#extended epilogue animatic
deadbeatbirdmom · 6 months
Edit: I forgot to give this a title. Here's my thoughts on the RWBY Volume 9 extended epilogue animatic.
Find it here, at least while roosterteeth.com is still with us.
It was full of gut punches for me.
My mind is reeling too much to get them all down right now, but here's the main ones (they may also be slightly out of order chronologically):
Nora dropping her hammer and falling to her knees in grief.
Oscar and Ozpin struggling against the merge. Ozcar can't be far off, Oscar's running out of time.
The news that Vale has fallen, with more refugees coming to Vacuo.
Tyrian and Mercury showing up. I knew they were in Vacuo, I have a unposted WIP with that taken into account, but... it still sent a chill through me to see Tyrian.
All the grief of RWBY+J's family and friends.
That can't be the end of RWBY. It can't. It just has to continue. Volume 10 has to happen.
At least there's still RWBY Beyond to come. I just hope that isn't even more pain for us. I seem to recall seeing something about RWBY Beyond covering at least some of the time period after RWBY+J return, so... Hopefully that's right and it's not all witnessing more of the pain those left behind in Remnant went through.
I really hope to see Raven and Yang's reunion. There's a lot of other things I hope we see too, but that's at the top for me.
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bloodraven55 · 6 months
watching the extended version of the epilogue animatic reminding me that nora really is the heart of the vacuo gang god she’s so fucking good
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vanadisvalentine · 6 months
The extended epilogue has me all types of fucked up ooooooh
Nora babygirl ;-; I need her to be safe and happy ugh
Ren!!!! Opening up!!! Smiling!!! Trying to fill the whole that Jaune left!!!
OSCAR! Fusing with Oz!!! Like okay we all kind of figured now would be the time the clock starts ticking seeing as how the initial animatic showed his mannerisms becoming more Oz-like but damn he's really going through it huh. My poor baby boy.
Winter :( her screaming and going ballistic on those Grimm gave me chills, and it's such a compelling contrast against Qrow's optimism.
Also! CVFY! Sure none of them had any speaking lines but. CVFY! And Mercury + Tyrian??? And The Crown??? Okaaaaay volume 10's gearing up for some shenanigans!!!!
it'll happen. i have to believe it'll happen otherwise i'll succumb to despair.
god i love rwby
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scepterno · 6 months
did you see the new rwby extended v9 epilogue animatic?
is it the same one they posted months ago where raven takes team RWBY to vacuo ?
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hinochi-darenimo · 6 months
Watched the extended RWBY Volume 9 Epilogue animatic. It was... not good. Most egregious (imo) spoiler is under the cut.
Vale gets completely destroyed off-screen.
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deadbeatbirdmom · 6 months
Your opinions of the disturction of vale, where tai is, and the return of the team
The destruction of Vale makes a lot of sense, even if I didn't see it coming. I feel like I really should have. It fits. Salem flexing after the destruction of Atlas, and maybe experimenting with her shiny new Relic, or letting Cinder play with it. Ambrosius can't destroy, but he can create things that do, like the extra fires that killed Watts. Ambrosius is probably very bored and wants to see someone new.
Up until I heard Vale was destroyed I thought Tai would still be on Patch. He does have a job to do, and it's pretty important to keep training more huntsmen and huntresses. There wouldn't be nearly as many students at the remaining academies without the combat schools training them up first.
But with Vale destroyed and the proximity to Patch? I don't think Signal would be safe for long. And it would be Tai's duty to protect his students. I think he'd either die fighting to protect them, or he'd get as many students evacuated as he could. That would mean he's either in Vacuo, or fled with them elsewhere. Mistral? Argus? Menagerie? The last is more likely if he has at least some faunus students and wanted to get as far away from Salem as possible. The ocean and a good chunk of the continent of Anima are between Vale and Menagerie:
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It's also possible Raven gave him the means to get out before he would have died. Bandit Tai? That would be an incredibly weird side hustle for him. But I don't think he'd sink to that.
Tai would also want to get Zwei from home if he wasn't at Signal with him.
Raven: "I don't have a bond with your dog. You'll have to find your own way back."
Meanwhile Zwei is quite capable of taking care of himself. Volume 2 certainly implies he can use a can opener, and he's got Aura. He'll be fine even if he's not with Tai.
On the return of the team: I do love what we got. I just can't help but wish we had more. I really wanted to see Raven reunited with Yang. Maybe I'll get that from RWBY Beyond. I'd also like to see the reunion of the Schneeblings. And Willow and Klein with them of course.
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