#fe the coyote
rainbowdonkee · 2 years
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Full art for Hardin - The Coyote!
Artist: Daisuke Izuka
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kcvulpinestudios · 5 months
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A little silly story that I wrote involving Michael and myself.
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beyondtheadobe · 5 months
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blue-aconite · 9 days
if you can't pick jake, which aviator is your next favourite?
This is a difficult question because I’m obsessed with Jake, in a completely healthy way of course.
I think it has to be Coyote. He’s grown on me recently and I just think he’s really neat.
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coyote985 · 2 months
Thinking about this one person I used to RP with that consistently ignored me every time I tried to interact with them. I'm convinced that if Coyote was a cisgender man, they would've had their muse ALL OVER them. Coyote is Thee Sexy Dominant Bad Boy On A Motorcycle Archetype with only a sliver of the Boy aspect.
I feel like people tend to see nonbinary muses as less sexually/romantically available even when they are and it's...you could write an entire essay on that shit.
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sleekervae · 4 months
The Bride [0.1]
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Pairing: billy the kid x fem!reader
Summary: While out riding, Billy is stunned to come upon a young woman in a wedding gown begging for help. Without a second thought he comes to her aid and takes her back to town. Little does he know that rescuing this young bride will bring him more trouble than he bargained for.
Warnings: foul language, mentions of arranged marriage
Word Count: 4,946
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The horse's hooves kicked up dust as he traversed the rugged terrain, the only sound breaking the stillness of the evening. Tall grasses swayed gently in the breeze, and the distant call of a lone coyote echoed through the vast expanse.
Billy's gaze swept over the horizon, taking in the breathtaking beauty of the untouched land. The sky was painted in shades of orange and pink, a stark contrast to the deep greens and browns of the earth below.
As boy and horse continued on their journey, the only companion the vastness of the frontier, Billy couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the raw, untamed beauty of the land. The western frontier was a place of mystery and adventure, where danger lurked around every corner, but for now, it was a place of peace and tranquility, a sanctuary in the midst of chaos.
Though perhaps he thought too soon when he caught sight of what at he at first thought was a ghost. But ghosts didn't trip, nor did they cuss between shouts for help. At least, Billy didn't think so. Though the closer he came to the ghost, the more he came to realize there was nothing supernatural about them.
It was a woman, young and fair, her once pristine wedding gown now stained and torn, her face etched with frustration and desperation. She stumbled forward, one hand gripping the layers to her skirt while her other arm frantically waved him down.
"Hey! Hey, can you help me?" despite her appearance, her voice was direct, unshaken.
"What in the hell happened to you?" Billy couldn't help it, the words slipped out before he had a moment to process.
The bride stood before him now and he could have a better look at her. She was slender and small, her figure striking against the backdrop of the tall grass. Her long brown hair, once carefully styled in a bridal updo, now cascaded around her shoulders in a messy tangle, strands framing her face in a wild halo. Despite the disarray, her hair shimmered in the fading light, catching the last rays of the setting sun.
Her wedding gown, once a symbol of joy and celebration, was now stained and torn, the fabric clinging to her form in a way that spoke of hardship and struggle. Despite the wear and tear, the gown still held a sense of elegance, the intricate lace and delicate embroidery standing out against the rugged backdrop of the wilderness.
Her gaze locked with the Billy's, though oddly enough the resilience he saw in her face struck him anew. She didn't appear as a desperate, lost and helpless bride.
"It's a long, fuckin' story," she grumbled, dropping her skirt in a huff, "Where you comin' from?"
"Santa Fe,"
"Mind if I ride back with you?"
Billy took a look around, in the back of his mind he was worried that this girl may be luring him into some sort of trap. But he was out in the open, if someone was going to come out and ambush him, they would've done it by now. And something about the dirt and cuts on this girl told him she wasn't faking it.
"Look, if I had any money to offer, I would --"
"Sure thing," he offered her his hand, to which she took gratefully. She hooked her heeled boot into the stirrup and pulled herself up behind Billy. The horse snuffled and shifted to regain her balance under the added weight, and with a hard crack of the reigns, Billy and the bride clung on as the horse galloped through the tall grass.
Dusk began to close in, casting long shadows across the landscape as they rode back to Santa Fe. The fading light painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, a stark contrast to the deepening shadows that enveloped the land.
The bride remained silent most of the way, making a couple grunts and huffs when they'd hit rougher terrain. Billy was ever the more curious.
"So, what did he do?" he asked.
"Excuse me?" the bride lifted her head.
"Your fella? Your husband or whatever. What did he do for you to ditch 'im at the altar?" he craned his head as best he could, meeting her gaze, "Or did you just get cold feet and bolt?"
The bride scoffed and gave her head a simple shake, "Call me crazy, but I'm not exactly eager to marry a man I barely met a month ago," she replied.
"I think that's pretty justified," he nodded, "So you left 'im?"
"Yes sir," she confirmed.
"Where did you run from?" he asked.
Billy paused in disbelief, " -- you... you came all the way from Rosario?"
"You sound surprised," she simpered.
Billy shook his head, "I don't mean to offend, ma'am, but how in the hell did you wander all the way here from Rosario in that fuckin' dress?"
"Simple answer is I had a horse," she replied casually, "Until he got spooked and ran off. But I knew there was a town this way so I was just sort of... praying for refuge. And I'm not even a catholic woman,"
"Well, I'm happy to oblige you," he turned back to her again, "What's your name?"
"... Eleanor," she drawled, "And what about you?"
"William. But friends and family call me Billy,"
Eleanor smirked, "So what would you rather I call you?"
"Whatever you feel like, Miss Eleanor," he grinned back.
"You can drop the 'miss'. Don't feel like much of a lady right now," she sighed.
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" he asked.
"Depends who you ask," she replied simply.
Billy shrugged, "Well, if you ask me -- I reckon you're a very beautiful lady, Eleanor"
Eleanor scoffed back, never the less her smile remained on her lips, "Thank you... Billy," He noticed the slight drawl in her tone, a thread of a southern accent that he found quite charming.
They soon trotted into town. Shops were just closing up for the day, camaraderie and chatter could be heard from within saloons and oil lamps were coming to life as dusk fell. A few stragglers turned and stared peculiarly at the pair, at Eleanor particularly. She knew she had to get changed, she stuck out like a sore thumb in that dress.
"My ma runs a boarding house here, you're more than welcome to stay if you like," Billy told her, "We'll get you fed, into some new clothes,"
Eleanor grinned sheepishly, "That's very kind of you, Billy, but I couldn't. I don't have money on me at the moment," she replied.
"Don't worry about the money right now, my ma will understand," and he turned to her, "We'll just get you back on your feet for the moment," he had such kind eyes, warm and soulful despite their crystalline shade of blue. He equally found her to be quite sweet in spite of her sharp tongue.
"Alright. I appreciate that," she nodded, "Sooner I can get out of this dress, the better I reckon,"
Billy smiled at her, "It's a might shame, it looks stunning on you,"
She stifled a chuckle, "Try not to cry too hard when you see me out of it,"
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Billy brought Eleanor to the boarding house, where Kathleen welcomed her with open arms. Kathleen, ever the caretaker, was more than happy to assist the poor girl in her time of need. She offered Eleanor a blouse and a skirt to replace her tattered wedding dress, which was gently tucked away. Eleanor considered the dress; perhaps she could clean it up and sell it, a small act of independence in the midst of her turmoil.
"Have you got any money on you?" Kathleen asked.
Eleanor shook her head, "No ma'am, I'm very sorry," she replied.
Kathleen nodded, shooting a dubious look Billy's way. While she didn't mind helping, she was just making ends meet with her business and couldn't quite afford charity. Billy knew that. But she wasn't totally heartless, either.
"Can you clean?" she then asked.
"And cook," Eleanor volunteered.
Kathleen cracked a smile, "Well, I think we can have you work off your wages for a while,"
"I'd appreciate that very much," Eleanor smiled gratefully.
"Think nothing of it," Kathleen took her by the arm and started for the hall, "I'll show you where you'll be sleeping,"
Billy watched Eleanor vanish into the darkness with Kathleen, a smile playing on his lips that didn't quite reach his eyes. Her fleeting, grateful look lingered in his mind, stirring a mix of emotions. Yet, as he pondered her sudden departure, a nagging inkling tugged at him, whispering doubts about her intentions. Rosario was a half a day's journey at least, and Billy couldn't help but wonder about Eleanor's lack of provisions. How desperate was she to leave, and was her escape merely temporary? Or was there something more nefarious she was running from?
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In the early afternoon sun of Santa Fe, the bustling streets came alive with activity, the air filled with the sounds of hooves clattering against the dusty ground and the chatter of locals going about their day. The rickety, wooden buildings that lined the streets cast long shadows, providing a welcome respite from the intense heat. The scent of woodwork and cooking wafted through the streets, mingling with the earthy aroma of the desert.
Billy stepped into the kitchen of the boarding house, the scent of freshly brewed coffee and cornmeal mush filling the air. His eyes immediately sought out Eleanor, who stood at the stove, a look of concentration on her face as she mixed her batter with practiced ease. She looked happy and calm, a far cry from the distressed bride he had found not twenty-four hours ago.
Relief washed over him at the sight of her. Despite his lingering mistrust, he couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in her presence. He approached her cautiously, keeping his guard up.
"Mornin'," he said, his voice soft but cautious.
She turned to him, a warm smile lighting up her face, "Good morning," she then glanced at the stove, "There's coffee made, if you'd like some,"
"Thank you," he went to fetch a cup off of the counter, "How did you sleep?"
"As well as expected, I suppose," she poured her batter into a pot, "Your mother's been awful kind to me, I hope to repay you all in kind soon,"
Billy studied her for a moment, searching for any hint of deception in her eyes. Finding none, he nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"You helping my ma is enough," he assured her, "It's hard to keep help around sometimes, so most days it's me and my brother helping out,"
Eleanor simpered, "I met Joe this morning, sweet kid. Your mother's very lucky to have you both," she said.
"Yeah," he leaned over the counter, the cup still clenched in his hand, "She's a good woman, I do everything I can to look after her,"
She cocked her head, "How old are you, Billy?"
"Seventeen..." Eleanor echoed in awe, her voice soft with understanding, "And already you feel responsible for her, am I right?"
Billy was at first perplexed by her statement, but as he pondered her words, he began to recognize the weight of her insight.
"I suppose so," he replied with a shrug, his expression reflecting a mix of resignation and determination, "My... step-dad... hasn't been pulling in the money lately, so I do what I can to help. I don't want to let her down."
"I don't blame you," Eleanor nodded, her gaze thoughtful. "I wish my mother was like yours."
"What's your mother like?" Billy inquired.
Eleanor sighed deeply, her movements slow and deliberate as she stirred her cornmeal batter, "She was... there when she needed to be," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness, "Most times, though, she wasn't. She died about two years ago,"
Billy felt a pang of empathy. "I'm very sorry to hear that... My father died when I was twelve,"
Eleanor glanced at him, her eyes catching a glimpse of the vulnerability beneath his stoic exterior, "I'm so sorry. What happened to him?"
"He wasn't too well... up here," Billy tapped the side of his head lightly. "What about your mother?"
"Syphilis. Plain awful," Eleanor muttered bitterly. "How was your mother when he died?"
"She was heartsick, we all were. But she's strong, we pushed on because of her," Billy explained. "What about your father?"
"My father... wasn't the same. He never really recovered," she replied, her voice trailing off, "Suppose that's why he stuck me in that dress not a minute after I was eighteen," she added with a bitter laugh, though her eyes betrayed a mix of spite and sorrow.
Billy approached her slowly, "Well, must bring you some peace to get away. You don't have to go back to Rosario," he assured her.
Eleanor's bitter glare melted away, her soft smile slipping across her face again, "It does. And I appreciate all the help and kindness you've given me,"
Billy's gaze softened as he studied Eleanor, a flicker of something new and unexpected stirring within him. He had been wary of her, guarded against the possibility of deception. Yet, as he looked into her deep brown eyes, he saw only sincerity and a genuine desire to move forward.
"I'm glad to hear that, Eleanor. Truly," he said, his voice warm with sincerity. The smile that tugged at his lips was genuine, a reflection of the newfound respect and admiration he felt for her.
Eleanor was a bit rusty with the chores, but she was giving it her all. Billy didn't mind pitching in, whether it was collecting and folding bedsheets, chopping firewood, or even cleaning dishes alongside her.
Their time together was anything but dull. Billy learned a lot about Eleanor; her family was originally from France but came to America over seventy years ago. They lived in South Carolina for a while until the work dried up and they too decided to start over again in the West. It was tough trying to get more information about her family, how she grew up. Billy got the sense she didn't want to talk much about her childhood, so he eventually dropped it altogether.
Eleanor was equally curious about Billy—how he ended up in Santa Fe, his favorite foods, his card-playing skills. She mentioned her desire to learn poker, so Billy took it upon himself to teach her. With an old deck of cards, he patiently explained the game's ins and outs. Though Eleanor struggled with the rules at first, she improved with each hand, even if she did keep losing her peanuts to Billy.
Joe, despite his young age, joined in the card games, offering Eleanor pointers on improving her strategy. Whenever Billy scolded his brother, Joe would playfully stick out his tongue, which never failed to amuse Eleanor. She found herself growing fond of these boys, feeling comfortable and at ease in their company.
Their leisure time eventually gave way to preparing supper for the boarders. While their meal options were limited, Eleanor managed to whip up a simple yet tasty stew. Billy assisted, chopping vegetables carefully to avoid any mishaps. Despite his best efforts, he did slip once, cutting his finger. Eleanor immediately called for Joe to fetch bandages, insisting on wrapping Billy's wound to prevent any blood from getting into the stew.
"Ain't no way in hell you're getting any blood in my stew, Billy Antrim," Eleanor said, her sass bringing out her southern accent, which only added to her charm in Billy's eyes. He found himself increasingly drawn to her, finding her both amusing and captivating.
The day melted into evening, painting the sky in shades of indigo. Bright stars dotted the darkness, casting a serene backdrop for Billy and Eleanor. They sat on the roof outside his window, their conversation flowing effortlessly as if they were old friends. Eleanor felt a deep connection to Billy, as if she had known him forever. His gentle nature and warm charm were like a balm to her soul, familiar and comforting. She couldn't shake the feeling that she must've known him in another life.
"Up there's the Orion's Belt," Billy pointed to a cluster of stars above. Eleanor cocked a brow.
"That don't look like any belt to me," she simpered.
Billy chuckled back, "You can't look at it too critically. It's those three dots up there," he pointed again, "Orion was a great hunter who was eventually placed in the stars by Zeus after his death. And those three stars that make up his belt are called Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka,"
She looked to him, surprised yet intrigued at his knowledge of the cosmos, "How do you know all that?" she asked.
"An old man told me the stories, long ago," he shrugged back, "Stayed with me, I guess,"
Eleanor nodded, her gaze reluctantly leaving his captivating eyes to focus on the sky, "It's kind of romantic, isn't it? When we die, we become stars. Our stories live on forever," she mused.
"Yeah," Billy agreed, casting another glance her way, "It's pretty romantic."
She was sad when she realized the time, knew they both had to be up in the morning to do the day all over again. However, Eleanor couldn't find herself to be lethargic or annoyed. She was excited for what tomorrow would bring, a feeling she hadn't enjoyed in quite some time.
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The next day was just like any other. Though this time Billy felt different; he had a little pep in his step. Sure, it wouldn't be noticeable if you didn't know him, or if you weren't paying attention. But Billy felt different, a good type of different. He could've chalked it down to the actual good night's sleep he got, the lack of commotion in the street this morning, or simply him noting how pretty Eleanor looked in the radiant morning sun while she was taking down the laundry.
Billy suddenly felt an arm fly around his shoulders, catching him off guard as he made his way to the saloon. It was his friend Carlos, his face lit up with mischief.
"Aye, Billy!" Carlos exclaimed, his voice merry, "You didn't tell me you were getting married! Felicidades!"
Billy chuckled, shaking his head as he removed Carlos' arm, "The hell are you going on about?" he asked, amused.
"The bride! Everyone's talking about her!" Carlos replied matter-of-factly, "Where did you pick her up?"
Billy sighed, rubbing his temples. "Out in the plains," he explained. "She wandered out from Rosario,"
Carlos stopped in his tracks, a look of bewilderment crossing his face, "You're kiddin'. That's half a day's trek!"
"That's what she told me, anyway," Billy said with a shrug, "I thought she was bait for a gang of rustlers or something, but she seems alright so far,"
"Right…" Carlos nodded slowly, falling back into step with Billy, "And how lucky for you, she's staying in your boarding house?"
Billy stifled a laugh. "Don't go around telling tall tales about me, now,"
"Me? Pfft, never," Carlos retorted, holding his head high.
As they continued down the street, the atmosphere of camaraderie began to fade as the sound of hooves thundered into town. The locals turned to see a group of men on horseback, dressed in infantry uniforms with shiny rifles slung across their backs. They were members of the U.S Army, and their arrival drew a curious and apprehensive gaze from the townspeople.
The town's sheriff stepped forward, hands plastered to his hips as he greeted the captain.
"Gentlemen, can I help you?" the sheriff asked.
"Why, yes you can," the captain drawled, dawning a thicker southern accent, "My boys and I have been riding since yesterday, we're looking for a young woman. She would have been wearing a wedding dress," he raised his hand to his knee, "'Bout five and a half feet tall, pretty brown eyes,"
"I see," the sheriff nodded, "This girl is your daughter?"
"My wife. Or... she was supposed to be," he chuckled bitterly, "Plain up and left me at the altar,"
Billy felt a lump in his throat, disbelief and disdain growing within him. This army captain was probably older then Henry Antrim. He sported a neatly trimmed mustache, reminiscent of those European settlers who often passed through, adding a touch of character to his otherwise disciplined appearance. His attire was completed with polished boots and a well-placed insignia on his cap, signifying his rank and authority.
There was no way, absolutely no way, that Eleanor was meant to marry this man. It was no wonder she had run away.
Carlos didn't need a second glance at Billy to understand his thoughts; he placed a calming hand on his shoulder. Billy stood with clenched fists, his rugged fingernails digging into his palms, his expression unwavering.
The sheriff adjusted his hat, scanning the crowd of locals, "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Captain, but I think I would've noticed a woman in a wedding dress running around in my town," he stated.
Billy started to relax slightly. Perhaps the captain hadn't seen him ride in with Eleanor? Perhaps he hadn't heard the gossip from the townspeople?
But luck was not on Billy's side. An older man approached, wiping sweat from his greying whiskers. "Hold on, Sheriff! I saw the older Antrim kid ride in with a girl in white the other day!" he exclaimed. "All dolled up and everything. She was kinda dirty, though."
"Is that so, Angus?" the sheriff inquired.
"Plum right! Old Taylor saw her too!" Angus affirmed, pointing to another old man on a storefront stoop, who nodded in agreement.
The sheriff gave a thoughtful hum, glancing back at the captain, who maintained a stiff, expectant smile. Turning to face Billy and Carlos under another awning, the sheriff's gaze was piercing, "Where's this girl, Billy?" he asked.
Billy was speechless, struggling to find the right words. He may not have been the best judge of character, but he liked Eleanor. And there was something about this captain that didn't sit right with him, the significant age gap being just one concern.
As Billy tried to form a response, a cry rang out from behind them. "Hey! Thief!" another local shouted, rushing into the street with a pitchfork in hand, "Sheriff! Some girl up and took off with my horse!"
"Which way did she go?"
"Towards the lake!"
In that moment, Billy knew he had to seize the opportunity. He made a quick decision and darted off to retrieve his own horse.
The moment that she heard the thundering horses ride into town, Eleanor knew she had to get out and get out fast. She didn't want to, but she had no other option than take the first horse she saw. She cracked the reigns hard, keeping her head down and focus sharp as she rode away under the blazing sun. She wasn't going back to her settlement, and she certainly wasn't going to be married.
Little did she know she had Billy hot on her trail. It didn't take long for him to catch up to her, spotting her as just a speck in the distance. He pushed his horse as hard as he could, at the same time trying to put together some sort of plan. He didn't want to let the captain have Eleanor, but he also felt she couldn't leave. Not at least without an explanation.
Billy was gaining fast, but not fast enough. On his hip he had his gun holster. He didn't shoot it very often, more often he used it as an intimidation tactic for when the boys at the saloon got a little out of hand. And by no means did he want to shoot Eleanor either, but he needed her to stop, just for a minute. He drew his gun and took aim, popping a shot off of her right. The bullet sliced through the earth and dirt ricocheted across the galloping horse. It stopped and reared up, nearly throwing the frightened Eleanor off its back.
When the horse came down Eleanor turned around, frantic and furious to find Billy was the one who shot at her.
"What the fuck!? Are you fucking crazy!?" she hollered as he approached, "You could've killed me!"
"Why didn't you say something?" he asked, not even caring to acknowledge his stunt.
"And what was I supposed to say, Billy?" she scoffed.
"That the U.S fucking army was going to be coming after you!" he snapped.
"Because you wouldn't have helped me!" she shouted back, "And don't pretend like you would've. Nobody wants to get in the way of the infantry!"
Billy shook his head, "Well, it might've been nice to know! We could've taken off this morning!"
"To where? Where could we go, Billy?" Eleanor asked, "We're barely fucking adults, and your mother needs you!"
"We can figure something out," he said, "Maybe I can talk to the sheriff? Maybe he can get the captain to see reason!"
Eleanor scoffed, "You know what I did in Rosario, Billy? I ran my father's books. When my mother died, and he lost his mind, I ran the whole damn ranch. I kept everything in top condition from the pay to the fucking cow feed!" she snapped, "And how do I get rewarded? With my father selling my dowry to the captain for protection from the Apache! I'm not gonna' watch a whole army decimate a people for no good reason, and I'm certainly not some little woman who's gonna sit around and be a good little wife!" she explained frantically.
"But Eleanor --"
"That man came all the way up here looking for me, he's not gonna' leave until he gets me. And it's safer for everyone in town if I disappear as quickly as I can. I'm sorry if you can't understand!"
Billy huffed, as much as it annoyed him he knew she was right. Having gone with her would paint a large target on both of their backs, and Billy couldn't bare to cause his mother any heartbreak like that. At the same time, he was scared for Eleanor, God only knew what she would face if she went out into the frontier by herself.
"I understand, Eleanor. I do," he nodded, "I just wish I could help you,"
Eleanor pulled her horse up beside his, coming to sit next to him, "You have done so much to help me, already. I'm so grateful to you, and your family. And I will repay you some day," she promised, "Hell, take that ugly old dress to the tailor, you might get something for it,"
Billy gave her a once over glance. She was still in the blouse and skirt Kathleen gave her, a single canteen of water was tied to the saddle. She wouldn't make it out there for long on her own, not with what she had. Without a second thought he shed his linen coat and dug into his pockets for whatever money he had on him.
"Take this," he placed the coat over her shoulders, "And this," and he handed her the money.
"Oh my God, I can't. Billy --" she tried to give the money back.
"Just take it," he assured her, "I don't know when you'll find the next town, but that should get you some food at least,"
Her chest began to ache, he'd shown her more kindness in the last two days than any man had in her lifetime. And she had a feeling he was just too stubborn to let her go without the money and coat. She looked to him reluctantly.
"... Are you absolutely sure?"
"I'm positive," he nodded, "You gotta' go. They're gonna be coming out here looking for the both of us, soon enough,"
Eleanor nodded, slipping the coat on properly and placing the money in the pocket, "Thank you, Billy -- for everything,"
He put on a brave smile, "Think nothing of it, Eleanor,"
She swore his smile was something she'd keep imprinted in her brain, a shred of comfort and happiness on the days where she may not find such. Without a word, she reached up, gently cupped his face, and pressed her lips to his in a kiss that was urgent yet tender, filled with gratitude and unspoken emotions. Billy was momentarily taken by surprise but responded instinctively, his hand cupping around her neck as he deepened the kiss, matching her intensity. He could feel the steady beat of her pulsing heart beneath his touch. For a brief moment, time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves their moment.
When they finally parted, Billy was momentarily taken aback by her actions. He held her gaze for a moment longer, silently conveying everything he couldn't put into words.
She took the reins again, and she gave him one last coy smile, "Try not to look so sad, Billy. I'll see you around," with that, she snapped the reigns and took off South.
Billy was conflicted, on the one hand he figured he could go after her. Go with her, see what kind of adventures they could find... maybe even kiss her again?
On the other hand he knew he couldn't never leave his mother and brother at the hands of Henry. So with a heavy heart, he waited until she was a speck in the distance before he started back for town.
As he approached, the infantry began to ride out. The captain approached him, his posture stiff and upright. "Well? Did you find her?" he asked.
Billy shook his head, masking his disdain, "She had too much of a head start," he replied.
"Dammit!" the captain cursed, scanning the horizon, "Well, which way did she go?"
Billy met his gaze, a steely resolve in his eyes, "North," he told him, "She was heading up North,"
"She's prolly' headin' to Colorado, Capt'n!" one the soldiers piped in.
The captain scoffed, "Well, that's where we're going. Let's move, boys!" and in a hurried stampede, they took off North. Billy let out a small sigh of relief, but the ache in his chest didn't cease. He could only pray to high heaven that Eleanor would be safe, and that maybe he'd see her again one day.
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its-in-the-woods · 2 months
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Coyote Head - Part 6 - Postcard Perfect
master list
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Pairing: Cooper Howard x Lucy Maclean 
Includes many other characters from Fallout
Synopsis: So much can happen in one morning. A picture perfect moment, and meeting with a ex.
MINOR GET OUT. Rating/Warning:  Animal/people death,, Alternative Universe, Slow Burn, Death, Aging, Family Feuding, Older Man/Younger Woman
Note: that I will not be spoiling any of the reading. So you have been warned. I will keep my tags relevant without spoiling what is happening in the story.
*Actually pretty fluffy... for now.. enjoy
The next three days go by fast, cow checks happen every four hours, every day, like clockwork. Morning, afternoon, dinner, and then two overnight. Cooper handles the ones during daylight hours, his brother Mark handles the night ones. Lucy was grateful for that, not that she slept much, between nightmares and random knocks on the house. She’d kept most of that to herself, but Cooper had noticed, he noticed a lot of things. He'd even offered to do the first shift so she could sleep in, but she, of course, refused. The routine meant she got a moment out of the house, it also meant she got to hang out with the kids. 
Matthias still wasn’t her biggest friend, but his guard was lowering slowly. On Friday, when Cooper brought the kids over after school, he had handed Lucy a drawing. For being twelve he was pretty talented. He’d taken the time to draw a field, cows, and calves with the sun setting in the background. Lucy had thanked him and promptly put it up on the fridge which granted her, her first real smile from him. She’d do anything to hug him, but for now, she’d take the picture. She knew what it felt like to be young and not understand why a parent was gone. To not understand why things had changed suddenly. Lucy was just grateful that he had Cooper, what she would have done to have had at least one parent with her. Even though she loved her Grandparents, it was never the same without either of her parents. 
Janey was a whole different story, she loved to tell stories, and read stories. When she had discovered that she could read from Lucy’s bookshelves she was over the moon. Lucy doing her best to persuade her from anything too adult-themed. Settling on a classic, Hobbit. Cooper had shrugged in agreement, mentioning that she had always loved to read as soon as she learned. So Lucy let the copy go, the little girl was immediately taken by it. 
Lucy woke up Saturday morning having finally slept, she actually felt somewhat refreshed. Her mind was always wandering to Cooper. The more time she spent with him, the more she wanted to spend time with him. Even though they were nearly living out of each other's pockets, she couldn't help herself. Mind wandering to what kissing him would feel like, how his hands would hold her. Lucy flushed and finished getting herself dressed in comfortable clothes and made her way to make a pot of coffee. Feeling her feet get wet as she walked into the water.
“What the-” Lucy cussed, as she lifts her foot to inspect a large pool of water. “Dang-nabbit.” 
She runs back to her room digging out a handful of towels and toeing off her socks before running back to the kitchen. Lucy lays out the towels on the floor, scrambling to open up the under-sink cupboards. The various detergents and cleaners are thrown out as she tries to see what’s leaking. The space emptied, so she could see that the pipes had been split. 
“My goodness, why!” Lucy grumbles, realizing that the pipes had split just on the other side of the shut-off valves. 
She gets up too quickly and bangs her head on the underside of the sink. More words fall out of her mouth as she rubs the bump. Moving swiftly to the door she unlocks it and walks out, stepping around the rocks and stones as she goes to the side of the house. Swinging open the crawl space door she ducks in, happy that the water shut-off valve was inside. Lucy turns it off, her feet covered in the black mud as she stomps back into her house. Lucy closes her eyes for a moment to collect herself, before she starts to mop up the water that’s left on the floor. 
“Lucy?” Cooper’s voice comes in from the doorway.  
“Just in the kitchen,” Lucy replies, happy that help has finally arrived. 
“What’s goin’ on?” Cooper says, placing his hat on a nob by the front door. Walking into the room to observe the mess that was spread out onto the floor. 
Lucy sighs, as she drops the last towel into the sink. “The pipes under the sink burst, split just on the wrong side of the shut-off too.”
Cooper crouches right beside her, the smell of cigarettes and coffee wafting off of him. Lucy shuffled over so that he could see what they were working on.
“Well that’s weird,” Cooper squints, leaning forward to kneel on a rolled-up towel. “Never seen that happen before. Unless it froze, which would be odd for the beginnin’ of April.”
Lucy sighs, rubbing at her head, “Everything is insulated, and the heat tape is still on it. Plus it would have burst other pipes too.”
“Move’er, sweetheart,” Cooper murmurs, Lucy shifts over, as Cooper crawls into the cupboard pulling a pocket knife out of his pants. 
Lucy swallowed as his shirt rode up a sliver of tanned skin being exposed. Lucy feeling like she was fourteen seeing a boy shirtless for the first time, averting her eyes she chooses to stand up. Looking around trying to figure out how to hide the flush that was now staining her cheeks as the man fiddled around under the sink.
“Do you want coffee?” Lucy asked moving over to the cupboard to dig out cups. “I got a spare to-go mug.”
“Yeah, s’good.” Cooper said, voice echoing from below her. “Do ya’know if you got some spare PEX pipe hanging around?”
A knock on the door, had Lucy spilling coffee on her hand, Cooper banged his head under the sink. A whole slew of curse words spilling out of both of them, Lucy moves to the door. Completely forgetting with the mess that Dane was coming over to work on the tractors. 
“Lucy,” Dane says, a smile fading from their face as she takes in Lucy. “Oh, shit. Are you okay?”
Lucy tries to smile which turns into more of a frown, “Pipe burst. My kitchen is a mess, but I have coffee?”
Dane chuckles, looking into the kitchen Cooper standing with a pieces of Pex in his hand, his other hand rubbing at his head. The two of them give awkward smiles at each other. 
“Oh! This is Cooper.” Lucy said, wandering back into the kitchen to pour three cups of coffee. “Cooper, this is Dane, they have come over to work on Tim’s old tractors.”
Cooper nodded, reaching a hand out to shake Dane’s, “Nice to meet you Dane, please excuse the mess, pipes seem t'have burst.”
“Not a problem, at least there is always coffee.” Dane nods, happily accepting the coffee Lucy hands over. 
“There is sugar in the gnome on the counter, cream is in the fridge.” Lucy says, handing Copper his mug of coffee. 
Cooper took a few sips, before helping Lucy place things in somewhat order on the counter. Lucy takes all the sopping wet towels into the laundry room hucking them into the washing machine. 
“We do have calf check, but I can show you where the tractors are. There is pretty much any tool you could need, along with an arrangement of parts.” Lucy chatters, as the trio make their way to the door.
Across the yard the three go to the big green and grey barn, Cooper helps slide the heavy wood doors open, Lucy had worked hard to get the place functional. It hadn’t had many animals in it, Tim had turned it into a workshop, engine hoist, and a large tool bench. The two tractors are slotted side by side. 
“This is perfect!” Dane beams, coming over to inspect the two beasts. “They look brand new! I bet I'll have them running by end of the day.”
“Thank you so much, Dane.” Lucy smiles, “I'll leave the house open, help yourself to whatever you need. We'll be about an hour or so barring any problems. You can always text me.”
Cooper was digging around on some shelving, grabbing some PEX pipe, fitting, and a few tools. “These should fix'd problem, I will drop’em off inside before we head out.”
Dane and Lucy stand there watching Cooper walk away. Lucy’s cheeks flush as she admires the man. Dane looks at Lucy, rubbing at the side of their face. 
“So are you two,” Dane makes a gesture between Cooper and Lucy, “A thing? Or?”
Lucy feels her face go even more red, she looks away for a moment, before looking back at her friend. “Umm, no. We are friends, neighbors. Helping each other out and whatnot.”
Dane chuckles as they go over to the closer tractor, “I am not one to judge,” Lucy watches them opening up one of the tractor’s bonnet. “Has he told you what happened to his wife?” 
Tilting her head to the side Lucy raises her eyebrows. “I know he is a widower. But I haven’t pushed any further than that.”
Dane nods, already starting to fiddle with different parts, “I’d ask him about it. Especially if you’re -ah- interested.”
A pool of anxiety fills Lucy’s stomach at the words, “Yeah, I will ask him.”
“We ready to go?” Cooper asks, Lucy nearly jumping at his voice having not heard him come up behind her. 
Lucy puts on a smile, reminding Dane again to call if there is any issue before leaving with Cooper. The man moving at a good clip to the already running truck. He opens the door for Lucy, she smiles and slides into the seat. It was hard not to let her mind run over Dane’s words. She needed to ask him, or she was going to explode. She wasn't good with secrets, or not asking questions she wanted answers to.
“Umm,” Lucy fiddles with the gloves in her pocket as they roll down the gravel road. “Can I ask you a question?”
Cooper’s brows are raised as he turns to her, “Yeah, I am an open book Luc.”
Lucy licks her lips, staring at the newly leafing trees, “Can I ask what happened to your wife?” 
Oh good Lucy, just straight to the point. No tack, for this poor guy who lost his wife, whose kids are still emotionally wrecked from it, Lucy thought to herself. Wishing she'd learn more tack as an adult.
Cooper shifts, sliding in his chair a little as he looks out the window. Lucy half expected him not to answer, or tell her that it was something he didn’t want to talk about. He gripped the steering wheel tight, knuckles white against the black leather.  Eyes focus on the gravel road ahead of them as he searches for the words.
“I was outta town, helpin’ my brother-in-inlaw move cows to summer pasture. I got a call around four from Barb’s parents, sayin’ she hadn’t come to pick up the kids. They’d gone to the house and she wasn’t t’either. Barb was a champion rider, Thunder, was’er ride. Big beautiful deep black stallion, she rode’im three times a day. Mornin' after droppin’ the kids off, afternoon before the kids came home, and evenin’ after dinner.” Cooper rolled his shoulders as they drove into the field. Lucy jumping out to open the gate, climbing back in once he was through and the gate was closed.
“I went’ome, drove way faster than I shoulda. But Barb. Barb was never late, the woman was punctual to a fault. So we searched, and searched, called the police. More searchin’. We had about forty acres mostly forest’d that Barb rode. That entire area scavenged, the house turn’d upside down, the barn gone through. They picked apart everythin’.” Cooper’s voice was shaking as they drove towards the herd. His eyes are glassy, as he rubs the back of his hand over his nose. 
“They tried-” His voice shook as his eyes continued to scan the horizon. “They tried’t blame her disappearance on me.”
Lucy felt her heart clench in her chest at the words, the thought that he’d been accused of his wife’s disappearance made her stomach turn.  
“But I was in another county, my brother-in-law, thankfully, vouchin for me.” Cooper points at a fresh calf, the two working with practice ease to tag the little thing.  
Cooper sat in the truck for a moment, eyes flickering, “Then we found Thunder.” Cooper works his lip into his mouth for a moment. “He’s on the side of the highway, inna ditch. Over a hour drive away from t’farm. Looked like he had been dumped. It made no sense, wasn't any sign of how the animal had pasted either, just restarted’eir investigation into me.” 
“Cooper,” Lucy said quietly, her hand finding his hand on the bench seat and squeezing it. 
Cooper nods his head but continues, squeezing her hand back. “They wouldn’t lay off, I did everythin’ to cooperate. Then after the third time of them tossin’ my house I blew up. I gotta lawyer, I told’em not to come back t’my property.” Another tag, and Lucy feels dizzy by the foggy emotions flooding the truck as she sits back down. 
“They’d everythin’ to turn everyone against me.” Cooper blinks a few times, “My in-laws stood beside me, pushin for the police to look anywhere. But nothin’ came of it. Just no answers, nothin', just gone.” 
Lucy brushed her own tears out of her eyes, so many questions bubbling under the surface. His hands gripping the steering wheel as he parked the truck on top of the hill looking out towards the valley. 
“T’was too hard to stay, the whole town won’t look at me.” Cooper swallows, “It won’t hav’been so bad if it has just been me, but they came after the kids too. Mathias was gettin’ picked on. That was the final straw, sold everything and left. They never figured out what happen’d to Barb. I think about her every day. Wondering what I could've done different.”
The silence in the vehicle was deafening, the two of them watching the cattle move along the lower field. Lucy’s heartbreaking hearing how Cooper had lost so much with no answers. 
“Thank you for telling me,” Lucy said quietly, her hand finding his again. “I can’t imagine how hard this must have been for you. To have to leave everything the two of you built.”
Cooper nods, his fingers lacing with Lucy’s, “t’was hard, I keep waitin’ for it to get easier. For there to be answers.”  Cooper turns looking at Lucy, hazel eyes looking over her face. “I am goin’ to be forward here.” Lucy nods her head, willing to hear whatever he had to say to her. “You’ve been a bright spot for me, I look forward to this.”
He gestures at the pasture, the sun hanging in the sky, clouds drifting in. Cows mooing for their calves, as the calves chased each other through the freshly growing green grass. It was so serene, postcard-worthy her Granddad would have said. 
“I look forward to spending time with you, Lucy,” Cooper states, eyes watching her closely, as the sunrises into the truck cab.
Lucy took her shot and slid across the bench seat, Cooper looking at her eyes wide as she leans in. Her hand gently touches the side of his face, the beard stubble rubbing under her fingertips as she presses her lips against his. Lucy going to lean away, when Cooper doesn't respond, Cooper immediately moves after her. Something has snapped in the truck, Cooper easily pulling Lucy onto his lap. She pushes his hat up so she can kiss him deeper, her hands moving up into his hair as he pulls Lucy against his chest. Lucy sucking his tongue into her mouth, the taste of coffee and cigarettes flooding in. His large hands come to rest against her hips, fingers running along the top of her jeans. 
Cooper breaks the kiss, Lucy wanting to chase after it, scared that if they stop it won’t continue. The smile crossing his face has her pausing, Lucy worrying her lip into her mouth. Copper’s fingers pushing under her shirt to feel her skin. A shiver running over Lucy’s skin at the feel of his calloused warm hands. 
“This isn’t how I imagined it,” Cooper hushes, his tongue running over his bottom lip as he looks at her. 
Lucy raises her eyebrows, “Oh? What did you imagine? Would it be weird if I said I was thinking about you too?”
Cooper’s smile gets bigger, “Was going to invite ya to the spring dance. Felt a little, ahh, school crush, but I want’d a reason for-” Cooper swallows, “A reason for us t’go somewhere nice.”
She can feel her cheeks red at the statement, “I’d go with you. If you still want to go.”
Cooper leans in and kisses her gently, “I’d like that Lucy.” 
Dane is covered in grease, a smile on their face as the larger of the two tractors starts up. Black smoke pumps out as the machine stutters to life, Dane doing a fist pump and jig as it roars. Lucy grins as Dane hops up and takes it for a spin around the yard, before parking it just outside the barn.
“Well, that one is running well. Have to get the attachments dug out, make sure the PTO is working the way it should be.” Dane beams, walking over to Lucy who has a sandwich on a plate for them. 
“I cannot thank you enough for getting it running again Dane,” Lucy replies, “I think the smaller shed has some attachments if you’re up for taking them out.”
“Yeah, I am gonna let this one run for a bit, I think I am going to need to source a few parts for the second one,” Dane says walking into the barn, holding up the pieces of what was supposed to be a part. “I’d normally make something, but this has to be calibrated properly.”
Lucy nodded, “Get what you need, I am not too surprised there are parts that need to be replaced. Whatever is needed, got to get’em running properly.”
Dane nodded, washing her hands with the hose before grabbing the sandwich, “I will keep at it, thank you for the food by the way.”
“Of course, and make sure you invoice me for everything, k?” Lucy states, Dane nodding as they continue to eat the food. 
Lucy walks back towards the house, head-turning up when she hears a car coming down the drive. A small blue Nissan rolling down the gravel, Lucy stopping in the middle of her drive to see who the hell it was. The car stops door opening up as Max steps out; average height, with tight black hair, dark skin, and equally dark eyes.
“Max?” Lucy asks as if she isn’t looking right at the man. He stands there awkwardly, not really smiling but not frowning either. He straightens himself up and closes the door walking towards her. 
“Hey Lucy,” Max grimaces awkwardly, rubbing a hand over the tight black curls on his head, “Sorry, it’s taking so long to get here.”
Crossing her arms, Lucy narrows her eyes at him. “What are you talking about?”
Max stops a few feet away from her, arms resting against his slides, “I wanted to come see you, it’s been a few months since we spoke.”
Lucy walks forward, anger pooling in the pit of her stomach, jaw clenching as she stares down her ex. “Yeah, 'cause we broke up. You didn’t want me moving back up here. Actually, I am pretty sure you said if I left not to bother contacting you. Seemed pretty cut and dry to me.”
Max opens his mouth several times before closing it, gritting his teeth and looking away. “I didn’t think you’d actually stop contacting me. We’d been together for almost a year.”
“You’re kidding, right?” Lucy huffs, her voice shaking, their relationship hadn’t been great. They’d met at the imaging clinic, Max was shy and a little awkward but charming. They’d hit it off over lunch one day, which led to him inviting her out to go with him for dinner. He was the opposite of what she had grown up around, it had been appealing at the time. Over time the charm had faded, and the sicker her Granddad got the worse their relationship got. It ended up with Max telling her that if she moved away they were done.
“Lucy, sweety,” Max goes to move to touch her and Lucy backs away. Max’s face falling, his mouth set in a thin line.
Throat clearing has both of them turning, Cooper stood on the front porch shirtless staring down Max like he was going to blow his head off with a glare. Lucy’s mouth opening slightly at the tan skin exposed before her, trying to get herself to focus on what was happening. 
“Not sure the lady here,” Cooper states walking down the steps towards them, “Is interested in your company.”
Max looks equally as flustered as Cooper steps beside Lucy, eyes downcast as his cheeks flush.
“I just wanted some closure.” Max swallows, looking away from the two of them. “Maybe change Lucy’s mind.”
Lucy let out a sigh, moving towards Max, carefully putting a hand on his shoulder. “Max, you’re a good guy, but we both know this wasn’t going to work out. You hate the outdoors and bugs, and you’re allergic to hay.”
Cooper had taken a few steps back, well-muscled arms crossed his chest as he watched the two of them. Dane had made their way down the hill, brows furrowing at the clear standoff happening. Max’s shoulders were tight as he listened to Lucy’s words.
“Is this what you want?” Max said finally turning back to her, his eyes glazing at the words. “Like to be here? On the farm.”
A tight-lipped smile graces Lucy’s face. “Yes Max, I think you knew that though. Knew it won’t work out between us.”
Max looks at the company in front of him, his hands fiddling with the pockets of his pants. Head ducked down like he was trying to make himself smaller. He nods his head several times. 
“Well, I guess that settles that,” He twitches his nose, looking out towards the forest. “I am staying in town for a few days, just visiting family. You got my number still?”
Lucy nods her head, desperately wanting to make things right, but knowing that it wasn’t worth it. Things needed to end between them, and if he needed to drive three hours to figure that out then so be it. 
“Goodbye, Max,” Lucy said quietly, Max nodding as he got back into his car to drive out. Her stomach turning, the thought that this wouldn’t be the last time she saw him gnawing at her mind.   
Part Seven
Tag list: @toogaytofunctiondangit
*I can't believe we are 6 chapters in, this one is slow, but hold onto your hats for chapter 7!
**As always likes, comments, shares are soooo appreciated, you can find me Ao3 as well
** Want to be on the tag list let me know
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thatlovinfeelin · 1 year
The Grudge | Jake Hangman Seresin |
Based off of The Grudge by Olivia Rodrigo. Mentions of divorce and cheating.
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Jake wasn’t always Hangman to you, there was once a time when he was something sweeter. Someone better. You loved that someone better. That’s the man you married, the man you wanted to have a family with. But then he changed, so slowly at first you didn’t even notice, then suddenly it seemed like overnight he was someone new. He wasn’t the sweet man you married in your early twenties. 
At first it was just missed dates, and voicemails left for him, begging him to call you back. At first it was simple, things you could overlook. He was busy at work, he got hung up, someone asked him to fly a little longer. Surely. 
“Jake? It’s me again…Where are you? I’ve been waiting for over an hour, everyone is just looking at me with pity because they know I’ve been stood up. I’m the only one alone at a table for two…just…call me back? Please? Let me know you’re okay.” 
That was the third voicemail you left for him. You’d had a bottle of wine all by yourself while you waited. And when the sweet waiter came back even he had to put in his two cents. 
“I don’t think he’s coming ma’am,” He said softly. 
You had to choke back the tears as you nodded, it was your anniversary, you’d been planning this date for weeks. You had been so fucking excited to spend one night with him, all dressed up. 
“I’ll just take the check, thank you.” Your voice wavered. 
“It’s on the house,” The waiter waved you off, “I hope your night gets better.”
You left him a very generous tip before making your way outside. Your heels were digging into your feet and the shapewear you had on was making it difficult to breathe. Or maybe it was the knowledge that Jake left you waiting, and didn’t even call or text you to tell you he wasn’t coming. 
You tried to be tough. But all you wanted to do was scream and cry. 
Part of you wanted to pack a bag and go stay with your mom for a little while. But the other part, the much bigger part, just wanted to be held by your husband. So you went home and changed out of your nice dress and took off all of your makeup and waited. 
He didn’t come home that night. 
You found out the following day that he’d gotten drunk at the Hard Deck and crashed with Coyote. No call from him, no text. Nothing from Coyote to let you know your husband was okay. 
You were met with flowers and an apology when you got home from work. 
“Baby I’m sorry.”
“You let me wait there like an idiot for more than an hour, Jake.”
“It was only meant to be one drink, I don’t know what happened!” He swore. 
“One drink?” You questioned, eyebrows raised, “You couldn’t even call me! I didn’t know if you were okay or not!”
“Baby, I’m so sorry,” He sounded like he was begging as he reached for you, “It won’t happen again, I promise.”
He held you tightly against him, so tight it almost hurt. Eventually you hugged him back, just as tightly, because you couldn’t imagine a world where you didn’t have Jake Seresin in your life. You needed him like you needed air. He was your everything. Until the day he decided he wasn’t. 
Again, the changes were so small you almost didn’t notice them. He was coming home later and later. Spending more and more time outside of the house. You just assumed he was busy with work. You weren’t having sex like you used to, but he was just so tired all of the time. He didn’t buy you flowers, he was just busy. 
You always had some sort of excuse. There was always some sort of reason. He always came home with a smile and an apology so you let it go. You always let it go. 
Until one day, in late May, when he didn’t come home for several nights. But then the phone call came. 
“Phoenix! Have you heard from Jake? I’m starting to get a little worried.”
“He’s with another woman,” The female pilot stated bluntly, “I’m not going to lie for him anymore. He’s with another woman and he’s been with her for months now.”
You shouldn’t have been surprised, but you felt her words like a shot to the gut. So much so to the point where you stumbled backwards. 
“He what?” You questioned, clutching your phone so hard your knuckles were white.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I really am.” 
Then she was gone, leaving you in a heap on your floor. The tears didn’t stop. For days the tears kept coming. When Jake finally returned home, you tried to act like nothing was wrong. Either you were so good at the act, or he didn’t care because he never questioned a thing. 
Until one day in May when he called you from Lemore, where he’d been sent for a couple of weeks on a detachment. 
“Jake, hi,” You breathed out, relieved to be hearing from him. 
“Y/N, we need to talk, do you have time?”
“Yeah, I’m sitting down for dinner,” You reply, setting down your glass of wine, “What’s wrong?”
He sighed deeply, you wondered where he was. How the detachment was going? But now didn’t seem to be the time to ask, not when he sounded so serious. 
“This isn’t working,” He stated. 
“Well you’ll be home soon,” You answered as if it was the only thing that mattered. 
Because despite it all, you loved Jake more than your own life. You would do anything for him, you’d walk through fire for him if he asked. He might not, but you still clung to the vows you made when you got married. You clung to every promise you ever made to him, because you loved him. 
“No, not the distance,” He sighed again, “This marriage. I want out.”
You made some sort of noise, sounding much like a wounded animal. You hadn’t expected that he would want to end it. Even after all of the fights, and angry words both of you said. There were cuts, deep ones, caused by both of you. 
“No, you don’t mean that,” You stammered, “You’re just tired.”
“Damnit, get your fucking head out of the clouds, Y/N. I’m done. I have been for a while and I kept thinking you might wake the fuck up. But you haven’t.”
“Don’t say that, Jake.”
“What do you want me to say? Huh? I still love you? Because I don’t think I have for a long time now. I’m not going to stay in a marriage with someone I’ve fallen out of love with. I won’t fuckin do it.”
You were crying now, “Don’t do this. Just come home? We can work it out. Just please,” You begged. 
“I’ll stay with a friend while you pack up.”
He didn’t give you an option. He decided everything for you. Your marriage was over, just like that. There was no more fighting, no more trying. You could feel it in your bones, such a deep ache you weren’t sure if it would ever go away. He kept speaking but you didn’t hear him. All you could hear was a dull roar in your ears. 
You went to your mom’s two days later. When it came time to finalize the divorce months later, you were still holding out hope that he might change his mind. You held out hope that he would come back to you and everything would be just the way it was before. 
Even as you signed your name and watched as Jake signed his, you kept hoping you would wake up and it would all be some sort of bad dream. 
“This is for the best,” He told you so softly it made the ache come back, “You’ll forgive me for this one day. Once you realize just how bad we were together.”
“It takes strength to forgive,” You stated hollowly, “I don’t feel strong anymore.”
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thiswasinevitableid · 1 month
What It's Worth (Indruck)
A big yeehawgust prompt winner was: Undead Cowboy. This fill is NSFW and does mention blood
The stars stud the sky, the sliver of moon rising from the mesa meaning Duck can see them clearly as he lays on his back in the dirt. 
His bedroll is okay, but the memory of frost in the air makes him wish he’d had time to snag a few more spare blankets. But all he could manage this morning was the essentials.
He wasn’t going to spend a single minute longer in that damn place than he had to. 
They lost the farm in West Virginia two years ago, when Duck was seventeen. His uncle, Papa Newton’s brother, had offered to let the family move to his property outside Santa Fe. 
It seemed like a fuckin miracle. Until they settled in and Duck realized his uncle intended to treat them as free labor rather than family. If he has to polish one more round of dishes he’s gonna throw the whole dinner table out the fucking window. 
A week ago, when his uncle started making noises about finding his “niece” a husband, Duck decided there was no point in sticking around. Not if that’s how his uncle intended to use him. 
So here he is, as far from town as a days ride could get him, hidden from view of anyone on the trails. He’s keeping a small fire up; seems worth the risk to keep the coyotes and cougars from getting too close. 
There are footsteps, barely audible, on the other side of the fire. A shadow, with two red pinpoints about six feet off the ground. 
He doesn’t have a gun; unlike Winnie, his horse, they all belonged to his uncle, and the fucker might call him a thief and send the sheriff after him if he snuck one away. 
“Do not be alarmed.” The voice in the darkness is lilting and weak, “You are in no danger…no danger from…from…”
A thud as the body hits the earth, landing in the ring of firelight. Duck cautiously sits up, buck knife in hand, as the stranger groans and raises up onto his knees with a woozy shake of his head. 
The red Duck saw comes from the glasses the man wears on his narrow nose. His whole face is angles. His hair is silvery in the light, which is odd given the fact he appears only a few years older than Duck. 
“You okay?”
The visitor grips the knees of his pants, “No. I am so very, very thirsty.”
“I got a little water to spare.”
A weak laugh, “Nono, that will not save me. I need…I need…” He tips his head up with a sigh, as if steeling himself in order to make the request, and fangs catch the scant moonlight. 
Duck’s heard the stories about vampires and even weirder things out in the desert. He never put much stock in them; he spent his childhood in the woods, then the desert. He understands how easily folks can spook themselves out in the wild. 
“Please say you ain’t after my blood.”
“I am. I have not fed in so long, I was too ambitious in my travels to Greensboro. Too weak to catch an animal. If I go much longer I will become feral, mindless, draining any passerby until they are a husk” he looks up, frightened, “Please, please help me.”
“Uh.” Duck looks around like someone wrote the right thing to do in the sand. He wouldn’t let a human die of thirst. And he doesn’t want anyone getting their throat ripped out. But this feels like a real good way to trick a kind-hearted traveler into being dinner. 
“I will do anything you ask” a shudder and a groan, making the stranger hunch forward, “take me to bed, ask me for my weight in gold, the keys to the city, anything, please.” He sobs, trying to crawl forward but only making it to the bottom of the bed roll and clutching it.
“Okay.” Duck begins unbuttoning his shirt, “Okay. You can have a drink, but I, I keepin my knife on me, y’hear?”
“Perfectly. I would not begrudge you such measures, not when you are helping me.” He struggles forward until he’s straddling Duck’s knees. He’s dressed like the cowboys Duck watches with envy as they ride past the house, except every piece of clothing is black. 
“Rather impractical in a desert, I know. But I find it suits me.”
“It does.” Duck doesn’t catch the answer in time. The last thing he needs is some fella thinking he’s flirting with him. 
“You are very kind. Oh” he notices Duck pulling his shirt collar to the side, “I need not drink that way, I assume you do not wish me to be any closer than necessary. Your arm will suffice.”
“I, uh, I work with my hands and arms so this’ll be less of a pain in the neck. Or not but, uh, you know what I mean.”
The vampire nods, delicately scooting into Duck’s lap. He shivers as the visitor noses his throat, humming happily. 
“You smell divine.”
“I been on the trail all day, doubt I smell like a basket of roses.”
“Better.” The voice purrs, “now, this will only hurt a moment.”
Fangs sink into his skin and his entire body lights up in pain, telling him to fight, to run like a jackrabbit. Then all at once it subsides, pleasure rolling like a wildfire on the prairie, lighting up nerve after nerve until he wonders if they’ll burn out. 
The vampire has one hand in his hair, supporting his head, the other pressing down on his shoulder, and through the fire crackling in his brain he can tell he’s talking.
“...So good, thank you, thankyouthankyouthankyou.” The deep bite is over, but he continues nipping at the skin, licking and sucking at the blood. He’s wiggling closer, hips bucking a little, making the neediest sounds Duck’s ever heard between his thanks and praise of everything from Duck’s eyes to the way he tastes. 
If he could guarantee the man on top of him would be like this, Duck wouldn’t be half as put off the idea of getting married. 
Gradually, the touch on his neck changes to deliberate licks, the last one ending with a kiss as the vampire sits back on his heels. He looks drunk.
“I..I am very grateful for your help.”
“You don’t say?” Duck teases. 
“Have I not made that clear–oh! Oh it is a joke.” He grins, mouth still a bit red, “You are a very charming human. And my offer stands; you may ask anything you wish of me as payment.”
He could get a train ticket, or the money to buy one. A place to stay. Clothes he didn’t have to fix up to be right himself. 
“That’s real decent of you to offer but I wouldn’t make someone pay me for a drink if they were dyin of thirst. Don’t seem right to ask you to.”
“You are very kind. I will not intrude on you any longer.” The vampire tries to shift out of his lap and hisses. Duck looks down and sees why.
“Y’know, most fellas have a harder time doin’ that once they’re drunk.”
“It, it is nothing” he looks away, embarrassed, “it is merely the natural response to feeling full and safe while in the arms of a handsome man.”
“That so?” Duck licks his lips, “tell you what. Since you biting me got me all riled up, I changed my mind. I want this” he palms the vampire through his pants, “as my fee.”
“Gladly.” Wiry arms drape over his shoulders as Duck undoes the buttons and pulls his dick from his trousers. It���s a nicely sized thing, big enough to be tempting without feeling intimidating, and when he wraps his hand around it the responding squeak is almost a chirp. 
“There we go, sweet thing, lemme get my hands on you.”
“Only if I am permitted the same honor.”
“Hmmm” Duck pretends to think as he steadily strokes the shaft, “dunno, why should I let you feel me up?”
A pout, “Because I will be so very good for you. I was good for you when I fed, wasn’t I?”
“You were, sweet as a peach. Okay, you can touchAHhey” he laughs as hands greedily paw his sides and thighs. 
“Thank you, oh you are lovely to touch, lovely to hold.” Kisses spread across the closing wound on his neck, “what a lucky creature I am to have found so wonderful a human oh, ohohoh” his hips jerk wildly and he cums on Duck’s fingers. 
“Pent up?” He kisses a cheek that he suspects would blush if it could. 
“So it seems. Goodness, such things seldom take me by surprise.” A playful kiss to his ear, followed by a nip, “shall I return the favor?
Duck feels one half of him lean into the idea, the other wrench so far back he thinks it might dislocate his joints. 
“Nah. I’m, uh, I’m too, uh, tired, fuck, not not turned on, uh. Fuck.”
The vampire cocks his head, then nods, “Then I will not press the matter. Would you like me to stay awhile?”
“Yeah.” He murmurs, “Yeah I would.”
Duck nestles down into his bedroll as his visitor gets his clothing back into order, and falls asleep to long fingers in his hair and a gentle voice telling him of the moths and bats fluttering across the desert sky. 
He goes home when his uncle finally finds him and tells him that if he won’t do his family duty, he’ll find someone to marry Jane, Duck’s sister, to. 
Jane’s only 14. 
Duck spends the whole ride home hoping the lousy fucker gets thrown by his horse. 
A month later, he’s traveling with the old asshole and the equally cold-hearted, sneering woman he married to a party in Santa Fe. Mr. Indrid Cold, one of the area's richest and most mysterious residents, is said to be in search of a wife, and so Duck is in the most masculine dress he could find, hair still short and chaperones scowling as they enter the fine house off the city square. 
Duck tries to occupy himself in small talk, and while some of the women there won’t give him the time of day, others invite him into their cluster to hold crystal punch cups and whisper some of the most ridiculous shit he’s ever heard. 
“They say he’s a vampire!”
“Don’t be silly, my aunt said she saw him out in broad daylight.”
“Some of them can do that. It depends on their age.”
“Not this theory again, Josephine.”
“I told you, my name is Joe.”
“Anyway, even if your aunt did see him, that won’t help us. They say he throws one of these every few years and no one actually sees him in attendance. He just watches from somewhere so he can learn about us.”
Duck shudders at the idea; this whole thing is already a pain in the ass. It doesn’t need to be a creepy pain in the ass on top of that. 
“Pardon me.” A man with the blandest features imaginable addresses the group, “may I accompany you for a turn around the gardens?”
He’s offering his hand to Duck. 
“Is this a fuckin joke?”
A mild smile, “Not at all. I have been dying to speak to you since you arrived.”
Duck takes the offered hand, lets the man link their arms as they head into the courtyard. The gardens are stunning, if a bit overgrown, and Duck points out where a screech owl has hollowed out one of the trees. 
“Glad they kept the ones that actually grow here. Some folks try to bring the trees from back east out to make their gardens and they just up and die. On account of it bein, y’know, a fuckin desert.”
“That does seem rather ill-advised.”
They talk more about Duck’s move to the desert, and the longer they speak the more Duck feels like he knows the man’s voice. He just can’t place it. 
“I take it you are not a fan of the proceedings?”
“I, uh, I ain’t not, uh-”
“You do not need to lie, Duck.” A small smile. 
“It just ain’t my world.” He looks down at the dress, “rather be in sackcloth than this fuckin thing.”
“Mmm, I imagine you’d make a rather striking cowboy.”
“Like to think so. Aw fuck.” He turns to where the clock is striking eleven, signaling the end of the party, “I didn’t hobnob nearly enough.”
His companion squeezes his arm, “I would not worry too much about that.”
They say their goodnights and he rejoins his aunt and uncle, only to discover that they’ve booked him a room at a nearby hotel while they stay in a finer one across the road. Almost like they’re hoping his being alone might tempt their host into appearing at the foot of his bed like a fucking ghost.
He chucks his party outfit into the corner, the night hot enough that he decides to risk sleeping in the buff. The church on the other side of the square has just finished ringing midnight, and his eyes are going leaden, when there’s a shuff of his window opening. 
He’s five fucking stories up. 
Frozen, he watches a huge, winged figure squeeze through into the room. It’s some sort of fucking moth-man thing, and it’s glowing, red eyes are looking right at him. 
“Don’t come another fuckin step closer.” Duck grabs his boot from the ground, ready to throw it. 
Four arms raise in placation, “You are not in any danger from me, Duck. You were before, you are not now, and you never will be.”
“Your voice…are you the fuckin-”
“-Vampire from your camp? Yes.” Reality snaps for a moment and then the silver-haired man is standing there, clad in a simple black shirt and pants. 
“Holy fuck, I thought vampires could only turn into wolves and bats and shit.”
“My moth form is actually my true one. It is a long story. But the point of it all is: I am also Indrid Cold. And was your companion for much of this evening.” He clips a pin to his shirt and the same bland face comes into view. 
“Jesus.” Duck breathes as Indrid returns to his usual human appearance and sits on the bed. 
“Parties overwhelm me. A small enchantment is the best way to see if there are any guests I wish to know better. Up until now there have not been.” He sets his hand on Ducks covered knee, “why your aunt and uncle sent you here as anything other than a handsome bachelor, I shall never know. You looked so unhappy tonight all I wanted was to take you in my arms and whisk you off somewhere you could be yourself.”
“I, I didn’t mean to hide it from you.”
“I knew at the campsite. I can see the future, and when you rejected further advances it told me what was behind them.” A gentle, fanged smile, “you are a good looking man, Duck. I have not ever seen you as anything else.”
He relaxes, tucks his legs in so Indrid can come closer and stroke his cheeks.
“I throw this party every few years to keep my sire off my back about the matter of marriage. I suspect that may not be the case after tonight.”
“Y’know, getting down on one knee is more traditional than climbing through a window.” Duck teases.
Indrid laughs, “Nothing so rushed. I came because I could not stand another moment away from you. And because do have an offer for you. If you allow me to court you, know that I will never claim ownership over you, nor force you to live as you are not. If you wanted to ride from here to Alaska I would not stop you. Whatever freedom you desired would be yours. I’ve no need to control you, my sweet” he grins, “but I do ask for the chance to make you mine.”
The heat in his voice is clear as a spring sky. 
“That so?” Duck kisses him once, “how are you gonna prove bein’ yours is worth it?”
A longer, deeper kiss, Indrid nipping his lip as he pulls back, “However you wish. Though the idea you are about to suggest is one I am very much in favor of.”
“If I might be so bold, ah, I…the futures show you enjoying it immensely if I take my true form.”
Duck hesitates, “Let me see it again?”
The bed groans as the mothman reappears. He’s toffee-brown, chest so downy that Duck’s hand sinks into it. 
“Fuck, you’re real fuckin soft.”
“Thank you” A chirp of pleasure, “oh that spot has been itching for hours.”
“Which part of you did you, uh, see me enjoyin?” 
Indrid opens his mouth, in which Duck can see rows of small, sharp teeth along with the pointed canines. His tongue extends, long and flexible, “ith!”
It should scare the fuck out of him,  but all Duck does is kick the covers aside and lay back, spreading his legs. 
“Get to it.”
“Gladly.” A fuzzy cheek tickles his left thigh as Indrid nuzzles him. Then he gasps as teeth drag down the skin. 
“Do not think I did not notice your reaction to my bite last time. Most humans find it neutral or painful. Few moan as I drink them down.”
“Didn’t even know I was moanin’. Was too busy listening to you be a cute needy thing.”
“I was, wasn’t I.” The tongue teases his folds, “I will be as obedient and sweet as you desire, my darling one, for I do need you.”
Duck wants to say something flirty in reply, but then the tongue pushes into him and he moans. It’s incredible, pressing and teasing, happy little chirrs floating up from Indrid as he takes Duck to pieces. 
When his tongue presses on a certain spot, Duck yelps, and his hands flail for something to grab. They land on Indrid’s antenna, and a pleading, chirping groan breaks from the vampire. 
“Ohhhyes, it’s been ages since someone toyed with those.” He messily laps at Duck’s dick, “mmmf, you could make me do just about anything by pulling on them.”
“Want you to fuck me.” His horny brain blurts it out without warning and he clamps a hand over his mouth. 
“Do you wish me to?” Indrid sits up, wings fluttering shyly and hands soothingly petting Duck’s legs. 
“I do, I really fuckin do, but I can’t risk-”
“You would not be. I cannot have children with humans. At least not that way.”
“You sure?”
Duck takes a deep breath, “Then come down here and fuckME, oh, ohfuck.” His heels dig into the bed as Indrid sinks into him. His cock must be as strange as the rest of him, if the way writhes inside him is anything to go by. 
It’s also fucking huge. 
“A-apologies.” Indrid is jerking and twitching, clearly trying to keep from moving to fast or pushing too deep, “I, I have never done this with a human before. I did not account for the size, god how tight you are, how small, oh you’re delightfully warm too.”
“Fuck.” Duck groans, tilting his hips to try and fit more inside him. 
“Do not strain yourself. My, my anatomy will do the work in a moment.” He purrs, running two hands through Duck’s hair, “I am here to serve you, not make you exert yourself.”
He says it with such sincere affection that Duck leans over to kiss one, quivering wing. 
“Oh that’s fuckin wild” He gasps as another part of Indrid’s cock presses into him, still flexible but firm, pushing him open. Several spread wider outside of him, catching at his dick and Indrid pushes deeper with hungry, demanding growl. 
Duck doesn’t black out, but if you asked him to describe the what happens next in detail in court, hand on the bible he wouldn’t be of much use. His legs hook onto Indrid’s own, claws dig into his hips, and Indrid’s cock drives into him, his bulk meaning Duck’s face ends up pressed to his chest.
 From there he has no choice but to cling to him, feeling the purr in his chest as he promises Duck he will do this and more whenever he asks, be at his service, be good for him because his body is worth that, because Duck is worth that, and just as tears prick his eyes from the intensity of sensation, from the fact the can feel himself cumming, tightening around Indrid as best as his body can manage, there’s a cascade of thank yous, and then his lover cums in him, so much that it runs back down the shaft and is Indrid trills and thrusts a final time. 
“Goodness” Indrid pants, rolling them over so Duck is atop him, cock slipping free as he does, “that was incredible, but I do feel I must ask if you are alright.”
“Better than, sugar.” Duck smooths his hands over Indrid’s chest, “ain’t sure I can walk for a few minutes though.”
“Well then, if you need anything, I shall simply fetch it for you.”
“Indrid? Did you mean it? About wanting me to stick around.”
“Nothing would make me happier. But if you need time to decide, or if you do not want to stay, I will not be angry.” He grins, tracing a heart on Duck’s cheek, “though I will add, imagine the look on your wretched uncle’s face when he learns Mr.Cold would like you to stay and be courted, and that Mr. Cold has already bought a fine suit the handsome Mr. Newton.”
Duck chuckles, “Yeah, that does sweeten the deal. Ain’t the only thing makin’ it worthwhile though.” 
Indrid chirps happily, and wraps his wings and arms protectively around him. 
(To be fair, his uncle nearly fainting from shock the next afternoon is extremely fucking worth it).
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Need more of Terms of Endearment. Plz and thank xx
Warnings // Rooster x F!Reader. Hangman x Platonic!F!Reader. Mentions of Alcohol consumption and physical assault.
“What the hell are you playing at Hangman?” Rooster questioned as he dried his hair roughly with the towel that had recently been tucked around his waist. A fresh pair of jeans now adorning his hips.
“I'm playing matchmaker–” Hangman was quick to respond as he sat the car seat down on the bench in the locker room. Tapping the top of it twice with a shit eating grin. “Fe asked me to drop this off before you go.” Rooster hadn’t even thought about the car seat. God his Bronco was not built to harbour a car seat. “She also told me to tell you that she’ll call when she's leaving the workshop.”
“Id ask if you hit that bird on purpose but I know you wouldn’t be stupid enough to risk ruining a multi million dollar jet on the grounds of setting me up with your roomie.” You and your little girl Dot had been living off base with Jake since you arrived in North Island in the middle of the night, running for what was essentially life or death. You wouldn't have come to Jake if you had any other choice–not one for handouts or charity, so when he was opening his door in the middle of the night, bat in hand because who the fuck was trying to bang his god damn door down in the middle of the fucking night–he was softening instantly.
“I have nowhere else to go–” You sobbed as Jake dropped the bat to the ground just barely missing his own foot. Completely and wholeheartedly accepting you and your crying daughter into his humble abode. He wasn’t blind, nor did he have a deviated septum. He saw the bruises and smelt the absurd amount of liquor on your breath. The way you clung to your daughter like she was your entire word made Jake hold his tongue. Pressing it into the side of his cheek as he let his chin rest on top of your head. It had to have been bad if you drove in the state you were in.
“Uh, I prefer stowaway–actually.” Jake teased as he watched Rooster throw his shirt over his head. “She needed a push—“
“I know what I’m doing man, I don’t need you interfering with my love.” Rooster huffed, he honestly didn’t mind playing the long game with you. He knew winning you over slowly would be worth it in the long run. He wasn’t all that sure of what you had been through—both you and Jake liked to keep that information under lock and key. But Bradley knew, he knew you were worth the wait, the work, the effort it would take to break your walls down brick by brick.
“Your love life is nonexistent Bradshaw I’m doing you a favour here!” Jake was no stranger to bringing home beautiful women, but ever since you and little Dot had been occupying his spare room? He had become more and more selective about the type he brought home. “And honestly, I’m just about sick of having to explain the children’s toys lying around whenever I bring someone home—“
“So this isn’t about Y/n at all then?” Rooster scoffed as he shook his head in utter disbelief. “This is about you wanting her out of your place.” Rooster had never actually strapped an infant's car seat into his car before. Picking up the capsule he marched out of the locker room into the hall, Hangman right on his tail. “I don't know what your thought process is man, but getting me to pick up Dot isn’t gonna have Y/n outta your house any quicker.”
The first time Bradley met you, he'd been tasked with finding out why Hangman was late for work. The cocky fighter pilot with the big ass egomaniacal smile and even bigger shit eating grin was usually if anything early. But the day Bradley first met you? It had been two hours since the first flight and Coyote was about ready to trade out his wingman. Patient had worn very thin. There’d been no calls and texts from Jake, no excuse or reason for his absence.
“Bagman!” Rooster was banging down Jake's front door incessantly. Huffing when there was no response. “Jake man you good?” He never stopped knocking. It’s what had woken you from what felt like your final resting spot on the lounge in the living room. The morning after Jake had taken you in. “SERESIN!” Roosters knuckles didn't meet hardwood when you swung the door open. Almost connecting with your already bruised and battered face as you held the door open.
“Fuck off!” Bradley Bradshaw had never been so taken aback in his life. “Stop knocking its rattling my fucking brain.” Rubbing your eyes as you yawned, stepping back to let whoever it was that wanted your brother so desperately into the house that would soon become a home. “Jakes upstairs–” At the mere mention of his name, Jake Seresin was barreling down the stars still doing up his flight suit. He knew he’d fucked up, but he’d been up with you all night holding your hair out of your face while you cried and threw up the content of your stomach. Dot in his lap crying in hysterics because she hadn’t slept a wink either. He’d only just work up after having slept like a log through his alarm.
“Dude—I’m fucked aren’t I?” Jake groaned as he tried slipping his work issued steel caps on.
“Who's the walking corpse?” Rooster asked as he watched you fall back onto the lounge, your ass on full display for him as you rolled over and pulled up the blanket Jake had given you. You were so plastered that the pain of your hangover hadn’t even set in yet. Jake was right, maybe he should have taken you to get your stomach pumped last night, but he was confident you'd thrown enough up that it wasn't a life threatening amount. “She's wearing your TopGun shirt–” Raising a questioning eyebrow, Rooster turned back to Jake. “You let strays stay the night now do you?”
“She's my sister.” Bradley heard the way Jake said it with a sigh, like he was almost disappointed. Jake could never be disappointed having you as a sister, but he was disappointed in a few of the choices you made that led you to this moment. Hungover, on his lounge with your daughter still asleep upstairs. You hadn’t been coherent enough last night to watch over her. Jake had stepped in. “Shows up on my doorstep last night, believe it or not she was in a worse state than this.”
“And the bruises?”
“Like I said, she showed up on my doorstep last night in a worse state than this.” Jake repeated himself as he held back tears. “I haven't really been able to get much out of her besides vomit.”
“Why haven't you ever told me you have a sister?” Rooster knew it was probably a stupid question to ask as he watched Jake fixed up the blacket that youd thrown harphazardly over yourself. “All this time we've known you and never a peep about a sibling—well, we know you have a brother but—“
“Non-biological.” Was the only answer Jake gave Bradley. “And whatever it is she’s going through it must be bad or else she wouldn’t have shown up here.”
“Yeah but if she’s occupied with you she might not be home all that much and before you know it? She’ll have approval for staff accommodation in no time.” You’d been waiting for a house for you and Odette the second you applied for a job as a technician. Jake had been the one to set you up. Your visit wasn’t meant to be permanent, but it seemed to be the safety and most secure option for you and your daughter.
“And she swears you’re an alright guy?” Rooster groaned as he unlocked his car, opening the passenger side door before placing the capsule inside. “Stay out of my love life—I don’t appreciate the meddling.”
“Fine, but I’m not making any promises to not meddle in Felix’s love life—“ Jake was quick to slightly step Bradley aside as he watched him struggling to connect the capsule car seat. “Here, you gotta loop the straps.” Rooster just stood back and took notes. How many times had Hangman actually done this? “She deserves the world and if I know anyone deserving of her? I’m looking at him.” Rooster just let the compliment Jake had gifted him sink in. Perhaps this wasn’t such a bad thing—maybe Jake was genuinely doing him a solid.
Or maybe Jake Seresin was truly just over the two year old who cock blocked him more than she’d ever know.
Odette Dolan was the light of your world. Anyone who knew you knew that you’d set fire to the rain for that little girl. And as Bradley waited at the front counter of Sunny Side preschool and after school care, he understood what that feeling felt like.
“Who are you to little Odette again, Mr. Bradshaw?” One of the early educators asked as she eyes Rooster down. Curious as ever to know who this mystery man was. You’d only ever picked Dot up. Jake had done a few scattered—but it was always you if you could help it.
“Uh—I’m whoever she needs me to be I guess.”
Roosted rubbed the back of his head nervously. “Y/n asked if I could pick her up, I was free—so why not right?” 
“Well, She had a bit of a meltdown just after lunch but since she's woken up from her nap she’s been fine—“ One of the early educators beamed as she signed Rooster in. His palms were sweaty as he rubbed them together. “I already let her know that mummy’s friend Rooster was coming to pick her up today so she didn’t get too disgruntled on pick up.”
“Routines are important, I get it.” Rooster had a soft spot for your daughter. That spot got a whole lot bigger when Dot came flying around the corner with her bag on her back, shoes on the wrong feet and a picture of a stick figure flying a plane that her early educators had helped her draw.
It was Bradley. Her Rooster.
“Hey Dot!” Rooster beamed at the little girl smashing into him as he crouched down to pick her up–swinging her up onto his hip. “Whatcha got there?” Rooster always had the all the time in the world for Odette Dolan. How a single man has so much patience and so much unconditional love for a two year old you'd never understand. But they shared a bond like no other. Jake liked to joke that Rooster and Dot bonded so well because they shared the same mental age, but you knew deep down it was because he saw a little bit of himself in her.
“Wooster–” Your little girl laid her head gently against Rooster's shoulder, her eyelids heavy as he handed him the paper. Another picasso to add to his ever growing collection of fridge drawings. Too sentimental to let fall to the wayside. His heart exploded like new years eve fireworks over Time Square every single time she’d hand him a new artwork dedicated in his honour.
“Oh for me?” Rooster raised his eyebrows in excitement as he took the piece of paper. “Woah! You’re getting so good at these, looks just like me” If Bradley were a few pounds lighter maybe.
“Mama?” Dot questioned as she looked around for where you might be. Holding your daughter a little tighter as Rooster said his thanks to the early educators before venturing outside.
“No bubba, just me—“ When Rooster placed Odette into her car seat, he double then triple checked if everything was secure. “But mama's coming soon.” For a moment Rooster just sat in his car, wondering if he should go back to his or not. Looking over at your daughter as she already started to doze off in her seat, Rooster settled his decisions.
First Stop? The Hard Deck for some take away. Second Stop? Your house, not because he didn’t trust himself to take care of a two year old. But because this specific two year old probably wanted to go home.
And who was Bradley Bradshaw to deny your daughter of anything she wanted?
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Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore @thescarletknight2014
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ksjanes · 1 year
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We saw so many of these fences in New Mexico and are making a small one at our place. They are called coyote fencing originated in the southwestern part of the USA. It was used by ranchers as protection from coyotes. This is most common in Santa Fe and Taos, New Mexico. Coyote fencing has become an important aspect of Southwestern landscape architecture.
K.S. Janes
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just-pot-over-here · 5 months
TW character death, disease
i come back once every six months to drop an AU and leave. this is entirely inspired by this mitski song btw (EDIT: @ill-say-anything-i-hafta has informed me that this is a Peet Seeger song that mitski covered!!)
jack leaves for Santa Fe after the strike. whether because he and kath break up, or because he decides he actually can’t stand manhattan, it doesn’t really matter. what does matter is that he brings crutchie with him.
they make it on the NYCentral railroad up to chicago, at which point they need to start walking. this would be a problem, except jack has enough money from his shiny new job to buy a horse and two packs, and he figures that not much can go wrong. and for a couple of weeks he’s right!
the problem is, they’re two kids who’ve never left New York trying to walk from Illinois to new mexico. they’re not exactly survivalists here. they’re drinking out of rivers and eating stale/mouldy bread and jerky. something’s gotta go wrong, and unfortunately it goes wrong for crutchie.
typhoid fever is a killer, and crutchie’s not lucky enough to beat two deadly plagues. jack has to bury his little brother somewhere in between Oklahoma and Kansas.
jack makes it to santa fe, but he leaves a piece of himself in the ground 900 miles away, placemarked with a crude branch cross.
needed to get this out of my BRAIN
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stcverogers · 2 years
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top gun fics that i’ve been reading and obsessing with over recently
this is extremely important and i take this very seriously out of respect for the community. please do remember to read the rules for the respective blogs before interacting with or reading them.
F: fluff A: angst S: smut
𖥻 - series /multi part
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F + A: webb of unfortunate events by @ohtobeleah the last thing you expected was your father to be back in your life again
A: honest by @vcrooster no matter how much you love rooster, you and him were never meant to be
F + A: days like this by @mads-weasley rooster has a no good, terrible, day and all he wants is your comfort
F + A: show me all the scars you hide by @bradshawsbaby you love bradley even more for his scars
F + A: you don’t get to taste the honey without the sting of the bee by @notroosterbradshaw rooster never gets jealous. you on the otherhand...
F + A: rooster's girl by @wannabeschyulersister nobody messes with rooster's girl
F: sleep clothes by @fandomlit rooster short circuits after seeing you in your sleep clothes
F: pouting by @belowtheharddeck you spend the evening catching up with the naval aviators, leaving bradley kiss-less and pouty
A: you said you’d grow old with me by @blue-aconite you and rooster never got your fairy tale ending
F + A: stop by @lcahwriter even during your intimate moments, you still can't shake the thought of rooster dying from your mind
F: just like dad by @ilyasorokinn jamie wants to be just like her dad
F + A: "whiskey sour? classy." by @undiscovered-horizon another naval aviator disrespects you and rooster can't let that happen
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F + A: the princess and the hangman by @simpforrooster being an admiral's daughter, hangman likes to get on your nerves
F + A: don't go breaking my heart by @callsignmercy jake did the one thing he promised he wouldn't
F + A: strawberries by @siempre-bucky the one time jake writes to you
F: the joker by @gogobootz1 when you accidentally order too many peaches, penny (and jake) come to your rescue
F + A: our little secret by @sebastianstangirl01 nobody would've thought that bob floyd's sweet baby sister would be dating hangman
F: imagine being hangman's girl, knocking the sense into him at the bar and rooster never lets him live it down by @theclassiccherry
F: jake worries about his sick wife by @zablife
F: careful hands, precious cargo by @winchesterandpie despite you being in a mood, jake is still the most understanding boyfriend
F + A: you left me no choice but to stay here forever (right where you left me) by @sunderlust you've spent half your life fully and utterly in love with jake seresin.
F: tomorrow never comes by @purplevortexx you will always be there for jake
F + A: the green eyed monster by @hangmans-girl when jake doesn't understand boundaries, you show him just what you mean
F: baby, you down? by @softspiderling 𖥻 bradley finally meets the man you had been gushing like a school girl over
F + A: hello, goodbye by @imjess-themess jake visits home after a while and learns that you have far from moved on from him
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F: wizard! by @absoluteabbott baby bob wants to be just like his father, a wizard.
F: one night by @ereardon hangman keeps flirting with you but you only have eyes on a certain wso
F: not a secret anymore by @hlstead coyote hangman gets nosy and snoops around bob's phone, only to find out his big secret
F + A: when you come back by @writingdumpster you make bob promise to come back so he can tell you how much he loves you
F: no regrets by @edensbuttercups bob brings you back home safely after a drunken night and you wake up the next day with no regrets
F: bookstore lover by @samwlscns bob now knows where to go if he's ever in the need of book related opinions
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F: somewhere only we know by @bestedoesmeow javy comforts you after you've been feeling stressed
F: coyote as a dad headcanons by @jungle-angel
F: you and coyote meet again after some time by @rhettabbotts
F: close by @buckyr00s javy gets admitted to the hospital and you visit him
F: for better days by @coyotesamachado coyote gets into a bird strike and you're beyond terrified
F: you're coyote's secret girlfriend by @belowtheharddeck
S: chew on my heart by @bradleyfuckingbradshaw coyote gets scared shitless when you get into a training accident
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F: beach days by @emmajane244 chipper flirts with you, unaware you are slider's wife
F: imagine slider confessing before leaving for top gun by @spinningwebsandtales slider's about to leave for top gun and all he wants to do is spend his last day with just you
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F: ice ice baby by @redmenacehorned being ice's secret girlfriend, slider assumes the pretty girl by the bar is single and free game
F + A: finally by @topgun-imagines after months of trying, you and ice are finally having a baby
F + A: head in the clouds by @callsign-dragonbaron while visiting maverick and goose at top gun, the one man you loved with all your heart finds his way back into your life
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F: how wolfman proposes to you by @jungle-angel
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S: under the desk by @topguncortez you visit cyclone during his lunch break and find yourself hidden under his desk
S: cyclone by @labyrinth-runner you are cyclone's much needed release
F + A: admirals' daughters by @krmy2386 you overhear what you boyfriend has to say about admirals' daughters
S: nice 'n easy by @wildbornsiren cyclone relieves you after a hard day
S: one night stand in fightertown by @zablife you meet the admiral at a bar one night, leaving with him for the best time you've ever had
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pogphotoarchives · 2 years
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Bridge on New Mexico Route 96 outside Coyote displays sign warning of overloading, New Mexico, 1979 
Photographer: Barbaraellen Koch 
Negative number: hp.2014.14.139 
Collection: The Santa Fe New Mexican
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blue-aconite · 11 days
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Javy loves when he and Natasha are off-duty because it means her hair is out of its regulation bun and he can run his fingers through it whenever he likes.
writer's truth or dare
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artemis-lynn · 6 months
*spawns* Wassup
Nickname: Artemis/Artie
Newsie name: Pepper!
Age: A number that exists
Hobbies: Drawing, acting, reading, role-playing, scrolling, avoiding sleep, drinking caffeine, singing, writing
Fave musicals: Newsies & West Side Story
Favorite role: -Ensemble member in Matilda
*-Firm believer that theatre is a sport-*
Dream Roles: -Spot Conlon (Newsies) -Racetrack Higgins (Newsies) -Riff (West Side Story) -Anita (West Side Story)
Fave musical songs: First Burn (Hamilton) Dear Theodosia (Hamilton) Candy Store (Heathers) Sincerely Me (Dear Evan Hansen) Requiem (Dear Evan Hansen) Santa Fe (Newsies, BOTH VERSIONS of the song but especially Christian Bale's), Letters from the Refuge (Newsies) Brooklyn's Here (Newsies) Once and For All (Newsies) Gee Officer Krupke (West Side Story 2021) I Feel Pretty (West Side Story 2021) America (West Side Story 2021) Tonight (Quintet) (West Side Story 2021)
Fave non-musical songs as of rn: Long Live (T.Swift) When Emma Falls in Love (T.Swift) Never Grow Up (T.Swift) Dorothea (T.Swift) Champagne Problems (T.Swift) (I'M A SWIFTIE SHHHHH)
Fave movies: Newsies (1992), West Side Story (2021), The Princess Bride, Cruella, The Amazing Spiderman 2, Across the Spiderverse, Wonder Woman (2017)
Fave TV show: High School Musical the Musical The Series
Fave books: I Must Betray You (Ruta Sepetys) The Princess Bride (William Goldman) The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise (Dan Giemenhart) Alone (Megan Freeman) Dark stalker (Tui T Sutherland)
Fave characters: Spot Conlon (Newsies) Blink (Newsies) Racetrack Higgins (Newsies) Sarah Jacobs (Newsies) Riff (WSS) Anita (WSS) Valentina (WSS) Kaz Brekker (SoC) Inej Ghafa (SoC) Nina Zenik (SoC) Jesper Fahey (SoC)
Fave ships: Sprace (Spot x Race, Newsies) Blush (Mush x Blink, Newsies) SPARAH (Spot x Sarah, Newsies) Riff x Tony (WSS) Anita x Bernardo (WSS) Kanej (Kaz x Inej, SoC) Helnik (Nina x Matthias, SoC) Wesper (Wylan x Jesper, SoC)
"If any of you survives, make sure I get an open casket at my funeral. The world deserves a few more moments with THIS face."-Jesper Fahey, Six of Crows
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