#fanfic retrospective
temporary-fixe · 9 months
Minha retrospectiva 2023 — 12 meses e 12 capas, ou metade disso.
Oiê, pessoas. Pode ser um pouquinho tarde, mas mesmo assim queria muito fazer essa retrospectiva, porque 2023 foi um ano muito importante, em relação à ser capista, pra mim. Vai ficar incompleta? Vai. Eu parei de editar por longos quase dois anos! Voltei só em junho de 2023. Vai ser 6 meses e 6 capas, então!
Acho que evoluí bastante como capista também, comecei a editar com estilos que eu fugia igual uma doida antes. Mas vamos lá:
› junho e julho de 2023
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• bem enferrujada, né? mas precisamos começar (ou recomeçar) de algum lugar. o clube dos falsos emos eu fiz em junho, mas só postei em agosto.
› agosto de 2023
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• aqui eu voltei a pegar o jeito, talvez?
› setembro de 2023
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• admito que palavras tortas em um japonês ruim é minha capa favoritinha de 2023!
› outubro de 2023
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• eu testando estilos novos foi um filme de terror 💀 mas foi importante.
› novembro de 2023
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• a capa de balaio encantado é meu xodózinho, amo demais. menina fanfiqueira também!
› dezembro de 2023
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• em dezembro eu fiz muitas capinhas, mas destaco essas, porque consegui ver evolução!
It's all. como sou da velha guarda (hahahah) só cheguei até aqui por causa das: @ladysjung, aprendi muito com ela e só comecei a editar quando conheci o trabalho dela em blogs "eu quero ser assim"!! e também a @hyeincovers, sou fã número #0 das capas dela! e cito também a @stolenaffairs, que há muito tempo compartilhou um monteee de coisas que não só me ajudaram, mas ajudou muita gente.
dos que eu conheci faz pouco tempo, eu sou fã do trabalho das/dos @kodalindissima (obrigada por criar o coloursource 🙏) @cheillittlemess @chanyouchan @zemilestuff @xmaeve @xxpujinxx @nekomancee @aracnista @maluyoongi @aestuantic @moonwos @mixyl @ppompompudin @donaculkin @earlff @binglio vocês arrasam demais!!! há mais, porém isso aqui vai virar um livro se eu citar todos 😭 @hayezinn e @dallo-stan têm um lugar especial no meu ❤️
ok, obrigada a quem leu!
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Summary: Dorian Gray inspired AU. Lan Xichen, in seclusion after Guanyin Temple, paints a picture of Jin Guangyao. He comes to life.
Author: @evilhasnever
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yourteght · 9 months
# RETROSPECTIVA 2023 !! 12 meses, 12 capas ou quase isso...
E vamos para a primeira retrospectiva desse blog e com toda certeza a mais sem graça desse site tbm — pq não basta ser iniciante, tem que iniciar as publicações logo no INÍCIO DE SETEMBRO, é pra acabar comigo mesmo — eu fiz muita capa nesse ano mas apenas para o fim do ano então não esperem muito, vou frizar as mais queridas por mim e vivam com isso <3
– setembro ;
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Basicamente são as de d.gray-man pq o que me motivou a continuar sendo capista esse ano foi reler essa obra e me apaixonar de novo por cada um dos personagens — e esse amor se tornou em ódio pelo pinterest pq descobri do pior jeito que eles NÃO possuem muitas imagens dos personagens — infelizmente não sei escolher a minha favorita entre essas duas, não da, sorry :')
– outubro ;
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Eu estava me apaixonando por tons terrosos nessa época, lembro que tudo começou em uma manhã depois de olhar um tronco de árvore e daí eu resolvi que essa seria a minha identidade: algo que remetesse a terra, e o sentimento que me traz sendo um jovem de zona rural desde pequeno. Minhas edições nunca mais foram as mesmas depois disso como podem ver.
– novembro ;
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Novembro é o mês do meu aniversário e eu fiz MUITA CAPA, eu literalmente corria para casa só pra fazer tudo o mais rápido que podia só pra fazer capa, estava bem estressado e esse foi o único apoio que encontrei para tantos sentimentos ruins que rondavam minha mente e coração. Tbm foi o mês que de fato aprendi a fazer iluminação que pudesse se chamar de passável.
– dezembro ;
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Eu achei tantas capas lindas nesse mês, confesso que foi difícil escolher só duas para colocar aqui :( acho que minhas edições melhoraram muito messe mês, eu fui extremamente criativo e todas elas deixaram uma lembrança linda no meu coração, guardo todas elas no celular pra ver quando estiver mais pra baixo <33
– Menções honrosas ;
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Essas duas já são propriedade de duas pessoas que já amo, e eu não poderia deixar de mencionar elas pq elas são lindas e perfeitas <333 um marco na minha vida.
E é isso gente, queria agradecer a cada pessoa que tirou alguns segundos para curtir alguma capa minha, cada uma delas foi especial já que achava que ninguém se importaria com minhas edições tendo uma mudança bem drástica de estilo, o que me deixou extremamente receoso. Espero fazer muitas edições lindas para vocês ano que vem <333 e que venham muitas capas.
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Season 7 spec continues!
In the end, Eddie ends up being the catalyst for Buck’s relationship ending. If Buck looked too deeply at his previous relationships, Eddie was a large part in all his relationships ending since Abby, though he was never one to talk about it. Eddie tolerated Taylor at best, despised her at worst, never truly being able to get over her cutthroat decision to attempt to get Bobby on camera high. Despite his insistence that he agreed that she changed and he put it behind her, Buck wasn’t naïve enough to know that the barbs sent her way were entirely in jest, and yet harboring a very real distrust. Sure, in the end the decision was easy with Chim and Hen, but Buck knew deep down, he couldn’t last with someone Eddie didn’t like. Because, in the end, if he had to choose, he’d choose Eddie every time.
As for Ali, Buck distinctly remembers being in the bathroom, pissed off and aching after denying any support for help. It was humiliating, the weeks after being released from the hospital after the firetruck. Buck never thought he was a macho stereotype, but relying on the assistance of others while he could barely stand for a minute without getting winded was a bruise to the ego he couldn’t seem to be neutral about. As he leaned against the door, trying to catch a breath that was lost simply from standing by the sink, he heard a murmuring of voices outside the door. This was odd, because when he left, Ali was alone in the living room, staring out the window like she’d been taking to of late, as if she couldn’t lay eyes on the mess he became. It added to the humiliation in a way Buck realized he couldn’t quite put into words.
He had cracked the door open and heard Eddie’s voice – a voice he could pick out from any crowd, any situation – angrily whispering, “If you’re going to do it, just get it over with. You may not have noticed, but he already has a lot going on.”
It took a few minutes of eavesdropping for Buck to realize that Ali had been contemplating telling him she couldn’t handle being a firefighter’s boyfriend and Eddie decided to take matters in his own hands and demand – in the best Diaz, no-bullshit fashion – that she get over herself. Buck found himself furious with Eddie for this at the time, furious in the way he was furious about everything, snapping passive aggressive remarks that everyone took as an exhaustion of willing his body back to life.
Except as he had space for it, he realized the gift Eddie was giving him. Everything was so terrible, and if he started to get better and she left him, he’d tumble right down again. Buck often wondered if this was a result from Shannon, and Eddie simply was trying to protect him from the pain he felt in his own chest, hidden deep down that Eddie rarely let anyone else see.
Buck never told him what he overheard.
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shivroy · 1 year
few days late but would looove to hear abt ur succession oc!! i also have 1 (evil twunk bf for roman) and ws afraid that nobody else was making ocs and i would be sent to cringe jail SO i love seeing other ppl also doin the same thing!!!!
evil twunk male lover = speaking my language + important
my personal Guy i have posted about only like once is hibernian roy-wambsgans (hibs, named after the soccer team roman didn't buy, logan's team), tomshiv fan child (and an only child) who in this universe siobhan does not abort. he's taller than his dad and wishes his mom would ever look him in the eye. he's a hipster for the 2020s when he was born, and he loves his parents
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his middle name is logan (like kendall) and kendall is not allowed to see him. tom privately can't stand the sound of hibernian's voice
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earlsirius · 1 year
howlers knock at midnight.
jade leech’s admiration breaches on that of a predator with it’s prey.
chills run down your spine, something — no, someone has been following you, learning everything possible about you. his face shows no hint of this of course, he’s unpredictable, an enigma. you won’t have the slightest clue that deep down, he’s smitten with you. your warm smile that makes him want to preserve that moment in his mind forever. his sharp toothy smile that spreads warmth throughout your body. he’ll tease you at any given chance, knowing that his heart races just slightly faster when you react positively to his antics. this of course, you won’t know — at least not yet. he has to win your heart over first, completely and fully. and jade is never one to back down. so, just be a dear and fall for him already, won’t you?
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sungsetport · 9 months
𖥻 RETROSPECTIVA 2023 — 12 capas, 12 meses
— Olá, como vão? Antes de falar e mostrar a retrospectiva, quero e devo dizer que me inspirei na @loeynely para fazer esse post. Eu, como capista, mais pulei de estilo em estilo do que realmente evoluí, visto que das capas que eu juntei, apesar de ter traços que dê pra saber que são capas minhas, são diferentes umas das outras. Gosto disso, e gosto muito de me adaptar a estilo novos, desde manipulação a collagem (que ultimamente tem vidado meu vício). Sem mais enrolação, vamos para a retrospectiva:
– ꒰ janeiro & fevereiro:
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– ꒰ março & abril:
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– ꒰ maio & junho:
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– ꒰ julho & agosto:
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– ꒰ setembro & outubro:
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– ꒰ novembro & dezembro:
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E também, em relação a esse ano, gostaria de agradecer algumas pessoas. Primeiramente e principalmente, @minkisaur, minha namorada, que além de ter crescido junto comigo como capista aqui dentro, foi quem mais me apoiou a continuar meu trabalho, ela sempre vai ser minha inspiração, não só o trabalho dela como ela inteira. 🌻
Também queria agradecer a @mercuryport, @okaydokeyyo e @cottage-coreport, que também sempre estiveram perto de mim, me incentivando, me enaltecendo, me apoiando. E, claro, as minhas maiores inspirações aqui dentro: @loeynely, @xmaeve, @fairyeoll, @chanyouchan, @kodalindissima, @is-ateez, @mercuryport e muitos outros que eu agradeço imensamente só por existirem. Vocês são incríveis e com certeza fizeram meu ano aqui no tumblr e no spirit.
Enfim, obrigado a todos pelo carinho de sempre, os comentários bondosos, às pessoas que me fazem sentir especial quando se inspiram em mim, a todos que dedicam um pouquinho de tempo para não só dar atenção para mim mas para todos os capistas desse site. Feliz ano novo a todos, espero ver vocês pro aqui no próximo ano <3!
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littlebreadrolls · 3 months
I've been studying for the bar exam for the past month (8 hour days filled with unmitigated anguish, despair, horror, etc., etc.), and it just occured to me as I was lying in bed this morning, dreading the dawn of another new day, that I'm only in this position because my middle school self was way too into Hetalia Axis Powers. My autistic special interest in Hetalia directly led me to getting a geopolitics/history degree and ultimately to going to law school.
Middle school me wrote American-Revolutionary-War Era US/UK slashfic a little too close to the sun and now I have to take the goddamn bar exam and become an esquire
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13tinysocks · 1 year
Creepypasta/mh headcanons I can't fucking stand 🥰🥰 aka me dunking 80% of the fandoms head in a shitpost toilet xoxo if u disagree you hate lesbians xoxo
(literally made this draft 2 years ago and its still fucking true)
Fratboy toby (literally didn't finish highschool was bullied actual fucking loser 🦞)
Baby-ish tim titty sucking Toby (grown men with ass hair)
Twink Toby. (Has a hairy pussy)
Punk xvirus (where did u guys even get this he's like a sickly victorian child)
Brian/hoodie being hyper agrressive (he's an aloof psychopath imo like if u hates u he doesn't sexually assault u sry ;/ he hides your epi pen and puts shit ur allergic to in your lunch)
Hettie Liu (fag)
Them dating cops/investigators/military/boot lickers in general (actual criminals who love shoplifting and hate fighting over oil)
Eyeless jack but he can see with eyes or demon bullshit (fuck you)
Gay and misogynistic eyeless jack (yes, this is real)
Ben drowned. That's it I just hate every Ben headcannon.
Just wired hyper dommy rapey shit in general. I get you wanna write bdsm pointed stuff guys but rape rly isn't how to do it on God.
Yandere anything (makes everyone the same cookie cutter whacko with no sensible motive and also a generally ableist trope)
Jane loving Jeff (😀)
Jeff being suave. (Tells people to kill themselves on Twitter. Doesn't wash ass)
Offender man 🧍
Barbed cat dick jack (a lot of jack sexual hcs are so virgincore it's insane do you even realize what an anitomically correct barbed cock would feel like? Cats howl during sex because it is incredibly painful)
The phrase sloppy pussy
"""""""""""kitten"""""""""" ok virgin
Any of them smelling nice (piss in the woods don't clean foreskin)
Every headcannon (I know the truth Slenderman told me all the hot goss frfr)
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wordsandrobots · 7 months
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Falling for a fool: #12
The trip to the mine was not supposed to be momentous. Interesting, perhaps. A glimpse of bigger things to come. Nothing more.
But there is a Gundam buried there and you see -- you see -- the way his face lights up. Because this is something he wants. This is something he will fall in love with.
So you have a new job. You have a mobile suit to restore, a demon to rebuild, another weapon to put into his hands. He is so, so excited. He sends message after message asking how it's going. You reply with detailed technical reports you are 100% certain he is never going to read. He thanks you profusely and gives you money to paint this ancient monster from a forgotten war in lurid pink.
You know he's going to be even worse from now on. The thought is plain exasperating.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans, episodes #29, 34 & 35
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ladyniniane · 10 months
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Omnia Vincit Amor 1/4
Rating: M
Fandom : Fire Emblem Three Houses
❧ Dedue Molinaro/Original Female Character
Additional tags: #Post-Verdant Wind, #Trauma, #Survivor Guilt, #Grief/Mourning, #Angst With a Happy Ending, #Romance, #Healing, #Fluff, #Learning to Live, #Friendship, #Family Bonding, #Canon-Typical Violence, #Sexual Content, #Duscur
Des fleurs abandonnées. Un luth muet. La guerre est terminée, restent désormais les remords et le vide laissé par les morts. Dedue et la musicienne Maeve se sont rencontrés dans l'armée du Royaume mais le conflit les a séparés. Il a perdu son suzerain, elle ses amies. Tous deux peinent à trouver leur place. Leurs chemins se croisent de nouveau à Garreg Mach. Saisiront-ils cette chance de guérir et d'apprendre à vivre de nouveau ?
Abandoned flowers. A mute lute. The war is over, what remains is remorse and the void left by the dead. Dedue and the musician Maeve met in the Kingdom's army, but the conflict tore them apart. He lost his liege, she lost her friends. Both are struggling to find their place. Their paths cross again at Garreg Mach. Will they seize this chance to heal and learn to live again?
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Maeve se faufila dans les couloirs du monastère. Ses habits de deuil faisaient d’elle une ombre aux yeux des habitants. Certains avaient à son égard une déférence protocolaire car elle était la belle-sœur de l’archevêque. D’autres reculaient devant la muraille de glace qui l’entourait. La magicienne n’avait pas l’énergie d’y remédier, vivre mobilisait déjà toutes ses ressources.
Le bureau de Seteth était, comme à l’habitude, parfaitement ordonné. Elle aurait pu s’y retrouver les yeux fermés, entre les armes entreposées sur leur râtelier, la peinture de dragon, les livres… Sa famille voulait la garder à portée de main. Enid avait refusé de la laisser rejoindre ses troupes. Maeve croyait n’être plus bonne qu’à se battre, rien ne pouvait plus laver ses mains, le danger ne l’effrayait plus. La paix était un mirage, se réadapter à la vie civile était une tâche sisyphéenne. Enid avait cependant vu clair dans son jeu.
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sp00ky-scary · 10 months
not a burnt out gifted kid or a regular student but a secret third thing (really fucking stupid)
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babblish · 9 months
A Year in Writing; 2023 — A Retrospective
This year really fucking sucked for me, and thanks to most people deciding they don't care about covid and virus prevention any more, I spent a not insignificant amount of 2023 sick from entirely preventable diseases and chasing medical care. Still I wrote when I could, and what I lacked in quantity I made up for in persistence.
Behind the scenes I split Untitled Camelot fic into smaller, more manageable wips that I can slowly begin to publish when I'm ready. And god I came SO CLOSE to finishing Under the Wave, but it just wasn't to be with the luck I've had.
The Heart of Janus, Published:
June 17 - Honey and Lemon Returned from Hiatus (E) August 12 - Under the Wave Returned with 5 Chapters (M) November 11 - The Grave of the Felled Forest Launched (T) December 2 - Honey and Lemon Returned from Hiatus (E)
The Heart of Janus, Wips:
Camelot Fic; The Green Knight
Under the Sun — Part Two: The Daughters of Magic
Under the Sun — Part Three: The Pursuit of Stone
Arcadian Witch (aka Witch!Lenora Fic)
The Homework Squad (Multiple PoV; Coach Lawrence, Uhl, Janeth, Strickler)
Dungeons and Dragons, Published:
July 5-August 5 - Web of Starlight Returned from Hiatus with 4 more chapters
Dungeons and Dragons, Wips:
Web of Starlight
Doctor Robin Antimony
Doctor Beauregard Aubin Marceau Thibault-Babineaux
Overall Word Count: 112096
Highest Word Count in a Day: 3364 (August 29)
Average Word Count on a Writing Day: 849
Priority Project: 33692 (Heart of Janus)
Other Projects: 78404 (Web of Starlight, Robin, & a Secret Third Thing)
What I Learnt as a Writer in 2023:
Disabilities are disabling especially when it's inconvenient to you personally.
You cannot force words when you're unable.
It's fine to hold off on publishing something until you have the spoons to go back and polish it to a level you're satisfied with sharing.
How to publish anonymously on Ao3 using the anonymous collective.
Writing Goals for 2024:
Finish Under the Wave (I'm onto the final arc) and move onto Publishing The Green Knight.
Experiment with Drabbles.
Split up non-ToA notes and prose in the future.
Health willing, schedule time to read and art also.
Enjoy life
[2020 Retrospective] [2021 Retrospective] [2022 Retrospective]
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shards-of-silver · 10 months
Happy Birthday to Me!
Celebrating 10 years of fanfic this Friday. I wrote a little something different to commemorate the occasion.
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spacecasehobbit · 1 year
Every so often, I find myself thinking of the kind of story that Billy could have had if it had been Neil who got flayed in S3, instead of Billy.
If it was Neil who went off to work one day, and came back Wrong... not because he came back mean, but because he came back too nice. Too calm, missing all the sneers and casual insults that are usually thrown Billy's way whenever they're in the same room; strangely unconcerned with Billy's life but too concerned with whatever Max and that new friend of hers are up to, instead of offloading "responsibility" for his step-daughter's every move to Billy under threat of violence if he doesn't make her stick to Neil's rules.
And Billy is the only one who notices just how wrong this all is.
Max listens to him about as well as she ever does - which is to say: not at all - when he tries to bring up Neil's behavior with her (admittedly, he probably brings it up with his usual amount of grace and tact, which is to say: also none). It's not like Billy can tell the cops that his dad is acting weird by being too nice, if he was even the sort of person who went to cops to solve his problems. He hasn't exactly cultivated the kind of friendships where they talk about his relationship with his shitty dad, either, so he's exhausted his extremely short list of people who might understand as soon as Max storms off in her usual cloud of pissy, righteous teenage anger at his inability to talk to her without being a dick right off the bat.
And like, he's not even entirely sure why he's bothering to try and understand this new leaf Neil's turned over? Shouldn't it be a good thing that his dad is mostly just ignoring him, that Neil's finally taking a bit of responsibility for the kid whose mom he decided to marry and play happy little family with in the first place?
It's just... it's weird, is all.
It's weird, and it grates at him, and he can't help but drag himself into this mess, looking for trouble even when it doesn't find him first as his dad likes - liked - to say whenever Billy got caught up in the consequences of his own poor decision making.
So long story short, Billy goes from the one always being watched to the one always watching his dad, discovers his dad may or may not be starting some kind of cult with all his (white, male, because the man's definitely got plenty of bigotry that Vecna's perfectly happy to play along with, as long as he gets his army somehow) coworkers, discovers that actually it may be a literal fucking Satan cult or some shit when some of those coworkers and/or his dad start bleeding black (and maybe he catches sight of that new friend of Max's displaying what are definitely magic fucking powers), and winds up stumbling into the midst of the Upside Down plot all on his lonesome just as things are coming to a climax with the melted-people-spidermonster at the brand new mall, of all places.
And maybe Billy's been doing some of his own rather difficult and unpleasant personal introspection and character growth, in between spying on his dad and discovering that his sister and her nerdy little friends know way too much about magic and monsters, but still can't seem to notice just how fucking weird her own step-dad is acting until he goes straight-up feral at their little magic friend, said magical friend shoves him through a brick wall with her brain, and he escapes without so much as a broken bone so far as Billy can tell from his vantage point, hidden what is suddenly looking like a much less safe distance away from whatever-the-fuck-that-was than he'd originally thought.
The point is, Billy's done some thinking of his own. Some growing as a person, even, one might say.
So by the time he follows his dad to the mall, he still honestly has no clue what the hell is going on, but he knows his dad has always been a bastard, and he knows that little magic kid his dad is dragging towards a horror movie spider monster the size of their house might be the only one who can save this stupid nonsense town full of monsters and cornfields and bullshit and maybe, possibly, a few people who don't deserve to die horribly in some insane alien monster apocolypse.
In this universe, instead of El making a last minute, desperate attempt to reach out to Billy with empathy before the Mind Flayer feeds her to the monster, it's Billy who steps in out of nowhere to distract his dad from this random little girl the monster seems to want so badly but isn't gonna get.
Because Neil's been acting weird. He's been ignoring his fuckup of a son, paying too much attention to Max and hasn't even called Billy a delinquent or an irresponsible fuckup or a faggot in nearly a week, and apparently he's possessed by a monster that might literally be from hell.
But Max seemed to think Neil was still somewhere in there when he went crazy on her little magic friend, and maybe she couldn't reach him, but Billy's spent half his life learning just how to push his dad's buttons and get Neil's attention lazer-focused on himself.
Pissing off Neil Hargrove is an artform that Billy's long since perfected.
It feels good to be doing it on purpose because he's trying to stand in front of someone else to keep them safe, for the first time since his mom left and he started thinking he had to care about himself first, since no one else was going to. Doesn't even feel afraid when he tells his dad loud enough for the peanut gallery to overhear that he was right all those years, he raised a filthy fucking faggot who likes dick instead of pussy, that he doesn't give a shit about respect and responsibility if those things are supposed to turn him into a Man like the one that Neil Hargrove's always been.
Billy's always been a disappointment to his father.
Somehow, that fact doesn't sting like it used to.
Now he's got proof his dad hates him enough to shake off a shadow monster from another world just to beat on his own kid, and Billy?
Billy meets his dad's rage with a fucking smile.
For once, his dad's hits don't hurt more than the ache of the physical bruises they'll leave behind, don't come packed with that extra kick of guilt and shame and longing for a dad who loves him. For once, he makes himself get back up, bloody teeth bared with all the feral hatred and rage fostered from years of living in fear of his own father, and he hits back at the man who was already a monster long before he ever got possessed by one from another world.
Billy was never gonna be the kind of son his father wanted, but it's on his own terms now. Because Billy's never gonna be the kind of man his father was, either.
And step one of being a better kind of person is making sure this stupid fucking town and his annoying bitch of a step-sister and all the other weird little nerds and annoying classmates she seems to hang out with and all the other blissfully ignorant hicks sensibly enjoying the 4th of July fair instead of fighting eldritch horrors in the mall, actually survive to see July 5th...
Even if that means fist fighting his dad in the mall while a little magic girl takes advantage of Neil's distraction to take on a melted flesh monster in the background of this brand new form of fucked up mess his life has somehow become.
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earlsirius · 1 year
un, deux, trois, sauter.
to love floyd leech is to love living life itself.
his unpredictable nature carved his way through your heart. he was fickle; he could be nice, or he could be cruel. his giggles and laughs could be at the most innocent thing or at the cruelest expense of someone’s demise. but that didn’t stop you from falling for him; nor him falling for you. your smile that made his heart skip a beat — something new to him. addicting. if you were going to make his heart jump around like a fish out of water, you ought to take responsibility, dont’cha think?
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