#firey justice
florainkingdom · 1 year
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At the Mayor's Manor in Eggton
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"I feel like this isn't meant for us, though I ain't one to turn down free food."
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"Just, try to not pick any fights. I know you don't care why people think of you, though I can't afford to get on anyone's bad side."
In the Industrial District
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"Don't see why I gotta go. I hate parties."
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"I for one can't wait. I've always been a fan of social events, and this seems high class."
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"Just remember, we'll need to do some business as well. That means don't cause any problems."
At the Castle of the Darling Family
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"This will be a good chance to make more allies from other worlds. We shall attend."
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"Oh, sounds like fun. I can't wait to learn more about another world and its people."
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"I'll just mingle and let you two do all the political stuff. Unless I end up dragged into it somehow, which I doubt."
Meanwhile in the Veil
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"Ugh, gotta find someone to send to keep things in order. This'll be a pain, though can't have Chicadino get his way. Not to mention Poppy could end up starting a fight. Best bet is to let the Darling siblings do their thing while keeping the others busy."
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aleeyenn · 5 months
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starsheet · 6 months
thr sillies .. hrghh
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id ramble more but a brief description of their abilities (idk if theyr op i just thought of random stuff that fit. shrug.)
the firebrand has a gasoline-esque liquid that can ignite in self defense
and the herbalist can pick up edible flora n stuff n “farm” them
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heavenly--prince · 12 days
Lilith looked down 'Awe Michael, you're so cute" the queen smiled. {{ the-first-woman }}
🦢⚔️ "...giant..lady..." Tilts head, staring at you, up and down "no wings? No halo?" He hasn't seen humans yet at his current age
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oraclememehacker · 2 years
Makoto: Goddamn it, the printer broke while printing out Ann's birthday invitations.
Futaba: Well, what are they supposed to say?
Makoto: "Ann's birthday".
Futaba: So, what do they say instead?
Makoto: "Ann’s bi".
Futaba: Works out either way.
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askaceattorney · 2 years
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Dear Anna,
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My favorite color is pink, because my real Daddy always wore pink hehehe.
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Nah, I’m pretty sure those aren’t Daddy’s, Apollo’s or Athena’s favorite colors. I doubt even the yellow color on Athena means sunflower so much as it is supposed to match her red hair to represent fire. That’s why she has yellow and white. 
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Polly has a mix of red and black with a little bit of blue and white. I think he was trying to wear something to represent a dragon or something. Daddy wears blue because his suit was picked by his former mentor Mia and he wanted to dress something similar to a Japanese dragon. 
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Funny how Polly and Daddy have their suit colors represent the same thing.
- Trucy Wright
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Oooh, for the demon requests, could I maybe ask for headcanons of Kokushibo and reader who is a tease/flirt? Gn/Fem reader are both fine! Thank you in advance 💫
Oh-Ho! (♥ω♥*) I love this request anon! Thanks for sliding it into my askbox cause oh my god, this really made me excited to write!
I will try my best to keep it GN!
I hope you enjoy and that I've done your request justice
My askbox is always open if you have any other requests, questions etc. so pop on over when you have time (^---^.)
Without further ado, your request!
Kokushibou being teased + flirted with by S/O- Headcannons:
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Ya know the dudes who are deadpan but turn a bright red when their girlfriends do anything that counts as cute and/or flirty? yeah, thats Kokushibou and you
Very confused but doesn't show it - especially the first couple of times you tease and flirt with him
You literally turned around to him one day and told him how beautiful he was and it caused him to malfunction - eyes blinking rapidly as his mouth opens and closes like a fish and a feint blush coats his face (all the way to his ears)
It's been down hill for him ever since.....
First time you flirted with him it actually made him flustered - the line was rather simply too, "Your hand look lonely Kokushibou, can i hold it for you?" - so much so that he closed his eyes and sighed, offering you his empty hand to hold
You sometimes hold out your hand, patiently waiting for him to notice, and when he gives it to you kokushibou blushes a firey red/pink as you place soft kisses on his knuckles and palm
You once hit him up with a "You want to go outside? Cause you just took my breath away" and he stood there frozen
You always made sure to ask him about himself and were so sincere with your interest in him as a person
It just took him awhile to get used too your words and antics
Especially such.... bold and forward words of love
His favourite are the cheesy pick-up lines that you use - not that he'd ever tell you that...
The one that stands out most in his mind was when you turned around to him, totally straight faced and said "if you were a chicken, you'd be im-peck-able"
Pauses in his activity when you touch him - on his shoulders, arms, hands, face or legs
When your hand brushes against his, Kokushibou blushes subtly - you can always tell by his ears
You blow him kisses from across the room
You wink at him
You leave him notes and poems of your devotion to him, his beauty and your love for him
You knock shoulders and each brush sends a rippling affection down his spine
Sometimes you'll knock your head against his back and chest
Kokushibou actually purrs - fucking purrs a rumbling noise of content - when you call him by a nick name, koku or kushi
You tease him about how hard he blushes - "Aw Koku baby," You coo with a sweet smile "Whats got you all red?"
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scaranation · 2 years
I saw that requests were still open and I crawled back from the firey pits of hell to offer you Scaramouche brain rott along with a personal AU that hit me like a foking brick like two days ago.
So first off. Imagine if you will. That Mr. McGrump wasn't actually just one entity but actually a trio of twin brothers that wandered around Teyvat known as the "the trio of eccentrics". They despise each other (cuz of course they do) but decide to travel together cuz no matter how hard they try to NOT bump into each other, the world is just so big for a trio of dumbasses that are chaotic on their own right.
They cannot get along to save their lives. The amount of times Scaramouche and Wanderer have gotten smacked on the face with Kabukimono's smithing hammer are just too many to count. Not to mention that as feeble as he appears to be he has a scarily good aim much to his brother's previous dismay as they have been greeted with a flying hammer to the back of the head multiple times when they have run into each other "by chance" before.
People tend just get confused when one of them randomly spawns on a town and seemingly sprout two other clones like some kind of mitosis type shit until they realize it's just a trio of siblings.
I also low-key feel y/n would accidentally bump and help all of them separatedly by chance only for them to all either think of them fondly or straight up have a little crush on them. I can just see Kabuki rambling to wanderer how some sweet person saved him from a hoard of electro slimes only for him to remember how someone offered to invite him to some food in one of his travels similar to the one his brother mentioned. Only for Scara to interrupt demanding if they were talking about this one very specific person that offered him shelter that one time he was injured after some misión or something. Cue y/n casually walking by and all of them losing their collective shit cuz HOLY SHIT THAT'S THEM- WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU KNOW THEM TOO????? And thus the quest of winning over the kind stranger begins.
Idk if this was even mildly entertaining but this idea has been eating my brain for days and needed to spew it somewhere. Love your work! ✨✨✨
OMLL HOWW YOUR BRAINROTS ARE SO GOOD I CANT 😭😭 this took me a while to write but i had to get everything out to even do this idea some justice it’s got me giggling fr
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ft. Scaramouche, Kabukimono, Wanderer
Content: fluff, crack (but treated seriously)
a/n - innocent Kabukimono just lives rent free in my heart omlll like just imagine a less traumatised Scara <33
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The trio of short haired, violet-eyed wanderers (also known as “the trio of eccentrics” by the local children) were a common sight in Teyvat. Prior to the revelation that they were, in fact, siblings, people had believed that they were either a teleporting ghost or some human aphid with miraculous cloning abilities. That was until someone saw two of the them in the same room, and connected the dots.
Scaramouche, the Wanderer, and Kabukimono were inseparable - not of their own will, of course. On their erratic, impulsive routes across Sumeru, they’d somehow cross paths more often than they wanted. In fact, they’d made an effort to avoid each other. The Wanderer had retreated all the way to the Hypostyle Desert, cackling at his own genius. Unfortunately, he also found Scaramouche and Kabukimono at the desert too - both dumbfounded at the ridiculous situation. Somehow, all three of them had simultaneously decided that hiding in the desert to not see each other was a great idea.
“What are you doing here?” the Wanderer had blurted.
“No, what are you doing here? I had this idea yesterday!” Kabukimono cried.
“Both of you, get out of my sight. I hatched this plan two weeks ago.” Scaramouche grumbled.
“Oh, how diabolical and calculating you are,” the Wanderer rolled his eyes, as though he wasn’t just praising himself for what he thought was the most intelligent idea to ever exist.
“Fine, I’ll leave first.” Kabukimono sighed. Perhaps it was because he was the youngest, but he was always ended up giving in to his brothers.
“Pushover,” the Wanderer smirked.
“Says the unemployed one,” Scaramouche scoffed.
“At least I have a vision.”
“Shut up.”
The many other times the trio convened by accident, two of them weren’t even conscious to fully process their irritation. The moment Kabukimono spotted Scaramouche or the Wanderer at his favourite resting place, he’d let loose his hammer - striking them on the back of the head with scary aim. He’d congratulate himself if he managed to score a concussion, too. It wasn’t as though the others didn’t defend themselves equally vigorously. If they couldn’t settle things with words, the brothers would just break out into fighting.
Things were especially bad when the Wanderer got ahold of Kabukimono’s hammer. Upon wrestling it out of the blacksmith’s grip, the Wanderer would flit into the air, gleefully holding the hammer out of reach until Scaramouche had enough and struck him down with a bolt of lightning.
“You look like a fly when you do that, you know?”
“You’re just jealous.”
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Somehow, you were always at the centre of the trio’s unpredictable paths of destruction across Teyvat. You never really guessed at the connection between them, only dismissing it as a mere coincidence that you’d developed a fondness for three purple haired, short-tempered travellers.
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As an adventurer, you’d first met Kabukimono on one of your errands.
“Stay away!”
You heard the clanging of something heavy on your inspection in Guyun, turning around to locate the source of the voice.
You followed the commotion around past the domain you’d just exited from, finding a crevice tucked away into a small beach-like area. Clumps of electro crystals clung to the stone walls of the cove, the lapping of the waves only perpetuating the intense elemental reactions. At the centre of it all was a strangely dressed man, being attacked by a hoard of electro slimes. He flailed around with a blacksmith’s hammer, presumably caught in his own attempt to mine valuable ores for a project.
His clothes looked to be of Inazuman attire, too - what was an Inazuman doing, looking for electro crystals all the way out in Liyue?
“Do you need help?” You crouched down, a little hesitant over whether or not it was obligatory for you to jump into the electro-charged mess.
“It… certainly looks like it, doesn’t it?” The man flashed you a defeated smile. Luckily, as a pyro vision holder, it wasn’t too difficult for you to deal with the slimes. With a brief flash of your vision, you also mined the ores for the stranger as well.
“Ah! So they require elemental triggers to be mined. No wonder it was taking me so long. Thank you, by the way - I’m Kabukimono.” The stranger extended a hand. You took it, but he didn’t shake it. The two of you stood there awkwardly for a moment, before he released your hand.
“Ah, sorry… That’s what I see people at the workshop do when they meet someone new. Is it strange?”
“No, of course not! You usually shake the hand after holding it, though.” You quipped helpfully.
“Oh.” A flush spread across his cheeks. He thanked you vehemently once again, insisting on offering you some spare iron in exchange for your help.
“Travel safe!” You called after Kabukimono, as he hurried off. He was a little strange, but his awkwardness was rather endearing. You smiled and shook your head, before resuming work and thinking nothing more of the entire ordeal.
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Unlike Kabukimono, the second of the trio you met was a lot more irritable. You met the Wanderer at some food stalls in Sumeru city, almost mistaking him for the acquaintance you’d met in Guyun - only to be quickly corrected by his vastly different attitude.
“Watch it.” The stranger that looked suspiciously like Kabukimono (but with a remarkably more hostile, pointed gaze) shoved past you.
“These lavender melons. How much do they cost?” Not-Kabukimono asked the vendor, tapping his foot impatiently.
“Uh, 200 mora-”
“What? Who sells trash like this so expensively? Forget it, I didn’t want them anyway.” The Wanderer scoffed, turning to leave before you quickly grabbed him.
“If you’re hungry, you can eat at my place. I have some leftovers,” you offered. He narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously.
“Why are you helping me? Is this a poisoning attempt?”
“No… You just remind me of an acquaintance of mine, so I thought I’d look out for you.”
“Pfft, I don’t need your baseless concern.”
At that moment, the man’s stomach grumbled. The two of you made eye contact, before reaching a silent agreement.
“My house is that way,” you pointed, as the stranger begrudgingly followed you.
Even if he didn’t say so, the stranger most definitely enjoyed your cooking. After introducing himself as the Wanderer, he was quick to open up - always stopping by to visit (claiming that you were a convenient dining place for his travels).
Whenever he stopped by, you’d laugh and cook him a warm meal - it almost felt like home to him, or at least what he thought a home was. He never really had one, nor did he care for the notion, but this arrangement was quite pleasant for him. If the Wanderer was in a good mood, he’d even share some of his travelling stories with you. He’d boast about the enemies he defeated in the wilderness, complain about the stupidity of mortals, before giving you the rare piece of acknowledgement (“you know, your cooking is edible,” or “it’s definitely not poisoned,” etc.).
You quickly grew to anticipate his sporadic visits, getting an understanding of what kind of food he preferred. You weren’t sad when he didn’t arrive, and the two of you thrived off a mutual relationship. The Wanderer was surely different from your other companion, but that didn’t make him any less welcome.
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Lastly, you’d met Scaramouche on an ominous rainy day. Or, rather, he’d been deposited on your doorstep.
“I don’t remember ordering a parcel…” You peered out into your doorway, squinting through the lashing rain - before realising that this ‘parcel’ was very much human-shaped.
With a surprised gasp, you dragged the figure inside as carefully as you could, wincing at the blood mixed with rainwater that swirled across his smooth skin. Peeling back the heavy layers of his outer coat, you took off the man’s hat to gape again in shock.
“Kabukimono?” You spluttered.
“Who are you calling Kabukimono?” The stranger snapped, sitting up slowly.
“Wanderer?” You tried again, guessing based on the man’s furious expression.
“Hah, you dare to…”
Before the stranger (that was neither Kabukimono nor the Wanderer) could finish his sentence, he passed out again in a haze of dizzying unconsciousness.
The man’s deep indigo eyes fluttered open a while later to the sight of you tending his wounds. He immediately flinched away, looking at you incredulously.
“Who are you? Why am I here?”
“You quite literally passed out on my porch, then again in my house. Don’t you remember?” You quirked an eyebrow.
“You dare gaslight a Fatui Harbinger? Try as hard as you want, but I won’t be giving you financial compensation for this.”
“You’re… a Harbinger…?” You frowned. He sure acted and looked a lot like the Wanderer - perhaps he’d hit his head a little too hard.
“Yes, Scaramouche. I’m better known as the Balladeer, of course.”
“I’ve never heard of you.”
“Well, then that just means we’re doing a great job of maintaining confidentiality.” Scaramouche huffed, allowing you to continue wrapping bandages around the deep gashes on his body. You chuckled at his demeanour.
“I’m not expecting anything in return for this.” You offered, leaning back to scrutinise your medical work. Years of adventuring had given you experience in this sort of thing, but your expertise was still lacking.
“Then why? Don’t tell me, you believe in kindness?”
“Anyone would do this if they found a stranger half-dead at their door in the pouring rain.” You rolled your eyes.
“I was not half-dead, and I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.” Scaramouche huffed, and you almost gawked at how similar he was to the Wanderer.
“Um, do you happen to know anyone named… Uh…” You hesitated under your new acquaintance’s fierce gaze.
“Named what? Do I look like an Akasha terminal to you?”
“Never mind.” You quickly shut your mouth. Perhaps it was just a coincidence.
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It took a few months before the trio finally figured out they had a mutual connection. They’d all visited you countless times, and yet were lucky enough not to encounter each other - that was, until they finally began talking about their latest travel experiences upon having a chance meeting in Sumeru.
“Hm, perhaps this is what mortals call… comradeship…” Kabukimono mused to his brothers one day.
“Feeling a little amicable, Kabukimono?” Scaramouche sneered. He eyed the glimmering purple blade Kabukimono flipped over in his hands.
“There was this adventurer who saved me from some electro slimes once. It was because of them that I could fashion this dagger… Humans really are compassionate.” Kabukimono mused. He happily smiled to himself at the reminder of you.
“You’re so naive, brother. After all, mortals are only driven by fair exchange. Nobody would help without expecting it return - ah, there is one exception. There was this person I met who offered me food. I’ve been having free meals with them for months, and they don’t even know how I’m taking advantage of them! How immature they are, selflessly acting like that. It almost makes me concerned for their well-being,” the Wanderer chuckled.
“I don’t think you’re taking advantage of them if you’re… just accepting the free meals they give you. It almost seems they have you wrapped around their finger.” Scaramouche snickered.
“You wouldn’t understand the idea of a mutually beneficial relationship. In fact, have you even talked to a living being other than your colleagues in the last week?”
“Yes, you, and a certain traveller who took me in after I was injured in a mission-”
“You got injured? How pathetic.”
“It was a calculated risk. Anyway, they gave me shelter and treated all my wounds without asking for mora once. And they even let me stay over long after I’d healed, too. Mortals are so foolish, to be blindly trusting. I could’ve snapped their throat in a second.”
The three brothers agreed on the extremely rare and (questionably naive) selflessness of humans.
Then, a beat of silence passed before a revelation dawned on them.
“Isn’t it weird that we’ve all met a strange, helpful adventurer?” Kabukimono murmured.
“Exactly what I was thinking. Surely not all humans are like this.” Scaramouche nodded.
“Maybe foolishness is more common than we thought…?” The Wanderer suggested, but an uneasy feeling was dawning on him as he began to connect the dots.
“Say, does the traveller you two met live near the Grand Bazaar?” Scaramouche prodded.
“Yes.” Kabukimono and the Wanderer responded simultaneously.
“And they have an adventurer’s bandana? With a Mondstadtian clock in the front room of their house?”
“Yes- YOU TWO KNOW THEM AS WELL?” Kabukimono spluttered.
The Wanderer only heaved a large sigh. He was so close to showing off that he had a new friend, only to realise that the new friend was also acquainted with both his brothers.
“How bothersome, it seems you’re already close with them.” Scaramouche raised an eyebrow.
“Of course I am! I met them first, after all.” Kabukimono insisted.
“Both of you, be quiet. I’m going to their place now.” The Wanderer pushed back his chair.
“Hey! I was planning to visit them too!”
The scraping of chairs resounded as the remaining two brothers hurriedly rushed to get to your house.
Any other person would probably pass out from fear at seeing all three of the notorious trio appear at their door. You, however, only shot them a bemused look and ushered them in.
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Once the three realised they had competition, Scaramouche, the Wanderer, and Kabukimono would be unrelenting in competing for your attention.
It was quite comical at times - you’d barely have to say anything and one of them would appear, diligently doing tasks for you and looking back at you eagerly for praise. It seemed almost strange to consider that these three had been marvelling at your profound naiveness only a few days ago, and were now basically at your beck and call.
Scaramouche would definitely be the most demanding. Whether it was a hand on your elbow or a risky grip on your wrist, he made sure you were close to him and sought your undivided attention. He’d recklessly snap out searing insults at anyone else, before getting ahold of himself and stating that he was merely defending a poor, foolish soul from being taken advantage of by some calculating purple-haired villain. Not him though, he’d never do anything like that.
The Wanderer (like his name) was more relaxed - he could go without your eyes on him at all times, and he’d drift in and out as he pleased. However, he did see himself as being entitled to your energy whenever he did happen to stop by. Occasionally, he’d even offer to take you on a scenic flight across Teyvat. After you’d tried it once, you were quick to refuse his latter offers - zooming across rooftops at breakneck speed was not your forte. The Wanderer huffed at your reluctance and accused you of denying his altruistic favour, but made an effort to do things you liked regardless.
Kabukimono was fiercely shy. He’d always bring you trinkets - small mechanisms or self-defends tools he’d fashioned from spare parts during his work as a blacksmith. He’d press them into your hands self-consciously, unable to bite back a smile when you praised his handiwork. He wouldn’t hesitate to stand up against his much fiercer brothers if it was for you, holding you in a tight embrace whenever you’d let him.
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And so, as it happened, it seemed as though “the eccentric trio” simply couldn’t escape each other. As if by some ill-humoured joke, they all ended up liking the same person. The only issue was, being that person, you now had to deal with all three of them at once.
As if one wasn’t enough, you now had triple the trouble.
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eresia-catara · 17 days
Okay let's consider this sonnet once more
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Guido is listing a bunch of beautiful and pleasant things in the first eight lines, then in the last six he says that all of them are surpassed by his beloved who's even more beautiful to the point that in comparison they all look like vile things.
Now. Let's go straight to the point with line 6
"and white snow falling without wind"
this image is used by Dante in Inferno XIV, 30
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"Above the sand, with a slow fall,/ were raining large firey rocks,/ like snow on mountains with no wind."
We're in the company of the violent against God (blashphemous), Nature (sodomites) and Art (usurers). The rain of fire falls on top of everyone, but each has to do diffferent things. Sodomites, in particular, have to run costantly and if they stop they have to spend 100 years lying down under the rain without being able to shield themselves with their body.
The fire of course references the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, however Dante decides to add this new detail, this fact that the fire falls slowly...like snow without wind. It is a clear reference to this sonnet and even the footnotes in the book say so. You already see my premise: Dante had Guido in mind when he wrote about these sinners.
If we consider the image, however, the most obvious difference we can point out is that while Guido is talking of actual snow, Dante is talking about fire; and also while Guido is listing pleasant, beautiful things, Dante is describing anguish and bodies uglied by burn scars (let's remember he then describes Brunetto Latini's face as "abbrusciato", "burnt up", "roasted" lmao). It is a quote and a full reversal of it at the same time.
Now, this gets very interesting as soon as we realize the whole sonnet is reversed.
Let's start from the ambience. While Guido mentions serene skies at dawn, we know full well that Hell is dark and it surely isn't serene. While Guido talks about a nice river, Dante says there's a river of blood, the Phlegethon. While Guido talks about a field full of colourful flowers, Dante says that there's a desert, the only vegetation is the surrounding wood made of the souls of those who killed themselves (which is where he and Virgil are walking so as not to get burnt, and it's also where the canto begins), so it's a grotesque, twisted kind of nature. Guido talks about the song of birds, Dante talks about the laments of the damned but we can also mention the harpies in the woods that lacerate the trees/souls and that he must be hearing too.
Now the people. Guido talks the beauty of a woman and her wisdom, Dante describes ugly bodies and talks with the blasphemous who despise God due to their pride that makes them averse to the truth (so the opposite of wisdom). Guido writes "gold, silver, lazuli", Dante throws usurers in the circle. Guido writes about armed knights who are courteous, Dante throws amongst the sodomites people of high prestige and respect (politicians, knights, intellectuals, clergy). Also who are sodomites if not those who turned to sin the act of "reasoning of love" that Guido mentions?
Amongst the sodomites, Dante says in canto XV, there are mostly writers and members of the clergy, so we essentially have intellectuals, cultured people, towards whom Dante shows pity and reverence (he addresses them with formal you aka voi and even expresses the desire to hug them, if it weren't for the fire). But there's a dichotomy of morals: character-Dante shows pity, God's justice shows disapproval, so we could say those who in life were highly esteemed for their intellect are now shown for their vileness like....like the list of pleasant things that compared to Guido's beloved become vile. And yet Dante still doesn't have it in him to condemn them. God did, he did not. We already know that when Dante shows pity towards a soul's sin it's because he felt guilty too, remember? But again, God said: they operated violence against nature thus nature is sterile and twisted, they were noble now they are vile. They had "wisdom/ as much as the sky is greater than the earth" (Guido, lines 12-13)? Now they are buried in the earth.
Also another similarity that I found, though it's a little less solid, is the last line in the sonnet that goes "from such a creature no virtue ever stays away" where 'to stay away' is expressed through a word that literally means 'delay'. And delay is exactly what sodomites cannot do, they have to keep running even when they talk to Dante. When Brunetto Latini leaves Dante after they talk, he runs away and is described like a runner who's winning the race, his virtues are being displayed but because he's forced to do so, which feels like an ironic and bitter parody.
Dante constructed this circle of Hell as the exact opposite of this sonnet, by which on the one hand he distanced himself from its contents (through the point of view of God), on the other he welcomed them once more (through character-Dante). From this we can hypothesize that maybe Guido's sonnet actually talked about a man à la shepherd(ess) poem, making Dante see it fit to reference in this circle, or that Dante chose to reverse this sonnet simply because it was Guido's and Guido maybe (probably) was involved in sodomy, or that they were involved with each other and Dante is the addressee of the sonnet, or maybe I'm just seeing things and none of this was coherent! Who knows.
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wr1ghtw0rth · 11 months
Same person from the previous ask, I would love fic recs thanks!
Dear Anon, please apologize my belated response!
Here's the fanfics that inspired Mr. Nix;
In the Kingdom of the Moon by potatomin
This is a fairytale AU, Prince Miles is trying to catch a phantom thief while also befriending a baker and getting ready to be crowned.
Two sides of Justice by Animepaige
An AU in which Edgeworth is chief of police, trying to catch a firey vigilante that has shown up around town, as well as befriending a familiar looking baker that opened their bakery just beside the police station.
Both of these are AUs and deal with supernatural powers, but I really enjoyed these stories x)
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cardboardheartss · 7 months
NEWJEANS Comeback Mini Reading
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Concept : QoW, 6oS rx, 10oP, KNoS rx & Justice rx
The concept will be firey? It will also have really intense choreographies. Very pretty concept too! It will be completely different from their previous concept/sound I believe. This concept could have required a whole lot of money. There could be some interesting reactions with this concept tbh…😅
Members thoughts
Hanni : The Devil rx, KNoC rx & PoW rx
She is terrified, she could also gain anxiety as the release day approaches. She could also feel a bit embarrassed about the comeback? If there’s any hate comments, she will definitely take it to heart. She might have to fake it til she makes it for the entire promotion times. She thinks that public will betray her if they don’t like the comeback. Hanni could be lacking motivation and confidence, and the stress causes her to have temper tantrums tbh…
Danielle : 6oW rx
She doesn’t seem to like the new sound. She thinks this comeback is a flop, and will cause the group to lose followers and love. She just… doesn’t like it tbh…
Minji : 4oC
Minji is drained, tired and has no motivation. She is completely dissatisfied with the comeback. She’ll think they’ll be unable to break the records they’ve broken from ‘Get Up.’
Hyein : AoS & Temperance rx
She thinks the comeback is innovative, and actually genuinely likes it. She’s looking forward to performing and believes it will certainly make headlines. She wants the comeback as much as we want it too lol! She’s really excited.
Haerin : PoC & The Emperor
“Happy, happy, happy 😸” She also loves the sound. She’s really looking forward to it and knows that it will do well. She knows that they’ll achieve again and gain respect in the industry.
Overall thoughts : PoS rx, Judgment, KNoS rx, Justice rx, 10oP
As you could tell, a lot of contradictive thoughts. Some believe it will flop, while some believe it’s a bop. This could have led to arguments and a lot of talks about how they should just try stay positive and remember that they will receive that love from fans and also gain more income. So yea… just a lot of thoughts overall 😅
General publics thoughts: 6oW, 9oW, PoC, The Emperor, The Star rx
They’ll love it and believe that the girls did really well, bunnies will be like, “SOTY again”, “nwjns ready to wipe out awards again this year 😝🫵🏽.” And etc lol! Some could be unhappy at how nwjns look highly overworked and want them to rest. The public could also notice how nwjns aren’t charting as high as they were before too.
Nwjns thoughts on public opinion: 9oW
They would clearly look at the negative and see that ppl aren’t making them chart as high, and they’ll think of those moments from last year BUT this will make them not give up and continue working.
Could also see comments on the overworking, but unfortunately they’ll be unable to control anything…
Thank you for reading 📦
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eggsaladsandwhic · 1 year
Knives Headcannons (SFW and NSFW)
This is for my upcoming Poly CollegeAU Knives x OC x Vash fanfic and it's 2am and I gotta get my brainwaves out.
SFW and General
Nai is a double major in both Environmental Justice and Science
Likes taking philosophy classes it helps him understand humanity a bit more.
Probably autistic or at least on the spectrum
Is struggling with Bipolar and it hits him hard sometimes
College life is hard when you're a plant and he's trying his best to fit in
Speaking of Plants I've got this weird idea that Nai is definitely like a carnivorous plant (usually some species have barbs or thorns to trap their prey in)
Will not go to parties or bars (...Vash makes him every once and a while, but will not admit to being perceived whatsoever.
Likes fruity and sour wines
Absolute book nerd
Gets end of the semester burnt out depression (me too ngl)
Is the cook of the apartment surprisingly, he has learned to like some human cuisine. He's an alright cook but is a heavy meat and vegetables kinda guy (don't ask him to bake it makes him impatient)
Probably in a couple on campus band ensembles
Gets hit on and flirted with a lot and really hates it
Sleeps only with those soft af blankets and prefers to be cold rather than hot, and he usually needs to hug in his sleep, hence the blankets.
Likes the idea of love, especially a platonic to romantic type of affection
He's just so bitter about the fact that a human would likely never want him for what he really is
Touch adverse but even more touch starved
He's got to like someone for them to even be in his personal bubble
Actions over words
Vash and him both have a Mate for life concept so wanting to choose that special someone is really hard
So many goddamn hair products but the soft hair is worth it
NSFW ⚠️ Below
Okay shifting gears here now for ✨ The Spice✨ (NSFW)
Big dick energy - thinking around 8.5 hard
Prehensile penis and def looking like a softly barbed tentacle
Petals like a flowering butterwort, white to purple
Back to my carnivorous plant idea but this man is FERAL in bed - bites and makes plenty of noises
Aphrodisiac pre-cum, topical and ingestible
VIRGIN (this man hates people with a firey passion)
However does own one of those clear Fleshlights especially if he goes into rut
Has to go a couple rounds otherwise he feels frustrated even on a normal night
Amazing stamina and recovery time
Has a medium sex drive but the more stressed out the lower it is
This man has to Top, he'd really have to trust his partner to bottom and lose control like that (BUT THATS EXACTLY WHAT HE'S LOOKING FOR)
Don't let him get pussy drunk it's a bad idea for either party
Since I'm going for at least semi-realistic sex (especially with a dimensional being) in this fic I'll be honest and say he would accidentally hurt you and it crushes his soul
As much as I love self indulgent smut I think a human would have a hard time keeping up with a horny plant
Would bite either way too hard, overstimulate you too much, accidentally flung one of his knives into your side, started going marathon mode and having to literally slap him out of it
Usual kinks- Praise, hair pulling, breeding, choking, Size kink
Unusual - Blood, prey/predator dynamic
Wrote till I needed to sleep oopsies anyways please fill my brain with more ideas I'm begging 🙏
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occasional-pyrrhon · 1 month
I might be autistic but there's an alien invasion to bring firey justice onto so idrc about that rn
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heavenly--prince · 19 days
"Oh well, this is unexpcted," Lilith said watering her flowers n the green house "What brings you here, if you're looking for Lucifer, he's with the other sins at a meting" {{ the-fiirst-woman }}
🦢⚔️ "oh..I see...I came at a bad time..what flowers are those? I didn't even know flowers could grow in hell...isn't it a bit hot here for them? I know I'm already overheating and it's only been a couple minutes..geez..I hate the temperatures here..and the smell of sulfur..." "and things burning...terrible smells.."
Tumblr media
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wellthebardsdead · 4 months
Lucy: *walking through the mindflayer hatchery after setting the trapped prisoners free and killing the mind flayers, Zevlor thankfully not among their numbers thanks to her previous efforts in keeping all the refugees alive* Right then. Let’s see where this, oh so very, very important asset of mine is being kept. *stops in front of a pod and folds her arms looking annoyed* How? HOW? Mizora?
Mizora: *still burning hot with the engine in her chest, banging on the glass of her pod in tears* Your grace I can explain everything please let me out I won’t fail you again please! Please!!!
Lucy: fine, help me get duke ravenguard to safety then. *smashes the pod and pulls her out*
Mizora: thank you! Thank you your grace! I promise you w- *shuts up as the group walks off without her* a-Ah your grace wait for me! *runs after her*
*several minutes later*
Orin: *moves to sit on Ulders back only to hit the ground instead as hellfire embers burn her ass* AAGH! Arghh?! What?! Filthy sneaky rat! Where did he go?!
Gortash: *watched him disappear right before his eyes in an uncomfortably familiar burst of flame, heart dropping for a moment thinking Raphael had come for him, or Mephistopheles* I- I don’t-
Aylin: *suddenly bursts free from her cage as Astarion sneaks by them and lets her lose* YOUR END IS NOW OATH BREAKER! YOUR HEAD WILL BE MINE!
Gortash: damn it! *turns and runs for it making a quick escape as the elderbrain begins to take flight from the colony*
Orin: no no! Fathers plan was going perfectly! How did-
“Poor. Poor. Orin the Red. Orin the inbred. Your grandfathers daughter and your mothers sister. Never Baals favourite, you killed his favourite and he still doesn’t love you. Heheh, haha! HAHAAHAHAHA!!”
Orin: No no no! Grandfather loves me! He worships me! Filthy little pig mouthed liar!! *looking around frantically as Lucy suddenly appears in front of her and kicks her off the platform into the abyss below*
Lucy: *knowing Baal will most likely resurrect her as he did Sarevok, but for now somply watches her disappear into the green fog below before holding up the gem she’d snatched from her as she pushed* one down. For now… *turns to ketheric as Aylin and the group corner him* I’m hesitant to give you a second chance… after the state you made of this land and it’s people, Ketheric. And I doubt Isobel would ever be willing to forgive you for the torment you put Aylin through… but you can side with me. *suddenly assumes her archdevil form, large, imposing, and glowing with an oddly radient moonlight sheen as her good deeds begin outweighing her fiendish gifts, and the gods begin to take notice* Or Be Annihilated…
Aylin: Make your choice Oathbreaker! Neither Shar nor Murkyl will save you from hells justice!
Ketheric: *eyes wide staring up at her, lilac skin turning a firey pink, then red as her four horns sprout a 6th pair and her tongue lulls out from her mouth with a forked point, sensing a power from her far greater than anything murkyl would be willing to lend him* … *drops his blade and surrenders*
Lucy: good. *reverts back to a regular tiefling* Hand over the stone and we’ll tal- minthara are you okay?
Minthara: let us hurry and be done with this place. I wish to ravage you as mine.
Lucy: oh-
Lae’zel: Ch’k! Stand down! She will be mine!
Lucy: O-oh-
*a few minutes later*
Mizora: *appears and proudly presents a bewildered duke ravenguard* here he is! Alive and unharmed! No tadpole no tentacles! All safe and sound my lady!
Lucy: *curtseys to him* Glad to finally meet Wylls father. You can thank him for the rescue. And me for his lack of horns. My only regret is I couldn’t grab that slimy bastard Gortash in time… he’s infected the entirety of the flaming fists with his tadpoles and corruption. The steelwatch are under his control as well. It’ll be best if you remain in my citadel as a guest until we dispatch of them or else he could risk completing his plan.
Ulder: he intended to infect me as well. And have me crown him as grand duke… the gate would have no hope.
Lucy: not true. Hope is small but she’s hard to kill.
Ulder: what?
Lucy: wha- *suddenly grabbed by minthara and lae’zel both before being dragged away* goodbye! Wyll talk to your dad don’t let him leave and do something stupid!!!
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