#feel free to ingore me
puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Mermay Special Prompt 4
Go on vacation, they said. We can watch Gotham, they said. Just go hang with and adjust to caring for kids, they said. Yeah, well no one said anything about getting cursed while at the vacation lake house, which okay, fine. But did it have to affect the kids too? 
Bruce pressed his head in his hands, groaning in dismay as the children practically zoomed around the surrounding water with enthusiastic trills and squeals he could somehow understand. And through the air, to their increasing delight. Okay. Okay this is fine. 
It wasn’t like he also somehow now had an extra child who looked like one at most that he had no clue as to where they came from. Said child wasn’t squirming in his arms, black scales and tiny fins akin to the setting of a sun twisting as they chirped. Definitely not. 
Okay. Alright. He could figure this out. Probably…. hopefully…
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dumbbitchgalore · 4 months
Part 4: Old man!Price wants his birdie to fly away 🕊
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
John sighs softly as he walks out of the door with the final box filled with his belongings.
Parking your car in the driveway, you walk out of it and approach the front door as you spot John. You cross your arms and sigh softly.
"Done moving out, Captain?" You ask, void of any emotion.
John groans as he hears the formality in your voice, "Birdie-"
You put you hand up to cut him off, "Don't. Don't you dare call me that. It's fucking poison coming out of your mouth."
He frowns at your harsh scowl and releasing reasoning with you is no longer an option as you walk past him and open the door to your once shared home.
This is what he wished as the desired outcome of his actions. For you to kick his arse and finally be free of the bastard that he is. A broke, old man like him didn't need to clip a birdie's wings just for his sake.
But somewhere within his conscious, John was beginning to feel a sense of loneliness, guilt and longing. His actions where for his birdie's freedom. But was there truly no other motive towards his selfish actions?
John was beginning to slowly become an after thought to you as you were getting ready for a night out.
You stand in front of the mirror situated on the bedroom wall as you admire yourself. However, in the corner of your eye John's non-existant silhouette lingered behind you. Closing your eyes, you feel his arms wrap around you as you lean into his ghost. His scent begins to waft around you, engulfing you an a hazy trance.
John, John, John
Shaking your head left and right, you shoo his spirit away from your presence. You brush the wrinkles out of your outfit before walking out of the front door.
Unlocking the car, you sit in the driver's seat turning the ignition on. Headlight on, you drive out. Breathing in and out, playing ever single possible scenario as to how this night will unhold.
Regaining the lost confidence attributed to John's heinous actions, you sike yourself up through the whole car ride.
Coming to a halt in front of the pub, you spot him waiting for you near the front door. Smiling softly at the scene, you notice him shivering as the winter breeze bumps against him, prickling his skin. You find humour in the lack of a jacket, possibly to impress you with a visual of his body as he always tried to back during your engagement with Price which you actively ingored.
But now you decide to take in the sight, drinking in his physique along with his tattoo and his stupid mohawk that you used to depised, but now it's style began to grow on you.
Looking at yourself in the sun visor mirrow, you fix any imperfections you find in yourself before stepping out of the car and walking to him.
Giving him a soft smile, you hug him before stepping back and chuckling nervously.
"Sorry, haven't done this in a while" You say sheepishly, rubbing your upper him.
He smirks at your shyness, kissing your cheek. "Let me take the reins then, Bonnie?"
You nod at the scotsman's comment, leaning into his touch as he ushers you inside of the pub.
On the other side of the street, there he was. A witness to the scene which took place in front of him. John stands there idly, trying his best to let his birdie fly away and start the creation of a new nest.
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weirdrtvscomments · 11 months
I wasn't an hlvrai fandom participant but I feel like the growth of rtvs has kind of changed my perspective on the series, because instead of seeing the characters they play, i see it as "oh its wayne and his friends fucking around". That's not to dismiss the work that was put into the series, though. I just bring it up because feels weird to hear stories of the hlvrai fandom during its peak, especially when we still had no idea who most of the crew was. The way the characters and those who played them were treated back then makes it seem super odd in retrospect. I'm curious to know how others feel in that regard.
Oh man, totally forgot about this messege! very interesting topic indeed.
for myself, i will confess that i initially HATED benry's character - from how he was acted ignoring all the story beats i was convinced that whoever was playing him was bored, ingorant of the plot. and chewing the scenery to piss of his friends.
But after getting to the commentary, learning who scorpy was and that he was specificly instructed to be annoying and going againts the flow made me appriciate his role more.
Expanding that, learning about the rtvs crew made me understand more of it. I see the tumblr influence, the YTP inflence. It's pepole who grew up on same weird internet junk as me, and it scracthes that very specific itch that nothing come close to.
Feel free to share your thoughs below.
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juneyjubilation · 3 months
First of all, hello!! I hope you have/ had a great day, I wanted to make a request about Dick Grayson, we all know he's just a ball of sunshine but what about we (As another vigilante who's close to him+ he has a crush on -you can keep the details short or as long as you want-) finding him at his lowest? But like... Really really lowest... In the point where he feels like a disappointment to his parents to bruce himself, to Alfred or basically to everyone who knows him, the point where he thinks he's letting everyone down... The point where he's about to cry and have a panic attack (inside out 2..) and we find him, (let's just say that reader knows him well enough to be able to say somethings are off with him..) try and do everything we can to comfort and console him because... My man really deserves true affection and reminder that he has amazing affect on people around him... (The trigger to his break down could be him, not being able to save a child as he tried to save 5 other people in danger etc. whatever you want, I hope I'm not making any mistakes on writing because English is not my native language and I'd literally sit down and cry if I didn't express myself successfully ;( also could you please make it AFAB?) Thank you so much for everything in advance..
Feel free to ingore this request, but if you won't do it please inform me I won't be hurt 🙏🏻💝
hi! thank you so much for the request :) i absolutely did not mind writing this, though i fear i did mistakenly add more trauma to the golden boy - so ummmm... my bad!
and your english was good at conveying your point! i hope i was able to translate this to paper well :)
also i listened to Birds of a Feather on repeat whilst writing this! enjoy!
details: no use of y/n/(reader), dick calls the reader 'Angel', she/her user, this could be seen as platonic, but he is evidently pining in his thoughts.
content warnings: mentions and brief description of child death, flashbacks to parental death, minor character death (of the unnamed child), panic attacks.
- thank you for reading!! continue to under cut to read -
The haunting memory of the child he had failed, the one he couldn't save, grips him in a vice-like chokehold. It's a branding iron seared into his very soul, a constant reminder of his inadequacy—a festering, gnawing wound that threatens to consume him whole. He clutches his throbbing temple, his mind replaying the horrifying moments when the child, caught in the crossfire, fell to their inevitable fate.
For a single moment the image of that little girl in her yellow sweater returned him to the memory he ran from most; the image of his parents and their once striking yellow and green costumes danced in red.
Contorted bones and brain matter tended to have that effect on him.
Each labored, panicked breath he exhales is a testament to the tumultuous turmoil within him. Sweat trickles down his temples, mingling with the darkness of his hair as tears threaten to spill down his cheeks, unchecked by the demons gnawing at his soul.
His body trembles, the sudden vulnerability an unfamiliar and unwelcome companion. His once steady hands now shake as he struggles to compose himself, to regain control of the emotional maelstrom that threatens to consume him.
The cool Gotham breeze offers no solace, the whispering wind carrying the echoes of the child's cries and the deafening silence that followed.
In a tortured whisper, Nightwing tries coaxing calm into his body. "Breathe... in... hold... out..." His words echo faintly in the wind, a desperate attempt to wrestle back control.
Each labored breath becomes a tiny beacon of light, guiding him through the storm of self-doubt and guilt. He imagines the air filling his lungs like a warm, golden light, chasing away the shadows of despair.
One hand reaches up, fingers brushing against the emblem that adorns his chest, a symbol of his past and his future, a reminder of the strength he has wielded time and time again.
The other hand forms a fist, his knuckles turning white, as he clings to the memory of the five children he saved, the lives he changed. His heartbeat slows, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm, as the grounding exercise takes root.
The tenuous grip on his grounding fades like a fading signal, replaced by the raw, unadulterated pain of his failure. He collapses in on himself, sobbing, rage and despair mingling in his anguished cries.
In his mind's eye, the image of the little girl materializes once more, a beacon of hope snuffed out, the same way his own youth was extinguished. The memory of his mother, her laughter and love, dance just beyond his reach. The parallels between the two haunt him, a relentless tormentor.
Tears stream down his cheeks, the salty droplets stinging the wounds of his soul. His shoulders quake under the weight of the burden he bears, the crushing guilt of that lost life threatening to drown him.
In the midst of Nightwing's torment, a shadow falls over him, a gentle presence signaling the arrival of a familiar figure. A figure he has deemed his *Angel*.
She lands gracefully beside him, a figure shrouded in mystery. Yet, for him, she embodies strength, solace, and warmth. Her aura fills the space around him, tickles at his senses in a way that's instantly recognizable, even in the darkness of Gotham's smog.
A gentle hand brushes through his hair, her touch a caress, tender and caring. "There you are," her voice a soothing balm to his raw emotions. He feels her presence, the mere nearness offering a sliver of comfort to his broken spirit.
In the shadows, his solace crouches beside her friend, sensing the turmoil that wracks his body.
Nightwing's initial instinct kicks in, a mixture of surprise and panic as he realizes he's been discovered in his most vulnerable state. The superheroic facade he presents to the world is shattered, exposing the raw, bleeding core of his humanity.
The very thought of burdening her with his failures and shortcomings weighs heavily on him. He's always been the one to save, to lead, to console. The thought of being the one needing rescue is an eerie and unsettling prospect.
Nightwing opens his mouth to protest, to push her away, to defend his honor, but the words stick in his throat. He can't bear to witness the disappointment in her eyes, or the pity that would surely follow.
Instead, he utters the word that's reserved for her alone. "Angel..." The plea is a confession without words, an admission of the depth of his trust in her.
Instead of pulling away, she scoots closer, wrapping her arms around him, a shield against the unyielding darkness that threatens to swallow him whole. Her presence is a beacon of hope, offering a safe haven in the storm that refused to wane.
Angel shakes her head gently, her eyes filled with an understanding that transcends words. Her lips move in a soft, almost imperceptible whisper, weaving a tapestry of comfort through her words.
"Grief, it's a beast, twisting in your gut, aching in places you never thought possible. It's a reminder of the things you can't change, the memories that haunt, the life that slips through the cracks."
Her voice is a lullaby, a rhythmic pattern that guides him through the tempest of emotions. She speaks with the ruggedness of a street-hardened hero and the tenderness of a loving friend.
"But we don't drown in it. We don't let it define us. We let the tears fall, the chest heave, and then we find the strength buried beneath the pain to carry on."
Nightwing listens to her soft words, the wisdom in her voice like a balm to his raw emotions. His thoughts drift back to the time they first met, the war-torn streets of Gotham, a city on the brink of ruin.
He remembers the first time he saw her, the way she moved through the chaos with an almost ethereal grace. She was a beacon of hope in the midst of despair, her emerald eyes sparkling like jewels, piercing the darkness.
In that moment, he knew he would follow her, that she would be his shining star. And so, he called her Angel—not because she resembled the celestial beings but because she represented the light that guided him through life's shadows.
He would never share this with her, this intimate connection that bound them together, a secret that only he held tight to his chest. For in this moment, he realized that Angel's words weren't a fix-all, a panacea to mend all his wounds. They didn't erase the knot in his throat, the heaviness in his heart. But they did something equally profound; they eased the suffocating weight of isolation.
For the first time, he realized he didn't have to face this alone. That he had been surrounded by a network of support, of friends and allies who shared his purpose.
In her arms, he felt anchored, tethered to reality, to the world he fought so tirelessly to protect. A world that was no longer a shadowy, menacing abyss but a place of hope, of potential, of redemption.
And as his sobs subside, leaving behind a silent contemplation, he knows that there will be other battles, other moments of weakness, but he wouldn't face them alone.
In the company of Angel, the moniker 'Nightwing' did not feel like a suffocating mantle that weighed heavily upon Dick's shoulders. Instead, it became a symbol of the partnership they shared, a badge of honor that spoke volumes about their bond.
Angel, with her unwavering support, reminded Dick of the reasons he chose this path in the first place—a desire to protect, to heal, and to stand for justice. Her faith in him, her belief in his abilities, and her unwavering trust in their combined might, breathed new life into the persona he had donned.
Nightwing, the man and the symbol, no longer felt like a burden, but rather the manifestation of his resolve, a testament to his strength, and a beautifully complex reflection of his vulnerabilities. In the presence of Angel, he could be both a hero Gotham needed and the person he needed to be in order to heal from his past.
In the silence that follows, Dick finds himself looking into the eyes of the woman who had become an indispensable part of his life. A man of few words when it came to expressing his gratitude, he finds solace in the simplest of gestures.
He wraps his arm around her, pulling her close, his strong frame enveloping her as he basks in the comfort of her presence. His jaw clenches, the tension a testament to the weight of his emotions. Eventually, he finds the courage to express his gratitude.
"Thank you, Angel." The words are a whisper, sincere and heartfelt. He holds her tighter, as if to etch this moment in his memory, a beacon of warmth in the cold, unforgiving city that they call home.
In that moment, he doesn't need grand speeches or declarations of love, but the simple act of being in her presence. Their bond, forged in the fires of conflict and the camaraderie of friendship, is a testament to the depth of their connection.
He knew he could depend on her, in the darkest hours and brightest victories. She was the calm in the eye of his storm, the beacon of hope that flickered in the shadows.
Together, they stood as guardians of the city, protectors of the innocent, and confidants to one another. Dick Grayson, the young circus performer, and the vigilante known as Nightwing, had found in Angel a companion for life, a partner in crimefighting, and a friend he cherished more than gold.
As they sat on the rooftop, the weight of the world momentarily lifted, Dick knew that he owed her more than he could ever repay. But the debt, he realized, was one he would gladly continue to work off, through every mission, every battle, and every victorious smile they shared. Because in her, he had found not just a comrade but a partner of the heart. And his gratitude, as always, was simple and true: Thank you, Angel.
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pacifymebby · 2 years
hi, can i request peaky blinders reaction to reader coming out? i'm doing mine today and i'm kinda scared of my friends' reactions :( feel free to ingore my ask if you don't feel comfortable writing it!
Aw hey! First of all I'm sorry i think u sent this last week? Im only just seeing it!!!
I hope your coming out went well and that your friends showed u all their love and support. (u have all my love and support)
I'm bi, but i never had an official coming out I just sorta awkwardly would say gay shit in conversations until people just accepted that i was queer haha.
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🌿 You've been close with Tommy for a little while, working at Shelby Company Limited. He took a shine to you in a way neither of you really understand... Anyway the point is you feel like you can trust him, and because of that you feel guilty for keeping this a secret
🌿 You're so nervous to tell him and actually he's been thinking you've been being odd all day. You keep looking at him funny, like youre about to say something, like youre really thinking about saying something... But you haven't said anything yet and its beginning to worry him
🌿 So when he feels your eyes on him again he doesnt even look up, he just carries on writing, "alright y/n i can tell youve somet to say so why dont you just say it eh... What is it? You have a problem with how I spoke to Lizzy earlier? You don't like Michael? You think am dealing with these Italians incorrectly? Come on what is it?"
🌿 You're completely stunned and your heart starts racing in a panic as you stumble your way through "what? No i mean... You were pretty harsh on her weren't you but... Wait Michael? What? And I... I don't know how i think you should be... Why would I have an opinion on..." your cheeks are burning as you realise youre losing control of your voice, getting flustered and making a fool of yourself, but worse than that, Tommys looking at you with a smirk on his lips, leaning back in his chair, hands folded over one another on the desk.
🌿 Tommy probably already knows what youre going to tell him, because he has eyes everywhere, and because he himself is observant. Hes seen the way you look at women/men... He knows what you are but he doesn't care. He just wants you to tell him so that he can tell you he doesn't care, that it doesnt effect the way he thinks of you. That you'll always be welcome at the Shelbys.
🌿 Just because he knows doesnt mean he's going to take your moment from you, he doesnt know why but he feels its probably something you need to say out loud, to him, no interruptions. Your sexuality might not be a thing that concerns him or even really interests him but he understands it as an important thing for you, something you need to feel confident taking ownership of... So he just waits quietly.
🌿 When you finally say it he sits quietly still, he nods his head, he lets you believe that this is news to him, he doesnt tell you he already knew.
🌿 "Well," he says calmly, "I'm glad you've got that off your chest y/n, and am touched that you trust me with this information..." he's a little awkwardly formal about it, because he doesnt want to make a big scene or embarass you, but he doesnt want to make you think he isnt bothered...
🌿 "You know who you love, thats your business and nobody elses, and I know the world doesnt understand that yet, but I do, and my family do, and youll always be welcome where the Shelby family are concerned... Youre part of this family y/n, this doesn't change that... "
🌿 Youd feel so relieved and also so loved and accepted. Youre glad Tommy didn't get too dramatic about it, youd been worried he'd get angry at you for having kept it a secret so long... But his calm presence was reassuring and you feel secure.
🐻 Alfies noticed you've not been yourself for a few weeks now, hes getting worried about you because you seem much more nervous and mousy than you used to be... He's worried something bad has happened to you that youre trying to hide from him.
🐻 So he calls you into his office one day, gets you where you can't escape him (because every time hes tried to talk to you recently youve managed to avoid a real conversation and ducked away from him)
🐻 You feel like youre in trouble whenever he calls you into his office but you feel worse just now because you probably are in trouble. You can't stop thinking about this big secret youve been hiding. It isn't fair, it shouldn't have to be a secret. Other people don't have to hide when they fall in love...
🐻 Alfie is wearing his usual frown, he looks mean, grumpy, intimidating. "Alright y/n treacle I think you an me need to have a little talk yeah... Just a little one don't worry don't worry i won't keep you long... Know youve probably got somewhere to rush off to, thats all you seem to do these days... Rush off places... Run away from me... Feel like we haven't had a proper conversation in weeks and well you know me... Miserable old sod, spend all me time on me own... Been starting to miss you haven't I treacle so..."
🐻 Youve always been so impressed by the way Alfie can talk and talk and talk his enemies into a nervous sweat but you arent really feeling appreciative of it just now. Actually youre beginning to sweat yourself. Now youee sure you're in trouble.
🐻 But youre not. And Alfie doesnt know... Even though you think he must know, he doesnt have a clue. His concern is completely genuine. He thinks his friend is hiding something, some kind of trouble, and he wants to help you if he can...
🐻 "So come on then treacle, why don't you tell your old pal Alf just what's goin on.. Why ain't you stopping by anymore? Why am I missin you?"
🐻 You think about lying to him but only breifly because you know he will be able to tell.
🐻 And when you do tell him your voice is shaking and you're convinced he's going to turn on you, be digusted, all the negative thoughts youve had about yourself bubble to the surface and you can barely keep it together...but
🐻 He just does a big sigh of relief and youre just looking back at him confused.
🐻 "Well i must say treacle I'm a little relieved..." "W.. What... Alfie I just... That was so hard to tell you and youre... Youre relieved? Why are you relieved? This is..."
🐻 "What? This is what exactly treacle? I hope you aren't going to say bad cause well, you and me both know that that, well that just ain't true is it..."
🐻 He'd give you a whole speech about how you shouldn't think badly of yourself, that your sexuality is completely valid, love is love ect, "its a miserable old world we're doomed to live in, why deny yourself the one joy god gave us eh..."
🐻 "You know I've been worrying about you treacle, i thought something really bad had happened to you... Thought you were caught up in some bad shit... Italians or peaky boys shit you know? But this... Well... Treacle I'm happy for you..." "You're happy for me?" you look back at him a little dumbfounded, still a little shocked hes taking it so well.
🐻 "Thats right, I'm, thats me Alfie yeah, Im happy for you, thats you y/n l/n... I'm happy that you've found some understanding, and I hope that you can find some happiness and peace and... And i hope you stop lookin so worried all the time... Come on, cmere, give your old pal a hug,"
🐻 You're getting bear hugged to hell and back.
🍂 I'm not going to lie, Arthur would be confused at first... As in not, what do you mean why are you gay? But more, i don't understand, why are you telling me that?
🍂 Really really tries to say the right thing, says the wrong thing.
🍂 He'd get so flustered because he knows this is a big and important thing you've told him and he needs to say exactly the right thing to show he loves and supports you...
🍂 But he's terrible with words and even though he's trying really hard it's all coming out wrong and he's getting embarassed and confusing himself, tripping over his words and stuff.
🍂 But its lowkey endearing seeing him trying so hard for you, thats always been how you've known arthur cares about something or someone because he gets embarrassed whenever he has to show it.
🍂 He'd tell you that if anyone else doesnt accept you or says anything "homowhatsit" about you, you tell him their name and he'll sort them out. No ones gonna bother you about this.
🍂 He'd end up just giving up, giving you a hug with one of those awkward male clap on the backs, then he'd ask you why you chose to tell him this and not "someone smart like Ada" and when you tell him its because he's your best friend and you needed him to know first he's very touched, gets embarassed all over again. Secretly very proud.
🍂 Probably waits until you've come out to Ada and then goes to her to ask her what he should have said. She laughs at him, tries to tell him he probably said the right things in his own way, but he insists he has to say it properly. So she practices with him and lets him rehearse it with her..
🍂 Then when he tries to take you asside and tell you it all over again he does exactly the same thing as before and messes up all head in hands "sorry love I'm so fuckin stupid with words an you know all this... Feelins like.."
🌼 If you're a lass he's definitely making the "what you mean you don't fancy me then? Thought that was the whole basis of our friendship..." joke which makes you roll your eyes and knock him with your elbow.
🌼 If youre a lad, "and youre telling me this because naturally you're in love with me eh...knew it nobody can resist the..." youd cut him off with a shove and a shut up and then he'd laugh and say sorry
🌼 "only messin mate..." as he puts an arm around your shoulder.
🌼 He'd be very supportive of your coming out but he wouldn't want to treat it like it was too "serious" or really acknowledge the dangers it posed to you.
🌼 He wouldn't want to talk to you about those dangers or think about them because deep down he'd be incredibly worried for you and his mind would be working over time to think how he can protect you.
🌼 He'd probably start spending more time with you and you'd end up jokingly reiterating the fact that you don't fancy him he should leave you alone
🌼 But he'd be like "used to spend this much time with you, nothins changed don't be daft"
🌼 Wants to meet any man/woman you start seeing so he can vet them and make sure theyre good enough for you
🍀 Being your best friend he's very in tune with you and he's quite sensitive to a change in your mood or behaviour.
🍀 He's kind of always suspected you might not be straight because its always the girls that seem to get you shy and not the lads. When you're with him and the other lads you're confident and you speak your mind but when one of the pretty girls joins you get quiet, he's caught you starring so many times...
🍀 And so when you tell him he's really really really happy because he's been waiting for so long for you to realise who you are and stop being scared or ashamed of it. He was worried for a long time that you'd keep it secret your whole life and make yourself miserable.
🍀 Literally, youre shaking with nerves and hes just sat there grinning like a stupid little boy on christmas. He can't wipe the smile off his face and why should he? He's so happy for you and so proud of you.
🍀 "Brilliant, thats brilliant, youre a wee star! Brilliant..." you get shy and remind him you havent actually found a girlfriend yet but he completely ignores that point. "Yeah but you will soon won't you youre a heartbreaker in the makin i reckon..."
🍀 He'll get even more protective now when lads hit on you because he knows for certain their advances arent welcome. And once other people start to find out, if anyone says anything, to your face or behind your back Bonnie has the temper to knock them down and make sure they never say anything again.
🍀 He wants to meet anyone youre interested in, hes always trying to wingman you... Just wants you to be happy!
🍀 If he thinks you're crushing on someone he'll tease you about it so badly!
🐀Similar to John, if you're a girl, he's going to make that joke. If you're not and you say he's not your type hes actually going to be a bit offended. Its really going to wound his stupid ego and he'll have to try not to sulk about it.
🐀He obviously isnt making said jokes to belittle or not take you seriously, its friendly teasing, he wants to put you at ease and make you laugh.
🐀 He knows what its like to be a minority though, to have something people treat him like "less" for. So he's empathetic and will stand by you no matter what. He'll make sure you know that it doesn't make you a bad person, that its not you thats the problem.
🐀He knows youre worried about what other people will think so he tells you, "doesn't matter what other people think are gonna think, first thing people see when they see a peaky blinder, is a peaky fuckin blinder..."
🐀Will try to talk to you about women as if he was talking to a lad... Which is embarassing as hell for you and makes you visibly squirm... Which he finds very funny.
🐀He's actually really proud that you chose to tell him first and he gives you advice on how to tell everyone else... Honestly none of its that good, most of it sounds silly or embarrassing...
☘️ Honestly out of all the blinders i get toxic masculinity/homophobic vibes from Michael the most because he's the only one who hasn't experienced growing up as some kind of prejudiced against person BUT
☘️ I think he'd change for and because of you... See any snide comments he'd ever made, any judgemental things he'd said, he wouldnt ever have thought they were hurting his friend!
☘️ You're genuinely terrified to tell him and jt probably slips out in the messiest way possible... He says something about someone else being an *f slur and you very sharply counter with "whats so bad about that... Dont see how its any of your business is it..."
☘️ He'd get defensive and youd argue about it and when he tries to turn it on you with a "Don't see how its any of your business what i think of..." "Because thats me you're talking about! Every fucking time you say something like that you're hurting me Michael!"
☘️ Teary explanation and him immediately going quiet, guilty, he didn't realise and he feels terrible for hurting you like that.
☘️ It might take him a day but he'd apologise to you, he'd tell you that he might not understand but he wants to be there for you, it doesnt make you a bad person, nothing could stop him from loving and caring about you... He will probably really uncomfortably admit that its his problem and not yours
☘️ And then he'll be your biggest cheerleader and defender, he'll support you as best he can, he'll become a better less judgemental person, driven to become kinder because of you and realising how wrong he was before.
☘️ It will take time but even in the awkward beginning he wont let you doubt his love/care for you as a friend.
☘️ "You're still my best friend y/n you always fuckin will be and nothings gonna change that, and anyone... Anyone at all ever says any of that shit I used to come out with, to you or about you, I'll fuckin kill em..."
☘️ The way hes suddenly the fastest to shoot down other peoples homophobia. If he sees Isaiah or someone else laugh at a homophobic joke he'll shove/hit them to shut them up.
☘️ He can tell when you're crushing on someone and will be fucking brutal about making you talk to that person. Coming up to you at parties and lightly bullying you into flirting with them.
☘️ "You going to stand here staring whistfully at them all night or are you gonna grow up and talk to them?"
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Calling within
♡ Genshin x gender neutral reader ♡
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You and your so-called friends wanted to go and explore the abandoned castle and the edge of the woods. As you recall, what happened just moments ago.
"Okay, guys, we're here." You remark to your cowering friends behind you. "Um, are you guys okay you know that your the ones that invited me here.?" They all look at you as one of them says "Actually I think we have a party that we we're invited too!" His shaken voice, full of lies. They all nod in agreement and cowardly back away from the castle.
You look at them in disbelief. "I told you all I didn't want to go, and it's turning dark! You guys know that -" One of them states."Sorry, y/n! You know we've been so busy!" They back away to their horses, and they each get on. You stand there in disbelief. They then start to trot away as you follow them "Wait; there's not enough horses! I had to ride with one of you!" They didn't hear you pleads or prehaps just ingored you. You end up falling back to the same place you were. You look as they fade into the distance. They embark on the journey missing one last person, you.
'Those idiots! Maybe this was their chance to get rid of me, but I didn't do anything wrong! Or at least that I know of.' You look up at the sky just for thunder to go off as the grey clouds start to rain.
You look back at the abandoned and haunting castle that awaits you. "Here, goes nothing, I guess..." You stride forward to await the interior of the castle. Not knowing who awaits within...
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Who will you meet?
The Vampires
(Diluc, pantalone, Ayato)
The mad Scientists
(Albedo, Dottore)
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Authors Note: Hey ya'll, this is just the start of it all! I will be working on these, and if any of you want to recommend certain characters with a spooky entity! Then feel free to comment it! I won't promise you I will do it, but I promise that I will take it into consideration! Thank you all for reading this as I only know the basics of Tumblr!
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iheartmyspotify · 2 years
The Redfields are sleeping over [Resident Evil Contemporary AU]
Claire Redfield x Chris Redfield x GN reader HEADCANONS
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A/N: there are NO sexual or romantic themes. Enjoy the good time and have fun reading this! The link to the spotify playlist is on the title.
TW: reader and Chris are the same age (19) and both are nic addicts. Slight mentions of alcohol and cigarettes usage, along with swearing from time to time. If ur not comfortable, feel free to skip the paras that mention this. Btw y'all live in Raccoon City and the outbreak had never happened.
⛧ your parents are on a business trip this weekend and allowed Chris and Claire to sleepover as much as they want
⛧ you guys had planned this moment for weeks already
⛧ ''No sleeping bags allowed and NOBODY sleeps on the floor. My bed is big enough for all of us!''
⛧ even if Claire is six years younger than you, her presence doesn't bother you at all. she's actually like a little sister to you and spending the weekend together has never sounded this good!
⛧ using the money you all put up together, Chris went out the night before and bought the snacks. he also managed to sneak in a few beer cans, a whole 34oz bottle of vodka and some other stuff that if Claire finds out about, she'll tell her parents and her big brother is going to be in some big big shit
⛧ the night starts straight wild. The neighbours come by from time to time, but after the third visit you decided to just ingore the loud pounds on the door.
⛧ Chris comes closers to you and whispers ''I had to suck some good dick to get these without and ID.'', then passes you a pack of Dunhill Blues. His words made you laugh your lungs out.
⛧ Just Dance, Mortal Kombat and Karaoke made your whole night
⛧ your and Chris' special song is Telephone by Lady Gaga. No one else is allowed to sing it. He sings Beyoncé's part and you Gaga's
⛧ the music y'all chose is such a vibe i swear
⛧ Chris made the playlist and you sent the songs
⛧ he's a sucker for oldies, especially Modern Talking and y2k europop
⛧ Jill comes over after you told her to and she spent the friday night with you all
⛧ while smoking on the balcony, trying do hide from Claire, she finds you and Chris outside and threatens her big bro she'll tell mom if he won't let her do his makeup
⛧ you locked the doors, Jill cuffs his hand and feet with some scarfs and Claire makes the magic happen
⛧ he's so slay istg😻 claire took the photo and sent it to their family group chat
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⛧ Claire gets bored first and goes to sleep around 3AM the second night
⛧ you and Chris insert the big ass speakers from the living room into the bedroom and blast machinegun sounds to wake her up. She stars crying on the spot
⛧ y'all get hungry and try cooking some fancy meal, but you ended up almost burning the kitchen
⛧ around 5AM the deep thoughts start to kick in, so you go out and things get serious. No laughs, no jokes, just sentimental moments that bond your friendship even more
⛧ ''So? Did you guys had fun this weekend?'' your parents ask.
''Eh, it was alright."
⛧ whatever happened those nights it's in the past and it should never be brought up, especially near your parents.
ㅤIdk about you, but I had so much fun writing this. I always imagine how nice life would be if I had a sleepover from time to time with the Redfields. Also, they've been through so much pain that i hope that in a paralel universe they get to party and relax all of the time.
ㅤI hope you enjoyed it and please don't hesitate to request me anything you want. I love recieving ideas.
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mfshipbracket · 2 years
AHOY THERE!!! First things first, thank you SO much for organizing this. I have a pal who did a tournament like this before, so I know how much work there is behind the scenes. You're awesome.
I hope I'm not bugging ya with this, but something I noticed is that sans and toriel's icon is just their sprites side by side while everyone else is being cutesy or at least uhh interacting? which is really funny, but also makes them look kinda "thrown there", y'know? If (KNOCK ON WOOD!!) they make it to the next round, do you think it'd be possible to use this screencap from the game instead where they're looking goofy at each other? I know it's a bit if a of a silly request, so feel free to ingore me :P.
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Hope people haven't been too negative in your inbox. Thanks again for running this ok byeee <3
omg thank u for the kind words... the wood has been knocked & soriel has advanced to round TWO & i have drafted the new poll set to post tomorrow with your cute lil screencap :)
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sparky-owl · 1 year
I've realized that I've shown my kirby gijinkas on instagram but not here!! Allow me to present some old art (plus some HCs?) that was colored on now dead markers
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Oh my God these are so old but not old enough to update UGHHHH
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Ingore the text it's prob outdated
Feel free to ask anything bout these guys <33
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discluded · 2 years
I think someone already made a ask about this…so pls feel free to ingore this that’s the case.
What’s up with the some people reducing MileApos relationship as “fanservice” I’m aware some ppl in the industry do it to sell and maybe at some point they did it but it pisses me off that what ever they do they always take it as a negative thing or just “fanservice” I tend to just block people that talk out of their ass and pay no mind bc whatever their relationship is the one thing that is 100% true is that they adore each other ! So to all them haters cut the BS!
Anyway to my beloveds MA take care and keep lovingly eo babes and to you have a nice day ❣️
hi friend! I don't mind posting the ask. but yes I did write about it here and here. the tl;dr is homophobia (sadly).
as for fanservice, it's sadly super prevalent. I don't see much of it but it's cringe 🫣😔
I think the reason the kp cast's relationships with each other resonated so much with fans is that they genuinely seem to like each other and are friends. I watched the smtown new year concert two weeks ago and after half a year of watching the kp cast, the aegyo and lukewarm ads really fell flat.
compare the above tiktoks to Jeff feeling compelled to kiss both Barcode and Bible's shoulders. just a whisper of affection and it's unexpected so it comes off as authentic. it's not a show for us. we just happened to see Jeff being affectionate (like a cat).
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younger people not being able to identify genuine behavior is a byproduct of the pandemic. calling men being genuinely affectionate with each other fan service reinforces toxic masculinity. using queer relationships as entertainment and forcing actors to carry out that behavior for entertainment while disliking real queer people and also the idea of them having girlfriends is homophobia and sexism 💁🏻‍♀️ guess I unpacked all of it after all
(ps... Jeff my shoulder is very lonely and under kissed... please... be my friend)
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Hello and welcome one and all, I am Atomic Triumph Kryptonite Duke of Kinks and I am here for fun and questions.
Main Kinks:
• Free use
• CNC/R@pepl@y
• Cuddling (this is a kink and am right)
• Master & Slave (Pet play)
• Praise (Giving)
• Degradation/spit/slapping
• Choking
• DD/lg etc.
Other Kinks: everything except scat and blood and I mean EVERYTHING yes I have see what's out there including does with no names and strictly feelings.
Owner, Emotional Sadist, Degrader but no pet to work on
Ask: can be anything I don't really care, I'll prioritize answering as the come but is if I get a question I already want to talk about I'll answers it first.
What to expect: daily posting about any and everything I want to build a parasocial relationship with you, yes you.
• Am looking for a online pet (might consider taking it offline in the future
• Dont call me a pet name unless i ask or i'll just ingore you after
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windalchemist001 · 1 year
Ingoring the world as I was writing in my notebook, I was writing genshin fanfic, not that anyone knew what it was but still. I had to much free time in this world and I might as well do the things I've been pushing off right?
The story had a lot of mention of all the ships i wanted while also following the story of the game though not fateful since I was changing a few things here and there to suit my fangirl shipping needs.
At the current moment I was writing about Fontaine and the trail of childe and currently lummie was panicked as she watched said male stamp down and was trying to get to him. After all watching you boyfriend get hurt (battle manic or not this was different).
Currently she was about to toss some guards who dare stop her and I was getting excited for the next part that flutter in my head to make it to the page only to feel a hand on my shoulder that made me jump bringing me out of my zone. And I turn to the person who dare touch me!
Ah but a familiar face and I glared at said person. "What the hell?" The male who i did my best to glare out laughed.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scary you, just wanted to ask you who was right, but you seemed to not be paying attention." Ace moved to reach for my note book. And I was quick to pull it close.
"Well I don't need to know whats going on to know that all parties unless Jack is involved are wrong." I glared more and held tightly to the notebook.
"Oh come on, at least listen to it before deciding." Ace sighed in a way it was hard to tell if it was real or fake.
I narrowed my eyes for a.moment before returning the notebook to my bag than looked to them. "Fine than hit me with the question than." Honestly I need an ice pack already.
I watched as duece seemed to try and stop ace from talking and I glanced to the teacher up in front and sighed. Ehyup the guy was going to let me handle it, if only if I was in crewel's or trein's class than I wouldn't be forced to play babysitter.
Looking back to the two idoits I wonder if I should wake grim to yeet him at ace's face. But quickly dismissed it as being cruel to the feline.
After a bit ace manged to speak while in the middle of a headlock. Which honestly was mildly impressive, since duece was a formal gangster. If only his question wasn't crude and way to embarrassing to respond to. Well in real life anyway if this was online it would be a lot easier again so envious of idia and his ability to avoid most people and just do everything via online.
Not wanting to deal with it as well I turn to duece. "Finish him" I could just imagen the mortal kombat voice as duece was making ace suffer for a bit more before looking around the room and I could tell the teacher seemed unamused and I sighed and told deuce that was enough, and they should stop before we end up in detention.
Which was all that needed to be said for the male to release ace. After that I sighed deeply. And mumbled under my breath about a bet.
Though it seemed ace the hound dog since once he hears something he goes after it till he gets his answers l unfortunately I seemed to give him that. And I didn't realize it till an arm moved to wrap around me making me tense at the physical contect and I really needed that off me and yo sanitize my clothes at the touch.
"What bet? And whats the pot like?" From the nudging I knew he wanted more answers but I could only curse since I didn't think it would be wise to say it, but than again maybe it would turn the favor for my side? Or it could also have the opposite effect which I rather not happen.
"Its really none of your business, since its just something I discovered from all my running about." Or rather more so started because of a disagreement with a few of the guys from the anime/manga club, while we were discussing some bl stuff (not all the guys here wanted women it seems)
And I don't recall how it started, maybe after one of my complaining session, one of the guys suggested that maybe duece and ace were an item which I rejected since I doubted it and while I don't like the thought of having a shipping fandom for real people.
I did find myself sort of wondering if ace and riddle were something with how they interacted. And sure I wasn't use to guy friendships... well not fully I can tell the difference between friendship and something else. Cause surly the oddities were not nothing. And when I pointed it out one of the heart's student did mention something between riddle and ace since they did interact a lot more so than one would expected a housewarden and one of its many students.
And from there after much discussion we found ourself on a little bet. Though that bet didn't seem to stay with in the club and actively spread outwards and now a good few three dozen people knew about it from different grades and from what I noted it gets a tad bigger and someone even threw in a few other suggestions on im fully in denial about due to my crush on trey, but we will ingore that.
I quickly shook my head, trying to rid myself of those thoughts, no rather right now I needed to think of a way to get the heck out of this before some of the other bets we got going on get exposed as well.
"Than tell me" Ace was pushing and maybe he doesn't realize it but he was in fact hurting me. glancing to find someone to help me, because I wanted the hand off my shoulder squeezing a tad to hard on the flesh under my shirt (why did I decide to take off the jacket earlier?)
"Mr trappola can you stop causing a disturbance and get back to work? We need to move along with the next unit and this horse playing isn't going to improve your grades." The ol so lazy teacher to the rescue at last!
Ace groaned a bit and let go to sit in his seat. The pain where his hand had been still stung, and I ingore the urge to rub at the pain, and fixed my stuff and gave Grim a few pets to try and ease me the discomfort I felt and than sanitize my hand clean before going back to class stuff, and hoping maybe to come up with some half truth or lie to tell ace later.
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valkoinenlintu · 2 years
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ty for tagging me @cha0ticpartners-incrime <3
rule: go to Pinterest, search “[your name] core aesthetic” and create a moodboard from the first nine images. no need to mention your name!
that guy is starting to really annoy me.
i'm tagging @albvrich, @boerne-enthusiast, @alias-anythinguplease, @astargatelover, @breaddo, @adventuresintimeandace, @arluci, @enbyrry and @weidli (feel free to ingore)
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barefoothighlander · 1 year
Feel free to ingore but would ypu write a part 2 to that price call me sunshine fic?
If this is in regards to the one-shot dub con Price fic then maybe, I am currently thirsting for him, but I'm starting a full fic that's along the same lines as the one-shot, If enough people want a part 2 I'll do one though
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castielsprostate · 1 year
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The lovely @persephoneflouwers tagged me to do the URL moodboard<3 ily bb
I did choose to go the after namechange route, and honestly, i love it :)
Tagging these babes @sunflowerdiscussion @bluewinnerangel @releaseholiday @fuckyeahgoodomens @hellolovers13 and anyone else that wants to join (feel free to ingore!!)
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redjaybathood · 2 years
Rules: Put your whole music library on shuffle and share the first 10 songs that come up. Then tag 10 people (or as many as you want).
tagged by @scandalsavagefanfic -thanks!
I was curious myself about the results tbh
Hayloft - Mother, Mother
Мова* - Grabar
Not in California - K.Flay
Bağçalarda kestane - Reyana Kadırova ve Cemil Karikov 
Sztoj pa Moru - OmegaSign
Thunderstruck - AC/DC
Old Town Road - Lil Nas X
Bottom Of The Deep Blue Sea - MISSIO
現役JKが「エイリアンエイリアン 」スラップしてベース弾いてみた/ふぁみ。 [alien alien Bass cover]
Б'ютифул Карпати - Мертвий півень
wow lol tbh this is pretty random, even for me. adding links to the songs you probably never heard of and won't have a chance to hear if you don't click it.
tagging: @praxice @tumblingxelian @d-xs @romanticizingmurder @dariamarchin and everyone else who wants to do it - although if you don't want to, feel free to ingore
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