG 70 C0N7R1BU73 70 34CH 0F 7H31R GR0W7H. 17'5 P3RF3C7LY P0551BL3 F0R 0N3 0R 7W0 70 3X157 B3F0R3 3V3N 71M3.
Site Director Wyllt: I see, so let me guess. You're going to devour him now?
 SCP-AGO: H4H4H4H4H4, N0, H3'5 GR0WN QU173 57R0NG N0W BU7 7H3R3'5 4LW4Y5 R00M F0R 1MPR0V3M3N7, 1 GU355 F0R N0W 1'LL JU57 W417 4ND 533 WH47 W1LL H4PP3N.
Site Director Wyllt: You're a fool if you think he's ever going to escape. 
SCP-AGO: H3H3H3, W3 B07H KN0W N07H1NG C4N B3 C0NT41N3D F0R3V3R, T1M3 W1LL 4LW4Y5 B3 0N 7H3 S1D3 0F 7H3 G0D5.
SCP-AGO suddenly vanished not leaving a single trace of his existence.
 Site Director Wyllt: ... Tch, Chaos God bastard.
Recording Ends
The O5 Council were later notified of SCP-AGO's involvement with SCP-AHG. It was then agreed that Division: Oracle's Third Eye of MTF Hecta-A will be involved with securing SCP-AHG's containment and if SCP-AGO ever appears again. This will also be the case if Group of Interest: The Black Queen's Insurgency ever attacks Site-AR as they are well known backers of SCP-AGO. 
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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heliads · 3 years
If I Can’t Have You
Based on this request: “one shot of Wanda and the reader are married and Agatha likes the reader and creates problem in their relationship. one day the reader and Wanda were fighting, the reader leaves to find Agatha who controls the reader to fall in love with her. Wanda finds the reader and removes the mind control.”
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Agnes walks down the sun-bleached sidewalk, arms full of a stack of hardbacks that most certainly were not transformed spellbooks. Of course they weren’t- she is Agnes now, not Agatha, and even nosy neighbours would never be caught dead studying incantations. She has to keep up the illusion of innocence, and that is final.
Agnes’ cheerful grin slips when her eye catches on something in the bushes. They should be drab shades of gray (they’re still stuck in the 50s, no matter how much Agnes wishes they would just change decades already), but there’s a flash of color inside them. Agnes groans. Is Wanda’s control disintegrating so quickly? Agnes gestures towards the bush ever so slightly, and the color fades back to black and white in a second, with only a flash of purple dancing around Agnes’ fingertips to show that anything had changed.
However, in the split second that Agnes’ focus had been diverted away, her tall stack of books had begun to slide out of her arms. Agnes reaches out to steady the pile once more, but it’s too late- the books cascade to the ground, spilling out over the pale concrete. Agnes kneels, ignoring the spike of heat slicing up her knees from the sunburned sidewalk, and begins to gather up the books. To her surprise, a second figure leans down beside her, picking up the scattered hardbacks as well.
When Agnes looks up, her breath catches slightly in her throat. There’s someone standing over them, sun shining out in a halo over their head. A smile flashes across their face as they hold out the remaining books. “I’m Y/N. I don’t think we’ve been able to meet before.” Agnes shakes her head. “No, I don’t think so. I would have remembered you, hon. The name’s Agnes.” Y/N grins, teeth flashing in the sun. “It’s nice to meet you, Agnes. I think we’re neighbours- I live down the block with my wife, Wanda. Great to make some new friends.”
Agnes clears her throat. “Well, thank you for your help.” Y/N tilts their head in acknowledgement. “Well, I figured I might as well do something quickly. Wanda’s right down the block, and I don’t think you would have wanted her to see you summon up some purple sparks to retrieve the books.” Agnes stares. “You-” Y/N waves a hand in dismissal. “Don’t worry about it. I’m not going to say anything. I saw you fix that hedge, so clearly you’re here to help. If there’s one thing I can do, it’s keep a secret for a friend. See you around, Agnes.”
With that, Y/N heads back down the sidewalk, footsteps echoing down the concrete path. Agnes is left staring. Y/N knew about the magic and Y/N is married to Wanda, yet they aren’t going to say anything? As Agnes walks back to her house, she realizes there’s a new feeling of rage bubbling up in her stomach against the red-haired witch. It’s not just envy of Wanda’s chaos magic. No, this is something different. It takes Agatha a while to realize what it is, and then it occurs to her. She’s jealous that Wanda has Y/N in her life every day.
Agatha can’t take this feeling of envy for much longer. She begins small spells targeting Wanda and Y/N’s marriage, ones that will sow seeds of discontent that will draw Y/N to Agatha instead. At first, they’re barely noticeable- traffic is bad so Y/N arrives home later and later each day, Wanda keeps forgetting to keep a space out for Y/N at the dinner table. Then, it’s time for Agatha’s magnum opus- one thunderous rain storm that forces Y/N to dash into Agatha’s house to escape the torrential showers.
Y/N only has to knock a couple of times before Agatha opens her door, quickly ushering the drenched neighbour into her house. Y/N apologizes profusely, but Agatha just shakes her head. “It’s fine, trust me. I’d rather you stay in here for a while and dry up than have to run home in this sort of weather.” She hands Y/N a blanket, which they accept gratefully, wrapping around their shoulders.
Y/N gets distracted by a bookcase in the corner of the room, a deep mahogany number with intricate carvings detailing the sides. “You have a good collection of books here. Rivals even my own.” A faint smile slips across their face as they examine the titles, a warmth in their eyes as if greeting dozens of old friends. At last, Y/N’s finger stops over one book in particular, and they carefully draw it out from amongst the others.
Agatha leans over to Y/N, curious. “Which book is that?” Y/N delicately opens the cover, poring over the detailed illustrations and long swoops of text. “Greek mythology. I’ve always been a fan.” Y/N flips through the pages, stopping before one particularly beautiful depiction of a myth. In the drawing, a goddess lies desolate over the body of a lover, roses beginning to form where blood pools from their body.
“Aphrodite and Adonis. That’s a classic. The goddess of love and the queen of the underworld both fell in love with this one mortal hero, Adonis, and they fought over him for a long time.” Agatha furrows her brow. “What happened?” Y/N shakes their head sadly. “Adonis ended up dead, killed by a boar. The stories differ over the killing- some versions say it was Ares, Aphrodite’s husband, or it could have been Persephone herself, jealous that Adonis was falling in love with her rival. Either way, he ended up dead and they both ended up unhappy.”
Y/N sighs. “There are a lot of myths like that, actually. Two gods fall for one lover and in the resulting fight, the world seems to be torn apart. Something similar happened with Hercules and the river god Achelous over Deianeira, actually. Every time, two fall in love with one, and every time, violence always follows. If one god couldn’t have their lover, then nobody could. It never made sense to me. Why tear apart the world over love? Besides, it always hurt the lover, who never had any choice in the matter. A waste, honestly.”
Y/N closes the book and glances outside the window. “Look, it stopped raining. I will stop intruding on your hospitality with my sad Greek myths and leave you to your afternoon.” Agatha starts to raise her voice to protest, to say that Y/N could never be a waste of time, but Y/N is already donning her coat and slipping out the door with a raised hand and a final declaration of gratitude.
Wanda waits for Y/N when they get home. She stands in the middle of the living room, just waiting for when her spouse walks through the door. Y/N has barely closed the door behind them when they see their wife, and their smile fades. “What’s wrong, Wanda? You look upset.” Wanda’s gaze remains steady, bordering on harsh. “I wonder why that would be. I wonder why my spouse would show up late again, especially when I asked them to be here early for dinner.”
Y/N gestures loosely at the door behind them. “I couldn’t go anywhere! It was raining so hard I could barely see two feet in front of me. Here, you can see my jacket, my hair, they’re wet-” Y/N’s voice breaks off as they reach for their coat and find it perfectly dry. They rush to the window, but there is no sign of rain. No puddles, no clouds, nothing. Y/N turns back to Wanda, a look of bewilderment fogging up their eyes.
“I have no idea what happened. I swear, it was raining, but now there’s nothing there at all.” Wanda raises an eyebrow. “Yes, that’s very convincing, isn’t it? A magically disappearing rainstorm apparent only to you.” Y/N tilts their head, irritation beginning to show. “Don’t use that tone. I would never lie to you. This is just strange. Something is happening and I can’t understand it.” They throw their arms up in frustration, but just as they raise their hands, Wanda flinches. It’s a small movement, barely there at all, but it’s enough for Y/N to notice. Instantly, all annoyance fades from their face, replaced by swift betrayal.
“You flinched- you thought I would-” Y/N’s voice is quiet, barely there at all. Wanda shakes her head fervently. “I didn’t mean that. It was an accident.” Y/N looks back at their wife, expression bleak. “It wasn’t an accident, though. You thought I would hit you? You truly think so little of me?” Y/N turns around, grabbing their coat from the door once more. “I think I should go. I think that would be best for both of us.”
Wanda reaches out to stop Y/N from leaving, but her spouse has already disappeared through the front door. A quiet gasp comes from the stairs behind Wanda, and she turns to see Billy and Tommy clustered together on the stairs, twin looks of horror on their faces. Billy is the first to speak. “Are they leaving us?” Wanda rushes over to them, hurrying in her apologies. “Of course not. Everyone has disagreements, you know? It’s impossible to be perfectly happy forever. Y/N is going to come back very soon, and we’re going to talk things out again. That’s what makes us love each other, you know. We always come back to each other in the end.”
Wanda’s voice is light and untroubled, but her children still don’t look entirely convinced. In fact, Wanda doesn’t even look convinced herself. After Billy and Tommy retreat back upstairs to their rooms, Wanda walks slowly to the kitchen and sits down at the table, placing her head in her hands. What has she done? What if Y/N really doesn’t come back?
Y/N regrets storming out of the house as soon as the front door closes behind them. They want nothing more than to go back inside and apologize, but they’ve always had too much pride to swallow. So, they walk out of their house, heading out into the street. Maybe they’ll go into town for a while, shoot the breeze and cool down, and then come back home and make things right. Y/N has never been able to stay away from Wanda for too long, especially during an argument. That’s what made them work so well together- they always returned to each other.
However, Y/N hasn’t gone more than a couple of feet down the road when someone walks up to them. Y/N glances over, recognizing Agnes. “Look, I’m sorry but I don’t really want to talk right now. I’ve already messed things up with Wanda, I think it’s best that I stay by myself for a while.” Agatha’s smile doesn’t falter for a second. “Of course you want to come with me, hon. You love me.” 
Y/N frowns, but with a wave of Agatha’s hand a violet streak flashes across Y/N’s eyes and a relaxed smile spreads across their face. “I do love you.” Agatha holds out her hand, and Y/N takes it without a second’s hesitation. Agatha glances over at Y/N, considering them. “Actually, I think we need one more spell. I can’t have Wanda recognizing you, after all.” Agatha murmurs a spell under her breath, and Y/N’s features ripple and change into an entirely different face. Even if Wanda happened to see Y/N walking with Agatha, she would have no idea who they were.
Wanda is growing more uneasy as the hours pass by. Y/N should have returned by now, they should have made up by now. The fact that they aren’t here tells Wanda that something is wrong. Wanda knows it must be the aftereffects of the argument, but yet there’s something in the back of her head telling Wanda that there might be some foul play. After a while, Tommy slips into the room, pausing as he walks by Wanda.
“Are you still looking for Y/N?” Wanda nods, then frowns at Tommy’s tone. “What do you mean, still? Do you know where she is?” Tommy shakes his head, but he hesitates slightly. Wanda jumps on this uncertainty like a lion. “Tommy, love, I need you to tell me where Y/N is. We both know something isn’t right, don’t we? This is really important.”
Tommy still deliberates, but after frantic glances from Wanda he finally relents. “I was running past Agnes’ house and I saw someone in there. I had never seen them before, and Billy says that nobody new has come into town. It didn’t look like Y/N, but it was still strange.” Wanda swoops forward, pressing a kiss to Tommy’s forehead. “Thank you so much for telling me. I’ll go look into that right away. Stay here with Billy, alright? I’ll be back in a second.”
The methodical rhythm of Wanda’s boots echoes down the street as she heads purposefully to Agnes’ house. She knocks a couple of times before the door opens, and Wanda is face to face with an utterly unfamiliar person. Wanda blinks in confusion. “Hi, I’m Wanda. I was looking for someone.” The stranger in Agnes’ house smiles. “Well, come on inside. Maybe you’ll find them here.”
Wanda nods, following the stranger inside. “What’s your name, by the way?” Wanda asks, and the stranger just looks at her. “I wasn’t given a name.” There’s a moment of tension, like the stranger is almost begging Wanda to realize something, but then their face smooths over and everything returns to normal. Wanda is shown to a seat in the living room, and she stares around Agnes’ house. She reaches out with her mind, searching for Y/N, but nothing happens.
The stranger bustles back into the room. “Agnes is out, but she’ll be back in a little bit. Is there anything I can do for you right now?” Wanda shakes her head, standing up. “Actually, I don’t think so. I’m sorry to waste your time.” Wanda starts to head to the door, but the stranger quickly walks in front of her, blocking her path. “Are you sure? I thought you were looking for someone.” The stranger is staring at them with a look so full of pain and hope that Wanda almost has to look away. What would the stranger want Wanda to know? What would they know, except-
Then Wanda realizes, and she reaches out a tentative hand to the stranger’s temples. Wanda concentrates for a second, searching, and then she feels the spell masking the stranger’s thoughts and pulls it away like she’s removing a blindfold. Instantly, the stranger straightens up, and they shudder for a second as their face changes into a more familiar countenance. Wanda cries out in relief, wrapping her arms around Y/N, for of course it is they who stand before her. 
“I thought you were missing- I thought you hated me-” Y/N holds tight to Wanda. “No. No, I could never. I tried to go back, but then the spell hit and I couldn’t do anything.” Y/N leans back, cupping Wanda’s face gently in her palm. “I’m so glad you found me. I was so scared that you wouldn’t know it was me.” Wanda smiles bittersweetly. “I will always come back to you. Every single time.”
Wanda and Y/N leave Agatha’s house, heading quickly back to their own home, back to their twin boys who look up excitedly when they see Y/N return. Wanda and Y/N do not notice Agatha, who just arrives at her house in time to see the married couple disappear back through their own front door. Agatha glares, storming into her house to see the hated truth- Y/N is indeed gone, the spell broken. In a moment of utter rage, Agatha lets her power flow through her, murky indigo smoke pouring over the room as walls crack and glasses break.
When Agatha is at last able to control herself, she stands panting in the middle of the room. Her eyes catch on a book that had been yanked from its shelf, a book that now lies open on the ground. Agatha’s eyes widen as she takes in that familiar drawing of the goddess and the lover, from the story Y/N had been talking about earlier. Aphrodite and Adonis, forced to repeat their pain once more.
But Agatha understands it now, understands it as Y/N had never been able to fully comprehend. Why shouldn’t the gods tear apart the world? This feeling in Agatha’s chest, this empty broken rage, will never be able to subside. Y/N loves Wanda, and Wanda loves Y/N. There is no room for Agatha in that story. 
A twisted, fractured smile begins to wend its way across Agatha’s lips. Before, she had been hesitant about messing too much with Wanda’s reality, but now, all rules are gone with Y/N. If Agatha can’t have Y/N, no one else will. Wanda doesn’t stand a chance.
wanda maximoff tag list: @mycosmicparadise​ @mionemymind​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​    
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the-darklings · 4 years
—𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒍𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒐.
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pairing: santino d’antonio x v (+john)
word count: 1.1k+
summary: Perhaps he loved you too fiercely, and how do you survive loving a calamity?
warnings: it’s sad folks, implied death
notes: basically final canon scene of ch13 but from santino’s pov that I wrote during a sprint on discord ages ago but many of you asked to see it here, so here you go. title is a latin phrase for “without the sun I’m silent” and if that’s not fitting for s/v dunno what is. 
children of ares series: 01 | …. |
gif credit (x)
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There is an acute absence of fear.
A surprising lack of fear.
John Wick stalks towards him slowly—a predator on a hunt—and Santino D’Antonio wonders why he doesn’t feel dread.
He should.
The end is here at long last.
That stony, tense expression is the last thing many have seen. Similar to the way so many fear the mere mention of the name attached to the assassin staggering ever closer to him.
Santino doesn’t.
There is only expectation.
He knew what he was doing when he opened that contract. He knew.
Worth any price.
It’s only right. An eye for an eye. Blood for blood.
John Wick broke down the only person he has loved, so it’s only right he should return the favour tenfold.
He liked John once—genuinely, man to man—and he supposes that it only makes all this even more ironic. Tragic, too. 
It will always be him. Always John.
But that absence of that someone by John’s side stills something inside his gut.
Where are you?
Where is his beloved, beautiful viper?
Last he saw you, tears shining in your eyes and smiling faintly—so unguarded and breathtaking—you told him to take you away.
Paris. After all this time. Paris.
His dream for years now finally given the agreement he had been waiting for so desperately.
The last time he saw you, you had covered him with your body—iron and fire, and raw power that won’t yield to anyone—and told him to go, run, get away, and leave you behind while you faced against a living nightmare—
And now you’re nowhere to be seen.
Surely not.
Surely, despite his flaws and mistakes, John won’t actually kill you.
Impossible. He refuses to even think it—
You’re strong. You won’t go down so easily. It’s not...
But you’ve been injured, taking one mental hit after another for weeks now. He tried to help but he can’t fight your battles for you, and knows full well you would hate him if he did. That’s why he never tries anymore because he respects your strength and resilience too much. So he did what he’s always done. Stood by your side and offered his hand in return. Leaving the choice to hold on up to you. His sun. His beautiful, warm, deadly sun. 
Like Icarus, he can feel his wings burning and scorching to dust. Perhaps he loved you too fiercely, and how do you survive loving a calamity? A destructive, beautiful creature capable of toppling the world.
Something claws up his throat, his gut coiling. 
He would know. If this miserable shithole of a planet no longer held you, he would know. In his bones, in his very marrow. He would know. 
But he also knows that you never would have let John pass. You may not love him, may never love him now, but Santino knows you care enough to at least try and stop the assassin. 
Take me away from here. 
He wishes he could, more than anything now. 
“Johnathan,” Winston calls out, a hint of caution there. 
Santino doesn’t look towards the manager but he can hear the old man’s palpable surprise. Can hear the warning and the disbelief. He’s no doubt realising just how severely he has miscalculated when it comes to John Wick’s thirst for retribution. 
Winston did know John would come for his head, had warned him he would. But he did misjudge the risk Baba Yaga would be willing to take to get it. 
“Did you kill her, hm?” 
It slips out despite his attempt to keep his worry private. 
Never let them see you weak, his father’s voice hisses but he doesn’t care. 
Despite being taught to never show worry or fear—to battle those things away so he’s never seen as anything but always in control. He can’t help it. 
No, you have to be alive. You have to be. 
John Wick halts before him and there is a lick of fury across his features; brief but intent. The ghost, the shadow, the terrible death. Clearly unhappy with the question he asked but Santino doesn’t give a shit if he feels offended by the question. 
He needs to know.
“Johnathan, just walk away,” Winston warns, and this time his voice slips into something more authoritative. Cold. 
But John will not. 
Santino slumps back in the plush chair, his chin tilting, his mouth pressing into a smug line. Play the role, keep the mask.
All he can see is your smile burning behind his eyelids, hear the distant sound of your laugh in his ear, and feel the ghost of your warmth in his arms, and it’s not a terrible way to go, he can’t help but think. 
But if he took you as well…
If he stole you away before you could be free...
“Did you kill her?”
Winston takes a step closer, his hand raised in a pacifying manner, but there is no sympathy on his face, no understanding. Only the manager. Ruthless to the bone. Maybe he, too, is now realising that there is a chance that’s exactly what happened. That you might be dead at Baba Yaga’s hand. 
“Johnathan,” Winston repeats, his voice even sharper, icy. “Just walk away.”
He loves you. 
Love, love, love. What a foolish sentiment. What a weakness and sickness. What a blessing. 
He tugs on a memory buried deep, then. Secret he hasn’t divulged to you or anyone else. A memory of Naples, a dark room, and hands cupping his cheeks. The heat of them on his skin—a heaven and hell all in one because he can barely live without that touch now, no matter how innocent—and the bittersweet tang of wine on his tongue. The dizzying warmth of soft, caring lips against his forehead followed by a tentative, faint murmur against his hair.
I do care about you, Santino D’Antonio. A lot more than I probably should.
“Yeah, Johnathan,” he mocks, turning to face him, bitter and quiet. “Just walk—”
He loves you. 
That’s all he knows or cares about because it’s the very best of him. A part of himself he likes the best, at least. It’s been that way for a long time now. The ever-morphing and growing dream of a future with you by his side.
He will find the sun again. Be it this lifetime or the next. He will find you again, and learn to love you all over again. No matter how long it takes him. Maybe, in those lifetimes, you can love him too. He wants it more than anything. That hope. Foolish but fierce.
Let her be safe. Let her be free.
He doesn’t register the bullet.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
7 Anti LO Asks
1. does ... does anyone on the LO art team know anatomy? why does daphne look like that? (also im p sure the flower petal hair idea was stolen from punderworld and/or hades game, because all flower nymphs before in LO never had that feature but now do?)
2. Weird thing but Daphne was/is a health it. She runs, is a yoga teacher, and probably more since she has a lot we “don’t expect” yet Apollo is just following behind her, like not flying not some weird god power, just chasing after her as she runs from him. Sure the dress might slow her down but she tied it. I feel like she could have gotten farther faster.
3. i kinda get what LO is doing by trying to make Demeter "redeemable" by making her a victim too, but that shouldn't be via depowering her so much to where Zeus and Leto and even Hecate can push her around, but also we still saw Demeter was emotionally and mentally abusive to Persephone, that doesn't just go away over the span of a stressful month. I get LO is doing this so Persephone isn't stuck with an abusive mom half the year, but this is the worst possible way to do it.
4. I honestly hate Apollo’s character in lo.  He’s not a fun villain or a villain to root for. He’s not even a villain I love to hate.  Apollo’s motivations are barely even explained.  His character makes me so uncomfortable and makes reading lo harder than usual.
5. the only two times ive seen a depiction of hades running a business like LO it was HADES and Hadestown, and the former made sure to show Hades paid everyone and have them benefits like time off, and the latter was about how capitalism is a cruel and unjust system. Meanwhile LO is like "slavery is good, actually", like ...
6. I used to really love Lore Olympus - to the point where I would argue with the anti's to leave the comic alone. I'm Greek, and I hate the Percy Jackson series with a passion and I think I clung onto LO as the closest thing to what a non-Greek could produce that was actually pretty good.
And to be honest, season 1 wasn't that bad at all! There were a few funky pacing issues, and some things that needed an explanation (why Apollo was entitled, why Demeter kept Persephone hidden, a bit more on why Hades is considered a bad person, ext.) But I just interpreted that these things would come with time. After all, it's a series.
But then, season 2 actually came out. This is when I started to notice that the webtoon, even in season 1, had a ton of bad writing.
Apollo is cartoonishly and unreasonably evil. He has no nuance to him, like the other gods and goddesses. In Greek mythology, everyone did shitty things, so I guess I expected a bit more nuance to his character since Smythe had given this to her other villain-like characters - like Minthe, Zeus, even Chronos was hinted at having some emotional issues. Yet Apollo comes in and the only thing we know is that he could be being pushed by his mother - but we don't really see his side of the story - and if anyone tries to bring this up it immediately gets put down as "You're a r@pe apologist!" No, I just need a bit more consistency - you can't give Minthe a reason as to why she does what she does, make Zeus nuanced, but then treat this other character like the devil himself - especially when this God is such an important part of Greek culture and mythology.
Smythe's Demeter has become a joke. How is it, the Goddess that was once referred to some ancient Greeks as Mother Earth herself, a powerful Chthonic Goddess along with her daughters Persephone and the mysterious Despoina, was one of the most important Goddesses to date, is not a Fertility Goddess and is easily captured? I mean, ok, Leto was indeed a Titan of Night/Light of Day and considered to be one of Zeus's brides; but Smythe didn't even bother showing us the Goddesses fighting or interacting! There was no struggle at all?! On top of that, she is a perfectionist that is considered overbearing and snobbish - I don't understand how Demeter can be shown as strong and even threatening in season 1 and was even hinted at having a history with Zeus and Hades is now just....a character trope?
Why is Persephone being written as a Mary Sue? I never thought I would have to bring this word up in the Lord's year of 2021, but here we are. Persephone has too many men after her or has shown a slight interest (Hades, Ares, Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, and possibly Chronos? Seriously?) Like, I know that in *one* story it was mentioned that those Gods mentioned offered her wedding gifts, but Demeter turned them away- but they weren't all going after her at once. Demeter's fertility Goddess title was obviously taken from her (among other Goddesses) to make Persephone the super special one. And now her Act of Wrath is being downplayed and Zeus is being villainized for wanting to convict her...I honestly stopped feeling sorry for her. I'm at the point where I want Zeus to give her to Apollo haha.
Hades's character is inconsistent - first, he's portrayed as a 'scoundrel' CEO type that people fear - one that literally rips someone's eye out and forces the dead to pay to get into the afterlife- and then he's portrayed as a gentle and loving man? These two character types do not flow together smoothly, and Smythe has made little to no effort to harmonize them.
When I presented these criticisms to the recent fast pass chapter - I was attacked. More than 10 dislikes and fans telling me that I need to stop reading and that saying that Demeter and Apollo are badly written is me missing the point of the story. The fandom has also become incredibly toxic, and I'm ashamed to say that I even defended this comic. 
7. id be so mad if i spent years reading this comic only for them to get together off screen. i really hope rachel isnt pulling that because as much as the fans are annoying, they deserve to actually see what they've been waiting and paying for, not have it all happen off screen and rushed.
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pinkiepiebones · 3 years
More thoughts on Zsasz in The Suicide Squad
King Shark: NOM NOM!
*King Shark runs in to a seemingly occupied combatant room, grabs someone by the head, and starts eating. The other Squad members take the moment to check their gear, reload weapons, etc.*
King Shark: *eyes widen. He spits his food out and throws the corpse to the ground, much to Bloodsport’s chagrin*
Bloodsport: What the fuck, Nanaue?
King Shark: Meat bad! Already dead!
*the Squad look around and realise, yes, the numerous enemies in the room are not cowering or passed out from fear, but are dead, all the throats slit*
King Shark: *points a thick finger at Zsasz, lingering in the back* Victor did it! Made meat bad! Bad Victor!
Victor: *looks up from checking his nails* Moi? I haven’t done a thing.
*other Sqaud members murmur things like “yeah he’s fuckin’ useless”*
Victor: [cont’d] Your powers of deduction are, well, lacking, to say the least, my chubby Chondrichthyes friend. I’ve been following your group all day! What, do you think I snuck ahead and slaughtered these wretched little wage slave sheep? Hm?
King Shark: *gills flare in anger* Big words from tiny man! Me break you, bad man!
Bloodsport: *sighs, pats King Shark‘s arm* He’s not worth it, mate. Guy’s a company criminal. Worst thing he’s ever done is, I dunno, not refilling the break room coffee pot.
Harley: Or wearin’ white after Labor Day! *feigns horror* Fashion crime!
*the Squad begin laughing and coming up with other crimes Victor must have committed, from ‘stealing pens’ to ‘showing up late for golf.’ Everyone exits into the next room, ready to fight. King Shark stops and turns to look at Victor.*
King Shark: *points at both eyes with both hands, then points ar Victor- it’s his version of the ‘I’m watching you’ gesture*
Victor: *smile disappears, eyes darken. He drags a finger across his throat and points at King Shark, who is surprised at how the wimp suddenly seems a lot less wimpy*
Victor: *as soon as his threat is acknowledged by King Shark, he grins, once again the cheerful ex-business tycoon* Great talk, buddy! Let’s catch up with the team!
King Shark: *watches Victor bound out* … Victor bad man. Me keep dumb friends safe.
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wanderingsoul6261 · 4 years
Ghost Behind the Face
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Pairing:Russell Adler x Bell!Reader (if you look hard enough?) 
description:Russell Adler and the rest of his team are taken captive by the one and only Stitch, who has a raging hatred towards the man who has been dubbed as “America’s Monster”. After several days and losing hope that him and his team might be saved, a familiar face shows up. Will it be a sweet reunion, or will his savior hold a grudge?
Based on this post here that I had shared 
Russell Adler had stared at the piece of paper on the board in the safe house for too long. His blue eyes had trailed from the hilt of the blade holding it in place to the message that was scribbled upon it.  
Time we end this.
It was written over an ad that celebrated the reopening of a mall. It was there that Adler assumed the altercation was to take place. However, a nagging feeling in the back of his head told him that it was trap. That the very moment they stepped into the building, the enemy would their eyes on them and attack only when they deemed it appropriate. It also didn’t help that everyone on his team agreed with the possibility. But yet, Adler had decided to go through with the plan. 
“He’s trying to bait you Adler.” A feminine voice interrupted his thoughts as one of his team members came to stand beside him. The man in question was silent for a split second before he answered her. 
“No shit.” Adler had raised his arm to tug the knife from the board, slipping it into a holster strapped to his belt. He had turned away from it, already speaking again as she had started following along side him. “But if we don’t stop him then innocent civilians will die.” 
All of that plus their entry into the building had led them to where they are now; captured by Stitch and thrown into a musty room after their discovery of Nova-6 in the mall, which also happened to be a trap. Russell Adler put them blame on himself. He had allowed him and his team to fall into the trap and therefore be captured with no hope that that they might survive and make it out at least somewhat alive.
Him and his team tried to keep faith in hopes that even without weapons or even a designated escape plan, that they would still survive, but realistically, that fire would soon dwindle. 
Multiple guards under Stitch’s command made infiltrating the mall extremely difficult. However, the person had definitely seen and survived worse, and with plenty of patience, had proved successful. She had found out that a team organized and led by Russell Adler had been captured by the enemy, and despite past altercations with said man, had been tasked in saving him. 
The only problem?
She was alone. 
It had been explained that a team of soldiers going in to retrieve the lost group would have been too much, and the likelihood of all of them being caught was relatively high. Therefore, more troops would be lost. And so came the idea of her going alone. As much as Bell hated the idea, as well as helping the man that had attempted to kill her years ago, here she was, carrying out the mission. 
Two enemy soldiers lay dead at her feet, one with a broken neck and the other with a knife protruding from his throat. Bell was successful in gaining intel from one of them after the other was already killed and she threatened to do the same if the surviving guard didn’t give her the intel that she wanted. The CIA operative bent down to retrieve her knife, wiping it clean on the clothes of the dead body before her, before she put back into its designated place on her hip. 
And while she thanked the enemy for the lights off and using glowsticks for illumination, Bell had dragged the bodies to rest on either side of the hall. This would prevent anyone else coming down this hall from tripping over them and sounding an alarm. 
And then she continued. The night vision goggles wore helped her out more in navigating the halls, as the previously mentioned glowsticks only did so much. The laser dot scanned the walls as she moved quickly but quietly. After all, the quicker she got to them the quicker they could get out and make their way to exfil. 
Bell had rounded a corner, before throwing herself back when she saw two enemies advancing down the hall. The hall in which was told to hold the room that Adler and the rest of his team were held captive in. A small breath was let out as she ran scenarios through her. She could do this in a few different ways. Of course, she could just let them pass, but there was a possibility that they would turn down the hall that she was in. In that case, a fight would break out, and therefore, other enemy troops could be alerted. Just because the enemy was scattered few and far between, doesn’t mean that any in the general vicinity wouldn’t come running at the first sign of a problem. The only other option Bell was left with was taking them by surprise. There was still a chance that other enemies could be alerted, but at this point, this was her safest option.
The sound of footsteps could be heard advancing in her direction as she exhaled, dropping her AR so that it hung from its strap around her shoulder. When the first guard could be seen within her line of sight, Bell had made her move. She had grabbed his arm, twisting it and flipping him over her body. The quick movements caused his weapon to fly from his grip as he landed with a loud grunt. He was abandoned real quick as she kicked his partners stomach, shoving him into a wall as she pulled his weapon from his grasp. Bell had used the butt of the weapon to slam it upside his skull, sending him toppling over in a heap, just as his still conscious partner stood up. He had moved to pick up the weapon he had lost his grip on, only to have her throw the stolen weapon she held at him. The movement caught him by surprise, but before he could make any other movement, she had pulled her silenced pistol from its holster, shooting him point blank in the face and then sending a bullet into the body of his partner as an extra measure. 
And then she advanced towards the room where Adler and his team were said to be. 
Upon arrival at the door, she found that it had no window to look into. Across it was a plaque that read maintenance. She believe that if the guards gave her the correct intel, and the team was in fact in there, that their hands would have been tied to limit mobility and that enemy guards were probably stationed in the room to watch over them. With that in mind, Bell twisted the door handle and let the door slide open just slightly. When she heard a confused noise come from a guard on the other side of the door, she kicked it open, effectively throwing the enemy to the floor as she stomped inside. She grabbed the rifle on the guard still standing, smashing it against his face, pulling her pistol from its holster once against and firing multiple rounds into his stomach through the silenced barrel. Letting him fall, she aimed the pistol next on the guy trying to stand up, but she paused when she saw who had the guard apprehended, his tied hands around the man’s throat, before twisting his neck, a snapping noise resounded the room. Adler knelt over the body of the now dead guard letting out a heavy exhale before turning to their savior, as she still had her pistol drawn and on him. 
She tried to not let it get to her. The man who shot her years ago was very much alive and before her. He opened his mouth, but before he had the chance to say what he wanted to, she shook her head abruptly, holstering her pistol. She had turned around, looking out the door and down each side of the hallway before closing the door and turning the light on. Her shoulders tensed as she tore the night vision goggles from her head, and turning towards the team. Her eyes locked onto Adler’s who still knelt over the dead guard. His jaw slackened slightly as he stared at her in disbelief. 
The woman he shot years ago. The one he saw fall over the cliff side and into the cold waters below. The same one he tried to stop thinking about for years and years after he did was he was supposed to. 
Tying off loose ends. 
That’s all he was doing. It’s what he was told to do. He was following orders. Adler had watched as she cut the ropes on his teams wrist before she walked over to him. Bell kept her eyes on his as she gingerly held onto his forearm, picking it up from where they rested in his lap to prevent her from cutting his leg as she cut the ropes. 
“It’s a long story.” She mumbled, forcing the blade she held to cut through the rope. “One I would rather have into we are safe and out of harm’s way.” Bell looked away from and focused on the task, as the blade was just about all the way through the rope. “Just know I don’t hold grudges. I knew you were only doing your job.” When the rope was cut, she stood, holding her hand out to him, as he was still kneeling down. Adler looked at her face, expecting to see through her. He expected her to be pissed and lash out at him. It only seemed logical as the last time they saw each other, he shot her. His eyes drifted down to her extended hand, raising his hand to grab it. She helped pull him up, their clasped hand trapped between their bodies. 
“Thank you,Bell.” 
“Don’t sweat it.” Bell eventually broke away from him as she cleared her throat, kneeling down to pick up of the rifle from one of the downed guards. She passed it to him, watching as he grabbed it from her and had checked the clip. 
Bell had looked away from him as he knelt down to grab any extra clips from the dead guard next to him. “Someone else can grab the gun still on the ground. There are more in the hallway.” A dull ache surfaced on her stomach as memories about the man who now came to stand next to her resurfaced. They watched as one of his team members grabbed the gun on the floor, doing the same thing as Adler just did. 
Bell nodded in approval, looking amongst the four. 
“Now. Let’s go.” 
Author’s note: I know it may not be the greatest, but I wanted to try a take at this idea. Thinking of doing a second part that consists of a talk between Bell and Adler after they have reached safety, but I’ll leave that all up to you guys. 
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jeongyunhoed · 3 years
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You’re traveling to another dimension It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity It is the middle ground between light and shadow, Between science and superstition It ties between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge This is the dimension of imagination
An ATEEZ Twilight Zone!AU (masterlist here)
A/N: So, I am kind of late. Like hours late. But! To make up for it, I bring you a more wholesome chapter of TOD (Because Twilight Zone does have very wholesome episodes, just not often haha) to take away from the emotional anguish presented by the previous chapters. Happy (Belated) Birthday Seonghwa!!
XVI. Last Two Standing (Seonghwa)
High noon. 
An empty desolate town, a shell of what was once a bustling city. The abandoned buildings were either halfway torn down or had vines and weeds creeping into the concrete. The same could be said for its streets that had bricks and debris scattered all over. It was a city that remained abandoned for what seemed like years.
There was a reason for the abandonment. It was once plagued by a devastating war that reached all corners of the world, but this place was lucky in the sense that people had already fled before it was brought to ruins. Almost everyone. 
A young woman stepped out from the piles of debris in the corner, her uniform that was once a visible navy blue had gotten shabby, patches of dust at the hem of her skirt and minor rips and tears on everywhere else. Her face was weathered, showing signs of having actively fought in the front lines, her AR-15 rifle slung over her shoulder. She had arrived after having hidden out at a fort that ultimately went low on supplies. She was a commanding officer of her unit, and arguably the only one left standing in the deserted remnants of a metropolis. 
She walked down the empty street, looking around at the displays of abandoned shops and residential areas. There was hardly a working car in sight, as some had either been looted for engines or simply crushed from blocks of cement that came from blown up establishments. It was deafeningly quiet, and she knew better than to let her guard down. The war might have been over, but she knew it was impossible that she would be the only one left. She knew very well she would not be alone. 
The more she walked down the street, the more she started to feel her body ask for nourishment. She had lived off hunting and roasting animals on fire before she arrived, and maybe now, she could get a taste of what properly prepared food was like. Whatever it tasted like, that is. She could hardly remember what comfort meant, what home-cooked food tasted. War was all she knew. 
She skidded to a halt when she came across an abandoned diner. Taking her rifle off her sling and poised to shoot, she made a quick scan of the area for any sound. She still had a good three rounds of ammunition left. Once she was sure there was no soul inside, she stepped in, immediately making a beeline to the kitchens to see if there was the source of nourishment she was hoping for. 
The presence of tinned food made her sigh in relief and she immediately took down a can of tomatoes, a can of peaches, and canned chicken. She felt like she was going to feast like a queen with this much food in front of her. She looked closely at the canned chicken, checking for its expiration date, nodding to herself when the date was a little far from today. 
She was set to open the can when she heard footsteps padding towards the room she was in. It was a man, also in uniform that looked just as tattered as hers. He had jet-black hair that had already fallen over his eyes from how long it seemed to have gotten. But it didn’t distract from the fact that he was handsome. But while he wasalso wearing a uniform and had his own rifle slung over his shoulder, she knew it was a different uniform. The uniform of the enemy. The uniform of the North. 
Putting the can down, she charged at him, the two of them getting into a tussle on the floor until he got the upper hand, his strength overtaking hers as he knocked her out unconscious. He got back on his feet, noticing the cans that she had set out on the table, especially the canned chicken she was supposed to eat. He opened the tin, devouring its contents as he glanced over at the woman’s unconscious figure every now and then. 
Having had his fill of the chicken, he stepped out, looking at the city before him. He hadn’t stepped in this part of the country before and thus everything looked so foreign to him, even as he could understand everything albeit in a slightly different way. He was also a commander of his unit, and from what he was seeing, he was also the last surviving member of his unit. Before he could take another step, the newspaper at his feet caught his eye, particularly the headline. 
EVACUATE! City Left Abandoned After Invasion
He picked up the newspaper, staring at the headline. There was no one left. It was just him, and the woman he knocked out in the kitchen. He dropped the paper and went back inside seeing the woman still unconscious. He took an empty can and filled it with water from the tap, splashing some of it on her face. 
She began to stir, eyes opening until she saw him standing several feet away from her. She got up, aiming her rifle at him. If it didn’t work, she had her knife. 
“There’s no reason to fight anymore,” He spoke. “We’re the last ones left. There’s no more war, no more armies, no more weapons of mass destruction apart from what we’re carrying. The only difference now is our clothes. Nothing more than that.” 
She stared at him, not quite believing what he said. 
“You can have the rest of that food,” He gestured to the cans on the table. She saw that the canned chicken was significantly finished. “If you understand me, you will put down that rifle of yours, as I already have mine.” 
She didn’t let up, and he could only sigh, figuring that they were best left to their own respective devices. As soon as he left the room, she put her rifle down to eat but not while glancing at the door every now and then in case he returned. She kept thinking about what he said. 
As soon as she finished, she quickly washed her hands and left, looking around for a sign of the man. She stopped when she saw him inside the barbershop and she stepped inside, watching him shave with the razors that were left behind. He stopped when he saw her and tossed the bar of soap towards her, and she caught it in time. “Wash your face,” He mumbled. 
She was still watching him as she approached the sink, seeing how she also needed cleaning up, she washed her face quickly, scrubbing away the dust and smoke. It was only then that she realized how the war seemed to have changed the way she looked, how the dark shadows under her eyes had become more prominent. She wiped her face with the towel he handed her while he watched her with a kind of curiosity he hadn’t had in a while. It was probably a long while since he last stood in the same place as a woman without them running away or cowering in fear simply because he was amongst those who were fighting. 
The two of them stepped out of the shop, once again taking in their dilapidated and abandoned surroundings. It made them think about what the place must have been before the war. Busy, noisy, but more importantly, full of life. As of that moment, they were the only lives. The silence between them was becoming less and less deafening, and he figured it was because she was slowly warming up to what he said earlier. They were no longer in a war, they were no longer fighting, much less see the need to keep fighting. 
They stopped in front of the abandoned movie theater, some of the letters on the marquee having fallen off, the rest of the letters hinting at what movie was being shown before the evacuation. 
A Fine Romance: A Story of Love in War 
How timely, he thought, catching her gaze the moment he glanced at her. Even with the slight changes, their language remained the same. As they approached the entrance, they saw a pile of skeletons, the remains of the soldiers that fought either with them or against them. As if on command, the two of them suddenly aimed their rifles at each other.
The two of them were prepared to shoot, but the man put his rifle down, reminding himself that there was no longer the need to do it. If they were bent on destroying each other, they probably would’ve done it from the beginning. She would’ve been dead in that diner. He walked away, slinging his rifle again over his shoulder. She quickly followed him, observing his every move. Even after cleaning up, she noticed how handsome he was. 
She stopped in front of a dress shop, seeing a white dress on display that had long sleeves and embellishments on the hems and sleeves. It was probably a dress that would’ve been perfect for a dance, or maybe a wedding, she thought. “Beautiful,” She muttered. 
He glanced at her and then back at the white outfit. Without another word, he broke through the glass, taking the dress off from the mannequin, and handed it to her. “Wear it,” He said. “It’s yours now.” 
She slowly took the dress from him, unable to hide the astonishment on her face at the feel of the fabric. Even when it was a little dirty in some places, it was still as soft and as beautiful. She went up into what looked like an office to change, hoping that it would fit her. It had been a while since she last wore something nice. 
As she was about to take off the jacket, she saw the posters plastered on the walls, reading what was on each one. It was all messages of the war, messages empowering those who read them to enlist, to fight, to shoot the enemy. She rushed out, rifle back in her hands as she aimed it at him again, but this time, she pulled the trigger. Once, twice, only to miss. 
He stared at her incredulously. How could she still think he was dangerous? Even after giving her the dress she had her eye on? Even after having told her that there was no need to fight, that he only sought peace. He sighed, walking away before she could shoot him any more. 
She watched him walk off, seeing him drop his rifle to the ground before leaving. They were better off apart. She looked back at the dress on the table and took it with her as she left the office, thinking to go back to the barber shop that had a slightly more comfortable chair. It was already getting dark and she needed someplace to camp in for the night, at least for the night. 
Morning had come, and the man stepped out of the room he stayed in, the room that was on the second floor of what was an old clothing store. It was there that he found clothes that suited him this time, finally rid of the military garb he had been wearing for as long as he could remember. He changed into the tuxedo he saw on the mannequin, slightly fitted in some places but he made it fit. As he stepped out, climbing down the staircase to look at the view of the run-down metropolis, he saw two cans of peaches on the railing. 
He scanned the empty street, immediately catching the gaze of a familiar pair of eyes from behind the truck. It was her. He had given up trying to convince her that there was nothing left anymore. “Take your war elsewhere, there’s no war here, there’s no enemy for you to fight here,” He called out. 
Before he could turn back, he saw her emerge from behind the truck, and his expression softened when he saw that she was wearing the dress. He took the cans and climbed further down to meet her in the middle of the street. He handed her one can. “Beautiful,” He said. A small smile appeared on her lips. 
“What’s your name?” She asked, her voice soft.
“I’m Seonghwa. Park Seonghwa,” He replied. 
“Ara, Kim Ara,” She said. 
“Beautiful,” It was his turn to smile.
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buckysmischief · 5 years
A Prophecy Fulfilled
Pairing: Hades!Loki x Aphrodite!reader
Word Count: ~3.4k
Summary: The journey to finding your true love is said to be long and difficult- well then it’s a good thing you’re Aphrodite, the goddess of love. You might know their names, but their stories are very different. Will it end in love, or will it be just another Greek tragedy? Or that one time Hades thought he could pull one over on the Goddess of Love.
AN: This was originally apart of a series but due to creative differences (between my brain and my heart) I’ve decided to just make this a one shot. Hope you still like it :)
follow @delusionalteenagewhispers​ for more :)
Warnings: language, drinking, adult content 18+, angst, & this will not 100% follow any mythology, I had to tweak some things to follow the story. I linked the character list (cause certain characters call others by certain names) so no one gets confused. 
Character list | Song inspo
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“‘Dite, darling, come back to bed will you?”
“I just have to let Cerberus out before he goes to bed, I’ll be right back.” You kiss Loki lightly on the mouth and lead the puppy outside. Pietro would be arriving to take you back to Mount Olympus in the morning. Loki was kind enough to set up the arrangement since it meant you’d be able to travel there more, living in the Underworld just wasn’t an option for you unfortunately.
Loki took trips to see you often, too, but he loves to be in his domain. He loves the privacy, the screams of souls echoing, being alone with you without a random God or Goddess barging in because honestly does anyone knock on this damn Mountain?
You open the door for Cerberus and watch as he chases the shadows, thinking about the week ahead. There were a few meetings you had to attend, punish a few mortals, catch up with Dani, and then Loki should arrive before Tony’s party.
“Come on Cerby, let’s go cuddle with daddy!” you scooped the hound off the floor and began your walk back to the master suite, finding Loki sound asleep you crawl underneath the black silk sheets and embrace yourself in your lovers warmth.
After you drift off to sleep, you find yourself having a curiously pleasant dream. You feel warm and tingly, which is odd because are you supposed to be able to feel this kind of sensation in a dream? Slowly the feeling of ecstasy begins building in your core, and you’re being pulled back to reality by the image of Loki in between your legs.
Once awake, he pretends not to notice and slips two of his fingers inside of you. As he began to suck on your clit, his fingers quickly found your g-spot and you knew you wouldn’t last much longer.
He takes a moment to look up at you, without slowing, to watch your body writhe around the sheets. “You can stop holding it in, little one. I know you’re awake, now come for me.” You pull his hair when he moans into your core, your moans loud enough to wake the dead.
A few minutes later, after you both have caught your breath, you curl up on his chest and begin to aimlessly trace your finger onto his skin. “Not that I’m complaining-”
“-I’d be offended if you were.”
“But what do you want? That was too good for you not to want anything in return.” Loki picked you up and carried you to the washroom, Pietro will be here any moment and you rather him not see you in this state. It’s all the Olympians would be talking about for at least a week.
“Is it so hard to believe I only wish to please you in as many ways I can, especially when I won’t be seeing you for a few days?” he sat you down on the counter and began cleaning the inside of your thighs. You were still sensitive, but Loki was always gentle with you. When he needed to be, of course.
“No,” you smirked,  “but according to everyone, since you’re Hades, you’re supposed to be this mean man who will inevitably hurt me, that you naturally have bad intentions, things like that.”
“And you believe them?” he didn’t quite meet your gaze.
“No, never.” You raised a hand to his chin, tilting his head slightly so he would look you in the eyes, “I was just kidding, I know you’d never hurt me.” He leaned in to give you a kiss, but was interrupted by Cerberus barking at Pietro flying through the palace.
“We’ll pick this up in a few moons, darling. Now please, get your insufferable friend out of the Underworld.”
Once arriving, you and Pietro begin walking to meet Dani and his sister, Wanda, who had no idea you were coming home today. “So, I assume you’re going to Hephaestus’ party?” Pietro, Hermes, preferred to call all of the gods and goddesses by their godly names, but he answered to either. For everyone else, it simply depended on the occasion.
“Oh great, you’re back.” Ares. His friends called him Bucky, but you two were not friends. ”One of these days, I can only hope Hades keeps you down there. Then maybe, just maybe, I’ll get to live the rest of my life in peace.”
No one, not even you, knows why he has such a problem with you. You had your theories though, but only one stuck; you were basically opposites. He brooded around Olympus, and only lightened up when Steve and Sam were around. You simply let love guide you, and always tired to wear a smile.
“You know,” you spun around to face him, “if you just let me add a little love to your life it would probably help with, well, whatever problem you have with me.”
He turned around and mumbled, “You’ve done enough, Aphrodite.”
“What did you say?!” you yell, turning to Pietro, “What did he say? He’s such an ass!”
“I’ve got 50 drachma that says he’s in love with you but doesn’t know how to handle it.” he chuckles. “What’s that mortal saying? All’s fair in love and war? It fits the situation, don’t you think?”
You quickly dismissed his comment, there’s no way Ares feels anything for you other than animosity. For as long as you could remember that’s just how it’s always been with him; smoldering eye contact, hateful words, ignoring you entirely, and now he wants you out of Olympus entirely.
But none of that mattered right now, you were walking up the path to Dani’s house and nothing - not even Ares - could ruin being reunited with your best friends.
Before you could even announce yourself, Wanda is running out of the doors and pulling you into a warm embrace. “YN, you’re back! And you,” she eyes Pietro, “you couldn’t have given me a heads up she was coming back today?”
“Hebe, please, you know Hades would have my head if I went behind ‘Dites back.”
Before she could respond, Dani is pulling you away from the twins. “Aphrodite.. you bitch. How dare you leave me with these two for a month?!”
“Well hello to you too. Should I have just gone home? Besides, I thought you’d have been busy with Steve.” You giggle.
“I brought Hercules up a few times for her. She was veeeery busy, if you know what I mean.” Pietro’s always one to diffuse tension, even if it’s friendly, and especially between the three of you. Sure, the conversations always start out at normal volume, but they never stay that way and if you asked him, he was certain someone was going to take it too far.
“Leave Steve out of this,” Dani pointed, giving him her best ‘you keep talking and I’ll end you’ look, “I’m trying to be an angry best friend.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll take that as my cue to leave, I have official business anyways.” He gave each of you a hug, and flew off to gods know where. You had a theory that he was always running off to hook up with random mortals again, and Dani agreed. He was single, attractive, and had a very persuasive smile. Wanda on the other hand refused to think about her brother in that way at all, not even to give an opinion.
The three of you go inside and Wanda immediately began brewing tea, knowing there would be a lot to catch up on. She began by telling you the latest gossip around Olympus, like how Scott and Bucky got into a heated argument - no one knows over what -  and Scott literally threw him into the sea.
“You’re joking,” almost spitting out your tea, “I would have given all my drachma to see that.”
“It was all... ‘you need to cool down.’ ‘Don’t tell me to cool down.’ ‘Fine let me show you how to cool down.’ SPLASH! ...Gods you should’ve seen the look on Bucky’s face when he came back out of the water.” Dani does her best to look simultaneously angry and half-drowned.
“Probably just as gorgeous.” you roll your eyes, taking another sip of your tea. “Don’t you look at me like that! The guy’s a major pain in my ass, but I’m not blind!”
As the night continued, tea turned into wine and the light gossip turned into full on conspiracy theories. Apparently Clint had a prophecy about one of the big three, and wouldn’t tell anyone what it was, only that “things are finally going to get interesting around here again,” which meant everyone was naming off ways Loki would cause a riot.
“Which means it’s time for me to leave, it’s getting late.” you say your goodbyes and begin your walk home under the moonlight.
Waking up to the sun beaming on your face was something you’d never take for granted, it was what you missed most while staying with Loki.
But Scott, the idiot, had to go and ruin it. How? Oh, by riding a literal wave into your bedroom window and almost drowning you, of course.
“Scott, you fucking asshole, WHAT IS YOUR PROMBLEM!?” you scream, chasing him outside.
“You didn’t come see me yesterday, my feelings got hurt.”
Scott was the youngest of the big three, and he sure as hell acted like it. He was stupid and impulsive, the only reason you put up with his shenanegans is because he’s your oldest friend, you’d go to war for eachother.
“Please tell me you’re kidding, or so help me Zeus, I won’t stop Loki the next time you pick a fight with him!”
He stopped running and spun around, quickly grabbing you by the arms before you could run into him, “Am I not Poseidon, God of the Sea?” he mocks. “Does that mean anything anymore?”
“Ah, yes,” you push off his chest and bow, “All hail Poseidon, God to No One!”
Once again, you were being drenched in water. “You take that back, little goddess.”
“Don’t you little goddess me, now clean this up while I attempt to find something dry to wear.”
You knew it wouldn’t take Scott long to clean up all the water, but deciding on an outfit was proving to be difficult. After what felt like an hour, you chose a light pink gown and gold accessories. But before you could put anything on, you hear an impatient Scott behind you, “Loki has one rule, Scott.”
“Yeah, and it’s a stupid rule. I saw you naked before he even remembered your name.” He wasn’t wrong. When you were younger, he would take you swimming whenever he could. What would the mortals call it? Oh, right, skinny dipping.
As you both got older, seeing the other naked never got uncomfortable. But when Loki found out, he suggested to his younger brother that he should keep his eyes to himself. And you respected that, but Scott had to defy his brother at every opportunity.
Only after you were done changing did you turn around and respond to him, “I told you, I don’t want to be apart of y’alls sibling rivalry. Now really, why are you here?”
His usual smiling face turned serious, eyes no longer meeting yours, “Have you heard Apollo’s newest prophecy?”
Not this again. “Just that you or one of your brothers are going to do something that will shake this place up, but Clint is being tight lipped on who it’s about.”
“It’s about Hades.”
Something about the way Scott confirmed your suspicions made you feel uneasy. Your stomach was in knots, and your head felt light. Loki was always planning insane things, what could be so different about whatever he’s up to now? “What do you mean?”
“Nothing, that’s all I know.” He was lying, poorly, and you both knew it, “I was just wondering if you knew anything, you know, so I can be ready.”
You chose not to ask what he was hiding, you weren’t ready to accept there was a chance Loki was willing to do anything to risk your happiness.
“No, he’s not up to anything. He’d tell me.”
The days leading up to Tony’s party, and Loki’s arrival, went as expected. Meetings concluded without much of a fuss, except the occasional smart ass comment from Ares. But you got to spend almost all of your free time with Dani, Wanda, and Natasha, and that helped a lot. It was good to be home.
You had been spending the morning in Thor’s garden, away from all the chaos that was happening inside. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to catch up with Thor properly, but he didn’t just invite Clint and Sam, but Ares as well. You were in far too good of a mood to let him ruin it.
Surprisingly enough, it was Pietro who cut your good morning short by delivering that stupid letter. “You’re the worst, you know that?”
“Don’t shoot the messenger, I don’t even know what it says!”
You ball up the piece of paper and throw it at his head, “He isn’t able to make it up here for a few days at least, he didn’t give a reason.”
“So he’s missing the party?” Clint asked, stepping outside.
“Don’t even bring up your stupid prophacy,” you could tell what he was thinking just by the look he had on his face, he was taunting you, “if he was up to something he’d tell me. He always tells me!”
Thor, Sam and Ares came outside as soon as they heard you yelling at Clint. It wasn’t his fault, you knew that. But he didn’t have to enjoy these situations so much.
“Maybe it doesn’t have anything to do with the prophecy,” Ares was leaning against a column next to Sam, you didn’t understand how anyone could stand to be around him for longer than absolutely necessary. “Maybe he’s just bored with you, maybe you’re not worth breaking up with in person, or maybe whatever love spell you put him under has finally worn off.”
If you could throw the god into the depths of Tartarus, he’d already be down there. Who did he think he was talking to you like that, about Hades no less. You took a moment to collect yourself - the only things you could feel at the moment were anger and hate, neither of which did you any good.
Once you knew you wouldn't be calming down any time soon, you decided to leave. You gave Clint an angry glare while hugging Thor, Sam and Pietro goodbye. You planned on walking right past Ares like he wasn’t there, but you chose against it. You looked him in the eyes, “I don’t know what your problem is with me, but you need to show some respect. And get your facts right while you’re at it; it’s not possible for me to put a love spell on any godly being. Especially one as powerful as Loki.”
You stormed out, leaving the remaining gods in a state of shock. It wasn’t like you to react that way, even with Ares, when defending your relationship with Loki. He believed that what you both shared was strong enough, that your love didn’t need defending. But he wasn’t here, and wouldn’t be for awhile, so you did what you felt was necessary.
If you had stayed, you’d have seen the look of realization on Bucky’s face. You missed how quickly he composed himself before whispering to Sam, “Did you know she couldn’t do that?” “Yeah, man. Everyone knows that.” And if you would have looked back after that, even for a second, you would have seen the look of longing on his face as he watched you leave.
Walking into Tony’s party alone wasn’t something you were excited about, so when you saw Scott lingingering outside you grabbed him by his hand and led him to the doors.
When you both entered, the party was in full swing. Dani and Steve were dancing like no one was watching. Clint and Natasha were observing, probably waiting to see if Loki would show up and fulfil the prophecy. Wanda and Pietro, along with some of the satyrs and nymphs, were listening to Tony tell one of his stories. You didn’t see Thor, Sam, or even Ares yet, but they were likely on their way.
It was odd not having Loki by your side, he seemed so excited about tonight and it felt wrong even being here. But after a long talk with Dani, she convinced you that he’d want you to be happy and to enjoy a night with all of your friends. Neither of you expected her to be so wrong.
“You know, we could just leave,” Scott whispers in your ear, “I’m sure Tony would understand. We could go night swimming, you love that.”
“As tempting as that sounds, I can’t. What if he shows up and surprises me and I’m not here?” Scott mumbles something under his breath, but you elected to ignore it.
When you started dating Loki, Scott gave you the space you needed. The two of you didn’t spend as much time together as you did growing up, but he was still very protective of you. Which reminded you, “So I heard you threw Ares into the ocean while I was gone.”
He began laughing so hard he almost spilled the drink he was making for you, “Yeah, yeah I did. Guys a real hot head.”
“Care to tell me what caused it?”
“That’s a story for another night, little goddess.”
The party was in full swing when Thor arrived, thunder booming, with Sam and Ares behind him. You’d never admit it, but you were secretly hoping Loki would be with them.
“You and your brothers are very dramatic with your entrances, have you noticed?” you ask, putting your head on Scott’s shoulder.
“It comes with the ego, you should try it.” he jokes.
“Scotty, I need help.” without explaining further, he picks you up and helps you to the bathroom.
“You’d think after all these years you wouldn’t be such a lightweight.”
“Maybe I just enjoy when powerful gods spoil me.” He let you down so you could have some privacy and waited in the hallway.
After you shut the door, he started hearing moans coming from the opposite wall. “Wonder who snuck away?” he thought to himself, before quietly opening the door to sneak a peek.
“No fucking way..” he says to himself, eyes almost popping out of his head.
“What’s in there?” you ask. He slams the door without thinking.
“Nothing, that was quick. Let’s get back-” Scott had tried to hurry the both of you away before the occupants of the room got curious as to who slammed the door, but it was too late.
“Who dares interrupt-”
“Loki?” you ask, more confused than ever. He’s not fully out the door, but you can see enough of him to tell he’s naked. His hair is a mess and sweat is dripping down his chest.
“Aphrodite…” he began, but was interrupted by a pair of hands wrapping themselves around his waist, “Hades, punish them later. Come back to bed.”
“A nymph? Really?” It was Scott who spoke first, and he was livid.
“Mind your own business little brother.”
“No,” you cut in, “he’s right. Everyone was right.. How could you?”
He pushed the nymph off of him and wrapped himself in silk before stepping out into the hall, “Yn, please, let me explain.”
Before he can get any closer to you, Scott steps in front of you. “How about you finish what you were doing? We're leaving. She doesn’t deserve this.”
Without a response, he picks you back up, but stops when he sees all of your friends blocking the path. “Come on, guys. Move.” he commands, carrying you through the crowd. Everyone was too shocked by the underdressed god, and the nymph opening the door to comprehend his words.
To everyone’s surprise, it’s Bucky who speaks first. “We all knew you didn’t deserve her, but none of us expected you to do this.”
Permanent tags: @sociallyeneptbarnes​ @rogvewitch​ @saturn-aka-six​ @stuckonjbbarnes​ @superavengerpotterstar​ @estillion14​ @sleepingspacedragon​ @geeksareunique​ @infj-slytherclaw​ @imsoft-barnes​ @piper-koko-barnes-rogers​ @murdermornings​ @distractedgemini​ @screaming-fridge​ @readeity​ @aestheticrelated​ @my-drowning-in-time​ @valkyriesryde​ @sebbbystaaan​ @perpetually-tuned-out​ @disaffectedbarnes​ @buggy-blogs​ @hey-its-grey​ @pinknerdpanda​ @brokenthelovely​ @sandyclaws​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @rhymesmenagerie​ @actualdpshuri​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @mushyjellybeans​ @https-bucky​ @nea90sweetie​ @goalexis123​ @missmeganrachel​ @sunflowersandcherry​ @miraclesoflove​
458 notes · View notes
Holding On {Diana Prince x Reader Oneshot}
Wordcount: 2380 Requested by: Anonymous Summary: After Steve’s miraculous comeback, you start to worry about your own relationship with Diana.
And there he was. As handsome as his pictures had showed, Steve Trevor received quite a bit of attention from the females in the room, though only you and Diana knew who he truly was. “Steve,” Diana said, wrapping her arms around her lost love. You knew that you had lost. The time that you had spent with Diana was over, and she was going to go back to him. Standing still was hard when you were trembling from all of the conflicting emotions going through your brain. You were happy for Diana, because you knew that she had missed him for many years - nearly four decades had passed since she had fought Ares and lost him. You were confused at how he could be here, with a youthful glow, rather than the old veteran that he should be. And you were sinking into the pits of depression, feeling your heart break in two as the woman that you had grown to love looked at someone else with such affection, it was as if you didn’t exist. You didn’t blame her, of course. If someone that you loved came back from the dead, you’d be ecstatic too. But that didn’t help you very much at that moment.
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“Excuse me,” You said, though you figured that no one was listening. You stooped only to put your glass of champagne onto a table, then turned on your heel and left the room silently, fighting back the tears that were attempting to spill. Once you were out of the main room, you went to stand against a wall, not yet wanting to go into the French air. Paris was a terrible place to be unless one was in love. Couples were everywhere, and romance covered the streets. The bridge of locks, the Eiffel tower, Notre Dame, all echoing love stories that hurt one’s ears if they had nobody to listen to it with.
You stood there alone for a couple of minutes, gathering your thoughts. Yes, it would be best just to rip the bandaid off quickly, don’t you think? Steve and Diana - if he came back, then surely it was meant to be. There was some greater purpose at hand, and God was playing the puppeteer, breaking his own rules to bring back a man from the grave. How could you compete with a handsome pilot from the second world war?
You left the building, just barely missing Diana leaving the room and looking for you where you had been lingering. She could smell your perfume, but it trailed out of the building, just as you had, and she looked towards the door with a sadness you would not have wanted to see.
You had shared a home with Diana. A beautiful, old Parisian townhome, three stories in the historic quarter, not too far from the Louve so she could walk or bike to work, depending on her mood. You could walk around and examine the beautiful architecture anytime that you wanted, so you thought it was perfect, even if it wasn’t all too close to where you were working. You’d commute for hours if it meant that you could stay with the wonderful woman. The walk home now was actually quite calming, considering what you had just went through. The cool air dried the tears away before you made it to your front door. Once you were there, you took a deep breath, brought out your keys, and unlocked the door.
Should you pack your things now, so that Diana won’t feel awkward when she comes home? You didn’t have much time to think about it, but your mind could not comprehend the idea of leaving this house. This front door that you closed behind you, where you and Diana had a hell of a time trying to get the brand new, King sized mattress through. The couch in the living room in front of you that you had found a great deal for at a furniture store and Diana managed to haggle the price even lower. The lamp that you broke during a rather intense makeout session and attempted to fix but still leaned a little to the left.
There was a noise behind you as a key entered the lock of the door. You stepped away from it, a couple of tentative steps so that you wouldn’t get hit, and then the door slowly swung open to reveal Diana. You couldn’t read the expression on her face as she stepped inside, but she was definitely looking at you, peering through the dark. After a moment, she flicked the lightswitch, and the chandelier in the entryway shone right above you.
“You left without saying a thing,” She said, frowning. “What is wrong?”
“You should have stayed there with Steve longer. I didn’t want to interrupt anything.”
“It is the craziest thing,” Diana said, coming up beside you. And as if everything was normal, she leaned slightly against your shoulder to pull her shoes off. “Seeing him after all this time,” She sighed, letting her heels fall to the floor with a clack. “It makes me feel like there is a war to fight again - it is not a good feeling.”
“What are you doing home, Diana?” You asked, once her weight was off of you. “I thought you’d want to be, I don’t know, wherever he is.”
“I think I have the right to come to my own home,” She said, annoyance crossing her perfect features. “What is wrong with you? You leave without saying goodbye, you question why I am here. So tell me - I really want to know.”
“I should think it perfectly clear.” You said, crossing your arms in front of your body. You felt insecure, you felt angry that she was forcing you to say this all outloud. “Your old love is back. It’s ... it’s everything that you wanted. Your dream come true. And now I’m just standing in the way of it so I’m putting myself out of the equation.”
You stepped past her and went towards the stairs, making your way up with the intention of packing your bags. “Y/N-” Diana started to say in that no nonsense tone of hers, but you interrupted.
“I know you cared for me, I’m not doubting that, I’m just trying to make this easier for you. Your heart has always, always preferred Steve.” You wiped the tears off of your face as you walked into the bedroom. Diana was following you, not saying anything now. “Maybe I was born in the wrong time. Maybe in the next life, but knowing my luck, my current self will pop in there and ruin everything,” You laughed to yourself, though you didn’t find it funny. “I love you, Diana, and I don’t want you to feel like you have to make a choice, which is why I’ll go. You and Steve can be together and save the world again or whatever it is that you two do together.”
“You are being ridiculous,” Diana stepped forward. She stopped you from getting your suitcase out from the closet, and slid it back in with ease. “I do not feel like I have to choose. I want you to meet him.”
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“He’s your first love, you’ve told me that,” You said, frowning at the suitcase. It was barely occurring to you that Diana was trying to stop you from leaving. You were so caught up in your own thoughts. “But you found love again and that gives me a bit of hope, you know? Not that I think I’ll be dating any time soon because honestly, you were too incredible to be real and it’s not as if I’ll find anyone else like you-”
Diana cut you off with a kiss to your lips. It was as if your mind was a bubble and it had burst from that quick action. “- Was that a goodbye kiss?” You questioned, not sure of yourself.
“I think you need to sit down and have some water.” She pressed her hand to your shoulder and guided you to the bed, forcing you to sit down. You did so, and remained there while she went into the bathroom and filled up the mouthrinse cup with cool water. “Listen to me. It was amazing to see Steve again. And he was my first love.”
“Is that supposed to help because it’s not,” You muttered, taking the cup from her and took a large drink.
“But you are my current love and the past cannot take that away from us.” Diana smiled as she watched you drink. Feeling a little embarrassed now, you kept on drinking the water, using the cup to hide your pink face. You finished it off then reluctantly set it down on the nightside table.
“So you’re not going to break up with me for Steve?” You questioned, your voice rather high-pitched. You coughed to try to cover it up. Maybe you had drunk a little too much champagne. You weren’t feeling your best self.
“Of course not,” Diana said, shaking her head. She sat down next to you and put her arm around your shoulders, pulling you in close. You could smell her perfume, which was more delicate than the woman herself. She was warm to the touch and you relished in it, cozying your head up against her shoulder.
“Let’s just blame this little meltdown on the alcohol then,” You sniffled, still stuck between crying and laughing. She agreed with you, and held you until you calmed down enough to undress and get ready for bed.
Now this was going to be damn tough. Meeting Steve Trevor, the wonderboy. Showing him around the museum that was yours and Diana’s, and shouldn’t be anyone else’s. But you told Diana that you would be as nice and as welcoming as it was possible to be, since they were intertwined. You didn’t have to like it, but you had to accept it.
And you actually found yourself growing to like the man. You by no means were going to fall for him but he was charming, you had to give him that much. And he at least attempted to learn about what was going on in the world. He had a good few decades to make up for.
“It’s all art,” Diana explained as we walked around in the sunshine. Dressed in a suit - not a man’s suit, because it was hers Diana had insisted, she still stood out from the rest of the crowd. It was hard to take your eyes off of her - but at the same time, watching Steve was so amusing. The way that he was looking at a trash can with his head slightly tilted. Amazing. You weren’t the only one who noticed, and Diana fell a step behind. “That’s just a trash can.”
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“That’s just a trash can. Yeah, yeah, yeah,”  Steve said as if he had known it from the start. You hid your snigger with a cough, though Diana caught it and gave you a stiff stare. You shrugged back in retaliation. Better to be laughing than arguing. “So you two are...” He started, looking at the both of you.
“Together,” You said, looking at Diana, knowing that in this circumstance it was a little harder for her say. “Perfectly matched, like your jacket and fanny pack.”
“I see,” Steve said, looking a tiny bit disappointed, but he hid it well. You did feel a little bad for him, though.
“Oh, actually, I think I see someone I know over there!” You pointed in a direction that was away from Diana and Steve. You didn’t, obviously, and your tone probably gave that away. But what you wanted was to give the two of them a little bit of privacy. They haven’t yet really had a chance to talk without you being nearby, not that you wanted to be. Diana had already made you feel more secure about your relationship, so leaving them alone didn’t really bug you. “I’m going to go say hi. Why don’t you come find me in a little bit, yeah?”
“Okay,” Diana said, skimming your forehead with her lips. You smiled at the two, ten made your way over to a bench and sat down. At least it was a beautiful day. You felt the sunshine on your skin, the slight breeze through your hair. There was a small group of people dancing not too far away, and they were enough to hold your attention for the next forty-five minutes while Steve and Diana seemed to speak. You avoided looking at them, letting them have their own private moment.
You didn’t notice Diana walking towards you until her shadow blocked the sunlight from landing on her arm. You put your hand over your eyes so you wouldn’t be looking straight into the sun when you peered up. “How’d it go?” You asked, seeing that Steve wasn’t with her.
“Fine,” She said, sinking down beside you, and crossed her legs elegantly. In a show of vulnerability that Diana was not well known for, she rested her head on your shoulder and her hand on your thigh.
“And us?” You felt more secure since she put herself in this position, but you still wanted to hear her say the words.
“Nothing has changed just because Steve is here,” She said, nuzzling her nose into the crook of your neck. You sighed contently, feeling her lips them on your shoulderbone.
“I hate to sound selfish but I’m definitely happy about that. I was freaked out over the idea of losing you.”
“I remember.” Diana pulled herself away and looked straight into your eyes. In hers, you saw that fire that had guided her here from her homeland, Themyscira. “You don’t ever have to fear that. I’ll protect you until the day that I die, y/n, and that includes your heart.”
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smokahuntis · 5 years
Pairing: Kylo Ren x Hux!Reader
Warning: Angst, Slight Domestic abuse, soft kylo.
Summery: Hux’s wife find herself in a terrible situation, and deals with it in a terrible way.
Authors note: this is much shorter then a lot of my work but it’s also extremely fluffy/angsty
Chapter 1: Vetiti Fructus
Chapter 3: Consilium
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(Y/n) found herself locked away in the shared bathroom she had with Armitage. Leaning over the sink her hands gripped tightly at the black marked counter, trying everything in her to make the words on the small stick change.
She couldn’t be, not now, not ever. Not with Kylo Rem, not with the Supreme leader. What would Hux do to you if he heard, what would Snoke do to him if he found out. And that Scavenger girl he speaks about, what if she tries to use you. Should you tell him. No...
She’s ruin his entire life, both of them, but what would she do, it’s not like she can hide it, it’s a fucking child!
She hadn’t even noticed she was crying until there was a knock on the door, a trooper replied.
“Mrs. hux,” the voice said coming threw the door. “Supreme Leader Ren is asking for you.” He said waiting for her to answer. She sniffles and wiped her face and fixed her dress.
“Tell him I’m busy.” She said hiding the small stick in her dress.
“But miss he-“ she cut him off by opening the door and looking at him.
“Tell him I’m busy.” She said moving past him and out of the room, finding her way to Hux’s office, when she walked in she didn’t expect to find Kylo there aswell.
“Supreme Leader,” she said giving him a nod, he could tell from her eyes she was crying but he decided not to press the matter, not in front of Huxs anyways. She walked over to her husband and smiled at him then looked at Kylo. “If you’ll excuse us Supreme leader Ren, I would like to speak to my husband privately.” He was shocked to say the least but nodded and excused himself, but on his way out he tried to find his way into her mind, but found walls, blocked off, cut off from knowing what hurt her.
“Is everything alright (y/n)?” Hux asked looking at her. Though he didn’t care for her romantically he stilled cared for her as if she was his friend.
“Armitage,” she said and moved her hand over his arm running it down it, then moving to his chest fixing his shirt, over the years he noticed she did these things when she was upset or in a calm panic.
“(Y/n), you can tell me.” He said taking her hands putting them down to her sides. She took a deep breathe and looked at him.
“Our parents are dead.” She started shaking her head and walking across his office beginning to pace. “My parents are dead, your parents ar-“
“Where is this going (y/n)?” he asked watching her.
“I want a divorce Armitage...” she stopped pacing and looked at him. His eyebrows furrowed and he looked her over. In all the years they’ve been together, she’s never mentioned a divorce, he of course knew she wasn’t happy but he didn’t suspect she was this unhappy with him.
“Why...” he didn’t think before the simple word slipped from his mouth.
“Why?” She scoffed and threw her hands up looking at him. “We don’t love each other, we were forced into this whole thing by our parents.” He looked away from her. “ and for once in my life I want to live it, I want to be with someone I love!” Her statement peaked his attention instantly, his eyes fell over her again, it wasn’t until then he noticed her dresses had been more covering recently, she worse jackets more, more makeup.
“You’ve already found him haven’t you?” His eyes narrowed and he walked closer to her, she suddenly felt closed in, cramped. “Who is he?” Hux said reaching his hand up to pull at the turtlenecked collar of her dress, she could t escape his cold grasp as he pulled it down showing the Blueberry sized bite marks that covered the right side of her neck. “Tell me, who is the man who captured my wife’s heart.” He let go of the collar and fixed it for her.
“It doesn’t matter...” she said moving away from him, his eyes followed her.
“(Y/n) as happy as I am you found someone, you are still my wife and I can’t let this continue... specially if I have no clue who it is.” He took his jacket off throwing it over his desk as he looked at her, he shouldn’t care she’s happy, he really shouldn’t, but he didn’t want it to be someone who was going to hurt her, he didn’t want it to be someone who would use her.
“Even if you knew you would just be angry.” She said nipping at her nails.
“(Y/n) I don’t want them to use you,” he moved closer to her as he spoke. “You are a very beautiful woman, and i am sorry that I didn’t treat you as such but I’m not going to let some idiot treat you worse then I have!” She looked into his eyes, the tears building up more, a broken sob escaped her mouth.
“I need— I need you to protect him Armitage.” She said closing her eyes and sitting down in one of his large chairs.
“Protect who (y/n)” he said crouching down rubbing his hand over her knee soothingly. He moved her hands away from her face. “Look at me...” He said and she looked at him her eyes faltering and tears slipped from them. He sighed and stood helping her stand. “You can tell me when you’re feeling better, you need a nap.” He said taking her back to their room.
Kylo caught up with Hux as he walked threw the dark halls.
“I’ve been looking for you.” He said as he looked down at Hux. Hux rolled his eyes.
“And I’ve been avoiding you.” He said looking at Kylo.
“W-why exactly?” He said, he always told (y/n) it didn’t matter if Hux knew, he didn’t care, let him find out, but in this moment of not knowing if he knew or not scared him. What if Hux took her away from him, what if he never got to hold her again, or let her tend to his wounds.
Hux caught onto his stutter and looked him up and down.
“No Specific reasons.” He replied as they continued to walk, they were both on there way to the same place without even realizing it, but when they got close and Hux saw his demeanor change he knew.
He grabbed Kylo Ren by the neck slamming him into the wall by the door to his room.
“It’s you!”
“What the hell are you on about Hux?!” Kylo asked throwing him off with ease. Hux reaches for his gun and didn’t waste a second to shoot at him which was stopped by the force Kylo had.
“You slept with my wife!”
“It’s not like you were doing it!” Kylo said letting the blast go once he was out of the way.
Hux scoffed and hit him knocking he stupid helmet off of him and Kylo would have hit back has (y/n) not stopped them.
“Please! Stop!” She said holding her hands up between them, her eyes moved over to Kylo the Hux. “Not another word.” She said dropping her hands.
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It had been 8 days since there small fight and (y/n) hadn’t spoken to either of them, not really because of the fight but because she didn’t know how to face the truth. Hux had moved into another room to give her space, it wasn’t until he came in today that she realized how bad she looked. She’s just been in a robe with her hair tide tightly away from her face, the small stick in her hand when he stormed in, he was looking for something and he was sure he left it in there, but what he found was more valuable then whatever he was looking for. He knew the stick from a mile away, he wasn’t stupid, but to see her holding it was shocking. This is why she’s been so distant, so emotional lately. But even with knowing he didn’t know what came over him, but it wasn’t him. He stormed over to her grabbing her slamming her to a wall.
“This is what you’ve been protecting?!” He growled out at her. “Not only has my wife been sleeping with another man, she’s pregnant with his child to!”
And for that second when the tears left her eyes in fear, she let the walls of her mind crumble and Kylo knew everything instantly and quickly found his way to the room.
“Get your hands off of her and my child!” He said using the force and throwing Hux across the room, it knocked him out instantly, and his blood started to trickle down his head.
“Oh my stars...” she ran over to Hux to make sure he was all right, even after that she still feared for him. “Help me Kylo, he’s hurt!” She said looking at the Supreme Leader.
He groaned and helped get Hux to the med Bay.
After, he pulled her aside so no one could see them. His hands found her stomach instantly, running it over and over again. He didn’t speak, he didn’t look into her eyes, he was focused on the child. She closed her eyes scared of what he would do, but she didn’t expect to hear him sob, to laugh like he did, he even fell to his knees as he hugged her, his arms wrapped around her waist and his head on her stomach.
“I’m going to be a father...” he said Kissing her stomach. Reality hit him as the words fell from his mouth. “I’m going to be a father...” he repeated and looked up at her, her hand coming down and running threw his thick hair.
“You’re going to be an amazing father Kylo Ren.” She said looking at him, tears formed in his eyes, it was like he was a new person in this moment, he was no longer fight for Snoke, he was fighting for his family.
He stood and pulled her into a kiss as he closed his eyes. Snoke...
“Snoke can’t know about this.” He said pushing back stray strands of hair. “He’d use you against me, and— I cant allow that.” He places his forehead against hers.
“What about the scavenger?” She asked running her fingers into the hair on the back of his neck.
“Rey?” He asked looking at her. She pulled back a little shocked her would even call her by her name the way he talked about her.
“Yes, Rey.”
“She won’t know, I’ll block her out for you, you have to stay safe (y/n).” He kissed her gently.
“I’ll do whatever it takes.”
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Taglist: @hxldmxdxwn @jediminddicks1000
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hellswolfie · 4 years
House of Hades review
From the Heroes of Olympus. 
- Jiper. I never liked this relationship, I don’t even understand their dynamic or why they like eachother so much, sometimes it just feels like it’s because they find eachother pretty and that’s it. Also they tend to bring the worst out of eachother, which could actually be interesting if it was done on purpose but since it’s not it’s just bad. By that mean I mean Piper charming up Jason when he so much as thinks about another girl who happens to have a crush on him. Her tendency to use her charm speak is really worrying at times, how she uses it on her friends and even boyfriend so casually like that’s mind control !!! And he thinks it’s “fair game” which NO it’s not it’s extremely messed up to be that insecure that you feel that you have to brainwash your boyfriend to make sure he doesn’t leave you. Ask Voldemort. Also there is the fact that Jason actually KNEW about Reyna’s feelings for him. I don’t blame him for not outright rejecting her because come on that’s an extremely awkward conversation to have, especially with someone you’re supposed to work with everyday to lead people. But like, I already thought he was an asshole because the first thing he said to Reyna when he came back after months of dissapearing was that he wanted to make his girlfriend visit New Rome. Now it just makes it worse. 
Frank’s physical change. It was just so unnecessary and...kind of send bad messages. What was so interesting about Frank was that he was NOT a stereotypical Ares kid, he even hated the idea of being one at first. Him being all chubby added a lot to his character and it’s really disappointing that now he’s super athletic and I’m so tired of the “he has to physically change and become more of a stereotypical hot dude to complete his arc” . 
Hazel’s magical powers. Look i wouldn’t say I HATE it but I just don’t see the point of it? It doesn’t add anything to her character, only powering up more even tho she was already far enough powered up already imo. I think maybe it would have been more interesting to give this arc to Piper since it’s in line with her Charm Speak. 
The lack of Nico x Leo. Yeah yeah I know it will never happen but at least one conversation between them could have been so interesting? Like this two are so alike in so many ways! They both have extreme self worth issues and see themselves at the outcasts. They both have a tendency to run away (Leo mentionned that in his first chapter in the lost hero) and hiding their feelings. They both lost their only family and have a lot of trauma. Also they both are real sweet boys inside even though they don’t like to show it too much (let’s not forget Nico was the only one who was nice to Hestia and Bob, and Leo really did something so kind for Frank there). So they could understand eachother like no one else could, but also bring eachother something because they have both different ways of coping with that : Leo is desperate to belong, being the joker and doing everything he can to be useful to the point he doesn’t think anyone would like him for him if he wasn’t all that so he kind of has to play a role in his mind, while Nico just withdrawns himself and rejects everyone around him. They could really balance eachother out. Like imagine their relationship development, going from dislike, Leo being creeped out by Nico and Nico finding his jokes annoying, but then they get to talk and realize they’re not so different and...I’m so frustrated we didn’t get that!!! (PS : if you know a fic where that happens during HoH please give me the link!!)
- It was too short to have 7 POV. Well actually, this is more of a compliment because that means I love the characters so much and I wanted to see more of them. But that almost means that each character didn’t have that much screen time in they POV which made their developemnt in there pretty rush. 
Coach Hedge. Look, I really liked him getting more depth with his girlfriend being pregnant and his dead mother but all along the book i couldn’t help but wonder...What is he good for? Why is he even here? I mean he’s supposed to be the protector right? But like, it’s always the kids (the KIDS) who have to take care of him and handle him so he doesn’t do anything stupid. So he’s supposed to be the protector but he never does anything useful, in fact he always finds a way to make the situation worse like when he makes Jason lose his sword because he wanted to beat up a giant turtle so bad. He never helps when it comes to plan because the only thing he says is that he wants to fight even though honestly he’s the weakest of them all. I mean maybe he’ll finally do something useful in the final book, who knows? I still liked knowing he’s the one who brough Clarisse to camp, though, makes so muchs sense...
- The POV characters. I loved seeing more of Frank, finally, when he was in the background in the last book, and I loved seeing his development and him being more and more of a leader. Of course I loved Percy, Annabeth and Leo that’s a given. Even though her new powers annoyed me, I still enjoyed Hazel’s POV because she’s still very interesting to follow and I love the way she thinks, she’s very clever. I also liked Piper’s chapter yeeeeaaaaahh !!! And same for Jason, FINALLY AFTER FOUR BOOKS I ACTUALLY LIKE HIM (because he finally has a personality) !!! This two can become very interesting once they stop being so wrapped up around eachother. Like Jason’s struggle between his Roman side and Greek side was really cool to follow, and Piper showing how badass she can be but always wanting to be more? Yes I like that ^^
- Friendships !!! Friendships !!! Finally !! Yeah I was glad this book focused a bit more on friendships than the last one. I loved the Jason x leo stuff, how Jason really seems to admire Leo and how he was the only who realized how sad Leo were after Calypse. Leo x Hazel finally became a friendship instead of the weird thing they had going on thanks god. Leo confectioning something to protect Frank’s staff was so adorable and kind of him like that’s my sweet boi !! I LOVE the potential of Jason x Nico and also maybe Frank x Nico. Piper crying and hugging Annabeth when they are reunited awwww !! And Piper and Hazel bonding over Hazel learning Piper how to fight and Piper helping her with her magic I really liked that  (even though I would have like it better if Rick would have showed it instead of just telling us about it). Even Frank and Hedge were pretty heartwarming. 
- The Tartarus plot. WOW. It was just...WOW. It was so well written from start to finish, i could feel the horror of this place and how it changed Annabeth and Percy (especially Percy) which was so interesting. Of course the Percabeth moments gave me life. And like...the monsters that give them curses when they die, Nyx, The Nice Titan and The Nice Giant, Tartarus himself...It was just all so good and hurt in the best of way. The “Bob says hello” went straight to my heart. Favorite part of the book. 
Caleo : Do i think they should have had more time to develop if Leo is supposed to be THAT in love? Yes. Do i think Nico x Leo would have been so much better and interesting and had so much more potential especially at a slow burn romance where they both become best friends and fall in love in this book but are to afraid to admit yet (again, please give me a link if you know a fic that does that)? Also yes. But I have to admit, they were hella cute. I liked their dynamic (we’re all sluts for ennemies to lovers, no?), and i get how Calypso can be good for Leo : she also has abandonment issues and they work very well together, she’s not afraid to tell him off and he really seems to have grown up after meeting her (and getting his first kiss, which again : hella cute). And I also see how he can be good for her : he’s not like the other Stereotypical Hero she met on her Island, she actually had to get to know him instead of falling in love instantly, and got more in touch into her more mischevious side which I liked to see. Also if he does come back to her (and I better hope he does because he deserves it), that could be an adorable scene and they could have their shop they talked about and...Yeah I like them. 
NICCOOOOOO : my baby death boy finally got more screen time and damn it was so good. Of course there was the Cupid Scene. I didn’t like how he was basically forced to come out but I still loved the intensity of this scene, and the revelation that he was in love with Percy and he hated himself because of that? My baby needs a hug (and while it hurt, it was also pretty funny in the end how Percy was so confused about Nico’s aptitude towards him, always and forever oblivious to when someone has a crush on him). But also that makes so much sense. His relationship with Jason? Loved it, loved how Jason gave him advice about opening up more to people (and I totally relate to Nico, I’d much rather raise the dead and hide in hell than doing that) while still being kind of scared of him but wanting to be supportive and seeing how this child fucking needs therapy !! I can’t wait for Nico to finally feel like he belongs (which he would have with Leo!!!!). Nico x Hazel has my heart, their dynamic is just so fucking sweet, like even though she doesn’t totally understands him because he still keeps her at arm lenghts, you can see she loves her brother so much and it’s clear it is mutual. Like forehead kiss my heart (forehead kisses are a weakness of mine) !!!! The scene of him and Frank sharing their interest about Mythomagic was so pure and broke my heart at the same time, I mean like Percy said he’s not that little kid insouciant kid anymore :(  (also props to Percy for not being an ass to him which doesn’t really happen often). Anyway I LOVED seeing more of him. He’s such a great and interesting character and i love him so much. Also of course, like always, he was a total badass and I have to asmit, even though I want him to belong, it was kind of amusing how this scrowny, pale and needy of sleep 14 years old terrified the all powerful demi gods on the ship (well ok he is the most powerful of them all but still). His vibe is just that good. But I really want him to have this someone who manages to make him slow down his walls, you know? (even if it’s not Leo snif). 
So that was it. I don’t know it that’s ineresting for anyone but I like to vent so ^^
My reviews for : 
The Lost Hero; Son of Neptune; the Mark of Athena
7 notes · View notes
junipersgarden · 5 years
metanoia 6. | Ablaze
PAIRING: Peter Parker x Superhero!Reader
SUMMARY: Arriving in Prague, the responsibility and pressure builds up, Beck gives Peter a talk, Y/N gives Fury a talk and Peter and Ned think a night at the Opera isn’t that bad. 
WORD COUNT: 5493 words
WARNINGS: Fighting (physical and verbal)
a/n: hello lovely people !! here is the next part of the metanoia series and hope you enjoy this one !! (also i suck at action scenes so sorry). 
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In Prague, Czech Republic...
Tony Stark.
Of course the first thing you'd see as the bus pulls up to the hotel is an art piece of Tony plastered across a building; it's funny how even after everything, his always there to watch over you... making things now so much harder...
You notice clusters of people on the Prague streets all bundled together holding poles with light decorations attached to them, wearing glow stick accessories with buzzes of conversation and music swaying in the wind.
For the Lights Festival.
Before you realize it, the van gradually slows to a complete stop in front of an exquisite and traditional building and with everyone boarding off,  you rise from your seat cautiously in mind of your injured head and carry yourself down the bus with the others.
As all of you enter through the golden doors, audible mumbles and gasps of wonder murmur around and even yourself, you can't help but widen your eyes at the 'minor' upgrade to the previous hotel but even though the hotel was all amazement and grand, the gnawing heavy thought of what is to come is chewing away at your conscious and from Peter's hurried eyes and awkward stance, you can tell that he feels the same way.
Coincidentally, you peer over at Peter and hear his phone vibrate at the same time yours does with Peter stepping away from the group to take a call, you grab your phone out and see a singular message:
We're expecting you and Spider-Man.
Spider-Man has been instructed by Hill and you are instructed to place on your suit and headpiece and make your way to these coordinates as soon as possible.
Remember the plan for tonight, come on time, ready and strong.
Exhaling deeply, you shove your phone back and can't help but observe Peter from afar who is talking to Ned with a worried manner; he doesn't deserve this...
Slipping away from the group who are all immersed in conversation, you hastily manage sneak yourself back out of the main entrance and look for a place to suit up.
Your eyes meet along an alleyway and you make a run for it and as you are running, you lift your bracelet to your mouth and whisper the command.
Once in the safety of the darkness of the alleyway, ARIS complies and you feel your suit mold perfectly around your body and when ready, you fly into the night, full of fear and regret to the coordinates.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Physics is easy!" Peter exclaims with his hands in the air, accidentally letting his pencil go.
"For you! You're a science guy; anything science and you just absorb the information and understand it! I can't do that!" Y/N huffs out an annoyed breath.
"Sure you can Y/N/N! It's just about practice-"
"I can't do formulas Pete! Biology and psychology are more like terms and stuff but physics is like science math; a science for math!"
"Not really..."
"Ugh I dunno! All I know is that I'm going to fail this physics project." Y/N spins on the chair and blows a strand of loose hair away.
"That's why I'm here! You got me to help! I'll teach you physics and we can put more physics into your cute brain!" Peter's cheeks redden after he realises what he said.
"Did you call me cute Parker?" Y/N inches closer to him with her cheeks creeping into a blush.
"N-No c-cute can mean small-" Peter tries to improve his situation.
"Are you saying I have a small brain?!" Y/N gasps and dramatically places a hand across her heart.
"N-No! You have a h-huge brain! You're really s-smart! The s-smartest girl I know! I'm sorry I-"
"Petey! I was just joking! But, thank you for acknowledging my small brain." Y/N giggles as Peter chuckles with her. "But on a more serious note, do you reckon I'll pass this test?"
"Well, with that cute brain of yours-"
"Parker!" Fury snaps Peter from his trance and back into reality; a reality he wishes wasn't real.
"Yes sir?" Peter answers with a quicken voice.
"That thing is going to be here in a few hours; are we boring you-"
"I don't think he's bored," Saviour steps forward with annoyance in their voice, "I think he's just thinking about how you're holding him hostage and how you hijacked his entire school vacation just so he can satisfy your needs, sir."  Saviour smugly cocks their head up to Fury and even behind their mask, Peter could tell a smirk lied on their face.
"He had obstacles... I removed them. And for my needs?  We're talking about an entire city being at risk Saviour." Fury coldly responds and Saviour's strong stance sinks a little.
"They still won't evacuate the city." Maria Hill strolls away from the compute monitors and next to Fury, directing her statement to him.
"Ugh.. idiots..." Fury shakes his head and mutters to himself. "So Parker," Fury tilts his head to look at Peter, "what's the plan?"
Mysterio, Saviour, Maria Hill and Fury all avert their attention and eyes onto Peter, waiting for him to recite out exactly what the plan for tonight is.
"I will be... in the cathedral tower, keeping watch for the Fire Monster and when that shows up, I will radio you guys, and then Saviour and Mr. Beck and I will-"
"My name is Mysterio." Beck injects and with a gesture aimed at Peter, Peter smiles widely and lets off a soft chuckle.
"That's right... Mysterio, Saviour and I will move in."
"Peter listen to me, the best hope you have, the only hope you have is to stop it here and now. No matter what the cost." Mysterio's demeanor darkens.
Peter's face has fallen from Mysterio's statement as he slowly walks toward him with only fear on his face, turning pale like a ghost.
"Move it away from civilians if you can but most importantly, keep it away from metal. If it gets too big, it'll be able to draw power from the Earth's core and after that, there's no way to stop it."
Mysterio, finishing his speech of warning and advice, Peter stares deeply and blankly at the floor as he processes the newly received information; his friends were just in the hotel not even 10 minutes away from the town square, where the Fire Elemental is set to attack.
Peter knows that he can't loose anyone else, he can't endanger his loved ones again and be the one to pay the price; the ultimate cost of Tony's life had scarred him and taught him a sacred lesson in life; life is too short and that you can loose just about anything with the snap of your fingers.
Thoughts of May, Ned, Y/N and MJ fly through his mind; even though May isn't present to be affected by the Elemental but what if her nephew fails to arrive home? What if Ned looses his best friend tonight? What if Y/N- Y/N.
Y/N L/N. The one who'd pulled him out of his depression after Tony's death, the one who understood the consequences of the hero life, the one who helped him to see his worth, the one he had fallen in love with.
What if I never get the chance to tell Y/N?
"Hey man," Peter quivers as if he is about to cry, "my friends are here, and I can't help and think we're putting them at risk-"
"You worry about us hurting your friends?! You, who called a drone strike on your own school tour bus?" Fury stands up angry and marches toward Peter.
"Stark gave you a multi-billion dollar AR and the first thing you do with it? You start blowing up your friends! It's clear to me that you were not ready for this!" Fury points his finger at Peter as Peter nods and cowers away with tears threatening his eyes.
"Of course he wasn't ready!" Saviour glides in front of Peter, 'protecting' him from Fury's blows, "you thought it'd be such a wise idea to give a kid a multi-billion dollar tactical intelligence system which you had no clue what it was or did to him, a teenager that is in mourning so you don't have the responsibility because you felt 'it was right'."
"Saviour don't-" Mysterio advises, raising his arm to gently place his hand on a shoulder to swiftly lead Saviour out.
"Don't tell me don't," Saviour shoves Mysterio back and appoints back to yell at Fury, "you're forcing him to help you and your people save a city once again, against his own goddamn will because you're afraid SHIELD is going to fail again just like how you guys somehow managed to let HYDRA infest itself without anyone noticing! You SHIELD scumbags just use people with these talents, skills and powers to your own will because you're nothing without Mysterio, without me, without him! Take a hard look in the goddamn mirror Fury because from the looks of it, you're trying to rebuild your idea... admit it Fury, The Avengers are dead. Get over yourself and this pathetic vision and focus on what's at hand instead of trying to brainwash Parker here to become another puppet for you to pull your strings on." Saviour hisses out with venom, breathing loudly from the yelling.
Fury remains silent but a cold, stern expression lies heavily on his face.
Peter, overwhelmed by everything and what is being said jumps to his feet and sprints out of the room, away from all the drama and needing to catch a breath.
"I'll go talk to him." Mysterio announces and gives Saviour a look of disappointment with a shake of his head, Mysterio hovers and flies out of the room.
Saviour pivots a foot toward the exit to follow Peter and Mysterio but stops to say one last thing: "Don't you dare turn Parker into Tony."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A chill breeze flurries past Peter as he dangles his feet off the edge of the building, lost in thought and withdrawn from his surroundings; all Peter can do is ponder of the fight about to happen, what the consequences and outcome might be, the things Fury and Mysterio had said and even of Saviour standing up for him; sure they'd worked alongside back with each other in New York but Saviour treated him differently; Saviour was more reckless, confident and not as 'open' or 'caring' to Peter when he was Spider-Man but it seems now after the Blip, Saviour had softened to him and was more protective and willing to form a bond.
Saviour preferred to work alone; Peter knew that since Saviour had only worked with him as Spider-Man if it was absolutely necessary but Peter never knew why but until now, Saviour was always requesting for him back in New York, even if it was the smallest task or jobs that Peter knew Saviour could easily accomplish by them self.
Of course Peter didn't mind, he was just curious of this sudden change but he couldn't focus on that now; Peter needed to get his mind ready and needed to follow the plan unless his friends and Y/N could potentially get extremely hurt.
Glancing up from hearing a series of small whirring noises, Peter sees Mysterio floating in front of him and feels somewhat sad that it isn't Saviour.
"Fury asked me to come up here and see how you were doing. It's  just, he felt bad about snapping at ya." Mysterio explains.
"You guys do have sarcasm on this Earth right?"
Peter dryly chuckles; of course Fury wouldn't exactly care.
"How are you feeling?" Mysterio genuinely asks Peter who he can tell is deep in thought.
"Uhh... I didn't think I was gonna have to save the world this summer... I know that makes me sound like such a jerk I just- I had this plan with this girl I really like and now, it's all ruined." Peter sighs and can't help but imagine of Y/N which causes him to tear up a little.
Mysterio levitates down next to Peter as his fishbowl mask dissolves away. "You're not a jerk for wanting a normal life kid. It's a hard path; you see things, do things, make choices... people look up to you and... even if you win a battle sometimes they die." Mysterio fixates on the distance as Peter takes everything in.
"I like you Peter, you're a good kid. There's a part of me that wants me to tell ya to just, turn around and run away from all this and there's another part of me that... knows what we're about to face and fight... and what's at stake and I'm glad you're here." Mysterio turns to look at Peter.
"Me too."
"But you worry about your friends." Mysterio questions.
"Yeah... I just always feel that I'm putting them in danger..."
"Look just, get them inside and keep them in a safe place for just a few hours and it'll be alright." Mysterio nods as if he is nodding to himself for reassurance.
A silence falls between the both of them as they stare into the night sky and prepare for what is to come.
"It's nice... have somebody to talk too about superhero stuff ya know?" Peter admits.
"Anytime and hey you survive this, you have all summer to kill Brad Davis."
Mysterio gives Peter a smile as Peter returns one to him.
"See you out there." Peter gathers his backpack and just like that, leaps from the building and lands back down onto the ground, determined to keep his friends safe and sound.
Peter digs into his backpack and retrieves EDITH and places the glasses onto his face. "EDITH?"
"Hello Peter."
"Hey! Uhhh, I need to find a way to keep my friends inside for the next few hours."
"Let's see what we can do."
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"Good news, we're going to the Opera!" Mr. Harrington with a beaming smile announces to the class
From around the corner, you see the class all sitting around with glow sticks attached to themselves, all begin to uprise in murmurs of disagreement and disapproval as they all shoot Mr. Harrington bizarre looks.
You take the opportunity of them all invested with Mr. Harrington and his announcement to silently slide in the free space between Peter and MJ.
Peter hearing your movement, glimpses at your direction and you send him a friendly smile, swearing at yourself for feeling your cheeks turning pink.  
"Don't look at me." Mr. Dell informs the students and clearly tells them that he is on their side.
"What happened to the carnival." MJ asks the question on everyone's minds.
"Well this is upgrade living guys. Come on, the tour company just gave us these tickets. For free! Do you have any idea how much opera tickets cost?" Mr. Harrington debates.
"No. Because none of us have ever wanted to go to the opera." Flash speaks on everyone's behalf.
Overlooking at Peter's face and Ned's nervousness, you pick up that Peter is influencing Ned to agree about the opera; maybe it's a diversion?
"Uh, well I think this is going to be cultural impact for us." Ned suddenly proposes.
"Thank you Ned." Mr. Harrington points at Ned and agrees with him. "Everyone, this is maybe, going to be the best 4 hours of our whole trip."
Groans of protest arise of the discovery of the time length of the opera.
"Guys come on, I also think that it's gonna be really fun... seriously! It'll be like The Phantom of The Opera." You lead on with Ned.
Hearing some people agree with you on The Phantom of The Opera, Mr. Harrington excuses everyone to change into a nice outfit.
You along everyone else, leave your seats and enter your rooms to change and rummaging through your suitcase, you find the dress you'd been saving for; the dress was ironically black and white;  the top half was fully black and transitioned to white with patterns of black floral prints on the white to match with the top which paired perfectly with your black and white wedges.
Laying the dress onto the bed with the shoes, you undress yourself and pull the dress down onto your body and place your shoes on and critique yourself in the mirror, you decide to curl a few strands of hair and clip on a pair of earrings and finally happy with your look, you clutch your purse and exit your room and meet everyone outside as you all start to walk to the opera.
Grumbles and moans are heard as fireworks explode in the distance, lights brightly fill the busied square with everyone wishing to attend one of the world's biggest festival's instead of the Opera.
You agree with them; the Opera sounds mentally exhausting but you'd rather have your friends alive than at the hands of a fire monster; the plan needed to work because if it didn't, everything could be exposed and destroyed and you wouldn't be let off the hook.
Feeling something brush into your side, you find Peter Parker in a suit walking next to you, a red blush prominent on his face as he whips his head away from you.
Must be nervous about the plan.
Before you know it, Mr. Harrington stops abruptly which causes everyone to accidentally bump into one another as he quickly glances and reads the tickets and matches the address to the sign of the place, Mr. Harrington leads everyone in with a stride which is halted almost immediately as upon entering the Opera House.
"Here we are... looks like we bet the rush..." Mr. Harrington falters as the depressing sight of empty seats and elderly slowly move to their seat and wait patiently for the show to begin. "Lucky for us we got the best seats in the house!"
Mr. Harrington starts to lead everyone to the front row all with looks of boredom, you don't follow them but watch as they all pile into their seats, you adjust the earring with your earpiece so that you're ready to hear for the signal; tonight has to have no mistakes or flaws unless everything is done for.
"Hey," Brad Davis calls at you, you turn your nose and flatter him with a fake smile, "I'll save you a seat."
Grimacing internally at his comment, you smile at him and once he is out of sight, roll your eyes at him and lower your smile to rest.
Hearing shuffling behind you, Peter glides next to you with a nervous face.
"Something on your mind?" You ask Peter who is staring intensely at the ground and lifting his feet up and down from the ground.
"N-No... just excited about the Opera is all." Peter lies but curses at himself for the stupid and unbelievable lie.
"Yeah... 4 hours of singing that we probably won't understand... lucky us." You joke and play along with his 'love' for Opera.
Peter chuckles at your joke but the only thing on his mind is how you look so effortlessly beautiful in that black and white floral dress, eyes shimmering and battling against the brightness of the golden walls, hair bouncing and sitting so neatly... to Peter you were perfection in the flesh and yet you do it so easily, you truly astonish him everyday.
"You look really pretty tonight..." Peter mumbles at you with his eyes fixated on yours.
Peter's compliment takes you off guard; Peter Parker just called me pretty... but doesn't he have his eyes on someone else?
"Oh just tonight Parker?"  You cock your head up and give him a confused face, begging and praying that he couldn't see the blushing and flustered mess underneath your facade.
"N-No- you're gorgeous all the time- I mean pretty- I mean-" Peter struggles to say a word.
"Peter I'm only teasing but thank you... and you look pretty too..." You play with you dress anxiously.
Peter and you share a comfortable silence filled by both of your soft smiles to one another, butterflies flutter nervously inside you.
"Hey Pete?"
"Y-Yeah?" Peter's eyes gaze into yours deeply and intently, his soft brown and innocent eyes scorn your own and the words fail to come out of your mouth.
"D-Do you, I dunno, wanna be seat partners or something? Or maybe just leave and get out of here with me?"
Peter's heart dropped; Y/N was asking him, plain ole Peter Parker to hang out,  just the two of them and he was over the moon, with his response ready at his tongue and head.
"No."  Peter gingerly answers.
"No as in you just want to seat next to other or ditch or just no to me?" Insecurity manifests in your speech as you hurriedly ask mostly to yourself.
"I-I didn't mean that uh if you go ahead and I'll be your partner... we'll be a pair."
"O-Okay Parker... I'll save you a seat, next to me because... why not?"  You justify your reasoning to ease your conscious and make your way to the front row.
Peter Parker watches from afar as he rapidly presses on his earpiece to make Nick Fury shut up, Peter watches you move to the front row of seats and a throbbing pain fills his chest; he has to leave you to keep you safe, even if it jeopardizes his plan and your friendship.
Sharply turning away, Peter bumps into Ned
"C-Can you tell Y/N/N I'm sorry?"
"Yeah, yeah dude of course but Peter no matter what you do, steer the monster away from the Opera house please. We're all counting on you." Ned's voice shook with a hint of fear in his speech.
Peter's eyes looked around the room; all his friends, Ned, MJ and Y/N were in this room, all depending on him to save them... he can't let them down... not again at least.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Joyous music and fun filled the town square as the people danced and let off their lights and colours into the night, all in celebration for the Lights Festival.
Amongst being hidden by what remained in the dark, refraining from the fireworks and lights, Peter held himself against the cathedral tower and with worried and focused eyes, kept scanning and looking, observing for any sign of the Fire Elemental with his tongue at the ready to warn everyone of the monster's arrival.
"Alright I'm in position. Uh, as soon as I see something Beck I'll let you know."
"Roger that. Any sign of Saviour?"
"Negative," Nick Fury's static voice answers, "Parker, how's the suit?"
"It's uh great. It's just a bit tight- around the ole webshooter-"
"Parker!" Nick Fury barks at Peter's inappropriate reference.
"Okay I'll shut up. B-but there's still no sign of Saviour?"
"None at all. Haven't been contacted and they didn't meet up at our position." Beck radios in.
Where the hell are you Saviour?
"Energy's spiking." Fury dials in on the radio, seeing the alert.
"We have seismic activity."  Mariah pitches in.
From the tower, Peter stares at a statue, watching the metal be completely digested by magma flowing freely and growing rapidly around the statue, bystanders watching the phenomenon take place, not knowing the true identity and moral danger they are in.
Goosebumps and Peter's hairs stood on end as a  glow grew larger and larger until sounds of screams and hurried footsteps of people running filled Peter's super sensed ears; it's now or never.
"Okay he's here! Beck are you ready? You know what to do?"
"On your lead Spider-Man."
Bellowed roars erupted from the monster as it spewed out hot flames around it, causing destruction and horror to the town square of Prague, people flee in terror as cars are crushed and explosions implode from the beast.
Watching and patiently waiting from the tower, Peter spots Beck touch down onto the ground, releasing his green smoke around him and wielding his power as his weapons.
"You're up kid."
Shooting a web, Peter grabs his decoy and swings toward the Fire Elemental and whacks it hard, causing it to loose balance and focus just in time for Peter to swing to safety.
As Beck fires at the monster, Peter sees fire hydrates planted on the ground directly next to the enemy and latches a web and pulls them clean off, water spraying onto the Elemental and weakening it.
Bursting in outrage, the Fire Elemental punches the wall Peter is stuck onto, debris fly from the impact as Peter jumps onto a carousel.
Whew that was-
The Fire Elemental doesn't let him finish as it hits the carousel and Peter flies off, colliding onto the ground violently and eventually hitting the back of a Ferris Wheel.
"No Beck! He's got the carousel!" Peter yells as he sees the Fire Elemental consume the carousel and grow even bigger.
"Night- Monkey!" "Night-Monkey help us!"
Night-Monkey? Wha-
Peter turns around to find the source of the pleas for help and is met with the dreaded faces of fear from Ned Leeds and Betty Brant from the Ferris Wheel.
Panic rushing into his system, heavy thumps from the Fire Elemental's footsteps increase, inching closer and closer, it's eyes of red burning through Peter.
Peter attempts to slow the creature down by webbing it and pulling it, but as soon as he shoots his webs, the fire burns them off.
Raising its arm, the Fire Elemental goes to strike Peter, Peter braces for it.
No, no, no what do I do? What do I do? Please no-
But nothing happens; Peter opens his eyes and feels energy flurrying all around him; a black smoke shaped of a force field, a figure of black and white standing next to him with their arms extended out as if they are controlling it...
"Hey Spidey. Miss me that much huh? You okay?" Saviour asks with a groan, busy concentrating on keeping their form.
"Yeah, yeah! I'm fine! Plan B?"
"Well it looks like- umph, Plan A isn't- ugh, working." Saviour groans as the Fire Elemental starts hitting the dome.
"We gotta hit him with something!" Peter shouts over the noise and looks hurriedly at Saviour.
"I go left, you go right.... NOW!" Saviour throws their hands away and quickly flies left as Peter swings right.
Saviour glides through the air, searching and scanning for anything to throw at the creature.
"Where's Beck?"
"Coming up behind you." Saviour spots Beck in his Mysterio costume fly next to them.
"Parker, I'll grab those kids from the wheel, you and Beck fight this crazy inferno." Saviour boosts toward the Ferris Wheel.
"Okay!" Peter runs up a wall and flips, webs a rock from the destruction and flings it the Fire Elemental, successfully damaging and stunning it. "Shoot it now!"
Beck aims his hands and fires at the Elemental, a green patch from Beck's attack glows on its chest. "That hurt him! Keep it coming!"
Peter and Beck start to work as a team; Peter stunning the creature with Beck attacking it with his blasts.
"Spider-Man! Keep your distance!"
"I'm trying!" Peter cries back.
"Can't let him get near the Ferris Wheel!"
"Parker and I are on it!"  Saviour chimes in and swoops Peter up from the ground, flying them both toward the Ferris Wheel, dropping Peter in the carriage with Ned and Betty.
Suddenly while Peter goes to shoot a web and as Saviour is flying in toward them, they both knock and feel something hard, Saviour knocks out of orbit and Peter's web sticks onto something that isn't there.
Saviour goes flying through the air, losing all control and balance of flight, heading straight toward the Elemental.
"SAVIOUR!" Peter shouts in agony as Saviour's body disappears in the flames.
The Fire Elemental hears Ned and Betty's screams and draws itself to the Ferris Wheel,  Peter tries to get Ned and Betty out before it's too late.
Saviour rockets back onto the Ferris Wheel and holds onto the carriage tightly, Peter sighing in relief.
"I'll get Buffy and Angel out of here while you web up the wheel!" Saviour calls out to Peter.
"Saviour! Need you now!"
"I- I can't I gotta get them out and I'm drained out-" Saviour starts to ramble as they lift up Betty from the Ferris Wheel seat.
"When I say I need you, I need you!" Beck continues to aim and fire at the Elemental to cease it from reaching them as Peter swings himself around, webbing the Ferris Wheel to stable it.
"Thank you so much Saviour! You're a life-" Betty starts to praise Saviour but as Saviour lifts Betty, Saviour abruptly drops her back into the seat and clutches their side.
"Are you hurt?!" Ned frantically asks.
"No, i-it's nothing... I'm good." Saviour raises their hand toward Beck and moans in pain, holding it for 10 seconds before going back to retrieve Betty.
"It's too late..." Mariah's voice utters into the piece. Oh no.
Beck turns toward them both, unveiling his mask, "What ever happens next, I'm glad I met the both of you."
"Beck! What are you doing?!"
"What I should of done last time." Beck answers Peter as he begins to summon all his power.
Saviour's hand raises toward Beck as if they are trying to stop Beck from his actions as their other hand grips weakly to the Ferris Wheel.
"Beck don't do it!" Peter cries.
Beck screams in pain as his power all starts to come out and unravel itself, ready for one last and final attack.
Beck flies forward and punches the Fire Elemental straight in the chest, his power absorbing as the beast stumbles back as Beck's power manifests it.
Saviour screams a blood curling scream before the creature lets out its final cry and falls to the ground, green mist exploding with it.
Green particles fly all around as Peter sticks the final web together and sees Beck's body lying on the ground, burnt and defeated.
Peter jumps down as Saviour stays clinging onto the Ferris Wheel, Peter approaches Beck's body with horrific flashbacks.
"M-Mr. Beck?" Peter lightly turns his body, a gasp of breath relieves Peter as Beck wearily opens his eyes.
Saviour lands beside them and helps Peter into bringing Beck back up onto his feet.
The SHIELD opearatives along with Nick Fury and Mariah Hill close in as Beck sits down with Peter and Saviour by his side; Peter standing and Saviour holding their side next to Beck.
"I thought a vacation meant being away from the work and not the work coming to us." Saviour dryly chuckles with a cough.
"That's the last Elemental though..." Beck informs.
"But not the last threat." Nick Fury strides up next to the three heroes. "Hill and I are going to headquarters in Berlin tomorrow. You should come with us." Fury looks at Beck as he speaks.
Beck stands and firmly grabs Fury's hand and shakes it. "Thank you. I might take up on that."
Nick Fury then approaches Peter Parker who stands still and awkward, awaiting for Fury's words.
"You got gifts Parker," Fury starts, "but you don't wanna be here-"
"Mr. Fury I-"
"I'd like you in Berlin too. But you've got to decide if you're going to step up or not. Stark chose you, he made you an Avenger... I need that. The world needs that. Maybe Stark was wrong... was he?"
Peter's eyes burn from the tears forming in his eyes; he has nothing to say and doesn't know what to say.
"And as for you Saviour, you're lucky I want Beck and since apparently you two are a package deal, I want you in Berlin too. But I don't want to see anymore of your efforts like tonight; you didn't bother or care to show up and look at what happened; if you followed the plan, maybe things could of turned out better, maybe you would of been an actual hero. You didn't do anything." Fury stares sharply at Saviour before walking off with Mariah and driving away from the scene.
Peter and Saviour say nothing, the silence speaks for them but Beck doesn't stand for it; Beck offers his hand to help Saviour up which they slap away and stand them self, taking off into the night without a word.
Beck walks over to Peter who is left standing still and quiet after Fury's words and places a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"Come on, let's get a drink."
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More Tea?
- Yandere Hanzo x f!Reader -
Word Count: ~5000, so buckle up
Warnings: smut, NON/DUB-CON, aphrodisiacs, drugging, Yakuza AU
You give yourself a final once over in the full length mirror of your bedroom, patting down a few stray hairs and smoothing the vibrantly colored silk fabric of your skirt.
As much as you hate to admit it, you look beautiful.
The dress had been delivered earlier that afternoon by one of your handmaids in a thin, white box with a pretty blue ribbon tied around it- a gift sent by your husband who requested you wear it to dinner tonight via the note taped to the lid of the box.
You’d scoffed when you read it, crumpling the little card in your hands while imagining it was his head and tossing it into the wastebasket, but acceded regardless. You may despise the man, but you knew better than to directly disobey him.
The month you’d spent so far being the wife of the Shimada leader had been a true test of your strength, already feeling at your limit with what you were willing to put up with to keep your head. You never wanted anything to do with the man, but with the wealth and connections he possessed, he made sure the only answer you’d be giving to his marriage proposal would be a yes.
And now you were nothing more than a damsel, locked away in a castle with one fierce and angry dragon guarding it.
You knew he loved you. Or at least, what his deranged, entitled mind believed was love. He wanted you to be happy by his side, wanted to lavish you with attention and affection, but you just couldn’t bare to let him get any closer than arm’s length, there was only so much you could put up with.
Hanzo knew how to be patient, was willing to let you have your distance from him (giving you a separate bedroom, and waiting to consummate your marriage until you were ready) if it meant that you would one day come around. But after one full month with no change in your attitude, a full month of having you, but not truly having you, you could tell he was getting impatient.
Tonight would no doubt be another attempt at courting you- trying to make up for what he neglected to do before he decided to force you into marriage, dinner and a fancy new dress could only mean so many things. And while a date with your kidnapper was the last way you wanted to be spending your evening, you played along, willing to feed him scraps of your tolerance in lue of him forcing your obedience like you knew he so desperately wanted to.
At six o’clock on the dot, you make your way down to the dining room, the heels of your shoes clicking against the floor as you navigate your way through the silent halls of the castle. The guard posted outside of the dining room bows to you, before opening the door to let you in, and you give yourself one last breath of freedom before stepping inside.
Hanzo is seated at the table, food and drink already waiting for you, flipping through documents in a black folder before noticing your arrival, and quickly rising to his feet to greet you. He offers you a smile, not quite insincere, but lacking any real warmth, and you return it just as emptily as you make your way over to your seat across from him. He dismisses the guard, then goes to seat himself as well, and you try not to flinch as the door shuts, cutting you off from the rest of the world until Hanzo decides to release you.
You felt like you’d just been locked into a cage with a bloodthirsty monster and asked to play nice with it, as your eyes search for anything around you to focus on other than the man sitting across from you. They end up settling on your meal for that night, the dish just as brightly colored and fragrant as everything served to you here, but it’s the cup of your nightly tea beside it that catches your eye. It was unlike anything you’d ever seen- light pink and shimmery as it swirled in your cup (unlike the regular greens and browns), with a rich, earthy scent that settled heavy in your lungs with each breath in.
You eye it, intrigued just as much as you were suspicious, and Hanzo notices where your attention had settled.
“It was a gift,” he speaks suddenly, drawing your gaze from the alluring liquid. “From one of our business partners in Europe. I thought you and I could try it together.”
He seems almost nervous (as strange as that sounds, a man like him being nervous about anything) that you’ll reject what you assume is just as much of a peace offering as the dress he’d bought for you, so you figure you don’t have much of a choice, reaching for your cup against your better judgment.
When you take your first sip, you nearly choke from how thick the tea is- not in texture, but the taste. Its full and spicy, but with hints of floral sweetness as it simmers on your tongue and slides down your throat.
It’s strange, and unlike anything you’ve ever had, but you can’t deny that it tasted good, addicting almost.
Hanzo smiles as you go for a second sip, “I am pleased to see you enjoy it.”
The two of you strike your regular conversation, he asks you about your day, and between sips of tea that you hardly even realize you’re taking, you recount the few noteworthy experiences of your day while you were apart.
Before you know it, your cup is empty, and you look at it in bewilderment, wondering how it had gone so fast, only for Hanzo to take the cup from your hands and refill it without a thought, urging you to drink as much as you like. 
When you inevitably run out of things to talk about (there isn’t much you can do trapped in the walls of his castle), you ask him about his day, and he seems more than happy to tell you. You’re still trying to play nice, and try your damndest to hang onto his words like he did yours, but it’s so full of bureaucratic business talk and words and phrases you didn’t know the meaning of, that it doesn’t surprise you when feel your attention waning.
You picked at your food, taking delicate bites and washing it down with what must now be your fourth cup of the pink liquid while trying to look at least halfway interested in what he had to say, but it seems he’s as dry a conversationalist as always, and you soon find your eyelids drooping.
You shake yourself of your sudden fatigue. The last thing you want to do is fall asleep at the dinner table, who knows what sort of horrible punishment Hanzo could inflict on you after showing such disrespect. You try to focus back in on his words, to have something to keep your brain at least halfway occupied, only to realize much to your horror that he had grown silent.
You cautiously lift your gaze, only to be met with his dark eyes boring into you with an intensity that makes you want to curl in on yourself. You didn’t have enough time to discern if it was anger or confusion that made his eyes burn so brightly, before his expression softens, regarding you with what looks an awful lot like concern.    
“Are you feeling alright?” He asks, and you nod quickly, giving a verbal answer only because you can feel a yawn trying to work its way out of you.
“Yes, I’m fine, no need to worry. Please, continue.”
He gives you an unconvinced look, but nods, and goes to fill your nearly empty cup for the thousandth time that night, claiming the tea was known to have many health benefits just in case you were beginning to feel under the weather.
You thank him and take another sip of the heady drink, trying to keep yourself focused and listen to what your husband has to say. 
But within seconds, your eyes are fluttering again and your limbs grow heavy as the sound of Hanzo’s voice fades to the back of your mind. You’re suddenly so exhausted you don’t even have the energy to question why you’re feeling this way, or the flush that’s slowly spreading throughout your entire body, making your skin tingle against the silky fabric of your dress or the sticky wetness forming between your legs. All you can manage to do is sit in your discomfort, blinking blearily at nothing in particular as your eyes shift in and out of focus. 
You don’t notice this time when Hanzo stops talking. You’re too busy fighting to keep yourself upright in your seat as all the feeling in your body drains away, replaced by a tingling numbness like a limb that’s fallen asleep, and you certainly don’t realize that he’s risen from his seat and made his way behind you until he’s grasping your shoulders and pulling your body backwards to lean against him. 
You moan at the feeling, much to your embarrassment, but it shocks you just how good it feels to have his hands on you, and to be pressed firmly against his strong body. Even if its still through several layers of clothes, your whole body sings at the contact. 
You’re practically purring when one hand trails its way from your shoulder and across your collarbone, up your neck until he hooks a finger under your chin and tilts  your head upwards. It lulls backward in your pliant state and you’re met with a smoldering gaze that has liquid heat pulsing in your most intimate areas, and find that you couldn’t look away even if you wanted to. 
While one of his hands remains tucked under your chin to keep our head in place, the other rests its palm against your forehead for a moment, and you watch as Hanzo clicks his tongue, and slips the hand back down to the base of your neck. 
“You’re burning up,” he states plainly, and you have to agree, your whole self feels like its drowning in heat, but the kind that’s pleasant and exciting. “You must be falling ill, perhaps we should cut dinner short.”
Ill? Is that what you were? You certainly didn’t feel that way. If anything you felt like you were floating, sweet, pleasurable heat following everywhere his hands touched. 
It isn’t until you feel one of his hands start to travel down past the neckline of your dress that the dreamy high you’d been swimming in starts to dissipate, and you suddenly become much more aware of your situation. 
One hand cups your breast, looking you dead in the eyes as he does it and tightening his grip ever so slightly around your neck to ensure you don’t slip away from him. 
“How does it feel, Dearest?” he mumbles to you, and from the heated look he gives you, you can tell he already knows your answer. You groan as your nipple hardens and aches against his warm palm, and his lip quirks upwards in a smirk as you start to writhe against him in protest, only managing to ignite more fire in your veins as you inadvertently push yourself further into his touch. 
“Y…You-” you just barely manage to get out as the pieces start coming together. How you weren’t dead tired until you started drinking that strange tea, and the fact that you realize he hadn’t taken a single sip of his own. He drugged you, and you had a feeling you knew why.
He tisks again. “Poor thing, you’re practically delirious. We must get you to bed at once.”
Then hes dipping down and scooping you up into his arms with ease, and you’re helpless to stop him as he carries you out of the dining room. 
Your heart is pounding against your chest trying to think of a way out, even when half of you already knows there is none. Even if you did have the ability to beg for help from the few servants you pass by on your way to his bedroom, you knew they would never defy their Lord or his wishes. 
Your theory is only proven when you reach your destination, and the two guards stationed outside of his private quarters open the doors without so much as a glance at you.  
Hanzo places you down on the silken sheets of his bed with all the delicacy of someone handling a fragile doll, and you sink limply into the plush mattress, your head propped up by a million pillows, allowing you to continue to glare at him when he steps back from the bed, taking a moment to admire you. 
“Such a lovely sight,” he sighs, eyes raking over your body appreciatively. He grabs the loose fabric of your skirt between two fingers, runs the pad of his thumb over the vibrant satin. “I knew you would look gorgeous in this.”
Then hes climbing onto the bed, caging you between his arms, hips trapped between his knees as he leans down to press a kiss just behind your ear, then whispers, “But I want to see how gorgeous you will be without it.” 
You whimper at his words and his hot breath against your skin, in disgust or arousal you’re not sure, but you whimper as loud as you can in protest when he sits back on his thighs, grabbing handfuls of your dress and ripping the fabric like paper. The chilled air of the bedroom kisses at your sweating skin as its exposed, adding another layer of pleasurable torture that you’re forced to endure. Your nipples harden when he tears your bra from you as well, tossing the ruined fabric over the side of the bed along with the rest of what used to be your outfit.
“Beautiful,” he groans, gazing at your bare form with burning lust, one hand lowering to grope the obvious bulge between his legs. Your whole body prickles with shame, tears sprouting in your eyes as you watch him tear at his own clothes until he’s just a bare as you. He leans down over you once again, smothering you with his heat and bulk as he presses soft kisses to your cheek and grasps at both of your thighs, spreading them uncomfortably wide so he can settle himself between them. His cock, heavy and leaking, settles against your hip, smearing precum against your skin, and you’d gag at the feeling if you could, but can’t deny how slick the sensation makes you.
He trails kisses and nips down your neck to your chest, a strong heat blooming under your skin in the wake of each gentle touch. His lips seal around a nipple and give it a strong suck, making you cry out behind slack lips as the jolt of pleasure goes straight to your clit. He pops off almost too quickly for your liking, but the hand he places against your hip promises something much more gratifying for the ache in your core.  
“Such a selfish little thing,” he murmurs, looking up at you with lust filled eyes as his thumb rubs circles into your hip. “Denying me your love for so long. Perhaps i should punish you.” 
You whimper at the sound of that, not liking the thought of whatever he might deem a punishment, but certainly not liking the alternative of being left in this horrible limbo of desperation any better. 
He smirks up at you, infuriatingly smug, and no doubt perfectly aware of the warring emotions inside you head.
Suddenly he’s moving himself back, just enough to get a full view of your slit, shiny and dripping with all the slick that collected from his earlier ministrations. You whine again in protest as he takes two fingers and spreads you open for him, while your pussy clenches and twitches at the prospect of much needed attention.
Eyes trained on your messy, desperate sex, he takes the rough pad of his thumb and gives your clit a firm swipe, and your whole body jerks at the massive jolt of pleasure that shoots through you.
You felt as though you were already on the brink of finding your release, pleasure had never felt this intense before.
You can see Hanzo smirking out of the corner of your eye, as both of you watch his fingers trail down from your clit to your sopping, clenching hole.
One finger pushes in ever so slightly, circling your entrance, playing with the copious amount of slick collected inside you, before pushing in further, igniting a groan from the back of your throat.
Just one of his fingers felt so large and filling, the walls of your pussy tingling and fluttering with each push in and out of you. You couldn’t help it as your hips gave small, aborted jerks up to try to work yourself harder against him, in search of more pleasure.
You were more than prepared to take him, practically begging him for the hard, leaking cock twitching so close to where you need it, but he seemed intent on making you wait, wanting to prove a point.
“Do you know why I’m doing this?” he whispers to you, but his eyes are still trained to where his finger disappears inside your heat. “It’s because I love you. And all I’ve ever wanted to do is share that love with you. Don’t deny me any longer, just let me show you how well i can take care of you.”
Another thick digit goes to prod your hole, and slides it’s way in with an embarrassing squelch of your juices that makes Hanzo hum in approval. 
He spreads them and twists them, getting a good feel of your wet, warm insides, as you whimper and twitch at the onslaught of unwilling pleasure.
He goes to place a tender kiss to your shoulder, before curling the two fingers inside of you upwards, hitting a raw, throbbing spot and making you cum instantly.
Your head is thrown back on instinct, your hips rutting against his hand as white hot pleasure shoots through every nerve, choked whines leaving your lips with every pulse. Your vision blurs from the force of it, and all you can focus on is the pulsing of your walls against the fingers still working you, and the voice cooing in your ear, “You sound so lovely, keep singing for me.”
It feels like an eternity that you’re bombarded by waves of aching pleasure, but when it does finally end, it leaves you exhausted and oversensitive, laying boneless against sweaty sheets.
Though there is a sense of relief as your high fades, all the blood that had thrummed and heated the sensitive bits of your body retreating, it’s no time at all before it’s rushing back.
You groan, clenching around the fingers still inside of you, and whine in complaint when they’re pulled from you.
Hanzo shifts till he’s hovering over you once again, one hand beside your head and the other held up between the both of you.
His stare is fixated on his fingers dripping with your creamy release, licking his lips as he spreads them, watching the slick string between them. You look away in disgust, more in yourself than him.
Your mortification only intensifies when he goes to prod your lips open with his wet fingers and presses them down again your tongue, forcing you to taste your own shame.
“There,” Hanzo whispers an arrogant look on his face as he swirls his fingers around the wet heat of your mouth. “You cannot deny you were meant for this when you make such a mess for me.”
You narrow your eyes, gaze full of pure fire and hatred for what he’s done, and still plans to do to you.
When he finally pulls back, fingers trailing saliva as they slip from between your lips, he wastes no time moving to line his cock up to your entrance.
You don’t even have a chance to muster up a protest before he’s pushing himself inside, and you both groan loudly at the mutual pleasure you’re rewarded.
Your whole body sings at the sensation of being filled again, and you lose your sound mind as the pleasure overtakes you, body tensing against the weight of the drug and heavy eyelids fluttering. It felt so right, so perfect, finally being filled by him, and for a horrifying second the thought crossed your mind- why did you ever want to deny yourself this?
Before you have a chance to be fully terrified of that thought, your attention is stolen as Hanzo buries his face in your neck, groaning deep and long. His chest rumbles against yours as he lays himself on top of you and seats himself fully inside your heat.
His first proper thrust inside of you is heavenly, makes you cry out again and forget all things except the sensations he inspires you.
“So perfect,” he mumbles to you, starting a slow, patient drag of his cock against your swollen walls, making you squirm and cry for more.
Your cunt clenches around his length in desperation, trying to spur him on, have him plow into you like your body is begging him to.
You can feel Hanzo huff against you, hot breath wafting against your skin and making it tingle, clearly amused by your wanton display of need for him, yet continues the leisure pace of his strokes, content to keep working his cock in and out of you, stuffing you so full of him and hitting every delicious spot inside of you before cruelly pulling himself back out. 
You’re convinced he’s punishing you, and you’re starting to believe you deserve it, if not for denying him, then for caving into his wills so quickly.
When the moment comes that he finally seems to have run out of patience to tease you and finally start up a good, proper pace, you feel as though you could burst into tears from relief.
A strained cry leaves you as his hips pull back and snap into yours. Your inner muscles tighten around him almost to the point of pain as his powerful thrusts finally curb the terrible ache in your core. You’re groaning and panting, hardly even noticing the hard jostling of your limp body as he pounds into you with abandon, simply enjoying the absence of the desperation to get fucked, and revealing in the pleasure you’re rewarded now that you are. 
It’s no time at all before he brings you to another earth shattering orgasm, and it’s just as blissful and satisfying as the first one. Your toes curl weakly as your inner muscles clench with each jolt of pleasure, little electric shocks that pulse so sweetly in your clit and the tips of your nipples.
When they subside, what little tension you could collect in your drug heavy limbs is released, and you’re nothing but dead weight under him.
Hanzo doesn’t seem to mind. His hips don’t even slow to spare you the sensitivity as your climax ends, just keeps pounding away, groaning and grunting in your ear at every slick sound and clench of your sopping heat, mesmerized by the bouncing of your breasts as he rocks into you.
Again and again you convulse around him, your body winding down from each climax, only to be brought back to life seconds later by the drug still in your system. And still, he pumps into you like he has no shortage of stamina. He twists your body as he pleases, finding new ways to somehow reach even deeper with each new position, and bringing you closer and closer to what feels like insanity with each peak he hurls you over. Its pleasurable torture in its highest form, and at this point, even if you had the ability to move, you would still let him use you as he wished, too dazed and tingly to care about much beside the thick cock inside of you.
It was in one moment, when he had you folded in half, knees all the way up against your shoulders and breasts squished into your thighs, pounding into you the hardest he had all night, the head of his cock reaching the mouth of your womb with every thrust, that he made you cum so forcefully it punched the air out of your lungs. Just like each time before, your limp body seized with the start of your climax and your hips moved on instinct to work yourself against him as you pulsed and twitched in ecstasy. But this time, instead of drifting softly back down from your high, you crashed.
The feeling of his cock hammering against your cervix no longer inspired heat in your core, instead frying your nerves and making you cringe as his cock still sild between your slick walls.
“P-Please…,” you barely managed to croak out, the drug seeming to finally be working itself out of your system. Your fingers and toes twitch more fully as the pleasure from before is replaced with sharp pain, your plea for mercy ignored, Hanzo simply shifts more of his weight on top of you and picks up his already brutal pace.
“Yes,” he grunts, throwing his head back and groping at the backs of your thighs. Your inner muscles tighten in defense of the assault against them, but it only makes him hiss and look back down at you, eyes burning with passion and desire as he drinks you in. From the sight of your teary eyes and parted lips, you know you must paint a pathetic, absolutely wreck picture, and it only spurs him on, making him lean in close enough to smother you and groan again, “Yes. This is where you’re meant to be. In my bed, beneath me, taking my cock so well.”
You try to shake your head at his declaration, grasping to the last vestiges of dignity you still believe you hold, but it only manages to disorient you, your head spinning and making you sick against the feeling of your body still being so thoroughly used.
Fear spikes in your pulse when his steady thrusts start to stutter. His moans are louder and you can feel heavy throbs of his cock with each deep sheath inside of you, and you know he’s finally reaching his end.
You whimper and squirm as much as possible, trying to protest the climax you know he intends to spend inside you. But all it does is draw his attention, two strong hands securing themselves to the backs of your knees and forcing you to curl further into yourself as he leans his full weight onto you to keep you pinned, humping into you and snarling as he pounds hard against the entrance of your womb.
When he cums, regardless of how disgusted you are, you can’t help but moan at the feeling of it. Each thick line of seed he pumps into you is warm and soothing in your sore, beaten pussy. Your walls squeeze around him at the heat and fullness settling heavy inside you, extending the length of his climax and drawing more of his spend deep into your womb.
One quiet, choked sob spills from your lips as you stare emptily up at the ceiling, blinking away the tears collecting in your waterline and letting them trail down the side of your face. He won.
You want to be angry. You want to scream and cry and hurl him off of your body. But even as more of your lost feeling slowly starts to work itself back into your limbs, you can’t find the strength to do anything but lay there.
You’re tired. Raw and sore. So much has happened and all you want to do is curl up and let yourself drift to sleep, hopefully to wake and find that all of this was nothing but a nightmare.
But that isn’t the case.
Hanzo is still above you- in you, hot breath wafting against your chest as he pants, sweaty forehead pressed against the skin of your chest as he comes down from his own high.
When he finally gathers himself enough to raise his head, still panting heavily, you can tell he’s staring at you. Whether its to gaze upon you in appraisal, or simply to make sure you aren’t dead, you’re not sure. But you don’t humor him by acknowledging his presence, keeping your eyes glued to the blank ceiling and trying to keep yourself from falling apart in front of him. 
When he finally rises to pull himself out of you, he takes his time, propping himself on his arms again and letting your body finally unfold (your thighs and abdomen strongly protest, and you wince at the feeling as they fall back to the surface of the bed), slowly pulling his hips back as his cock works its way out of you inch by inch. When the thick head finally catches at your entrance, it pops itself free from you like a cork, and following it is a small trail of thick seed that warms your skin as it trickles downward. 
He finally puts some much needed space between your bodies, but only to lower himself till he’s eye level with your pussy, watching your combined essence spill from you in one creamy rivet, before scooping it up against one finger and pushing it back inside you. 
You gasp, sharp and loud at the sudden penetration, your insides more sore than you thought possible from overuse, and he shushes you softly. 
“Calm down, my love,” he murmurs, removing the digit once he deems you sufficiently stuffed with the last of his cum, then crawls back up the bed and lays himself down beside you. 
You could move if you wanted to, you have control of your body once again. Even though you’re exhausted and weak you could still try to make some attempt at an escape. But as Hanzo throws an arm around your middle and maneuvers your body with ease till you’re on your side, back pressed against his chest, you suddenly feel far more trapped than you ever had in his presence, now knowing just how far he was willing to go to make you his.
So you take the only real option you have, and let your body sag against his, hoping he’ll at least allow you this small peace. 
The bedroom is silent, save for the combined sounds of your labored breathing, and just as you feel yourself finally starting to drift off, your husband speaks. And his words send such a chill through your bones that you know you will find no rest as long as you are in his company.
“The aphrodisiac’s effects should return in a few hours. But do not worry, I will be right here at your side when you wake to take care of it,” he presses a soft kiss to your temple, then leans in close to your ear. “I am going to make you very happy here.” 
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