#even though mafiosos often valued honor very highly as a system of status and respect- it's a very complicated thing
shoechoe · 1 year
While it doesn't entirely address all of the issues with how Passione is handled canonically, I think Testimone Di Gangster takes a more grounded approach if that's something you're interested in. I won't go too into details since I'm unsure if you've read it yet, but I will say that it doesn't glorify certain Passione members as more honourable or, err, whatever a gang-star is, even if it's from the perspective of a Passione member.
Testimone Di Gangster has been on my list to check out for a while now, but it kind of slipped my mind after I finished Purple Haze Feedback (and then of course Invader Zim... happened)- thank you for reminding me that I do need to read it. I do love it when Passione is expanded upon beyond the vague and loose information we get in VA, so Testimone Di Gangster sounds promising.
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