#everyone please be nice to this person I’m not at all mad at them lol
rob-thedairyqueen · 6 months
you tagged "ass" as 'swearing tw' ? you will never survive the outside world 😭
Ah, that’s an interesting perspective! Thanks for sending this ask. Let me break down what it is you’re actually telling me— or at least, what I think you’re telling me. Correct me if I misunderstand you!
1. You’re operating under the assumption that I tag for swearing because it bothers me personally.
This is actually partially true; I don’t personally like swear words, and that is part of what motivates me to tag it. But I never actually block this tag, so I’m not using it to filter out posts for myself. Rather, I’m mostly trying to give anyone else who *would* like to filter out swearing the opportunity to do so. Many people tag things specifically for their followers, and not for themselves.
Even if I was filtering posts out, what’s wrong with that? Isn’t it responsible of me to understand my own limits and curate my online space in a way that works for me?
2. You’ve taken the indication that swearing bothers me as an indication that I’m not able to engage meaningfully, politely, or effectively with people who do.
That’s a bit of a jump. I can and do listen to people who use those words, and appreciate what it is they have to say. I just happen to tag their posts online while I do it. The fact that I’m reblogging posts with swears in them— generally because I like them in some way or agree with their message— regardless of the fact that I don’t use or especially like certain words should tell you right off the bat that I don’t implode as soon as I hear/see one.
But let’s ignore all of that for a second. Let’s assume that I’m exactly the person you think I am: someone who, for whatever reason, is so upset by swear words some or all of the time that I cannot meaningfully engage with others who use them.
You’re right that such a person would possibly have a very hard time relating to and working with others. That would make their own life quite difficult, as well as the lives of the people around them. And the thing is, I’m sure that person would probably be well aware of this fact, because they’re living it. And they’d already probably feel bad about having this problem.
So what good does telling them they are doomed to fail do? What is your motivation for saying something like this? It doesn’t feel like you’re trying to help me. If you wanted to help me, you would maybe try to see what exactly caused my discomfort with swear words and try to suggest solutions to get me more comfortable and therefore better able to adapt to my environment.
This feels like you are simply trying to shame me— a stranger— for a perceived fault. Why? Are you frustrated that people around you seem overly sensitive and therefore unable to discuss serious issues? I think a lot of people worry about that. Completely fair. But there are a lot more constructive ways to address that issue than poking fun at someone for doing something harmless in their own lane.
I’m happy to continue talking with you about this, if you genuinely want to have a conversation. This is pretty entertaining.
Watch as the reason you came at me is because I accidentally tagged a post that was using that word to refer to a donkey and not a butt. LOL If that’s what I did, let me know which post it was and I’ll remove the tag!
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hadesrise · 1 year
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summary ➳ you unexpectedly defend barty from your friends.
pairings ➳ bartemius “barty” crouch jr. x hufflepuff!male reader
warnings ➳ sfw content, foul language, sunshine and sunshine protector trope, discrimination, asshole friends, friends to lovers, badassery lol, people are a lot prejudiced in this
author’s note ➳ i headcanon him as ravenclaw, sorry. also i think hufflepuffs are scary as fuck when they’re mad. I DO NOT HATE LILY OR JAMES AND SIRIUS. please don't misunderstand that 🥲
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Unpleasant whispers filled the Great Hall particularly from Gryffindor’s table as everyone watched the little-to-no-good trio take a seat on the Hufflepuff’s table and settle themselves there uncaring of the whispers, Barty sitting down right beside you while Evan and Regulus sat on the opposite side. Despite noticing the unpleasant looks being thrown at your company, you smiled at Barty after seeing how comfortable and relaxed he seemed.
“Hey, B.” You softly greeted, eyes twinkling in admiration and cheerfulness. “Nice to see you guys too, Evan and Regulus.” Greeting politely, Evan and Regulus each sent you a small smile before falling into a calm conversation with one another, which made you wonder why they’re here in the first place, but you figured it’s because Barty’s here.
“Well, (Y/n). How’s your potions class?” Barty questioned, starting off with casual conversation while beginning to eat.
The Marauders watched as you respond to Barty with a kind smile on your face and not an ounce of hatred nor distaste for being surrounded by the three most infamous persons in Hogwarts, aside from Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, and Bellatrix Black. The softness of your expression didn’t even change. No one understands how a golden boy like you could hang out with people like... them, considering you’re the most kindest, softest, brightest person Hogwarts has ever had. You’re easily approachable and has the heart of gold that is almost impossible to be tainted, treating everyone equally while plastering on that pleasant smile of yours.
You’re practically a walking safe space for everyone. Reliable, trustworthy, loyal, patient, generous, kind, humorous, ambitious, all of them combined is what you are — a perfect person.
Or at least, that’s how others perceive you. Though, it’s not their fault for seeing you like that, you figured.
The way you’ve presented yourself in public is probably why they think of you as this perfect and divine person that is always good and never evil. You’re kind of flattered by them, but it also makes you feel as if expectations are squeezing down your throat hard.
“How the fuck does he tolerate him?” Sirius Black exclaimed in genuine confusion, referring to you engaging in conversations with a guy who clearly meant bad news.
“Language,” Remus Lupin, without looking up from his book, scolded gently. “I’m sure it’s because (Y/n) has more patience than you. He also doesn’t seem to care what other people say about him.”
“But it’s not good for him to be hanging out with him, don’t you think?” Lily Evans worriedly spoke from beside Remus as Marlene Mckinnon, who sat by her side, nodded in agreement. They knew how nice you are, so seeing you carelessly talk to Barty without hesitation makes them worried, especially when Barty’s practically apart of the Slytherins that are far from pleasant from how much time he spends with them instead of his own house. They knew him, and he definitely cannot be called a good person.
“Uhm... We don’t know for sure.” Peter shrugs, “I mean, it’s really not for us to decide who he should hang out with.”
“Peter’s right,” Remus immediately agreed, “There’s not much we can do if he’s hanging out with them. It’s not our business, and even though (Y/n)’s kind, I don’t think he would appreciate anyone butting their heads into his business. After all, he has his own thoughts.”
Even then, Lily was worried while Sirius did not understand. They returned their attention to you and Barty after hearing your laughter erupt in the Great Hall amongst murmurs and talkings of other students, seeing you playfully punching Barty’s arm and him having an overly amused and proud look on his face for making you laugh. You seem to be fairly enjoying yourself in Remus’ and Peter’s perspective, but of course, those who have a childish disdain towards Slytherin and their associates would rather be blind to it than face the reality.
You’re clearly happy with having Barty as a friend and certainly doesn’t mind who he hangs out with; endlessly friendly and nice to his two best friends, even greeting them with a warm smile. As a matter of fact, it made you seem more matured than anyone else, how you never discriminate, judge, accuse and hate anyone based on their house, rumors, or impressions. You see everyone for who they are, not what people think of them as.
Resting his elbow on the table and chin on his palm, Barty simply admire you as you talk about your day while putting some meals on his plate, making sure none of the meals contained his least favorite food. “Defense against the Dark Arts is such an entertaining lesson, B. It certainly levels up my defensive spells. I’ve been practicing them where no one will get harmed and proudly, I’ve improved a lot.” You told with utter excitement as you finished putting meals on his plate, moving to put some on your plate next. “I could show you later if you want? And perhaps, you can give me feedbacks on what I should work on.”
Barty was almost too busy admiring you, though he was quick to respond. “That’s a brilliant idea, (Y/n). Maybe we could even duel once you’ve mastered it."
You winced, “Can you not go hard on me? I’m still not confident with my duelling, you know.”
“Oh well, confidence is the key!” Barty says with excitement, genuinely wanting to duel with you. “You should try being full of yourself and think, “I can fucking do this” ‘cause it works. That’s how I got pass that bloody awful Divination class.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head, as if it was the worst ever experience of his life.
A giggle erupted from your throat, which made Barty’s lips twitch up to form a smile. It may be unexpected to others, but to you, Barty always smiled and you witnessed every single one of those moments.
“Professor McGonagall will hex you if she hears that,” You joked while still laughing, leaning on him.
He wraps an arm around your shoulder to keep you on his side, grinning. “That’s just an if, you know.” Wiggling his brows, you giggled at his silliness and also wrapped an arm around his waist naturally, gaining a few raised brows and looks from other houses.
Evan and Regulus merely smiled at your interaction before scowling and exchanging eye contact, people’s reactions catching their attention despite being mild. It’s absolutely unpleasant, how they look at you and Barty as if you’re doing something criminal. They look at you with such disapproval that couldn’t help but cause Evan and Regulus to furrow their brows and narrow their eyes — it’s almost unbelievable how everyone loves you when you’re with your own house, Gryffindor, or Ravenclaw, but when you hang out with Slytherin or anyone close to them, you’re suddenly unlikable. As if you were the Public’s property, like you’re supposed to do what they tell you to do. It feels almost as if they want to control who you hang out with.
It’s more than unpleasant, the two Slytherin thought. It’s awful, how everyone seemingly wants you to act the way they expect you to.
Do you even realize the way those people who you consider friends look at you whenever you hang out with Barty? Have you ever looked around to see their eyes screaming disappointment? What would you think once you notice?
Barty seemed to be putting all his trust in you, nearly taking his heart out for you to carry it around; they don’t want their best friend to lose someone who’s literally the safe place and comfort zone. They were worried about Barty, but also worried for you.
Unfortunatelly, worrying made them miss the way you piercingly stared at someone who looked at Barty with disgust when he wasn’t looking, before plastering on an angelic smile to your best friend as soon as the bastard flinched and looked away.
I hope no one attempts to cut my patience off today, you thought with a smile while listening to him talk enthusiastically about the fun time he messed with Lucius’ potion so bad that it exploded on Snape, not knowing you’ll be in for a surprise later on.
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“What are you up to later?” Evan questioned as the three of them strolled through the hallway and ignored the obnoxious pranksters with red and gold tie, trying to find a place where peace actually exists and no judgmental look from anyone.
“Studying with (Y/n).” Barty grins, holding up a pile of books. There seems to be little unnoticeable bounces in his steps as excitement bubbles within him.
Regulus gives him a weird look, “Are you pretending to be stupid so you could study with him?”
“What’s the matter with it? It’s not like he’ll know.”
“You are literally a Ravenclaw.”
“Don’t stereotype me, Reg. It’s getting old, you’re old.”
“You’re making it seem as if he’s that stupid enough not to know you’re just pretending.”
An offended gasp was heard.
“No, I am not!”
Evan chuckled at their playful banter.
Despite Regulus seemingly making fun of Barty’s tactics to spend more time with you, Evan knew he was internally happy for their best friend. The heavy expectations from his father has been taking a toll on Barty a lot, which caused some inner doubts to appear that almost always led to mental breakdowns that lasted longer than an hour. He never had been comfortable with anyone besides them and Pandora, and they were truly happy when you accepted Barty warmly without caring about the rumors or how people viewed him. It feels quite relieving to see Barty radiate happiness now.
However, the three of them comes to a halt in the hallway when a voice filled with dislike erupts from the courtyard, asking a particular question to a person no other than you.
“How can you even hang out with people like them?”
Barty, Evan, and Regulus glanced at one another before walking silently closer and peeking at the courtyard, seeing you sat on the cemented bench while playing Wizard’s Chess with Marlene, surrounded by your friends who were mostly Gryffindors. There’s only one Ravenclaw, the same house as Barty, yet he’s the one who questioned it.
You got distracted to his question as you tilt your head, “What are you talking about?”
The trio quickly ducks when the Marauders come running out of other hallways to the courtyard with loud laughters, definitely disturbing other students, and join you by the bench. Quickly noticing the strange silence, Remus tilted his head. “Why is everyone so quiet?”
“Because Leo asked how (Y/n) can even hang out with people like them.” Marlene explains shortly with emphasis, which let everyone know exactly who they were talking about.
The werewolf sighs, covering his face and shaking his head. “We’re talking about this again?”
Barty wondered how much had he and his friends been the subject of your conversation, guts twisting negatively.
“I still don’t know who you’re referring to,” You chimed in with visible confusion, now forgetting about the chess. Silence fills all of them, the Marauders and Lily glancing at each other as Marlene also can’t help but forget the chess, while your other Gryffindor friends look at you as if it’s strange that you don’t know what they’re talking about.
The Ravenclaw — Leo gives you a look, “Are you dense? I’m talking about Barty Crouch Jr. and his little goons.” He rolled his eyes.
You frowned, “They have a name, you know. Regulus Black and Evan Rosier.”
Barty recognized the discomfort and disapproval in your tone, how you seemingly understood quickly that Leo intends to talk ill about them. He didn’t miss the way your shoulders tensed and body language displaying a defensive gesture, which rarely ever happens. You’re always accepting and welcoming of other people with that big smile plastered on your face; when your body language changes, that just means someone had overstepped your boundaries. No one else seem to realize it.
One of the Gryffindors, Beth, rolls her eyes and gives you a disgusted look. “I don’t know how you can be nice to those Death Eater freaks. Slytherins are literally evil, look at their ancestors!”
“Yeah, they also pick on almost everyone.” Karen agreed, crossing her arms. “I mean, can’t you see how much bad influence they are? Barty’s supposed to be hanging out with members from his own house yet here he is, and look how he turned out.”
“I bet his father’s really disappointed and disgusted." Leo snickered, earning laughter from the two Gryffindor girls.
Lily, Marlene, and Dorcas pulsed their lips into a thin line as Remus and Peter frowned, clearly uncomfortable with the insults and comments that crosses the line, while James and Sirius fell silent since even though they had personal dislike for Slytherin, they wouldn’t go as far as your friends were going. Regulus is also Sirius’ brother, and he doesn’t like hearing anyone talk about his little brother like that.
When Sirius opened his mouth to defend his brother, the words end up being stuck in his throat after witnessing how your warm look morphed into an emotionless and expressionless face that made his blood run cold.
“You guys are fucking pathetic,” You snarled with a low and cold yet loud tone that had made the entire courtyard fall into utter silence as everyone — including others who were just around — look at you with wide shocked eyes. Your friends visibly flinched at the piercing harsh glare you were shooting them, calm storms of rage swarming in your eyes that usually displayed warmness and light. They could easily see the way your jaw was clenching, which was definitely a sign that they dug their own graves for strong lightning to strike them until they’re nothing but bones and flesh.
Barty also stops in track, finding himself surprisingly intimidated and a bit afraid. Regulus completely went still as Evan slapped a hand over his mouth in shock. It’s already surprising that a Hufflepuff cursed at someone, but to see you, someone who’s always smiling and accepting and kind and unbelievably patient, someone who’s the Golden Boy and practically a gift from divine beings who seemed as if you don’t even know how to get mad, so enraged? It is beyond jawdropping.
“What—” Karen speaks, but you interrupt.
“Have you ever realized how annoying you all sound when you mind my business rather than your own?” You tilted your head, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. “It sounds like pathetic cunts who pretend they’re righteous when all they’ve ever been are prejudiced hypocrites who judge others solely on the houses they’re in. You’re much more horrible than the Death Eater freaks you talk about.”
“What the bloody hell is your problem!?” Beth shrieked.
“You and your goons, duh.” You retorted while shooting her a look, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Mistreating Slytherins for what their ancestors did is completely childish and immature, especially when it was out of their control. If their ancestors joined the Death Eaters, then the one to be blamed is not them but the ancestors themselves.” You shifted your cold gaze to Leo and Karen, “Yes, I’ve seen the three of them pick on others and told Bartemius to stop, which he did. James and Sirius pick on Snape and other Slytherins a lot, so why haven’t you barked about that yet? Is this that thing where it’s alright when you or other Gryffindors do it, but it’s suddenly evil and horrible when it comes to Slytherin?”
Karen swallows thickly, trying to hold her head high. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Really?” Your mocking tone implied you believed nothing as you stand up from the bench, leaning closer to her. She avoided eye contact, fearful. “What the fuck did you mean then?” The slow tone made you even more intimidating.
“Why are you mad at us?” Leo asked, intimidated. “We haven’t done anything wrong.”
You shot him a side-eye, raising your brows. “Think with your brain, Ravenclaw. Why am I mad exactly and are you certain you haven’t done anything wrong?” You plastered on a fake smile, “Honestly, I’m not actually mad, Leo. I’m enraged. My blood’s boiling within my body. I’m certain you know what enraged means as you’re a clever Ravenclaw, don’t you?”
He bit his lip and looked down in shame.
Barty’s mouth fell agape; what the fuck, he didn’t know you can be so sarcastic like this.
Sighing deeply, you stared at him from head to toe and tilted your head, the corner of your lips twisted up. “Bartemius is clearly wiser and smarter, though.” You shrugged, “At least he knows not to befriend a loser like you.”
Lily steps closer to stop you, “(Y/n)... I think that’s enough.”
“Not precisely, Evans. And don’t think I don’t know about how you think of Bartemius as well.” You look at her, unimpressed.
“We were just worried about you...” She whispered.
“What’s there to be worried of?” You snapped. “You are all treating Bartemius as if he and his friends are cold-blooded murderers. You see someone hanging out with people in green and silver tie and your first thought is they’re horrible. The reason they become evil and horrible is because of people like you. Because you can’t and refuse to believe there’s good in them, because you would rather believe they can be anything but good than actually see who they are. You can’t handle being non-judgmental.”
Remus and Peter couldn’t help but smile at the truth in your words. The others still can’t react to your unusual change.
You sneered at your former friends, “And I hope you know you’re fucking pathetic and disgusting.” Utter disdain filled your expression, “Find someone else to cling onto. I’d rather be with Bartemius than you cunts.” Barty smiles happily at that as he subconsciously slips out of the shadow and into the courtyard. Regulus and Evan follows, standing a couple of steps behind. The Marauders noticed them immediately, eyes widening.
Ignoring the tears blimming in the Gryffindors’ eyes, you turn around only to face them back again, stepping closer with a death glare. “By the way, Leo. You ever insult Bartemius like that again with that filthy mouth of yours and I’ll fucking hex you.” You threatened before stepping back and waving goodbye with a seemingly friendly smile.
Everyone watch you turn around and jump slightly after bumping into Barty, who instantly beamed with happiness and joy radiating off of him, another thing that flabbergasted everyone.
“Oh Merlin! Hey, B!” You greet with the welcoming look now back on your expression, smiling warmly. “How long have you been standing there? And Regulus and Evan too.”
“Since the beginning, although we were hiding before you defended us.” Barty chuckled, his friends smiling behind him. He was trying to seem casual, but everyone noticed how he failed to hide the smile that’s been threatening to spread fully across his face.
“Don’t mind them, B. They’re just bitter ‘cause you rejected Leo three months ago.” You giggle, feeling better and calm now that Barty’s around, shoulders relaxed and body language displaying peaceful comfortable gesture.
Barty felt his heart swell at the realization that you truly trusted him and would never change your treatment of him no matter what anyone says, finally having the confirmation that he, in fact, do like you. Who wouldn’t when you’re this amazing? He was already feeling it, but to actually realize it was the right thing to happen? He can’t fucking contain it.
He can’t help but to shake his head with the biggest smile anyone has ever seen him have, “Bloody hell, (Y/n). I really do like you a lot.”
You froze at that.
Barty widened his eyes, about to take back, when you pulled him by his nape with one hand and kissed him gently. Evan whistled as Regulus let out a chuckle and high fived each other. Barely able to kiss you back, disappointment appears in his face after you pulled away too soon.
A smirk spreads across your lips, “You’ll get more later. You’re a good boy, after all.” You lightly tugged the hair on his nape before walking away and winking at Regulus and Evan.
“What— Wait— (Y/n), come on!” Barty stutters at the praise, flustered, as he immediately rushes off to follow you. His friends both turn around to follow him with their eyes, amusement written on their faces.
Regulus smirks, “Walk him like a dog.”
Evan instantly bursts into laughter. Well, at least he now has someone who will defend him in his name.
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© ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʜᴀᴅᴇsʀɪsᴇ. sᴛᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ, ᴘʟᴀɢɪᴀʀɪᴢɪɴɢ, ᴏʀ ᴜsɪɴɢ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀᴋs ғᴏʀ ᴍᴏɴᴇᴛᴀʀʏ ɢᴀɪɴ ɪs sᴛʀɪᴄᴛʟʏ ᴘʀᴏʜɪʙɪᴛᴇᴅ. ᴀsᴋ ᴘᴇʀᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛɪɴɢ ᴏʀ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪɴɢ.
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hemipenal-system · 1 year
this thread is fucking long and the cut is in an awkward place just bear with it please
so werewolves are a stock horror villain (and the posts directly below this one are about that! go look at them) and don’t get me wrong i love werewolf horrorsmut but i want to see more of:
werewolves who just aren’t scary in any way. like sure the shift may be scary. they may look kinda scary. but they’re just people like everyone else even if they are more ruled by instinct than the average human. i think stuff like that is a nice way to explore what it means to be a person and how humanity can be a fluid category, especially when the werewolves in question are transgender/disabled/personality disorder coded.
like i want some wholesome shit about werewolves who can’t even pass as ambiguously human. they’re just very overtly werewolves: massive sharp, snarling bundles of taut muscles and sinew, 8, 9 feet tall, who are very capable of snapping and killing everything around them
but don’t. because they’re treated well and loved even though they’re not like everyone else. and it doesn’t matter that they aren’t, because they are like everyone else even if they’re not. i know that sounds a bit confusing on the face but i mean stuff like:
- “oh yeah no worries, Sharon from accounting’s a wolf too! no no we love her! remember when we went to topgolf for that company outing? they couldn’t find any clubs in her size so she outdrove us all with clubs a foot too short it was hysterical!”
- “all right you should be scheduled for this week! next two weeks are the same? no right of course not because you need moon days. yeah that’s totally fine i will get that in to HR and you should be all good!”
- “is- no it’s fine- is it ok if i stay shifted in here? the pain is less bad when i’m shifted. no i have no idea why lol. you’re sure? the shedding is ok and everything? aww sweetie i love you too!”
- “i mean, hip dysplasia is normal in wolves your age, and you had fairly active teenage years, so it happens. it’s not anything to worry about though, i’ll get you in contact with a fantastic physical therapist! no she specializes in wolf patients. she’s great at what she does, i promise. i’ll get you a month of painkillers but over-the-counter should work alright too. take these, go to therapy, and if it’s still doing that in a month come back and we can try something else.”
- “hey, baby, look at me. i know people are staring at you. you don’t need to care about them. you have just as much right to be here as they do. just ignore them.”
- “no i’m absolutely not mad at you! you can’t control that happening! no it was a full moon what the fuck were you supposed to do? look, i can replace the couch you mauled and the TV and vases you broke but i can’t replace you getting hurt because you tried to stave off the shift. we’ll go shopping for new ones together, ok? and we’ll get some cheap shit you can break for next month and a couple steaks for you to fuck up. i promise i’m not mad- hey get off me you big lug stop fucking licking me your mouth tastes like couch cushions…”
- “it’s actually so real to be worried about hurting your human partner in bed. you won’t hurt her, dude, i’ve known her for years you should be more scared of her than she is of you. they make, like, these rings. it’s like a silicone spacer- no it goes on your dick, idiot. it’s so you don’t like fuck into her cervix or whatever. supposedly those help? idk if they come in wolf sizes though.”
show me the negative stuff, too. show me:
- werewolves who muzzle themselves in cities even though it’s only a first quarter moon because they’re scared they’ll snap and hurt someone even though that fear makes them so careful around everyone they never would
- wolves who have moon trackers on their phone because they need to know when they’re going to get forced into a shift so they can get away from everyone because they don’t want to get violent but they can’t control it and the last time they were around someone she ended up in the hospital. she’s really understanding about it and they’re friends now but it doesn’t make it feel any less horrible
- wolves who get asked every single fucking time they get nice dinner, “so do you want your steak cooked, or what?” by waiters who think they’re funny but really aren’t
- werewolves who walk on eggshells in public because they know if they make any minor mistake or show any aggression whatsoever the pundits on the news will talk about “a werewolf snarled at my kid today. i mean i try to be trusting but you never know with those people. they have those fangs for a reason is all i’m saying.”
- werewolves who are scared to shift in public for the same reason as above, because they know how they’ll be perceived if they show people they’re a wolf
- werewolves who can’t find wolf doctors in their area so they keep going back to human doctors who don’t know how the fuck to treat their unique health conditions and when they complain about this they get a flippant “have you tried a veterinarian?”
- werewolves in therapy because their last relationship was with a human who sucked and it was really bad and that trauma has manifested as resource guarding and reactivity issues and it’s causing problems at work
i love this stuff. i want more. i also cannot write conclusion paragraphs to save my life so this is the end now. thanks for reading all this if you’re reading this.
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cutegirlmayra · 5 months
Boom Sonamy, Lyric comes back trying to achieve immortality. He needs an exhange of life for a life so a live sacrifice but can't read the rest of the inscription. So he kidnaps Amy again to read the rest of the message otherwise he'll destroy the village and plans to sacrifice her. The gang come to save her and stop Lyric. You can add more to make it more dramatic if you want with a better ending than I can think of ^_^'
I do tend to always just add more, don’t I? XD I’m sorry for those who I’ve taken your idea and ran with my own thoughts on it, but I hope it’s been satisfactory nonetheless! Working a lot lately, so when I do have time to do the Tumblr Prompt Series (also posted on all my writing sites for viewing pleasure!) I usually do something fun but small. I’ll give it my best, Precious Anon!
Also, Lyric is a very… how do I put this… There’s not a whole hecka lot of information on him. I did some research to look back over the games he was in, and even then, it was pretty generic and bland, sorry Lyric fans!
However, sometimes, that’s actually good news. You know why? Shocking, I know! But it means the character is wide open for interpretation and expanding upon them. I won’t be doing that for this fic, necessarily, but I think characters with great potential are usually those that have little information but just enough to peak interest. It’s one of the reasons I felt Amy Rose was a character I could put more lore and backstory on, because although I did study her character, there wasn’t a whole lot on her. It made her a canvas that felt ‘half-full’, able to be influenced and expanded upon.
However, in recent times, Amy Rose and many other characters like her in different franchises (Not necessarily in personality or role, but just the same level of character-depth and lore, I guess?) have really been given love and more games are coming out with better writing quality than ever before! I’m so glad that so many ‘side characters’ are treated as main cast mates, and not just thrown into trope roles anymore.
That being said, you can’t escape the occasional ‘One-time’ appearances like Lyric being a ‘Pops up in maybe Two Games and never again’ villain. But it does leave room for us Fanfiction writers to make some interesting depth to further their small legacy! <3
That being said–TUMBLR PROMPT REQUESTS ARE CLOSED, SHUT DOWN ON INBOX, lolol you were waiting for that, weren’t ya? >:3c
Hugs and blowing kisses, everyone. I’m definitely taking more time to heal from burnout and also work on Fanfiction Edits (Which are coming along nicely, I’m now back to Instincts, for those who are a fan of that one.), Original Stories (Sorry, probably won’t post them tho :( But books are important! lol), and of course, Tumblr Prompt Series so yall know I’m not dead xD
The tumblr inbox for prompt requests will remain down probably for a few more years. I know that upsets a lot of you, but if they ever do open again, I will be blocking ‘Anon’ because I think some people are posting more than the actual limit of how many they can submit. Due to this, I’m overwhelmed with hundreds (not joking, by the way.) of requests that I really don’t want to do? So we’ll be taking time to go back to stories I’ve wanted to write and solo-writing for my fanfictions/other works. I’ve gotta set up stronger boundaries! Haha XD
That being said, please enjoy this Sonic Boom (Feels ancient now) Prompt!
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“Ultimate power… Although sounding like sweet nectar to one’s ambitious desires, tends to lead to a faulty conclusion…” A snaky whiplash from his claw-tail sent a impulse reflex through Amy’s spine, causing her to flinch and her ears to withdraw back again.
She was so mad, tied up to a pillar inside an ancient tomb, having been ambushed while excavating what looked like a madman’s attempt at immortal life.
Roughly translated, a doctor related to Eggman, known as Ivo Robotnik had first discovered this tomb and kept it a secret. He researched and found a successful way to immortalize someone… but he failed to interpret the last section of the stone slab’s text…
A life for a life… to give Shadow The Hedgehog, his ultimate creation, immortality–to live and breathe forever in the purpose of curing the world of its vital mistakes and sins–he accidentally let his granddaughter, Maria Robotnik, die in the process…
As she read the inscription, Ivo’s account tells that her life was being drained from her… and eventually, was converted in some miraculous way into what was necessary to mechanically engineer this ancient tomb’s purpose: Infinitely Sustained Life.
Shadow, overwhelmed by the loss of his friend, turned on Ivo Robotnik, and sealed the tomb to never let the tragedy that had befallen here happen again… until now.
‘Opps.’ Amy thought to herself, annoyed by Lyric carrying on with his wicked monologue about being the last of the ancients, having envied and coveted this technology, but had lost before he could even begin to understand it. ‘I’ve been following the late Ivo Robotnik’s work in hopes of finding the ancient world… I didn’t think I’d stumble upon this buttless snake again…’ She sighed quietly, blinking her eyes as though counting subconsciously the seconds before she was to be daringly rescued by her friends.
‘Why was it always me?’ She grumbled in her thoughts before the second whipping crack of his tail colliding with the ground near her snapped her out of her thoughts again.
“You remain awfully quiet… that’s offssssseting.” He hissed to her side, which made her lean as far right as she could muster, trying to get away from his anciently stanky breath.
“Upsetting,” She appeared to be clarifying, “That I have to have my peaceful afternoon so rudely interrupted by the echoes of a delusional reptilian, but I mean, at least I’m complaining internally.” She smirked up to him, showing she wasn’t trying to help him, she was just making a snarky comeback.
He shook his head, his lips swerving in their rage as he lifted himself up, completely over her cocky and irritating behavior.
“You will read the slab for me!” He smashed down his robotic arm by her, and she had to turn her head away from the dust and flying debris of shattered rock taking off from the impact.
“Like I’d die for you!” She badmouthed back, “Sonic and my friends will be here any minute. Seems you’ve become very fond of our combined butt-whooping, Lyric! I can’t fathom any other reason you’d keep wishing it upon you, unless it truly makes you feel like you even have a butt to whoop.”
“Silence!” He roared up, having the whole of the tomb shake from his vibrating, strong sound before Amy just scoffed.
“Finally, we see snake-eye to hedgehog-eye now.” She leaned back on the pillar she was tied to, taking a nice breath out. “Ah~ Now, to await the inevitable victory-WUOO!” She was yoinked practically up, snapping her restraints around her wasit but her arms still behind her back.
Lyric had taken hold of her head, as she kicked the air and tried to hit him while he held her uncomfortably high.
She could probably be alright, but she couldn’t use her Enerbeam… Nor her Piko-Piko Hammer while her arms were still tied-up, although her legs free.
She could feel the squeezing of his robotic claws digging into her cranium, and for the first time that day, she actually showed the tire and wear of having struggled against him for so long.
Not only did she dig her way carefully as she could in here, trying to preserve the ancient relics to study them later, but she had to fight Lyric, and now…
“If you will not comply…” He pulled her face towards his own, using his tail to grab her legs and keep them tightly clamped together, making sure her struggle just became ten-times harder…
Her eyes were twitching under the pressurized hold the claws had on her head… Looking up as she couldn’t help but show the strain.
“Then you’ll remember an old friend, I’m sure…” He attached a new mind-controller on her, as he let her go and she fell to all fours,... then looked up to show she was fully under his power.
“Perfect~” He chimed, laughing manically, “Now, read it to me!” He slashed his tail against the wall, turning for her to get up and walk towards the slab.
She knelt and held out her two hands to it, reading the rock…
“At last! My robotic empire! To erase the weak and insipid existence of all living organisms…” He slithered and opened his arms to the murals around the tomb. “To eternally strive for perfect power… the influence of which only the vast superiority of machines can dictate! Eggman was a fool to try and rival me… You and your friends were mere insects to my reign! Biting and taunting me, getting in my way to distract me from the ultimate purpose of my recreation!” He twisted the wrist joint of his robotic arm and held up his claw-like hand, admiring it. “Soon, even I shall become fully mechanized! With immortality, I can improve my own being once more! No longer half-complete, a mutated cyborg with still my fleshy prison! But… I shall shed this weakling flesh to become truly–the immortal mechanized god of this new world!” He struck an all-powerful and imposing pose, but an explosion of rocks and rumbling of the tomb’s unstabilized structure shook him out of his gloating aside to himself once more.
“Wh-what? OFFPH!” A red, shiny shoe smushed with great force against his face, crushing it as Sonic sped into the fight, and Shadow rushed to Amy’s side.
“Snap out of it!” He could tell by her faint breathing that she was already losing her life force, the stream of which was moving through the air into the large center dome-like structure above the tomb.
“No… not again..!” Shadow cried out, seeing as Lyric was able to actually combat Sonic, who had tried to pin him down but was flung off of him.
Lyric laughed again with the added strength of immortality slowly being converted into him by the strange process of the powerful stream of light waving through the air, coming out of the ball, to then attach to him like a leash.
“Soon, Sonic, all your friends will contribute to is merely delaying the eventual takeover of this planet..!” Lyric, slithering towards Sonic as he kept backing up, felt his body powering up. “Every muscle in you will eventually wither and die… while mine shall stay immaculate… and whether you continue to prevent me from my destined course of fate or not, sooner or later… You will die.” He lunged into Sonic’s face, who looked horrified at what he was saying. “While I’ll still yet have endless time left in me… to conquer, maim, and entirely transform this pathetic mossy rock into yet another perfect rendition of what I shall become… Immortality pristine, everlasting, and most importantly…” He rose himself up into the air, his tail whipping around underneath him. “A robotic masterpiece..!”
“Amy..!!!” Shadow gripped at her mindcontrolling device on her head, but it was wedged on tightly this time, “Darn it, woman!” He looked to the slab, she was almost done..!
He closed his eyes, realizing what he must do.
“Forgive me… Maria.” He covered Amy’s mouth so she couldn’t speak. “I will have to belay my promise to you… and save this pathetic excuse for a world… if only to bring your perfect idealisms to light… perhaps… another day.”
He lowered his head and read the last of the inscription, which took his immortality and-
The beam redirected.
“WHAT?!” Lyric landed back on the ground, looking at his robotic arms before turning to finally notice Shadow as he held Amy, giving her back her life force…
“NOOO!!!” Lyric began to move quickly towards him, but Sonic thomped him yet again to the ground.
He folded his arms, standing triumphantly over him, “Looks like your brilliant plan at eternal robotization backfired yet again, Lyric! Now, you’re just softly singing the poetic justice of what happens to those who try and metallically make their own butts to be kicked!” He kicked Lyric as he moved forward with a humorous cry of pain from it.
“Shadow?” Sonic then raced to his side, looking at Amy in his arms and having her transferred to his own.
Shadow… slowly shook his head.
Sonic, worried now, looked down at Amy. “Amy?”
She didn’t move… the light breeze from their entrance now sending the wind to move her three bangs.
“... Amy?” There was a long… hard pause…
The air was still, even Lyric pushed up off the ground, holding his push-up position, and looked to see with a swishing tail if immortality could still be his afterall.
Then… her eyes blinked…
“Miss Rose?” The little blonde human girl was bending down to speak to her, as she got up, rubbing her head.
“Wha-... H-huh?” She looked around what seemed like a white space. “Am I… dead?” She looked at the girl, gasping, “Maria Robotnik!?”
The little girl shyly giggled, gently covering her mouth, “Oh, I’m sorry for laughing, this isn’t the time nor place for that.” She then curtsied and offered her her hand, “You’re not dead. I’m giving you my life’s essence… the same essence… that was used to give Shadow his immortal life.”
“W-What?!” Amy scooted away, kicking her feet out from the girl’s hand. “That’s ludicrous! I don’t want eternal life!” She exclaimed, “I… I want to grow old with my friends, and have countless adventures… a family and eventually… make global peace and end world hunger.” She looked down, “Set up an all-women government and prove that we can organize a better democracy and-”
Maria just giggled again, “Many. Big. Dreams.” She gave each word a single note and pause, not necessarily for dramatic flavor or effect, but to show how much they meant to her.
“Many times have I wished for a better world. Bigger and bigger have my heartfelt prayers become. Dreams of an absolution… from misery and fire, to passion and compassion reigning evermore on the earth.” She gently offered her hand to Amy again.
“If you can’t accept an immortal life… then accept entirely your own life. All it’s happenings. Even the mistakes…”
Amy looked at her hand… realizing that without Maria, she would likely never be able to return to life at all…
“Is this… really the only way?” Amy held up her hand, but hesitated, looking sweetly at the girl. “I’m sure… W-We could ask Tails… We could find a way to bring you back!” She formed a fist, “We can reverse what this place has done to you!”
Maria just smiled like the angel she was. “... This is the only way…” She quietly stated, “Come, be at peace. Your friends are waiting for you.”
Amy dropped her head, her hand loosening from a determined fist to an open hand again, and looked at it. “... Dying sure does suck… doesn’t it?” She looked with teary eyes up to the kind, optimistic girl. Her heart wanted to help her, but she was sacrificing herself–yet again–for the greater good.
“Thank you… Maria.” She took her hand… as a white light engulfed them.
“No, Amy Rose. Thank you… for never giving up on the world we live in. In it’s present, so many seek to extend their lives, in fear that they will live to short or not greatly enough. The real life we should long for, is the one we’re currently on right now. With so much possibility, with so many endless adventures to take… When one begins to stop fearing the future, then can we really live and create it at last… the way-...”
“We want to.” Amy finished, as Maria’s voice faded and she opened her actual eyes.
Sonic and Shadow were over her… Shadow having lost his Immortality, but Amy not gaining it.
Instead, Amy had died and Maria used her life force to give it back to her.
Both mortal now, Amy looked from Sonic to Shadow, and held up a hand to grace his cheek, “She’s lovely.” She smiled kindly to him. “Maria was such a beautiful young girl.”
Shadow couldn’t hold it back, and cried.
He ducked his head as her hand came gently off and moved to Sonic’s chest, patting it lightly, “Boy, does that heart never cease to slow down?” She teased, as Sonic sighed in relief.
“Happy to have you back… Ames.” He gave her a fond expression, and she leaned her head into his embracing arms, resting in that soft gaze of sweetness he gave her.
“ARRGGGAHHH!!” Lyric arched his back, crying out in further outrage. “HOW!? You fools! I will return, I will bring a bigger robotic army, I’ll have you ruing the day you-!”
There’s was a large ‘KONK!’ sound as mechanical birds flew around his head while he circled a little in the air and then fell forward, revealing Tails with a large wrench held like a thrown baseball bat, Knuckles with his fists positioned as though they had just hit something as well, and Sticks with her boomerang and one hand on the ground to show she had just caught it.
“Man, to think. We’ve stumbled upon a literal ANCIENT secret governmental conspiracy! Whoo! Glad I’m only living in a time where we have to deal with our modern governmental conspiracies!” She spouted out, looking relieved for some odd reason.
“Oh, hey Bestie!” She waved enthusiastically to Amy, who lightly waved back at her, giggling as she came over.
Completely unaware…
Of what just happened here moments before.
“What were you up to?” She asked, innocently.
Shadow covered his face from the view of the others, as Sonic looked to him and then to Amy, and helped her to lean up more so she could be sitting comfortably as she twisted her torso to address the others, and mostly answer Sticks’s question.
“Changing fate.” She replied, smiling from ear to ear. “And hopefully…”
“Making all of ours a good one.”
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sushisempai · 2 years
ACOTAR Head canons and short fic/fluff prompts I would love to see. I've been messaging with my bff about this stuff for weeks and finally am just going for it. Feel free to steal but please tag me so I can read them!!
I want to see that one menstrual cycle they had after they started trying to get pregnant because we know it was about 9 months between ACOFAS and ACOSF and I love that Rhys had already worked out permission to be a mother hen but now there was even more pressure on it.
I would love to see more of the stuff we didn't get to see about the pregnancy because we (the readers) were with Nesta, the baby kicking, Feyre being emotional. You know Nuala and Cerridwen knew before anyone else. Did they dote? Were they sneaking her treats? What was the story with Rhys's old sweater? How did the conversation with Elain go when she figures it out?
I really want to see more of the art studio and what it was like while she was pregnant. Did the kids say things? Ask to paint her belly? What was all that like with Ressina? Does Ressina become friends with Rhys? Does Feyre go back to teaching with her baby strapped to her chest? Does Ressina help with Nyx? Do the kids? Do the families of the kids start to get comfortable around Rhys?
I feel like it’s basically canon that Rhys is bi. My Mom is bi and she likes to point out girls with nice racks to my dad just to make him, and their daughters tbh, uncomfortable but he does it back. Family inside joke lol. I totally picture this for Feysand. As Rhys is like always trying to get another male in their bed, I also can see Feyre turning this on him like “He’s nice, what about him?”
Cassian would want all the kids and be like a *devoted* dad and despite her attitude I think Nesta would be an awesome mom. Cassian wants a huge family but Nesta will put a limit on it, so like that conversation in itself would be fun to see. I'm also thinking about how long lived they are, so Cassian will be like, "if there aren't at least 3 at a time it won't be enough chaos." Besides you know the house will be in on it. Forget childproofing.
Use this or don’t but basically my head canon is, I decided that Cassian and Nesta have the same spread of kids as the Carpenters in Dresden files. Oldest to youngest girl, boy, boy, girl, girl, girl, boy. I like this spread for them because I just love the idea of them having a big family.
Nessian Family stuff that is extra and emotional
I could also see Cassian just bringing home orphans, once they're established, like he hasn't felt competent to do so before but once he and Nesta are established he would be like "What's one more? Especially if you don't have to carry it!" "He's ready potty trained and the house will help!"
Up until now we haven't heard anything about the women who come to the library having kids. What if that is something Nesta and Cassian change?
If it helps you understand why this Nessian part went off the rails, I do trauma work with kids and teens and that has included a fair number of foster kids. So I think at a certain point this head canon got personal for me, so keep that in mind if you are like “Why does this crazy lady have so many specifics about bringing home kids.” But we also see how freaking relevent this is the Az and Cass! So I really feel this head canon.
I can completely picture Valkery training with adopted and traumatized teens, a baby strapped to Nesta's front as she teaches, a toddler on Cassian's shoulder as he teaches, Emorie tossing a kid to work her arms. Feyre and Nyx even joining sometimes.
Kids in general
I know a lot of people like the idea of Az as a Dad and I could get behind that (so please don’t blast me I enjoy those fics too!) But I can see Az being totally fine without kids. I can see him really enjoying hanging out with the madness of Cassian and Nesta's brood, or hanging with Rhys and Feyre and Nyx, and then enjoying some peace and quiet as well. Not everyone wants kids and there is no reason why he wouldn’t be an awesome and devoted uncle. I would love seeing his special relationships with all the kids.
At what age are the kids old enough to participate in the snowball fight and how does that work? I can’t imagine them telling the kids “no girls.” That is maddness. Not from our fae feminist bat boys! But especially if they all had different numbers of kids or Az didn’t have his own they would want to split everyone up and be fair! Though Az is of course super competative. I could see him calling dibs on older adopted kids or sweet talking some of Cassiens boys. He would sweet talk all the kids into being on his team, except Nyx who'd be stupid loyal. And I'm just gonna go with Cassian's daughters in specific would be always on his team because I love the idea of Cass having like 4 daddy’s girls.
Crackship Elain/Ruhn (hear me out) Cresent City crossover
There are a lot of possible ships out there that go against established mating bonds and it has been established that there is now ownership or inherent “right” to a person just because of the bond. Right?
Ok, if we're gonna undo mating bonds to troll the fandom, and the books are crossing over anyways, then my ideal crackship would be Ruhn and Elain. Have Elain come over to Cresent City to get a break from the maddness at home only to find new and different maddness!
It would be all of the precious cinnamon roll anyone can handle it any given time. They would take care of eachother, dote on eachother.
She would look at all of his tattoos and scars and talk about how beautiful they were. And he would just tell her over and over again how sexy she is without making her self conscious or objectified.
Right now she's like a toy the boys are fighting over. Ruhn would make her feel seen. And she would make him feel whole and special and valid.
Declan and Fynn would also dote on her!
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bebepac · 2 years
Friends Forever 🏳️‍🌈
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This is a very special prequel to Pop’s Place.  I had planned to orignally post this during Pride Month, and honestly got side tracked.   I did have good intentions.  I’m not writing about something I’ve personally been through here by any means,  but I truly believe, this is how anyone  who has went through this, deserves to be treated, by their family and loved ones.  And just so we’re clear, Family is not always the people you are related to by blood, but also those that come to your aide when you truly need them, and that is okay, because you are not bound to them by genetics.  They. Chose. You. That’s a powerful thing.
This also  has a prompt for @choicesficwriterscreations nice event:  Here, let’s share a blanket.
The Series:  Pre Pop’s Place The Pairings:  None, but we have some adorable soulmates known as Mia and Daniel Word Count: 1775 Warnings and Ratings:  Anxiety over coming out to friends or family, Profanity; Teen Summary:  Daniel decides its time come out to his “family.” 
Original Post: 10/10/22 at 11:40PM EST.
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A/N:  Special thanks to @angelasscribbles that preread this for me, and offered some advice on some parts, and then I turned around and wrote 500+ more words.   LOL. Thank you for pre-reading  this one. I really wanted to hope you all enjoy this.  
A/N2:  I know that the acutal coming out conversation that the story tells is Daniel coming out to Mia’s family,  but this is an situation I know well.  Friends can feel like family and you can worry what they think and how they will perceive you, and in this situation Daniel really cares about how the Jones family will now see him.  Pops in particular.  My character Pops has a gruff exterior, but underneath that, he is genuinely a big teddy bear.
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Mia as a child before she met him was a shy and quiet girl.  Her Pops was her best friend.  She followed  Pops around everywhere he went.  A few weeks before school was starting, new neighbors were moving next door.  Tell me you’re nosy without telling you we’re nosy?  Pops decided that was the perfect time to be out in the yard watering the plants, while trying to be incognito watching the new family move in and  Mia was out on the swing set curious big brown eyes watching the new family.  Mia’s interest was piqued when a little boy with dark brown hair jumped out of the car cradling a white teddy bear in his arms and that little boy looked incredibly sad.
Mia in that moment decided to smile and wave at the little boy.
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  His expression completely changed as he smiled and waved back.   Pops decided to take Mia over to the neighbor’s house and introduce themselves.  
“I’m Kelvin Jones, but everyone calls me Pops, this is Mia,  Gloria my wife is in the house making some sweet tea.  We’ll be grilling a little bit later, y’all are welcome to come by, sit a spell and eat with us.”
Pops reached out to shake hands with them.  
“Well Pops, I’m Richard everyone calls me Rich, and this is my wife Kathy,  and this one here looking mad with the world is Daniel. Yes, we’d love to have dinner with y’all. We haven’t made it to the grocery yet, and probably won’t until tomorrow sometime. We really appreciate your kindness.”  
And that’s how the Stephenson’s and the Jones’s  became friends.  Mia and Daniel were inseparable from day one.  
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After dinner both families wound up inside the Jones’s home.    Pops liked to keep the house cool because South Carolina in the summer could be a scorcher.  So Gloria had many little throw blankets around to cuddle up under.  
Mia could tell that Daniel was cold.  
“Here, let’s share a blanket.”  
“Yes please!” Daniel exclaimed. Both children curled up under the blanket watching the movie on television.
“Our Daniel is so quiet, we were worried he wouldn’t make any friends.”  Kathy Stephenson told Gloria.  “So he spends a lot of time with me.”
“That’s Mia too. She’s Pop’s little shadow. Look at them, they look like the best of friends already.  It looks like somehow in a day, both our prayers were answered.”  
Kathy nodded, looking towards the couch where both were whispering secrets to each other and laughing.  
“It’s like they’ve known each other their entire lives.”
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“That’s how any good friendship begins.  Thank you for your hospitality to us.”
“I second that, and Pops, you are quite the chef! You saved us from having to go out to eat somewhere.  You should have your own restaurant.” Rich Stephenson remarked.
“That’s my dream, it just hasn’t happened for me yet.”  
“It will.”    
Rich Stephenson was right.  
“Uh oh, do you see their faces?  
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This one wants something.  What is it Mia?”
“Oh yes, and look who’s trailing behind her, they are already thick as thieves.”  
“Can Daniel sleep over tonight? They don’t have cable yet, and there’s a Harry Potter Movie marathon on tonight, and he hasn’t seen all the movies yet.”
“We just moved in, Daniel.   You haven’t even slept in your own bed yet?”  
“It will still be there tomorrow.”  Daniel confirmed.
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Pops laughed out loud.  
“He’s welcome to stay, if you all don’t mind, I'll fall asleep during those movies anyway.  Gives Mia someone to watch them with.  And y’all come over for breakfast in the morning since you’ve not had a chance to go to the grocery store yet.”  
“We can’t thank you enough for your hospitality,  and I promise we plan to have you all over for dinner when we’re settled in.”  
“We’ll definitely take you up on that.”
Daniel slept over at the Jones’s house the first night they moved into their new house.  Over the coming years, there were endless sleepovers, between the houses, and endless dinners between the families.  Both  families were even on the pickup lists for each other’s kids, and Mia and Daniel  were best friends, and stayed that way up through their teen years.
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Eleven Years Later
Mia paced nervously in the living room while she constantly checked her cell phone.  
“Mia, would you get somewhere and sit down! Why are you fidgety?”  
She wanted to answer.  She really did, but she couldn’t.  It was because it wasn’t her news to tell.  Her best friend Daniel had come out to her, to which she honestly was not surprised,  it was a huge step for him on his journey of self acceptance, and tonight, he was telling his parents.  
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The Stephenson’s seemed like very open minded people. But you just never know, and that little bit of doubt had her nervous for her friend, but in that moment when speaking to him as he made up his mind, she reassured him. What if she had done the wrong thing? She had essentially known them since she was five.  She knew them like she knew her own parents, at least she thought she did.  
Pops glanced up from the television.  
“Mia. SIT DOWN.”  
Mia sat down on the couch.  She nervously picked at the pink glitter polish on her nails.  When her phone rang she jumped.   It was Daniel; she ran quickly to her bedroom.  
“Daniel, is everything okay?”  
All she heard from Daniel was sobbing on the other end.  
“Daniel… say something please.  You can stay with us if you need to. It’s alright. Fuck them!!! It’s going to be okay! I promise.”  
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Daniel finally composed himself a little more to finally be able to speak.
“Mia, it’s alright. I’m alright.  What I know now is that I have the best parents in the world Mia. My mom said she has known for years, and my Dad said he was proud of me for having the courage to tell them who I am.  They told me they love me, and they would be there for me always.  They even want us to go participate in the Pride to be Alive 5k in a few weeks.”
“How do you feel about that?”  
“It’s embarrassing, but it’s great that they want to be here for me, that they want to be a part of this journey with me.  They just want me to be happy with me. Finally I can be."
“That’s so great Daniel.”  
“I know you were worried, sorry I scared you there for a few moments.  But thanks for offering me a place to stay without even batting an eye.”
“We’re family Daniel. We look out for each other.”  
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“That being said, I want to talk to Pops next.  Do you think he’ll be okay right?”  
“Pops loves you.  You’re my best friend.  Pops will be fine.”  
“Pops is like a man’s man.  My dad is nothing like Pops.  Honestly, what do you think?  Please be totally  honest with me Mia.”  
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Mia thought for a few moments.  Pops, her Pops, loved everyone and he was social with everybody.  Black, white, green, or purple, it didn’t matter, Pops could get along with anyone and loved everyone, and Everyone loved Pops.  
“He’ll be okay, Daniel.  Pops loves you.  You’re my best friend.  Our families are close.”
“Can I come over for dinner tomorrow?”  
“Um yes, is it because you want to talk to him, or is this because it’s fried chicken night?”  
“A little bit of both. Everyone’s in a good mood when Pops makes his special fried chicken.”  
The next night Daniel was over to dinner with the family.  
Pops smiled.  “Good thing I made extra, since you are having Daniel over.”  
“Pops now you know, you always make extra because that’s how you do.  Nobody is walking away from this house starving. Ever!”  
Pops let out a deep belly laugh.  “Exactly.   Help  yourselves. There’s plenty for seconds and thirds if you want it.”  
Dinner was going well, but Daniel had fallen silent.  Mia tried to keep the conversation lighthearted and going, but she was worried about Daniel.  He looked nervous and incredibly uncomfortable.
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“You don’t have to do this tonight if you’re not ready, Daniel.” She whispered to him.  
Pops seemed to have picked up on Daniel’s mood and offered a kind ear to listen.
“Now Daniel, I’m used to you being more talkative than this. Is something bothering you Son?”
Daniel still was silent.
“You can talk to us.”
Daniel looked up from his plate to Pop’s concerned face.  
“We’re family. We might not look like it.  The oven just happened to break when it was cooking you.”
Daniel laughed.  “Hey now I get a pretty impressive tan in the summer.”  Daniel held out his arm showing his barely tanned skin.
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Gloria laughed.  “Mmmmhum, you keep telling yourself that, baby.”  
Everyone laughed at the table, before the laughter stopped  Daniel said the words as if he couldn’t contain them anymore.
“I’m gay.”  
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“Can you pass the mashed potatoes?”  Pops asked simply.  
Surprised, Daniel complied, there was silence for a few more moments.
“Did ....you hear what I said?”  Daniel inquired, his voice sounding afraid, almost insecure and stammering.
Pops swallowed the mouthful of green beans he was chewing on.  
“Yes, and I think I speak for the table when I say that doesn’t matter to me one bit.  I call you Son, because that is who you are to me, and I love you just as you are.  You never have to be afraid of who you are, or that I’m going to love you less because of who you love.”
Mia took Daniel’s hand.  
“Exactly Pops.”  
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“And the feeling I get is that you were most worried about how I would respond.  And for that I’m sorry. I have never wanted to make you feel that you couldn’t tell me something important about your life, about yourself.   I want you to know,  you’re my son.  And nothing you could say could make me love you less.”
Pops got up from the head of the table to stand beside Daniel; Daniel also stood. The two hugged.  
“It’s alright.”  Pops gently consoled Daniel.   “I’m so very proud of you Daniel.”  
“Thank you Pops.”  
“No, don’t thank me for this.  This is how a parent should react when their child tells them something very important about themselves.  They should respond with unconditional love. And you, Daniel Eugene Stephenson, are loved.”
“Nuh uh uh uh!!!! What did I just say Son?!?! Let’s finish eating! The food’s gonna get cold.”  
“Okay Pops.”
From that moment on for the rest of dinner,  Daniel was his happy, joking, talkative self.  His real self and he was glowing with sheer joy.  
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Why I’ve been gone? (:
Hi! Hello, I hope everyone is having a good summer and such. This is kinda an update? On my life and such bc I feel bad going ghost all the time.. lol. This is going to be a bit of a rant about some personal issues and stuff, so if you feel like you’re not mentally ready or something to get into other people’s problems, I understand so well and please don’t read, but I hope you have a nice day (; anyway, let me get into it.. cause a lot of stuff happened for me I think, and honestly I don’t know where else to get it out than here lol. So I hope this kinda puts into perspective why I go ghost so much.
So… I sorta just, had a bit of a breakdown and I didn’t show up to any of my exams. And yk, of course I got kicked out of school. I don’t even really mind that much because I REALLY didn’t want to go there anymore lol, but my family was so disappointed. And I had to tell them I just dropped out because they would literally disown me if I said I got kicked out 🤨 so that’s just been, pretty stressful living with all my own lies lol. And it’s totally my own fault too 💀
Anyways, I also just last month got diagnosed with autism and adhd and I kinda did have lt suspicions but it’s just.. it’s a lot honestly, because even though it doesn’t really change anything I feel like I have to live with a diagnosis. I don’t know, but I’m glad I at least got a good explanation for why I do some silly and goofy things sometimes 😀
The last thing I don’t want to get into too much.. because it’s still kinda fresh I suppose? But I really need to get it off my chest soooo 🧍🏻‍♀️But, I got bullied like A LOT in eight grade, very fun yk it really gave me some silly ass self esteem issues but it is what it is. Anyways, two of my really good friends bullied me too then, or at least I felt like they were part of it. But that’s just from my perspective, I kinda got over it because they’re my oldest friends and I feel like stuff went back to normal (a lot of time has passed I’m obviously not in eighth grade no I’m eighteen 😸) but, idk it’s still kinda just a not so nice memory. And I feel like we all apologized to each other and it’s fine and all.. but then I was joking a lot about it because that’s what you do when you don’t wanna process something yk. And they got really really mad at me and said that they never bullied me and that I gaslight them into thinking they did and whatever. And I feel so fucking bad because first off I didn’t even know I did that? I don’t feel like I’m doing that? But uhhh.. idk, maybe I am really tone deaf or something. But the point is that they said I keep playing victim and they did nothing wrong, and I CANNOT handle confrontation so I just apologized a lot? Because I feel terrible? But also.. it felt like I just apologized for getting bullied which like, it has even taken me SO MUCH to admit that I did get bullied. The whole situation just left a sour taste in my mouth cause they were being weirdly defensive and I just.. idk it just suck balls man. After all that, I kinda decided to cut them off. Maybe I am the bad guy here and I’m so fucking sorry, but still, I just don’t think that what they said and did was right either. It sucks losing your oldest friends, it really does. But I’m very lucky to have really kind and supportive friends still, people that really value me and thinks that my thoughts and opinions are valid lol. Idk,,, I’ve just been thinking about this a lot haha 🥸
That was kinda a summary for what I’ve been doing over the summer,,, thank you if you read it, I’m really not asking for pity or anything I just really really really needed to get this off my chest. Because I don’t really confide in ppl bc I’m awkward lmfao.
Anyways, I’ve gotten SO MANY kind messages on how I’m doing and such and I’m so fucking grateful 🥹🥹🥹 thank you so much you guys??? That’s also a part of why I wanted to share this with you, just so yk what’s up. I’ll get started slowly on working on requests again, I’ve gotten so many wonderful requests and I’m actually really excited to write again, cause it’s kinda my passion yk. Thank you so much to anyone who read this! And anyone who supports my works!! I’ll hopefully post again soon and see you then 😁
Love, Author <33
(Also, btw CHARACTER AI YALL?!?? I’ve already made an account and I’ve started making some bots, lemme know if I should drop my account haha)
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hetalia-club · 1 year
If no one else is going to say it then I will. You are one of the funniest Hetalia blogs on this website. Maybe even fandom blogs period (and I follow a lot of them). Your humor is just so…idk…I feel like you are one of those people who has something to say about everything. I want to talk to you IRL. The smash or pass thing you made with Hetalia characters was absolute gold from start to finish. The sound effects, music and everything you said about all the characters. You had me ugly laughing. It’s like an art for where you managed to make something that should have been completely cringy just unserious and lighthearted as possible. You passed on my bae Prussia and I can’t even be mad about because what you said was so funny. I even showed it to my friends who don’t even like hetalia much and they still thought it was hilarious. The tags you leave on things, posts you make, not even just about what you say about hetalia either. Just your stories from real life. Maybe it’s just how you word things Idk. The way you type i can hear someone saying it if that makes since I don’t feel like you embellish I feel like you actually talk like that. I feel like things you make here go under appreciated even if you are one of the main big blogs here and you have been for years.
PP; Could you please release the script or bloopers from the smash or pass? I really need to know what you said that wasn’t used.
PPS; I was going to not use anonymous but I got shy half way though and switched.
That was honestly so nice of you to say 🥺
Thank you so much! You’re so sweet.
You kind of caught me in the spot here I don’t really know what to say other than thank you so much and I appreciate and love all of you.
I’m glad I make you laugh and you enjoy the things I make! Don’t worry about it going ‘under appreciated’ or anything though. I don’t really have a blog for notes or internet popularity. I have this blog because I really like hetalia and I just make content that I want to see. It is just an added bounds so many of you enjoy it! Really asks like this are worth 10,000 notes to me.
I am glad a few of you have reached out personally to tell me how much you liked the smash or pass I made. I had a lot of fun making it to so it’s always a plus when you guys like something that I liked making. I’m glad you and your friends were amused by me 🤣 someone has to be!
As for a ‘script’ of the video it doesn’t really exist. I didn’t write any jokes or stuff down it was just off the top of my head in the moment I was doing lines. I just stared at pictures of the character and spoke from the heart. I don’t feel like it would have been near as well received if I actually wrote a script. I didn’t even plan on doing the Romano thirst trap at the end it just sort of happened. There was a general outline of things I knew I wanted to do as far as photoshop wise and characters I was going to cover. I got pretty severe unmedicated ADHD so if I don’t finish something when I start it it’ll just never get done. So I’m not really one for planning things I make too much because if I do I’ll get bored or side tracked and forget it exists.
If you guys wanted to make a version of the video yourself and don’t really have any idea how to do something like that you can get a hold of me and I will gladly give over the templates of the characters stills. Or if a lot of people ask I’ll just make a master post for everyone to use
For your PPS. You were probably just shy to be posted and that’s okay I would be to lol. But I hope you weren’t intimidated by me. That’s not the vibes I try and give off. I’m not mean or scary at all I promise I’ll talk to any of you about anything!
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softxsuki · 2 years
hello lovely !! first off, i want to say congrats on your milestone !! you deserve it sm and i’m so proud of you <3 i was wondering if it’s okay if i participate in your event please with obey me and mystic messenger ??
my pronouns are she/her, i have an male preference and would like an romantic matchup for both !!
my mbti is infj (enneagram is 6w7), my zodiac sign is scorpio (my moon is libra and my rising is sagittarius). some things i value in relationships are loyalty, respect, trustfulness, honesty, and communication.
for my type, i’m not very picky as long as they aren’t really mean or disrespectful. but for physical tributes, as long as they’re tall LOL
for my personality, something i always hear a lot from my friends is that i’m too nice. i’d say i’m pretty easygoing and friendly, i do always try my best to be kind and considerate to others. it takes A LOT to get me really mad (i have had friends that i’ve known for years tell me they never seen me get really mad before). but despite that, i like to tease my friends and joke around a lot, and i like to keep situations light hearted and playful. im pretty good at advice, and i like to help others and cheer them on.
for hobbies, i LOVE reading and crocheting. but i also like to skate, edit, journal, learn new things, and take photos.
for small details: i get flustered quite easily, i can be stubborn sometimes, its easy to make me laugh, i play the guitar, i tuck my hair behind my ear/play with my hands when i’m nervous, im soooo bad at drawing/painting, my favorite holiday is halloween, my favorite season is autumn, my favorite color is purple, i LOVE flowers, im the oldest sibling, i like horror movies, i WILL ride the scariest roller coaster at the amusement park, i like borrowing peoples clothes, i like chill/quiet places like cafes or libraries, i have such bad memory, i daydream a lot, and i love cats <3
for an scenario, an first kiss or an love confession would be nice :)
but yeahhh that’s pretty much it ?? thank you sm and i hope you have an wonderful day <3
1000 Follower Event Matchup #9
My event is now CLOSED, but I will be doing more events like these in the future. You can checkout the masterlist for this event here.
Note: OKAY, I'm back to making these matchups, it's been a hot minute so I'm a little rusty, but I thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy!
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I match you with DIAVOLO and SAEYOUNG CHOI!
Runner-ups were Mammon and Yoosung
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Technical: You and Dia are both Scorpios; together you’re a passionate couple who would be very comfortable around each other. You form an unbreakable bond and would be very attached to each other. The only issue would be about who holds the power in the relationship, but I don’t see that being a huge issue for you both individually! This INFJ and ENFJ pairing would be great for communication, you both are always interested in what the other is thinking or what you both have to say. You both see the best in each other and are there to praise one another for your accomplishments. As for your enneagram types, you’re a 6 and Dia is a 2. As a 2, Dia would love your modestly, your playful side, your loyalty, and how hard working you are. You as a 6 would love Diavolo’s open-mindedness, his goodness, his helpfulness, and his compassion towards others. Though your wariness and his need for constant attention could potentially cause some issues, but nothing too big. This is a great match!
Personable: First of all, you love Halloween and Diavolo’s birthday is on Halloween; you’re in for a big Halloween/Birthday celebration with him! Diavolo loves how interesting you are; you’re super shy and nice to everyone, sometimes a little too nice, but he’s the same way so he gets it, but then you surprise him with your bravery. He was sure you'd be terrified watching a scary movie with him, but you were enjoying it a lot (he was a little disappointed, he was hoping for you to cuddle up to him). And when you two went to an amusement park for one of your dates, he was fully set on going on smoother rides in case that’s what you were into, but he was super shocked when you dragged him over to the biggest ride in the park. He definitely wasn’t complaining though, these were all very good surprises. 
Diavolo would be a very loyal partner; he’s respectful, honest, trustworthy, very good at communicating with literally everyone (this man is a social butterfly lol), and he’s very tall! So he definitely checks off all your boxes :D. He adores how kind you are and anyone around you would probably catch him staring lovingly at you from a distance as you interact with others–he’s whipped! 
He’s super old-school and romantic so prepare yourself for all the flowers you’re about to receive. He has a new beautiful bouquet of flowers made for you each week. It’s his special way of showing his love for you outside of just saying it. He notices all your tiny little quirks you have that you do whenever you’re flustered and he thinks they’re just so cute. He’d purposely try and make you flustered just so he can see your cute reaction. Diavolo is a master at reading your body language, so as soon as he sees you start to play with your hands while talking to someone, he immediately (and smoothly) steps in to take you out of that nerve wracking situation. 
I think you’d both be very cute together. Perfect balance :D 
First Kiss with Diavolo
Your first kiss with Diavolo was very unexpected 
He was very open about how he felt for you, but he was a little frustrated that you didn’t notice even though he was being very obvious–perhaps you thought he was just being nice to you?
Who knows, but he decided to take matters into his own hands
He invites you out one day to dinner at a fancy restaurant (probably Ristorante Six in the Devildom) and has a lovely meal with you
After eating you both walk through town together–it’s pretty late and it’s getting chilly out, only a few other demons are walking the streets, getting back to their homes, but you and Dia stop at a viewing overlooking RAD and the rest of the Devildom
Diavolo can’t help but admire you gazing at his property with such awe–it was a beautiful sight, seeing the school and all the other surrounding building glowing in the permanent darkness of the Devildom
A chilly breeze blew your hair out of your face, giving him an even better look at your expression, which makes his heart race a little faster in his chest
This was it–it was his chance to finally be direct with you
He sees the goosebumps form along your skin, a tiny shiver traveling up your spine, so Diavolo chivalrously (and cheesily ik) makes his move of shoving his fancy coat off and approaching you to place it around your shoulders
The sudden contact startles you a bit and you turn your head to face Diavolo, but you don’t expect his face to be so close to yours
You both kinda just stand inches away from each other’s faces until he whisper asks if he can kiss you
After a few more seconds of silence, you swallow the lump in your throat and wordless nod, your heartbeat echoing in your ears as Diavolo’s warm lips press against yours, making you gasp a little
It was a quick kiss, innocent enough to be a first kiss, but Diavolo’s feelings were finally VERY obvious to you
ANNNND the rest is history, that was the beginning of your relationship with each other ;) we love to see it
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Technical: AGENT 707 is a gemini and you’re a scorpio–this pairing is a little all over the place. Saeyoung is very immature and craves freedom, whereas you put your all into a relationship that you’re serious about, but this can be something that you guys can work through with good communication. Every relationship has it’s ups and downs–you were both able to overcome Saeyoungs horrible past and depression, SO you can get through anything else together as well :D. As for personality types, you’re an INFJ and Saeyoung is an ENTP–if you’re the one in control in this relationship, things will go great! If Saeyoung is, then things could get a little chaotic which might not be so great ;0. Again, communication is the key to making this relationship successful and it is very do-able! Lastly with Enneagrams, you’re a 6 and Saeyoung is a 7! You love Saeyoung’s optimism, fun, enthusiasm, and the way he enjoys life. Saeyoung loves your generosity, your loyalty, and your curiosity. Together, seven can help you be more adventurous, and you can bring him down by making him a little more serious when he needs to be :D. Your anxiousness, and seven’s impatience could be potential issues, but again, COMMUNICATION IS KEY. some issues are okay, just work through them and you’re both very agreeable people so there's no problem there. 
Personable: Again, Saeyoung is loyal, respectful, and honest. He’s 5’9 so hopefully that’s tall enough for you HFKEAFK, and he could work a little more on communication, but I think he would be a great communicator with some guidance! I think together, you’d both have a very fun relationship that can be full of growth! 
Saeyoung love’s your kindness, especially when you’re showing HIM your kindness. He’s like a cat being petted whenever you compliment him or show any form of love to him, but he makes sure that you’re not super nice with just anyone. Does background checks on all your friends to make sure they’re good people and deserving of your kindness, if they’re not he’ll let you know and you can choose to do whatever you want with that information lol. 
He’s ALWAYS coming to you for advice–especially when it comes to one of his new inventions. He needs your opinion and feedback all the time, whether it's positive or negative, your opinion is very important to him and will determine many of the decisions he makes. You both have down-time where you’re just doing your own thing–Saeyoung doing work or making a new invention whereas you read a book or crochet something for him. He loves to see the things you make and watches you from his desk as you concentrate on your task.
AND HELLOOOO YOU LOVE CATS, SO DOES HE. You’re both coming to each other asking if you can adopt a new cat, I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys became the crazy cat people on the block. SOMEONE needs to stop you because he’d literally bring every stray cat home and you loving cats doesn’t help his addiction NFEKAF. 
SHARING CLOTHES OMG, he loves when you wear his clothes, literally, his brain starts to malfunction whenever you come out in one of his shirts or hoodies, he’s obsessed. Like just take all his clothes, he thinks they look better on you anyway. Loves when you spend the night spontaneously because that mean you’ll be wearing his clothes to sleep HEH. I think you’d be really cute for each other, but also he really needs you to help him through everything <3. 
First Kiss with Saeyoung
Now your first kiss with Saeyoung takes a while to happen
After the whole Mint Eye thing and bomb in your apartment thing, and getting through his depression and family issues, THE LAST thing on Saeyoung’s mind was romance
Of course he liked you, and genuinely cared about your well being, he’d do anything to protect you, but it was a long wait after things cooled down before he decided to make a move
He turned down all your advance, and you understood why, but one day he was finally ready
You were both basically already in a relationship together, things just never progressed passed holding hands or cuddling at night, but that night was different
You walked into his room wearing his clothes that night since you hadn’t planned on staying over and got into bed next to him
Saeyoung could feel his pulse quicken as he made it his mission to kiss you that night, and agent 707 doesn't fail ;)
He pulls you close to him like he does everynight, but this time he turns you around to face him
The room is already dark, aside from a bit of light leaking in from the hallway
He traces your face all the way down to your lips and you can feel your own heart start to race in excitement
And then it happens-- he smashes his lips onto yours, the kiss is needy and long-awaited, but still innocent
You’re both breathless at the end of it as you mumble a ‘finally’ and Saeyoung responds with a ‘thanks for waiting for me’ CUTEEEEEEEE
There are plenty more kisses where that came from so get ready hehe
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Posted: 11/11/2022
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majoringinsarcasm · 2 years
Well if we didn’t know from the title alone what was gonna happen heheheheh
Oh ok I see this chapter was made to hurt me personally ok cool
what the fuck
Hey uh here uh hey what the FUCK
HE HAD TO WAIT FOR THEM TO FALL im sick I’m so sick
I’m so serious if he dies or cannot go back home I will not be able to handle it. Like y’all don’t get it I will Not be consolable
I know a lot of ppl don’t like it bc early volume Jaune was a total dork loser nerd almost nice guy but really he wasn’t he was just a dork but I don’t have many super strong opinions about ships besides the bees, Renora and I think Rosegarden is cute. So while I’m not like an active Whiteknight shipper…. Girl get it lmao WEISS YOUR FACE HAHAHAH
Im gonna Cry
Like I just wanna be clear I’m not Mad at Jaune At All. This poor guy has been here alone for years and has had plenty of time to “lick his wounds” but he had to do it Alone with no outside input or kind words or a friend to cry with. Him being harsh makes me sad bc it just. When Ren yelled at him after they lost Oscar he didn’t lash out or Anything but the girls sitting and talking and arguing sets him off bc. He’s been ALONE I’m so sick
His village 🥺 he knows the names of places I’m
What if he really doesn’t go back I know there was talk of Neo staying behind but y’all
Im. Going. To. Scream.
WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ONNNNNNNNNNNNMN also I can’t tell if the Ever After has independent weather as well as reaching to Ruby OR if it’s now reaching to Jaune
Im scared
Is the cat Louis / Lewis
This cat leave my man ALONE
A PUNDERSTORM???? Or like Ponder said a different way THIS IS SO MUCH
And it does have its own weather lmao
she really is the star of this volume like I’m sorry that’s the truth
“Must’ve had something bigger to work out” OK OK OK OK OK
Ok but I hate heights so I would throw up or pass out if I was Blake and Yang like bruh
LOL Jaune please
Ok so time loops and time trickery are hard. So. Jaune turned back time enough for Alyx and Louis to show up which was. A long time ago maybe idk. So it’s not Neo bc Neo had not yet fallen.so what the hell did Herb show her
Stop it oh my god they’re too cute the emotional whiplash of me crying over Jaune and me crying over Bees I can’t handle it
Blake loves how honest Yang is. Adam only ever told her lies or tried to convince her that his way was the correct way. Yang listens to her and never sugarcoats; she never tries to trick. She Does What She Says
Blake never gave up on her even when she showed similar signs of being like Adam she decided to trust her. She wasn’t intimidated by how loud and brash and in her space Yang was. She knows what matters to her and has never been afraid to go for them
Also the blushing here is like idk what but it looks so good. Like I can’t describe what I mean but the way it makes their eyes look so bright it’s just very good AND SEEING YANG BLUSH SO MUCH SHE'S SO CUTE
and then back to my saddest boy ever GOD the whiplash
Alright cat I understand how you feel. But the girls up front told you they were trying to go home. Yes they were trying to get you to take them there but they didn’t offer you any deals or say they would bring you to Remnant. Unless you’re Louis and we’re betrayed by your sister in which case that’s fucked up and I’m on your side it all depends on WHAT THE FUCK ALYX DID DOES ANYONE KNOW CAUSE WE STILL DONT
but like we have four episodes left WHAT are we gonna do gang
oh my god if that’s crescent rose I’m gonna scream
Oh but she doesn’t want it / isn’t ready to pick it up again GOD IM CRYING
so. Is she gonna trade crescent rose in order to leave is that the vibe I’m getting.
GOD THAT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD I won’t lie I was spoiled about the kiss but that was my own being silly fault but I only knew that they did kiss and not THE COMPLIMENTS AND CONFESSION BRIDGE and also like. Y’all I love Jaune Arc of the Arc Family so goddamn much so this episode was for me THEY CHANGED THE INTRO TO SHOW HIS SAD FACE god lordy what the fuck is next week gonna do to me
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cutalight247 · 20 days
I love my family
TW! Talks of S-H
lmao it’s so funny my sibling arguing with my parents and threatening self harm while I’m in the other room actively doing it (they don’t know lol)
like this family is so dysfunctional that it is a thread away from falling apart. It’s glued together by a Christian sense that “family should ALWAYS NO MATTER WHAT STICK TOGETHER, fear of divorces and goddam spite. I like to think that I’m the only one that sees how far apart we all have become (yes, this is a cry for help)
love it when everybody is out there screaming “well at least I’m not hitting you! I could be doing a worse parenting”
better even that my mother (with probably undiagnosed OCD or some other neurodivergence) doesn’t really believe that any therapist is good enough to anyone
it’s awesome that my sibling doesn’t take their meds because “I DONT NEED THEM IM NORMAL”
and don’t I just love when everytime that I get into the car I become my dads marriage counselor/ therapist/ best buddy to complain about his wife with
it’s perfect that I can’t play my games, leave my room or leave the things out there on vision field because someone might just get mad and break them
I’m mad that everyone raises their voices everyday pretending they are the only self righteous and correct person in any debate
it’s nice that everyone believes I don’t want to get away because of all of that, that I don’t need therapy or that I am not suffering because of all this hellbent weekly commotion. It’s really fun, don’t recommend it tought
Don’t I just love my family ?
(please get me out of here I need help, yes, I’m an older daughter who has to be perfect and has to somehow cope, how did you guess?)
(this will at the most reach very few people but I needed this out of my chest and they don’t follow my tumblr)
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annikuh · 5 months
lil vent abt writing man lol
why tf did I say I was gonna share this fuckin story man, I was just gonna give it a quick overview but now I’ve been hacking away at it all day and I feel like it sucks and I can do so much better. I’d love to fucking ask my partner to just let me talk thru the things I’m struggling with with him bc he knows these characters and he’s right next to me, but he straight up refuses to engage with anything about Panathir bc he upsets him for reasons completely lost on me, so I’m like…ripping things with my teeth.
the cross between “everyone look at the great work I’ve done with creating these characters” and “nobody fucking look at them bc you’re gonna misconstrue them and if you hate them I’ll murder/suicide” is fucking brutal LMAO
I hate not having control over who exactly sees it and what judgments people are making. I posted abt it being almost done on my art insta and seeing so many people like the post, and then hearing other people mention it…I’m getting scared like…I don’t feel safe with all of these ppl reading my shit. I have a reputation and this shit’s personal. I had some friends the other night say sumn like “what should we do if we don’t like it”—it was as a joke but I was like “please don’t tell me‼️” like I can’t handle more than my few little Jax stans who I know are safe and will like it seeing it. they already know I’m fucking weird—you guys already know I’m fucking weird—I can’t handle the vulnerability of everyone else knowing I’m fucking weird too.
& again I mean my fuckin bf already hates it so much he can’t bear to hear abt it so that doesn’t make me feel great either.
sry I’m just so stressed, its so dramatic but it feels like my life is on the line with this and idk what to do. it’s just so personal, which I know nobody really needs to know but still, I feel like I fucked up. & I feel stupid going back on it now bc that’ll make me look worse. oooogh I hate this, it feels like public humiliation, and it’s made even worse knowing that it’s not that serious, but to me it is serious which is even MORE embarrassing. I’m so fucking mad I can’t handle this I’m going to start ripping my skin off and killing people.
whatever. I’m still gonna post it. I’ll push it back a little, which is still very embarrassing (for nothing—allow the spiral to continue), but I’ll give myself more time so I can actually feel confident in it.
maybe I just send it to a few ppl or just get some fuckin hype going or sumn. hate that I need to ask for external validation—also very embarrassing—but whatever. I’ve got some safe people I can ask. had one of my best friends call me their successful little writer yesterday and it made me kick my feet, and my girl Andy always goes fuckin wild for OC content, amongst many other sweet vocal friends. So I am loved and supported. & it means a lot 🥲
ok it ended nice, thanx for letting me talk, I’ll have an edible and keep the violence to myself for now
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huniegloom · 1 year
I’ve been thinking about that tiktok video where that girl was listing all her requirements for a guy and all the incels got mad. It got me thinking about my own set of rules and I decided that I’m going to post ‘em here lol.
1. They obviously gotta treat me as an equal and not an trophy to boost their own ego. Basically treat everyone and themselves with basic human decency and genuine kindness without expecting anything else in return. This involves being nice to girls that you don’t personally find attractive. Normal people don’t even do this anyway. :/ just be a human being please.
2. Attractive, Confident and has a sense of self worth. I refuse to be with an overgrown toddler who can’t have a mature conversation with me without the fear of having a different opinion than me about anything. If you get mad or defensive over me saying this movie sucks especially if it’s a film bro type of shit nah you’re out bro. Also I can tell when you’re only saying shit to impress or please me you don’t need to do that. I’m seeing you we’ve known each other for quite awhile it’s ok to be vulnerable with me I don’t bite. Yet :)
3.This is a continuation of 2 but more on the self worth thing. Again I refuse to date an overgrown toddler whose afraid of do or talk about anything fun out of the fear of being emasculated. Men like this are boring as hell you can tell when a guy only does things to show off how “educated” & “masculine” they are than having genuine hobbies that they actually enjoy. These types of men be having the biggest temper tantrums over things that don’t even matter. You’re like 20 or older bruh chill.
4. They must be strong, talk with their hands, work out but don’t make going to the gym their whole personality, make eye contact if their comfortable. This is also mostly for aesthetics but bonus points if they are playful, sleazy, and a bit of a stoner. I can’t help it most of the guys I met like this are attractive as hell. I don’t mind being a little messy. They also need to have a cute smile, cute smiles, make me melt.
5. Lastly sometimes you can tell a lot about a person through the people they chose to surround themselves by. They can say one thing to you but act completely different around the “bros” if they are in a toxic friend group full of gross and vile men then they are probably gross and vile to. Not always they could be hiding who they truly are to fit in but 90% of the time their friends are a reflection of who they are deep down. If they don’t defend you after their bros “disapprove” of you than no. That is a terrible environment to be in and you shouldn’t tolerate inhuman treatment for some dude. That makes the both of you desperate. Either communicate with him tell him how you felt and if he doesn’t want to make the change drop them.
I never gave a shit about dating because through friendship I can tell who a person just by that dynamic alone. If I don’t like what I see on the surface than I probably won’t like what I see on a deeper level. It’s funny because looking back all the men in my life who called me weird and undesirable were the opposite of what I wanted in a man. They were basically the ones who had all the negatives I described. I find it ironic because they were always the same ones that were openly vile towards me as if I wanted them.
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andnowwedance · 2 years
That person wrote 2 articles for buzzfeed, neither of them were about celebrities or celeb culture or relationships. He is not an expert or insider//
But how would you know this without taking time to search? 👀
See everyone is doing similar shit and thinking they are above others. Some of us are just lurking and watching all of you and this shitshow.
No one should be online discussing any of this honestly, including myself, but it’s Saturday and I’m bored so hello. 👋
You have a very nice blog. Have you watched Harry and Meghan’s Netflix documentary…..again I’m bored and like watching train wrecks.
Lol please don’t take anything in my post as a personal attack. I think we’re all a bit mad to even entertain celebrities and their bullshit at times, but damn they provide nice distractions. 😆 Enjoy your weekend!
I was a long time lurker in both the royal and evans fandom. I was quite for a long time but watching the way the evans fandom behaved over the last year had me pulling my hair out in frustration, i can no longer stay quiet and let this lunacy continue 😆 and I believe if your gonna speak up about something you need to be informed and do your best to fact check things.
As for harry and Meghan doc, well i had a lot of feels watching it. Some things i agreed with, somethings i gave a big ole eye roll to, mostly the idea that the family became jealous of Meghan after the Australia tour and thats when the turned on her. I felt vindicated when they talked about the data analytics of the bots and the web they created of online hate because that is a nuanced convo i was trying to have in the middle of it happening and nobody believed me. At the end it just kinda felt that harry has grabbed onto his narrative and has decided that nothing is going to change it. Ultimately he just seems very sad at the end (when he was driving down that road saying “home sweet home”) and then i cried for a few minutes cause the whole evolution of their story just makes me sad.
Interestingly, i see so many similarities between chris and harrys situations in terms of the online fandom behavior. A lot is happening behind the scenes that we can not see but people are making huge assumptions about things and make statements as if they are facts based on those assumption and it all results in A LOT of anger directed at the women.
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shotorozu · 3 years
i feel like im annoying lol but here i am again 🥴
🥴 how do da boys react to a super bimbo mc like shes busty, sweet, innocent, helpful as much as she can be and doesnt really realize when people are hitting on her, she just thinks theyre being extra friendly. (Tamaki, izuku, shoto, denki, bakougo) or any of ur choice
Sorry if I’m being annoying ( •᷄ὤ•᷅)? and tysm
bimbo s/o
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto, amajiki tamaki (bnha)
probably (?) part one // ?
legend : [Y/N = your name] female! s/o, quirk not specific
headcanon type : fluff, crack (x reader)
note(s) : sooo 🤩 it’s my birthday tomorrow, not excited about that?? not sure! but im definitely gonna post more tomorrow, just because
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bakugou katsuki
you didn’t seem like his type tbh. you’re kinda an airhead, and you’re sweet and helpful to everyone
and awfully innocent,,
so, you seemed like the person that bakugou would try and stay away from, but nope!
not in this case. i’m not sure what conspired in this explosive blond’s head, but he had a oddly specific attraction to you
he used to hate being around you, but it’s also quite entertaining being around you but why, you may ask?
not only are you super nice, and helpful, but you’re very likable too! which caused you to get secret admirers, and fanboys
but you also so happen to be clueless as fuck, so katsuki would always stick around— obviously very amused, only to tell you what their true intentions are
“what do they mean, go out? like,, outside?”
“no, dumbo. they wanna date you.”
“..like the calendar?”
“hah?? are you dumb?” he actually hated how oblivious you were at first, but he just got used to it
but this clueless airhead trait of yours is what he also hates, because when he developed feelings for you— he’d have to tell you
and,, he’s not the best with being direct with romantic stuff. so— you can see how that went.
he ended up confessing you in the most direct way he could’ve said it, but you still. didn’t. understand.
“fuck sake, i want to be your significant other. your fucking lover, the bitch that’ll be with you until this dumbass brain of yours stops working.”
okay, he was a little too direct, but at least you know his feelings!
when you both finally get together, everyone is shocked. like,, you, the sweetheart that likes helping people— dating thee bakugou katsuki??
everyone thought you were threatened to date him, because you didn’t understand other people’s advances— but in reality, katsuki just told you what he felt
straight from the heart.
also, since you’re also quite busty, katsuki loves sleeping on them— he literally won’t sleep, until he has his head resting on those milkers of yours
“maybe this is all you’re good for, huh? a fuckin’ head rest. there might not be anything up there, but at least it gives me some good fuckin’ sleep.”
he,, doesn’t mean that. you’re useful in so many other ways, but he loves pretending that he thinks that way, because of your replies
“ah, yes! i’m fine with being your head rest, katsuki. rest well, love!”
you’re not hurt, because he makes it a point to tell you multiple times a day that you mean lots to him.
but he gets super mad when people tell you that you’re stupid. because he can only tell you that!!
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todoroki shouto
you also didn’t seem like you’d be his type,, everyone thought he would’ve wanted someone that’s smart as momo, or something similar
but he’s very content with being with you, for reasons he can’t seem to figure out.
he has his habit of watching you help people from afar, and he couldn’t help but smile whenever he engages in conversations with you
yeah sure, you might be more of an airhead than most people— but you have a heart of gold! and that’s what gathered his attention
sometimes, he’s quite clueless to some social cues— but even he can connect the dots
which you can’t seem to do. but you’re in luck! shouto’s usually the one that tells you what they mean
it’s something he loves and hates, only because of how popular you are with people in general.
sometimes, shouto debates if he should even tell you what they mean— because well,, he likes you.
usually, shouto would interpret things to you like this
“,, they like you,, romantically.”
“shou, are you sure? they look like they wanna be my friend!” he lets you call him by his first name, just because of how content you look by calling him ‘shouto’
he ends up whispering something into your ear, and your eyes light up in realization. “oh! so how princess bubblegum likes marceline?”
“,, yeah.”
but being shouto todoroki has it’s advantages. he isn’t afraid of being as direct as he could possibly be.
“may i have the honor of being your lifelong partner?”
“oh, romantically. i’d love to be your lover, Y/N.”
“..oh! that’s what you meant.”
the way he sees you stumble with your words, as you pace back in forth— completely flustered by his words
makes him smile
and it all ends well when his friends see that his wallpaper is literally him laying down on your chest
which is something he always wanted to do
“shouto,, did you finally confess?!”
“yes. they said yes.”
they’re not really surprised that you understood, courtesy to shouto’s bluntness.
he is your protector against all of the people that make you seem useless. man literally lashed out when his father asked him to date someone with ‘more intelligence’
“Y/N may not be the definition of being book smart, but Y/N’s not useless!”
in short— he’s the bimbo protector! he’ll always be patient around you, and he would never dare to dumb you down.
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amajiki tamaki
oh lOrd, please help him
you’re so kind, sweet, and helpful. you’d help anyone— regardless of their personality. and that’s what made tamaki interested in you
but you’re also very popular. which he could see why— since you’re attractive in a unique and special way.
tamaki absolutely disliked the idea of your kindness being taken advantaged of. i mean,, the guts of some people!
but he also hated being the one to break the news to you good or bad
he’s not good with the blunt stuff either, and he might’ve been worried about being around you— because well,, you look like you wouldn’t even hurt a fly.
“tamaki, what do they mean by ‘coming home with them for a nice time’ do they.. want to play mario cart with me?”
he looks like he needs to pass out, but he ends up telling you anyway. he’s just lucky that you could hear him.
but he sighs in relief when you end up kindly declining
nejire and mirio are SO amused by this pairing. i mean, it’s an interesting dynamic! how could they not be invested?
yet, they refuse to even explain things to you, especially when tamaki’s around to do said explaining
because apparently, ‘it’ll help you socialize more, especially with Y/N!’
but remember when i said that tamaki wasn’t great with the blunt approach? yeah— he’d have a heart attack, just trying to explain his feelings
“i— uhm how do i say this,, would you like t-to go out for some dinner with m-me?”
“oh sure! i should go tell mirio and nejire” you’d say that with a smile, and it felt like he was going to pass away on the spot.
nejire and mirio were the ones the tell you that ‘no, tamaki doesn’t want to be friendly with you, because he wants to romantically date you.’
and it felt like forever when they were explaining how and why, while tamaki was sitting in the corner.
but thank GOD! because you like him too!
super hesitant on resting on your chest, i mean,, to him, it looked like the nicest pillow for the deepest sleep! but he wasn’t sure if that’d be okay
because no!! to!! taking!! advantage!! of!! Y/N’s!! kindness!!
speaking of that, despite the fact that he’s socially awkward— he will not hesitate on defending you from any haters!
like, when people say that “tamaki and Y/N are such an awkward couple. tamaki’s super awkward, it looks like there’s nothing in Y/N’s brain. maybe she’s brainless”
because how dare they. not everyone is book smart— but that doesn’t give people the right to call you stupid!
“Y/N’s not brainless! she’s kind, helpful, and the sweetest p-person i have ever met. i suggest you take that back!”
in short— it gives him heart palpitations just having to explain things to you, but at the end of the day, it’s all worth it, if he can be with you
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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maddogofshimano · 3 years
Family Patriarch Dialogue
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So as I covered in my translations of the Majima Family Equipment, there’s a mechanic where you pick a boss and earn pictures and music and equipment from them
Well I have been sitting at 49/50 Majima pictures for over 6 months so I have decided to bite the bullet and jump to the Saejima Family. Majima actually made me pay him 100 million yen to do so, which is so so funny to me
In honor of that here’s everything that both Majima and Saejima can say when you click on them in HQ (sorry Daigo) and a few misc lines. Hopefully this doesn’t look completely unreadable, but I wanted to include all the original lines too since I had the screenshots already, especially because I am way less confident in getting single lines like this right even without the added complication of kansai-ben. Still, I did my best.
Patriarch of the Tojo Clan’s Majima Family, Majima Goro. He’s known as “The Mad Dog of Shimano” and is feared as a hyper-violent yakuza. He does as he pleases regardless of the situation he’s in, displaying his personal freedom. Striving after the man who’s stronger than anyone and wilder than anyone, a ceaseless tide of aspirants enter the Majima Family.
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Hey, we’re holdin’ a Tycoon tournament. Get some players. (Tl note: Tycoon aka President or Daifugou is a card game, it’s also what Saejima plays in jail in Y5!)
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No one’s come to raid us... I’m gonna die of boredom.
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Dammit. If I stay inside my body’s gonna shrivel up...
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Days are for construction, and nights are for fightin’. It’s a perfectly sensible way to live, dumbass!
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It’s food time. Hey, let’s go get Chinese!
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That Daigo guy’s as uptight as ever. He’s gonna give himself wrinkles.
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Haaa~ I’m sleepy after eatin’. I’m gonna take a nap. If you’re noisy I’ll kill ya!
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Someone left a grenade unattended here! Get it together!
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Hmmm~. Maybe I’ll go to the batting center to work up a sweat...
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Haa~. I want to take another shot at building a big building.
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What’re you starin’ so closely at.
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Oh.....? [Player Name], ya got a real determined look to ya. 
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Ohh.... Ain’t it excitin’ coming here?
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Bored...... I’m gonna go tease my kyoudai for a little bit.
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....Got it! I’ll go mess with my kyoudai.
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If I eat sweet things I end up wantin’ salty ‘n’ spicy...
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Thanks to the hard work of all of our fine members, the Majima Family’s influence is expanding! Hehehe! That ain’t half bad~! (Tl note: this was sent when the Majima Family leveled up as a whole)
Oi! The feast is startin’! Hurry up and get in here!! (Tl note: this is sent every time we earn enough points for a pizza party)
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Patriarch of the Tojo Clan's Saejima Family. One of the Tojo Clan's executives. Long feared under the nickname "18 Counts Saejima". There is no end to people requesting to join the Saejima Family, drawn in by the quiet man who is stronger than any other and feels things more deeply than any other.
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Hey, go water the flowers after this.
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I'm headin' out for a bit.... Yeah, visitin' the grave like usual.
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Do ya know how to work a smart phone? Could ya show me how for a bit.
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A buzzed head's real simple and nice. Want me to buzz yours?
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Sma-art phone, huh... If only the letters were a lil bigger. (Tl note: he says it スマ~トホン which is just kinda cute imo)
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It's fulla cat hair... Wanna clean it all together?
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How're the neighbors doin'? Be sure not to cause them any trouble.
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For sake of morale, how about we all go out to dinner tonight. (Tl note: I’m not sure if it’s morale or economic stimulation lol, and also the phrasing kind of implies it’s just an excuse to go out to eat)
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....D'ya think I should wear a suit or a kimono?
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Nothin' to do? Well then, how about a match of shogi?
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Heh, everyone is dazzlin'. You have my gratitude.
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Me and my kyoudai will keep Daigo supported.
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Seriously... I got no clue what's gonna happen in this society these days.
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Hm? A text from my kyoudai....? ....I can't make heads or tails of this.
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Should I get the other one this time.... Hey, let's go get some food.
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Hey. Did ya see the Wyverns’ game yesterday? Man, that double play.
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Ya can't start somethin' unless ya got the cash for it. Sorry to ask that of ya.
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Hey, ya got the newspaper?
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[Player name]...... Heh. Man, you’ve gotten real dignified.
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Food, huh... I guess I could get delivery once in a while. What sounds good?
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If ya get complacent, you're done as a yakuza. I wonder how high I'll climb.... Heh. I'm lookin' forward to it.
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Thanks to all of your hard work, our influence has gotten huge. I ask you all to keep it up.
All of your hard work is gettin’ rewarded. Please get to the office soon for the banquet. 
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a few inconsequential notes: 
I translated it as “striving after” or “drawn in by” but the specific word used can be a little more pointed if you want it to be
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It’s funny seeing Majima specifically say he’s gonna get Chinese food after doing Saejima’s New Years character story where he had to move heaven and earth (very literally!) to get some Chinese food. I like to imagine they get lunch together
I got so so so so caught off guard the first time Majima said my name. I wasn’t expecting it. It continued to catch me off guard every single time it happened lmao
the “Hey, let’s go get some food” line was the first thing Saejima said to me when I joined the Saejima Family, which was 😳 
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