#feat sha hualing
devilsmenu · 6 months
"If you waste your time doing something you enjoy, then you’re not wasting your time. You just waste your time in things that aren't interesting" Guwon said with a shrug.
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veliseraptor · 1 month
make me write ✍🏻
stole this one from @brawlite because they said i could. and i'm feeling sort of indecisive about what to work on now that i finished (a draft of) the next project i wanted to finish
rules: send me an emoji corresponding to the WIP - as many as you want! - and i'll write 3 sentences for each emoji and share it.
🦈 modern reincarnation au xuexiao
🌩️ post-da2 hostile road trip fenders
😬 post-yi city hostile road trip songxue
🔪 hurt/comfort/hurt/comfort/hurt lymond/gabriel
⛓️ felix and malkar pre-canon and that pretty much tells you what you need to know
💀 vegaspete vegas dies a lot time loop
📚 jin guangyao teaches xue yang to read
🔫 pre-canon vegas and pete on a mission; things go badly for pete
🍑 fuck-or-die liu mingyan/sha hualing feat. shl's messy feelings about sexuality
🍇 the one where someone is trying to make jiang cheng kill wei wuxian (or else)
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bloopitynoot · 23 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 2
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
Chapter 2: Mission
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Okay pre read thoughts here. This story is so good! I am totally loving the premise of this, the system mechanics are wonderful (so much sass) but also so unpredictable!
I'm not going to lie I am nervous for this mission that Shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu and co are about to go on. I just feel like things are about to get completely fucked LOL
again (as a reader not as system in book) points to Shen Yuan for noting how nasty the relationships are in this OG canon (p 63 re: Die-er and Old Master Chen- barf)
Okay but like I get it Shen Yuan- I still cannot imagine attempting to fake being a martial master OMG p.64
MOOD "Shen Qingqiu didnt even want to pretend to meditate, so he lay on the bed, just pretending to be dead" p65
unrelated to this plot but also related to this plot: I fucking love how MXTX is as a writer. I love the constant comments about the writing of women and side characters in fantasy writing it's very meta right now p67 (Re: shen Yuan/Shen Qingqiu- i haven't decided what to call him at this point tbh- talking about how the "original author" wrote the shittiest female characters).
I am once again here to talk about how Shen Yuan talks about Luo Binghe (he is a child- another barf) but also Shen Yuan does have this future(?) omniscient (?) knowledge about about what he becomes as a fully realized adult character - it still makes me deeply uncomfortable RE: "Shen Qingqiu could only say that, as expected, the brilliant protagonist truly was overwhelmingly cool, awesome, insane, and badass, with a dick longer than the heavens" p68
RIP easy mode XD LOL p69
why is he naked tho??? p71
bless her heart- RE: everything about Ning Yingying p74
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I can't. Re: Luo Binghe's crisis pp76-77
If shen Qingqiu fixes this entire story by accidentally making Luo Binghe fall in love with him I- *deep sigh * pp76-77
The way Shen Yuan keeps reading the filth out of these characters- SO MUCH shade! "Their IQ wasn't beyond saving!" p 81
thank fuck he finally unlocked the OOC feat p85
Okay but the Lin Xi Caves actually sound so stunning p88
Re stunning caves: well minus the blood and qi deviation LOL
When his headcanon for Liu Qingge is absolutely wrecked ahahahaha p93
Liu Qingge really hates Shen Qingqiu (I mean, I get it but like still, damn) pp 97-98
Unrelated but I adore the way this sect is organized. It is visually stunning with the various peaks, im fully picturing this gorgeous mountain range
The QUEEREST thought so far in this is Shen Yuan commenting on the demon woman's (now I know she is Sha Hualing- don't @ me) footware, I can't p102
wait what the heck! Shen Qingqiu's fighting is so elegant! pp 106-107
Luo Binghe: status- Broken p107
OMG he wants to protect this kid but the struggle of a protagonist (re: -1000 if Luo Binghe does not fight) p109
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Hell yeah! I already love Liu Mingyan!!! p111
OMG he totally is accidentally causing Luo Binghe to fall for him. I can't-what a way to fix the plot. p112
The hate Shen Yuan has for Ning Yingying is too much XD I keep laughing, oh no. Him basically saying "omg thank you for running away I literally cannot handle you in this fight because you are a constant mess" p116
wait. WTF. Is Shen Qingqiu going to die?!?!?! p124
oh, thank fuck, Liu Qingge showed up pp129-130
bahahahah OFC he's "repaying for the cave" p131
oh damn well shit okay, that's one way to end the chapter.
I hope his cultivation is not fucked because of the poison!?!?!?
also jesus, that's a harsh way to get points. Does he level up in this?? I feel like he at least deserves a level up.
That's all for this chapter!
Tomorrow is date night for me and my partner so maybe no chapter- but we will see if I have time to read earlier or not.
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monroeknoxwrites · 2 years
"Alcohol acquired," Ning Yingying shouted from the doorway to their home.
Their home. She hadn't gotten used to that concept yet. Each time she thought of how they owned this place, together, sent such a thrill through her it was hard to sit still.
No more cramming them all into one apartment. No more "come to my place, let's hang out at Ming-jie's place". No more needing a thing but it was at a different apartment.
From the bedroom, Liu Mingyan said, "Put it in the kitchen and come get ready."
"Okay, be right there, Ming-jie!"
Ning Yingying swung the bags of alcohol, dancing on her way to the kitchen. She shook her hips and bopped her head, hummed along to the giddy song in her heart while unloading the goods. With the addition of the small glasses, she arranged her bounty of baijiu into an inviting display.
Between the three of them, half the queer women in the city would be coming for their housewarming party. And if Sha Hualing has her way, none of them would leave sober.
"We'll all sleep together in a big gay pile on the floor of our spacious living room," Sha Hualing has said, flopping on the floor to demonstrate.
"Isn't that what we do in our bed every night?" Ning Yingying said, joining her. Their cuddling had been interrupted by Liu Mingyan's shadow falling on them.
"Up you two, we still have furniture to move."
Ning Yingying giggled to herself remembering how they successfully negotiated a five minute cuddle break before she hauled them bodily from the floor. No easy feat for two big girls.
But Liu Ming-jie was very strong.
A fact accentuated by the backless lilac dress she wore when Ning Yingying entered the bedroom. She had her arms crossed, evaluating Sha Hualing's outfit, her back muscles shifting temptingly as she moved.
Sha Hualing sprang into a pose. All her jewelry twinkled pleasantly, glinting off the overhead light.
"What do you think?"
"I say it's too much," Liu Mingyan said.
Sha Hualing pulled a face at her. "Not you! Yingying, you like it yeah?"
Ning Yingying did indeed like it. The 'dress'—and that was a very generous term for it—consisted of several semi-sheer red sashes crisscrossed for some semblance of decency. They hugged her round figure snugly. Under the right light, you could probably glimpse her nipples. Or more.
It went without asking that Sha Hualing wasn't wearing anything underneath.
"That dress," Ning Yingying started, hands outlining her curves in the air, "I'd be too distracted to be a good host. I'm half-tempted to message all our friends to stay home."
Sha Hualing stamped her foot. "But I want to be slutty tonight! I want to be the center of attention in our house."
"With how you are when you drink, that won't be a problem," Liu Mingyan said.
"No I'm serious. We fought so hard to get this house. We should be wild and unhinged, drink too much and get handsy with all our friends.”
Liu Mingyan cradled Sha Hualing’s chin. “You do that anyway.” “Ming-jie.” Sha Hualing whined, stressing the last syllable.
“Hush.” Liu Mingyan squished her plump cheeks and kissed her. “I understand. Wear the dress.”
“Now that that’s settled, can you two help me pick an outfit?” Ning Yingying asked sweetly, arms spread, the invitation clear.
Sha Hualing squealed at the chance to play dress up, plunging into their closet and carelessly tossing out options.
“Oh I forgot to say earlier”—Liu Mingyan said, undoing the buttons of Ning Yingying’s shirt and pointedly ignoring the mess Sha Hualing made—“welcome home.”
Ning Yingying smiled, warmth spread through her to the tips of her fingers and toes, stretching up for Liu Mingyan’s forehead kiss.
“It’s good to be home.”
AO3 link
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ladysunamireads · 1 year
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tossawary · 3 years
Svsss - princess bride fusion
Pretty please!
Unfortunately, I cannot talk at length about this one without giving away what makes it so delicious to me, but some details... I think this will be another 10k-ish one shot like the Narnia Fusion AU and the Good Omens Fusion AU, when I have a free-ish weekend again.
This is actually another Canon AU! I take the canon universe of Scum Villain and I forcibly inject the plot of The Princess Bride!
Instead of the Jinlan City / Sowers arc, Shen QIngqiu (Shen Yuan) is sent on some mission and ends up being kidnapped by Sha Hualing, Mobei-Jun, and Shang Qinghua. Shang Qinghua was forced to facilitate the kidnapping and Shen Yuan is piiiiiiissed about it. It looks like Shen Yuan is going to be taken to the Demon Realm to face an "unknown" demon lord, but the kidnapping party is now also being pursued by a mysterious man in black.
With Cang Qiong Mountain Sect behind the man in black, of course, which kind of puts Yue Qingyuan and Liu Qingge in the Prince Humperdink role for a little bit. I keep imagining Liu Qingge doing those ridiculous feats of tracking Prince Humperdink performs and/or possibly licking the ground while Yue Qingyuan watches (eye twitching, a little bit) and it makes me giggle.
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othercat2 · 3 years
Fic Snip: molasses dark as pitch 1/?
SVSSS only with Quadrants! This is a PIDW-universe, so it's Original Luo Binghe, Original Shen Qingqiu and so on. I have a bunny and must share.
"So ladies, we have a problem," Sha Hualing says shoving Qiu Haitang into the sitting room and shoving her onto a couch. Haitang landed with a squawk and was immediately settled by Ning Ying Ying.
"Yes, the problem is you" Liu Mingyan sniped, eyes bright in a way that made Sha Hualing immediately want to slap her. (Ah this impulse rivalry was going to kill her! Humans were so delicate and they only had one kind of hate.) "How dare you treat Qiu Haitang so roughly! Why did you call this meeting?"
"Shouldn't we wait for Liqin?" Ning Yingying asks tentatively.
Sha Hualing blinks "who?"
"Little Palace Mistress?"
"She's going to marry our husband and you can't be bothered to remember her name?" Liu Mingyan asks.
Sha Hualing refused to remember the name of a sneaky little brat who wasn't nearly as clever as she thought she was. "She might not be able to remember her name after Binghe caught her 'questioning' Shen Qinqiu. He struck her in the head with the handle of that whip of hers."
The other women are silenced by this, pale and horrified by the violence. (They were possibly rethinking their relationship with a half-demon. As if a human man might not be equally violent.) "She's in the infirmary but that's not the problem."
"What is the problem?" Ning Yingying asked.
"No one took our husband aside to explain how quadrants work because so far he's seemed to romantically follow his human side, conveniently forgetting his father is Tianlang-Jun." Somewhat dramatically (and definitely to hide the shakes that have abruptly caught up with her) she collapses in a chair. "Tianlang-Jun never had a kismesis, or at least never a serious one. He always flipped to red. And Binghe's always been very red with me, even when I was trying to challenge pitch and sparring with him it was red red red like he was a human. So haha imagine my surprise when Mobei-Jun comes to get me because Luo Binghe and Shen Qingqiu are screaming at each other like they'd discovered blackened love."
(Having to step in ashen because Mobei-Jun absolutely refused to was so gross. It had apparently been just as gross on an instinctive level for Luo Binghe because he'd backed away and practically fled, ripping a hole in reality with Xin Mo to escape. For that, Sha Hualing made Mobei-Jun carry the Little Palace Mistress to the infirmary.)
"I don't understand what any of that means," Qiu Haitang.
"Demons have a particular kind of 'hatred' they also refer to as 'love'," Liu Mingyan says with the faintest sneer.
"It's translated as 'hate' but it's more like 'I am enraged at another's superiority and will prove myself worthy' it's also 'I will make this person stronger by forcing them to improve themselves,'" Sha Hualing says. "Ideally, you have really great sex, challenge each other to increasingly ridiculous feats of skill and don't kill yourself or your partner."
"And you're saying Luo feels this for Shen Qingqiu?" Liu Mingyan says disgustedly. Qiu Haitang echoes the disgust with comments of her own. Ning Yingying looks oddly hopeful, but doesn't say anything.
"I am extremely certain he feels that for Shen Qingqiu," Sha Hualing says. "So you're going to have to put your revenges on hold until Luo Binghe gets his head on straight."
For some reason this gets a horrified reaction. Mostly from Ning Yingying, but also from Liu Mingyan and to a much lesser extent Qiu Haitang. "As much as I hate Shen Qingqiu, he doesn't deserve to be made a-a whore," Liu Mingyan says.
"It would be ironic, given what we've heard of his proclivities," Qiu Haitang says.
"A'Luo wouldn't--wouldn't rape someone," Ning Yingying says. "And you don't know anything about Shizun's proclivities."
"I knew him for years, he was my property little girl," Qiu Haitang snaps. "I loved him and he betrayed my family! Don't tell me I don't know him!"
"You don't!" Ning Yingying shouts back, jumping to her feet. "How could you know anything if all he could tell you was what you wanted to hear?"
"You shut up!"
"I'm not one of your slaves, so I don't have to do a damn thing you tell me!" Ning Yingying snipes. "If you were so kind to him, and he had it so good, what made his qi deviation so severe your whole family died because of it? If he had it so good and was going to marry you, why would he ever have motivation to murder your family?"
Qiu Haitang jumped up as well, winding up for a slap. Ning Yingying caught Qiu Haitang by the wrist. "How can you still favor that bastard after what he's done?" Qiu Haitang cries. "After what he did to you?"
Ning Yingying doesn't slap; she punches. Qiu Haitang folds up and Liu Mingyan calls out Ning Yingying's name sharply. This is all very entertaining! Confusing as hell, but entertaining. "Ladies that's not where I was going with this," Sha Hualing says. She has to say it a few more times, at increasing volumes.
"No on is pressing Shen Qingqiu into service as a concubine," Sha Hualing says. "Well okay, as a concupiscent concubine anyway. What we need is something more conciliatory."
Blank looks, which is hardly surprising. "Demon quadrants are divided into concupiscent and conciliatory," Sha Hualing says. "Matesprit and Kismesis are concupiscent, Moirail and Auspistice is conciliatory. A Moiraillegiance is an intimate nonsexual relationship. Moirails rely on each other as friends and companions, they're a stabilizing influence and a calming one. An auspistice is someone who steps in on a kismesis that is going wrong and separates them. Notably, a good auspistice is equally annoyed with both halves of the kismesis and the trouble they are causing."
"Luo Binghe needs an...auspistice," Liu Mingyan says slowly.
"It can't be me," Sha Hualing says quickly. "And not Mobei-Jun, he's so pale for Junshang it's an embarrassment."
"Why not you?" Ning Yingying asks.
"It was so gross he literally ran away," Sha Hualing says.
"What's 'pale'?" Qiu Haitang asks, somewhat sulkily.
"Moirails," Sha Hualing says. "Ashen is auspistice, red or flush is matesprits, kismesis is pitch or coal. Anyway, we need an auspistice."
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devilsmenu · 5 months
@mvsicinthedvrk - Lonnie & Sha Hualing
[ argue ] sender gets into a heated argument with receiver
"I don't know who are you mad to but this isn't the time to fight, people are getting killed and injured, this isn't the time to think about ourselves, this is the time to help them" Lonnie said while helping someone get up and help them get out of there.
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devilsmenu · 6 months
sha hualing to buttercup: “ I want to scream. ”
"Come here" BC said while motioning her fingers to the other follow her and then she opened ul the window to the balcony. "Go ahead and scream".
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devilsmenu · 11 months
sha hualing to jihyo: ❛ you want me to shut him up for you? ❜
"How are you going to shut up a Ghostface? I mean, it's better him than us, that much is true. Go ahead" Jihyo told Sha Hualing.
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devilsmenu · 1 year
chad & sha hualing: BREAK-IN :  for one muse to discover the other robbing their place.
Chad heard the noises once he got into his home and grabbed the first sharping knife he saw and with careful steps walk towards the sound of the noise and put a knife on the other neck. "Turn around slowly".
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devilsmenu · 1 year
sha hualing to rafael: ❛  come with me, and don’t ask any questions. it’s urgent.  ❜
"How can I not asking questions if you're asking for a stranger to go along with you and saying it's urgent?" Rafe asked with a frown but go along with the other grabbing his arrow and bow.
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devilsmenu · 2 years
event meme-- from sha hualing to azari: send ♟ for sender to insult receiver.
"Uh, I'm sorry, I think you're mistaking me with someone else" Azari said with a frown while the other started to insult him out of nowhere.
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devilsmenu · 2 years
sha hualing to romeo: “why is this suddenly such a problem?”
"I know it has been such a long time and that my parents aren't around here but I don't know why I think about it" Romeo said and shrug.
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devilsmenu · 2 years
for sha hualing & rafael! THIEF :  for one muse to confront the other after having something stolen by them. 
"I'm not accusing you, I was just asking if you saw the person that stole my bracelet" Rafe said and reformulate his question.
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devilsmenu · 2 years
🤺   - to challenge your muse to a sparring match .  (sha hualing to buttercup)
"Well, I think it's a match then" BC told the other with a smirk. "Do you got any gloves? I can lent you one".
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