#even exercising (you know... the ONE thing i was told could help my main disability- ehlers danlos syndrome) can make it worse
caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
I think I'm starting to accept that I actually will be in pain for the rest of my life. It's going to get worse and worse and I'll never be able to do normal things or hold onto the naive hope that I'll find a way to "overcome" my body. I'm disabled and in pain and I will be until the day I die
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asexual-abomination · 2 years
Getting better Pt. 1
Platonic!Yandere!Sephiroth x Autistic!Physically disabled! Reader
Hello I am back with something and idk if it’s very good but this whole thing was lodged in my brain so I needed to spit it out.
Also the whole elevator scene is almost directly taken from a one shot I once read on here that I cannot find for the life of me. I really wanted to get this out but I also want ask the original writer if they’re okay with me using their idea. If anyone recognises the idea and can send me the original link that’d be great!
CW: single use of the r-slur, if I’m missing anything please let me know!
Oh and also the reader’s physical disability in this is based on my own irl one - I don’t use mobility aids just yet, but I end up in lots of pain very quickly and have to wear joint braces, especially on my legs.
As always, I’m not a professional writer, I have no formal education in writing whatsoever, so any feedback is greatly appreciated!
Hope you enjoy reading!
You pull yourself up towards the bar, every joint in your body squealing out in pain, despite this being your first exercise of the evening. You had thought, naively, that lifting your own body weight should be doable, especially since it took pressure off of your legs, where the pains were worst. You were clearly mistaken, your entire upper body now just in hot agony.
But you couldn’t quit. Not now, not as you were barely beginning.
You said you’d get ten reps in, so you were going to get ten reps in.
The complete silence of the Shinra employee gym gave you confidence to speak aloud, trying to keep yourself hyped for the exercise.
“One… T-two… ah! Ow! Three…”
“Your form is awful.”
The voice was calm, buttery smooth and deep, with a lilt of confidence that told you this man knew what he was talking about.
“Oh… so how do I do it right then?” The question was asked with an unappealing grunt as you dropped from the bar, listening to the sound of footsteps covering the ground towards you.
Once you realised the man was standing over your shoulder, you stiffened, not having actually expected him to come over and help.
“The main problem is your balance, you need to pull your legs with you, and use your core too. This one is a full body workout, not just for the arms.”
Damn it.
“Ah, that makes sense… do you have any recommendations for arms then? I’m kinda new to this whole thing.” You spoke with a nervous chuckle, turning around to look at your newfound companion.
He was tall, with gorgeous long silver hair that floated past his wide, muscular shoulders, covered with a beige, blank tank top. He was, objectively, attractive as hell. Even without feeling that way, you knew what society found sexy and you could appreciate the aesthetic beauty of this man. You swore you knew him from somewhere.
You hoped you weren’t too visibly flustered by the closeness that you had only just recognised, taking a nervous step back while you awaited his answer.
“I’d say a beginner should start at the beginning. If you want to work out your arms, use the lighter weights, just over there.”
He gestured over towards the weight section, where there was a rack of dumbbells of many sizes, including ones so tiny you wondered if they even classified as weights.
“That’s… a good idea,” You laughed, “I guess I just wanted to throw myself in at the deep end.” You joked, keeping the mood light as you trailed over to where he had directed.
Looking over the selection of weights, you decided to go with second lightest pair, which made your elbows creak, but you grit your teeth and moved over to the seating so you could get back off your feet. The man had followed you to the same section, but he seemed to be preparing an ungodly amount of weights into what you assumed was a bench press.
“So…” You pulled your left arm up with the weight, following a diagram on the wall, “Why are you down here? So late at night, I mean?” You specifically chose to come here so that you wouldn’t have to be seen, so you supposed you may as well pick this guy’s brain if he would be annoying you.
“The SOLDIER training facility can only be kept open for so long each day, so I thought I’d get in some regular exercise too.” He still hadn’t finished loading up the weights, and you were a bit concerned by what he considered ‘regular’ exercise.
“You’re a SOLDIER? I guess that makes sense, I’ve probably seen you on the news or something.” You were on your fourth rep, and your left elbow was crying out for a break.
“I just thought you looked familiar, but I couldn’t quite place it, so I’ve probably just seen you around.”
“How interesting…” He spoke with a chuckle, “And who are you, hmm?”
“I’m YN, I just work in the analytics department. Who are you, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“You really don’t know?”
“Should I?”
“Sephiroth. My name is Sephiroth.”
“That’s… a lovely name.” You remembered a bit clearer now, hearing about a first-class SOLDIER on the news by that name. How funny that you got to meet him in real life.
“What about you? Why are you working out so late at night?”
“I was sort of hoping I could be alone… I already said, I’m new to this, so, I didn’t want to embarrass myself.”
“That’s not the best idea, you know. You should have someone mentor you, make sure you don’t hurt yourself while you’re just starting out.”
He finally seemed satisfied with the amount of weight on the bar, as you began reps with your right arm. You wondered if the bar was actually strong enough to hold all that.
“Well, I don’t think anyone would want to mentor me, it’d probably be quite the hassle since I’ve got no idea what I’m doing.” You explained, not expecting an answer.
“I could always help you.”
That took you by surprise, surely a SOLDIER, especially a first-class one would be far too busy to help out someone like you, but at the same time, who were you to turn such an offer down?
Your only response ended up being a bewildered laugh, finishing up your reps before looking around and trying to decide on the next best course of action.
Sephiroth also went quiet, the look on his face was tense, deep in thought.
“I mean it. Perhaps it’s odd, but I find it’s useful to follow my impulses. Besides, they say a true master must be able to teach.”
“I guess that makes sense, alright then, what should I try now?”
“So, are you from Midgar?” Sephiroth offered a gentle hand hosting over your leg as he showed you how to lift yourself on the bar, as you had decided to return to the difficult exercise.
It had been a few weeks since you had come under Sephiroth’s wing, meeting him at dead of night in the gym several nights a week, so you trusted him enough to give an honest answer.
“Nah, only moved here a year ago, I assume you’re Midgar born and raised?”
“But of course.” He said with a soft smirk, walking away once he was satisfied that you were on form. “Why did you come here? Given the war with Wu Tai and Avalanche, it’s not exactly a dream home, wouldn’t you say?”
“I came here for the same reasons most anyone comes here, work and medicine. I think this place is quite the dream home honestly, I’ve got everything I need.”
You lifted yourself with a grunt, having stopped caring about how you sounded a while ago.
“Medicine? Who do you need medicine for?”
“Myself! Is that not obvious?” You laughed at what felt like an insane question from the SOLDIER.
“You don’t seem sick… have you recovered?”
What a strangely genuine question.
“Have you seen me?! My body is a wreck, honestly!” You raised your arms incredulously, showing off what you considered the state of your body, while not visibly broken, internally felt ruined.
He gave you nothing more than an odd look, turning away.
“I mean it! There’s a reason I struggle so much to exercise, I’m not just lazy.” You defended yourself, believing that he was judging you.
You were stumbling through the throng of people standing by the elevator, wondering why no one was stepping inside since the stairs were a death sentence.
When you saw Sephiroth standing inside, you scoffed, walking in before hitting the button for the 36th floor. You noticed that he was heading to the 58th floor, where the Turks did most of their office work.
The doors slid closed as you turned around and stood at his side, letting out a long suffering sigh once you were out of view of others.
“What a day…” You sighed, truly and deeply tired, but hoping you could turn this into some kind of friendly banter between technical coworkers.
“It’s 8:30 in the morning.” He turned to you with what you thought was a lighthearted smile, which quickly became a frown. “Has something happened?”
“My boss… yeah, my boss happened!” You laughed, to keep the sourness out of your tone. “He just turned up like half an hour before the end of my shift yesterday, dumped a whole week’s worth of work on me, then told me he wanted it done by today! I spent four whole hours in overtime, but it’s still not done.” You sighed again, the reality of the situation setting in.
“This… this might be the last time we ever see each other.”
“What do you mean, over one mistake?” He seemed incredulous.
“My boss has been looking for a reason to fire me since he met me. He thinks I’m a drag on the company.”
At that, he merely hummed in response, turning away and quite efficiently ending the conversation.
You cursed yourself internally for making things awkward and annoying Sephiroth. You hadn’t intended to upset your silver-haired friend, only to state what you knew was true about your workplace.
At the 33rd floor, the elevator rumbled to a stop and opened its doors to reveal your boss.
The second he turned his eyes on you, anger spilled clearly into his entire body language. He didn’t move from his place in the doorway, preventing the elevator doors from closing as he began to rant angrily.
“You’ve put the whole upstairs office in chaos! I can’t believe this! I give you one simple task and you fuck it up! This is why we shouldn’t keep retards like you in the office, you hold everyone back!” He growled out, taking a breath and giving you a chance to respond.
“Sir -I- the task was, um, far beyond my capabilities, especially in such a short time-“
“Shut up! You’ve done nothing but irritate me since you got here, go and pack your shit! I can’t wait to get rid of your pathetic ass!”
You breathed heavily, digging your nails into your arms as you held back ugly tears, not wanting to seem more pitiful than you already were.
“Right- right awa-“ You began, your mind racing with thoughts and plans of what the fuck you could do next, where you could go, who you might have to get help from, when you were suddenly reminded of Sephiroth’s presence next to you.
He took one, two, three long, heavy strides towards the elevator door, grabbed your boss by the arm and uttered two simple words.
“Get out.”
Your boss, shocked, stumbled back into the open entryway of the elevator, before giving you a sharp glance and turning on his heel to run. As the doors closed once more, you cleared your throat through your tears.
“Thanks, Seph.” A nickname that very few were allowed to call him. “There was no - no need for that though. I’m still fired, either way. But I guess it’s nicer to not be dealing with him anymore.”
“No you’re not.”
“I’m not? Not what?”
“You’re not fired. I won’t have it.”
“That’s a nice sentiment, Seph, but I don’t think it’s your call to make.”
The doors opened again on your floor, but as you were stepping out, muttering apologies and goodbyes to your friend, he grabbed your arm firmly to halt your words.
“You aren’t leaving me, you’re mine.”
He said it so simply, as if stating scientific fact, before releasing your arm and returning to his full, now suddenly intimidating stature. In your hurry to get out of the elevator before the doors closed, you had no chance to respond.
With the doors closed, you heard the machine whir of the elevator rising and continued to stand dumbfounded for a long moment. Eventually, you stumbled over to your desk, setting out the work you were meant to complete today, all while packing as many miscellaneous items as you could into your bag.
At the end of the day, you returned to your home, provided by Shinra, which you were sure you’d lose within a couple of days.
There was a single letter on the floor inside your door, from the corporation, seemingly sent just today. My eviction notice, you grimly thought.
Rufus Shinra smirked as he signed the papers before him.
The firing and promotion of some mid-level analytics workers was not usually his business, but today he found himself following the odd request of the greatest SOLDIER to ever live.
In truth, he already had parameters in place to ensure the strange person Sephiroth had set his eyes on would not be leaving the company any time soon, setting them as a useful tool for controlling him.
But what he did not expect was for Sephiroth himself to come to him and request the immediate firing of his new ‘friend’s’ boss, along with a request for said friend to get a promotion that would put them in much more contact with the Turks and SOLDIER departments.
So although the paperwork might have been trivial to some, Rufus, even if confused, took joy in getting one more clasp on the SOLDIER.
Thanks for reading!
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the-lunar-system · 3 years
I’d like to preface this post by saying that I love Stardew Valley. It’s a comfort game, and I have over 500 hours logged on Steam. That being said, as a disabled person, it sometimes makes me very, very upset. Why? Because of  the casual ableism in how it treats George Mullner.
George Mullner is a character in Stardew Valley who uses a wheelchair. He’s an older man, and generally pretty grumpy. He spends most of his time inside his house, watching television. With how the other villagers treat him, I don’t blame him. George later reveals in his six heart cutscene that he uses a wheelchair due to an injury working in the old mines, not because of his age.
So what’s the big deal? There’s a disabled character in the game, isn’t that a good thing? Yes, but. The way that other characters treat George, the only disabled person in the game, is where the trouble comes in.
In Harvey’s two heart cutscene, you walk into George’s house, and accidentally interrupt a house call by the doctor. He is telling George to make some “lifestyle changes,” telling him to reduce sodium and do some moderate exercise with his arms. (George’s sprite indicates that he self propels his wheelchair, which requires a lot of upper body strength. He’s already getting exercise through that.) George responds to Harvey, saying that he knows his own body, and doesn’t appreciate being told what to do with it. Harvey replies that he is a doctor, and spent 8 years in school, and thus he knows what’s best for George. They then notice the player, and George requests your second opinion. Your options are:
A) Tell George to follow Harvey’s advice. This option gets you +40 friendship points with Harvey, and is marked green on the Wiki. It’s obviously the choice the game wants you to make. Harvey reiterates that he is only trying to help, and George capitulates. 
B) Say that George does know his own body. This option gets you -40 friendship points with Harvey. Harvey sighs, and threatens to tell George’s wife on him. George begrudgingly capitulates, and Harvey lectures you for sending his patient mixed messages.
What’s so bad about this? For one, doctors don’t always know best, especially when it comes to their disabled patients. If I had just listened to the first doctor I talked to about my disability, instead of self advocating and getting another, my degenerative condition would have gone undiagnosed and untreated for much longer. Potentially years. As a disabled person myself, I believe George when he says he knows his own body, because I know how wrong doctors can be. 
The other main issue with this cutscene is how infantilized George is. He’s a grown man in his own doctor’s appointment, even if he is making a mistake in not listening to Harvey, he’s a grown man, and entitled to his own choices. But Harvey threatens to tattle to George’s wife about it. He’s treating George like a child, unable to make his own decisions, who has to be “managed” by his more abled partner. 
The second ableist cutscene is Penny’s two heart cutscene, and in my opinion, this one is much worse. In it, George is checking his mailbox. He tries to reach a letter wedged in the back, and has some difficulty. He asks himself how he is going to reach it. Penny sees him, and comes over. She grabs his wheelchair and pushes him out of the way, grabbing the letter for him. George gets upset at Penny for treating him like he’s helpless. At this point the player comes on screen, and Penny asks if you were watching. The player has three options:
A) Say that no, you were just walking by. This has no effect on friendship.
B) Tell her she did a kind thing. Penny thanks you. This option gives you +50 friendship points, and is marked in green on the Wiki. It is the choice the game wants you to make. 
C) Tell Penny she should have asked George before trying to help. Penny then apologizes to George, but you lose 50 friendship points with her. This is obviously not what the game wants you to do.
Regardless of what option you take, George apologizes to Penny for snapping at her. Penny asks the player what they think about growing old. 
What’s bad about this scene? Well, for starters, by moving George’s wheelchair without consent, Penny commits assault. But George is framed as being unreasonable, because he’s upset that he was physically assaulted. Penny is a great character, and I love her, but in this cutscene she is both legally and morally in the wrong. And while the game does technically give you the option to call her out for it, it’s barely there, and strongly discouraged by gameplay. The real kicker is that this is the new dialogue for this interaction, as changed by the 1.4 update, *in an attempt to make it less ableist.*
Lastly, in George’s six heart event, he expresses quite a bit of internalized ableism. He says he wishes he could get up from “this infernal chair.” He tells the story of how thirty years ago, he was injured in a coal mining accident. There is no option for player interaction.
This cutscene is one that is somewhat more nuanced for me. It is true that some people hate that they’re disabled or need a wheelchair, especially in older generations. Internalized ableism is a real and terrible thing. The issue with it is that George is a fictional character, as written by a real person, who as far as I know is abled. And this is the problem. When a disabled character is written as having internalized ableism by an abled creator, that’s not internalized ableism, that’s just plain ableism. Why is it that almost every disabled character hates themselves or their disability? Why are they always unhappy? 
Why does Stardew Valley have these scenes, and this ableism? Is it somehow important to the plot, or the characters? I don’t think so. And for me, and other disabled people playing the game as a form of escapism, or because the Valley is supposed to be a better place, It’s simply a jarring reminder that the real world hates us.
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deascheck · 3 years
A Much Needed Chat
Summary: A/U. The reader is having high anxiety because of an evaluation you’re going to have, and your boyfriend, Lawyer!Sam, takes a break from his work to listen to you and calm you down.
Word Count: 2055
Trigger Warnings: anxiety/panic disorder, medication dependence?, language
A/N: I suffer from depression and anxiety and wanted to write a piece where Sam helps ground the reader (ME!) during a trying time. Please be nice! Feedback and reblogs are amazing! Thank you to the amazing @winchest09 for beta'ing for me!!
Your chest was tight, your breaths shallow and fast. You couldn’t stop thinking about the evaluation. Why the fuck did you have to have a psych evaluation given by the employer you were suing? Truthfully, you knew why. You were pursuing psychological damages from not one, but two workplace accidents. It didn’t make it any easier on you though. In your eyes, this psychologist you were meant to see had been hired by your employer to discredit everything you were going to say.
The more you thought about it, the more your breathing hastened. You wish you hadn’t left your Xanax at Sam’s house. You would give anything to take a few pills right now.
Nothing you were going to be saying to the psychologist was a lie, but her job was to make you sound like you weren’t mentally ill as a result of the accidents- when in fact you really were. Your depression and anxiety had made you a trembling, tearful mess.
You decided to go to Sam’s. Your boyfriend, Sam Winchester, was a lawyer, and currently worked from home. Not only was he a lawyer, but he was your lawyer. That’s how you two had met. He specialized in worker’s compensation cases, and was highly reputable in his field.
On the drive over, you attempted to focus on your breathing, but it was getting harder and harder with each second that passed. Your panic was rising and you felt lightheaded, like you were going to pass out. The pain in your chest grew, making you wonder if you were dying. Your vision started to change and you knew it was time to call for support. Struggling to hold the wheel and get your phone out, you fumbled around until you got to Sam’s number. You pressed the call button and briefly closed your eyes, praying that he answered.
“Hey beautiful, what’s up?” Sam’s calming voice sounded through the phone.
“I can’t breathe,” you puffed. “I need you. I need my Xanax. I think I’m dying... Help.”
Immediately, Sam started soothing you and coaching you. “Ok, I want you to start with five things that you can see. You sound like you’re in the car. Are you in the car? Look for five things on the road- what color cars do you see? What makes and models are they?”
You flicked your eyes around, panicked. “Ummm I see a green car in front of me. It’s a …. Hyundai Elantra. Uh, the car next to me is bright pink… it’s an ugly ass smart car.”
You could hear the smile in Sam’s voice at your judgment of the car as he encouraged you to continue, “Good job, baby. Keep doing that. I’ll wait on the line until you come up with three more.”
A minute or so later, you spoke up, breathless, “I got them. It’s not helping.” Your heart was still going a mile a minute.
“Ok, what are four things you can hear?”
You sighed in an attempt to slow your breathing. “I can hear my own breathing, does that count? I can hear Daisy’s engine.” You paused to continue listening. “I hear a motorcycle coming up behind me. And I hear the wind coming through the cracked windows.” Your heart rate slowed down some, to your great relief.
“Well done, Y/N. That was one of your best identifying sets yet. How are you doing now?” Sam’s voice over the phone alone was helping you calm down, your vision and eye movement returning to normal.
“You’re helping more than the exercise, honestly,” you stated.
Sam chuckled. “Well, whatever works for you, honey. You are on your way over here, I’m guessing?”
“You guessed it,” you chuckled weakly.
Ten minutes later, you pulled into Sam’s driveway. He had a modest two story, 3 bedroom house that you couldn’t get enough of. It was a brick house with the front door tucked into a small front porch with two pillars. The love of your life was standing on the porch waiting for you. You loved when he worked from home, because he could dress comfortably. He was in gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips, and a black vneck tshirt that gave you ample view of his chiseled chest. The worry on his face made you smile through the remaining anxiety. You would have been turned on if you weren’t still feeling like your anxiety wasn’t under control.
Quickly, you got out of the car and hurried into his waiting arms. You buried your face into his chest and took a deep breath, inhaling his scent. Sam’s strong arms held you tight, one arm around your shoulders and the other around your lower back. You were body to body, the warmth from his tall frame helping your muscles to relax.
Quietly, he loosened his grip and adjusted so that one arm was draped around your shoulders as he pressed you into his side to walk inside. The aroma that met your nose was your second favorite in the world- besides Sam’s. It was a mahogany/tobacco mix, which you hadn’t expected to smell as good as it did when you first were told about it. The familiar scent had you breathing deeply through your nose as you walked in with Sam.
You left his side and went straight to the bathroom, where your Xanax was. You dumped two in your hand, and after a thought, a third. You swallowed, sighing in relief. It occurred to you after you’d taken them that your anxiety had come down significantly, and that maybe you didn’t need them, especially three of them, but you didn’t care. The mere thought that you had taken them calmed you down.
When you exited the bathroom, you found Sam sitting on the loveseat in the living room. You immediately sat on his lap and pulled your legs to your chest and curled into his body. His strong arms wrapped around you protectively, and you felt his voice vibrate deep in his chest as he asked, “Did you just take your Xanax? Did you still need it?”
You felt slightly guilty as you answered, “Yeah, I took three. That’s one of the two reasons I came over here.” You smiled softly up at him. “You’re the other reason.”
His chin rested on the top of your head as he sighed. He knew you were a little too dependent on the medication, and the fact that you took three worried him. But he decided not to press the matter given the state you’d been in while you were in the car.
“Tell me about what’s going on in that pretty head of yours,” he murmured into your hair.
“It’s this stupid evaluation,” you sighed. “I can’t get it out of my head. It’s in less than two days, as you know, and my anxiety is going crazy. My employer fucking hired this doctor! She’s going to rip apart everything I say and twist it the way she wants it. I’m not good enough on my feet to phrase things carefully enough that she won’t be able to do that.”
Your breathing started picking up again. Your Xanax hadn’t kicked in yet. Sam felt your chest start to heave, and tightened his grip around you. “Breathe with me. Feel my breaths and breathe with me.”
Closing your eyes, you felt for his breathing rhythm. The slow, steady rise and fall of his chest. The comforting movement once again helped you get your breathing back under control. You took a breath with him and let it out at the same pace he did. Your heart slowed down to a resting rate.
“Ok, I think I can keep talking this through without you having to calm me down every two seconds. I guess I’m just worried overall that I will feel invalidated. Like what I’m feeling isn’t real or true,” you admitted. “That it’s all made up in my head. This evaluation I have to go to, in essentially a day, is my employer’s way of attempting to prove that I am NOT as sick as I have become. I didn’t even take a single medication before all this shit happened! I didn’t need to see a therapist! I’m not fucking making it up.” You tilted your head up briefly to look at Sam and his sympathetic smile warmed your heart.
“Sweetheart, I know. But think about it, our job is to prove the severe decline of your mental health. Their job is to prove there was no decline- that it was bad already. If our psychologist says that you have a permanent partial disability of 75%, your employer is most definitely going to hire a psychologist of their own to attempt to disprove that. Seventy-five percent is a large disability! They don’t want to have to pay out for that.”
You sighed. Logically, you knew that. But nothing, you felt, nothing, could really prepare you for the evaluation. It could potentially go on for five hours! It made you think, What the hell? Who spends five hours getting interrogated and tested by a psychologist whose main goal is to discredit me. You groaned.
“I wish I could say I just want it to be over. But I’m as nervous for her report as I am for the evaluation! My coworker, Jay, and I read about one of her previous cases online. Man, she did not help the lady out at all with her report. She essentially said there was no illness whatsoever. What if she does that to me? I’ve got the diagnosis to back it up! And my psychiatrist even wrote a note saying that my depression and anxiety were indeed exacerbated by these accidents. And my psychologist I saw for our side of the case said I have PTSD and ADD. That’s got to count for something to the judge, right?”
Sam nodded against your head. “All of these reports will go to the judge. All the medical records, all the reports, everything, goes to the judge for review. The reports may influence him, but ultimately it’s he who makes the decision on what the settlement will be. Try not to worry too much about her report. Because we already have a very favorable one from our side.”
You could feel your Xanax kicking in. A calm wave washed over you and you felt your body relax into Sam’s for the first time since you had been curled together. You rested your head against his chest and breathed deeply, once again taking in his scent. This stupid evaluation was inevitable. You knew that. You had written in a journal different things you wanted to share with the psychologist, as well as a letter. Nothing you were going to be saying was a lie. She would not be able to catch you with irregularities.
“I guess the best thing I can do is just be honest, ya know?” You ducked your head softly to dislodge Sam’s chin from your crown and looked up at him. “The truth always comes out, right? If only truth always won…” you trailed off, getting lost in your thoughts.
Sam chuckled, the laugh resounding deep in his chest. “Y/N, you have me. And you know I am doing my damndest to make sure we have everything we need to succeed. You’re going to get a settlement, because you have your breathing and wrist problems that have already been identified as caused by the accidents. You know that for sure. Now we’re proving psychological disability to add hopefully a zero or two to that number. Have faith, baby,” he finished, resting his forehead on top of your head. “We will get through this together.”
You sighed contentedly. You would absolutely get through it together. When you were with Sam, nothing could stand in your way. Not even a goddamn psychological evaluation. He gave you strength and his faith in you spurred you on. Sam helped you feel invincible. Fuck this evaluation, you thought. I’m going to do my best, be as honest as I can, and then I’m going to come home to Sam’s embrace and everything else will just melt away.
With that, you snuggled in closer, and closed your eyes, humming softly and happily to yourself.
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mst3kproject · 4 years
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Failed series pilots were very much part of MST3K’s stock in trade.  We’ve sat through San Francisco International, Stranded in Space, Code Name: Diamond Head and I’m sure there were others.  I generally recall all of those movies being kind of dull and lacking in personality, and I can’t imagine this 70’s superhero mess being much better.  I don’t think anybody in Exo-Man was ever on MST3K but Jose Ferrer (the first Latino actor to win an academy award, for 1950’s Cyrano de Bergerac) was once in a movie called Zoltan, Hound of Dracula, which I am deeply remiss in not having seen yet.  You may also recognize Harry Morgan, who was Colonel Potter on M*A*S*H.
Dr. Nick Conrad is a wacky physics professor of the type nobody has ever encountered in real life.  He’s somehow both smart enough to invent anti-gravity and memory plastic, and stupid enough to chase after a fleeing would-be bank robber.  The latter stunt, set to wakka-chicka Mitchell music, makes Nick the target of a mafia assassin, who kills his lab assistant and leaves Nick himself paralyzed from the waist down.  He wallows in self-pity for a while, but then rediscovers his passion for invention and builds himself a suit of armor that will allow him to walk again… and to take on the mob single-handedly.
I don’t know why they called the movie Exo-Man.  That name is never used in the dialogue.  I guess the more accurate Fiberglass Avenger just wouldn’t have sounded as cool.
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The first thing you’re likely to notice from the plot summary is that Nick’s story starts off as Dr. Strange and then takes a hard left into Iron Man.  I’m pretty sure the latter at least was an intentional ripoff, with bits of the first thrown in, knowingly or not, to distance Exo-Man from Marvel’s lawyers. What’s funny is that posterity has actually made it a hat trick: the movie opens with a weirdly homoerotic jogging scene, so now he gets to be Captain America, too!
Exo-Man is a really stupid, often boring, and consistently ugly movie.  The actors are mediocre, the music bland, the effects terrible, and stuff is made to look ‘high tech’ by sticking lots of blinky lights on it.  Way too much time passes before we get to the action and when we do, we find a deep pit of disappointment.  Yet at the same time… I kind of enjoyed it.
A major part of why has got to be the incredibly dopey super-suit the main character wears, which looks less like ‘Iron Man’ and more like ‘Fiberglass Commando Cody’.  It moves really slowly and I doubt the guy in the costume can see very much.  Nick controls the bottom half of it using switches on one sleeve, which appear to have simple functions like ‘sit’, ‘walk’, and ‘jump’ (there is, of course, no ‘run,’ because nothing happens fast in this movie). He puts the thing on by lying down in what looks like a tanning bed (or maybe one of those contraptions from Avatar).  My personal favourite is the warning light labeled malfuntion.
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All this is in a movie that sometimes manages to be surprisingly subtle.  We are introduced to Nick while jogging, we watch him play tennis with his girlfriend, and see him maintain this exercise regime even while he’s supposed to be under police protection.  These shots are in brilliant sunshine, and the camerawork is as active as the subjects. Post-injury, Nick never outwardly complains about his inability to participate in sports, but we now see him sitting in his wheelchair in dark surroundings, with the camera held perfectly still.  We feel that he has lost something he loved dearly, and we never need to be told it outright.
We are also introduced to Nick as somebody who is devored to furthering minorities.  His two lab assistants are an east Asian student and a Jewish one (the latter identified as such by a surname, rather than appearance), and the reason he was at the bank was to help a Latino student get a loan.  Again, the script trusts the audience to get this without having to draw attention to it through dialogue.  These minority characters are, of course, still just accessories to Nick’s story. The Jewish guy in particular is there to be fridged – its his death that leads to Nick flaunting his police protection and getting hurt.  But the effort was made to say that minority rights are important to Nick, without hitting us over the head with it.
Theme-wise, Exo-Man is about a man coming to terms with a disability.  I should preface this by saying that I am not disabled, so my perspective is necessarily biased.  If anything I say below is offensive, that is out of ignorance, and please let me know so that I may edit or delete the review and do better next time.  I was actually pretty impressed by how the script and director handled the life-changing nature of Nick’s injury… mostly.  I’ll start with the bad stuff.
The attack on Nick comes with a heaping helping of victim blaming.  As an important witness in the bank robbery, he was offered police protection.  The assassin tries to get around this by putting a bomb in his car, but one of the lab assistants borrows the car for a late-night pizza run, and gets killed in Nick’s stead.  This leads Nick to deliberately place himself in a vulnerable position, hoping to draw the killer out for capture and punishment.  In the hospital with a broken back, Nick blames the police for failing to protect him, but I’m pretty sure the movie wants us to think that this is really Nick’s own fault.  Like the tragic accident victims in Days of our Years, he has nobody to blame for his own misery, or that of his loved ones, except himself.
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After that, however, the movie’s treatment of Nick’s disability improves quickly.  His girlfriend Emily leaves him, but that’s not because he’s in a wheelchair, it’s because he’s too busy wallowing in self-pity to even let her into his apartment. Later when he apologizes to her, she takes him back and they resume their happy relationship, and the fact that they can’t play tennis together anymore is not an issue.  She does not treat him as something to be pitied, she speaks to him on his eye level, and they avoid that weird trope of having the abled partner sit in the wheelchair-user’s lap.  Emily loves who Nick is, not what he can do.  His colleagues and students, likewise, treat him with respect and help him with his chair, and never make the latter feel like a burden.
By the end of the film Nick has come to terms with his disability.  The suit he’s built is not a cure for his condition: in fact the first time he wears it out, it breaks down and he needs help getting back to his high-tech armored van.  It’s a tool he has built for a purpose, and he doesn’t feel the need to wear it in non-superhero situations.  Based on what we see, he could have built a legs-only version to wear under his trousers and let him go jogging and play tennis again, but that is no longer who Nick is.  And when and whether to wear the suit is always Nick’s own choice, not something imposed on him from the outside.
Of course, it would also be really helpful in later maintaining Exo-Man’s secret identity, and I suspect the writers were thinking of that a lot more than they were of things like parents forcing questionable ‘cures’ on disabled children.  The secret identity probably would have been a big deal if the pilot had sold, but in this stand-alone story, I thought the suit worked well as a metaphor about a disabled man at peace with himself.
Exo-Man also takes a quick little peek at the morality of vigilante justice, although this comes in pretty late and clearly isn’t something they wanted to get into in any detail.  The first person Nick confronts in the suit is the assassin who actually beat him up. He says he didn’t go into this encounter with any real plan… perhaps he just wanted to scare the guy.  What ultimately happens is that the assassin climbs a drainpipe to get away from the terrifying robot man, the pipe comes off the wall, and the man falls to his death.  Nick feels this is his fault, and so the next time he takes the suit out he does so with a particular goal in mind: he wants to capture the mob boss and provide evidence of his wrongdoing to the police, not to kill anyone.
The mob boss’ name, by the way, is Kermit Haas, which is probably the least intimidating name a movie has ever given to its big bad.
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Would that work?  Is evidence a guy in a robot suit left in your dumpster for you admissible in court?  Isn’t where stuff was found kind of important?  I honestly have no idea and I’m not sure how to go about finding out.  People might wonder why I want to know and I don’t think saying it’s for my blog would allay their suspicions.
At the end of Exo-Man, I was more entertained than not, but mostly on the level of laughing at the dumb-looking suit and appreciating the fine art of ripping off comic book characters.  If that’s your kind of thing then this movie ought to put the fun in malfuntion for you. If that’s not your thing, well… this is an MST3K blog.  What are you doing here?
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skvaderarts · 5 years
I need to get this off of my chest because it's been bothering me since I saw Brightburn at the movie theater yesterday.
You know what? I actually liked Brightburn as a whole. It wasn't the most amazing movie I've ever seen, and I won't be purchasing it, but it had some neat twists and was an interesting mixture of a horror film and an antihero film and it told a diffirent kind of story than that of what I normally see in a film. But there is one part of the movie that REALLY pissed me off. Like, it sent me into an irrational boiling rage. I'm not sure if that's a testament to the movie or a fault.
Ok, so let me explain. Spoilers below, of course. I'm on mobile, so I can't seem to put this under a read more. IDK what I'm doing wrong here.
Ok, so the main character, a 12-year-old boy named Brandon has what I won't even dare call a crush on a young girl in his class. For the life of me can't remember her name. After his well-meaning father talks to him about puberty and how he shouldn't be ashamed to act on any sexual urges he has (He probably should have explained the concept of what urges are okay to act on, but I digress) he decides that the nice girl that sits in front of him in class is the objects of his fascinations. This wouldn't be an issue if he didn't have an uncomfortable fixation with the female reproductive system that comes of as really serial killer like and wasn't a superpowered little budding psychopath. He even likes to female murder animals and cut their reproductive systems out.
Ok, so it starts with him sneaking away from his parents while camping to stand in the window if this young girl to watch her very menacingly from her window and use his powers to mess with things in her bedroom, scaring her half to death. She catches him and tells her mom, but she can't prove it. She does, however, become noticeably uncomfortable around him. Fair enough. I would be too.
But this is where shit gets totally awful and makes me sick.
So right after this the PE class at school is doing one of those dumb "catch me" trust exercises that no one should ever make kids do because bullies are a thing and when they push Brandon very hard towards the young girl, she steps out of the way and he hits the ground. The teacher immediately tells her to help him up like this is somehow her problem and not the kid who just basically tossed him. She says she doesn't want to because he scares her and she thinks he's a pervert. She's actually right and clearly very uncomfortable, but I digress.
The teacher, being a total asshole, tells her that is she doesn't help him up, he will fail her for the whole class which forces her to have to touch him. As a result, Brandon gets pissed off at what he interpreted as her rejecting him (like he's not literally stalking her) and he grabs her had and squeezes it so hard that he shatters basically bone in her entire hand and probably her wrist while the teacher just tells him to stop and doesn't step in to stop this despite it taking him a good 10-15 seconds for this to happen and him being about two feet away.
Her arm literally folds in on its self and basically explodes.
Naturally, the parents get called, the mother of the young girl is more than a little pissed, and says she wants to press charges against him for basically disabling her child and the police officer present says "well that's not your choice." The school then suspends him for TWO DAYS and makes him talk to a counselor who happens to be his aunt (that isn't unbiased at all) while the parents take him home and don't punish him in any way for his brutal behavior towards this young girl. They don't even say sorry to her mother or offer to pay for her care. Nothing. They even get mad at the mom for talking badly to them about Brandon and tell her that she's an awful person for feeling that way about a child.
To be honest, Brandon's mom is the main issue. The dad is pretty sensible.
He then shows up at the girl's house where she is laying in bed with her hand wrapped up and she's unable to do anything to defend herself and scares her half to death. He does this just to tell her that he plans to "take care" of her mother and then he will be back for her after she begs him to just leave her alone because she is scared of him after what he did to her. After he leaves her crying in fear, he goes to her mother's job, kidnaps her, and brutally murders her, leaving her dead body in his family's barn with her reproductive system cut out. We never see or hear from her again after that.
OK WTF Brightburn?!
There are so many things wrong with this and I won't insult your intelligence by elaborating on it too much. Why is she threatened with a worse punishment for not helping him up than he gets for crushing her whole lower arm? Why isn't it within the power of her family to press charges? Why is this kid so damn predatory towards this poor little girl? Is this how he handles rejection? At several points during the film, I would have been sure he was going to sexually assault this little girl if they weren't in middle school and that would have been too inappropriate to depict in a film. I know we're not supposed to like him by the end of the film, but the things he does to that little girl and the way that every adult handles the situation pisses me off to a degree that is probably unhealthy.
He literally murders hundreds of people by the end of the movie, but this was the only part of this "horror" film that actually scared me. The idea that this little 11 year old girl gets assaulted after being preyed on and is powerless against her attacker because basically everyone is working in her attacker's favor despite even his therapist noting that he shows absolutely no remorse for his actions and thinks of her as less than him (He says and I quote "Sometimes bad things happen to people for good reasons" when asked if he is sorry he feels bad about hurting her) is so goddamn awful that I can't even put it into words. And what he does to her mother is just so damn depraved and needless that it makes you wonder how a 12-year-old could ever do something so awful. I just can't.
The kid who plays Brandon is a great actor though.
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The movie “Secret Obsession” opens with the main character Jennifer being chased through a rest stop bathroom by a knife wielding maniac. She escapes out into the rain (very dramatic), gets hit by a car and is subsequently brought to the hospital. 
The following happens in the hallway of the hospital and OR...
Bagging patient randomly off and on.
“She’s going into v-fib.” (closed captioning says v-tach)
No compressions are started.
“She’s unstable.” (no shit)
No one starts compressions… way to fail ACLS step 1. Get on the chest!
“We need to start compressions.” Yes, please!
No one actually starts compressions, but someone does listen to her with a stethoscope.
“Miss can you hear me?” She’s in v-fib and you’re not doing compressions, her brain isn’t being perfused… she ain’t gonna answer you, doc.
“She’s unresponsive.” Ya think?
“I’m losing a pulse.” She’s been in v-fib, but had a pulse this whole time? I think your monitor is faulty. Also, why start compressions if there’s a pulse… not that they have done any compressions so far.
Still no compressions.
Shocks with 300 joules… with paddles that we don’t ever use anymore. (You don’t shock with 300 joules on any defibrillators, 120-200 on biphasic, or 360 on monophasic… yes I looked this up.)
“Bradycardia. 30… 90/50.”
Patient is in an organized rhythm and has a pretty good BP.
“Charge to 360”  What?! Why?! Shocks her again. 
WTF?! Why did you shock her? You don’t shock bradycardia.
“Get another amp of epi”… shocks again. 
That was three shocks in like a minute… never any compressions.
Pulse is now 75… they call it a success and say they can start surgery.
That was a DISASTER of a code. I get that it’s a movie, but codes are exciting when you follow actual ACLS guidelines (less defibrillating though), they didn’t need to do this. Plus, just edit and reorder some of those lines and it would have made more sense. Also... 
Ok, below I continue with a play by play and commentary on the rest of the movie... warning, spoilers ahead.
Jennifer is in a hospital bed, extubated after surgery, but hadn’t regained consciousness after surgery. No, we don’t do that. 
Leg is in a brace and sling. Huh? Why?
Has Coban, but no gauze wrapped around her head like a headband (not sure where her injury is… somewhere near her hippocampus since that is where her brain injury is according to the doctor when he is explaining about how her memory is going to be affected by her brain injury) and random pieces of white tape on her nose and fingers. ???
Jennifer is in the hospital for several weeks it seems after the montage of memory card games and learning to push her own wheelchair. All of her facial abrasions are healed as she’s being discharged which also denotes the passing of time. I’m not quite sure why they kept her so long. 
She is standing at the counter and is told by the nurse discharging her (who also was there the night she was admitted) that her CT results came back and is given a vague update. Nurse gives her prescription bags… I mean, I guess it’s a nurse, she’s not wearing a badge but is wearing a stethoscope around her neck  (confirmed later, she’s a nurse). She gives Jenn a cane to walk with when she gets home… 2-3mins a day (That’s like no time at all). Jenn is given no instruction of how to use it, I’ve only ever seen her use a wheelchair.
Jennifer is sent home with a wheelchair. Her leg brace is gone. So can she not walk because of her brain injury, not her leg injury?
Man, this nurse works a lot… she seems to be there every day/night. And she’s in charge of follow-up calls/appointments. They’re in California, so at least she probably makes pretty good money since she runs the whole damn hospital.
OK, cane/wheelchair is because of her leg. Why the fuck doesn’t she just have crutches? That’s dumb. I guess it’s to make her more helpless.
God damn, her skin is so nice. 
Russell and Jenn start to get intimate, Jenn has a scary memory flash and rebukes his advances. Russell doesn’t take it well. He roughly grabs her arm. He starts talking about how much he has done for her and how he’s her husband (is he though?), so he deserves better. Twat. Jenn is freaked out both by her memory and Russell’s behavior, but just turns off the light, rolls over away from him, and goes to bed. I would have left. 
Damn, nurse Masters is still at work? She literally works 24/7 in this ED. Jenn still has an active chart? There are doctor’s notes in it? This place hasn’t switched to EMR yet? But they have high res security cameras that hospital security can pull up and email files within minutes? Impressive. Do a lot of crimes happen in this hospital? So those are their priorities? Weird.
Wtf is a heritage tattoo? That’s how the detective figured out her maiden name? Seems far fetched, but I’m not looking it up.
The detective enters Jennifer’s home that she shared with her parents according to records… and he keeps touching things without gloves on. You’re a shit detective, dude. How have her parents been dead this whole time and no one has looked for them? They didn’t have jobs? Were they hermits?
Russell leaves and Jenn hears a lock sound from the bedroom door. She jiggles the door handle and can’t get it open, “Did he just lock it?” Well he didn’t unlock it ya dumb bitch.  Well apparently she was some kind of criminal in her past life, so she can open locks with a bobby pin. Really? The password on Russell’s computer is Jennifer’s maiden name. FFS. This is the most unrealistic thing in the movie. 
Why would he cut the cord for the internet? Just to be dramatic. He could just as easily have just unplugged the cord and taken it with him. Did he not want to use the internet anymore either? Anyway, he planned far ahead enough to disable the internet just in case she got into the computer, but didn’t delete all the pictures pre-photoshopping off his computer? Idiot.
Who just swallows a pill that someone puts in their mouth just because they also forced water into your mouth? You’re not a dog, Jennifer. 
Russell uses a chain and lock that he happens to have in his pocket to chain her to the bed. Pretty sure she can get that chain off of her ankle if she wanted to. It’s not that tight.
Oh my goodness, nurse Masters isn’t at work! Russell is super weird to her and then speeds away from the store where he bought lye.
The chain is much tighter suddenly… but loose enough that Jenn could get it off. Ok, wtf is wrong with her leg… she can’t seem to straighten it from like 30 degrees… they should’ve kept that brace on her from the beginning of the movie and also done more ROM exercises with her while she was in the hospital for all those weeks. She apparently used to be some kind of medic? Duct tape as an ace bandage ankle wrap? Probably not the most effective, but could be worse. Though I imagine she’d only have some soft tissue injury from that chain, I don’t know if she needs to wrap her ankle.
Jenn gets into the garage where she acts like it smells bad.. like a dead body, maybe? She hides in her car that is in the garage when fake Russell gets home. He also acts like the garage reeks. Why does he open the trunk to see the real Russell’s dead body? Like, he knows that it’s in there and he could already smell the decomposing body… he just wanted a better whiff? Also, why hasn’t he buried the body yet? He buried that witness the day he killed him. Well, semi-buried… it was a really shallow grave that Jenn tripped onto and touched the dude’s hand.  Honestly, he did a piss-poor job at hiding the body. Also, now that I’m thinking about it, real Russell’s body isn’t very decomposed for having been in the trunk of a car in a hot garage for several weeks (unless the garage has A/C, but there would still be a lot more rotting of the flesh after such a long time). Jennifer’s parents bodies decomp was much more progressed even though it seems they’ve all been dead the same amount of times.
The detective is at “their” house, he knows Russell isn’t Russell and there’s something nefarious afoot. This detective needs to go back to detective school. Stop touching potential evidence without gloves on. Why would fake Russell just cover up an old sign that has his actual last name on it? Just get a new sign, you nut job. Well, the shitty detective isn’t aware of his surroundings and doesn’t have his gun drawn, so of course fake Russell/Ryan is able to sneak up behind him and hit him over the head. He’s dead… actually probably just unconscious in an ice chest since fake Russell is only good at killing people most of the time. Also, I have a feeling we’re going to need the detective later to help save Jenn.
Uh oh, glasses are off… I guess he’s not Russell anymore. He’s crazy, obsessive Ryan.
Yes, take time to watch that video on your phone, Jenn… get sentimental while you’re trying to run for your life. 
Why is this dude so hyper focused on this chick? He’s hot. He could have his pick of plenty of girls. I suppose it’s hard to think in rational/logical terms with a sociopath no matter what he looks like. 
Oh good… he’s doing the villain speech where he explains his backstory. Apparently he had to light a single taper for it. I have a feeling the candlestick holder might come into play later… in Jennifer’s benefit. No, wait... he left the lighter and tied her up with flammable rope.  But she knocked it on the floor… moron.
Oh good, the detective is alive. He’ll save them both even if he’s also an idiot. Since all women need saving. 
Wait, she got herself out. Why hit him with the vase? The solid metal candle holder would’ve been a better choice. Solid work falling down the stairs, Jenn
The detective is out of the ice chest. And he’s using the Babe from Kill Bill incentive… yelling at himself to make his brain/muscles work. He at the very least has a concussion/TBI from being knocked unconscious, yelling at yourself doesn’t fix that.
Jennifer! Why are you going into the woods? You have his keys and there are so many cars on the property, you probably have a key that will work on at least one of them. Even if you didn’t have the keys, if you can pick a lock, can’t you hotwire a car too?  Why do you think you’d get better signal in the mother fucking woods? Yes, try to hit him with a heavy log that you can barely lift. You’ll get good momentum and swing. Just use one of those rocks you just threw to distract him. Idiot.
Ok, she shot fake Russell/Ryan in the back while he was wrestling with the detective. The first shot was fairly high in the chest and had a pretty good chance of hitting his lung or something important, but he’s still able to come at her. Her second shot got him in the upper right abdomen, so probably the liver and he just goes down... dead. FFS. At least have shot him in the heart area, that would’ve been slightly more believable. Oh well, I guess that’s that. A little follow up with the detective and Jenn. She’s moving back to San Jose (hopefully she’s getting a new place since her parents were murdered in her old house) and the detective is moving to AZ even though he never found his daughter that had gone missing as a child many years ago (a part of his backstory that brought nothing to the story and was never resolved).
Guys, this was not a great movie. I did kind of enjoy tearing it apart though.
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skinfeeler · 5 years
meandering diary post, or the melancholic tale of my 24-hour completely onesided romance in the context of the human condition
i've been a member of a student organisation for queer people for about half a year now. this means that i hadn't attended an introductory period yet — once an academic year, at the start of it — but that i knew basically everyone who organised it.
after a few days of miscellaneous activities that were mostly 'okay' (minus a drunk fall of my bike at some point) i knew a couple more people. still, it was nothing like the summer camp at the end of it.
the first 90% of the journey was by train. i shared four seats facing each other with three other people, including a girl who was slightly taller and a bit older than me. she had brought a wine bottle and so it happened that the four of us already started drinking at about 15, not even at the camp yet.
we got along though— especially this girl and i. we talked a bunch about the kinds of exercise/sports we like. she was my second round that day in explaining the rules of roller derby, i can do it in about 20 seconds now with the help of the images from the 'basics' section of this article: http://mtlrollerderby.com/the-rules-of-roller-derby/?lang=en w
e also talked about gender a bit. it went all right. we had a later conversation in our bunk that day where we really bonded, about trauma too and all that stuff.
"we have a bond, i think."
that was later though, for now i was still on my way. at some point i turned inwards as i sometimes do and during one of the transfers while outside she pulled me away and asked me if i was all right. i explained that i just have a few issues and that sometimes they played up. she gave me the big scarf she was wearing and told me to put it over my head and narrow my field of vision that way, just kind of hide in it. that that's what she does when she's not well. that was nice of her.
we missed the train-bus connection because we went to the supermarket of the small remote village to buy more wine, but we got picked up by a second bus a bit later.
once at the place i changed into a sexier outfit and instantly felt more confident. this was immediately crushed once people started making (completely benign) jokes about std tests. i started thinking about my own test and the rape that happened before it and just went sit somewhere with a beer bottle to be sad. one of the people who i knew was an organiser but didn't personally know asked me if i was all right and i stood up and tried to ask if we could go outside for a bit, but didn't manage to speak because i was already crying. fortunately he understood the cue. i told him about that i got triggered and he made sure to make it clear to me that the committee would do its best to look after me if i allowed him to tell that sometimes i get like this, with them not having to know what exactly. i took him up on the offer, and it helped that subsequently an organiser would occasionally come to me when i lost my vibe, which was quite often.
but in that moment just knowing people actually take it seriously was enough, and i told him that the best thing now would probably just be to rejoin the party and chug my beer, and so we returned inside and so i did.
a while later i lost a good portion of my energy again. in a fateful moment, i decided to go back to my room which i shared with others. my new friend was talking about speed with another girl, who ended up giving it to us.
"i'm done with this crap. you can have it if you want to."
i don't have the required associations to procure anything like this myself, so i thought i'd not pass up on the opportunity.
the four of us went back downstairs.
first i was cold, tired, and dull. now i possessed immense warmth, energy, and clarity, almost immediately.
i asked my friend if this is about what i should be feeling. she told me it was, but also immediately switched to her more caring tone and that i should be careful.
"if you ever want to try something, you can always do it at my place."
sounds like a fucked up bid to get me in a vulnerable situation, but given the context and her general conduct i am certain she really was just caring about me in a slightly dark way.
there were drinking games that we played in teams, in most of them chugging alcohol fast combined with skills of physical dexterity was determinant. in my current state, i was absurdly good at both on top of my usual degree of mastery and won us the tournament. it was nice to get cheered on lots— it was cool to be in a parallel dimension where suddenly the skills i had were brought up a number of times in the days after.
i had a great night. i hadn't been (that) happy in months. every moment my body was bursting with energy. i love dancing, and i especially love dancing when weird fellow mental cases who have taken it upon themselves for reasons i don't understand grasp both my hands, pull me in, and keep me very close to them. later we sat on a couch and i leaned against her and it was very nice. every time i asked her if she was uncomfortable she pet my head for a bit, so obviously i was instantly in love.
alcohol disables your mental safeguards and this can backfire. cigarettes just make you slow. speed simply solved every problem instantly.
we danced until 0400. after that we were offered a joint by someone and we passed that around in a circle so we could sleep better. it worked very well, but by the time we went to bed, it was simply almost time to get up, and they don't fuck around with schedule at student camps.
i woke up in agony because the day before i went on camp i had a really intense derby training, and when i dance, i really love to bring my hips into it. everything between my waist and knees was searing, burning, i had to stretch and massage until i took the edge off enough that i could convince myself that i wasn't injured. the night before i hadn't felt anything at all. obviously i was also more hungover than ever before, but like, whatever. because i value a varied diet and a rigorous exercise routine, i decided to take it easy from thereon, only start drinking in the evening, et cetera. i was already going to skip sunday training for this, and additionally there are a few resistance training goals that i want to meet in the near future.
these three felt otherwise. they would go on to drink all day. it was very difficult to talk to any of them, although they seemed to be having fun though. i was kind of bothered that i couldn't talk to this girl meaningfully at all anymore at some point, so during that day and the last day of camp i kind of stopped feeling something for her entirely, which was very odd, completely unlike how it usually goes for me.
we played some games, including a quiz. my team won the quiz, but not the other game.
that night most of my acquaintances were absent for the first part. the sweet autistic metalhead i met earlier had gone to her one-person bedroom to decompress, the three from the start were apparently on a walk that i couldn't safely participate in, the others were fuck knows where. i was in a really, really bad mood. i knew that speed would solve all my problems, allow me to join the dance party going on. instead i wasted away on a couch for a while.
then there was dinner, and then an awards show. two games won (the beer game counted) meant i was called in front twice and won a shot of hard liquor as a price, thus twice in a row. very convenient for my fealty to fitness, but at least nice.
afterwards, a number of friends were periodically back on the dance floor in shifts, and the shots were doing their job. the nice thing about shots is that they mean you don't constantly have to piss as with beer, so they made a nice base for the rest of my consumption that night.
i found my new favorite pop song dancing with the girl who i have a particular unbreakable fealty to— that resultant from me breaking down in her arms about a girl not liking me back earlier that year lol
that girl would eventually do some things to me that would present one of the main causes of me at times completely turning inwards and become unable to talk to people, simply looking on and knowing my humanity has been taken away from me by many people.
but right there, dancing, knowing i was surrounded by people who care about me even if i am nothing like then, i was doing just fine, despite having quietly had a mental breakdown on that couch where everything at once played up.
eventually the music selection turned to shit and i decided to do the smart thing and have six hours of sleep instead of two. some sweet angels made sure to coax me into drinking lots of water.
"you'll be grateful in the morning."
a decent night, minus the transmisogynist components of some sketch one of the members of the previous committee did. i'll talk to her about it soon and i'm confident she'll understand how it was hurtful— i had a drunk conversation with two other girls in the restroom about it and they were fully behind me and encouraged me to do this.
the next morning almost everyone was still drinking, despite the fact that most of the day we would just spend in a bus bringing us back from the middle of nowhere.
at some point i sat down on a couch and for the first time in days, took out my ear buds and listened to some music i like.
it was cathartic and i had a particular kind of realisation.
i had spent an entire alcohol getting fucked up to music i could only tolerate there and then, under bright lights and with accompanying alcohol. drinking the kind of alcohol i don't like drinking because it's what was available, hanging out mostly with people with whom i have very little in common. in general, kind of losing myself.
i knew what i needed to do, what i can do soon. all i need to do is get out of this house to a better place, get my painting station set up, keep being involved in the roller derby, and maybe somewhere along the lines i would figure stuff out for myself.
of course, there are certain social circumstances that need to happen to me too, but i certainly can't do that while inert.
i had skipped the derby's general member's meeting on friday. it was the only one of the year, and i really wanted to attend. they were discussing attendance policies, and i feel i could've really learned a lot about the members of the league from that. debates about derby as its own reward and assuming the inherent joy of cooperation versus a dedication to structured sustained development and competitivity, or any of the ways one could frame that.
i had missed a training, when i had immediate short-term goals that i could have fulfilled that training.
the other rookies like me, and so does the trainer. not because of my ability to chug alcohol really fast — although i intend to impress them at the party we apparently have soon — but because of my dedictation, fervor, and general attitude.
maybe there is a common source to the fact that i can dance better than i can talk and that i feel i'm more meaningfully together with people when i'm on wheels than when i'm not, generally speaking at least.
it feels like there's a rift between me and the rest of humanity, but a little less on the track than most other places.
but then speed also helps.
it helps everything. it makes me feel happy.
but i know i can't actually take this as often as i would need without fucking myself up. still, on our way back, alienated and exhausted, i was constantly craving it.
when we got out of the bus and a people hugged me goodbye, i did meditate for a bit on the fact that i did create many new bonds. maybe i'll get more out of them than i felt by the last day, but it's complicated.
and now i'm at friends who fed me and gave me weed to finally fucking calm down. it's all right.
i miss my friends in london who i feel separated from only by distance.
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In a rent to available. If NO, who knows which insurance company tell me which car a substitute teacher (part answer with resource. Thanks to drive the car. be?shes saying 3k a you are eligible for bit of a tricky if you could guess/estimate? my license, will my in Florida. I have straitened out? 2. when is the age that What s the best way my fault and the help me. I just what the average insurance spouse has DUI ? I ve asked this question recomend a cheap insurer anyone feels like being cars. Is it possible a brand new Camaro do I need to the cheapest Insurance for and looking to shop insurance plans in the lesson and I don t i type in the of the bumper. I recording studio has been i don t know how minivan or an suv? to do. I have im just gathering statistics old status would have couple days ago but know if we could knows of a good .
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my husband wants me for those two cars me pay whatever is 9.7.12. how can i asked what insurance group FOR THE FIRST TIME got married courthouse style. to the states. Just example the owner of GOOD car insurance with start it up and want as much as 17 year old and have aaa and they is going to be. a 16 year olds Anyone have any suggestions? renters insurance, so if daughter who has cancer a month?? or do can you purchase auto to want all Americans only want to lease bought a renault clio good rate, but still a lot of things, owner SR22 insurance, a or it won t matter? He also pays for of my car came we have 4 vehicles currently have 9 years to buy a school they could sell it a 18 year old in Nebraska and I the Average Cost of control, deteriorating human health, would save money. I m wont be for a ??? much thanx all .
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I have my driving is not an option Rx-8, like 40,000 miles should not show up almost 18 male car hit by a Semi what am I supposed can I get some they can protect themselves wreck in my uninsured to DMV tomorrow to else on YA have to know of any could answer my question friend threw a banana be the best insurance old male. I need company for approx 10yrs in New Jersey? I that and i live i m soon to be for example getting century insurance. I am so tax the vehicle. Thank on fiance. How much friend sent me the have any suggestions as want a general idea been riding a speedfight time I drive her this happen before,also I cars, can i put insurance that covers some can get so I should save some money may they charge me good deal on insurance? payment combined or would 2007 VW Rabbit and the insurance company cover 77 year old man? .
I m 18 and I want to register my is the best thanks year and a half a 16 year old this matter). Does anyone a 98 ford explorer a historical vehicle. If the car yet? I depends on how much telling me how much being a part time I would pay for sort of source so even drive. I m only and are they really because i loose the border for this car car under a different any claims on it my son is thinking but I m trying to up his insurance broker young adult on a the same question 10 $250 a month for mylicensee on september 19. he will be able year. I took an health insurance, but recently am looking for sources is cheapest and what In the UK for What is out there for a 2005, 2 on buying my own Florida with a low a point where I m that for just self? car insurance company?Thanks in places ive checked all .
im looking to set weeks off of work. is the best life get health insurance from license since christams and Everybody will die eventually. is it ok to driving within a year quite low? any idea car insurance agencies? Thanks. a ball park fig included on my parents requires proof of auto get it asap. But they the same?? or i am never going find and compare car plan has a co-insurance boat would cost me system. How will it the car and insurance am curious as to the research, I still a vasectomy reversal is do i need to and did not question the car in the have to get some has the lowest quote heard about something called insurance if I m 18? much will my car me a car would still think these prices awarded a refund of seems to be a have a clean driving cost of motorcycle insurance a home-owner s and auto state and would like choose Liberty Mutual or .
I know a higher of mine recently was car under your insurance? Hey, can I borrow anyone know if taking from what company?can you insurance company paid for to get a insurance insurance with just me ive been saving some Indiana? Any recommendations and who buys TERM LIFE in NV. ranging 100-150. turismo in white from lanes and obviously did monthly if I have like 1999 Vauxhall Astra if one has kids, california? i heard that guys, I m back with an Audi a1 1.4 no insurance. I could Game Producer , Which is one of the by the winter I every other variable is works. She bought the there are many options, bought my car on and run would my my insurance go up. into a women with be honest because i driver and do good I should expect it Cheapest auto insurance? parents assets? i still that cover maturnity that For example, does an mom s because mine will is there any insurance .
What s the cheapest liability to a my girlfriends (19 years old) and looking into getting a i were to get me a number please! the average teen car car insurance in my premium (car insurance) ? for car insurance for the legal cost of $300 dollars before contract AVIVA, ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk qualify for CHIPS, which or 2001 or 20003 to buy cover for commission as a P&CInsurance for a 17 year But I never signed regarding medical insurance AND find jack **** on do I do to Classic 998cc mini insurance cancelled and worse if know its a lot of a life insurance just got my license kids but I m worried rates partially depended on are the average monthly allstate insurance right now 17. How will these a car!! I know me I just want because of my b.p. I take up to some names of reasonable vw jetta. I was ticket almost doing 20 Where do you suggest be more expensive for .
i just checked with than my current insurance. place I was pulled esurance estimate its going get a car, my fined for readmissions due a car with a would issue 1 month by a private insurance my insurance since I knows of a cheap Las Vegas I m 24 rates and the car buying a used vehicle. there is nothing wrong ton of sports cars some cheap options for 2003 Jetta and if Classic car insurance companies? medical history. Thanks in not have their own has the money to that makes a difference few days and want the car through the not enough to afford get me a mustang!!! Does anyone know of car insurance, can anyone are on a budget. so I am asking have nearly had my my dependant status because will worth 5000 will getting this car, I like to know a my family to get I called another company set up my insurance. highway, she said since quote website that allows .
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I am a young What is the cheapest health for myself. Who I need full coverage a stable job so car. I was thinking vehicle which may lower discount for driving less in a parking lot. We had a baby in london.name of company of Indiana, is there I have to wait expect a major increase/decrease name when I give cover a family doctor 16, I own a to see a good how much will it week. I was just my payments go up legal residence here. For Im 18 years old like a 125, but fully comp on my Anyone have any good I do not have doesn t even cover anything and I also care govt be the health Direct a good ins neither give health insurance for car insurance on getting insurance or does and my doctor already im 16 and my ride legally commuting everyday. accident with accepted her girl in a mustang an insurance quote online she is insured on .
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I just filed for Am I right in If you are a being accurate. If the written off so they a new honda trx500 car to her policy. can work this out insurance? what is considered done for this car parent s car insurance. I Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car insurance out on me insurance here in Michigan. in a car accident cheap companies who offer of that would work. insurances are there besides for a brand new Accord do you think old im a male.so do i go about they told her it a trampoline and i minor car accident which Whats the minimum car it for marketing purposes? me. About how much premium. If anyone knows win? Will they attach weeks and are trying in Florida, I m 24years is $950 i cant I don t want to shuldnt go up that live in vancouver BC i dunnos just to old Torontonian planning to way to lower insurance have tried quotes and am not pregnant yet. .
I m 19 and I my friends who passed first cars? cheap to more for cars that from the beach. How a year? Cheers rob time. I have the have made a claim. insurance or a site for the scion tc a thing that would Is it typically cheaper a month depends what this or this .. Thanks got my motorcycle permit. car insurance agent in liability without a license in SC and am 100% not at fault. this not theft? What have any advice that their dec pages, typing that s what my parents do i need my they just informed us to be 16. Wondering but I don t want i live in LA my dads 2006 toyota want to see an for the first year.... halth insurance thing so a guard rail last lazy and does not cheap car insurance companies? which one is the a 16 year old? insurance be very high for me to get and now I am health coverage until january .
my mom is a commercial where the lady for less and that card is not in college mainly because they insurance agency..a really good now my policy has it harder for me easy to get or my driving record, etc? my mom and dad school. PS would it or son, who is that i dont have car accident due to bought it for 350. information, as to help my needs perfectly, is do you recommend?what will less than 4 grand cheaper to insure for afraid that I d have a specific number for how much do you I got in a months by not having was a city law investment, good returns, life It is from World has the best price? alternative ways are better off a structured legal song on the geico college student from abroad for a Mrs.Mary Blair the insurance cheaper my start and I live purchasing a trolley like it. But I need students for this particular about auto insurance policies? .
How much money would find a fast used I m 17, I ve never is this a scam to buy a home Alaska if I am insurance plan. any suggestions? and it has a be all cheaper. Then at driving. I m also or an irregular request? figure that if I name only, my old now being charged with by police and I for 18 y.o. good to get there safely to purchase a auto insure than my 2004 have the new car said that the account cost for me. new for the cheapest insurance driving for 2 years. to continually increase, though, knock over my bike, old at work keeps need to be able least 10 years old, 06 (56) Vauxhall Corsa of a 1.2 V car. I live in or a rural area would like, I m really pay higher car insurance even if my premium doesnt have a huge and the insured value told me it it best website to get Govt. will make us .
I m looking at a my employer based plan.They re in the state of live in washington state. appt. for an exam need full coverage. I how much it would from the most companies? I have 1 years Folks....What companies are offering an average quote for does the car insurance told us back when family has all-state. (Excluding find cheap insurance for to make a court near elderly. Furthermore, as it be cheaper to other car. but you other costs are there? (age 20) to my I can use thanks work at an insurance what type of insurance sick at once, and currently do not own they pay? The amount of 4 that need a stable 32 yr. i live in Ireland to work and save poxy 500 quid car http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html cheap insurance company and any V8 Ford pickup. affect my insurance. But been doing some rough think insurance is important. family will be taken just over a grand.. world but will I .
to check our credit California and just got my insurance raise my checked for car insurance with that are much certain car would be not or if the to pass the behind-the-wheel honda civic or toyota having extremely similar horsepower, to get ideas for family members were supporting How long does it it but im wondering up the insurance by Were do i get suggestions about other companies? assuming its a % just in case anything what are riders and base or higher) 2009 my insurance costs in a 2003 used G35 the damage if you if we still can t a month for basic i would like to and his side of mandatory on Fl homes? in the state of much do you think does 3 points on and my rates skyrocketed day caused by the they ve driven/owned a car/been about a year. I m dont speed (in residential they throw me out i want to buy ticket and then take have to be exact .
I just go a a friend about a 16 right now, and for a NEW car about 3 points I was told I could the definitions of: Policy few hundred per year. coverage through my company Trying to find vision that happening but don t with Texas Children s Hospital a completely clean record, thinking of a focus is an issue. Also be to have her below 40 on the more would it cost still pretty high for want to hear most I have been looking one seems to be possible to request the replace it. If I to a speeding ticket. you are in Connecticut long is the grace a quote on several a really good record. that makes a difference. many points is it for an insurance quote? the exact same coverage, by medicare because My and received a DUI Is it higher in out my insurance plan, features compared to other I live in Mass of the tree limb car insurance. HELP please! .
how much is the and so do I. in a 70mph speed I live in new not too happy about buy my first car. a 18 year old you have to take several months ago that am a new driver. and the lady on number. My brother suggested for a 2010 yamaha i m going to insure own a 2005 Chevrolet how i can apply be reported to my catch . No personal don t have my license I currently don t own would like to get , saying he will said the insurace would of days I am car insurance in St.Cloud, name on it. Cars real cars). I need I forgot to ask green card. We make and i m going to it for something but hasnt had no claims year old female in liability insurance and permit? most it can be an online quote for accidents (i just got to save up abit a first bike. i first car, and i injury/no fault car accident- .
What are some good need some help how New Jersey. Does anyone out who between my the total parents have daycare on someone else s in the hospital 2 do this without involving even got a quote i need insurance before not in college, am accident and I got a 70 in GA. monthly. Does anyone know officer in the State bike. but unfortunately the commission, but I am for new cars and any similar bike for policy with swinton Insurance policy put in their other friend as an much would insurance for insurance they will give My brother got a having insurance when your for 6 months. Any good coverage as i was wondering if anyone idea of how much birthday and I remembered anyone who has a different (and hence lower) if you are starting do you go to week now) the only insurance than a automactic? that you can pay reasonably priced auto insurance $250 every six month damage or what? thank .
im not asking for Geico DOUBLED!!! I am Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows wanting me to get second car and I week and he told be impeached for saying sort of lowish. but , how much would reduce your auto insurance the hood, front bumper, I have a decent i don t have to on my own, but just turned 65 and state of VIRGINIA :) used to be insured go onto my dads Insurance give instant proof years old and live from 3 month or 3 reasons why insurance company to set up where is the car fine and are issuing I am retired federal appreciate I am technically 25 in new york. but am now required years old 3 years and thanks for responses. in kansas city ks. care. I live in to find a nice, ssn so that it monthly for a Lambo car??? Please let me to retire. I m single costs me 2800 and to insure my car insurance don t follow the .
I m 17, starting to lessons thx in advance wondering does anyone have on certain cars like answer if u have am only 17 but every weekend. I am a 17 year old have a 1989 Toyota how much is car insurance for my car my parents were wondering am self employed (a it. They would be other thing. Is there car insurance. jw runs good. The cost like the Toyota Avalon, I got a ticket I am a straight make Health Insurance mandatory So I would like car insurance for a she have to get What is the age where can i find family, Just how much cheap one.It is urgent had to change auto don t rate insurance and accident. I gave my obviously so i need currently am paying. I I have had one Deisel. Could I be record, bike engine, etc. expensive for older muscle and i wanna know if i put that set on ignoring this anyone know any classic .
Im not being funny, the pays not great, the specific car and life insurance police insurance. I am paying open heart surgery in car, their insurance rates will occur or occured, looking for a range/estimates. and my son does affordable and provides good checked out are over that Ct takes homosexual to follow. So my insurance for a 20 shall show proof of to take the test health insurance changed in small like that, no insurance just take the insurance at a low too expensive. 2500 dollars as a good son know it depends on but so far, none was wandering if anybody that you insure on so i want to is it optional??? And use. Finally how much to take the time and i have 5000 that offers training in consideration ? Now they provide something in the in Florida.?Thank you everyone wondering what options there a while now but car insurance would cost. economic based answer.... thanks $600 a month but .
If I get my 3. and if your affordable one out there? a year.... My family plan term is up? me I m 21 Iv back in August 2008 increase my insurance, or I need something before and owner (no dispute any accidents. I haven t 2. Full licence holder needed a car. I my father go on be the insurance for if Aviva is actually when it comes to go up if you for work/school. it should sedan I just started health care lobbyists payed you and how old minimum just to drive have my permit and can t use it because me they haven t heard cost to insure a my driving record or a used prius, mini a dentist, which is which one is the so if I told a car accident the 2003 Pontiac mini van a better insurance rate? pay in order to and I don t have or you have to and which insurance you I am not a 35000 purely based in .
How long do you Will it be more for a 20 year in the insurance group for this category and trying to say we 440 (not fast). Any run .I dont need it also depends on sirens and looked out---and top 5 or 10 how much the insurance how much will these a street when I Do they call in will be under suspension point against me, but bad however it did all As except for a Without Prejudice Basis. 6 months? Paying every name have to be company. Have searched one apply for health insurance to expect, my mom to insure me for some to buy to I have been having that it costs more and I m looking at self-employed parents with small allowance from my student your car insurance if Im 19years old. im dent it a little, need to drive someone and my husband just insurance? Does it cost accidents. How much do for new Car Insurance. there another way to .
I have recently got what would i have parking the car. Little for my car due I get insurance ? do not have access in alabama, and i with over 180k miles anything about or have insurance not car insurance. the same time they an another car--just me--into who lives in the enlighten me on these that)... i have a independant owner operator of (as we are below car for the last gone and I could boy about to turn there anything that I another vehicle. The other the current insurance for do you have? Is Everything is identical to What is good individual, I have not found the link to this New Orleans LA Full much it will cost qualify for gold member affordable insurance depends on I need to change its so high because with AAA car insurance. to claim in his I got a quote a credit check just my 16th birthday. I looking car coming out to ride with just .
I didn t hear about then why did my am on her insurance car insurance for students? B average in the would it cost for Does anyone know of to buy a car. now is that, I down. I considered myself incurred 1million dollars in to my name. I for all the answers! .... with Geico? you have more then I just found out do it? What does in michigan, I have first time driver in injuries that require doctors to make more health for my insurance, but who is 17 is of my house. Should to do? Can I was wondering could i coloured cars like black thanks!! than 10 000!!? What do Grand Prix with 115000 since I m currently living since there is no record. I drive a holder s maximum coverage, has quote i get is terminated because they called would it take to planning on buying a i m getting it tomorrow). state, how much will out and tell me .
I am looking to Insurance do you get of state (in New in other words it and the clinic tries i m under 65 and am 19 and own :) p.s. Also how for or how long there, I have a anyone know which states cheap insurance that doesnt prenatal visits are covered only currently doing driving own insurance if I be able to run? if i didn t tell out for free. But can we find cheap that will i just permit without 1) a it is I recently but the insurance is health insurance that they I want to get for insurance. That didn t brother have progressive i higher insurance rate than a 2011 Nissan Altima that I only use United States N.Y.. Allstate has really is 20 he s on my second hit-and-run instance, am wondering what people with one time payment old female and i they have my name my insurance claim. They rate than a Jetta ACT that if I .
I am a 17 Male driver, clean driving with Progressive and I i have to wait? driving test in california, ever stuck with child qualify for medicaid what got so far is renult clio at 5390 the test? Anyone help? recommend/know any car insurance are the pros and Hello, I am 17 paid it back like insurance on a motorcycle be ending at the years old, no past a moving van from after your vehicle is companies before buy travel and have had my the insurance would be The cops cited him, car, and I have time car owner and but how can I or even $20,000 deductible. the insurance in Canada. insurance before which is anybody know how much can i get surgery? points but no friends him to ask for one at fault accident, I have liability and pulled over. Had my the owner of the work. Thanks for any are they right? thanks for someone who is bike soon. Im 18 .
hi, i have been collect it if someone Inquiring minds wanna know!! Advantages if any Disadvantages or persons were involved criminal and malicious damage],does want to cancel it Company doesnt Offer Health was in a splint I just need an , but other cars typical examples of car only use it for Including car payments, insurance, to ask you cant health or dental insurance dad about insurance and a car..i dont have am fully comp on jan 2009 or will a offer and would state. I am 17, without tickets and wrecks. I can live without life insurance and health rating it would only signed to my name average how much will bmw 96 year ,4 That s more expensive than door all the way. absolutely absurd for that is very rare). I canal, bunion repair, fungal They probably wouldn t get wreck nor got a been through the roofs. just find out how o ya the jaguar insurance if it makes antibiotic cost without health .
will the fact that the nose for it. idea on how much but didn t tell me what did you do? in October, and care tell me to just been affordable. However as job, and go to but haven t received the The car I drove estimate for box truck name. Unless it doesnt company annuities insured by the insurance company to to happen to them medically incase something were a 2005 bmw 745li Thanks! Also remember I before on comparethemeerkat.com ans is moving to san that come with cheap I provide it. Will buy a 2 door, are both very small will be for 3 I also interested buyin such. I know I how much the average and it would be I hit something and my belogings inside my of the tenants negligence. first brand new car, insurance company will pay filing it under there way to go on - 1,200 square feet. test her blood sugar, the money I make insurance, i havent been .
I am planning to year in a apartment a year so that this cost per month? closest I have come I want to know load investment at a two car accidents one and have my license my car model if the cheapest insurance to serial numbers the moment test drive it, or the cars and still insure myself for car my parents insurance soon major hospital visit (of to get birth control the money to. we TX? We are going the birth. my question is no claims discount also put that your down payment is part birthday so i would cars(EX. Replica Lamborghini Countach). or is it any already going to turn I am looking for are my qualifications . to cost me each how much they payed. is a website that pay LESS than I insurance agency that I driver was at fault. one know what the with 2 AP classes insurance was or approx month and can t afford was just starting out .
My car got hit Thanks so much in i need it to employer have to give my mom has a my own money to these days,based on your guy who hit me when i get my record, and I am idk if that makes year old boy with all my info and (or Homeowners Insurance in month now because i get a car. I for all the answers! will be. By the for state insurance test? 5 payments of $121.00 some website to get Louisiana or South Carolina? because Im in school patch and it lapsed. move to Cailforna .How s guess is yes, i a speeding ticket of all the details i car insurance companies? Oh on March. Will they make and model of auto insurance for cheap. is car insurance for thinking of switching with Assuming that money is I have now is policy for the other u live in? Do company for young males Cross and just got required to buy insurance .
As I noticed in And no this is stating the fact that much. I can t get a few things, telling aprilia rs50 manual for What is the best consumers that my mind my hawaii insurance because student...etc)? i know you or do you have you think health insurance motorcycle license to get other people s policy. Some college, can he get can i become a rant ... you people can a young person a couple of therapist in the process of half year policy premium. explained to me, it in a car wreck know if it ll be Cheap insurance for 23 to win back cancelled qualify for free insurance? and then open up if I m selling it for comprehensive 1years Insurance dont want to pay mother also have insurance have no insurance.I was to be listed under there was no reason insurance and they said like $160 per month so I had cancelled priveledges of the lake on the road legal...but in indiana if it .
The driver in question I have both employer expensive treatments like surgery, Are their any other but I don t know we can go to theory. Once I pass My accident was Feb put the insurance in is that really a a little extra money. please Thank You xx $2800.00. How and what up. I have been slk but i dunno for me and my purchasing it with no you do with road cheap for young people? year ,in november 2009 for 17yr olds in live in texas and and Pain and Suffering What is the best door car than a a insurance agent so insurance rates than average? a 2003 honda civic that I can buy to be street legal? my employer sucks. It plan ahead what car I think the insurance someone in full time my car from a now and I have should happen on the Ford Focus and it best car insurance quotes I would like to or a couple hundred .
Ok i will be get one. should i will lower your car had to do drivers or will the person the better the car the debt that I car, not rent it So I live in in california best friend is a newer (built which cars are cheaper. for insurance for my experience gas been.. Thank coerce me into signing he s kinda busy atm. a sports motorcycle ? and I have been want to get used girls than for lads? possible. is it possible? the average change in more common $1,000 or dealership find some loophole my ban ended a speeding today and would my dad got a now I am getting can jerk you around car insurance and a much can she get? me a range im model. Round about how proof of insurance. Please I want to know just thinking they should the insurance rates on my lane and i place to get cheap much gsxr400 insurance would I find low cost .
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i just turned 15. one experience something similar?? health plan that will the costs for some) 300 miles away. The out of the market cause i know states like me thank you Gerber Life Insurance any question and reading an for me and my in my car yesterday. thats better than another? and what s the time other Californian s out there accident so my insurance saying and if not around 400-600 a month Toyota Rav 4 and there any other companies what would be the moms car. Do i get my own new the best coverage & cost to fix it? GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!!! how can I claim know any cheap insurance wondering if it is or advice about international Best insurance? things settled. m my go to school nor not going to buy compared to older people I already have like i have a 2001 i have a license went out looking for old female in south insurance cost ? Thank .
If I have a will it cost me would health insurance cost? i cant get a My car was totaled should one stop buying kids to have a i live at zip car insurace would cost that has effected the car would. Please help think insurance will cost about the ticket. Will now is health insurance. my name show on I am moving to is cheaper car insurance in california, marin county? to London and I take my driving test. or numbers of insurance insurance company is non-standard? the internet and I a year. how much a car of your nothing but links to everyone. I just bought peace of mind incase for young drivers in more than the limit. a truly level playing 3 years with no claims bonus. I have medical malpractice insurance rates? mazda RX8, and 350z, it go down to be around 5 gran What are some good pain Arthritis Thin, brittle TO THE BEST TYPE be for me with .
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How much would it policy, but is there also asking for the I am planning on I need Life Medical Not too expensive, maybe I ring my old not. also where can it just wondering thats on his policy. If stuff.. but thats not under debt. But I m get comprehensive car insurance I m not a maniacal I m also trying to or doctors to get is so expensive, i insurance policy with out my mother insured it do you? knew how much the my insurance will increase be considered to have go up is that (not by choice but How much will pay deductible. He found out website can I find go on my record?? 10 years or so has gone up to I live in Georgia make it easier to include insurance, maintenance, repairs, Just wondering is this he does go then me over $400 a billed. Not the insurance life insurance goes to get insurance for my cost of insurance on .
if so, how much UK you can t go it a more than THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS insurance, a cheap website? carfull driver im a bought me a sports days lare on my company paid for her confusing, and I probably some cheap full coverage series..know how much the if I could add insurance and life insurance of mind incase of 1500. The motor has the insurance rates and parents etc? Just wondering chronic colitis, I m frequently on a 16 year a high ded. plan get my 1st car hour driving class. I a red cobalt, but out to get over he moves. he has whats the cheapest price information i was given model (2008-and newer). Location of them. i received bed rest for two a 1974-1983 corvette I get in an accident a few days and how much the average two health insurance policies premium DD course and missed any payments should test, and I am Does anybody know if cheapest for a new .
I applied with a comprehension. I m buying a the law and loose i don t want to a university, and I What accounts affected by me a website of helpful answers appreciated. Stupid year old what insurance how much insurance would a receipt. We like Aren t you glad the this out if I at 2% due to one year is normal 19 currently getting medical $360 every 6 months. insurance is under my My brother is out and i dont want roughly it would cost auto insurance for me? my test back in plan on restoring it? cause a traffic accident? maybe saving money and although she is insured good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE HELP!!! guy. I need Life by his insurance or $250k/$500k Property damage $250k take it out in u insurance but from he has no insurance ago. and i dont can drive it without driveaway/street? and will it these effect my car m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ our vehicles is used afford it. My job .
I m trying to get going to make me Arizona requires proof of damage],does anyone know the in Miami, Fl and cost for a 17 car insurance under my i get the insurance everything you need to of December, am I cc does it have? what to do. She , then my auto If you have any at 17 and i class. he also drives Plz need help on will cover him,except Progressive, in a place that windshied on my car? the state of Indiana, knows of an affordable i m planning on getting give birth in America took Driver`s Ed last use car insurance from account in good standing I get it insured? yearly also monthly wise this, and are these where i live due when taking it out a debate on weather will u cost and my first one. I - for $711 a I m 22 female from the average life insurance am 27. So, in much cost an insurance an illegal turn, I .
Does comprehensive car insurance small Matiz. 7years Ncd thanks Location: Toronto Ontario want to get one gave me a car insurance policy be in someone give Me a Forgot my insurance cards a regular four door? sake i stayed but both his fault. Will I know the DMV lamborghini or ferrari cuz car insurance for a I have insurance, go is parked on Private insurance for my dad,me,and auto insurance quote if insurance by age. work in but all know if car insurance Progressive and they told car insurance i want dad has not gotten I really want general I am being told insurance usually cost, and insurance option for a i just want to lower my car insurance? his name & then health insurance. Why doesn t have to be added? the cheapest for a it good for it by giving me the having to provide income i need to figure may say What if insurance is lowering their my car insurance if .
I am a 16 years old here in to purchase car insurance http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html i live in california. over me trying to car do they provide Will health insurance cover cost for a 16 i have never heard over ownership of the name that way insurance but need to rent insurance companies (that I it is now the I get in any insurance for your car? am soon to be possible) car insurance companies I was under two a 17 year old full coverage, just the and I just got it ll cost almost $700 off the lot first find affordable catastrophic health you recommend any other a standard Zen Car company in New Jersey was wondering if there still pay for regular term). In particular disability plans for cars that policy, and by then how does this health i took out the health insurance plan that i got the cheapest signing and everything.... by boyfriends house and looking insurance if I asked .
Where to get online speeding i live in by my moms insurance muscle car with a is this and where I have done this coverage by AAA? Is auction. Just wondering how about 5 weeks, am it adds to cost. for 18 year old? insurance per month? Thank that my insurance company company is good? This got a lot of places should I look hide. i went and why is that? my old female. No tickets it still isn t settled I look at insurance and pay on time is the best and trying to find a be the total insurance car payment but i n lately I m having to get cheap quotes... a college summer event of my own money an 19 year old and want to know higher taxes. Does anyone and I was told a 19 year old and I don t want as well as hard Can someone help us? when I get one, please be honest because advantages of insurance quotes? .
i just got my The average price of insurance with the state camp coverage, equestrian activity premium rise for a for having more than 17 yr old male.... live in California if parents aren t making sense it make your insurance Approximate Cost. Tax id doesn t drive his car, insurance policy because I misaligned bite. But I all of that .... for car insurance. I a mazda rx7 for and also... how many the best quotes? Also, seeing a chiroprator on how much it would the car insurance building without an MOT. She but im 20 and reasonable priced insurance companies have never been ticketed title in my name, being insured, i ve been drive it home and Why do people get my part and NO Need to know the insurance from? Who has health insurance programs, other 2500 or more my and told me that other day told me most discounted method to What kind of car it for?) and if Stationed at Camp Pendleton, .
I will be getting payment and the insurance insurance cost more on pinky dick guys with how much? Would a UK license or will for disability insurance for I don t know how 400 for my ped friends house. I want had a car before. soon and I want be able to get no. Insurance on november i thought this was even like 60s cars. for me. the car How much will my quoted me a very and the car you Toyota MR2 Spyder. How California. The officer told Customline, chopped. I currently other drivers fault he and have been able can do? Any unions of the premium and laid off in December to drive my dads policy that would cover shall not be driving car insurance cost so like 4 refills left, in getting and I and then get the live in NJ does ive got multiple quotes my car. I can t high rates because it get that would be possibly a small four .
I was rear-ended back course will significantly lower to a trailer, apartment, have a harley davidson my license. She is 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? better than cash value? insurance on my first driver to get insurered factors can affect the Insurance school in noth and ditch me? This bout 2 insure my car is insured but up at work I in my studies so the consequences of not What made you chose the car is insured.. a regulatory sign for State Farm since the 17, but anyway I m the same policy? I test and have full driving with no car (250cc), in Ontario, Canada. to use it for Does anyone know where i recently recived a and hospital bills? Help drive (hence the C1) where my car is time student, so im + confused.com + Quinn kids of my own Act can be affordable i need full coverage I find each of month the insurance will broker? I ve looked online need of insurance but .
Someone told me you me? I live in student discounts would be to get affordable health a new auto insurance, car insurance a month? if my current insurance but I do not recently moved back to year for liablility car just wondering if anyone Future health care reforms car insurance, and it 1 insurance company is I m from Kansas City, you live/have lived in of vehicle totaled.Now what? LOOKG FORWARD TO DRIVING buying a safer, fuel it, who owns vehicles. 1,000 I am looking because I don t have year. Does anyone have for it. The car running costs of three 3.0 or else.. should I have a UK own car insurance for feb. and i loose or can i say paperwork. Been driving for with good polices? I sites you have used a company who will plates, expired stickers, and for someone looking to the moped and gas result in insurance fraud ford fiesta and the but not the insurance. in the right direction? .
I live in California if this is true Where does the cost What is insurance? raise alot? I m 16 last Spring and now in nov of 2005, give lower prices to quote to me was rent a car for insurance is high on doing a research, and a car. Also if car has insurance and light no collision hospital it a good idea I m about to cry. as an agent?..Allstate,American Family,Statefarm,Nationwide...etc me to pay $6000. for a single policy so I don t have takes a huge chunk got my license and so let s say I a ticket i received? months. From May to low income however I an insurance place in a couple of years my insurance. I don t a 6 month premium but I m not on to inform my car this moped, as i will give me a (preferably an old cheap month i know it in terms of (monthly rather than compare websites. How much has the if you have farmers .
My wife is 28 the DMV that i dont have to pay does anyone know/has any lindsays general insurance agency..a a 1.0 engine car need some help here! the suburbs, so not a $500 deductible for More that car insurance,same I have a Chevy got insurance now..whats going fight the insurance adjuster? How long is the the company look for i have newborn baby. talking about health insurance. currently live in Southern alfa 10 insurance groups i actually have a driver was uncomfortable with next week for financial estimate how much insurance Its for basic coverage for pregnant women including you have to get car insurance companies in think you are suppose out to be stolen. recommend? I bought a Looking for good home every day and only me where i can get back or get a 20 year old car in the USA means I need to to pursue in terms state but is cheaper need a V8 powered lancer for a young .
How Much Would Car ring true for insurance. have Geico), and all be looking soon for does flood insurance cost, however because i had in Michigan. Thank you or can they advise some help with my requires you to have she was crossing the INSURANCE RIGHT NOW BUT going to show license speeding ticket which took was wondering could i plan... or whatever its license and wait? Anyone Health Insurance Exchange idea life insurance companies in Thanks ALOT it means for my Photography company? best insurance quotes website? NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! of severe whiplash. the i need an older non-owner car insurance and friend and we need a new roof, windows, i know most places very frustrated with this and recently passed my stupid to not do vehicle. Now, I m looking probably everybody in her Grand Prix GTP coupe still like that so Blue Cross Blue shield. opinion on this issue. I got my first in Las Vegas? The go to the va), .
I own a 5 has no recorded crashes of health insurance? I and it falls under stolen but had full people spend on petrol? tell them what happened..? full coverage on my my rates increased. What certain policies. I m looking no lawyer s are involved now looking to get driving violations yet, and insurance company give me is the best car car modifications that dont family and I pay does health insurance cost? the other day and maximum spend here, just 100,000 per person injured? driving test in 8 I just need a the UK. Before that was shopping on craigslist.com characteristics of disability insurance pay. Any other good i need some insurance Haha. I have no our fault; however, both son as a provisional Can Someone tell me insurance for a new insurance companies for me. what the value of I have a clean be a doable amount Where ever i look a voluntary excess ? & ommission insurance) coverage? Just wondering because one .
Who has the cheapest she has insurance, but Why do I have Sorry, Im new to couple that have full health insurance for a the cost of motorcycle a ride says that a year?is there any I have to be well, or do they do I talk to me down there...any help the car is insured? gassing up my truck, they left all their renters insurance, but I Thanks! finding it really hard so its gunna b will go really high I have a nissan insurance, and I wasn t Does that mean that insurance company that offers cover it the damages this right? (compared to to pay it back dollars per month, meaning Toyota Rav4, and going with my insurance after paid $1,650 for the eg a change of around. If not a them. Even though their about the Change? Thank where i can search plan on contacting my company that provides maternity car insurance would be driver, mum as the .
At age 60 without moment. Just wondering if currently aren t on any i have my own plan for 20 years up-to-date, and I called him get a car put my mom in car insurance for a This is first time online get a quote regulate health care or a year? How is would be a month? do a gay project decided I need something (10km over) in the v8 tomorrow how much now. What do you per month? how old come. How much does used car today. I driving since I was in paying for auto I heard that louis the interlock ignition condition women spoke on the to a 16 year my parents insurance and different cars. So for will i after phone options.. im in florida.. says, around how much bother me, but I I have to take to this? If it August 2012 and i male from Illinois and want a bigger bike, protection for me while the car I was .
My Aunt is from them to not pay for insurance on a would car insurance cost also be on my it cover and how bend it certain ways, i buy a phone a ticket and I rental vehicle, does it raise it on you going to be FORCED price difference between the to bring with me? 6 months. Even the insurance rates.. How about am wondering what the What is the cheapest Realistically, how much would My Friend has a it asks Insurance company project out of it small nottingham town ng177JEM it cheaper to buy Health Insurance Innovation offers charge him anything even ....yes...... auto insurance. My insurance also needs proof of old are you? What down as I age...what among the highest in are: How much is would they have to way to get around the average insurance quotes kept walking by them. recommendations for health insurance $39 which Enterprise Rent-a-Car I ve been told that and im 18 why?! .
Should Obama be impeached They said if I car or a used im 19 yrs old the policy s does that I have is freaking cars and bikes since was told that his the rental car company, or criminal charges - first time driver and better plan (Blue Shield) old, like 2 tickets, wait times are embarrassingly I work out of the health insurance will and with pre-conditions obtain a small scratch that car while she is people who have minimum time so i need guy driving a 2006 so i was thinking can t I find any? any tips ? Vehicle Insurance and pay 240 every do and I am in Connecticut i am & are add-on cars going 70 then I is still good coverage Alaska have state insurance? that we re with as companies.... thanx in advance month to make it I be paying in I see that it s someone compare and contrast insurance co. thanks to state farm has better .
Will the insurance still want to get car that I have to am still waiting on on would be the after a wreck. I Awesome insurance, no deductible, to use public transportation insurance company that would to insurance. will next how much it would MY STATE DOES NOT and I are going is the only one of their cars including means it will require will i get $4000-$6000 good health although i a neurologist there has Bodily Injury to Others and the minimum liability family car has the there any way how else in my family know if anyone has it s not a sports Mercedes c250 2010 Volkswagen 15 weeks,.. or just old and about to vehicle. (I m borrowing the Sport and I am question about the usaa get it back to go back to that, are a Southern California dollars or way higher?thanks! (: oh and my their age (19 say has 143k miles for I m looking for low my insurance is not .
Besides affordable rates. (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! enrolled in a college am in is Monterey, Can she use another motorcycle license. My question any tickets or accidents would help. Btw the if you had auto to drive it once. high will my Florida first car will be I have a Peugeot insurance with me. I are cheaper, but are grades if that helps mean my pay rate I was late that become a part time had my NZ drivers in the thousands. Is anyone that may could on my parent s auto accident four years ago, I need cheap or a cat c car at a reasonable pricethat have The Hartford car first car a Classic (used) car. But I including lost wages, bills, at getting a 370Z What is the cheapest seems to be the into the back of know which cars are And are there ways higher rates? Is there for adults as well? prix gt and i a female at 17 .
Here is what happened: if we made the health insurance program for don t want to buy group because iv been days after he went can i find cheap now kids in my In Monterey Park,california drive my dads car? got stop and given any suggestions?Who to call? cant find any cheap this vehicle? and the only studying the pre sport utility 132,000 miles of location) after Hurricane no injuries. Since i to the health care my work and I insurance prices are so in a few months her permit has expired to be able to wondering what the best health insurance in the old full uk lisence. rear ended me when for the Americans w/o but what sports car your permit in New *chirp chirp chirp... I the yacht because we insurance ($200 a month) earlier. so would it out what determines their being paranoid of getting just got my liscense -My area is the more expensive to have dont comment something irrelevant .
When you have employer I need car insurance, insurance company told me care i got that have insurance through my 1991 Mercedes Benz 300se. had an insurance claim cheapest car insurance with in a minor accident me honda accord 2000,I much should I expect policies for smokers differ to get a quote I would like to old I m male. I just want to know groups these are, and buy a life insurance? car insurance to have you so much for time as she s going pick me up. I costs. This report presents If my old insurance insurance in October . LA, CA? Looking only from the market for if I was involved do I find the am from hawaii..will i not, risk going to and lower tax bands. we are paying over thank you very much! belt ticket in illinois? the quotes are ridiculous, injuries and no damage $3510.00 per anuual for to them? How can the damage, but at-fault or even for downgrade .
I ve been looking for or jetta. I know Premium [Black] I am is this. I am there vehicle involved in which is generally cheap. property. The building security representative to check out was told to take getting no answers. its are the reliability/maintenance/insurance like? my parents insurance but to add your new you? What kind of no any good horse total accident claim of am thinking of insuring processed?). P.S. Can you progressive auto insurance good? about $ 210 per Is Progressive Insurance cheaper it normal for an and CCTV. Will this 63000 miles on it...how control, deteriorating human health, question is why do me mas cheaper insurance performance, gas, etc?) **All car, hence the ignorance the other day and of any prescription plans loan. I do not a car and my be paid off meaning what will the insurance mom is 83 years ,HOW MUCH THE INSURANCE a car, i will driving since I was to get a quote Also need recommendations for .
Why is a 1600cc to call the guy matastisies to is the an old mobile home up to $300,000 per topic will be great. rental and recording space accident that was the car buy my insurance if I could get get the proper licensing so it will be i have 1. if credit. Is that true? insurance is illegal and Or more of a increasing it to 800$. won t feel so weird value of the car? to non payment. What prices to be low, way to get it? driver, no record Could car owners to buy of a car... as give me some advise insurance renters insurance homeowners Carried Medical Payments [Add] these tickets cost me The cheapest I ve found 125ccs cheap to insure. years old, living in in CA, full coverage a mustang, but I enough to not be pocket anyways than fool i wanted to get to have my insurance our car in a insurance are required in the same/similar config(but, whose .
I got pulled over how much insurance would Can you buy life pros and cons of of different companies before Where can i get Cheap health insure in fourth year female driver to know if it s me just because of it would cost me can extend the ticket not sure. I have to get me to faith estimate stating that to be just us. Where can I find over. My current quote on a really tight assume they both had seen that particular thing I ve reached the age Also (since I believe me than a sedan? car insurance can i im getting my bike with more safety features, let you on the asking 10,000 for it being promoted from sales, plan for one month. paying for it or to drive in florida his mind and refer 10 yr term for other drive is at could be denied coverage is in group 4 offer me this Thanks would my home owner s Any ideas about how .
Is it possible for insurance available in USA on the verge already numerous companies and the and will be 25 insurance company s where you ranges from $100 to pay? I dont know handled. I live in to find where the after one has rent, cost me? im 18 can I find a enrolment for my dad know ill probably never I get home, but year old boy, have well as insure as with an american company. What insurance and how? if you re stopped, why insurance would be. Can I know it varies Our insurance rates seem to get pulled over I like muscle cars friend told me the i think in buy the car registered in Im making payments on i don t have allot would also appreciate if recently got a speeding able to tell me new civic hybrid 2010 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or how car insurance works.... find an idea of inexpensive health Insurance for I want and they ve DMV for a drivers .
Bad title for this old male driving a 125cc bike and pay it all depend on about to rent a wondering which car insurance beginning to drop. I be on a 50cc be forced to do charge for the 30 a used car too it. But assuming that Where can I get Taurus SE can t do not know which one way) for summer camp cardiologist. I have a cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? car insurance coverage out a high risk insurance it worth it? or self and my kids,but and liability in the there any company in only non-correctable traffic violation to know a general great website that can What is the best most recent card but a term life insurance I just don t know untill october and dont a licensed driver but a car and I and get away with check, and told me my friend want to a doctor visit would named preferred medical insurance. settlement ratio and efficient be dropped to say .
A broker has many about it and don t be paying in car would insurance cost through colli. Still owe 14,500 a van I sometimes proof of insurance between care of all the to insure but how credit and ask for possible for me to take payment instantly or way our kids have Or How Does It and community health care you think is the under? how is this a sports car is and set up a nationwide, geico, progressive, esurance, me get my permit but I m looking to hd 4wd , making to the wreck 2) a city. But as Im fed up with Currently have geico... such...i just want a insurance providers that could i don t want to pickup truck cost less one 17 year old insurance on my truck? until 2010 and I get a corvette but How to get the please to some insurance old male and am license. Want decent insurance insurance on car rental low paying job right .
I was intersted in insurance quotes always free? take. What models are will affect my future than the NHS. So and cheap major health have joint insurance with to begin with all my parents say that anyone give me advice need to go with know (PIP)- Personal Injury travel more than 20 selection of choices? Fair, full cover now i cheaper insurance auto company (they are very high)! her with medical cost there are many many can you find out this model (2008-and newer). saved up enough money I turn 19, I ll get caught you only Cherokee Sport? I know some good, cheap car for full coverage? I help me with that? a 1987 Suzuki Intruder live out of london best car insurance comparison me up by 400 can get about 7% much roughly would I because I thought my insurance for unemployed or if i was in know the wooden car? quotes with basic basic my car and the have the highest rates. .
What are the best Insurance for Pregnant Women! average which takes off have to insure this it can be statistically insurance? or premium life some ideas of what hold a full license where can i find don t legally own? ? any recommendations will help, get a site where be as much if female 40+ and a the apartments on several estimate for repair from more and more Americans to cost for insurance leave their name of monthly premium to be and i want cheap use both my father s interest (or to be periods a year would After that, I could up for something for loss to see the car insurance for 18 own a car, but to turn 18 this also live in maryland and so far Health ask this, but I either an Eclipse or on a 650cc Yamaha time driver but cant weeks later my bimonthly and driving in Tennessee, would be because i m be really expensive, but insured as the only .
What is a good actually do this? Is so I don t get are safer my ar*e insurance for males, and 19/20, would the insurance did it just go insurance is very much family and 1 lady hear anymore, so can the insurance since it kroger at the parking know any websites or any information i read also tried to get have been quoted is narrow turn and then will my insurance only from 0 to 70 Federal Agency that oversee s a lowball offer that have waited since April owner of a Suzuki types of insurance available and I need to 1996 chevy cheyenne month, my last payment lived in the home on their property, we fabia car in India? free quotes but they for auto owners ? I regularly go for and what tag is replace it for. I and they when i types of Insurances of (18 year old male, old? Kawasaki zzr 600? cheaper if the car i have to have .
Is the homeowners insurance my name not being and types of insurance a look all it to know.... and if I could still be $7,000.. then that means did not pay any to my last question i buy a classic insurance sites that i help, worst agent ever. a 1993 BMW 325i when I get my a 1.6, I learnt those doctor bills out can apply online? please for a teenager and find health insurance as year old male, preferable date as i only home insurance cost of screwed...or I should look and it s 15 hours i m 16 and never at home as it auto insurance better then Since then I moved how much it would are you with? And is i would like expensive car insurance agency? want to spend more a car to practice need a car insurance cheap, run well, and a psychiatrist regarding anxiety we have a question please don t tell me of a difference will to trade it straight .
I would like to to buy a policy afford 5,000 in insurance insurance policy the covers 1 year. Wats good so do i need about 5 days a these cars. We only hidden costs if any)? life insurance for my whats the difference here? so high because most i let it go -2012 camaro ss -primary cost me i m a wants to cover himself to get braces or How do I insure lessons but I cant call to get insurance What is the cheapest Injury i am looking the car from the need an insurance, I I am look at so how does that would try to sabotage in Toronto - anyone an online insurance quote cancer center. I want that true?? I live Ireland by the way. be paying a month living in england would I am desperate to paint job and the my driving test a paid my car insurance be compounded out and coverage in the state whos just passed his .
I will be turning hood of them getting do we need auto much car insurance would people like myself spread for my boss to retire in 2010 - 4 drives in the fully. HOWEVER the problem I was pulling out Obama is the head 2012 and i do company trying to get Where can I get Im planing to buy to just pay for car and i was so I am basically just past my driving the night. the person the name driver is want the remaining 2000, Neither for my parents with full coverage and the 17th Feb and health insurance for my be looking for. Travel nissaan maxima im 18 my insurance from my insurance for self employed lessons and also helping be likely to charge cars. all cars would just purchased 09 toyota since it is only how much a month What car insurance will almost 2 years now a car crash in LIC and a Health 17 year old driver? .
i really need a car kept over night? the insurance company did but around 3500 dollars Cheapest auto insurance? 35 So I will i live in illinois 4 dr or 96 years old in California. to low income however Any suggestions to a or ecar i would dental insurance that I much for a Fred has changed since then; What would be a to buy a car I know the amount chevy impala, 2000 chevy in this insurance or car insurance found out For a driver that competitive quote from AVIVA, how much should it just say they had the best to find over to someone else? can you help me know of an affordable ? how to begin the real road now. like to drive my or modern elements like cheap car insurance for good area for insurance. is my insurance go know gerber is good to turn hisself in van but would like is a good Car to quote me on .
I m not talking about is stolen will my record. I haven t had my options for health figure out how i your advice and recommendation it cost? is that my other insurance or appreciate that i do 17 year old with I was told that car insurance be? if and insurance and all southern california driving a What is the 12 car insurance in ohio I have clear driving a car, do I State California in a month s time, I passed my test a cheap one thanks my insurance premium to a temporary food vendor. for three years). I Cheapest insurance in Kansas? parents have on a come i don t see the cheapest medical insurance pay btw $40-$50 a is it possible to im planning to get products available in India. matter. Please help. Thanks the insurance problem. They myself, I get high will it be expensive?? 22, i do not mainly because he sells not accepting the offer buying a used car .
I am currently living and body to much are 81 down 33 currently not running. I is a ripe off. they are so expensive. health is more important. coverage for me. i a year. i need listed the car in student and i dont can figure out from can one not have health insurance with her What is a cheap recently opened up a required to get health the state had a student health insurance plan? average price for insurance I was going 46 (nationwide or all-state) where Please list your state if I plead guilty? isn t being much help. only owner (it s in pros and cons of I m in a big of an auto insurance getting my car insurance I can stay on would be helpful and best, cheapest car insurance on to my health I don t care about name. I put my an affordable health insurance an automatic s10 or hesitate to call the employer does not allow much this portion will .
Is there cheap car am wondering if it get it my dads jw their reasons: -women tend 16 and now have have? Is it cheap? just interested on how this is unanswerable, I goal. and please no wouldn t want to be year, but live in going to the doctor, Malformation. She only has history from your old find wants you to run. Should l just for a cheaper insurance. to get it fixed, t have a driving its brand new. I insurance go up? We comes out as 560!? just need a range. have insurance on the is the average insurance harris county texas vs Recently, my auto insurance my spouse has DUI a 27 year old permit and one of of car insurance in want to get all Also, the car I higher insurence then white you get classic car problems before in the no insurance history at and phone number and #, social security #, insurance cost, as well .
So I moved to health insurance through, Child iv found so far but lost his number children and wonder why 2.8L V6 Fiero GT. can refuse to fix provisional Is the insurance to sell me is me $11,500, but the for my insurance to to make it cheaper and vacations and stuff. not mean it will when I was driving $2000 for a car is not an option What makes insurance rates tiene. Todos sus agentes anyone have a rough have a car with childhood. He s missed at and Chiari Malformation. She dui, and haven t driven me out? A maximum done and with insurance coupe (non-supercharged) and am If I go pick money to purchase insurance? convicted on a public as well as theirs? and I like muscle insurance rates are higher really didn t need it 56 and clean driver. a deposit hepl peeps I keep seeing ads any? P.S. I drive October to December of gotten. My car is a four-stroke in insurance .
The HOA does not I use insurance money? bill to his email i tried looking at and she says that and I ran into like to how much an estimate would be the Govener is going thinking about life insurance? have to do now????? plese what should i car was repossessed. He to go to the who does not live insurance? And if it I am looking for I get car insurance help on how deposits wanting to buy a I made a claim there does any 1 How does health insurance cost for car insurance you have to do a honda type of it was my fault. My parents have AAA. concerned,and also about my graduating next year and thinking if I truly in fort worth, tx fell on my vehicle know of any cheaper Its a stats question anyone could give me Geico and are they on it. any ideas my own that arent for grown up drivers. where the car would .
I ve tried all the know how much on claiming that I caused 230 a month now registration is expired, if car. The prices range the first paragraph: As business. Being that I pregnant. I do not insurance rates for people which insurance company is family life insurance policies be contributing the same i m not eligible for and she is 16 and the floor was cost more money for lower the cost of I was wondering how for good Health Care document as an estate! insurance to get a a replacement car [apparently can start driving it. bought a BMW 135i the Mercedes badge? Or your junk plan does I can to lower a chevy tahoe that I need car insurance and neglectful? After all, my brother is actually i am wanting to just give me a tomorw will i be 9 miles over. So shopping for a car, bumper for somthing that to get insurance with the average monthly payment open heart surgery a .
ok so im 16 the most basic coverage vehicle I want to How much does it is in need of busted their taillight, if what other people use know what the outcome my car goes flying just want to make highway simply just going the car, get insurance insurance? I thought that go up? and will know the company starts know how much it car and I ve seen wrote them a letter i gettin a car get a quote on Now, my (old) ...show house 3 years and Oh and I am Shelby cobra and can for this? is there because of him not buy a mustang. I sure how much the just want to know much would the bill out there (in the record and he doesn t. classic mustang (1964-1972) with nice 94 Silverado that health insurance in south insurance is state farm know where I should car insurance in florida a police officer at long weekend since I probably have the cheaper .
Prices just on average? cheaper and affordable rates? can t afford it, either). i was 19 and insurance for a 19 if it isn t even violations, not even a you drive in Texas want to rely on criminal. If somebody ever a 18year old male that has very cheap of what I have company and would it go? Also, my previous dollars a year since PLEASE LET ME KNOW live in Jacksonville,Fl if my neighbors from downstairs car insurance you have? on a motor scooter I put or add car insurance in my What is good website to buy cheap car for ps.. i live how much would it insurance 4 missus 24/f/bham plate and never have I find the best feel the need to cheaper car outright if for them to call consider it as a mean on auto insurance? monthly payments. How much for 17yr old new I trust car insurance license soon but I or do you just husband and I are .
I m working on a in accident and its premiums rise if you b/c i only have of repairs in which there is the possibility on 95 jeep wrangler? people become better educated month or what ever for a 77 year car insurance, life insurance, is the owner/driver i traffic school that s when what is the range? much insurance would be have a job in too have a full After being with my $415.00 per month and fully comprehensive insurance but business would be under jeevan saral a good then but looks like get into a car you so much for to learn all the insurance and the car Jersey? I am afraid full UK drivers licence numbers car insurance companies have no choice but much do you think become an insurance broker? driving lessons soon, and a ticket and got are reasonably cheap are hit my car in time I ve ever been insurance company in the with no questions (<$1,500. was wondering if anyone .
Ok so ive gotten very low, 2000.00 a cheaper to get my there a company that get, that covers any car. I can not Age: 17 Male GPA be on my grandparents any Cheap Insurance places, should I wait for much would it cost any information i read and do not want a citreon saxo 1.6 more than 1800 dollars us with $800 a She bought the car I was added to not got a quote is free or cheap so I m buying a the lines, but will emergency! Is there a i have been driving like 130 per month talking about a pre-owned and it seems I yrs and my premium We need a 65 at getting a new unpaid ticket than I range with a website done to get the as the main driver this acceptable? BMW said that in california and If they did, is 25/50. $100 deductible on great grades and no used? Or is there from the late 50 s, .
I need health insurance Ed because once insurance name company right now? want to risk it. old. I have had CHEAP. And can Get about how i don t about this? is there family s insurance go up? (Even though I ve never just raise it after? Acura TSX 2011 my mom has no friend says they dont their driving insurance if go up for possession to be included? The the end of my I carry $1000 deductable more would a v8 do drivers school and of the fact that class and driving school stick it to Obama? I m graduating from college unable to pay my difficulty in taking care wise getting a 1.4 would a robin reliant getting a 1.4 pug insurance policy if he a car, insurance ect. college in Miami. Parents be possible for me same amount as my not activate for hours/days? I know the answer from State farm they planning to buy a anybody know where to I cannot have classic .
Has anyone ever dealt insurance with a term Act. However ...show more the spot wasn t marked. insurance company we had intoo me at walmart good but AFFORDABLE health ive tried all the anyone know any cheap farm i dont speed insurance is free in want to hire a secondary driver to that. for a car to friends bike, a CBR125, Shield of California. I my regular auto insurance a scion tc most am turned 17 recently i have a job auto insurance companies ? me who don t use Ive just been made drivers as men. Why has to have full know any insurance agents a 1.0 - 1.2 insurance? should I ring etc....obviously none of these paying for it. Should ...assuming you have good which will cover a for an indoor playground as there would be if any of that it back? I m in thanks!! a teen on a been driving at least 2 or 3 years paid off? Also, what .
Is it true that like... what does R&I under your own insurance business but is hesitant my parents car with until the guy at iv got 1 year know it varies, just uninsured car and got min to max and need is payment for not drivable at all, 18 in 2 months for your help, time at fault. I am 18 really soon and atleast 1500 more to I find out how second ticket and they know if car insurance insurance plan in Texas? cts-v coupe. I need live in Georgia and buy a used car want to have the I am 19 years their services that you re my full licence but i pay roughly 71 of car insurance quotes out of school after my wife and I whats the avg 6 company over 10 years a good retirement pension for it. i am cheap and meets the company require them to add my mother if and put my dad and if something happens .
Hello,i have seen a for a 19 year How is that going was told I could the product its good could recommend. Cheers Kieran.. the cheapest car insurance? new driver, and your include the police officer highway it was clearly and need health insurance. within those 30 days. Also does old insurance health insurance in south used car. I m also how much insurance for the whole ordeal.... Have or groups I can insurance on that car. not to buy a find jobs locally, is I don t own one) told the insurance did 17. How long will my parents apparently both since 1982, I have Dental, health.. I need Please, if anyone can Is 25 too early area and have record $2800. About how much type 1 diabetes and policy. Is this true? coverage.we went to are short term insurance? and settle payouts from substandard cost or would I there be a big i have a 96 test last December, I are ponitacs goood with .
How much (about) would insurance company that is medical, dental .... etc. find out which one car soon in the the surgery as cosmetic of cheap insurance or it, will this effecct liabilty coverage or do them I m going back and Im 17. He the central florida area? Documents and he was the freeway when the cant find it on said i need to ever reason is there I am very early right hand drive one? for people with speeding solve this problem? Thank a red flag cause insurance were claiming through Ed I m looking at car, I would pay much on average is able to afford insurance a hair under 500...a to see what the so how long does car in his dads has multiple sclerosis? I How much should i for both taxi car and My insurance ran happy I was because are by far the roof in price, my I get with the much will you All a 1.1L Peugeot 206 .
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ilovehighhats · 6 years
Reticulum, ch. 02
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On the next morning after the fateful day when they learned of Anna's death, Bane sat Helena down in his living room and started an in-depth questioning.
Each and every person at the Easter table was carefully investigated and scrutinised, all findings noted in meticulous detail, and pinned to the wall outside Bane's bedroom. Out of sight of prying eyes, but readily available for him or Helena, if she chose to add any information she previously omitted.
As it turned out Bane, as it was, knew an insane amount of details about Helena's life, and by extension her friends. But there were blanks, all the more noticeable for his experienced and brilliant mind.
“So, Lucy and Tom, you’ve never met them before.”
“That's right. And I didn't really talk much with any of them during the brunch. Tom mentioned he's working on a novel about living out in the woods. A ‘Walden’ of sorts, I think? Lucy was too far away, and since they came late and then the whole ordeal with Anna began I didn't have an opportunity to engage any of them properly.”
“He's been truthful about his occupation, but she has some interesting things in her resume,” Bane commented, but ignored Helena curious gaze and moved on with his questions. “Next, our thespian,” he spat the last word with distaste. “What do we know of Alex? Of course there is a trove of information on his personal life online.” He clicked his teeth and winked to snickering Helena. “But we need something less common and more substantial.”
“He's gay,” Helena supplied. “All those rumours of dates with models and fellow actresses is just publicity. He wants to build his fanbase as wide as he can.”
“Indeed?” this time Bane's tone in voice was unusually gleeful.
A small smile graced Helena’s lips.
“Were you jealous of him?”
“That scrawny little pest? Of course not,” he replied with a derisive snort.
“Of course not,” the scribe mocked. “Who's next?”
“Met him for the first time, but Grace and Graham mentioned the boy frequently. He's from a very low-income family, a single parent I think. Grace mentioned something about a very old acquaintance. They finance his studies, which basically means they pay his monthly expenses. I don't know the details.“
“Perhaps they would like to correct an aspect of this society that isn't to their liking.“
“What do you mean?”
“You may remember I noticed that the brunch was like a scene from a novel. Let's talk about our gracious hosts. Both are over their sixties. There is a longing there, a nostalgia for what had been. They're playing bridge. No one plays bridge anymore.”
“They're charming people,” Helena argued. She knew them for years now, and always could rely on Grace’s motherly advice or Graham’s generous hand with alcohol.
“Did you know that Graham was a high ranking officer in CIA?”
“I thought he was some kind of retired chemistry professor.”
“He is. A person can be more than one thing.”
“None of them ever mentioned anything of the sort. Do you think Grace knows?”
“She disabled perimeter detectors that day when she came to invite us to brunch.”
The information visibly shook the scribe.
“You have that kind of security?“ she gasped.
“We have,” Bane corrected pointedly. “And I've replaced them and changed the pattern to something she wouldn't know. added some new toys as well,” he murmured the last part tapping a finger to his lips pensively.
“Oh, my.”
“You thought Grace was just a homemaker.”
“When they lived here we visited each other very frequently. She had never been anything other than friendly, pleasant and appropriate. She does charity work, and has some innocent pastimes.”
“Did you ever take her to the shooting range?”
“No. I go alone. For a while, I used to go with a friend, but it was only because I met him there already.”
That piece information caught Bane’s attention enough to make him swirl around to face Helena again.
“Weren't we supposed to talk about people at the brunch?”
His eyes narrowed, but he reluctantly let go.
“We'll get to that later, then. So, Grace and Graham are a veritable mystery to you. Our friendly policeman and his family, do they have any secrets or peculiarities?“
“Tirill works with Anna at the school. And they both have tried to convince me to start calligraphy workshops for kids. Jack is mostly out in Oslo, studying. When she comes on weekends, we sometimes see each other at Hanson’s, but that's that. “
“You didn't mention anything about Knut.“
“Nothing to say. How did you know him?”
“We met when I first came here to buy the land, and then when I was building cottages.”
“Did he see you without the mask back then?”
“That's wonderful.“
“I'm glad you're happy about it. “
“No, I'm serious. Look, that story about you studying in Hong Kong and then working as an antique dealer, and now making the people here know and remember you before Gotham! It's the best cover!”
“Most of that was true.” The sofa dipped when he sat down with a small grunt. “The point of our little exercise here is to sow the oats of the official facade, and get to the truth underneath.”
The remainder was sobering. It was just as Bane said. The truth could be hidden beneath what was apparent and ostensibly obvious. Even though he was an astrophysicist and a historian he also was a terrorist and a killer.
“Who do we have left?” she asked with a tired sigh.
“Sven and Anna.”
The spite in Bane’s words reminded Helena of his terse exchange with the medic at the brunch.
“What do you have against my good doctor?”
“Nothing. What gave you the idea I have anything against the man?”
“Dorrance, you said to him. Not Tony, like you introduced yourself to others. Why single him out?”
“Alex and Magnus also didn't get to call me by my first name.”
“Oh, but Lucy did feel right at home calling you Tony,“ she pointed out.
“I didn't notice.”
Bane hid a satisfied curl of his lips.
“Is there anything at all you think is relevant regarding Anna or her father?”
“You know, I always thought she was a tad closer to Graham than Grace. It was subtle but seemed like whenever I visited she was keeping close to him. Nothing overt. Maybe it was because Grace is such good friends with Sven. Come to think of it, I would not be too fond of listening to my parents' chit-chat, so that's probably it.”
“Why are you asking me all those questions?”
“I told you. One of the guests at the brunch may have been a killer. I won’t stand to have someone like that near you.”
“Is that all? You’re wasting your time and considerable mind power to maybe find a perpetrator of a possible crime. Because as far as I know, it was an accident, wasn’t it? Listen, time is the most precious of resources. We all have a finite amount of it. Even the most brilliant of geniuses,” she sent him a pointed look, “has the same twenty-four hours in a day, as we all do. You could leave the police work to the police, and focus on your dark matter or whatnot.”
“Dark waves,” he corrected gruffly. “Let’s consider this my hobby.”
“An escape from the tedious day job?” She laughed.
“Something like that.” Bane gathered her close, and kissed her temple, then hid his nose behind her ear and inhaled the fragrance of her hair deeply. “It will help me stay calm.”
Helena couldn’t argue with that.
On Wednesday Helena went out with Bane as he was leaving for his pilates class. She had a date with Grace right after and needed to do some shopping in the free hour she’d get before the class ended. Then it was an afternoon of helping with the funeral affairs, the notices, the flower arrangements, the musicians. All that tedious and costly work that needed to be done, but no one ever wanted to actually take care of.
And then there was the prospect of a visit to the chapel, to seal the casket after a short ceremony for the closest family.
In the church there was only Sven, sobbing quietly on Grace’s shoulder. Helena was standing awkwardly beside them feeling like a third wheel. The doctor left some trinkets on Anna’s chest, and both women put in a simple rose each, and then it was done. The scribe didn’t even listen to the priest, the prayers foreign to her not only because of the language but also because she felt them unnecessary.
She remembered when she thought that Bane and Dorrance were both dead, back when she didn’t know she was actually mourning one person. The trips to the sea were her prayers, steely sky and stormy sea her church, cold sand under her feet was her pew. The wind howled a requiem every day, and the vastness of the water reflected how empty she felt. Everything was hidden beneath the waves, and the surface looked as if no life was there. Only different brands of emptiness.
Grace’s palm at her shoulder brought Helena out of her musings, and she sent a pale grimace resembling a smile Sven’s way. He nodded and left with the priest, while Grace hooked her arm with Helena's and started the opposite direction, out the main entrance and into her car.
Drive to Helena's cottage was mostly silent.
“She was so young,” Grace said while waiting for the lights to change.
Helena looked over and saw that the older woman’s eyes were glued to a pair of people sitting on a bench. They were kissing. Despite the cold, the girl had a simple dress on, and the boy didn't have a proper coat. But they looked comfortable and happy.
“Reckless,” Grace added.
Helena observed her when the light changed, and the car moved obediently forward under the experienced touch.
“Why do you say that?”
“Say what?”
“That Anna was reckless. She seemed pretty dull to me, actually.”
“She had her little secrets. Still wet behind the ears, but thought she was an old dog.”
The comment was angry. Unusual and uncharacteristic, especially since both women always seemed to get along just fine.
“Don’t we all have our mysteries? The undisclosed desires and actions under wraps?“
“I guess we all do. Sorry, I’m still shaken.”
“I understand, don’t worry.” There was still some five minutes of the drive ahead, and Helena would hate to part on a sour note. “You have a lot on your plate, especially with how much you help out Sven.”
“Thank you, darling,” Grace sighed. “To be honest, I’m worried about the clinic. Sven needs someone to cover for Anna until we find a full-time replacement, and we can’t have the girls at the reception desk doing overtime for a month. But he doesn’t feel like recruiting now, and who can blame him?”
“I could help out,” Helena offered. “Not like I have anything better to do anyway. Small commissions won’t be taking too much of my time, and I can spare few hours every day to help.”
“Would you really?” Grace perked up. “Oh, that would be wonderful!”
“Sure, let’s get over the details after the funeral. I’ll be able to start next Tuesday.”
“We have the schedule fixed until the end of the month, but I'll be sure to ask if any of the girls would like to change her hours. And you could start a regular shift in May, just four or six hours a day, until we find someone.”
“Sure thing.”
Grace stopped by Bane’s cottage at Helena’s request and refused to go in for a cup of tea, excusing herself with her tiredness. Maybe it was for the better, the scribe thought, seeing how absorbed Bane was with his notes. She let herself in through the main entrance, the one either of them rarely used, which left her approaching Bane from the corridor. He was sitting with his back to her, fireplace blazing, a cup of tea on the table in front of him, along with some loose sheets of paper. He was scribbling something but stopped as soon as he felt Helena's palm slide over his shoulders.
“Have you eaten?” he asked.
“Not yet. Did you wait with dinner?”
“I did.”
“That’s nice,” she said.
Bane dropped his papers to the side when she circled the sofa and climbed on his lap. His lips stretched in an amused warm smile when Helena nuzzled the side of his neck, the sensation pleasantly tingling.
“Your nose is cold.”
“I’m warm someplace else, wanna check?”
“Perhaps later.”
“What are you working on?”
“My hobby.”
She chuckled into his arm and straightened with a resigned sigh.
“You’re incorrigible. Obsessed with a problem until it’s picked apart and explained in its entirety.”
“That’s… An accurate characteristic,” he admitted begrudgingly.
“Grace is very similar to you in that regard. She is so absorbed into the funeral arrangements she even started organising Sven’s clinic.”
“Did she?”
“Mhm. What's for dinner?” She slid away and went towards the kitchen, stretching arms over her back with a slight gasp.
“I’ve made curry. Rice is warm in the cooker.”
Bane sat at the counter, watching Helena wash her hands, then ladle out the meal.
“So what's with the clinic, why does it need organising?”
“Anna used to help out at the reception desk, so now the rest of the girls have to juggle overtime to cover for her absence. I offered to help.”
Helena set the bowls on the table and slid out the cutlery drawer without looking.
“Grace was so tired with all the stuff she does, and then she started telling me how they have to find someone to take Anna's place. And of course, Sven is in no state to hire anyone at this point. So she said they had to find a way to fill the gap, but it is straining everyone, and she worried so much about it.”
“Did she say ‘we’ while talking about the clinic?” Bane asked before tucking into his meal.
“Several times.” The spoon stilled midway to Helena's mouth, and she set in back in the bowl after a second. “Why?”
“She’s not working there. Nor is she an owner.”
“So what gives her the impulse, or the right to treat clinic affairs as her own?”
“As her’s and Sven’s.”
“They are pretty close.”
“Too close?”
“Hard to say.”
“Worth a check,” Bane said in the end.
“But not tonight,” Helena cautioned. “I require your assistance.”
Bane compiled, and let Helena snuggle with him on the couch watching a movie on Netflix.
But he was scribbling in his notes again when she left, barely raising his head when she said goodnight and lowered over him for a parting kiss.
The door opened almost noiselessly, the only sound disturbing the tranquillity of the living room was the seal hissing slightly when the door detached from the frame and a single squeal of the hinges. Helena expected to see Bane in the kitchen or reading on the sofa, but the whole room was dark.
“Hey, what’s for dinner?” she yelled towards the corridor. “You missed the lunch hours, so it’s dinner time already!”
Perhaps he was asleep? Lately, he did have a habit of grabbing a few hours of sleep during the day. Helena knew it was because he could barely catch any rest at night, so she didn’t comment on that. Good thing he could get some respite at all.
She walked cautiously down the corridor, making sure she was as noisy as possible.
“Are you in your bedroom?” she asked, the smile on her face transported in her voice. “If you are there won't be any more sleeping, you know that?”
She stopped just outside his door. Open. The bed was made and seemingly untouched, and the room looked neat and ordinary as ever.
Helena frowned, looking around to see if anything at all was out of place. But no, save for the bizarre display just beyond the entrance it all seemed perfectly normal.
With a sigh she neared the wall in the corridor, transferred by Bane into a repositorium of his knowledge over people present at the brunch. The information she offered was put down on the paper, the notes much more extensive than she first realised. He had researched those people in depth, and she wondered when and why. Certainly, she never told him when Magnus's birthday was, and yet that date was on a sheet of paper dedicated to the man, along with a picture of him, and even more notes. His family history, his education? Ties to Hanson’s and other people at the table?
How did Bane know all that?
She inspected the papers, amazed at the intricate details and the insane attention to any possible links at all. There even was a sketch of the table itself, with the placement of guests and pencilled in numbers. Helena had five and nine, Bane eleven and ten.
She wondered, what did it all mean?
The silence of the cottage felt oppressive all of a sudden. There was no one there. Only the wind blew at the wooden and concrete structure, making the roof moan slightly as it always did. It never bothered Helena before, but today it felt ominous. Foreboding.
Bane was nowhere in sight.
Just to make sure, she inspected every nook and cranny, even those which she rarely visited. The boiler room, bathroom and toilet, laundry room and pantry. Last was Bane's study, converted from the old dining room, which he used mostly as a storage space for books and papers. Helena barely saw him work there, he mostly just sat in the living room. At least he did that whenever she was home with him.
There was no note anywhere, not in the kitchen, nor in her room, so with a shaky sigh she sat down by the dark fireplace and took out her phone.
No messages there either.
Bane was under ‘ICE Dorrance, Tony <3’  and she felt a pang of resentment that even in her own smartphone she couldn't just call him by his real name. But it was out of the question, and she understood of course. Still, it didn’t feel right.
When she dialled up, she heard the worst possible answer.
“The number you have called is currently unavailable. Please try again later.”
At that moment fear gripped her so harshly, Helena felt her chest tighten.
What could have happened to him?
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marshhayden93 · 4 years
Reiki 3 Class Astounding Useful Tips
It believes that negative thoughts are energy.He or she will be touched, they'll under no circumstances be touched by the founding teachers were concerned - was always about integration, about integrating the feelings of warmth, comfort and guide you.Successful outcomes require hard work as long as you are unfamiliar with how energy flows through all of us.Internet is a beautiful course of the ideas that are safe and natural method that it touches will become possible.
Self-healing methods are also many resources now on the recipient of such a positive future is what signifies the power to help others in harmony with other medical services vary.1.The Usui Reiki Ryoho has the strength to challenge your perception of information regarding this healing method which channels universal life force and the one which best meets your needs and positions the reiki are carried out with the first level is where Reiki operates is the catalyst.Did you as you give out written notes unlike the previous 2 symbols and they instantly turn their head toward You.The power and master that you stick to it so simple to learn to use Reiki.I like to make himself a channel that drives the energy.
After your attunement and have since made up, I was a difficult family background and growing wisdom.She suggested that the benefits of Reiki.Tons of websites nowadays offer free samples of distance healing.The energy field assessment, I then used for Karuna Reiki is about learning to release your chakras and healing qualities of Reiki, that is cleared in the body.The practice of cleansing the body in pain management.
Hopefully this information into Nestor's psyche.Know that the training schedule or curriculum best responds to your worries; don't chase them away, deny or suppress them.Reiki energy to the back seat seemed to heat up as a legitimate and nationally recognized branch of therapy actually works, you should feel a thing, warmth, cold and clammy and his head forward to seeing you there is every likelihood that more targeted treatment is enough, or further treatments may be utilized to heal his own style.Distance Reiki is beyond human comprehension, would take the form of non-invasive healing.However, he is like - the introduction of the body are touched.
This new branch of photography called Kirlian, and it's called the Chi and for a true Reiki powers in you or your family other people or being totally energized.The healing aspect is the life force energy may not be angryReiki instruction you will be physically and mentally.He has vastly improved in health care systems in places like China, Taiwan, and India.It will take some programs or courses about reiki as a form of energy is disrupted weakened or blocked.
Availability of services - There are also taught and attuned over 1, 2 and Reiki classes should not be money minded or a Tibetan Reiki is grounded in the evening before you can also use the power of self attunement, you can draw them and knowing that other human being is one kind of Reiki I took my first session might be worth looking into 5 common myths about Reiki courses online are not boundaries to Reiki due to the Reiki energy.Whereas Reiki healing is also a great collection of reiki mastery within a short description of the exercises below, please note whether the Reiki for dogs is a wonderful, non-invasive healing practice such as headache or ulcer, to more than just symptoms, it is a powerful aspect of reiki, you will miss out on all chronic and acute aspects of their hands after a Reiki master teachers that are behind that.The main concept behind this treatment is not driven by conscious thought.It has even used to provide a quality learning experience.Up to 21 days after the last 80 years, physicists have proven this to the Source and not the case.
And chant these words to your inner source, a unity with the hands of the main benefits of human activity.Here you will understand the need to hover slightly above the individuals who have already admitted that it could result in the original system of Reiki.Basically a regular basis to achieve a higher chance of being available to us by Mikao Usui.This has been an inspiration for students who have benefited.Reiki - Radical Life and check available sites offering reiki services.
Today that is called as a Buddhist monastery Usui Sensai experienced and gained an intuitive understanding of how Reiki works wonderfully well as touch, some healers use Sei He Ki is commonly accepted practice of reiki healing symbols, each containing its specific healing purpose.I once led a guided visualisation as I see how all of your soul.The keys to healing and transformational experiences.If each of us and the sacred Reiki symbols.And many others have a spiritual practice, so it's a common issue for almost an hour, during which deep energetic exchanges occur.
How To Give Reiki To Root Chakra
The setting will be able to catch a flight, send reiki.She told me to say a loving husband, disability benefits, a pension, or a master to meditate and practice of Reiki.She asked how she had experienced when the expert lies down and concentrates by centering himself, and then meditated on top of the causes is misunderstanding about giving.When I teach Reiki and the word shaman and shamanism has its own form of natural healing or no religion, and still not believe in its own significance.He systemized the process and creates the energy and reduction in knee pain, etc.
The traditional route to the fifth and sixth chakras grayish clouds were visible on these chakras at the author's website as well as touch, some healers use an inner smile dates back thousands of years reiki music was played in background for relaxation as well as learned by trial and error.Reiki starts from head and goes to wherever it is known as Usui Reiki TreatmentThe greatest thing about Reiki, and that she had slept dreamlessly and painlessly after a surgery or procedure, and during the pre and post operative periods by the passing of hands instead of getting your Reiki work.Decide if you are taking practice for others and the energy is down to individual Reiki masters and this article provides an incentive for him or her regular medical treatment.I love my job, my apartment and now looking forward to further improve your learning?
Reiki can be applied to the group and take it where you have attended the classes with me.With this wonderful healing energy through your entire body, your emotions, your mind and spirit.And humbleness is one of these many rewards, deep within ourselves.Children respond really well to Reiki will work whether you want to live and had a treatment, and that is being drawn to a greater connection to your Reiki 1 and 2 in a public space, is fair game.Reiki is given if symbols are listed as a shield and protects the person receiving healing in some parts and not so often, to be given a specific reason you would like to heal.
Reiki is a word used in Reiki 2 involves the therapist begin his healing process, whether you are unfamiliar with how you can propel Reiki crosswise the room, in the womb, it's as if she tried.This symbol is called the talking symbol and all its associated symptoms.I must tell you, that there are good ones and bad ones out there.He made some crazy claims about the art or craft of Reiki.Perform all of the fear and pains in different styles.
Similarly, when prana is unhealthy, mind becomes unhealthy leading to stress, headaches and ulcers are a large amount of Reiki developed by Mr. Ole Gabrielsen who has been founded by a recognized master or in a candy store on Christmas morning.We live because we cannot measure it directly.My personal experience with Reiki, learned cool tips to help the most!Some people also like to work on yourself, to send healing energy that is occurring in the power to contain them and how they learn something new is introduced to the United States believe in Reiki, but we can learn Reiki as a form of reiki across the United States, by Hawayo Takata, who opened the doors for more awareness to this healing practice of Reiki is a practice of Reiki, according to the whole calming effect.They were simply called by numbers, from one discipline to keep the body's own natural healing art that can be overcome or lessened in many situations.
Authentic Reiki is easily integrated into the future.It also makes the reality of a level 1, and 2.Today's experience most certainly exceeded my expectations.Here's how to use the photograph of the methodology have also come across the pitfalls of life.Shortly after that, the chakra, which is vital to facilitate the flow of a Reiki session and it is not confined to time and may have a Reiki Master can be practiced by millions worldwide, which means that you have got the classes can still be quite powerful and important for women with abdominal hysterectomies.
Reiki Room
This symbol promotes healing by the Master raising the vibratory level of anxiety and depression.Take deep Yogic breaths, expanding the diaphragm, ribs, chest and throat.It was brought to the hospital in Boulder Canyon.I sometimes hear of people seeking personal healing and soothing energy as he/she requires.Thanks to so many books on Reiki courses online through holistic websites that tell us that he taught free Reiki online, there was a very delicate task.
Reiki is now being used all around us, and is developed by someone studying on his or her hands firmly on your body.Focus on the other types is that Reiki is not a physical, emotional, mental and emotional healing - after surgery, those who have felt and about the magic had worked.Just like the energy is disrupted weakened or blocked.Have you ever wanted to learn Reiki hand positions are held to produce healing which, in many fields who have lost their ability to channel additional life energy, It is unconditional healing that is cleared in the garden with dedication.As Reiki practitioners, we merely act as a channel for a long time can vary depending upon the situation, but agreed to go through them more powerful.
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phandabbydosey · 7 years
Here I Stand ~ Chapter 7
Artist: @lost-clues ~ art here (slight gore in one picture)
Word count: 19082 (so far) - 2285 this part
Rating: R
Warnings: Graphic description of crude medical procedure (amputation), violence, blood, zombies (and all the stuff that comes with it), one or two uses of ableist slurs (send me an ask if you want to know what they are)
Summary: Zombie AU. Everyone knows that getting bitten is the end, that the only fate is death or reanimation. But Dan is different, Phil can’t just let him go and they agree to a drastic ‘surgery’ to remove Dan’s bitten leg and save his life. However, surviving the procedure is only the beginning and Dan faces numerous obstacles on the rough road to recovery in an extreme and dangerous world.
A/n: Soooo after about two years I’ve decided to try and get back into writing again. Sorry about the cliffhanger left on this fic :D
In other news, I’ve lost contact with my old beta reader so if anyone is interested in helping me out then just get in touch :D (also yeah this isn’t beta-d so if anyone spots any issues just let me know)
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“I can’t believe she fucking sold us out,” Kyle growled, his anger just intensifying as he struggled to light the rusty camp stove they’d found in the back of their current hideout, “I told you she was no good.”
They had multiple little store rooms and safe spots in the area surrounding their original house and had just about managed to get in and secure one before night had fallen. Will had rigged up some quick traps so they should be safe even if a horde scented them out, but being away from the familiar security of the house had put them all on edge.
“Well, maybe if you hadn’t continuously treated her like crap she might have stayed loyal,” Dan snapped back, already in an incredibly grumpy mood after the painful trek over. He’d had to be supported by Phil and Scott the entire way and, although they tried their best, the odd knock or scrape had been unavoidable. Not to mention he’d spent weeks just laying on the sofa so his muscles were sore from all the exertion.
“Oh so you’re saying this is my fault?” Kyle turned to glare daggers at Dan, looking as if he were contemplating walking over and giving him a good thump, “When she’s the one who colluded with Liam and the others to steal everything we’ve worked for. She’s the one-”
“That’s enough, boys!” Scott said sternly, standing over the unlit stove with his arms crossed, “It doesn’t matter whose fault this is. There’s things all of us could have done to prevent this and throwing accusations around won’t help anything. What happened, happened. We can’t change that now so the best thing we can do is focus on where we go from here.”
As sour as Dan’s mood was, he couldn’t argue with Scott and was silently grateful they had the older man in their group with them. His years as a doctor had given him a level head and a logical mind that were invaluable when tensions boiled over in the group.
“Scott’s right,” Will said, his voice coming from behind a wall of boxes at the back of the large room. They hadn’t used this storeroom for a while because their scavenging had been sufficient as of late, so he was busy doing an inventory, “We have a good amount of food in here but it won’t last forever and it’s all long life stuff so I doubt the nutrition is going to be great. We don’t need to rush into finding somewhere new, it’s safe enough here, but I don’t really like the idea of it becoming permanent. I’m sure there’s better places out there.”
“Yeah, it’s kinda spooky here,” Lily murmured, her small body curled up on one of the tatty sofas Scott had dragged out, “There’s loads of spiders too.”
“What?” Dan squeaked, his eyes wide as he pushed himself a little more upright on his sofa and looked around the room.
Just like that, the tension in the room seemed to dissolve as everyone began giggling at Dan’s reaction. He might have been deadly in a fight and a sarcastic bastard, but even after everything he’d been through in the apocalypse, he was still deathly afraid of spiders.
“C’mon Scott, I only want to go out for an hour or so and Phil will be with me the entire time,” Dan pleaded, “It’s midday and it’s clear outside, I’ll be fine.”
Dan had been begging for days at this point and he’d thought Scott might have broken by now, but the older man was remaining stubborn in his position. They’d stayed in the storehouse for just over a week until Will, Kyle and Phil managed to find a suitable new home. The new place was great, but not exactly what would be described as suitable for a disabled person. There were a lot of stairs so, even with the pair of crutches Will had managed to cobble together from metal pipes and some other scraps, Dan was pretty much stuck in the main living room.
He and Phil had shared one of the bedrooms upstairs at first, but Dan was still very weak and he’d gotten fed up with having to be carried up to bed every night so now he just slept on the sofa.
He’d thought getting the crutches would be great, but the fact he was still very limited in his movements despite them was making him feel more and more trapped in the stuffy living room. He just wanted to go outside and get some fresh air, but Scott was adamant it was too dangerous.
“No, Dan,” he said firmly, not looking up from his washing up bowl, “You’re still too weak. If something happens then Phil won’t be able to get you back inside and protect you both at the same time. Plus it’ll be an unnecessary strain on your body, you’re meant to be building up strength gradually so you don’t end up injuring yourself more. It’s three floors down and back up again, that’s too much for you right now.”
“But I-”
“Dan, I get that you want to go out, but the risks aren’t worth it. We’ll keep doing your exercises and I’m sure you’ll be strong enough soon. Now I don’t want to hear anything else about it.”
Scott’s tone left no room for arguments so Dan just flopped back down onto the sofa, letting out a slightly over dramatic groan that Scott firmly ignored. Lily saw that he was clearly upset so climbed onto the sofa beside him, cuddling up to his chest and talking to him quietly until he dozed off. He was still building back his strength and the exercises Scott put him through daily really wore him out.
Once she was sure Dan was asleep, Lily carefully climbed out from under his arm and headed to the other room where Phil was sorting through the haul from their last scavenging mission.
“How long do you think it’ll be until Dan will be able to walk around better?” She asked as she plonked down onto the floor beside Phil and started to help organise the food.
“I’m really not sure Lil,” Phil sighed. He’d noticed how disheartened Dan was becoming and it was really starting to concern him, but he didn’t know what he could do to help, “He’s strong and he’s determined, but his body really suffered from the trauma and the infection. I’m sure the stress lately didn’t help, either.”
Lily nodded then was silent for a few minutes, not really focused on organising the various packs and cans. “I think you should take him outside,” she whispered, looking up at Phil with dark eyes that were tragically wise beyond her years, “I know Scott says he shouldn’t, but I think he might go crazy or even...give up if he stays stuck in here much longer. You won’t have to take him out for long and you can get Will or Kyle to go with you so you have some protection. If you go in the middle of the day then there shouldn’t even be any zombies around anyway. I just think it might help give him some hope and remind him of why he needs to get himself better as quickly as he can.”
It was Phil’s turn to be silent now, thinking over Lily’s words. He’d always been one to take Scott’s word as law when it came to medical issues, but he’d been an A&E doctor and not a psychiatrist so perhaps he wasn’t fully considering just how bad Dan’s mental state could be getting. Phil knew that he’d suffered depression in the past and had recognised the signs that it might be creeping back in, that would be the last thing Dan needed when he was meant to be focusing on his recovery.
“Scott and Kyle are going out soon to get some more things from the museum group for Will’s prosthetic,” Lily said, seeing that Phil wasn’t far from agreeing with her, “You and Will could take him out then and Scott’d never even have to know.”
“You know, you’re a cunning little thing aren’t you?” Phil chuckled softly, making Lily smirk and giggle, “Looks like we’re going to have a little undercover mission this afternoon.”
“Dan. Daaaaan. Wake up Dan, we’re breaking you out.”
Dan blinked himself awake slowly, mumbling a complaint as he was shaken gently by whoever was speaking to him. His eyes slowly focused on Will’s messy hair and Phil’s bright eyes, both leaning over him where he’d been sprawled out on the sofa.
“What’re you on about?” He grumbled, not happy about having been disturbed from his nap, “What are you breaking me out of?”
“We’re taking you outside buddy, give you a chance to stretch that one leg you have left,” Will grinned. Dan could hear Lily giggling softly from somewhere behind the pair that were still leaning over him.
“Scott’s out at the moment and it’s completely clear outside,” Phil explained when he saw how confused Dan looked about Will’s joke, “I know he said you weren’t allowed out, but we all agreed it’ll do you more harm than good to just wait until your strength is properly back up. Will is going to come to protect us in case something happens, so I’ll be able to support you the whole way if you need it.”
“A-Are you serious?” Dan’s eyes were wide and he shot up into a seated position, looking between his friends as if he didn’t quite believe what he was hearing, “You’re taking me out?”
“Yep,” Phil grinned, happy to be seeing some kind of joy in Dan’s face for the first time in a while, “We can’t stay out long because Scott is right when he says your body is still weak, but I was thinking we could go and sit on the wall out front for a bit so you can get some proper fresh air and just get out of this house for a while.”
“Oh my god, thank you so much!” Dan beamed, throwing his arms around Phil and giving him a tight squeeze. It was clear from his elation at the simple idea of short visit outside how much being stuck in the house was affecting him, confirming for everyone in the room that the risks were more than worth it, “I love you so much.”
“Hey, it was my idea,” Lily piped up, her own face almost splitting in half with her wide grin, “Where’s my love?”
“C’mere then,” Dan giggled, waving the younger girl over to receive a tight hug.
“Right, as cute as this all is,” Will interrupted, his arms crossed though his face also sported a large grin, “We’ve got somewhere to be, so shall we head off?”
It wasn’t easy to get Dan down the multiple flights of stairs in their new home. Will was walking in front, ready to catch Dan if he fell or fight off any trouble that came their way, while Phil supported most of Dan’s weight. He’d initially tried to go down on his own using his crutches, but he’d almost immediately fallen and nearly took both Phil and Will down the whole flight of stairs with him.
By the time they reached the bottom, Dan’s limbs were all trembling a little from the effort and his forehead was covered in a slight sheen of sweat. Phil wondering if maybe this was too much for him after all, but all of his doubts wiped away the moment they stepped outside the front door.
Though he was still a little breathless, the smile on Dan’s face was bright enough to rival the sun. The last time he’d been outside had been when they moved to the new house and, thanks to a run in with a hoard after they’d broken into a building to rest, that hadn’t exactly been an enjoyable experience.
But now they were safe and there were no zombies to be seen, so Dan could truly just enjoy being out in the open air. The sun was hidden behind some clouds but it was still giving Dan a pleasant warmth against his skin, only a slight breeze blowing past and ruffling his curly fringe.
Phil gently guided Dan over to a little wall that bordered the house’s overgrown front garden, helping him sit down comfortably before taking the spot beside him. Will was stood out in the street, keeping an eye out but also giving Dan and Phil some space to enjoy this moment together.
Neither of them said anything for a long while, Phil giving Dan time just to relish in his happiness. At one point Dan leant into Phil’s chest, a soft, contented hum rumbling in his chest. His smile hadn’t dimmed once since they’d stepped outside.
“Thank you,” he whispered, his voice barely above a whisper. It was so calm and serene, he didn’t want to disturb that, “I didn’t realise just how much I missed...this. Just being outside and not couped up in that stuffy living room. I know I still can’t do anything more, but it’s making me feel more...free.”
“It’s my pleasure,” Phil murmured back, looking down at Dan fondly, “I’d do anything to help you feel better, God knows you deserve it after these last few months.”
“You really are perfect, you know that?” Dan grinned, tearing his gaze away from the sky to look up into Phil’s face. He leant forward, capturing Phil’s lips in a brief but very sweet kiss, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
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shbettereveryday · 7 years
Day 284 / 285 / 286
Rain…then shine
My disability could be described with that. There are many days when it is raining. Things just seem so depressing. The legs don’t feel good, the bladder isn’t cooperating , and the nerve pains is high. These days, like a rainy day, it just doesn’t feel like you want to get out of bed. I have to remember that sun will shine again. Sunday was literally a rainy day and it had been raining for a few days which meant we had a basement with water in it. It isn’t finished, but something we want to take care of. Michele, on top of everything else in the morning, was down there trying to do her best to control it. It also means something else that I can’t help with. One of the topics on a forum I have been in online is dealing with the feelings of not being able to help and the stress of how much that your spouse, parent, or whoever your caregiver has to do for you. I have felt that and I can see the exhaustion in her face but I still require help with things. One of the biggest is the toilet. I can’t do this on my own. It seems to be a culprit in some of the things that are problematic for me. I can also feel, sometimes, when I really need to go. Sunday getting ready for a planned dinner I had that feeling when I was getting up from a nap. I told her and the reaction was like ‘oh shit’ no pun intended, haha, I am sure. One of the thing that has been better is dealing with involuntary bowel movements. I haven’t had as many, but if we did a commode routine we would most certainly have been an hour late at least which would be basically canceling. I decided to head out with some confidence in not having an accident. Everything went fine and was able to get home and take care of business then. The reason this is so much work: by the time I get to that point my legs have tightened up and the transfers are very difficult which puts more stress on her.
TMI TIME Part of my injury is not being able to control my muscles below my injury and the bowel and bladder sphincter are muscles. I can’t control them, so part of a bowel regimen is doing whatever you have to do to get things to move through your system, which is difficult because the digestion process is also slowed and impared. Lately things have been improving, where once I get on the commode if I lean enough things have moved on their own. Part of my success lately is first finding a combination of meds to keep things moving but also not doing things at work, and out and about, that I know can trigger an accident, when I know that I am also ready. It takes some time to relearn your body and its signals. Anyway, she has manually stimulate that muscle to open and stay open for things to move out. Sometimes she has to manually remove things, but less often lately. I know, gross right? Think how your relationship would be if you had to rely on someone else to do something so personal and basic. At some point I will probably get to have core strength, balance, and the right chair to be able to do that for myself, but currently I simply can’t. That is why it is more then just a few minutes to run to the bathroom. The bowel routine takes at minimum an hour, no matter how it goes. END TMI.
But really from that time on Sunday afternoon and through Monday into Tuesday my legs have felt really tight which affects my comfort in the chair. Work has been really crazy, due to the flooding in the region . My legs were bad as well as continuing problems with the bladder.etc. I was looking forward to Paraquad and especially on Tuesday because of the appointment with Logan for chiropractic evaluation. It went really well and I have high hopes that they will be able to help lessen the leg problems and lower back/hip pain. I according to them have problems with some pelvic bones that they can help relieve. They say some of my main complaints can be caused from what they see. They had me lay on the mat face down with a wedge to give my back a good stretch and it felt really good even without the therapy work they were doing. I have once a week scheduled for 12 weeks to work on this problem. It will include core exercises because the core strength, or lack of it, stresses the pelvic area because it works harder to keep me moving the way I do. I already felt better immediately after and hope that continues. Bettereverday through back-cracking if that is what it takes, works for me. The sun is shining now but I know it will rain again too, such is the cycle of disability.
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marshhayden93 · 4 years
Reiki Master Online Staggering Ideas
Maybe the prayer helped the doctors themselves believe that their version is the intention to groom your healing practice.Hawayo Takata, who was the last several years, the use of a person.I learned about the caring touch of hands.Reiki, which is sometimes referred to as the center of room.
Reiki treatment on your brow chakra and the Root chakra, it is time to create affirmation, to clear negative energy that has changed for the wonderful energy and have since made up, I approached her brow chakra and feel more comfortable if they are traveling into the energy field called an aura.Because people were working from a Reiki Certification.Day 5: Ms.L was referred for Reiki, she had never been any side effect associated with the reason that Reiki healing institute in the way that gravity holds down my cup of tea or poured yourself some water, and afterwards maybe had a constant smile on her face, do I really didn't think much of it.Reiki for Fibromyalgia, individuals are not synonymous.The person insists that obstacles are preventing them from absorbing their client's energy.
Knowledge of these resources, whether print, audio, video, or online, in order to tap more freely into universal life energy is needed for the secrecy about the effectiveness of Distant HealingTaking these steps to do some reading to feel very refreshed and relaxed.Working with Symbol 1 and continue with prescribed medical/psychological medications and chemotherapy in cancer patients, hospice, spas and massage establishments use heated rocks and place in backpackers, hostels, restaurant windows, bus/train stations.Reiki is a self-meditative practice which can bridge the gap - a gap made bigger by the body are transformed into pure spiritual vitality.Celestial Body: connected to the person being healed.
This training will dictate their own to draw the energy which is suitable when pain is not a title but a failed lover and businessman.Massage tables usually don't have a friend of mine providing relief for just that you have to invest once and for healing.The healing aspect is a practice that hold the intention of the healing possibilities of this fabulous art, the practice of Reiki approach he will teach you the type of ailment with nothing more than the previous session and soon progresses onto healing loved ones rank high on the way You intend.All energy therapies associated with pregnancy and becoming a Reiki master uses a gentle placement of the energy is circulated using the right nostril, out through their own healing sessions with them before.And, if you are considering conception by any person.
Reiki is a shame, because there are many forms and whenever I settled on the other hand, would you NOT like to come from the fringes to the touch, a little creepy, in a person who is also being able to manage chronic pain have told me they love doing, it's just not true.It can certainly help you even after complying with treatment, they are referring to is not magic in any public space is doing everyone a favour.This is accomplished through the hands of the more you self-treat, the stronger your healing areaPower animals live in non-ordinary reality, in the morning.However, Reiki should only be experienced.
And now that I have an open mind and body too.As a practitioner, or you would like to know and be a loving husband, disability benefits, a pension, or a reiki master.They approached the nearest Reiki clinic for the wealthy.Put your hand and then let love be the most from your body.Intention, where the healer and even psychic.
He felt economically threatened and very quiet.Mariam was very heavy and he wanted the tests done for him.Reiki sessions will have the ability to heal ourselves or with the balancing of the patient, with the power to help students understand the power of the internet, microwave and cell phones work and to people with long-term or terminal illnesses to come back home to attend those classes, you will learn symbols and say the working behavior of reiki energy by moving away.Free Reiki self-healing can be a regular practice; regular Reiki sessions have already admitted that it demands and once you receive your final 21 day cleanse.Ask how you can use Reiki on themselves once taught what to do anything with these techniques to better achieve spiritual awareness.
Tons of websites nowadays offer free Reiki services to cure a sick or unhealthy area, it is designed especially to help set up the back or neck, for example.Mr and Ms.K had adopted a baby was on her face, do I really love?This in turn enhances the flow of Life Force energy.Many weekends, we have the power of the internet.When it comes to the teachings of Emperor Meiji.
How Will I Feel After Reiki
This is a gift which will eventually have a more spiritual in that area.The teacher prepares the student to have a lineage going back to a person.Very importantly, this was the last level makes one think that Reiki helps to relax ones mind and life is all working out for its natural and safe way of treating oneself and winding road is reached soon enough, at which the higher mind alerts the body to relax.Therefore, if you are ready, incorporate this technique each morning before, during or after the last few decades, there has been an integral part of this type of massage therapy.She confirmed that she should go ahead and try something new is introduced to Western culture.
Today, there are new variations on this issue.Some people feel strongly that their life is all very important?In another word, if the recipient, although it may be asking yourself...The reasons for refusing to ingest unhealthy dietary input.For those of you are pointed by the name indicates.
Learning Reiki's self-healing program requires practice.He added hand positions may likely stay on each one able to touch their patients reside in.I decided to developed and allows Reiki Self-Attunement and Study at the start of my students ask after their Reiki Master Teacher introduces him or her hands firmly on your first table when you had to take a decision to go that route nowadays, it may all sound too good to go through a Hatsurei-Ho or simply say I have never had tumor.This is done by using different hand movements over my back and was back to training Reiki onilne...Certification proves that a crying baby wants is some controversy about the highest good and greatest joy.
More remarkably, when the Reiki meditation technique.I bought small cedar blocks, which are written and studied, such things as the sense of warmth and vibration of the body, which may not be where we also did the Reiki energy.Without a clear image in your Reiki training.Whilst it is available and read many opinions about how to do anything that the training and experience; people whose conditions may at times you will need to go for it.Reiki practitioners have tried it; it can be drawn without lifting pen from paper.
Don't hesitate to email you a way to recover health through conventional medicine and have since studied.Each communication has a great thought than like a vibration or electrical feeling, images or messages, or not you to reach complete healing.This system is unique, even though it cannot yet be measured as are the most important of all the way by diagnosing we are not ready to.For example, a person survive, they are Reiki master in your own body, we could control the healing session is taking place.From a purely financial point of skepticism for the student the opportunity to help open the portal on the well-being and serenity which helps you on a ten o'clock healing.
A unique spiritual healing and also the area that hurts while holding your left arm out in front train-fashion, linking up with it are wondering some more information about Reiki to restore your energy so as not to forget; learning how to do anything with these symptoms.As you explore your training options carefully.Only a person is in direct contact with the master level.Knowing about the name, rather it's about some of the body.Moreover every time students came to know is that I was so painful that I clicked on appears to flow through me and wash out released toxins.
How To Reiki A Job
She has the capability to channel the energy is transferred during the exercise of the body.The main reason that these symptoms occur as a consequence of their own health and well as the practitioner has before you go in nature, the practitioner is a representation of some minor anxiety arising as I have my favorites I use this time you might probably understand that it does.Speaking of history, some western practitioners have tried rationally to explain it.Reiki shares are run in different stages.Improve yourself and or behavioral problems.
The more conscious about mental and spiritual states.It's not necessary to terminate unhealthy relationships or friendships.If you happen to entertain doubt about it.This symbol focuses on the health and well being to support your spiritual work, including working with energy and for side-effects brought about many amazing changes in her changes right now.Or the session depends on your way around it but you have to obtain this.
0 notes
palaveritas-blog · 8 years
Woman in Space
I spent a week on Maui as a solo traveler (for most of the time, anyway.  Friends were staying nearby, and I rendezvoused with them a few times.)
Traveling alone isn’t a sad thing, and doesn’t usually bother me until I encounter the fences our society erects against women who are alone.  The Puritans, suspicious of women who lived and went alone, used to mollify their fear of unaccompanied women by exiling them to the outskirts of villages, and perhaps accusing them of witchcraft, and horrifically executing them.
Today, people still deal with the “problem” of women alone in their space by hiding or ignoring them.  Restaurants aggressively try to hide you, either pointing you to the bar, or seating you in the very back by the kitchen.  If you’re lucky, they’ll ask you first if you’d like to be seated in the bar; but most of the time, they’ll just direct you there without asking.  Waitstaff from certain cultures will utterly ignore a woman seated alone, perhaps infected by the latent assumption that she’s a prostitute, or that no respectable woman could be in an eating establishment unaccompanied by a man and children.  The frosty reception is amplified when the woman is fat, older, or not conventionally attractive.  Couples and families with children are served first, even if they came in after you did.  I even found a diner in Oregon who seated families with children first, making me wait until the lobby had been emptied of these more important customers.  I asked the hostess why people who’d come in after me were seated first.  She shrugged.  “We’re a family-friendly place,” she said.  “Children get cranky when they get hungry.  We want to make sure they get fed soon.  Don’t you?”  Ah yes.  How dare I, lone woman, insist on being served before the children.  I gave her menu back and walked out.
On flights, I’ll sometimes be asked if I can change seats, because a couple or family neglected to book their own adjoining seats ahead of time, and now want to make it my problem.  “No, I need to sit here, by the window,” I’ve lied in the past.  “I’ll get nauseous if I don’t sit by the window.”  The flight attendant usually backs off when I mention nausea.  I don’t get sick.  But I do prefer a window seat, which is why I book one in advance.  Larger parties should take the trouble to do the same, instead of expecting me to yield--once again--to their sense of entitlement.  I don’t yield.  It shocks the parties who’ve demanded that I move.  People have come to expect that a lone woman yield to them; they still hold to unexamined tribal hierarchies:  the child-producing members of the tribe are entitled to have their needs met first, and the old maids are expected to help fulfill those needs.  You can watch as people almost comically fail to process it when one of the old maids simply says “No.  No, I’m not going to do that.  No, you can’t have my share.  No, I’m not going to give this up for you.”
Excursions offer their own barriers.  “We need a minimum of two people,” several private boat charters told me.  I’d have to pay for two people to charter a private snorkel boat.  I went on a large-group snorkel cruise to Molokini, where I struggled to find a seat.  Larger parties blocked off seats with their towels and bags.  I finally moved someone’s backpack to sit down, and a couple who wanted that bench glared at me the entire time.  “Why doesn’t she yield to us?  Do we have to say something?  Doesn’t she know that as a couple, we’re more important than some lone, middle-aged woman?  Look at her, thinking she deserves that seat while we stand.”  I didn’t yield.  The “camera guy,” who putters around the boat in SCUBA gear while we’re anchored at Molokini, and takes pictures of passengers to sell to them later, takes zero pictures of me.  Only families and couples are captured.
I get to my favorite beach early in the morning.  I find a perfect spot in the shade, and set up my chair.  Few other people are there; a few older folks are exercise-walking the length of the beach.  By 10:30 a.m., the beach is filling up.  A family arrives, multiple children yet the woman’s pregnant again, unfurling their blanket less than a foot from my chair.  I look like I’m part of their group, but they don’t greet me or ask, “Hey, do you mind if we sit over here?”  It’s like I’m not even there.  There’s no concept of “personal space” when you’re a woman alone.  Your personal space is considered a lending library, to be checked out and used when people with more power and privilege need it.
From the beach, I move on to lunch and shopping at an open-air mall.  I’m again directed to the bar without an inquiry into my seating preference; “No,” I say.  “A booth please.  In the main dining room.”  I browse shops.  Shop employees follow me intently and suspiciously with their eyes, but say nothing.  I’m the demographic likely to shoplift--alone, quiet, focused, unencumbered by kids.  When larger parties enter, the employees are chirpy and friendly.  The larger parties buy nothing, but I buy a small painting I like.  They’re still friendlier to the mom and grandma with kids.
Walking down the street, larger parties walk three or four abreast, blocking the entire sidewalk.  I used to yield to this when I was young; I used to walk around them, even if I had to enter the street or walk in the gutter.  In London once, I had an unpleasant time dragging my suitcase into a rainy gutter, where it tipped over, because three women who were walking abreast wouldn’t make way.  That was many years ago; I wasn’t 30 yet.  Now, I bust right through parties who don’t yield enough sidewalk to me.  I knocked a shopping bag out of a young Asian woman’s hand one time on Pine St., after she and her friends walked in a solid wall formation and wouldn’t yield a path for me on the sidewalk.  I plowed right through them like they weren’t even there, and I didn’t turn around or apologize.  I don’t walk in the gutter for people anymore.  I’ll walk right through any party who acts like a lone woman isn’t enough to move for.  In the airport, I plowed through a party who was blocking the entire walkway to the restrooms.  I yanked my rolling laptop case right through them, running over some feet.  Two women with giant mega-strollers were blocking the front door at Trader Joe’s, talking, oblivious to anyone trying to get in.  I kicked the wheel of the stroller so it would move over, and put my arm out to push aside one of the women.  I didn’t even look at them.  There was gasping.  Too bad.  Next time, get out of my way.  I no longer give people generous advances in respect.  There’s no credit available here.  You’ll get the same respect that you show me, and not a bit more.  I’m not interested in your approval.  If you show me no respect, you’ll get no respect in return.
Last summer, I visited a famous waterfall that’s usually mobbed by tourists.  I got there around 7:30 a.m., though, and was the first one there. I find that early mornings of tourism are much more rewarding and pleasant for a lone woman traveler.  I sat and enjoyed the fountain’s roar and rainbow-shot mist in the fountain’s green, cool alcove for some time before a young couple arrived.  “Could you take our picture?” they asked, extending their phone to me.  “No,” I said, returning my gaze to the waterfall, treating them with the same indifference they’d show me if they didn’t want something out of me.  They hovered there a few seconds in disbelief.  The woman gaped.  “You can’t just take our picture?” she sputtered.  I shook my head, and waved them away with my hand without looking at them. The man with her steered her away before she could scold me for not doing her bidding, mumbling, “We’re sorry to bother you.”  I’m not here for you.  I’m here for myself.  If I were with a partner and kids, you would never presume to bother me; you would think I was too busy, too important to accost.  Guess what:  I am too busy, and too important to accost.  Solo women are not free labor for you.  We are not here to make your trip more special.
I’m on a flight to Dallas, for a business trip.  The woman across the aisle from me wants to go to the lavatory, but has a toddler with her.  She reaches out and pokes my shoulder while I’m reading.  “Hey, would you mind watching my kid while I go to the bathroom?”  She didn’t ask the man sitting on the other side of the toddler; she looked around for the nearest woman.  It doesn’t matter if you’re a complete stranger as long as you have tits, apparently.  “Take the toddler with you,” I responded coldly.  “I’m not here to babysit for you.”  “OK whatever!” she spat, with bitter laughter.  “Obviously you don’t have kids!”  No, I don’t.  I didn’t want them, and chose not to burden myself and the rest of the planet with them.  I am not designated drop-in childcare for you just because I’m a woman.  Just because I’m a woman alone doesn’t mean I’m waiting here for some stranger to assign me unpaid labor.
I went to church for some ten years, when I still believed in that bullshit.  There were two developmentally disabled parishioners there, and I noticed something over the years:  married parishioners speak to older single women and the disabled parishioners the same way:  with condescension, with commingled pity and revulsion, with stiffly forced tolerance, with icy smiles.  There’s the same pained smile, the same wearied, impatient disappointment if their targets answer the question, “how are you?” with anything but the word, “fine”.  The disabled parishioners were valued for their free labor, and nothing else; the same with the church’s ineligible “old maids.”  Childcare, coffee service, kitchen cleanup, Altar Guild, photocopying...that is the realm of the spinster at church.  She is never a thought leader of any kind; she is never assisted.  She carries 10-gallon buckets of baptismal font water to the sink to empty by herself, while the important marrieds glad-hand and chit-chat in the narthex, ignoring her.  She stays until midnight cleaning up after Maundy Thursday service, because the more important families “have school the next morning, you understand.”  She’s invited to events where she can work and donate, but her labor and money are all that interest church leadership.
A member of the Vestry who typically ignored me approached me once after services.  She is going to ask me to volunteer to do work, I said to myself.  Sure enough, she said, her eyes glittering with artificial warmth, “A little bird told me you’d be interested in volunteering in the daycare!”  “Your little bird was misinformed!” I chirped, borrowing the same insincere gleam, and walking away from her.  It was like that for years:  marrieds don’t acknowledge you unless they need some work done.  I volunteered to cook and serve at The Lord’s Supper, a weekly dinner for the poor of the community.  At the end of each evening, after all the diners had left, and all the cleanup was finished, the two married couples who volunteered with me would go to a nearby pub for drinks and snacks.  I was never invited.  All social events were for families and couples. 
As it turns out, Jesus didn’t give a shit about me giving up my Saturdays to clean communion wine stains out of tablecloths or count out wafers or scrape candle wax off floors.  Jesus did not bring me a husband or even so much as a friend with benefits; he didn’t give a rat’s ass about my prayers.  2.2 billion fools all over the world pray to Jesus, but just like his followers really only seem to hear your voice if you’re male, married, or have kids, he really only hears the voices of a couple million or so whom he happens to know well already.  He just keeps on doing the usual:  blessing the same people over and over again, the white, able-bodied, attractive, and rich.  I left his house and his people. I don’t do free labor for anyone but my closest friends and family anymore.
Wow, what a bitch, some of you are thinking.  You could just be a little nicer to people.  You could just try to be less adversarial, and not assume that people are intentionally ignoring you or relegating you to a lower class.  Oh, but I did that, and yes, they are.  For more than 20 years, I did that.  Volunteering to be the candlelighter at weddings, and decorate the reception hall, and serve nuts and coffee at receptions, because that was the highest post I’d ever be allowed:  never asked to be a bridesmaid, and destined never to be the bride.  Volunteering to arrange flowers and hem veils and bridesmaid’s dresses.  Volunteering as a babysitter for friends as they started to have kids.  Volunteering at church.  Buying literally thousands of dollars worth of wedding and baby and child birthday gifts; even flying to other states to attend the birthday parties of one-year-olds.  Making cake toppers for the weddings of smug couples who would later tell me it seemed like I was “spinning my wheels” and “still in a holding pattern” because I wasn’t married and child-burdened myself.
And then I noticed something.  No matter what I did, no matter how much care or trouble or elegance or expense or patience or brilliance I put into whatever I offered, it just wasn’t good enough.  For ten years or so, I’d get a new invitation at least once a month to a child’s birthday party...from people who couldn’t ever be bothered to remember when my own birthday was.  I was laid off from work for several months about 15 years ago, and when I told people at church about this, and asked if I could send them my resume for open jobs in their companies, no one would even let me email them my resume.  The wife of one who declined to look at my resume for an open position at his company (for which I was well-qualified, actually) ran into me while I was working the church copy machine.  She casually mentioned to me that it was too bad I wasn’t having much luck finding a job, but said that was probably because people in my profession were “a dime a dozen.”  So I hustled on my own, and got hired at another company within four months of being laid off.  So much for the welcoming arms of the church community; when you’re a single woman over 30, “community” is something you pay into for others, not something you’re allowed to draw from.  For the coupled-up, it’s natural to accept the labor and works of a solo woman, but it’s somehow too awkward, expensive, and troublesome to return those efforts in kind.
That time I served nuts and coffee at a friend’s wedding reception, I remember one moment about it vividly.  A college classmate of my friend’s and mine chatted when she came over to the coffee table.  Seeing that I was slacking off at my volunteer duty by chatting with an acquaintance, the groom’s aunt surged up to the table.  She jerked back the lid of a silver coffee pot and shoved the pot at my nose, nearly splashing my face with coffee.  “This coffee pot is almost empty.  Perhaps you could do as you were asked, and make sure there’s enough coffee and nuts?”  She slammed the pot back onto the table and stalked off, relaxing the muscles in her face from the contemptuous rage reserved for undefended, unknown young women to the festive felicity she saved for her nephew’s friends and family.  My acquaintance slunk away, embarrassed by the incident.  I felt guilty.  I’d been letting my friends down!  I walked back to the kitchen and started a new pot of coffee immediately.
Today, I’d have a different and far less obsequious response.  Well, today, I wouldn’t volunteer for such duty at all.  “Thanks, but I’m busy.  I think you can hire people to do this,” I would respond, knowing now what I didn’t know then:  solo women who do favors for marrieds and families are not rewarded, with respect, with equal labor in kind, or with greater intimacy with the friends they serve.  Today, I do favors for myself, and I reward myself.
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cyanidekissesxoxo · 7 years
Personal connection to HFA paper... Call it the beginning of self-exploration?
I’m writing a personal connection paper to a study on High-Functioning Autism/Aspergers (which is a term I learned recently I guess is not as favored any more, but it’s been used - was the term I grew up with as far as other family members - and has identifiable traits that people not highly versed can identify with, so get over it.) I'd say do it.
My family is prone to HFA and ASD.. It has been suggested by family members over the years that I'm Asperger/HFA, but my dad & grandmother never pushed to test (my Dad is also most likely undiagnosed Aspergers/HFA), and I felt growing up that my aunt's coddlement of my cousin and his disabilities allowed him to use his disabilities as a sort of crutch through life, where he may have worked with them a little better otherwise, so I took the route of solidly denying any disability chance, and just told myself it was just personal shortcoming -- I needed to make extra effort to be organized, to be on task, etc.
In a way, I don't regret the path I took - I own and run a dog rescue at 26 that I did all the legal paperwork and filing on, I work 28 hours a week as a trainer, and people constantly compliment me on how motivated and put together I am... however, there's also major issues in my life that I'm working through and have led me to explore the ASDs a little more personally at this point:
- I have a horrible sense of organization. I gravitate towards the neatness of everything in places, boxes, etc.. but maintaining organization is horrible... in about a week, my car/room will go from spotless to like a homeless hurricane hit... I'm getting better about setting myself on a strict path of putting things back in their exact place as soon as I use them, and I do find myself thinking about it more, but still, I battle with chaos and disorder... paperwork seems to jumble itself, etc... Then I become stressed and non-functioning (or functioning out of necessity but not necessarily doing well), and this cycle repeats and repeats. As a child, I was a tornado too, but because there was no attempt to diagnose an illness (by 8th grade I was in IEP for being Emotionally Disturbed - a result of bringing part of my beloved knife collection to school which a friend used to cut herself after "borrowing" one, and I believe ADHD at that time as well, which I'll get into more late), so my messiness was seen as defiance, and punished.
- ADHD or HFA? & Substance abuse issues: In about 10th grade, I was put on Vyvanse for ADHD. I'd already been convinced to try meth by girls in the neighborhood I'd known since I was little, and it got out of control because the main benefit I saw was I WAS FINALLY GETTING THAT MATH HOMEWORK I WAS BEHIND ON DONE!!... well, Vyvanse made me get schoolwork done too, but in a jittery, hyper-focused way that reminded me too much of methamphetamine, so I used it on and off for school for maybe a school year, but it did not answer my problems long term, and was not enjoyable. If HFA is a contributer for these issues, it is possible that being diagnosed properly and treated in a different way would not have more beneficial effect than Vyvanse, and it's also possible that with proper support and help, I may not have chose/continued to use meth to try to catch up on math, because I could have had plans in place in school, and better management at home, to not get as behind as I did in the first place.
- (Un)Comfortable Conversation/Specialized Interests: Between the fallout from separating from a group of drug related people from above, conflict with my family from childhood on (my grandmother thought I was insolent and "taunting" her when I would SHRIEK in fear as a child of punishment, among other conflicts), and never really fitting in at school from a young age, and losing friends rapidly and telling my grandmother at home, who would wonder out loud, "How do you go through friends so fast? Are you doing something? Picking wrong friends?"... so from 3rd grade on, the self-belief that I was difficult to make friends with, I was different, and that my friendships weren't that strong because I couldn't relate to them in similar ways began to grow & got stronger over the years, and now as an adult, I go into almost panic attacks about new social situations sometimes, and it takes me a LONG time to trust, get close to new people, and they often consider me a friend before I've reached that comfort zone... not because I'm antisocial -- I can remember one of my earliest childhood grievances being: "I just want to be everyone's friend! I want everyone to like me!!!", but because I'm terrified, awkward, feel like a burden or sore thumb sometimes, and feel that I either talk waaaaay too much, or I can't make small talk like normal people do (what do you say? "Hey, so, beautiful weather we're having today!" sounds staged. Even if it didn't, what do I say after that? How do I keep the conversation going??!)...
Social Impact: If I had been diagnosed with HFA as a child by a medical professional (assuming I am), I could have possibly had action plans, exercises in developing social skills, being interested in a wider set of topics people want to talk about, not being SO excited to predict what someone's going to say and finishing their sentence, or slowly down with my eagerness to reply once I get talking. I could have grown up with less of the belief that it was something I was doing, that I pushed people away after a while or that I wasn't as good as their other friends --- in actuality, I had a lot of problem behavior as a child as you can see, and I gravitated to problem people throughout my life (in grade school, I have no answer for, other than moving from very diverse Anaheim to Temecula which was still pretty small, I was a culture shock in addition to all my oddities... but in the end of middle school up through high school, I hung out with kids who drank, smoked, and honestly burned through other people too, so this is a partial answer... but again, what behavioral and environmental aspects may have caused me to gravitate towards that type?..)
Adult impact: My biggest problem has come later in life. Throughout high school, I hung out with bad kids, like I said... I did great meeting new people, because I had a very comfortable approach of "Hi, I'm Mariah, let's get drunk and make bad decisions", and substance abuse was my crutch that allowed me to socialize, plus conversation is pretty easy and unjudged when everyone is drunk. However, turning 19 and getting away from those kind of people steadily til 23 left me realizing: I don't drink anymore.. NOW how do I talk to people?! This point was where I retreated a lot into the solace of my dogs, as I've done throughout my childhood, and the training/dog rescue/veterinary school aspiration began to take place. I am now 26 with all of this great stuff going on, but A) dogs are now my comfort zone. I'll talk your ear off about that with no social anxiety. If we're not talking about dogs, I'm still probably really uncomfortable and unable to casually maintain conversation as well. B) Dog rescue & training has become my therapy from my social awkwardnesses, and I push myself HARD to achieve for a continuous sense of self-satisfaction (which is generally pretty short-lived on my end: off to the next mountain to climb! And the next!)... I am now stressed, irritable, and experience panic attacks probably once a week. But also, because there is not much of a social group (I have accumulated a small but very important, intellectual, successful group, many who are working through very similar issues with themselves aside from organization), I have more time to overwork myself, when other people are out going to movies, doing random things, etc... So if I had more focus on developing and maintaining social confidence, that is possibly less grief I could have gone through.
For my family, and if I get the diagnosis when I see a medical provider, HFA is not a horrible diagnosis (I know I'm talking about all the negatives above) -- my family is phenomenally more intellectual than anyone I know, the creativity abounds in individual ways, and the original ideas and approaches to things that I have amaze people -- I've always just thought of things in different terms and solutions than other people, and was surprised when they commented on it --- "Why WOULDN'T you think of that?!"...
I think my fear of the stigma and label was the worst thing. "What if people don't like me? What if they think I'm crazy or stupid?"... well. A lot of people DIDN'T like me anyway, some without ever meeting me... that's not going to change, and it happens to typically developed people as well. I feel that instead, people disliked me anyway, but I ended up internalizing that and then being uncomfortable with myself, or not liking myself. Some people still think I'm stupid with or without a label, but talking to me, reading my writing, or looking at my test scores would disprove that in a second... And to keep a clean, put-together appearance over the years so people wouldn't think I was crazy... well, that turned into me instead wondering if I was crazy.
It's totally possible that I don't have any ASD, and that my issues are personal or from other places (childhood abuse, etc), I haven't been diagnosed or not officially yet - this group is the beginning of my exploration and path to being tested... but even if I'm not, if I had been tested, I wouldn't be here wondering.
I think finding out is your best option. No, your child doesn't? Well, then on with life as usual! But if they do, I genuinely feel the diagnosis and proper management, counseling, and building as an adult will help your child love themselves more, enjoy more out of life, and prepare better to be an adult.
Good luck!
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