#floral tea box
I have some news!!
My Etsy shop is back up!! If you don't know about my Etsy shop, I sell cool things that I've picked up at estate sales. And I have so many cool things right now!
And even better, I'm running a sale. From today until May 2, the entire shop is 25% off!! I'm trying to clear up some stuff for spring cleaning. So please take a look at my shop to see if there's anything that interests you.
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learnandturn · 5 months
I was punched and pepper sprayed by cops that my university administration set on student protesters yesterday. Including once where a cop ripped my mask off my face, grabbed my jaw, and sprayed pepper sprayed straight into my mouth. The university sent out an alert in the middle of our protest canceling classes for the rest of the day, only citing “adverse conditions”. After protesters dispersed under threat of even more violence and three buses of riot police from all over the state with rubber bullets and bully sticks parked in front of one our school’s famous landmarks. I staggered over to a couple of friends who were watching on the sidelines. They gave me water and an apple and held a bag of ice on my very pepper spray irritated face. As they were walking me back to my dorm we ran into one of their roommates. She had taken cancelled classes as an opportunity to get crumbl cookie with her friends. Standing in front of her, happy in a floral blouse with her box of cookies, in my pepper spray and water soaked tshirt, keffiyeh sadly hanging off my shoulder, holding an ice pack to my mouth, felt like a slap in the face.
After putting my pepper spray soaked clothes, shoes, and keffiyeh in a plastic bag and taking an extraordinarily painful shower, a friend and I went for dinner just off campus. There we had a pot of green tea and ramen to soothe pepper sprayed throats. We got ice cream after (shared a cup with chocolate and raspberry pomegranate with strawberry pieces on top, it was very good). From our spot outside the ice cream place we watched a steady stream of groups of sorority girls in matching jeans shorts and blue bikini tops walking back to their apartments after some apparently raucous parties. The cognitive dissonance was insane. I really felt a little like I was going crazy.
Even this morning, waking up to the smeared sharpie of the National Lawyer’s Guild’s phone number on my arm, a black and blue chest from where a grown man straight up clocked me while I was held up by two other protesters in a wall, and a still sore throat and eyes from the pepper spray, life goes on like normal. I still have final papers to write and a math exam to review for.
I’m not sure I really have a point. But, this feeling only makes me want to fight harder for a free Palestine. So, fuck Israel for being an apartheid state and all of their crimes over the last 76 years. Fuck university administration for not disclosing their level of investment in Israel. Fuck university administration for not divesting from this genocide. Fuck Joe Biden for actively supporting this genocide. And fuck the police.
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yourcoffeeguru · 1 year
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Arcopel France Milk Glass Tea Light Candle Holder w Trinket Lidded Container SET || SWtradepost
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illyrianbitch · 4 months
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Pairing: Reader x Azriel
Summary: While packing some boxes, Azriel is overwhelmed by memories of your relationship.
Warnings: slight angst if you squint, established relationship, fluff fluff fluff :)
Word Count: 2.1k
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The apartment was a mess of half-packed boxes and disheveled belongings.
The scent of change hung in the air, thick and heavy— and Azriel was choking on it.  He stood in the middle of the chaos, a forlorn expression etched onto his usually composed face. The bedroom was empty now, save for a few scattered objects and packed cardboard boxes, ready to be taped and taken away. 
Azriel wasn’t sure what to do with himself. He had expected a certain amount of sadness with the move, a certain feeling of leaving something that had once meant the world to him. Even still, he was struggling with the swelling in his heart. He felt his wings behind him now, heavy and tense, as he looked around the room, gaze landing on his various packed boxes. 
He could hear chatter downstairs, could hear Cassian’s laughter and Mor’s grumbling. Azriel’s shadows were downstairs now, too, as they had stayed for the past two weeks of moving out. There was one lone shadow that bounced between the floors, updating Az on every movement and conversation— Cassian had accidentally taped Mor’s hair while attempting to fix up the final living room boxes. Mor had accidentally hit Cassian in the face as a response.
Azriel let out a deep breath, walking towards one of the many opened boxes. His golden-brown eyes shimmered with unshed tears as he gingerly lifted a delicate porcelain teacup. His fingers traced the intricate floral design and a memory washed over him.
It was a rainy afternoon, the kind where the world outside seemed to blur into a grey mist.  Azriel had come to visit, carrying various items that Feyre wanted to drop off but couldn't herself due to her growing belly. It had begun to pour while he was there— in the small apartment he now stood in. You had insisted he stayed, insisted that the weather was too awful for him to make it home. He didn’t have the heart to tell you he’d traveled in worse conditions. And in all honesty, he had found himself unable to leave, anyway. 
You’d invited him into your kitchen, brewed some tea and sat across from him, the table complete with mismatched cups and saucers. Azriel had his wings folded neatly behind him as he sipped the floral tea you brewed, nervous about how large he appeared to you, worried about knocking any one of your small decorations over. The sound of your laughter, bright and unrestrained, had filled the room as you both fell into a natural conversation. He realized that afternoon, in the gloomy grey weather, the awful things he’d do to see you smile again.
And was then he was met with the comforting realization that he didn’t need to do those awful things at all— because you’d asked to see him again once the downpour stopped. 
A sad smile tugged at Azriel’s lips as he carefully wrapped the teacup in tissue paper. Setting it aside, he reached for a worn, leather-bound journal, its pages filled with scribbled, heavy-handed notes. The sight of it tugged at his heart, another memory pulling him under.
You had given him the journal during one of the quieter nights at the townhouse, your fingers brushing his as you handed it over. “For your thoughts,” you had whispered, your eyes sparkling with encouragement.
Azriel had never been a journal lover before, had never been one to write down his feelings, his thoughts, or observations. His job was to observe, yes, but he never thought about it farther than that, had never thought about what he could do with those things he realized, where he could put the multitudes of thoughts that often clouded his mind. 
You had been the first one to ever suggest it— suggest it in a way that was sincere and genuine. You told him that it would be worth it, and when he had made a comment about no one wanting to read what he had to say, you had simply said, “I do. I always want to know what you’re thinking. But that doesn’t matter. No one but you matters.”
So Azriel had taken to it immediately, filling its pages with thoughts, concerns, and observations of various moments— he grew to adore it over time. It helped him with his impulsivity, with his anger, with his loneliness. Even his shadows had grown to love the hobby, had learned to sleep as he wrote away, had learned to delicately ghost the words on the pages as Azriel scratched away his thoughts. 
Azriel’s heart clenched as he placed the journal down and a wave of emotion ran through him like a heavy tide. Tears pricked at his eyes and he swallowed, moving on to the next item—a small, crystal vial filled with shimmering stardust. 
It was the first Starfall since he’d fallen for you, and the night sky had been alive with dancing glittering souls. You managed to catch a handful of stardust, bottling it as a keepsake of the perfect evening. Azriel still remembered how beautiful you looked, how nervous he had been to talk to you that he ended up making some joke about you bottling up a dead spirit for eternity. You only laughed, a sound that he wished he could’ve bottled up in a vial, saved for later like you had done with that stardust. You stared at the glass vial, admired the shimmering glow for a few moments as Azriel had admired you. Then you had given it to him with a whisper: "For you. Even in the darkest times, there's always light." 
He didn’t know how to tell you the gift wasn’t needed, didn’t know how to tell you that you were enough light for him. He’d taken it with shaky fingers— which he prayed to The Mother you hadn’t noticed— and kept the vial in his leathers on every rough mission. It became his talisman, a beacon of hope and love. A connection to you. 
A lump grew in the back of Azriel’s throat.
“I got the tape!”  
Your voice echoed throughout the hall as you rounded the corner, a delicate smile on your face.
The smile quickly fell at the sight of your mate and you stilled, his shadows swirling around you before descending to the ground, quickly dancing over to his form. The room smelled of a bittersweet sadness, of something longing, heavy, and sad. 
"Az, what's going on?” You asked softly, placing the tape on top of the open box before him. “Why are you crying?"
Azriel blinked rapidly, shaking his head softly before turning to look down at you. "I'm not crying," he said. He offered you a smile that didn’t reach his eyes— the same eyes that seemed deep in thought, seemed contemplative and conflicted.
“Azriel.” You gave him a knowing look and gently placed your hands on his face, wiping away a stray tear with your thumb. "What's wrong?" 
He leaned into your touch, eyes fluttering shut for a moment. And then he took your hands in his, bringing them to his lips to kiss your knuckles. His lips were soft against your skin, his kiss feather-light and almost sacred. A warmth inside you blossomed at the softness of his touch, and you let out an appreciative, loving hum.
Azriel brushed the pad of his thumb along your fingers. His gaze fell to your left hand, to the golden ring that adorned your ring finger. A smile grew on his face. He traced it with his thumb, running over the cool metal, inspecting the intricate patterns he had the jeweler carve into the ring— something special just for you. Something as unique as the unbreakable bond you shared.
"It's just strange," Azriel said quietly. He lowered your hands. "I never thought I'd be here. I never imagined ending up so happy.”
You tilted your head at him, feeling your lips fall into a small pout. Azriel only looked at you with a sense of adoration painted through his features. He let out a small breath before he continued, taking a moment to scan the empty room once more.  “I'm sad to leave this apartment because it has so many memories.”
"Oh Az," you said softly, your voice almost a comforting coo.  "I'm sad too. We made some great memories here."
Azriel nodded, his gaze growing distant as he recalled the life he had built here, the life he had fought for with you. He thought of the many times he’d walked you home, when this apartment had just been yours— slightly too big for just one person, slightly too empty that even you felt like it was missing something. He thought about the first time he spent the night, how his shadows fell into place, how they strangely adored the corners of your home, the wood-paneled hallways and plaster banisters. He thought about the day he moved in, how he woke up in the middle of the night afraid that it had all been a dream, only to be lulled back to sleep by your soft whispers, gentle touch, and a whole lot of sweet, sleepy sex. 
He let out a small, content laugh. "We did."
You tugged on his hand, pulling his focus back to you. When his eyes met yours, his gaze softened, and you felt a glow in your chest. You gave that divine thread between you a small tug, felt it sing deep within your ribs. A rush of life flowed through you, something bright and hopeful. The air around you changed, less bittersweet now, less heavy. You smiled gently. 
"Now we'll make even more memories in a place that’s big enough for all of us."
It was then that you pulled his hand towards you, taking his large palm and placing it on your stomach. His fingers splayed over the growing bump you now adorned. From underneath your hold, you felt a release of tension in Azriel’s hands. 
Tendrils of shadow hovered over his touch, gently dancing across your stomach as Azriel admired the sight before him. His voice was tender as he whispered, "How did I ever get so lucky?”
He blinked, tears welling up in his eyes again. He flickered his gaze back to your face, meeting your eyes instantly. They mirrored his own, welled up with tears that brimmed on your waterlines. You laughed softly. 
The sound rippled through Azriel’s body and he felt himself melt even further into you. Even his shadows simply sat atop your belly now, almost unmoving, as if they too were admiring you— admiring all that you were. They had taken a specific liking to you since you’d gotten pregnant, never leaving your side unless it was absolutely necessary— Azriel was grateful for it, grateful that there was always one lone tendril that would keep him company, too, that would update him on you whenever he wasn’t in the room. 
“You know, I'm the pregnant one with all these hormones, not you," you teased.
Azriel chuckled, eyes shining with love. The muscles of his cheeks ached with the deepness of his smile.  "Forgive me if I get a bit emotional thinking about the love of my life and our future child."
You felt your knees almost buckle, felt something flutter in your stomach at his words. The love of his life and his future child. You and your future child. 
"My sweet, sappy mate."
He laughed again, the sound rich and full of life. He pulled you into a gentle embrace. "I love you," he said, his voice now carrying a sincerity that made you breathless, a tone that spoke of a vow and a promise. His eyes scanned your face, taking in every feature. 
Oh how you hoped your child got his eyes, got the beautiful hazel they contained, the flicker of brown, dots of green. You hoped your child got his laugh too, the deep rumble that made you feel love in every way possible. You blinked away a few growing tears. 
"And I love you," you replied, your heart swelling with joy. You stepped back, giving him a gentle nudge. "Okay, now get to packing because my feet hurt and I'm really craving some ice cream."
Azriel grinned, shaking his head as he watched you walk away. His shadows trailed after you, except for one that lingered behind, wrapping around his hand as he reached for the packing tape.
He looked down at the shadow, a smile tugging at his lips as its gentle, calm movement. "Alright,” he murmured, “Let's finish this up and get our girl some ice cream.”
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permanent tag list 🫶🏻: @rhysandorian @itsswritten @milswrites @lilah-asteria @georgiadixon
@glam-targaryen @cheneyq @darkbloodsly @pit-and-the-pen
azriel tag list: @thisiskaylin @serrendiipty
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stardust-swan · 4 months
The Kind of Girl I Want To Be
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Buys herself pink peonies and roses
Wears scents like Parfums De Marly Delina and Oriana, Miss Dior, YSL Paris, Prada Candy, Mon Guerlain and Chanel Chance Eau Tendre (she sprays it in the morning, after showers, and before going to bed)
Bakes heart shaped sugar cookies and macarons
Spends rainy days sipping rose tea from floral china while reading beautifully bound classic novels
Has a bookshelf filled with first edition poetry books, gilded editions of fairytale books, volumes of the Little Books of Fashion series, leatherbound classics, and Harlequin romance novels
Drinks peppermint tea in the morning and camomile tea at night
Sleeps on pink silk sheets and has a satin kimono robe
Plays Brigitte Bardot, classical music, and soft jazz in the background
Takes ballates or yogalates classes
Plays the violin or cello
Watches Audrey Hepburn and Anna Karina films
Adds sweet almond oil and rose bath tea to her vanilla bubble bath
Has a seasonal pass to the ballet and regularly visits the theatre, old bookshops, botanical gardens, and art galleries
Keeps things like French Girl lip tints/Glossier lip balms/Too Faced lip glosses, a hand mirror, a comb, some bonbons, a book, a rollerball of perfume, hand cream, a piece of rose quartz, a scrunchie, a nail file, spray on SPF and bubblegum in her bag at all times
Is always up to date with Fashion Week
Writes in her diary daily in swirly writing using coloured gel pens, pressing flowers between the pages and spraying perfume samples on it
Lights Yankee Candle Fresh Cut Roses or Rainbow Cookie, keeps soap and lavender in her wardrobe, and has vanilla diffusers around the house
Lives in a cosy home filled with beautiful things, like paintings by local artists, lots of cushions and throws, soft lighting from salt lamps and fairy lights, potted herbs and succulents, vintage vases filled with floral arrangements, DIY macramé and embroidery projects, a bowl of different crystals, signature Barbies on a shelf, rattan furniture, fluffy towels in white, pink, baby blue, and lavender, pink Dove or rose Roger et Gallet soap and Jurlique rose hand cream on the bathroom sink, pictures of her loved ones in antique frames, floral patterns everywhere, antique mirrors, and beautiful porcelain teasets
Goes to French cafés to enjoy a vanilla oat latte with a millefeuille or almond croissant
Always wears diamond or pearl earrings (often paired with a charm bracelet or gold heart locket)
Enjoys rosé wine, champagne, and strawberry daiquiris at lunchtime occasionally
Snacks on strawberries, sugared almonds, dried fruit and nuts, and Turkish Delight
Applies powder, rosy blush, lipgloss, and puts ribbons in her hair at her vanity table, which is decorated with a ballerina music box, vintage perfume bottles, and trinkets shaped like swans, angels and shepherdesses
Has her morning and evening routines down pat: waking up to melodic music, opening the windows, making the bed, doing gentle yoga, simple skincare, getting dressed, applying makeup, and eating a simple but delicious breakfast in the morning, and having a warm shower, doing more decadent skincare, putting on comfy cotton or satin pyjamas, journalling, enjoying a calming cup of herbal tea, reading, looking out the window at the moon, and falling asleep to relaxing sounds like ocean waves, gentle rainfall, and white noise at night. Her life runs like clockwork.
Is gentle, sweet, romantic, and full of love to give
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totheblood · 1 year
begging for rain. (one)
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󠁐# ONE; the more you wait
PAIRING: ex!ellie williams x nextdoorneighbor!reader
SUMMARY: moving to a new town can be tough, especially as you are trying to hold everything in your life together. after you meet ellie, your life completely changes, but for the better? well that's still up in the air
WARNINGS: mentions of death, grief, related subjects; cursing, mentions of drinking/drugs, mentions of s*x,
A/N :new story... this is inspired by some dreams i had and the song begging for rain, by maggie roggers! an amazing song... this will be angsty and fluffy and will spend some time flipping in between past and present! hope u enjoy… AI AUDIOS AT THE END ! please please please like and reblog/reply/send asks, comments, the whole nine yards… it is so appreciated!
The fall came quicker than you expected.
Your days were overcast, filled with warm tea that quickly turned cold the longer you let it sit. Some days you held the pink and white cup firmly in your hands, fingers warming from the hot liquid inside. On other days you forgot the cup was even there. 
The house was big and lonely. It felt as if you had examined every crack in the walls, and memorized the creak of every step. You were going to get to know this house as if it were your own because it was. You moved in late summer, your mom hauling luggage from the door, making some comment about you only bringing in the light boxes. You rolled your eyes and helped anyways. You didn’t want to be here, but you weren’t going to let your mom know that.
The house was in a nice neighborhood, with a good school district. Your mom did as much research as she could before buying this house, making some weird charts on Excel and plugging in numbers. You had a hefty inheritance from your dad, but now that he was gone and your house was down an income, your mother was doing what she had to. She bought the house in full, with no mortgage and no problem. This was her plan and it was the one that ensured you had the best chance of going to a good college.
You didn’t like the idea of moving to a new town and starting over, but you knew your dad’s death was hard on your mom and you didn’t want to be the cause of anymore discomfort for her. So you left your childhood friends, and bedroom and packed what you could in the ten boxes provided to you.
Your new room was simple, but fairly big. It had a bay window with a floral lined cushion in the seat. The walls were painted cream, and in the center of your room lay your bedframe and mattress. It was so empty, and everything about it felt so cold. Directly from your window, you could see into the house next to you. In the room you could see, the walls were a dark blue, littered with posters you couldn’t quite see from the distance. The room was messy, with clothes littered all over the room. From what you could see a white electric guitar was on a stand, right by the window. Then, almost as if she knew you were there, a girl stepped into view. Shaggy neck-length brown hair, half tied up into a bun. Suddenly, you felt like a creep as she stared at you, mouth slightly open as if she was caught. Almost instantly you turned around, embarrassment flooding your features.
You weren’t a creep, and this wasn’t something you did often. You were just curious, and it got the best of you sometimes. You decided that the curtains would be the first thing you hung up, not for your safety but for your neighbours safety.
You had everything situated that night, floral sheets on the mattress and books all tucked into the built in bookshelf. Your lamp illuminated from the corner of the room, making the whole room glow orange. You had pictures of your old friends on your bedside table, next to a picture of you and your dad. You winced as you looked at it. 
A small knock shook you from your thoughts. Your mom, in her pajamas, stood in the doorway, arms crossed across her chest.
“How do you like your room, honey?” She questioned, warm eyes following you as you sat on your bed.
“It’s nice,” you rubbed at the blanket at the edge of your bed, “I like it.”
“I know this isn’t idea-”
“Mom, it’s fine-”
“What did I tell you about interrupting?” Her eyebrows raised as she shot you a look, her posture straightening. You rolled your eyes.
“Sorry,” you grumbled, avoiding eye contact with her.
“I know this isn’t ideal, and you are giving up a lot to be here, but,” she shook her head, looking down at her own feet, “this is a nice town with nice people and a good school. It’s what your dad would’ve wanted for you.” 
You winced again at the mention of your dad. You opened your mouth to speak but were quickly shut up by the sound of the doorbell. It sounded loud and hollow, something you would have to get used to. Your mom looked down the hallway, fixing to ignore the sound before it rang again. This time you got up to follow her. When she opened the wooden door, there stood the brunette girl from earlier and an older gruff looking man holding a container. 
“Hey, um,” He smiled at your mom before looking at you with your arms crossed behind her, “we’re your next-door neighbors and we saw you moving in. Wanted to welcome ourselves and bring you a little somethin’.”
The man pushed forward the container and your mom happily took it, smiling and gesturing for them to come in. 
“Come on in,” she smiled, stepping to the side, completely ignoring the look you were shooting her, “I’m Melissa and this is my daughter, Y/n.”
You smiled, pursing your lips and giving a small wave to both of them. 
“Well, I’m Joel,” He smiled, nodding at you and gesturing toward the younger girl next to him. “This is Ellie, think she’s about your kid’s age.”
“Well, missy here is about to go into her senior year,” your mom boasted as she gripped your arms shaking you a little, making you roll your eyes.
“So is Ellie,” He chuckled slightly, wrapping his arms around Ellie and causing her to groan, “maybe she can help… Y/n? Was it? Out with school this year.” 
Ellie’s eyes widened as she turned around to look at him, giving him a dirty glare. 
“In fact, how about Ellie here drives her to school tomorrow?” His smile was tight-lipped as he firmly tapped Ellie’s shoulder.
“You don’t have t-” your mom started.
“Don’t be silly. Ellie would love to.” 
Ellie, in fact, did not look like she wanted to. She also didn’t look quite friendly either and you were unsure if this was the best introduction to your new neighborhood.
“We leave at seven,” Ellie’s voice was flat as she gave you a fake smile, Joel smiling brightly at your mother.
“Cool, thanks,” was all you said before taking the metal tray from your mom and into the kitchen. The introductions were awkward but at least you weren’t going to have to find the school on your own. 
The next morning you woke up early, washed your face, did your hair, and pulled on your best outfit for school. Your mom had bought you new Dr. Martens as an “I’m sorry I uprooted your life” gift and you made a mental note to thank her for that again sometime later.
You took a granola bar to go and the packed lunch your mom had made you the night before. You smiled to yourself as you took it, knowing you wouldn’t see her till late that night. She had left early that morning, not wanting to be late for her first shift at the hospital. You were secretly hoping it was going well. 
As you stepped outside, the fog surrounded you, making you even more grateful to Ellie. You crossed the dirt path between the houses and stepped onto their patio, knocking on the white door as you gripped your backpack straps. Ellie opened the door, face as unwelcoming as yesterday. She wore a blue flannel that loosely hung open with a white band tee on the inside. Her baggy jeans were ripped and frayed at the ends, meeting the black Converse at her feet. She had a distinct style, and she looked good in it. 
“You ready to go?” Ellie asked, pulling her keys out and unlocking the jeep parked in the driveway. Nice car. 
“Um, yeah,” You quietly said, following her down the steps and into the car. If she was just as quiet as you were planning on being, this wouldn’t work. You got yourself situated in the car, tucking your backpack under the seat as you smiled at Ellie. When the car started up her music started automatically playing, “Be Quiet and Drive” blasting through the speakers. She turned it down a little, to be polite. Nice, you thought.
“Thanks for driving me,” You started, watching as she turned her head to check for oncoming cars as she pulled out the driveway, “I know you might not have wanted to, but I really appreciate it.”
“Eh,” Ellie shrugged, eyes focused on the road, “It’s not a big deal. It’s not like I had to pick you up or anything.”
“But still,” you sighed, “I appreciate it.”
Ellie just mumbled a your welcome before tapping her fingers to the music on the wheel. 
“I love Deftones,” you commented, making Ellie turn towards you, looking you up and down.
“You? Really?” She laughed, stopping at a red light. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked, your tone taking a little bit of a bite to it.
“Hey, hey. Just saying I didn’t get that vibe from you.” It was your turn to roll your eyes.
“And what exactly is the vibe you get from me?” 
“Girl next door,” Ellie laughed to herself, shaking her head a little, “quite literally.”
“I don’t know what that means, but I’m choosing to take it as a compliment.” 
The car was silent for a moment as Ellie made her way down some backstreets, occasionally looking over at you to see you on your phone. 
“Um,” she cleared her throat, “what’s your favorite song by them?” 
“Probably ‘Cherry Waves’, basic I know,” you shrugged, focusing your attention on her.
“Not basic. It’s a good song,” she gave you a smile. Finally. “You have good taste.”
“Thanks,” you finally smiled.
“For a stalker,” She added on, chuckling a bit causing you to gasp.
“Oh my god,” you groaned, shoving your face in your hands. “I wasn’t stalking you, I was just looking out my window.”
“And right into my room!” you could tell she was just teasing, making you shake your head as you laughed.
“It was in my line of sight,” you leaned forward, looking at her smiling, “plus if I knew you were in there I wouldn’t have looked.”
“That’s exactly what a stalker would say,” her smile was spread across her face as her jeep pulled into the parking lot of the school. Busses were lined up in front, kids piling out and talking to each other as if they knew each other for years. It was all so normal, nothing like your nightmares. 
“No, that defeats the whole point of stalking!”
Summer had finally come around, the end of your first year in college coming to an abrupt end. You were excited to be home, but your stomach churned at the thought of being so close to Ellie again. She was right there, and all the willpower you had was slowly disappearing. 
You knew you didn’t want to see her, and that maybe she had stopped missing you. But both of those things were slightly untrue. You knew if you saw her, your knees would become weak again and you would be crawling across your lawn and straight into her lap. That wasn't an option. That couldn’t be an option.
She had called you again just two nights ago, and she sounded almost sure of herself. You knew she was probably high, and you knew she meant every word she said. It didn’t stop the pain from gripping at your chest when you told her you wanted nothing to do with her.
“You picked up.”
“What do you want, Ellie?” you rolled your eyes, as you felt your chest tightening.
“I come home in a few days, I want to see y-”
“That’s not happenin-”
“Cherry, please,” she sounded so desperate and so sincere. The use of your nickname didn’t help.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Look, I messed up. I know that. I have been apologizing every day for that. I fucking miss you. Nothing is the same and if I am just inches away from you I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself. I miss you, I miss how you fucking smelled, how you tast-”
“Ellie, stop,” you cut her off abruptly, screwing your eyes shut as you took a deep breath to steady yourself, “this is pathetic. You’re acting like a fucking loser and it’s not at all attractive. Move on. Find someone else to whine over. Anyone else.”
“No one is you.”
“You should have thought of that before you-”
“Can we not talk about that?”
“No, we have to. If you ever want to see me again we will have to talk about it,” you were being mean, you were worse before but Ellie never seemed to care, she just kept begging, “I will maybe hear you out if we talk about it, but other than that, I don’t want to see you.”
“Fine.” Click. She hung up the phone, as she usually did when the situation was brought up. It was a surefire way to get her to leave you alone. 
As you pulled your luggage out of the backseat of your car, you looked up to Ellie’s window. Surely, enough she was standing there, staring down at you. You couldn’t quite read the expression on her face, but she quickly disappeared from the window, closing the curtains. 
Dragging your luggage inside, you stopped when you saw Joel sitting at your dining room table. 
“Joel,” you said simply, looking around for your mother who came rushing out of the kitchen at the sound of your voice. Joel simply nodded at you, giving you a pained smile as your mother bombarded you with a hug. 
‘My baby!” She squeezed you tight, making you groan. “You’re finally home.”
“Melissa, let the kid breathe,” Joel chuckled, standing up to walk over to you and give you a hug from the side. He was limping, that was new. 
“Hey, kiddo,” he took a step back from you and your mom, looking at the both of you, “you’re getting so old, you look just like your mother.” 
“I’ve always looked like her,” you corrected him, looking around the room to spot any changes your mom might have made while you were away. Your eyes stopped on a picture of Ellie and you from the fall fair your senior year. You always had this picture in your phone, but now it was blown up and framed, right next to a picture of your dad. You winced. “What the fuck is that? Why is there a picture of me and Ellie hung up in here?” 
“Watch your language, missy,” your mom scolded, lifting up a finger to wag at you, “and because I like the picture, it’s nice.”
“Take it dow-”
“You can’t still possibly be on this-”
“Take it down, or I will,” your tone was sharp, causing your mom to take a step back and look at Joel. You eyed her for a moment before turning to go up the stairs, dragging your heavy suitcase up the stairs. Joel rushed over to help you, reaching for the handle. You quickly grasped it out of reach.
“I can do it myself,” you snapped, shooting him a glare and bringing it up the stairs with you. Everyone here wanted to forgive Ellie, but you weren’t ready for that.
You weren’t sure if you ever would be.
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hyukassubi · 4 months
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Sorry, The Food Is Cold...
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Pairing : Husband!Beomgyu x Wife!Reader
Genre : Angst around the middle, bittersweet fluff at the end
Warnings : Aside from Beomgyu getting a little lonely, none!
Synopsis : Beomgyu waits patiently for his wife to return home from work. The clock keeps ticking, and the food is getting cold...
Content : Beomgyu being lonely for like 60% of the whole fic *sob sob*
Wc : 1.2k words
Tag : @itzzz-yerin
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The store-bought gyoza sizzles on the pan. Beads of of sweat trickle down Beomgyu's forehead on this cold night, wiping them off with the back of his arm, sleeves pulled up to his elbows.
The only reason he'd pan-fry the entire bag is because he wanted to have someone to share his dinner with- his lover.
And while flipping the wedges of gyoza-goodness, all he could think about was: 'this would go well with some tea'.
The thing is, you weren't even home.
These past couple of days, work had just been piling up on you. It didn't matter how much you enjoyed your work, too much of a good thing is never really a good thing.
But it paid your bills, and all you wanted for you and your husband was a comfy home the both of you could live in for the time being. So, night after night, the hours grew longer, and the longer it took for you to arrive home.
Beomgyu got used to skipping 'golden hour cafe dates' with you, or snuggling up on the couch talking about your work while crocheting that huge floral blanket of yours— you fiddled and played with the wool, he played and kissed your hair. Even hearing the trickle of water as you shower in the bathroom, humming a foreign melody, and he'd smile everytime he heard your voice.
But here he was, at home, couch empty, the only tunes available being the sizzling of oil on the pan and a couple arguing upstairs, and then, a ping on his phone—
A ping on his phone.
Beomgyu jolted to the sink, washing his hands way too fast before wiping them dry and then reaching to his phone and—
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An hour had gone by.
Beomgyu finally stood up, skittering into the kitchen. Upon his five-minute search, he scavanged a hoard of tissues, neatly placing them over the dishes. Beomgyu checked his phone again for the first time in a while, only to receive two missed calls from… his high school dance club friends.
He chuckled, walking to… he didn’t know where.
The kitchen? He grabbed a tupperware full of orange slices and walked out.
The living room? The empty couch made without a body to hold to lay on his chest and hair to play with made the apartment seem all the more spacey.
The bedroom? Same reason as the couch, except instead of a couch sits a king sized bed that is empty, not to mention the lingering smell of fresh laundry and flower gardens coming from your closet full of your clothes that have your scent making Beomgyu remember flashes of you.
Beomgyu stood there, in a hall, in the middle of his apartment— your apartment—contemplating.
The balcony it is.
Two hours had gone by.
The thing about Beomgyu was that his voice box never dies out, even after a two hour talkathon with the boys, arguing about how rat infestations in Soobin’s apartment makes his place banned for boys night sleepovers because Beomgyu might just turn his entire kitchen into the korean Ratatouille live action no one asked for but didn’t know they needed.
An intriguing conversation indeed over muscats under the shining stars. Beomgyu settled down for the time being,tracing out figures of kitchenware and forest animals in the sky. Not long after, a semi-cold feeling brushes past him like a wailing ghost in search of heaven in mid-air.
He was lonely.
Beomgyu pressed his lips together, leaning forward from his seat. He thought, maybe if he looked closely enough, somewhere down there, he’d spot a tiny white car planted in the middle of the road, glued in place in that rat trap of traffic.
Except he does see that familiar tiny white car on the road.
Beomgyu’s eyes widened.
My wife!, he thought.
… Although it could just be someone else’s car-
The table started vibrating.
Beomgyu snapped out of his train of thoughts, clinging onto his phone.
“Beomgyu, darling,” that familiar voice that itched the right spots in Beomgyu’s brain flowed into his ears like honey, “I swear, I’m on my way home, it’s just— the traffic is absolutely horrendous right now.” You went on rambling about some sort of traffic light malfunction, a delay at work, bitter coffee that didn’t sit right with your tastebuds and Beomgyu continued to listen , phone pressed to his ears, eyes on the road below simply watching that tiny… little white car.
He didn’t know how long it took until, at some point during all that rambling, he cut your yapping short. “Sweetheart, give me ten minutes—”
“—Wait what do you mean ten min—”
Beomgyu hung up.
He raced to the kitchen, swaddling up two sets of cutlery inside cherry patterned napkins and a tupperware.
If you could drive into the sewers underground sprouting out of the pipes into your apartment, you… wouldn’t because water bills aren’t cheap, not in this economy.
Your forehead slams onto the steering wheel, a loud wail of your horn blaring for ten whole seconds. Home is literally a street-or-two-and-an-additional-U-turn away, you could’ve been home hours ago in the welcoming embrace of your husband, eating his simplistic yet mouth-watering store-bought dishes… holding each other closely while talking about… the future? Life?… Kids? That was still a mile or two hundred away into the future but… it wasn’t impossible now wasn’t it?
Your head fell onto the steering wheel once more.
And when you lifted it back up… Beomgyu???
What… What’s your husband doing on the sidewalk? Waving manically, bookmarking into the tight spaces between car after car.
“Open the roof.” He insisted, he yelled, he- Oh my God, he’s really gonna climb through there???
You felt— What did you feel? How did you feel about this? Is this even real? Your eyes fell on Beomgyu’s left hand, holding onto a small bag.
The roof of the car slid open.
And so did Beomgyu.
Smooth as silk, he dropped into the car.
The roof closed shut.
“What the hell are you doing?” Your question came out confused and flustered all at the same time.
Beomgyu crawled into the passenger seat, unknotting the cloth of the bag. “Thought I’d get some fresh air and make a small delivery!” he passed a fogged up tuperware your way.
For a moment, all you could do is blink. You just blinked. And then, in the next moment, Beomgyu’s tuperware wasn’t clutched in his hand anymore. “This is why I love you so much.” You opened the tuperware, that salty-sweet scent of sauce looming in the congested air.
Beomgyu chuckled. “Because I cook passable food?” Another chuckle, more awkward than the last. “Sorry, the food is cold.”
“Well… you’re thoughtful.” You started slow, swirling a piece of gyoza around the sea of soy sauce. “You’re loving, you’re you. You’re all I want.”
It definitely wasn’t the trick of a million headlights surrounding the happy couple— Choi Beomgyu was blushing, ever so faintly, looking away.
You placed a hand on Beomgyu’s jaw, plopping a piece into his mouth. “Eat up.”
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A/n: I had a friend group later in my highschool days whom I thought of as my girl gang once. I've matured since then once I realized how lonely and misunderstood they made me felt, not because they were bad people in any way, but we had different love languages and communication styles the more we grew older *starts playing 'drama' by txt*. I wanted to encapsulate this lonely feeling in the form of a fanfiction, though it is neither of the two parties faults. I wanted to write something that didn't make making a bold/first move feel like walking over eggshells.
🫶 Reblog and review if you like my work 🫶
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aesthet · 4 months
Love Brew 𓏊 ๋࣭°
Childe x fem!reader, aphrodisiac, top!childe, pet names; sweet cheeks, hun and girlie, light swearing
When you heard the news that a researcher founded a new invention that causes excitement in the lower region of your body, of course you're intrigued. And so, you read the papers that has big bold letters that say
This title alone is crazy in itself, so coming from the trusted source being the Steambird you read it. The newspaper explains that an Amurta researcher accidentally came across a kind of flower that is able to make people aroused and this flower acts as the activator of the 'Love Brew' that gives excitement to the people who drinks it. Though it's still in the works, it's not the final and not the strongest product, the researcher admits that they want to test the waters and decided to sell a limited batch and distribute it.
After reading this, you can't help but get reminded of a certain orange haired man that you dearly loved. So while he was away to deal with some clients at the Northland Bank, you managed to get your hands on the bottle of the brew while the both of you are in Liyue.
Time passes by and the both of you returned to Wangshu Inn, and as soon as you stepped through the door of you and Ajax's room, you tell Ajax about your recent purchase. "Hey, Ajax" he closes the door as he begins to take off his outer layer of clothing. "Yeah? What's wrong, hun?" You pulled out the box from your bag and put it on the table, he tilted his head seeing the box. Seeing his reaction you can't help but smirk and open the box, beneath all the pink and white confetti sat a beautiful glass bottle with gold vine markings and a heart shaped lid, inside is filled with a glittery pink liquid that glistens under the light of your room in Wangshu Inn.
You put the bottle on the table beside the window and present it to him with a small 'ta-da~'. He chuckles at you and goes over to you, picking up the bottle and wrapping his arm around your waist "What's this? did you bought it in the market today?" you smiled seeing him examining the bottle in his hand "Yeah, it's a Love brew! a researcher from Sumeru found it, they said on the.." you continue to explain to him about what you read on the newspaper.
As he listens, he opens the bottle and takes a sniff. His nose is hit with a very sweet and floral smell, a mixture of berries, fruits and-
'Is that mint?' he thought to himself before snapping back to the real world after hearing you call out his name for the third time. "Did you listen to the last part?" you put your hands on your hips when he laughs awkwardly and scratching the back of his neck.
You sighed and repeat your words "Okay, so this potion isn't the final formula" he holds the bottle in front of his face, examining the glittery liquid "It isn't?" you nod "Why's that?" you take the bottle from his hand "It's still testing- a prototype, I suppose. It has a limited stock too" he nods, by then he smirked when an idea popped into his mind. "However" you cut off his thoughts by putting a finger in front of his face "the potion still works, but it isn't guaranteed. This bottle is enough for two people, so to put it simply, this potion has a 50/50 percent chance. Either you don't feel bothered at all or you feel an unbearable amount of heat and-" "excitement?" he smirks as he towers over you with hooded eyes.
"Uhm- yes, so are you up for it? We can leave a review once we're-" before you can finish his sentence, he pulls out two tea cups that was already in the room. He sits down across you and puts his arm on the table "Bring it on" your eyes widen but you can't help but chuckle, you then stand up to close the window beside the both of you for some privacy.
"Do you want to drink this whole? or add some tea or maybe water?" he looks at the bags of complimentary teas behind him and looks back at you "What's the fun in that?" he teased. You laugh at his competitiveness and poured for the both of you. After taking a breath you finally drink it, when the liquid enters your mouth and hits your tongue, you're hit with a sweet taste that also has a slight mint to it. It's almost addicting..
"Damn, that was good" he hums after chugging it all "Yeah, i wish it's just a regular drink and not a literal horny drug" you lick the left over potion on your lips. You then read the small instructions paper "It says wait for about two minutes" he hummed "Wanna place a bet?" he smirks, and this piqued your interest, placing down the instruction paper, you fold your arms over your chest "Go on" he then smiles widely "If the potion takes effect on you.." he trails off, pretending to think "You're not done until I'm satisfied" hearing this, you nod.
"If the potion chose you" you put fingers on your chin "I'll tie you up with my red rope" he barks out a laugh. "What? there's no way you actually bring-" you cut him off by pulling the red rope from your bag His face drops and his cheeks redden "My my, you got me. I didn't know you're so freaky" he teased. "Says you, you were the one who brought home the new Fontaine 'massager'. I admit, I really did believe for a second that it was a massager, until i saw the sucking part" now it's his turn to fold his arms. His muscles flexing, 'aren't those sleeves too small? when did he rolled them up? Did he start working on those arms more?' your train of thought was stopped after hearing his chuckle.
shit, he caught you staring..
You cleared your throat and looked away "Aw, did the potion affected you already? that quick?" he cooed, slightly leaning to the table and thus making his pecs stick out. When he leaned in, you almost gasped but managed to hold back, he smirked even more when he noticed you staring at his chest. The buttons do look like they're holding onto dear life "Eyes up here, sweet cheeks" he said.
You feel your cheeks warm up, you tried to laugh it off and joke about how big his tits are "Did you switch out your normal shirt? it looks tighter than usual" he tilts his head "Hm? but this is my regular shirt, i always buy them in the same size" oh-shit.. he's got you cornered "Oh.. really?" you laugh awkwardly as you feel your body starting to warm up.
Ajax noticed you moving in your seat and he smirks "𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮" he said in a deeper tone 'was his voice always this sexy?' you thought. "You alright there, girlie?" you look up at him that's now standing in front of you "Oh..yeah-of course!, why wouldn't I?" you laugh nervously, as you scratch the back of your neck as he looks down on you with hooded eyes an that familiar gaze.
"What?already? seems like i won this time-" his words are cut off when you begin fanning yourself and bouncing your feet in your seat. "What's happening?" you managed to squeak out "Hm? don't you remember?" his lips curled into a wide smirk. "You bought the potion..and we drank it with no added dr-" "I know! it's just so-" beads of sweat trickle down your neck as you try to play it cool "Is it hot in here? are you hot? I mean you are hot, i mean-" he broke into a fit of laughter after hearing you stuttering.
"Thank you, sweet cheeks" his gaze, playful. "Say. why don't I help you cool off, after all you lost didn't you?" and all you did was just let out a groan of his name "Alright alright, let me help you, yeah?".
As soon as he made that offer, you immediately kissed his delicious lips. A breathy chuckle comes out of his mouth as your tongue wrestles with his, you then push him onto the bed and climb on to him.
"So hot...too warm" you whimpered as you take off your clothes with him doing the same but doing it slowly, teasing you. "I didn't know the potion can make you incredibly sweaty too" he teases "Oh shut it" you click your tongue. Seeing this Ajax grinned widely and pull you by your waist, placing you on top of him. Your chests touch each other and your hole is dripping with pre cum as you grind on his boxers, wetting it too. You reached out to touch the big bulge hiding underneath the last piece of clothing that he's wearing as you let out small pants, begging for him to fill you up already. "I didn't know you can be so needy" he pulls down his boxers and his dick grazes your pussy slightly and you let out a small whine "I like it" he says and rubs his tip at your entrance. You grind back, trying to get his dick in, only to be slapped in the ass by his rough hands. You let out a pathetic moan from the sting, and without warning he immediately pushes himself in you, making you gasp loudly.
"So desperate" he begins moving his hips, as you grab on to his shoulders. "So whiny" he says between pants, holding your hips in place and occasionally moving them to meet his thrusts "So cute" he then goes faster and deeper than before, making your eyes widen as you let out a loud moan. You clawed his shoulder "A-ajax! s-slow down agh-" you were cut off by a harsh spank given to your right cheek "Nuh uh" he rasped out as you lean your head into the crook of his neck with drool leaking out of your mouth and onto the sheets.
He's abusing that soft spot inside you that has you seeing stars. Not to mention, he's quite thick and because of that it's easy for him to reach every spot in you with ease. After rubbing against that sweet spot multiple times Ajax feels your walls grow tighter around him, making him let out a deep groan. "You're squeezing me s-so tight, sweet cheeks" he grabs your ass to use them as handles "Let loose will ya?" he said, breathless and desperate. You shook your head 'no', "You're too de-ep! wah-" he pushed his foot against the bed, thus making a leverage for him to push himself quicker and sloppier into you.
You let out a cry when he did that, holding on to his shoulders and scratching them in the process. Your vision begin to blur as your orgasm approaches, you whined out his name and he pants your name "Let it out for me- give it to me, come on girlie i know you can do it" you tried your best to not be too loud but the way Ajax moved his hips, the task at hand is proven to be impossible.
With tear filled eyes and a loud moan, you finally came and not long after Ajax does too. After the both of you catch breaths, Ajax pats your head and kisses your forehead but as Ajax's breaths start to become normal, you start grinding your hips against his dick that's still inside you. Even though you're filled already, you need more. "It's still hot..so hot" she mumbled as if she's in a trance of some sorts. She then sat up, bouncing on him. This forces out a gasp out of the Harbringer, he then lets out an amused chuckle "Well I did say you're not done until i said so" he chokes on his groans "But from the looks of it-ah~" he said between whimpers "It seems like I'm the one who lost the bet" you continued to bounce on him, losing yourself on the Harbringer's cock until the heat subsides.
I never wrote for Childe, this is my first ever time writing about him. I hope you (Childe stans/fans) enjoy it. I was feeling a little silly writing this, don't mind me hihi
Also, I want to ask. Would you guys be intrigued by the idea of a weeping angel but instead it's those horse statue enemies in genshin that eventually bangs you. Would you guys want that? Comment down below, if u want to see it
also, free palestine y'all🍉
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reiding-writing · 9 months
building lego flowers with Spencer? :> he always gets reader flowers and they get sad when they wilt so he surprises them with the lego set and they spend a cozy afternoon together building them and drinking tea?
immortal [ s.r ]
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Spencer bought you flowers before every case he went on. But coming to your apartment after the case was finished and seeing that they’d wilted made his happiness to see you wilt along with their petals. Luckily for him, he’d seemed to find a more ‘immortal’ solution.
pairing: boyfriend!spencer x gn!reader
genre: fluff
wc: 1.2k
a/n: this request is so cute and it is also a preemptive apology for another request that i’m working on that is, you guessed it, full of angst, love you guys <333
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Spencer would always buy you a bouquet of flowers before going off on a case. Always.
The minute his phone buzzed to call him into the office he was off to his local flower shop to buy you a bouquet to remind you of his love for you even in his physical absence.
The floral arrangement was different every time. Each bouquet fit with a handwritten card explaining the flora and its symbolism.
But by the time he return they’d often be wilted, an unfortunate reminder of just how much time he has to spend away from you.
And so he arrives at your apartment with an agenda, no longer able to stand the sight of flowers that should’ve been discarded days and sometimes weeks before when he returns to see you after a case is over.
You always tell him that it’s because they remind you of him, of how much he loves you even when you can’t see him. But the drooping flowers and brown stems that always greet him upon his return, whilst it might not bother you, made his shoulders slump with guilt about not spending enough of his time with you.
He knocks three times on your apartment door, an unusual cadence that you immediately recognise as you rush to let him in, clad in a pair of fluffy pyjamas with a bright smile on your face.
You capture him in a hug as soon as you open the door, a kiss planted fervently on his cheek.
Your smile doesn’t falter at his lack of his usual flowers when he arrives unannounced at your door, but you can’t help the small quirk of your eyebrow as you lean back to give him back some personal space.
“You’re off on another case already?” Your tone betrays the small amount of disappointment you’re feeling. He’d only returned the day before yesterday, promising you a museum date on the weekend to finally spend some more quality time together. Looks like you’d have to reschedule.
Spencer can’t stop himself from breaking into a sheepish grin at your greeting, but also has an air of determination about him, his left hand securely held behind his back as his right rubs your arm lovingly.
“No actually…” He can see the flicker of disappointment in your eyes morph into confusion, and he takes the opportunity to pull you towards him and press his lips to yours, hoping to kiss any lingering negativity in your mind into non-existence. “Can I come in?”
“Of course baby yeah,” You tug him into your apartment by his wrist, a strange rattling noise emanating from behind his back as he moves to kick your door closed behind him. “What’s that?”
You tilt yourself to look behind him, and he blocks your view as he turns himself in tandem with you. “You know how much I hate seeing the flowers I buy you wilted when I come to see you,”
“So… I… I thought… I think I might have found a solution?” He takes a second to figure out how to word his sentence, pulling out a rattling box from behind his back, four printed lego flowers decorating the front of it to indicate what’s inside.
Your eyebrows furrow a little further as your eyes examine the box before lighting up with an air of eagerness as you take the box in your hands to look at it in more detail. "You bought me lego flowers?"
“I did,” He chuckles, “I found them in the Target by my apartment, they cant replace real flowers but they’re a good substitute.” His beautiful hazel eyes are warm as he looks at you in amusement and the soft tone to his voice is calming.
“Now I know lego flowers isn’t what you were expecting from me… and I’m sorry if you were looking forward to a regular bouquet… but I promise you… these will never wilt.”
"They’re perfect Spence…" You give him a downturned smile at his thoughtfulness, how he’d found a way to immortalise the flowers he gave you.
You press your lips to his cheek to extend your gratitude, and the warmth that spreads through his entire being is something that words can't quite describe. "I'm glad you like them... " A genuine smile lights up his face as he wraps both arms around you in a tight hug, his heart fluttering in his chest. "I'm glad you exist."
You can’t help but chuckle at his final sentence, wrapping your arms securely around his torso with the box still in hand to return his hug, the lego pieces rattling with your movements. "I’m glad you exist too-"
At your words, he buries his face into your neck and sighs softly as he inhales your scent. It calms his nerves, and it makes him forget all the stress of work. Instead, all he can focus on is the warmth coming from your body and the feeling of your heartbeat against him. It’s a feeling he never wants to let go of.
"You’re going to build them with me right?" Your head leans against his shoulder as you essentially just stand in your doorway, completely intertwined with one another.
"Of course I am..." His voice is slightly deep and his tone gentle, "What sort of gentleman would give someone lego flowers without building it with them?" He chuckles before adjusting his arms to make himself more comfortable against yours.
"These lego flowers should be built together," He smiles, "And I want to do that with you."
“Good!” You release yourself from his embrace and press the box to his chest. “Clear off the coffee table and i’ll make us some tea,”
Your enthusiasm is infectious, his smile only growing as you retreat into your kitchen and leave him to set up.
You spend the rest of the afternoon huddled around your coffee table, meticulously assembling the four lego flowers whilst Spencer explained them to you.
He turned a newly finished pink lotus in his hands before gently placing it inside the glass vase usually reserved for the bouquets he would buy you. “Lotus flowers, or Nelumbo nucifera, symbolise strength, resilience and rebirth,”
The plastic makes a small clinking sound as it collides with the bottom of the vase. “They are also a staple of purity, as despite growing from murky freshwater ponds, there are no stains of the flower’s petals, usually a bright white or a pale pink.”
You nod enthusiastically at his explanation as you place your own finished flower into the vase alongside his, a bright synthetic floral arrangement slowly developing.
This new form of flowers doesn’t stop Spencer from buying you a bouquet before every case he goes on.
Except now, each arrangement is joined not only by a small card, but also a box with the lego replication of whichever flora he chooses, adding to your lego arrangement one by one until it’s more extravagant than any organic bouquet could ever hope to be.
The plastic flowers prove immortal beyond any normal flower’s capability.
A perfect mirror of his love for you.
One that would never wilt.
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sims-with-soul · 5 months
Cosy, Aesthetic Gameplay Mods For Self Care & Hobbies | The Sims
Hey soul mates ♡︎ Today we're reviewing some gameplay mods for 2024 in The Sims 4! These mods enhance your aesthetics through functional self care objects, hobby mods and more activities to do! See the full video here A lot of these mods are base-game only, with just a few that may require some packs (seasons or get together). I'm currently playing The Sims on my MacBook without all the packs, so I hope I can show you that you don't need to have everything in order to start creating! Lots of love and light, Sims with Soul ✧ - Those marked with a * require additional packs, otherwise the rest are base game compatible and FREE to download! - Some mods may require an XML injector which allows it to show up in your game - please read all mod descriptions carefully! HOBBY SELF-CARE: ✧ AM & PM Traditions & Me Time Traditions - by Sims With Shan *Seasons ✧ Let's Get Fit Modpack - by Cepzid ✧ Flowfit - by @simrealist ✧ Pole Dance - by @mercuryfoam *Get Together For Dance Skill ✧ Paint It Up - by @simminmybestlife ✧ Flower Arranging Table Override (Wreath Making) - by @littlbowbub *Seasons ✧ Flower Arrangement Override (Pots) - by @simkatu *Seasons ✧ Functional Magazine - by @largetaytertots ✧ Book Cover Default Replacements - by @simkatu ✧ 50 Real Readable Romance Books - by @simkhira ✧ Its Movie Time - by Tank Mod ✧ Ink For Yourself Memory Keeper - by @ravasheencc CLEANING / MINI SELF-CARE: ✧ Scent To Be Oil Diffuser - by @ravasheencc ✧ Scrub Father Sponge Default Replacement - by @apricotrush ✧ Fabulous Spray Default Replacement - by @apricotrush ✧ Water Glass Default Replacement - by @cocogamess DRINKS SELF-CARE: ✧ Functional Tray for Tea & Coffee - by @somik-severinka ✧ Floral Teas & Teapot - by @icemunmun-spicy-scalpel ✧ Juice Dispenser - by @alwaysjustjay ✧ Functional Drinks Tray - by @somik-severinka ✧ Champagne & Gift Box - Ferrero Rocher - by @somik-severinka [need their Cookbook Mod for it to work] FOOD SELF-CARE: ✧ Gift Boxes - Chocolate Strawberries - by @somik-severinka [need their Cookbook Mod for it to work] ✧ S'more Options - by @ravasheencc ✧ Love Day Hamper - by @icemunmun-spicy-scalpel ✧ One Pot Appliance - by @icemunmun-spicy-scalpel EXTRA SELF-CARE: ✧ Slice of Life - by @kawaiistacie ✧ Social Activities - by @littlemssam ✧ Rabbit Hole Activities - by adeepindigo ✧ Dreams & Nightmares - by @alainbm-mods
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rooksamoris · 4 months
Amora, thoughts on this? And how can it be applied to the scarabia duo
omg my cousin sent me this video too!!
in regard to JAMIL <3
he definitely gives me cat person vibes (literally everyone in the middle east/north africa is a cat person from armenia to oman to algeria). i headcanon that scarabia has a bunch of cats around the place. jamil carries heavy baskets of laundry while kittens brush by his bare ankles as he walks about.
its so funny to sit beside him while the cats hide under his hair.
"Ah--out of my hair," he grumbles, pulling the kitten away from his hair. Its tiny claws were clinging to the thick strands, tangling them up with its excitable movements. When he sees the amusement on your face, he rolls his eyes and places the kitty in your lap, gently. He was always so mindful of how he held them, "Pull their hair instead, Za'afaraan (saffron)," he commands. He named the cats in Scarabia after spices. How cute.
i bet he and his family would go on park days too. it's a quick and cheap way of them getting to enjoy each other's company, but it is always so short lived. his responsibilities to kalim are all consuming.
Najma leaned over and glanced at her brother's phone, "Can't you put that down for a minute, himar (donkey)?" she asked, gesturing to the ma'amoul (date stuffed biscuit) and chai that was in front of them. His father had bought it from the souq (market) and his mother made the tea. It was the recipe she had taught him years ago. Jamil rolled his eyes, and shoved his sister's cheek away, "I need to make sure he stays at the estate." He kept his gaze away from his parents. There had to be some sort of tension and guilt... "Yeah, whatever..." Najma trailed off, before sipping her own tea. Her fingers traced over patterns on the sheet they sat on. Ornate swirls and floral motifs. Her unsaid words were weaving their way into the designs, never to be said, but to be seen in her dark eyes. When was the last time they had even spent family time like this? Her brother sighs and breaks his ma'amoul in half, "Here," he says, setting his phone down. Hopefully for longer than a few minutes.
as for KALIM!!
im sure he loves all animals, but cats?? he loves them, especially big cats. you can't tell me that the al-asim family don't have their own version of raja from aladdin. it gives jamil a heart attack at first, but soon enough this tiger is kalim's favorite thing in the world. the tiger ends up trained to protect and coddle kalim. whenever he's in the scalding sands, after greeting all his siblings, he rushes into the fur of his tiger.
"Ra'isa!" he yells, as he leaps against the large tiger. His arms wrapped around her back and then he nuzzled his cheek to its fur. There was a grin on his face as Ra'isa began to curl her body around him. You just stared in a mix of fear and apprehension. You glance between him and the tiger that was cuddling up to him. Of course, you expected chaos when you decided to visit the Scalding Sands with your boyfriend, but this? "Uhm..? Kalim..?" When his ruby eyes notice the look on your face, he laughs and grabs your hand, pulling you closer, "Don't worry. Ra'isa is very friendly with people I like," he reassures, guiding your hand over her fur. Ra'isa leaned into your touch, sensing her owner's adoration for you. When she curled her head in your direction, her face found its way to your belly, clearing signalling for your to scratch behind her eyes. Kalim leaned against the big cat, watching you with a look of joy. His two favorite people were getting along.
kalim's family is MASSIVE. i don't imagine they all go out too often due to how much security would be needed, but they all definitely have chaotic tea parties. you'd think with all that wealth the kids would not have to fight over who gets the last piece of ma'amoul or the last bite of fatta tamr (yemeni dish. its just small pieces of bint al-sahn mixed with minced dates and honey).
Kalim was holding up a box of assorted Turkish Delights away from all of his younger siblings who immediately rushed to his side when they heard he had brought them. He laughed as they reached up their short arms for the box, "There's enough for everyone, just get into a line," he said. The box was full enough to give each of them three pieces of the treats, and yet they still argued about who would get the first piece.
overall, yeah. arab men aren't scary. they literally kiss their homies good night, since when you greet a friend or are leaving for the night, you kiss each other's cheek.
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buffetlicious · 19 days
Let’s start off with Mdm Ling Bakery as it occupies the booth right next to the main entrance. This year, they married traditional kueh lapis with the mid-autumn’s dessert, calling it Kueh Lapis Mooncake. Each set of intricately designed Peranakan-inspired gift box comes with one flavour each of Belgium Chocolate, Mango, Original and Pandan.
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Another interesting item is the Floral Radiance Mooncake Tin which you get to choose from assorted baked mooncakes with different fillings like Traditional White Lotus with Melon Seeds, Belgian Double Chocolate, Black Sesame Peanut Butter, Emerald Pandan Golden Yolk and Red Dates Longan. Or better still, choose the Elegant Reunion Mooncake Turntable with Tea Set bundle and have mooncake while sipping the tea.
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Selected images from Mdm Ling Bakery.
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mokokone · 5 months
A/n: I initially wrote this because I'm excited for the Mononoke movie (2024), and seeing that there aren't many Medicine Seller x Reader fanfics out there, I decided to contribute and dedicate my Tumblr to the case. I'm a big fan of this series, and Kusuriuri deserves more love, so enjoy!♡
His Wife! [The Medicine Seller x Fem!Reader]
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It was the middle of the day with the weather being surprisingly bliss, despite the downpour a few nights before.
The smell of the wildflowers and forest in the air combined with the warmth of the sun's rays was enough to make the Medicine Seller considered laying down for a quick doze in the soft grass.
However, he had to continue on and get the nearest village before sundown.
The wooden clogs of his geta sauntered along the dirt path. Thankfully, the path leading towards the village was nothing but a leisurely stroll, which he wanted to take the time to enjoy before reaching his destination.
No need to rush. It seems like a good time as any to squeeze in a leisurely walk.
The thicket of bamboo on either side of the path made for some good shade, while still maintaining a warm brightness that he wanted so bad to bask in.
How peaceful, the Medicine Seller thought to himself whilst enjoying the gentle chirping of birds in the branches above, singing about and communicating with others of their kin.
It would sure be nice to live out in the countryside and be able to enjoy peaceful evenings like this, without the loud hustle and bustle that large and over populated areas would bring.
Briefly, it led his mind to the love-inducing assumption that he might consider living in the country if he ever decided to move there with his w─
"Otto, please wait for me!”
The female voice shook the aforementioned man out of his daydream as Kusuriuri halted in his steps.
Was he even walking fast?
A mix of jasmine, lemon, and tea leaves quickly enveloped his senses, and a telltale feeling of warmth spread throughout his body—which had his heart drumming within his ribcage.
Slowly, blue eyes glanced back just as a young maiden with (s/c) colored skin hastened after him. She had (short/medium/long) (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes. She wore a (f/c) yukata designed with floral patterns and she appeared to be the same age as Kayo-chan.
Kusuriuri watched as a look of delight washed over her upon seeing that he did stop and wait for her and a flustered smile crossed her lips as she picked up the pace to get to him.
Normally, he would've ignore her and kept on walking—only with the intent to tease her, which he knew would irritated her to no end.
A sly smile grazed his painted lips as the young woman finally caught up to him. Kusuriuri hadn't even noticed the extra prep in his step and had forgotten he didn't have the weight on his back from carrying his kusuri-bako (medicine box), since a certain someone wanted to carry it for him.
Hmm, perhaps he was walking fast?
"Do you want me to carry it?" He asks, gesturing towards the large wooden box on her back, which contained his wares.
"No, I'm good. Thank you, Otto," she beams him a loving smile.
Ah yes, Otto, meaning "husband" is what she likes to calls him─since he's just a humble medicine peddler and had no specific name, which is why he goes by Kusuriuri. 
Normally, he would've chided her about the honorific, but it has become a constant reminder that he's indeed her husband.
Regardless, he would occasionally call her Okusan (wife), a clear sign of his public affection, whereas she would call him "goshujin-sama" during their most private and intimate moments.
Her name's (Y/n), and she is his wife. Kusuriuri found himself in a situation where he had no one to blame but himself for this illicit arrangement through en-musubi, which means "binding of fates". It was all due to the omamori he had gifted her, a small token that unknowingly sealed their destinies together.
For the young woman, she understood. Had known from the start when she'd first laid eyes on the Medicine Seller, that she was going to be part of his life. Despite the dangers of traveling with him to rid the world of deadly and troublesome Mononoke, she was still willing. She felt a connection with him that transcended words, a bond that made her feel like she belonged by his side, no matter what challenges they may face together.
And besides, traveling alone and fighting evil mononoke alone must get very tiresome.
“My love, if you're tired, then perhaps we should stop and rest?"
It's such a lovely day out, so why not enjoy it.
The sun is shining brightly in the clear blue sky, casting a warm glow over everything it touches. The gentle breeze rustles through the leaves, creating a soothing melody that seems to lull one into a state of peaceful relaxation
However, despite the temptation to take a load off, (Y/n) persists.
"It's okay, don't worry. Besides we're almost to the village." She says.
Always the one to carry on, I see? Kusuriuri muses, a small smile playing on his lips.
"Very well," he nods. "Let us carry on," He says and continued on the path to the village, this time keeping a steady pace so his wife could walk beside him.
Momentarily, the feeling of walking beside her husband wasn’t enough for (Y/n) as she hesitantly glanced down at his free hand that wasn't tucked inside his kimono. It was mere inches apart from her own and the desire to hold it was overwhelming.
“Do you wish to hold my hand?”
(Y/n) almost felt her heart leap when she looked up and saw Kusuriuri's intense stare pinned her.
Silly wife had been caught by her eponymous husband.
Kusuriuri watched in adoration as a cute blush colored her cheeks as she shyly averted her gaze at the dusty trail. A swarm of butterflies immediately assaulted the young woman's stomach at that.
They had done things much more lewd things other than holding hands, but for some reason, the mere question served to fluster the (h/c) haired girl.
The first time she felt flustered was when he had agreed to be her husband, but to have the simplest and most innocent of questions be the catalyst to making her heart pound was silly.
Slowly, (Y/n) reached out and slid her hand into her lover's palm. His hand felt rough in hers, no doubt from always mixing herbs to make incense, wielding his Tama sword, and casting tailsman. Despite the slight feel of his long, painted nails, she couldn’t deny the fact that it made her feel safe.
Kusuriuri may have come off as erratic and weird, but his touch was warm and comforting—like a warm fire during a bone-chilling winter's day.
And so, their walk was spent in relative silence, the only interruption being the soft rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze and the crunch of gravel beneath their feet.
As they crested the final hill, their destination came into view. Their hands remained intertwined, (Y/n) finding comfort in the warmth of her lover's touch, while he gently squeezed her hand in reassurance.
She found herself unconsciously leaning into him, her head resting against his shoulder, being ever-grateful for moments like this when they could simply enjoy each other's company in peaceful companionship.
So in love she is. To be next to her husband.
Her beloved Medicine Seller.
Her truth!
The silence between them was thick, but not awkward. It was relaxing, like a small solace in the chaotic world that they lived in.
Kusuriuri shamelessly ogled his young wife. His eyes ran over her distinctly delicate features: the slight upward tilt of her eyes, the high arches of her cheek bones, her cute nose, and those kissable-soft lips of hers.
"Yes Otto?"
"Do you still find me interesting?" He asked her.
"Of course I do. You'll always be interesting and I'll never grow bored of you."
Her answer and loving smile was enough to knock the wind out of him. It was so radiant in itself that he felt himself returning her expression with a milder one of his own.
And it was at that moment that he realized just how much he actually enjoys her.
His lovely wife.
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agoraphobic-artist · 4 months
Kuro Shit <3
Night Garden Perfume - White Tea Scent
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First of all, the packaging is stunning!
Looking super classy with the silver foil on the black and the marketing team have gone for the Victorian silhouettes again here; much like the tumbler glasses and the Funtom tea tin.
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After undoing the black ribbon on the outside you are greeted by one of the two Black Label designs certificate cards; This one being the stacked teacup design. Also, included is the story printed onto vellum.
Unfortunately, I cannot read Japanese and have to rely on Google but this was what I received back from the translation:
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When my partner tried to translate it on their phone however, it came up with the line "A flower soaked in the mist, a teacup with my mother floating in it." ...
...So please take this with a grain of salt.
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Before I discuss further findings that might cause a stir. Here is the locket itself, displayed on a pale blue fabric lining with a matching bow to the outside of the presentation box.
It is smaller than I expected, but beautiful to look at, it bares the Phantomhive family crest the same as Sebastian's pocket watch.
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The above is a print of one of Yana's arts that doubles as a scented sample card for the perfume. I bought it to find out what the scent would smell like, because it didn't look like anyone would be able to ship the real thing. Tbh, it smells a lot more floral on the card. More like roses.
After having advertisement merchandise for the item for so long, I had started to give up hope on ever owning the actual locket. As most couriers refuse to ship perfume overseas to the UK, I was really lucky to find that there was a loophole in getting this sent to us, as it is technically a solid scent block so doesn't class a a flammable liquid.
And here comes the controversy:
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This is a plastic folder, again promoting the perfume.
Unfortunately, the camera didn't pick this up the best, and this is where feathers may be ruffled.
I have long been convinced that the "dark patch" on Ciel's neck was a hickey, but my partner suggested that it could be from the perfume being applied and leaving a small stain.
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However, this is the perfume in question.
It is a pale creamy coloured balm, that would barely even show up as little more than a translucent sheen to the skin...
So in conclusion, we now both know that it is in fact NOT the scent, and I was indeed correct that the culprit is Sebastian :)
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naruse-ame9 · 4 months
Tw: Yandere tendencies, kidnapping, drug use.
Notes: aged up characters! If you don't like please block me ^w^
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I'm so excited because today I'm going on a date! With non other than Hayato Suo~
Well... For me it is one, but maybe for Suo it's just a little hangout at his house
"Would you like to join me for some tea, y/n?" His soft voice was so vivid in my mind as he asked me. I instantly said yes to his invitation. Wearing my cutest floral dress, that has small flowers as details and my hair adorned with cherry blossom hairpins. I want to look my best for today.
I couldn't contain my excitement and it's clearly seen from how I'm skipping with joy. Walking to Suo's house. It's the only thing I have in mind. Just me, and him, and some tea and cakes!
"You look so gorgeous, y/n. The dress elevates your beauty" Suo welcomes me in his house, clearly satisfied with how my face gets flustered by his compliment.
"..thank you, Suo. Here, I made something special for you and me!" Opening the little box, the cake I baked with all my efforts. As I look up to Suo, his smile makes my heart flutter. It's like cherry blossoms fall around us. "Oh y/n, you bring such interesting surprises" placing his hand on mine. His thumb rubbing on my skin softly.
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//just perfect for me//
"y/n have you ever thought about the future?" I think I saw something red flashing around Suo. Or I was imagining things.
"I'd totally love to pursue theatre acting!" Clasping my hands as my eyes twinkle in delight.
"I wanna be on the stage and perform. It's been my dream since I was little"
//you can't...only I can set my eyes on you//
There it goes again... What was that?
"I think it's really good. I can tell by the way you are when you're with me, that you're going to be a really good actress." Suo then leaves the room with his teapot. I can hear him brewing more tea for us.
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"This is a special tea that I have just brewed for you, Y/n. It goes well with the cake you baked" he places down a warm cup of tea for me. My heart skipped a beat when he sits right next to me.
"then I'll gladly taste it for you." I swear I can see a glint in his eye, one that makes my stomach twist but I don't think too much of it.
Taking a sip of warm tea, it had a weird aftertaste to it. "It's quite sweet but...I don't know how to explain the aftertaste. I think my tongue just went numb..." I placed the teacup down and looked at Suo. I can't believe what I just saw, he has a menacing smirk on his face. One that screams danger. "Suo...? Is there something the-"
My vision goes blurry all of a sudden. I can feel my head getting heavier. "What's..happening..." My body gets hotter, sweat running down my forehead.
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"Rest well, my darling. You won't achieve that dream anymore~"
His voice was the last thing I heard before closing my eyes.
The feeling of dread overwhelming me. I don't know why this happened. What does he want from me. Why would Suo do this?
I can feel my hands being restrained. A long cloth tying my hands from being free. The surface that I'm lying down is soft...as if I'm laying on a fluffy bed. I can't open my eyes as I'm blindfolded. "Where...am I...help! Someone-" my throat feels so itchy as I coughed out. Gasping for air.
I flinched when someone's hand cupped my face. The skin was cold, sending shocks down my spine. "darling~ you're awake"
Suo's voice echoed in the room. My heart is beating faster than before. "s-suo... I don't understand.. why"
"I'll do anything to keep you all for myself. No eyes can linger on your precious body. This is a form of my love, darling. My devotion to you~"
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luvvyouforever · 9 months
nobody else - tamlin x reader (acotar)
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↳ tamlin loves to spoil you with gifts, including the most ornate jewels. one afternoon, he comes to you with a new necklace that has something special about it.
↳ word count: 1037
↳ fluff, tamlin is possessive but not in a toxic way. no other warnings apply! enjoy, dears <3
you woke around nine that morning, impossibly tangled in the soft sheets of your shared bed with tamlin. a soft breeze flowed through the open windows and the scent of your favorite tea on the bedside, enchanted to stay warm, floated to your nose. you smiled at tamlin's thoughtfulness and rose from the warm blankets.
the spring court was peaceful outside, just as it was most mornings now. alis sensed your waking and knocked on the door softly, entering to help you begin your day. at a leisurely pace, she braided your hair delicately, pulling out a special, ornate comb that tamlin had gifted you months prior which sat beautifully tucked in to your hair.
"i think you should wear something pink today," she said after placing the brush down on the sink and turning your seat so you could see your reflection. beautiful, as always.
"why pink?" you stood and came out to the closet to flick through your clothes.
"i think just pink goes best with the comb," she answered but there was something else about the choice that she wasn't revealing. nevertheless, you chose a pink chiffon number that flowed nicely in the breeze outside. alis hummed in approval before sending you downstairs to breakfast.
the breakfast table was laid out nicely with bowls of fruit surrounding plates of sweet treats and pastries. none of that mattered though as tamlin sat at the head of the table, eyes focused on something in his lap. when he heard your footsteps against the checkered floor, he stood quickly, nearly knocking the chair over.
"hello, petal," he greeted warmly. you blushed and came toward him to place a gentle kiss on his lips which he returned happily. "i'm quite glad you heeded alis's advice." his fingers traced the shape of your outfit.
you scrunched your face in confusion. "why is pink the color for today, dear?" you sat down in the chair he pulled out and began to place different foods on to your plate.
"eat and then i will show you," he said. your confusion grew and you eyed him curiously. he focused his attention on his plate, hands shuffling under the table. you decided to hold your questions and began eating the perfectly cut fruits on your tray, admiring the floral cutouts of watermelon.
soon after, both of your plates were empty and tamlin rose from the table first. his hand was tucked behind his back but he held the other out for you to take. "where are we going, tam?" you couldn't help but ask. he didn't answer but instead led you to the sitting room which was lit only by the pale sunlight coming from the windows. "you're being awfully ominous, you know?"
he chuckled but once he had the two of you situated on the couch, he pulled out a velvet box from behind his back. you knew boxes like those well and it seemed like it held a necklace but you weren't sure.
"i know you say i get you too many gifts," he started, "but i couldn't help myself." his hands gingerly opened the box and your suspicions were confirmed.
laid perfectly in the box was a dainty necklace which seemed like it would fit more like a choker. the chain was a light gold with light pink diamonds embedded throughout. it was positively stunning and would suit the pink clothing very well. of course alis and tamlin were working together.
"oh, tam...it's beautiful," you whispered.
"i'm glad you think so," he said. he laid the box down on his lap and pulled the necklace out of it. the clasp seemed more unique than other necklaces you had seen and he was extra delicate placing it across your chest. shivers ran down your spine from the way his nails lightly grazed your skin and after a few seconds, it hung from your neck, ending just above your collarbones.
you turned back to him and wrapped your arms around his neck. he gratefully returned the embrace and wrapped his strong arms around your middle. "anything for my petal."
later that night, you were preparing for bed, pulling out pins and the comb from your hair. tamlin was in the bedroom, fiddling with the buttons on his tunic to eventually come and join you in the bath. after your hair came down, you moved to take off your rings, bracelets, and eventually the necklace.
your hands reached around your neck to unclasp it but you found nothing but a small, solid piece with no connector there. you played with it for a few more seconds before looking at it in the mirror.
"are you struggling with the necklace, love?" tamlin said, suddenly appearing in the doorway.
you turned and nodded, pulling your hair across your shoulder to let him see it. "i don't understand how to unclasp it. it's only a square and nothing else." in just a second, tamlin's fingers undid the clasp and he brought the necklace down to sit with the rest of your jewelry. "how'd you do it?"
he smiled a bit mischievously and wrapped his arms around your middle to pull you back into his chest. he placed a kiss on your head before answering, "i guess i'm just well-versed in jewels."
you smiled at the non-answer before pushing him to actually answer the question.
he turned you around, encasing you between the sink and his firm body. his fingers brush along your collarbones where the necklace just rested. "it can only open with my touch. along the solid square piece. all it takes is me and it will unclasp. nobody else can take it off from you." you couldn't hold back the surprised look on your face. his hand came to your chin and he tilted it up. "i want you to wear it every day, petal."
you couldn't help but nod at his request, feeling that it was nonnegotiable. a chill ran down your body at the look in his eyes, his tone, and the meaning of the necklace. he noticed your reaction and kissed your lips softly before pulling you to the bath, eager to show you how much he adored you.
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