#flynn's not here to kill you today
thankskenpenders · 10 months
Help me out here: Why is there so much Ian Flynn hate going around lately? I thought everyone loved that he was contributing to the games. Now suddenly they aren't. I guess that's par for the course for this series but I don't get it. He isn't perfect but I like what he's done. Am I a weirdo?
Ian Flynn has always had a lot of fans, but any creator putting their work out there is going to have detractors as well. That's just the nature of being an artist. To some extent, it's no big deal. He's not a perfect writer. Nobody is! I consider myself a fan of his work, but I've criticized plenty of individual writing decisions from him on here.
But Ian doesn't just have critics. He has his own obsessive hatedom. And the specific nature of Ian's hatedom is... interesting.
A decade ago, Ian was only the guy writing for Archie Sonic, meaning any debates over his work were quarantined within that tiny niche of the larger Sonic fandom. Only people who kept up with the comics month to month had any real reason to have an opinion on the guy, which means we're talking about merely thousands of fans as opposed to millions.
Within that group, he had some haters. You had the people who were mad about story changes made during his run, particularly things like ancillary characters getting killed off (although over the years we've learned that most of those were editorial mandates from Mike Pellerito). You had the people mad that Ian didn't push their favorite ship, with feuding SonAmy and Sonally fans claiming that he was CLEARLY biased towards one or the other. You had the people who just really, really liked one of the previous writers way more - usually Penders, as hard as that may be to believe today. That sort of thing. Pretty normal comic fandom type stuff. Again, it comes with the territory.
Unfortunately, many of those haters only got worse over time, morphing into reactionaries who constantly try to incite Comicsgate type culture war bullshit.
There are people still mad at Ian for making Sally bi and pairing her with Nicole instead of Sonic in the later Archie comics. There have been elaborate MS Paint red string conspiracy boards explaining how people like Ian and Jon Gray have apparently been destroying the franchise from the inside for years by Making Sonic Woke. (Jon gets dragged into this because people are still mad about him drawing The Slap 20 years later. Yes, really!!) There was an unhinged change.org petition trying to get Ian fired, specifically from people who were mad that the Freedom Fighters aren't in the IDW comics. There was even a very sad little fan campaign from these people trying to get Sega to move the Sonic comic license away from IDW and over to Udon, because they thought Udon would bring Sally and Bunnie back and also make them sexy again. There's a lot of this.
(Unfortunately, Penders has also exacerbated this by gossiping about Ian on Twitter and giving these fans ammo, but that's a whole 'nother discussion.)
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The thing is, for years, people who only played the games or watched the cartoons had no reason to pay attention to any of this. Now, though, Ian isn't just writing for some weird spinoff comics that only the super nerds read. Now he's writing comics that are canon to the games, and ALSO some of the games themselves, and ALSO consulting on other tie-in media like Sonic Prime, and ALSO writing the official Sonic encyclopedia, and ALSO serving as part of the new Sonic Lore Team at Sega. And on top of all this, he's got an increasingly popular podcast where he fields questions about his work on all of these things, which serves as one of the fandom's main windows into creative decisions being made behind the scenes.
As a fan of Ian's work, it's been really cool to see him rise in prominence. But the dark side of this is that his obsessive haters from the Archie days now have WAY more of a potential audience of their own. Now, every Sonic fan has to have an opinion on Ian. What this frequently means is that you'll have the Comicsgate types taking things Ian writes or says out of context, attempting to get more of the general fandom to yell at the guy.
Unfortunately, there are a wide variety of Sonic fans who take the bait:
You've got hardcore fans who disliked basically any recent piece of Sonic media and are looking for someone to blame.
You've got the people who are concerned about the sanctity of Sonic's canon, who shoot the messenger any time Ian mentions a new retcon from Sonic Team on the podcast - or any time he even mentions the THOUGHT of changing anything about the canon, as we saw recently with the Sol Dimension nonsense.
You've got people who romanticize some sort of mythical artistic vision that Sega of Japan supposedly has (or had) for the franchise. To many of these fans, American contributors like Ian just don't "get" the heart of the series and are trying to turn Sonic into something different. (This "heart of the series" tends to be some mix of Japanese instruction manual lore, the cinematics from Sonic CD, the OVA, and/or the games written by Shiro Maekawa, depending on what Sonic media the fan in question grew up with.)
You've got fans of specific characters or ships who pin the blame for how their faves are depicted entirely on Ian - most vocally fans of Shadow, even though the root problem is that Sonic Team hasn't known what to do with Shadow since 2006. At best this stops at regular old criticism, but at its worst this devolves into claims that Ian has an agenda against certain characters.
You've got fans annoyed by a perceived over-emphasis on comic-original characters in the IDW comics, ignoring the obvious facts that these characters exist because the game cast is so tightly controlled by Sega, and also, you know, that people just like the IDW characters and want more stories about them.
You've got a LOT of discourse over IDW's Sonic being a hero who tries to give his enemies second chances, as if half of Sonic's closest friends aren't already former villains and rivals. Honestly this is very transparently just reheated Steven Universe discourse lmao
You'll also see people who just think they could do Ian's job better. They can't believe that THIS GUY is the American fan working on all these Sonic projects, when clearly THEY understand the characters and lore and themes SO much better than this charlatan.
All it takes is for someone in one of these categories to be unhappy about some recent piece of Sonic media, and for them to come across an out of context quote or comic panel that rubs them the wrong way, and suddenly the leftist Zoomer Sonic fans will join the latest dogpile on Ian alongside the reactionary Comicsgate types who are mad at him for Making Sonic Woke.
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In general, when fandoms get upset, they tend to want a scapegoat. A person or two to point a finger at and go "THAT's who ruined the thing I love!" This tends to be based less on reality and more on which contributors are the most visible online. You'll sometimes see teenage and adult fans of children's cartoons single out a storyboarder who's particularly vocal on Twitter, blame them for every story decision they don't like, and harass them off the platform out of a sense of retribution for their favorite ship or whatever. Failing that, fans might choose to blame every nitpick, down to individual lines of dialogue and frames of animation, on a showrunner, just because that's the name they associate with the show. And unfortunately, when it comes to Sonic, Ian is now arguably the most prolific and outspoken contributor on the English speaking internet, and therefore a common scapegoat.
Some of the things I've seen Ian blamed for are truly wild. A lot of people have claimed for YEARS that he's just lying about the existence of creative guidelines and restrictions from Sega - or, as fans call them, The Mandates - even though they're just an inherent aspect of working on a licensed property. Others claim that The Mandates are real, but somehow Ian's fault. A vocal minority of fans have convinced themselves that Ian is the sole reason the Freedom Fighters don't exist in the IDW comics, even though Ian says he's been pushing to bring them back since day one.
Sometimes you'll see people say he ruined shit he didn't even work on. A few weeks ago on Twitter I saw someone claim that Ian had written a rejected script for Sonic Forces in which Tails died. I could not find a source for this for the life of me. As far as I can tell, the rumor seems to have been born from an alleged leaked script for Forces with margin notes from Aaron Webber that criticized the way Tails was written, and also an old tweet where Aaron joked that Tails would die in an upcoming episode of Sonic Mania Adventures. These merged into "Aaron Webber criticized a draft of the Forces script in which Tails died." How'd Ian get dragged into this? Who fucking knows!
It's all just a big game of telephone. All it takes is some asshole to make something up about Ian on Twitter or YouTube or a DeviantArt journal or some forum, and at least a couple people will believe it, and then it gets repeated as fact. Again, this used to be contained by the niche nature of the Archie Sonic fandom, but now there are WAY more people who are receptive to this shit.
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It's just sad to me that Ian tries to be so open and honest about his work, to try to explain the rationale for certain things, to keep fans looped in on the direction the franchise is headed, and this just gives the Flynnspiracy types more quotes to take out of context and try to paint him as the devil. If it sounds like I'm being overly defensive and dismissing his critics, man... some of the things I've seen people say directly to him are just unbelievable. People will send paragraphs-long angry screeds in to his podcast that completely tear him apart, and he has to sit there and be like "Well, that's your opinion, and you're entitled to it." People literally pay for special guest interview episodes where they just rapid fire complaints about his writing at him directly to his face. I don't know how he does it. I would snap.
All of this over Sonic the fucking Hedgehog of all things.
I don't know how to wrap this up. Engaging with fandoms online is very tiring, which is why I tend not to do it. Things like this are too common. I guess, just... remember that making art collaboratively is a complicated thing. The people involved are generally trying their best given the circumstances, but they're only human. They make mistakes. But please treat them like humans. Criticism and dogpiling are not the same thing.
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islxms · 2 months
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𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 ✩ 𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 ✩ 𝑛𝑒𝑥𝑡 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟
pairings - actor!aaronwarner x actress!femoc
summary - wonderful news, came in the least moment you expected. But who cares, you finally got the role as the main character. So now here you are moving to the set where you will be working on for the past years.
warnings - none
words count - 2,5k words.
︳⋆ ⎙ 𝅄 𝖬𝖠𝖨𝖫𝖡𝖮𝖷 ﹎ I'm so excited to write the next chapter! A little spoiler: Warner. || Anyway, Nicole is Natalie Portman. Also, thank you for the support in my first chapter. It means a lot to me. || Remember to see my Wattpad to get updated on the story frequently first. || If you find any errors in this let me know.
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I jolted awake to the insistent ringing of my phone, my heart pounding as I sat up in bed. Glancing at the alarm clock, I saw that it was exactly four o'clock in the morning. Who in the world would be calling me at this fucking hour? The screen lit up with the name "Flynn's Boyfriend," and I couldn't help but smirk despite my annoyance. I had saved Kenji Kishimoto under that name just to mess with him, and it never failed to get under his skin. He preferred I called him 'Rapunzel's' instead, but there was no way I would since she was one of my favorite Disney princesses besides Belle, and I had some sympathy for her.
With an exasperated sigh, I snatched up the phone. "What do you want?" I snapped, irritation lacing my voice.
"Good morning to you too," he replied, his tone full of teasing mockery. "Thanks for asking. I’m doing fine. Yes, I’ve already eaten and drank today—no need to check on me."
"For god's sake, Kenji. What do you want?" I asked, already regretting picking up the call.
"I just wanted to congratulate you on your permanent role as the main character of Dear Love!" he announced, his excitement clear even through the phone.
"It's fucking four a.m.," I growled, rubbing my temples in frustration.
"I know! I couldn't wait to tell you! Aren’t you excited?"
I paused, the weight of his words sinking in. Excited didn’t even begin to cover it, but I wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of hearing that in my voice—not after dragging me out of sleep like this. "Kenji, if you ever wake me up at four a.m. again, the only thing you'll be starring in is a horror movie about your untimely demise."
He chuckled, completely unfazed by my threat. "Noted. But seriously, Nicole, this is huge! You did it!"
A smile tugged at my lips despite myself. "Yeah, I guess I did," I admitted, the reality of it starting to sink in.
Kenji’s tone softened, the teasing edge disappearing. "I’m proud of you, Sunshine. You’re going to kill it in this role. I just know it."
"Thanks," I replied, my voice more sincere. "Now, can I please go back to sleep?"
"Sure, sure," he said, the grin evident in his voice. "But don’t forget—you owe me breakfast for this wake-up call. I’ll pick you up at seven."
I groaned, already dreading the early morning. "Fine. But if you're late, I’m making you buy lunch too."
"Deal," he said cheerfully before hanging up.
I tossed the phone onto the bed beside me and flopped back onto my pillow, staring at the ceiling. Despite the excitement buzzing through my veins, exhaustion began to tug at me. I closed my eyes, letting the thrill of the news settle in. I’d done it. I’d landed the role. With a small, satisfied smile, I allowed myself to drift back to sleep.
The next morning, my alarm blared at the ungodly hour of six-thirty. I groaned, rolling over to smack the snooze button, but the memory of Kenji's call pulled me out of bed. I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and anticipation. Today was the first step into a new chapter of my career, and I wasn’t about to start it off by being late.
I showered quickly, letting the warm water wake me up fully, and then threw on a simple but stylish outfit. Comfort was key, but I wasn’t about to look anything less than my best.
By the time I was ready, it was seven on the dot. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs, only to find Kenji already waiting for me outside, leaning against his car with that infuriatingly smug grin of his.
"Right on time, Sunshine," he called out as I approached. "I almost expected you to flake and leave me to eat breakfast alone."
"Not a chance," I shot back, climbing into the passenger seat. "I wasn’t about to let you hold that over my head."
Kenji chuckled as he started the car. "Smart move. So, what are you in the mood for? Something celebratory, I hope."
"I could go for something decadent," I said, settling into the seat. "This is a special occasion, after all."
He nodded a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Perfect. I know just the place."
As we drove through the city, I couldn’t help but glance over at Kenji, who was humming along to the radio with a carefree ease.
We pulled up to a cozy little café that I hadn’t been to before, its exterior lined with colorful flowers and inviting wooden benches. Inside, the smell of fresh coffee and pastries greeted us, and I immediately felt my mood lift.
Kenji led us to a table by the window, and soon enough, we were digging into a breakfast feast fit for a celebration. Fluffy pancakes drizzled with syrup, scrambled eggs, bacon, and of course, a mountain of fresh fruit on the side. It was exactly what I needed to start the day off right.
"So," Kenji said between bites of his pancake, "how does it feel knowing you’re about to become a star?"
I rolled my eyes, but I couldn’t hide my smile. "Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I still have to film the damn thing."
"Oh, please," he scoffed. "You were born for this. You’ve got the talent, the looks, the attitude. Hollywood doesn’t stand a chance against you."
I paused, taking in his words. It wasn’t often that I allowed myself to soak in praise, but coming from Kenji meant something. "Why did you keep insisting that I be part of it?" I asked firmly.
"Because I didn't film a movie series alone for a year or two, or whatever it takes," he said, taking a sip of his hot chocolate before continuing. "Plus, the role of the male main character was already taken, which means I don't have to end up kissing you since you're my best friend, you know?"
"Yeah, yeah. I know. But who got the role?" I asked, my curiosity becoming more and more visible.
"Oh, his name is Aaron Warner, I think. Don't remember, but don't worry about it. He is attractive. As for his personality, uh... It's questionable..."
"Aaron Warner? Could you please give me a more detailed description?! And not those descriptions where you say three words put together, for god's sake."
"You know that when you get mad, your Italian accent appears the same as your Italian genes." He chuckled but quickly stopped when I gave him a look.
"He is five feet nine inches tall, with gold blonde hair and jade green eyes. He has a muscular build and carries himself with a cold, unemotional demeanor, often keeping to himself and not being very social." He quickly replied. Like I would kill him if he didn't.
I couldn't believe how detailed his description was; it was as if he was possessed by some demon. His words widened my eyes in surprise.
"Can I see a photo of that?" I asked.
"Google exists, girl—yes, I do!" He quickly grabbed his phone and started scrolling through his gallery. When I gave him that 'serial killer' look, he called, which I think I got from my father, Dante Salvatore Solans, a lawyer. As for my mother, I got her beauty and my soft side; she was a doctor, after all.
"Here," he said, turning his phone to me and showing me a picture of what seemed like a tall boy with slowly golden hair and piercing green eyes, which caused a shiver down my spine despite the fact it was just a photo. And lastly, a white shirt in contrast with black trousers, which seemed quite small since it made his body more noticeable and defined, probably fighting for their life to not rip off.
"Can't believe more girls fall in love with him, more than me. He can't even start a conversation!" He said dramatically, looking surprised.
"I wonder why," I replied sarcastically.
"Hey! What do you mean by that? I'm hot and funny! He is just attractive, nothing more!" He snapped in defense.
After savoring our breakfast, we decided to take a stroll around the neighborhood before returning home to tackle the inevitable task of packing. We needed to gather all our essentials in preparation for our move to a new location, where we would be residing for the next several months. To be completely honest, I was more than a little excited about it. I had never been involved in a television series before, only in films. The thought of this new venture filled me with a mix of nervousness and exhilaration.
I began by packing my clothes, knowing that they were indispensable. I carefully folded each piece, from cozy pajamas to makeup essentials, and from necessary medications to my favorite bags and shoes. Each item I placed in my suitcase held a certain significance, representing a different aspect of my life. By the time I finished, I had two large suitcases packed to the brim, ready to accompany me on this new chapter.
Sunday came faster than I anticipated, and before I knew it, my suitcases were lined up outside, waiting to be loaded into the car. Kenji was already busy placing them in the trunk alongside the other bags. As I was about to slide into the passenger seat, something unexpected caught my eye. A brunette girl was sitting in the back seat of the car. She slowly turned her head to face me, her expression hesitant and uncertain.
"Hi," I said nervously, scanning the car to make sure I wasn’t intruding on something.
"Hey," she whispered before continuing, "I'm Juliette Ferrars. It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too, Juliette. I'm Nicole Blair Solans, but you can call me whatever you want," I replied with a smile as I got into the passenger seat, fastened my seatbelt, and quickly fixed my hair.
"Are you... um, Kenji's girlfriend or...?" I asked, curious about the dynamic between them.
"No, no. I'm just his friend," she replied quickly, shaking her head.
"Oh, that makes more sense. There's no way Kenji had a girlfriend. I've never seen him with one, and I don't think I ever will," I laughed, teasing him.
"Excuse me?!" Kenji exclaimed as he got into the driver's seat. "You're just jealous because I'm funnier, more gorgeous, and way more intelligent than you," he pouted like a child, sticking out his tongue at me.
"Anyway, we can't start this trip without some Taylor Swift." He turned on the radio, blasting "Wonderland" at full volume as if our conversation hadn’t just taken a playful turn. Without missing a beat, he began singing along in the most exaggerated, off-key voice possible.
Juliette and I exchanged amused glances before deciding to join in.
"We found Wonderland! You and I got lost in it!" we all screamed together, our voices filling the car as Kenji started driving. The joy and silliness of the moment made the long drive feel much shorter.
The drive took five hours and a half, but with Kenji and Juliette, it felt like just ten minutes. We laughed, sang, and shared stories. The whole ride was filled with laughs and smiles. And Juliette and I ended up becoming already like best friends. I found out she was going to sit with us since she was going to be my hair and makeup stylist and a side character of 'Dear Love.'
By the time we arrived at the set, it was already nine p.m. The sky was dark, and the set was illuminated by soft, warm lights that created an almost magical atmosphere. As we stepped out of the car, the cool evening air greeted us, and I could feel the excitement bubbling up again.
We were met by Castle and some of his co-workers, who greeted us with enthusiastic hugs and compliments, especially Kenji, as he seemed to be a good and old friend of theirs.
"Welcome to Omega Point, Mr. Solans. The set where you will be filming Dear Love," Castle smiled at me, prompting an unexpected smile in return.
"It's a pleasure being here," I replied firmly, shaking his hand.
"I was informed about your long journey. You both must be exhausted. Why don't you take some time to relax in your accommodations? We can save the full tour for tomorrow," he said, smiling warmly. His voice had a firm authority, yet it was tempered with kindness and friendliness.
"Thank you, we would appreciate that," Juliette replied, her tone steady as she returned his smile.
"Excellent. Kenji, please show them to their rooms."
"Of course, sir," Kenji responded, gesturing for us to follow him. After a few minutes, we arrived in front of an imposing, private hotel.
The hotel stood as a beacon of luxury, its architecture a seamless blend of modern elegance and timeless refinement. The grand facade was adorned with intricate details, from the polished marble pillars to the soft, ambient lighting that highlighted the building's sophisticated lines. As we stepped inside, the lobby unfolded like a scene from a dream. Crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, casting a warm, golden glow over the room. Plush carpets, woven with intricate patterns, muffled our footsteps as we walked across the polished marble floor. The air was scented with a subtle blend of fresh flowers and rich wood, creating an atmosphere of serene opulence.
I exchanged a glance with Juliette, both of us silently marveling at the surroundings as Kenji led us through the corridors, each one more impressive than the last. Finally, we reached our rooms. Kenji opened the door to my room first, revealing a space as exquisite as the rest of the hotel. The room was spacious, with large windows that offered a breathtaking view of the city. The decor was understated yet luxurious, with soft, neutral tones accented by rich fabrics and elegant furnishings. A king-sized bed, dressed in crisp white linens, dominated the room, inviting me to rest.
"Please let us know if you need anything," Kenji said with a polite bow before leaving me and Juliette to settle in our rooms.
I took a deep breath, letting the tranquility of the space wash over me. Placing my luggage by the wardrobe, I took a moment to explore the room. The bathroom was a marble sanctuary, complete with a deep soaking tub and an array of high-end toiletries. A long, relaxing bath felt like the perfect way to wash away the fatigue of the journey.
After soaking in the tub for what felt like an eternity, I slipped into a plush robe and made my way to the bed. The soft mattress and pillows seemed to cradle me as I lay down. With the gentle hum of the city in the background, I closed my eyes, allowing the comfort of the room to lull me into a deep, peaceful sleep.
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astercontrol · 5 months
I've written a lot of this elsewhere, but today I feel like putting together a Very Long Post about how much I love Ram.
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From the variety of different Ram-related posts I've made, I guess you can tell that I've got the type of all-cylinders obsession that the most devoted fanfic writers get about their blorbos. Obsession on all levels, to include both "wanting to see him hugged and comforted through every step of unpacking his trauma" and "wanting to see him get the absolute hottest sex of his life, over and over until exhaustion."
Because we do that, here in fandom (horny and loving creatures that we are, ourselves). And he really does deserve all the good things he can get.
Ram... it's hard to explain WHY I love him so much. Why so MANY of us love him so much. He gets a lot of fan love for hIs comparatively small role in that movie, and I think it's a combination of things, the LAYERS of the movie, the subtle complexities that are never clear in canon... maybe never even thought about or planned by the scriptwriters, but still THERE.
There is of course a level on which he seems very innocent, pure, naive... (thinks doing actuary work at an insurance company is helping people, poor sweet summer child...) (/my cynical jaded pharmacy technician voice)
But at the same time.... He went from that clerical office job to being a warrior, and is GOOD at it. You don't really see him kill, but you know he must have. Many many times.
...okay, technically you do see him kill, once.
Collaboratively with Tron, when they derezz their Lightcycle opponent. And it's bizarre to see how much FUN he seems to be having in that moment ("So long, sucker!")
Maybe he's been oppressed by the Red warriors for so long that he really feels nothing but joy in killing them. Maybe he's feeling unusual joy in that moment because Flynn's just offered him a way out. Or maybe some programs just get taken over by a playful, campy energy when they're put in Gaming mode, even lethal games, even if it overrides their usual nature. I don't know.
Anyway, somehow, despite all he was made to do... Ram managed to keep some of that air of innocent playfulness.
And hope. And caring for others. Trying his best to comfort whoever needs it. At the beginning of the movie he was honest with Crom about what probably awaited him, but then he did his best to take Crom's mind off it by asking him what's going on outside-- that's the best he can do, even though it probably kills him on the inside that he can't help more.
Amd he is SO sensitive to others and what they may be feeling and needing (though this is shown in such small, understated ways).
There is that scene where he's alone with Tron in the cell, and says "the new guy was asking about you." We never actually saw Flynn ask Ram about Tron, and there isn't any obvious point at which he could have asked him offscreen. Pretty sure this was an unintentional plothole-- I think there was a line in the early script, but it was cut.
Which leaves me, in my ill-advised attempts at Watsonian interpretation, getting the (probably unintended) impression that Ram noticed that moment just before Flynn got dragged out of the cell. That moment where he was looking at the place where Tron had been before, and looked like he WANTED to ask, but didn't get the chance. And Ram saw him "asking" with body language, and remembered it.
Which, I don't care if they did that by accident, I find it damn compelling, okay.
And then Tron says he'll probably never get to meet Flynn because Flynn's in a match, but Ram says "you might, there's something different about him." Ram has some kind of perceptiveness about Unfamiliar Things In The System that even the security program lacks. He's shown with SUCH empathy and sensitivity... even if it's so subtle it might not be on purpose.
And ...gah, the tenderness of that scene where he holds hands with Flynn before derezzing.
I mean... aaaahhhh. it breaks my heart. He deserved better... And I know the scene feels less powerful after we write fix-it fic. But hey, there's the side of me that likes a good tragedy, and there's the side that wants everyone to live happily ever after, and there's enough possible universes to satisfy both.
I WANTED to see so much more about him.
There was SO much unexplored potential in the dynamic between his playfulness and Tron's seriousness. We know Tron can smile and be affectionate, but I wanted to see SO MUCH more of it-- and so much more of Ram getting to bring that side of him out.
He'd have been so good at it.
And now I'm gonna get into the horny side of things... because the horny side, to me, can also be an important part of what makes a whole, multidimensional character. (And also because I sometimes just feel like going into the horny side, which is fine too. I'm a complicated enough character myself.)
I talk a lot about my headcanons/theories, but I don't think of them as "canon" exactly. They aren't more "real" to me than other interpretations; they're just one possibility. (Or sometimes more. For a few things I have multiple contradicting possibilities I like to explore.)
As for Ram and his sexuality:
I think of him as gay, but in a weird Program-specific sense. Programs don't have genders in quite the same way as humans. There's the visual render, which is changeable, and underneath is a lot of energy and data that Programs can perceive about each other... some of it is analogous to human gender identities, but not all of it translates exactly.
I think what attracts most programs to each other is the inner energy, not the outer graphics. And in Ram's own experience I think he tends to be attracted to the energy of masculine programs (those whose programmers are considered men in the User world).
I think he's only felt this powerful attraction a few times, though. Certainly to Tron, and also to Flynn (really, that User-energy seemed powerfully attractive to all three of the programs Flynn befriended in there).
But I think Ram is still very free and generous with intimacy, even to those who don't attract him in that way. He's a kind soul by nature, canonically getting his own kind of empathetic pleasure ("great feeling") from helping people with their "needs."
And (in my own smutty but strangely wholesome imagination) I think this would extend to the Program version of sexual needs.
The first Tron fic I wrote was about Ram "comforting" Crom when they both realized Crom probably didn't stand a chance in the Games. I think Ram genuinely enjoyed this, and took plenty of pleasure in his own way, although the attraction was not the same kind he felt for Tron and Flynn.
In the "headcanon" I like to write, Ram did this often, because it was the only way he could think to help other programs in the cells and the games (when helping plan for their future seemed like a lost cause). ....I think when he's in this mode, he sees beauty in everyone, and takes pleasure in giving pleasure, no matter who it is.
But I imagine that the more intense attraction becomes active when it comes to being in a triad with Tron and Yori.
And this is because Ram is very attracted to the intimate connection that Tron and Yori have *together.*
He wants to be shared between them, because he sees their love as a powerful amplification of *Tron's* energy that he's so attracted to. And he's very excited by the idea of being swept into the middle of that.
Which is projection on my part.
I mean, when I got into Tron fic, I immediately latched onto a specific headcanon about how Program intimacy and attraction works, the one that most closely meshed with what I myself was into... which got me exploring some stuff about my own complex place on the sorta-queer, sorta-poly, gray-ace-gray-aro spectrum.
And Ram's feelings (as I imagine them) are a bit like my own experience of being poly.
At least, even though I'm probably somewhere on the aro-ace spectrum and don't have quite as much capacity for romantic love and sex drive as other people... a big part of what I love about having multiple partners is being close to the connections they have *with each other.* And this supersedes whatever inclinations I'd have towards "attraction" in a one-on-one sense.
Soooo yeah. Watch me project my whole self onto Ram, and then maybe get better at loving myself because of how much and on how many levels I love him. That's what being a fan is all about, okay.
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that1fangirrl · 6 months
Dancer!Reader Gets Hurt
CW:kinda angsty, some swearing, blind joke, she/her pronouns, kinda scary(idk tbh)
A/N: You guys voted, so here I am delivering. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did writing it. I feel like Jane Villanueva when I write lol. K bye<3
When you and Matt first met, he made it his mission to protect you at all cost. Whether that be from creepy strangers, the frat boys on campus, or the scary mean girls in your dance class. You had told Matt many horror stories about the “bitches” in your class. They hated you since day one. Something about you being Miss Flynn’s favorite student even though you joined the class later than everyone else. And being the sweet boyfriend he is, he agreed with you. 
During a particular week, Miss Flynn had called out sick with the flu, but encouraged the class to continue using the studio as needed.
You guys were gearing up for a new spring showcase coming up in the next few weeks. You were especially ecstatic about your small classical part in the show. It would be your first time dancing solo. And hopefully the requitors in the audience would ask you to come and dance with them once you graduated. All nerves were out in the open. Most of the girls were super proud of you, knowing it’s a tough position to be in, but knew you could handle it and were definitely gonna kill it. 
Sydney and Madison thought it was stupid. “That bitch came here in sophomore year and thinks she can just kiss ass to the top. I bet she’s sleeping with the choreographer or something.” It was laughable how the two older girls always thought you had to be sleeping with somebody in the arts department to get your solo. Especially because everyone knew you were so obviously dating the sweet blind law student who always sat in the corner of the studio waiting to walk you back to your dorm.
“Yeah. She’s probably cheating on that blind guy. He wouldn’t even be able to see it coming. Poor guy, he’d be better off with someone like me.” Little did they know, Matt was extremely aware of their weird feelings. The two of them would constantly ask him random questions and be in his personal space. As if you weren't a few feet away, practicing with Miss Flynn in the same room. He always chose to just brush them off and go back to whatever it was he was doing before. 
Today was no different. Matt knew your nerves were off the charts, so he volunteered to stay with you the next few days while you practiced extra hours. Unfortunately today, he had been forced to help Foggy study for their upcoming test that was stressing him to hair loss. He sent you a sweet “Sorry about tonight, again. I promise to make it up to you as soon as I can, Rosie. ‘Sad face emoji’ ‘heart emoji’” He was so darn adorable. How could you be mad at him when he acts so sweet? 
Practice went great tonight. You had been there for almost 2 hours working with some of the other girls, too. When it was time to go, you decided to hit up the locker rooms to freshen up before going to your dorm. Thankfully, the room was still clean and empty.
The cool water on your muscles felt like absolute heaven on Earth. Your hands gilded across your body slowly and thoughtfully, massaging every area that had been giving you trouble. Once you were done, you wrapped a towel around yourself and walked back to the locker area. The sound of the door opening and closing took you out of your short daze. “Hello?” You craned your neck around the corner when there was no response. You continued drying off and clothing yourself; taking a seat on the bench. Another loud noise echoed off the walls. This time, you stood up grabbing your things and shoving them in your bag as quickly as possible. Trying your best to be quiet, you headed for the door.
Going down each aisle of lockers, no one was seen. You continued closer to the door, grabbing your phone and earbuds as you reached it. Putting one in and dialing your boyfriend’s number, you stayed cautious. Matt had finally picked up the phone with a cheerful “hello.” “Hey Matty. I’m on my way to your dorm. I think someone’s following me.” He perked up on the other side of the phone, immediately hushing a confused Foggy. “Are you okay? Where are you? I’ll meet you there.” You shook your head, walking down the long hallway. “Um. Arts building by the new locker rooms. The ones on the higher floors.”
You took a quick breath before turning around. Nothing. “I’m really scared, Matty. It’s so fucking dark and quiet over here. I heard someone come into the room, but I couldn’t see anyone.” Matt starts haphazardly putting his shoes on, nerves spiking with yours. “Okay. I’m on my way. Just stay on the phone okay. Foggy and I are coming to get you.”
Another loud bang had you quickening your pace. You started to speed up closer to the stairs, holding your phone and bag close to your body. “Okay. Just hurry cause I think they- ahhhh.” “Y/n. Hello? Y/n”
A/N: Did I spook you guys? Are you guys mad at the cliffhanger? Are you biting your nails off? Well don't! Cause I did write a part 2 that you will be getting soon. hehehehe I deadass was writing this shit like I was A from Pretty Little Liars. Like I literally was giggling my ass off so hard. But I was also low-key scared cause I always put myself in my reader's shoes in my mind(if that makes sense), so I literally was paranoid as hell. Anyways, tell me your guys' thoughts. I hope you liked it
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felikatze · 6 months
i highly recommend people catch up to welcome to nightvale if they havent listened to it in years. i've been, for 1.5 years now, listening to the entire series on my morning commute. here are several nightvale facts
the glow cloud was murdered and replaced by its child
there is a second kevin, who is determined to kill the first kevin with several knives
tamika flynn is now a pacifist
koshek the cat is a misogynist
cecil and carlos have a son named esteban. there is no mention of his birth, of his adoption, or any general statement how cecil and carlos came to have a son. cecil simply says "I went to the park with my two year old son Esteban today" and you must accept that he now exists
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Here's some homework after finishing the sidestorys.
Now that you have seen most of the game, it's time to reflect on what happened before Flynns route.
1. The idea of moving in circles is introduced very early into the game. Explain what that metaphor means for the game overall and for the side characters.
2. Every character has a signature flaw. Explain what these flaws are for each character and how they can overcome them in their respective routes. (Tip: overcoming these flaws leads to the good ending)
3. Predict what Flynns biggest flaw is and how he might be able to overcome it.
4. There are still figures in this play where we don't know who they are or what they want. Explain who these are and how some of them could be connected.
now this is homework i'll do. LONG POST WOOT!
When it comes to circles, a few things come to mind. Firstly, there's the fact that Chase, TJ, and Jenna are literally circling back to Echo - returning. The things they'd experienced had followed them out and festered, only to trigger the curse as they return. Leo's "circle" is his possessiveness over Chase. And this is partly Chase's fault. Several times while Chase was at college he stoked Leo's love through dirty sexting, for completely selfish reasons. He was possessive before Chase left, he was so possessive that he accidentally created a tulpa, and he was absolutely possessive when Chase returned. Carl's "circle" is ancestral. Just like in the previous century, The Hendrickses are the top dogs of Echo, and the Begays are scorned and impoverished. Carl is completely ignorant of this. He bathes in the riches that injustice brought him, and it bites him in the ass through Jenna's judgment of him, through the possession, through the Clue Set (i still don't have a better term for the ghost-house in his route). TJ's "circle" is victimhood. 2015 TJ is absolutely not a victim - he's self-sufficient and doing very well. This is definitely the most obvious circle. The same thing that happened to him in childhood happened to him in young-adulthood - Chase killing somebody on his behalf. Jenna's "circle" is a lot less obvious to me, as is her signature flaw. There's a lot going on with Jenna! Her ancestral ties, her family, her personality. I think...the ways she coped with an abusive family in childhood: mean-spirited pranking, giving herself a very 'adult' role in any given situation, etc, all return as she comes back to Echo. I noted in her route that she sort of wants Chase to go back to being his "old self". She's just...kind of toxic. Very subtly so. Chase's "circle" is...god. A lot. The entire continuing Echo thread of narrative is wrapped around this stupid faggot otter. This answer has already gone on way too fucking long. As for the overarching story, "circles" are sort of the nature of a literal echo. The source creates the sound, the sound becomes warped somehow, and it returns to the source through their ears. There's also the circle of me going through a route then circling around and restarting. That's why I like the theory that Echo's curse is the presence of Real Life. The "echoes" that they experience are very often somehow tinged with technology. When Janice was telling her story in TJ's route, there was an experience back in the 40s - before audio recordings as we know them today - where the entity in question had a voice that sounded like it was coming from the radio. There's also the demons - the highway monster, for example - who Chase notes as having muzzle-less faces. If there's one species I know doesn't have a muzzle, it's a human being, who don't exist in Echo's world, only outside of it. And the monsters very rarely try to kill the cast. They almost...help the story along. The highway monster keeps the cast in Echo, because the story of Echo can't continue if they leave prematurely. The demon in Jenna's route seems...fairly helpful. It kills Brian, and would've killed Heather if she hadn't agreed to not flood the town. Anyway, all that is unrelated to the question. And notice how we only see outside of Echo when it pertains to the effect that Echo has on the characters. The short stories, I mean.
This one's easy, comparatively. Leo's signature flaw is his delusion. He's so delusional he psychosis'd himself a submissive&breedable chunter ghost. It's only after Chase outright rejects not just Leo, but Leo's behavior, that he's able to move on. Carl's signature flaw is his dependence. He's dependent on his parents, he's dependent on Flynn (and vice versa, kinda), and he thinks he needs Chase. At the end of Carl's route, it's pretty clear. He finally gets over the idea that he can't be an individual. The way to get to Carl's good ending is telling him to reject dependence on James. Jenna's signature flaw...is hard to describe. It's like I said before, she's just kinda toxic, but when I think to what really happened in her route, what comes to mind is her decision to go after Heather and stop her from flooding the town. I think...for a long time, Jenna refused all sentimentality. She disrespected Chase and Leo's relationship, she completely turned her back on her family (which wasn't wrong of her, but in Runaway she didn't even seem that broken up about it. Like, not particularly emotional. But she'd get emotional if prodded about it, like she was just holding it back), and even littler things like, her exploitation of Chase's fear of spiders. Which, his arachnophobia is absolutely kinda funny, but it comes from a really dark place that she doesn't really acknowledge. It's only when she became sentimental, enough to try and stop Heather, and save Echo, that the good ending happened. TJ's signature flaw is his soft backbone. He's too shy. There's something to be said about how much Chase was acting like Leo during TJ's route. Leo's good ending only happens when Chase outright says "the way you're acting isn't right, and I'm leaving you over it." TJ never says that to Chase. He runs away. TJ leaves people wondering about him. He lets them get the wrong idea. He can't just...say No. That's why he kept agreeing to manual labor with Janice, and why he couldn't make it clear to Chase that he's not interested. And obviously Chase shouldn't have kissed him, but it stemmed from Chase's misinterpretation of TJ's thoughts, which isn't really the otter's fault, just his mistake. Chase's signature flaw is the way he positions himself like a bystander, like he's just not culpable for any suffering, and yet is entirely the cause of all of it. Everyone's trauma (except Jenna, I think) is at least partly due to Chase. He's so incapable of taking responsibility that he FORGOT HE FUCKING KILLED SOMEONE! Just like TJ, he never made his feelings clear to Leo, choosing to ghost him then lead him on for 3 years, and he never owned up to how fucking mean he was before college. Even when he got caught watching porn, his instinct was to avoid his parents for as long as possible, rather than just...have a conversation. An uncomfortable conversation.
Fuck, I don't know. There's a lot I don't know about Flynn. For basically everyone else's routes, he's absent for the majority of the story. I think Flynn...holds on. He holds grudges and theories, which is why he flips the fuck out on TJ in particular, because he suspects that TJ killed Sydney. He holds his grief for Sydney down tight. He lets it isolate him from the others. He lets it turn him bitter and aggressive. His fixation on Sydney's death is why I'm scared to pair him with Sydney's killer. He's only going to let go of Sydney if he finds out the truth, I feel like. And by then, he'll have bonded with Sydney's killer to some degree.
Another toughie. The first thing I think of is the smoke monster from Carl's route. What first comes to mind is how elemental the smoke monster is. The curse has been in the land since before anybody inhabited it. It's determined not just to harm our cast (poor Raven!) but confuse even the ancestral spirits themselves. Because even when those people were alive they were contending with whatever came before them, whatever the Indigenous Meseta people were cooking in the Echo shitpot and such. I keep also coming back to that connection I made between the smoke monster, which is present alongside the ancestral spirits, and the fact that the characters' ancestors are present in The Smoke Room. I still feel like that's related. There's also the fucky demons, like Jenna's Closet Monster and the Highway Monster, but I've already mentioned what I think they are.
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story-courty · 1 year
18, 19, 29 for the fic writer asks
Hehe, @riderunlove I feel like you know all the answers to all these already, but ONWARD WE GO!
18. What's one of your favorite lines you've written in a fic?
Excellent question!
From Midnights at Mona's...
One thing was for sure: [Luke's] feelings toward Julie Molina were undeniable, and they were powerful. Whether those feelings leaned more toward “kill Julie Molina” or “kiss Julie Molina” remained to be seen.
I shan't lie, this was NOT a totally original thought. There was a cartoon I LOVED as a kid, and two characters on opposing sides were falling for each other. The man, who was on the good side, finally told the bad-guy woman, "Well at this point you have two options: kiss me or kill me," and I've NEVER forgotten it! SO, we use it here!
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
As if she read his mind, Felicity copied his movement and laid her up-turned arm next to his on the counter. “Yeah,” she said softly. “Same blood.” She giggled. “Two or three centuries removed, maybe, but...”  As much as it scared him, Luke once again found her eyes, their alarming shade of blue slowly fading back to brown as the sparks gently disappeared from the air. Never in his twenty-three years had he seen her eyes that color, and yet the sight filled every inch of him with a familiar ache that pushed tears down his cheeks.  He knew its name instantly. He’d become quite accustomed to it over the years, what with the unending void his dad’s death left inside his heart.  Longing. 
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.)
This is from my Grimm fic that I PLAN to post someday. And it's rough. I wrote it a while ago. So there.
The barista, who’d befriended Julie almost immediately when she transferred to the Chattanooga Police Department four months ago, swiped a lock of deep purple hair behind her ear, grinned, and gave a salute. “Hey, gotta show proper respect for Chattanooga’s finest,” she said, slapping an extra couple of regular buttered croissants in the bag.  “Kayla!”  Kayla just winked. “On the house to thank you for your service. Pay me back by busting some bad guys, girl!”  Julie shook her head but turned and raised her cup in acknowledgment as she pushed open the coffee shop door and made her way back to the unmarked Explorer she shared with her partner.  Detective Reggie Peters reached across the console and pushed open the passenger door for her. “Uh-huh,” he said into his phone as he jotted down an address on a small notepad. “Booker T. Washington State Park, I got it, Flynn. We’ll be there in ten.” He hit the end button and sighed as he reached for the coffee Julie held out. “Alas, sweet Julie, breakfast is on the run today. Got a body.”  Julie shook her head and handed Reggie his mocha. “Assholes start earlier and earlier these days,” she said, a all-too-familiar wave of anger clouding her chest as they pulled out of the Sparks Coffee House parking lot. Had anyone asked her what she wanted to do with her life when she was a little girl, she definitely never would have said, “I want to be a homicide detective!” In truth, she’d always wanted to be a singer, touching the masses with her music and bringing a little bit of life back into the world.  But life had other plans. 
Send me asks! Here's the link!
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The 19-year-old White man who killed 10 people in a racist mass shooting at a grocery store in a predominantly Black area of Buffalo last May cried and said he regretted his actions as he was sentenced to life in prison during an emotional court hearing Wednesday.
“I’m very sorry for all the pain I forced the victims and their families to suffer through. I’m very sorry for stealing the lives of your loved ones. I cannot express how much I regret all the decisions I made leading up to my actions on May 14,” Payton Gendron, wearing an orange jumpsuit and shackles, said in court.
“I did a terrible thing that day. I shot and killed people because they were Black. Looking back now, I can’t believe I actually did it. I believed what I read online and acted out of hate. I know I can’t take it back, but I wish I could, and I don’t want anyone to be inspired by me and what I did.”
The statement came during the state sentencing hearing for Gendron, who pleaded guilty in November to one count of domestic act of terrorism motivated by hate, 10 counts of first-degree murder, three counts of attempted murder and a weapons possession charge for the mass shooting at Tops Friendly Markets on May 14, 2022.
A number of victims’ family members spoke emotionally Wednesday about how the mass shooting had changed their lives. At one point, Gendron took off his glasses and began crying during the testimony from the victims’ families.
At another point, a man in a gray sweatshirt rushed at Gendron in court but was quickly blocked by security, and Gendron was taken out of the courtroom.
After a short break, Gendron returned to the courtroom and Erie County Court Judge Susan Eagan restarted the hearing.
“We cannot have that in the courtroom,” Eagan said. “We must conduct ourselves appropriately because we are all better than that.”
In the end, the Judge sentenced Gendron to life in prison on each of the terrorism and murder charges and offered a stern rebuke of him.
“There is no place for you or your ignorant, hateful and evil ideologies in a civilized society,” she said. “There can be no mercy for you, no understanding, no second chances. The damage you have caused is too great, and the people you have hurt are too valuable to this community. You will never see the light of day as a free man ever again.”
Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn said after court the sentence put legal closure on the case, but not on the broader issues.
“It certainly does not put any closure on what we need to do as a society and a community going forward,” Flynn said. “Justice was done with a small ‘j’ today, but we still have a big ‘J’ of Justice to do.”
The attempted attack on Gendron came during a particularly intense victim impact statement by Barbara Mapps, the sister of Katherine Massey, a 72-year-old who was killed in the attack.
“I want personally to choke you,” Mapps said in a loud voice. “Your little punk ass decided to come here to kill Black people.”
Flynn said the man will not be charged with a crime, explaining he did not want to compound the tragedy.
Other families of victims offered more somber memories of their loved ones and criticisms of Gendron’s violent actions and hateful ideology. Many of the victims’ family members voiced that they wish for Gendron to be sentenced to life in prison, rather than the death penalty, so the shooter will have to suffer with his thoughts for the rest of his life.
“One day I hope you find it in your heart to apologize to those families,” Wayne Jones, the son of Celestine Chaney, said in court.
“I pray to God they do not kill you,” said Brian Talley, family member of shooting victim Geraldine Talley. “You need to be known worldwide … I forgive you, but I forgive you not for your sake, but for mine and for this Black community.”
Christopher Braden, who said he was shot in his leg, said he saw dead bodies on the floor as he was led out of the supermarket to the hospital.
“The visions haunt me every day,” Braden said, adding he continues to suffer from night terrors and post-traumatic stress disorder from the shooting.
Zeneta Everhart, whose son Zaire Goodman was shot and injured, said her son has survivor’s guilt.
“He is dealing with the pain that I as a mother cannot bear,” Everhart said. “On that day this terrorist made the choice that the value of a Black human meant nothing to him … whatever the sentence is that [Gendron] receives, it will never be enough.”
Michelle Spight, who said she lost her aunt and her cousin in the shooting, said she hopes Gendron is haunted every day and every night.
“You came to Buffalo with hatred and anger in your heart,” Spight said, also speaking on behalf of her other family members.
On the afternoon of May 14, Gendron turned the community’s source of necessities into a crime scene.
Gendron was heavily armed and wore tactical gear – including a tactical helmet and plated armor, police said at the time. He also livestreamed his actions using a camera.
Using an illegally modified semi-automatic rifle, the gunman shot four people outside the grocery store – three of whom died. He continued the massacre inside the store, fatally shooting an armed security guard and eight others, six of whom didn’t survive.
The shooting traumatized the predominantly Black neighborhood of Masten Park on Buffalo’s east side. The area was a food desert and the Tops Friendly Markets was the only supermarket in the neighborhood.
Gendron shot a total of 13 people, including 11 Black people and two White people, authorities said. All the victims killed were Black.
Prosecutors have argued the horror that unfolded both inside and outside the supermarket was rooted in Gendron’s racism toward Black people. Evidence included social media posts and a lengthy document written by Gendron, revealing he had planned the attack and visited the supermarket several times prior to the massacre.
Gendron posted he chose the Tops market as his target because it’s located in the 14208 ZIP code in Buffalo which is home to the highest percentage of Black people close enough to where he lived in Conklin, New York.
In the document, he attributed the internet for most of his beliefs and describes himself as a fascist, a White supremacist and an antisemite.
The shooter’s charges included the first use of New York’s terrorism motivated by hate charge since it became available in 2020 under state law.
On the federal level, Gendron faces 10 counts of hate crime resulting in death, three counts of hate crime involving bodily injury, 10 counts of use of a firearm to commit murder during and in relation to a violent crime, and three counts of use and discharge of a firearm during a violent crime, according to a criminal complaint.
He has pleaded not guilty to the federal charges, which carry the potential for the death penalty.
In December, Gendron’s attorneys said during a court hearing he would be willing to plead guilty to the federal charges if prosecutors agreed to remove the death penalty as punishment.
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mahvaladara · 1 year
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She walked to Fannar, carrying water as she started cleaning their wounds.
Anika: I'm sorry, dragon.
They opened their eyes, watching Anika. Maybe it would have been better if they died, foiled all their plans. But.. then they would just go after their family, which they really didn't want. For them it would be better this way then, of course the best way would be to stay alive, but right now, they had no big hopes about that. Why would they, they were stuck here, under the power of two dragons, one they knew hated them, the other one they weren't so sure about.
Fannar: Are you? You are literally saying it's okay to kill me so you can have my other heart. That doesn't translate to being sorry much to me.
Anika: I am fine with keeping Apollo's heart, but he's too pigheaded to understand I don't want to part with it. -She shrugged- If that plant can indeed cure the Rot. We won't be needing any more dragon hearts. Only if we lose the plant.
She started stitching his chest.
Anika: It would do you good to rest for today.
Fannar: Maybe you should sit him down and tell him that, make him understand? -they just watched as Anika worked - Rest.. sure.. 
They were sad, tired, and in pain, and they didn't really manage to hide that any other way than being short, somewhat rude and to the point. 
Fannar: Tell him you feel that way, maybe it will somehow get into his brain eventually.
Anika: Apollo only listens to himself -she scoffed-
Fannar: Must get very dull in his world then… 
To their surprise Anika giggled at their answer and she gave them an apologetic look.
Anika stared at the dragon and smiled. She walked out of the cell and returned eventually with a blanket, handing it to Fannar so he could cover himself.
Anika: You may not know. But I have struggled all my life with this. Both hating and not hating your kind. All my life, especially after my mother's death, I thought I'd have to hunt and destroy every dragon I crossed, that the only way to rid myself of the rot, was to rid myself of the creatures that caused it. But now? That small white flower... It's an answer. I don't need to kill your kind any longer.
She smiled and winked at him, hopeful.
Anika: Maybe we won't have to kill you. We just need to make sure your family won't seek us out for revenge.
With that, she walked out, locking the cell behind her.
Fannar just watched her, they knew at least two in their family that would struggle to not want revenge. His grandfather and Flynn.. they could not see their mom going after them in revenge, they saw them as just being happy with them coming home. Their other grandparents would probably like it too, but they knew better.. their dad, oh he would wish he could, but he also knew it wasn't that way.. his uncle maybe..
They shook their head, wrapping the blanket around them. They were tired, they would like to rest, but it wasn't that easy on the uncomfortable floor. They sighed, closing their eyes, perhaps they would at least be left alone if they pretended to be asleep. Perhaps unsurprisingly they did fall asleep a little while later, their body needing the rest.
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raventroll80 · 1 year
Stowaway Mer AU
Part 1: Discovery
So it’s MerMay and I have be working on my MerMay project since October… don’t ask. It’s not G/t and is going to be somewhat focused on the Eldritch terrors (sea demons) accosting the characters and the town.
Also thank you @horseyneigh2002 for listening to me ramble on about fish and stuff for the past six months!
As for the characters in this story we have Em who’s a human, Vega (also human), Flynn Taggart (Doomguy but he’s only mentioned in this one), and Seth our cinnamon roll of a Mer (who is a combination of a Port Jackson and a leopard shark)
This chapter contains; Alcohol Mention, Almost Drowning, Animal Death, and Injury.
Now that that’s all out of the way here’s the story
It was a cloudy day today on the stony shores of Port Murlow. But Em didn’t mind, she loved cloudy weather and even if she didn’t nothing could sour her mood today!
Well maybe a thunderstorm could, but she had double checked the forecast and made sure that there was no danger.
The reason for her cherry mood as she walked down the pebble beach was because she had recently moved into a new house. Her great aunt had informed her that someone had moved into the old manor and that he was looking for a roommate.
Aunt Nihm had told her the owner was ex-military and had inherited it from his grandfather or something. She had said the guy had picked up a job on one of the fishing boats in town and that he still seemed a little on edge after being discharged from the military.
Her aunt had also told her that he wouldn’t be there until tomorrow because he had to go and grab some things from his old place. Em had already packed her things up and had booked some time off for the move. She decided to kill some time and try out the wet suit her great aunt had given her.
She already had it on and was just going somewhere without any boat traffic, she had bought her backpack, a few sacks, and her diving knife with her too. Em’s hobby was beach combing and she had wanted to see what she could find in the bay.
Most of the time she’d find glass or garbage from tourists or townsfolk, other times she’d find porcelain and old smoking pipes from years gone by. Sometimes if the was lucky she’d find shark teeth or old bones from the town’s whaling days.
She wasn’t sure if it was legal to keep the whale bones so she’d store them in one of the many sea caves the dotted the cliff sides.
Once she had gotten far enough from the town and harbour she set her backpack on rock by the cliffs before putting her goggles on and grabbed two sacks before wading into the water and swam out.
Seth was relieved when he had found shallow waters, the open ocean made him uneasy and vulnerable. The run in with that pod of orcas didn’t help either.
He was lucky that pod of humpbacks intervened. If they didn’t he’d have been dead. He waved goodbye to the whales and swam into the bay.
He rose to the surface and and took in his surroundings. Even with his poor eyesight he knew that this wasn’t home. The water was cooler and darker, and the whales sounded a little different from the ones back home.
Seth dove back down and decided to look for something to eat. After some searching he had managed to find some clams to eat. As he was eating he could hear something thrashing about nearby.
He set down the clam he was eating and went to investigate the noise. As he grew closer he could begin to make out what appeared to be either a diver or a seal trapped in the kelp, given the fact they had arms flailing about he figured it was probably a human. From what he could see they appeared to have gotten their leg tangled up in it.
Between their erratic movements and lack of an oxygen tank, Seth realized that the human was running out of air. Part of him wanted to swim away out of fear, but another part of him wanted to help.
So against his better judgement, Seth approached the human.
So far Em had found the usual beer bottles and cans in rocks and silt. But then she spotted a sunken rowboat and went to investigate.
As she searched around the sunken rowboat she found many broken bottles, but these ones were a lot older than the ones she found earlier. Further investigation revealed a small crate labeled “Embalming Fluid”.
Em surfaced for air before diving back down to investigate the crate of supposed “Embalming Fluid”. Using her knife, Em pried open the the crate and found that it didn’t house embalming fluid, but in fact wine. Em hammered the lid back down with the butt of the knife before surfacing once more for air.
Before she dove back down she emptied one of the plastic bottles she found and screwed the lid back on. She put the now empty bottle back into the bag and dove back the boat.
Once under again Em looked around for a long piece of kelp so she could tie it to the bottle as a makeshift marker. She found a particularly long piece of kelp and cut it near the base of the plant and swam back over to the boat.
She tied one end to the thing the oars went in and then tied the other to the bottle. Once she let go of the bottle it rocked up towards the surface. Em noticed something shining in the sand not to far away.
She swam over to investigate and found that it was either an old compass or pocket watch. She put the item in one of her bags and began he accent but was stopped. She felt something slimy wrapped around her leg and began to panic.
Faster and faster she kicked her legs but she still couldn’t move. She could feel her air running out and began to panic more. Just when she thought things couldn’t get any worse she felt hands wrap around her ankle as well.
She whipped her head around and was greeted with the face of some sort of creature. It had wide eyes and a human like face, it had two dully pointed fin-like ears on the sides of its head and it was looking directly at her.
She saw that it had her leg in it’s hands which were connected to a human like torso but that was where the similarities ended. The rest of its body resembled a shark but with more rounded fins and tail.
Suddenly Em remembered the knife she had and pulled it out before swinging it at the creature. It let go of her leg and backed away. She took the opportunity and tried to swim away, but she was still stuck on something.
The shark creature came back and grabbed at her leg before lunging at it. Em let out a muffled scream and stabbed the knife into the creature’s side. It winced in pain as Em took off like a bat out of hell, leaving her two bags behind.
Once she broke the surface she immediately made a beeline for the shore. When she made it ashore she started booking it towards town, not realizing that she had now also forgotten her backpack.
Not long after she left, an older man had found her bag. He was of average height and built and wore rubber overalls on top of a white sweater.
He adjusted his glasses before checking the name tag on the back of the backpack. He recognized the name as the same one that the cashier had at the bait shop down by the pier.
He took the bag with him as he walked back to his research station so that he could get his boat and return the bag to its owner.
Seth had grabbed the diver’s leg so he could try and untangle it from their leg. He had tried to convey he meant no harm to the human but it clearly didn’t work when the human has swung a knife at him.
He had backed off and the human began to struggle more as they tried to swim away. He knew they couldn’t have much air left. Seth needed to act fast, and made the decision to bite through the kelp.
He grabbed the seaweed with both hands and bit clean through it. As he did that he felt a sharp pain in his side. He had been stabbed. He winced in pain and immediately backed away into the kelp as the human swarm off. He waited a moment before re-emerging to make sure the human was gone.
When he was certain that the human had left Seth looked around before deciding to swim under the rowboat for shelter, not long after he began to softly cry, wishing he knew where he was and how to get home. Eventually he fell asleep to sounds of fish and the distant calls of the whales.
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thebladeblaster · 2 years
Shin Digimon Tensei (SMT4 x Digimon)
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Sorry that it’s been 10 thousand years.
Chapter 3 Reunion
Flynn stood alongside his fellow prentices with bated breath as the Abbot addressed them.
“Earlier today was an unforgivable tragedy. Demons flooded into our peaceful kingdom. From our findings we have found that the demons snuck in a deceivingly small form. Then they sprung on our unsuspecting citizens and fused with them.”, The Abbot told them, making whispers erupt.
Flynn felt cold to find out the demons were fused with humans. That means he killed people! He felt dizzy and sick to his stomach at the thought.
“The samurai are going to be expected to work even more to guard the people. This includes increased patrolling. We of the crown and the church have agreed a curfew at 7pm will be instituted to reduce cases.”, the Abbott said.
“Looks like the Monastery won’t let a tragedy go unwasted…”, Walter grumbled, making Jonathan gasp in disbelief.
“Walter, what are you implying?! These are simply precautions to protect people.”, Jonathan questioned.
“I just think we shouldn’t be giving the guys on top anymore power. Like seriously a curfew? We’re not children! I doubt anyone who values their freedom would agree to such restrictions.”, Walter replied.
“It definitely seems drastic, but they likely jumped to such means because they freaked out. After all, something like this has never happened in Mikado so we don’t know the right precautions to deal with this situation.”, Isabeau said.
“Right, I don’t want to deal with any more demons in town…”, Navarre grumbled, before shivering at the thought.
Something seemed on his mind, he looked worried about something.
“I think such precautions are necessary. We don't want anymore people being possessed by demons. What do you think, Flynn?”, Jonathan said.
Flynn suddenly snapped to attention, having been deep in thought.
“I don’t know. This is all so scary. I guess we’ll just have to try and see what works for now…”, Flynn replied, sounding unsure.
They noticed he seemed to be thinking about something else.
“Is something else bothering you, Flynn?”, Isabeau questioned.
“I’m just thinking about my friend. He’s in town right now…”, Flynn replied.
“Oh really? I would love to meet him.”, Jonathan said.
“Can I meet him though? With the code and everything?”, Flynn questioned.
“Code smode! If you wanna see him go see him. Your a samurai not a slave.”, Walter replied.
Flynn nodded as he tried to reign in the anxiety inside him. Demons have fully infiltrated their kingdom and could use their fellow man to strengthen themselves. It made him beyond worried about his family and friends back home. But, Issachar was here so he could talk to him. He wondered if he could convince the master samurai to let him escort Issachar home.
“I’m just so worried about everyone…Mom, Dad, Issachar…Hopefully the demons didn’t go to Kiccigiorgi.”, Flynn thought.
“Just chill out, Flynn. You're thinking too hard. Just take a deep breath.”, Masakado said in sprite form on his gauntlet’s screen.
“Yeah you're right…”, Flynn replied, before taking a deep breath.
He closed his eyes as kept focusing on deep breaths for a few seconds trying to calm the anxiety inside him. After calming down he opened his eyes again. His calm poker face from earlier returning.
“Thank you for that Masakado.”, he thanked bashfully.
“You two seemed like a good match.”, Jonathan said, smiling happily.
“You think?”, Flynn questioned.
“I’d say so. I think your personalities go well together.”, Jonathan replied.
“Uh…thanks.”, Flynn replied awkwardly.
“Geez honestly you and Isabeau seriously won the lottery with your partners.”, Walter said, as a growl was heard from his gauntlet.
“You shouldn’t say that Walter. I’m sure your partner is great.”, Flynn replied.
“Well…Demidevimon you’ve got to admit he’s right…we suck.”, a voice came from Jonathan’s gauntlet.
“What?! That’s not true! You are very useful, Patamon.”, Jonathan replied.
“You're just being nice…all I can do is shoot bubbles. I’m not physically strong like Masakado or have crazy moves like Renamon”, Patamon replied.
“That’s loser talk! I may be weak now but I’m gonna be stronger than all you losers one day!”, Demidevimon said.
“That’s the spirit!”, Walter replied, making them sweat drop.
“Is he insulting his partner to make it push itself harder? They're definitely a strange pair.”, Flynn thought.
He looked over seeing most people had cleared out of the meeting area.
“I will see you guys later.”, Flynn said, before he waved goodbye to his fellow samurai.
They waved back at Flynn as he left. With all this craziness going on the first thing on his mind was his loved ones left behind after he became a samurai. So, he looked around for Issachar while making sure to keep his eye out for other samurai who may be watching. Eventually he made it to Lake Mikado where they promised to meet. He was relieved when he saw Issachar there perfectly fine.
“Hoy, Issachar!”, Flynn called out.
Issachar turned to see his samurai friend waving at him.
“Flynn, your really here?!”, Issachar questioned as Flynn fast walked over to his friend.
“Yeah, I have been thinking and I…I want to make sure you get back home safely. I’ll try to ask the commander if I can.”, Flynn replied.
“Yeah, I imagine you’d be worried sick after what happened.”, Issachar replied.
“Aren’t you worried about everyone back home, Issachar?”, Flynn questioned, and Issachar was silent for a moment.
“…of course. Hehe…though, honestly I’m more worried about you. As a samurai you’ll be in more danger.”, Issachar replied.
“I’ll be fine. Next time I’ll make sure to be more careful. Besides I have Masakado with me.”, Flynn replied.
“Yeah, don’t worry I’ll protect Flynn. I’m a lot stronger than I was before.”, Masakado said from his gauntlet and Flynn nodded.
“Kuwagamon was an adult and we did pretty well against Devidramon. So, I think we can take on adult demons now.”, Flynn replied.
“Even after seeing it all, it still feels so crazy. It hasn’t been that long yet you’re super strong now.”, Issachar replied, looking away.
He really wished it could have been him. That he could be a samurai right now with Flynn.
“Well we still have a ways to go. I heard rumors about perfect demons which are apparently stronger than adult demons. They say the commander’s demon is a perfect. That may just be a rumor though…”, Flynn replied, putting a hand on his chin as he pondered the idea of stronger demons.
“Even if there are stronger demons we’ll just get stronger so he can protect everyone.”, Flynn said after shaking his head.
“Yeah, I’ll become an adult dragon and beat them up!”, Masakado said.
“Your a dragon?!”, Issachar questioned, wide-eyed.
“Well, he’s a child dragon right now.”, Flynn replied, sweat dropping as Masakado pouted.
“Still you have a dragon demon! That sounds crazy. Your luck is astounding…”, Issachar replied.
If he’d been luckier he’d have a dragon demon right now.
“Lucky?”, Flynn questioned, still sweat dropping thinking he was actually unlucky.
His demon only had physical attacks and had amnesia. He was perplexed how that could be considered lucky, but he doesn’t know about Masakado’s amnesia.
“He has amnesia because something was wrong with my gauntlet. So, I have had to basically raise him from scratch. I have to be not just a samurai, but a parent.”, Flynn replied.
He sweat dropped as Masakado pouted.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”, Masakado questioned.
“It’s not your fault I just wish my gauntlet didn’t malfunction. You would probably agree things would be easier if you had your memory.”, Flynn replied.
“Oh, I see it’s the gauntlet you're complaining about, not me. Okay. Yeah, remembering stuff would be nice.”, Masakado replied, back to being cheerful.
“It malfunctioned? The sacred gauntlet?”, Issachar questioned.
“Something like that. Apparently they can break down like any other tool. The gauntlet I got was apparently pretty old, hadn’t been used in awhile and had no maintenance. I just hope this thing doesn’t break on me.”, Flynn said, before sighing.
“That must be tough…”, Issachar replied with veiled sarcasm.
“Oh, I’m sorry! I haven’t thought about how you feel about all of this. I know you wanted to become a samurai more than anything. I…uh…”, Flynn had a hard time thinking of the right words.
“Your glad I’ll be safe at home?”, Issachar replied.
“Yes, that’s what I’m saying. It’s not all bad. You won’t have to risk your life as a samurai. I want to protect you and everyone in Mikado. So, everything is going to be fine alright. I bet you’ll find a kind wife and you’ll have a peaceful life together.”, Flynn said as he put his hands on Issachar’s shoulders.
Issachar looked down then Flynn embraced him into a full hug. He knew the samurai was trying to cheer him up, but even then he couldn’t contain this feeling of envy.
“But, I want to be with you…by your side.”, Issachar thought.
“This doesn’t have to be the last time we see each other. Hopefully, we’ll have plenty of more opportunities to see each other in the future. I’m going to ask the commander if I can walk you home.”, Flynn said.
Issachar simply accepted it wasn’t just him. If he was allowed to walk him back it would be the last time he sees his parents too. He could feel Flynn really wanted to see them. He could feel Flynn’s worry for both him and them.
After thirty minutes Flynn came back from Aquila Plaza with a relieved look. It seems he got permission. Flynn had always been like that.
“I can escort you home for your safety as a samurai.”, Flynn said, happily as he took his hand.
Flynn stayed close to him as he looked around at the shadows as they started walking. He had his other hand on his sword handle. Masakado clung onto his shoulders, also keeping watch. They kept moving till not long before the sun set. The sky was a vibrant orange as they made their way to Kiccigiorgi.
He returned Masakado to his gauntlet. Flynn gripped Issachar’s hand tightly as he started sprinting towards Kiccigiorgi. His heart beated against his chest with intense speed. He could see his house in the distance and a lady holding a candle.
“Mom!”, Flynn called out and the woman gasped.
She had long blonde hair and green eyes. She wore a white headdress and a brown dress. He pulled her into a hug.
Issachar was about to reach out to Flynn but simply stood there lowering his hand.
“Flynn?! Where have you been? Why are you wearing-“, his mom questioned, before her eyes widened in realization.
“I became a samurai…I was only able to escort Issachar back home because Mikado has been infested by demons. None attacked here right? Is everyone alright?”, Flynn asked.
“None attacked but…son…”, she said, before briefly glaring at Issachar.
“Hoy, Flynn! Why did you send my back to the gauntlet?! I want to meet your mama!”, Masakado complained, from the gauntlet.
“Wait is that-“, she questioned.
“I’m sorry Masakado, I didn't want to freak anyone out. Remember the demons snuck in child form. You could have been attacked.”, Flynn replied.
“Oh yeah…”, Masakado replied awkwardly.
“You should be home not fighting demons….”, his mother said.
“I have to the mystic gauntlet choose me. I’m going to protect everyone from the demons.”, Flynn replied.
“But, why did it have to be you?”, she questioned as she held Flynn close.
“I know…it would have been better if I was with him at least.”, Issachar thought.
“I’m sure there’s a reason but…”, Flynn said as tears stung his cheeks.
She held his cheek seeing he was upset as well. Issachar had never informed Flynn of the rule that samurai cannot go home unless on a mission till the rite. Of course he wants to be a hero, but he didn’t want to leave his family behind. Masakado was silent, surprised having never seen Flynn like this.
“I’m going to miss all of you. I don’t want to leave you alone, but I have to. It’s a part of the samurai code…where’s father? I have to say goodbye to him as well.”, Flynn said.
His mother opened up the door after they separated.
“Honey, Flynn is here!”, his mother said.
Flynn’s father came out from their small wooden house. He was a tall burly man with tanned skin from tireless work in the fields. He had short black hair and blue eyes. He wore a short sleeved simple brown tunic and pants.
He froze when he saw Flynn’s attire and grimaced.
“You’ve become a samurai…”, his father said, not sounding happy but not angry either.
“Yes, I wanted to say goodbye before…”, Flynn trailed off.
“I can never see you again.”, Flynn thought.
“I know you didn’t want me to be a samurai. You wanted me to stay home and take over the farm, but I was chosen...”, Flynn said.
“It’s more than that. Being a samurai is…”, his mother trailed off.
“I know it will be dangerous, but if it’s to protect everyone I’ll face it.”, Flynn replied.
“She means it’s more than dangerous. It will be more than that. Do you understand what it really means to be a samurai? What you’ll have to face, not just from demons?”, his father questioned, making him tilt his head in confusion.
“What do you mean…?”, Flynn questioned, before he remembered how he felt when the Abott revealed the demons that attacked were fused with humans.
That sick feeling in his stomach knowing he had unknowingly taken a human life. At the thought of what if he was forced to kill more people. The thought of it made him shake, he didn’t want to kill people. He had even felt some sympathy towards the demons even though he tried to tell himself that they were different from Masakado. They were bad demons that needed to be exterminated.
“…I…I can handle it.”, Flynn replied, having a haunted look that surprised them.
“Flynn are you alright?”, Masakado asked, sounding concerned.
Flynn looked down at his gauntlet seeing Masakado’s concern. His parents looked concerned at his reaction. Issachar wondered what exactly had happened to Flynn in such a brief period of time.
“You understood what I meant right? You are extremely compassionate, that's why I didn’t want you to be a samurai.”, his father admitted.
His mom nodded in agreement believing he was unfit. Flynn clenched his fist looking down.
“I will have to deal with it. It’s my duty.”, Flynn said, facing them with a determined look.
“What are you talking about?”, Issachar questioned.
“The demons that attacked. They were fused with humans. Our fellow men were possessed by them.”, Flynn explained.
“Wait! Then that means you…”, Issachar said, palling in realization.
“None of us knew at the time. It wasn’t discovered until the Monastery investigated the invasion. Even still that means I…”, Flynn said as he remembered fighting and killing Devidramon.
“That means I killed someone.”, Flynn said and his mother gasped.
“If you didn’t stop Devidramon it would have killed more people! You can’t blame yourself for not knowing!”, Masakado said.
He gasped in shock when Masakado jumped out of the gauntlet without him clicking the button. The small dragon hugged him tightly, crying.
“I don’t want to see you sad. We didn’t do anything wrong right?”, Masakado said, wiping Flynn’s tears with his tiny hands.
Flynn held Masakado closely, patting his back.
“No you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m sorry now you're crying too.”, Flynn replied.
He quickly got Masakado to calm down.
“This just further proves my point, you could be such a good husband! I want grandkids so you better not get yourself killed!”, his mother said, making him blush.
“Of course. I’ll make sure to stay alive. Sorry for not introducing him. This is my partnered demon Masakado. All samurai have one.”, Flynn replied as Masakado turned to look at Flynn’s parents.
“Are you sure he’s a demon? He looks too cute to be a demon. He looks more like a stuffed animal.”, his mother questioned poking the dragon’s chubby cheeks.
This made Masakado blush intensely in embarrassment. Thankfully they didn’t seem very scared of Masakado due to his cute appearance.
“Well, he’s just a little kid right now. And for a kid he’s pretty strong. He’s already saved my life a few times. I don’t know how fast he grows though. I’m still learning about demons. Like does he grow at the rate of a person or a dog?”, Flynn replied.
“How did he jump out of the gauntlet?”, his father questioned, with a nervous sweat.
Flynn raised his eyebrow not seeing the problem, but he could understand that may be alarming to others. Sure, if Masakado was some wild demon he’d be concerned, but he was different. He had personally raised Masakado so he could trust him.
“My gauntlet has been having some issues since I got it because it hasn’t been in use or had maintenance in a long time. It’s why Masakado has memory loss and I have had to raise him from scratch. The Monastery even checked my gauntlet confirming that was the case.”, Flynn explained.
“What?! Why would they use a gauntlet in that condition in the rite? That doesn’t make sense. Shouldn’t they be maintaining such a holy relic?”, his mother questioned.
“I honestly don’t know…I guess it was a mistake. I feel bad for Masakado though. To think they just left him in there.”, Flynn replied.
His parents looked at each other, finding the situation odd and suspicious. Though, they realized Flynn was simply parroting what the Monastery told him.
“Right…it’s very strange.”, his father said as he looked at Masakado who seemed genuine.
He was more worried about what the Monastery was thinking. Was it honestly just the slip up of some monk? Or was it something else?
“It’s getting late. Surely you wouldn’t want to go back in the middle of the night. I don’t think your superiors would blame you for staying the night.”, his mom said, grabbing his arm, making him flush.
“I suppose so. I told the Commander that Kiccigiorgi is far away. He seems nice I don’t think he’d mind.”, Flynn replied.
Flynn looked over to Issachar. If he stayed the night he would have more time to cheer him up too.
Various torches and a large campfire illuminated Kiccigiorgi. Flynn blushed at how lively everyone was. They were holding a celebration because he was the first samurai from Kiccigiorgi. Many drank or lined up to get food. Masakado held onto Flynn’s hand shyly at being surrounded by so many people. They sat on a long log. The information he heard from the meeting earlier was still being relayed throughout Mikado. So, a courier had warned them of the demon threat and the truth of the samurai not long before he arrived. Flynn drank some light ale.
He blushed with embarrassment when he was surrounded.
“I can’t believe you really became a samurai!”
“How many demons have you killed?”
“Is that little demon really your partner?”
Flynn shrunk back at all the attention and Masakado sweat dropped.
“I uh…”, Flynn replied, anxiously sweating profusely.
“Hoy, give him some space!”, his mom said, shooing the crowd away.
Flynn chuckled sheepishly as the crowd backed away.
“It’s fine, mom. Just one at a time please.”, Flynn replied, making his mother sigh and the crowd turned back to Flynn excitedly.
Issachar watched while he leaned on the wall of one of the homes. He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes. Flynn laughed while talking with one of the others and Masakado puffed out his chest. A young man with short brown hair, brown eyes and brown clothes held up more alcohol to Flynn daring him to drink more.
“Come on, surely a samurai can drink more than an ordinary guy like me!”, the man taunted, before downing the bottle in his other hand.
“You guys shouldn’t!”, a man who looked very similar albeit younger said, holding up his hands.
Flynn tried to finish his fifth drink as his cheeks flushed. It was stronger than the ale he was used to. It must not have been as watered down. It was very bitter too. He had no idea how people could drink so much.
“Don’t be a buzzkill, Ethan.”, the older young man replied.
He held the other drink up to Flynn to drink. Flynn grabbed the drink, sweating as his breath quickened. He didn’t want to be rude by refusing him. Though, a more rational part of him warned him another drink was a bad idea. He already felt a bit tipsy, nearing the edge.
“Are you sure we should let him drink that much?”, his mother questioned his father.
“Remember Maria, Flynn’s a man now. He can do what he wants. He’ll learn not to give into such bets after he pukes his guts out.”, his father replied.
His mother Maria lightly pouted, preferring to stop him instead. But, Flynn was going to be on his own now as a samurai. She couldn’t protect him anymore. It was difficult for her to let go. For her to let him leave the nest.
“This will definitely be interesting. I’ve never even seen Flynn drunk.”, a young woman with long brown hair and brown eyes with brown clothes said.
Flynn started to drink the next drink offered. He struggled a bit to drink more. He could feel a bit dripping down his chin. Masakado looked amazed as Flynn preserved seeing he was clearly struggling. After he drank the full bottle his cheeks were visibly red and he swayed a bit.
“Woah, Flynn you're really starting to look red. Are you okay?”, Masakado questioned, seeing a weird smile on the samurai’s face.
Their sweat dropped as he started to giggle a bit. Flynn bounced around a bit like an excited kid.
“What a lightweight. He’s already drunk. Guess I win.”, the brown haired young man said as he rubbed his head.
“I’m…alright, Masakado. If anything…I feel great. Yeah! Yeah! Let’s party!”, Flynn replied to Masakado his words sounding slightly slurred.
Masakado sweat dropped as Flynn, the samurai he had come to know as high strung and responsible, jumped up to his feet punching his hands into the air with unbridled excitement. He started dancing completely to his own incoherent rhythm not matching the music at all.
“Woah, you sound happy. Did the drinks do that?”, Masakado questioned innocently looking down at the empty bottles.
“You definitely probably shouldn’t drink something that strong. We don’t want to deal with a drunk demon.”, Ethan replied.
Issachar saw as people started dancing with Flynn.
“He’s always the one isn’t he?”, Issachar thought, imagining the group as children in wood structure.
It was a quick image. The young Flynn has shorter hair almost like a bowl cut. His bangs covered his eyes and he wore a simple brown shirt and shorts. The young Issachar’s hair was shorter and wore a white hat with long white strips dangling from it. He wore a brown tunic with black shorts. The other children clapped at Flynn with praise. Flynn’s cheeks were blushed as he looked down shyly.
“He was always the one everyone adored. Even more so now. Why…why was it always him?”, Issachar thought, looking down sadly.
He was certainly glad to see Flynn happy; he just wished he could have been with him as a samurai. Not long after Flynn ended up dozing off after expending his energy.
“We better get you to sleep too.”, Maria said, picking up Masakado and David put Flynn over his shoulder.
“Aww…”, Masakado wined with the cutest pout.
Issachar watched on as they left before looking down.
“If only…”, Issachar thought.
He hastily turned as he heard rustling in the bushes. He froze for a moment, becoming wary as he remembered the attack. However, Flynn was out of commission right now so…hero time! Issachar moved over to where he saw the shadow to investigate.
“This is a sign from God! If I can stop this demon I am definitely worthy like Flynn!”, Issachar thought.
As he pushed the bushes out of the way he saw a small shadow shaking. He didn’t understand why it was doing so. Issachar thrust his hand forward only to hear a loud squeal. Out from the bushes he pulled out a small white reptilian Digimon with similar portions to Veemon. It had two horns and golden eyes. It wore a blue bandanna and had bits of red on its white scales. Tears were stinging the corners of the demon’s eyes for some odd reason it was paralyzed in fear.
Issachar looked very confused seeing this. The small demon desperately tried to squirm out of his grip.
“Please don’t kill me, Samurai!”, the small demon begged.
“What? I’m not a Samurai. What are you doing here?”, Issachar questioned.
The demon looked slightly relieved to hear he wasn’t a Samurai. The demon lowered his head.
“I-I was forced to come here with the rest of the Digimon to fight the Samurai. But, I don’t want to fight the Samurai! They’re scary!”, the demon admitted.
“You didn’t want to attack us? Then who made you do it? Where did you come from?”, Issachar questioned.
“I come from the dramon province. Lord GrapLeomon ordered everyone to attack Mikado because he believed the humans would destroy us.”, the demon explained.
“Why would he think that?! Why would demons be worried about us?”, Issachar questioned, incredulously.
The demon looked perplexed at Issachar’s confusion.
“That is because the humans have been the ones oppressing us.”, the demon revealed, making Issachar look stunned.
In Flynn’s home…
Flynn and Masakado slept soundly. The latter squirmed under Flynn’s arm laying close to his warm chest. The former pulled him closer unconsciously.
To be continued…
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Week 12: May 1st – 7th, 2023 // It’s all a blur
We’re just going to jump right into things this week!
Monday was spent as a proper “get my life together/organized.”  With tomorrow being my first day back to work after a few months jobless (but thriving I’ll add haha), I had quite a bit of general life admin stuff to check off, with final work forms to fill, grocery shop, computer clean out, van tidying, cooking, emails, etc.
Initially Tuesday was meant to be the first official day of training, but because work was still waiting on a few other trainees to get into town, myself and another trainee, Jono, got to go on the West McDonnell’s tour for the day!  We had such a fun day with our co-worker, Felipe, leading the tour – getting to visit some really beautiful sites and future swimming locations when the weather gets warmer.  We stopped at Simpsons Gap, Standley Chasm, Ochre Pits, Ormiston Gorge, Ellery Creek Bighole (my personal fave), and Flynn Memorial.    I ended up heading to the hostel my boss owns to get set up for the next couple weeks, and met some other coworkers + fellow tour guides from other companies (Takk (coworker), Tye, Troy, and Ash. All super lovely individuals).
Today was also a spider-experience filled day lol.  It was pretty funny and ironic, and I’m pretty sure I jinxed myself.  During one of the walks on the tour I was telling Jono how I was pretty surprised that in 3 months in Australia, I hadn’t had any notable spider experiences or seen any of the “crazy” spiders you always see on the internet, and how I kept telling family/friends it just really isn’t that bad here. And he was replying “yeah it’s not too bad but you know, you definitely do come across them eventually – like that one right there” then proceeds to point not even a metre above my head, a huge golden orb ___ and I freaked! LOL the timing was just too good and I was not expecting it to be as close as it was.  We had such a good laugh about it before I was finally collected enough to get a proper look at them.  They make those crazy matted messy looking webs that just feel all the gaps between the trees and branches (they look terrifying).
Then, when I was getting ready for bed I found a spider on my pillow (wasn’t anything big or bothersome) and it was beginning to feel like a message being sent by the spider gods because what came next I swear gave me a damn near heartattack.
Once I was ready for bed, I was just sitting on the floor in my van next to my door, organizing things, when all of the sudden, not even a foot away from me was the most terrifying spider emerging from between the door seal.  I was absolutely shook and had NO idea it was just a huntsman (these are quite common and completely harmless – aussies love these guys as they get out all the bugs. Some jokingly keep them as “roommates”).  In the moment I was very certain this thing could kill me if they wanted to because they looked SO scary (and mine was a small guy compared to how big they can actually get…).  Thankfully they didn’t run in to the van, so I was able to open the door a swoosh them out with my shoe, but when I tell you I had troubles falling asleep that night… I mean I spent the next hour worrying I would wake up to at least two in my van around my head somewhere lol.
Thankfully there have been no other spider encounters since (yet).
Wednesday we had our first training day, and got to meet the rest of our training group (Lynda, Cata, and George).  We spent a full day going through all the super dull, dry, typical onboarding stuff. Afterwards, Takk and I did a quick grocery run, and met up with Cata+Jono back at the hostel for some beers and ice cream.  The rest of the evening was spent making dinner and  hanging out with everyone!
The rest of the week was honestly pretty brutal.  Thursday we had another full day of dull training and I ended up getting sick with the flu… so the next 3.5 days were spent dying in the van as I burned and slept off the sickness.  Was pretty sad because I missed out on the groups first trip to Uluru and a trip to the climbing gym, but thankfully I’m making pretty decently quick recovery.  Still have a pretty bad cough and some congestion, but managed to start feeling well enough to get out and functioning again Sunday evening – got to meet another new trainee co-worker, Pablo!
One highlight while being sick though was I got to watch the count down for and listen to Ed Sheeran’s new album release on Saturday hehe.
I’ll be honest in that while this week was a lot of fun connecting with new people, the energy is still real low as I’m finally come out of the woodworks.  I’ve kept this week’s descriptions quite minimal as I’m still recovering from being sick all weekend, and brain fog is still hanging around.  There will be lots more fun updates to share next week!
Stay passionate and curious, Hunter♡
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bravewolfvesperia · 7 months
Well, it... LOOKED somewhat edible before he'd left it at the mercy of the fire, and he's certain the small explosion that had followed had played a rather... monumental part in ruining his attempt at a homemade meal for Yuri. Maybe if he garnishes it with a bit of parsley, it'll take away from the almost HAUNTING shade of black the dish had emerged as.
" Yuri! I made lunch, if you've an appetite. " He sets the plate down, unaware the still hot ( unidentifiable ) food was beginning to burn a hole into the bottom of it, and shines Yuri that bright 'n knightly grin, like a Golden Retriever waiting for his pat on the head for a job well done. " Let me know if you would like a second helping after this! There's plenty! " // ( Flynn to Yuri--- we're so sorry ahead of time, LMFAO)
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Any appetite he may have had no longer existed, in fact. Did... did he really see nothing wrong with this? Nothing black and burnt about it? Some things you just couldn't save, Flynn... If he had to wait for something else, Yuri was certain he would survive in that time. Surviving this was a whole other matter.
And he... had made more?! There was no way Yuri was eating all of this by himself. Flynn could probably get through some of it too, since he apparently never really tasted true terror... but Yuri was quite positive his stomach was going to actually kill him if he ate more than just what was on this one plate.
Unfortunately Flynn was clearly proud of it... and Yuri had, for a moment, been about to warn him that he should just make something else because it hadn't quiiiite come out right... and now he just didn't have it in him. Flynn enjoyed cooking and making... whatever these monstrosities were, and that by itself was stoppable... but not when he gave the most pleased, proud, excited smiles at what he thought was genuinely edible. And it was homemade... He couldn't... reasonably... reject this, right...?
Yuri completely deflated when Flynn smiled about it. One day he really would because he really needed to step in and do something about this... but today was not that day. In fact, Yuri was not going to die alone today. If Flynn was in a good mood, he may as well stay that way now. Yuri wasn't sure he could handle watching Flynn deflate the way he had with that look on his face right now... "Uh... s-sure... Why not invite the others if there's that much? We won't be able to finish all this ourselves..."
Even talking normally was difficult, but he was trying. Trying not to sound suspicious. Trying to get Flynn to not catch on, despite how Yuri's friends had been begging him to do something about this. Nope. Instead he'd just... subject them to it too. Because he didn't have it in him to be that cruel. To Flynn, anyway. Here he was sacrificing his own stomach for Flynn's happiness. He'd sacrifice all of theirs for it too. Then Flynn would be extra happy. Everyone would be pissed at Yuri for a week. Everyone except Flynn.
If all it took was Flynn smiling that happily over potential manslaughter, a lot of people might die under Yuri's watch...
Why did he have to be so weak for Flynn in the worst circumstances?
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percontaion-points · 1 year
Lifeblood chapter 8 & bonus chapter 4
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Today's review might be difficult for some; reader discretion is advised
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Click to see the rest of the snark & image descriptions
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Chapter 8
She hands me a white robe with white trim…
Is it really trim if it’s the exact same colour?
When I think of a “trim”, it’s usually an accent colour. It could be the same colour in a different shade (ie forest green with light green). But you can’t do that with WHITE. 
“During Elizabeth’s Firstlife, she lost her family at a young age and ended up bouncing from foster home to foster home. She wasn’t always treated well. In her last home, it was so bad she ran away and ended up in all kinds of trouble. Archer was her TL, and he changed her life. When she came here a little over a year ago, she fell hard for a boy named Claus. She felt for him what you feel for Killian. The day you died, Killian killed Claus.”
Once again, I’m sorry that it happened to you. But taking it out on Ten isn’t going to magically bring back Claus; it only makes you look like a jackass. 
I’d known Killian had ended her boyfriend’s life. I hadn’t known the rest. I hadn’t known about the horrors of her Firstlife.
The entire creed of Troika is basically “bitch, go the fuck to therapy”. And yet, here’s Elizabeth, acting like that girl who was mean to you in high school. 
My heart pounds as I read the mostly-redacted file, Tenley Lockwood— thick black line—during her escape from Prynne Asylum. After—thick black line—with Archer Prince. Thick black line—with ML Killian Flynn. Thick black line—Prynne Asylum closed down. 
The asylum closed down?
Not only were they raping and torturing literaly children in there, they also ended up killing a bunch of them. It’s little wonder that it closed down. 
I fought some of my roughest battles outside a Troikan safe house. Looking back, I’m glad they happened. They tested my limits, pushed me to change and to grow.
Not me, looking around for the character growth that “happened outside of safe houses”. Cause the book that I’m reading, Ten was a self-absorbed brat up to the final second of her firstlife. 
The Book of the Law says it’s best to date a person selected for us by the Grid. 1) It’s supposed to keep the peace between, well, everyone. No more fighting over a mate, or thinking you belong with someone who would be better off with someone else…
Incels need not apply. 
Okay, you’ve convinced me to join. Any system that prohibits horny Indian men sliding into my DMs with a blurry picture of their penis can’t possibly be that terrible. 
But then again, my bar is currently at “don’t send strange women pictures of your penis”. 
“Killian uses, lies and tricks. The only thing you’re going to get from him...is heartache.”
Chapter 8 summary: As soon as Ten gets out from the shower, Elizabeth corners her and tries to see that Elizabeth is more than simply a bully. However, as I’ve stated, the poor conditions when she grew up is not an excuse for her current behaviour. Especially since she no longer lives in abusive foster homes. 
Ten then goes to a record hall, where the narration screeches to a halt FOR AN ENTIRE PAGE so that we can describe the stained glass windows. She meets up with Kayla and Reed, who encourage her to look at Ten’s own book that’s basically her entire life. We only jump into the parts that we know, but the only thing that we learn is that the rape factory baby jail she was in was closed down after the shit Killian and Archer stirred up there. It makes her happy to learn that. 
She also learns some more info about Dior, but this is mostly glossed over to the point where I legit don’t know why the author even bothered. The only thing of value is that Dior is trying to get out from her contract with Myriad, which is why they’ve infected her. Kayla says that they can’t begin turning away people, or else it’ll set a dangerous precedent. 
She goes home to meet up with Victor, where they discuss how they can convince everybody to vote for Archer for “resurrection”. He tells her that everybody wants to resurrect another conduit, but he think that he can lean on the “only Archer can help cleanse Dior of her darkness!” Ten isn’t certain that this is the way to go, since she could end up cleansing Dior before the vote. 
The next day, they put on their shells and go down to await further instruction. It’s here that we learn exactly why Dior shifted to Myriad: her father had a spinal injury, and was taking months to heal. But when Killian promised her that her father would “walk out of the hospital today”, she signed with impatience. He did walk, only to collapse outside of the hospital doors, where he then died. 
Before they go, Elizabeth warns Ten not to try to make contact with Killian while they’re down there. Ten tries to be nice, but Elizabeth is basically a walking example of “this is why you shouldn’t engage with bullies”. That being said, Elizabeth also kind of has a point: you shouldn’t trust people who have a long history of being backstabbing liars who lie. 
Bonus chapter 4
Help her discover the satisfaction of getting even. 
Might Equals Right! 
Sir Zhi Chen
Bonus chapter 4 summary: Zhi tells Killian that his spy reports that Ten will go visit Dior today. Killian says that he can win Ten over if he shows up with Dior’s dog, Gingerbread, so Zhi agrees to release the dog to Killian. 
Zhi goes on to say that the woman who was looking into who Killian’s mom is now was killed in battle, so he’s taken this over. 
And then he continues on to say that Killian should bring Sloan with him to meet Ten. That Killian could goad Ten into getting revenge against Sloan for having murdered her. 
0 notes
castle-dominion · 1 year
Starting off sexy af, love the music love the costuming (even tho 40s colours were not ideal) love the singing love TJ/LP/BS love everything about this ugh I am dying & I have played maybe five seconds of the episode Ugh the way they talk mmmm I remember when I first watched casablanca & then it was ages until I had the chance to see double indemnity (which actually takes place 10y before this but shush) & heck the way we start off in the middle with castle/JF doing the investigation mmmmjsfhkjhdsjfs it's just sooo good so good so good. "I'm lookin at her" hhhh their eyes meet across the bar aaaaah this is so good.
You know before they flashed forward I thought this might have just been an AU.
Love this fellow's outfit she's so new york. Is ship coming in a figure of speech? We've heard it before. Does it just mean they are coming into money or getting something good like a job promotion? JE: Well, if you can remember anything else, can you please give me a call? SRO manager: Don’t hold your breath, hot shot. *walks out* KR: I think she likes you.
Banks: [we last spoke] Two months ago, which is crazy, ‘cause there was a time we couldn’t go two hours without talking. Glad s2 rysposito aren't here bc espt would make fun of ryan for calling jenny sm. Maybe he was an entomologist. Yo stan owes someone A Lot of money
KR: Just a bunch of books about mobsters and Manhattan in the ‘40s. Castle should read them. he'd probs enjoy them & he's a speedreader too. Ooh the diary! RC: Uh, this diary in Stan’s stuff, it’s also from the ‘40s. It sounds like it belonged to a private eye. Listen to this. “Usually wives turn on the waterworks when shown pictures of their husbands stepping out, but not this dame. She wanted payback. So what’s worse, that I pitched woo with a client, or that I invoiced her for services rendered after?” espt sounds so good when he uses the term "right on" I like it RC: Um, Beckett? Can I take this home for the night? I mean, it might be the key to what Stan was looking for. KB: You just want to read it because you think it’s cool. RC: Yeah, well, that, too. KB: Okay, just so long as…you… [Castle is already walking off with it.] KB: Bring it back in the morning.
Mmm music, old diaries, this is so good. I love the transition bc I could hardly tell what with the VO & the bourbon. Joe Flynn/Rick Castle: So, I figured I’d kill two birds with one stone with a little hair of the dog that bit me. What does that mean?
Oh Martha/Florence Kennard I love! Ugh the outfit the coat the accents & vernacular mmm! The way the characters have a bit of their counterparts in them is so good. Kennard is just enough like martha & susan sullivan can play her so well
How did you know it would change your life? When are you writing this diary? Is it the evening after today or is it days later or what? After the case entirely? Picture of map of manhattan in the 40s. Oh that accent is... something. Gosh alexis is a baby how is she a married woman? hhhhh I can't say everything I love abt it "my shingle" Was her name really vera mulqueen? Was sally's maiden name sally mulqueen? *dabs her eyes* $15 in 1940 is worth $325.85 today or at the time, what 2012? $245.99 in 2012. That much a day plus expenses, hoo that's a lot Ugh the costumes, the acting, the preproduction... JF/RC: Looking at that photograph, all I could think was… Me: Hot dang? JF/RC: what a beautiful doll.
Ugh the scenes of the city jjghhjkfhghg
I KNOW THAT GUY HE IS MR SCOFFIELD I THINK, FORSHADOWING OMG Satchmo Besty Sinclair <3 ugh she sings so well. & I love this music & I love dancing but I do better with big band music I think. I would loooove to dance there. Shrapnel in my hip? From ww2? Well I love how we get to learn about So Much of the character but it is only mentioned in passing. He is such a big character but we only get these little pieces of him & it was just one mention of shrapnel but it tells us a lot about his character. She's pretty af! & you can see dempsey there in the background. gorillas lmao is that what you called your henchmen back then? You got it boss. RC/JF (V.O.): What was I thinking? This dame was trouble on two legs. I kept telling myself to look away. [A tough-looking man steps up next to Beckett/Vera.] RC/JF (V.O.): She was with Tom Dempsey, for crying out loud – the most ruthless mob boss New York has ever given birth to. [Beckett/Vera kisses Dempsey on the cheek.] Ooh his outfit! RC/JF (V.O.): Dempsey sent over two of his gorillas – an Irishman and a Cuban on loan from some Havana mob family. You can loan henchworkers? [Ryan/irishman and Esposito/cuban tough-walk over to Castle at the bar.] Esposito looks almost normal but ryan looks way out there. KR/Moxie: The boss wants to see you, boy-o. Ooh that accent tho. (my canadian ass first thought "newfie" lol but they say bo'y not bowy or they even say b'y) RC/JF: Sorry, boys. My dance card’s full. JE/Cuban: This isn’t a request, compadre. *shows his gun* That accent too They get to have fun & play other characters. But the characters are not too far off. Their ties too btw, wowie
& the music! Audio mirroring! RC/JF: The waiter? I’ll take a whiskey. The boys here can share a sloe gin fizz. LMAO Great fight scene! Going to clip that for sure! Words cannot describe how I feel about this. (noo not the kitchen! ugh the way he picks him up) & ngl that booty as he throws him into the alley? Nice.
RC, probably not what JF actually said: You should see what my face did to the other guy’s fist. Vera/KB is wearing the fur over her neck entirely. Covering up the goods. Que passando? I speak french not spanish but is that "what's going on?" like "what has passed?" Doesn't put the tapped R before the D, yeah lol. Ah finally revelas the necklace!
Woah that was kind of jarring to jump back to present day but heck yeah! RC: The Blue Butterfly. It’s a necklace. That’s why Stan Banks was killed. Why am I narrating? Because you were just imagining this guy's day while reading his narration & bc it's what hot girls do. u never talk to yourself? ig it is different from narrating...
Ok so what I know from acting is from the moment you hit the set you need to use your accent, you cannot just slip it on & off easy so filming the ryan parts & the henchone parts must have been, well, something. Gosh I can't believe we only get one audio commentary of this ep. I want more, more I say! Also I like ryan's patterned red tie & red vest but that striped shirt? The only reason it's ok is bc he is mostly covering it with the vest. It has red stripes. He has a lot of buttons on the sleeves of his jacket. American flag lapel pin today. With smth else ig. Ooh blue diamonds. I miss when blue diamonds were sexy & white diamonds were just there. RC: *passes his papers to ryan* KR: *shows it to Beckett as if castle didn't already hold em up for her to see*
RC: Turns out the Blue Butterfly disappeared sometime in the ‘40s, and rumor has it, it’s hidden somewhere in The Pennybaker Club. If he found it…a million dollar-necklace? Talk about motive for murder. By the way, Ryan, say “boy-o.” [meaning he really was imagining these people in these positions] KR: *looks up from the papers castle gave him* Boy-o. RC: “Boy-ohhh.” KR: Boy-o. RC: “Boy-o.” KR: Boy-o. RC, accented: “Boy-o.” KR: Boy—O. ??? *looks to beckett* [they go back to talking about the case & rick doesn't get nazi gold but SS officer diamonds which is the same thing. Cursed necklaces? stealing stuff from nazis? mob bosses? this is right up castle's alley.] KB: Okay, Ryan, you see if you can get a hold of the bookie. Castle and I will go back to the crime scene. KR: Okay. RC: Boy-o' KR: Boy-o RC: Boy-o' KR: Boy-O RC: Like a leprechaun. KR, with an angry "ew" face: Castle! RC: Sorry.
RC: Can you blame the guy? I mean, she was gorgeous. Castle how do you know? You are reading it not seeing it. You are imagining beckett there. I was too caught up in the story to think about the "animosity back home" they kept saying Castle is so right. Minor hidden safe, very hidden secret safe. I love how castle insists on telling the story to get to the part abt the safe. RC: Well, people didn’t waste time back in the ‘40s
Oh gosh look at her dress... lmao the transition
KB: Did you just say, “Kate”? Are you picturing the P.I. as you, and me as the gangster’s moll? RC: What? No. And I didn’t say “Kate”. I said “Fate”. “Fate’s heart quickened.” I was being poetic. (chuckles nervously) God. Anyway, as I was saying, they were just about to kiss when… Why not just read from the diary & say the PI was being poetic? Maybe she would read it & call him out tho. Or ig he was reciting from memory
Oh I love the collar on Esposito/Cuban Henchone rn! Raises his fists like that lol & then Besty/Lanie saves the day & gosh that is a good kiss. "mixed laundry" XP Betsie/Lanie almost sounds normal lol
Two Brunos? Interesting word. Well they are not here right now actually so...??? So you became the girl of a mob boss to wear his jewelry? That's it? That's the reason?
KB & me: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT'S IT? I'M NOT ONLY INTERESTED IN THE SAFE I'M ALSO INTERESTED IN THE STORY. btw I like her coat with that red scarf it's v pretty. KB: Well, why would you tell a story when you don’t know the ending? RC: If you wanted a beginning and a middle and an end, I have 27 novels you can choose from. XD
Ray Horton: Stan? And who— who killed him? KR: JE: RH: Me? Why would I kill my business partner? 10g for a diary?
RC: So, I traced the diary. Stan did his research. He purchased it from the granddaughter of Joe’s old secretary, a woman by the name of Ruth Huntsacker. Ah that's where the diary came from KB: Look, Castle, I admit that Joe and Vera’s story is fun and romantic, but whatever happened back in 1947 has nothing to do with who murdered Stan. RC: Uh… (chuckles) I’m not so sure about that. Our bookie alibied out. But ballistics came in, and we got a match. The .38 caliber revolver that killed Stan was used in an unsolved double homicide…in 1947. WOAH NOW THIS IS GOOD. This is so so sexy. Ok so vera mulqueen is her name so sally scoville probably made that mistake when meeting joe flynn on purpose.
RC: Murdered. That’s too bad. I really thought those two crazy kids were gonna make it. KB: Yeah, not exactly the ending I was hoping for. RC: I didn’t even know ballistics went back that far. Me, who watches murdoch mysteries: Oh ho ho! The man also invented blood types & fingerprints & tape & silly putty & (he didn't actually invent any of this he's a fictional character) KB: You know what? I bet you Dempsey caught the two of them trying to run away together, and he killed them. But how does Stan’s killer get Dempsey’s gun sixty years later? KR: Unless Dempsey killed Stan. He’d be, what, like 90 years old? But it’s still possible. RC: Couldn’t have been Dempsey. He died of a heart attack four months after Joe and Vera were killed. KR: Ah. RC: Still…we should dig up that 1947 police report. There could be something in there about the gun that could shed some light on Stan’s murder. KR, resigned: All right. I’ll go to the warehouse and I’ll pull up the old case files. RC: Oh, wai- oh, uh…I want to go. KR: ? *looks to becks* KB: *shrugs* KR: Uh…okay. RC: Can I drive? KR: I don’t care. RC: OwO!!! Espt always make ryan take passenger & beckett never lets castle drive so this is fun. But is it a police car or a personal one? bc castle is probs not allowed to drive if it is a police car.
Belasco is pretty for an old guy. Watercrafter lookin dude.
Someone else accessed your police files? Nice location u got here. Different place to film in. RC: Damn it, Joe. You old sap. Dizzy with a dame and got yourself cooked. KR: So, Mr Bogart, what exactly are we looking for here?
CB: Of course not. When I asked to see the alleged diary, he refused, and yet, he wanted access to all my research on The Pennybaker Club. I mean, really, the whole thing was absurd. Yeah that is kind of rude...
Esposito's hair is... interesting. Short but long enough that he brushes it & parts it.
KR: It feels like we’re looking for a needle in a haystack, except for, we can’t find the haystack. RC: Who needs a haystack when the needle is right here? Wait I just realized-- where did they get that previous photo of tom dempsey?? Wait nvm it was in castle's internet search along with the initial photo of the blue butterfly
Love the transitions "Hatchet men" lol Doyle, my nova scotian uncle has that last name. Lots of scottish & irish immigrants there obv. It's like newfoundland but less intense. Then PEI is like nova scotia #2. RC/JF: So every clover-loving Irishman worth his salt will be huddled around a radio tonight, cheering good ol’ Jimmy on. You’re gonna wait till a rousing part of the fight. Then you’re gonna excuse yourself. Whoever’s assigned to be watching you surely won’t be paying much attention. That’s when you slip right out the back door, where I’ll be waiting for you. that's way too easy. No way theyre going to let that happen But hey they are both so good looking. JF/RC: Look at me. I’m a new man. I’m a better man. I haven’t even had a drink since I met Vera, Girl it's been like a week. Then again for someone who consistently drank himself to sleep in his office, maybe this is a miracle. What if she doesn't have a sister HA I WAS RIGHT
KR, with his cheek in his hand, listening: What happens next? [btw I like his wedding ring, it's rly pretty. & also I love seeing it, he is In Love.] RC: I don’t know. That’s the end of the statement. KR: But if Sally wasn’t Vera’s sister, then who was she? [I love how castle is getting everyone invested in this story] RC: Sally set up the P.I. It’s a classic film noir twist. KR: But whhhy? RC: I don’t know. :D KR: What was Sally up to? [Ryan he only knows as much as you do! He may be a writer but you are a detective] RC: I don’t know. :D KR: Do you think she was connected to Dempsey? *takes the file* RC: I don’t know, :D but isn’t this great? KR: KR: *double take from castle to the file to castle*
YESS THE ADVENT OF WEST SIDE WALLY At least espt excuses himself before taking the call. That's the polite thing to do. Becks sharing the file with some other detective there. the little things make the show
Man has a wedding ring... WOAH TOM DEMPSEY Nice outfit! the makeup team possibly could have done a bit more to make him look related to tom dempsey not genetically identical to him imo but whatever that's just me Wait no maybe they did do enough about it I think. it's good.
So how do you know his real name was stan? Pillar in the community...? Oh guest book at betsy's funeral, that's how he figured it out. TD: No, I did not—I did not shoot him. Stan—Wait. Stan did find it? KB: Come on. You tell us. TD: I don’t know. I was not there! "was not" rather than "wasn't" I like it
Ok espt what are you wearing? Today you are wearing a dress shirt & a tie which is nice (if different from your frequent pyjama look) but grey on grey with THOSE greys does not work bud.
Ah good grammar <3 Jerry Maddox was the old bartender??? (But ik how this goes, why would he sign his name that way in the guest book?) JE: Good job, Castle. RC, like a puppy: Yeah? JE: .. Yeah.
The med guy calls him jerry too. I see. Aw she offers homemade soup <3 Beautiful blue eyes on this man, love the old music too. JM: but I was just a bartender back then What did you become later then?
Ooh interesting, he says: Of course. It was a big deal back then. Dempsey, the fella that owned the club, shot them in cold blood. So confirming the story But then when rick asks: The same year, do you remember a woman named Sally Scofield? She was a redhead. In 1947, she would’ve been about 18. JM looks really confused like he doesn't know her. Which would make sense for Jerry Maddox, but he looks overly confused bc he is JF trying not to reveal that he, well, you know.
Gina? Ooh different person narrating! Except... not really a different person narrating ; ) Drops the pretty girl for a new, younger, pretty girl. Ew. Then again she was there bc she wanted to wear his bling RC: & Sally? JM: Couple months after, uh, Vera and that P.I. got whacked, Dempsey died of a heart attack. RC: (yea I asked abt sally bro) JM: The evening of his funeral, in walks Sally, all dressed up. Ordered a whiskey neat, slammed it back, gave me a big ol’ crocodile grin, said she was free. Then she strutted on out the door, and that’s the last time I ever saw her. Interesting claim... it's a revenge story. It would be SO good from the other point of view, you're in the hold of a mobster & then he dumps your mom for the younger prettier thing & mum kills herself with pills bc this pretty girl wanted bling & your mob daddy wanted a pretty girl so you kill the pretty girl & probably kill the mobster too? That would be good except we know it didn't happen like that & it ends up a tragedy. RC: Somehow she used the P.I. to do it. JM: >:(
KR, pink shirt no tie, cute af as usual: So…West Side Wally. May I call you Wally? WSW: I prefer West Side. I LOVE HIM SM WSW: Whoa. Cagney and Lacey, [XD] you can stop right there. I wasn’t living in the club two days ago. I had already gotten bought out by the other guy. [but u leave your sleeping bag & stuff?] KR: Bought out? JE: By the other guy? yeah babes that's what he said. I love west side, he's great.
No he cannot do his show from prison b'y Oh & again he looks good he has nice style too. Bull whip. That's cool ig. lol so dramatic holding his hand as he says stan was holding the necklace Sure bestie.
Wasn't it so that she could kill vera or smth but dempsey did it for her so she ended up faking his heart attack instead & she killed the one who stole her mother's spot & the man who dumped her mom? Except wait why would maddox only see her in 1946? Maybe that's when he started idk. Do you trust what a man has to say abt shoes? Also there are many pairs of shoes, they could have both had those shoes... except then you said she'd be wearing heels. RC: Beckett, I just realizes something. KB: ? RC: "I Can't Give You Anything But Love." KB: ???? Ouh louis armstrong Satchmo! But listen maybe he played this club many times & that's why they BOTH fell in love with his music.
the fear on their faces when they get called by their old names <3 so good (sad)
He really really sounds like Castle's Joe Flynn when he says: Lady, you got it all wrong. WHOA THE MED AIDE? Huntsacker? His mom sold the diary. Her gramma was mrs kennard. He's back here after all this time. yk that's a good point. He is gently being a spy but then some other guy bullies them lol. But for how long were these two pretending to be the bartender? Frankie Benjamin Huntsacker the aide called him jerry earlier when the detectives came to talk.
"Bushwhack" lol
GASP THE BLUE BUTTERFLY Ugh the MUSIC tho! *casually touches it with his hands* How much of it was paste? Apparently the one they actually made was made of blue sapphires & they auctioned it off for charity. There are plenty of minerals that you can use in place of diamonds. Moissanite & white sapphires are both subs for diamonds. I'm sure blue sapphires can replace blue diamonds, except blue diamonds are typically not as coloured as a good quality blue sapphire.
Joe you said that any irishman worth his salt would be around the radio, not the cuban & mob boss too. I can't believe dempsey let her go but ig he was focussing on the fight. Hoo that leg The ice? Oh the bling, the diamonds Oof she just killed lenny! Yeah Sally was totally a victim! That's sooo cool they just ran away & burned the bodies & UGH THAT'S SO GOOD I'VE BEEN WANTING TO LEARN HOW TO LIGHT A MATCH ON MY THUMB FOR YEARS They probably lied tbh... You know, didn't want to get caught for a murder they did so many years ago, they did not struggle for the gun & have it accidentally go. Girl it is not up to YOU to decide. Tho I do like your decision. JF: We don't know how to thank you RC: I do Ok but here's the thing, how would they get by without the money they were going to get from this thing? Also hold on didn't this guy have a fake? The writer believes it was always a fake, castle believes it was switched out back in the 20s, Jerry & Viola (Joe & Vera) seem to think that they hid the BB but Frankie got his hands on a fake... idk I KNEW the brick would be a thing! Oh the music <3 RC/JF: Let the bastard spend the rest of his life not knowing his prized possession is right under his nose. Love <3 <3 <3 woah that dog! Tell them it was fake or tell them someone found it? The way he pulls her in like that <3 ALWAYS <3 <3 <3 How did they make it without the money from the BB tho? That's why they concocted this plan in the first place Weird ending but So Good I love it! ugh too good! Brilliant!
I am going to transcribe the audio commentary I swear.
this episode is one of my faves & I know I say that abt a lot but DANG this one was golden! So freaking good! So Freaking Good!
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twotangledsisters · 1 year
I'm updating Thee Thieves as soon as I finish the final proof read but here's a sneak peak of today's chapter cause I LOVE THESE THREE:
“So, Caine.” Eugene leaned over the bar. “You taking good care of my sister, I hope.” “Don’t get all protective big brother on me, Rider, I’ll beat the shit out of you.” Cassandra sipped her own drink, knowing both parties were harmless as long as she was in the middle. Eugene chuckled. “Perhaps on an off day, but we both know if you hurt my sister, I’ll fucking kill you.” “If anybody hurt Cassandra, I’d kill them before you even found out, Pretty Boy.” “If anybody hurts me, I’ll be the one throwing punches,” Cassandra finally interrupted, gulping down the remainder of her drink. “Don’t forget it. Come on Flynn, we better get to work.”
Ah, such precious little criminals.
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