amberfaber40 · 2 years
25 Mysterious Facts about Ancient Cities - Fact Republic
25 Mysterious Facts about Ancient Cities - Fact Republic
1. Heracleion, an ancient Egyptian city that was swallowed by the Mediterranean Sea 1,200 years ago, was discovered in 2000 and has been the site of an underwater excavation since then. It is thought to have been sunk by an Earthquake.
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80 Awesome Ancient Artifacts - Pi Queen
Love archaeology but hate dust, dirt and human remains? You're in luck. The following list of amazing archaeological finds will take you on a trip through time and across the globe, but without all the mess (or the jetlag).
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Exploring The Vatican Museum In Search Of Out Of Place Ancient Artifacts - Hidden Inca Tours
Above is a sarcophagus from Egypt, likely made of limestone on display in a courtyard of the Vatican Museum. Likely taken by Emperor Caligula when the Romans took over Egypt. Above is an exceptionally well carved Sphinx, likely a Roman work of course heavily influenced by the earlier dynastic Egyptians, carved out of granite most...
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@Museum of the History of Science, Oxford
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Ancient DNA Sheds New Light on the Biblical Philistines
A team of scientists sequenced genomes from people who lived in a port city on the Mediterranean coast of Israel between the 12th and 8th centuries B.C.
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- Sponsored Links - 1HeracleionHeracleion, an ancient Egyptian city that was swallowed by the Mediterranean Sea 1,200 years ago, was discovered in 2000 and has been the site of an underwater excavation since then. It is thought to have been sunk by an Earthquake.Source & More2. In the ancient Indian Kingdom of Golconda, the king Ibrahim Wali designed and built a fortress city so acoustically perfect that a hand clap at the fortress gates could be heard at the top of the citadel itself, located on the summit of a 300 foot hill.Source & More3. In Portugal, there is an ancient city named Vilarinho Da Furna that is submerged in water, but during dry spells, the water levels go down enough that you can see it. This 2000-year-old town was destroyed by an electric company when it constructed a dam in 1967.Source & More4. In the ancient Greek city of Sybaris, the citizens, derided by famous writers of the time for their extremely luxurious lifestyles, had canals built that transported wine directly from the countryside into their personal cellars. The cavalry from the ancient city of Sybaris trained their horses to dance to pipe music and then were defeated by an army attacking them with music.Source & More5. The Ancient Egyptians had a city called Crocodilopolis. It contained a sacred lake where crocodiles were worshipped, fed and adorned with jewelry.Source & MoreLatest FactRepublic Video:15 Most Controversial & Costly Blunders in History6JerichoThe ancient city of Jericho (currently in Palestine) is the world’s oldest walled city, with evidence of stone fortifications dating back nearly 9,000 years. Archaeological digs have turned up traces of habitation that are even older up to 11,000 years ago.Source & More7. A huge ancient Mayan city named El Mirador has been discovered in Guatemala and it holds one of the world's largest pyramids. The La Danta temple measures approximately 72 meters (236 feet) tall from the forest floor.Source & More8. In the ancient city of Timbuktu in Mali there are an estimated 300,000 or more precolonial African literary manuscripts tucked away in various libraries and private collections, mostly written in Arabic and some in native languages. Topics include herbal medicine, mathematics, astronomy, poetry, law, history, faith, politics, and philosophy.Source & More9. The ancient of city Caral in Peru features Pyramids which were built around the same time period that the Great Pyramids of Egypt were built. The city also shows no traces of warfare, indicating that the site was built as a place for “Commerce and Pleasure.”Source & More10. The ancient city Catal Huyuk (in the present day Turkey) was one of the first recorded cities in history, but it didn't have any streets. The dwellings were clustered like a honeycomb-maze. Most of the houses were accessed by holes in the ceiling and doors on the side of the houses, with doors reached by ladders and stairs.Source & More - Sponsored Links - 11SeuthopolisAn Ancient city named “Seuthopolis” was discovered in the bottom of a lake in Bulgaria. It was founded in 323 B.C. The city was discovered and researched between 1948 and 1954. Unfortunately, this discovery came too late, because the reservoir dam being constructed nearby soon flood the valley and drowned this city. Right now there is a project underway to restore the city.Source & More12. In the ancient city of Memphis, Egypt, so many people worshiped Anubis, the jackal-headed God of death, that the catacombs next to this sacred temple once held nearly 8 million mummified puppies and grown dogs.Source & More13. Nan Madol is the only ancient city ever built upon a coral reef. It is a marvel of ancient engineering. The city, constructed in a lagoon, consists of a series of small artificial islands linked by a network of canals.Source & More14. Hatra, the capital of the "first Arab Empire" known as the Kingdom of Araba (in modern day Iraq) was one of the most diverse cities in the ancient world. It had temples (pantheons) to 5 major religions: Greek, Mesopotamian, Canaanite, Aramean, and Arabian.Source & More15. Two ancient Chinese cities were drowned when the valley was flooded for a new hydroelectric power station. He Cheng and Shi Cheng remained forgotten for 40 years until 2001. Shi Cheng was built more than 1300 years ago in 621 AD. It was once the center of politics, economics and culture. He Cheng is even older: established in 208 AD as a business hub.Source & More - Sponsored Links - 16Lost City of ZakynthosWhen snorkelers discovered what appeared to be ancient stonework off the coast of the Greek island of Zakynthos in 2013, archaeologists sent to the site thought the odd rocks might be the ruins of an ancient city. Turns out, the so-called Lost City of Zakynthos was not built by humans, but by methane-eating microbes.Source & More17. In 1963, a man tore down a wall in his house and noticed an enormous and complex tunnel system behind it. He had rediscovered the ancient underground city Derinkuyu in Turkey. The city had 9 levels, used to house 20,000 people and had amenities such as stables, wineries, schools, and chapels. It was built between 1200 and 800 B.C.Source & More18. The ancient city of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey built in 10,000 B.C., is twice as old as Stonehenge, and completely disrupts our ideas of human development and agriculture. Carvings on a stone located at the site depict a comet strike that researchers have theorized caused a worldwide cataclysmic event, which in turn brought on a 1000 year ice age known as the Younger Dryas. It predates the invention of known tools, cities/communities, and the written word. The oldest known sphinx was found in Gobekli Tepe, Turkey and it was dated to 9,500 BC.Source & More19. The Aztec capital Tenochtitlán was the largest city in the Americas with over 200,000 people. It was built on a man-made island in the middle of a lake - connected to the shore by 3 causeways. It contained huge pyramids, floating gardens, aqueducts, and canals. It was destroyed by the Spanish in 1521.Source & More20. The Greek city of Helike sank in an earthquake in 373 B.C., and all of the inhabitants died. Over time, it was silted over and was thought to be legendary until it was rediscovered in 2001.Source & More21UrukThe Ancient city of Uruk at 2900 B.C. had 50,000 - 80,000 residents living in its 6 square km of walled area, making it the largest city in the world at the time.Source & More22. Almost every home in the ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro from over 4000 years ago was equipped with a private bathing area with drains to take the dirty water out into a larger drain that emptied into a sewage drain.Source & More23. The city-states of the ancient Maya were dominated by two cities, Tikal and Calakmul, who fought a series of conflicts through proxy states. Some experts have compared these conflicts to US-Soviet fighting by proxy during the Cold War.Source & More24. The largest brick arch in the world, the 121-foot (37 m) tall Taq-i Kisra, is nearly 1,500 years old and it is the only surviving structure from the ancient city of Ctesiphon.Source & More25. There is a ruined and uninhabited medieval Armenian city-site named Ani in Turkey that has lay empty for over 3 centuries. Even as a ruin it is still disputed.Source & More Sign up to our Newsletter & get FREE!! 1000 Facts E-BOOK Email Address * - Sponsored Links -
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
On a trip, was looking through 100 facts about queens. It was on Pinterest, don’t judge me. BUT THIS! IKEVAMP PEOPLE!!! YOU NEED TO FUDGING SEE THIS!! TAG ANYONE WHO DO IKEVAMP OC!! ISTG!! ASFSADFA!!!!
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Napoleon…you failed us. I’m sure someone gonna roast you for sure!! AHAHAHA!!!
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Does anyone had an Oc on him? I think so but ain’t sure. I ain’t looking through though btw. Feel free to be inspired~!
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I believe he beats Shakes on puns now lol!
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“Shakes…probably the only sane and reasonable thing done” — probably Theo
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Magi! Solomon: ….
Magi! Sheba: ….*stares at husband*
Obey Me! Solomon: …
Obey Me!Simeon: …*stares at roommate*
Me: *dying*
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This is the last one. Feminist Californians be proud.
It’s called 100 interesting facts about Queens on Fact Republic just so you know~!! Tag anyone who has the OC or does Ikevamp OCs lol! Also added a bit obey me and magi cameo lol!
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factrepublic · 6 years
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The actor who played Luca Brasi in the Godfather was actually a member of the Colombo crime family sent to monitor the set. Coppola cast him, but due to his nerves, he kept making mistakes and repeating his lines to himself. This was then incorporated into the film as a character trait.
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letsseebeststuff · 7 years
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What is the biggest number you can make by just moving two matchsticks?
find the answer at http://www.factrepublic.com
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awesomacious · 6 years
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FactRepublic Dump
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kasamago · 3 years
Stanley dan Rejim Kardus di Gembok
Stanley dan Rejim Kardus di Gembok
Stanley S Squarepants – Pic by Factrepublic Kasamago.com— Anda tahu kartun Spongebobs Squarepants.. pasti tahu donk.. Film super konyol populer andalan Global Tipi ini memang tak lekang oleh jaman dan usia, ga bosenin. Nah salah satu karakter yang ada di Spongebobs adalah sepupu Spongebobs yang bernama Stanley. Meski terlihat lembut, rapi dan beradab namun stanley adalah Sosok yang paling…
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thefunniestpictures · 6 years
Factrepublic Dump
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mindblowingfactz · 7 years
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In 1984, a 1-year-old received a heart transplant from a baboon but ended up dying 21 days later due to rejection. When questioned with why a baboon and not a primate more closely related to humans, the surgeon said he didn’t believe in evolution. source
image via factrepublic
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lordhelpme0-0 · 2 years
Back at it with the facts, this time. Credit to FactRepublic!!!! Is “Life in 12th Century: 20 Captivating Facts For the History Nerds”. Ikevamp and history nerds, also anyone that is here cause of my other content. Strap in, and get ready for a wild ride~! MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
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Me: Hey Lilia, do you know about this?
Lilia: Maybe~!
Rook: Time to hunt for this green petites~!
Me: …WAI—!
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Phillip: and that was it my friends.
Theo: I- I don’t know what to say!
Arthur: bloody hell, talked about a sh1tty death. Pfft-!
Jean: *unsheathes rapier*
Napoleon: *place a hand over the unsheathe rapier and lowers it like in that one vine-*
Phillip: oh…? Oh!! Oh… *realization kicks in*
Mitsuki: …you learn something new huh?
Sebastian: *furiously writes the whole thing down*
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Me: hah! Gae. Right Welly, Napo, Comte, Leo, Theo, Vlad, Arthot, and Alexander 1?
Them: *sweating*
Me: interesting arrangements~!
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Me: *gasp* I sense conspiracy theories…
Sasuke: your very right on that one.
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Again another OC ON THIS!!! IM DYINg!!!
Phillip: We’re the same!
Baldwin 1: not really…
Me: aww…I wanted that one scene from Barbie: the pauper and princess…
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Feminist go wolf I guess??? Though I’m impressed. Him and Napo be vibing on woman respect juices.
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Yes. Just yes.
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Yes, definitely homies with Napo.
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This lives rent free in my head…ima send this to my friends—
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Send this to the boys or your friends of boys. I dare you.
That’s it, there is no more space in tumblr. So part three will come out soon. lolol!
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factrepublic · 6 years
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British Major Alexis Casdagli while being a POW started a hobby of stitching while in captivity. His work was so good that it was hung on the wall by the German guards, not realizing the secret message stitched on it. The message ‘God Save the King’ and ‘Fu*K Hitler’ was stitched in Morse code.
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factrepublic · 6 years
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On the set of ‘The Princess Bride’, André the Giant once “let out a 16-second fart and brought production to a standstill.” Nobody said anything except director Rob Reiner, who said “Are you OK, André?” to which André replied, “I am now boss.”
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factrepublic · 6 years
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Vince Coleman, a railway dispatcher, sacrificed his life in order to warn an incoming train of the imminent Halifax explosion. His telegraph said “Hold up the train. Ammunition ship afire in harbor making for Pier 6 and will explode. Guess this will be my last message. Good-bye boys.” The Halifax explosion was the largest man-made explosion before the development of nuclear weapons, releasing the equivalent energy of roughly 2.9 kilotons of TNT. He saved 300 lives.
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factrepublic · 6 years
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In 1976, a plane carrying 6,000 pounds of pot crashed in Yosemite National Park. Climbers in Yosemite Valley heard news of the crash and sparked a miniature gold rush with up to 20 people searching the frozen crash site. Much of the weed was salvaged, smoked, or sold before park rangers caught on.
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factrepublic · 6 years
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Amy Adams who played Lois Lane in Man of Steel is only nine years younger than Diane Lane who played Martha Kent, Superman’s mother.
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factrepublic · 6 years
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A Texas woman named Joan Ginther has won the lottery four times since 1993. She has a PhD in Statistics from Stanford University and had figured out the pseudo-number generator for the distribution of the winning tickets. She won a total of $17million, and has since moved to Las Vegas.
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factrepublic · 6 years
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At the founding of the first McDonald’s, Ray Kroc and a Coca-Cola executive named Waddy Pratt entered into a “Gentleman's Handshake,” agreement that thereafter all McDonald’s outlets would exclusively offer Coca-Cola. Both companies continue to honor this agreement.
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