#fanficiton quote
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Guess who's back on their A game now. Whoa.
I know it took forever but I had to take a break to write something else then I got slogged with College work and both my jobs (My lecturers love to change the hand in dates of work randomly for no reason) and then I got preoccupied with finishing my tactician run on BG3 and working on Stardew valley. Then I had to rewrite this chapter a couple times because it just wasn't working for me.
But I got the opening chapter done so it should hopefully only be up from here.
I can't say how many chapters the entire Tenrou island arc is going to be since the arcs are all mushed together and so I've lost the concept of how long each arc will be but I'm hoping I'll have a bunch of chapters to work with for the arc after tenrou.
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incorrect-galavant · 11 months
in seeking fic recs you inadvertently provided them! I'd never read graduate vulcan & now I have and my life is better for it!! very curious which line you were considering for your yearbook quote
was considering "It is still a living thing" because the context makes me. waaahhhhh (crying my eyes out) but again. that would mean quoting star trek fanficiton in my yearbook. vs instead i did prior's speech at the end of angels in america
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also. re: fic recs (blinking rapidly at my 75 star trek bookmarks) i can post some later i just have to sort through things
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owlbearwrites · 1 year
I have a complex relationship with writing descriptions because:
I feel that long descriptions drag down the pace
my narrators are often infected with my own habit to notice thoughts and feelings more than their physical environment
I've written / am writing a lot of fanfic, where over-description is counterproductive, because the audience already knows what characters (and many settings) look like, and re-stating the obvious makes for a boring read
even outside of fanficiton, I honestly think that in the modern age, people know what most things look like (and google image search exists), so description needs to serve more purpose than just describing
My favorite descriptions in others' writing (and thus, ones I try to aim for, myself) are those that do any combination of the following:
create a clear, striking image with few words ("The sky above the port was the colour of television, tuned to a dead channel" - William Gibson, Neuromancer)
instantly conjure an atmosphere ("Car lights strobe through busted motel blinds" - Chuck Wendig, Blackbirds)
highlight a distinctive detail/attribute about a person ("he smiled, widely, and just a fraction too late, with teeth that looked like an accident in a graveyard" - Neil Gaiman, Neverwhere)
reveal something about the narrator, be it their relationship with the subject being described, their worldview, personal history, etc. (no immediate quote springs to mind, but this is such a broad category, most good descriptions will tick this box)
But also, because I avoid dumping description in blocks, I often get carried away with telling the story and forget to interweave description throughout. I think it's useful for me to keep a note to self while editing, something like "atmosphere check!".
Anyone here struggle with the same? Also, anyone got a favorite description that has really stuck with you?
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rensdifference · 5 months
why is the harry potter tag all just fanficiton and self-inserts
like obviously i love and support them (when done ethically)… i know i could never put that much time, talent and energy into something like that so i am constantly in adoration for those who do tbh.
but most of the time i just want quotes, fanart, gifsets, and headcannons!! yk the nostalgia!! like watching the movie but in the two seconds it takes me to look at your post!! easy fast dopamine!!
petition to create two separate tags??
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halfpricedpages · 5 months
The sheets crumpled under the pair's weight as Eddie climbed on top of Richie and took his face in his hands, peppering kisses across his freckles. They reminded Eddie of constellations or flecks of paint or coffee stains or anything pretty that people ignored.
(I can't wait for it to be summer so that I have time and motivation to write my stupid little fanficitons because I will be cooking it up in the kitchen r u joking look at that quote look at my boys look at them they are perfect)
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favoriteficquotes · 4 years
“It’s alright. I already figured you were about as Force sensitive as that frog over there.”
Grogu grabbed said frog, popping it into his mouth and swallowing it in one big gulp.
Din watched his son burp a satisfied burp before turning back to Luke and asking, “Do you think Mandalorians became ancestral enemies of the Jedi because they stopped to talk to the Jedi and that’s the kind of thing they said to them?”
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 4 years
*November rolls around and All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey starts playing everywhere*
Lukas and Sophie holding microphones: we’re about to end this woman’s whole career
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wafflesetc · 5 years
One Night
A one quote, one shot for book 2! A special thanks to @notevenjokingfic and @balfeheughlywed for putting this together.  I want to *formally* apologize for not posting this on my original date, but I guess it is better late than never. Thank you to everyone for the warm welcome back into the writing fold, I hope you all enjoy this little one-shot.
Why I had let Geillis convince me to go out on a date was one thing. Why I had let Geillis to go out on a date with a man from a dating app called Tinder was a whole other issue I was not quite ready to fight. (Why had I allowed her?)
Rationally deep down I knew I had secluded myself. I was nearing three years since I had broken off my engagement. Three years since I had last even shared a piece of myself with a man. I had given Frank Randall all of myself while losing pieces of myself in the process.
I had been a nurse making her way through med school when he got a job at a highly esteemed university. I had given up my medical school dream and moved to another country for him. Six months into adjusting to my new life in Scotland, I had come home to find another woman in my bed. With my fiance. 
Hastily packing my bags and running to my friend’s I thought my life and my career were over. Slowly over time, I had taken step after step to regain who I had been before my relationship. I applied back to medical school, finished my remaining classes, and earned a spot in a highly esteemed residency program. During the past three years, I had dived back into my studies and patients. Forgoing many social activities with friends, let alone trying to even find it within myself to date. But after months and months of a stubborn Scot pestering me, I caved.
Now sitting at the pub, I was reminded of all the turmoil that came with going out on a “first date.” Tale as old as time, it was the same again and again- broken hearts searching for their next beau, the man who just wants to get into someone’s pants on that particular night, or the man who couldn’t stop talking about himself. Somehow I had found a man who I suspected checked all three of those stereotypes tonight. And I couldn’t be bothered. 
He was somewhere between telling me about  that girl that had broken his heart and how this was his first step in getting back into the “dating realm”, but he had long lost me when he couldn’t stop talking about himself. 
I swirled the amber fluid in my tumbler, staring down at the contents. 
“And she got right back with the man. I tried to tell my mate that it would happen, and he encouraged me to try this app….” His voice was subdued. I could barely hear him above the other ramblings at the pub, “And it led me to you…” 
Here it came, the invitation back to his flat. I could sense the sexual frustration oozing from him. 
“It’s rather loud in here,” Suddenly his voice was confident and seemingly entertained, as if he just knew I was going to say yes to going home with him when I couldn’t even remember his name.  “Would you like to take this back to my flat?” 
I took the last swig of my whisky.  “You are a rather lovely gent, but I had to admit… I didn’t want to come on this date nor do I even recall your name. I begrudgingly came to appease a friend of mine. I’d much preferred to have spent my night studying for my boards than be here over some shallow conversation when you are just trying to get in my pants for the night.” I set the glass firmly on the table. “So no, I would not like to take this back to your flat. There is a young blonde at the other side of the bar that has been admiring you all night, why don’t you try your luck with her?” 
I could hear the nameless date choke on his breath. I smiled at him as he stood, taking his coat, and quietly pushing his chair in, slithering  away like the slime that he was. Feeling empowered, I raised my glass to the bartender nodding my head, motioning for a refill on my beverage. He nodded back mouthing at me, “Just a minute.” 
It was then out of nowhere, I felt a hand on the small of my back. 
“Care for some company, Sassenach?” I could hear the thick Scottish accent and feel his warm breath on the back of my neck. I was in no mood to tell off another man.  
“If you didn’t just hear me I told off the last man that I was with. I’d rather not have to do it to two men tonight.” At least I was being honest.  
“Ye dinna even wish to hear me out, then?” He walked across the table and I took stock of his features.  Even in the dimly lit bar I could tell that he was tall, built like a rugby player, and had the most Scottish head of red hair I had ever seen. But there was something in the way that he spoke to me, a playful banter, a confidence, and a gentleness all that the same time that I couldn’t quite shake.
“I have a feeling even if I tell you no, you will still let me, ‘hear you out.’” I quipped my best attempt at a Scottish accent.
“Ye are a witty one, are ye no’ Sassenach?”  He took the empty seat across from me while the bartender set my drink down. 
“I’d be more inclined to be witty if you were to tell me what Sassenach means.” I reached for the glass but the Scot was quicker snatching it before I could grab it. He attempted a wink but it was the farthest thing from a wink I had ever seen.
I could feel the blush rising in my cheeks, the damn man had already gotten me to smile. 
“Ah so ye do smile.” He took a sip of my whisky. “Sassenach is a Scottish word, it means outsider. Ye are in Scotland and ye have an English accent.” 
“I get it, I’m an outsider here, then?”
“Aye ye are.”  He slid the drink across the table. “One that seems to have been set up on a date that ye dinna want to go on.” 
“How did you know that?” I reached for my drink and took a sip as I watched him shake his head in amusement. 
“I was sitting at the table behind ye, doing the same exact thing.” 
“And what might that be?” I took another sip and raised my brow at the mysterious man in front of me.  
“Being on a date that I dinna want to be on. My date couldna start talking about herself and yer date couldn’t stop talking about himself. Seems like they should have been on a date with one another.”
“I see.” I took a breath.
“I can sense that ye have a lot to say if given the chance and I wanted to give ye the chance.” He reached for my glass again, this time brushing his fingers over mine sending chills down my spine. 
“Well, with my story and luck, I think it is safe to say that I am going to hell tonight for how I just treated that man.” I tried to quip my best sarcasm, but there was something about this man that made me want to open up to him.
 “Between hell now, and hell later, Sassenach,” he said, his speech measured and precise, “I will take later, every time.”  He reached for the drink, taking the last sip.
“I’m Jamie, Jamie Fraser. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He stuck his hand out and waited. 
“I’m Claire, Claire Beauchamp.” I placed my hand in his knowing full well, my world was about to be changed forever.
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Frank: I was told to look after a man called 'The Asset'
Me: BuCkY????
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noel-byers · 5 years
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Incorrect quotes 😅😂
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klaineharmony · 5 years
Sometimes, at some of its best times, fanfiction is a game writers play for the game's own sake. A great game, even.
Anne Jamison, Fic
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And here is Chapter 36.
And in case you didn't see my post about it, I'm transferring 37 and 38 over to the next arc for a couple of reasons so that's all the chapters finished and its now on to the editing process.
This will probably take a while because the full thing is at 73 pages with just over 200 words shy of 30000. This was a beast to write. Its gone up from the original by like 10000. Didn't expect that.
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esonikofanfiction · 6 years
I'm not a hero. I don't fight for a cause. I do what I want, and if you've got a problem with that, it's not like I'm counting on you to stay. In fact, I'd rather you leave.
Saruhiko Fushimi
K: Tales of Midnight: A K Project Fan Fiction 
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mysticalspiders · 2 years
Over the last two months I have been discovering fanfiction. I have been in fandom spaces for a long time but have always kept away from fanficiton. Not for any dislike of the form in the abstract but because of a knowledge that reading fic would change my relationship with the original work. However, two months ago I broke this personal rule and started to step into the world of Critical Role fanfiction. The gateway for me was @essektheylyss brilliant and strange and wonderful piece what luminous world’s await which is anything but a normal place to start. And after that I fully fell in love with the medium. I have had this feeling of “there was been so much incredible writing hidden in fanfic this whole time !!” This is a long winded way of saying I have fallen completely in love with critical role fanfic and it has been the only thing I have read for several months. 
I have been taken with so many aspects of fanfiction that seem so quaint and lovely to me as someone used to reading published novels. Authors commenting at the start and end of chapters. Interacting with authors. Song recommendations. The fact that most fic titles seem to be song lyrics. But one of my favorites has been the little pieces of wisdom or wise words that hide like hidden gems on ao3. 
I was so taken with these little nuggets of wisdom that I started to text @righteouscookiedough what I called “fanfic wisdom of the day.” And then I became so taken with the idea that I secretly created a tumblr sideblog for it. 
@cr-fanfic-wisdom is a little sideblog that I have created that just posts wise little quotes from some of my favorite fics. They are all Critical Role fics because that is all I read. If you are interested in fic recommendations or just some nuggets of wisdom that happen to be from CR fanfics, you can follow! Also I will happily take any fic recommendations for this weird little project!
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youarentreadingthis · 7 years
Wise words of every fangirl
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favoriteficquotes · 3 years
"What’s wrong with the kitchen?” He spun around, facing the Mandalorian, who had followed him into said kitchen only to lean on the counter once more.
“The cabinets wobble, one has a missing door, you blew a fuse, there’s a section of flooring that needs to be replaced.” He replied, one arm propped onto the counter, the other hand on his hip that jutted out slightly. It was hard to call a killing machine like Mando sassy, but it was the only word he could think of in the moment.
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