#every time i put on a skin detail or lipstick or whatever that i don't like it's just. so hard to make it go away
theevilcactus · 2 years
just opened up Sims 4 for the first time in a while, and I have to say, whatever they've done to CAS--- I don't like it. At all.
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intolerable-sushi · 1 month
i have a beta prompt
Fem! Beta is in highschool and she is a bad bitch who is seductive,goth and sarcastic and isn't afraid of insult anyone who try to abuse or bully her for be a beta. but she is very oblivious and don't notice how she have some of students with the eyes on her as a potential mate/couple
Valeria couldn't help but bristle as she walked down the crowded hallway. Everyone was talking amongst themselves by their lockers or outside their respective class. No one was out right looking at her, but she could feel their eyes. If she was anyone else she could brush it off as paranoia, but considering her way of dress and her second gender, she knew people were looking.
Valeria dressed in all black every day without fail. At the moment she was wearing a calf length dress, and a corset around her waist. Her makeup was simple with black lipstick and eyeliner. Most people found her style odd, or a little disturbing if she choose to were any of her bone necklaces. Being a Beta didn't really help either, as betas were actually a rarity in this district, with most attending an all beta school on the other side of the town. So Valeria stuck out like a sore thumb.
But Valeria didn't really care for the opinion of her peers or anyone for that matter. She learned at young age that she had to stick up for not only herself, but her fellow Betas. Alphas and Omegas would look for any reason to mock or harass them anyway, so what did their sneers and whispers matter. She was doing just fine with her small circle of friends. It was her last year any way, so she wouldn't have to deal with the stares and whispers for much longer.
"Valeria!! Valeria, slow done!!" The sound of running feet echoed through the hallway as the feminine voice called after her. Valeria turned to see a young beta stopping in front of her panting. "Geeze, why do you walk so fast?! Class isn't for another 10 minutes, you need to relax, honestly!"
"Good morning to you too, Cassie" Valeria said with an amused smirk. Cassie was the complete opposite of Valeria in both style and personality. Young with a face full of freckles and a smile that has burned the eyes of any who gaze upon it to long, Cassie has been mistaken for a Omega many times. Her short stature and her playful clothes didn't help her either. The duck patterned dressed she had decided to wear that day told everyone that her personality was a near replica of Mabel Pines. Cassie was also a social butterfly, flittering to a fro, from one group to another getting all the latest gossip and learning all the details she could about her classmates. She would often rave to Valeria about whatever people talked about, whether that be about a new book someone was reading, or about the latest relationship drama that has captured the school's attention. Valeria honestly zoned out most of the time and just let the junior go on.
"Hey, are you listening to me?!"
Ah, she had zoned out again. Valeria refocused to see Cassie with her cheeks puffed out, as she did when she was annoyed.
"As I was saying, you are way to tense! Even with the scent blockers I could smell you from the other side of the hall. Their still serving breakfast we should go grab some." Cassie suggested as the two began walking towards the cafeteria.
"Sorry, I'm just- I'm kind of- UGH! I'm so tired of all the stares and whispers. Normally its fine, or whatever yaknow. But, ah- I don't know, its getting under my skin today." Valeria ranted. She couldn't help but glance at the other students that they passed. Something just felt off today, but she couldn't put her finger on it.
" I mean, I won't lie to you and say people don't talk. They do, but that's just how people are. Also they actually aren't saying anything bad. No one really knows how to approach you so they talk amongst themselves," Cassie explained as she patted Valeria on the back, " I have some folks I want to introduce you to, you'll love them I promise. It'll help clear a lot of this up." Valeria looked at Cassie with a raised eyebrow. That's probably why everyone was acting off. Most of the folks here can't hide a secret to save their life, their scents give them away almost immediately. Valeria guessed that Cassie's little planned had spread throughout the school and everyone was waiting with baited breathe to see her reaction. Valeria could feel a headache coming on as she began to regret getting up that morning.
"It'll be fine I promise!!" Cassie almost squealed as she dragged Valeria into the cafeteria. Cassie stopped as they passed the doors and scanned the area before she continued to drag Valeria over to a table full of people.
As they sat down Valeria recognized the people at the table. Callum and Jacob, two alphas, and Bella and Amy, two Omegas. Callum was a tall even for an Alpha, but was a bit scrawny. He was quiet and hunched over to make himself smaller. It made sense since he often looked angry when he's actually nervous. Valeria had a class with him last year, and once the two had gotten comfortable Callum was nice enough, so she didn't really mind his presence.
Jacob was the poster child for what people believe an Alpha should be. He was tall, buff, and loud. From the few conversations Valeria has had with him, he mainly just talked about sports. He wasn't rude, just not the type person she would spend her time with.
Amy had a personality similar to Cassie. A social butterfly who talked to anyone and everyone making her very popular. She was a bit tall for an Omega and very toned from being in the cheerleading squad. She was also very assertive when it comes to something she wanted, but she was overall very kind from what Valeria has heard.
Valeria didn't know much about Bella as she was a junior like Cassie. She was quiet, quieter than Callum. Even as Valeria sat down she could see the young girl shrink further into her hoodie. She appeared rather nervous to be around Valeria. She felt a little bad for scaring the poor girl.
"Good morning, guys!!!" Cassie chirped as Valeria mumbled a good morning. A chorus of good mornings rang out from around the table before Cassie, Amy and Jacob began to talk amongst themselves.
"Hello, Valeria. It's nice to see you again." said Callum, giving Valeria a small smile.
Valeria gave a polite smile in return. " Hello Callum, how have you been?"
Callum shrugged in response. "I've been alright. Not much going on. I actually wanted to ask if y-"
"Valeria!! We're heading to the park after school today. Why don't you join us? We can even grab a bite to eat after." Amy interrupts. She looks up at Valeria with puppy dog eyes. Valeria's nose began to burn as Amy's scent began to invade her nostrils. It was sweet like poppy flowers and perfume.
Valeria turned her head, " Thanks, but no thanks. I've gotta sign up for tutoring today, and I'll be busy after school in the next few weeks."
Amy seemed to deflate at that. Her scent dulled a little and some of the sweetness disappeared. Valeria couldn't help but be puzzled by Amy's change in scent, was she that upset?
"Aw come on, Val," Valeria nose scrunched at the nickname, "you barely hang out with anyone outside of school. Live a little!" Jacob said as he leaned forward with a smirk. Valeria could feel a snarl building up in the back or her throat. Of course he assumed she didn't hang out with anyone, typical Alpha.
" I DO hang out with people outside of school. I just don't hang out with you. Is that why you assume I'm just some friendless loser? That this was some olive branch to the Beta freak? I should have known." Valeria sneered.
Jacob's face fell, " No, wait, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that-"
"Save it. I'm heading to class." Valeria got up, sling her bag over her shoulder before stalking out of the Cafeteria.
The group watched Valeria leave in silence. "Nice going Jacob." Amy hissed as he put his face in his hands.
"Hey, come on guys. Valeria is just a bit high strung. I'll talk to her later. It just takes time for her to warm up to people." Cassie said trying to calm down the distraught group.
"Does she really hate us that much?" Bella finally spoke up, eyes on the brink of tears.
Cassie let out a sigh as she rubbed her hands together, "She doesn't hate you. She just has a hard time trusting Alphas and Omegas. There are a lot of people who haven't really been kind to her, or any of us really. So she has a lot of walls up, and she's pretty protective." Cassie explained.
The group let out a collective sigh. The atmosphere became tense with Valeria's departure as Callum and Amy quietly seethed at Jacob. The group weren't really friends with each other, and were only together for one reason and one reason only; to gain Valeria's attention and affections. They couldn't really do it alone, as Valeria would politely rebuff them. Cassie, being the romantic that she was, offered to help them get into Valeria's good graces and then back off from there. So, really they were all in competition with each other, and it was a waiting game to see if Valeria would reciprocate any of there feelings.
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 4
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Previous chapter links:
Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
The cab ride towards the White Wolf was much faster and louder than you anticipated. The cab driver's blaring music from the radio was so loud it felt like you were inside a rave. You and Bucky had to yell over the music for you to talk about what has been happening in your lives for the past few months. You couldn't summarize everything in a five-minute cab ride. So far, these were just some milestones you both gathered (well, more of his): while Bucky was in different parts of the world (Greece, Macau, Amsterdam, Monaco, Aruba) managing interrelation business and hosting nightly parties and whatnots, you were just in New York tending to drunkards (and that includes Peter sometimes) and taking photos of whatever products that come your way.
At that moment, you saw your life pass by in black and white, while Bucky's in color -- just a parade of rainbows trailing behind him wherever he goes.
Yet he still found the things you did interesting.
You wondered what the word interesting meant to him. Of course, you didn't bother asking him that. Perhaps he just felt sorry and wanted to make you feel good.
The moment you got out of the cab, you guys took a deep breath, thankful that that awful ride was over. The music floated away as the cab sped up in the streets.
"What a dick." Bucky commented, watching the cab race through the streets. Any more speed, the cab would've flown in the air.
"I know." You snorted. "God, that was an awful ride. I felt like I was at a frat party."
"Funny. You don't look like someone who would go to one." He joked.
"I went once." You defended. "With Parker."
Bucky raised his eyebrows at you and stared.  Blue eyes piercing right through you in disbelief. "Okay." You sighed. "I picked his drunk ass up at that party. But I really have been to a party with Parker." You left out that detail of you and Peter making out at that party. That was just between you and Peter and you wouldn't want to include his stepbrother in it. Or perhaps Bucky knew about it. You did just found out they talk to each other almost every night. But as you told Bucky about that party, you received no reaction whatsoever which meant he knew nothing. You felt good about that.
You and Bucky stood in front of the White Wolf, trying to shake out the ringing in your ears. Stupid cab ride. Why you couldn't just walk here was because of Bucky. Apparently, he was still a bit hungover. You wondered what would take him to get fully sober.
You stared at the wolf headstone once more, admiring it for the second time today.
"I commissioned an artist for that." Bucky spoke, poking his finger on his right ear. "Just found him on the subway one day. He was selling some sculptures he's made. Asked him if he could make me one and ta-da!"
"It is beautiful."
"I have others he has made inside." With this, Bucky started to walk towards the inside of his hotel.
The uniformed man greeted you on the steps. You sent him a knowing smile once his eyes landed on yours. He smiled back as you introduced yourselves to each other.
"Is she still in my room?" Bucky asked the uniformed man who you now know goes by the name Leonard.
"Yes, sir." He replied. "She said she'd -- "
"I know what she said." Bucky groaned, remembering what you'd told him earlier. "I'll call you from up there if anything goes wrong, okay Leonard?"
"Yes, sir. I'll be on alert."
You watched the exchange in utter fascination. It was like watching something straight out of an action movie: "I'll be on high alert" "I'll tell you when the coast is clear" "Roger that" "I'll call you when something goes wrong"
The only thing was, this wasn't some action movie though Bucky did have a plan. You just never knew about it until you got in the elevators.
"Here's the plan." He started. "We go in holding hands, I'll introduce you as my girlfriend. Maybe fiancé! When she sees you, tell her you're my fiancé and when she tells you that she slept with me, I'm going to deny and you're going to believe me because as my fiancé, you deeply love me and believe everything I say."
"Ew, it's like I'm a sub."
"Wow, you're a dom?"
"I can be." You winked at him.
"Huh, I honestly thought you're a virgin. You know, that type of 'never been kissed, never been loved' type."
In your head, you started singing the rest of the song. "I'm an angel in the streets and devil in the sheets, Bucky." You joked which he took seriously seeing it on the look on his face. "Anyway, your plan?"
"Right! She'd yell and go nuts until she gives up and then leaves the hotel -- "
"Then we get married and let Peter pay for our honeymoon!" You finished for him with a sarcastic smile on your face.
He smirked. "I like the way you think, Aria. But I don't think Peter's gonna want that."
"What do you mean?"
"W-well, he's not gonna afford it is what I meant."
"You're probably right." You gave him a low chuckle. "You're rich. Pay for our honeymoon." You joked.
"As soon as we get this bitch out of here, yes I will, doll." He scrunched his nose up and winked at you right before the elevator doors opened. Swiftly, Bucky grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers. "Let's do this."
Hand in hand, you stepped out of the elevator. What stood in front of you was the same woman from earlier this morning. Body still clinging to Bucky's shirt. Faint red lipstick still smeared on some parts outside her lips. Blonde hair still disheveled. If you didn't know any better she was just here in the penthouse, waiting, not moving even a single inch.
You put your hand on Bucky's arm, hiding a faint expression of how big it felt against your skin. "Honey, who is this?"
"I-I don't know!"
The unnamed woman managed to step forward, looking Bucky in the eyes. "What do you mean you don't know? We slept last night!" Then, she looked at you. "Who the hell are you?"
"His fiancé." There was a sly smug tone in your voice. Even on your face.
"Fiancé? He didn't tell me anything about a fucking fiancé!"
"What the hell are you saying?" Bucky yelled. His grip tightened on your hand. "I've never even met you! How did you get in here?"
"We spent the night together, what the hell, Bucky!" She bellowed like a monster, then her voice softened. "I-I told you I love you."
"You're crazy."
"Call security." You said. "Now, Bucky!"
While Bucky grabbed for his phone, the woman pleaded, still trying to convince you that she slept with your fake fiancé. "If he says he doesn't know you," you responded, "then I believe him." Bucky slipped away from you, probably calling Leonard from downstairs. He gave you a knowing look, as if ushering you to unleash some kind of hell on his one-night stand. "You need to go, lady, if you don't want to be banned in every hotel here in New York. Yes, my fiancé can do that. So better get your ass out of here or -- "
"Okay, okay!" She held up her hands, giving up. "I'm out of here! Jesus fucking Christ -- " She mumbled more under her breath as she took of Bucky's clothes, revealing a white tank top underneath. She picked up her heels that were scattered on the living room: one shoe on the couch, the other near a foot of a small table. Picked up some pair of jeans on the carpet before stepping inside the elevator.
"I wish you luck in your fucking marriage." She said, tone filled with rage. Then, she proceeded to flip Bucky one last time before she disappeared behind the elevator doors, eyes boring into Bucky's.
"Okay, she's going down. Tell her to never come here again. Thanks, Lenny." Bucky dropped the phone call and gave you a smile. "And thank you for your performance."
You bowed, like how actors bow after a play ends, and flashed him a smile. "Why, thank you."
"Thanks to you I'm never gonna see that woman again in my life."
You turned your back on him, seeing the place for the first time without a tainted image of the woman. A line of little sculptures near every wall (perhaps the ones he commissioned from that subway artist). Family photos, albums and trophies took up a whole cabinet. You shifted your gaze towards the living room where a nice brown couch sits on top of a beige rug, which faced a huge flat screen television. Two pairs of love seats sat across from each other. A glass table set in the middle. On the back wall was a photograph of Bucky which took the whole space. He wore a neat, well-pressed grey suit, sitting on what seemed like a throne inside a home office, one leg stretched outwards and one leg just resting normally on the floor. He had this head tilt on one side, right hand under his chin, blue eyes looking directly at the camera. On its floor were stacks of magazines, and papers.
Even you couldn't deny how good Bucky looked in the photo but the photograph itself? You knew you could do better than that.
You turned around and found Bucky nowhere. "Bucky?"
He then emerged from what seemed like a kitchen because he was carrying loads of food and trod towards where you were and placed everything on the coffee table. "Yeah?"
"If I wasn't here, what would've you done?"
He shrugged, and opened a yogurt. "Probably stay in your apartment forever."
"Wow," you sat on the couch, watching him devour the food on the table, "seems like you've planned everything out."
"Seems like it, yeah."
"Do you always do this, Bucky?"
"What do you mean?"
"Have sex with girls, then make up a lie to get them out of your life."
"Oh, that was the first time." He replied. "Those three words really freaked me out. I've never heard that come from someone besides my family. Never even told anyone I've loved them, again, except my family."
You nodded in response and looked around the penthouse some more, admiring some paintings, big and small, on the walls. Perhaps some were real, perhaps some were just school ofs. On your right, was a draped curtain covering a whole glass wall that overlooked New York city. Bucky clicked some button somewhere which let the curtains open, letting some of the New York sun inside. From here, one could see the whole view of New York. All its pleasure, glory, grime, and lowliness.
Oh, the things you would give to live in a place like this. If you wanted to take in the beauty of New York, you had to climb up on the fire exit towards the rooftop. And the view from up there wasn't as pretty as this one. All the pretty spots were behind million dollar skyscrapers.
You looked at Bucky once more who leaned against the love seat, then closed his eyes. That same fuzzy image, which you thought you had buried at the back of my mind, resurfaced.
He shot straight up. "Yeah?"
"Have we... met each other before?"
A frown formed on his face, his blue eyes meeting yours, his gaze intense; as if he was trying to put a finger on something, on you. But then he gave up, telling you perhaps you'd just seen him somewhere here in New York the last time he was here, bumped into him. Something like that.
You agreed. Maybe that was it.
Again, you pushed that image at the back of your mind, hoping it would never come up while Bucky was still here.
You were about to ask Bucky how long he was planning to stay in New York before partying in every country outside America when your phone rang.
It was Steve. You picked it up immediately. "Hey, Steve. Is everything okay?"
Bucky shot his head towards you, perhaps wondering who this Steve was.
"Hey." He replied. His voice was groggy, like he just woke up. "There's been some misunderstanding with the shipments. They thought I said drop them in the morning. Long story short, the shipments are just outside the pub's door."
"What? They can't do that!"
"They have a lot of deliveries today so they had to. I told them to wait for you but those are impatient bastards. New shipment boys."
You cursed then stood up. "I'm actually not in the apartment right now. I'm somewhere else. Not important. I'm on my way."
"Get there fast, Aria."
"I will, don't worry. Bye, Steve."
Once you got off the phone, you told Bucky the whole situation.
"Let's go then!" He said with much enthusiasm. "Those drinks are no good sitting out there. How else am I going to make you the best drink you'll ever have, darling?"
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indigobackfire · 3 years
HPHM MC Profile ✧
Indigo Silverwood
“ Getting near you is like stretching my hand into an open flame. I know I’ll burn myself, yet I crave the heat. ”
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Nicknames: Indie. Didi (only by family). Silverwood. Silvie (by people who don't bother learning her name).
Gender: Female.
Birthday: 6th of March, 1973.
Born: Edinburgh, Scotland.
Mother: Clarin (née Tramer) Silverwood - Half-blood, Ravenclaw, English.
Father: Palmer Silverwood - Pureblood, Slytherin, Scottish.
Siblings: Jacob Silverwood (b. 1968), Phoenix Nobleworth Silverwood (b. 1973) - Phoenix was adopted after the death of his parents when he was just a couple of months old.
Ethnicity: Scottish, English, (probably with some Spanish roots).
Sexuality: Straight.
Blood Status: Half-blood (by her muggle grandmother on her mother's side).
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor.
Eyes: Naturally yellow/golden/amber (nobody knows why, since their parent’s eyes are brown) but both hers and Jacob's eyes are like this). She wears glasses for her Astigmatism.
Hair: Naturally dark brown, but she asked her mother to turn it red when she turned 8 and doesn't plan on undoing it any soon.
• She’s average tall and reasonably strong build, honey-brown skin littered with scars from venturing with the vaults and being freaking attacked by dark wizards, big hands and feet due to her height. A large chest that grows at once in her 4th year (”Everybody's starring, Rowan!”).
• She keeps her nails short. Her makeup is often down to just some lipstick (mascara smudges her glasses, eye shadow irritates her eyes), her hair is often long wavy and fluffed for extra volume. She often smells like coconut oil from all the creams her mother insisted she used.
• She looks a lot like her father which gives her a rather rough look - like a handsome but wild animal - yet has enough of her mother’s attributes to be considered attractive and poise if well-groomed.
Magical Aspects
1st Wand: Red Oak wood with Dragon Heartstring core, 12″, pliable. "The true match for a red oak wand is possessed of unusually fast reactions, making it a perfect dueling wand. Its ideal master is light of touch, quick-witted and adaptable, often the creator of distinctive spells, and a good person to have beside in a fight." Indigo had good times with her red oak wand but as the years went by, her emotions start affecting the wand's efficiency. The wand would bleed a glowing red light in moments of extreme physical or emotional pain and become extremely unstable.
2nd Wand: Beechwood with Thestral hair core, 13", rigid flexibility. "The true match for a beech wand will be, if young, wise beyond their years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands perform very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. When properly matched, the beech wand is capable of a subtlety and artistry rarely seen in any other wood, hence its lustrous reputation." Indigo has a hard time adapting to her new wand, it's stubborn to her spells and acts upon its own will especially considering its unusual and unstable core, Thestral hair, which is of unknown habilities, except for its use in the mythical, Elder wand. Her wand is one of a kind which is why she has to adapt her abilities to match the wand's requirements. Despite all, it's a remarkable instrument for undoing curses/spells and detecting danger.
Animagus: Somali cat. She's already certain she wants to be a cat animagus - harmless, of easy blend, and enables an approach to humans -, but decides for the Somali breed, during the process, for its sumptuous golden fur and agility.
Patronus: Kangaroo, for its fighting spirit and family values, not to mention its strength. (In-game it's the Abraxan, but only because I thought it would be cool.)
Patronus memory: (During the first times) Her first Quidditch match, not just because they won but because everyone she loves from Hogwarts was there, and she got to cheer their victory together. (Later years) Her family gathering for hot cocoa during a rainy night with Jacob with them.
Abilities: Legilimency, and great emotional influence over magic (Don't get her frightened or angry or she will blow you up).
Boggart:  Her boggart changes constantly - she can't decide if it's either because she overcame the old fears, or if the new ones toppled those, creating a pile of fears. And since the new DADA teacher is always teaching Riddikulus again and again, the famous curse-breaker is always the most awaited in the line.
Jacob, eyes dark and musty, clothes covered in blood, someone's blood. He walks to her and slowly raises his sleeve, the Death mark is craved deep in his flesh and it glows. Behind him, it rises the Dark Lord.
Riddikulus: He turns into a younger version of himself from a photograph she recalls laughing about with her mom (he's running wearing a loaded diaper, crazy hair, rosy cheeks).
For a while is someone in a cloak threatening to cast the killing curse over her friends, whispering each of their names like a snake but she's frozen unable to stop them.
Riddikulus: The cloak falls to reveal a bunch of gnomes piled up wearing wigs and makeup.
For another, very realistic corpses of all of her friends spread at her feet, a dark wizard across from her, it's over and there isn't anything she can do to save them anymore - it was a grim day in DADA, but they all wanted to see it didn't they?
Riddikulus: This is the one time she fails to defeat a boggart, letting the horrible scene consume her, she falls to her knees defeated, and even after Rakepick's shouting, when she tries to cast the spell, it fails again and again.
This last boggart came to show everyone around her how truly terrified she was, not for her own life, but for that of those around her. How despite the confidence she was constantly displaying, in reality, she was afraid she couldn't save them from whatever was trying to get her.
Amortentia: Her Amortentia smells like Jacob's cologne — which he used to borrow from their father which is why she recalls so easily —, fresh Catnip ever since she became an animagus, bakings just out of the oven — extra intensity if there's chocolate involved, and freshly washed sweaters (from hugging Barney and the Weasleys).
Mirror of Erised: She's under the shadow of a tree, Jacob on one side along with Phoenix and Aspen, Barnaby's head resting on her lap, Rowan by her side, and Orion for some reason. They're laughing and reading books, it's an eternal spring afternoon.
Pets: A Sphynx cat, Mocca, a brown and white rat, Franccesca, and (later in her Hogwarts years) a Great Horned owlet, Plum.
Things she always carries with her: Her wand (duh), a handmade Gryffindor bracelet that used to belong to Jacob, the Handbook of Magical Theory, a handful of peppermints, a pouch with some money, a flask of Wideye potion, some Murtlap Essence, and a family photo during Christmas of 1980.
Lucky Amulets: She has a dream catcher made by Phoenix from feathers he shed during transformations and a "broken" knight from Murphy's chessboard who decided to leave the game for good and now sleeps on Indigo's nightstand with its horse, she likes stroking the horse the night before every Quidditch match
Best Friends
Her brother, Phoenix, takes the crown in matter of importance because, well, they're siblings who grew up practically like twins, but their relationship deserves their own detailing.
Rowan has got to be the first. Not only they share the same adventurous nerdy spirit, but Rowan also is the one to stick around even when everything is dark and uncertain and Indigo's popularity plummets. Indigo is always excited to hear whatever Rowan has to say - most times about books or Bill Weasley - and she's rarely fazed by the weird things Rowan does.
Murphy McNully is a close second, having officially met in the middle of her second year, they're both still fresh in a matter of friendships which allows them to open up, both in desperate need of company and support. He's often a companion in the girl's library and common room study sessions and sits with them during meals.
Charlie Weasley has her heart and soul from the moment they first speak during year one, but it actually takes a while until they form any real bond, which begins after he finds out she has been seeking his brother's help to search for the cursed vaults.
Ben is a friend she cherishes deeply but often finds it hard to break through his protective shell which makes him feel distant even when he opens up to her. Unlike her friends, she grows more liking towards Ben after he has his change in personality, as he feels more open about himself.
Chiara is a friend she deeply appreciates for her courage in reaching out for her help in times of need and trusting her with her secret. In Marauder fashion, she likes keeping an eye on her on the nights of full moon - which is good to train her cat tree climbing. They often have afternoon tea together and she teaches Indigo useful healing spells.
Andre and Indigo didn't have a great start, as she thought of him as arrogant and inconsiderate, and he thought she was careless and selfish. But when she helps him with a transfiguration mishap during their 3rd year when he was trying to be creative - and the reason he now has a two-headed cat - they start opening up to each other and begin a friendship. He's a good friend to confide in about the mundane aspects of her life and Quidditch intrigues.
Orion means to her more than she can put into words. Not only he is her team captain, but also a dear friend whom she turns to in times of emotional instability cause she knows he'll be the one to successfully help her clear her mind. They enjoy each other's company even if they don't have anything interesting to say. They sit together during every Divination class for as long as the subject goes.
She has no "rivals" as she finds that sort of labeling quite petty, but would definitely punch Emily Tyler on the stomach and perhaps Face Paint kid for all his eavesdropping.
She has an easier time bonding with her fellow Gryffindors since they spend most of their time together in classes, lunch, and hanging around in the common room.
Dormmates: She and Rowan got placed in a room for three people, as the ones for five were already full, along with a girl called Tanya. But at the beginning of their 4th year, they find out she has bailed out to another dorm room claiming they 1. Snort and speak in their sleep on a regular basis, 2. Will eventually endanger her with their cursed vault shenanigans, 3. Will get her killed - which, spoilers, actually happens, oops. So they basically have the dorm for themselves.
Favorite Classes:
Magical Theory
Least Favorite:
History of Magic
Favorite Professor: Kettleburn. Despite CoMC not being on her top favorite subjects, she enjoys her time in his classes and reminds her of her grandfather on her father's side who's a highlander wizard.
Least Favorite: Binns. Just retire you old man!
Quidditch Position: Chaser. Despite enjoying her time as Gryffindor's beater, she notices the position takes a toll on her physical wellbeing, having to carry a heavy bat and being injured by bludgers more times than she can keep track of. So she returns to her chaser position after a year.
Favorite Team: Montrose Magpies. She never had an interest in Quidditch before she began playing but decided to pick a team to support. Of course, it had to be a Scottish team and settles for MM because of professor McGonagall who's also a supporter.
She's not indigo's face claim, but it's hard to find good red-haired characters out there.
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I guess I'll leave her background and history for another post since it interweaves very tightly with her sibling. And since I'm still exploring her story.
Well this is just an intro to my beloved MC
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fall apart with me
Someday, years from now, every inch of her skin will be as familiar as his own. But for now, she is still so new and yet feels like home.
Or, a mid-2x06 missing scene of sorts. NSFW content ahead, part eight of standing in the same light, and also on ao3.
He's never been good at emotional connections, but this here is a damn mess even by his standards.
At least before… in the life he tries not to think about so much anymore, when things were good, before everything was taken from him… at least back then, he had hope. He forged a life with all the anchors one could ever want, and then it was brutally ripped away from him just as he was starting to get comfortable.
In contrast, Lucy is no anchor. If anything, she's a storm made flesh. So very different from what he knows, and all the more challenging for it, but perhaps this is what he needs right now. Perhaps, he thinks as they dance around each other in the hotel room from hell, this too will save him.
It already has, technically. Flynn doesn't exactly like remembering the aftermath of tragedy bingo, but the one bright spot in that horrible year was the strange woman who found him the very night he was most tempted to use his gun on himself. Some strange angel, sent from a lesser heaven to rescue him and give him new purpose. It was days before he actually read the book she gave him, but he knew within ten seconds that something lay between them.
Well, a future version of him and a past version of her. Technicalities. Whatever.
Point is, the longer this war goes on and the stranger it gets, the more Lucy looks like the human personification of his hope. He knows, though he won't admit it out loud just yet, that his past is locked and nothing he can do will change that. His future is here, with her, and it'll be a while before he fully accepts that idea but at least he knows.
Never mind that right now she's looking at him like she wants to wring his neck, despite the fact that he hasn't even done anything this time.
(Look, resting bitch face is a Thing and he's just as prone to it as she is but he's not enough of a person to interpret which side of the line is "bored" and which side is "vaguely homicidal" and he's not in the mood to outright test her.)
"How long do you think it'll take?" he asks, trying to refocus on the mission and failing.
"Probably another hour. At least." Lucy's eyes flit around the room, pausing a second too long on the bed behind them. Yeah, well, not a lot else to do here but argue with each other, might as well accept the inevitable.
"I really am sorry about-"
"Don't." Gods, the sight of her right now - back against the wall like that's her default setting in any given situation, arms crossed, glaring at him - might be the most perfect thing he's ever seen. "Whatever bullshit you're trying to fix, don't. I'll be fine."
He loves her, this woman who has so much determination and so little concept of how amazing she is. He wonders, sometimes, if he's the first person who's noticed how brightly she glows. Capable of so much, made of starlight, and yet at the same time so very human. It's been her fragile moments that have confirmed the state of his heart towards her, yes, but they are not all she is. Words are not enough for the complexities, what little he knows about her and how much he hopes to learn in the years to come.
Miracle of miracles, he wants a lifetime with her.
"I don't want to fix anything, Lucy. I just want-"
She's developing a habit of kissing him to shut him up, and he can't say he minds. The collision of her body against his is becoming familiar, the weight of her in his arms as he lifts her up just a little bit to make things more comfortable for the both of them. She fits, he can't help thinking - she's so damn small, but in a way that meshes so beautifully with him. All of this, so easy to get lost in her, so-
"We're getting predictable," she murmurs against his cheek, but it doesn't sound like she minds.
"Bed or wall?"
"We could not do this."
Shit, now he's screwed up. He has no intention of putting her down, but ruining her lipstick (gods, that was unnecessary theft but nobody's complaining here) is at least on pause.
"I didn't mean to pressure you. Just giving options. 'no' is also a valid one."
"I know. I don't… it just seems like this is what happens when we get bored. And that's a weird start for a relationship."
And so is lowkey trying to kill each other, he's halfway tempted to point out, but they got over that and they'll eventually get over this too. Until then, boredom sex is not the worst thing in the world. He can't think of many better reasons for two human beings to crash into each other, and the end results are good. At least on his end. Gods, he hasn't been sensitive enough, that's totally what this is, he did something she didn't like and now she's being passive-aggressive about it and-
"You can always say no, Lucy. And I'll remind you of that until you understand. This is not… I value you as a person, with or without this part of us."
She decides that's as good a time as any to start kissing him again, and who the hell is he to question that right now. At some point they're going to need to have a conversation about her issues, but this does not seem like the right time. No, not with hands wandering and blood rushing, not now at all.
He lays her down on the bed and it's like he's seeing her for the first time, glorious underneath him. Hell, this may be the only time they ever get to do these things on a decent mattress, he's letting himself enjoy the view and the details. The little noises she makes as he undoes her layers, too soft to count as whimpers but so content as she closes her eyes and trusts him. That detail, perhaps more than anything else, confirms how far they've come. It's been over a year sine the first time they had sex because they were stuck in a hotel room with nothing better to do, but the tone is so different now. She is no longer an enigmatic challenge he has to work around because he can't bear to actually get rid of her; no, she has blossomed into a flesh-and-blood woman he loves and fights alongside and she is so much better in that role than he could've dreamed.
There is no note-taking this time, none of the weaknesses he's let himself display in the past. Sure, there are still a lot of things he doesn't know about Lucy and her responses and a couple of scars he's not sure how to ask about, but they have time. Gods, he will sacrifice what little he has left if that's what it takes, he will-
"You still there?"
Amazing, how the balance has shifted and he is now the one who spaces out at bad times. He snaps back into the moment and wonders for a brief heartbeat if she would be okay if they hit pause here and just held each other. Certain parts of his body aren't exactly fond of that idea, but he has survived worse hells and-
"Yeah. Still here."
Screw it. She wants him, and he's responsive, and they can catch up on more innocent activities once they're back in their cage. While they're free, they should use that freedom well.
She is beautiful beneath him, beautiful as he kisses her and enters her and drowns in everything she is. So many mistakes led them to this moment, and so many more are yet to come - life with her will never be quiet, even after they win, but he has no desire for that anymore. Not when he could have this instead.
Lost again, he allows her to roll their bodies and lets her lead.
There will be countless nights like this, he tells himself as he kisses her neck. Someday, years from now, every inch of her skin will be as familiar as his own. But for now, she is still so new and yet feels like home and-
She crosses the edge so quietly that he barely notices until she collapses in the aftermath, and he follows in as similar a way as he can.
"You got me out of this dress, you're getting me back into it," she mutters, kissing him before getting up off the bed and retrieving her slip.
"Of course."
And as he pushes her hair out of the way and wonders if all the buttons are actually necessary, he doesn't mind at all.
All of this, given time, he will get used to.
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