#family: aedan x eamon
vellichor-virgo · 4 years
27, 31, and 36 for the oc ask game for a character of your choice!
hi zofija!! thanks so much for the ask :) sorry this took me a little while to get around to.
i realized i haven’t focused much on Aedan in ask games, so i’m gonna talk about him!!
(from this ask game)
27. How did OC meet their best friend?
Aedan and Pollux have known of each other practically since they came out of the womb, because Pollux’s father is one of the advisors of the king, Aedan’s father, and they’re only a year apart in age. They became friends when they were around 5 and 6 years old respectively.
It was a similar story for Maia. She moved to Serranis with her family when she was a toddler (she was born in a neighbouring continent across the sea). Her father also had a close relationship with Aedan’s father and the two of them were also close in age, so they always knew each other. Aedan befriended her when she was 9 and Aedan was 11, around the time her father got remarried.
31. Does OC have siblings? Do they get along if they do? Do they wish they had some if they don’t?
Aedan has two younger siblings: his brother Eamon, who is three years younger than him, and his sister Aislin, who is ten years younger.
Aedan has a very good relationship with his sister, who he absolutely dotes on. She is his weak spot and easily his favourite family member. Because of their huge age gap, their relationship isn’t really a sibling-like one. Because neither of their parents are particularly involved in the actual upbringing of their children, Aedan is Aislin’s main parental figure.
Aedan’s relationship with Eamon, on the other hand, is a whole different story. It is, to put it quite simply, bad. Their mother, Queen Catriona, is largely to blame for this. In order to play out her own schemes, Catriona made it a point to manipulate and pit Eamon against Aedan early in their childhood. Eamon has always envied Aedan’s position as crown prince, and Catriona manipulated this jealousy to put the idea in Eamon’s head that Eamon was the one who deserved to be king because his personality was so much better suited to it.
Because of this, Eamon developed a deep-rooted resentment (bordering on hatred) of Aedan and made it a point to compete with him over everything their entire lives. Their entire relationship is a competition, and Aedan frequently finds himself on the losing end, which feeds his insecurity that Eamon is better than him and his obsessive desire to prove himself to be worthy of the throne. Additionally, Eamon makes it a point to hurt Aedan in any way he can. Aedan’s most distinct feature is his crooked nose; Celena later finds out that Eamon purposely broke it when they were young. Eamon also likes using the people closest to Aedan as pawns to hurt him, with Maia being the most notable example.
36. How has OC been affected by their friendships?
Aedan’s relationships with Pollux and Maia are the most important relationships in his life. They’re the only ones that feel real to him, because their love of him is unconditional. When it comes to their friendship, they don’t care that he’s going to be king one day. To them, he’s Aedan. It’s incredibly important for Aedan to have them as a safe space he can retreat to when the burdens of royalty get to be too much.
I haven’t mentioned Celena too much here because her relationship with Aedan is a little more complex, and also because it’s one of the main features of the story, so it’s still being developed. But her friendship is super important to him too. They’re kindred spirits (both very introverted, bookish, anxiety-prone) and Aedan has never really had a close friend that is so similar to him. Celena understands him in ways the others don’t, which is incredibly comforting for him.
(I just realized that out of the three “friendships” I talked about here, only one of them is actually 100% completely platonic; one has romantic undertones and the other becomes a full-blown romance. That still counts though, right?)
Thanks again for the ask! 🥰
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