#everyone can be so happy i will not be talking about it every sunday
cafedesvampiresx · 3 months
the interview with the vampire finale had me in tears
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luveline · 3 months
this might be silly but i imagined the boys (marauders) playfully arguing over who gets to marry reader first and they’re just listing times they did these ridiculously romantic things to win the name of husband
“I’ve been thinking…” 
You’re focused on your keychain, but you hum to show you’re listening. Once you get to the end of this row, you can talk properly. 
Sirius sits beside you, his hands paused on either side of his own keyring. They’re technically alpha patterns made from knotted embroidery threads, but you and Sirius call them keychains. 
This is the second time he’s sat with you to make them, and it makes you so happy you could cry. Last Saturday he’d been sitting on the sofa as he usually does when you’re by the coffee table in the evenings, Remus at the other end, feet in his lap, when he touched your shoulder lightly and asked if he could try to make one with you. 
It’s definitely not an easy craft to teach, but it isn’t rocket science, either. Sirius is a quick learner, and his keychain looks very neat. 
“Would you wanna get married, someday?” he asks quietly. 
“Of course I would.” 
You put your string bobbins down. You’d answered without thinking, and the true answer is a little sad. Of course you wanna get married someday, but you’re not exactly in a conventional relationship. Marriages don’t tend to go four ways. 
“You know I wouldn’t have it in a church or anything, but we could still dress up. You could wear a white dress,” he says, looping a bobbin string under one of the anchors, knotting it, and moving on to the next. “I’d get you any dress you want.” 
“That would be nice,” you agree, leaning in to hug his side. You kiss his shoulder, lips pressed to a sleeve. 
“And then you could get divorced and marry me,” James says, backing into the room with a tray of drinks and snacks alike. He sets them down on the table behind your craft station, before rounding it, and sitting behind you to feel your shoulders. “Better yet, marry me first, and Sirius can go second.” 
“No, I’m going first,” Sirius says without worry. 
“You can’t just go first.” 
“Says who?” Sirius turns into your hugging to hug you back gently. 
“Me?” James says. “You can’t just decide that. What I want to marry you first?” 
“You haven’t asked me to get married.” 
You laugh at the ridiculousness of their conversation. There’s sincerity in it somewhere. 
They bicker about who’s doing what and where and who’s with who. You revel in the feeling of Sirius’ hand on your back moving a slow back and forth, each line of his fingers. You love his hands. 
“Babe,” James says eventually, “would you marry me first, please?” 
“Sirius asked first.” 
James groans. “Okay, but does Sirius deserve to be first?” 
“James,” you warn softly. 
“It’s fine,” Sirius says. “He’s kidding.” 
“I’m not kidding,” James says, though he is. “What has Sirius done for you to deserve you as I do? Who brings you a bouquet every Sunday?” 
Technically, the bouquet is from everyone, or so they say, but it is James who wakes up early for bread, milk, and flowers. 
“And who rearranges it? Who gives you your back rub every night?” James pulls you away from Sirius, your head dipping back against his thighs. His smile is catching. 
“Those are very nice things, Jamie, but Sirius takes good care of me too.” 
James cups your cheek. 
“I’m the one who kissed her first,” Remus says. You startle at his voice. He’d been quieter than Sirius, letting himself into the room, climbing over the arm to sit on the sofa behind Sirius. “Which was very romantic. Not sure if you remember.” 
You remember. 
“That disqualifies you from any more firsts,” Sirius says. 
“By that logic, you’re disqualified too,” James says. 
You flush and sit up properly. “I’m not marrying any of you because I’m not something to be argued over.” 
Again, you’re kidding around, but Sirius holds your arm to his side, tired enough to be affectionate. “Sorry,” he says, smiling, “I was just thinking about it.” 
You lean back against James’ legs. How lovely is that? You’re stressing over embroidery lines and he’s thinking of you at the courthouse together. 
“I’ll marry you,” Remus says, giving Sirius a nudge. “Yes?” 
“Yes please.” 
“See,” James says, “they’ll get married and we’ll get married, as I wanted.” 
“And when they’re married and you don’t get to call Remus your husband, you’ll be okay with that?” you ask. 
James frowns deeply. “Well, I hadn’t thought of it until now.” 
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gureumz · 1 year
stained glass windows
rating: explicit
member: jungwon
notes: fem!reader, stepcest, dubcon, religious corruption, baby trapping (?), unholy use of scripture (sorry god), dom!jungwon, slight angst, mentions of death, step brother!jungwon, breeding, fingering, dirty talk, unprotected sex, jay has a cameo appearance lol
a/n: so this is an amalgamation of everything everyone requested for jungwon,,,reciting bible verses during sex? i got you. stepcest? no problem. baby trapping (this is 100% what i want and yes my wish is my command)? you bet. religious corruption? hell yeah. something super filthy and kinky? say no more. enjoy, hoes! love ya mwa (the bible verse here is 1 Corinthians 10:13 if you were curious)
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sundays are your happy days.
a pretty dress, the stained glass windows, hushed chatter among the churchgoers—these were all the things you waited for at the end of the week.
your mother had always been proud of how involved you are in your faith, showering you with loving words before going to bed when you were little, calling you 'hers and God's favorite angel'. you'd smile and feel a sense of giddiness. God's favorite angel. can you believe it? you made sure to wear that as a badge of honor.
and then you grew up, went to a bigger school, met people who are different from you. even those who you knew were like you, devoted and obedient to their parents and God, seemed to have strayed down the path of parties, drinks, and the unthinkable. that is to say, premarital sex.
you never understood the appeal of it all. your faith and God were enough. you didn't need to participate in such acts to feel anything. you felt Him in every waking moment.
until there came a time when you were convinced He was gone altogether.
until sundays stopped becoming your happy days. every single day was void of any happiness.
your father passed suddenly, leaving you and your mother to fend for yourselves. you watched your mother grieve, grieved on your own, alone in your room. you went to school and saw the excitement in your peers' eyes, talking about a party here and buying drinks there.
you nearly caved. anything to take your mind off your dad.
but this was when your mother spent nearly every day at the church, despite it being mostly empty every day other than sundays. without anything better to do, you tagged along. and you started to feel Him again.
you knew God returned for real when your mother became friendly with a newcomer at church. a businessman who recently moved to your town, towing his son along.
mr. yang, as you later learned. he had a son.
jungwon wore an easy smile, deep dimples appearing every time he did. he shook your hand with a hesitant grip, palms smooth and soft. he had eyes that seemed to sparkle.
seasons changed, months grew into years, and your mother and mr. yang got married.
you saw the life return to your mother's face, easing her shoulders back, smoothing out the creases in her weathered face.
sundays became your happy days again, now that mr. yang and jungwon were in your lives.
jungwon is the poster child for the perfect sibling. or, at least that's what you think.
it's been a couple of years since your parents' wedding, and jungwon was nothing short of accommodating. he was kind, always letting you have first picks at whatever food your parents prepared, and offered to do things for you.
granted, it wasn't always like this. the two of you skirted around each other the first few weeks, both former only children, suddenly dealt with the fact that they had a sibling exactly their age. there was even a period of time when jungwon would bolt at the sight of you. though, you tried to not take this to heart.
but after all has been said and done, the two of you fell into a routine, becoming friends of some sort. eternal housemates.
"hurry up. this will be the second week we're late because you couldn't decide what dress to wear."
you turn, spotting jungwon poking his head through the door.
"sorry," you reply bashfully. "these people don't see me on weekdays anymore since i'm off at campus, so you can't really blame me for wanting to make an entrance on the one day they do see me."
jungwon quirks an eyebrow.
"since when did you care what they think?" jungwon questions, stepping fully into your room. he's wearing a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and crisp black pants.
you note that the watch he has on today makes him look particularly handsome.
you merely shrug. "i don't know. everyone at college dresses so nice and i thought i'd make an effort, too."
jungwon snorts. "everyone at college is a try-hard. it's a small-town liberal arts institution."
"hey, you're a student there, too," you point out, crossing your arms at jungwon.
you watch as he surveys your outfit, eyes slowly making your way down your body. you swallow, suddenly aware of how tight the yellow sundress feels. the fabric seems to dig at your armpits uncomfortably, and the hem is too short and—
"you look good," jungwon says, eyes meeting yours.
you breathe a sigh of relief.
"well, if you say so. i trust your word," you say, smoothing down your skirt.
you feel jungwon approach, circling an arm around your waist, ushering you towards the door.
"i am your brother. i think i'd know what would look good on you," jungwon points out with a wink.
the service goes by without a hitch. you participated as you always did, offered your prayers as you usually do. you thanked Him for another successful week of classes but also asking for you to ace your upcoming exams. it was all routine.
until your mother pulled you along, chirping excitedly about a new family that had moved to town and joined the church.
the parks.
a father, a mother, and their son who's a business major at some big-shot university a few towns over.
"i'm jay," the son said to you, reaching his hand towards you as his family introduced themselves to yours. you shook hands and you couldn't help the sudden heat that flooded your face and chest.
your hand still tingles with where he held on, even now on the car ride home
"that jay boy sure is cute," your mother says from the passenger seat. you turn to her, eyebrows raised.
"seems like he has a good head on his shoulders," your stepfather agrees. he looks at you through the rearview mirror.
"the kind of guy girls wanna marry."
you see your mother twist in her seat to give you a knowing look. you roll your eyes but the familiar warmth takes over your entire body again.
"i mean, i don't know. we just met him and his family," you point out, trying not to stutter. you turn to jungwon for backup but your brother has his back turned to you, his face angled toward the window.
"right, jungwon?" you try nonetheless.
"huh?" comes his clueless response. he looks at you and his face is crumpled in a frown. you're taken slightly aback.
before you can say anything, your mother speaks up.
"why don't you try and befriend him, jungwon? they said they only live on the next street over," your mother offers, unaware at how deep jungwon's frown has gotten in the seconds she said that sentence.
"i don't know," jungwon mumbles. "i can try, i guess."
you watch as jungwon turns back to the window, his hand balling into a fist on his lap. you decide not to pry, leaning your own head against the window beside you, watching the little houses in your neighborhood speed by.
you urge yourself to stop picking at your fingernails. but you can't help it, either. standing outside your brother's door, you're not sure what awaits you on the other side.
taking a deep breath, you decide to just get it over with. you're certain it's nothing. you're just concerned and you want to see how jungwon's doing.
you knock softly three times, waiting to hear jungwon's voice. after a few seconds, you hear a muffled, 'come in!'.
you push the door open a bit, taking a peek inside jungwon's room. he's sprawled on his bed, his phone in his hands as he scrolls through his screen. his eyes shift to you and he sits up.
"what's up?" jungwon asks as you let yourself in. you don't say anything until you're seated beside him on his bed.
"i didn't want to risk your wrath, so i wasn't sure if i should bring this up with you...," you begin, teeth worrying your lower lip.
jungwon raises a brow. "i don't know what you're talking about. but other than that, you know i can never get upset with you, right?"
you continue to bite down on your lip, unsure of what to say next.
"but you were upset today," you say after a few seconds. "in the car?"
jungwon's face morphs into mild recognition. he nods, finally understanding what you mean.
"oh, that," jungwon deadpans. "it's nothing."
"come on, you can tell me anything, remember?" you urge, pulling your legs up on jungwon's bed before crossing them. jungwon glances down as you do so but quickly averts his eyes back to your face.
"it's nothing, i swear. it's stupid and thinking back on it, it just seems like such a dumb thing to be mad about," jungwon explains, shifting closer to you.
you take his hand and you squeeze as jungwon threads his fingers through the gaps between yours.
your mother often remarked how the two of you seemed more like twins than regular siblings. mirror images of each other. the perfect balance. looking at jungwon now, you see what she meant.
"nothing you say would be stupid to me," you reply, voice soft as your thumb runs over the skin of jungwon's hand.
something flashes across jungwon's face and his eyes seem to trail over every part of you. your skin prickles as he stops right at your chest, pajama top showing the very tops of your breasts.
"i didn't like the way that jay guy was looking at you," jungwon finally admits, gaze returning to your face.
you look at jungwon quizzically. "what? how was he looking at me?"
"like he was undressing you with his eyes," jungwon complains. "he was practically flirting with you."
you laugh incredulously. "no, he wasn't. he said two words to me, wonie."
jungwon shakes his head. "i'm a man, too. i know how our brains and eyes work."
you stop for a second to ponder on jungwon's words. you can't deny the intensity of how jay seemed to be looking at you earlier and the way he held your hand so tight.
"so?" you retaliate. "he's cute. i don't mind."
you see jungwon's jaw clench, the muscles spasming under his skin. his lips press into a thin line and he pulls his hand back from your grasp.
"guys like that will only take advantage of you, _______," jungwon says, voice slow and deliberate.
your forehead creases. "how are you so sure?"
jungwon stares at you for a few moments. he reaches his hand out, cupping one side of your face in his palm. you gulp, your heart jumping at the contact.
"i just know. you trust me, right? i'm your brother, after all."
you nod.
your hand comes up to cover his that's on your face and the room seems to still. the steady hum of the ac fades away, the cicadas outside vanish, and the thumping of your own heart amplifies. jungwon is looking you square in the eye and you can't help but cower under his gaze.
just as jungwon makes a move to lean closer, a loud knock and your mother's voice rips the moment away.
"dinner's ready! come eat!"
jungwon pulls his hand back and you scramble off his bed. you hurriedly cross the room, flinging jungwon's bedroom door open and stepping out, not sparing another glance behind you.
you toss and turn that night.
your face still tingles from where jungwon touched you. your mind is reeling with so many thoughts, your imagination seemingly going into each and every unexplored direction.
you and jungwon grew close during the years you spent together since your parents got married. it was like becoming friends. you had to learn things about each other, know what makes the other tick. the two of you never shied away from showing who you truly are. you'd be living under the same roof for the most part, so what's the point in hiding, right?
and jungwon never hid his affection for you. brotherly hugs, encouraging pats on the back, kisses on your forehead. he told yu over and over again how happy he was that you were his sister. that you were the best sister.
and you never hid how much you needed jungwon, either. he taught you how to get home on the bus from college on the weekends. he helped you with any handiwork you required in your room. he gave you the ins and outs of the college cliques and clubs.
jungwon always told you he loves you. you always reached out to jungwon. neither was a secret.
so, what's making you so nervous?
before you can answer yourself, you hear the hinges of your door squeak as it opens. in the dim light of your room, you see a figure step through the doorway, startling you slightly.
"sorry, it's me," jungwon whispers. "i couldn't sleep."
you feel your heart quicken once more as you sit up, watching jungwon make his way to your bed. he plops down on the mattress and looks at you.
"mind if i crash here for a while?" jungwon asks quietly.
jungwon does this on some nights, reasoning the bouts of insomnia as he snuggles up to your side. half of the time he talks, telling you stories of what he did during the day, and the other half he spends holding you to his chest, fingers drawing patterns on your back.
on rare occasions, he asks you to turn away, pressing your back to his front. he sometimes rocks against you gently and whispers how much he loves you in your ear. you feel strange when he does this. but you never complain.
"sure," you reply, scooting to one side of the bed. jungwon moves to lay beside you, pulling the covers over him.
wordlessly, his hands find your hips, tugging you close. you let him, your own arms circling around jungwon's torso. he's warm and smells like fresh laundry. you don't hide the way you inhale his scent.
you stay like that for a few minutes and you almost think that jungwon has fallen asleep. but after a while, he pulls back slightly to look at you.
you meet his eyes, sharp shadows cast across jungwon's face from your night lamp situated on the other side of your room.
"stay away from jay," jungwon says. your mouth falls open in mild surprise.
"why?" you ask. jungwon sighs, cradling your face once more in his hand.
"he doesn't deserve you," jungwon responds, voice hardened with something you can't quite put your finger on.
jungwon's looking down at you and even in the darkened state of your room, you can see the seriousness in his expression. he's clearly still upset from earlier.
"but mom and dad seem to like him," you reason with a pout. jungwon lets out a 'tsk' grasping your face tighter.
you let out a whimper. jungwon was never this heavy-handed with you.
"but i don't like him," jungwon insists. "you need someone who knows you, who can do things for you, who loves you more than anything."
jungwon pushes you onto your back, his leg swinging over to plant his knee on your other side. he grabs at your wrists and presses them down, trapping you as he hovers over you, his face inches away from yours.
"you need me."
you gasp, unable to comprehend the words that had just left jungwon's mouth. you're given no time to work it out in your head because jungwon is kissing you, pressing his lips to yours. you protest, pushing against jungwon but he's too strong for you to fight back properly. he has you pinned down and there's nothing you can do.
"w-what are you doing?" you say as jungwon pulls away for a second. instead of answering, jungwon busies himself with your neck, nipping at your sensitive skin. you squirm and whine but jungwon doesn't let up.
"i love you," jungwon whispers in your ear.
you shiver.
"you love me, too, right?" jungwon questions as he looks at you. you blink away tears that have gathered in your eyes.
you're just so confused. what is he doing? what is happening?
"answer me, angel," jungwon urges gently. he leans down to kiss away at the tears streaming down the side of your face.
"i do," you return weakly.
"no no," jungwon tuts. "say it properly."
you sniffle as you feel more tears fill your eyes.
"i love you."
jungwon seems satisfied because he kisses you again, tongue running over the seam of your lips. you've never kissed anyone before and it feels so foreign, having jungwon's tongue licking into your mouth. but you follow what he does, parting your lips and moving your tongue with his.
jungwon groans, one of his hands letting go of your wrist to grab at your waist instead. he presses you to him and you feel something stiff against your thigh.
"you make me so hard, angel," jungwon groans. he grinds against your leg and you watch as his expression crumples into pleasure.
"t-this is wrong," you sob. "we're not supposed to do this."
and you do feel conflicted with it all. everything you've learned in church, everything you've read through His word, it all says that this is bad. that you should only lay with the man you love, the man you married.
oh, but you do love jungwon. you've loved him since the day you met him.
"do you want to stop?" jungwon asks, stilling above you. you continue to cry, your legs squeezing together as you feel wet heat pool in your underwear.
"God will forgive us, angel girl," jungwon coos, a hand dipping beneath your pajama top.
you mewl as you feel jungwon squeeze at one of your boobs.
"He knows how much we love each other, so he'll forgive us, don't you worry," jungwon reassures as he rolls your nipple between his fingers.
"then we'll make it up to Him with a cute little wedding at a faraway chapel," jungwon continues, his other hand tugging down your shorts and underwear.
you're breathing heavily now, head spinning as your whole body heats up. the ache between your legs grows stronger.
"then we'll have babies," jungwon says. "so many babies we'll be filling up our own pew at church."
you gasp as you feel jungwon's fingers press against your core, working on the nub that you've ever really encountered twice or thrice before, too scared to be condemned to hell if you continued to touch yourself.
"what if we have a baby now, huh?" jungwon asks, placing a chaste kiss to your temple. "make you a mommy so no one can take you from me."
you shake your head, initially appalled at his words, but the thought of carrying jungwon's child, it stirs something in you.
"no?" jungwon asks, voice hinting with playfulness. "you don't want it?"
you look up at jungwon, struggling to find the words to say. you want it but your conscience screams at you to refuse.
"i want it," you finally answer. "want to give you a baby."
"fuck," jungwon curses as the words leave your mouth. he hurriedly discards his shorts, eyes seemingly ablaze.
"yeah? gonna give your brother a baby?" jungwon taunts, fingers circling at your core again. you moan wantonly, a million different feelings coursing through your body.
jungwon pokes in one finger through your entrance and you nearly scream, unprepared for the strange sensation.
"sshhh," jungwon says, pressing down on your mouth with one hand. he adds a second finger in slowly and your back arches off the bed.
"look at you," jungwon says with a grin. "your body responds so well to me, huh, angel?"
you cry into jungwon's palm as you feel him pump his fingers in and out of you, curling them inside every time he pushes in. you feel a tightness in your belly and more wetness pooling out of you. your body jolts with every movement of jungwon's fingers.
"shit, i can't take this anymore," jungwon mutters, pulling his fingers out. you whine, hips involuntarily pushing up as they search for friction.
"i got you," jungwon says, taking his hand off your face. the room is filled with your soft sobs, a mix of the lingering guilt and the newfound pleasure.
jungwon strokes his shaft a few times and you watch with bated breath as he aligns himself between your legs. you feel him push against you and you start to cry even harder, fear of what's to come gripping you like no other.
jungwon pushes halfway in and any scream threatening to break free from your lips is muted by jungwon pressing his mouth to yours. you cry and cry and cry as jungwon keeps pushing in, burying himself to the hilt seconds later.
he stills, pulling away to let you breathe. you hiccup, the stretch between your legs equal parts painful and filling in the best way possible.
"s-so big," you sob. "c-can feel you in my belly."
jungwon groans, his hip snapping up involuntarily. you whine, biting down hard on your lip.
"yeah? can you feel me here?" jungwon asks, a large hand pressing down on your lower abdomen. he starts to move then, slowly pulling out then thrusting back in.
"yes!" you gasp. "yes, yes, it's so deep."
"God, angel, you sound so beautiful when you're being fucked," jungwon says, speeding up.
"recite to me your favorite bible verse," jungwon commands. you barely hear him with the way he's moving his hips against yours.
"w-what?" you mumble in a daze.
jungwon takes hold of your face, forcing you to look directly at him.
"your favorite bible verse, angel girl. let me hear your pretty voice."
you rack your brain for it. you should know it by heart, have it seared into your consciousness. but the way jungwon is taking you right at this moment wipes away nearly all thoughts of scripture.
"no temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man," you begin, trying to keep your voice steady as jungwon scrutinizes you, fingers still digging into your cheeks.
"God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability," you continue. jungwon smirks, nodding, urging you to go on.
you're about to speak when you feel jungwon's thumb press down on your sensitive nub. you cry out, the added sensation muddling your brain even further.
"go on," jungwon orders.
"b-but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to e-ndure it," you finish with a shaky breath.
"good job, angel," jungwon says, letting go of your face and leaning in to kiss you briefly on your forehead.
your head falls back against your pillow, your vision blurring as all you can feel is jungwon moving in and out of you. all you can think of is jungwon. all you ever need, right at this moment, is jungwon.
your brother. the man you love. the man you want to have all your babies with.
"so tight, so fucking tight," jungwon babbles, pushing your legs up so he can get a better angle. your lower half rises off the bed and jungwon fucks into you even harder, snapping his hips against your insides with a force that has you gripping onto your sheets for dear life.
jungwon continues on like this, sweat dripping down his forehead. any pain is gone now, replaced with a want, a need for some sort of release.
you don't know what compels you to talk, but you can't help the next words that come out of your mouth.
"p-please, jungwon. feels so good. w-wanna be a mommy, want it so bad. n-need it!"
jungwon seems to let himself go then, hips moving erratically, not caring if you're bent nearly in half, his grip on your thighs painful as his fingernails poke at your skin. it feels good, you think, your insides clenching and tingling at the sight of jungwon getting nearly animalistic with you.
it almost fills you with joy. knowing that he's only ever like this with you.
a few moments later, jungwon's hips start to stutter.
"gonna give you my babies, angel girl. i'm so close, so close to making you a mommy—fuck!"
the words from jungwon stop any coherent thought in your brain as a sort of euphoria takes over you, your whole body tightening up. jungwon completely stills, pressing himself in deeper. a warm feeling spreads from where he's sheathed inside you.
the two of you remain unmoving, panting as your minds catch up with your bodies. jungwon pulls out moments later, replacing his cock with his fingers. you protest weakly as jungwon moves his fingers shallowly in and out of you.
"i came so much, angel," jungwon says with a chuckle. he pulls his fingers out and shows you his fingers, coated with his milky white release.
"your belly's gonna be all swollen up in nine months, for sure," jungwon muses, pushing his fingers against your mouth. you part your lips hesitantly, licking at the saltiness.
"good girl," jungwon praises, pulling his hand away before kissing you sweetly.
"i love you," jungwon mumbles against your lips.
you hold his face steady, thumbs rubbing at his cheeks. you meld your lips together, the elation finally catching up to you.
there are no stained glass windows in your room, your body bare and void of pretty dresses, and the night is still and quiet.
it's still sunday. it's still your happy day.
"i love you, too," you say as you and jungwon share a smile.
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thepersonnamedsam · 1 year
you already know how much I love gen z driver! could you maybe write something of how would it be if gen z reader’s birthday happened to be during one of the gp’s? how everyone acts and makes it all about her?
happy birthday!
pairing: the genz!driver x '23!grid
summary: it’s the genz!drivers birthday, and it just happens to be the miami gp!
word count: 1.7k
warnings: some swear words and some google translated spanish and dutch :)
note: oh i just love all of your request, especially that one, bc i’m a birthday lover myself! have fun reading it and feel free to request more!! <3
masterlist/ taglist
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The first people to congratulate her, were her parents. They called her, in the middle of the night; they forgot that time zones exist. But her heart was full when she picked up the phone at 3AM and both of her parents where singing ‚happy birthday‘ to her. What wasn’t so good, was that she had to be asleep, because it was a Sunday and race day! But it didn’t matter, it was her birthday!
Two hours later, her phone was ringing again, but this time not because someone was wishing her a happy birthday, no, it was her alarm. But today it was okay. 5AM on your birthday doesn’t feel that early, does it now? At least it didn’t for her.
Andy, her personal trainer, knocked on her door at exactly 6.30AM, holding a tiny cupcake with a candle in it. „Happy birthday, y/n!“, his voice cheerful and happy. Her smiled widened and her heart full with love again. „Thank you, Andy.“
„Are you ready for the race?“, Andy asked her. She nodded and closed her hotel door. „I’m excited to see Danny again and Nando and all the other people of course. Oh and definitely Lewis.“, Birthdays were her thing, she always missed them in school, either she had them on a weekend or she was on holiday. So, being surrounded by people who are important to her, was the best present she could’ve gotten.
On the way to the paddock, Andy let her pick out the music, her car playlist was blasting on full volume. Tongue Tied by GROUPLOVE was her favourite song at the moment, that’s why she was singing at the top of her lungs to the lyrics.
„Take me to your best friends house, go around this roundabout, oh yeah“, she looked at Andy as if he would follow the orders of the song.
The music died down, as they arrived at the paddock. Press was already waiting on her, they knew it was her special day and hoped to get some good footage of the birthday-girl. Usually the media annoyed her this early in the morning, but today, nothing could’ve ruined her day. She smiled and waved to the camera, spoke to some press people and had nice conversations with all of them.
The media always tried to find some gossip, especially on the young driver, but not today. They were happy to see her this happy.
As she set foot on the paddock, people were congratulating her. Pads on the back, some strokes on her arm here and there, everyone was nice to her, and who doesn’t enjoy some attention sometimes. Especially if it’s for something you didn’t work for. It was her favourite day of the year, Christmas is second.
„Danny!“, she shrieked as soon as she saw him. She sprinted towards the Australian and jumped into his arms. „I missed you so bad!“ Daniel just laughed and hugged the young driver. „Happy birthday, y/n.“
Her smile was consistent and contagious, every person she smiled at, they just had to smile back. Even Max smiled at her. Well, he always smiled at her, she was one of the persons that could make him smile.
„Max, can you give me a piggyback ride?“, she looked at him with puppy dog eyes and he just couldn’t deny her. „Of course, zus sister.“
As Martin Brundle spotted the two, he motioned to his cameraman to put the focus on them. „And now we see Max Verstappen carrying the birthday girl y/n. It is not rare to see the young driver interact with the different drivers. Let’s wish her a happy birthday“, he talked into the camera. „Hello you two, happy birthday y/n, am I the first to congratulate?“, the older man looked at her with an amusing look on his face. „Martin, as much as I love you, you are hopefully not the first person to wish me a happy birthday“, she looked at him with a serious face.
„Did Max congratulate yet?“, a challenging look on Martins face, he pointed at the camera and said: „Remember, this is a livestream.“, Max‘ cheeks turned a pretty pink colour and y/n gasped. „He did not!“, she gasped. „Max, you didn’t wish me a happy birthday?!“ - „I’m sorry, schat darling. Happy birthday, my dear.“
But how could she hold a grudge against a face that looked like Sid from Ice Age?
Fernando was the next person she saw, and he instantly grinned at her. „Oh Nando, do you know whose special day it is today?“, she singsang to the oldest driver on the grid. „Hmm, let me guess, is it Roscoes?“, he laughed as he saw her shocked face. „How could you, I thought we were friends?“ - „We are, we are, cariño darling. Feliz cumpleaños happy birthday, y/n.“
„How old are you now, 5?“, he laughed at her. „Har har, very funny Nando. How old are you turning this year, 60?“ She was always getting irritated fast. He grabbed her by her hip and pushed her into a side hug of his. „Don’t ever change, cariño.“
„Don’t have a plan for that, who’d change something as fabulous like this“, her hands were pointing to herself. „But on a serious note, Nando, do you know where Lewis is? I’ve been searching for him.“ Fernando only shook his head, he didn’t know where the British driver was. He rubbed over her hair as she left his side to search for her mentor.
„Oh Lewis! Your favourite person is looking for you“, she shouted over the paddock, with no luck. She didn’t even see a trace of Lew, none. But what she did find, was a monegasque driver with the number 16 and a spaniard driving under the number 55. They were arguing over some bullshit, as always, as they spotted her. „y/n! Over here“, Charles shouted over to her and waved his hand. She ran over to them and greeted the older drivers with a side hug. Carlos quickly kissed her head as he wished her a brilliant birthday. Charles even sang the first to lines of the song.
She was a bit embarrassed, but she enjoyed the attention of the two Ferrari drivers. „I love you guys, but have you seen Lewis?“, she smiled at the two as they rolled their eyes. She just wanted to see her favourite person on the paddock. She loved them all equally, but you couldn’t deny that Lewis definitely was her favourite. „I think I saw him at Mercedes, his motorhome“, Charles told her, she totally missed the sarcastic undertone of his and just skipped along to the Mercedes garage.
Before she even set a foot in the motorhome, Toto Wolff approached her and squished her into a hug. „Alles gute zum Geburtstag, liebes! Happy birthday, darling! How are you, so happy to see you“, he whispered into her ear. She loved Toto. „Hi Toto!“, she grinned up at him, „I’m good, thank you. Do you know where Lewis is?“ Toto laughed and pointed to his drivers room. „Thanks!“, she yelled as she took off.
She hasn’t been to her own motorhome, just wandering around the paddock and taking in all the attention from the others. And as she knocked on the door, she knew she’d receive the best attention of them all.
„It’s open“, she heard and busted into the tiny room. „Hello, your favourite human on this planet has arrived and will be gracing your presence from now on!“ She grinned at him and he only laughed and embraced the girl. „I have a present for the birthday girl? do you know where she is“, he joked and turned around to grab her present. „A present? Aw Lewis, you shouldn’t have, you totally should have.“
The present contained some gag gifts, such as a Mercedes hat and shirt, or some shirts with funny pattern on it. But the original present was a necklace. It wasn’t anything special, really. It was a simple silver necklace with a tiny turtle as a pendant. Her eyes were tearing up, so she quickly wiped them away.
„Is this one of the necklaces that makes you a godparent of a sea turtle?“ - „It sure is, have fun with“ he turned the pendant around and looked at the engraving on it „Yertle. He is now your godchild“, he smiled at her and motioned to y/n to turn around, so he could put the necklace on. „Thank you so much, it means a lot“, she hugged him as a thank you. He smiled at her, he adored the young driver and was grateful that he was apart of her journey.
„Thank you, love you Lewis!“, she yelled to him as she sprinted out of the motorhome. She was finally headed to her own garage. They had planned a surprise party for her and Lewis was the distraction. As she reached her motorhome, she didn’t see anyone. „Hello, is it not race day?“, she joked into the dark.
„Happy birthday, y/n!“
She jumped, her heart was racing, but she had a giant smile on her face. Her heart, once again, was full, full with love.
„Ahh, thank you guys!“, she squealed and sprinted into the engineers and mechanics, just like she won a race, which she hasn’t, by the way. She hugged all of them, thanked all and smiled the biggest smile she ever smiled. „I’m so grateful for all of you! And now, let’s win this race!“
She didn’t win, but was one of her best birthdays so far. And the after party was her personal highlight of the day. There was a huge pile of presents, just for her of course.
Lando was the DJ, Max was standing on a table, preparing to do a toast for her and Danny was laughing and pointing his camera at everybody.
The evening was definitely something she’d remember, maybe not Max‘ toast, as it was very embarrassing;
„Dear people, we have gathered here to celebrate not only my win, but also a birthday of some special person. She is not our girlfriend, which we are all happy about, but they’re all jealous of her, y/n! Happy birthday, you beast, come up here!“
The alcohol definitely made it more bearable, but the fact that Pierre had to drag you to Mac spoke for itself.
„Pierre, let me be, go back to your boyfriend“, she spoke harshly to the French man, but he ignored her with a smirk on his face and brought her up to Max.
„Ladys and gents, the birthday girl herself!“
It was one of the better party’s she attended and when she looked at all the posts she’s been tagged, she found one particular that she liked the most.
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Liked by yninsta, charles_leclerc and 473’827 others
daniel3.jpg happy birthday to my personal favourite female driver of all time! let’s raise a glass or two, to all the things i’ve lost on you ;)
View all 4638 comments
yninsta i am the only female driver…
landonorris that’s why your his fav
yninsta rude af
daniel3.jpg don’t fight kids
charles_leclerc happy birthday y/n!
carlossainz55 yeah, feliz compleaños to our fav girl
pierregasly liked by pierre gasly
f1girly we love all the drivers in the comments, y/n is definitely the paddock princess
likedbypear oh yes, idk if i want to be her or with her
yninsta be definitely with me, c’mon
neymarjr happy birthday y/n!
taglist: @ironmaiden1313 , @topguncultleader , @missskid , @gulabjamooon , @lovelyy-moonlight , @peachyplumsss , @mistrose23 , @copper-boom , @love4lando , @champomiel , @serenityleah , @iloveyou3000morgan , @angelwithoutmywings , @elleeeee21
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lexirosewrites · 1 month
Hey happy Slick Sunday™️!! I fear this is cringe but I have had the thought of omega Steve but he’s a popstar stuck in my head and needed to get it out somewhere. And I know so many people say he would be like Sabrina Carpenter, but I wanna see high fem omega Steve but like Chappell Roan. He’s just doing the absolute most and living his best life, singing about being an omega, and love and lust between omegas. He’s drag and camp, and the most authentic to himself that he’s been in his whole life.
Obviously he blows up after his full length album comes out, which just leads to the most insane press tour that you can imagine. One of his live interviews he walks out in assless chaps, a thong and a crop top so short every time he moves his tits pop out (there are cute nipple pasties in a fun shape underneath, but it’s still scandalous). The whole interview he spends not only spreading his legs and arching his back, but nonstop talking about the new Corroded Coffin song and how hot their lead singer/guitarist is. At this point in time Eddie is incredibly well established and respected in the music industry, the song spoken of is only the second single for their upcoming 6th studio album. Steve however doesn’t really pay much mind to how established they are though, he is way more concerned with the fact that Eddie is a much older and incredibly attractive and masculine omega whomst he would like to have the babies of.
Apparently this stunt is the trick to getting Eddie’s attention. Eddie replies to a tweet saying “where can I get one” on a photo shoot set of Steve in a Barbie box. He becomes obsessed with Steve, enamored and captivated not only by him, but his music as well. Not long after this they meet at an industry party. The chemistry is there immediately; each others presence feeling like a cooling balm after a surge of electricity. By the end of the night Steve is found sitting on Eddies lap and purring in contentment.
Soon they are spotted almost everywhere with each other, holding hands, kissing, etc. There’s even a photo of Eddie playfully scruffing Stevie and his blissed out face to go with it. Within a few months Steve is spotted wearing a brand new red claiming collar with the letters EM sitting right over his bonding gland. A surprise for some considering they didn’t expect the couple to go along with anything considered traditional.
Despite these comments, until their bonding Steve is never seen without a collar, getting it made in multiple colors to match all of his outfits. And if he’s spotted wearing a new collar after their bonding, one that may suspiciously look like a day collar, well then thats their business and theirs alone. (Expect for the very explicit and kinky songs Eddie writes for CCs next album that everyone knows Steve was the muse for lol)
woo-hoo famous and flirty omega/omega steddie!!! i didn’t know i was missing this vision in my life, but i’d love to be a fly on the wall in that bedroom🤭😩🥵
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cheriladycl01 · 8 months
Surrounded by Ice - Kimi Raikkonen x FigureSkater! Reader
Plot: The Iceman just surrounds himself with Ice in every aspect of his life
A/N: Just a short little Kimi drabble, more exciting stuff coming soon, just been swamped with Uni!
Credit to summerblueringo for the GIF
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"How does it feel to bring home a gold medal for your country, again?" the interviewer asks and a big grin appears on your face.
"I mean, i love the sport and I've worked hard to get where I am. I think this year there were many other contestants who also deserved gold and everyone who took part today were amazing!" you keep smiling, it had been a really amazing set for you today. You'd even broke some records while here.
"And now what is your plan?" they ask holding the mic closer to you.
"Well my husband is waiting for me, just over there. So i think he wants to give me his congratulations" you say pointing out our stoic looking husband who was waiting in the background, keeping to himself watching the world go past.
"Ah yes, Kimi Raikkonen! The Ice Man, who arguably married Queen of the Ice" he jokes making you laugh a little. You had heard similar jokes many times since you'd married Kimi.
"Yes, obviously being here in South Korea for the Winter Olympics has been amazing, and I'll be sure to train hard for 2022 but now I'm needed to go support my lovely lovely husband in his fast cars" you exclaim, knowing that the Australian Grand Prix was round the corner.
"Ah yes, it's looking like a good season for Ferrari! And we can tell from your outfit today they already have your support"
"My support is for whatever team my husband is in, so Ferrari have had my support since Kimi has raced with them!"
You left the interview thanking your team before finding Kimi waiting for you quietly.
"Home?" you ask and he nods silently grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the arena.
"You were fantastic today!" he smiles, holding you and pulling you into a kiss.
"Yeah? You liked the new twist i did?" you ask, your routine today being one of the hardest you'd ever done. You mascara had infact started to run, from the sweat building on your forehead throughout the day.
"I like everything you do"
You guys both went back to the hotel, packing up all of your gear that had been here for the past month you'd stayed in Korea for. Once you were sure you hadn't left anything behind you made your way to the airport.
Kimi now only had a month until Australia, his personal trainer had come with you to Korea to help him train while he was out there supporting you.
Now, you'd train while you were travelling with Kimi. Finding ice while on the road with him was always difficult, but finding places to just work out and keep your fitness up was never hard as you'd train alongside Kimi. It was one of the ways to spend extra time with him during the season when he was most busy.
In the free month before Australia you started your research on where you could go in Melbourne to skate, you found somewhere that Kimi was happy with you going too as it wasn't too far from the hotel you'd be staying in or the race track for if anything went wrong.
"Will you watch me on the Sunday though?" he'd asked you as you were both lying in bed the night before you were due to fly to Australia.
"When have I ever not?" you ask, turning over in bed to look at him.
"Hmmm, I can for sure think of one time..." he smirks looking over you.
"If your talking about China, almost 10 years ago that doesn't even count!" you laugh, poking his cheek a little.
Your husband never failed to amaze you, his striking blue eyes and his soft blonde hair was what initially drew you in. But it was your first interaction with him that made you fall for him fully.
It was the Autumn of 2008 and you were 22 and you had just won your second Gold Medal in China, you'd stayed there for the months after the games as they left the Beijing Olympic Park open and it seemed like a good place to stay and to train.
You managed to get tickets to other sporting events in the months you stayed there such as Snow Boarding, Golf but the best one was when the Chinese Grand Prix came about.
You were active on the socials you had back then, and so it wasn't hard for Sauber BMW to reach out to you and give you a guest pass.
You'd been walking round the paddock, just investigating when you'd bumped right into the Finnish Ferrari driver. He had just stared at you while holding a tight grip on your wrist so you didn't fall over.
You remember him asking if you were okay, and some other questions that you hadn't heard fully as your brain had gone foggy at the sound of his soft, yet deep voice.
It was a little embarrassing, when he'd tried to speak Finnish to you, and then decided on English, but with no reply he was left stumped and awkwardly standing there.
He'd soon left after that but you were on each other's minds for the whole day. You tried to keep up conversations with the BMW drivers Robert and Nick but your mind kept drifting the the Finnish Driver for Ferrari.
He found you after the race, and just stared at you for a while before you made the first move speaking to him. And the rest was history.
You spent the next 5 years together as partners, it was convenient for someone like Kimi who raced all through the year apart from summer and winter to end up with someone in a sport who only competed for a month in the summer and winter. It meant that they also still got a break with each other.
After 5 years, Kimi let the big question unload and now you'd been married for 5 years.
"Of course, my love! You know that!" you smile, pulling him closer to you. You tuck yourself into his surprisingly warm embrace, considering his nickname was 'Iceman' he was the warmest person you'd ever had the privilege of meeting.
"I was thinking ..." he breathes, his voice a little higher and whiny than normal.
"Mmmmm, you don't do that often?" you tease, a hand running up and down his back.
"Well, I'm the ice man, your the Ice Queen... i was thinking maybe it's time we have an Ice Baby?" he whispers in the softest most unsure tone you'd ever heard.
"You think now's a good time?" you ask, and thinking about it... it was. You yourself had two years before the next Olympics in 2020, and Kimi was at a point in his career where he could leave and live comfortably if he needed and wanted to.
"I haven't told you this, but they want the Sauber kid in my spot. I'll be going to Alpha Romeo next year. I feel like I've done what i can and I've had my time in the sport... and we aren't getting any younger. Especially me..." he jokes, being 44 now.
"Mmmmmm I think now is the perfect time" you smile.
Flash forward to the Austin Grand Prix and you were 6 months pregnant. You'd already announced it and so many people were excited for you and Kimi, through the season he had loads of interviews. All against his will of course but people saw a different side to him when he talked about you and the soon to be baby.
It was a great race for Kimi in Austin, he pulled through with his first win of the season, valuable points that helped contribute towards his position in the drivers standings.
"So Kimi, first win of the season today! How are you feeling?" an interviewer asks, he was sat in a panel with some of the other drivers in a debrief.
"It was good to get a win, this season has been tough. We've had an interesting year with veteran drivers like myself, Seb, Fernando and Lewis being pushed by newer or younger drivers who are proving to be good competition like Charles, Max and Pierre" he answers.
"There have been rumors that you wont be here with us next season?" he pushes and Kimi roles his eyes.
"If I'm not it's not an issue... racing is my hobby that i get paid to do. I'll leave when i want to" he admits without letting anything slip that Ferrari wouldn't want to come public knowledge.
"Lets move on to you Lewis..."
And for the rest of the interview all he could think of was coming back to you.
Once your daughter was born in January before the start of the 2019 season and Kimi moving to Alfa Romeo everyone on the grid wanted to meet her. So of course, you were obligated to come to Australia for pre-season testing. Your 3 month old being so intrigued at the busy rush of everything around her.
She was a fan and driver fav around. Everyone had a picture with her and introduced themselves as her uncle and that they would look after her. People like Lewis, Seb and Charles all came with little gifts for her, Seb even had someone make her a custom team Ferrari top so she could fit in with her father and her Uncle Sebastian.
"Today was amazing!" you sighed as you leaned into your husband who currently held your daughter against his bare chest.
"Mmmm, I think you should both take a break though, at least until Summer break and join me afterwards" he smiles, knowing that the heavy time change from Monaco to Australia wasn't good for your or the baby.
"Well, I may as well come to Bahrain with you... its on the way back. But I will leave after that" you smile, pulling him in for a kiss.
"I love you, thank you for giving me this life" he smiles looking between you and his daughter.
"I wouldn't have it any of way" you grin.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416
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stayconnecteed · 10 months
❪⠀🪐.⠀𓏔⠀i wanna be yours · masterlist⠀❫
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☆ㅤif you like your coffee hot, let me be your coffee pot !!
synopsis: eight stories that take place at the 5-STAR café, known on campus as the best place to study for your exams. the owner, bangchan, recently finished his degree, and decided to turn the place into a shelter for students who are trying to get the best coffee as cheaply as possible. stay and discover the love stories that hid between the walls of the place, in which employees and customers are the protagonists.
content info: stories non-related one shots, there is no specific order, although i will post them in the classic skz order (first the older, the maknae as the last one). specified warnings on each chapter.
( hii, happy sunday!! ♡ )
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01. ╱ HOT CHOCOLATE (bangchan).
Every time you tell someone that you don't like coffee, the reaction is total incomprehension, even indignation. But when your university classmates leave you standing at the café where your crush works, you decide to order a coffee to try to avoid looking bad and end up making a fool of yourself.
02. ╱ CAPPUCCINO (lee minho).
After a bad run you are forced to look for a second job, and you end up covering the first shift at the campus café. Every morning you find the same guy waiting for you to open, leaning on the wall, looking flawless, and it gets on your nerves. Until one day you see him leaving the dance academy where you teach, getting on the same bus as you.
03. ╱ FLAT-WHITE COFFEE (seo changbin).
The boy on the train you met the other day invited you on a date at his favorite cafe, and although he seemed like the perfect guy, he is turning out to be a disappointment. Luckily, the cute barista serving you has noticed, and is trying to make you have a good time, despite everything, which makes you think that you wish the date had been with him.
04. ╱ ICED AMERICANO (hwang hyunjin).
When arguments at home get too loud to ignore, you always end up grabbing your laptop to go study at the café next door, but it's not the first time you've run out of battery. Unfortunately, the tables with plugs are usually occupied, even the one next to you, where the annoying boy in your class who doesn't want to let you plug in the charger is sitting...
05. ╱ ICED CARAMEL LATTE (han jisung).
You have been working in the hostelry industry for a long time, and for a few months now at the 5STAR café, but recently your boss has changed everyone's schedule, and now the person who has the shift before you leaves you post-its stuck everywhere. It always makes you smile, until one day you decide to find out who it is.
06. ╱ MATCHA TEA (lee felix).
You haven't been in Korea for at least two years, but when you return to do a trip and show Seoul to your sister, you end up back on the campus with the excuse that you can't leave without your sister trying 5STAR's coffee. To your surprise, the freckled barista still remembers your order perfectly. It can no longer be a coincidence when your sister starts talking about him in your mother tongue and the boy seems to recognize the language.
07. ╱ ESPRESSO (kim seungmin).
With how much effort your grandmother had put into spending entire afternoons trying to teach you how to play chess, no one could have guessed that you would like it so much, or that you would be that good at it. And you had no idea that when you had accompanied your friend to the place where he works and moved that piece on the board, you were going to start a game of anonymous chess that you were more than willing to win.
08. ╱ FRAPPUCCINO (yang jeongin).
Whenever Changbin asks you for a favor, you end up regretting agreeing to help him. This time it is to be in charge of training the new barista hired, who seems to be seeing a coffee maker for the first time in his life. Even so, you take pity on him and try to teach him everything you know, even if that means listening to your colleagues' jokes and customers' comments, even discovering that maybe he didn't know so little.
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taglist: @sseastar-main · @queen-in-the-shadows · @anaiii27 · @hanstarrs · @starsandrqindrops · @ivaneedssleep · @bbokari711 · @kayleefriedchicken permanent taglist: @jazziwritesthings · @rylea08 · @starlostastronaut · @manuosorioh · @kpopmenace143 · @skzms · @darkypooo · @pochaccomin · @caitlyn98s · @hanstarrs · @atinyniki
to be part of the taglist, fill this form or send an ask!!
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© stayconnecteed 2023
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httpiastri · 3 months
🍈 first kiss or i missed you kiss with paul aron maybe with popstar! reader??? 🥺🥺
🍈 – send me a driver and a prompt from this list of hugging prompts, these touch starved prompts, or these kiss prompts, and i will write a short blurb for you!!
author's note: yet again, idk what a "blurb" is 🤣 i should definitely not keep writing 1k stories if i wanna keep up with the requests lo. anyways!! thank you SO much for this request?! it made me so happy to think that some people actually care abt paul and his popstar 🥺 i made it "i missed you"-kisses, hope you enjoy!! <333
3k celly !!
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paul aron x popstar!reader
paul feels so out of place. he's never done something like this before, never been to a place like this before.
he isn't used to feeling like this. in his racing world, he knows everyone and everyone knows him. anywhere he goes, he has this confidence and ease plastered onto his expression; even if he doesn't know what he's doing, he will act like he does. but standing backstage at his girlfriend's concert? completely new territory, and he can't even pretend like it doesn't scare him.
paul flew straight to london from austria on the sunday night after his feature race. he spent the monday resting, doing his recovery workout, rewatching his races of the weekend – and most importantly, preparing for the night. the latter includes re-evaluating the outfit he's picked out for the fifteenth time (he almost considers running out and buying something new, but he isn't sure he will have time before he should be at the concert), pacing around his hotel room while trying to figure out what to tell you when he sees you again (will "you were so good" make it sound like he's talking to a dog or a child instead of a fully capable woman?), and trying to stop himself from smiling at the mere thought of you ("come on, paul. this is getting ridiculous").
of course he's late to the concert, and the entire way there in the taxi, he worries about not being allowed to get in despite his backstage pass. fortunately, he "only" misses the entire supporting act and almost your opening performance, but he makes it just in time to see you go out and start the show with one of your hits that has the arena roaring.
paul is used to having teenage girls scream his name when he stands on the podium, or having fans wait for him by the track hoping to take a picture with him. but this is all on another level. hearing the entire crowd sing along with every word of all your songs, seeing the tears stream down their cheeks at your sadder songs, and watching them dance in their colorful self-made outfits to their favorite songs makes his heart swell. the fact that they're all there for you, and the fact that they're probably just as obsessed with you as he is…
it will be painful, but he supposes he can find a way to be alright with sharing you with them.
not only is this his first time backstage of a concert, but it's also his first time seeing you perform live. granted, he's watched videos and listened through your entire set list millions of times, but there's still a hint of nervousness in his gaze when he watches you on the stage.
after the concert is done, after he's been shown the way backstage by a sweet usher, paul waits nervously outside the room he supposes is your personal lounge (your name in big, sparkly letters on the door kind of spoiled it for him). his gaze flickers around the area nervously, seeing all kinds of staff hurry past him carrying all kinds of stuff, none of them seemingly even recognizing that he exists. his hands find their way to his front pockets, burying them deep as he leans back against the wall. suddenly the collar of his shirt seems way too tight, and his belt must be adjusted wrongly, and he's struck with the realization that he ended up choosing the wrong outfit after all.
what if you don't like it? what if you think he looks weird, what if you think he doesn't fit in here-
his thoughts get interrupted by the sound of his name, and the fact that it's your sweet voice that's calling out for him makes his heart swell yet again. he turns his head to the side, a big smile on his lips as he watches you run down the hallway towards him. his arms are stretched wide and he scoops you into them when you reach him, lifting you into the air. the little squeal that slips past your lips only makes him squeeze you tighter, and your arms find their usual place draped around his neck.
"you made it!" you exclaim, leaning back slightly when he sets you down on the ground again. "i wasn't sure if you would be able to! wow, you're actually here!"
"of course i did, i-" he pauses for a second to collect his thoughts, but his words get tousled up in his mind – all of that preparation going straight out the door – and he has to shake his head at himself. "you were perfect. i'm so impressed."
your mouth forms some kind of happy pout, a thankful and relieved one, as you blink up at him. "really?"
"really. i've never seen anything this cool." he pulls you in for another hug, burying his face in your neck, inhaling that sweet scent of your shampoo that's been stuck on his mind for ages. "i really missed you."
"i really missed you, too."
his arms stay wrapped around you when you pull back, just enough to come up face-to-face with him and brush your nose against his ever so slightly. when you finally seal your lips against his, paul lets out a sigh he feels like he's been holding for weeks, completely melting against you. it feels like you've been standing there for hours, yet only milliseconds; mouth pressed against mouth, heart laced with heart.
when he finally pulls away, he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, and he can't stop himself from pressing a few gentle kisses along your skin. it takes everything you have to lean away from him, a shaky breath passing your lips as you gaze up at him. "let's… go inside instead…" you mumble, head pointing towards the door of your lounge.
paul nods, doing his best to catch his own breath, before finally letting his arms unwrap from your frame. "but only if you tell me how you managed to change clothes that many times in such a short time," he says, and you can barely even believe your ears. of course he'd be surprised by something so mundane. "you know, i can barely even choose one outfit. but you had, like, what, six?!"
"yeah, but they're the same every show, so…" you say with a laugh, pulling the door open. "plus, i have someone to design my outfits for me."
"for real? can i borrow her?"
"just get in here already…"
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jymwahuwu · 6 months
Hi! Really love your stories they always scratch my brain (*≧∀≦*)❤️, so I got an idea and wanted to ask what you think about it
I got this question with Sunday on the minigame/event (idk what to call it lol)
"Just as you're about to pull a dusty hard-leatherback book, you hear a gentle whisper within earshot, "Averoy Rosewood's works are notorious for their obscurity," the Oak Family Head Sunday faintly smiles at you. "Perhaps you need more elaboration."
(I couldn't put the image since anon asks don't allow me to put images😮‍💨, but it's from a Board Encounter in Cosmodyssey)
and when I read it my brain immediately went WHAT IF SUNDAY FILLS THE READER WITH A VIBRATOR ON THE LIBRARY, and him just watching in amusement as he talks about books and asking her questions about them while he plays with the levels of vibrations with a control on his hands and she just struggles to make sentences, so he goes and asks "What's wrong? Are you not feeling well?" To tease her and remind that she's in a public space and can't make much noise unless she wants everyone to know about what they're doing.
Hmm... I wrote this about Sunday, but I feel like maybe it could be about Jing Yuan or Aventurine 🤔, anyways sorry if it sounds weird my brain sometimes goes into unga bonga mode when I think about these men.
An unhinged anon.
Thank you for telling me. I experienced this event and read the content of Sunday helping us in the library!! Wrote a little bit, I hope you like it 💗🫶
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cw: yandere, non-con, abuse of power, abuse of credit, vibrator, harassment
How about you being the librarian at The Family Library? A nerdy librarian. The Family claims that this is a library open to everyone to read and borrow, covering a variety of books and hologram collections.
Sunday, the leader of the Oak Family noticed you. He can accurately talk to you about your interests, hobbies and ideals, and encourage you…but one thing is that you are not religious enough in your belief in harmony. You are too withdrawn…and cannot integrate into The Family. Sing hymns, participate in activities, and protect The Family, others can do it, but what can you do? He cannot allow you to continue in this position under these circumstances. You panicked, grabbing his sleeves and pleading with him through tears. "W-what, I really believe Lord Xipe…I need this job badly! Please Mr. Sunday…"
He offered a plan. He used his gloves to push a delicate small box in front of you. You must put two vibrators in your underwear while on duty to test your professional abilities. If you can tolerate sinful sexual pleasure, you qualify for this position.
"But… Mr. Sunday, can I-can I take a break?"
"Of course. I'm not here to torture you. This is for your and everyone's happiness and harmony, I hope you understand." His words ignited the hope in your heart. "You have 2 hours a day to take them down. Allocate your own time. After get off work, you head to my office and I will check on your progress. You must do this every working day."
"Check?" Your heart sank into the starry sky and was crushed. "Okay. Mr. Sunday..."
These two vibrators… are pearl white and have an angel wings pattern on them. It's silent, but it delivers a surge of pleasure to your private parts, sometimes fast and sometimes slow down. It's not much better when it's slow - it's a long, quiet torture that gives you no relief. You kept your legs still and sorted your books and documents, your underwear getting wet. Every half minute, you check like a hawk to see if you have wet your clothes, fearing that it has become a joke in the eyes of others…
He occasionally wanders into the library to check on your work and ask you to recommend books in a certain category or answer questions about the collection.
"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Sunday approached you with caring eyes and ruthlessly pushed the controller frequency to the highest level. You lowered your head, holding back tears, your legs trembling. "I-I'm fine. Mr. Sunday. Thank you for your concern."
This kind-hearted gentleman and leader offers to take you to another secluded corner of the library to rest. On the road, Sunday dials down the vibration frequency and doesn't crank it up until you get to the corner. The intense ecstasy immediately hits you to the extreme and stimulates your nerves. You endured your moans, trembling in Sunday's arms as you reached orgasm. His hands caressed your hair like a lovable pet. He commented that your ability to endure needs to be improved.
After you get off work, Sunday asks you to take off all your clothes in the office and fold them on the table. He uses white gloves to inspect and rub your private parts, circling them with his thumb. In the watery light, those fingers slowly inserted between your legs and twitched. He clicked his tongue in disappointment when he realized that his fingers were already wet enough to slide into the inner walls before being inserted. "Not religious enough, are you? What are you thinking about? You're letting pleasure take over your body."
"...I'm sorry!! Mr. Sunday, Please give me a chance…" you begged with a sob, then cummed hard at his disappointed sigh.
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fullfriendnerdclutch · 5 months
In collaboration with @malehypnofantasy
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"As I said before, son. There's no better blessing other than being enlightened. Your strength came from Him. Your good look came from Him. Your wealth came from Him. Spreading His word is only right as a way for you to thank Him for his blessing. So, if I ask your purpose in life, it is--"
"To serve all His needs,"
"And, my words are--"
"Your words are the extension of His will and desires, so it's only right for me to obey you too as His communicator to the masses,"
"Perfect. Your reformation is a true showcase of His work. Bless Him,"
"Bless Him,"
"Okay, now you are discharged, son. Make me proud,"
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Looking a bit too proud with himself, but why shouldn't he? He's finally the perfect son his father always wished for, and he's more than happy to oblige to his father's needs and demand. He spent way too much time defying the old man orders throughout his juvenile years until his latest semester in college, it's good to finally conform to his father's traditional patriarchal value rooted in Evangelical Christianity. After all, that's the kind of value needed in the community among its youth if the family-run megachurch wanted to remain flourishing for years to come.
Now, he needed to ensure that the app his father installed to his phone ended in every townies phone, including the upcoming students getting back for summer break so his father can be even more prouder to him for making sure that the community outreach worked well. Maybe he should start with the bartender, he's 21 now after all so he can definitely just slide into the bar with no problems. Make him another followers to the cause and then proceed to use his help as they are working on dual operation to convert everyone to join the megachurch through the app's subtle yet effective impact. The townies love to get wasted with their drinks, must be easy to install the app into their phone when they are not even sober. When it's on their phone, it's going to do its job and they just need to sit back, relax and wait for the stream of proud, strong and devout masses beelining their way into the service every Sunday
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"I don't know how you did it, but your words really reverberated with me. Truly a blessing to be your converted puppet, you know?"
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"I mean, talk about perfect takeover. Like, you, a fat pathetic nerd taking over my mind and make me do your bidding? Blasphemous!"
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"But well, I'm just your mic now, but you clearly doing a better job than I do. Only because of you my son can be brought back to the right way like that, all my efforts were futile all these years but with you in control, poof, he's becoming someone that I can proudly call son. Really crazy how effective you are in making me your puppet and delivering all your demand as if it's God's commandment. It really is a perfect revenge for this fucked up townies. Serves them right. I really am pleased to be used by you to achieve your goals,"
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kortsitron · 5 months
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✮ PARING Hobie Brown × Trans Male! Reader
✮ WARNINGS/TAGS reader realizes he's trans, pre-transition reader, religious themes, christianity, fluff, angst, supportive! hobie, reader is referred to as a girl/daughter in some moments, hobie and reader are both young adults, gender dysphoria, toxic parents, abuse, transphobia, cursing, reader is referred by she/her by his parents, happy ending
✮ SUMMARY A stranger comes to your town and helps you realize who you are
✮ A/N  If you know me, you probably know my opinion on Christianity and religion in general, but I won't lie, I kinda like the religious themes. Especially when it's about being taken out of it and realizing that the world has so much to offer once you leave it. I guess it's my type of thing since I have been raised as a catholic little ‘girl’ and now I hate religion with pure passion after having it shown down my throat for years when I was younger. One more thing, if you're not comfortable, please do not read this. I am aware there are people who can be triggered by any of the things mentioned in the warnings/tags. If you decide to read this, I hope you're going to enjoy it! <3
In a way inspired by confessions by @eyesxxyou
ao3 masterlist requests
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You were such a perfect girl in everyone's eyes. Always so nice and polite, obedient towards your parents, in church every Sunday. You were so feminine, so lovely. Always wore those pretty dresses and skirts of yours, along with the necklace with virgin Mary on your pretty neck. And your gorgeous long hair. You were a perfection to everyone around you.
But you didn't feel perfect in the slightest.
You felt so wrong for some reason you couldn't quite name. Your body felt like a cage you couldn't get out of and you didn't know why. All you knew was that you wanted to cut your hair, hide your body under some baggy clothing and yell at everyone who called you a girl. But obviously you couldn't do that, no matter how much you wanted to. You didn't want people to look at you weirdly, to call you a freak. 
So you decided to stay quiet, knowing that nothing was going to change because you were too scared to do it on your own. Scared of judgment and scared of being abandoned. 
All you did was pray that your sinful fantasies would simply go away. But instead of them going away, something else happened. Like the prayers from the depth of your heart have been heard and finally answered.
You saw him after the Sunday mass, as you were standing next to your mother while she was talking with someone else. He was nothing like you've ever seen before. Those piercing glistening in the sunlight just like the spikes on his vest. The distressed pants with patches and chains. And those heavy boots. He was the definition of perfection, definitely not to those around you, but for you without a doubt.
You have caught eye contact with that beautiful stranger. His stunning brown eyes stared into yours as he smirked at you. He probably thought you were just a pretty girl, you assumed. After all, why would he think differently?
“Do not look at him.” Your mother scolded you, grabbing you by your shoulder and turning you to face her. You could see the disgust on her face. You’ve never seen her with that kind of grimace on her face. “I do not want to see you near him. I can already tell he's no good.”
She didn't say it, but you could already tell she saw him as the embodiment of everything that was sinful. And the last thing she wanted was her precious daughter to stray from God's path.
You glanced at the punk for the last time before your mother said that you were going home. He still watched you. He wasn't sure what it was about you that made him want to get to know you. But something inside him told him that you needed him.
Since then you saw him around the town, but you didn't dare to come close to him. You felt a rush of excitement in your stomach every time you saw him, saw that smirk of his. You didn't have anyone who excited you the way he did. But he indeed did excite you, but you couldn't even talk to him, being scared your parents might yell at you.
Everything changed when you were peacefully reading the bible on the bench next to the church. It was so warm and sunny, so you picked a spot under a tree. Your hair was made into a long braid that was getting more loose without you noticing. 
You then heard someone sit next to you. You looked up from the bible to see him. That beautiful punk, smirking at you shamelessly. He looked even better up close. 
“Hello, luv. I'm Hobie.” His voice was lower than you thought it would be. But it sounded so good, so smooth you could almost melt. His eyes looked from your face to the bible you held your hand, then back to your face. You started wondering what was on his mind. “What's your name, hmm?”
You bashfully told him your name. You weren't sure how to act. Was he expecting you to pretend to be this perfect girl everyone perceived you as? Or maybe he was finally someone that could let you be yourself? Either way, you were scared to find out.
He chuckled at your bashful reaction. Your cheeks got pink so quickly. You were just so adorable. And so… innocent. But you had a feeling he could see right through you. See that all of this was just a facade and under all of it, there was a real you, trying to get to the surface. Trying to be free.
“Have you ever listened to punk rock?” Hobie asked out of nowhere. You blinked. You? Listening to loud, unapologetic music? You could never do that. At least not without worrying about being judged.
Finally you shook your head and his smirk widened. “Darlin’, we have to change that immediately.” He saw you shake your head even more. 
You heard about punk rock. The unapologetic and loud music for brutal men who have abandoned God's ways and all the rules. At least that's what you have been told by your mother. “They are good for nothing but corrupting the minds of pretty girls like you. And I cannot let that happen.” She told you and you wondered if Hobie was that type of punk. The type to ruin you and corrupt you.
“I-I can't. I am not allowed to listen to that kind of music.” You looked down at the bible in your hands, you couldn't look Hobie in the eyes. You expected him to think you were weird for not being allowed to listen to what you wanted. But all you wanted was to avoid conflict.
Hobie's face went from confusion to smirk again. “Oh please. I can see that there's a little rebel hidden behind those pretty innocent eyes.” So he indeed could right through you.
You nervously played with your hair, wanting to both agree and refuse. And in a quick moment, your beautiful braid was untied. “Oh no.” You watched your hairband fall onto the grass. Hobie noticed it too. He moved and grabbed it, quickly cleaning it off from all the dirt. “Allow me.” He spoke so softly. You weren't sure if you should allow him to touch you in any way, but he just wanted to help you tie your hair, right? 
You decided not to overthink it, sitting with your back facing him, so he could tie your hair. You didn't expect it, but he was so gentle with your hair. No harsh hair pulling. His fingers parted your hand so nicely before he began to braid it. You almost melted.
And soon, you had your pretty braid again. Not as perfect as you could have done it, but it was still really nice. “Thank you so much, Hobie.” You said quietly before excusing yourself and saying you had to go. His eyes softened, he only nodded, asking if he could talk to you again. “I hate to say it, but I can't be seen with you.” 
Hobie sighed, his fingertip tapped at his lip ring, he seemed lost in thoughts. “And if we meet in secret?” He looked down at you, you were so short compared to him. “You can come over to my place, no one will know you were with me and I could show you some of my world.” He spoke so proudly when he mentioned introducing you to his world. And even though you technically shouldn't be meeting him, you were more than curious. So you agreed at last.
Obviously, someone saw you with Hobie. Your parents weren't proud of you for talking to him. You had no other choice than to lie, just like you did when it came to who you really felt about yourself. 
Yes, I like this dress. 
Yes, I like those shoes.
Yes, my hair is so pretty when it's so long.
Yes, I am a girl.
You had to lie, even though you wish you didn't have to. But you hoped that at the end of the day, when you were praying before going to sleep, God would forgive you for lying to everyone around you. He would understand, right?
So, as always, you lied, telling your parents that Hobie asked for some help because he was a newcomer and didn't know the town very well. Your parents weren't happy you talked to him, but knew, or at least believed, you were too good and polite to refuse to help him. They didn't think twice about it, allowing you to go to your room. They didn't mention Hobie braiding your hair, so you just assumed they didn't know about it, so you decided not to mention it either. It was better to keep your mouth shut.
You were careful when the day of visiting Hobie came. You told your parents that you went to study the bible at your friend's house. They didn't suspect a thing. You made sure no one could see you as you made your way to Hobie's apartment. And soon enough, you were in front of the door of his apartment.
You knocked lightly, heard the sound of locks being unlocked and then the door finally opened. You saw Hobie and he looked at you with that same softness like the last time. But this time he rubbed one eye with a cotton pad. You had a look of confusion on your face when you saw that.
“Come in, luv.” He moved so you could come inside, but instead of looking around, you watched him.
“Are you… wiping off your makeup?” The question sounded so stupid in your mind. Men weren't wearing makeup… right?
Hobie chuckled softly before going to the bathroom to wipe the makeup off more precisely in front of the mirror. You saw a few small eyeshadow palettes with bright eyeshadow in them, along with eyeliner and even two lipsticks. Even you didn't own that much makeup, you barely had any makeup since your parents didn't want you to paint your face like a whore.
“Yeah. I have been to a small party outside the town, so I wanted to look me best.” Hobie explained, before throwing a dirty pad into the bin. He then turned to you, it was obvious that you never saw a man wearing makeup before. You've never seen someone like him before. He allowed himself to check you out, you had a long skirt and a cute top that matched the skirt so well. “I am guessing you never wore the kind of makeup I usually go for?”
His hand grabbed one of the eyeshadow palettes and gave it to you, so you could see the inside better. You didn't think much and opened it. You hand one makeup palette and it was mostly light browns, one a little more glittery eyeshadow and two light pinks. But Hobie’s? It was so colorful. Red, blue, green and yellow. All of them so bright and pigmented.
He smiled when he saw your reaction, he felt excitement in his stomach. You looked stunned. “Why don't I finally show you that punk rock?” He left the bathroom and you followed him. His apartment was a little messy. Posters on every wall, some chokers and other jewelry scattered in some places and some clothes laying around. But his room was even better. It was so… him. You could see the room scream Hobie. Even more posters, a guitar. It might have been a little messy, but it had so much character.
Hobie moved to the old cd player and in the matter of seconds, the loud music played. Black Flag on full volume. At first you weren't sure what to think, but soon, you started loving it. You stopped caring about anything when the music played, banging your head to the rhythm. At first a little shyly, but then you were more confident about it, not caring if you were going to mess up your hair. You looked so happy, you felt so happy. It has been since you felt like that.
Even since Hobie came here, he finally saw your smile, the real and sincere smile on that face of yours. But he saw it falter when Can't Decide by the Black Flag started playing.
Sun's coming up and I can't decide
To spill my emotions or keep them inside
Go for a drive, go to the store
I'm looking for something that can't be bought there
I always wear a smile
Because anything but a smile would make me have to explain
And they wouldn't understand anyway
And they wouldn't understand anyway
I conceal my feelings so I won't have to explain
What I can't explain anyway
It hit so close to home, you almost started sobbing. Hobie saw it immediately and turned the music off. He sat next to you, one arm around you while he rubbed your arm with the other to comfort you. He barely knew you, but he was so concerned about your well being already. “What happened, dove?” He asked so quietly, almost as if he was scared he might make you start crying just by asking.
But you weren't ready to admit what has been going inside your head for months. And he could see that so well. A few tears went down your cheeks so you asked for a tissue. You smudged your makeup a bit, but luckily Hobie was able to fix it with the only brown palette he owned, the one had forgotten about since he never used it.
You gathered your things and apologized. “Don't apologize, luv. Just know you can come and talk about what's going on in that pretty head of yours.” You only nodded before leaving. 
Your parents weren't home by the time you came back, they were probably in the neighbor's house, talking and eating how they did once in a while. Probably praising you how good and obedient you were, and how they were happy to have a daughter like you.
And after that situation at Hobie's place, it became harder to pretend. It became hard not to cry when you were called a perfect daughter, pretty girl and beautiful woman. You couldn't wait any longer, you had to talk with someone about it. And the only person who would not judge you was Hobie. 
It has been a while since you talked to him. But you came back, trembling, looking like you were about to start crying at any given moment. Hobie didn't think twice, he just let you in, sat down on the floor while he seated you on his bed. His calloused hands found yours and he caressed them gently in order to comfort you.
And finally, after all this time, you opened up about what has been on your mind for all those months. You explained how you felt trapped in your own body, how you hated being seen as a girl and how much it hurt when you were called and seen as one. How much you just wanted to be yourself.
Hobie's eyes softened, his hand touched your delicate cheek as his thumb stroked it. You didn't flinch away from his touch, instead you leaned into his hand, enjoying the way he touched you. “Darlin’, I think you might be trans.”
“I might be what?” Your nose was already stuffed from all that crying, making your voice sound funny. Hobie sighed before his lips curled into the soften of smiled. 
“Trans, hun.” You still looked confused, but he wasn't going to blame you. You've been living in a place where you were too scared to be yourself, you couldn't name your feelings even though you have been feeling them for months. It was obvious these people weren't talking about things like that, at least not in the way that would make you want to explore those feelings.
“It's uh, it's when your body doesn't match how you feel on the inside. Like you, you have been born as a woman, but you don't feel like one, don't you?” You shook your head, of course you didn't feel like a woman. Thinking about yourself as a woman didn't feel right. 
Hobie got an idea. “Why don't you go to the bathroom and take all of that off? I'll bring ya some clothes and then you'll tell me how you feel.” He helped you with making your way to the bathroom and closed the door after you. You took off the dress, standing in nothing more than your underwear. It felt a bit less suffocating to not be wearing that stupid dress.
Soon, you heard Hobie knock on the door. “I have some stuff I think might look good on you.” You covered yourself with the towel that was near you, not wanting for Hobie to see your body. But he didn't even peek in, instead he held the clothes for you, letting you grab them before he quickly closed the door behind him.
You looked down at the clothes. Some distressed jeans with patches and studded belt, white shirt with some graffiti, which you assumed was decorated by Hobie himself and even some hand warmers to match the outfit.
You had put on the outfit and left the bathroom, only to see Hobie waiting for you. His eyes sparkled when he saw you. And he could see it in your face that you felt better. He looked so excited for you.
But you still had that long braid. “Let me…” Hobie murmured before you felt him touch your hair again. You weren't sure what he did exactly, but when you stepped in front of the mirror, your hair looked so short. It wasn't perfect, but you loved how your hair looked, way more than it looked in a braid, ponytail or any other hairstyle you were used to. You looked like a boy, and you were so happy.
At that very moment, you knew you couldn't go back to how your life was before. You couldn't go back to wearing dresses, praying to the God that probably never listened to you and did not care about you. You could no longer pretend that you were the perfect girl you were seen as until now.
Hobie's hands grabbed you by your shoulder. “Do you want me to call by a different name?” He asked, glancing at your reflection in the mirror as he rubbed your shoulders. You thought about it for a moment, before looking up at him and speaking up. “Do you think [Name] would suit me?”
Hobie chuckled and nodded. “Definitely, luv. Definitely.” He couldn't help himself and softly kissed your cheek. You were surprised by the sudden affection, but you enjoyed it.
“I want you to cut my hair. I want it short..” You said so suddenly, your voice was a little shaky, but you couldn't wait anymore. You have wanted to cut it for a while and you didn't want anyone else other than Hobie to do it. He was surprised by you. He didn't expect you to want to do it now.
“Are you su–” 
“Yes, I am sure.” You cut him off, you didn't want to be mean, but you couldn't wait any longer. “Please… I don't want to go back to what was before. I don't want to pretend to be someone who I am not.” You begged, you sounded so desperate. He couldn't say no to you when you sounded like that.
“Okay.” He said, giving your shoulders a squeeze before he took you to the bathroom. He brought a small stool and seated you on it. He grabbed a scissors, untied your hair, looking at it for the last time before he started cutting it. You squeezed your eyes shut, your stomach swirling with anxiety, as you listened to the sound of the scissors cutting your hair.
Snip! Snip! Snip!
You felt your hair, your hair that you got so many compliments on, tickling your arms and neck before it fell down on the bathroom floor. “Done.” Hobie said, his voice was flat. It made you worry. Did you look bad? Did he mess up your hair? Was it a mistake?
He brushed the cut hair off of you, before you stood up and looked in the mirror. It was not perfect, but it still made you feel good. You started sobbing immediately. “Dove? Are you alright?” Hobie asked, worried and a little panicked.
“I've never felt better.” You sobbed out and he sighed, relieved that you liked it. He hugged you tightly, being so glad to see you happy with who you were.
But it couldn't go on forever. You came home pretty late, still wearing the clothes Hobie gave you earlier. And in the hoodie he gave so you wouldn't be cold while coming back home. You knew confrontation wouldn't be something you were able to avoid . And you knew it wouldn't be a light confrontation either.
Your parents were sitting in the living room. As soon as you closed the front door behind you, you heard your father call you by the name you no longer wished to be called by. You took a deep breath, pulling a hood over your head before you entered the living room. Your parents eyes were immediately on you, your mother gasped loudly.
“What the fuck is that!?” Your father yelled, he stood up and grabbed you by the hood and yanked it off your head. He intended to grab you by your hair, but there was nothing to grab. Your lovely long hair was long gone and there was nothing they could do about it. In a way, that made you proud.
“What have you done to yourself!?” Your mother shouted with tears in her eyes. You've never seen her crying and you didn't expect her to get so emotional. She always seemed so cold. “Where's your hair? Your dress?” She's never been so panicked. “What will we say to the others once they see that your hair is gone? What will they think of us? What will they think of you?”
There was this need to apologize, turn the time back and never let yourself explore who you really were. But you weren't going to let this need win. You have been obedient for way too long. You were pretending for way too long and now? You were tired of it.
“I don't fucking care what are they going to think of me!” You shouted back. Both of your parents were startled by the fact that you just cursed. They never heard you curse, nor did they hear you sound so confident. “I have been pretending to be someone who I wasn't me for way too long. I am not going to let you decide about how I am anymore!” 
Your father slapped you so hard you fell to the floor. Your cheek was all red already. You and your mother were both shocked. Your father was about to take his belt off and start beating you, but your mother stopped him. “I am sure there's something we can do instead of beating her up. People will notice and they might think we were the one to cut her hair off. We can buy a wig until her hair grows back.”
“I am not growing it back and I am not putting the dresses back on.” You hissed. Maybe you shouldn't have done that, but you ripped off the virgin Mary necklace off your neck and threw it.
Your parents were more than shocked at your action. “She must have been corrupted by that punk!” Your mother cried out. “What are we going to–” Your father lost his temper. Instead of beating you up like he initially planned, he grabbed you and threw you out the door. “I no longer have a daughter!” It was the last thing you heard before he closed the door.
Soon, your father started throwing your things out the window. All those gorgeous dresses and skirts flying out the window. Before you were terrified to even slightly rip them and now? You didn't care that they got dirty, they stopped mattering to you. You only waited for your father to throw your phone. You wanted to catch it, but it fell onto the concrete, the phone screen broke, but luckily for you, you still were able to use it. You grabbed some more important things that your father had thrown and then made your way to Hobie's apartment.
He was concerned, but both of you knew it was better that way. If you stayed, nothing would change and everything would go worse. More praying, more femininity, more pretending. But you weren't going to stay with your parents, luckily Hobie said you could stay with him.
You were laying with Hobie in his bed. You were so lost in your thoughts and he could see it clearly. Hobie laid on his side to face you, the tips of his fingers brushed against your jaw to get your attention. You turned to look at him. “You okay?” You put your hands on your face and sighed.
“I'm fine. It’s just… I've wanted to be myself for a while and I…” You paused for a moment, not looking into Hobie's eyes. In a way, it all felt unreal. Usually, you would now be in your bed, reading the bible or praying. And now, you were laying with a man you didn't know very well, but he gave you everything you could have asked for. Acceptance, help and hope. 
Your eyes finally met his again. “I didn't expect that it would actually happen. I thought I was going to be everyone's perfect girl until I die, but you came into my life and changed everything. Thank you so much for that.” You smiled at him, you were so grateful he came into your life. He smiled back at you and leaned to kiss your cheek.
“You're very welcome, luv.” 
You both left the town as quickly as you could since that happened. Now, it has been 6 years since the day you met him. Everything has been truly perfect since then. Your transition was going well and you recently had your top surgery.
And Hobie? He was with you the whole time. During the first appointment at the doctor, he helped you take your first testosterone shot and he held your hand both before and after the surgery.
Life couldn't be more perfect and you never felt more perfect.
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taglist: @sk3llly
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fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
Square Dance: Two Step
Country!Wanda x Male!Reader
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It all started when your best friend Pietro ‘Piet’ Maximoff invited you to leave the city for a week. He saw how much city life and work was wearing you down, how much you needed a detox from all of the stress and anxiety.
He picked you up in his pick up truck from your apartment on a Sunday morning. Piet was a track star in college, full ride, and your best friend / roommate. Now he works as a mechanic in his home town. He never really talked about home but he loved it.
“I promise, pal” your Southern accented friend told you, “you’re gonna love it. I’m taking you to the best watering hole in the area tonight.”
“Are you still trying to get me to settle down?” You laughed.
“I just wanna see my bud happy. A little tail can help that” he gives you a playful wink.
First things first he helped you drop off your stuff at the guest room in his modest two story homestead. “Sorry I can’t give you the master bedroom” he chuckled, “my traveling sister came back to town, she called dibs”
“I don’t mind.” You said with a shrug, “your sis deserves it” You never met Piet’s sister but you did know about their constant teasing due to having seen their text exchanges.
“Come on, bud” he said practically pulling you out the door. “Let’s live a little!”
You and Piet made your way to the local watering hole and dance hall. Didn’t take long for Piet to make the rounds and chat up a couple people.
“Does Crystal approve of you being here?” you asked your pal with a laugh.
“Speak of the angel and she’ll appear” he responded as his longtime girlfriend made her way towards the two of you. Didn’t take long for Piet and her to go to the dance floor.
The band took to the small stage a second later. The announcer made his way to the microphone.
“Evening fellas, ladies, please give a nice warm applause to our guest singer the Good Witch, Scarlett.”
And with that introduction, the most beautiful woman you had ever seen made her way to the microphone. Her confidence, the sort of kind way she carried herself, it made your heart beat fast.
“Howdy everyone” she said with a southern twang. “Glad to see so many familiar faces in the audience…”
Her eyes locked with yours. Her eyes looked at you with pure adoration. A small smile made its way across her face.
“And so new faces too” she gave you a little wink, “so let’s start shall we?”
Her keyboardist began playing a simple melody:
(Can Love Stand the Test - Don Henley & Bonnie Raitt)
Did I lose your love a long time ago
Or did I just wear it out? Baby, I don't know
Seems like anymore we're not on the same page
In the same book, or on the same stage
We say the words, but they feel all wrong
Like a happy blues, like a sad love song
How two people can bow and scrape
For every shred of tenderness
Can love stand the test
Of times that surround us
Memories that astound us
Joy and happiness
Can love stand the test?
Her eyes were locked on you. Did she feel some sort of connection to you, as you could feel with her? You hadn’t spoken a word and yet it was like you knew her somehow.
We said forever, for always, for good
But the years were not impressed
Can love stand the test
Of time that surrounds us
Moments that astound us?
Can love stand the test
Of time that surrounds us
Moments that astound us?
Joy and happiness
Joy and happiness
Joy and happiness
The audience cheered as the song ended. The mystery singer offered a humble little bow. “Alright” she said with a giggle, “who’s ready for a little square dancing, huh?”
The crowd cheered and began asking for their own partners as the singer got off the stage and began making her own way towards you. Everyone else faded away, it was like it was only you and her in that entire watering hole.
“Howdy there” she flashed a gentle smile at you
“H-Howdy” you managed to answer back.
“You’re not from around here are ya?” her twang just made your heart flutter.
“No. I’m in town for a couple days”
“Well City Boy” she gave a little twirl in her hips, “do you wanna dance?”
“I-I got like two left feet” you said with a little embarrassment. She only giggled in response and took your hands.
“Don’t worry” she reassured you, “just follow my lead”
You and this amazing gal danced a couple square dances together that night. Time seemed to blur, you found yourself falling deeper and deeper into what felt like love. You could spend an eternity on that dance floor with her and it wouldn’t feel like enough time with her.
The way she smiled those pearly whites at you. The way her reddish brown hair bounced. The way she looked at you with those emerald green eyes that made your heart beat practically out of your chest. You didn’t think it was possible to feel this way about someone so fast.
Sadly the song came to an end. She offered you a quick bow and a tip of her own hat to you. “Ya know” she smiled at you, “you sure can dance, city boy”
“You’re not too bad yourself, ma’am” you complimented her back.
“How long you in town for?” She drew a little closer to you.
“A week, maybe a little longer”
“That’s an awful long time” she wrapped her arms around your neck, yours wrapped around her waist.
“M-my name’s Y/N”
She offered a gentle, sincere smile, “my name’s-”
“Wanda?” Piet spoke up, staring in shock at you and the gal before you. She gave a slightly embarrassed tip of the hat to Piet.
“Hey bro” Wanda said to Piet
“I see you met my bud Y/N” Piet said.
“He’s a great dancer” she answered back, giving you a gentle smile.
Part of you was horrified. Another part of you was on cloud nine. Your life was supposed to be structured, not on a whim. And yet here you were. Not only had you fallen in love on your first night out of the city, you had fallen for your best friend’s sister.
To Be Continued…
Tags: @lifespectator @aloneodi @deafeningsharkslimeempath @iamnicodemus @holiday-house-of-m @family-house-of-m @supercorpdanbeau @scarletquake-n7
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ihaznoclue · 1 month
Can I ask for a reader who doesn't really talk because no one notices him, for example; he speaks but no one notices him where they are listening, so he cuts him off so the reader will stop talking because of that.
With Ellen, Nekomata, lycon and grace please
Ignore if you don't want to do it
Why hello again ^^ So glad you could request!
Parings -> Ellen Joe, Nekomata, Von Lycaon, Grace Howard x Male Reader
Warning -> Not being Included, Speech issues
Note -> Just no-one listening to reader so he stops speaking
Genre -> Angst to Fluff
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Ellen Joe
This girl would maybe take some time to notice you don't talk as much as before, since you and her go to the same school and such.
But she's always wondering why you haven't talk in a while, you used to be just a yapper around your friends but it seems that every time you try to talk, you always get talked over.
You would always try to speak over that person to say what you were saying until you will forget, but everyone never seems to listen to you. She still wonders why you're even friend with those idiots.
That where she comes in, instead of you going with your friends during school hours, she pulls you away and drags you with her.
"H-hey! Ellen! Where are you pulling me?" You tried not to stumble over your feet. "Somewhere, rather than hanging out with your friends" Ellen spoke
"Huh? Ellen who did you bring?" A blonde girl asked as she saw you. "This is Name, It is okay if he hang out with us" Ellen asked, "Sure!"
That was the day you felt appreciated, feeling like you were heard and cared for.
Ellen was now pleased to see you talking again, while her friend listened, you thank Ellen.
"It's nothing" Ellen blushed a little as she smiled
Her job was done, you were now away from your horrible friends as you made new ones on the same day.
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This girl didn't like how you stopped talking on this random Friday afternoon. She always asked you but you would always walk away with your head down.
She needs to know what happened to your happy yapping personality, so she followed you.
She found out that your family never seemed to listen to you whenever you were talking about your achievements or that you completed your tasks, they never seemed to listen to you.
So that's why you haven't talked in a while, you think she wouldn't listen to you.
Today was now a Sunday evening, You and Nekomata were in the cunning hares hideout, you were sitting on the couch with Nekomata on your lap.
You felt nervous as she kept staring at you, "Okay I can't take this anymore" She said as she sat up. You moved so she could have room
"Name.. You haven't spoke in a while, If you think I won't listen like you horrible parents then you're wrong" Nekomata spoke
"How did you know?" You asked, you were quite shocked on how she knew so fast. "I'm a cat, And I used to be in a gang. So of course I would know such things for my friends"
Since that day, Nekomata was now enjoying your talking, she was also happy to see you happy again.
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Von Lycaon
He would instantly know on the first day you stopped talking, he knew you for quite a while after you applied for this job at Victoria Housekeeping.
He knew that you would always come up to him for his praise and to tell you that you did a good job, but you haven't even come up to him in a while.
So he decided to go to you instead.
"Name" he called out to you, since you were on break as well as the client was now gone, he wanted to have a little chat with you.
"Yes, Sir Lycaon?" You asked, "May we have a chat in my office" Lycaon asked, you nodded your head as you follow Lycaon to his office
"Sit on this chair please" Lycaon patted the chair that was in front of his desk, he sat down as he looked towards you
"Now, I would like to speak about you, Name. I have come to realize that you haven't spoken a lot than usually and I'm starting to worry if something has happened" Lycaon explanied
"Oh, you noticed. Of course you have, It was something that happened a while ago so you don't have to worry about it anymore"
"What happened then?" Lycaon asked
"Just some client that's all" You spoke, "A client, what did they do?"
"Nothing they just didn't really like how I spoke too much and they told me that everything will be better if I don't speak as much" You spoke with your head down
Lycaon was quite furious about this but he calmed down
"Thank you for telling Name, you may go back on your break now" Lycaon excused you as you thank him
Lycaon sighed
Maybe he needs to be more careful with these clients of his
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Grace Howard
She would maybe take a while since she always busy with technologies and her 'babies' but when she does notice she would immediately ask you what is wrong.
"Honey, what's wrong. You haven't spoke in a few hours, you always speaking your heart out" Grace worriedly asked.
You shook your head "Its nothing.." You spoke, Grace was put aside "Well it doesn't seem nothing, come on we need to have a chat somewhere more private"
"Huh?! Wait Grace, It's okay really!" It get a little bit serious when Grace goes into 'Mother' mode.
Now you two were in a private room, "Now.. Are you going to tell me what has been happening for the past few days, you usually would be speaking a lot"
"That the thing, I speak too much and when I speak no-one seems to listen to me" You sobbed
"Hey, hey, hey. Honey" Grace hugged you as she petted your hair to calm you down
"You know, I love to speak a lot too, and when I realized that my partner stopped speaking to me, I wanted to change it back to you speaking your heart out which I love to listen to you speaking about your interests and other stuff that you love" Grace confessed
"Really?" You asked, looking up at her, she nodded as she kissed your head
"Of course I do, never change that. Never stop talking your heart out, that's what makes you, you" Grace spoke
"Heh, Thanks grace"
"Only for you, Honey"
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miriosright · 2 months
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sunlight - bakugo x reader pt-2
sunlight < pt. 1 sunlight-pt3
bakugo would always hang around you, no matter what. he was either calling you nicknames he thought of about you or he was making an excuse to talk to you.
"hey nerd, i have an uhm question about the homework. wondering if you could help." he said as he was outside your dorm. "at this time?" you whispered, staring at the time on your phone. '11:23 PM'. secretly you were scared but kind of happy he was here. the little crush on him that started at the start of the year may have become a little bigger.
"yeah, i didn't do it and i know youre smart so can you help me or not." he beamed, grasping his paper like it was gonna run away. "fine, come in, but close the door. " you sighed, opening your door wide to let him pass through.
"sit down at my desk, heres a pencil." yawning, you handed him a pencil. "i don't take orders from extras like you, ill do whatever I want." he mumbled, looking up at you as he sat down. "do you want me to help you or not? you're impossible." you opened your backpack and grabbed your homework. "can you turn on that light please, I can't see shit." you whispered as bakugo followed your order. you put on your glasses and read him the answers.
all he did was stare at your face, every single feature.
"are you gonna write anything or are you gonna have a stupid look on your face, hm?" you murmured as his ears turned to a light red color. "oh yeah right, uh. sorry. can you say the answers again? he replied. "sure." again you told him the answers. this time he actually wrote it down.
"thanks uh, appreciate it. do you want anything in return?" he croaked. "yeah, i want to sleep." you said stuffing your homework back into your backpack. he stared at you. "what are you doing? get out!" you slightly yelled, not too loud. "Don't yell at me, extra!" he screamed in your face. "holy shit, what will it take you to be quiet?" you whined, tightly grasping at his arm.
"ill shut up if I get to take you on a date. like a real one." he beamed, standing up and staring into your eyes. you froze. "i- uhm, sure!" you were fully awake now and you could feel your face warming up. "sunday at 5 PM?" he scratched the back of his neck. "uhh haha, yes! yes yes! perfect!" you smiled up at him. "great. cya then." he spoke, walking out the door. you squealed and threw yourself onto the bed, excited for your date. considering it was a Friday night, you had one day to prepare. you don't really know what type of date it is but you're guessing from how serious he was, maybe a formal date.
lets just say you slept very well that night.
_flash forward to Sunday__
"I don't know what to wear, ugh!" you yelled, throwing clothes on the floor. "maybe you should wear a longsleeve and a skirt" ochako stated. "maybe like a sundress considering the sun is out?" momo exclaimed. "thats way too poofy for a formal. wear that black bodycon dress you have with a dark blue cardigan. it really matches who you are." mina chimed. "good idea mina. you should wear that." ochako insisted. everyone agreed so that's what you wore.
as the clock struck 4:58 PM, you walked downstairs to see katsuki waiting at the kitchen table, two plates in front of him.
he looked super handsome. a black long sleeve button up with white pants and a white tie. cool so it was formal! "ya ready?" he beamed as he looked you up and down. "haha, yeah! this looks super fancy! you cook it?" you said looking around at everything he did. "hell yeah I did. i mean, i did." katsuki smiled as he placed your plate down on the table.
"thanks for doing this. youre much more sweet than I thought." you giggled. "get used to it cuz you'll see it a lot more than you think." he chuckled, passing you some hawaiian punch in a tall glass.
after dinner, you watched a movie in his dorm. you layed in his bed and hugged him while watching the Spongebob movie.
his bed was super comfy because the last thing you could remember was his warm body and your eyes closing.
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jenna0rtega27 · 6 months
Cool!! Okay could you maybe do a yandere Jenna Ortega x fem reader where reader and Jenna are friends with benefits and reader is flirting with someone and Jenna gets jealous and it gets extremely yandere but then it ends with really fluffy smut thank you!!!!
(Btw Jenna is a dom and reader is a sub!)
You are the only one I love
Thank you for asking 18+ Yandere Jenna x F!Reader Summary: Request Warning: Yandere!Jenna, smut, fingering, dom!Jenna, sub!Reader, jealousy, mention of choking, rough sex Note: This is my first Yandere character so I'm sorry if it's bad Number of words : 2770
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You are in a bar with Emma Myers, Hunter Doohan and her husband, Georgie Farmer, Joy Sunday, Naomi Ogawa, Oliver Watson, Johanna Watson and Jenna Ortega. You all participated in the cast of Wednesday and it was the best experience of your entire life.
You are all very good friends but there is one person where it is more than friendship. Sure enough, you and Jenna met on set and immediately became very good friends. After 3 months of filming, you and Jenna had decided to become friends with benefits. So you would fuck from time to time in his trailer or yours. But over the months, you had felt more than friendship after each fuck. Your feelings increase each time for the little brunette. You have a huge crush on her but you know that's not the case for her. Because she herself if she fucks with you, fucks with someone else.
To say that you are jealous every time she tells you about the person she fucked is an understatement. You just want to cry every time she talks to you about this topic. For a while you've been thinking about stopping all this shit with Jenna because it hurts you so much to know that you're not the only person who touches her body.
You come back to reality when a waiter comes to take your order for everyone. You are in the VIP room of the bar so as not to be disturbed by overly intrusive fans. You all sit together at a table of ten people. In order, Oliver, Joy, you, Emma and Georgie. And in front of you is Hunter, her husband, Jenna, Naomi and Johanna. And you curse yourself for sitting in front of Jenna because she puts her foot on your leg and strokes it.
You all give your order and the waiter leaves to prepare it. Everyone talks together but you stay in your bubble feeling Jenna's foot going up to your thigh and back down.
The waiter returns with your drink and food and leaves to serve another customer. You start to eat your food when you feel someone nudge you. You turn your head and see Joy looking at you with concern.
Joy has always been in love with you. She often invites you to dinner, to the movies or even a day with her at her house. You won't lie that you once had feelings for her. But your brain still went to the brunette who fucked you until you fell asleep from exhaustion in her bed. But today, you want to end this friendship with advantage because it hurts you too much. So why not try with Joy?
"Are you fine? You haven't spoken since we've been here." Joy gently places a hand on your thigh. You smile at his kindness. Jenna never did this for you.
" Yes I am fine thank you." You place your hand on Joy's and interlace your fingers together. You turn your head and you can sense that Jenna is not happy. She looks at you and Joy with daggers in her eyes. But she doesn't say anything. She just talks with Hunter and her husband while keeping an eye on you. You swallow and resume your conversation with Joy.
"Don’t worry, I’m fine. I'm just a little tired." Joy smiles at you and kisses the back of your hand. You blush slightly at this action. You can feel Jenna’s gaze on you. You swallow the lump in your throat.
You continue talking with Joy. You had all been drinking and you can see that Joy is drunk. She touches your arm with her fingers which makes you shiver slightly. You look into each other's eyes, ignoring Jenna's glare, and Joy slowly approaches you. Because of the alcohol you've consumed, you lean in too but before your lips can connect, Jenna gets up from her chair, walks around the table and grabs your arm.
“I need to talk to you.” Jenna stands up forcefully and looks at Joy with a look that could kill anyone. If Jenna had missiles in her eyes, Joy would most certainly be dead. You follow Jenna without saying anything because you know she is angry. Even very angry. But honestly you're not sure why Jenna would be angry about kissing Joy. I mean, she fucks with anyone and she lets herself get mad at you?
Arriving in the women's bathroom, Jenna closes the door and bars it and pushes you against the door. Jenna places her hands on either side of your body to trap you in your arms. You're not going to lie, you find her really sexy and hot when she's angry.
"What was that ?" Jenna looks you straight in the eye. “Fuck Wednesday really changed his character. » You say to yourself in your head. “What was that about?” You ask like you don’t know what she’s talking about.
"Don't take me for an idiot Y/n Y/l/n. You know exactly what I mean." Jenna’s jaw shifts as she brings her face closer to yours.
"No Jenna I don't understand what you mean. You wanted a friendship with benefits relationship but you're fucking other people! Why can't I do the same thing?!" You let go. Even if you didn't want to do it in front of Jenna, it's too heavy to keep to yourself.
“Because you’re mine.” Jenna responds with a low voice that you always found so sexy. Jenna doesn't let you answer and places her lips on yours for an intense and passionate kiss. You moan into her mouth and she takes the opportunity to stick her tongue in your mouth and push it down your throat. The little brunette cups your cheeks and continues to lick the inside of your mouth. You put your hands on her hips but she pulls away from your lips and you moan at the lack of her lips. She takes your hands and raises them so they are above your head.
"No touching me. You wanted to play with me so you will be punished. And as I know that you like to touch me while we fuck, I forbid you from touching me until I judge that your punishment is finished. Understood?” You nod. All you want is to put your lips back on the addictive lips of the petite brunette who is so dominant with you. "Answer" Jenna places one of her hands on your throat and squeezes a little. You feel yourself getting wet from Jenna's so sexy action.
"Yes I understood."
“Yes who?”Jenna tightens her grip on your throat.
"Yes Mommy" You say with a little difficulty because the air is difficult because of Jenna's warm hand.
“Good girl” Jenna sticks her tongue out and parts your lips to open them and enter your mouth with her wet tongue. You moan into her mouth as her joined tongue holds it and she licks your tongue so sensually. You feel yourself getting wetter and wetter. Jenna removes her hand from your throat and places it on your wet center and caresses it over your shorts and panties. You moan into her mouth and she takes the opportunity to suck your tongue which makes you even wetter.
Jenna removes her hand from your wrists that are still above your head and cups your jaw. She continues to rub her palm over your dripping pussy.
“Please Mommy” you complain. All you want is to get fucked by Jenna.
“Please what Mi amor?” Jenna continues to caress your vagina as she lets go of your jaw with her other hand and places it back on your throat and squeezes the hand.
“Fuck me Mommy” You close your eyes because of the little brunette’s teasing.
“Look at me” Jenna squeezes the grip on your throat harder and stops rubbing your pussy. You open your eyes and see Jenna's dark, dark eyes of desire. “Beg me and I’ll fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before” Jenna gives your lips a kiss, slightly red and swollen from the intense kissing.
“Please fuck me Mommy. I need you.” You moan as Jenna begins her movements on your pussy again. A smirk forms on Jenna’s lips at your pleas and moans.
“Good girl” Jenna quickly undoes your shorts and pulls them down along with your panties. She leans down and blows on your dripping pussy. You moaned at his teasing.
“You’re so wet baby.” Without any warning, Jenna licks a large wet stripe from your hole to your clit. She moans at your divine taste and you at the feel of her expert tongue. She continues to make a big wet band. You moaned, placing a hand on his hair. But Jenna immediately stops her licks and slaps your thigh. “What did I say about your hands?”
"Sorry! Sorry! I just forgot. Please continue" You complain, removing your hands from his hair and placing them on the wall.
“You touch me one more time and I can guarantee you that you will have to masturbate to cum” Jenna immediately puts her tongue back on your pussy attacking your clit. She makes quick circles with the tip of her tongue which makes you moan with desire. You close your eyes in pleasure and continue to moan. But Jenna hits your thigh again without leaving your clit.
“Look at me” Jenna demands and you open your eyes, lowering them and meeting Jenna’s dark eyes. She looks into your eyes and circles your clit, sucking hard. You move your hips for more friction but Jenna circles your hips to stop you from moving. She continues to suck your clit and with two fingers she pushes them into your pussy dripping with your juices and her drool. You moaned louder as you felt your pussy stretch with the number of Jenna's fingers.
“You feel so good baby.” Jenna moans at the sight of you. The vibrations on your clit make you moan louder. Jenna adds a third finger which makes your pussy spread and makes you moan. After a few more licks and fingers, you soon feel yourself coming.
“Fuck Jenna I’m coming soon” You moan as Jenna bites your clit and hits you harder and further hitting the best places in your pussy.
“Hold it in. You can only cum when I allow you to” Jenna continues to suck, bite and lick your clit and adds a fourth finger into your hole. You moan at the number of fingers in your pussy and try not to touch Jenna. Jenna continues to finger and suck you for about twenty seconds.
“Cum in my mouth baby.” Jenna allows you and you moan loudly as you cum in Jenna's mouth and on Jenna's fingers. The little brunette moans as she cleans your entire pussy so as not to leave any drips. She removes her fingers and you moan at the loss. She stands up and puts her index and middle fingers in her mouth and the other two fingers in yours. You moan at your taste. You look into each other’s eyes as you suck on his fingers.
Jenna removes her fingers once her fingers are clean by your mouth and kisses you. She pulled her tongue into your mouth and you moaned into her mouth. Your tongues swirl together in an intense, rapid dance. It recedes when your lungs burn from lack of air. Jenna looks at you and you still see desire in her beautiful brown eyes.
“Lie on the floor” Jenna commands and you do exactly as she orders. You lie down and Jenna undresses right in front of you. Your mouth waters seeing her tits and pussy soaking with her excitement. Once undressed, she gets on top of you so that her pussy touches yours.
“Are you ready for a second round baby?” You nod your head not trusting your voice and moaning as you feel the wetness of the petite brunette above you. Jenna cups your jaw to make eye contact. “Answer me” Jenna squeezes your jaw, digging her fingers into your skin.
“Yes Mommy” You moan as Jenna starts moving her hips and her pussy moves against yours.
“Good girl” Jenna kisses you, pushing her tongue into your mouth and touching the back of your throat. You moan, retching. Jenna pulls away and rests her forehead against yours, looking into your eyes. “Touch me baby” Without hesitation you put your hands on his hips and you help him by going faster. The little brunette places one hand on the base of your neck and the other on your breasts, massaging it gently.
“Fuck Y/n, I love you so much. I've loved you since I met you on the set of Wednesday. And when I saw you with Joy I saw black. I wanted you so much." Jenna opens up to you with tears threatening to fall and continuing her movement of her hips. You both moan at the friction of your two pussies.
You feel butterflies in your stomach at the words you've been waiting to hear from Jenna's mouth. But you frown when you think about all his fucking during your friendship with benefits.
“So why were you fucking other people when you loved me?” Every time you came back you told me everything in detail. “You don’t understand how Jenna can love you when she was fucking other girls. For you it is incomprehensible. Jenna cups your face to look into your eyes.
“Because I never fucked with other people. You have always been the one and only person who has touched me” Tears flow freely down her cheeks.
“But why were you telling me that then? To hurt me?" Tears are now streaming down your cheeks from incomprehension but also from relief that Jenna hasn't fucked any other girl besides you.
“I wanted to make you jealous. I thought you were going to come at me this way but it was the wrong way. I should have acted like an adult and told you that I loved you. But y/n, I never wanted to hurt you. But I know I still hurt you and I'm so sorry."
Tears run down both of your cheeks. Jenna wipes your tears with her shoots and you do the same for her. You bring his face closer to his and place your lips on his. The kiss is filled with love and apologies from both of you. Jenna slowly continues her hip movements. You withdraw from lack of air.
“I love you so much Jenna. And I promise you that I love Joy just as a friend. It was and always will be you. But I thought you didn't like me when you said you were fucking other girls. So I had lost hope. But I love you so much Jenna." You respond with sincerity and love.
"I'm so sorry." Jenna kisses your forehead and rests her forehead on yours. You shake your head kissing Jenna's soft lips.
“Let’s forget it okay. Let's start from scratch." Jenna nods with a soft smile which you return.
“How about I take you on a date?” Just the two of us to get off to a good start." You smile with joy and happiness as you place your lips on his to kiss more passionately. Your tongues move in a soft sensual dance.
"I say yes." You both smile as you reconnect your lips in another passionate kiss filled with love and sincerity. This kiss also represents the new beginning.
10 minutes later
You walk out of the bathroom after your second round and fix yourself up. You return to your table and notice that Joy has taken Jenna's place. You smile at him and say ‘thank you’ but you can see pain in his eyes. You feel really bad for giving Joy false hope. She is an exceptional person and a truly great friend. You wouldn't replace it for anything in the world. You really hope that your friendship with Joy stays the same as before. You take your place next to Emma and Jenna sits next to you and Oliver. You're talking to Emma when you feel someone take your hand. You look down and see Jenna's hand. You intertwine your fingers with hers and smile when she strokes the back of your hand with her thumb. You look up to see her talking with Oliver, Hunter and her husband but she has a big smile on her face. And you know it's not the boys who cause this smile.
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lexirosewrites · 5 days
so i was driving to work the other day, taking the exact same route that i always take, and i passed a sign i see every single day. but for some reason, this particular day, i was hit so hard by a steddie thought that i instantly had to jot it down when i pulled into the parking lot of my job. i haven't stopped thinking about it actually, so i made it omegaverse and decided to send it in for slick sunday. this is VERY loosely based off something that happened in my own hometown a couple years ago. (also, for reference, the sign i saw was for a local business called munson construction, so the following thoughts make a lot of sense actually)
a!eddie and (possibly) b!wayne have a construction company. they don't a ton of business, but they make enough to pay the bills and put food on the table. they by no means live a life of luxury, but they're comfortable where they're at. plus, they enjoy what they do.
so, onto plot.
living in indiana, they don't get nearly as many tornadoes as some other states, but it does happen. one spring, hawkins gets hit hard. a lot of houses are completely leveled, even more are severely damaged. lives were lost. it absolutely devastates the entire community. so many families are homeless now. it doesn't take wayne and eddie long to decide that they're going to do whatever they can to help rebuild. they were fortunate enough to make it out on the other side generally unscathed. the worst they got was some damage from a tree falling on their roof, but it was a quick and easy fix for them. they know not everyone was so lucky. they want to do their part.
eddie doesn't expect it to change his entire life.
they start at the emergency refuge shelter. rows and rows of cots set up in the community center for those who either lost their homes completely, or have damages that make it inhabitable until repair. eddie is hardly one step in the door before he's drawn to a certain family. he elbows wayne and nods to the far side of the room. a baby is crying, being held and rocked by perhaps the prettiest omega eddie had ever seen. he needs to talk to him, even if it's only once.
as he and wayne approach, it becomes more and more obvious just how stressed the omega is. he rocks and bounces the child on his hip, desperately attempting to soothe. nothing seems to be working, though. the baby is still screaming, and people are staring. eddie's honestly feels really bad for the guy, who looks so overwhelmed and on the verge of tears. eddie can't just stand by and do nothing. he steps in, offering to help.
basically, from there, eddie learns that the omega (steve, duh) is a single parent who lost pretty much everything to the tornado. he and his daughter have been staying at the shelter, trying to figure out how he's going to get them back on their feet. obviously, eddie is in love instantly, and he is determined to take care of them in whatever way steve will let him. there's some back and forth probably, but eventually, steve also falls in love and they court and get married and blah blah blah happily ever after the end.
(a nice addition: post-marriage & mating, eddie builds steve a dream house by hand, where they grow their family and fill the home with love and support and all that good stuff)
ANYWAY, happy slick sunday :))
ahhhhh so cute!!!!🥺💕
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