#fake monsta x texts
iibonniee · 4 months
Meet Your Match - Chapter 3
Paring: Kihyun x reader x Minhyuk
Genre: Angst
Warnings: angst, arguing
Rating: 18+
Word Count: 5.8k
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Glancing down at her phone, she let out an irritated sigh. As much as she loved her husband and brother, they were enough to drive her crazy. Across from her sat Minhyuk, who seemed absorbed in what his phone offered him.
Her soft smile wasn’t noticed by her company. Minhyuk took another languid sip of his drink, the ice cubes clinking against the glass like a gentle chime. His eyes, a warm combination of curiosity and distraction, remained glued to the luminous screen of his phone, consuming the cascade of information with an almost reverent focus. Yet, amidst the silent symphony of scrolling and sipping, he felt the subtle shift in the air—the unspoken words hanging between them—prompting him to look up.
His gaze met hers, and Minhyuk’s lips parted into a soft smile in that brief exchange. It was a fleeting gesture but profound enough to stir an effervescent flurry in her stomach, her heart dancing to the rhythm of nervous anticipation. She wrestled with the sensation, pushing it away like an unwanted whisper in the wind.
Clearing her throat, she broke the silence that had settled between them. “Kihyun... he messaged me,” she said, her voice stronger than expected. The words were an anchor, drawing Minhyuk back from his sea of thoughts. “He’s... apologizing for his actions.”
A peculiar silence enveloped the room as Minhyuk’s smile waned, his expression clouded by the mention of Kihyun’s name. His reaction was not dramatic, yet the falter in his usual composure was as telling as a shout in a library. His fingers paused their rhythmic tapping on the screen; an internal conflict washed over him, leaving a residue of discomfort she could almost feel hanging in the air.
Despite the storm brewing behind his eyes, Minhyuk chose silence. He shifted his gaze back to his phone as if seeking refuge in its glow, but his focus was no longer there, scattered by the tempest of thoughts that Kihyun’s message had stirred within him. She watched him, seeing the mask of tranquility he tried to maintain, knowing well the signs of his inner turmoil. Yet she respected his choice, offering him the space to navigate his feelings, even as her emotions churned with unsaid words and unasked questions.
“Are you planning on going home then?” He finally spoke, his words cutting through the silence that had settled heavily between them. His eyes were now back on her, and Minhyuk placed his phone down on the table, an evident sign of his attention fully turning towards her. His head was tilted slightly, a subtle cue signifying his concern’s gravity.
“Not right away,” she replied, steadying her tone. Her hands rested on the table, her fingers absently tracing the contour of her own glass. Her instinct was to remain nonchalant, to display an aura of calm despite the quickening pulse she felt within her chest. “But if I stay out too much longer, Nari will notice I’m gone. She’s… picked up on me, and Kihyun’s fighting much more. I know it’s getting to her. I don’t want to cause her more strain than our arguments already throw at her.”
Minhyuk nodded, acknowledging her words with a faint, wistful smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. The topic of Nari, her daughter, offered him a momentary diversion from the unrest brewing beneath the surface. But the question that genuinely gnawed at him refused to be pushed aside for long. “Does Kihyun know you’re here with me?” he asked, his voice holding a tinge of caution as if bracing for an answer he wasn’t sure he wanted to hear.
The question hung in the air, weighty and sincere. “Yes, he knows,” she responded after a moment, her voice a mix of pride and firm resolve. “I wouldn’t lie to my husband, even when things are tense.” She locked eyes with Minhyuk, conveying the depth of her conviction. “I love him, and when we married, we promised to always be honest with each other.”
The confession settled some of the tumult within Minhyuk, his posture relaxing ever so slightly. Yet, the mention of promises and love in marriage stirred an unfathomable emotion within him, leaving a bittersweet echo as a reminder of the complexities of their intertwined relationships.
“Do you want me to take you home?” Minhyuk asked her softly. She knew the look in his eye. She knew his relationship with her husband was a mix between strong and wavering. The on-and-off balance seemed to never want to fall on one end. Minhyuk had told her it was alright; it was like this: Kihyun was his best friend at the end of the day, and he respected their relationship. “I know your car is still at Hyungwon’s. I can’t imagine how pissed Kihyun would be if I let you take a cab home. Things… aren’t too great between us right now, either. I don’t think he was thrilled knowing you were with me, but if he cared about you enough, surely he would let this slide.”
Minhyuk’s offer, delivered in a tone gentle and laden with unspoken empathy, hung between them, both an olive branch and a veiled acknowledgment of the undercurrents in his relationship with Kihyun. The air was thick with unsaid words, and her mind couldn’t help but tread on the tender ground of curiosity, yearning to understand the fluctuating dynamics between the two men.
Yet, before she could voice her questions, Minhyuk subtly shifted the focus. He leaned back, a wry, almost resigned smile gracing his lips, betraying his intent to deflect further inquiry. “Let’s not worry about that now,” he said, a quiet undercurrent of finality lacing his words. “You’ve got enough on your plate.”
She hesitated, the taut string of her emotions fraying with each passing moment. The evident strain between Minhyuk and Kihyun pulled at her, adding weight to her already heavy heart. They were her family, yet they were cloaked in a mystery that seemed to grow deeper with every elusive glance and carefully chosen word.
Ultimately, it wasn’t the not knowing that convinced her, but the realization that Minhyuk offered a ride home and a sanctuary from the brewing storm. “Alright,” she agreed, her voice a soft concession borne of exhaustion and trust in Minhyuk’s caring nature. “Thank you, Minhyuk. I’d appreciate the ride.”
Minhyuk offered a slight nod, attempting to camouflage the relief that flickered in his eyes as he stood and moved to her side. The gesture was simple, a friend extending a helping hand, but it carried the weight of their shared history, the silent vows of protection and support that friends — that family — offered one another without a second thought. 
The ride to her home was a silent journey, an unspoken agreement to let the evening quiet envelop them both. Minhyuk’s hands were steady on the wheel, his gaze fixed on the road that unwound in the dim glow of the streetlights. She sat beside him, wrapped in her own thoughts, feeling the fabric of her evening fray into contemplation and concern.
They arrived at her residence, the familiar outline of her home - their home. The same beautiful house Kihyun had promised her the night they got married. Her heart hitched at the sight of Kihyun, her husband, standing outside, his figure backlit by the porch light. His stance was patient, a quiet sentinel awaiting her return.
“This is you,” he said, the softness in his voice betraying the strength he projected. Minhyuk pulled the car to a gentle stop, the engine’s purr dwindling to silence. With a cautious glance at Kihyun, Minhyuk hit the switch to unlock the doors. 
She reached for the door handle, fleeting gratitude brushing her lips as she murmured a subdued “Thank you” to Minhyuk. Stepping out of the car, she was immediately enveloped in the crisp night air, a prelude to the warmth she was about to face.
As she approached Kihyun, his expression shifted, a softening of features at the sight of his wife. It was an unguarded moment, a testament to their shared love that persisted through difficulties and strain. He pulled her into his embrace, and she melted into him, their troubles momentarily suspended in the cocoon of his arms. His lips found hers in a kiss that spoke of apology, forgiveness, and a promise to move forward together.
The door closed behind her, leaving Minhyuk alone after their departure. The silence that settled was abruptly punctuated by Kihyun’s piercing gaze. He had turned, offering Minhyuk a glance that was both a warning and a demand for understanding. It was the look of a man protecting what he layered with the complexity of friendship and the unspoken struggles only they knew.
Minhyuk acknowledged the unvoiced message with a nod, signaling respect and boundaries before Kihyun disappeared inside the home. As Minhyuk drove away, the night reclaimed its stillness, leaving him to navigate the roads and his thoughts, which were as twisted and intertwined as the streets that led him back into the loneliness of the city night.
The moment the door shut for the final time that night, Y/N turned to Kihyun, who let out a soft breath. His eyes didn’t meet hers, but she could tell by how his lips held a firm line that he was trying his hardest not to say something. His eyes finally flicked to her, his mouth holding a frown.
“Welcome home.” His voice quivered as he finally spoke, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. With a quick intake of breath, he straightened his posture, attempting to mask his vulnerability.
“Don’t, Kihyun. I’m not in the mood, so please don’t start,” she interjected sharply, sensing the tension thickening around them. She knew that pleading would only take her so far; her raw truth was bound to have consequences.
“Not in the mood?” he echoed, words laced with a sharp edge. Kihyun’s face darkened, the festering hurt bubbling to the surface as he stepped back, his embrace growing cold. “I’m left waiting, wondering if my wife will come home or spend her night confiding in my best friend and her brother — and I shouldn’t start?”
She felt the sting of his words, but her frustrations were brimming over, a tempest no less fierce than his own. “Yes, my brother,” she retorted, her voice raising in pitch, a blend of defiance and pain. “Because when I look for my husband, I find a man so entangled in his work that he can’t spare a glance for his own family!”
“You think I don’t see you? That I don’t care?” Kihyun’s voice cracked, his facade crumbling as his raw emotion spilled out. “I’m working for us — so we can have the life you deserve!”
“Deserve?” she spat back, her eyes flashing with an incendiary mix of sadness and anger. “I don’t deserve a husband so lost to his work that he becomes a stranger to me! I needed you, Kihyun. I needed my husband, not this distant... shadow that’s left in his place.”
Kihyun’s stance softened for a second, but she saw the realization, the understanding dawning on him. But it was quickly veiled by the resurgence of his defenses. Silence fell, a bitter cloak around their shoulders, and the depth of their struggle was evident in that pause. Two souls, intertwined by love and vows, were now caught in an emotional crossfire where pride and loneliness waged a relentless war.
“I don’t want an empty life filled with hollow successes and a home that feels like a waiting room,” she whispered, her words a serrated blade aimed at the heart of their issues. “I want us back, Kihyun, not this.”
“And you went to them?” Kihyun asked, voice hoarse from the struggle, a mix of accusation and hurt. He stepped towards her, a ghost of despair in his eyes.
“He’s my brother!” she reminded him fiercely. “And right now, he’s one of the few people who make me feel like I’m not alone in this — like I still matter!”
The room seemed to contract around them, the air thick with the weight of their shared sorrow, their love. What they once were falling apart around them.
Her fury rose, pain transforming into a forceful defense of her actions. “He is my blood, Kihyun! When I turn around and need someone, I find his support — not because I seek him out over you, but because he’s present and notices!” Her voice echoed through the room, fraught with her loneliness. “He’s the first person who notices when I’m down. That should be you, Kihyun! Not my brother. Not Minhyuk! You!”
Kihyun’s eyes flashed, a complex, dark glint revealing his internal struggle. “And that’s the problem, isn’t it?” he shot back, his voice cold. “That’s why Hyungwon looks at me the way he does now, with resentment, because he sees the distance between us and blames me — as if I don’t know I’m losing you both!”
“You think you’re losing us?” she fired back, incredulous, her brows knitting together as she shook her head. “We were never yours to lose, Kihyun — not possessions to be pushed aside until they better fit your schedule!” She took a shaky breath, a bitter laugh leaving her lips. “You’d know that if you weren’t so worried about numbers and figuring out when you can properly fit a vacation in your schedule.”
A bitter laugh escapes his lips, laced with desperation and a touch of madness. “And running to Minhyuk every time there’s a problem, too,” Kihyun spits out, his words like deadly arrows aimed straight for the heart. His gaze is piercing, a cold fire burning in his eyes as he accuses with venom in his voice. “What’s with that?”
She knew what he was insinuating without him having to spell it out, and the insinuation tore through her. “So, what? You think there’s something untoward going on between me and your best friend?” As if struck, she recoiled her voice a quiet tremor of hurt and outrage. “You’re so full of it, Kihyun.”
Kihyun’s stance shifted, a visible recoiling of his own, the accusation and doubts clashing tumultuously. “No,” he said, but the conviction was absent, replaced by a hollow, defeated tone, “I don’t know. I just... I don’t see. I don’t see anything anymore.”
“You’re right,” she said, her voice low, leveling her gaze at him. “You don’t see. You don’t see Nari’s longing for her daddy’s attention, for the man who promised her moons and stars but only delivers empty minutes. You don’t see that you’re not the center of my universe because you’ve chosen another galaxy to inhabit — your work.”
Her voice trembled with a mix of anger and sadness. “It’s not fair for me to carry the weight of her expectations while dealing with my heartache. You promised us, but now you’re saying that other things are more important than our life together.” She looked at him with tears in her eyes, torn between her feelings and the reality of their situation. “Kihyun, the day I married you, you promised me you’d go out of your way to get me the universe! Where is that?! If I knew that you’d be so lost in your work not even two years after being married, I would have said no.”
Kihyun’s jaw clenched, a vein throbbing in his neck as he battled emotions. “The universe?” he echoed, the words torn from somewhere deep, raw, and edged with fierce desperation. “You think I’ve forgotten? Every day, I wake up with the burden of that promise, knowing that I’m failing you, failing Nari. I’m trying to do right by us. Trying to have us not live the life we did as kids!”
His hands balled into fists at his sides, and she could almost see the walls he had built around himself as if to contain the tempest within. “Do you know how that feels? To toil and strain, to give every ounce of your being, and still fall short?”
Her expression softened momentarily, the anger giving way to the profound sorrow of seeing him so tormented. But the damage had been done, the dark whispers of doubt and fear sharpening her words again. “I never asked for the universe, Kihyun! Just a sliver of your time, your presence. That was my universe.”
“And I’m failing at that, too!” Kihyun’s voice cracked, and his soul laid bare. “But I’m trying, damn it! Can’t you see that? Everything I do, I do for you, for Nari. For our future.”
“The future is now,” she shot back, her voice heavy with the gravity of their present. “Nari is growing up now. I am living now. Our marriage is withering now. What future are you working for if it costs us our now?”
His face twisted with a heartbreaking conflict as if her words were arrows and he had no shield. “I thought it would be enough to build something lasting, something monumental. I could turn around, and there would be time to compensate for the lost moments.”
His breath shuddered, his eyes shimmering with a sheen of unshed tears. “But the sacrifice… it’s too much, isn’t it? I’ve sacrificed the wrong things.”
Their shared pain seemed to bridge the chasm between them for a heartbeat, a mournful realization of the missteps that had led them here. But the chasm was too wide, the damage too deep. The universe he had tried to deliver was collapsing, and their love struggled to survive amid the fallout. In that tumultuous space, amongst their anguished admissions, lay the true heart of their agony: the knowledge that love might not be enough to navigate through the void left by broken promises and shattered trust.
“And what of the life we have now?” she countered, her voice rising to match the pitch of her despair. “The one falling apart at the seams?”
In that heated moment, Kihyun glanced up, suddenly catching sight of a small figure on the stairway. Their daughter, Nari, stood transfixed by the scene unfolding before her. The innocence in her wide, tearful eyes struck him like a physical blow, and instantly, the defensive walls he built began to crumble as he watched as she held her stuffed rabbit close.
“Nari,” he breathed, his voice barely a thread as it reflected a new depth of his anguish.
At his exclamation, Y/N’s gaze swiftly turned to her daughter, the immediate shock freezing her in place. Nari’s eyes met hers for a heart-wrenching moment before the girl turned abruptly, a sob breaking from her as she fled back up the stairs.
Panic and parental guilt overtook the couple’s prior acrimony. They exchanged a look of shared horror, understanding that they had allowed their personal tempest to spill over onto their most precious.
Without another word, they followed in Nari’s wake, their own conflict now secondary to the need to console their child. The two of them raced up the stairs, the sound of their footsteps a stark, urgent drumming against the silence that had fallen after Nari's escape.
Reaching the top, they paused at the entrance to her room, each catching their breath from the exertion and the dire need to repair the inadvertent hurt they’d caused. Y/N’s hand hovered over the doorknob, her eyes meeting Kihyun’s — both slick with a film of regret.
She pushed the door open gently, the sight of Nari curled up on her bed, her small frame shaking with sobs, piercing their hearts like a dagger. The room, usually a sanctuary of laughter, now held a heavy air of something lost, something broken.
“Nari, baby,” Kihyun said, stepping forward, his voice strained yet tender as he reached for their daughter. But Nari recoiled, burrowing deeper into her pillows and stuffed animals fortress, her tear-streaked face turned away.
Y/N moved closer, sitting on the edge of the bed. She smoothed back Nari’s hair, whispering soothing words. “Honey, we’re so sorry. You shouldn’t have seen that or heard any of it.”
Nari’s cries began to subside, her parents’ presence a balm to her fright and confusion. Kihyun knelt beside the bed, his heart aching with the echo of each of Nari’s sniffles. “Your mom and I, we... we love you so much. More than anything in this, or any universe.” 
The moment was delicately poised; the air seemed to hold its breath. Y/N reached out, intertwining her fingers with Kihyun’s, a silent act of solidarity in their shared purpose. She offered a wobbly smile to Nari, the gentle humor behind it a frail attempt to dispel the shadows.
“Look at us, sweetheart,” she said softly, the tremble in her tone belying her calm exterior. “We’re a bit of a mess, aren’t we?”
“Are you... are you going to get a divorce?” The question was a whisper but boomed like thunder in the room’s stillness. Nari sniffled, a faint hiccup breaking through as her gaze shifted between her parents, perhaps searching for the stability that had seemed so shaken.
Kihyun’s hand tightened around Y/N’s, grounding them both. “Oh, Nari,” he murmured, his voice a brush of sound, “No, that’s not what we want. We were just... We need to work through things, but we’re still a team. Your mom and I, we’re going to fix this. I love your mother very much. I even vowed to her the day we got married to cherish her through everything. Your old father… he’s made some mistakes. But I’m going to fix that.”
His eyes, dark and earnest, met Y/N’s, seeking unspoken forgiveness for the shared hurt they had caused their daughter. Y/N nodded, silently echoing his promise.
“Sometimes adults get upset, and we say things we don’t mean,” Y/N explained, her voice laced with sorrow for the innocence that had been momentarily blemished. “But we love you, and that love? It’s stronger than any argument or any problem. We just forgot for a little moment, that’s all.”
Nari hiccuped again, her eyes brimming with hope and lingering uncertainty. “Promise?” The single word was laden with the weight of a child’s entire world.
“We promise,” Kihyun and Y/N said in unison, their voices melding into a singular balm for Nari’s heart.
“Nari,” Y/N spoke up, her heart slightly heavy as she rubbed her daughter’s back, “Where did you hear that? That word shouldn’t be something you know.”
Nari’s little body stilled within the encircling fortress of her parents’ arms. She pulled back slightly, a brave face attempting to overshadow her quivering lip. With a tiny hand, she swept at the tears that triumphed over her lashes, an earnest effort to appear composed.
“I... I heard Lia talking about it,” Nari sniffled, the name of her close friend surfacing among the remnants of her tears. “Her parents argue a lot, too. She said they were getting a divorce, meaning she might have to move away.” Nari’s next breath shuddered. “And I got scared because what if—”
Y/N shared a heavy glance with Kihyun; the unspoken fear that their domestic storms might uproot their daughter’s sense of safety was now painfully spoken aloud. She pulled Nari close once again, cradling her daughter’s face in the warm sanctuary of her palms.
“Oh, honey,” Y/N murmured, her voice threaded with care and subtle strength. “What’s happening with Lia’s family — it’s sad, and it’s okay to be scared. But every family has their own story, and ours is different.”
Kihyun nodded, firm in his conviction, adding, “Just like Lia is your good friend, your mom and I are the best friends, too. And even though we argue sometimes, we always find our way back to each other. We will find our way through this. Together.”
Tiny fingers clung to Y/N’s sleeves, Nari’s wide eyes lifted towards her, a flicker of hope reigniting within their depths. “So... we’re not like Lia’s family?” she asked, seeking assurance more than anything else.
“No, baby, we’re not,” Y/N affirmed, her voice quiet but resolute. “We love each other too much, and we love you even more.” She exchanged a glance with Kihyun, whose presence was a silent oath to the truth in her words. “We have our challenges, but we’ll face them as a family and overcome them as one.”
The subtle wisdom in their words seemed to settle over the room. While the shadows of doubt might take time to dispel entirely, the love within their familial embrace was a testament to their commitment. This promise held more weight than any uncertainty could shake.
Nari’s eyes, still glistening from the remnants of her tears, searched Kihyun’s, seeking the comfort of words and the assurance of action. “Does this mean you’ll be home more?” she asked with a hopeful lilt, a hint of yearning betraying her wishful thinking. “I miss it when you’re home. When you tell me bedtime stories, when we eat dinner together... when we make pancakes on Sunday mornings.”
Kihyun felt the sting of her words; they were an innocent recounting of his absences, a tally of the small moments that made up a young life in which he had been a spectator more often than he preferred. “I miss that too, Nari, very much.”
He reached out, brushing away a stray tear with a thumb, his heart tightening at her soft vulnerability. “I know I’ve been away a lot. Work has kept me busy, but that’s no excuse. You’re my little girl, my star, and I want to be there for all those moments. I promise I’ll be there. For the stories, dinners, pancake mornings... For everything.”
Y/N watched the exchange, the healing words spoken by Kihyun weaving into the very fabric of their small family. She felt a warm glow inside her chest—a mix of love and tentative optimism. “And I’ll help make sure he sticks to that promise,” she added with a playful wink at Kihyun, eliciting a sniffled giggle from Nari.
In a movement brimming with tenderness, Kihyun scooped Nari into his arms, lifting her like the lightest feather. “How about I start tonight? We can pick out a book, and I’ll read until your eyes are heavy with sleep.”
Nari’s smile was a sunrise, brightening the dimmed room, her earlier fears dissipating like mist in the warmth of her father’s pledge and her mother’s love. “And tomorrow,” she said, excitement lacing her words, “can we make pancakes?”
“We can make enough pancakes to feed an army,” Kihyun laughed, the sound rich and full of life’s promise.
Y/N, a silent observer to the exchange, felt something stir within her — a cautious hope that perhaps they could turn a new leaf, one where the family came before all else. She gave her daughter a soft squeeze, her silent promise to ensure Kihyun kept his word.
Kihyun’s gaze lingered on Y/N for a moment longer, acknowledging her unspoken words before he turned his attention to Nari. “Let’s find that storybook, shall we?” he said, and Nari bobbed her head, her chestnut hair bouncing with the movement.
With Kihyun and Nari nestled under the duvet, their heads close together as they flipped through her favorite fairy tale pages, Y/N quietly exited the room. She made her way through the dimly lit hallway, allowing herself a moment to gather her thoughts and brave the swell of emotions that had threatened to engulf her throughout the day. She took deep breaths, steadying herself for the discussion she knew was yet to come.
Minutes slipped by, filled with the low, melodic cadence of Kihyun’s storytelling from the other room. Nari’s light and free laughter floated through the walls, a testament to a father’s love and the healing powers of time spent together.
Finally, the gentle creak of the bedroom door announced Kihyun’s return. He found Y/N seated on their bed, her silhouette framed by the soft lamplight. The air between them was thick, full with things unsaid and deeds yet undone.
“Her laughter—it’s the best sound,” Kihyun started, but Y/N cut him off, her voice firm but weary.
“Kihyun, you made promises tonight. To Nari, to me. Promises I expect you to keep.” Y/N’s eyes held a storm of emotions, a testament to the battles she’d been silently waging. “I’m struggling, Kihyun. Struggling to keep up this facade that everything is fine for Nari’s sake, and you... you’re pulling away when we need you most.”
The room, draped in shadows and the soft luminescence of the bedside lamp, seemed to shrink with the tension that those words carried. Kihyun stood there, the joy of Nari’s laughter from moments ago now replaced by a tightness in his chest. His love for Y/N was unwavering, but the fear of losing her — of losing this family he cherished — clawed at him, demanding to be confronted.
“I’m not pulling away,” he said, the edge in his voice betraying his defensiveness. “I’m trying, damn it, I’m trying. You think I don’t know how hard this has been on you?”
Y/N inhaled sharply, her composure fraying. “Trying isn’t enough! You have to be here, really be here with us, not just going through the motions. I feel alone in this, Kihyun,” her admission was soft-spoken yet held a weight that filled the entire space between them. “Your job has taken priority over us. I missed the man who would rather cut his day short to be with me. To spend time with me while our baby was still in my belly. I miss the partner who would prioritize our family over work. Kihyun, I need you.”
Silence fell upon the room as the words hung in the air, each syllable inflicting hurt. For a heartbeat, Kihyun was at a loss; the prospect of his wife’s loneliness — seeded by his own shortcomings — left him feeling both mad and worried. He was Mad at himself for letting it get this far and genuinely concerned that he could lose her if he didn’t make real changes.
Finally, Kihyun closed the distance between them. He reached for Y/N’s hands, taking them into his own as a gesture of reconciliation. “I... I can’t bear the thought of being without you, without Nari. I’ve been so caught up in making a living I forgot to make a life with you both.”
Tears shimmered in Y/N’s eyes, a mix of frustration and the first twinges of hope. “Kihyun, I don’t want to walk this path without you, but I can’t do it alone. We’re supposed to be partners.”
His voice broke as he pulled her into a hug, the kind that sought to mend what had frayed at the edges. “No more excuses,” he whispered.
Kihyun’s barely audible whisper was heavy with the gravity of his understanding. The silent tremors of his body against hers communicated more than words ever could — the depth of his regret and his promise’s earnestness.
Y/N’s arms hesitantly wrapped around him, her touch tentative as if she feared that too firm a grip might shatter the fragile moment. Her voice was a ghost of sound, almost lost in the canvas of night. “I believe that you want to change, Kihyun, I do. But it has to be more than just a promise. Actions, not just words.”
He could feel the resolve in her voice, the unyielding intent of a woman who had weathered storms and stood her ground. Kihyun pulled back slightly, just enough to search her eyes, which were pools reflecting his commitment to reformation. “I know that, Y/N. And you’re right. You and Nari deserve better from me, and I’ll give you nothing less. I’ll make it my priority.”
Y/N released a breath she hadn’t realized she’d held, her heart wanting fiercely to lean into the hope that spread beneath her ribs like the first blush of dawn. But part of her guarded that hope shielded it with a caveat born of past disappointments.
“You have to, Kihyun,” she said, her words a quiet ultimatum laced with the last strands of her patience. “I can’t... I won’t keep picking up the pieces on my own. If we’re thrown aside again — if I’m thrown aside — I can’t stay. Not like this.”
Kihyun felt the sting of her words, an ache that threatened to constrict his throat. The envisioned future — a bleak landscape devoid of her and Nari’s smiles — propelled him into fervency. “I understand. I do. That won’t happen. I’ll put you both first. I’ll be the husband and the father you both need.” With a gentle smile, Kihyun whispered words that echoed with sincerity, “Together, we will weather any storm.”
He wiped away any stray tears that fell from her face, his face now full of love. She knew his walls had crumbled the moment Nari caught their ugly argument. She had hoped for their daughters sake those walls would remain down for as long as they were alive.
“Why don’t you get ready for bed. I’ll shoot a quick message to everyone and cancel all my meetings tomorrow so we can have a nice day out. Maybe we can head to Jeju for the day. Whatever you and Nari want to do, I’ll make it happen.”
Y/N felt a flicker of surprise and guarded elation at his words, her heart daring to hope that things might actually be different this time. His eyes, open and earnest, were windows to the vulnerability he rarely showed anymore. His determination to prioritize their family was not just a temporary dam against the flood of emotions but a foundational change in the architecture of his priorities.
“Jeju sounds wonderful,” Y/N nodded, her voice soft but carrying an undercurrent of cautious optimism. The idea of a family outing was like a tentative step on a new path, their own winding road toward healing.
Kihyun reached for his phone, moving with purpose, his thumbs flying across the screen as he sent the necessary messages to clear his schedule — a tangible first step that Y/N witnessed. This small yet significant olive branch signaled his commitment to their future.
Their eyes met again, and the air hummed with the quiet but fervent promise of new beginnings. As Kihyun’s lips upturned into a hopeful smile, Y/N allowed herself a moment of reprieve from the guarded walls she had built around her heart.
“It’s a new day tomorrow for all of us,” he said, embracing the dual promise of daylight and the laughter of the ones he loved most. Kihyun nodded, his heart lighter with every canceled meeting, a symbolic shedding of the weights that had previously shackled him to a life out of balance. 
“I’ll go get ready for bed,” she murmured, lifting her gaze to his just once more before retreating to the sanctity of their bedroom. Her eyes caught a glimpse of his screen, which showed Minhyuk’s name. Her heart skipped a beat, and a mix of curiosity and uncertainty washed over her. She could only hope his message was an apology. 
After all, Minhyuk was his best friend.
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kpopfanboy · 6 months
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Shownu finding out his boyfriend is Jooheon’s brother… After he threw a jealous fit
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viasdreams · 25 days
Hiii again😔 could you pleasee do “asking xdinary heroes to watch barbie movies w you”? And maybe the same for monsta x ^3^
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⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺
asking xdinary heroes to watch barbie movies with you !!
a/n: first xdh post!! i luv my heroes <333
i fear i cannot do monsta x <\3 very very sorry
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fake text m.list ☁︎⋅
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chans-room · 1 month
Spookyfest 2024
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🎃It’s that time of year again!👻
Requests are open for headcanons, rankings, moodboards, fake texts, reactions, and drabbles. I will take sfw and nsfw requests and I’m willing to do multiple groups for the same concept. You just have to tell me who you want to see 🖤
Rules for requesting: Anything goes! Dead dove, dark content, yandere, murder, smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, AUs, etc! I’ll try to do as many as I can. I don’t have many hard limits as to what I’ll write; my only hard no's are parent fics and pregnancy fics. Otherwise, feel free to send in whatever you desire!
Groups you can request for: Stray Kids, Ateez, Seventeen, SHINee, KARD, Block B, BTOB, Got7, EXO, Monsta X, and NCT/WayV!
Last year's Spookyfest entries can be found on my masterlist 👻 here 👻
Important note: I already have 10 spookyfest wips I'm working on, most from last year that I didn't complete in time! If you sent a request last year, please be aware I have every intention of completing it.
🎃 Happy haunting!
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dazed--xx · 2 years
Breathless 2 (Alt. Ending)
Member: Hyunjin x reader  
Word count: 14.1K
IDOL CAMEOS: Karina-Aespa, Yeji-Itzy, Lia-Itzy, Jinhwan-Monsta X.
Trigger warnings: toxic relationships, ANGST, happy ending, mentions of smut no smut actually featured, fake texts, mentions of drinking/getting black out drunk, mentions of cheating, mentions of marijuana use, crying, arguments, mentions of anxiety. anything else i could have forgotten.
A/N: So this the alternative ending. So many people asked for a happy ending and my original plan was not to have one but i did make this alt ending for all my fluffy happy ending lovers most of the two stories are the same until the final confrontation. Im still willing to write drabbles for these characters and everything so thank you for enjoying.
Part 1    Original Ending
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You were grateful for Felix having come into your life. Ever since your break up with Hyunjin, two months ago, He’s been your rock through it. From taking you out anytime you felt you needed to get away, to cuddling with you and watching a movie, and some days like, today, when Hyunjin does reach out to try to talk Felix is the one to usually urge you to at least get closure. You immediately found yourself wandering aimlessly until Felix picked you up and brought you to the beach. But you being sad didn’t mean you didn’t get out of the ‘closure’ lecture.
“You know....”  
Felix trails “You’re going to have to talk to him eventually you deserve an explanation......and closure” you sigh in response, adjusting yourself against the uncomfortable pebbles beneath you. Your eyes trail over the setting sun dancing across the water, waves crashing against the rocks on the shoreline. “I can get an explanation from Ye-na before I get the slightest truth from Hyunjin” Felix flinches at the way you say Hyunjin’s name. He stands in his place almost dumbfounded. “Listen helmet, like honestly, I would 100% agree that what he did was wrong but he looked genuinely heartbroken when you ended things. You should at least hear him out if not for him then for yourself. Wouldn’t you want to know why he cheated?” you shake your head in response. “Why would I ever want to know why?” You growl. “So, you don’t feel like it's your fault, which is what I know you feel.” you force your eyes away from the water “and how could you possibly know that?” you counter. He shrugs in response running his hand through his hair before placing extending out to you “the face you made just told me, but let's get out of here please you know what kind of people hang out around these parts at night” you chuckle in response as you grab his hand “I literally met you right over there” you pointed toward the pier “So they're your kind of people Yongbokie~” you tease.  
His face is flat “Dude they're STILL looking for me”  
It was your turn to shrug “And? Why'd you piss them off” his mouth hangs open “I didn’t purposely piss them off I just.......slept with the leader's sister......” “And?” you urge him to continue “And he walked in okay!” he responds. You couldn’t contain your laughter, “Wait! He saw little yongbokie!” you struggled to regain composure as you approach Felix’s bike. “1! How was I supposed to know he would walk in she said she was going to be home alone for hours she miscalculated. And 2! Don’t name my dick especially a title that implies its little. When it very much isn’t” you roll your eyes at him. “Suuuuurrrrrreeeee” his face forms a scowl. “What? You want to see? Don’t think you’d be able to handle it” he urges, his hand wrapping around your hair forcing your head back pressing your back against his chest. You squeak in responds your face turning toward him “Don't threaten me with a good time” you tease facing him brushing your noses together before running your hand down his torso making your way toward his waistline before his hand grips at your wrist “FINE! Fine! You won this time okay” he jumps. You chuckle in response “Lixie, you act like I don’t win every time you try to play this game with me”  
“You only win because I let you. I have no problems with being a rebound honestly and if I wanted to win, Helmet, you’d have been in my bed the night after you broke up with Hyunjin” He states. “Hmm I'll keep that in mind then” you shrug as he starts his motorcycle. “You know you're quite annoying, even Karina gets somewhat flustered when I talk to her” he snaps. You giggle “Lix, you’re really attractive and honestly at first you definitely made me really blushy but I was with Hyunjin so it was really easy to kind of shrug it off you know?” you state softly. The wind kissing your cheeks. “But, if I ever felt like you know, ready to move on, you’d probably be the first person I'd sleep with” you finish matter of factly. He nods in response “Shit just let me know, I can definitely make you forget all about Hyunjin” He winks biting his bottom lip before hopping onto his bike.  
“But it's cold so you coming or not?”  
You sighed as you walked toward your dorm’s entrance, you weren't excited for Lia’s questioning on why you had randomly left the dorm, completely disappearing while she showered. You dragged your feet as if they were imbedded in cinderblocks, formulating a plan to make a beeline for your bedroom and locking the door. You regret taking the stairs as you enter the door to your floor, your legs aching. Your eyes not leaving the ground as you continue your path to your bed. Your hands fidgeting with your keys, you let out a loud sigh. Finally lifting your eyes as you come close to your door, your heart sinking as you see your ex sitting in front of it. You consider running back toward the stairs before he could notice you, yet luck was not on your side as his eyes find you and he jumps to his feet.  
You freeze in shock, it’s the first time you’ve seen him since you broke up and he didn’t look too good---well he still looked absolutely gorgeous, but you could see the lack of sleep in his eyes. Ghost trails of tears stained on his face, his hair was disheveled and he was still wearing the same clothes from the night you had broken up. Your throat tightens, you felt your fingers tingling; you’re face heated up rapidly. You hated that, even with the pain he’s caused you, he could still make your heart race. You felt your heart ache at the sight of him in pain. Still, there’s a light in his eyes when he looks at you.  
“Bab--Y/N....” his voice is coarse “C-can we talk.... please?”  
His eyes are pleading as he slowly makes his way toward you. You release a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, looking toward the ground once again shaking your head. “Y-you need to go...” you mumble. Your eyes notice his shoes now in view, you can feel the heat radiating off him due to his closeness. “Please....I-I just want to talk--I don’t know what else to do. You don’t answer my calls or-or texts. I don’t understand what happened--I feel like I can't breathe” he begs, you feel his hands on your arms igniting a fire in your stomach. You jump at the contact your head whipping to look at him as you force his hands off you. “No.” you state coldly. “You need to leave now, Hyunjin” you shove your way past him to your door. Forcing your key in the lock and turning before you turn back to your ex. “You lost your chance to talk to me the moment you fucked anyone else while we were together. Leave before I call security” “I didn’t--I sw-” his pleads are cut off by you slamming the door behind you.  
Hyunjin stood in shock, tears welling in his eyes. He knew it was going to be hard to get you to forgive him but how could he even begin to try to fix things if you wouldn’t even look at him. His heart clenched in his chest. This isn’t happening...... he thinks to himself. The same words that’s been playing in his head since that fateful night. He didn’t know what else to do, he was so lost. He’s never felt pain like this before and he still couldn’t understand why. He knows what you believe but he still doesn’t even understand what Ye-na told you. And when he confronted Ye-na she just laughed at the ‘irony’ as she had stated boldly. He’d spent countless hours these past two months staring at nothing but his phone screen waiting for something---anything in return from you. Losing you was the last thing he could have ever wanted. He knew he should leave; he knew you wanted him to go, but he couldn’t he needed to try. He needed you to talk to him. With a shaky breath he lifted his phone and immediately pressed the call button of your contact. Pressing his back against your door and sliding down.  
“Fuck......” he cried as he ran his hand through his hair. Of course, you’d reject his call. He wanted to scream, to beg for you to talk to him; his mind flashed to the way you flinched at his touch. He wanted to go back, back to when he first got his chance with you. He'd change everything, he’d appreciate everything he had. He needed to hold you again, if he could go back, he would have stayed every time you’d ask. He’d show you he loves you, because he did—he does. He wishes he’d realized it sooner, anything to just have you back. He hates that he confessed his love when he did. He knows what you probably think, but he needed you to know. He thought it would reassure you that he didn’t want anyone else. His phone buzzed in his hand. His heart lit up at your contact.  
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He knew it wasn’t much, but it was something. You responded; he didn’t care it was to tell him to leave. He immediately went to respond, only for his message to be interrupted by a call from Jisung. He sighed to himself as he pressed the answer button. “Hell---Dude, you gotta go home” Jisung interrupted. “What are you talking about?” Hyunjin questioned with faux confusion “I am---no! You're not! you wanna know how I know you’re not?! Because I’m at your place! Dude! Come home, okay? If she wants to talk to then she will but you can't camp out in front of her dorm its honestly fucking creepy!” Jisung exclaims. Hyunjin rolls his eyes, biting his lip. “Fine, just-just stay their asshole”  
“Dope, when you get back, you’re taking a fucking shower and cleaning your room bro this is gross and honestly no girl would even look at you let alone talk to you judging by your place.” Jisung whines.  
“So fucking leave then!” He snaps.  
“See I would, but I’m the hot one now and I just need a second to soak it in so get home while you still look like shit” Jisung exclaims excitedly. And for just a moment, Hyunjin considers murdering his best friend. Scoffing, he quickly ends the call before lifting himself off the ground. He gives one last look at your door before he makes his way back to his dorm, leaving his heart in his place.
Your dance class has been.... awkward to say the least. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife, you can feel Ye-na's glare and Hyunjin’s love sick longing stare on you. Jisung still follows Karina around like a lost puppy so you have to sometimes deal with the occasional run in with him. Jisung, as Hyunjin’s best friend, is one of the few that truly knew what was going on in your past relationship. Sometimes you thought he knew even more than you about your own relationship with Hyunjin. He remained polite sometimes looking at you with sad eyes when he notices Hyunjin’s pleading gaze. You questioned as to why he sat here with you when his own best friend sat across the room, not paying attention to his dance partner and focusing on you and only you.  
You honestly felt exceptionally confused. Why was Hyunjin acting like this? A question that’s lingered in your mind for days. He had ignored you for the majority of your relationship, only showing interest a select number of times that didn’t involve sex. You were together for a little over a year and if you were to say you didn’t love him it would be a lie. You loved him, you still love him but he obviously didn’t feel the same if he had seeked out another woman. You hated yourself for not hating Ye-na, you don’t know if she knows you overheard her conversation with her friend but honestly, you owed her a huge thank you. For months you couldn’t figure out how Hyunjin had felt about you, and in a few words, you learned that he did not feel the same way. You didn’t blame her; she wasn’t the one that promised you exclusivity so how could you hold a grudge against someone that got played by the same person. He probably made false promises to her as well, so, why the heartbroken pouty expression that wouldn’t leave his features. You feel like you should at least talk to him, but every time you went to respond to him; Ye-na's words rang through your head. Why would he say you guys were nothing serious and then declare his love for you?  
You had practically the exact same conversation with everyone beside Karina, who had suggested you talk to him, after a certain violent act pertaining to a very vital reproductive organ was performed; which you had considered but immediately shot down. You didn’t want to talk to Jisung about it so you had gone to Changbin, who also told you to talk to Hyunjin and nothing more or less. You felt like pulling your hair out and you knew you’d regret it but you decided to talk to Jisung, he’d have the most knowledge about everything and you were honestly still to hurt to face Hyunjin so this was your best bet. You let out a shaky breath before you stood up and looked at Jisung. “Hey can you come with me to something from the vending machine in the music department?” It was no secret that the vending machine in the music department contained the best snacks and drinks, the foreign stuff. But you hoped that he would understand that there was more to you asking other than you craving things.
The confused look on your face told you he didn’t catch it, “Why?” He asked, Karina slapped the back of his head “Ouch! Why’d you do that?” He whined rubbing his injury “Because you’re stupid. Bring her genius! she can't get into the department without a music major” She snapped as she rolled her eyes. His cheeks heat up in embarrassment “Sorry” he apologized as he stood from his place. You felt eyes burning on you and Jisung as you made your way out of the studio. You look at Jisung quizzically as you notice him looking across the room before almost crashing into the door if you didn’t pull him out the door behind you. “Jesus, Han I think you’d lose your head if it wasn’t attached” you tease, raising your eyebrow to him. He chuckles in embarrassment as he fixes his shirt “Sorry, I was—Hyu--I got distracted” He looks away as he stammers.  
“That’s actually why I wanted to go to the music department. You’re Hyunjin’s best friend you probably know way more than me about---Y/N I told you I don’t know if what Ye-na said is true” He cuts you off. You shake your head rapidly “No that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about”  
“Oh” He states in confusion “well then.... what about Hyunjin did you want to talk to me about?”
“Well, as you probably know I still haven’t talked to him about things, BUT the night we broke up. He said something that has me really confused” You explain. “Well....what did he say? I can’t really help you unless I know, you know?” He states softly, you pause for a moment “He told me he loves me.” Jisung’s eyes widen “He finally confessed?! And He didn’t even tell me?! I’m supposed to be his best friend, his ride or die, and he doesn’t even tell me that” he exclaims in betrayal. You snap in his face while he continues his rant “Hanji, Focus. So, you do at least know how he feels then” Jisung shakes his head at you “Oh no no no little lady, Karina warned me this talk was coming. It's not my place to tell you how Hyunjin feels about you. You need to talk to him if you want answers” You scoff “Karina told you to say that?”  
“No! I’m saying it!” Jisung exclaims “Honestly Y/N, I’m his best friend he’s not doing okay in all of this and He wants to tell you how he feels and what you mean to him. And as his best friend and knowing how he feels I know he needs to be the one to tell you. You think you’re the only one hurt right now but you’re not. My best friend is going through his first ever break up, and he’s heartbroken. And I’m not making excuses for him, you had a good reason to break up with him he promised you loyalty and he didn’t keep that promise I guess but let’s be real here you know the kind of guys we are. Were you really surprised? You probably thought this would have happened anyway because let's be honest here me and Hyunjin aren’t built for relationships. I don’t know if he’s ever cheated on you like for real but I do know that I wouldn’t be surprised or disappointed if it turns out he did if I were you.”  He states honestly, as his hand grasps your shoulder stopping you. “So, what? I should forgive him if he did?” You question. Jisung shakes his head “No, you shouldn’t honestly just cause I’m that kind of guy doesn’t mean I'd say you should forgive him. If he cheated dump his ass and move on you want loyalty, you’re that kind of girl.”  
“So, I should......?” you prod.  
“Talk to Hyunjin Y/N” Jisung scoffs
Hyunjin didn’t know why he had done it, honestly, he knew why he’d done it but he doesn’t know exactly what could come of him messaging Felix; But he knew one thing for sure, he was running out of options. He was losing his mind thinking of ways to get you to talk to him, He knew Felix would at least have some insight into how you were feeling, judging by your social media, you’ve been with Felix every day since the breakup. Your friendship with Felix had always brought an uncomfortable ache in Hyunjin’s chest. He’d realized you deserved better than himself long before you had met Felix, but it wasn’t until after that Hyunjin realized you deserved someone like Felix. He could see that glint in your eye every time you talked to him and it always made Hyunjin feel like throwing up. That is until you had broken up with him and Felix had messaged him almost immediately that he had brought you home, that you were safe and needed time. Hyunjin had realized, in the short time he’s spent talking to him, that Felix truly cared for you so much so that he’d continuously update Hyunjin on your condition. Hyunjin hated himself for ruining things so much that he couldn’t be with you anymore, but at least he had a way to make sure you were okay, at least he had Felix.  
So, Hyunjin used his last hail Mary and messaged him to see if he would want to get something to eat and talk, only to be eagerly surprised when Felix had agreed. So here Hyunjin sat, in a pizza restaurant that Felix had picked out, his eyes focused on the cream-colored table. His hands holding onto each other while his arms rested on his shaky legs. What would Felix say? Hyunjin wondered. He wanted to ask your dance partner how you were, if you were doing okay, what you were thinking about when it came to your relationship, did you feel like a part of you was missing too. He couldn’t even touch the pizza he had ordered. He felt nauseous waiting for Felix. His breath was shaky when he heard the chair in front of him scoot out. His eyes slowly lift to be greeted by the warmest smile. Hyunjin could see why you went to Felix every day for comfort, from just his friendly smile alone Hyunjin felt himself calming down. “S-so, uh, y-you're probably wondering why I asked you to come here” Hyunjin stammered. “Well, technically I picked this place but sure I guess, I figured you probably wanted to talk about Y/N you know?” Felix chuckled as he reached for Hyunjin’s soda, “You don’t mind, do you?” Felix questioned, Hyunjin stared at him in shock and shook his head no.  
“No-well—yes, I want to talk about her but it's not just for that reason!” Hyunjin explained nervously “Look, I know how she feels right now and I know I’m the reason for that, but I just want---no I need to explain. I don’t know if she’d forgive me, but I fucking hate that I hurt her and I just-I need her back. She was the best thing that’s happened to me and I fucked it all up and I don’t know how to fix it and I hate myself for not knowing what to do right now. In the past I would have just said fuck it and moved on and just forgot about her. ----sigh----but I can’t. I can’t just move on; I can’t just act like she never existed. I love her and I need her to know that. I won't fuck this up again if she gave me a chance but she won't talk to me and I feel so fucking lost without her” Hyunjin felt tears well up in his eyes the longer he continued, soon his eyes never left Felix’s face “and you’ve been so nice to me, you don’t know me and you know how badly I've hurt her, and she’s your friend so you should hate me but you came here and-and you let me know that she’s safe. And I know she’s safe when she’s with you. You didn’t have to do any of this but you did and I owe you a lot honestly and I don’t know how to repay you” Felix’s features twist into a cognitive look.  
“Well, the only thing I want, and I think Y/N wants, is the truth of if you did cheat on her with Ye-na” Felix responds stoically
“she’s the only person I'll answer that question to” Hyunjin groans rubbing his temples “If she’d ever talk to me”  
“You ever try just explaining”  
“What do you mean?”  
“I mean, genius, you ever try just texting her your explanation and just hope she reads it?” Felix suggests. Hyunjin sat there with a dumbfounded look on his face “You’re a fucking idiot” Felix groans as Hyunjin shakes his head. Why had he never thought of that? “Instead of wasting your time begging her to talk to you and let you explain. You should just explain. If she responds, she responds, if she doesn’t then, well, at least you explained yourself.”  
You don’t know what you were thinking when you decided clubbing with Karina, especially for the first time, was a terrible idea. The dress Karina put you in was WAY too form fitting and very short. The music was exceptionally loud, vibrating the room with its pulsing beat and the guys were......eh, from trashy pick-up lines, to just grinding against you while you danced. At this moment, you longed for the days where Jisung would flirt with you, at least there was.... well, finesse, if you had to choose a word for it. If you had to give anything to your ex and his friends they definitely knew how to flirt and get a girl to go home with them, and not due to just their devilishly handsome faces, they had an aura around them that spewed confidence and experience. But instead, here you stood, with a handsome guy yet you felt bored. You find yourself comparing him to Hyunjin a lot. He talks about himself a lot, Hyunjin didn’t do that at least he’d seem interested in you when you guys were together; this guy didn’t. You think his name was Ji-Han or Jin-Hwan or something. When he brushes a stray hair out of your face you notice the couple ring on his finger, you pull your head away from his touch when you feel an arm snake around your waist pulling you back toward their figure. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t touch my girlfriend” a familiar deep voice stated from behind you. The guy stood in shock, before Felix pulled you farther down the bar.  You stare at him eyes widen; you bite your lip in embarrassment when you see the scowl on his face.  
You think Felix, may be your guardian angel, you immediately wrap your arms around his neck; thanking him profusely. You felt him shake his head before wrapping his arms around your waist lifting you slightly. “You’re lucky you’re cute” He groans before he lets you go and ruffles your hair. “Why you so mad? Wait! Why are you here? Not that I don’t completely adore you but weren’t you with someone?” you question, his cheeks heat up with a pinkish glow before he shrugs. You gasp “Did you get rejected?”  
“No!” He snaps, his scowl returning.  
“Yongbokie~ say it isn’t so... you got rejected?” You tease.  
His arms quickly wrap around your waist and presses your back against the bar. He brushes his lips against your cheek, you feel your face heat up when he places a soft peck on your cheek. “Do you think I’m the type to get rejected?” He nudges. His face makes its way toward your neck, his lips brushing over it gently. You feel yourself growing wetter by the minute. “Uh-I-I-Aww, Helmet cat got your tongue?” Felix cuts you off as he pulls back. Your eyes form a glare before you shove him back “You’re annoying” you groan. He smiles widely, his eyes forming crescents as he scrunches his nose. “You finally reacted though” He states proudly. Rolling your eyes “Yeah sure” you argue. “You did though...” He whines.  
“Sure, Lix whatever you say” You deny behind red flushed cheeks.  
“Deny it all you want but you want me, Helmet. I know I’m probably your ideal type but you have to control yourself Y/Nie. I’m supposed to be your best friend” He teases. You shake your head at his antics. “You can't kiss me, okay?” he continues. You fake a gag, before shoving him back, and allow your eyes to drift around the room. Though it was just more of Felix’s harmless playful flirting, it still felt wrong to have him so close to you. You knew it was stupid but your heart still longed for Hyunjin. It’s not that you didn’t enjoy Felix touching you, you just wished it was someone else. You hate that you longed for his touch, his lips, his everything. You knew what you had heard from Ye-na but you didn’t know if it was even true. The night you had broken up he said it wasn’t, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t lie to try to get you to stay. You wish you weren’t so.... fragile. The Ye-na situation had derailed you off track and you’re having a damn hard time getting back on it again. Felix was a great guy, he seemed like the type to be loyal if he was to be in a relationship. Sure, he was flirty while single but you also know that before returning to Seoul; he was in a long-term relationship that didn’t end well. So, who could blame him for enjoying the single life. “Can we find Karina?” You plead.  
He nods taking a hold of your hand before leading you through the crowd. “I saw her by the booths before I got you” Felix states. You grasp his hand tightly as you make your way through the horde of sweaty bodies, making sure to avoid any spilling drinks. You couldn’t understand how this could be fun to anyone. You could barely hear anything, there was a cluster fuck of people, and the guys are creeps. You would appreciate the experience but this will not be repeated. You’re pulled out of your thoughts as you collide with Felix’s back. You notice him bent over, laughter spilling from his mouth as he slaps his knee. “Oh, this is too funny!” He cackles as he pulls out his phone and takes repeated pictures. Your eyes follow his line of vision only to be met with Karina placed on someone’s lap, their lips interlocked, her hand pulling his hair. You gasp in shock as they pull away. Your hand smacks over your mouth, “Jisung!” you exclaim as you dash toward the pair “Oh my god! Felix is going to have so much fun with this I’m telling you”  
“Fun!? Dude, its already in the group chat. Yeji and Lia are dying” Felix exclaims between fits of laughter. Karina rolls her eyes “What? The guys are absolutely lame here and at least with Captain Thinks with his dick over here the corny flirting comes with a good reputation in bed.” She shrugs as she lifts herself off Jisung’s lap before leaning over and pressing her lips against Jisung’s once more “I’m going to the bathroom” she waves as she makes her way through the crowd. You take a seat next to Jisung. “So... when did, uh, this happen?” you question. “Honestly, I think like 15 minutes ago. She texted me said she was bored. I asked where she was. She told me. I came and uh next thing you know—Ehm- yeah" Jisung stammered behind blushed cheeks. “Oh, so you came.... alone?” Jisung nods. “that’s brave of you, it's pretty boring now I don’t know how you’d have a good time here” you whine. Jisung chuckles “Cause you’re supposed to be buzzed, doll”  
“I’ve had like 2 drinks” you argue.  
“What? Some fruity mixed drink that’s probably watered down?”  
“So, then what should I drink?”  
A mischievous smile forms on Jisung’s lips “Shots!”
Note to self: Never go clubbing with Jisung again.  
You were drunk.
So, fucking drunk.  
He was right though; you were definitely having fun in the beginning. He lived up to his party reputation and you had the most fun you’ve had in a while. After the first shot, you felt warm as the liquid burned your throat. The second you took in quick succession as per Jisung’s advice. Your fingers felt tingly and the burning sensation wasn’t so bad. The third shot came after about 10 minutes, when the room stopped rocking. You had to give it up to Jisung, he definitely tried to make you pace yourself. But shots four, five, and six came and went while Karina decided she wanted to continue more of what they had started previously and Felix had found a friend for the night.  
You regret not taking his advice as the room began spinning. You stagger your way out the door after sending a quick text to Karina and Felix explaining you were going home and getting an uber. If was cold outside you didn’t know, your body felt so hot. Your hair was way too long as it tickled your lower back. But in your drunken state of mind, you stare at your home screen you have yet to change and you find yourself dialing Hyunjin’s number. “Hell---Hello?!” His voice answers timidly. “Hyunnie~” you slur. “Babe, are you okay?” He inquires. You shake your head “No...Jisung helped me get drunk”  
“He fucking what?!” Hyunjin growls. “Well, he told me to-to go slow but I didn’t it was so much fun Hyunnie. But I miss you so it wasn’t fun” You whine. “I miss you too baby” he confesses “So fucking much” his voice cracks. “I have to go home” you slur, pressing your back against the wall. “Where are you? How are you getting home?” There was concerned laced in his tone. “I don’t know” you shrug to yourself. “You don’t know where you are? Or you don’t know how you’re getting home?” He questions worriedly. “No, I’m at octagon club. I told Karina and Felix I'd get an uber but—sigh--I want to walk but the world is spinning.”  
“You’re not walking home” He declares. “I’ll be there in 5”  
Hyunjin was going to kill Han Jisung. He was as good as dead, not only had you gotten completely fucking blasted by what Hyunjin could tell. But his dear best friend has yet to be heard from. Hyunjin raged the whole way to the club, running almost every stop sign he came across. Hyunjin wanted to strangle Jisung a fuck ton more when he saw you sat on the ground, your head in your hands as you continued to struggle remain upright. Hyunjin barely came to a stop before he was putting the car in park and rushing toward you with a call of your name. His heart stopped in his chest as your head whipped up and you greeted him with the most beautiful smile.  
“Hyunnie~!” you called as you reached out to him struggling to lift yourself off the ground. He quickly rushed to your side; taking a hold of your hand before wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you into his frame. He was taken aback when he felt your arms snake around his neck, you press your chest against his. He can’t help himself but to tighten his grip on you. He felt everything stop. Fuck everything about you was absolutely perfect. He buries his face in your neck, he sighs. “Wow! Your hairs black!” you exclaim surprise in your tone.He can only nod in response. He knows it's wrong, you were drunk and you 100% did not want to see him let alone have him touch you but, you were so fucking adorable and he missed this so fucking much that he needed to hold onto it for as long as he could. Fuck Jisung, fuck this club, and Hyunjin won't begin to think about all the guys that probably thought they had a chance with you in this dress cause holy fuck! For this moment, things were back to the way they were before. He hated that he had to end it, but you needed to get home and out of the cold. You were probably so drunk you didn’t notice how freezing it was.  
His fingers brushed your hair away from your face, placing his hands over your cheeks. “It's so cold out baby let me take you home, hmm?” He urged. You nod in response. Your fingers played with his as he walked you to his car. You whined as he removed his hand from yours “I have to open the door, princess” he whispers as he softly strokes your cheek before helping you into the passenger seat and buckling you up; while turning to close the door, he feels your hand wrap around his forearm. “Where are you going?” you query, worry filling your eyes. A sad smile forms on his lips, he caresses your cheek eyes finding yours. “I have to drive, silly girl” he explains softly. Your eyes stay connected for what feels like forever. He wants to remember your face right now forever. Your eyes telling of your love for him, the light pink blush gracing your cheeks. You were absolutely beautiful.
Hyunjin contemplates just closing the door and just going into the driver's seat as he feels the familiar feeling of your soft, velvet lips. He holds back a moan at the unexpected kiss, but responds almost instantly. Hyunjin missed this too, the feeling of your lips on his. Your mouths move in sync. Your tongue pokes out from your lips making its way into Hyunjin’s mouth and moan as your tongues connect. A sound that sends a shock straight down and suddenly his pants felt exceptionally tight. He was lost in the feeling, so much so that he almost forgot, you wouldn’t want this if you were sober; but as your fingers gripped his hair and he heard the familiar whines he knew this is where the line needed to be drawn. The last thing Hyunjin wanted to do was take advantage of your drunken state. And as much as he truly did miss how amazing the sex was, he knew that you’d never talk to him again if he continued; so, reluctantly, He pulls away and makes his way over to drivers' side and gets in.
The ride to your dorm was awkward to say the least. He had so much he wanted to say, apologies sit on the tip of his tongue. At this moment, Felix’s words rang through his head. Hyunjin felt as if he should just explain. You were sitting right there; sure, you were drunk and your reaction probably wouldn’t be the best right now but at least he’d get the chance to explain. He could feel your eyes burning into him and he wasn’t sure if you could tell but Hyunjin’s heart was racing. He practically jumped when he felt your hand snake onto his thigh making its way toward his member. Reacting quickly his hand wraps around your wrist “Whoa! What are you doing?” He exclaims. Did Hyunjin want you to practically beg for him again? Of course. But you were drunk and he was probably the last person you’d want to sleep with when sober. He loved you too much to let you do something you’d probably regret. “I miss you...” You pout. His resolve almost melts when he sees the puppy dog look in your eyes.  
“I miss you too baby but you don’t want to do this right now....” He whispers. He thanks God as he pulls into your dorm parking lot. “You’re home” he states softly as he takes your hand into his. You stare at your dorm before your eyes drift back to him. He notices the tears in your eyes, your hands are shaky. “What’s wrong?” He inquires. “I don’t want to go...I’m so fucking hurt-you hurt me so bad.” You cried “But I don’t want to go” Your eyes connected; He felt his heart break all over again “You don’t understand how fucking sorry I am. I love you I swear I love you so fucking much, I never meant to hurt you baby. I’m so fucking sorry” His voice cracks as he holds your hand tightly against his chest. His eyes never leave yours. “But we can’t have this conversation right now, you’re drunk you need sleep. I promise tomorrow, I’ll tell you everything.” He promises. Your eyes flash back to your dorm, before you nod.  
You regret getting so drunk last night.
You had a massive migraine and you felt so fucking nauseous. But at least you could still remember most of your night, besides the walk to your dorm. Were you embarrassed? No not really.  
Did you regret it?......you weren’t sure. You had definitely appreciated Hyunjin not accepting your advances. BUT were you feeling up to talking to him today? No, and not cause you were still angry at this point you were more confused; but because you were 100% hungover. So, you instead of immediately texting Hyunjin to set up a time to talk, you took some Tylenol and rushed to the campus café. You quickly regretted running as you collide with the petite figure of someone coming out of the door. “I’m so sorry I should have been paying attention” You apologize reaching toward the girl, freezing in shock as you come face to face with Ye-na She went to snap a response before she mouths an ‘oh’ and taking your hand. With a shaky breath your grasp on her tightens “C-can we talk?” you ask shyly. She nods with a hesitance following you back into the café.  
The vibe was awkward and off as you both sipped your coffee silently, eyes looking everywhere around the room but at each other. “So, what’d you want to talk about?” “So did you know I was in the room that night?” You both question at the same time. You giggle at the timing. “That was impeccable timing” Ye-na chuckles before taking a sip of her coffee before continuing “But to answer your question, honestly, no. I didn’t.” she sighs. You nod in response before taking another sip of your coffee “Woul-would you have still said what you said if you did?”  
She ponders on your question for a moment before she lets out a heavy sigh “If you want the truth?” you nod in response “well then, no I wouldn’t have.” She answers matter of factly. You look at her confused “Why not?”  
“Well, the night you over heard me a few minutes before Hyunjin had kinda lost his shit on me. Again. Told me to leave him alone and to stop calling and texting him because what happened was a mistake and he loved you so he needed me to stop” She confesses. “But you said---oh I know what you heard, but he told me that months ago. Like right around the summer, I’m not gonna lie and say what I did was right too Y/N. And even though, me and Hyunjin had what we had. I never wanted to be the one to tell you that. I’m pretty surprised you haven’t lost your shit on me yet honestly”
You shrug. “You weren’t my boyfriend.”  
“So?” She counters before crossing her arms over her chest “Not to be a bitch or anything but I 100% knew about you; and just didn’t care honestly. See, here’s your problem Y/N cause obviously no one will give it to you straight. I’m not the only girl Hyunjin’s been with while he was with you. His reputation follows him and every single one of us knew what it was. Just like you probably did before you two made things official. I didn’t care he had a girlfriend, I didn’t care about your feelings, and I didn’t care if you gave a shit or not. I wanted a good time and he gave that to me for a bit and eventually I started caring. I hate myself for what I did but still I never wanted you to find out, especially when we were put in the same class. Like let's be real here no one would ever want to admit to the girlfriend of the guy you're hanging out with that you got rejected.”  
Your mouth hangs open at her honesty. You weren’t sure what to say, and while you appreciated her brazenness, you felt your blood boiling. “So is side chick your full-time gig or are you just on call?” you snap. She chuckles, almost to herself before her face falls flat. She crosses her right leg over her left before letting her arm fall into her lap holding up her chin “See, I knew you had some fire in you. Look, you asked I answered what you do with that is beyond me.” Your hangover long forgotten, and a fire in your eyes. “So what? You wanted to just be on the side until you got bored?” she shakes her head “Oh no, I’ll be real here, I saw the way Hyunjin looked at you. I knew at some point he’d realize what a dumbass he was being and it’d eventually stop; but, I was enjoying it while it lasted. He called things off months ago” To say you were now beyond confused would be an understatement, and while her reputation is definitely accurate about her bitchiness, she seemed honest. You heard something you weren’t supposed to, something that set the spark that ignited the flame behind your rage that night.  
“So, is that all?...or can I go?”
Yeji and Lia were quite the pair.  
Apart from you and Karina, they were absolutely hilarious when they got together, they always seemed to make you laugh; and with Karina completely in the wind and flaking on your group's traditional hangover chill day-the first one in your honor by the way-you were left partner less until Yeji came over with Felix in tow. You and Lia couldn’t contain your laughter as Yeji dragged Felix into your living room with Karina’s matching bright lilac hairband across his head. “Oh, no fair why am I purple? Lia’s green?” Felix whines as he stomps his foot in place. “What’s wrong with purple?” Lia questions “and this is aquamarine” she declares with a point to her headband. “Purples for girls switch with me” He cries. “No!” Lia proclaims.
“How bout no”  
“Pl--Holy Fuck! Felix if you say please again my head will explode. Switch with me” You growl, pulling your headband off and holding it out toward him. “Ooo Pink!” He exclaims excitedly. Yeji giggles as she finishes setting up her portable projector. “Felix?” she calls. His eyes are bright as he smiles in her direction “Yeah?” “You’re adorable” She smiles as she makes her way over to your couch ruffling his hair as she takes a seat next to him. He forms his hands in the shape of a heart before separating them and placing each half of the heart on his cheeks.  “Ahhh! Felix-oppa! I love you!  you’re the best idol in the world” You tease. Lia grips your hands as she joins in on your teasing. “Felix-oppa! Give us a song oppa!” you laugh as you and Lia jump in circles. “Ha.Ha.Ha. You’re both top tier comedians” Felix groans. “Lix, what do you mean? You literally rejected that scout from JYP” You ask whispering the JYP as you release yourself from Lia and make your way over to the couch. “I mean I don’t think being an idol would be for me”  
“Oh, come on Lix it was a joke” Lia whines “Yeah besides you could definitely be an idol. You’re an amazing dancer, you got the image for it” You mention. “And personality” Yeji adds. “Yeah! You have an awesome personality for an idol too, your fans would probably call you something adorable like sunshine or something cause of your personality” Felix blushes, bringing his hands to his face hiding. “Stop~!” He whines in embarrassment. You roll your eyes “Fine....so what are we doing first Yeji.” a mischievous smile forms on her lips “Well......” she giggles before she pulls out 4 mics from her bag.  
“OH, COME ON!” Felix shouts
“Baby, Nal teojil geotcheoreom anajwo, Geuman saenggakae mwoga geuri eoryeowo Geojinmalcheoreom kiss-haejwo naega neoege, Majimak sarangin geotcheoreom Majimakcheoreom (Yeah) ma-ma-majimakcheoreom (Yeah) Majimak bamin geotcheoreom love Majimakcheoreom (Yeah) ma-ma-majimakcheoreom (Yeah) Naeil ttawin eomneun geotcheoreom love” You guys sang. You laughed internally as you and Felix also did the choreography and ended up facing each other in Lisa’s part of the choreography. You smile in victory as the words WINNER flash across yours and Felix’s screen.  
“What’s the next song?” Felix giggles to Yeji. She shrugs “I don’t know it's your turn to choose Lixie” she states as she hands him her phone so he can go through the catalog. You take a seat on the couch with a heavy breath as Lia takes a seat next to you. “I don’t know how that boy has so much energy after last night” you groan. Lia gives a small giggle “He’s not human that’s why” she suggests. You ponder her statement for a moment “True” you both chuckle to yourselves. “But I actually just wanted to see how you were doing you know? You still haven’t really told me how your talk with Ye-na went. Or if you are actually going to meet with Hyunjin later”  
You sigh at her words “Well, I’m okay honestly. And my talk with Ye-na went.......fine.”  
“What do you mean?”  
“I mean she lives up to her reputation of being a grade A bitch.” You explain “But at least I got what I think is the truth from her” Lia stares at you dumbfounded. “And what about Hyunjin?” You shrug “What about him? Honestly, I was going to talk to him tonight which honestly, I’m not particularly ready to see him, especially after what I did last night....”  
“Girl what did you do last night?!”  
“Nothing crazy, just tried to get Hyunjin to sleep with me” You groan in embarrassment. “YOU SLEPT WITH HIM?” Lia exclaims. Yeji’s and Felix’s eyes flash to you “Slept with who?” Yeji questions. You shake your head rapidly “No one. Nothing” you give Lia a glare, she sinks in her seat with her hand placed over her mouth. “Y/N who’d you sleep with?” Yeji urged. “No one honestly I just TRIED to sleep with someone and thank god they weren’t an asshole and knew I was drunk” You explain your glare not leaving Lia’s face. She mouthed a sorry before Twice’s Dance the Night Away played through your speakers. Felix jumped as he quickly paused the song “Sorry.” You, Lia, and Yeji laughed at the sudden interruption.  
“Felix you’re so cute”  
Hyunjin couldn’t help but be on edge all day.  
You hadn’t texted or called and its almost 5, he felt himself slowly falling into insanity. His leg shaking rapidly as he checked his phone for what felt like the hundredth time today. Why hadn’t you texted? Hyunjin felt his heart racing as Changbin and Seungmin, Hyunjin’s dorm mate, shouted as they played their game. Hyunjin was nervous at how things would go, and while he knew the chances of you forgiving him were slim, he hoped you would give him another chance. He knew how badly he continuously fucked up before but he’d be different. He hopes you can remember how things had changed before you had left him, that you can see he does love you and he’d never do anything else to ruin it.  
He watched as the clock went up a minute. Then another, then another before his screen timed out. “Why don’t you just call her?” Changbin suggested pulling Hyunjin out of his thoughts. “Huh?” He called in confusion. Changbin and Seungmin look at each other before laughing. “Call her” The older male suggests. “I have remember? She doesn’t answer” He responds sarcasm dripping off his words. “Wasn’t that before she agreed to talk to you today though?” Seungmin asks. Hyunjin nods slowly “I don’t want to harass her though, what if she changed her mind?”  
“Then she’s a bitch for not letting you know” Seungmin snaps.
“Hey! Don’t talk about her like you know her” He warns.  
Seungmin rolls his eyes, before focusing back on the game. “I’m just saying she got your hopes up for nothing if she changed her mind, the least she could do is at least let you know that you two won't be talking today and she needs more time”  
“You act like she owes him anything honestly” Changbin mumbles, but Hyunjin heard it. He knew his friend was mad at how things played out, Changbin was big on loyalty and honesty. Even though, Hyunjin was one of his best friends it didn’t mean Changbin would hide his anger at Hyunjin’s treatment of you during the beginning of your relationship. The night you ended things whilst Jisung comforted him, Changbin tried to contain his laughter. His ‘I told you so’s’ became a daily routine for Hyunjin. Hyunjin couldn’t blame him though, Changbin had warned him to stop messing with you and take things seriously. Hyunjin could only wish he could go back and listen to him. If he did, he wouldn’t be in the situation he’s in now. You’d still be his. He’d still be able to call you if he just wanted to hear your voice. He wishes he could go back and kick his past self’s ass. Scream at him how fucking terrible it is without you. Changbin was right, you didn’t owe him anything, so Hyunjin sat quiet staring at your contact hoping something---anything would come through from it.  
Hyunjin’s gaze was pulled away by Changbin snatching his phone. Panic filled his chest “Wait! What are you doing?” he called as he went to grab his phone back. Seungmin jumps from his place on the couch standing between him and Changbin. “I’m calling Y/N” Changbin confesses as he presses the phone to his ear. “NO! No” He cries “Please dude I’m not kidding----Hello? Y/N? Yeah, its Changbin” Hyunjin’s eyes widen as he can hear your voice through the phone “Hang up! I’m not kidding Hang up” He pleaded tears practically blinding him as he struggled against Seungmin hold. “Oh yeah Hyunjin is right here, yeah I mean it’s a little weird I guess but I don’t have your number so...” Changbin winked at him, Hyunjin felt as if he would combust. “Oh, I mean he’s kinda tied up right now but I could definitely get him to meet you there.” Hyunjin froze in his place as Changbin continued “Yeah I think he’ll be there before that but yeah that works” “What’s she saying?” He whispers, Changbin holds his finger up. “Okay, but you should definitely text me Y/Nie~ who else is going to help me with.......you know what” The male whined.  
“Help you with what?” Hyunjin whispered.
Changbin shushed him “Well it was nice talking to you I’ll see you later bye Y/Nie~” Hyunjin stared at Changbin dumbfounded as he hung up the phone and handed it to him. “You guys got chips?” Changbin questioned casually. Hyunjin’s lips parted as he stood there with his phone in his hand, staring at Changbin. “Well....” He urged. Changbin looked at him confused.  
“Well, what?”  
“What did she say?”  
“She wants to talk to you” Changbin shrugged.  
Hyunjin’s eyes widen “And you were going to what? Just not tell me?!” He quickly started looking for his keys and wallet. Grabbing a bucket hat and hoodie in the process. The muscular male chuckled to himself as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I was, when it was a few minutes before she said cause, I knew If I said anything you’d race out the door like you’re trying to do now besides you don’t even know where she wants you to meet her” Hyunjin stops in his tracks, “Where?” Changbin shrugs, Hyunjin pouts and stomps his foot “Tell meeeeee” he whines. And while Hyunjin knows he sounds pathetic; he’s not going to waste any more time. If there was a way to fix things then he was going to do it. But with his friend knowing him way too well and you saying a specific time Hyunjin knew he would have to wait. With that in mind, he stomped his way over to the couch. A pout on his lips, he crossed his arms over his chest and stared daggers at Changbin. Hyunjin wasn’t sure how much time went by as Changbin played on his phone ignoring Hyunjin’s death glare.  
“Her apartment, 5 minutes” He states with a smug smirk on his lips and a wink.  
“5 MINUTES!?” Hyunjin cries as he jumps from the couch and rushes toward the door.
“YOU ACT LIKE YOU WONT BE THERE IN TWO!!” He hears Changbin call as he sprints out the door.
You paced back and forth as the clock got closer and closer to 6.  
Your heart was performing a full drum solo in your chest, your palms were sweaty and you felt like you were underwater. While you found it odd that Changbin had called you from Hyunjin’s phone you were grateful for him being the one to actually let Hyunjin know when to come talk. You had put it off for most of the day and after your conversation with Ye-na you were still utterly confused on what the entire truth was. You were happy Lia was willing to hang out at Yeji’s place while you and Hyunjin talked. You were also exceptionally grateful for Karina for having dropped off a bottle of vodka and encouraged you to do a shot; cause while you did feel anxious, at least you still felt brave enough to have this conversation. You weren’t sure what Hyunjin would say and you didn’t know what your relationship would be after tonight. There were two things you were sure about 1. Your relationship with Hyunjin was toxic and things would have to change drastically if you were to take him back. And 2. you still loved him despite the way he had treated you; you still loved him. You poured another shot, along with drinking you’ve picked up another bad habit since your break up with Hyunjin, smoking. And no, not something disgusting like cigarettes but you do find yourself lighting up a blunt and taking a couple of drags here and there.  
You enjoyed the calming feeling that came from marijuana. With your anxiety through the roof and having had a panic attack in front of him, Yeonjun from your dance class hooked you up with his guy. For the first day or two, you only smoked with Yeonjun in his dorm. But when Felix began questioning the nature of your friendship with Choi Yeonjun, knowing his bad boy reputation, you began to slowly distance yourself from Yeonjun. Felix found out shortly after about your little habit but promised not to say anything to anyone else. You found yourself surprised when your new smoking buddy became Felix. Only smoking when you felt huge bouts of anxiety coming on and you needed to calm down. Your pulled away from your thoughts as a series of rapid knocks came to your door. You jumped in a panic quickly putting the blunt out on your tongue before stashing it away under a magazine on the coffee table. “Shit” You groaned as you tried to fan the smoke away. You rush to the door almost tripping over your shoes before you pull the door open with a sigh. You stare down your ex as your chest heaves, you notice him leaning against the door frame struggling to catch his breath “You, okay? You look like you ran a marathon” Hyunjin struggled to get out in-between gasps.  
“You’re one to talk” You counter gesturing to him. You notice suspicion in his eyes “What’s that smell?” your heart sinks in your chest. “What? Oh, yeah Felix got me into those incense things recently” you lie “trust me babe I’ve been to plenty of parties to know what weed smells like so try that again” Hyunjin calls your bluff. You swallow nothing, you find yourself growing irritated at the smug smirk on his lips. When you were together you would have immediately cracked and probably told him everything, but now, oh now you wanted to whip that smirk off his face “Are you going to keep interrogating me? Or are we going to talk about what we actually need to talk about?” You snap. “And don’t act like you have a right to ask me anything personal right now” His whole confident demeanor is washed away by your words; you notice the panic in his eyes as he stands straight; the smirk no longer on his lips instead there sat a small pout. “Fine...can I come in or is that question too personal too?”  You roll your eyes before stepping to the side and allowing him entry.  
“Soo, where is it then huh?” He asks casually.  
“Where’s what?”  
He chuckles at your question “Nothing” his eyes drift around the room. You and Lia hadn’t changed much in the time since he’s last been here, beside the smell of marijuana, it was pretty much the same. He notices the one magazine out of place and glances in your direction. “What? What are you looking for?” You question, irritation leaks into your tone. “Your weed” He shrugs. You two stand across the room for what felt like hours, just staring at each other. Your eyes in a battle with one another, eventually you realize he’s not going to let this go and you wanted answers so with a heavy heart you roll your eyes before making your way over to the coffee table and toss the magazine to the side. “There. Happy?” You groan frustrated before falling back onto your couch. “Ecstatic” He replies sarcastically. “Like come on Y/N you really thought I'd be okay with you doing that?”  
“You don’t do weed, Hyunjin”  
“That’s not my fucking point Y/N and you know it! Why are you smoking in the first place?”  
You couldn’t help but laugh “If you gave any of a shit during our relationship, you’d know I have an anxiety disorder.” You lean forward grabbing the vodka bottle and pour yourself a shot. “I did give a shit.” “What? When I broke up with you? I mean come on” You toss the shot back swallowing it whole “You didn’t give a shit not for a long time” Hyunjin stood in place dumbfounded. This is not how this conversation was supposed to go, but right now at least it was something, and even though he was raging at the idea of you being high right now he had to give it you; you were right, he didn’t know you had an anxiety disorder. Why didn’t he know that? “Look I know I fucked up, but I care about you and I know what can happen if you’re high and just not paying attention”  
“I smoke when I’m home or with.... someone I’m not stupid.”  
“Someone? Who Felix?”  
“Well, someone is going to get their ass kicked so Y/N needs to let me know who”  
Hyunjin’s jaw was clenched, you’ve never been this difficult and it was hard for him not to let his jealousy show. He needed to know who the fuck got you to smoke and he needed to teach them to stay in their place. “Fuck Y/N! Just tell me!” He growls, his fists clenched. “No! I don’t have to tell you shit! You're going to ruin my connect. Why don’t you go question Ye-na or any of the other sluts you cheated on me with?” Hyunjin had nothing to say to that. He stared at you with hurt in his eyes “It wasn’t like that” he mumbled “So what was it like then?” He wasn’t sure how to answer that question. While he was willing to answer any questions you had he himself wasn’t sure what it was like honestly. “I don’t know.... just not this fucking picture you have in your mind about things” He grumbled. “You don’t know what I'm thinking right now” You retort. “You’re right. I don’t know what the fuck you’re thinking right now! You've been naïve but you’ve never been fucking stupid” He argued. “So, I’m stupid now?!” You cross your arms over your chest “When you’re smoking weed and getting black out drunk? yes!”  
“I wasn’t black out dr----You called me! Just fucking stop Y/N. You’re doing stupid shit and you’re going to get yourself hurt. Bad.” He cut you off. He didn’t understand why you were being this way and whilst he was supposed to be explaining the Ye-na situation, he couldn’t help but be angry at your recklessness. “You’d know all about that right?” you snap. “YOU ACT LIKE I MEANT TO HURT YOU” He shouted. You reach for the bottle again but Hyunjin’s quicker and snatches it from your grasp. “You’ve drank enough for the past two days don’t you think?” He growls as he places the bottle down on your shelf.  You stare daggers at him in response. A smirk on your face as you reach for your blunt and put it to your lips “Fucking stop! Y/N”  
“Oh please! Look at you, you’re acting all high and mighty. Your hypocrisy is showing Hyunjin” you challenge as you light the blunt. Your eyes not leaving his. “I haven’t smoked for a while Y/N. I haven’t done anything I used to do for a while” he confesses, realizing there were more important things to talk about. He hopes you catch the double meaning behind his words. You sat quietly taking in a long drag before releasing the smoke. “Is that supposed to impress me or something? I don’t think you realize how much this whole thing fucked me up---How you fucked me up, Hyunjin!” you exclaim, quickly getting to your feet. “Fuck please just-just tell me what to do then?! I don’t know what you fucking want! I’m trying and the more I try the more you pull away! You think this shit is easy for me? It’s not! You ripped my fucking heart out too you know? Instead of just talking to me or even letting me say fucking anything you ended things and that’s only because I found you that night!” He growls crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes are filled with fire. “Oh boo-fucking-Hoo your girlfriend found out you cheated and dumped you how fucking sad” you retort “Do you need a hug?” you couldn’t contain your sarcasm. You were beyond livid. How dare he sit there and act like he was an innocent bystander.  
“Can you be fucking serious for one minute? fucking Christ.”  
“Can you be honest for one minute?”  
“What?! You wanna know if I cheated on you?!” He argues, you stare at him with fury behind your eyes “no I kno---Yeah! I fucked Ye-na…..months ago! When I didn’t give a fuck about you or this relationship!” He cuts you off, you notice the anger dissipating from him being replaced with guilt and regret. You’re frozen in place and Hyunjin makes his way around the coffee table and places himself in front of you, his hands firmly wrapped around your arms.  “But I haven’t cheated on you in months, I’ve been with no one else in almost a year! I know its fucked up, I know I’m wrong for what I did but I changed.” His voice cracks as your eyes drift around the room, you could feel your anger leaving you as well, whilst he confesses. “What changed then?” you question, your voice is almost inaudible. “You. Well, I wanted to change for you. I’ll tell you everything you want to know but please just at least don’t drink anymore today, okay? I’m not kidding it was really scary to find you like that last night. I know what I did ruined my right to care but I do, I care so fucking much. And I need you to be okay, not amazing, not happy even, but at least okay” His hands find themselves holding your face to make you look at him. Your fingers wrap around his wrist.  
“Hyun, I’m fine....”  
He shakes his head in response “Now who’s the one that won't be honest? You’re not fine and I know I’m part of the reason for that. I should have been better to you, I was confused about how I felt and I-I---sigh----I fucked up, so fucking bad. But once I realized how I felt I tried so hard to fix things and change and just leave that shit behind.” you stare at him in shock. You find your legs growing wobbly and your chest is tightening. You can feel your breathing getting heavier and heavier the more Hyunjin talks. You remove Hyunjin’s grasp on you and take a seat on the couch, you knew your anxiety would be off the charts. “Ca-can I ask you something then?” You ask, your voice is small. “Anything” Hyunjin sits on the table, you give him a small glare “Is me answering question more important than your stupid rule?” he argues before you can scold him for sitting on your table. “Did I mean anything to you? Like at all? I’m not going to lie I was so fucking confused for such a long time and I’m really tired of it.” Hyunjin’s hand ran over his face before finding its way to the back of his neck. “You mean everything to me....” His words are practically whispers. “So why---I can’t answer that. I promised myself I wouldn’t lie to you so I won't answer that question” He cut you off.  
“You said you’d answer everything”  
“I said you could ask me anything, please, just know things are different now than they were, okay?”  
“Hyunjin I need to know....”  
“I can tell you how I feel now, I don’t feel the same way anymore so why does it matter?”
There they were again. The same question he always asked; does it matter? And for once you have a genuine answer “Yes it matters.” He sighs in response, grabbing the blunt that went out long ago from your hand and the lighter. You stare at him as he lights it and takes a long hit off it. You notice the way his hands are shaky and tears well up in his eyes. “Fine, honestly, when this all started, I didn’t really care. ---obviously---just listen. Y/N. I didn’t care and not because of you but because you know how I felt about relationships.” He confesses. “So, why’d even ask me out in the first place? In case you forgot Hyunjin, the whole reason we were even in a relationship was because you initiated it.” You question, puzzled. “I-I know I did, I got jealous honestly...---of who? I was only hooking up with you at the time” You cut him off “Minho and a little Han but mostly Minho” He states honestly. “Huh?” now you were really confused, why Minho? He was your dance partner last year and was the best dancer of 3rd year. But you two were no more than acquaintances at most and while you did spend a lot of time with him last year it was always about dance.  
“There was a rumor going around that Minho was going to confess and ask you out....”  
“And so, you asked first? So, he couldn’t?”  
Hyunjin nods in response, “I know it's stupid, and we were hooking up so I should’ve trusted that you liked me but I was insanely fucking jealous and it just happened. But I don’t regret it, I fell in love with you and I want to show you things would be different. I ended things with Ye-na almost as soon as they happened and—fuck—I know how badly I fucked up. I just want to fix things, I want to be with you, I feel so lost without you. I love you and I’ll make you trust me again.” You felt your heart clench at the softness in his tone. He seemed scared, he kept fidgeting as he allowed the blunt to go out and placed it on your table beside him. His breathe was shaky as he explained. “Would you have ever told me?” You ask “a-about anything?” he shakes his head “If I knew for a fact that you wouldn’t have broken up with me then yes but otherwise, I never wanted you to find out.”  
“Why wouldn’t you tell me?”  
“Because look what happened when you found out! Fuck I lost you and that was the whole reason I stopped everything with everyone but you because I didn’t want to lose you but Ye-na told you whatever she told you that night and I didn’t know what to do. You weren’t answering my messages and I was fucking panicking because I just wanted to get you out of there because she was fucking pissed. But she saw you first---I still don’t understand how everything happened---all I know is that losing you has been the worst thing that’s ever happened to me right now and I just-I want to be with you. I can be better; I’ll do whatever you want. I can make you happy.” He cried, he held onto your hands. Tears stream down his face, you stare at him sadly “It wasn’t just the cheating, Hyunjin. You can’t say you didn’t act like I wasn’t a burden. I know you said things would change but how can I be sure of that? For a long time, things were…. bad and I don’t want to be hurt again” you state hesitantly. “I won’t—I’ll be better I can help you trust me. I can love you the right way. I’ve never done this before but I’ll figure it out for you. Anything. Please just-just take me back, you don’t have to completely forgive me but please tell me I didn’t ruin things forever. Fuck I need to know you still love me, please tell me you still love me” He pleaded, he was on his knees his eyes never leaving yours. Rivers of tears flow down his angelic face.  
Your heart racing, you remove your hand from his, caressing his cheek wiping tears from their descent. “of course, I still love you. But I’m so fucking hurt and I don’t know if I could trust you.” He shakes his head “N-no do-don’t say that please. You can trust me. I’ll prove to you that you can please just give me a chance. I won’t hurt you again” he begs reaching into his pocket and unlocking his phone before shoving it in your hands. “You can go through it. Everything. And you can do that until you trust me again. I will do everything I can to be with you again.” You stare at the device in your hands, you notice his wallpaper. A selfie you had sent him a few months ago from your dance practice with Felix for the showcase. You felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you locked the device and handed it back to him “I-I don’t want to do that. I’m not that kind of person, Hyun and as much as I want to try things again, I can’t do that until I can trust you again.” Hyunjin buried his face in your neck, his arms wrapping around your waist. You felt his tears on your shoulder as he held you. “I can’t-I can’t lose you give me a chance just one chance please” He begged.
He pulls back slightly, your eyes connect. Your faces centimeters apart. “You’re everything to me....” He whispers pressing his forehead against yours. “I won’t fuck this up again. I need you” Your bottom lip finds its way between your teeth. You hate how just him being close could affect you so badly. “I-I-I do-don’t know.... Hyun, I love you b-but I’m scared honestly. How can you know that yo-you won’t cheat on me again or something? I can’t deal with being hurt like that again” You profess. “I’ll give you my passwords, you can have the code to my phone, anything---everything I don’t care give me a chance please, you saw that I was changing babe you know I can make you happy. I did once, I can do it again. Better. I love you I want to give you all of me please” He begged. You weren’t sure what to say. You wanted to be with him, fuck you only wanted to be with him. Your heart ached for him every day since you had broken up, but you felt like it could also be a big mistake. You stared at him for a moment, everything about him was objectively the same. He still had the same flawless skin, the same seductive look in his eye; even when he wasn’t trying to have it, the same plush kissable pouty lips, but something was different and you weren’t entirely sure what, and whilst his new black hair had been quite the surprise last night. You knew that was definitely not what was different. But you definitely wanted to find out.  
You felt your heart race as you tilt your chin up connecting your lips. You felt butterflies fluttering in your gut as you feel that familiar spark. Hyunjin sat in shock for a second before he responded quickly. His heart soared as he felt your lips mold into his, his hand finding its way to your waist as he deepened the kiss parting your lips with his tongue. You open your mouth accepting his tongues exploration. He loved that you always allowed him dominance in your relationship, never once battling to be in charge. He missed your taste so much his mouth practically watered as your tongues dance around in your mouth. Your fingers find their way into his midnight locks.  
You both find yourselves sprawled across the couch, your back pressed against the cushions as Hyunjin straddled you; your legs wrapped around his waist as you devoured each other's mouths. A small moan escapes from your throat as Hyunjin grinds his hips into yours. His lips make their way to your throat. “H-Hyun...” You moan. “Tell me you’re mine” He begs “Please, baby?” You feel your panties growing wet “A-all yours, Hyunnie” Hyunjin could practically cry at your words; He presses his lips against yours roughly, putting every ounce of emotion he could into the kiss. “I love you” He confesses as he pulls away stroking your hair behind your ear. “Fuck... you’re so fucking beautiful baby” you feel your cheeks heat up, you bury your face in his neck. “Stoooopppp” you whine. “No, I’m so fucking happy right now baby” He smiles adjusting you both so you were straddling his lap. His hands find their way to your thighs, stroking them up and down, lovingly. You giggle at his actions, “You’re something else”  
“Tell me you love me” He pouts.  
“Tell me!”  
“Baby~ Tell me you love mee”  
You roll your eyes at his whining. A smile placed firmly on your lips as he stared at you with a pout. “Fuck you’re so cute I love you too” you break. A wide smile forms on his lips his arms wrap around your torso pulling you into his chest. “I won’t fuck up this time. I promise baby” “I hope not, I’m really scared still, Hyun” You confess. “I know baby, but I know what it's like to be without you now. I’m not doing it again; you’re stuck with me. All I see is you now baby” He admits shyly. you kiss him in response, grinding your hips into his. You almost jump as you feel his hard member against your clothed core. His hands find their way to your hips holding you in place “Fuck, you can’t do that” He warns. You look at him with a pout. “Why not?”  
“Because, baby, you just can’t right now” He states.  
“But...” you kiss his neck seductively, nibbling and sucking on his sweet spot; you felt his grip on you grow tighter. “It’s been so long, and I want you so bad right now” You hear him sigh “Fuck...” He whispers under his breath. “Baby, stop, please I want to do things the right way” He can feel his resolve breaking the more you continue. If there was one thing Hyunjin knew for sure, it was that the last thing he truly wanted in this world right now was for you to stop. “Don’t you want me?” you question. “More than anything else in the world right now” He missed you, in every way. Not only has it been a really fucking long time since he last was even able to think about sex with anyone but his hand, but in that time, he found himself always feeling exceptionally heartbroken every time he thought about sex with anyone but you. If anyone wanted it right now, Hyunjin definitely did, but he wanted to do things right this time. His past self would hate him for what he was trying to do without question.  
“Please....daddy, I can be so good for you.” you pleaded. “F-fuck...I-I know you can baby, you always are.” He soothes, rubbing your thigh with his thumb “I need to do things the right way with you, this time” His voice is almost inaudible. You grind yourself against him once more, “whyyyyy~” you whine. You guide his hand up your thigh to your hips and under your shirt placing them on your rubs just under your breasts. Hyunjin’s eyes are stuck on your now partially exposed torso, his mouth waters at the feeling the pressure from your hips are causing on his fully hard member. You find yourself growing more and more aroused as time went on. His bottom lip finds its way between his teeth as you continue grinding against him. “babyyyy stop~” he coos, his cheeks heat up and while he’s used to you being submissive and always eager for sex, he’s never had you literally begging for it before. You just took him back and he wasn’t going to immediately just jump back into things like before. But God did he want to fuck you right now.  
You leaned forward once more kissing his neck, you heard the groans under his breath. You thrived in knowing how badly you were affecting him. “Fuck….” He growled as he wraps his arms around your waist tightly holding you still. He flips the two of you over, pressing his lips to yours before pulling himself off of you. You pout at his actions “what are you doing?” you question, puzzled. “Taking you somewhere to get food, because someone can’t control herself” He teases with a wink. You roll your eyes at him “watch how fast I reject you next time” you mumble as you lift yourself from your couch and make your way toward your room. “I heard that. Don’t play that game with me cause I will definitely win baby. But where are you going?” He states with a raised eyebrow. “To change I can’t go out in this” you gesture to your clothes. You rush into your room closing the door behind you. You make your way into your closet and grab a tight long sleeve and jeans. You notice Hyunjin laying across your bed, his arm placed behind his head a comfortable smile placed on his lips. You toss your clothes at him “you know I closed the door for a reason, right?” you muse. He nods “you know I don’t give a fuck right, I missed you.” He pouts “I had to go two months without even seeing you, you’re not leaving my side for a while.” He declares.  
“I have to sleep and stuff Hyun”  
he shrugs “so? You act like I won’t just not leave.” He tosses your clothes at you before crossing his arms over his chest. You chuckle in response, changing into your clothes. “You act like I’d have a problem with that baby” Hyunjin’s cheeks grow red at your words. “O-okay” he stammers shyly. You’ve always called him Hyun, or Hyunnie or on the rare occasion Jinnie but hearing you call him baby made Hyunjin’s heart race. He was absolutely nervous as you stood there, running the brush through your hair. “Y-you ready?” he questions, his eyes roaming over your figure. He groans internally why did he want to do things the right way? Fuck you always looked so good; he felt his heart flutter at your smile as you nod. He lifts himself from your bed as you make your way to the door. Hyunjin wraps his arms around your waist from behind pulling you into him. You squeak as he kisses your cheek. “I love you, baby” he smiles as he grabs hold of your hand spinning you to face him before re-placing his hand on your waist pulling you into him tightly, his free hand caresses your cheek. “I love you too” you press your lips against his. Your heart flutters, your fingers feel tingly.  
The love you had for him always seemed to leave you…. breathless.
Taglist: @xxoverthinkerxx​ @elmi-chan​ @midsoulz​ @hyunjintoon​ 
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00127am · 9 months
Give your moots a song you really love!
i’ve been waiting for this one! (i have 10000+ songs in my library). i tend to associate people with their layouts (like wdym your pfp isn't actually you???) so that's what i'm going off of mainly along with writing!
i. @beargyuuzz
it's the grunge, rockstar coded beomgyu layout that screams drawing pins by nothing but thieves but i also might be projecting on that one (maybe it's also because ik she loves nana too). but her writing is a lot less rough around the edges! it's very sweet and almost like a youthful romantic (? if that makes any sense) so i would say love by hathaw9y !
ii. @misted-dream
such a pretty layout! so obsessed with the colors and aesthetic of the entire thing. really reminds me of meaningful stone songs! particularly footsteps ! her fic, jeno with love, ruined my life (in the best way possibly, i cannot recommend it enough) and it reminds me so, so much of glistening by flipturn. i cry to that song xoxo.
iii. @jammingjaem
nana layout and general vibes that are so your gentleman by claudia ! i wish i could elaborate on that statement but just trust me ... like seriously! i'm right! fake texts always have be kicking my feet fr and they really remind me of you up by penomeco !
iv. @marksmelodies
the cutest layout ever! requires a song that is very pink which to me will always be sorry i'm not sorry by monsta x for me ! her texts always feel so realistic and have me rolling around twirling my hair and everything. i feel like to the moon by taeyeon really fits!
v. @haespoir
last but not least! black hyuck layout immediately makes me jump to chase atlantic but i'll refrain from falling into the trap (though if i did then it would be chxse). i'm falling into a similar trap though ... i'm a simple woman i see a cam corder and i think of my childhood of which i only listened to 90s rnb which makes me think of click like by crush (literally zero correlation). texts have me scratching at the walls and sticking to a 90s theme : where u at? by supreme team !
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everyonewooeverywhere · 7 months
hi loves! if you would like to leave a request, please take the time to read this.
first and most importantly, i have the right to decline a request. it may seem harsh, but i want to set the expectation early. since this is my blog, i have the right to decline to write something whether it be because i don’t feel comfortable writing or because i don’t feel motivated to do so. if i decline/don’t take a request, i promise it’s nothing personal! it’s just a matter of preference. i know there are plenty of wonderful other writers here who are more than ok with taking your requests even if i choose not to :)
(also, just because i don't take requests for something doesn't mean i'll never write it, but there are certain topics i'd rather write about on my own terms.)
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i do not take anonymous requests.
now, there are a couple options for you if you’d like to make a request but remain anonymous to everyone but me.
1. you could make the request off anon but specify that you’d like to remain anonymous. in that case i would post your request separate from the ask and it would remain anonymous.
2. you could sign up for my anon list and put your @ in the form so i know which person corresponds with which emoji.
3, similarly to the last one, you could leave a request or ask with a specific emoji to identify yourself and then dm me so i know who you are.
this doesn’t apply to anything other than requests. which is why i'm leaving the anon option on. i’d still love to hear from you even if you feel uncomfortable coming of anon, just not in the form of a request.
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anything concerning miscarriages or abortions
non-con (includes cnc)
assault or abuse in any form
aged down characters (i won't write smut for anyone born after 2003 or anything else for anyone born after 2005)
incest (including stepcest)
self-harm or suicide
nth member (unless like this)
fake dating
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WHO I WRITE FOR (more on my sideblog):
monsta x
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WHAT I WRITE (format): (smut, fluff or angst)
(i really only take requests for a female reader at this point)
full oneshots
text/smau reactions or oneshots
mtl lists
hard thoughts
soft thoughts
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i try my hardest to complete requests within the week that they are requested, but usually takes me way longer. i’m slow as hell if we’re being honest. just be patient, i will get it done whenever i’m feeling ✨inspired✨ to write it.
thank you for reading this! hope to hear your requests soon 💗
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What do you think hyungwon and reader talked abt that one time when reader went to his room during that thunder storm ? I think hyungwon has this soft spot towards reader, although i think every one of the member has a soft spot for her
hmmm… let’s find out..
pairing: Hyungwon x Reader
Tapping your way into Hyungwons room, which was right next to yours, you slowly opened his door without trying to wake anyone up and hearing you. A sly creaking sound escaped the door as you tried very hard to open the door in slow motion.
Another flash and thunder erupted in the sky which made you jump, but trying to keep your cool and not make it seem like you’re the biggest scary cat because of a thunder, you shook it off.
“come in and close the door already. The storm is not going to attack you” Hyungwons voice made you jump for a second time. He was standing right next to his bed, throwing some pillows on it, probably for you to lay on.
“can you not be so loud please. Why are you yelling” you hissed. Annoyed, you closed the door behind you, entering his room and hurriedly walking towards his bed and throwing yourself on it to get under his blanket.
“oh man, get up i’m not done with my bed” you looked up and formed your mouth to an o shape and immediately got up from his bed, helping him place the sheets on your side and placing another pillow in the middle. Another stormy sound in the distance as you looked shocked at Hyungwon who just grinned at you.
“do you want snacks? i have some here i-“ you nodded. “yes i want” He just smiled at you and gestured his hand towards you to make yourself comfortable in his bed again. He bend down to open his drawer and picked out some snacks while you slid under the blanket Hyungwon just placed on your side for you.
A chips bag was thrown on your face and another small bag of sweets after, while Hyungwon still rummaged through the drawer. “ok i think that’s all i have here” he came back up again and saw your furrowed eyebrows while attempting to open the chips bag. Another loud thunder and with it the loud sound of the chips bag getting squeezed harshly by your hands.
Hyungwon started to laugh and slowly climbed on the bed to slide under his blanket next to you. “Why are you scared?”
“I’m not scared it’s just fucking loud”
He just nodded. “Sure” you threw him another look when he laughed again.
“Mukbangs or a movie?” he suggested, his phone in his hands now, waiting for your answer. You stuffed a few chips into your mouth and chewed heavily on them. Again, flashes and thunder, now only seconds apart from each other as they now finally pass by as fast as it came.
“Hyungwon, i have a question.”
“oh no” he placed his phone back down on his lap.
“what? i just have a question” he stuck his hand into the chips bag grabbed some and put a few into his mouth.
“i hate your questions” Hyungwon said with his now full mouth.
“ok then-“
“no now you have to ask i can’t bear sitting here without knowing it now”
you pushed your lips together, put the chips bag away and slid down on his bed, your head now on a pillow instead of the headboard. Hyungwon watched you for a second and did the same. Placing his head on his pillow now both of you looked straight up at his ceiling.
It was quite.
“ask your question please or i’ll throw you out of my room”
“ok ok oh my god” you looked to the side to look at his profile and then back again at the ceiling.
“why are we saying hot dog? and not sandwich? the other day we ordered hot dogs and i couldn’t get this question out of my mind. why is it called hot dog?”
looking back at Hyungwon you saw his eyes were closed, after a few seconds he turned his back to you, pushed the sheets up over his shoulders and sighed.
“get out of my room”
“hyungwon i mean it”
“get out please i’m not wasting my precious sleeping time with a weirdo”
you started to laughed, slid closer to him and draped your leg around his legs, his hair now tickling your nose.
It was quite again.
“i’ll stay here, you can sleep. i feel more comfortable when im not alone” you whispered very quietly.
After a few seconds Hyungwon turned back around, you slid away from him to make some space for him to turn. “you’re so fucking weird but it’s kinda cute that you’re scared of storms.”
you stared at his face until you lifted one eyebrow. and started to wiggle both of them.
Hyungwons expression instantly changed as he sighed again.
“you will forget immediately that i said that ok? we’re just pretending that i never told you that”
“told me what? that i’m cute?” your eyebrows now wiggling faster.
“oh man” Hyungwon shook his head turned his body towards yours, lifted his arm and placed his whole palm on your face. Not too harsh so you can still breath but the action with your eyebrows immediately stopped.
“what ar-“
“shh now you have to sleep” you didn’t prostest and just held still as he stayed like that for a few minutes, now closing his eyes.
After a few minutes he felt your strong warm breathing on his fingers and as he lifted his hand he saw you already drifting off to dreamland.
That it was this quick for you to sleep was a mystery for him. The storm stopped a long while ago before you fell asleep.
Light snoring was heard from you as you turned around, your back facing him. He placed the blanket further up your body and pushed the pillow towards you so you can lay more comfortable on it.
Finishing. he placed his head back on his pillow and soon after tried to fall asleep too, the only thing heard now was the wonderful sound of rain outside his window and your fucking annoying snoring right next to his ear.
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~Jealous Boyfriend Wonho
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nochedie · 3 years
i found these fake texts i did literally on this day in 2019 and never uploaded them and they’re actually funny imo so idk why i never uploaded them. anyways since it’s got today’s date on them you may have them now they’re just a “wonho accidentally confessed to you” that someone requested 3 years ago so if you requested this idk why i just didn’t upload them i can only apologise
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nai-has-jams · 7 years
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Wonho apologizes after being unfaithful.
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iibonniee · 2 years
Meet Your Match Series
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“It takes three pushes to fall.”
Nothing in life can ever be as perfect as a fairytale. You fall in love, give that person your heart and hope they keep it safe. That’s exactly what Y/N did when she met Kihyun. Her picture perfect man, a picture perfect wedding and a picture perfect family. 
“The first jab is a nudge, the second you lose your balance and the third is the push over the edge.”
Her mother always did warn her about three pushes.
Pairing: Yoo Kihyun x Fem!Reader x Lee Minhyuk
Genre: Social Media AU
Rating: M
Series Warnings: heavy angst, process of divorce/mentions of divorce, sorta love triangle (?), fluff, smut (in future chapters)
Updates: (?)
Bios Playlist
Chapter One 📱
Chapter Two 📱
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blue-orangeade · 3 years
favorite (vampire) somehow gives both shinee and monsta x while also being uniquely nct 127 and i love it
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incorrectk-pop · 4 years
American interviewers: Is there a special someone in your life?
Every Kpop boy asked that:
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chans-room · 1 year
Welcome to SPOOKYFEST 2023 🦇
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Because it’s my favourite time of year, I decided I want to commit to writing and posting spooky flavoured content until Halloween! I already started working on some things, but I really want this to be as interactive as possible!
I’m going to be doing headcanons, rankings, moodboards, fake texts, reactions, and drabbles (sfw and nsfw) and I’m willing to do multiple groups for the same concept. Y’all will just have to tell me who you wanna see where 🖤
My requests will also be open for autumn/Halloween ideas/thots/prompts and I’m going to try to keep everything under 1k but I know who I am so no promises.
Rules for requesting: Anything goes! Dead dove, dark content, yandere, murder, smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, AUs, etc! I’ll try to do as many as I can. I don’t have many hard limits as to what I’ll write; my only hard no’s are parent fics and pregnancy fics. Otherwise, feel free to send in whatever you desire!
Requests are open for the following groups: Stray Kids, Ateez, Seventeen, SHINee, KARD, Block B, BTOB, Got7, EXO, Monsta X, and NCT.
However!! I will be mostly offline from October 13-27th so anything I have to post during that time will be thrown in the queue and I’ll be back to finish out whatever requests I hopefully have after the 27th.
Happy haunting!
I’m just gonna tag some moots who might be interested: @kiestrokes @minttangerines @minisugakoobies @j-a-nuary @bibbykins @eureka-its-zico @sailoryooons @gimmethatagustd @chimivx @skyys-universe
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dazed--xx · 2 years
Breathless 2
Member: Hyunjin x reader  
Word count: 13.2K
IDOL CAMEOS: Karina-Aespa, Yeji-Itzy, Lia-Itzy, Jinhwan-Monsta X.
Trigger warnings: toxic relationships, ANGST,, fake texts, mentions of drinking/getting black out drunk, mentions of cheating, mentions of marijuana use, crying, arguments, mentions of anxiety. anything else i could have forgotten.
A/N: So this was my original plan with this story. I did write an alt ending because a lot of people asked for a happy ending so if you want a happy ending this is not the fic for you but the two stories are the same until the final confrontation and i will indicate where the alt ending starts, Im still willing to write drabbles for these characters and everything so thank you for enjoying. 
Part 1    Alt. Ending Link
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You were grateful for Felix having come into your life. Ever since your break up with Hyunjin, two months ago, He’s been your rock through it. From taking you out anytime you felt you needed to get away, to cuddling with you and watching a movie, and some days like, today, when Hyunjin does reach out to try to talk Felix is the one to usually urge you to at least get closure. You immediately found yourself wandering aimlessly until Felix picked you up and brought you to the beach. But you being sad didn’t mean you didn’t get out of the ‘closure’ lecture.
“You know....”  
Felix trails “You’re going to have to talk to him eventually you deserve an explanation......and closure” you sigh in response, adjusting yourself against the uncomfortable pebbles beneath you. Your eyes trail over the setting sun dancing across the water, waves crashing against the rocks on the shoreline. “I can get an explanation from Ye-na before I get the slightest truth from Hyunjin” Felix flinches at the way you say Hyunjin’s name. He stands in his place almost dumbfounded. “Listen helmet, like honestly, I would 100% agree that what he did was wrong but he looked genuinely heartbroken when you ended things. You should at least hear him out if not for him then for yourself. Wouldn’t you want to know why he cheated?” you shake your head in response. “Why would I ever want to know why?” You growl. “So, you don’t feel like it's your fault, which is what I know you feel.” you force your eyes away from the water “and how could you possibly know that?” you counter. He shrugs in response running his hand through his hair before placing extending out to you “the face you made just told me, but let's get out of here please you know what kind of people hang out around these parts at night” you chuckle in response as you grab his hand “I literally met you right over there” you pointed toward the pier “So they're your kind of people Yongbokie~” you tease.  
His face is flat “Dude they're STILL looking for me”  
It was your turn to shrug “And? Why'd you piss them off” his mouth hangs open “I didn’t purposely piss them off I just.......slept with the leader's sister......” “And?” you urge him to continue “And he walked in okay!” he responds. You couldn’t contain your laughter, “Wait! He saw little yongbokie!” you struggled to regain composure as you approach Felix’s bike. “1! How was I supposed to know he would walk in she said she was going to be home alone for hours she miscalculated. And 2! Don’t name my dick especially a title that implies its little. When it very much isn’t” you roll your eyes at him. “Suuuuurrrrrreeeee” his face forms a scowl. “What? You want to see? Don’t think you’d be able to handle it” he urges, his hand wrapping around your hair forcing your head back pressing your back against his chest. You squeak in responds your face turning toward him “Don't threaten me with a good time” you tease facing him brushing your noses together before running your hand down his torso making your way toward his waistline before his hand grips at your wrist “FINE! Fine! You won this time okay” he jumps. You chuckle in response “Lixie, you act like I don’t win every time you try to play this game with me”  
“You only win because I let you. I have no problems with being a rebound honestly and if I wanted to win, Helmet, you’d have been in my bed the night after you broke up with Hyunjin” He states. “Hmm I'll keep that in mind then” you shrug as he starts his motorcycle. “You know you're quite annoying, even Karina gets somewhat flustered when I talk to her” he snaps. You giggle “Lix, you’re really attractive and honestly at first you definitely made me really blushy but I was with Hyunjin so it was really easy to kind of shrug it off you know?” you state softly. The wind kissing your cheeks. “But, if I ever felt like you know, ready to move on, you’d probably be the first person I'd sleep with” you finish matter of factly. He nods in response “Shit just let me know, I can definitely make you forget all about Hyunjin” He winks biting his bottom lip before hopping onto his bike.  
“But it's cold so you coming or not?”  
You sighed as you walked toward your dorm’s entrance, you weren't excited for Lia’s questioning on why you had randomly left the dorm, completely disappearing while she showered. You dragged your feet as if they were imbedded in cinderblocks, formulating a plan to make a beeline for your bedroom and locking the door. You regret taking the stairs as you enter the door to your floor, your legs aching. Your eyes not leaving the ground as you continue your path to your bed. Your hands fidgeting with your keys, you let out a loud sigh. Finally lifting your eyes as you come close to your door, your heart sinking as you see your ex sitting in front of it. You consider running back toward the stairs before he could notice you, yet luck was not on your side as his eyes find you and he jumps to his feet.  
You freeze in shock, it’s the first time you’ve seen him since you broke up and he didn’t look too good---well he still looked absolutely gorgeous, but you could see the lack of sleep in his eyes. Ghost trails of tears stained on his face, his hair was disheveled and he was still wearing the same clothes from the night you had broken up. Your throat tightens, you felt your fingers tingling; you’re face heated up rapidly. You hated that, even with the pain he’s caused you, he could still make your heart race. You felt your heart ache at the sight of him in pain. Still, there’s a light in his eyes when he looks at you.  
“Bab--Y/N....” his voice is coarse “C-can we talk.... please?”  
His eyes are pleading as he slowly makes his way toward you. You release a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, looking toward the ground once again shaking your head. “Y-you need to go...” you mumble. Your eyes notice his shoes now in view, you can feel the heat radiating off him due to his closeness. “Please....I-I just want to talk--I don’t know what else to do. You don’t answer my calls or-or texts. I don’t understand what happened--I feel like I can't breathe” he begs, you feel his hands on your arms igniting a fire in your stomach. You jump at the contact your head whipping to look at him as you force his hands off you. “No.” you state coldly. “You need to leave now, Hyunjin” you shove your way past him to your door. Forcing your key in the lock and turning before you turn back to your ex. “You lost your chance to talk to me the moment you fucked anyone else while we were together. Leave before I call security” “I didn’t--I sw-” his pleads are cut off by you slamming the door behind you.  
Hyunjin stood in shock, tears welling in his eyes. He knew it was going to be hard to get you to forgive him but how could he even begin to try to fix things if you wouldn’t even look at him. His heart clenched in his chest. This isn’t happening...... he thinks to himself. The same words that’s been playing in his head since that fateful night. He didn’t know what else to do, he was so lost. He’s never felt pain like this before and he still couldn’t understand why. He knows what you believe but he still doesn’t even understand what Ye-na told you. And when he confronted Ye-na she just laughed at the ‘irony’ as she had stated boldly. He’d spent countless hours these past two months staring at nothing but his phone screen waiting for something---anything in return from you. Losing you was the last thing he could have ever wanted. He knew he should leave; he knew you wanted him to go, but he couldn’t he needed to try. He needed you to talk to him. With a shaky breath he lifted his phone and immediately pressed the call button of your contact. Pressing his back against your door and sliding down.  
“Fuck......” he cried as he ran his hand through his hair. Of course, you’d reject his call. He wanted to scream, to beg for you to talk to him; his mind flashed to the way you flinched at his touch. He wanted to go back, back to when he first got his chance with you. He'd change everything, he’d appreciate everything he had. He needed to hold you again, if he could go back, he would have stayed every time you’d ask. He’d show you he loves you, because he did—he does. He wishes he’d realized it sooner, anything to just have you back. He hates that he confessed his love when he did. He knows what you probably think, but he needed you to know. He thought it would reassure you that he didn’t want anyone else. His phone buzzed in his hand. His heart lit up at your contact.  
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He knew it wasn’t much, but it was something. You responded; he didn’t care it was to tell him to leave. He immediately went to respond, only for his message to be interrupted by a call from Jisung. He sighed to himself as he pressed the answer button. “Hell---Dude, you gotta go home” Jisung interrupted. “What are you talking about?” Hyunjin questioned with faux confusion “I am---no! You're not! you wanna know how I know you’re not?! Because I’m at your place! Dude! Come home, okay? If she wants to talk to then she will but you can't camp out in front of her dorm its honestly fucking creepy!” Jisung exclaims. Hyunjin rolls his eyes, biting his lip. “Fine, just-just stay their asshole”  
“Dope, when you get back, you’re taking a fucking shower and cleaning your room bro this is gross and honestly no girl would even look at you let alone talk to you judging by your place.” Jisung whines.  
“So fucking leave then!” He snaps.  
“See I would, but I’m the hot one now and I just need a second to soak it in so get home while you still look like shit” Jisung exclaims excitedly. And for just a moment, Hyunjin considers murdering his best friend. Scoffing, he quickly ends the call before lifting himself off the ground. He gives one last look at your door before he makes his way back to his dorm, leaving his heart in his place.
Your dance class has been.... awkward to say the least. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife, you can feel Ye-na's glare and Hyunjin’s love sick longing stare on you. Jisung still follows Karina around like a lost puppy so you have to sometimes deal with the occasional run in with him. Jisung, as Hyunjin’s best friend, is one of the few that truly knew what was going on in your past relationship. Sometimes you thought he knew even more than you about your own relationship with Hyunjin. He remained polite sometimes looking at you with sad eyes when he notices Hyunjin’s pleading gaze. You questioned as to why he sat here with you when his own best friend sat across the room, not paying attention to his dance partner and focusing on you and only you.  
You honestly felt exceptionally confused. Why was Hyunjin acting like this? A question that’s lingered in your mind for days. He had ignored you for the majority of your relationship, only showing interest a select number of times that didn’t involve sex. You were together for a little over a year and if you were to say you didn’t love him it would be a lie. You loved him, you still love him but he obviously didn’t feel the same if he had seeked out another woman. You hated yourself for not hating Ye-na, you don’t know if she knows you overheard her conversation with her friend but honestly, you owed her a huge thank you. For months you couldn’t figure out how Hyunjin had felt about you, and in a few words, you learned that he did not feel the same way. You didn’t blame her; she wasn’t the one that promised you exclusivity so how could you hold a grudge against someone that got played by the same person. He probably made false promises to her as well, so, why the heartbroken pouty expression that wouldn’t leave his features. You feel like you should at least talk to him, but every time you went to respond to him; Ye-na's words rang through your head. Why would he say you guys were nothing serious and then declare his love for you?  
You had practically the exact same conversation with everyone beside Karina, who had suggested you talk to him, after a certain violent act pertaining to a very vital reproductive organ was performed; which you had considered but immediately shot down. You didn’t want to talk to Jisung about it so you had gone to Changbin, who also told you to talk to Hyunjin and nothing more or less. You felt like pulling your hair out and you knew you’d regret it but you decided to talk to Jisung, he’d have the most knowledge about everything and you were honestly still to hurt to face Hyunjin so this was your best bet. You let out a shaky breath before you stood up and looked at Jisung. “Hey can you come with me to something from the vending machine in the music department?” It was no secret that the vending machine in the music department contained the best snacks and drinks, the foreign stuff. But you hoped that he would understand that there was more to you asking other than you craving things.
The confused look on your face told you he didn’t catch it, “Why?” He asked, Karina slapped the back of his head “Ouch! Why’d you do that?” He whined rubbing his injury “Because you’re stupid. Bring her genius! she can't get into the department without a music major” She snapped as she rolled her eyes. His cheeks heat up in embarrassment “Sorry” he apologized as he stood from his place. You felt eyes burning on you and Jisung as you made your way out of the studio. You look at Jisung quizzically as you notice him looking across the room before almost crashing into the door if you didn’t pull him out the door behind you. “Jesus, Han I think you’d lose your head if it wasn’t attached” you tease, raising your eyebrow to him. He chuckles in embarrassment as he fixes his shirt “Sorry, I was—Hyu--I got distracted” He looks away as he stammers.  
“That’s actually why I wanted to go to the music department. You’re Hyunjin’s best friend you probably know way more than me about---Y/N I told you I don’t know if what Ye-na said is true” He cuts you off. You shake your head rapidly “No that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about”  
“Oh” He states in confusion “well then.... what about Hyunjin did you want to talk to me about?”
“Well, as you probably know I still haven’t talked to him about things, BUT the night we broke up. He said something that has me really confused” You explain. “Well....what did he say? I can’t really help you unless I know, you know?” He states softly, you pause for a moment “He told me he loves me.” Jisung’s eyes widen “He finally confessed?! And He didn’t even tell me?! I’m supposed to be his best friend, his ride or die, and he doesn’t even tell me that” he exclaims in betrayal. You snap in his face while he continues his rant “Hanji, Focus. So, you do at least know how he feels then” Jisung shakes his head at you “Oh no no no little lady, Karina warned me this talk was coming. It's not my place to tell you how Hyunjin feels about you. You need to talk to him if you want answers” You scoff “Karina told you to say that?”  
“No! I’m saying it!” Jisung exclaims “Honestly Y/N, I’m his best friend he’s not doing okay in all of this and He wants to tell you how he feels and what you mean to him. And as his best friend and knowing how he feels I know he needs to be the one to tell you. You think you’re the only one hurt right now but you’re not. My best friend is going through his first ever break up, and he’s heartbroken. And I’m not making excuses for him, you had a good reason to break up with him he promised you loyalty and he didn’t keep that promise I guess but let’s be real here you know the kind of guys we are. Were you really surprised? You probably thought this would have happened anyway because let's be honest here me and Hyunjin aren’t built for relationships. I don’t know if he’s ever cheated on you like for real but I do know that I wouldn’t be surprised or disappointed if it turns out he did if I were you.”  He states honestly, as his hand grasps your shoulder stopping you. “So, what? I should forgive him if he did?” You question. Jisung shakes his head “No, you shouldn’t honestly just cause I’m that kind of guy doesn’t mean I'd say you should forgive him. If he cheated dump his ass and move on you want loyalty, you’re that kind of girl.”  
“So, I should......?” you prod.  
“Talk to Hyunjin Y/N” Jisung scoffs
Hyunjin didn’t know why he had done it, honestly, he knew why he’d done it but he doesn’t know exactly what could come of him messaging Felix; But he knew one thing for sure, he was running out of options. He was losing his mind thinking of ways to get you to talk to him, He knew Felix would at least have some insight into how you were feeling, judging by your social media, you’ve been with Felix every day since the breakup. Your friendship with Felix had always brought an uncomfortable ache in Hyunjin’s chest. He’d realized you deserved better than himself long before you had met Felix, but it wasn’t until after that Hyunjin realized you deserved someone like Felix. He could see that glint in your eye every time you talked to him and it always made Hyunjin feel like throwing up. That is until you had broken up with him and Felix had messaged him almost immediately that he had brought you home, that you were safe and needed time. Hyunjin had realized, in the short time he’s spent talking to him, that Felix truly cared for you so much so that he’d continuously update Hyunjin on your condition. Hyunjin hated himself for ruining things so much that he couldn’t be with you anymore, but at least he had a way to make sure you were okay, at least he had Felix.  
So, Hyunjin used his last hail Mary and messaged him to see if he would want to get something to eat and talk, only to be eagerly surprised when Felix had agreed. So here Hyunjin sat, in a pizza restaurant that Felix had picked out, his eyes focused on the cream-colored table. His hands holding onto each other while his arms rested on his shaky legs. What would Felix say? Hyunjin wondered. He wanted to ask your dance partner how you were, if you were doing okay, what you were thinking about when it came to your relationship, did you feel like a part of you was missing too. He couldn’t even touch the pizza he had ordered. He felt nauseous waiting for Felix. His breath was shaky when he heard the chair in front of him scoot out. His eyes slowly lift to be greeted by the warmest smile. Hyunjin could see why you went to Felix every day for comfort, from just his friendly smile alone Hyunjin felt himself calming down. “S-so, uh, y-you're probably wondering why I asked you to come here” Hyunjin stammered. “Well, technically I picked this place but sure I guess, I figured you probably wanted to talk about Y/N you know?” Felix chuckled as he reached for Hyunjin’s soda, “You don’t mind, do you?” Felix questioned, Hyunjin stared at him in shock and shook his head no.  
“No-well—yes, I want to talk about her but it's not just for that reason!” Hyunjin explained nervously “Look, I know how she feels right now and I know I’m the reason for that, but I just want---no I need to explain. I don’t know if she’d forgive me, but I fucking hate that I hurt her and I just-I need her back. She was the best thing that’s happened to me and I fucked it all up and I don’t know how to fix it and I hate myself for not knowing what to do right now. In the past I would have just said fuck it and moved on and just forgot about her. ----sigh----but I can’t. I can’t just move on; I can’t just act like she never existed. I love her and I need her to know that. I won't fuck this up again if she gave me a chance but she won't talk to me and I feel so fucking lost without her” Hyunjin felt tears well up in his eyes the longer he continued, soon his eyes never left Felix’s face “and you’ve been so nice to me, you don’t know me and you know how badly I've hurt her, and she’s your friend so you should hate me but you came here and-and you let me know that she’s safe. And I know she’s safe when she’s with you. You didn’t have to do any of this but you did and I owe you a lot honestly and I don’t know how to repay you” Felix’s features twist into a cognitive look.  
“Well, the only thing I want, and I think Y/N wants, is the truth of if you did cheat on her with Ye-na” Felix responds stoically
“she’s the only person I'll answer that question to” Hyunjin groans rubbing his temples “If she’d ever talk to me”  
“You ever try just explaining”  
“What do you mean?”  
“I mean, genius, you ever try just texting her your explanation and just hope she reads it?” Felix suggests. Hyunjin sat there with a dumbfounded look on his face “You’re a fucking idiot” Felix groans as Hyunjin shakes his head. Why had he never thought of that? “Instead of wasting your time begging her to talk to you and let you explain. You should just explain. If she responds, she responds, if she doesn’t then, well, at least you explained yourself.”  
You don’t know what you were thinking when you decided clubbing with Karina, especially for the first time, was a terrible idea. The dress Karina put you in was WAY too form fitting and very short. The music was exceptionally loud, vibrating the room with its pulsing beat and the guys were......eh, from trashy pick-up lines, to just grinding against you while you danced. At this moment, you longed for the days where Jisung would flirt with you, at least there was.... well, finesse, if you had to choose a word for it. If you had to give anything to your ex and his friends they definitely knew how to flirt and get a girl to go home with them, and not due to just their devilishly handsome faces, they had an aura around them that spewed confidence and experience. But instead, here you stood, with a handsome guy yet you felt bored. You find yourself comparing him to Hyunjin a lot. He talks about himself a lot, Hyunjin didn’t do that at least he’d seem interested in you when you guys were together; this guy didn’t. You think his name was Ji-Han or Jin-Hwan or something. When he brushes a stray hair out of your face you notice the couple ring on his finger, you pull your head away from his touch when you feel an arm snake around your waist pulling you back toward their figure. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t touch my girlfriend” a familiar deep voice stated from behind you. The guy stood in shock, before Felix pulled you farther down the bar.  You stare at him eyes widen; you bite your lip in embarrassment when you see the scowl on his face.  
You think Felix, may be your guardian angel, you immediately wrap your arms around his neck; thanking him profusely. You felt him shake his head before wrapping his arms around your waist lifting you slightly. “You’re lucky you’re cute” He groans before he lets you go and ruffles your hair. “Why you so mad? Wait! Why are you here? Not that I don’t completely adore you but weren’t you with someone?” you question, his cheeks heat up with a pinkish glow before he shrugs. You gasp “Did you get rejected?”  
“No!” He snaps, his scowl returning.  
“Yongbokie~ say it isn’t so... you got rejected?” You tease.  
His arms quickly wrap around your waist and presses your back against the bar. He brushes his lips against your cheek, you feel your face heat up when he places a soft peck on your cheek. “Do you think I’m the type to get rejected?” He nudges. His face makes its way toward your neck, his lips brushing over it gently. You feel yourself growing wetter by the minute. “Uh-I-I-Aww, Helmet cat got your tongue?” Felix cuts you off as he pulls back. Your eyes form a glare before you shove him back “You’re annoying” you groan. He smiles widely, his eyes forming crescents as he scrunches his nose. “You finally reacted though” He states proudly. Rolling your eyes “Yeah sure” you argue. “You did though...” He whines.  
“Sure, Lix whatever you say” You deny behind red flushed cheeks.  
“Deny it all you want but you want me, Helmet. I know I’m probably your ideal type but you have to control yourself Y/Nie. I’m supposed to be your best friend” He teases. You shake your head at his antics. “You can't kiss me, okay?” he continues. You fake a gag, before shoving him back, and allow your eyes to drift around the room. Though it was just more of Felix’s harmless playful flirting, it still felt wrong to have him so close to you. You knew it was stupid but your heart still longed for Hyunjin. It’s not that you didn’t enjoy Felix touching you, you just wished it was someone else. You hate that you longed for his touch, his lips, his everything. You knew what you had heard from Ye-na but you didn’t know if it was even true. The night you had broken up he said it wasn’t, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t lie to try to get you to stay. You wish you weren’t so.... fragile. The Ye-na situation had derailed you off track and you’re having a damn hard time getting back on it again. Felix was a great guy, he seemed like the type to be loyal if he was to be in a relationship. Sure, he was flirty while single but you also know that before returning to Seoul; he was in a long-term relationship that didn’t end well. So, who could blame him for enjoying the single life. “Can we find Karina?” You plead.  
He nods taking a hold of your hand before leading you through the crowd. “I saw her by the booths before I got you” Felix states. You grasp his hand tightly as you make your way through the horde of sweaty bodies, making sure to avoid any spilling drinks. You couldn’t understand how this could be fun to anyone. You could barely hear anything, there was a cluster fuck of people, and the guys are creeps. You would appreciate the experience but this will not be repeated. You’re pulled out of your thoughts as you collide with Felix’s back. You notice him bent over, laughter spilling from his mouth as he slaps his knee. “Oh, this is too funny!” He cackles as he pulls out his phone and takes repeated pictures. Your eyes follow his line of vision only to be met with Karina placed on someone’s lap, their lips interlocked, her hand pulling his hair. You gasp in shock as they pull away. Your hand smacks over your mouth, “Jisung!” you exclaim as you dash toward the pair “Oh my god! Felix is going to have so much fun with this I’m telling you”  
“Fun!? Dude, its already in the group chat. Yeji and Lia are dying” Felix exclaims between fits of laughter. Karina rolls her eyes “What? The guys are absolutely lame here and at least with Captain Thinks with his dick over here the corny flirting comes with a good reputation in bed.” She shrugs as she lifts herself off Jisung’s lap before leaning over and pressing her lips against Jisung’s once more “I’m going to the bathroom” she waves as she makes her way through the crowd. You take a seat next to Jisung. “So... when did, uh, this happen?” you question. “Honestly, I think like 15 minutes ago. She texted me said she was bored. I asked where she was. She told me. I came and uh next thing you know—Ehm- yeah" Jisung stammered behind blushed cheeks. “Oh, so you came.... alone?” Jisung nods. “that’s brave of you, it's pretty boring now I don’t know how you’d have a good time here” you whine. Jisung chuckles “Cause you’re supposed to be buzzed, doll”  
“I’ve had like 2 drinks” you argue.  
“What? Some fruity mixed drink that’s probably watered down?”  
“So, then what should I drink?”  
A mischievous smile forms on Jisung’s lips “Shots!”
Note to self: Never go clubbing with Jisung again.  
You were drunk.
So, fucking drunk.  
He was right though; you were definitely having fun in the beginning. He lived up to his party reputation and you had the most fun you’ve had in a while. After the first shot, you felt warm as the liquid burned your throat. The second you took in quick succession as per Jisung’s advice. Your fingers felt tingly and the burning sensation wasn’t so bad. The third shot came after about 10 minutes, when the room stopped rocking. You had to give it up to Jisung, he definitely tried to make you pace yourself. But shots four, five, and six came and went while Karina decided she wanted to continue more of what they had started previously and Felix had found a friend for the night.  
You regret not taking his advice as the room began spinning. You stagger your way out the door after sending a quick text to Karina and Felix explaining you were going home and getting an uber. If was cold outside you didn’t know, your body felt so hot. Your hair was way too long as it tickled your lower back. But in your drunken state of mind, you stare at your home screen you have yet to change and you find yourself dialing Hyunjin’s number. “Hell---Hello?!” His voice answers timidly. “Hyunnie~” you slur. “Babe, are you okay?” He inquires. You shake your head “No...Jisung helped me get drunk”  
“He fucking what?!” Hyunjin growls. “Well, he told me to-to go slow but I didn’t it was so much fun Hyunnie. But I miss you so it wasn’t fun” You whine. “I miss you too baby” he confesses “So fucking much” his voice cracks. “I have to go home” you slur, pressing your back against the wall. “Where are you? How are you getting home?” There was concerned laced in his tone. “I don’t know” you shrug to yourself. “You don’t know where you are? Or you don’t know how you’re getting home?” He questions worriedly. “No, I’m at octagon club. I told Karina and Felix I'd get an uber but—sigh--I want to walk but the world is spinning.”  
“You’re not walking home” He declares. “I’ll be there in 5”  
Hyunjin was going to kill Han Jisung. He was as good as dead, not only had you gotten completely fucking blasted by what Hyunjin could tell. But his dear best friend has yet to be heard from. Hyunjin raged the whole way to the club, running almost every stop sign he came across. Hyunjin wanted to strangle Jisung a fuck ton more when he saw you sat on the ground, your head in your hands as you continued to struggle remain upright. Hyunjin barely came to a stop before he was putting the car in park and rushing toward you with a call of your name. His heart stopped in his chest as your head whipped up and you greeted him with the most beautiful smile.  
“Hyunnie~!” you called as you reached out to him struggling to lift yourself off the ground. He quickly rushed to your side; taking a hold of your hand before wrapping his arms around your waist pulling you into his frame. He was taken aback when he felt your arms snake around his neck, you press your chest against his. He can’t help himself but to tighten his grip on you. He felt everything stop. Fuck everything about you was absolutely perfect. He buries his face in your neck, he sighs. “Wow! Your hairs black!” you exclaim surprise in your tone.He can only nod in response. He knows it's wrong, you were drunk and you 100% did not want to see him let alone have him touch you but, you were so fucking adorable and he missed this so fucking much that he needed to hold onto it for as long as he could. Fuck Jisung, fuck this club, and Hyunjin won't begin to think about all the guys that probably thought they had a chance with you in this dress cause holy fuck! For this moment, things were back to the way they were before. He hated that he had to end it, but you needed to get home and out of the cold. You were probably so drunk you didn’t notice how freezing it was.  
His fingers brushed your hair away from your face, placing his hands over your cheeks. “It's so cold out baby let me take you home, hmm?” He urged. You nod in response. Your fingers played with his as he walked you to his car. You whined as he removed his hand from yours “I have to open the door, princess” he whispers as he softly strokes your cheek before helping you into the passenger seat and buckling you up; while turning to close the door, he feels your hand wrap around his forearm. “Where are you going?” you query, worry filling your eyes. A sad smile forms on his lips, he caresses your cheek eyes finding yours. “I have to drive, silly girl” he explains softly. Your eyes stay connected for what feels like forever. He wants to remember your face right now forever. Your eyes telling of your love for him, the light pink blush gracing your cheeks. You were absolutely beautiful.
Hyunjin contemplates just closing the door and just going into the driver's seat as he feels the familiar feeling of your soft, velvet lips. He holds back a moan at the unexpected kiss, but responds almost instantly. Hyunjin missed this too, the feeling of your lips on his. Your mouths move in sync. Your tongue pokes out from your lips making its way into Hyunjin’s mouth and moan as your tongues connect. A sound that sends a shock straight down and suddenly his pants felt exceptionally tight. He was lost in the feeling, so much so that he almost forgot, you wouldn’t want this if you were sober; but as your fingers gripped his hair and he heard the familiar whines he knew this is where the line needed to be drawn. The last thing Hyunjin wanted to do was take advantage of your drunken state. And as much as he truly did miss how amazing the sex was, he knew that you’d never talk to him again if he continued; so, reluctantly, He pulls away and makes his way over to drivers' side and gets in.
The ride to your dorm was awkward to say the least. He had so much he wanted to say, apologies sit on the tip of his tongue. At this moment, Felix’s words rang through his head. Hyunjin felt as if he should just explain. You were sitting right there; sure, you were drunk and your reaction probably wouldn’t be the best right now but at least he’d get the chance to explain. He could feel your eyes burning into him and he wasn’t sure if you could tell but Hyunjin’s heart was racing. He practically jumped when he felt your hand snake onto his thigh making its way toward his member. Reacting quickly his hand wraps around your wrist “Whoa! What are you doing?” He exclaims. Did Hyunjin want you to practically beg for him again? Of course. But you were drunk and he was probably the last person you’d want to sleep with when sober. He loved you too much to let you do something you’d probably regret. “I miss you...” You pout. His resolve almost melts when he sees the puppy dog look in your eyes.  
“I miss you too baby but you don’t want to do this right now....” He whispers. He thanks God as he pulls into your dorm parking lot. “You’re home” he states softly as he takes your hand into his. You stare at your dorm before your eyes drift back to him. He notices the tears in your eyes, your hands are shaky. “What’s wrong?” He inquires. “I don’t want to go...I’m so fucking hurt-you hurt me so bad.” You cried “But I don’t want to go” Your eyes connected; He felt his heart break all over again “You don’t understand how fucking sorry I am. I love you I swear I love you so fucking much, I never meant to hurt you baby. I’m so fucking sorry” His voice cracks as he holds your hand tightly against his chest. His eyes never leave yours. “But we can’t have this conversation right now, you’re drunk you need sleep. I promise tomorrow, I’ll tell you everything.” He promises. Your eyes flash back to your dorm, before you nod.  
You regret getting so drunk last night.
You had a massive migraine and you felt so fucking nauseous. But at least you could still remember most of your night, besides the walk to your dorm. Were you embarrassed? No not really.  
Did you regret it?......you weren’t sure. You had definitely appreciated Hyunjin not accepting your advances. BUT were you feeling up to talking to him today? No, and not cause you were still angry at this point you were more confused; but because you were 100% hungover. So, you instead of immediately texting Hyunjin to set up a time to talk, you took some Tylenol and rushed to the campus café. You quickly regretted running as you collide with the petite figure of someone coming out of the door. “I’m so sorry I should have been paying attention” You apologize reaching toward the girl, freezing in shock as you come face to face with Ye-na She went to snap a response before she mouths an ‘oh’ and taking your hand. With a shaky breath your grasp on her tightens “C-can we talk?” you ask shyly. She nods with a hesitance following you back into the café.  
The vibe was awkward and off as you both sipped your coffee silently, eyes looking everywhere around the room but at each other. “So, what’d you want to talk about?” “So did you know I was in the room that night?” You both question at the same time. You giggle at the timing. “That was impeccable timing” Ye-na chuckles before taking a sip of her coffee before continuing “But to answer your question, honestly, no. I didn’t.” she sighs. You nod in response before taking another sip of your coffee “Woul-would you have still said what you said if you did?”  
She ponders on your question for a moment before she lets out a heavy sigh “If you want the truth?” you nod in response “well then, no I wouldn’t have.” She answers matter of factly. You look at her confused “Why not?”  
“Well, the night you over heard me a few minutes before Hyunjin had kinda lost his shit on me. Again. Told me to leave him alone and to stop calling and texting him because what happened was a mistake and he loved you so he needed me to stop” She confesses. “But you said---oh I know what you heard, but he told me that months ago. Like right around the summer, I’m not gonna lie and say what I did was right too Y/N. And even though, me and Hyunjin had what we had. I never wanted to be the one to tell you that. I’m pretty surprised you haven’t lost your shit on me yet honestly”
You shrug. “You weren’t my boyfriend.”  
“So?” She counters before crossing her arms over her chest “Not to be a bitch or anything but I 100% knew about you; and just didn’t care honestly. See, here’s your problem Y/N cause obviously no one will give it to you straight. I’m not the only girl Hyunjin’s been with while he was with you. His reputation follows him and every single one of us knew what it was. Just like you probably did before you two made things official. I didn’t care he had a girlfriend, I didn’t care about your feelings, and I didn’t care if you gave a shit or not. I wanted a good time and he gave that to me for a bit and eventually I started caring. I hate myself for what I did but still I never wanted you to find out, especially when we were put in the same class. Like let's be real here no one would ever want to admit to the girlfriend of the guy you're hanging out with that you got rejected.”  
Your mouth hangs open at her honesty. You weren’t sure what to say, and while you appreciated her brazenness, you felt your blood boiling. “So is side chick your full-time gig or are you just on call?” you snap. She chuckles, almost to herself before her face falls flat. She crosses her right leg over her left before letting her arm fall into her lap holding up her chin “See, I knew you had some fire in you. Look, you asked I answered what you do with that is beyond me.” Your hangover long forgotten, and a fire in your eyes. “So what? You wanted to just be on the side until you got bored?” she shakes her head “Oh no, I’ll be real here, I saw the way Hyunjin looked at you. I knew at some point he’d realize what a dumbass he was being and it’d eventually stop; but, I was enjoying it while it lasted. He called things off months ago” To say you were now beyond confused would be an understatement, and while her reputation is definitely accurate about her bitchiness, she seemed honest. You heard something you weren’t supposed to, something that set the spark that ignited the flame behind your rage that night.  
“So, is that all?...or can I go?”
Yeji and Lia were quite the pair.  
Apart from you and Karina, they were absolutely hilarious when they got together, they always seemed to make you laugh; and with Karina completely in the wind and flaking on your group's traditional hangover chill day-the first one in your honor by the way-you were left partner less until Yeji came over with Felix in tow. You and Lia couldn’t contain your laughter as Yeji dragged Felix into your living room with Karina’s matching bright lilac hairband across his head. “Oh, no fair why am I purple? Lia’s green?” Felix whines as he stomps his foot in place. “What’s wrong with purple?” Lia questions “and this is aquamarine” she declares with a point to her headband. “Purples for girls switch with me” He cries. “No!” Lia proclaims.
“How bout no”  
“Pl--Holy Fuck! Felix if you say please again my head will explode. Switch with me” You growl, pulling your headband off and holding it out toward him. “Ooo Pink!” He exclaims excitedly. Yeji giggles as she finishes setting up her portable projector. “Felix?” she calls. His eyes are bright as he smiles in her direction “Yeah?” “You’re adorable” She smiles as she makes her way over to your couch ruffling his hair as she takes a seat next to him. He forms his hands in the shape of a heart before separating them and placing each half of the heart on his cheeks.  “Ahhh! Felix-oppa! I love you!  you’re the best idol in the world” You tease. Lia grips your hands as she joins in on your teasing. “Felix-oppa! Give us a song oppa!” you laugh as you and Lia jump in circles. “Ha.Ha.Ha. You’re both top tier comedians” Felix groans. “Lix, what do you mean? You literally rejected that scout from JYP” You ask whispering the JYP as you release yourself from Lia and make your way over to the couch. “I mean I don’t think being an idol would be for me”  
“Oh, come on Lix it was a joke” Lia whines “Yeah besides you could definitely be an idol. You’re an amazing dancer, you got the image for it” You mention. “And personality” Yeji adds. “Yeah! You have an awesome personality for an idol too, your fans would probably call you something adorable like sunshine or something cause of your personality” Felix blushes, bringing his hands to his face hiding. “Stop~!” He whines in embarrassment. You roll your eyes “Fine....so what are we doing first Yeji.” a mischievous smile forms on her lips “Well......” she giggles before she pulls out 4 mics from her bag.  
“OH, COME ON!” Felix shouts
“Baby, Nal teojil geotcheoreom anajwo, Geuman saenggakae mwoga geuri eoryeowo Geojinmalcheoreom kiss-haejwo naega neoege, Majimak sarangin geotcheoreom Majimakcheoreom (Yeah) ma-ma-majimakcheoreom (Yeah) Majimak bamin geotcheoreom love Majimakcheoreom (Yeah) ma-ma-majimakcheoreom (Yeah) Naeil ttawin eomneun geotcheoreom love” You guys sang. You laughed internally as you and Felix also did the choreography and ended up facing each other in Lisa’s part of the choreography. You smile in victory as the words WINNER flash across yours and Felix’s screen.  
“What’s the next song?” Felix giggles to Yeji. She shrugs “I don’t know it's your turn to choose Lixie” she states as she hands him her phone so he can go through the catalog. You take a seat on the couch with a heavy breath as Lia takes a seat next to you. “I don’t know how that boy has so much energy after last night” you groan. Lia gives a small giggle “He’s not human that’s why” she suggests. You ponder her statement for a moment “True” you both chuckle to yourselves. “But I actually just wanted to see how you were doing you know? You still haven’t really told me how your talk with Ye-na went. Or if you are actually going to meet with Hyunjin later”  
You sigh at her words “Well, I’m okay honestly. And my talk with Ye-na went.......fine.”  
“What do you mean?”  
“I mean she lives up to her reputation of being a grade A bitch.” You explain “But at least I got what I think is the truth from her” Lia stares at you dumbfounded. “And what about Hyunjin?” You shrug “What about him? Honestly, I was going to talk to him tonight which honestly, I’m not particularly ready to see him, especially after what I did last night....”  
“Girl what did you do last night?!”  
“Nothing crazy, just tried to get Hyunjin to sleep with me” You groan in embarrassment. “YOU SLEPT WITH HIM?” Lia exclaims. Yeji’s and Felix’s eyes flash to you “Slept with who?” Yeji questions. You shake your head rapidly “No one. Nothing” you give Lia a glare, she sinks in her seat with her hand placed over her mouth. “Y/N who’d you sleep with?” Yeji urged. “No one honestly I just TRIED to sleep with someone and thank god they weren’t an asshole and knew I was drunk” You explain your glare not leaving Lia’s face. She mouthed a sorry before Twice’s Dance the Night Away played through your speakers. Felix jumped as he quickly paused the song “Sorry.” You, Lia, and Yeji laughed at the sudden interruption.  
“Felix you’re so cute”  
Hyunjin couldn’t help but be on edge all day.  
You hadn’t texted or called and its almost 5, he felt himself slowly falling into insanity. His leg shaking rapidly as he checked his phone for what felt like the hundredth time today. Why hadn’t you texted? Hyunjin felt his heart racing as Changbin and Seungmin, Hyunjin’s dorm mate, shouted as they played their game. Hyunjin was nervous at how things would go, and while he knew the chances of you forgiving him were slim, he hoped you would give him another chance. He knew how badly he continuously fucked up before but he’d be different. He hopes you can remember how things had changed before you had left him, that you can see he does love you and he’d never do anything else to ruin it.  
He watched as the clock went up a minute. Then another, then another before his screen timed out. “Why don’t you just call her?” Changbin suggested pulling Hyunjin out of his thoughts. “Huh?” He called in confusion. Changbin and Seungmin look at each other before laughing. “Call her” The older male suggests. “I have remember? She doesn’t answer” He responds sarcasm dripping off his words. “Wasn’t that before she agreed to talk to you today though?” Seungmin asks. Hyunjin nods slowly “I don’t want to harass her though, what if she changed her mind?”  
“Then she’s a bitch for not letting you know” Seungmin snaps.
“Hey! Don’t talk about her like you know her” He warns.  
Seungmin rolls his eyes, before focusing back on the game. “I’m just saying she got your hopes up for nothing if she changed her mind, the least she could do is at least let you know that you two won't be talking today and she needs more time”  
“You act like she owes him anything honestly” Changbin mumbles, but Hyunjin heard it. He knew his friend was mad at how things played out, Changbin was big on loyalty and honesty. Even though, Hyunjin was one of his best friends it didn’t mean Changbin would hide his anger at Hyunjin’s treatment of you during the beginning of your relationship. The night you ended things whilst Jisung comforted him, Changbin tried to contain his laughter. His ‘I told you so’s’ became a daily routine for Hyunjin. Hyunjin couldn’t blame him though, Changbin had warned him to stop messing with you and take things seriously. Hyunjin could only wish he could go back and listen to him. If he did, he wouldn’t be in the situation he’s in now. You’d still be his. He’d still be able to call you if he just wanted to hear your voice. He wishes he could go back and kick his past self’s ass. Scream at him how fucking terrible it is without you. Changbin was right, you didn’t owe him anything, so Hyunjin sat quiet staring at your contact hoping something---anything would come through from it.  
Hyunjin’s gaze was pulled away by Changbin snatching his phone. Panic filled his chest “Wait! What are you doing?” he called as he went to grab his phone back. Seungmin jumps from his place on the couch standing between him and Changbin. “I’m calling Y/N” Changbin confesses as he presses the phone to his ear. “NO! No” He cries “Please dude I’m not kidding----Hello? Y/N? Yeah, its Changbin” Hyunjin’s eyes widen as he can hear your voice through the phone “Hang up! I’m not kidding Hang up” He pleaded tears practically blinding him as he struggled against Seungmin hold. “Oh yeah Hyunjin is right here, yeah I mean it’s a little weird I guess but I don’t have your number so...” Changbin winked at him, Hyunjin felt as if he would combust. “Oh, I mean he’s kinda tied up right now but I could definitely get him to meet you there.” Hyunjin froze in his place as Changbin continued “Yeah I think he’ll be there before that but yeah that works” “What’s she saying?” He whispers, Changbin holds his finger up. “Okay, but you should definitely text me Y/Nie~ who else is going to help me with.......you know what” The male whined.  
“Help you with what?” Hyunjin whispered.
Changbin shushed him “Well it was nice talking to you I’ll see you later bye Y/Nie~” Hyunjin stared at Changbin dumbfounded as he hung up the phone and handed it to him. “You guys got chips?” Changbin questioned casually. Hyunjin’s lips parted as he stood there with his phone in his hand, staring at Changbin. “Well....” He urged. Changbin looked at him confused.  
“Well, what?”  
“What did she say?”  
“She wants to talk to you” Changbin shrugged.  
Hyunjin’s eyes widen “And you were going to what? Just not tell me?!” He quickly started looking for his keys and wallet. Grabbing a bucket hat and hoodie in the process. The muscular male chuckled to himself as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I was, when it was a few minutes before she said cause, I knew If I said anything you’d race out the door like you’re trying to do now besides you don’t even know where she wants you to meet her” Hyunjin stops in his tracks, “Where?” Changbin shrugs, Hyunjin pouts and stomps his foot “Tell meeeeee” he whines. And while Hyunjin knows he sounds pathetic; he’s not going to waste any more time. If there was a way to fix things then he was going to do it. But with his friend knowing him way too well and you saying a specific time Hyunjin knew he would have to wait. With that in mind, he stomped his way over to the couch. A pout on his lips, he crossed his arms over his chest and stared daggers at Changbin. Hyunjin wasn’t sure how much time went by as Changbin played on his phone ignoring Hyunjin’s death glare.  
“Her apartment, 5 minutes” He states with a smug smirk on his lips and a wink.  
“5 MINUTES!?” Hyunjin cries as he jumps from the couch and rushes toward the door.
“YOU ACT LIKE YOU WONT BE THERE IN TWO!!” He hears Changbin call as he sprints out the door.
You paced back and forth as the clock got closer and closer to 6.  
Your heart was performing a full drum solo in your chest, your palms were sweaty and you felt like you were underwater. While you found it odd that Changbin had called you from Hyunjin’s phone you were grateful for him being the one to actually let Hyunjin know when to come talk. You had put it off for most of the day and after your conversation with Ye-na you were still utterly confused on what the entire truth was. You were happy Lia was willing to hang out at Yeji’s place while you and Hyunjin talked. You were also exceptionally grateful for Karina for having dropped off a bottle of vodka and encouraged you to do a shot; cause while you did feel anxious, at least you still felt brave enough to have this conversation. You weren’t sure what Hyunjin would say and you didn’t know what your relationship would be after tonight. There were two things you were sure about 1. Your relationship with Hyunjin was toxic and things would have to change drastically if you were to take him back. And 2. you still loved him despite the way he had treated you; you still loved him. You poured another shot, along with drinking you’ve picked up another bad habit since your break up with Hyunjin, smoking. And no, not something disgusting like cigarettes but you do find yourself lighting up a blunt and taking a couple of drags here and there.  
You enjoyed the calming feeling that came from marijuana. With your anxiety through the roof and having had a panic attack in front of him, Yeonjun from your dance class hooked you up with his guy. For the first day or two, you only smoked with Yeonjun in his dorm. But when Felix began questioning the nature of your friendship with Choi Yeonjun, knowing his bad boy reputation, you began to slowly distance yourself from Yeonjun. Felix found out shortly after about your little habit but promised not to say anything to anyone else. You found yourself surprised when your new smoking buddy became Felix. Only smoking when you felt huge bouts of anxiety coming on and you needed to calm down. Your pulled away from your thoughts as a series of rapid knocks came to your door. You jumped in a panic quickly putting the blunt out on your tongue before stashing it away under a magazine on the coffee table. “Shit” You groaned as you tried to fan the smoke away. You rush to the door almost tripping over your shoes before you pull the door open with a sigh. You stare down your ex as your chest heaves, you notice him leaning against the door frame struggling to catch his breath “You, okay? You look like you ran a marathon” Hyunjin struggled to get out in-between gasps.  
“You’re one to talk” You counter gesturing to him. You notice suspicion in his eyes “What’s that smell?” your heart sinks in your chest. “What? Oh, yeah Felix got me into those incense things recently” you lie “trust me babe I’ve been to plenty of parties to know what weed smells like so try that again” Hyunjin calls your bluff. You swallow nothing, you find yourself growing irritated at the smug smirk on his lips. When you were together you would have immediately cracked and probably told him everything, but now, oh now you wanted to whip that smirk off his face “Are you going to keep interrogating me? Or are we going to talk about what we actually need to talk about?” You snap. “And don’t act like you have a right to ask me anything personal right now” His whole confident demeanor is washed away by your words; you notice the panic in his eyes as he stands straight; the smirk no longer on his lips instead there sat a small pout. “Fine...can I come in or is that question too personal too?”  You roll your eyes before stepping to the side and allowing him entry.  
“Soo, where is it then huh?” He asks casually.  
“Where’s what?”  
He chuckles at your question “Nothing” his eyes drift around the room. You and Lia hadn’t changed much in the time since he’s last been here, beside the smell of marijuana, it was pretty much the same. He notices the one magazine out of place and glances in your direction. “What? What are you looking for?” You question, irritation leaks into your tone. “Your weed” He shrugs. You two stand across the room for what felt like hours, just staring at each other. Your eyes in a battle with one another, eventually you realize he’s not going to let this go and you wanted answers so with a heavy heart you roll your eyes before making your way over to the coffee table and toss the magazine to the side. “There. Happy?” You groan frustrated before falling back onto your couch. “Ecstatic” He replies sarcastically. “Like come on Y/N you really thought I'd be okay with you doing that?”  
“You don’t do weed, Hyunjin”  
“That’s not my fucking point Y/N and you know it! Why are you smoking in the first place?”  
You couldn’t help but laugh “If you gave any of a shit during our relationship, you’d know I have an anxiety disorder.” You lean forward grabbing the vodka bottle and pour yourself a shot. “I did give a shit.” “What? When I broke up with you? I mean come on” You toss the shot back swallowing it whole “You didn’t give a shit not for a long time” Hyunjin stood in place dumbfounded. This is not how this conversation was supposed to go, but right now at least it was something, and even though he was raging at the idea of you being high right now he had to give it you; you were right, he didn’t know you had an anxiety disorder. Why didn’t he know that? “Look I know I fucked up, but I care about you and I know what can happen if you’re high and just not paying attention”  
“I smoke when I’m home or with.... someone I’m not stupid.”  
“Someone? Who Felix?”  
“Well, someone is going to get their ass kicked so Y/N needs to let me know who”  
Hyunjin’s jaw was clenched, you’ve never been this difficult and it was hard for him not to let his jealousy show. He needed to know who the fuck got you to smoke and he needed to teach them to stay in their place. “Fuck Y/N! Just tell me!” He growls, his fists clenched. “No! I don’t have to tell you shit! You're going to ruin my connect. Why don’t you go question Ye-na or any of the other sluts you cheated on me with?” Hyunjin had nothing to say to that. He stared at you with hurt in his eyes “It wasn’t like that” he mumbled “So what was it like then?” He wasn’t sure how to answer that question. While he was willing to answer any questions you had he himself wasn’t sure what it was like honestly. “I don’t know.... just not this fucking picture you have in your mind about things” He grumbled. “You don’t know what I'm thinking right now” You retort. “You’re right. I don’t know what the fuck you’re thinking right now! You've been naïve but you’ve never been fucking stupid” He argued. “So, I’m stupid now?!” You cross your arms over your chest “When you’re smoking weed and getting black out drunk? yes!”  
“I wasn’t black out dr----You called me! Just fucking stop Y/N. You’re doing stupid shit and you’re going to get yourself hurt. Bad.” He cut you off. He didn’t understand why you were being this way and whilst he was supposed to be explaining the Ye-na situation, he couldn’t help but be angry at your recklessness. “You’d know all about that right?” you snap. “YOU ACT LIKE I MEANT TO HURT YOU” He shouted. You reach for the bottle again but Hyunjin’s quicker and snatches it from your grasp. “You’ve drank enough for the past two days don’t you think?” He growls as he places the bottle down on your shelf.  You stare daggers at him in response. A smirk on your face as you reach for your blunt and put it to your lips “Fucking stop! Y/N”  
“Oh please! Look at you, you’re acting all high and mighty. Your hypocrisy is showing Hyunjin” you challenge as you light the blunt. Your eyes not leaving his. “I haven’t smoked for a while Y/N. I haven’t done anything I used to do for a while” he confesses, realizing there were more important things to talk about. He hopes you catch the double meaning behind his words. You sat quietly taking in a long drag before releasing the smoke. “Is that supposed to impress me or something? I don’t think you realize how much this whole thing fucked me up---How you fucked me up, Hyunjin!” you exclaim, quickly getting to your feet. “Fuck please just-just tell me what to do then?! I don’t know what you fucking want! I’m trying and the more I try the more you pull away! You think this shit is easy for me? It’s not! You ripped my fucking heart out too you know? Instead of just talking to me or even letting me say fucking anything you ended things and that’s only because I found you that night!” He growls crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes are filled with fire. “Oh boo-fucking-Hoo your girlfriend found out you cheated and dumped you how fucking sad” you retort “Do you need a hug?” you couldn’t contain your sarcasm. You were beyond livid. How dare he sit there and act like he was an innocent bystander.  
“Can you be fucking serious for one minute? fucking Christ.”  
“Can you be honest for one minute?”  
“What?! You wanna know if I cheated on you?!” He argues, you stare at him with fury behind your eyes “no I kno---Yeah! I fucked Ye-na…..months ago! When I didn’t give a fuck about you or this relationship!” He cuts you off, you notice the anger dissipating from him being replaced with guilt and regret. You’re frozen in place and Hyunjin makes his way around the coffee table and places himself in front of you, his hands firmly wrapped around your arms.  “But I haven’t cheated on you in months, I’ve been with no one else in almost a year! I know its fucked up, I know I’m wrong for what I did but I changed.” His voice cracks as your eyes drift around the room, you could feel your anger leaving you as well, whilst he confesses. “What changed then?” you question, your voice is almost inaudible. “You. Well, I wanted to change for you. I’ll tell you everything you want to know but please just at least don’t drink anymore today, okay? I’m not kidding it was really scary to find you like that last night. I know what I did ruined my right to care but I do, I care so fucking much. And I need you to be okay, not amazing, not happy even, but at least okay” His hands find themselves holding your face to make you look at him. Your fingers wrap around his wrist.  
“Hyun, I’m fine....”  
He shakes his head in response “Now who’s the one that won't be honest? You’re not fine and I know I’m part of the reason for that. I should have been better to you, I was confused about how I felt and I-I---sigh----I fucked up, so fucking bad. But once I realized how I felt I tried so hard to fix things and change and just leave that shit behind.” you stare at him in shock. You find your legs growing wobbly and your chest is tightening. You can feel your breathing getting heavier and heavier the more Hyunjin talks. You remove Hyunjin’s grasp on you and take a seat on the couch, you knew your anxiety would be off the charts. “Ca-can I ask you something then?” You ask, your voice is small. “Anything” Hyunjin sits on the table, you give him a small glare “Is me answering question more important than your stupid rule?” he argues before you can scold him for sitting on your table. “Did I mean anything to you? Like at all? I’m not going to lie I was so fucking confused for such a long time and I’m really tired of it.” Hyunjin’s hand ran over his face before finding its way to the back of his neck. “You mean everything to me....” His words are practically whispers. “So why---I can’t answer that. I promised myself I wouldn’t lie to you so I won't answer that question” He cut you off.  
“You said you’d answer everything”  
“I said you could ask me anything, please, just know things are different now than they were, okay?”  
“Hyunjin I need to know....”  
“I can tell you how I feel now, I don’t feel the same way anymore so why does it matter?”
There they were again. The same question he always asked; does it matter? And for once you have a genuine answer “Yes it matters.” He sighs in response, grabbing the blunt that went out long ago from your hand and the lighter. You stare at him as he lights it and takes a long hit off it. You notice the way his hands are shaky and tears well up in his eyes. “Fine, honestly, when this all started, I didn’t really care. ---obviously---just listen. Y/N. I didn’t care and not because of you but because you know how I felt about relationships.” He confesses. “So, why’d even ask me out in the first place? In case you forgot Hyunjin, the whole reason we were even in a relationship was because you initiated it.” You question, puzzled. “I-I know I did, I got jealous honestly...---of who? I was only hooking up with you at the time” You cut him off “Minho and a little Han but mostly Minho” He states honestly. “Huh?” now you were really confused, why Minho? He was your dance partner last year and was the best dancer of 3rd year. But you two were no more than acquaintances at most and while you did spend a lot of time with him last year it was always about dance.  
“There was a rumor going around that Minho was going to confess and ask you out....”  
“And so, you asked first? So, he couldn’t?”  
Hyunjin nods in response, “I know it's stupid, and we were hooking up so I should’ve trusted that you liked me but I was insanely fucking jealous and it just happened. But I don’t regret it, I fell in love with you and I want to show you things would be different. I ended things with Ye-na almost as soon as they happened and—fuck—I know how badly I fucked up. I just want to fix things, I want to be with you, I feel so lost without you. I love you and I’ll make you trust me again.” You felt your heart clench at the softness in his tone. He seemed scared, he kept fidgeting as he allowed the blunt to go out and placed it on your table beside him. His breathe was shaky as he explained. “Would you have ever told me?” You ask “a-about anything?” he shakes his head “If I knew for a fact that you wouldn’t have broken up with me then yes but otherwise, I never wanted you to find out.”  
“Why wouldn’t you tell me?”  
“Because look what happened when you found out! Fuck I lost you and that was the whole reason I stopped everything with everyone but you because I didn’t want to lose you but Ye-na told you whatever she told you that night and I didn’t know what to do. You weren’t answering my messages and I was fucking panicking because I just wanted to get you out of there because she was fucking pissed. But she saw you first---I still don’t understand how everything happened---all I know is that losing you has been the worst thing that’s ever happened to me right now and I just-I want to be with you. I can be better; I’ll do whatever you want. I can make you happy.” He cried, he held onto your hands. Tears stream down his face, you stare at him sadly “It wasn’t just the cheating, Hyunjin. You can’t say you didn’t act like I wasn’t a burden. I know you said things would change but how can I be sure of that? For a long time, things were…. bad and I don’t want to be hurt again” you state hesitantly. “I won’t—I’ll be better I can help you trust me. I can love you the right way. I’ve never done this before but I’ll figure it out for you. Anything. Please just-just take me back, you don’t have to completely forgive me but please tell me I didn’t ruin things forever. Fuck I need to know you still love me, please tell me you still love me” He pleaded, he was on his knees his eyes never leaving yours. Rivers of tears flow down his angelic face.  
Your heart racing, you remove your hand from his, caressing his cheek wiping tears from their descent. “of course, I still love you. But I’m so fucking hurt and I don’t know if I could trust you.” He shakes his head “N-no do-don’t say that please. You can trust me. I’ll prove to you that you can please just give me a chance. I won’t hurt you again” he begs reaching into his pocket and unlocking his phone before shoving it in your hands. “You can go through it. Everything. And you can do that until you trust me again. I will do everything I can to be with you again.” You stare at the device in your hands, you notice his wallpaper. A selfie you had sent him a few months ago from your dance practice with Felix for the showcase. You felt butterflies fluttering in your stomach as you locked the device and handed it back to him “I-I don’t want to do that. I’m not that kind of person, Hyun and as much as I want to try things again, I can’t do that until I can trust you again.” Hyunjin buried his face in your neck, his arms wrapping around your waist. You felt his tears on your shoulder as he held you. “I can’t-I can’t lose you give me a chance just one chance please” He begged.  
(This is where the alt. ending begins)
“I-I think I need time…. Honestly Hyun, a lot in our relationship br-broke me and I need to work on loving myself again before I can even begin to think about being in a relationship. Maybe…. maybe we can try to just be friends for a while f-figure thing out.” You confess. His grip on you grew tighter, you could feel him shake his head against you. “I’m sorry...” he cried “I’m so fucking sorry, please, please don’t make me go. Please don’t let this be over I’m sorry. I love you; I love you and only you so fucking much please let me stay. I need you fuck I’m so so sorry” his whines turned into sobs as your resolve finally breaks tears running down your face. You wrap your arms around the sobbing man. “I’m sorry too, but things wouldn’t be okay right now anyway, even if I said we could fix things, I still wouldn’t trust you and things would be so difficult on your part only for one of us to get hurt. It's better to prevent that” You explained as you rubbed his back. “I’ll deal with that; I can take that. I hurt you for so fucking long that I can be hurt, I don’t care if you hurt me later on, as long as you’re mine now. Fuck please I love you so much it hurts. I don’t want to leave I don’t want to let you go please don’t make me.” He pleaded, pulling himself back so he could look in your eyes. His hands caress your cheek, wiping your tears.  
You hold onto his wrists; your eyes connect with his. It feels like an eternity before you look away; lowering his hands from you. His fingers wrap around your hand. “I don’t want you to leave, I don’t want to end this---then don’t, stay with me. Give me a chance, I made you fall in love and trust me before I can do it again. I can be different---I am different now. I haven’t partied in months; I’ve been all about you and no one but you.” You sigh in response “BUT, me loving you and you loving me isn’t enough anymore. I can't erase the past Hyun and as much as I want to just forgive you and get back together with you.... I just know that I’m going to question everything and I need time for myself. I need help with things that don’t involve you and I really need to figure out how things are going to go. I was accepted as a trainee at JYP because of the showcase and I’ve been considering doing it. I think us trying to figure things out would be too much right now and I-I just need time...” Hyunjin nods in response as he lifts himself from his knees, eyeing the door. You follow behind him and stand. “I don’t want you to be out of my life though. I do love you and I would love to be your friend. I know we both need space until we can be comfortable around each other without our feelings getting in the way but I hope we can be friends.” He nods. “C-can I hug you then.... b-before I go?” He asks sadly.  
You smile softly at him before wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing your chest against his. His arms snake around your waist, tightly pressing you against him as he buries his face in your neck. You hear him let out a long-dejected sigh. “I love you” he whispers. “I love you too” You respond, your voice barely audible. You held onto each other for what felt like eternity. You found it hard to hold back your tears. You love him, you truly loved him and if things were different, you would have held on forever. You heard him sniffling. You knew he was trying to hold back his tears. “I’m sorry I wasn’t better for you. I never deserved you, but I’m so fucking grateful to have had a chance with you; even though I made so many mistakes, the only thing I truly will ever regret was losing you.” He divulges as he loosens his grip on you, his hand finds its way to your face; he caresses your cheek. “It’s okay, you’ll be okay. We need this, and I’m not leaving your life, okay? We can be friends I can be there for you eventually.” you soothe him before he removes his hands from you completely. Your eyes never leave each other's as he makes his way to the door. “Goodbye, Y/N” He calls as he opens the door and exits, closing the door behind him.
“Goodbye, I love you”  
Taglist: @xxoverthinkerxx @elmi-chan @midsoulz @hyunjintoon 
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