#f2f: honey i rode on my snowboard drunk
hyfdanielle-archive · 7 years
Honey, I Rode On My Snowboard Drunk → Granielle
Even though today was spent away from her husband on their joint vacation, Danielle was glad for it. She was able to get much needed alone time. Usually during the start of every day here in Switzerland, she and her husband would call to check up on their daughter back in Vancouver with her mother in law, getting to hear all of the things that they had did the day prior and then they would go about their day. After doing so with Grant this morning, he and Caity had some plans and that left the brunette with her son for the rest of the day. It was spent lounging around the hotel, going from place to place to see what the amenities had to offer, before she’d go back into the suite she had with her husband and relax for the afternoon. As her son slept, she was able to catch up on a few movies and viral videos on her iPad and take a nice warm bath. The baby monitor would be on the counter next to her, just in case her son needed anything while she was taking time for herself.
After a few more stolen minutes, Danielle had gotten out of the bath and put on a pair of pajamas. She had nothing else planned other than dinner in the suite and a continuation of the movies and viral videos she saved so she could watch with Grant when he’d come back. With another call to her mother in law via FaceTime, she was able to sedate her own worries about how her daughter had been behaving and clicked the end call when she heard the lock to the door click open. That must have been Grant, she hoped.
“Honey”, she spoke out and picked up their son from his place in the room, the little boy awake and exploring the world around him by looking. “Did you have a good time snowboarding today?” @theflashgrant
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