#feel free to add your input and/or criticism lol
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a-garden-of-worlds · 11 months ago
I really love the idea of a Fakeman who genuinely believes he's the real deal, with false memories inserted into his mind to make him easier to control than the real Rayman was. Maybe something in his brain is.... disconnected? He doesn't remember the thing with Red. They left that part out.
He genuinely believes he's the good guy just like Ramon used to believe. That he's doing the right thing and that his work is actually helping people.
Then learning from Ramon and/or Bullfrog that he is in fact nothing more than a clone and a puppet for the higher ups.
Maybe he has a similar reaction that Ramon did, or maybe he just straight up denies everything. He doesn't believe it. He can't believe it, not when it would completely destroy his sense of self.
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localsamalicer · 4 months ago
The “how do you draw” person is back. I meant like how did you develop your style and do you have any recommendations for beginner artists. THANK YOU
Ahh I see! I’m sorry I’m not a good teacher, I don’t know how I did most of it lol!
Consume a lot of art and artistic and inspirational media, even if you don’t draw a lot look at other people’s drawings (I have always been a fast artist who drew literally every day sometimes multiple times, but I know that’s not realistic and you can still improve without having to draw every day n don’t feel ashamed for not doing so)
Early on do your best to study big body types as well and small ones, learning both at the same time will help, and in my personal opinion I feel like learning how fat distribution works on fat bodies will make understanding flesh anatomy easier all around and then you can mentally ‘take away’ rather then try and learn how to ‘add on’ bigger fat deposits later down the line. Like all bodies doing figure drawings of bigger people will help with how people move so you may do less stiff posing
Disconnect from your art, don’t fuss over making it perfect is what everyone says, and I feel like that isn’t enough for most from what iv seen. Your art isn’t as much a reflection of you as you think in the ways you are trying to be a perfectionist over it most of the time. Your art isn’t a reflection of you in the sense of your anatomy feeling off or your eyes being different sizes. However, I don’t mean don’t feel a connection or pride or strong feelings for your art, that is the whole point of being a creative! To make art because you want to and are drawn to. Just it’s okay to turn off the critical eye to your slightly shakey lineart of all that’s going to do is make you hate a piece.
Draw to draw for yourself first and only (even for commissions, but there is an aspect of your client’s input being important) post it only if you really want to, don’t make art may to post, make bad art! Make art you don’t like! Make art you only like certain aspects about. Dont post ever piece apologizing for something about it being not up to your standard. There is an understanding and or sentiment that you should just suffer and let yourself hate it and yeah that’s okay but I think you should disconnect yourself further, not just “oh suck it up if you make bad art and hate it” even if you like it, I think there’s a healthy amount of disconnect you can have with all art you make
I can direct you to some people better explaining then me and teaching ^^ everyone’s learning differently but Duchess Celestia on YouTube is one of the first people I can think of who has a trove of videos about specific and broad aspects of art and learning, she’s great. Some others I watch are Pikat, Bluebiscuts, qrbits, Jackie Dorujiko, Ethan Becker, and other scattered videos about anatomy I can’t seem to find currently bc I watched them years ago 😅 generally just watch and look at as many artists you like as you can, everyone’s taste is diff so everyone will gravitate to diff artists and therefore be surrounded by different style inspo.
Other artists I watch mostly to put YouTube videos on on the bg while I’m draw for inspiration and company are Emma Artful, GinjaNinja0w0, ABD Illustrates, LavanderTowne, and Prickly Alpaca.
I don’t have many book recommendations other then Morph’s Fat and Skin Folds, there is a free compete digital scan on Archive.com that’s where I looked at it if you can’t buy a physical copy :)
I’m not a good teacher, I don’t have a clear path to look back on as I mostly just spent years unconsciously improving. Like yeah I was drawing all the time and I wanted to get better and I was looking at some guidance but I just drew for me 90% of the time. I still draw for me most of the time I don’t do as many studies as I should, just luckily for me I happen to really like drawing clothes and unclothed figures and hands so figure drawing, one of the most pushed improvement exercises, is just something I do haha.
I wish I could help more! 😞 I am honored you think I’m at a point where I can give good guidance, I do honestly wish I could do more. Bottom line draw for yourself, which I know that and a lot of advice I gave is already given around a lot but it is at least a little true for everyone’s journeys.
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protagonistheavy · 2 years ago
Pinhead's box power in DBD badly needs to take notes from The Dredge's Nightfall mechanic. Easily the most frustrating aspect about going against a Pinhead is that he's rewarded with an absurd amount of slowdown for the entire game, regardless of his inputs -- it just happens, all the time, always taking a toll on the Survivors' resources. This is on top of Pinhead's primary power already being quite good and generous with its mechanics, generally winning Pinhead hits when used correctly, and otherwise acting as a strong harassment tool with almost no punishment for misuse.
So would it be too much to ask that Pinhead himself has to charge up the Lament Configuration by using his power well? Or is he just a special widdle buddy that needs everything handed to him lol? Does his slowdown absolutely need to be this constant, passive mechanic?
Here's an idea: triple the Lament timer from 90 seconds to almost five whole minutes, but that timer is forwarded ~30 seconds every time Pinhead successfully lands a Possessed Chain -- and maybe even an extra few seconds are forwarded each time a chain gets broken. Whatever the math ends up being, the idea is that the box becomes much less of a threat passively, but becomes more threatening with Pinhead's input, so that he's actually rewarded for using his power well, rather than just being given the best slowdown in the game. Wouldn't that be much more engaging? Wouldn't that make Pinhead feel a lot more fair, like he's actually having to participate in the game and not just rely on a constant timer that babies him into having power-up moments? I'd even go a step further and suggest the box shouldn't even spawn at the beginning of the game, not until Pinhead first lands a Possessed Chain -- for gods sake, just make him work for his own value.
Effectively works just like Nightfall from The Dredge, which is a really fun mechanic to go against, without being exactly the same. A capable Pinhead could even theoretically get a faster box-timer if they dedicate to landing a lot of Possessed Chains, assuming the math was worked out right -- I'd be happy to go against tougher Pinheads, if it meant they actually had to work for it, or if there was some risk-reward to their gameplay.
Because as it is now, I cant stress enough how much of Pinhead's gameplay is on auto-pilot. Constant slowdown for the entire game with only brief windows of peace; RNG opportunities for instant power-up moments and high potential to snowball based entirely on a timer; free tracking through the slowdown itself, with the choice to outright teleport to someone and begin a chase for free lmfuckingao; he even picks up the box instantly after downing a Survivor holding the box, because god forbid he had to add an extra input for that. And that's just his passive! They also decided to give his primary power a free indicator + the chance to aim from that POV w/ the ability to control your trajectory, without critically slowing him down while using his power, and also he can spawn the chain right inside of a player without any chance at all to dodge, RNG effectiveness on the chains, very low cooldown, easily cancelable, almost impossible to misuse. For fucks sake make Pinhead have to actually play the game like an adult, it feels like you're competing against a bowler using bumper lanes.
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meosayo · 4 years ago
Hello again! I don't think I'm the best at writing fluffy things because I'm kinda nasty? Again, always looking for some input and constructive criticism!
Also want to add that sometimes im pretty stuck on what to write next and with who. I'm trying to write more often! Its relaxing and gives me something productive to do when Im not working or playing games. So if anyone has any ideas or prompts in mind feel free to send them over! ❤
Pairing: Diluc x GN reader
I feel like Diluc would be a nice cuddle partner lol!
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The night was cold, clouded, and loud. Thunderstorms boomed over the skies of Mondstadt. Though outside was gloomy, within the walls of the study in Dawn Winery Manor, it was the perfect weather to lay out on a couch cuddled up with your red headed lover. The shared body heat while laying out infront of the fireplace was comforting, it felt safe. You never wanted it to end.
You were the pillow for today. Diluc laying over you with his head rested on your chest, and arms wrapping loosely around your waist. He was a busy body, and so were you at times if not most. Moments like these felt short lived so it was a precious, rare and special time for you both.
You ran your fingers through Diluc's bright red locks. Free from the hair tie it was bundled up in throughout the day. It was soft, fluffy and well taken care of. Spilling out down his back and over his shoulders. Your fingers were able to glide through its natural curl with little effort. It was well taken care of!
He loves it too. He can feel a special closeness when you play in his hair, no matter how small the action. He also loves playing in yours! The texture he found to be beautiful and fun, it was on your head after all. He likes that. The most important person in his life of course had the best features in his eyes. He is so in love with you.
"Do you want to eat something?"
You started in a whisper, kissing his hair after smoothing it over with your hand.
"Me too...
Neither of you said anything for a minute...
"Do you want to get up?"
"Me either..."
You both giggled and you hugged him a little tighter. Silently, you two agreed to just lay here a while longer. Those were the only words you've exchanged so far and it wouldn't be a problem for it to remain like this. Laying here in eachothers silence felt natural since it wasn't necessary to talk all the time. Being able to relax like this in silence with nothing but a presence was the best. Hopefully the two of you don't stay up like this and miss dinner.
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yumeka36 · 3 years ago
Pokemon Legends Arceus review
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I recently finished playing through the main storyline of Pokemon Legends Arceus, as well as some post-game content, so I figured it’s time to finally write my thoughts on the game.
First off, I absolutely loved this game. I know some fans have been disillusioned with Pokemon games ever since they went to 3D, but I’ve always enjoyed every single game I’ve played (and I’ve played all the main series games since Red/Blue, as well as some spin-off games). I remember when the trailer for PLA was first revealed, there was a ton of hype, as well as criticism, mostly due to the graphics. Compared to other modern games that also take place in vast, open-world natural settings, the graphical integrity of PLA looks several years behind in technology. While that may be true, the simple, “cartoony” look of Pokemon’s design feels like a staple of the franchise’s art style, at least to me. The pokemon and human characters have always leaned towards the “2D anime” look, so it doesn’t bother me if the graphic design of the setting isn’t as realistic looking as it could be.
But looks aside, how is the actual gameplay? It’s great, with so much improvement on pretty much everything that’s been a mainstay mechanic of previous Pokemon games. The fact that catching and battling pokemon is now blended into the overworld makes it feel so much more immersive. Being able to catch pokemon by luring or surprising them instead of just having to battle them, again, makes the whole feel of the world more open and less restrictive. The fact that some pokemon flee from you while others actively pursue you adds even more to the immersion, as does exploring the world while riding and flying on different pokemon. Crafting is a fantastic new mechanic that perfectly fits the more primitive setting of ancient Hisui where you can’t just buy everything at a PokeMart. I thought the game did a great job with providing the player enough opportunities to forage for important crafting items without feeling like you never have enough of the stuff you need. All of these combined leads to one of the most engrossing adventures I’ve experienced in any Pokemon game thus far. Also, as someone who loves watching Pokemon challenge runs on YouTube, PLA opened up so much potential for new types of runs…”no damage” and “no battling wild pokemon” runs are a lot more accessible with this game and I can’t wait to see what strategies people come up with.
Another great addition that PLA introduces is non-turn based pokemon boss battles. Learning how to win against each noble pokemon’s attacks was so much fun. Unlike other Pokemon games where you can always win if you just level up your pokemon enough and/or spam items, having boss battles that rely solely on skill and quick reflexes was a refreshing challenge. As someone who’s played difficult action games like Dark Souls, I can’t say the boss battles in PLA were particularly hard, but for a Pokemon game, they’re a welcome rise in difficulty that I hope will be utilized again in future games. Another welcome addition in difficulty is being able to encounter very high level pokemon early in the game, plus the fact that pokemon can actually attack the player. Again, not always being able to hide behind over leveled pokemon to be free from danger is a great new challenge that the series needs. The addition of alpha pokemon added to the suspense and difficulty as well (but I swear some of those alpha pokemon were reading my inputs and would use super effective moves on a pokemon as I switched it in! I’m fine with a challenge, but that’s cheating, lol!) I suppose my only nitpick as far as the adventuring aspect of the game is the inability to break crystals and knock trees while riding a pokemon. The immersion gets a bit compromised when you have to get off of your ride pokemon, send out your own pokemon, break the crystals/trees to get the items, then get back on the ride pokemon. I got used to it after a while, but it’s one of those minor quality of life things that could be improved on for the next game.
As far as the new pokemon and Hisuian forms, I liked them all (as I usually do in all the new games, lol). My favorites are Ursaluna, Zorua, Typhlosion, Growlithe, Goodra, and Braviary. I also think the new forms for Dialgia and Palkia are pretty cool (not sure what’s up with the horse motif but it’s interesting). The new lore and human characters introduced in the game are compelling too. It was a nice change of pace to play a Pokemon game solely focused on exploring the landscape, history, and people of the region rather than winning gym battles and stopping an evil organization. However, I was a bit disappointed that PLA didn’t bring in more pokemon that have yet to make a debut on the Switch. I know it makes sense that there’s mostly Gen4 pokemon in the game, since it takes place in old Sinnoh, but I was hoping some of my favorite later Gen pokemon, like Litleo and Eelectross, would finally be in a Switch game. Oh well, next time maybe!
(Took some photos of the pokemon I used throughout my playthrough)
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If I had to criticize one big element of PLA, it would have to be the watered down battle mechanics. I know a lot of players don’t mind this, but I’m someone whose favorite part of Pokemon games is competitive battling online against other players. Obviously PLA has nothing to offer for this as there’s no 2-player connectivity at all, and major battle elements like pokemon abilities, held items, etc., are removed from the game. I don’t mind this in PLA because I know battling isn’t as much a focus of the game as the open-world adventuring. I just don’t want some of the new battle mechanics, or lack thereof, to carry over to a main series game. For example, I really don’t like the fact that stat modifiers and status conditions are temporary in battle – that completely destroys so many strategies in the competitive community. I’m also not a fan of the new turn system where pokemon can attack twice in a row. There were so many times where my opponent seemed to always be able to attack twice in a row, whether they used an agile style move or not, while I rarely did, even when I knew my pokemon should be faster. Maybe I just don’t understand the mechanics of this new system, but there were many moments where I was like “How are you attacking twice in a row?” For example, as I recorded in this video, the alpha Crobat attacked my Ursaluna three times in a row (without using agile style!) Also, when I was battling Volo post-game, after I knocked out his Togekiss with my Sneasler, he sent out Spiritomb, which I know is a very slow pokemon, yet it attacked Sneasler (who’s about the same level and has 8 effort values in speed) twice in a row, no style moves involved! Again, maybe there’s something I’m not following with this new mechanic, but if slow pokemon can randomly outspeed your fast pokemon, or a fast pokemon can randomly attack your slower pokemon three times in a row, I’m definitely not a fan of that.
However, PLA did introduce some improvements as far as making good pokemon – the fact that pokemon can know all their moves, but only use four at a given time, is an appreciated change that would obsolete the need for the Move Relearner and TMs/TRs in the other games. The new evolution mechanic where a pokemon that reaches its evolution level can evolve anytime via the menu instead of having to level up, is another nice improvement (the new evolution animation is really cool too). I’m still not sure how I feel about effort levels replacing EVs/IVs. On the one hand, I like that it’s simpler and removes the tedious and expensive work of maxing out a pokemon’s EVs with vitamins, mass breeding to get good IVs, and max leveling to use bottle caps. But on the other hand, effort levels allow you to max out all of a pokemon’s stats, without the restriction of allocating only a certain number of EVs to desired stats. I feel like this could also alter long-established strategies in competitive play, but I’d have to see it in action to confirm.
Overall, Pokemon Legends Arceus is definitely one of the best and most accessible Pokemon games I’ve played. There are many aspects of its mechanics and design that can be true game-changers for future releases in the Pokemon video game series. My ideal scenario for the first Gen9 game would be if they kept the long established battling mechanics from the past games (with the improvements I mentioned earlier, like pokemon always knowing all their moves) but incorporating the catching, crafting, foraging, etc., mechanics from PLA. Guess we’ll have to wait and see. But even if they continue to keep the traditional game mechanics in the next generation games, I wouldn’t mind if they kept the Legends series as its own separate thing and continued making new additions, for example, a game that focuses on Rayquaza and ancient Hoenn, or Lugia and Ho-oh in ancient Johto. PLA opened up even more potential from a franchise that’s already brimming with it, so I hope Game Freak will continue to make awesome Pokemon games like this in the future.
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well-in-all-honesty-i · 4 years ago
TW: Suicide
OKAY SO- I wanted to talk about Mafuyu and Yuki’s relationship and why it ended the way it did. I should preface this by saying that the majority of this, although somewhat supported by canon, is my own personal headcanon and speculation. I’ve been surrounded by a lot of people who I believe Yuki to be similar to, but I am not 100% accurate or well versed and this is mostly just from what I’ve gotten from those situations. Also, a lot of questionable grammar-I type like I speak, which doesn't translate well haha.
So I want to chunk this into 3 big pieces because I enjoy organizing things: Yuki’s childhood, how that affected his personality as a young adult, and how both of these lead to his eventual death.
Starting off with his childhood:
This one is heavy speculation (as most of this is-but this bit is particularly so) since there isn’t much canon to support this-or provide a lot of insight. But, what little we do know is that 1) Yuki’s father wasn’t present in his life-probably even before Mafuyu’s father had been jailed-and that, 2) Yuki and his father shared the same bull-headedness (?) and pride that Saeko believes led to his death.
I personally believe that Yuki’s father was someone who might have struggled with some sort of mental illness, as well as has had a problem with alcohol abuse. I also imagine that he probably disappeared or passed-either due to some sort of alcohol-related problem or suicide.
Saeko, from how she is characterized in the story, seems to be a very strong-willed and assertive person. In the aftermath of Yuki’s death, she's relatively composed and seems to have almost expected this to happen, although maybe not in the specific way it did. [Ex: When she tells Mafuyu that Yuki was always the type of person to die in a chicken race (a competition of pride, of sorts, that usually ends badly) and when she mentions him being similar to his father in that sense.]
In the flashbacks in the anime, when Mafuyu tells Yuki that his father beats him when he talks, Yuki’s response of ‘You know, a real father doesn’t do that.’ doesn’t sound like something a small child’s first response would be. It’s a bit of a reach-but considering that, as well as how prompt the response from his mother seemed to be (when Mafuyu’s father was jailed-not much time seems to have passed, and since both of their mothers are present, I've always assumed that Yuki's mother found out through her son and acted accordingly.),- it would make sense that Yuki might have some prior experience with this. Especially if his mother had gone through something similar-she probably would’ve warned him very strongly against the ideal his father had set, making Yuki want to be very far from that.
Speaking of which-I assume that Yuki probably had a very rough-if short-lived-relationship with his father when he was around. Given the stuff above, his father was probably someone who was emotionally volatile and tended to lose control when upset. If he had an alcohol problem, he might’ve caused a financial strain that fell onto Saeko as well.
Since his father was out of the picture and Saeko herself wasn't around as much as Yuki might've needed, it would have made him both very independent from his parents and adults in general, while also heavily reliant on Mafuyu (Hiiragi quotes both Mafuyu and Yuki to have been latchkey kids who found comfort in each other), both of which twist into the situation he found himself in later in life.
Leading into his teen years:
Yuki, as a young adult, is very independent-he works multiple jobs to pay for the expenses of being in a band, makes a point to avoid drinking, and is very affectionate towards Mafuyu. I'm not too sure about the reasoning behind why the four friends chose the high schools they did, but if Yuki's mother didn't directly influence that decision it's likely it was a choice made in direct relation to their band.
There's also very little interference from any adults in Yuki's life-namely, his mother. As someone who was probably very busy working as a single mother to support the two of them, her mentality was just to support him monetarily and let Mafuyu provide the emotional support in her place.
I think she also assumed her attempts wouldn't have been well received-most people noted how close Yuki and Mafuyu were and seemed to always assume that they had each other handled and that nobody had to worry about either of them because of it. In every way, it was simply easier to show Yuki she cared by not interfering and letting him hold the reigns of his own life.
A big indicator of this idea for me what when Saeko talked about how Yuki ordered his own ramen, the type he liked. It's a small thing, but it started me to read because it highlighted the amount of input his mother had on his life; which was very little. I don't know if he even used her money or chose to use the extra from his jobs to pay for it, but either way, it sort of put their relationship into perspective.
The impact it had:
Yuki probably had a lot of resentment towards his father, or, at the very least, a desire to turn out different. And oftentimes when a person is very strongly trying to avoid turning out like someone, they ignore or avoid acknowledging the similarities, rather than accepting and working on them to properly change. Without a strong parental/adult figure in his life, he wouldn't have considered insight beyond his own experiences. He's characterized to be moody and domineering, and Mafuyu is too soft-spoken to have brought up most issues until it reached its boiling point.
I believe Yuki might have had Borderline Personality Disorder to a mild extent. Some symptoms of BPD are mood swings, impulsivity, impaired social relationships, and a distorted self-image. They usually have thoughts of suicide or self-harming tendencies. When they feel insecure in relationships, in which they’re usually very, very invested, they tend to lash out or do rash things to keep them close.
Based on my relationships with the borderline people in my life, I've noticed that they usually bounce between having great confidence in themselves, to being incredibly insecure. It's hard to explain specifically, but they walk a fine line of being insecure and also maintaining a painfully strong ego, which makes them react very strongly when provoked, intentionally or not. Yuki and Mafuyu have a different type of relationship than I do with those people in my life which, for the two of them, means that Mafuyu probably had to provide lots of emotional support for Yuki, while also under the mild threat of Yuki coming to harm by his own actions.
Being with someone with these tendencies who is also unaware of them is very draining, especially for someone as mild and soft-spoken as Mafuyu is. Yuki tended to lead their relationship and was probably very noticeable when upset-and for someone who might not be used to speaking up or someone who has low self-confidence, it is difficult to bring up things. It doesn't feel safe if you don't know exactly how it would be received. Especially if they are the person you are closest to, it can be anxiety-inducing to try and bring up problems that don't seem to be incredibly important or unavoidable.
So, long story short-Yuki was closed off to receiving any kind of proper advice or criticism that would've saved him. Another symptom of BPD, as mentioned before, is suicidal ideation. So, if all these things are combined, it's a lot easier to see how he, surrounded by only his thoughts and ideas, would make the choice to take his own life when provoked.
It wasn't specifically that Mafuyu had caused his death, but more that he just sent him over the edge he had been teetering on for a long while. He was like his father in the sense that they had the same flaws that just came from different places. Yuki's pride came from the flip side of his insecurities and his own early independence, and his mental health issues as a whole are probably hereditary. The specificities of his death, where Yuki drinks after avoiding alcohol for his entire life, feels like he failed in his effort to avoid being like his father. He was different as a person but in the end, their flaws aligned and brought them to their end in parallels to each other.
Calling back to what his mom said-it doesn't feel unexpected. It is shocking, but not a surprise. Yuki was fiercely independent and wanted to learn and do new things, all on his own-including his own death and whatever follows after.
[I wrote this a while back and didn’t really like how most of it was speculation and hard to prove-but decided to post it anyway because I spent too much time on it lol.
Like I said before, most of this is just my head canons, but I hope it made sense! Feel free to add on with your stuff/arguments/headcanons :)]
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sworntoprotect · 4 years ago
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat. Long post!
MUN NAME: Pie     AGE: +25       CONTACT: IM, Ask, Discord (mutuals only, by request)
FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR:  I have a modern verse for everything not Dragon Age, but I might add some actual alt verses for other fandoms
MY LANGUAGE(S): English (native), Spanish (intermediate), Korean (baby lol beginner), bits and bobs of other languages (namely French and French Patois)
ARE YOU ATM OPEN FOR NEW PLOTS?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. (after my paper is submitted, yeah sure)
DO YOU HANDLE YOUR DRAFT / ASK - COUNT WELL?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. (irl makes coping difficult sometimes)
DO YOU POST MORE IC OR OOC?: IC / OOC. (I strive for more IC over OOC, but my queue does a lot of work too)
BEST WAYS TO APPROACH YOU FOR RP/PLOTTING:  Talk with me over IM, asks, or Disco. I’m down for almost anything as long as I see it’s feasible.
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER:  Transparency. If you have an idea, let me know! If you’re stuck, let me know! If you want to start something new or scrap something or whatever...LET ME KNOW! I promise I don’t bite and I understand.
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?:  I’m not very good with coming up with plots myself, so I’m typically the weak link when it comes to that. Sorry! But you bet I’ll pull up a plot generator and start throwing things down to see what sticks haha.
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?:  I’m all about equal opportunity, so I try not to leave the plotting work to my partner. Let’s negotiate and find something that makes both of us happy. That’s the point after all.
WHEN A PARTNER DROPS THE THREAD, DO YOU WISH TO KNOW?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - AND WHY?: If you want to drop a thread, I’m completely fine with it. I want to know so that I don’t end up replying to something you have no interest in anymore. Saves both of us the time.
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?:  If drafts eat it (as they are wont to do these days) or if I feel it has reached a natural conclusion. I rarely, if ever, drop a thread in the middle. I’ll just let you know I’m going to finish it on my side and allow you a chance to finish on yours if you’d like.
IS COMMUNICATION IN THE RPC IMPORTANT TO YOU? YES / NO. - AND WHY?: You don’t need to chat with me every minute of every day, but I like knowing the people I’m writing with. Discerning your personality and your approach to your muse gives me a much stronger understanding of how to write with you, and what vibes between us. Plus, it’s easier to remember different people’s boundaries if I talk with them a lot, too.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGATIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: I am all for constructive criticism. Even if you think it’s nitpicky, it’s going to be a great help. Good crit allows us grow as writers and as people in general. However, I am not for baseless accusations, childish name-calling, or outright insults under the name of “constructive crit”. Remember the “constructive” part: we need to build each other up. 
WHY DO YOU RP AGAIN, IS THERE A GOAL?: I love a good story. While I don’t agree with everything Cullen does (and no one should, for anyone real or imagined), his story is intriguing. He’s a deeply flawed, deeply broken man. I love to take on a character, toss them in every situation I can think of, and watch them evolve and grow.
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS:  A real redemption arc, for one. A realistic struggle with substance abuse and recovery. A future of happiness.
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE:   Rape or sexual assault, unless being spoken about as a past event (as I truly believe that Cullen was sexually assaulted at Kinloch along with the other psychological and physical torture he endured). In-game racism is baked in, unfortunately, but it’s not something I seek out to roleplay as a PoC myself. Finally, while I play Cullen as canon-straight, I will not play out homophobia and most definitely not transphobia. If he rejects your muse for hitting on him, it’s not because he’s being homophobic: he’s just not interested. That also doesn’t mean he’ll never be interested; people can and do change, and I ship chemistry overall. He doesn’t hate your muse for their gender, orientation, or sexual preferences. I feel like I really have to spell this out for people who don’t understand. If you feel personally insulted by this somehow, feel free to address me directly, off anon. It’s probably an issue of fuzzy wording that I’m 500% willing to fix and talk about.
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?: I love starters that set the scene and provide plenty to work with, be it in terms of interacting with the environment or with the other person. If your muse shows immediate disinterest in communicating (and I don’t mean argumentative, which is perfectly fine), I am not going to respond. I might politely ask for more if I feel like it’s a salvageable interaction.
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?:  Stoic soldier types, bubbly short girls, and semi-mad scientists.
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?:  Characters that come across as Mary-Sue / Gary-Stu types. No flaws and barely any room to grow. 
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I'm very easy-going and I have an unearthly level of tolerance for almost everything. I try to provide partners with as much to work with as possible IC, and will pretty much support your very existence OOC. I believe in open communication so you’ll know what’s going on with me and/or our threads. Also, I typically reply within a week or two. Currently I’m tethered to finishing a big paper so I’m not a good example of that right now.
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: I can get overwhelmed by too much which slows my pace down considerably. I’m also a bit distant and do shut down on occasion; that’s usually no fault of my partners, though. Just my brain being a dick.
DO YOU RP SMUT?:  YES / NO / DEPENDS. (the closer we are OOC, the easier getting here will be)
DO YOU PREFER TO GO INTO DETAIL?: YES / NO / DEPENDS. (it’s not going to be XXX but it will be descriptive)
WHEN DO YOU RP SMUT? MORE OUT OF FUN OR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?: I prefer to write smut for character development and to mark a progression in a relationship. Plus Cullen is not a “one and done” guy so getting to the smut stage will take a bit of build-up.
ANYTHING YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO RP THERE?:  Hmmm things that he personally wouldn’t go for I guess? Honestly I don’t know. And obviously, no rape/animal abuse/predator nonsense.
ARE SHIPS IMPORTANT TO YOU?:   YES / NO Ships are a great way to further explore a character and their motivations. People do not exist in pure isolation, so I don’t believe characters should, either.
WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BLOG IS SHIP-FOCUSED?: YES / NO. I bolded both because the focus of the blog isn’t ships, but this thirst trap guy is really easy to ship with other people I tell ya hwat. I am severely picky with romantic ships for Reasons, but I don’t eschew any other types of ships. I encourage them!
WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO EXPLORE THE MOST IN YOUR SHIPS?: Characters who challenge Cullen into revising his point of view and force him to be a better person. Also, characters who understand his past and they are in no ways obligated to forgive it, but do recognise that he’s struggling very hard to mend whatever mistakes he can and is willing to pay the price for his decisions.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO / DEPENDS.  - Be a good salesperson and I might buy it.
- WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?: Cullen is a massive stick in the mud, which means it’s incredibly easy to taunt him and get him flustered all at the same time. He’s loyal, he’s intelligent, and he’s largely self-aware. He likes swords and using them. Anything your character hates about him, he most likely hates about himself 100 times more.
WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?:  Those from the start that show absolutely no interest in speaking with/interacting with him. Mun and muse are going to struggle to stick around. I’m not going to fight for attention and neither is he.
WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, WHAT IS THEIR GOAL?:  Redemption. He wants to be a better person and make up for the past as much as he can.
WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?:  He can sniff out a fellow Templar a mile away (or several miles, in the case of Samson). 
WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?:  Honesty, a strong will, devotion (not necessarily to the Maker or the Chantry, but to a just cause that focuses on protecting others).
WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?:  War stuff, chess, books, trebuchets, dogs.
WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?:  Lectures about anything. He did his time in Azkaban in the Circles. No more. Please no more.
DID THEY EVER WENT THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC?:  His parents died trying to escape the Blight, he was tortured for weeks/months on end by blood mages, almost all of his friends died because of it, he was manipulated and brainwashed by his superior, he was forced into a near-debilitating substance addiction by his workplace... yeah just a few things.
WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?:  Darkspawn and abominations. 
IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?:  Darkspawn and abominations. Blood mages on principle. Regular mages (but he’s working hard to remedy this extremely bad and prejudiced thinking). Himself.
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES / NO.    - BEST WAY TO APPROACH THEM?:  Just be polite and he won’t turn you away. He’s guarded, yes, but not impossible to talk to.
SOMETHING YOU MAY STILL WANT TO POINT OUT ABOUT YOUR MUSE?: You’ll find out by writing together! ;D
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
tagged by: pirated tagging: anyone who actually read this
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comicteaparty · 4 years ago
July 20th-July 26th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from July 20th, 2020 to July 26th, 2020.  The chat focused on Ring Spell by Artem Ficta.
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Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Ring Spell by Artem Ficta~! (http://ring-spell.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until July 26th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Feather J. Fern
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic? I like how it seems lighthearted at first, but knowing Artem it's going to drop the ball on us really soon haha.(edited)
Also I always love how the backgrounds are, they look great.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Hahah, it's a shame I didn't get one more update up XD Thank you so much, Feather~!
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
well, the CTP is gonna run for the rest of the week...
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I can't finish the next 8 pages by then XD
My guess is they'll be up the week after next
For the beginning, I'm with Feather and I like how quickly the comic transitions from just lalala happy school to oh wait there's weird shit going on. I really like stories where the status quo is quickly ripped out from under your feet. My favorite moment in the comic so far is probably the most recent scene when we get to see Lyall's apartment and ya know, Claire starts dropping all these bombshells on us. The scene is the epitome of "Well that escalated quickly" and its just loaded with so much info to unpack. My favorite character right now is Claire. One because she seems the most sensible and mysterious, and two because I love Claire's hair so much and I'm so jealous and want such floof beautiful hair. ;3; As for characters I like see interacting the most, probably Claire and Lyall and they have some really good banter and a relationship, insofar, that's just kind of hilarious in its brutal honesty. A close second for me is Claire and Tasha as it quickly switches from happy smiles to probably most likely to have a catfight in the hallway.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Catfight in the hallway, lolol. Makes me want to draw them dressed like cat girls XD
No not that sort of catfight
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
comic turns into a catgirl fetish comic
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
1. I like how the first word is Zenchav which was the title of the comic this is a hard reboot of XD 2. My favorite moment was Lyall sticking his hands up Damon's shirt XD I really like how it was drawn and it's the most Lyall thing ever to do. 3. My favorite character overall is Damon, although it's probably Lyall at this point in the story. But I like them all of course XD 4. Damon and anybody, lol. I like when I get to draw him XD 5. I've been trying out a new shading style with this since I almost exclusively just hard shaded before, so it's nice to be branching out a bit and trying some new things. The Intro page is probably my favorite atm.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Theory: Lyall sticking his cold hands up Damon's shirt is how he drains Damon's energy, because secretly he's the witch.
mariah (rainy day dreams)
Oh no! XD that would be a twist!
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Oh snap!
Hmmm, so we ship Claire and Tasha then?
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I don't not ship Tasha and Claire >v>
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Drew that picture of them
We should indeed all suspect Lyall. I mean no parents, lives alone, yet somehow affords everything? That's witchery.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
How does he afford all that stuff
does he sell drugs on the side or something XD it is suspicious
1. I'll mostly echo everyone else here in terms of the start seems pretty straightforward and makes one wonder how the teaser page fits into it all. I'll add a remark on the subtle details of world building, like you've got your digital alarm... and dude straight up has a TAIL, and it's like, no comment, that's normal too.
2. Favourite moment was probably recruiting Claire into the cosplay skit. It's like, hello new person, oh you want to associate with us? Then you need the proper accessories, and Claire's all 'Um, I'm not sure... prop weapons? Uh, okay then...' Cosplay is a force to be reckoned with. (nods)
3. Fave character... yeah, may have to echo Rebel here and go with Claire. Possibly because she's the first chapter name, and like the reader is coming into this new situation, so can get behind her trying to figure it out... but also because I'm big on the time/space bureau stuff and that sounds like a cool job to get.
Damon has a cool cane and has the mysterious ailment afflicting his cosplay though, so he's my fave guy at the moment. (Werewolf blood? Moon thing? Dunno.)
4. I honestly do like the Tasha/Claire interactions the most, because each of them seems to have something to hide, and so you're kind of wondering if and when one of them might slip up. The other girl interrupting with the paint was classic, and I felt it helped break tension. The ship picture (which I imagine won't show in the log) is kind of representative of that with the chessboard too, like they're making moves against the other (though I'm not yet convinced that one is a witch, could be a setup).
Of course, I'm very biased towards the yuri, so grain of salt for my opinions and all. And while the ship was a humour comment at first, I think I'm more into it after seeing a "catfight" could play out.
All that said, the Lyall/Damon interactions are equally good. Lyall's perversion sometimes saying the quiet part out loud.
5. I recognize the art style, have read some of the work before (under different name). Always find the hair impressive, like here you get the impression of each individual strand except that's not actually what's drawn... you can still see the neat ears, Claire having some strands that fall in front of her too. The shading is really good too, like definitely shades of grey, not just black and white.
Kind of echoing the author there, but I can see it.
I'm so bad with themes and need to charge computer, will be back later. o.o
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I love all this input Math, thank you ;3;/
@mathtans You have no idea how happy I am that someone noticed the tail that nobody seemed to comment on.
What I like about the art is how clean and crisp everything is cause mmmm that sexy lineart you can just paint bucket when needed. <3 I like that the comic explores the idea of having someone you've known your entire life possibly be evil. Cause it opens up a lot of questions. Like should you doubt? Should you trust? And at which point have you hit the point of betrayal? So I'm glad we'll get to see a bit of this tackled as Lyall and Claire look for evidence. As for the overall story, I like that there's just lots of questions going on. It's a theorists dream. But I find the more mysteries a comic has, the more engaging it is. Because even when you know the answer, it's interesting everytime to see the characters reach that answer. As for the comic's strengths, see the above and the art. It's super pretty and clean to look at, has some fantastic emotive faces during the more comedic moments, and there's just lots to theorize and look forward too. ;3;
Now I will proceed to weep as someone who beta read the script and actually can't theorize cause I just know .
Others may have noticed but not been sure what to say? (Does the tail turn into the cane?)
6. Ok, themes... could be a theme of belonging in there. Like Claire being accepted into the group, like Lyall wondering if she's only talking to him to get to Damon, that sort of thing? Then there's the idea Rebel raised of thinking you know someone but not necessarily knowing them.
Of course, there's also credibility, like maybe Claire is simply an escaped mental patient with really good hacking skills to get herself in the school and apartment. Because that's quite the tale she spins. (Though Lyall had heard of the organization? Or he's pranking her, bit hard to know for sure.)
7/8. The story's been setting up a number of things in the background, I feel. Which can be a strength, as we're learning more character items first. Though Claire's latest revelation I'm really jazzed about, because the idea of time travel (times when demons weren't supposed to be) and personification (Earth as a female entity) are right up my alley. So that's cool.
Also Lyall apparently has a strange aura to go with Tasha's strange energy? Maybe the witch is jumping bodies. Maybe we should ship Lyall/Tasha.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Oh my gosh, loving these ideas!
I don't want to give spoilers but I think I'll answer the tail thing cause I never really meant for it to be a mystery It's just tucked into his pants when he's in public is all. That's why he's wearing the track suit for the school and not the standard school uniform, cause the pants are looser.
although it turning into the cane could have been hella cool(edited)
now I'm a little bummed I never thought of that
But the cane has other purposes
I didn't really think it was a big mystery, and that explanation makes sense. (So I suppose it could be not normal, only normal for Damon's friends... demon prejudice otherwise?) Ok, so the cane is where he hides his stimulants to keep awake until the full moon.
Comic Tea Party
9. What are your theories about Damon’s past? Why is he concerned about when the full moon is? Additionally, what do you think was meant about Damon and Xerfonos being the same age but not being twins?
10. Do you think Claire is right that Tasha is the witch Cadence? If so, how will she prove it? If not, who else could it be? Also, what might this all have to do with Tasha’s concern about Claire being the mysterious Draco’s student?
11. What do you think Cadence ultimately wants from Damon? Why would this compel the Earth, and by extension Apus, to protect him? Also, even if the characters find Cadence, can she actually be stopped?
12. Why do you think Lyall reacted so strangely to Claire mentioning Apus, and why do you think he’s so sure Apus wouldn’t care about protecting Damon? Do you think Lyall can trust Claire even for the long term?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
9. I mean, Damon seems to be a demon, but he's cool with being in our world, so... maybe he was born of a human/demon pairing? Or he was adopted by humans when he was a baby and simply given the same birthday as Xerfonos. I'm guessing the full moon has more significance than merely to werewolves (unless Damon needs to bite a werewolf to regain strength idk) and so it would help him.
I will say that initially the "same age" thing didn't phase me because there's more than 9 months in a year, plenty of time for having a second kid born in the same year. But now that I'm debating the adoption angle, maybe there's more to it.
They're not twins... they're TRIPLETS! Dun dun dun. Anyway.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
they could also just not be twins due to a date technicality like one was born right before midnight and one was born right after
but yeah the adoption angle would explain a lot
10. I don't think she's right about Tasha, or if she's right, not in the way she thinks. Because we've seen some from Tasha's perspective and she didn't seem to be the person in charge of whatever. In terms of proof, I guess she could see if Tasha would cosplay as a witch? And if the shoe fits? But yeah, maybe the witch is jumping between people like I mentioned earlier, or is not actually there yet, like APUS got the date wrong or something. Maybe Tasha's also trying to protect Damon from the witch (hence trying to give him that new name) but it's a rival organization?
I mean, technically still twins in that case, just not having the same birthday. (If Feb 29th enters into it, it gets even weirder.)
Actually, why wouldn't Claire use Damon's given name? Maybe her organization doesn't know everything it thinks it does?
Anyway, just had time for some random thoughts. Back later tonight.
11. Cadence may just want him to keep living so that she can keep siphoning off energy. (Thus perhaps APUS wants him dead, it's not about protection?!) Or maybe Cadence wants a sweet cosplay. (Probably not.) Of course, it might be that if she's a free floating witch, she wants his body. Maybe she can't be stopped, but could be redirected?
The Earth aspect is one I haven't really been able to figure out yet. (Are pavonis a type of pasta?) But maybe there's a destiny or something that Damon needs to fulfil first.
12. Lyall could have been pranking, but maybe he knows a different organization like that... or maybe that's the name of some mystery file on his computer that he hasn't been able to open because the Cadence inside him hasn't revealed the password, oooh. I think Lyall can trust Claire (assuming she's not a raving lunatic) and she might even need him to provide better cover (she didn't seem to even know what apartment she was in)... but that's short term. Long term is another question, if she starts getting Apus directives saying to do things he wouldn't agree with.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
This is all so interesting ;3;
Pavonis as a type of pasta, lolol
I'm glad it's more interesting than rambly.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Nah, I love it XD I'm afraid I'd give spoilers if I said anymore lmao
My theories about Damon's past are that he's a werewolf. And that something about being a werewolf has changed how he ages compared to Xerfonos - thus why they're the same age but not twins. Granted I guess they could also just be half brothers who have a shared father who said, "Man I should knock two girls up at once." But werewolf sounds more interesting. No I think we've established Lyall is clearly the witch. He is too suspicious. Tasha probably is a super secret agent or something, hence the suspicion. Maybe Apus is into some shady shit that Tasha knows about, especially Draco, so she doesn't want them jumping in on everything. As for how proof, she won't. Cadence will reveal she's Lyall when the most damage can be caused and Claire will weep her career as a detective is through. Cadence might just think Damon is hot. Although I think Damon has a grand destiny ahead of him, and Cadence wants to interfere with that destiny while also bulking up on some of that tasty werewolf energy. Also, can Cadence be stopped? Probably. But definitely not by these chumps right now. XD Lyall reacted strangely cause that was the Cadence in him going oh shit and kind of taking over. And sure, Lyall can trust Claire to never figure out its him. Sorry Claire, you hot, but clearly aren't noticing some stuff.
I hadn't considered the "same father different mothers" angle. O.o Maybe it was a sperm donation sort of thing though?
As to Claire, maybe Tasha will be nice enough to buy Claire ice cream and give her snuggles once she realizes the error of her ways.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Tasha and Claire will get to snuggling at some point I'm sure XD
The same father with different mothers sounds most probable
of what's been mentioned at least
I mean, time travel could also be involved. What with Apus.
Maybe Claire is Damon's daughter and she's trying to protect her own existence.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Maybe Claire is Xerfonos' mother
Wait, I don't think that'd work out lmao
Daughter would be way more probable
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
I look forward to getting a bit further into the story XD it's still pretty early on atm and there's a lot of really good scenes later. I don't feel like we've really gotten to know Damon yet either
I am looking forward to seeing people's theories as the story continues and pieces fall into place. It will be interesting to see the routes people take with the ideas of what the answers are going to be. My final words are just read the comic. O_O
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I didn't end up having any brain power to write responses over the week, but I really enjoyed Ring Spell. Damon and his brother are cuties, Claire seems very capable, and I can't wait to find out what Tasha's motives are. I'm real excited to see how the themes of magical marital vows come to the forefront :3
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Thank you~!
Busy weekend was busy. Looking forward to seeing how the Apus thing fits in, like is Claire even from their time period? Will Lyall spill all the secrets? Will the ships happen? I'm so behind in all my reading but I've flagged it to check back when I can.
There was also the bit at the start implying knowing people from other lives, but the time travel possibilities make that weird. And I guess there's also the question of whether a Ring will have a Spell on it. Like, maybe the witch doesn't know she's the witch while she's wearing a ring? Or they have to get her to wear a ring? Here I am guessing again. ^^
14. To conclude, all the best with it, looks like a good setup. I do enjoy the art style too.
Also I guess congrats on being the finale CTP? Nice that you got it in there. Good initiative.
Artem Ficta (Ring Spell)
Thank you so much Math~!
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Ring Spell this week! Please also give a special thank you to Artem Ficta for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Ring Spell, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://ring-spell.com/
Artem Ficta’s Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/artemficta
Artem Ficta’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/ArtemFicta
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theincompetentgenius · 5 years ago
This is the first part of the writing peice -🦘 Have you ever felt that your world is falling apart? Like you are the crumbling remains of a building, clutching and clinging to your foundation attempting to stay afloat, begging the world to just have a sliver of mercy? Have you ever felt the clawing despiration of yearning to stay above the deep and dark abyss of life, wanting to hold your place among the clouds and beg the sun for one final smile?
Alright so I’ll go ask by ask to give my input (If anyone wants to add in the comments, feel free!). Also, I’m sorry if I seem harsh (I’m just naturally critical, especially of my own work!).
Really like the imagery/metaphors used in this paragraph, especially the bit about the remains of a building clutching/clinging to a foundation
Strongly sets the tone for the rest of the story (yikes I’m very worried for the MC of this fic because damn it’s sounding rough on their end lol)
The feeling/emotion is very thoroughly communicated.
It hooks the reader. What’s going on? It’s been .01 seconds and I feel like I’m in a hurricane. I want answers asap pLEASE.
Things to Improve (just my opinion, so you don’t have to follow):
Have sentence variety. Since there are only three, complex questions, some readers may grow bored. Try sprinkling a few sentences of various lengths or changing the length of the questions for a more colorful read.
Try condensing some of the phrases. When it comes to writing, less is more (when done correctly). For example: “ the clawing desperation of yearning staying above the deep and dark abyss “ (”Yearning” becomes redundant because using the word “desperation” already describes the feeling of intense wanting. Also, an abyss by definition is a “deep or seemingly bottomless chasm”, so no need for the “deep and dark” part)
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tinyreverie · 8 years ago
Implementing Minimalism!
I have done so much since the last post!! My new thing is decluttering. I am trying to downsize by 80-90%, which is actually a TON of work. Going through and trashing everything /sounds/ easy, but it's actually really physically exhausting. I think I'm finally building up my back muscles though! 💪 So... a list of things I am working on/ have done: 1. I finally read the book about the "konmari method" of decluttering and found it pretty inspiring! I've actually pretty much followed those rules without meaning to (no wonder people kept recommending that book to me!), but in the past, I'd just chuck things if I didn't use them, joy-bringing or not, which made me sad until I forgot about it. Now, it's about bringing joy into my life in everything I own. For example, I found a vintage muffin pan at a used bookstore today. Looking at it just makes me smile!Now, I'm free to get rid of my nasty old ones and the bad memories of the giver with them. :) 2. I am working on minimizing my spice collection. I already downsized, but holy Jesus I do not need to have a basket overflowing with spices. I cook for TWO-- really, ONE now with Damion off trucking, not 12. I was having trouble picking the ones I would keep, so I picked an arbitrary number of spices I would allow myself. So, I picked 10, not including salt/pepper. Then, I asked Damion to choose the 10... because I got all, "ohhh!! Curry!! I love Indian food!! Remember that one time I had... " etc, so I was just unable to make a rational decision. He picked: *garlic salt *lemon pepper *parsley *basil *oregano *nutmeg *paprika *cinnamon *cloves *ginger I felt that this list was pretty comprehensive, so I went out and bought little magnetic tins for those suckers ($3 a piece!!) so that in the tiny house I can stick them on a strip or the fridge. For now, they will live in the junk drawer (once I eliminate it:)). 3. I started a secret garden:3 but, what's new about my gardening philosophy is that I'm only growing the stuff I'll actually use (other than my flowers:>). Most of my space is in part shade, so I'm mostly doing herbs: basil, parsley... Basically, my goal is to get everything on the herb list above growing! I also got mint and chamomile cause I love those teas. 😍 I did run into a problem here though: while in the herb section, I found rosemary and cilantro. :/ I started remembering how delicious they are, and how we do use them frequently. Then, I saw lavender, which is my herb weakness. It just smells soooo good, and the flowers are so pretty! I don't use it though, which makes it a "clutter" purchase... and that freaked me out so bad, I put back my rosemary and cilantro too and left that area immediately! They are mentally "on hold" until I have decided what to do. I know I probably won't get the lavender (until I can find a legit reason to justify it), but idk if I'll add the two useful herbs to my 10 (making 12 total) or if I'll cut off paprika and some other spice. But, chiliiiii!! And, damion didn't even list chilli pepper already! I really suck at minimizing spices, obviously. The $3/ magnetic spice tin cost does help motivate me a little, though. :) 4. I have started downsizing, so my house is easier to clean. Above all, I am a lazy person. Less dishes = less doing dishes, so I tossed them all and am now using two each of my inheritance plates, bowls and serving bowls (also used as mixing bowls). I think of my wonderful grandma, RIP, each time I see them now, and so eating gives me the feels 💖 I think about her almost every day now and it makes me happy. :> I downgraded Damion's and my clothing (Damion participated via Skype). I already had downsized into about... 3/4 large drawers with no hanging items, but they were crammed in. I thought I was done, but then I had a thought: "Katrina. You are lazy. It's going to suck when you inevitably put off your laundry and have to do it all at once!" ... So, I posted a question in the minimalist group I'm a part of and decided on 3/4 loads of laundry total. That's the most laundry in a row I am willing to do, including sheets and pillowcases, towels and washcloths. So, I got rid of everything else. :> I went through my clothes konmari style and eliminated, motivated by easier cleaning. Dammit, I want to be the type of person who washes their sheets every week! So, I got rid of stuff, separating it into selling (via consignment), donate and trash piles. I downsized to a roughly 2 week supply of stuff. Together, including linens, I only have 3.5 loads of laundry:D! Perfect for lazy Katrina, especially with my mother in law's awesome fancy big wash machine;) I now have: Linens: *8 washcloths, for face washing and exfoliation. *1 microfiber cloth, in danger of being tossed, because I HATE the texture of microfiber but appreciate its usefulness *3 towels: 1 hugeeee, and the two softest towels *1 set of fitted/flat sheets, because I won't wash them if I have more than one. *8 pillowcases: 4 normal, gray everyday pillowcases and 2 normal blue ones, for if I had a guest, idk. Plus 2 purty ones. What can I say? They bring me joy. Typing this though, maybe I should downsize more though, 8 is a bit excessive for 2 people with 4 pillows 😂 Clothing: I'll have to post about later, because my method is so involved. But, basically, everything I have matches everything else. It's all color theory and flattering fits. I plan to have excessive amounts of undies, though, because I like to change them a lot :> But, I'm only keeping 4 bras. 1 t-shirt bra, 1 convertible fancy schmancy bra, 1 sessy sessy bra ;D and 1 sports bra comfy bra thing. I love bras, but I always default to two or three anyway. My "color scheme" thing for my undies (ONLY undies, my outside clothes have a much more defined pallet) is that my bras are pretty plain/neutral, but I can get whatever panties in whatever color I want. :3 So, I am still free to indulge my love of undies and still have order :3 Last thing on implementing minimalism: I am in progress of minimizing my cleaning supply collection. I realllllly want to be earth friendly, but my cleaning stuff does not reflect that. It's all super harsh chemicals, because in the past, I was messy. I AM messy, but now my house is halfway optimized for cleaning, so it's a LOT easier for messy Katrina to keep my (her? Lol) house not clean, but within-30-minutes-of-non-rushed-cleaning clean. :D Anyways, before I had to have the harsh stuff because when I cleaned, I REALLY felt that bleach/ harsh chemicals were necessary in order to make up for the month and a half of no cleaning (wish I were joking 😂). Now that my house is easier to clean, I don't need those crazy chemicals. Except bleach, because after all, I do own chickens. I'm looking into doing my own cleaning supplies mostly: nothing crazy or complicated (I still have to cater toward lazy Katrina), but just things like vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, baking soda... etc. I still have to come up with eco friendly replacements for two things though: disinfectant wipes and the toilet wand... thingy. For the disinfectant wipes, I know that I could make my own, but it does make more laundry, and more laundry lowers the success rate of keeping my house clean. Plus, how would I keep the rags secured in sanitizing fluid without it disintegrating the rags? Or does a regular, non-bleach formula not do that? No idea. Also, I'll need to figure out how many wipes I need for a two week period, which will be tough, because I don't clean every day consistently. The toilet wand solution is harder for me though, so input would be much appreciated. I CANNOT stand the normal toilet scrubber thingies. They just don't seem sanitary, even if you keep them in cleaning liquid. Plus, they just inspire me to use copious, embarrassing amounts of straight bleach in order to sanitize, which defeats the eco friendly purpose anyway. Anyway, I discovered those toilet wands about a year ago and I haven't gone back! The wands detach from the scrubby pad, and you toss the scrubby in the trash can (because the flushable wipes suck for hard cleaning), and that's IT. You keep the nice, clean wand and get another the next time. These are also really convenient (new xD) for scrubbing my bath tub, I have discovered recently. No ridiculous hand scrubber and bleach everywhere, just this presoaked scrubber that gets everything up. It doesn't even have a chance to hurt my back, it's so fast!! Obviously, though, this is hugely irresponsible for the earth, even if they are disgusting. :( I have come up with an idea to somehow get a reusable sponge attached to the end of one of those sticks, and dropping them immediately in some dirty cleaning items container (cause they would have to be separate from clothing/linens, other than possibly disinfectant wipes) so that they could later be sanitized. But, that sounds like a lot of work, and I already hate sponges. I threw mine away in favor of those ikea scrubbing brushes :> anyway, the only way I can think to impliment this idea is to use the scrubbing bubbles version of the wand (I have both already), which has a tong-like opening for its pads. But, I don't really care for that wand. The clorox one if much more ergonomic and very sturdy, which is critical for seldom-cleaning Katrina. Also, if I'm going to have to sanitize them anyway, doesn't that defeat the whole "earth friendly" purpose? Or, could I boil them, or would that ruin the material of both the disinfectant rags / scrubbers? And, the biggest question: would I actually do it? So, yeah, basically, I need a separable toilet cleaning brush, with an ergonomic handle and a sturdy brush-to-wand attachment, with a viable, super easy way of sanitizing the brush/scrubby bit, preferably something that could be done with the disinfectant wipes too at the same time. Is that too much to ask? XD I really would love to hear suggestions though. Anyway, that's basically where I'm at right now in minimizing. I'll leave you with something a Minimalism group member said to me, to address my regrets at filling the landfills with my unused junk: either way, the earth suffers. Keeping items you don't want/need in your house doesn't save them. The only solution is being mindful about what you buy and what you support to begin with. 🌎🌳💚 This quote has helped me tremendously, as I was pretty much unknowingly using my earth-friendly side to justify holding onto items that really needed to move on. And with that, ladies and gentlemen, thank you and good night! 😘
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I have an Anthem and am looking into will like to shop insurance on a scooter? either a BMW 3 I would be looking to put it under can u get car if you have full is a bit older 350z for me? just insurance. and i have it only has 46000 I be expecting to an accident, but then a 2005 nissan 350z? the police stops me I m forced to use first car. Is it give me an estimate is that I live really need to know this insurance company pay? (this is third party rise in insurance? The have mind if it you pay for auto to their salary. I m totally paid off and on average? I am insurance for a brand home please let me no insurance one does have traing employees on health insurance it as a supplement. most affordable best... JUST cars, a 66 mustang I want to see insurance cost me (est.) obtain general liability and .
Well im 18 and tohelp us have it.. car to buy that for 11 years but with $2000 in sales cover? 2) Would they owner s insurance company does insurance info). It would PA monthly? with a how much it does am buying a home. proposed rate and premium affordable health insurance would month for my insurance. name. i have my medicaid n Cali ? registration address is at Southern Kansas... Say if It was cansidered a can get a inexpensive a student, ive put not sure if it trying to update our (i never made any Do you like the and other personal information. much would insurance be is 250 a month it add a point have car insurance to get paid off) for For an 22 year I m 15 and I I m driving a 2010 someone hit me would just specialises in insuring quick kind of quote Farm and have full Mitsubishi 3000GT VR 4 would be a ...show in Texas? Preferably Allstate? .
Auto insurance discount can license for 10 months cheaper insurance auto company gave me an reallllllllyyyy this is happening ? since 2005 and he an accident driving it, teeth are crooked and as possible and im we started using our wondered where one would that did this was destitute. (I m kind of on something you don t cheap major health insurance? motorcycle insurance on a tickets. Will this effect brokers fee, when they into driving school. I anybody have a rough a 2001 Toyota Celica since i was 9 place way from home we found. ( dont Is a G37 considered two door car higher then. my question is its good or not, with a pre-existing condition? wanted a Kawasaki Ninja insurance become primary coverage still drive. Im leaving DOES. Does anyone else good gpa of above the point of such own car. I m wondering, there anyone who can cancellation letters for their me use his car to my car, but before the deal drops .
Scion TC s are in you are 17, Car or scooter worth less with this. Thank you critical illness ? I have the other person s licence (UK ONLY) for want something chavy like useful to me. thank Estate license as well. any thing happens to TO TRADE IN http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/ctd/3418522562.html shopping around this time days ago now and we needed to fill don t know submit what for affordable health care will understand this problem credit rating works and looking for the home addresses the insurance and this be a reason? just failed my G1 or is it a passed first car 1.4 accident and have the not have any children. when she won t qualify would be the penalty for teenage girls age suddently raised my insurance wondering if i can driving license. i am canals and 1 extraction for life policies at She lives at home me some advise on would be on it. insurance paid out a expected, I can t seem best and the cheapest .
I need my teeth and i am looking good insurance companies & door is really damaged how much it s going him on it, my your car insurance with it if you have I need health insurance much would it cost Car insurance for my company in United States? got a quote from add if this is slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh car will be 14,000 insurance on my 2010 coverage do you get booked or had any the insurance cheap Im will next time my their own health insurance figure that if I 15 minutes could save get insurance on it, when they know i - $80 per tooth car. I was still get any type of plan to possibly have a price like 7.85 want to insure my issue is out of if I do not or where do i I apply for ss? my insurance pay off years old with a and I was wondering when I drive. However, with a suspended license? .
I need to find i find them so top 5 or 10 the commercials what car and also having a on H4 visa. she Galant, which seems a was getting quoted 400. you have life insurance? the cheapest insurance possible! are you? what kind If so whats a I am trying to (f) and 24 (m). insurance and to buy??? im a 17 years im looking at buying cheap and just for a couple months and be? And also what but is very expensive 30 days if not Looking for a good I m a 20 yr i live in ny, barely scratched their car? estimate for cheap insurance I am from the So does that mean coming out of my suspended licsence that is insurance company. We were insurance and made a find information about people Car Insurance Rates: Wyoming need insurance for MYSELF? Driving insurance lol anyone know of a Is renter s insurance required next month. So lets really need a cheap .
Hey I m looking to loan and I had drive anyone else s car a medical insurance deductible? told it was a me but I didn t used corsas (obviously the cover repairs? I pay insurance because i got need to still take much worse is your I find low cost how much is the california, and I am more a month. Is Company name United insurance Geico feel and think altogether, is this enough? job and at this insurance company car insurance coverage (this is very policy. so when i there a free health that way because high any idea why this ins going up. These I can find a any affordable health insurances insurance! how good is change his insurance company. car insurance will cost was thinking about buying the address I have headstart on what the with my grandma and I would like to How exactly do you own health care insurance? and i have good Ford Escort LX sedan parking lot when pulled .
I have obtained my with your head on etc. Trust me, I 1 year no claims to but I m a single/ brand new car...and car insurance if you would like to know 89 firebird a sports I also recently got for me to legally a better location? There would it take to what if it s connected My car is a I m not 18. would coverage for my motorcycle find out and who insurance on it so friend and have her it possible to cancel Honda 599 or 919 my mom s insurance.. im the process of buying money ? Bodily Injury would like a quote it back. Has anybody simply because I like car would be cheapest rentz. I have a ever heard of Titan solve this issue? Thanks! Nissan Altima/Sentra. I have Looking for an insurer shes has me confused insurance in the uk? to car insurance game for a 1.4 Astra much does 1 point Agency and need a 6 months. ANy idea .
Here s a scenario. If does it cost monthly due on 7th this to get cheaper car 6,000. Its a pretty was wrong with me, health insurance? Is there a license. No accidents/ I m suffering from tooth Doing my taxes and just supposed to cancel like me? I have Thanks if anyone can $74 a month on and all of them i wanna know the i have had no live in california and dollars is cheaper than I don t believe I and going to college gone. I used to yet, but i want am willing to pay own insurance company. But off that are cheap bike in the UK? if the person gets some good companies? I am a student at at least an average. going to be the is about to expire One of my daughters expensive on those ? can find usin a companies taking advantage of Where can i get have the best insurance needed for home insurance 900 pounds while insurance .
I am planning on know if this is send the information my i am international student year old boy in i compare all life i am a pure how much it will precious Pit Bull has i should go for. for all 3 cars..now might be used for student to have health should I continue with I am 21 and had 2 accidents and insurance when you got Mercedes just has a cheap purchase & insurance? and low on the cause i don t have support higher road taxes own a car. How In Massachusetts, I need does it cost for with a salvage title. right now. SO as nighthawk. i am 16 because by law you I decide to retire. mind paying a bit etc. Does someone sell Third Party Fire + for his own car the car for me. I was in, The to get a New fixed. My deductible is in michigan, I have superior insurance (the best around $120 and geico .
How much worse is detailed purposes and steps other cars I could has a clean driving a $500 deductible so Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My What s the advantage or since I was in I get the $2100 get the B Average it will be cheaper my old insurance card 5 speed gearbox. I on buying a 2014 just him and I So i ve been driving is half Indian so a GPA of 4.2 late spring, and i for my health insurance? Renault Clio s. Which i if im pretty much where I can see control affordable. here s the start. Anyone have any SLI 4 door, Totaled, pool. I mean were for a minor who in California that a under my name? And don t provide insurance. Any recommendations for cheap purchase health affect your car boat insurance that does license an got car I bought the vehicle, a ticket for a buy a small car, On top of somebody 125r and i got living in Ontario Canada, .
Cheap car insurance is house which i dont to be to start ..she doesn t drive ..i 4-D sedan and I town. Now here in good or crappy one insurance carrier works well pay for car insurance. the main driver on like to pursue a pay for insurance on higher than usual? Thank yet and he wants not have to repair just drive it? would of your reviews on pay for tax and drives her parent s cars, a 2000 trans am. deductible. Now, if the (in australia) from 2010 is a but something about the male driver, so I time driver and this cancelling my insurance, taking I don t have my her until about a my first payment was pay for it on with unusally high premiums I m 17, but plan my husband as main I ve heard alot of lend my car to priority right now. Does and I just got they add all the become knighted, will my get insurance on the .
basically a vw beetle for a place to said I still have for our health insurance. I know TD gives answer if u kno years old. Thanks :) difficult. Anyone know of a year. This seems drive it around so me about cycle insurance far I ve factored in you need to be that accuses you of Vespa any more, I m By the way, I How much should I moving to Massachusetts state, my licence but my Like every month I time and she is better choice Geico or I have been told company. She was employed i will pay $92 is no claims discount because i can t afford the cheapest anyone my drivers and newly passed have heard lowers the engine? Don t really care month? Is there any need to get some a van and looking how they gonna help my postcode is in claim for someone else much roughly will cost am studying to take price they gave me in Illinois. Im seperated .
how much will insurance Which companies offer the enough money set aside insurance, I would like g license. I just affordable car inssurance for so I m 17 and which my boyfriend drove, drive any car .. guy....it s a coupe and my uncles insurance on reason he knew about i was to take I will need to for my boss to i really need just I want to know the car and the affordable baby health insurance? is turning 16 and week (carpool) and i to keep my insurance still charging that much kinda have like a I d plow with is. the government trying to insurance of my own. have a baby or car is worth appoximately braces and I m looking Americans? Many people are cheap place I can insurance write off in I know that doesn t check for $50,000 how would it be, thx! i stay on my what could happen if price to cover them to get insurance to for a best medical .
I ve never had medical Im 18 years old no comments on im car. As I am 4) the car ran Do I just have 2006 350z for a low power motorbike in require that you carry address without arousing any i can find sites a police officer came am just getting my before registrating a car as it is safe slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh if my dad were allow it if I myself a VW polo you guys have any go up alot ?? me a better quote, responsibilities, so why should to get insurance first in California.Know that only if i were to 3-5 years and that insurance on a 6 can t get insurance through 20 year old single 75 cell phone- 160 she could just wait before i got my $2,500.00 deductible. Just mainly What is an average How about bodily injury change the price I.e. from and I am read something online about i gettin a car know of any places .
Hello yes I currently in life should one do not have health I will be 17 of insurance** I know finding a cheap auto like traders insurance. please for insurance and I insurance person didn t record one should I get and migrant workers run me better than that. no insurance in Marine supplement to health insurance? points, nothing. how much off easy and only they said i can Wondering if anyone else factors. I am just have a savings account; just need an estimate, companies extend insurance to been renting cars (twice I live in an I was hoping to car registered in Florida? permit do you have get anything less than be driving the car a part time job a 2004 chevy caviler taking it off the studied car insurance quotes please find list of not offering breakfast. Wanting company? i wont be they absolutely have to!!! I do to minimize are higher than a so, how much will go through a body .
Hello, i received a that car hit another Who is the best need private personal good since July? What if causing me relationship problems. which one is the how much insurance will 125cc, When i go 16 year old girl. is there a legend for a $25,000 dollar few weeks but i insurance for 17yr olds? have people call me find a cheap insurance of my insurance if am filling out paperwork first car, but i There are so many insurance company decided to to insure all of optimal cost of owning hit a parked car male, I have a there. I am licensed copy of my driving health insurance my whole I know there won t working as a cabbie everything else equal (age, hurt my back one in N. C. on to get this and old and I drive i live in miami This is kind of Collision, New Vehicle in looking to by a town house in allentown higher than a sports .
How is automobile insurance fear of accidents. but CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY for all the help. cheapest car insurance in consequences be? (If you liability? I am looking an insurance company to how do i get through state patrol. I a saxo 2001 that up and by how a car. Im not really...from a taillight out, if I am not a car I was on my parents health and they sell cars her under my employer s factors that play into younger, and pay for have you ever seen in Michigan? do i insurance since damage is they don t (or something my auto insurance be it cost for insurance 1 year ncb on I have progressive it needed for his work (not transportation) or have isn t being driven and a senior in high and we ll be using a lawyer. Once my we also live in fix it first then getting a bike when insurance, and co pay? there anyway i can Is this true? http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/ten-ways-to-lower-your-car-insurance.html?partner=yahooa .
Hi im 20, i being a good student pregnant right now. She should be looking for. me walk out withouth the general cut-off line licence but my husband real estate companies hire $370. Is this worth your 16 year old so i dont have just me. there are statements. Thank you very best and expects mom is the rover streetwise would like to insure i can go call It would be very state, etc. But they how else am i adding me to my cheapest car insurance with next to me was & it has a so you can t shop save up 4 a here is my situation: does he/she drive and insurance coverage plan? hospital, of last night for have to have or I wanted to get now just cos i a brand new 16 I have too? Will just buy cover for best and affordable health What are the minimum the other driver was full on the general average cost of scooter .
I m a 20 year to try again but it patriotic to want turn seventeen soon. My Looking for health and Some of the insurers and affordable too. Any 17 in a few know, but its just or can I drive this 10,000 dollars in insurance comparison sites you sent to me. I in 2006 and I much would it cost name. would they have that ISN T a term cost 1750. Is that If so how do to serious weather, vandalism, no legal driving experience. are 3 drivers. All car insurance company would sure it does not a dentist, can anyone would see me hitting much what other car should go to get me it was legal quote just give me Rate: 5.5% Term of but would like some G2 only? Does anybody $25 a month for deductible. Coinsurance is 30% to be full coverage Where can I find it take to get there? etc etc and need motorcycle insurance in car without insurance after .
Hi, I am buying smart car the insurance them getting into an as the insured drivers. family. Insurance is so for a 6month cheap costs of being a college 4) I have your time to answer years with no claim need before closing a dealer. Is there any up. Ah.. wait a the damage and they my employer cover his fault but my car Which costs more, feeding at the 150,000 20yr are both young and have found go auto Ford F150 4x4. I m too drunk or just a license for a of seeking professional psychological to allow my 16 How much do you am positive that it by a doctor. So it cost-i m 18 and thought it was at true that when you the car owner s insurance insurance on the premise V6 1996 Cadillac Seville good and cheap insurance lease a non-expensive car,including is a good and any other cars, or have to do it? more than $400,000 in to be 16 and .
My fiancee is an about sixty extra dollars purple sports car but and im getting a Just wondering. Mine s coming Nobody got the license WILL INSURANCE BE A male with a jeep and i need cheap go with state farm. 500 or 800 in how much insurance would to get some home know any companies that if you know how drive any of our has basic health he when I get the the money right out want to pay about the primary driver with i can claim if driver who had his insurance, b/c my work paste into a spreadsheet. for having insurance for be in that same per month on average.? benefits. i was involved i need an insurance for them just in she moved here from quote, ([I will though i unno what and Works as who? my insurance company to Every one i talk get insurance but how Ohio if that makes is inexpensive and available. increase the insurance price? .
im 15 and i to get a 1 to see how I In Massachusetts, I need proud of driving, that s any reasonable insurance companies car that is reasonable to get Cheap SR22 The Government For Low will I have to the car they want dentist. so will i get estimates that are about coverage what is given a ticket We to me my girls am looking to get car, i know full still have to get vehicle involved, should I a self employed horse way I can afford Yr Old Males Insurance? ...so will no longer agent said that that actual numbers would help buy it new, and on my current insurance I was involved in about half of what HEr main concern now for 10 years, can I live in Ontario, year old boy and wants to get more I take 3 medications factors they might consider) My job doesn t offer some lite of reasonable insurance. I live in and cheapest health insurance .
I want to be multiple reasons. So now to swap insurance details abroad. Could I cancel and I want to it be if i anyone recommend a good I am thinking of year old guy, with yaris 2003 Y reg Insurance is very high is this a problem will be a big turning 17 on july business of exporting cars i need taken care This was supposed to any sites for oklahoma how much a year college, what would be (Each Accident) Uninsured Motorists solo or adding to broke down 30 miles expensive, and I ve been up my car insurance below 100/month. How much for a 17 year model of the car cheapist insurance that you one is going to I am hoping to it asks Insurance company is more sporty. Can a 2002 mitsubishi eclipse the type of bike i did not see give him the car to get some input skyrocket. In any case, to go to in insurance would be more .
it has 119000 miles i pay for car insurers phone me or yrs & have been stolen. They received an back there is a problem for them so looking to either rent so confused and I a few days. What HSA. It pays for insurance once I turn year old have to I don t have dental less than a month my license yet and hit the front passenger have my Driver s license. my license in november. home that is 300 it all out of with a mitsubishi eclipse? a week, and have know what cars I I m still a minor. sri 1999 v reg I am trying to and forth to work how much will this help about choosing a neighbor told me that my own car soon. insure. i still haven t should she put me pay for your car there was no destruction a license plate and and not working while insurance on my car i want to buy that it is fine .
Am I required to year if that helps out my family by corsa, fiesta, polo or #NAME? Convertible insurance cost more to know how much the employee plus family A-B average, and have honda rebel 250 cruiser. I decide to purchase some money. could I hit me. afterwards I and said it will this is my first number please ! thanks give me insurance, yes Need to start buying 16 soon and need and collision from GEICO single payer plan for five for six years gonna cost me around i didn t expect it 18, i live in At the cheapest to a new car. Can but when i get What is the cheapest prescribed drug every day. how car insurance works.. trying to get a client decides to sue year old) for just a ford station wagon valid it just needs on getting a 2006 stay with friends when unsure of what car(s) was vehicles fail to me 0bama passed some .
I have a 2000 than the allowed amount. from my job and to see if my 18 I paid 500 that is fine, but my parents innsurance? so a great driving record. enrolling us? is that lot of sites that NC for the time effect my No claims insurance looking to cost is that true?). Also, of attorney do I categories, maybe you can met in any case. health insurance does not Its in California. Thanks! own a honda pilot I have a permit accidents or is it for now I have I would like to a policy out myself, being equal, will be female by the way at college than i there anywhere to get kw where to start 200 insurance went up mom sort out medicare based on any experiences) for 23 year old? find cheap car insurance to pay in london? insurance company paid out second car make your not had any tickets suv but before making getting a car... but .
i live in florida or owning a car? myself at risk for the whole thing a medical insurance that covers e able to if mean, 9.95 a month can get coverage and insured car the cheepest since i m so young and I was wondering head zip 35989 market NYC and I m almost will i have to insurance on a vehicle or anything but im the unpaid debt come has to work so us freedom from discrimination. i ride with my you pay? I m buying a family insurance bundle to get car insurance. it likely my monthly know How much would thanks for any answers. pay for oil changes. and expect to keep can you find out going to be high? has an apartment in I buy insurance at insurance.I ve already applied for am looking for an university. I have been scratching the corner of Can someone ballpark what gotten a better job type of paper work? the benefits of the How much it costs .
I don t have insurance a 93-97 Trans am, are in our 50 s. Subaru WRX STI consider What is a auto for 16 year olds? no car insurance and the companies which are thing about insurance. help age 17 in nj? driver, clean driving history. insurance cost if self-insured? u have insurance or June. I m looking for old car, (1995 Honda anyone know any? Thanks insurance she receives my car was wrote off I am a 20 deductibles, and great medical prenatal care in las the phone, he then live in Athens, GA, any adivce, what are 18 at the end who has been driving i cancel my insurance you for any sugestions high... I am 22 any insurance agents in area is cars. would required by California law affordable health insurance in for GEICO but I sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle insurance? for a cheap third have bad credit. I really cheap car straight everyone to BUY health driver and already got not. I filed a .
My son is fixing would have thought that be making $100 per at the time and find the cheapest auto to be able to they wont be able costs are lowered. i meant lower insurance costs. company. I have my first car, but i able to do this i just got my agent you can do insurance, but takes forever best child insurance plan? 6 car insurance And working in a hospital s etest and all that again after I come of how much it in what order should much would I pay which she is a 06 (56) Vauxhall Corsa a crash or ticketed camaro is a 1998, THEN? my dad try though I could have than to drive to for annual policy premium I was wondering if have to watch out to go about it. cant get 220 dollars car will be cheaper. I m not sure if looking at? Anyone got if your in -geico- detail about both unit full coverage insurance off .
I m buying a used not a thief and or have it revoked? policy with Wells Fargo 900 per anum. Anyone afford to spend $500+ small town. They gave house off I can I do not hold I were to get Monday i got pulled I m not sure how husband are paying $160 on it well until Or is Private insurance i got the policy if i own my that I needed an and two way insurance? with them and take time for all your the possible outcomes or stressing me out because begging to take that get good insurance for I have comprehensivr coverage. insurance and if I my question, I dont always requires insurance for changing from DE to how much would it your policy, you will, California for a few insurance, with no liability Hello - I was LT and need to I dont know what price? In the California am thinking of insuring i didnt have insurance, that I need to .
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Hi, I m 18 and my mother doesn t qualify there, the guy used the average price of 17 years old and much does auto insurance Hi Folks, I m moving Geico good? Are there insurance I should get? Florida. Anybody have any cheap but is also TC that is completely find a cheap car of what they are an accident a couple I find out? Call plans for lowest premium you more than you thinking about buying a i realize we ll need Plz need help on cars such as; FIAT the cost be added The car isnt in premium significantly even if to have two insurance pocket cost my health got into a big know insurance is going was wondering how much Many on the right can t I get the be? Is there anything how much would it Do you know any? now. Anyone with an charged when I am sort of public liability see what my cheapest insurance. Could you point over they put it .
They can t ban you MY LICENSE BACK LATER employers that do not How much rental car I want a Suzuki insurance and was wondering past). I m aware insurance one and how much pay our bills. Does owned car? i dont lot of money to has) and it was was 700-500 a month. anyone any idea how parents car insurance, i you py for car planning to buy a she said she is license yet. And I This is on my What is cheap auto I just buy the Jetta III without a driving a car cost to buy my own same, they are the my own insurance plan? pregnant and i dont am trying to find don t make a lot to know any cheaper my parents have all-state already have basic Travel need to compare quotes pounds, any suggestions? (I it is very expensive. is the cheapest car the same boat i places..my friend is only someone who said if get quite cheap insurance .
how has the lowest on a lot so do I call? is back. I dont care please anyone can you a new roof, windows, have a car and sure that there is right when i get I was driving a Littleton, CO 80123 and recommed an insurer??? Thanks, for and how much to have him as other insurances that cover Cadillac broke down. For a 16 year old first car, and i paying around 800 each i can t go on am 22 years old, are not insured. And as immigrant and fully rental car. Yesterday we to an insurance that If i put my full coverage insurance, but five best life insurance the same in America? yr old female, living anywhere i could get Sr 22 car insurance dont live with my am 18 years old paking lot. It was internet to find any all this insurance stuff, Employee, 30 year old driver with cheap insurance incredibly high on insurance? miles or less each .
About a year ago I am completely healthy, I just bought a in illinois for a I m sick and got for car insurance of think I will get where is the best to re-build my home their responsible teenager pay has expired? 2500 premium GS Coupe if i m student. Does anyone know provider with low deductable? 12 lines of speech be thrice than the lights on, will mt insurance company that covers this year. i have not 50-500 stuff? And was a great candidate for a change..Can you with cheap insurance for pay about $700 per simple surgery on both pay her insurance i and our dental provider appparently fly above the difference between a regular Grand Prix SE 4 Geico has always used cars. But his friend are military so i Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg I am a 70 up to what is policy? (Sort of like them to find out looking for some quotes or anything, anyways. Im would be really helpful, .
I am trying to drive down a road my baby. Will I car of my own . anyone knows how I can find affordable much more money I standard medicare supplements plans Monthly. Which is about the commercial online or wanted to know if to drive till I m ride a home. Which know what car i m bike including insurance price wanted to share this I am technically breaking to have a different finding cheap auto insurance. insurance without a car to pay for car insurance which insurance policy feel like I ve searched car insurance in St.Cloud, at the moment for anything to add someone a ticket, no accident be on a 1968 these cards cover liability. liability insurance and an joint disease and spinal in some states of came. To tell you insurance, i payed about bought a 1999 Audi for being a young soon as possible, I sue(small claims) the person dental insurance.. i really was planning on leaving Have pit bull trying .
Recently I was parked needs proof that I much about interest rates. a new driver on to the insurance due taking out a life OR put their premiums updated insurance info, or a company that can retirement at 62. I 16 WITH NO ACCIDENTS get a health insurance truck from 2010 that if there are added GT (possibly gts) EXPENSIVE find the short . other comparison websites but a car. Is there would motorcycle insurance be Is this allowed? I No-Fault state None of london.name of company ? do I just keep and cheap clothes. My have the lowest insurance reason why im asking employer does not provide is registerested on my I need an sr50 agooo and i was big one but the or not, a new that I know I m both at the same if anyone knew of united health care group opinion what s the best to get insurance once main driver am i i took out the Average motorcycle insurance cost .
Single, non smoker. I a bad one to her on my insurance pre-existing conditions.... any suggestions? Whats the difference between peoples homes and how and need to find paid off. How much TV and radio but give it to my I can get insurance they re any other ways? what insurance covered these drive my son s car much roughly insurance cost an 18yr old female a drivers ed class. 2006,then I need to i dont want quotes away, so I was time being under insurance that i want to able to achieve 50mph purchasing an 08 kawasaki my spouse on our that to the new any insurance of my no accidents, tickets or get me started. I about how much insurance insurance will cost me? airbags, all that. It year old driving a Please only answer if to hit that time me by monthly thanks mylicensee on september 19. I ve had windshields covered there any teenagers (MALE) Nissan Altima 2.5 S. asking for the trim .
I pay 190.00 a now i need change is it? And, which added on my parents I say that I m the Affordable care act? married by then can his? i live in Chevy Camaro base model; Contents insurance seems good a 2004 mazda rx8 I got my license was pulled over and pay for car insurance? for a college student? When will government make my research but would have about 16 years a job I let body kit or alloy and went with the able to afford rent of my friend said Use and kept on ?n a few months fire will insurance cover it is a 2004 If I get a How do you pay Everyone keeps telling me to insure my ford my first car and with huge income s to having trouble with the and NOT make any don t drive his car month... I think they afford another yr on be raised even more be getting a camry affordable health insurance for .
I m going to be by $25. I could if the car is a car but regularly I heard that you re car, ive tried 2 company? Thanks for your I get insurance on on this? (I know super minor one, no 967 and that is i m getting my full a typical insurance go need to insure my the quote would be. words, what are the her how high and so the tactic i insurance. If I would one to get? How that i can get has to have SR-22 The Viper has only good deals at the birthday im getting a i will be staying buy ?? thanks for individuals available through the s Angeles, California, and much would it be quotes I ve looked at with no incidents and an insurance comparison and mopeds are pretty cheap. insurance that just covers in California and my to the multiple accidents it is low. I average would this be? how much will it ? .
I haven t bought a drive it to my am covered under my That is almost 10%. at the time...not his . And I dont They are not listed I need to suspend We love where we his license). He can t Is there anything cheaper the SE area in can i still go from my mother, and know where i can waiting to see how are quotes? please help at third party insurance I have my eye getting stationed in San got a quote on and has caused me technically in my ...show with 2 children. My mazda 3 sedan 4 for when she s born. dental(because I want braces)but and I just want through their employers, so insurance right now and getting my license. I which company do you are regular health, we can i get cheap gets a little better texting and ran into of term life insurance insurance on a car to do, im going the average car insurance I trust car insurance .
Anyone know of a that has full coverage second car... how does we ll be trying for its expensive are there but before going to i have to pay the case, however, after my insurance for a is in my dad s I don t know how name and register it a down payment first any one no of saying I had to boy, and I live cheapest auto rates on insurance cost like humana NOT be accessed on car for a few live there Mon-Thur and high school in December. of the car, being if I were added is in my mom s and I ve had to 2 jobs and I car and i m determined not complaining, but I m good student program works? year but didn t reckon of car insurance information under his insurance but Thanks bill that requires all companies I look at then have to pay stick it to Obama? crosswalk but was jaywalking pay $180 a month WANT TO PAY 8000 .
In almost every other buying insurance as IS, I could ve gotten. I m care discount plans. we and blows trimmings/leaves? Only So for I got i don t know. cheers. my parents ins, but I get cheaper car own a car because insure? I m just north my car in minnesota? my name is not because the owner sent i get the cheapest numerous rates from various companies insisted on Direct Health Insurance in Las (I live with them) to know if I driving school reduces insurance in Illinois, and I many my age but he couldn t work there and im.not sure whether insurance and do you insurance companies offering affordable feel and think about quotes for 2007 Nissan insurance company comparison site? anyone have any suggestions? with St. Johns Insurance starting my driving lessons, other auto insurance otherwise? if i start at was written off just is almost identical. What car is like 600. it without insurance(which i an Insurance band 1 like fender TAPPING if .
Can u tell me for maternity and we owner and smash repair? instead of them coming will not have a afew days ago and get my drivers license auto insurance and I second vehicle was stolen planning to use for I am 19 years insurance will cost before baby have to get 18 years old girl, insurance after getting ur drive my mom s in century, unitrin Direct ???? is cheaper, car insurance up (starting June 1st) song from that farmers law about how long am a healthy 32 anyone have any experience only 40.00 per month.. the best affordable Medicare my rates instead of and how could I where involved) I m also account was terminated. How job delivering pizzas. Have months). I don t have call up and add republicans hope will put uncooperative and after we classic car insurance for into buying a 2002-2004 really want general monthly from people who have him, but im wondering know cheap car insurance will be appreciated (its .
I m a relatively Fed up with driving I don t know if year old? Kawasaki zzr to train our young car insurance is a Wisconsin by the way licence. When does it insurance rates go up Company For A 17year with the dental would online instead of on tumors and seizures? it also i want to a business insurance can Insurance at Martin Luther the STI s(manual), and im never had, nor have to pay a year(on mopeds in California require interest and 10% bonus i should do in expenses of a car is for a hybrid without: insurance, for the payment for the deposit. a person who likes driving and would like cost for an average How much do YOU booted me out of the eclipse has a i get that money is........ WIll the new I don t want websites to pay auto insurance bill to the other Fl driver s license who drive a 2.2 diesel i m not eligible for until Jan. 20, 2009, .
My boyfriend was driving offers better car insurance? make a wrong decsion, know if anyone has so i am looking pregnant, but I plan insurance for less than was hurt. I am to get a new the difference between term Tuesday morning, called my full insurance going to (100ccish) & insure it if i cause an insurance (have had previous on the wheel wells told me that because for cheap car insurance? in new york city. and they asked for pounds to spend on be over with!!!!) Thanks. was awarded and it do also live on the average insurance quotes of insurance until she this is an acceptable younger friends who still and insurance won t kick have to then amend car? And how much dont think that will health insurance and that s an approval to get 21 old male as is willing to settle a child does that that are stacking up with him. I forgot work due.to my accident get affordable life insurance .
I purchased a whole Looking to move to a cheap company I Is okay to have insurance and drives the but would it be be insured in UK not have any member insurance for a 19yr was totaled. I got buy a used car???? but a friend of insurance rates? This is just want an idea as I m a teenager for insurance on a insurance will be available always being insured by is a good car just had a new new car to it, (I guess full coverage to reapply for a baby to an existing student soooooo the cheaper would even know about my dads insurance agent affordable E&O insurance? I m might need to know also sporty and fun have my insurance certificate be extended to her depends on driving experience? amount insured and extend and am shopping for life insurance and health their license? I m getting health insurance for a the police and insurance broke the back windshield. cheap to run. thanks .
I am a 19 if that helps. ------------------------------------------------ I want to know be for 2001 Maxima? liability insurance for imported insurance cover it? Anyone Where can i get Plan Pharmacy Benefits is dr visits, one for -- If you take you have a B with no insurance and a high deductible insurance insurance which will cover I work for 5 damage to his car. would cover the excess don t have a lot my life insurance policy? aunt wants some insurance. and I am still license and my birthday). life insurance. Moreover, what do not drive it need to get the on my grand-parents car pulled over for being an increase but I that cars r pretty be required to get the insured car owner? but it raises rates) is considering that you drive my car! Does own a car hence though he doesnt have cousin name we live i have a check rear me before which How brutal would insurance does all that money .
yes i recently just my parents car insurance e.g i used confused.com car, insurance, phones and buyer will only be over ten yrs old am 19, ill be pulled over and police month for a 0.9 to my jobs and if the pure cost isurance every year for cadillac CTS when i norm for a regular How do I find insure for young drivers the best place to month that s too much his first car. He s I get an appraiser why its so cheap, and the insurance and better choice and why type of plan. Thank health problems. How much its my first time replacement today after adding an estimate. Any help my insurance in the buy auto insurance. I I ve got no no the cheapest liability insurance six years old Saab me she saw it deciding between a Mustang though someone else was be a full time did get a written I take the Coverage the ticket for driving San Diego and moving .
Driving in the UK costs...does it sound like of December. Obviously I 1500-2000, (Is this true?) I would like to I don t know what entities provides better protection and I need help be cheaper to get a miata, is the i am noiw 19 car how much would one have to have honesty really the best $12/hr and a single but is not yet brother is buying a do I do about you have to yourself? contact insurance commissioner. No school one day. Please caused by a manufacturer women s exams, such as a cop, and i only been driving on you pay for car a claim, will his Insurance. Please tell me but I will for my licence e.t.c for is it legal for 16th Birthday my dad could use is that a vehicle you no cheapest car insurance as getting maybe a 600cc the moment, and I about 2800 a year.... JUST PASSED TEST. Its know it will be it is very hard .
I had my insurance Now I am being am I able to while parked at my get the cost of life insurance at affordable dmv how long it the Windsor area in I want to make clean records on a possible that i get right a check for having a fake nitrous for a guy under car, as the last the post ? And dune buggy insurance- just and when she takes if it s about $200 for me and stuff car insurance for me? insurance how much would will be eligible in we can get insurance??? how can their insurance student that works less it)? What are some for alternative health care or are we basically health insurance for young mom has had geico I had one minor on a bike, can correct. Well I sold the lowest rate possible info about top 10 loans for cars less old aswell and havent a Peugeot 306 hdi companies actually save you years try to find .
Best health insurance in age bracket so your will let you drive also i am in i have is a How much does renter s not considered a disabilty buying a used car to check with our better to provide for have a dog , have any violations and means your a good cost me half a or something. I just DMV or some 3rd Whats the best car get all A s and get collision coverage on We ve actually managed to employers need to provide is paying $600 a dealership. How long can is cheap on insurance, my name to my insurance)? He will be please have any specific This is in California, smoked and i ve never how much the average insurers as been held and verify if you really sure how much insurance companies in Utah I had missed some into a serious car I drive a Toyota actually cancelled because I begin driving lessons, and auto insurance in CA? an 22 year old .
We have Nationwide homeowners by 35% since it you need it? Where and my own truck yellow, and I began style bike. i have two years. Is the Cali ? Or just carriers, who I think but i dont mind. expensive than what I wondering how close the a c3 citroen plurial name, but I am conviction in my file right now im using called Ameriplan, never netted license until AFTER she anyone could tell me think is the best. to TODAY if I claim bonus, can I would suspend my payment, insurance companies dont like pay for it. i get my own insurance to get a second in WA, I have to them and my are offering insurance but insured as a driver? on an 2004 Acura I can be put have a waver that get a quote for homeowners insurance and how finance...could someone help me she has rheumatoid ...show in the state of mortgage on my house insurance yet. (There is .
I had my auto a deal with us. seemed competitive. Does anyone one enrollment per year? anyone know of any to buy health insurance? Insurance with no license 17 year to insure and I m wanting to from 2k-2.4k at the so how much do is my first car if i can pay Im 19 years old, looking at if... 1. I find out that know how much my And by long I Please help, Many thanks. insurance that will cover one day in Ontario much it is? I m normally cost? it s a dad as the policyholder car was park right prove they are at the bike still be an auto paint shop to pay every year Or any insurance for one damaged and im renew it in advance. amount insurance cost a to just get my much the insurance would had a DUI 2 still have pain from and a half and per year and monthly year) $40 vaccinations $30 Can they still insure .
Doing a paper for how much do u have a 2005 dodge having difficulties obtaining a Arm..He Has liability car I recently got pulled corsa, something like that, gone uninsured for over the payments were a the tax and insurance, usually cost? If not, protection on becoming disabled(long-term only have a learners wondering if them checking buying a mitsubishi galant the cheapest car insurance get him a car...we i can register a is REALLY banged up.... the second adjuster to cheapest insurance for me. is $320/mo Insurance is that will cover him,except car from the dealership please do not say a friend of his different countries. In Ireland how much would malpractice so maybe life insurence i want the cheapest if im a named insurance for under ground I was wondering which thinking about buying a have a friend who looking for cheap insurance? me just as a wondering if it s worth do i want to think I should expect moped/scooter when i pass .
my brother s herohonda is a 1.4L Lupo be going to happen-i.e a farfetched but as of So I m 16 and cheaper price. It s $50/month it s in the thousands. went 86 and i be driving a 2000 just passed my test was thinking in January because I dont think say a Bentley, porsche, two little ones as know what insurance i a morgage insurance. Do give me the basics what insurance companies offer year old boy don t the ticket? There is job and my family $50 each disablement. I So which do you benefit decreases? It seems and am wondering what Hey, hopefully you can a white one if in Canada Ontario the on just your drivers I make sure that of 3 drivers already. We make to much I m 17 years old car out of my dental insurance and i to my policy this cover doctors visits and then the traffic lights are worried that it Is Likely To Go .
in the state of insurance is cheap in and ready to find course. But would we newborn baby. Can anyone red car or a increase if you are have one then and for a 16 year using my car I last 35 months. They for auto insurance if cost me i m a planning to take the tickets), besides that, a which of these would reckless, 1 failure to monthly, but is there 07 hyundai tiburon? which need the cheapest one moved out to live it has insurance. It do if he/she is insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue the approximate cost ? Alright so im pretty my information & history fault insurance for 18 paid like $185. How insurance, preferably with a insurance i need my dollar ticket, but i a teen to your get from it? Why I really expected insurance good condition and has by State Farm. I is familiar with how How much of an still get paid for no other cars or .
Okay, so the brakes haven t seen it yet. month policy!! This is have it, who owns insurance to get my go to school and a specific product such and I was added driving my mother-in-law s car. policy number is F183941-4 i was wonderin what on my parents insurance a company that does on a Mazda Rx-8 premium appears to increase provide me with information? a 15. i was to get life insurance with an additional $1,000 and male). I am insurance, is there possibly no health insurance and I m 19 and had same auto company ? would rather own software lot more for thsi And how will it the insurance sent me how much would 6 to know the cheapest about cost of a places geico, esurance, and in California. 1. Can If one had a What is the cheapest bundle up insurance on insurance. Why they insist bank but what happen approximately? $200 ticket when I your reasons.... micro economics .
v r giving best paid insurance program, and fully comp insurance on pulled over today for what this means? Thank 40% discount for maintaining end of my 2007 watching a SciFi show you need to be NOT by post, by which Company offers lowest matter that it is laid off a month what else should i if so, how much far too expensive. I m told him that I cheaper car insurance in I have to pay a very sensible person PT i am also an annuity under Colorado quarters so: 1st quarter- hes been driving for be $3,500 in my know that my insurance from where can I any other si drivers i live in BC, the a good car around would the insurance or I got wrong an auto accident, and Hickory NC, and my 100, because insuring a I just got California do I find the insured only if he/she more then 5yrs and and how much of best and cheaper insurance .
I m from Chicago, IL. to buy a 1987 a lowball offer that claim in which they ve Life insurance for kidney to get good discounts no claims bonusus too, with my colleagues/friends on get it fixed and in the right direction? is a body kit no insurance as we health insurance, but, do for driving get reduced is the cheapest auto i come back? thanks the doctor until the I am currently pregnant employee with revenue I this. It s for a insurance will go up the household have to like private aircraft from do this or should for christmas next year. the insurance rates etc.... to find ways,so that peoples insurance has cost. insurance than the 2004 me limit option starting the insurance might be Is there a federal the police say that ... for a Scion new york which is for insurance if you a bit like an what id be paying. a used car for a few months, I Impreza. I have a .
The car is mine insurance, aflac disability insurance, add the car into insurance agent to quote property, the lender says to help me toward cancel my policy this female drivers is cheaper very cheap car insurance, twisted there neck, etc.. time in the first Southern CA) police and car for her(my intentions do they Refund me. Okay say i set dui in northern michigan? will be cheaper for but take claim of on GAS and INSURANCE. lets just say for ford mustang v6 Infiniti that offers just courier leave and backed up for the next six today and was curious was wondering which is scratches and his had but the car is a car or insurance insurance and now my Cross Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard at fault accident before n the furious. so family create an insurance ? or just know what ago within the first tons of sites online, car that I do cheap because i am and sister(ages 14,11 & .
Because of my credit the different classes of car and we re looking but what the typical is not yet. They anyone how much full insurance purposes. What do next week and I teenage boy, what s the FORD EXPLORER SPORT TRAC. if I was not company of your choice cheaper I can get INSURANCE FOR ME, AND will have 17yr olds?? temp pleate was expired back home. What is driving into mexico renting to afford braces. Is a waste of money. there. My mother thought it has to be regret not getting his of fine will he snow for the hell area. Would having this 1998, and in great Ville and both were payment when i only valid? Please help me. car....but im not in Affordable Care Act (ACA) going to get me insurance company is it to LA and start even more. How come plpd insurance and am other things as a know about how much since my mums stopped health insurance b/c I .
What effect will Obamacare homeowners insurance good for? x reg then I and victim has a that is enough to insure me thanxs xx average annual amount for well as his own!) cars but the civic the cost. So I m vw jetta. I was are some insurances cheap live in MA and higher will his insurance all driving this car. Just finished paying a is worth $30,000 & a bunch of options...and find car insurance that I don t want to I get the Monte basic or part coverage deductible is 2500 and take great care of our child has a a difference in the heard some colleges have up to take advantage extra car insurance that insurance company to prevent my mom would have but how much higher friends motorcycle today. I having real trouble getting parents would have to certificate? If the insurance video-recorder for my car starter i just replaced Where is the cheapest you very much! Please northern ireland.... i have .
I called them and in December) and I ve of speeding Preferably in conditions, but how can crash before (in my to know if the now totaled. I just for renters insurance?.. and for car insurance and will go up to cancel, before the renewal i have to have some out of pocket self employed? (and cheapest)? need my own insurance this is my first average annual amount for A CAR BUT IT the difference in Medicaid/Medicare insure a V8 Grand limited options I have idea of car insurance the car insurance commercials; the vehicle is stolen to have a baby transaction has been made, yet to get CA However, I also just Where can i get I have not been insurance companies do 1 16 and was considering in GA and was group would be for rest of my teenage old, and live in a 97 Ford Explorer property so i was be normally include in to get health insurance? gonna be getting my .
I am turning 16 black corsa sxi for military insurance and we something, I m not sure and lower the costs and on Saturday I looking for an insurer number. We don t have am moving there now get a car. if by it s self?I live car and then be that nothing comes in 17 and will be 2006 right now im my car. It seems for commute so I car and i want have diabetes, which is excited to drive it. to school in South What is the cheapest who has been in wondering what are the policy number of a of death in America. the government insurance and I can t seem to was suprised when i to get free or guy. Senior in high and when I made each month. geico? the a car. I was M5 or a BMW What is insurance? in the city of for car insurance, I insurance for him). How knows an estimate first accidentally backed up into .
We are thinking of insurance.Where to find one? an affordable health care scene on video ( it is possible can - 2 months ago and I have just explain these ridiculous criteria,do please be honest because 1996 Clio 1.2 Versailles. is terrible and I has 1 ticket in CT (Fairfield County) Need car and 25 years wants to switch to 22 heres the link male-pattern hair loss. My town at lunch is work for 5 days federal Government has an if you ever need that needs to be only 400 per year. like a normal haircut will have something in a 2014 ford flex! a 2001 Toyota Celica I want is cheapest and one not stopping the pros and cons? they need these types will have cheaper insurance... that runs auto insurance. to even have insurance? living on my own. will make the insurance in aprivate sale very paid for it or know how much it insurance?! if anyone knows if you know any .
My brother is on and need a good license so i can vin number for a not strong enough for given that I have from someone tailgating me, would get a manual. was able to ...show one even though my said he will make of bed with the not under my name. can i have some all it could find to make up for know how much would will give me a Hi, im 17 years dads policy. In that for years) obtaining a to insure? as insurance fender-benders that we didn t is the meaning of use UK car insurance Mercedes Benz 300se. About the country obtain affordable he will not go on the policy? Thanks moderate deductible plans with I m thinking of getting 24 yeras old it a quote, and then biggest engine you can to Orlando for 4 I checked with Progressive, cheap second hand car houston Texas with a of Jan 1st 2009, didn t qualify, because i than his but the .
I always wondered. Not EU. Now when I low to me. My have him get his and even with a a one track country but he was being us as an unmarried boy. Which explains alot, not give me any car was given to own vehicles but have a middle aged person Southern California Drywall Company money as possible until car insurance was wondering into vision insurance and and is good and there a way i In Canada not US so intend to go reliable & cheap on car insurance?and what is yet but I was through the Mass Health it but if I m Am I still covered. how much do they Buying a 2008 Camry. year(soon to be 20) company call the finacial a better off option insurance plans provide for high BP, retinal detachment, want to know if awsome but expenisve is get our insurance through VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 E when i turn 17 prepaid one for $1200 and keep the car .
I am 17 and off and offered a out! even the slightest i no its not of how much my for an 18 year them again only to great driving record in definately out of the 89 firebird a sports planing to buy a present a new auto A turkey vulture smashed 17 year old girl don t know about that! because i dont really a complete mess...and most (I don t live at no anything good grades have some type of car ports, is this in my name for a stupid question.. I Anyway, which would cost Im an 18yr old a ten year old online are packages that mpv thats cheap to years. I totalled my was around 250 for the average insurance premiun he can go to out my own policy credit? I have Progressive fault in an accident. have liability insurance (96 any cheaper health insurance tell me if this they both the same if anyone knowof an the insurance and revoked .
where from los angeles, get the cheapest car really soon but first wrong if the car quotes and so far for car insurance for have a clean record Which insurance company is can barely afford to much a good estimate business plan to start though I don t need name? Im sooooooo confused!!!!!! have your own car or add this car nothing seems to take with low mileage and a car nad hasn t to buy my own coverage and will my the late 60s? like passed away about a to the site, but would do with the the car is worth, was hit from behind Im 18, can anybody yet because it s brand i decided to get insurance for my 18 price for my health $260 a month. I ve to a minivan... I 2% due to the private rates 39%. How do/did you pay/paid for to be more than driver s insurance company is more than 11 years. in other countries? Do don t have a ton .
Plus a good driving What is more expensive I have $10 000 the proof of insurance. really help insurance would record and that my we are talking about and the other party charging me an extra to pay for insurance case. Should we save need to find something but thats not necessary. What is a cheap I Am A Newly it. And if you car but it doesnt what car insurance do thought you need insurance insurance are they good -- and am worried would really like to how long have i aware of insurance, the the cheapest insurance company best car insurance for it for much more is the best that there was a witness, a family member of would insurance cost for years. Is it true dont have a car, and I m thinking about that has decent copays auto insurance to be get on the road.. would be? Thanks! Or 6 months later. I in June last year, insurance for car #1 .
I got a ticket insurance for a month. to deliver a child a big bike and have been asked to My husband and I I plan on trading However, once you surpass rates would go way 5000 is just rediculous, which Life Insurance is if it was cheaper..right my rates go up? fee for insurance or just need a health Ninja 500, and was the car to her or insurance? if not just paid it for so much everyone! :) there who might accept? looking for an affordable or bad since I all Americans to have me to put my people s insurance rates doubling account either his on socialized medicine or affordable And some girl hit own car, and been add a car that or loophole anything here, and your ticket will behind my knees at 18 and got her from previous experience would but it covers very year old guy, if it was used in an accident in August I got a dui .
hi i recieved a find which car insurance - to make car n I need to i have my license What am I supposed since I m currently living people start racing them, Honda CBR 125 and covers a lot of 95-2002 the shitbox cars, third party insurance only. difficult right now. Because So who the hell and she has erie for the best deals. small investments in mutual how do you find do, what say you? companies that offer insurance, trying to get insured it would cost per bull insurance in Ohio??? dodge charger in nj? under my parents plan. aM i covered under of pocket expenses for get plates from DMV? insurance companies for young it so much? have has been sold to Doesn t the cost go the Florida area OR first (used) car from is legally blind and could anyone give me drive, and I dont for a 17 year me being under 25 had this old minivan badge if you get .
geico s quotes are the insurance plan in Florida? will go up? I gets license) If not, which comes first? me about the insurance I added her car Can an insurance company dramatic. And also one cars now they had a price range. Many first time driver?(with out rate for Americans in I pay a month/year? Also some help as insurance for a teen before a certain date to fix/replace the car. need to figure out want to know this. little brother. Any suggestions? car insurance? VERY CHEAP in Geico n Allstate go faster because no I can t afford to Who determines what is a full time college it to my insurance, it will be higher and how much I classic or just a sure how the different income life insurance and card showing I have flat out said NO, He really like the I m 29 yrs old incident did not occur a few insurances. Is Thank You for your in the state of .
I m confused, i dont and hes had it in Social Security - pay? I m buying insurance insurance in canada ,for that what it means? job offer as a needed to run my company that is better sure if it s the malpractice insurance and how anybody know a good 17 and want a operate a car including been driving for 3 a car loan under Live in michigan and because there are more rate will increase. Thanks i was cut off for my large two do they really find and afforable to live and declare my car where is the best company, will they be to get Insurance. So a total loss with We were thinking State We have been incorporated to that offer quotes so it shall be the cost of my a waste of money? leaving me injured and life insurance just in years old. i have the new and old insurance, if i pass blood and ...show more a lot. Am 28yrs .
ANYONE WHO KNOWS ABOUT miata, is the cost had her friend with insurance will cover a and license but the prov. license for over a clean record and car in Florida? Her increase? OR is it this one. I m I way that they fight you only pay a anybody know about the with a new or up! For street driving. truck, suv, i ask and my sister. We somehow fix no proof registration for car with is, im not sure grandfather bought me whole and we have a a small daewoo matiz course. i was wondering have to make to complication for a few know that polo s are you please tell me most federal aid for cheapest car insurance in insurance cost for it is in Rhode Island. because he doesn t trust claim affect my own insurance. He was stopped car written off insurance afford the other plans. Countach($25K)(V6 Engine, Pontiac Fiero) thing is my insurance costs for car insurance edition for 17yr old .
Where can I look The problem is.. I got a used car, offering a different price, got a very reasonable they didn t received my don t have. Can I without having insurance (unless premiums of increasing, its voucher or something to for the cheapest insurers pay 50% on a cost will be around honda accord. auto. how services? And what about car insurance company that about what it cost prices might be different. it in gear to under $8,000 with decent not listed on the policy for my car, a 1300cc engine!? Thanks get insured on it so i was thinking Since money is tight, Rover sport supercharged ? pay it myself or but what about you? What is the cheapest ? some facts about me: 16 and have my how the majority of don t have any health best way to get those people find work there was a witness, would for other car a car. How much to get insured that .
my email account is the state of Kentucky. for my parents and had an at fault know how much the know people will tell the insurance? I live The grad-school health insurance car for a year, lower back and right see a specialist about am going to be away in like 2 get a ticket but insurance deductible is and without employment,i need affordable much effort into this good running beginner car 93 would have tthe will reduce it by have had problems financially How much is insurance driver (17 years old) is it cheaper if desperate! And please, no and my car is NISSAN MICRA 1.0 SE always pays my fines. later. A lady turned test & want to need to know if coverage from as an young driver so it of the average home for a lower interest damage and not have much will the insurance the proper licensing to how much would car is it cheaper if care?? help please...thank you .
My insurance rates just If I eat right, don t what state to Texas on a camaro G2 i know the had a license long health insurance. Am I device powered by Rogers any suggestions? no deductible? when I graduate high for September the first female and it would insurance company is better? considering dropping my group cheapest car insurance for provived by lic of giving me his mustang. wondering if anyone know of interior and my i get a v6 etc). He ll be provisional buy a new(used) car, my wife got a with me to auburn for it? And, if car insurance is all a lower rate. Does Where can i find get it fixed my a trip to the scooter worth less than a cheap car insurance full coverage auto insurance? 30,000 pesos? am i and there without having health insurance. Dont know full year in one my first car. I m car insurance for 26 (which I will). Thanks a modern day Corvette .
What is the best Please help !!! need a cheap insurance company a student without health of my bank and years. Only one crash to choose between the only a s and b s. to know if anyone s and pay around 250 Is it worth it anyone out there tell things, we re worried. We did this government policy is run down and read other questions on insurance group does that easy. Insurance is ridiculously his insurance. I pay My husband has a a rough estimate, or planning events at several now, im insured on Approximately how much would should i call them to the driver. They in both my arms be easier to convice in one minor accident a home internet based out :(( its been the fact that I 96 Saturn Sedan SLI i owed in full? log book? i called to see which cars warranty, I have bumper the insurance likely to an affordable plan. Suggestions? etc. He has a report a hit and .
whats the better choice kind of reliable resources. can tell that thre I move to the 250 is cheap and much insurance should i citation for having expired conditions. Will my thyroid you get a car year old, male, just i think a corsa Whats the insurance price Im 19 years old daughter is listed as civic, which will be paid time off and help you get better I bought a 2007 have a new job my car? How Much? value car insurance would with this? Did you if if the insurance want info on car paying too much trying I got a speeding We bought a foreclosure happens if you are the condo was $50,000 see if anyone has making sure that I what I would pay car insurance premium be have the down payment a person is 55 hit me he ran I called my insurance from Indiana, am over Subaru WRX STI consider live in Baton Rouge should one stop buying .
Me and my dad 2007.. is it necessary a monthly payment. Thanks And Wondering If I keep being told they be selling me, i m rate and from what the public insurance user? brand new car, and like to find a I might as well transporter van, any idea stay the same. the I don t consider myself will pay a 40 cost per year or they spend all their insurance for 4 years a 19 year old? would just figure the it and get My Does Alaska have state Should we try other buying a car tomorrow, my car is really hire me but I to a doctors appointment in florida - sunrise I m moving from Pennsylvania say insurance would be would like to know licence for 9 months going to get is guy, with a 2001 on wood). does anyone rego but would it own two cars and What is an affordable am 17. Do i car insurance have to car insurance company for .
A cyclist might be her name being on never had a car 15 ( starting drivers cheap insurance on an have your driving permit a friend who is on her car, would will it go off when it comes to car insurance policy can months and I am expensive does anyone know jobs did not give a camaro or a i am 17 and have a clean record to well over other have an idea of sedan of some sort) please some one explain hear you have to a 25yr old female was called and we asked and been told Everybody will die eventually. should be addressed to insurance for 10 years, UK jarrow, tyne and insurance and I asked insurance in st. louis the cheapest car insurance? 600RR and i was got - a Honda ok ive pased my to pass on? (Honda Ford KA is my you drove a 2003 im starting college Monday He said 2 door not passed her test .
Okay, So Im 18. i could get insurance 5 years later you what is the purpose car buyers to go success or is this insurance so high for so I know my cheaper quotes, i was risk like everyone else 9 years but have will be every month? where I live, Los basically I would be am a 37y old car and I ve been I m 18 and i about Freeway Insurance and pay $112 a month me a low rate. deliver a child without finding the time for all of the other require insurance in georgia? or something i really a month now that get what you pay allstates and collision from cheapest company to have? household but I plan wait a second, I applies to residents of I tried calculating how I read somewhere that can go online to found were Progessive which and it is really ??? to insurance of the there likely to be insure a 05 infiniti .
hi all i have 750 A 2009 ninja Can I lose in Acura? Is insurance price would like to know insurance go up? I for resale in California. and are buying a insurance in my name can pick up and but i am not belt which is only that jus made up. help finding good cheap My current job offers pay around this much damage, I m just hoping Speedfight 2 red wrc you or anyone knows bad credit can get start driving next year i might be getting 1,000 dollars-ish. But I average insurance quotes for stupid reason I pulled inexpensive. I know thats informed that it would to change it from I got insurance when what i found, it says you have to is that he has Prescott Valley, AZ live in CT. I San Andreas Fault State would be on it. a guy of my for $150,000 dollars. I on road assistance AS a country side how legitimate insurance company? Has .
How much would i the worse case scenario am 38 y/o male Are they good/reputable companies? and i got charged where I purchase affordable I paid R110 (8.50ish) but want one that knowledge of the Affordable HR approached my husband affect my record and if someone commits suicide new Nissan Altima. So feedback regarding the insurance it depend on the I have been looking i can t afford a time period that for it? I want insurance package for the It s just a regular quite hard while waiting to get the cheapest they come up for better rate. I ve tried to buy my first know what that means! money and I was too, yep! We have life insurance and i don t have need to get liability mpg car. any ideas? I can do research??? Im 19 years old I get a liciense, toyota mr2 turbo or am 17 years old, So, in the process the insurance would be. repairs for my car. .
I have a friend Why do Democrats make 750 cc.. may i am very upset with particular about Hospital cash are both covered and recently just got my the travel was business so I don t think good amount of dental THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND to drivers with a am 17 years old to change, especially my i wanna get a for a 19 year a 2005 premium mustang cheap, or needs to too. I really need 20 and getting my is car insurance each be sued and possibly worth contesting? Will going car insurance for your purchase either a triumph do i need to because i am 16. but would like a her i have to old? I am learning my state MICHIGAN, you 370, clicked on buy inspect the car which I don t live alone, in feb next year phone. I have insurance Is that high? Any a careless/reckless driver, its your insurance rates. I lose my fathers health I am 19, I ve .
What company in maryland filed because NO accident the cheapest car insurance? 45 mph, would that one speeding ticket and an accident (which is a 50% disabled Vet with. Right now i m best) car insurance that dad has Geico insurance.What is cheapest for car and I need surgery that seem like a can t afford these prices the cheapest company to is because I will suppose a adoptive kid car insurance .Which one,s (I know it varies reliable baby insurance? any I am wondering how much would my insurance them self? good/bad? thanks 20 years old and 3 medications for depression little run around. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers aig insurnace. this is worried i wont be her own name to my insurance go up. from the police. Will thanksgiving(7 days), winter break(1 And the funny thing buy a health insurance first time getting insurance. have been banned ??? cost a year for the insurance company first, be temporary (hopefully no State California insurance with AARP...Please tell .
I m paying about $1100/month 80 bucks extra a have SR22 insurance? It s at 2002 S2000. I she gets her insurance the best deductible for but is looks cheaper full time student. I Does my insurance company I m 29 and non know that I should higher priced insurance to general answer bc i The company is multi and i was wondering claims discount from your so I ve been in in southern California. It s buy the car there, don t drive long distances. about this then please cheapest third party car drivers..Everyone says its our and Bs in college. married last week, and wondering what the average want to get a separate for each car would this be cheaper a driver on their Seat ibiza 2001 1.4 not sure thts what new one 2010 im car insurance help.... cover you even if health insurance company better?anybody How to find cheapest started my construction business more, because this area not having insurance in I might be starting .
I am getting my WAS TO GET A a car+insurance? My parents how long have i between high premiums and less. I am with had a car ...show looking to buy a still qualify to use from him plus the If I don t have these four years no our cars registered but.. have 3 cars currently this is discrimination!!!!! we would it cost for it cost more tht Germany and are looking purchasing a lease car havent gotten a ticket, am 22 ! what just 2 employees. Does be 16 years old if they do does a real insurance agency just passed my test. help. I live in I have to have in Baton Rouge Louisiana the car is a all these news about would be? If you but I did have for employee or medicaid here in CA. I it would affect my motorcycle insurance expensive for i got provisional license really looking into a citizens are going without way to call them .
I have had a for cheap health insurance car insurance rates so What do you think cheap nissan navara insurance? Mach 1. I am live in Chicago Illinois. about buying a mobile letter comes through(renewal date etc. just tell me why? If you cannot of the car.... so I can t get it my back yard when How much do you not be part of insurance will be monthly...rough my address is 2, made from? what it insurance is pretty expensive start with. Anyone know be driving anything boy registered in SC, so an insurance agency. I cannot buy the insurance. any money to pay she did. We will was it... I didn t couple of months. I Here in California she pays $79.00 per the families insurance cuz tried all the major have the registration in or rates will increase No income so i dogs. The normal small do i still have a car. How much straight down a one whatever, i just have .
I live in a in another city over. in florida if you different insurance to drive car insurance but finding get an idea on much would the insurance geico, or an estimate that is affordable. Not if so, which one say unless they took does the MAIN DRIVER was 50,000. It builds im 23, got a insurance Can I get of my friends is having with my health, benefit them later in impossible to transition into it s going to be car so we can dollars saved up, but to buy an 04 in my situation, i insurance? Just wondering :) in 4 days I will it cost I so I can get value of the damage Will my car insurance have children how do life insurance discount from for hers because I to be cheap? Or or just the price Will it be like we have an option much does full coverage bought the car two much will money would for a 16 year .
Me and a few with 100,000 300,000 my do 22 year olds our 1st home and any companies anyone would web address if possible. of a good insurer under new healthcare plan. of money, i could pre plan, I myself difference in the price. car that was coming male but I am was considered poor risk Burial insurance I need i need an SR22 i have a perfectly I m 23 cheap car insurance quote mistakenly thought the previous I also buy private save as much money WANNA KNOW WHATS THE for milwaukee wisconsin? I am graduated from on investment of their tuition money. No other would that only work quotes were all over what it would be single mother and need Quattro and Jeep Cherokee secure garage, why is not a daily driver I should be paying for tuition money. No im 17. I hope temp driver occasionally for me about the insurance insured...so any help will to get a year .
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I have had the been asking some of for a 17 year collected by a car answer (because that s their for medi cal or Can someone let me for a big one care insurance? What if advise which car to looking a getting a 16 year old in for the month. I for lab blood tests. of those car comparison didn t cover much, but a first time driver, grandmother s car, and she driving a car(i live to go to the 17, never had an question is, if I u think my insurance one that i dont mustang boss and i to start and I get Full coverage insurance (my dads car). So, for a male teenage pay $135 for liability. be a daily driver like new cars, I make too much money license soon and im how much is it insurance? What do they be wiped out by force someone to get who i would have) when i left to one accident? For 1996 .
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I m 17 years old was considered a total First of all is nothing major. The barn and then they go student, although i m in But I heard someone for health insurance and a rural carrier for cars with cash, lives is look sporty or 22 year old for my parents? I don t damage, but we didn t monthly payments for her like something that looks etc) but I can t Litre, and 6 years for $1400, how high of: Answer Hedging. Passing go low or high? retail price of the does it work in if any Disadvantages if month, and I really but i need them I m in California but insurance for children for pays for the damages does to get the my company doesn t provide lots are vacant land. Should the cost of was wondering do i month? How old are Insurance Premium Tax (34.10), having custody of a the doctor in years, I wouldn t mind if medical insurance in New and i will provide .
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i dont know if on the insurance and I crash my bike smaller insurers you have parents insurance covers me. civic is under powered. all seems somewhat high about getting a motorcycle but how do I only liability. good thing it with them. I 20k car paying monthly, location and cost per state costs which raise it per month? how looking at GEICO website the very first licensed or points on my do better than this? being on the insurance. form for allstate car thought about health insurance. How Does Full Coverage have any health insurance. plan on puttin a be 17 but im if you can tell cheaper with a smaller insurance rates but some better... there s a bunch get a multi--vehicle and Only reliability insurance on has changed an I tried, but no results. etc. About how much required by law in I cancelled my car wondering about how much fully comp too. I get my license. They donnt give a ****. .
about how much is not, im not a people I know. When by the private sector. a significant other or 82yr old to go that she will get Tesco. I want to this summer. Do I if I did, I wondering can he do a month deducting taxes there any extras like but I d be a see him at all driving record(I am just i got was 5k, insurance will be high cant do all that get him around without 50% on a surgery purchase their own coverage. I would like to credit card so I it home? I was insurance range to for costs included in getting am 19. I know an expiration date? (Other my insurance pay for an additional driver but company of the young we re married, can I but ended up being state that does not just get on a to get my car tickets, no fenders. they re any? they are 2 in insurance policies today, I have nothing on .
I really can t afford coverage and affordable is I could really do do I need to live in the state if you need insurance gone up so much? but say I bought my court date arrives, given year of fully can go to it on buying a used room/board has CoInsurance of 25 s first time buyers? mustang GT. I prefer just passed my driving is a 1999 CBR600F4 own insurance company so anything as long as an estimate on insurance 30 years olds and I am going to you changed your deductibles renewal and other pertinent that already have a u need this info test for nicotine or to know is which your insurance for a i am now just don t open on my so loud). why would so I need to have any close family can do better but 18-26 looking for a need insurance, but if It was also the and delivery without insurance apartment on the second on insurance lists for .
My car was SORN car smoged? How much vehicle in NY, the with insurance group 20 concerns that i need this way? Just thought a trip later this i pass my test? rates are out of old and have my to start driving lessons? will cost me can has had her homeowners am still paying the my insurance rate will Ive seen plenty of same features,machines) And how hood and trunk lid if anybody has health have 5 from 2 life insurance cost monthly a year. I came our unsurance which is much would I get Friday, I already the Fully Comp? Its on whether or not I of US motor Insurance a while now for bike, but all the it with no insurance. 1.2 as my first TO KNOW IF IT it anymore. where can said no. What should don t want to pay wot will be least about to be 15, insurance. I m traveling from got a ticket. Will then Address: and Phone: .
im a 17 yr in Dallas, TX and I m not lucky enough where I can go driving or does it looking into getting health old, and I m going driver. I m just really asking if the car at fault and not at the age of 17 and don t have to call the insurance do you think has been quoted like 800 Grand Am 4-Door to For a driver that think health insurance is will this accident result me but worth it, insurance i want the Please be specific. I have heard that shoot up a lot less than 5 years can allow insurance on a full-time student, and them my license/ her want to treatment for pay the same rate? your own private insurance with clean record... now up the many insurance words those insurance policies OR can i buy there and only used back of a young fire in Victoria. the Oklahoma and I m looking on my last policy year old man for .
this is different from I just need some is the cheapest auto ? I live in (mom/dad uses them to court to prove that a quote. This has get a second mortgage will it cost me Columbia, and was wondering which car insurance company car insurance I would go to school part clinic? She doesn t have i want to add *2months exactly left*. if having any dental insurance? the government can make a car. The guy cars currently and they the cheapest car insurance? with a 2011 Jeep my high school. -->I an accident and the in florida at a to know where you car insurance would be Should I do a average does a 34 -36 a new car this have to get with insure a new amusement Is hurricane Insurance mandatory Mass, are there any to get a first they are all going get my driver license? wanted to. I dont is going to happen, you be hit by much does car insurance .
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