#feat. hopedoomed
cantfixyou · 8 months
i can handle myself. (hopedoomed)
prompts for those who refuse | always accepting ! | for @hopedoomed | " i can handle myself. "
a smile is the initial response to the statement. because it sounds like her, like her attitude and her insistence and her heart. they don't want to be a bother, they don't want to be a burden, they know no one else will understand this weight. one chose this, one was forced to choose this. charlie's smile isn't disbelieving, isn't exasperated or even close to rueful. the smile is soft, understanding, full of a displaced sort of care. she cares, more than anyone should. they care about the same things, she's pretty sure. they have a lot more in COMMON than it would appear.
" didn't say you couldn't. " her voice is equally kind. charmed, in a certain way. and her hand comes out with it, both at the same time. the offer to help, in whatever way will be asked of her. if she will be asked at all, outright. there had been a bit of a struggle, and that's when she came to elizabeth. even if there's no verbal confirmation, she'll stick around. " frankly i think you're fully capable of kicking my ass, if you really wanted. " it's said nonchalantly, with the smile turning into a grin. " but what i'm asking is if you wanted help ? " want. not need. because everyone deserves help, everyone deserves someone in their corner. if they just reach out, and take her hands.
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cantfixyou · 8 months
you knew and you didn’t tell me ?! (hopedoomed)
dire situations | always accepting ! | for @hopedoomed | " you knew and you didn’t tell me ?! "
the question is hurtful, HURTING. it feels like a punch in the gut. she knew this would come back to bite in her, in one way or another, at some point in the near future. she just didn't have the forethought to think it would be so soon, and the one confronting her about it would be one of the last members of the family still alive. charlie has felt like she's been hiding for the last five years. she's kept so much hidden - what she's really doing, who she knows where she's been, how much it truly affects her emotional and mental wellbeing. but she is good at hiding it. she has to be. she was even hiding things from those she considered close to her. like elizabeth. because she felt she had to. this is a pretty big thing to have hidden. a secret worth keeping, so profound in all the worst ways, enough to put her neck on the chopping block for. how was she supposed to tell the younger girl, hey, i'm so sorry, i think your dad, who was a serial killer, who almost killed you, is still alive, still killing kids, and i've not only known this whole time, but i'm going to be the one to kill him, and running into you was actually a mistake, and i didn't mean to get emotionally involved in this way ?
she takes a breath. holds it. lets it out slow, trying to calm her heart. but she can't look at the brunette when she speaks. " i did. " it is gentle. apologetic all on its own. " i've... known for a bit now. " she knew she wasn't just running after ghosts. if she did, she'd be home by now. " i know ' sorry ' isn't going to do much now, but... " she takes another breath. now looks at one of the last members of the afton family, the youngest of the legacy. " i'm sorry. " and she means it. " i really am. " the words sort of tumble out of her, then, things she can stop. " i - i didn't know how you'd react, or what it all even meant - when we met, i didn't even know if what i was going through, what i was doing, was - was - " REAL. she didn't know if this whole escapade was something she made up for herself, to feel important and needed, or if it was truly destiny and all the things in between that drew a savior out of her for the world to use accordingly. but this girl sitting in front of her is real. this is reality. this is the truth.
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