#even LOGAN put it so low down like buddy you were my only hope
chilling-seavey · 4 months
Me: I’m going to write an F1 baseball au soon!! I think that would be fun!
Literally the entire grid: Ew baseball 😒🤢🤮 *everyone ranks it as the worst sport*
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fruitcoops · 4 years
for the jules stay with coops, would you be able to do something where jules kinda just messes around on the ice with a stick n puck n the team just kinda watch in adoration? 🤧
This is the final installment of Adventures in Babysitting! Thank you to everyone who stayed interested in this idea, which is the longest series I’ve ever written for SW fanfic (about 15k words total! Wow!). This is my favorite part so far, I think. Hope you enjoy!
Intro 1 2 3 4
Credit for Sweater Weather/ Jules goes to @lumosinlove!
“Can I watch again today?” Jules begged, tugging on the strap of Remus’ duffel bag as they walked to the car. “Please? Please please please please—”
“Yes, you can watch,” Remus groaned, hefting their gear into the trunk. It seemed extra heavy today. “Though keep asking like that and I’m going to say no.”
“The plane doesn’t leave until six thirty, so we’ll be able to hang out with the guys after practice, right?”
“Well, yeah, but we should be at the airport by five just in case,” Remus said. “And it’s an open practice, so the media will want to ask some questions afterward. You can probably hang out with them between interviews, though.”
Jules bit his lip. “Oh. Okay.”
“We’ll figure something out, don’t worry.” He watched Jules buckle in through the rearview mirror while Sirius turned the car on. Most of the snow had melted the previous day, leaving a clear and crisp morning that Remus could feel through the windows as they drove to the rink; he felt a little bad for everyone who wouldn’t be moving around to keep warm for the next few hours.
Moody wasn’t by the door when they arrived, nor was he in the PT room. Remus checked the clock quickly and frowned—they didn’t have a lot of time to spare before they needed to get ready to go. “Coach!” Sirius called, waving down the hallway.
Arthur looked up at them and smiled. “There you are! Got your skates, Lupin?”
Remus blinked. “Uh, yeah?”
“Not you. Little Loops, did you bring your skates?”
Jules and Remus turned to Sirius at the same time and he hid a smile behind his hand. “Got ‘em right here, Coach,” he said without looking at them, holding his bag up.
“What?” Jules whispered and turned to Remus, who shrugged. “What’s he talking about?”
“You’re number…24?” Arthur squinted at his clipboard and walked closer to them. Jules nodded silently. “Alright, I think we can figure something out. You play center, right?”
Jules squeaked out a ‘yes’; Remus could feel him trembling with excitement. “I get to play?”
Arthur raised an eyebrow and bent slightly to his level. “Your brother never stops talking about how you’re the best center Wisconsin has ever seen. I wanna know if it’s true.”
“Sirius, what did you do?” Remus murmured as Jules struggled to take a deep breath.
“I may have possibly told Coach it was his last day here. Perhaps,” Sirius whispered back.
Remus shook his head. “You are the most incredible person on the planet and I’m going to kiss the daylights out of you as soon as humanly possible.”
“Love you, too.”
“Re.” Jules yanked on his arm as he jumped up and down, ramping up with every passing second. “Re, I get to skate with the team! I get to skate! With the team!”
“Looks like it,” Remus laughed. “Come on, practice starts in twenty.”
Not only had Sirius packed Jules’ skates, but somehow he had snuck all his gear into their duffels without either of them noticing; all the guys brightened when they walked into the locker room and Kasey waved to him from his stall. “Hey, Little L—”
“I get to skate!” Jules blurted as he gripped Remus’ hand hard enough to hurt.
James shared a look with Sirius—so you were in on it, too, Remus thought as he led Jules to his stall. “That’s pretty exciting,” he said with a low whistle. “How’d you swing that?”
“Coach Weasley wants to see me play.” If Jules made it through the next three hours without fainting from happiness, Remus would be shocked.
“You must be pretty good, then.” Leo grinned as he buckled into his pads. “Think you can score a goal on me?”
Jules hesitated, then nodded. “I’ll give it a shot.”
“That’s the spirit,” Finn laughed, ruffling Jules’ hair. “You got a jersey yet?”
“Hmm. What’s your number?”
“Yo, Ringer, you got an extra?” Evander Bell dug around for a moment before tossing him a clean jersey. Finn grabbed some stick tape out of his bag and tore two pieces off; when he shook it back out, a decent ‘24’ had replaced the previous ‘21’. “There you go. You might have to tuck it in a bit.”
Jules threw his arms around Finn’s waist and squeezed him tight, mumbling ‘thank you’ over and over again. Finn rubbed his back and looked up at Remus with pleading eyes—can I keep him? he mouthed, pouting when Remus shook his head. Logan and Leo ‘aww’ed in the background.
“Okay, bud, let’s get your pads on so you can enjoy your last day here.” He put a slight emphasis on the final three words and the rest of the team perked up, trading glances between their stalls as Jules hurried to change into his gear.
Thankfully, he already knew what to do, and within ten minutes all three of them were on the ice. Several fans pointed to Jules and waved; he seemed surprised by the attention and shyly smiled back. Coach’s whistle snapped them all to attention and Remus laid a hand on Jules’ helmet to keep him close, just in case. “Cap, you know our drills for today. We start our scrimmage at 12:30 and you get twenty minutes for a lunch break.”
“Yes, Coach,” they chorused. Jules’ answer was a little delayed and Remus caught several half-hidden smiles beneath visors.
“Over here, 24,” Logan said, guiding Jules to the starting line with his stick on his back. “You wanna be on my team?”
“I want dibs!” Talker called as he skated past. “Jules, who’s your favorite? Me, or Shortie Pants over there?”
“Uhhhh…” Jules looked quickly to Remus. “I don’t have a favorite.”
“Sucks to be you guys, but he’s on my team.” Sirius held his hand out for a fist bump that Jules happily obliged. “Right, buddy?”
“Hell yeah.”
The drills were far easier than usual, even for an open practice, which gave everyone a chance to show off. They went through the motions, adding little flourishes here and there that the slowly-gathering crowd ate up; even Jules started having fun with it, tapping pucks back and forth with Pots between rounds and shooting goal after goal toward Kasey and Leo. He shone with joy.
When the lunch whistle blew, Remus tapped the back of his helmet lightly. “Remember that trick I did to knock Harzy over?” he asked under his breath. Jules grinned. “Want me to show you how to do it?”
“Alright, c’mere.” Remus skated over to the far end of the rink, keeping an eye out until Finn was safely out of sight. “Plant your leg like this, yeah?”
Jules frowned, but did as he was told. “I thought you went right.”
“I did. You have to fake him out with the left. He falls for it every time.”
“Dollars to donuts. Give it a shot.” Jules wobbled a little. “Keep your balance steady…there you go!”
“Cool!” he whispered, looking up with a bright smile. Remus leaned down so they could knock their helmets together. “Cool.”
“Okay, time for lunch. You can try it out in the scrimmage.”
Jules practiced the motions all the way back to the bench, muttering instructions under his breath as Remus kept him from knocking anyone over on accident. He scarfed down a sandwich and downed a few gulps of Gatorade, which Sirius confiscated in case he drank it too fast and made himself sick.
“We’ve got a game to win, buddy,” he said. “Take it slow.”
“Scrimmage list is up!” Coach called from the doorway, tacking a sheet of paper to the wall. Everyone immediately crowded it; Remus shouldered his way through Kasey and Logan to get a good look.
He laughed out loud when he saw it. “Jules, you better square up!” he shouted over his shoulder.
“Am I playing against you?”
“Yep. You’re up against Sirius for the face-off.”
Jules’ eyes got huge in his head. “No.”
“See for yourself, buddy.”
“Does that mean we’re on the same team for once?” Sirius murmured as he leaned against the side of Remus’ stall.
“Looks like it.” He tilted his chin up for a quick kiss and Sirius tugged the edge of his shoulder pad lightly.
“Love seeing you in these.” He tapped the wooden shelf above them and grinned before straightening. “Alright, boys, let’s go!”
It almost felt like family skate again, except for the overarching vibe of genuine competitive spirit that spread through the team. Jules and Sirius skated to the center and braced for the drop; Jules dug his blades in, and not for the first time Remus was struck by how much they looked alike.
Sirius tapped the front of his skate, but Jules didn’t flinch from his laser-focus on Dumo. “He’s got his head in the game, Cap,” Dumo said with a grin. “Ready?”
The puck dropped. In a flash of movement, both lunged for it; Sirius won, but Jules was hot on his heels as he skated toward the opposite goal, his face lined with pure determination. “Twelve!” Remus called, tapping his stick against the ice.
Sirius passed it, but Jules didn’t falter from his tail, moving to shadow his every moment. Remus passed James easily, but Talker stole the puck and turned it around for a quick move toward Leo, who dropped into a lunge and blocked his shot. The pace picked up after that and Remus heard the telltale click of press cameras going off along with the whoops of fans who had come to watch.
And then Jules started tailing him, the little shit. Remus did a lazy loop around the outside, then darted in to shake him—Jules reappeared moments later, a bit out of breath but otherwise fine. Remus took the puck out from underneath Logan and raced for the goal as a beautiful line opened up for him, but he heard the familiar shush-hush of Jules’ skates and braked hard.
He should have known it wouldn’t work. Jules dodged sideways at the last second, just barely missing the puck with his stick, then spun back around and chased Remus in a sharp curve through the defense. He heard several people start laughing as he lowered his center of gravity and took a hard turn; the chill of the ice burned his cheeks, but Jules didn’t leave him alone.
“Come on, Little Loops,” he taunted, grinning over his shoulder. “Come and get it!”
Jules grumbled something under his breath and pushed off harder, skating right at Remus with single-minded intensity. He saw his left foot lift and internally shook his head.
With a couple quick taps, he was behind him again. “You can’t use my own tricks against me!”
“I can try!” Jules shouted back as they flew up the ice once more. Kasey caught his shot. “Nice one, Loops.”
“Better luck next time, eh?” Remus knocked on his helmet as he skated past, still panting. Arthur was laughing so hard he had to lean against the glass while Moody patted him on the back and winked at Remus.
“Eight more years,” Moody called with a grin. “Then we’ll have two Lupins out here.”
“Wouldn’t that be something,” Remus laughed.
They stayed on the ice for a while after the scrimmage ended, losing 2-1 to Sirius’ team. Jules shadowed anyone he came within five feet of and was harder to shake off than a piece of duct tape—Remus had never been prouder.
“Harzy! Harzy, I gotta show you something!” Jules waved to Finn, who looked over in amusement from Leo’s goal. “Skate toward me like we’re in a game.”
“Sure thing, bud.”
Jules kept his eyes on Finn’s feet as they grew closer, mouthing something under his breath. No, Remus thought. Is he going to…?
He did. In one perfect motion, he picked up his left skate and pushed hard in the other direction, zipping beneath Finn’s arm and sending him in the other direction. “No!” Finn shouted immediately as Jules burst into maniacal giggles. “Absolutely not! Remus Lupin, get your ass over here!”
“That was perfect!” Remus held his hands out for a double high-five and Jules jumped to reach his palms. “Excellent form.”
Shaved ice coated them both as Finn snowed them, still scowling. “I can’t believe you!”
“Have you tried saying ‘no’ to the puppy eyes?” Remus asked, turning Jules by the shoulders and sticking his own lower lip out.
Finn scoffed, but he could hardly hide his smile. “You’re both ridiculous.”
“Indeed.” He squeezed Jules’ arms briefly. “It’s about time to head out, J. Do you want to say goodbye to everyone while I check in with Marlene?”
The unbridled excitement on Jules’ face dimmed a bit. “Do I have to go?”
“You’ve got school in a couple days.”
“I could stay until it starts again.”
“Mom and Dad miss you a lot.”
“Remus!” Marlene flagged him down from the boards and he skated over with Jules in tow, pulling his helmet off and swiping sweaty hair out of his eyes.
“What’s up?”
Before she could speak, a skinny man with large glasses pushed to the front of the group; Remus disliked him instantly. “Mr. Lupin, can you tell us—”
“Excuse you, I think she was trying to talk,” he interrupted, giving the man a stony look. “Hey, Marley, how’re you doing?”
“I’m doing fine. This is Craig Stearns, from the Hockey Daily…magazine.” Her smile was slightly forced. Tabloid. “He has a couple questions for you.”
“Hi, Craig.”
“When were you going to tell the media about your secret child?”
Remus raised an eyebrow. “My what?”
Craig’s eyes flickered down to Jules, whose grip tightened on the hem of Remus’ jersey. “Your son.”
“You mean my little brother?”
“You’ve been seen with him an awful lot this week—”
“Because he’s my little brother.”
“—and he appears to be living in your house—”
“Because he’s my little brother.”
“—and several photos show you walking hand-in-hand—”
“Do you have siblings?” Remus cut in. “I’m going to assume you don’t. My parents visited for the holidays, during which time there was a death in the family and Jules stayed with Sirius and I for the week. He was living in our house because I’m not about to put my ten-year-old brother in a hotel, and I was holding his hand so that he didn’t run into the street. Are we done here?”
Craig paused. “Can we get a picture—”
Jules tapped his elbow and Remus bent down. “Can we go home?” he asked quietly.
“Yeah, buddy, we can go home.” Remus gave him a gentle nudge toward the boards. “Go find Sirius, okay?”
Remus watched him skate across the ice until Leo caught him and swung him into the air before turning back to Craig with the coldest glare he could muster. “You can say whatever the hell you want about me, but keep my little brother out of your fucking gossip column. He’s ten. I better not see his face on some tabloid, got it?”
“Crystal clear,” Craig said with a harsh gulp.
“Good.” Remus looked over to Marlene and smiled, giving her a fist bump. “See you tomorrow, Marley. Say hi to D for me.”
“Will do.”
After endless hugs and a standing offer to play from Coach, they finally made it to the car just before four pm. They practically had to crowbar Jules and Moody apart—Remus was half-expecting the grouchy old man to run out after their car waving adoption papers, and letting Kuny figure out Jules was ticklish may have been the worst mistake of Remus’ life.
It was cute, though, seeing the puppylike love on his teammates’ faces whenever Jules entered the room. Jules clearly had a good time; he passed out cold in the backseat within two minutes of leaving the parking lot, still damp from his shower.
“Is it bad that I don’t want to give him back yet?” Remus asked.
“I was just about to say that,” Sirius laughed, glancing into the rearview mirror. “We could tell your parents the flight was cancelled.”
“They miss him.”
Sirius sighed. “I’m sure they do.”
“I still don’t want to put him on a plane alone.”
“He’ll be safe.”
“One of us could fly with him…?” Remus shook his head. “Never mind, he’d think we were treating him like a kid. Ugh. I already miss him.”
“We’ve still got an hour or so to pack.” They turned into the driveway and Sirius parked, but neither of them moved to get out. “This was really, really fun. I’m glad we did it.”
“Me, too.” Remus sighed and twisted around to shake Jules’ knee. “Jules, we’re home. You can sleep on the plane, okay?”
Jules took a deep breath and blinked awake, scrunching his nose up. “I don’t wanna pack.”
“I’m not doing it for you, so you better get a wiggle on unless you want to go home in just your underwear.” Jules was out of the car in a flash and both of them dissolved into laughter. “Oh, fuck, I didn’t think that would work.”
“Come on, he’s about to break the door down.” Sirius snorted and got their bags out of the trunk, then tossed Jules his keys. “It’s the one in the middle, buddy.”
“The blue one?”
“The yellow one?”
“Are either of those in the middle?”
“…is it the silver one?”
“There you go.”
Jules got it open after a moment of maneuvering and they tumbled inside in a heap of hockey gear, locking the door against the cold wind that was starting to blow. Packing wasn’t difficult—Remus had put Jules’ laundry into the dryer the previous night and threw it into his backpack as Jules collected his books and leftover socks.
They were in the car by five; Remus was a little nervous about getting to the airport on time, but traffic was light and they arrived with more than an hour to spare. Check-in was easy, they made it through security without any issues, and before he knew it, they were standing in front of the gate.
“You have everything, right?” he asked for the thousandth time as Jules rocked on the balls of his feet. “Books, clothes, everything you brought?”
“I’m fine, Re,” he said.
“You’re not hungry?”
“I had a sandwich before we left, remember?”
“It’s a four-hour flight.”
“I’ll be okay.” Jules looked up at him and smiled. “I’m ten, remember?”
I know, that’s why I’m worried. “Boarding for first-class passengers and unaccompanied minors,” a smooth voice called over the intercom. Remus’ heart leapt and he saw Sirius stiffen slightly.
“That’s you, bud,” he said around the lump in his throat, crouching to give him a proper hug. He buried his face in the side of Jules’ neck and gave him a tight squeeze. “Love you.”
“Love you more,” Jules mumbled. Remus let go after a moment and Jules moved to Sirius. “I’ll miss you.”
“Oh, buddy.” Sirius kissed the top of his head. “I’ll miss you, too.”
“Say hi to mom and dad for me, yeah?” Remus added as Jules walked over to a stewardess in a blue dress.
“I love you!” he called again. Just before they reached the gate, he stopped in his tracks. “Wait!”
“What?” Remus’ stomach dropped to his feet as Jules shrugged his backpack off and ran back to them, flinging himself into Sirius’ arms.
“I didn’t think of a nickname for you!”
“That’s okay,” Sirius assured him. “I don’t need one.”
“Nicknames are for people we care about, and I care about you,” Jules insisted. He narrowed his eyes in thought before breaking into a wide grin. “Siri.”
“Like the phone app?”
“Exactly. Might need some workshopping, though.”
“Go catch your plane,” Sirius laughed, setting him down after a final hug. Jules ran back to the stewardess, who gave them a quick smile while she helped him get his backpack on again. They stayed in their spot, hand-in-hand, until the plane was nothing but a speck among the clouds and their feet started to ache.
“They’ll come visit soon, right?” Remus leaned his head against Sirius’ shoulder as they headed for the exit.
“They will.”
“How much do you want to bet Jules left at least three things behind?”
“He probably left half his clothes under the bed, but there are so many other things we’re going to be doing tonight that don’t include tracking down a kid’s lost sock.”
“Oh, really?” Remus raised an eyebrow at him and kissed his knuckles. “I like the way you think.”
“We already earned our Oreos, mon loup. I think we deserve a reward for surviving three weeks of constant family time.”
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calumance · 4 years
baby logan needs more attention than he gets i feel like he’d be such a sweet snuggly kid, toddler logan would definitely never leave calums side cause aidens always with mama when he can be so logan just sticks by calums side whenever they’re out and it’s just cute cause he could be playing or doing whatever like other kids but he’s just hangin with cal, listening to whatever conversation calums having and just being happy that they can hangout. i can imagine logan calling cal his best friend🥺
Logan has always been a curious little guy, but his questions always lead to the CUTEST moments.😭😭😭😭😭
           Calum parked the car in the Target parking lot, the car filled with his favorite people: Logan, Aiden, and his wife. They had to go to the store to buy snacks and a gift for the wedding shower that their friends were throwing later in the evening. The second Calum parked the car, Aiden jumped out of the car and grabbed his mom’s hand, excited to pull her towards the toy aisle. Calum smiled as he shut the driver’s door and opened the door behind his to unlatch Logan’s restraints on his car seat. Once Logan’s feet touched the ground, he immediately reached up asking for Calum’s hand. Without a second of hesitation, Calum reached down and grabbed Logan’s tiny hand.
           Together Logan and Calum walked into the store. Once inside the doors, Logan put his hands on the first shopping cart he saw. “Can I sit in the front?” Logan asked while pointing to the baby seat.
           “Of course, little man.” Calum pulled the shopping cart away from the others and bent at the knees to lift Logan into the seat. Logan helped Calum by placing his feet through the holes and then slid into the seat. Logan giggled as Calum poked his nose and pushed the cart forward beginning their shopping trip.
           “Daddy, are you and mommy married?” Ever since Logan heard what a wedding shower was, he’s been very curious about the whole thing.
           Calum smiled as he reached his arm out to a vegetable platter, “We are. We’ve been married for almost ten years now. That’s one year longer than Aiden’s age.”
           Logan nodded. For being only three years old, he did comprehend certain things more than most three-year-olds. “Are Uncle Luke and Aunt Sierra married?”
           “Yeah, they’re married too.” Calum smiled and dropped the platter into the big section of the shopping car. Logan turned to look at it while Calum explained, “They’ve been married for five years. That’s three more years than your age.”
           Logan nodded again and looked up at Calum. Calum’s heart swelled with the way his eyes widened every time Logan looked at him. He knew he fell in love with Logan the day he was born, but with each day, Calum love’s him more and more. Calum reached up and ran his hand through Logan’s hair.
           “Daddy, do you love me like you love mommy?” Logan asked as Calum moved the shopping cart through the produce section.
           “I love you very much, buddy, but the love I have for mommy is a little different than the love I have for you.” Logan tilted his head slightly, urging Calum to explain what that meant. Calum took a deep breath trying to figure out the most appropriate way to explain the difference. “I love mommy in a way that makes my tummy feel weird, a good weird, I love you in a way that makes my heart feel warm.” Calum held his breath hoping that was good enough for Logan. Logan nodded and looked at his hands.
           “Do you have a best friend? I’ve heard mommy use that phrase when talking about Auntie Alex.” Alex was his mom’s best friend. They had known each other for a long time, longer than Calum had known her.
           Calum pulled his eyebrows together, realizing that his kid was just a sponge when it came to anything that was said around him. “I have three.” Logan’s eyes widened thinking that having more than one was impossible. Calum chuckled and looked around the aisle for what he was looking for. “Your Uncle Luke, Uncle Mike, and Uncle Ashton are all my best friends.”
           Logan pulled his eyebrows together, “I thought they were your brothers?” Another thing he’d heard come out of Calum’s mouth multiple times.
           “Sometimes friends can seem like siblings. You know how Aiden takes care of you?” Calum asked as he reached around Logan, dropping another item into the cart. Logan nodded, “Well, Uncle Luke, Uncle Mike, Uncle Ashton and I all take care of each other how Aiden takes care of you. They’re not my actual brothers, but I like to think of them as siblings. Does that make sense?” Logan has always been good at letting Calum know when he needed to explain something more. He’s been that way since he could talk; Logan nodded.
           Logan smiled from ear to ear and leaned forward, “I have a best friend too!” He exclaimed.
           “Oh yeah?” Calum said with a smile after stopping the cart and stretching to the top shelf to grab a jar.
           Furiously, Logan nodded his head, “It’s you, daddy! You’re my best friend.” Logan smiled and swung his feet back and forth, his heels hitting the plastic shopping cart every few kicks.
           Feeling as if his heart was about to explode, Calum placed his hand over his chest. Logan was dead serious, and Calum suddenly felt like crying. Instead, he gathered his composure and smiled back at his son. “You’re my best friend too, buddy.” Calum leaned forward and pressed his lips to Logan’s forehead. He giggled and Calum pushed the cart, the new mission being to find Aiden and his wife.
           Later in the evening, they made it to the wedding shower. Seeing the other kids, Aiden took off and started playing. Logan held onto Calum’s hand tighter and ducked behind his legs. Sierra squatted and smiled at Logan, “Low-gy, why don’t you go play with the other kids?”
           Sierra had called Logan Low-gy since they day he was born. No one exactly knew why, but no one exactly stopped her either. Logan shook his head and Calum bent down to be at eye level with Logan. Logan held a tight grip of Calum’s finger, but Calum didn’t fight it. “Why don’t you go play with the other kids? I promise you’ll have fun.”
           “I want to stay with you.” Logan said while nervously putting his pointer finger in his mouth. Not wanting to force Logan to do anything he didn’t want to do, Calum nodded and placed his hands under Logan’s arms. Calum lifted Logan onto his hip and nodded at Sierra and his wife, who both shrugged and headed outside where all of the other adults were gathered.
           Once outside, Calum found a seat and placed Logan on his lap. Logan leaned forward and pressed his head against Calum’s chest. Calum’s heart swelled as he kissed the top of Logan’s head and rubbed his hand up and down his back.
           Throughout the night, Calum partook in all of the conversations, most of them being things that were way beyond Logan’s knowledge. Every once in a while, Calum would notice Logan looking up at him. To which Calum would smile at him and kiss his forehead. Logan would then lean his head back on Calum’s chest and snuggle closer to him.
           After the party ended, Calum loaded Logan into his car seat, and his wife loaded Aiden who had crashed from the sugar almost an hour prior. Within minutes of being on the road, Logan was fast asleep in his car seat. “I noticed Logan’s been attached to you recently.” His wife said, reaching her hand for his.
           Their fingers intwined as he looked in the mirror at his two kids sleeping in the backseat. “He told me I’m his best friend today.” Calum smiled as he lifted her fingers to his lips, kissing her knuckles gently.
           “Oh my god, that’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.” She placed her hand over her chest and groaned, trying not to make a scene and wake the kids up. Calum couldn’t help but laugh at her struggling to keep it all together. “Do you think it’s because Aiden is always attached to me, so Logan is attached to you?”
           In all honesty, Calum had never thought of it that way, but now that she mentioned it, there was a huge chance she was right. Calum shrugged, “Maybe, but I don’t mind, he’s my best friend, too.”
           In her seat, she kicked her feet and rolled her lips into her mouth. She was struggling not to scream, and Calum knew it, she was a sucker for cute moments like this. Tears started to roll down her face and Calum laughed just as she started laughing. “I love this family so damn much.” She said while wiping the tears off her face. Calum looked in the mirror one more time, he couldn’t have said it any better.
Tag list: @mantlereid @notinthesameguey @viiirg0 @wheniminouterspace @thinkofmehlgh @another-lonely-heart @limer-encia @itsmytimetoodream @babyoria @treatallwithkindness @karajaynetoday @talkfastromance4
**If your URL has a strike through it’s because it won't let me tag you ☹️
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authorized-trash · 4 years
To Tie a Knot: Chapter 6: What Do You Mean The Hotel Room Only Has One Bed?
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five
Content Warnings:
Self deprecation, elusion to character death, a character assumes another character is dead, tell me if i need to add more
Chapter Summary:
God, Damian is so GAY
Word Count:
What is that saying? Calm before the storm? Because that would be an accurate description of this chapter.
Rain began to pitter-patter on the windowsill. The crystal drops dripped down the glass, seemingly racing as they ran into each other, marking patterns as they went.
A flash of lightning followed by thunder rocked the coffee shop, lighting up the inside with a bright white light. The customers continued chatting, unbothered. One lonely college student looked out the window with longing, watching the outside world grow damp.
A draft from a cracked-open door caused a few of the hanging plants to sway, and one couple got up and moved to a different table due to the rain beginning to get in and making wet spots on their jackets.
A booth in the far back corner held a man dressed semi-formally, his hands hidden inside yellow gloves. His light hazel eyes would normally be hidden behind the brim of his hat, but as of now they were wide, staring in shock at another man who had approached the table with his friend.
The barista washed the front counter, looking outside to see no one approaching the small, family owned coffee shop. They walked to the back, near the kitchen. It was, again, a very small establishment, so they were the only one working. It was growing kind of late now and business was slowing.
The barista took out their phone, and dialed their brother, thinking now would be an alright chance to check in.
The phone rang for a few seconds, and just as they were going to hang up and try again later, their brother picked up.
“Hey Elliot,” their brother greeted, and the barista, Elliot, smiled.
“Wassup Virge, just thought I’d check in and say hi, it’s been a few days.”
“So it has. I’m doing fine, as usual. Some weird… uh… stuff as happened, but other than that I’m as dandy as a dandelion.”
Elliot laughed, shaking their head, “Uh huh, and when have you ever said anything like ‘dandy as a dandelion’? Seriously Virgil, what’s up? What happened?”
“You won’t believe me.”
“Try me.”
“I have another soulmate.”
Elliot gave a long and low whistle, “Another? How does that even work?”
“Who knows, a new string just appeared the other day, we sent Logan to go and find them, haven’t heard any news yet.”
“That’s rough buddy,” Elliot said. Virgil laughed loudly.
“Yeah well, we’re expecting a call from Logan soon.”
“So wait, a whole ‘nother string just appeared out of nowhere, twenty years into your life?”
“Uh huh. We’re all in this state of shock, I guess.”
“I would be. Well, it seems like you got your hands full, then. I’ll get off here and leave you and your boyfriends to it. Oh! Wait, by the way, have you done it yet?”
“Yeah, you know, the thing. With the rings.”
“Uh, no, not yet. We just got a new soulmate, it’s safe to say I’m holding off for awhile,” Virgil gave an awkward laugh on the other side of the line.
“Ha, yeah that would make sense. So wh-” Elliot was cut off by a ding from the register, and quickly said into the phone, “Oh hold on Virge, I got a customer. I lied, stay there, I’m not hanging up yet.”
Their brother laughed nervously, but said okay and stayed on the line.
Elliot took the person’s order. It was a sweet looking little old lady. She nodded as she took her drink, before slowly making her way back to a seat.
Elliot raised the phone back up to their ear, but paused before saying anything.
“Hey, Virgil?” They asked, bewildered.
“What? You getting robbed or something?”
“Uhm no, Logan is here.”
“Wait really? What is he doing? Wait no, don't answer that I sound like a stalker.”
Elliot laughed, “He’s talking to another customer. Huh, I don’t see the sunglasses guy from earlier, it’s just them.”
“Another customer? Logan doesn’t talk to people, what does this person look like?” Virgil was sounding a little frantic. There was what sounded like a scuffle over the line, and suddenly there was another voice.
“You have found my beloved!” Shouted Roman into the phone, peaking the microphone and causing Elliot to take the phone away from their ear a bit.
“Yeah it’s definitely Logan. The other person- uh, I assume they’re male but I’m not taking any chances, looks pretty put together. Hat, gloves, oh! And they have a scar on the left side of their face.”
“And what does Logan look like?” Said a third voice, and Elliot knew this was Patton.
“Like Logan.”
“No you piece of shit, what is he doing?” Virgil snapped, and Elliot smirked at pissing their brother off.
“He looks… pretty smitten, actually.”
“It’s them! He found them!” There was a loud thump.
“Roman! Jesus, you didn’t need to eject yourself from the couch!” Patton exclaimed, and Elliot assumed he had jumped down to help his soulmate.
“Should I go talk to them?” Elliot asked, a little confused about what he should do at this point.
“Just finish your shift and let them talk, we’ll meet them soon enough it sounds like,” Virgil’s voice caught, and Elliot got the impression that he was excited.
“Alright, should I leave you guys to freak out in peace? I got more customers coming in and don’t feel like being fired for being on my phone too long.”
“Yeah alright, fine, bye,” Virgil hung up abruptly, and Elliot shook their head fondly, expecting no less of his sibling.
They looked up at Logan who was still chatting with what seemed to be their new soulmate, and smiled.
He was happy for them.
Damian was sure he had stars in his eyes as he stared into the other man’s blue eyes. He was gorgeous. He was tall, lean, and had a smattering of freckles across pale skin. His hair was a dusty blonde, and sharp, square glasses sat on his nose. As cliche as it was, Damian found himself lost in his eyes, a pretty crystalline blue behind thick lashes.
Remy cleared his throat, giving Damian a pointed look.
Damian gave a bright smile, fighting the urge to run, and stood up. He stretched out his hand to shake the other man’s.
“Hello, my name is Damian J. Lyer, and yours is?” He asked coolly with a flourish of his hand. The other man took it, nodding as he greeted him back.
“Logan Barry, pleased to meet you. Really pleased, in fact.”
Damian gestured for Logan to sit across from him, just as Remy took a few steps back.
“You know what? I’m going to go sit in the car and talk to my own babe, you lovebirds have fun,” Remy said as he turned and left, taking his too-sweet coffee with him.
Damian gulped as he watched him go, turning back to face Logan.
“Well, Logan, why don’t you tell me a little about yourself? A few moments ago all I knew was your fatestring was the loveliest shade of indigo,” Damian said as he gave a wink, clasping his hands together on the table.
Logan’s face heated up, “Yes of course. I attend college at a town close to here, where I live with my- er- our three other soulmates.”
“Uh huh, and what are their names? Surely they’re just as pretty to the ear as ‘Logan’,” Damian decided he wasn’t going to think too hard about Logan referring to his soulmates as his as well, he wasn’t quite ready to face that truth yet.
“Oh, they are. Patton, Roman, and Virgil, all male,” Logan responded, ignoring the fact that he seemed to turn another shade of darker red at the compliments.
Damian nodded, his little gay heart pounding. All male, awesome. That was- wow, his brain was short circuiting. He had always hoped his soulmate would be male, and it looked like he hit the jackpot.
That awful gnawing feeling of guilt began to chew at his stomach again. 
Look at him, talking with a replacement soulmate. His original soulmate was probably looking down on him, angry. Perhaps sad. Disappointed. Disgus-
“Are you alright?” Logan asked, moving to place a hand on top of Damian’s. Damian’s face immediately flushed a deep crimson, and they both paused to stay at their hands for a second, before both of them took them off the table and placed them in their laps.
“Of course, what gave you the idea that I wasn’t?” Damian asked, giving another dashing smile to hide his growing pain.
“You were looking off into nothing, I grew worried, and therefore asked if there was an issue.”
“Nope,” Damian responded, perhaps a bit too fast and high, “Why don’t you tell me more about your soulmates?”
Logan frowned, “Ours,” he corrected, before continuing all the same, “And alright. Patton is a baker, very soft and sweet. Roman is an actor, loud, dramatic, and infuriating. He is very fun to argue with. In a healthy way, of course.”
“Of course,” Damian repeated, nodding. He completely understood the whole ‘fun to argue with in a healthy way’ kind of thing, he and Remy did it all the time.
“Finally, there is Virgil. He’s quiet, keeps to himself a lot of the time. Roman describes him as “ridiculously emo.””
Fuck, a theatre kid, a nerd, a kind baker, and an emo? Oh ho ho, Damian’s head was spinning, they were checking all of his standards boxes, shit.
“They sound exquisite,” Damian responded, smiling softly. Logan nodded.
“They really are. They are excited to meet you, you know.”
“Really?” Damian said, eyes brightening a bit, “I thought you- you know what? Nevermind.”
“No, don’t cut yourself off, you thought what?” Logan sat forward in his seat, suddenly appearing worried.
Damian slumped, “Well, I thought you wouldn’t like me… intruding, on your relationship.”
Logan looked at Damian. Really looked. He observed his posture, the way his hands seemed to tremble ever so slightly, and the way he was avoiding eye contact. He looked at him, and saw past the facade of a man who was confident in himself.
He saw how small Damian looked just then, curling in on himself. A swell of emotion (ugh) welled up in his chest, and right then and there he swore to himself that he would protect this man for the rest of his life.
“No, Damian. I must admit we were all taken by surprise when the string appeared a few days ago, however, it never even crossed our minds that you were an intruder. We aren’t looking at it like you’re intruding, but being added,” Logan assured him, his voice soft. Damian looked at him with glassy eyes and sniffed, giving an attempt at a smile.
“You’re cute when you’re not so serious,” Damian responded. Logan sat back in his seat and straightened his tie.
“I am not cute, and I am always serious, I don’t know what you are talking about.”
Damian laughed, eyes sparkling with mirth.
“Uh huh, sure Specs,” he said, snickering behind his hand. He wiped his eyes with a gloved hand, clearing away the tears that were both from near crying and laughter. 
“Thanks, by the way, I needed to hear that,” he added under his breath. The affirmation helped clear his thoughts a little, but the gnawing guilt was still there and still present, if a little lessened. If only Logan could say something that would make him feel less awful about replacing his last soulmate.
Logan inclined his head in response.
“Well, Damian, it is getting late. I must ask if you would like to come with me to meet with our soulmates.”
Damian felt a swell of anticipation, “Why not?” He replied.
A loud crack of thunder shook the little coffee shop.
Logan blinked, a bit startled. He fixed his glasses.
“It seems that it will be storming most of the night. I did book a room at a hotel nearby to stay in, if you would like to accompany me there.”
Damian nodded perhaps a bit too quickly. He stood up from the booth, heading towards the door.
“Yeah, let me just go tell Remy I’ll be going with you tonight.”
He went outside, wincing as the cold rain hit him. He half jogged out to Remy’s car, sliding into the passenger seat. Remy looked up from his phone.
“How’d it go? You seem to be in a hurry, babes.”
“I’m leaving with him.”
“You’re what?!”
“I’m leaving. With him.” Damian repeated, breathless as he leaned his head against the passenger seat.
“Isn’t it a little early to like… ya know, ‘do the do’? You met him twenty minutes ago babes. Like, no judgement, but I thought you were-”
Remy shut up as Damian smacked him in the back of the head.
“No you bird brain. I’m going with him to meet the others.”
“Oh. Oh shit! Fucking get some DJ, I’m proud of you. Now get out of my car and go meet the loves of your life.”
Damian nodded and left the car, ignoring how that comment made him feel like dirt as he closed the car door.
The ride to the hotel was not even fifteen minutes. The silence was right on that line of comfortable and awkward. Logan had asked if Damian listened to music in the car, and Damian shook his head no.
“Sometimes, but normally only when I’m going to be in a car for longer than thirteen minutes.”
Logan chuckled, “Well, I can’t be in a car for three minutes with Roman before he has some Disney song playing as loud as possible, belting out the lyrics.”
“I take it he’s good at singing?”
“Oh, he’s the best,” Logan said, passionately, “He could outshine most broadway stars in my opinion.”
Damian nodded, falling silent. 
That was the last thing said before they pulled into the parking lot of the hotel building.
Logan signed it at the front desk, and Damian just followed him. They took the stairs to their room, Damian didn’t have anything to carry and Logan simply had a backpack with him.
It wasn’t until they had made it to their room that Logan seemed to remember one small, minor detail.
“There’s only one bed.”
Damian barked out a laugh, “You’re kidding, right?” He had read his fair share of fanfiction in his life, he knew where this was going.
“Why would I kid? I wasn’t expecting to meet you so soon, and didn’t think ahead to get a room with an extra bed,” Logan said, running a hand through his hair.
“Listen, it’s fine, I’ll sleep in a chair.”
“Absolutely not!”
“Oh? Would you rather me sleep in the bathtub, then?” Damian said. Logan looked at him as he sat his bag onto the single bed in the room.
“Preposterous. You will simply have to sleep in the bed with me. If you are alright with that, of course,” Logan said, fixing his glasses that had slid down his nose.
“You offered,” Damian shrugged, ignoring the way his gay brain was absolutely screaming at him to shut up and just sleep on the floor.
“That I did,” Logan said with a small smile.
The two of them both went about their business. Logan brushed his teeth and took a shower while Damian went down to the lobby to purchase his own essentials he would need to stay the night. Or nights, if all went well tomorrow.
By the time they were both done, Logan was sitting at the end of the bed. Damian didn’t have anything to sleep in and Logan hadn’t brought any kind of extra pajamas so he had just unbuttoned a few buttons on his top and stripped to his boxers.
Logan averted his eyes when Damian entered the room, desperately trying to pretend like he didn’t know his face was firetruck red.
They had to admit, crawling into the bed was honestly really fucking awkward, but both were so exhausted neither commented. 
There was only one bed, but it was large enough that if they faced away from each other, they could pretend the other wasn’t there.
Of course, like all good sharing-the-singular-bed stories go, they ended up tangled together when they woke up.
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98prilla · 4 years
Falling Apart: Part 3
Final part of Dark Side Logan, chapter 5
He's with everyone, when he feels the familiar tug. A bit surprising, given that no one else seems to feel it, and it makes his fragile heart beat just a bit faster.
 He feels so cracked, still.
 Everyone is being nice, everyone is making sure to spend time with him, spend time together, as groups or one on one, dark side, light side, it’s mattering less and less by the day. Instead of there being an endless chasm between the two worlds, it’s more like a two story apartment.
 When Remus appears, he's met with a small smile from Patton, a quiet hey from Virgil, and wraps him in a hug before he has a chance to say a word. He comes around more often now. Roman feels badly, for how much he scared everyone, but especially Remus. He's been spending more time with his twin, who understands him better than anyone, and these days they spend more time together than apart.
 Janus always pretends to be annoyed, visiting the light side, even though he’s the one that chose to stop by. He’s spending more time with Virgil, the two of them mending whatever fence had been broken. Often, he finds them in the living room, Virgil curled against Janus, eyes closed, if not fully asleep, Janus smiling softly as he pets Virgil's hair. It’s sweet, he thinks. Makes him think of Patton.
 Patton has been making an effort, too. Not just inviting the others up for dinners or movie nights, but going downstairs, playing board games, debating, in a constructive way, with Dee, or listening to Ambition. Working with all of them to find a healthier balance of work and self care, both for Thomas and all of them.
 It’s… good.
 For the first time in a long time, things feel good. Everyone is being heard.
 Which is why this call makes him afraid, because he hasn’t spoken to Thomas since he’d fallen apart in front of him, and he’s doing better now, too, but the wounds are still there, still a barely a closed scab over his heart, and he feels… raw.
 “Roman?” He looks up at the question in Virgil's voice, he no doubt can feel the anxiety prickling under his skin.
 “Thomas. He's calling me.” He answers. Virgil nods, slipping his headphones off his ears, around his shoulders.
 Patton and Janus are in the kitchen, having a baking competition (who knew Dee had a guilty pleasure for cooking shows, his favorite, of course, being Cutthroat Kitchen?), Virgil is sitting on the steps, listening to his music and meditating. Ambition is on the couch, reading a book, softly discussing it with Remus, and he himself is sitting on the floor in front of the table, coloring idly while listening to Ambition, occasionally asking a question or adding his input. He can feel Ambition's surprise and spark of happiness each time he does, proving he's been listening to every word, and he wishes he'd started listening sooner.
 But there's no point in regrets, just in doing better, which is what he's been trying to convince himself of.
 “I suggest you go answer him, then.” Ambition replies evenly, though he can hear the soft concern in his voice.
 “I should.” He says, making no move to leave, and he feels Remus squeeze his shoulder.
 “It’s ok, Ro. I promise. It’ll be good.” He sighs at that soft assurance, pushing himself to his feet. He doesn’t know if Remus is right or not, but he knows not going now will only make his own anxiety worse. Like a band aid. Just gotta rip it off and pray the sting fades. “And if it isn’t, I’ll haunt his nightmares!” Remus adds cheerily.
 “You'll do that regardless, you insufferable gremlin.” He says fondly, ruffling Remus's hair, grinning, sinking out before Remus can retaliate, hearing Ambition laugh at the squawking duke. 
He sinks up into the living room. No dramatic flourish or loud sing song declaration, his voice seems stuck in his throat, and he feels oh so small again.
 “Hey, bud.” He looks up, a bit surprised to see Thomas sitting on the couch, wearing comfy clothes and chilling out, a soft smile on his lips.
 “Hello.” He replies, a bit strained, a bit awkward.
 “Wanna come hang out?” He furrows his brow, plucking at his sweater. He's wearing the Christmas one, he hasn’t put his prince outfit back on yet. He doesn’t feel like he's earned it. Like he is a prince.
 “Why?” he asks, watching Thomas closely as he frowns slightly, clearly thinking over his words carefully.
 “Because I've been hurting you without noticing, and that needs to stop. I care about you, Roman, and I… haven’t been very good at showing it, lately. I’m sorry.” He shakes his head, walking quickly to the couch, kneeling before Thomas, taking one of his hands. A knight swearing fealty to his noble.
 “You don’t have anything to be sorry for. I should be better than this, that’s the problem, is I’m not, I’ve never been… good enough. You’re so… amazing, Thomas, you can accomplish so, so much, but I’m just not good enough to get you there. Maybe if it were still King, maybe if there were only one of us, but alone, I can’t, and I’m the one who’s so, so sorry.”
 Thomas is looking down at him, brown eyes surprised, as he fumbles for words. He settles on leaning forwards, wrapping his arms around Roman's neck in an all encompassing hug. His breath hitches, and suddenly he’s crying, burying his face against Thomas.
 “oh, buddy. I’ve really broken you, huh?” Thomas murmurs, slipping off the couch and onto the floor with him, rubbing up and down his back, hugging him closer.
 “I’m so-rry. I t-try so hard but it's not enough and I d-don't kn-know what else I can do.” He stutters out, pressing tighter against Thomas's shoulder, feeling guilty for accepting this comfort, this contact, he’s supposed to be the strong one, supposed to be the defender, not the one falling apart.
 “I know, God Roman, I know, I can feel it, everyday I can feel how hard you try and it’s not your fault, you are always good enough, you are always enough. I know how much you give up, I know how utterly selfless you are, I know how hard you try to cover up all your fears and flaws and that’s fine, but it’s fine to be hurting, too, it’s fine to be sad, it’s fine to be selfish. It’s ok to fight for yourself, Roman, not just for me.” He lets the touch soothe him, lets his tears slowly stop, though he doesn't move from where he's practically curled against Thomas.
 “It isn’t. Not when I fail. At everything I do, I fail. Every romance, every audition, every dream and hope and goal, I have failed. I failed to look out for Remus, I failed to accept Deceit, I failed to reach out to Logan, I failed to be kind to Virgil, I failed them, I failed you, I’m a failure.” Thomas pulls back, hands on his shoulders, fiery warmth in his eyes that he knows used to be reflected in his own. But his fire has burned low, barely an ember, and that aching tiredness is back in his bones. “you deserve so much better.”
 “No. Roman, you’re my hero.” He jolts at those words, denials ready to fall from his lips, but Thomas shakes his head, forcing Roman to look up, look at him. “you are. You are not a failure. You are the reason I go to every audition, the reason I make my own videos, the reason I have the amazing career and life that I have. You are the reason I have all my friends, because you push me to talk, to meet new people, to be spontaneous. You’re the reason I dream big, the reason I sing for no reason, the reason I doodle, the reason I love art of all kinds. All my passion and dreams and love! How could you ever have failed me, when you’ve given me all of that? When you continue to give everything you are, even when it’s tearing you to pieces. Even when you’re so hurt, you still try and smile and lighten my mood, and act brave and strong even when you feel anything but. You make me better, Roman. You make me happy. Even at your worst, I love you. I will always love you and need you and want you. You’re my hero, Roman. You are.”
 He can’t breathe. It feels like his lungs are on fire, and he finally sucks in a breath, something tight in his chest unknotting itself at Thomas’s declaration, the cold, hard pit of despair and self loathing starts to lighten, and he's gasping in air like a man nearly drowned because for the first in time in nearly a week he can breathe again.
 He lets his head thump forwards, forehead resting against Thomas's chest as he exhales a huge, shuddering breath, letting Thomas rub up and down his arms to ground him. He’s not crying, exactly, it’s somewhere between euphoria and crushing doubt, gasping and shaking as he tries to steady himself.
 “Roman? You ok?” He’s not, not yet, not really, but he’s better, he’s so, so much better, but he can’t find the words to express what it feels like to have this incredible weight lifted from his shoulders, these shackles he hadn’t even realized he’d chained himself to, to be released, and it’s impossible to remember the last time he felt this light, this almost dazzlingly happy.
 “Yes. Just… tired. The normal kind, not… not the existential dread kind.” He replies, smiling at Thomas’s small laugh, more weight freeing itself from the pit of his stomach at that sound, a small reflection of how he himself feels. “thank you.” He whispers.
 “Always, Ro. I’m here for you, alright? If you’re not feeling heard, if we’re being too harsh instead of constructive, if you just need to talk, I’m here.” He pulls back finally, wiping at his eyes, unable to help the grin on his face, feeling a thousand beams of light shining inside his chest at how Thomas grins right back, warm, soft, care and hope in his eyes. “Another thing. I know you work hard, for me, too hard, for your own good, sometimes. I know creating things is literally your role, but it doesn’t always have to be your job, y’know? It… it should be fun. It should be something we love doing, even when we are doing it for the show, or a video, or whatever. So, we’re going to start writing together, okay? Anything we want, anything we think of, no matter how silly or nonsensical or stupid it is, even if it doesn’t have a plot, even if it’s just word vomit on the page. Just… doing it together, to do something together. For fun. Yeah?” He almost breaks, he can feel tears threatening again, because god, when was the last time he felt this happy, this stupid with joy, because Thomas is right, he misses questing for fun, not frustration, he misses writing short stories or poems, not panicking over late scripts or forcing ideas. He misses writing or drawing whatever comes to mind, instead of narrowing his scope so specifically he can’t find a single idea in his sea of millions. And to do that, with Thomas, together? They’re going to make worlds upon worlds of curious, wonderful, quirky creatures. He’s already more excited for this than he has been for anything else in years, already ideas are springing to mind, and he loves it.
 “yes. Please, yes.” He near whispers, afraid this is a dream, afraid this is a wonderful, beautiful dream, that will shatter any second along with his heart. “I would really, really love that.” Thomas beams at him again, slipping back up onto the couch, patting the cushion next to him.
 “Cool. Good, I didn’t want to pressure you, but I’m kinda super excited about it.” He laughs, sitting next to Thomas, realizing Kingdom Hearts is pulled up on the screen, the very first one, and he sees Thomas looking at him out of the corner of his eye, with that silly, stupid grin.
 “What is it Thomas the dank engine?” He asks, borrowing one of Patton’s nick names. Thomas shakes his head, grin growing somehow wider, grabbing the controller.
 “It’s just good to see you looking like… you again, Princey.” He looks down, realizing he’s unconsciously shifted himself back into his prince attire, katana and all, and he dramatically sighs, leaning back into the cushions.
 “Yes, well, a prince’s work is never done. For now, we must vanquish the vile villainous, the darkest shadow, the mistress of all evil herself! FOR DISNEY!” He cries, brandishing his weapon, Thomas snorting, laughing.
 “Dude, she’s like one of the last bosses we fight. We’ll get to Hades waaaay before her.”
 “Well, it’s the intention that counts. ONWARDS!” He cries, Thomas shaking his head fondly as he presses start, both of them on the edge of their seats even though they already know by heart what is about to happen, bantering back and forth over the dialogue, doing their best impressions of the characters to read their dialogue.
 It’s fun and silly and stupid, and every moment of it is a balm to his sore and broken heart, until by the time he returns to his room, far, far later than he should, well past midnight, he is smiling and his stomach aches from laughing, and he suspects that’s the reason none of the others fetched him sooner, told him or Thomas to go to bed, because his laughter had echoed through the mindscape for the first time in months.
 He feels solid, again.
 He feels right, again.
 And the next morning, when Patton wakes slowly to the smell of waffles and bacon, and he stumbles into the hall, running into Virgil, who holds a finger to his lips, tilting his head towards the kitchen, he stays silent, first out of confusion, then out of awe and relief strong enough to bring tears to his eyes, as he finally realizes what he’s hearing.
 Singing. For the first time in nearly four months, Roman is shamelessly, joylessly, singing.
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uniformbravo · 3 years
having a full on existential crisis over an episode of anime i watched tonight
it all started with big time rush
in 2009 a sitcom called big time rush aired for the first time on nickelodeon; it was about a group of four teenaged boys from minnesota who move to hollywood under a famous producer to become his next big boy band sensation. a simple premise, launched into unprecedented success, resulting in four seasons of musical shenanigans, three full music albums, and three big concert tours, including international shows. the band, both fictional and real life, featured four attractive young men by the names of kendall, james, carlos, and logan. they quickly gained a fan base of mostly teenage girls, which resulted in online spaces created for the purpose of sharing their passion, and as is common in such online communities, this certainly involved fanfiction- lots of it.
enter me, a teen in high school who loved to write fanfiction. my big time journey began the day my younger sister decided to put on the show big time rush in the living room, where i sat at the family computer typing away. the noise caught my attention, and i got sucked into the episode. there was a boy wearing a dress on the screen. i became interested.
i watched more of the show. i typed its name into the search bar on the website fanfiction dot net. i had a friend at school who shared my interest in fanfiction, particularly of the slash variety. i introduced her to this new show i had been watching. she shared a fanfic she had enjoyed immensely with me. we dragged each other into the world of big time rush fanfiction reading and writing.
it took over my life; i lived and breathed big time rush. i began posting my own stories to fanfiction dot net. i received positive feedback; i met people. i made friends- two people in particular who became very close friends. we communicated through ffn’s private messaging system, then through email. we talked every day, we wrote stories for and with each other, we exchanged phone numbers. it was one of these friends who introduced me to the website called tumblr, where fellow fans of our beloved big time rush gathered and talked about it- a community.
it was a slow start- this website was new and unfamiliar to me- but eventually i got the hang of things and settled into my niche. i had fun, gained followers, met even more people. tumblr was a place not only for sharing one singular interest, but for accumulating all of your various interests and celebrating them in one place. it was through this aspect that i first learned of the up and coming band known as one direction.
they had released their first smash hit single and everyone was talking about it. i was wary, far too loyal to my beloved big time rush- but eventually i started to feel left out and in an effort to feel included, i decided to take the plunge and see what this “1d” was all about. it was intimidating, though- there was so much information, and no apparent beginner’s guide to tell me where to start. this drove me to making a post calling for a “one direction buddy” to take this role, to introduce me to all the most important aspects of this band. and my call was answered.
enter my wonderful friend cam, a follower of mine at the time. they were into both big time rush and one direction and were eager to provide me with all the information needed to get into 1d. while ultimately this venture didn’t amount to anything, as i lost interest in becoming a fan, my friendship with cam persisted and we grew very close. even as time went on and big time rush faded into the background to be replaced with newer, fresher interests, and our paths as fellow fandom members split, we kept in contact and remained friends. years and years of fandoms, years and years of friendship.
in the midst of the tenth year, cam developed a new interest, in a sport called ice hockey. as is tradition, they shared their passion with me, showing me their favorite team, highlighting their favorite members. we watched a game together. personally, i’ve never been one for sports, but i am quite into anime, which consists of many genres, including the “sports” genre. one in particular that i’ve enjoyed immensely in the past is the volleyball anime, haikyuu!!. this anime devotes a lot of time to explaining and depicting the sport in a way that makes it easy for any viewer to understand the rules and inner workings of volleyball. it’s exciting. it’s the first time i’ve ever even adjacently been invested in a sport. one could even call it a gateway into the world of sports.
all this to say, when i watched that game of ice hockey with cam, the same parts of my brain that loved haikyuu!! lit up and in a classic display of my specific brand of interest, i found myself yearning for the epic highs and lows of ice hockey, but in an animated format. an animated format originating in japan. a japanese animation. an anime. my curiosity burned a hole in my brain that resulted in a combination of the google search bar and the words, “hockey anime”.
to my disappointment, i found nothing- at least, not to the degree i was hoping. there is an upcoming anime, slated to air in the fall 2021 anime season, about a group of girls who form an ice hockey team together- as it is an original project rather than an adaptation, it remains to be seen whether the anime will fall into the category of “sports anime,” or if indeed it will lean much more closely to the “moe” genre. the latter is not what i had in mind during that particular search.
adding the anime called “pride of orange” to my “plan to watch” list on myanimelist dot com, i moved onto the next result: an article about an early 2010’s anime i had never heard of before. while not about the sport i was looking for, it featured a character whose signature weapon was a field hockey stick. it wasn’t even the right sport. it was a weak, insignificant link, but all was not lost.
i happen to have an affinity for watching anime i happen upon completely by random and know little to nothing about; i found the movie “anthem of the heart” purely coincidentally, when i searched the name “jun” as part of some research for one of my original characters and discovered that it was the main character of said movie, which i then watched and ended up enjoying quite a lot. another time, when i was at best buy one day i happened upon a dvd on their dedicated anime shelf for a movie called “hana and alice”, which i had never heard of before. i liked the box art, so i took a picture of it to remember the title and watched it on my own later that week; it became one of my favorite movies.
with these and other similar experiences in mind, i saved the anime in my “plan to watch” list, and, later that same week, began my watch of “sket dance.”
it’s a school comedy anime, one of my favorite genres, so it’s no surprise that after overcoming the initial skepticism i carry into every new show i watch it quickly became my new fixation. not an obsession, but something i was pleasantly surprised to find consistently enjoyable. the characters are fun, the humor is tight and fresh, and the stories are unexpectedly touching at the right moments. everything i like to see.
which brings us to tonight. the culmination of this ten plus year string of events and occurrences. getting into big time rush. joining tumblr. meeting cam. watching anime. searching for hockey anime.
i put down my apple(TM) pencil. i set my ipad aside. i downsized the ebook window i’d been referencing. i stretched; i was hungry and tired. i’d been rereading passages of various animorphs books all day. i needed a break. i needed to sit back with some food and an episode of my latest comfort watch, sket dance. it’d be nice to set the dramatic, tragic world of animorphs aside for something lighthearted and fun in its place.
i sat down with my bowl of strawberries and played the episode. it finished. i watched another. this one broke the formula a bit, played with the art style. i was into it. the preview for the next episode was mysteriously blank, and short, stating only the title. it was intriguing. i’m down for the show to get a bit more serious for an episode, i thought. i’m down for some potential backstory for one of the main three. i’m ready.
i was not ready.
b r u h .
next two episodes proceeded to take me out back and beat me to within an inch of my life, slowly at first and then all at once. barely made it out alive. questioning everything. how can a show, so silly and goofy, do that, to me. how could i let my guard down like that. how could i be so tricked, and deceived, and blindsided like this. i don’t know who to trust. i don’t know if i can trust again. whiplash so damaging, permanent. i thought i wanted answers. i thought i wanted to know backstory. i didn’t want this. i never wanted this. emptiness
how did it come to this, these twelve years of my life. had i known back then, would i have posted that fanfiction? would i have joined tumblr? would i have sook out a “one direction buddy”? a hollow husk of a person, i am left with only my thoughts to ponder this small history of mine. the things i could have done differently. the things others could have done differently. all these butterfly effect moments, adding up to what? culminating in what? it’s 2:26 am and i’m writing an essay on how shook i am over that episode instead of going to sleep. but i can’t just say nothing, you know? i need to put something out there, reach deep enough within myself to find the thing that’s still there, broken and huddled and tiny as it is. i need to feel some semblance of the self again. the me from before i watched this episode. the innocent version of myself, blissful in ignorance. it’s too late now.
that episode…………..was fucked up. that was seriously fucked up. im not okay bro they really just came in left field and slapped that in my face expecting me to get up and walk away just fine afterwards like No that isn’t how this Works y’all need to bundle some therapy sessions with ur episodes pullin that shit come ON
exhaustion is taking over the shock, i am simply tired now. i will fall asleep and when i wake up sket dance will be a happy fun show again with NO fucked up backstories ever Or Else. i’m fucking serious right now i’m gonna count to 3 and that shit better be retconned when i turn around,
thank you
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kanene-yaaay · 5 years
Cloudy Day
Author’s Notes: Heeeyioooo, my lollipops! Okay, this is a gift for my Awesome Birthday Week Buddy: @august-anon!! (I still don’t beliving our birthdays are in the same week! XP) Yaaaay! Sparkles!! I’m know it was last week and I’m sorrey for being late dfghjhgfsdf. I hope you like it, dear (And all of you too, lollipops!).
Okay! Now let’s begin!! Yesh! I’m sorrey for any spelling mistakes, I just put this on Google Translator and corrected some setences X’”). Dfghjhghjuhgf. Sorreey! See ya! ~
Warnings: This is a Tickle Fanfic, if you don’t like, please, look for another storie in this site, there’s a plenty of wonderful arts here! Hmmm... Ah! There is Lee!Virgil and Ler!Logan. Something around 3.000 words. -w-)s2.
It was a cloudy day, and cloudy days were signs of foreboding.
Blackbeard died during a storm, many said. (Perhaps more for the bloody battle he fought during the natural phenomenon than for itself, but that was kind of a understanding that few really understood.) The Kraken awakens during the worst thunderstorms and windstorms that shakes him from his sleep as shake the deepest of the seas, a thousand and one poems recited. The ocean floor is filling with ships and the shattered treasures of those who couldn't escape the rains and their tides, they warned. Some older, more experienced pirates, also meaner, could not be left out, commenting between smiles and a few doses of rum: Beginner's ordeal.
But Virgil denied, not because he was novice or so experienced that he no longer saw it as a challenge, just thought it was unfair to ignore all the good things that cloudy days can bring. Often the clouds, the cold wind, and the faint appearances of the sun's warm rays were more signs of a change than a storm.
So he liked to enjoy them.
Preferably lying in the small, but comfortable, Mast cabin. The perfect resting place: high enough to close your eyes and get lost in the scent of saltwater brought by the cold wind; a place where nothing, not even a problem, could reach you, where you found yourself almost touching the sky at the same time it was low enough to hear each one of the crew on their tasks as a little reminder that there is always somewhere (and someone) to go back to.
He took a deep breath, taking advantage of the wave of inspiration to get back to his story. It was not one of his largest, only a little over than five pages, made just to quench the sudden, insistent, uncontrollable tickle desire that had practically woken up with him that day. He barely contained the uncontrollable smile that opened up on his face and the way he squirmed slightly as he described the protagonist (who was caught by his friends in the middle of his mission to steal the fridge and now 'suffered' the consequences) being attacked without mercy in all its ticklish spots: the sides, sensitive to the slightest squeeze and nudge, the belly full of laughter, the neck colored by the blush and all the scribbles, absolutely impossible to ignore, along with...
Virgil found himself letting out a series of giggles, blushing at no one in particular. He filled a few more lines until he began to imagine the pairs of hands coming out of the paper, their fingers wriggling playfully, making him realize his onwed fate when they tickled him.
- AAAAAAAH !! - Initially it was just one scream, quickly being doubled with the help of the on with purple bandana, who practically hurled his entire storie through the boat with the jump in the fright obtained. He quickly recompose himself, turning toward the kitchen, where a Roman (“How could he stand to be shirtless at this weather?”) gestured wildly. - It's cold! It's cold! COLDCOLDCOLDCOLDCOLD !! PAAAAAAAATTON! IT'S TOO COLD TO WASH THE DISH!
It was almost audible the stubborn expression in the other's tone. The one on the Mast tried to control his unrhythmic breathing, leaning against the half wall of the cubicle. 
- Be cool, kiddo! You can do it, ‘cause you're hot!
Virgil didn't listen to the rest of the conversation, trying to slow the excitement of the euphoric butterflies fluttering in his stomach and the intense heat wich spreaded all over his face. His heart skipped a beat.
 He needed a glass of water. Maybe two.
He clipped the story sheets together and slipped down the loose strings of the sails, stopping on deck and heading toward the kitchen quickly.
- V! I heard you scream! Are you hurt? - The quartet's father figure did not wait for a response as he grasped his shoulders, his eyes at the same time scanning every square inch of his being for the slightest damage.
- N-no, I ... - And if those hands would go a little higher and scratch your neck ... VIRGIL! Focus! - I just freaked out about Roman's morning drama.
He looked away, a little ironic smile in the face. Well done, Virgil, he congratulated himself, acid teasing is always a good way and a safe ground.
By that movement he did not notice Patton's gaze, which frowned for a few silent seconds, suddenly seeming to notice something different in the other. A small detail that he couldn't really distinguish, just knowing it was there. His expression softened, sending to him a loving look.
“When will you tell, my kiddo?”
They both shook their heads slightly, trying to frighten, or perhaps shuffle and confuse, their thoughts. The eyes met shortly after. The pirate with glasses (it seemed like the beginning of a chronicle) laughed.
- Don't be mean to him. - Warned before hugging him. - We'll dock tonight, what do you think we leave tomorrow morning to get supplies and new spices? - The animation in his voice was practically palpable. The hug tightened a little more. If those hands changed to his ribs...
- Of course, Patton. - Virgil was the first to break the touch, a simple smile being the perfect mask for the huge search in his mind of every possible curse which he could use to curse his Lee Mood. - That would be great.
- Oh. And be careful with weather for not get a flu, you're already red.
 Correction: Scarlet. Patton gave one of his angelic smiles and left.
Okay, he decided, feeling his ears got hot, maybe three glasses of water. Cold water. Very cold.
He finished serving himself and returned to the deck, his mind already returning to a few increments in the plot of the story. He just had to go through Logan, which would not be difficult since he was concentrating on reading his papers, finding the pencil he had dropped on the floor with the earlier fright, returning to the Mast-
Hang on.
Logan. Reading some papers.
His body froze.
“Maybe it's not mine. - He tried to convince himself, the very thought sounding insecure. - Maybe it's ... it's from Roman! He loves to do things and show and ... and ... ”
His own body propelled him forward involuntarily. Wobbling, heavy, steps more noisy than he wanted, but to be honest, his desires were focused on something else right now.
Logan looked up, half flushed, half smiling. An expression that totally faded as met with the one wearing the purple bandana, replaced by one of guilt, like a child caught in the midst of his prank. Virgil stared at the papers, recognized the capital letters for laughter, the ideas written in the margins, the light wrinkled in the paper’s conner, his handwriting ...
His hands sweated cold.
- Virgil, it was not my intention ...
Virgil always had two strategies for every difficult situation he faced in life: Flight or Fight. So his muscles tensed, his hand closed with a strong grip, he flexed his legs.
And then dashed off to his room.
He first thought of tossing himself out of the window, then thought of tossing Logan out of the window, then thought of tossing the story out the window, and finally thought of tossing the window out the window, but none of these options seemed like could solve his problem.
He had already wondered what he was going to do when they found out, of course. Everyone who kept a secret had already taken some part of their lives to figure out what to would do when their secret stopped to be, well ... secret
But right now all the plans, the lines, the movements ... everything (everything!) was gone from his mind. It was blank, like a cloud crumbling with its hands up in the act of surrender. Virgil sat on the bed and buried his face in his hands, feeling how sweaty and trembling they were.
Logan. Where would he be now? What would you be doing? Was he telling everyone? Was he showing his stories? All? Had he found others on the Mast? Had he thrown them into the sea? Was he thinking of throwing he into the sea? No, wait, this is too extreme, it wouldn't happen. But he might find it weird, oh gosh, he could think that Virgil was a freak, that was easier than the ‘tossing in the ocean’ thing, but not better. He would look at him strange and-
The one in purple took his pillow and hid his face in it, hugging the object with all the strength he could muster. Stayed like that for a while.
When he finally stopped, he was panting, his heart pounding, however now he had something to focus beyond his own thoughts. He looked up and stared at himself in the small mirror on his desk. He was a mess. He buried his face in his hands and took a deep breath.
One, two, three, four...five... six... seven...
One, two, three, four...five... six... seven...
He faced himself once more in the mirror.
- You are not a freak. - His voice was low and he stared at himself determinedly. - You're not a stranger and even less your likes. If it makes you, no, if makes me happy, then everything is fine. Everything is okay, ok?
A knock sounded on the door.
- Virgil? It's Logan. - Short break. - I'm coming in.
There was no time to hide under the bed so, yes, when the one who wear glasses opened the door Virgil was still there. Kind of weird pose and staring at the wall, but technically, he was there.
Logan hesitated a little, maybe he should have waited longer? Have waited for him to calm down or come talk about this with him or...? He shook his head. No. He was there now and the subject seemed to be of a great importance to Virgil, so they would talk about it.
He sat on the bed, still not receiving a look from the other, until a small sheaf of papers was handed to him, a little over than five pages long, with ideas written in the margins. The purple lover caught, staring at it because it was a little easier than facing the most rational of the group.
- First I would like to apologize. - Logan began, sounding like he'd trained his lines. - You hurried out of the Mast and these papers ended up falling, and I got them in the intention to return to you, however I was led by curiosity and ended up reading. I shouldn't have messed with your things, and ... it seems that this particular thing matters a lot to you. - 'Hot' was a euphemism, Virgil felt his face in embers. - But I would like to add that your writing is really very engaging! - The one who was listening widened his eyes. Ok. He definitely didn't expect that. His attention was captured enough to raise his gaze, something that excited the wearer of glasses. - You have a great grammar mastery along with a wide vocabulary and you know how to use it to your advantage, managing to turn a daily plot into a light and fun reading.
Virgil couldn't hide the little corner smile. Logan was not someone who gave unsubstantiated praise or just for speaking, when he said it, it was sincerely. Their eyes met and before they knew it ended up questioning:
- Did you like it?
- Indeed. It was a very nice read. You should not hide it or be afraid of what others will find. Of course, there is always the possibility that someone doesn't like it, but I assure you that would be exceptions.
- Do you think I ran away because of this?
Now Logan seemed a little groundless, as if he had broken his train of thought. He blinked a few times. Was there ... Was there a point he didn't understand? Something that he didn't realize?? His answer came out with a slight tone of doubt.
- Yes.
Oh. Ooh.
Virgil didn't know where it came from, but he suddenly felt angry that Logan didn't realize the ‘thing’ yet, and before he could even think about that, his mouth dumped it all at once:
- No. That was not it! It was for the content, for the plot: tickling! - The word tasted different when it came out loud, not whispered in the silents night. - The whole story revolves around this: tickling. Because I like it and I like write about it. It's catchy! The laughter of the people, the feeling of security, the contact, the trust, the smiles ... It's ... it's ...
- Lovely? - It was a complement more than a suggestion, a smile spreading across Logan’s face without asking permission.
Virgil felt wich even his neck was dyed red, but he could not help but return the gesture. It was... well, a good relief to tell this to someone, especially Logan, someone who he had often trusted his life along the trip and the battles. His gaze walked over Logan's face for a moment, searching for any trace of bad feelings.
Did not find.
- Yes.
- Don't you think it's weird?
- Not really. I can fully understand why you enjoy it so much. It's your liking, if it doesn't hurt anyone, there's no point in not enjoying it.
Silence. Virgil felt a strange urge to laugh. Maybe it was the relief.
- It’s, indeed, - Logan completed. - lovely.
- Don’t say it. - Virgil grunted, still smiling, hiding his face in his hands. A poke at his side almost made him fell off the bed, a squeal escaping his lips as he pushed away. The one who wore purple stared at the other, anticipation almost lighting the room as bright his gaze.
- Virgil. - The tone made a shiver run down his spine and a slightly more uncontrollable smile spread across his face. It only served to increase the certainty in Logan's voice. - I'll tickle you. Get ready.
And then he ‘attacked’.
Virgil was definitely not prepared. Not when his fingers met his ribs, kneading them into circular patterns that immediately spilled a waterfall of giggles and squeals through his mouth, the sensations making him feel about to jump from his skin. His hands broke to grasp Logan's, gripping his wrists but making no effort to move them.
- Nohohohohohoho! Wa-wahahahahahahahait! - His nose was wrinkled and his eyes closed tightly, as if he might lessen the sensation for not seeing them. Virgil fell back on the mattress and Logan took advantage of the moment of distraction to get straight to the new unprotected spot: the belly, wasting no time in scribbling its full length, eventually increasing the squirming and streams of laughter from the first.
- Did you know that tickling sensations are a way twich the human body warns the brain that some area with important organs is being attacked? - The bespectacled’s voice was calm and methodical as it began to loosen fast grips, one hand concentrating on the sides of the other, as if it were not turning one of the quietest of the group into a pool of squeaky giggles, and the other hand quietly moving toward his belly button, bringing out more hysterical laughter and causing him to shrink more and more into himself, stucking the fingers rather than actually protecting himself. - Laughter and involuntary muscle impulses, more known as squirming, are the brain's way of defending itself, the because still a mystery. However, one thing we know… - Logan changed his method, starting to make circular movements around Virgil’s belly (giggle) button, dragging his fingers with unbearably light tickles, getting closer and closer to the center.
- Lohohohohohohohohohohoho, stohohohohp! I´ll- I´ll ehehehehehehehehehend withihihihihihihihihihihi - The one with the glasses went down a few millimeters, attacking the waist a little more vigorously, seeking Virgil to unfold and achieving the desired result successfully. - NahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAhahaha !!
- ...is that, depending on the touch and the place, sounds other than laughter can be observed, such as...
The tickling stopped, Virgil still laughing helplessly on the bed, squirming with the tiniest gust of wind.
Absolute silence.
It was a trap, he was sure of it, yet he dared to open his eyes, catching a glimpse of Logan's slightly mischievous grin before focusing on the finger that twitched a few inches away from his umbiculous.
- Logan! Loghahahahahahan.- Laughter simply floated without permission from his lips, much higher than usual, the writer could feel his belly quivering with anticipation. Attempting to bite his lower lip to cover the smile and perhaps stop the laughter.Logan moved the only (damn) finger closer. Virgil squeaked and failed on every attempt. - Ple-pleasehehehehehehehehehe, I-Ihihihihihihihihihihi-
The finger struck quickly against his navel, scratching, scribbling and poking without the slightest mercy and completely taking away his chance to finish the sentence.
Virgil snorted. Literally snorted.
His eyes widened and his hands made way to cover his mouth, but their attention was captured by the unbearable tickling, letting them sway from side to side, trying to stop the tickling but to no avail.
- LohohOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOGAH !!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! - The laughter came out shaking his whole body. Loud, carefree, frantic laughter. He flinched quickly, his head swaying from side to side as if to deny his fate, even though the huge, bright smile that seemed to light up the entire room, coupled with that warm, pleasant feeling in his chest, said the complete opposite. The remaining hand attacked his sides and ribs without any pattern or order, causing Virgil to practically jump with each touch, the laughter shifting from the high to the low tones.
- But, dear Virgil, I still have other sounds to show you! - His fingers drifted to his neck, pausing for a few sips of air, a pause filled with giggles. The ringing changed to the chin, pulling out a quick yelp. - Snorts, squeals, giggle, laugh, yelps…
The tickling lasted a few more minutes, until his laughter became breathless, so Logan ceased the attack. Virgil immediately rubbed his palms over his neck, trying to remove all the remaining sensations and to make sure that his face had not melted with all the blush nor broken with the size his smile was, I mean, is.
- Are you alright?
The one who wore purple opened one watery, twinkling eye, staring at him, his mouth pronouncing before he could think of the real weight of his words:
- J-just those sounds? I thought as an explorer you hated to be content with few results.
A different look passed and settled on the other's face, then expanding and taking over the Logan's, once kindly, expression. It caused a sudden electricity sensation in the air, his whole body crawling and laughter beginning to fill his throat with euphoria.
- I understand.
In the blink of an eye Logan's hands found his armpits. Virgil felt his breath and the world stop for a long second… and then his fingers twitched.
Virgil literally screamed.
- NononoNOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! LO-LOHOHOHOHOHO- I´M SORRAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAY. - His head was thrown back with the force of laughter, his body squirming for an escape route, even though no matter how much he moved, the sensations followed. His mind was blank, unable to really focus on anything but the poking, scratching, tickling that made eveen his nerves laugh and made him unable to form any words, coherent or not. His heels sank into the mattress, lifting his torso for a moment, until the tickles floated lightly at the base of his back, causing his body to fall back onto the bed. - NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAI-
It took a few minutes before the tears began to wash down his cheeks and the laughter became silent. Logan immediately stopped at this point.
- As you can see we also have as examples the scream and the belly laughte. r- The smile was noticeable in his tone. - I think these are enough examples.
- Yehehehes. You got ihihihihit.
- Did I go too far?
Virgil shook his head, wiping tears, the remaining laughter finally stopping. He heard the door slam shut and when he opened his eyes Logan was no longer there. Tried to replay his memories in order to have done something wrong or what else might have bothered the other as his breathing returned to normal frequency.
When he managed to sit on the bed, preparing to leave, Logan returned with a glass of water in his hand, handing it over to the other, who had not realized how thirsty he was until that moment. He took the glass and drank its contents in a few sips, the room surprised with the sudden silence.
For some people cloudy days, days that could mean a storm or a sunny day, were signs of foreboding, but Virgil didn't see them that way. Sometimes a cloudy day is just exactly what it is: a day for changes.
- Thank you. - They both knew what the thanks really meant.
And, perhaps, for others, those who did not live sailing and exploring the seven seas, cloudy days could mean something else. Perhaps it could be known as a day to enjoy a good hot drink, a comfortable and safe place, good company, or the warmth which human being can provide. The confidence this can bring.
- You could had kept your secret when I - Logan waved his hand, as if to ward off a fly or a slightly annoying memory - didn't realize it at first.
Virgil shrugged and looked away, tapping the empty space beside him on the mattress, an invitation that was not declined by the other. He grabbed a book under his bed, the one with pages that talked about the secrets after the End of the World and the stars, and offered it to the most racional of the crew.
- It's cloudy outside, we can catch the flu if we get in the evening wind. Want to read?
And so it was. Days of change, days of strengthening ties, days of sharing memories ...
- It's a good option. Thank you.
It was a cloudy day, pleasantly cloudy.
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mycatshuman · 5 years
I Put A Spell On You
Chapter 8 Sunrise
Warnings: fear if turning to dust, deceit, panic, slight violence? Let me know if I missed any.
Pairings: eventual Logicality, Eventual remile, eventual Prinxiety
Thank you so much to @civilsounds17 and @icequeenoriginal for beta reading. You are the best.
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Roman, Patton, and Emile quickly found themselves collapsing next to Thackeray Binx's grave. "He's coming!" The three scrambled up as they noticed two streaks of black dart out from the underbrush. John and Binx pawed at their legs. "Come on! We have to go!" Before they could leave, however, there was a sudden snap and the tree limb hanging out over the graves split from its trunk and smashed down. Roman was barely able to dive out of the way in time. A vile and wicked chuckle sounded behind them. Roman lifted his head from where he had slammed into the ground and found the zombie witch standing behind them with a malicious grin spread across his face. It looked like it was cut into his rotting face, and suddenly, he saw it. It was Matt. It was that grin. That terrifying grin. That was Matt's grin. The one he didn't think Roman saw but he did. Roman quickly scrambled to his feet, scraping his hands and knees on loose stones and sharp rocks as he moved to get away from the witch. Dirt fell from his clothes, his white prince uniform no longer so white as he hastily brushed dirt from the fabric. Emile and Patton grabbed Roman's arms and pulled him back towards them, eyeing the witch carefully. Roman stood almost frozen as he watched the hideous being in front of him. 
"Well, well, well. What might we not have here?" 
Roman forced the connection his mind made between the witch in front of him and his ex and frowned. It seemed as if the zombie witch spoke in some kind of code. He vaguely wondered if the Sandersons had mentioned how to decode it. Eli took a confident step forward. "It seems I have not come upon a certain group of three who may or may not be the key to my revenge and my staying here on Earth." 
Roman pushed Emile and Patton back behind him quickly. "What do you want?" Eli pulled out a small vial from his pocket and swung it back and forth between his fingers. 
"All I want," he started. "is for one of you to drink this. Once I have what I want, I will let the other two live." 
Emile and Patton tightened their grasp on Roman's arms. Roman bit his lip. "What is it?" 
Eli gave a devilish grin. "Oh, this?" He asked. "Just a little something I cooked up. You don't stay this young without a little dark magic." 
Roman wrinkled his nose. "Why do you need one of us to drink it?" He asked steadily. Had he not been a good actor, he wouldn't have been able to hide the uneasy feeling slowly overcoming him. 
"Why so I can steal your life force of course." The malicious glint in Eli's eye was unmistakable.
Roman couldn't help but shudder as he pushed back farther from the malicious entity. 
"What happens if none of us takes your stupid potion?" Patton asked, his voice surprisingly loud and steady. Almost as if he were unaffected by the threat to their lives. 
Eli shrugged carelessly. "Then you all die. Either way, I'm going to live forever." 
Emile flinched. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the two black cats crouched low, hidden in the brush. What were they planning? Where was Remy? Where was Virgil? Where was Logan? What happened? Why weren't they there? Above him, Virgil watched carefully, hoping his brothers got here before he had to intervene. 
"So, which one of you is ready to die, Hhm?" Eli inspected the vial again. "Any volunteers?"  
Roman grit his teeth. "Go to hell!" 
Eli chuckled. "Oh, I've been there, it's quite lovely. Thank you." 
Roman suppressed a wince as Patton's nails dug into his skin. He tried to think. He didn't know what to do. He wasn't about to let either of his friends give up their lives and he was sure they weren't going to let him give up his. If he were to sacrifice himself for them, how would he do it? And would the vile, walking corpse in front of them even keep his promise? Would he really let his friends go? Maybe if he stalled long enough, the witches would get here and stop Eli before he hurt his friends too.
Suddenly, however, as if in a blink, two black masses darted across the ground and swiped at Eli's legs with piercing sharp claws. Eli shrieked and fell back. The cats scratched at his skin some more, hoping to stall him while the three friends recognized the distraction, turned tail and ran. They raced through the graveyard, tripping over tombstones that jutted out of the ground like broken teeth. 
As Roman ran after his friends he was hit with a sudden idea. While his friends ran ahead of him towards the cemetery gates, Roman let himself fall behind, until he no longer saw his friends and he was alone. All he had to do was wait. He turned around to go back and face Eli, only to find him standing behind him with a vicious snarl curled on his lips. He didn't have to wait long. The witch's face was etched into a snarl as he stalked forward and ripped Roman towards him, causing the prince to trip over his feet only to be yanked off the ground, his legs kicking uselessly as his feet dangled in the air. 
"It seems you've fallen behind," he growled. 
Roman's nose wrinkled as 300-year-old breath wafted back onto his face. He tried not to think of the fact that the body holding him aloft had laid in a grave decaying for over 300 hundred years and kept his mouth shut. 
"A pity." He let Roman fall to his knees before grabbing a hold of his hair and dragging him through the dead leaves scattered across the ground. Roman yelped as the witch pulled at his scalp. "You could have made such a good familiar," Eli muttered before he yanked him up as they came to a stop at his open grave. "Open up your mouth, boy." Eli ripped the cork off the vial with his teeth and began tipping the green liquid over Roman's mouth. He let go of Roman’s hair and gripped his jaw harshly so he could force his mouth open. 
I'm going to die. I'm going to die. I'm going to die. 
Eli jumped and spun around, holding Roman tight against him as he turned to face Virgil who stood before them with an angry frown. "Let. Him. Go." Roman's heart twisted as he saw Virgil's fingers twitch slightly. A telltale sign that he was scared. 
Eli's lips pulled back in a wicked snarl. "I don't think I will." 
"Then I will make you."
Eli let out a howling laugh. "Please, Virgil, don't fool yourself. You know you can’t beat me. You never can and you never will. Nothing you do can stop me. Once I take his life, I will live past sunrise and you and your brothers will turn to dust. And I will have all of Salem in my grasp. No one will be able to stop me." 
Roman pulled at Eli's arm as it crushed against his neck. He pushed his feet into the ground uselessly. "Face it, Virgil, you are useless." 
Virgil's glare intensified until suddenly he was gone. Roman froze. Eli's eyes darted around the graveyard as he held Roman tighter against him. A noise rang out and suddenly, Eli was down and Roman was on his hands and knees hacking violently. Virgil quickly yanked him up onto his broom and they zoomed up above the trees as they turned towards the horizon. Logan and Remy flew up to meet them, Patton and Emile along with them. The first hints of sunrise broke over the horizon, spilling through the treetops. Virgil glanced down and noticed Eli staring at the creeping sunlight with horror. Virgil clenched his fists and let his eyes stare at the sunlight breaking across the sky. "Just let the broom guide you down to the ground. You'll be okay." Roman turned around and stared at Virgil. 
The witch blinked as tears pooled in Roman's eyes. "No. You can't leave. You can't." 
Virgil shook his head. "It's going to be okay. It's all going to be okay." Roman shook his head.
"No. You don't deserve to die. You didn't do anything wrong-"
"Roman," Virgil said softly. "People who don't deserve it die all the time. You'll just have to move on." Virgil turned back to the sunrise only to be hit with a blinding light. He threw his arm up to cover his eyes only to notice an explosion of yellow glitter to erupt below. His head whipped around to find Eli had turned to dust. The wind blew and any trace of the zombie witch was gone. He grimaced. He really hoped it didn't hurt for long. He may have slightly come to terms with his death but that didn't mean he wasn't scared.
Virgil waited. And waited. After a minute or two, he peaked out only to notice his brothers staring at themselves in disbelief. And then, his own face mirrored theirs. 
Everything Taglist: @spxced-oxt @superwholocked-for-life @mirror2thespirit @aroundofapplesauce @lyditist @little-euro-girl @unicornofdarknessstuff
I Put A Spell On You Taglist: @maryann-draws @kittycake574 @partypoison1923 @i-need-you-buddy @ksallyyt @psychixx
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crankywhenprovoked · 5 years
Cards. Part 2. Dimitri and Thomas.
This is a part two for This story that was part of my Valentine’s day line up.
Warnings: Deceit (His name is Dimitri)
Part 3: Here
Dimitri did his best not to frown as he brushed his teeth, listening to two people arguing somewhere in the house.  He wasn’t even sure what it was about this time, not that he ever really paid attention to the fights.  Most likely it was real son of the people who foster the kids, the one that always liked to make trouble.
Finishing his brushing, he made sure his hair was fixed before stepping off the small stool and making sure to put it back.  Even though at five he was the youngest, he often got in trouble if he forgot to do something they told him too.  Getting back to the room he shared with another foster, he got dressed quickly before heading down to breakfast.
By the time he got to the table, the yelling had stopped and his foster ‘mom’ was pouring up bowls of cereal.  Her birth son was sitting on the counter, eating his own bowl when Dee got onto his chair, saying a small thank you.
“So soon you’re going to be rid of the brat, huh?”  The son remarked, pointing at Dee before shoving a spoonful of cereal in his mouth.
“Hush now,” His mom shushed, before turning back to Dee.  “Someone did put in an adoption paper for you, but declined a meeting.”
Dimitri’s mouth dropped open slightly, a bubble of happiness rising as he blinked up at his foster mom.
“Really?”  He squeaked.
“I wouldn’t get too hopeful, kid. No one wants anything older than a newborn anymore.”
“Go get the rest of the kids, and hush your mouth.”  She shushed him again, shooing him out of the kitchen.
“Why didn’t they want to meet me, if they’re serious about adopting me?”  Dee asked softly.
“Don’t know, now hurry up and eat.”
Dee nodded, eating the rest of his breakfast as the other fosters came in and started eating their own.  The small bubble of hope was still in his stomach as the other kids all but ignored him.  Just like every morning.
“Mr. Thomas?” Dee’s voice broke through Thomas’ musings as he was straightening up the books after everyone else had left.
“Yes, Dee?”  He asked, turning to see the small child holding up a board game.
“Could we maybe play this?”
A soft smile slid over Thomas’ face as he nodded, giving up on the books and heading over to one of the low tables.  Watching Dee take out the things, Thomas pulled a pillow over and sat on the floor while Dee sat in a chair.  Starting the game, Dee giggled softly as they played, moving the pieces around.  Thomas smiled as he watched Dee win the game, before he started setting it up again.
Most of the times when Dee was the last child there he would just read silently, or work through an activity book.  But on some occasions Dee would ask him if they could play a board game together, and Thomas had never been able to say no.
“Mr. Thomas?” Dee said as Thomas was setting the board up for a third game.
“Why wouldn’t a person want to meet me before they adopt me?”
Thomas froze slightly, swallowing hard as he looked at the child, feeling his heart beating fast.
“What do you mean, buddy?”  He asked, trying to stop his hands from shaking.
“They told me this morning that someone put in thing to adopt me, but they don’t wanna meet me first.”
“Oh,” Thomas cleared his throat.  “Maybe they know you’re the one for them.”
“Without ever meeting me?”  Dee’s face was a mask of confusion. “What if they don’t like me?”
“They will more than like you, they will love you.”  Thomas said, making Dee look up at him.
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
Dee sniffled softly, his arms wrapping around himself before Thomas moved to his knees and opened his arms.  Coming around the table, Dee pressed himself against him, holding him as tight as he could as Thomas hugged him.
“Thank you, Mr.Thomas.”  Dee mumbled into his shirt.
“You’re welcome, Dee.”
Starting the game again, Thomas did his best to get Dimitri smiling again before he was picked up.  Cleaning up the game, Thomas frowned as he went over the conversation with Dee.
He had specifically asked for him not to be informed about the papers, plus he was able to decline the meeting since he knew Dimitri.  The last thing he wanted was to get Dee’s hopes up if for any reason what so ever things didn’t go right.
“Cat’s out of the bag I guess.”  Thomas sighed, rubbing his face, turning his head as his phone started ringing.
Grabbing his phone from his pocket, his heart took off again as the adoption agency number flashed on his screen.
“Mr. Sanders?”
“That’s me.” Thomas answered, sitting at his desk.
“Hi Mr. Sanders, I just have a few quick questions about your adoption form if I can have a few moments of your time.”
“Of course.”
Dimitri tried his best to walk, though he kept trying to run, but didn’t want to get yelled at on his last day.  His last day.  Doing a small dance he grabbed the last of his small amount of possessions, throwing them in a bag that Mr. Thomas had given him.  The day before he was being adopted his teacher had given it to him, telling him he had heard it was happening.
At first he didn’t want to take it, but when Logan had informed him that his foster parent wouldn’t give him one, he took it.  And he was more than grateful for it now, seeing as all of his things fit right into it, only his coat and a few other clothing things didn’t.
“Come on, Dee.” His foster mom said, coming in and grabbing the two bags, letting him carry his backpack.
Making their way down the stairs Dee was a bundle of energy, both good and bad, as they got to the front door.  He was more than ready to go to a new home that would, he hoped and prayed, was much better than this one. But he was still worried that they weren’t going to like him, since they didn’t even meet him first.
Opening the door, he followed as she went down the few stairs and put his stuff on the side walk.  Setting his backpack with the stuff, he stuffed his hands in his pockets, trying not to fidget as they waited.  Soon enough a car pulled up setting his heart off again as he tried to see through the windows.  Looking up at his former foster mom he couldn’t really tell the face she was making before a car door opened and closed.
“Mr.Thomas?” Dee said, as the male came around the front of the car, paperwork in his hands.
“Hi, Dee.” He smiled, coming over and handing the papers to the woman.
“Did you come to see me get adopted?”  He asked, tilting his head as the adult knelt in front of him.
“Not exactly,” Thomas said, looking up at the woman for a moment before looking back to a confused Dee.  “You see, I’m the one adopting you.”
“Y-you are?” Dee asked.
“I am.”
A soft sound left Dimitri as tears started welling up in his eyes, making Thomas’ lips twitch down.  As they started to fall Thomas started to worry that he made the wrong choice, that Dee didn’t want a single parent.
“Dee.” He started before suddenly Dimitri’s arms were around his neck, face pressed against his shoulder.
“Y-you’re going to be my dad.”  Dimitri sobbed softly, as Thomas wrapped his arms around his waist.
“I am.”  Thomas whispered, a few tears slipping down his own cheeks.
“Thank you, thank you so much.”
Thomas smiled more as he stood up, resting Dee on his hip as he started putting Dee’s bags in the trunk.  With a handshake with the foster, Thomas helped Dee into the carseat that was now in his car.
“Mr. Tho… I mean… dad?”
“Yes, Dee?” Thomas asked, as he finished buckling him in, brushing his hair off his forehead.
“Did you mean it, when you said that my new parent was going to love me?”  He asked, wringing his hands.
“I meant every word.”  Thomas smiled, holding out his hand for Dee to grab a few of his fingers.
“Can…. Can you say it?”  He whispered, looking up at him with pleading eyes.
“I love you, Dimitri.  My son, Dimitri.”  Thomas said softly, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“I love you too, Daddy.”  Dimitri whispered, hugging Thomas’ hand to himself.
Tag list:
@allaboutme7 @thats-so-crash @sanders-sides-shambles @pandagirl0730 @pansexual-cat @mollycassmith @cashmeredragon @bubblegum-borb @neko-ereri-art @theshipqueenarrives @hanramz-the-fander @callboxkat @anachronistic-cat @ocotopushugs @moralityism @infinitesimal-heart @a-prince-has-got-to-slay @thisisshien @someshinningideas @gamerzylo @siriuswhiskers @nightlovechild @hoodie-bros @trashypansexual @ace-v-p-d @allthemetalsoftherainbow @fanatic564 @cinquefoilelove @violetmcl @evilmuffin @k9cat @elusivefalsehoods @candiukas @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @angered-turtle @spacenerrrd @toujours-fidele @starlightlogan @poundland-twoface @anonymouseandkeyboard @justmyshitandmoreshit @skylagamingv2 @blaikleethepanagender @runyou-cleverboy-andremember @stormcloud-virgil @moltengoldenstardust
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flowerpowell · 5 years
You Drive Me Crazy (Colt x MC)
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A/N: Here’s part six, which also means the series is coming to an end! Thank you for your patience with waiting for this chapter, I hope you’ll all like it! As always I dont own the characters but I’d appreciate the feedback. And please note, this is an AU!
Rating: PG-16 
Word Count: 1598
Tagging: @agent-bossypants @brightpinkpeppercorn @confessionsofabrokegirl @lovehugsandcandy @walkerduchess @choicesarehard @going-down-downtown @long-gone-girl @client-327 @desireepow30 @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction @umiumichan @powdesiree0816 @claudevonstruke @akrenich ♥
“I love you, Ellie,” Colt repeated and within seconds Ellie threw her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately as if they never argued, as if she remembered he was her first, as if it all made sense again.
Except that it wasn’t true. That was not the reality. The reality was harsh.
It was over.
Colt hid his face between his hands, sitting on his bed, his shirt wet from tears. His tears.
He sat there, trying to steady his breath and reminiscing about what happened only an hour ago.
“This is low, even for you!” she shouted at him from behind the closed car door.
“I just said I loved you, how is this low?!”
“Oh, please! You’ll do just everything to make me stop seeing Logan! I didn’t expect you’d actually start pretending you like me not but apparently I don’t even know you!”
I don’t even know you. Know you.
He didn’t know himself either at this point.
There was no Colt he used to know. No Colt who laughed at being too emotional. No Colt who didn’t care about what other thought about him. No Colt who never shed a tear.
That Colt was gone. Dead.
This Colt was helpless, in love and needed a hug. This Colt hated this new Colt.
“Stupid feelings!” he slammed his fist into the wooden bed frame breaking it.
He needed to leave. Go far away and never look back. Leave as soon as possible.
“Young Kaneko! Hi, come in,” Ellie’s father opened the door and let Colt in. “My daughter is not here, I’m afraid. She’s constanstly out somewhere and I barely see her these days,” he sighed.
“I actually came to you. To say goodbye. I’m leaving the town and I figured I’d tell you,” Colt shrugged gently as he felt Ellie’s dad’s gaze on him.
“Oh you know, nothing is happening here, really. I want to know the world. Leave this shithole, start my life. Ellie’s going to college soon too so it’s not like I have much left here,” he said biting his lower lip. It wasn’t all true. He lost Ellie before she even went to college and ever since Logan appeared, he had nothing left.
“Ellie knows?”
“I’ll tell her. I couldn’t find her.”
“You sure you want to leave? You and Ellie seemed--”
“I’m sure. Won’t change my mind,” Colt cut him off. Ellie’s father nodded and went silent for a moment.
“She’ll miss you,” the old man finally spoke. Colt shook his head.
“I doubt it. She’s going to college soon, she has friends. She’ll be fine.”
“She’ll miss you,” he repeated, “and it’s not certain she’ll go to college this year.”
“What? Why?” Colt asked alarmed. Did something happen?
“I need to pay one last installment but my visit at the hospital cost a half of it. I’m not sure if I’ll manage the get the money before it’s due.” He explained and Colt started thinking. Did Ellie know? She wanted to go to college so bad... She’ll be devastated.
“Think positively,” Colt said, “maybe you’ll have the money. I gotta go now but please, take care of yourself, sir.”
“You too, Kaneko. You too.”
His mind was racing.
He hadn’t done it in months but he needed the money. For Ellie. For her college. For her dreams. For her freedom. For her.
He knew it was stupid and Ellie would be mad if she found out he was doing it again. That was why he only told Mona about it. She was against it too but he didn’t care. This was the only way he could help Ellie before he would leave.
“Yo, Kaneko!” A man named Salazar walked up to him with a few of his buddies. “Haven’t seen you in a while. Racing again?”
“Yup,” Colt answered shortly. He hated the guy and he didn’t come here for a small talk. He came here to race and to win the money he needed. And then leave. For good.
“Think you can win? With me?” the man laughed and his friends followed.
What a bunch of morons.
“I always did.”
“Aren’t you afraid you precious litte friend’s father, who’s a cop, will find out you took part in illegal races again?”
“And who’s gonna tell him? You?” Colt laughed and Salazar narrowed his eyes.
“You’re going down,” he said before he left and Colt rolled his eyes. Whatever. I’m here just for the money.
He walked up to his motorcycle and studied it for a second. He wasn’t afraid of losing, he knew he was good and since Ellie was his motivation, he knew he could win this. He smiled at the thought of Ellie but his face fell remembering their last meeting. He was just about to warm up, his little silly routine before every race, when his phone rang.
“I’m kinda busy right now, Mona.”
“Ellie was here. Asking about you.”
“What?” he froze. “What was she asking? Why...?”
‘I told her where you are. And what you’re about to do.”
“What?! Mona! How could you, I trusted you!” Colt yelled into the phone.
“She came here and told me her father told her you were leaving. She wanted to know why. I told her it was partly because of her. I might have told her some things from your perspective. She thought you were pretending when you said you loved her, now she knows it wasn’t a lie. I told her you don’t know how to deal with your emotions but you fell for her. She seemed to be shocked.”
“Listen, Colt. I like you but you need help. She would never know if I hadn’t told her. I spared her the details but long story short, she knows you wanted to be more than friends with her and that’s why you acted like a total ass. And she’s headed there so you’d better win that race asap before she gets there.” Mona kept explaining but Colt stood still, not sure what to think. Ellie knew everything. Shit. He quickly hung up and hopped on his bike. The race was supposed to start soon and he hoped it’s end before Ellie arrived.
It felt almost nice to be back. The adrenaline, the exicitement, it all was back.
The race started and Colt easily managed to draw ahead. He saw Salazar in the corner of his eyes, he was determined to win this time but Colt maneuvered slightly and was first on the finish line. He smirked at the “losers” and went to claim his prize when he saw her.
Ellie was furious.
She noticed him and started yelling something, something he couldn’t understand because one of the motorcycles’ engine was still working. He turned to ask the owner to stop it but saw Salazer driving straight into him, clearly trying to hit him.
“WHAT THE HELL?” Colt yelled when he jumped back dodging the bike. Salazar looked back at him, not even bothering to stop the vehicle. Colt’s angry expression quickly turned into a pure horror on his face when he realized Salazar’s motorcycle was going right into...Ellie.
“Ellie!” he screamed but she was too shocked to move and Salazar seemed to have frozen as well.
“STOP IT!!” Colt yelled running after the bike, praying to somehow make it stop.
“ELLIE!” he cried out but it was too late. She was hit and thrown with a huge force, and landed on the street. Colt felt like he was going to either throw up or kill Salazar. Preferably both.
“Ellie!” he ran up to her and looked in horror at her face, the blood dripping from her head, forming a small puddle which was doubling before his very eyes.
“Ellie, please, stay with me,” he tried to stop the bleeding with his jacket, frantically looking for his phone. Salazar and the rest of the people stood still looking at both of them with their eyes wide opened.
“Can someone call the ambulace?!” Colt lost his patience and started yelling at the crowd. They all only shrugged.
“If we call 911 the police will come as well and we’ll be all arrested. It’s not worth it. It’s better to sacrifice her,” Salazar pointed to Ellie.
“SACRIFICE ELLIE?!” Colt stood up and started walking towards Salazar with hate in his eyes. “How about we sacrifice you and tell the police you wanted to kill her, huh?”
“Dude... not worth it. He’s right,” another man cut in. Colt glared at him and then looked around at the faces of everyone.
“You’re...You’re serious? You’ll let her die because you’re afraid you’d go to jail?” he asked hesitantly. They all nodded. Salazar put a hand on his shoulder but Colt shook it off. “Accidents happen. We’re leaving and so should you,” he said and they all started slowly dispersing.
Colt stood frozen at what he just witnessed. He looked at the men driving away and then at Ellie laying motionless on the road. Then again at the men and at Ellie. And again.
He closed his eyes and whispered into the night “I’m sorry.”
He looked at her again, as if remembering her features before he spoke again. “911? I’d like to report an accident.”
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miguel-manbemel · 6 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 6: The Moment of Truth and the Moment of Wrath
Sixth entry of the Aspects & Fanfics blog, based on the “Sanders Sides” series by Thomas Sanders and Joan. References are made to previous entries so if you want to read them, you can click right here. In this entry I introduce anoher new original Side. I hope it’s okay. Other characters are going to do something surprising. And some plots that have been seeded in previous entries are going to start blooming right now. As always, thank you to anyone who reads, follows or reblogs, and I hope I can make justice.
SYNOPSIS: Joan comes to Thomas’ house. They and Talyn have suffered a queerphobic verbal attack and Joan needs to vent on Thomas. Thomas’ reaction surprises everyone and he goes on a rampage of anger and wrath that is only stopped when Virgil, on Deceit’s demand, puts Thomas into a panic attack. When he recovers, a new Dark Side, Wrath, shows up, and he’s up to no good. It will be the time for everyone to let the cat out of the bag and uncover the evil force that threatens Thomas’ very existence.
WARNINGS: Some scenes are intensely dark, even horrifying, including references to spiders, though these moments are brief. There are also mentions to queerphobia incidents that may be hurting to someone. The new Side I’m introducing is perhaps the darkest character you’d see from here at moments. He’s gonna be truly threatening at times, so be warned if that’s a trigger to you. I tried to balance the dark moments with cute, funny and heartwarming moments too, but these moments are there and I had to warn. I hope I’m not forgetting anything else. If I did, now or in previous entries, I’m sorry and I’ll try better next time.
THOMAS: What is up, everybody? Okay, time for another video. You know that I enjoy chemistry a lot, so I’m gonna share my passion with you all and we’re gonna talk about the unique properties of… [happy yelling opening arms] actinoids! You know what elements are actinoids? They’re…
[someone knocks at the door]
THOMAS: Oh, the door… Just when this was getting fun…
[intro sequence]
[they knock at the door again]
THOMAS: [yelling to the door] Okay, I’m coming, I’m coming! [low voice] I’ll turn this off…
[Thomas makes the gesture of turning the camera off, although the video keeps rolling without him noticing. Then he goes off-screen to open the door]
THOMAS: [voice] Oh, Joan, what’s up? I didn’t expect you to… [worried] Are you okay?
JOAN: [sad voice] No, I’m not, Thomas… May I come in?
THOMAS: Of course you can.
JOAN: Thanks, dude.
[Joan enters the living-room, they notice the camera]
JOAN: Oh, you were doing a video?
THOMAS: Yes, but that can wait. Now, what’s the problem, Joan?
PATTON: [rising up] Yes, kiddo, tell us. If we can help, count on us, too.
JOAN: [startled] Oh! I had forgotten… Hello, Patton. I don’t know if I’ll ever get accustomed to…
THOMAS: It’s okay, Joan. You can talk to them as freely as you would talk to me. They’re me, after all, and when you talk to me, you’re talking to them anyway through me…
JOAN: I got a little lost but I think I got you… Okay, Thomas… But shouldn’t they all be here, then? I don’t have courage to tell the story several times…
THOMAS: If you want, I’ll bring them all here. [calling] Logan, Roman, Virgil, Honesty!
[They all rise up, except Virgil who appears suddenly. Virgil appears with his hair disheveled, wearing a purple pajama and he’s holding a stuffed spider. He has sleepy eyes, has the old light eye-shadow under his eyes and looks grumpy.]
THOMAS: Whoa, Virgil, did we get you out of bed? It’s four pm.
VIRGIL: Four pm!? It’s too early, I’ve only been sleeping for two hours!
THOMAS: You’ll go to bed later, Virgil, we have an important issue ahead of us and we need all of… By the way, do you sleep with your eye-shadow on? That’s not good for the skin.
VIRGIL: Huh? [he pulls out a mirror and looks at himself, then throws it to a side, with a crashing sound and frowns at Thomas, offended] Rude… This is not eye-shadow… These are my natural eye-bags.
THOMAS: Whoops, I’m so sorry.
PATTON: [scared] Virgil, why did you break that mirror? It’s seven years of bad luck!
VIRGIL: I like to live my life wildly… [he yawns]
THOMAS: Insomnia?
VIRGIL: Just different sleeping patterns. I’m a panther, remember? I’m a nocturnal feline, and you always have to bring up your issues in the middle of the afternoon when I’m in the middle of my REM phase. That’s why I always have to cover my eye-bags with make-up.
ROMAN: If that’s the reason, why don’t you use proper makeup to hide them instead of heightening them? I could give you some tips in beauty makeup if you want…
VIRGIL: I don’t cover them to hide them, Roman. My eye-bags are just not dark enough and I want to deliver only the best in edginess.
ROMAN: Fair enough…
VIRGIL: [suddenly changed to his usual outfit with the proper dark eye-shadow and the hair properly combed as usual on him, he pulls out a glass of iced coffee and drinks from it] Okay, I’m ready. Sup, Joan.
ROMAN: Oh, greetings Joan.
LOGAN: Salutations, friend.
HONESTY: Good afternoon, gentle-person.
PATTON: [over the top cuteness] Hello, my most wonderful child!
THOMAS: Patton, you had already greeted them.
PATTON: [still over the top loving face] I know, but I hadn’t put effort the first time!
JOAN: [bittersweet chuckle] Hello, everyone…
LOGAN: Now, what’s the issue that is upsetting you?
JOAN: [sighs] This morning, I was going with Talyn to buy some clothes. I had seen a neat black skirt that you should have seen, it was really cool. I showed Talyn, saying “How would I look?” They were saying “awesome”, of course, when I heard mumbling from a couple of guys next to me saying “What a weirdo he is, trying a skirt. Does he think he’s like a girl or something?”
PATTON: Wow! Rude much?
JOAN: Before I could say anything, Talyn jumped in my defense, saying “They look much better than how you will ever look with whatever rags you’d decide to wear with your bad taste, you morons!”
ROMAN: Good for Talyn! They know how to fight!
JOAN: These guys answered “You’re not exactly the most indicated to give lessons about taste in dressing, little midget!” I answered “Leave them alone, you motherf… [bleep]!” “Them?”, they said mockingly. “There’s only her, you and us. Is your brain nonfunctional enough so that you think there are two women in here? Or are you two of those freaks that don’t accept the genitals they were born with?”
LOGAN: Wow, talk about nasty…
JOAN: Talyn, then, surprising even me, shouted “Genitals like these?” and kicked him in the… you know where, making him bend in pain. Then Talyn whispered with an angry voice, “I may be a midget and I may be a freak, but I know how to shut up a tall idiot like you. Get out of our sight now before I call the security guards.”
HONESTY: Violence should never be the answer, but I can’t do anything other than applaud Talyn. These yobs were calling for it.
JOAN: When they were leaving, the other one said “You think you’re better than us for choosing to be called and dress different than us, but you’re only a bunch of freaks, and no one other than freaks like you is ever gonna take you seriously! You f… [bleep] freaks!” I had to hold Talyn because they made a gesture of running after them. When one of the security guards approached us, they ran away. He asked if we were okay, and I said that everything was fine… I wasn’t okay, of course, but what else could I say?
THOMAS: [horrified] My goodness gracious… I’m so sorry you two had to go through this…
JOAN: I haven’t stopped feeling bad ever since that incident.
VIRGIL: No wonder…
JOAN: Talyn kicked these jerks physically, but then they kicked us verbally, right in our souls. And that hurts more than anything. I… I felt invalidated. I know these two are a couple of idiots, and normally I would have just ignored them, but what I thought was: Is this going to be forever? Is this going to happen every time I meet disrespectful people? Will I have to justify my feelings and my self-identity all the time till I’m gone? I felt so f… [bleep] …d up. I haven’t stopped feeling like that all day. Talyn has told me to let it go, but I needed to share it with you too.
LOGAN: Joan, you said it yourself, these two were a couple of idiots, and you shouldn’t let their nasty manners affect you. Not everybody is like them. There are more people like them, of course, but there are also plenty of people who would respect you and accept you as you are. I haven’t had time to count them or to create statistics, but I’d dare to say that nice people are the majority. It’s just that mean people are louder about it.
PATTON: And you and Talyn are both wonderful people just the way you are. There’s no need for you to justify yourself over anyone. That’s something to be done by criminals or bad doers, and you haven’t done anything bad at all. You are what you are, and you are great.
JOAN: Thank you, guys.
HONESTY: Don’t mention.
[Thomas then hugs Joan and squeezes them for a few seconds. When he finally releases them, he’s frowning with an expression of huge upset]
THOMAS: I’m so mad, you guys. If there’s one thing that can make me angry is someone doing something mean to my friends. It’s my weak spot. [suddenly yells angry] I could break anything!
JOAN: [concerned] Okay, buddy, calm down. Don’t worry because of me, please.
THOMAS: [he starts showing an agitated breathing due to his anger] I can’t, Joan! I just can’t! If I had been there… If only I had been there…!
LOGAN: [worried] Thomas, calm down!
THOMAS: [angry yell that scares everyone in the room, even Joan] I DON’T WANT TO CALM DOWN!
HONESTY: [scared] Thomas, please!
DECEIT: [suddenly speaking through Honesty’s body] Uh-oh! This is not good! It’s starting!
HONESTY: You mean…?
DECEIT: Yes. Thomas must calm down. Right now, before it’s too late.
[Suddenly all of the Sides except Virgil start getting an agitated breathing]
HONESTY: [struggling to speak] What is going on with us?
VIRGIL: Guys, are you okay?
DECEIT: I’m coming out, Honesty, relax, Dark Sides are not affected by him.
[The orange cloud quickly covers Honesty, then turns to yellow and Deceit emerges from it. He’s breathing normal]
DECEIT: Virgil, the Sides and Thomas need us.
VIRGIL: Why? What is happening?
DECEIT: Listen, the only thing that can calm Thomas’ uncontrollable anger is a strong panic attack that can counter his evil influence.
VIRGIL: Whose influence? Why are you talking in riddles!?
DECEIT: [yelling] There’s no time! Do it now or we will lose Thomas forever!
VIRGIL: Okay, I hope you know what you’re doing…
[Virgil changes to his panther form, rises his arms towards Thomas and shows a terrifying threatening face. Then Thomas’ face of anger little by little turns into a full expression of horror.]
[Thomas faints. All the Sides, including Deceit and Virgil, faint with him too, but, unlike Thomas, they stay still, only with their heads dropped forward. Joan looks at them all with the most scared expression]
JOAN: [kneeling towards Thomas] Thomas! Thomas, are you okay!? Can you hear me? Thomas, wake up, please! Thomas! Oh, my gosh! [looking at the Sides] Guys, you too? Should I call an ambulance? Thomas! Anyone! Wake up, please!
[Then, Thomas starts showing signs of recovering consciousness. As he wakes up, the Sides slowly get back to life too]
JOAN: [relieved] Thomas, thank God! Are you okay?
THOMAS: [a little disorientated] What… What has happened?
JOAN: You scared me to death, that’s what happened! Can you get up?
THOMAS: I think so…
JOAN: And all of you, are you okay?
LOGAN: Yes… I think so. We need Thomas to stay awake. When he lost consciousness, we lost contact with him and fainted because of that.
THOMAS: I don’t remember much… The last memory I have is that I was hugging you… then everything turned blurry. I only remember agitated breathing and a sensation of horror. Then… nothing till I woke up now.
VIRGIL: [after shifting back to his emo form] That last sensation was my fault, Thomas. I induced you into one of your worst horrors, I made you think that you were chained in a bathtub full of tarantulas all over your body and that they were biting every inch of your skin…
PATTON: [horrified] Aaagggh!
THOMAS: [also horrified] Why would you do that!?
VIRGIL: Deceit told me that it was the only way of getting you out of your state of anger.
THOMAS: Oh… I remember now. I was furious… But it was a strange fury. It was as if someone else was injecting that fury into me, and I couldn’t control it.
DECEIT: So, it has started.
ROMAN: What has started?
VOICE: [happy and dangerously sweet voice] What do you think it started? I have started, of course!
THOMAS: Who is it?
[Suddenly, in the place between Logan and Thomas, a new Side appears. A half of his face is human and the other half is of a grizzly bear. He’s wearing a green camouflage uniform. He speaks with a voice that sounds happy and sweet but where everyone could feel evil and danger behind]
SIDE: I’m here.
THOMAS: [startled, he yelps] Ah! Who are you?
DECEIT: [serious and frowning] Wrath…
THOMAS: Wrath?
WRATH: I would say nice to meet you, [looking at Deceit] but I don’t want to be like that traitor over there.
DECEIT: I was hoping I could buy some time… I didn’t expect you to find an open tear hole to escape the Dark Realm so soon.
WRATH: [to Deceit, with his dangerously happy voice] You know that the Dark Master is going to know about this, right?
THOMAS: The Dark Master? What Dark Master?
DECEIT: Well, you can tell the Dark Master to eat my…
PATTON: [gasps] Language, kiddo!
DECEIT: ...venom.
PATTON: You scared me…
WRATH: [tuts] Decey, Decey, Decey, I wouldn’t be so lippy if I were you.
DECEIT: And what are you, or your Dark Master, going to do about it? He has no power over me in the Light Realm. Besides, he needs me, so you can’t do anything to me anyway.
WRATH: Oh, yes, the Dark Master said he needs you. No one said, however, that you were needed… [with a threatening evil smile] in one piece.
[Suddenly, the yellow cloud covers Deceit and he transforms into Honesty]
HONESTY: Too bad for you that you’re not going to be able to reach him anymore. I’m protecting him and he’s staying with me right now.
WRATH: [shows a brief spark of anger but quickly returns to his dangerously sweet melodious voice] Wow… Life is full of surprises, isn’t it? Don’t worry. I’m sure the Dark Master will have… methods… to make you return when he needs you. But as I said, don’t worry for now. For the time being, he’s got a great victory. I got out of the Dark Realm, and now you can’t do anything about it, I can return whenever I want. [starts giggling like a child] We’re all gonna have so much fun together, you’ll see…
ROMAN: [pulling out his samurai sword] Hey! Who do you think you are, entering this place uninvited and unwelcome, disturbing Thomas and threatening all of us!?
[Everyone, scared by Wrath’s sudden yelling, stays in silence, looking at him with fear. Suddenly, Patton reacts. He shows an angry face, stretches his arm and loudly slaps Wrath in the human cheek. He gets stunned holding his cheek, looking at Patton]
PATTON: [yelling with an angry and ferocious voice never before heard from him] How dare you? How dare you to talk to my children like that!?
[Wrath then roars angrily at Patton as if he was a bear. Surprisingly, Patton growls as if he was a huge dog and starts barking so loud that he drowns out Wrath’s roaring. Wrath stops and looks at Patton, too shocked to say a word, and for the first time with a dash of fear]
PATTON: [low threatening voice] Listen well, intruder! This is my family! And if you want to touch my family you’ll have to go over me! And I wouldn’t advice you to do that. When I’m good, I’m very good, but when I’m bad, I’m your worst nightmare, mister! Now, get back to your room before I bite you for real!
WRATH: I’ll go for now. This was only the initial contact after all. But as I told you, you’re gonna see me again. And you will pay for this. [sinks down, yelling angry] All of you!
[Everyone stays in silence looking at Wrath’s empty spot]
PATTON: [yelling with an angry squealing] … And stay in your room, you’re grounded!
JOAN: [to Thomas] Um… Do your reunions always look like this or you prepared this “Supernatural” live show just for me?
THOMAS: Who the heck was that guy?
LOGAN: He is the embodiment of your anger.
THOMAS: Do you know him, Logan?
LOGAN: Not in person, this is the first time I’ve ever seen him in the flesh, but anger is an aspect of your personality, so I knew he had to be in there somewhere. I didn’t expect him to be so nasty, to be honest.
THOMAS: And Deceit, you knew him too?
DECEIT: [speaking through Honesty’s body] Unfortunately yes. I’ve known him for a long time from the Dark Realm.
VIRGIL: I knew him too, but I never spoke about him. Since he was trapped there like all non heightened Dark Sides, I never thought he would be a problem and I didn’t want to make you anxious about nothing.
THOMAS: Anyway, I should have known. And why has he appeared right now? Why not earlier?
LOGAN: Thomas, as I told you, Dark Sides cannot get out of the Dark Realm. They are repressed aspects of your subconscious and they’re confined there until something happens to you that heightens them to a level strong enough to break their chains and let them out. And once they’re out, they’re free to come and go between realms and the living room.
THOMAS: And what could…?
JOAN: I guess this is my fault. It is because I told you what happened to me this morning. It must have made you feel so angry that it heightened that Side, Wrath, and it let him get away. I’m terribly sorry for that. If I had known I would have never told you.
THOMAS: Joan, it’s not your fault. And please, never stop telling me the things that worry you and the things that you wish to share with me. You are my best friend and I want to be able to help you whenever you need me.
JOAN: Thanks, dude. But now Wrath will have power over you because of me.
LOGAN: Don’t feel guilty about that, Joan. Wrath has always existed inside of Thomas. He has always had and will always have power over Thomas to some extent. The only difference is that now he can appear in person and interact with us, that’s all.
JOAN: I see…
THOMAS: And what was that Master thing? Who’s the Dark Master?
[Honesty transforms into Deceit]
DECEIT: This time, I’m gonna tell you in person. It’s time to face my mistakes and I’m ready to respond for them. I was hoping that I would never have to tell you, as it is a really hurtful truth, and my mission is to hide all such things from you.
THOMAS: But who is he?
DECEIT: Have you never questioned yourself why the Light Realm and the Dark Realm are named like that?
THOMAS: Because the first one is a world of light and good and the second one is a world of darkness and evil. Isn’t it so?
DECEIT: Yes, but why “realms”?
THOMAS: I don’t know.
LOGAN: Well, “realm” is roughly a synonym for “kingdom”, only that instead of being ruled by a king, it is ruled by another similar authority figure, like a prince, a duke, etcetera. So that means…
DECEIT: Exactly, each realm has a supreme figure, a ruler, who is all-powerful and all-mighty in that realm. You could say that he’s, in a way, almost like a god.
THOMAS: I’m catching you…
DECEIT: The Dark Master is the ruler of the Dark Realm. All the Dark Sides are, or were, at his service, forced to follow him and fulfill his orders.
ROMAN: When you say “were”, you mean…?
DECEIT: I mean Virgil… and me.
ROMAN: You’re no longer working for him? Why not?
DECEIT: [bashful] I… I don’t know…
HONESTY: [speaking through Deceit’s body] Oh, come on, Deceit. The cards are on the table. If we’re opening up and telling the truth, let’s go to the very end. You guys, Deceit has changed. When you helped us getting rid of our blockings and you offered him to be a friend, he really wanted it…
DECEIT [angry] …shut up…
HONESTY: … but he thought he was putting you in danger because of the Dark Master and his evil plot against you. So, he sacrificed his wishes in order to keep you safe.
VIRGIL: I knew he was hiding something. I told you, Thomas.
THOMAS: [scared] What… evil plot?
DECEIT: [sarcastic and angry] Great job, you truth hooligan, I’m sure that you know very well the meaning of the word “tact” when saying things.
THOMAS: No, as I said, I want to know. I demand to know.
DECEIT: Well, there’s one thing that the Dark Master wants above all else, and that’s to get out of the Dark Realm.
ROMAN: He can’t get out?
DECEIT: No, he can’t. And unlike us, Dark Sides, there’s no way for him to break the chains and be free. To be free, the only way for him is to use all of the Dark Sides to help him… get control over you.
THOMAS: [scared] What?
DECEIT: Don’t be afraid. As I said, he needs all of the Dark Sides, and that includes Virgil and me. As long as we never return to the Dark Realm, he won’t be able to do that.
THOMAS: What would happen to me if he succeeded?
DECEIT: There’s no point in telling…
THOMAS: [firm voice] I command you to tell me everything!
DECEIT: In the remote case that he succeeded, you’d disappear as you are, Thomas, and he would replace you in your mind. What are now the Dark Sides would become Light Sides and what are Light Sides would become Dark Sides, and you’d be repressed in the Dark Realm in the same place where he is now, while he uses your body as it pleases him.
THOMAS: Like a… possession?
DECEIT: Not exactly. He would still be Thomas Sanders. He would be the same you, with the same memories and background, only that it would be an “evil version” of you. For example, he would be mean and rude, envious, selfish, delight in injustice, be one of those repressed gays that behave like homophobes, hate dogs…
PATTON: [horrified squealing] No, not the dogs, anything but that!
LOGAN: [sighs] You need to sort out your priorities…
DECEIT: But as I said, it is a very remote possibility. It will never happen while we stay out of his control. So don’t be afraid and don’t worry about it. You’re safe, and you’ll remain being safe.
HONESTY: [speaking through Deceit’s body] He’s telling the truth, Thomas. I can check his memories. You can trust him on this.
THOMAS: Why did you change, Deceit?
THOMAS: I already know that you changed and you wanted to be friends with us. But in the beginning you were working for him, and you almost took Virgil with you. If I hadn’t intervened, you would have been triumphant, and now I’d be gone. So why that change now, Deceit? What can make someone change his mind, from almost sending me to my doom, to suddenly wanting to get me away from it?
DECEIT: It was you, Thomas.
DECEIT: Up until before that nasty episode, how many times did I interact with you or the other Sides? Just a couple, and for very short amounts of time. And all these times you expelled me or treated me like trash. I’m not complaining, I know it was my fault and I deserved it, but anyway I was angry and resented. But in the last few weeks, I started interacting with you more, and I started knowing you more… And… when Honesty’s memories were unlocked from me, I finally realized something about you, Thomas, from which up until then I had only seen brief hints.
THOMAS: What do you mean?
DECEIT: You are a being of light, Thomas. You have a natural warmth that emanates from yourself and that makes us all feel warm and nice, and what’s more important, that inspires us to improve ourselves and be better than we are. You have that effect, not only on people you interact with, both in person or through your videos. You have that same effect on us, Sides. Virgil has also felt that, I’m sure. Just compare him with the Virgil he was long ago and see the positive influence you’ve had on him.
THOMAS: I… I don’t know what to say…
DECEIT: I realized that what I was trying to do in the name of my “Master”, was not only wrong, it was an unforgivable crime against the world, so hungry of light in these dark days we’re living. I didn’t want to do that, so I decided to try and foil the Dark Master’s plan instead. Unfortunately, that idea has gone to waste now that I’m uncovered.
THOMAS: I mean… I’m flattered, and honored that you think so high about me, Deceit… But I’m not so special. I don’t consider myself so enlightening as you say I am…
JOAN: And that’s exactly why you are so enlightening, Thomas. I agree with Deceit. The positive impact you have on anyone who gets to know you is undeniable, including myself, for the record.
THOMAS: But Deceit said it himself. There’s a darkness inside of me. How can a “being of light” have something dark inside?
DECEIT: Thomas, I never said you were perfect. You are human, and Patton said it earlier, humans are imperfect and flawed without exception. We are the living proof of your flaws. But that has nothing to do with what I said. You can have flaws and still be enlightening to anyone, because you don’t let your flaws overcome you and dominate you. And that’s one of the biggest virtues in itself that a human can have.
LOGAN: And Thomas, every human is part light and part darkness. Everyone is part good and part evil, only the proportions vary between individuals. Haven’t you seen the classic scene where a little angel and a little demon try to tempt some character into doing something good or something bad? That’s a representation of what lies within you and any other human being. There’s that dark entity and there’s a light entity, fighting to control you all the time.
THOMAS: Oh, yes… that Pluto cartoon was so good…
PATTON: And in your case, Thomas, look where the dark entity is, trapped, locked and repressed deep within you. That’s the proof that, in your case, you are a good person.
THOMAS: Thank you, guys… By the way… If the Dark Realm has that ruler… the Light Realm must also have a ruler. Who’s the ruler of the Light Realm? Do you guys know him?
ROMAN: Thomas, I think you should have guessed already.
VIRGIL: The ruler of the Light Realm… is you, of course.
VIRGIL: I told you once already. You are the boss, Thomas. When I said it, I really meant it. You have control over all of us and you could, if you wanted, rule us and force us to do your will. Instead, you make a positive influence on us so that we change for the better on our own free will. You are in fact the only one that can counter the Dark Master’s influence. I’d say that you are even stronger than him, as you were able to manipulate the Mind Palace even on the Dark Realm, while he’s not even able to get out of his own realm.
THOMAS: This is a lot to process…
VIRGIL: Thomas, don’t let all of this overwhelm you. You’re still the same guy…
PATTON: [impersonating Timon from “The Lion King”] ...but with power!
VIRGIL: [frowns at Patton, then keeps talking] …and you must keep up being yourself. You have been doing great up until now, so keep up the good work. We will remain here to assist you, should you need us for anything. You are our Light Master, after all…
THOMAS: Please, don’t call me like that. I’m nobody’s Master. I just want to be Thomas, that’s all.
VIRGIL: [smiling] I knew you were going to say that. That’s why we love you, Thomas.
PATTON: Now the question is… what comes next?
ROMAN: Yes, what are we going to do to protect ourselves against them? I’ve always wanted to participate in a battle, but now that I see it in front of me… I don’t know if I’m ready to fight… Heck, I wasn’t even able to react to Wrath yelling at me and Patton had to save the show. In what position does that leave me as a knight? I feel like a fraud, like an operetta prince as Wrath called me…
THOMAS: Roman, please. If Wrath thinks that way about you, it’s because he doesn’t know you. He just caught you off-guard, like the rest of us. You shouldn’t feel ashamed of anything. You stood up and tried to defend us, and that’s what really counts. I’m still proud of you and you’re still my hero, Roman.
ROMAN: [moved] Thank you, Thomas.
THOMAS: And I’m also proud of you, Patton. Where did that nerve come from?
PATTON: Nobody talks about my children like that. When he became so nasty, I felt I had to teach him a lesson.
LOGAN: Where did you learn how to impersonate dogs that way?
PATTON: Um… It was no impersonation, Logan. It just came out of me. I felt my house threatened and it just came out naturally. Perhaps I’m part dog, just like Virgil is part panther and Deceit is part snake, who knows. I’ve never physically had that shape, except when I dressed as Pawton, but I wouldn’t mind being half a puppy.
ROMAN: It really would suit you, and that would just make you like ten times more adorable, right guys?
LOGAN: Right. I just hope you don’t overdo it and start calling us “puppies” instead of “kiddos”.
VIRGIL: He has called us so many things already, I wouldn’t care at all if he called us puppies, to be honest.
ROMAN: I really loved the shock in Wrath’s face when Patton slapped him.
PATTON: [smiling in anticipation] I guess he took out the… furry out of me.
[Logan cringes in disgust while the others laugh, including Deceit, for the first time with a non evil laugh]
LOGAN: I think I’m leaving, guys. Before Patton gets too overexcited. I don’t think I could handle too many of his puns today. [sinks down] Bye, guys. And best wishes, Joan.
JOAN: Bye!
PATTON: I’m gonna go rehearse my barking. Perhaps I can sound like a little puppy too, wouldn’t I be cute? [sinks down] Bye, kiddos!
THOMAS: Bye, Patton!
ROMAN: As for me, I’ll go practice some fencing. Next time, Wrath will know who’s the real knight in this castle. [sinks down] Bye!
THOMAS: Of course you will, Roman, see ya!
VIRGIL: Deceit, you can stay in my room if you want.
DECEIT: It’s okay, I can stay in Honesty’s room for the time being. After all, that’s my room too. But I wouldn’t mind coming over with you so we can talk about the old times. May I, old friend?
VIRGIL: Of course, old friend. [sinks down] Bye, Thomas.
THOMAS: Before you go, Deceit…
THOMAS: I want to thank you for your help today. I don’t know if I’m good enough to deserve all the blessings that I’m receiving, but if you think so high of me, I’ll try to live it up to your expectations. And I’m happy to be able to call you a friend, at last.
DECEIT: [moved] Thank you, Thomas… [suddenly cold] But please, don’t act so sappy about me, okay?
HONESTY: [through Deceit’s body] He’s acting all tough, but he thinks he loves you too, Thomas.
DECEIT: [frowns] Don’t you ever sleep or something?
HONESTY: [giggling] Nope!
[Deceit groans and sinks down, but he smiles before disappearing off-screen]
JOAN: Well, I think I gotta go too, Thomas. I’ve got some things to write, and with all this commotion, I’ve lost a lot of time. Will you be okay?
THOMAS: I should be the one asking that question, Joan. Will Talyn and you be okay?
JOAN: Yes, I think so. I’m not gonna let two idiots ruin the rest of my day. They’re not worth it. Thank you for being such a good friend, Thomas.
THOMAS: [hugs Joan] Good friendship is repaid with good friendship Joan. Bye!
JOAN: Bye, Thomas!
[Joan goes off-screen and we hear the door opening and closing. Thomas approaches the camera]
THOMAS: Okay, time to get back to work. I was talking about the actinoids…
[realizes the camera was recording all of the time]
THOMAS: Oh, is this still recording? Oh… Well, in that case I think I’ve already got the video done… So, guys… um… life for LGBTQ people will unfortunately not be like a bed of roses all the time by no means, at least for the moment. There’s a lot of people who still don’t respect us. Luckily, we’re conquering more respect from people as time goes on, but there’s a lot to work on yet. If you ever feel endangered, or bullied for your gender or sexuality, ask for help. Find people you can trust, let them know about your problem and put yourselves safe as soon as you can. And don’t let them make you feel less than. Being LGBTQ is nothing bad or wrong, despite some ignorant opinions, so you don’t have to apologize for being who you are and living your life as you are. It’s them who are mistaken, not you, and you deserve to be happy and live your life in freedom. Until next time, take it easy, guys, gals and non-binary pals. Peace out!
[end card]
[Deceit and Virgil are in Virgil’s room, watching TV, eating some Cheetos and drinking some soda. They’re happily laughing]
VIRGIL: Oh, and you remember when Thomas crashed on that tree with his sled that day in the snow? Man, that was the fastest order of anxiety I had to deliver!
DECEIT: Yeah, poor Thomas, he couldn’t sit down for a week!
[They both laugh mischievously]
VIRGIL: [Suddenly smiling calmly] I really missed all of this. One of the only things I missed from the old days in the Dark Realm was having you as a friend. I missed you.
DECEIT: Me too, Virgil. You were my only friend.
VIRGIL: And you were my only friend too, Deceit. I’m so happy that you can get to know the rest of the Sides now.
DECEIT: I’d be glad…
[Deceit and Virgil smile at each other in silence for a couple of seconds]
WRATH: [off-screen] Now kiss!
[Deceit and Virgil get startled and look at where the voice is coming from]
VIRGIL: Wrath! What are you doing in my room!
WRATH: You know what? This place doesn’t look so bad. A little too clean, however, but when the Dark Master claims it in due time, it will be easy to redecorate.
VIRGIL: Dream on, Teddy Bear. You’ll never win.
WRATH: Don’t be so sure of that. You don’t know my Master’s power. It’s only a matter of time.
DECEIT: And you clearly don’t know our Master’s power. Don’t underestimate Thomas, he has what it takes to defeat you, no matter what you try.
VIRGIL: ...or how many times you try.
WRATH: We’ll see about that… [sinking down with a mocking voice] Sleep well, lovebirds…
[Virgil and Deceit look at the empty spot, then look at each other in silence with a serious face]
VIRGIL: [chill voice] Want some lemonade?
DECEIT: [equally chill voice] With a couple of ice cubes, thank you.
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How do you measure power?
Chapter 2 of ?
Read on ao3 here
Prologue next chapter
This is the first chapter.
Tw: mentions of death, violence, blood, crime, mentions of cheating, Mentions of malnutrition, terrorist attack, mentions of bombing, coma
“Sam! Hurry up. Visiting hours are nearly over.” Virgil was pacing the kitchen waiting for his girlfriend Samantha. She’d been at the hospital at the time of the attack. What had been at first reported as a chemical spill was soon reported for what it truly was, a terrorist attack. A bomb that contained a highly toxic, radioactive substance had been let off in the west wing of the hospital. Samantha worked on the east ring with Patton. The explosion alone killed over eighteen victims and within hours the highly radioactive substance had caused high amounts of radiation poisoning. Death spread throughout the hospital like the common cold. Months had passed since the attack and people were still under quarantine. Many like Patton who had been deemed to be in a coma had died and almost everyone in a half a mile radius of the hospital had high levels of radiation inside them; most fatal amounts but some were lucky. No one in that entire hospital walked out ok and yet here Samantha was- burn scars on her face from the explosion but only a low level of radiation. Virgil didn’t question it. He just felt lucky she was ok. Right now though he was just excited to see his best friend for the first time in months. Sure, he was anxious about the gas masks and hazmat suits and inspections he would have to go through to see Patton and he couldn’t even imagine what he was going to say to Logan. Logan had always been the quiet type and they had never really got along or talked much but they both shared an appreciation for space. Logan had visited since the day he heard about the explosion. He had gone every day since. He couldn’t even touch his husband without wearing gloves or having some sort of material between them. Logan had been forced to wear a suit and a gas mask for all these months. Not only that but he had to wear a radiation monitor which would beep obnoxiously when he had to leave. They wouldn’t let him leave the building without first washing himself down in their on-site cleaning station and taking some mandatory pill that apparently lowered any form of radiation poisoning. To Virgil the whole procedure sounded insane. By the time you’d got in or out your loved one could be dead.
Samantha walked downstairs and fondly rolled her eyes as she watched Virgil pacing the hall. She gently placed her hands on his shoulders and stopped him from pacing, “Virgil.. Breathe.. Breath with me storm cloud. Did you take your meds?” Virgil nodded and slowly breathed along with her feeling himself slowly become calmer. He built up his courage as he walked out of the door and on to the quiet streets of his small town. Virgil had grown up in this lively, little town. It had always been a colourful place full of cheery people and an uplifting atmosphere. To an outsider it didn’t have much to offer but to Virgil it was his safe place. Everyone was so friendly and in this place you knew everyone. Nothing ever changed. That’s why the attack had affected Virgil so much. It was like his entire world had changed. This lovely town that he adored with his entire being was now a place of tragedy, death and despair. No one left their homes anymore. Streets were filled with an eerie silence. Streets full of colour and joy, once filled with people and innocent young minds playing around in warm bustling markets and parks. Store fronts packed with flowers of bright orange and red hues now lay decayed. It was as though someone had painted over the town with dark greys and dull browns. A dismal, depressing atmosphere had taken over what had once been paradise. Virgil felt tense just walking down his street; a street he had walked thousands of times. The gloom was equivalent of a large boulder resting on each residents’ shoulders. Virgil had always been a sore thumb among the town. His whole aesthetic was based around darkness and edge but even he despised the inky black fog that now engulfed his town in darkness. In hard times most tight knit towns in fairy tales and stories are said to band together and ‘rebuild’ but this clearly wasn’t the case. People cared more about living themselves then risking their lives to help others and so the people of this town had locked themselves indoors. After the attack, many places of work had closed as a safety regulation for both the customers and staff causing many people to be out of work and lose money. People in the town had started to go hungry and many resorted to crime. Crime rates were at an all time high and now there was reports of superhuman robberies. It was truly a time of terror.
Virgil walked quickly, practically dragging Samantha along with him. His eyes frantically searched the streets in case of danger. He would be useless if any danger would befall them but if push came to shove and he was in a fight or flight situation at least he could run. Damn he was a fast runner.
“C’mon Sammy..” his voice was hushed, “If we go quickly we might not run into any trouble.” The pair hurried down the long, winding road towards the hospital in town centre. Sam looked ready to fight anyone who even looked at her funny. She had her fists clenched as she raced just behind Virgil and her eyes squinted, searching the shadows for any sign of life. Virgil would be lying if he said he was focused on the streets. He was more worried about the woman he had firmly clasped in his grip. They had been through a rough patch lately over the past months of the attack. Samantha had a habit of lying little and often- Virgil usually let it slide but he’d just been so paranoid lately and when Sam would spend her nights away from home and only return late at night it made him anxious. What was she up to? Was she off running some crime circle or maybe she was cheating on him? Maybe she didn’t love him anymore and had found somebody else. It would explain how she managed to survive the attack; maybe she never was even there at the hospital that day. He wouldn’t put it past Samantha to have lied but he couldn’t bare confrontation without having solid evidence. Part of him hoped he would never have to confront her, he loved Sam and he wanted her to be real with him. Maybe he’d forgi- No. He couldn’t forgive that but he shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Maybe she was just lucky.
One bad turn. It took one bad turn before they were faced with bats and knives. All thoughts of Sam cheating flew from Virgil’s mind as he froze in the face of danger. Panic bubbled inside of him like a volcano ready to erupt but he couldn’t move. Couldn’t breathe. His basic instincts were stripped away as he just stood there gaping as though he was a fish. The men looked blood thirsty and cold. Much different to the fishermen they had once been. Virgil had been well acquainted with most of the men. He knew their names, their wives’ names and the names of all their children. He could tell you where each lived and had babysitted for many of them before. Whatever former relationship he shared with each of these men was clearly gone now as they all cornered the young couple. “Richard.. Buddy. How are the kids?” Sammy asked. She sounded calm- threatening almost. The man clearly flinched from the question, but the group got closer still. Persistent. Virgil felt like he was in the lion’s den. Perhaps he was already trapped within the lion’s jaws, his head ready to be snapped off at any second. If he reached Patton it would be a miracle. He could feel the breath hitting his face. The repugnant smell of fish encased him. This was not how he imagined death. He had imagined it to be slow and graceful. He had imagined it to be a welcomed experience once he had reached old age and was married to Sammy and had kids. Death was nothing like that. Cold metal burned his skin. The blade pressed against his sensitive neck drawing a fresh line of crimson blood. His eyes stung with unshed tears as he stared into the eyes of old friends. This surely couldn’t be how he died…
“Stop you fiends!” A loud, obnoxious voice yelled. A booming sound that send shivers down Virgil’s spine. The men all froze- not in horror but as though on command. Their angered faces turned blank and robotic. They all fell back into line as though they were military men and just stood there. “Go home and leave these people be!” The voice demanded. The men oddly left without argument. A man with neatly styled brown hair and caramel skin walked out from the shadows and towards the couple. He was wearing a dark brown oversized sweater and a warm smile. His faded blue jeans looked out of character for that of a super hero. He clearly was just some guy but to Virgil he was a hero. “Roman O’Connell?!” Virgil shrieked. Just his luck that he was saved by the guy he has spent the entirety of high school crushing over. Hard. Virgil had been an anxious bisexual mess all his life and of course that sexy budding author had managed to write himself back into Virgil’s life somehow. “I thought you moved to New York to try and get onto Broadway.” Roman chuckled at this. It was a low sound that bounced against the walls and brought a small smile to the young emo’s face. “Yeah. I moved for a bit, but I changed my mind. My first book took off and I decided I was better off at home. Who knew that weeks after I moved back the world would come crashing down on this small place?” Virgil nodded in agreement. He met eyes with his old friend. Roman had grown so much. He looked so much more mature and at peace. He’d always been an over-confident clown but now he had an air of responsibility around him. “So you’re playing superhero now O’Connell.” Sam commented. Her eyebrow was raised so high Virgil thought it might fly off her face. Roman looked shocked at first but he quickly recovered. “Why of course!” he exclaimed, “You know I can’t bear to leave a gorgeous damsel such as yourself fall victim to such a brutal attack, dear Samantha.” Virgil groaned at Roman’s theatrics. That was the man he knew. The man who flirted and hid behind walls. The man that constantly walked the line between fiction and non-fiction.
“But how did you do that? Those folks looked like zombies. Are you one of those superhumans?” The three fell silent at the question. Roman looked awkwardly between the two. The answer to the question was obvious and yet held such a level of secrecy. It wasn’t normal. “W-Why yes.. I am. The radiation… It changed me. It’s like writing a story. Everything I narrate comes true within reason. Pretty cool right?”
“Cure Patton.”
“What?” Roman and Sam both looked at Virgil shocked. “Bring all the people who died from the attack back. Bring Patton out of his coma. Narrate it. Just say, ‘Patton woke up and all the people who died were saved.’ If you’re some big hero now you should save them.” Roman stared at Virgil with soft, heartbroken eyes. He wanted to help those who were in pain more then anything, He knew Patton- he would love to help him and to bring back those who were dead, but the feat was just…. Impossible. It was beyond his reach. “Virgil my powers don’t work like that. I’m sorry. Truly, I am but I cannot just wish people back to life. I cannot perform the impossible.” Virgil sighed. He was asking the world from somebody he hadn’t seen in so long. It was unfair. They all stared at each other in an uncomfortable silence for a while until Sam spoke up, “Well Roman, it has been lovely seeing you but I’m afraid it’s time we go. Visiting times are almost over.” Roman nodded and Virgil went to say his goodbyes to his old friend before being quickly rushed away by Samantha off towards the hospital. Virgil sent Roman an apologetic look as he was dragged away which was met with a small smile. That stupid smile that made Virgil’s knees weak and his heart pound against his rip cage. He knew it was wrong to like Roman whilst he was with Sam, but he couldn’t help it. It was only a harmless crush and it was clearly obvious due to Sammy’s reaction. He let his thoughts whisk him away as they raced along the barren streets towards ‘Sunnyside hospital’. An ironic name for a place so dull and full of sadness, especially since the sunshine in a lot of the towns day to day life was currently laying half dead on a hospital bed. Virgil just wished he could do something to help his friend. He just wanted to see him. To be there for Logan. God, he couldn’t imagine how much this all hurt Logan. Patton and Logan were like the sun and the moon- one was bright and warm, making everyone’s days better and the other was mysterious and beautiful. They both worked together in making the Earth brighter and without one their would be complete darkness and despair.
“Virgil.. We’re nearly there. We’d be there faster if you’d hurry up.” Sam urged as she dragged him down the street. Virgil hurried behind letting his mind settle as his soul focus became the hospital. The building was in ruins since the explosion. The west wing looked like a post war zone. It was destroyed, rubble crumbling to the floor and overgrown plants growing into the walls. The building reeked of decay. The east ring wasn’t any prettier. Broken walls were covered by white sheets that blew in the wind. The entrance to the hospital had become a quarantine zone in which you would go through the prior mentioned process before visiting any family. The hospital had only been open to close family for the first couple months but now it was the first day in which friends could visit. Virgil sprinted the rest of the way to the entrance. The adrenaline finally catching up with him. He had to go see his friend right now. They both entered the hospital and went through the long, tedious process. Finally, after being suited up and ready they were walked down the halls towards where Patton was being kept. The hospital was full of agony. As Virgil walked he could hear the howls of patients in pain and the cries of family members in utter anguish. A pool of dread sat in the bottom of his stomach. Maybe he didn’t want to see his friend like this. Patton had always been the strong one. The guy that had been there for him when Virgil was at his lowest or was feeling his most anxious. Seeing Patton hurt felt like the curtain call. He didn’t want to think about a reality in which Patton was dead. It was silly right? Everybody dies but Virgil just couldn’t imagine a world without his best friend.
They reached the door. E34. His hand rested on the door handle. He knew his hand was shaking, the door handle rattled under his grip. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
The door opened to a dimly lit room. Logan sat asleep on a chair beside Patton’s bed. Their hands clasped together. Patton’s was unmoving whilst Logan’s was gripping Patton’s limply. Both men looked broken. Logan’s black hair was long and greasy- a complete change to his usual buzzcut style. It flopped over his eyes. He looked like he hadn’t washed himself or eaten for days. His glasses were askew on his face and his shirt was dirty as though he hadn’t left in a long time. Virgil tried to avoid looking at his friend. The man’s curly blond hair had grown since he’d last seen him. It covered his eyes. His round glasses sat on the desk covered in a thin layer of dust. His normally red, freckle-filled cheeks were drained of all colour. He was unnaturally pale and sickly. His pink lips were as pale as his skin and he looked thinner then usual. Virgil found himself looking away from them both, gripping Samantha’s hand tightly who let out a sob once laying eyes on the couple. He ran his eyes over Patton’s limp body once more. He was still in his nurses’ uniform. He looked so at peace- as though he was ready to go. He watched his hand that Logan held intensely. The hand twitched slightly and as though by a miracle they intertwined. Despite the crazy, despite the blood shed and crime. Despite every odd fighting against it love had found a way. Love had wo-
A shrill scream erupted from Patton’s lips as though he were still in that explosion. The sound shook Logan awake. The sound thundered against the walls with ear piercing intensity and was laced with pure terror. As quickly as the hand was intertwined it was ripped away. Patton sat up quickly. His eyes that were once a deep ocean blue were now a pure white. Even the pupil was colourless. Virgil stared on in horror as his friend frantically looked around the room. Scanning every surface with his eyes.
“Patton! Patton! My love it’s ok. You’re safe I’m right here. You’re fi-“
“I’m dead.”
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wishonthestars · 6 years
Come on out, Virgil.
Summary: Virgil is hiding in his room, and has barely come out. Logan has tried, now it’s Patton’s turn.
Warnings: Fluff, small amounts of angst, panic attack(s?) Father Son like bonding with Patton and Virgil. INCLUDS A H/C !
H/c: any mirrors in their rooms, if they focus, can show them Thomas and how he is doing. Like Stats in a video game
Relationships: Virgil x Roman / Patton x Logan (Small amounts!)
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Virgil sat on his bed, curled up in his blanket. It curled over his figure, while he shook underneath it. Small gasps in-between silent sobs was the only noise coming from him. There was a small hole where the edges ended right near his face, he closed the hem with his hands, they curled in his hands as he gripped tight. Virgil had his head craned near his chest, thoughts swirling like a hurricane, the winds in his mind made him weak while the waves and rain paralyzed him on the spot. How could he leave his room if he could barely leave the safety of his own covers? He looked around the dark area, trying to calm himself down. "Okay. We're okay. Yea. Mhm, we're good. You sure? Yea." He talked to himself, the words barely left his mouth when a strong knock hit his door. They made him jump, sending adrenalin shooting through his veins. He wasn't expecting anyone.
"Kiddo?" The words were followed with knocking, and by the choice of words, Virgil could only guess that It was Patton. "We're all worried about you, you haven't left your room in three days... Thomas hasn't been very productive lately, he's freaking out a bit more often than usual. So can you come out so we could resolve this?" his words echoed, since in his mind-scape, the more distressed he got the more words seemed to echo, and get farther. "Kiddo?" Another knock, more desperate now to get an answer.
He just didn't have it in him to leave the room. The words in his mind telling him how he could, but all the things that would go wrong. How they would laugh and mock, the teasing. Virgil just couldn't handle it! The mere thought sent more sobs through him, throat closing up as he cried. How could he answer Patton now, when talking was out of the question?
"C'mon, just let me in and we'll talk. Okay, sport? You don't even need to speak if you don't want to."  Patton's words made him double over. Virgil wasn't sure how much longer these words could continue eating him from the inside out. He needed to talk to someone.
"Fine." Virgil hissed out, the words where dilated and echoed. As the door opened, light shone made him flinch under the covers and retreat under them. He didn't notice that he slowly uncovered himself. Weird what Patton
"Hey, hey come back out here in the land of the living! Mind telling a good pal what's going on?" As Virgil shook his head, he could feel his hair knotting when he did that, though it beat talking in that stupid shaky voice he knew that would make an appearance the second he said another word.
"Did someone say something to you again? Do I need to have an embarrassing talk with them?" His voice lowered, he was trying to be threatening. Though it didn't work, it did make Virgil chuckle a bit. The room echoed with his voice, while every word Patton spoke was quiet almost as if he was barely speaking. As Virgil shook his head as an answer, Patton slowly stepped closer to the bed, moving in front of the anxious one." Virgil..." Patton started, but when Virgil didn't answer, only gave a small whimper, he corrected himself. "Virg, kid, can I sit?" The full name might have scared him a bit, make him think he was in trouble. Sitting down on the floor, Patton gets comfortable, before Virgil says something quietly. Though, in the quiet room it was heard a lot better than usual, he muttered "You can sit on the bed." The words did not crack, and he surprised himself.
Patton smiled, getting up and almost jumping onto the bed with excitement. His emotions were already getting amplified from being in here, though it wasn't that bad yet. He had maybe twenty minutes? "Want a hug, bud?"
This time, Virgil nodded. He needed someone, so he turned, shedding his blanket layer and wrapped his arms around Patton's torso. As Patton lifted his arms and wrapped them around his shoulders, they stayed silent as Virgil slowly started to unwind. Which meant he started to cry again.
 "I...I can't do this anymore. I can't keep this inside. I'm sorry." He looked up at the fatherly trait, the eyeshadow under is eyes became runny and made his tears look black. Patton took his hand and dug inside his pocket, finding a small travel packet of tissues that he used for these exact situations. He opens the pack, taking one out to wipe away the dark stained tears.
"Now now, let's not get upset over this. Remember the trick you showed Thomas? Let's try that now, okay?" As he did the seconds of breathing, it took several tries to get his shaking under control. Next, he unclamped from Patton, confident that he didn't need any reassuring at the moment. Now, out of embarrassment, he scooted back against the wooden headrest of his bed. "Sorry. I can get out of control sometimes. How's Thomas?" Virgil asked, standing up onto the floor. His legs were weak, but that was nothing new to him. On the wall, was a mirror that was full body length. He walked to it slowly, then pressed his palm to the reflective surface and closed his raw eyes. A low rumble went through his throat and the image replaced Virgil and the surroundings of his room, in his place was Thomas in his bed, he had been crying himself to sleep, but now he stares at the ceiling and was talking to a friend, probably now calming down from the anxiety attack. Virgil felt his heart break, he knew it was probably useless to cry about this, but the broken look on Thomas' face burned. As well as the fact that this was his fault, didn't help. With Thomas this upset, all because of him, sent him into another anxiety attack. Instead of standing, he was pacing around, talking to Patton, maybe more to himself, but he couldn't care at all right now. His rambling went on and on as he paced back and forth through the room.
"I messed up, over a stupid crush too! Now Thomas is upset! I'm an idiot, I don't have a chance. He's always rude and hurtful to me anyway, god why am I like this?!" He looks over at Patton. who was now standing up and had his arms open wide. "C'mere buddy. I'll calm you down again, but you have to promise to talk to me about whats going on. Okay?" With a small nod, he almost launched himself into Pattons arms. They were comforting, since he was Thomas' Morality, he felt all the good vibes coming from him. After minutes went by, he was calmed down once again. He looked at Patton, seeing the eyeshadow under the rims of his eye. "I'll be back, don't want me to go crazy protective do we?" He smiled with a chuckle, "Do you want to come with me, or do you just want to stay in here? If you stay in here, you have to promise not to have an anxiety attack. Crying is okay, just don't panic, okay?" He nodded a small bit, and Patton simply poofed out of the room to the hallway, where Logan stood right in front of the door.
"Did you make any progress?" His stern logical voice shredded through the quiet air.
"it's still going, but you should give him some time. I'm taking a break from the fierce room! Go check on our fierce son, yea?" Logan nodded, heading down the hallway down to Roman's room. With a determined mindset, Patton went right back into Virgil's room. He had curled himself into a ball, loud breaths was heard from him, blanket tangled between his limbs. Once Patton got over to the bed, Virgil's head shot up like a bullet. After a few moments filled with Patton telling him that he cared for Virgil, small Pat's on the arm, comforting words, Virgil decided to talk.
"so, I may.. need advice, Patton. To get this over with. To stop whatever is making me panic." Virgil started, taking a deep breath, his voice was small, but it grew to normal range as he said the next words, "L...Lo..Love... Advice." He squeaked out, and Patton almost squealed. "REALLY?! That's... That's cute! Oh my gosh! Who is it? is it, is it someone Thomas knows or sung with? Did he audition with them recently? Is it one of the personalities?" He stopped with the questions when he saw Virgil's face a deep red, which was clearly put out in his pale complexion. "Oh...Well, you seemed more shut off with Logan, is it him?" He actually was hoping not, he had his own eyes on the smarter trait. "No, no, he just uh, put too much logic into it, which made me feel horrible, And worse." Virgil stated, as if it was obvious. "Plus, don't you like him?" The grin plastered on his pale face told Patton he was at least feeling a bit better, though now it was Patton's turn to blush.
"Maybe. We're focusing, uh, on you right now." He strangled out the words, clearing his throat. "Well, that comment makes it clear it's not me, and you also want advice from me. Unless its this whole 'For a friend' Advice thing... So that leaves... Roman." They stared at each other until Patton caught on, the small frightened look on Virgil's face told a story like no other. It gave away the secret, and now as if a switch was flipped, he started to panic.
"No! No way can you tell him! I've kept this a secret for weeks! I can do it for years. Trust me. you can not , I repeat, NOT tell him!" Virgil grabbed Patton's shoulders, shaking them rapidly.
"I won't! Cross my heart, hope to die, sick a needle in my eye!" He grinned, doing the slight hand motions.
"Alright, so... Roman. Why? If I may ask," he prodded the dark trait, who now had a sudden interest in playing with his sleeves.
"Well, I don't even know. He's thoughtful, though he may put me down a bit, when he said that I make everyone better... It made my chest go all weird, and for a moment i though i was having a panic attack, but it wasn't. It amazed me that he cared about me at all! He's so...himself, and it surprises me to this day how creative he can be. He tries so hard, just to make Thomas happy. So I have no doubt that he doesn't like me this way. I messed up though, I was staring at him for too long and he noticed! He freakin' noticed! He asked me if I wanted a picture, and I SAID YES. I said YES Patton! He started to stutter, like he didn't expect that and I just hid in my room from then on. My head has been going ninety miles an hour. I can't stop thinking I messed up! God, I did mess up, Patton. He probably thinks i'm weird. I am weird. Too weird for this place." He went on and on, making Patton sigh. In all of this, he was up and pacing again. Patton grabbed his arm, opening his arms as a sign for another hug, to which Virgil agreed to, sitting down beside Patton, he wrapped his arms around the fatherly figure, comfort overwhelmed him, Virgil struggled to move, he had to move or else more thoughts could enter his mind, moving was easy and it sometimes helped. Though, keeping him in a new hug, made him cry a bit more. "I'm helpless. I'm sorry." Virgil cracked, digging his head into Patton's shoulders
They stayed like this for an few minutes, Patton trying to keep his emotions in check. When he finally fell asleep, Patton tried his best to set him back on the bed without waking him up. Poor child cried himself to sleep...
He needed to talk to Roman, he had to keep his promise, but if Virgil kept going like this Thomas would never get anything done! He hoped Logan was doing his job, but a sense of unease hit him, and he went out of the room before his feelings got worse.
"So, Logan, you wished to talk to me?" Roman hummed out, his light voice echoed in his bedroom.
"Yes. It seems that Virgil is upset about something and it is effecting Thomas in a very strange way. He was having several anxiety attacks in the span of five hours, and is not moving from his bed. I believe Virgil is the cause of this, He refused to leave his room, and since you two last had contact, I believe you would know the reason why." Logan states, pushing up his glasses."Patton as well told me to talk to you, possibly to see if you are effected to this string of panic." Roman hums, thinking. His hand instinctively goes to his chin while he still is able to strike the most dramatic of thinking poses. As soon as he thought of something, his face slowly Rose in temperature and the color of his face slowly turned to red.
"I.. think he's embarrassed to be outside of his room. Probably because I asked if he wanted a picture? He was staring for goodness sake! I was trying to be mocking, but he said yes! I got surprised and he just up and left me there, like a prince at an altar." He asked, hand going to his forehead. "I am so confused!"
"I think he may have said what he wanted to say, but did not intend to say it. So, he is sitting in his room and trying to rationalize his embarrassment, but it's not working out because, well, it's Virgil. So he's overthinking it and is having anxiety attacks. I am almost certain." As Logan finish the sentence, the knock on the door made Roman jump. "Come in, come in!" He loudly states, clearly knowing it was Patton.
"Hey ya, Logan! Could you give my buddy and me, Roman, some time alone? I'll speak to you about it later!" With that, and a confused look behind him, Logan left the room, shutting the door behind him. "I am so glad you are here. Matters of the heart should be discussed with Thomas's heart!" Roman cheered exasperated and confused. Why did Virgil hiding because of him leave such a tight feeling in his chest?
"Alright, hit me with your problem, Roman!" Patton clapped, eyes staring intently. How weird, Roman thought, that they have the same eyes, yet they looked so different! Patton's was softer, while Roman's felt more energy filled. Logan's was sharp, ready to analyze. Then, there was Virgil. His sad eyes that are so tired,  
"Do you think, now this may sound crazy, that Virgil hiding in his room is because of me?" The question caught him off guard, but with a smile, Patton explained the situation. Of course leaving out the situation on why he was so out of it, the whole crush thing wasn't his to tell.
"So Logan was right... I must go apologise at once!" With determination, Roman started to the door, which was now blocked by Patton. A worried look was plastered on his face, "No no,he's asleep at the moment! Just talk with me. What has my royal kid in such a fuss?" With a nod, Roman starts to explain how he feels, the chest pain, the stomach knots, how his hands get sweaty and how nervous he feels around Virgil.
"I purely thought it was because of his gloomy self, but now I'm away from him, just thinking about him too much gets me like this. It's like this before I go up on stage, but what am I preforming?"
Patton only grins, watching him. "You know the feeling, Ro. You love to be on stage... So...?" He hoped that he would fill in the blanks. Roman stood there for a few, and the realization hit him like a ton of bricks
"Oh, OH! Oh my goodness, I love him? The negative Nancy!" He gasped, sitting down. "My Lord, it all makes sense! Why I was so stuttery and surprised that he wanted my amazing self on a picture!" He took a deep breath,shaking his head, "We may have been getting closer to one another more recently, but I was still oh so cruel to him. I'm not sure if he even forgives me!" With a sigh, his slapped a hand on his forehead. "And now I have messed majorly!"
"Oh he forgives you! Just go talk to him, I bet everything will be alright as long as you are yourself." Patton stands, heading to Roman and giving him something he just conjured up, a single black rose. The powers of the mindscape is incredible!
"I know you can woo him, Ro!" With that, he was determined to win over the dark hearted spook. As soon as he got to his door, he stopped before his hand even touched the doorknob.
"Wait... You don't think he is displeased with me, since he is so upset?" He turns back to Patton, who shook his head.
"No! No way, he's just being himself, nervous about everyone and everything. Don't you worry, okay?" He gave Roman another hug, and after put him at arm's length, hands on his shoulders. "Go get 'im, Tiger!" With a nod, Roman smiled and headed out his door, Patton following after at a safe distance, not to disturb the Royal's flow.
"Okay. I think I'm good." Virgil muttered, taking a few more deep breaths before heading to the door. As his hand got close to the door knob, a loud and quick few raps on his door sent him flying back, a loud Yelp coming from him. "W-" he started, then with a frown, he heard the loud and happy voice outside his room. "Virgil?"
Roman stood outside the door, tugging at his collar with nervousness. He heard a Yelp, and worry flooded him. "Virgil?" He asked once more, this time more worried as he let the mask slip. The mask, of worrying about everyone, of worrying more and more about the morose being. Now with more thought put into it, he could admit with a smile he had a crush on Virgil. "C'mon out, I wish to talk to you. It is of the upmost importance!"
Virgil sighed loud enough Roman heard it through the door, and when the door slowly opened, his head perked up. One look at Virgil,and Roman wanted to give him a hug. His hair was a mess, the eyeshadow under his eyes were darker than usual, Because he most likely just got some more put on him, next was the eyes. Those eyes, they were red and puffy, looking sad and alone. He wore a frown, but when did he not?
"What...?" Virgil questions, eyes dancing to meet Romans. The royal didn't think this through enough, the flower behind his back suddenly felt like it had millions of thorns. "You want something, or did you interrupt my sulking just to bother me?"
"No, no I wanted to speak with you. Then again, I didn't think this one through. So, as long as you understand that," once he ended the sentence, he twisted his arm from behind his back to show Virgil the black rose. Roman's eyes closed for a moment as he took a deep breath as to calm the nerves he suddenly felt. He did not see Virgil's eyes widen or his open mouth that didn't show any teeth, lips hiding the pearly whites.
"What has recently come to light, is that I do oh so ever have a crush on you. So I hope that you would accept this rose." Roman smiled happily, hoping his plan was working. Though, those thoughts stopped when Virgil started to shake.
"Did... Did Patton tell you anything?" He asked softly, head quickly dropping down, hung down so he could hang
"Well, he gave me some wonderful advice about--"
"That didn't answer my question fully. Did he tell you anything.... Anything about me?" He was hoping the answer was no, he was hoping with all his might, that he didn't know. God if he did know, this could be a prank, a trick. Though, Roman never seemed that spiteful. He only gave light hearted teasing and at worse, he just really did not like Virgil. Then again, that was a long while ago. Though, the fear that Roman still disliked him lingered in the back of his mind.
"No. He only told me you were sleeping, and how that I was the reason you are locked up, and I wish to say that I really am sorry. I would like to make it up to you, so could you please come out?" Roman smiled a bit, trying to get him to trust him at least a little bit.
Virgil sighed, opening the door a bit wider to reveal his whole body and his messy room. Roman could feel the anxiety well up within him, just from being around this room and the original source of it all. Virgil. To Roman, the boy was messily beautiful, hair asknew in a way that made him gorgeous while the eyeliner was something that gave him individuality. Thinking this made his heart rate spike. Watching a tentative hand reach to the black rose and slowly take it. Roman held it a little longer than he should have, but he realized that Virgil and the rose have a lot in common.
What was Virgil doing, he needed to tell Roman that he, as well, liked him. The words wouldn't form, he needed to say it. He decided words would fail him, and action was better. Stumbling forward, Virgil encased his crush in a hug and didn't let go. A cheer echoed through, and Patton was running to them both, Logan holding his book so close to his face that when he turned a page it would brush his glasses.
"Y-You were spying onus?" Virgil sputtered out, nervous shaking almost making him fall. "Well, not exactly. You became happy, and we all felt it! So we came here and saw you two hugging andjust saying it is adorable!"
Roman laughed as Virgil hid his face in Romans shirt
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Can I Have a Hug?
[also on ao3]
So, I wrote another accidental and completely unplanned fic. Whoops? And the second night in a row too, I need to chill out with this lol
But anyway, this is largely me just projecting onto characters because I’ve been sick and haven’t seen my friends in over a week so my touch starvation is getting pretty bad lol. At this point, someone just needs to break in and drape their entire body over mine. (Reblogs > likes) (ily all thx)
Warnings: I don’t believe there’s any, but please if you see any let me know and I will update this immediately!
Summary: Logan hasn’t seen his friends in nearly a week and his touch starvation is becoming nearly unbearable. He looks back on his history with Patton and how normalized touch became after they met.
Pairing: None, really (platonic Logicality)
Words: 1723
All throughout his life, Logan had disliked touch.
He didn’t hug family. He didn’t hug friends. He barely tolerated hugs when people gave them to him, ending it as quickly as possible. He just didn’t require touch to survive, unlike most humans seem to.
His family had never understood. They had always been a tactile group of people, so his aversion to touch was not something they were able to understand. They forced touch upon him, making him incredibly uncomfortable and causing his disdain for touch to turn into hate.
Then, late in his high school career, he met Patton.
Sweet, sweet Patton, with a bright smile and a heart of gold. The boy who had too much love to give, and not enough people to give it to. The boy who was so incredible, yet no one seemed to think it except for Logan.
Everyone else found Patton a bit too annoying, a bit too hyperactive, a bit too excited about, well, everything. At first, Logan had, too. But Patton was alone and Logan was alone, so he decided they might as well be alone together.
Then Logan had really gotten to know Patton. There was so much to the other boy that no one had even bothered to see. Logan found a good friend in Patton, and he always hoped Patton had found the same in him, despite his difficulty understanding emotions.
As they had grown closer, Patton started introducing Logan to casual touches. He never thought much of it. A hand on the shoulder here, a pat on the back there, occasionally linking their arms while walking.
Then, the touches started feeling less casual. Patton grabbing his hand, Patton wrapping both his arms around one of Logan’s when he got excited, Patton slinging an arm around Logan’s shoulders.
It all felt so intimate, yet Logan knew Patton didn’t intend the touches to be romantic. He was completely bewildered by all of them, uncertain of how to react. Usually, he just ended up not reacting at all due to his confusion.
It all came to a head when Patton finally asked the big question, near their graduation. They were stressed and studying for finals after school, when suddenly Patton turned to him, seeming to be exhausted.
“Can I hug you?” He asked bluntly.
“Can -- what?” Logan said, trying to wrap his head around what Patton had said, brain still stuck on the passage he was trying to get through in his AP Government textbook.
“Can I hug you?” Patton repeated.
Logan blinked. Once. Twice. No one had ever asked if they could hug him before. They always just… did. And he hated it.
“I know you’re not the biggest fan of hugs, I’ve seen you around your siblings, but I just really need a hug right now. This stress is driving me crazy.”
Logan bit his lip. He may hate hugs, but he cared for Patton more. A short hug couldn’t hurt… right?
“Okay.” Logan said quietly.
Patton beamed. “Okay?” He asked excitedly, and Logan nodded.
They both stood from where they sat on opposite sides of Patton’s round dining table, moving to the side of it and meeting in the middle.
Patton was quick to wrap his arms around Logan’s midriff, pulling him forward until they were chest to chest. Logan wasn’t entirely certain what to do with his hands, flailing them for a brief moment before gently placing them on Patton’s shoulders.
Patton giggled against his shirt. “That’s not a real hug, Lo!”
“Well, what do I do with my hands?” Logan asked, frustrated.
Patton shrugged. “Whatever feels natural.”
Logan’s hands had slowly made their way around Patton’s shoulders, as opposed to just resting on them. He held Patton loosely.
Logan pulled back less than a minute later, adjusting his glasses. “We should probably get back to studying. These AP classes are no joke.”
Patton smiled as he sat back down. “Of course. Thanks, Logan.”
Logan simply nodded, already getting absorbed back into his notetaking.
After that day, hugging slowly became a larger aspect of their relationship. At first, Patton would always ask first, Logan’s hugs would be very loose, and they would be very short. Eventually, they grew to the point where Patton wouldn’t even have to ask most of the time, Logan would hug back as tightly as Patton was, and they would last until Logan pulled away a minute or two later.
Somewhere along the way, he couldn’t pinpoint when, Logan began craving the form of affection, which confused him to no end. He didn’t like hugs, why did he want them so badly sometimes? And why did it hurt when he couldn’t have them.
After doing some research and looking into himself, he found the answer.
Logan probably disliked hugging his family because he didn’t trust them very much, causing the action to be uncomfortable. He enjoyed hugging Patton because he trusted him with every fiber of his being.
He craved hugs due to touch starvation, he discovered. He had shut himself off from touch for so long that now that he finally had it, his body and mind couldn’t get enough. While Logan loved hugging Patton, this frustrated him to no end. He would often end up feeling anxious or sad or angry if he couldn’t get touch when he was craving, and he didn’t trust anyone else he knew enough to hug them.
When Logan had told Patton this, the other boy didn’t even blink.
“Well, that’s okay! I can be your cuddle buddy!”
And from that day forward, cuddling became normalized in their friendship as well.
They would hang out for movie marathons or to binge watch television shows together and end up coiled around each other on the couch. They would lay down to talk and end up spooning each other while whispering about their days.
Then, when Logan and Patton met Virgil and, later on, Roman in college, they, too, became part of the small group of people Logan trusted to hug him. He eventually grew close enough with them to enjoy cuddling, as well, but Patton was still his favorite cuddle buddy (as much as he hated the childish term, Patton used it enough that Logan couldn’t just not).
That’s why Logan was having such an issue, now.
It was finals week, and Logan was lonely. He had thankfully finished all his tests. Roman and Virgil had a couple more. Patton was taking his last test that afternoon.
Logan hadn’t seen much of any of them in the past week. Everyone was too busy rushing around, trying to study for their drastically different majors. No one was on the same sleep schedule anymore, so they never knew when the others would reply when sent a message.
So Logan tossed and turned in his bed, pulling his covered up to his chin and shutting his eyes tight, despite the fact that it was still only early afternoon. His craving for touch had only grown worse as the week had progressed. There was a heavy feeling in his chest, an itch under his skin, and he was lonely.
And he hated it.
Warm showers weren’t working, stuffed animals weren’t working. He even stuffed a heating pad in a pillow. None of it was good enough to replicate a human body in his arms.
Logan stared frustratedly at the ceiling and willed these feelings to leave, but he couldn’t manage it. He was stuck suffering until Patton finished his test. Luckily, he didn’t have to wait long.
Not even half an hour later, Patton texted him.
Pat: Finally done!! :DDD
Logan snorted a bit and rolled his eyes.
Cuddle Bud!: No person has that many mouths, Patton.
He waited a second before sending a second message (and third).
Cuddle Bud!: Come over.
Cuddle Bud!: I need to hold someone.
Pat: Already on my way :*
Logan smiled fondly and put his phone aside, waiting for the knock at his dorm room door. It came a few minutes later, Patton’s last class having been close to Logan’s building. Patton didn’t hesitate to pull Logan into a tight hug the second he opened the door. Logan hugged back just as tightly.
They stood there for a few minutes before Patton pulled back, smiling at Logan’s disappointed expression.
“Come on, let’s go lie down.” He said, not letting go of Logan’s hand as they walked across the room to his bed.
They set up Logan’s laptop on the bedside table so they’d be able to binge Steven Universe while they cuddled, as they were bound to lie there for a while and it was easier for Patton to stay still if he had something to focus on.
They decided to spoon, Patton being the little spoon as Logan preferred being able to hold someone else in his arms.
All was well for a short while before Logan decided it wasn’t enough, he needed more. He whined low in his throat and tossed a leg over Patton’s hip, pulling him even closer and holding him tightly (though not tight enough to be uncomfortable).
That wasn’t really enough either, and Logan let out another whine, trying to meld himself into Patton somehow, to get even closer, have more of his warmth.
Patton let out a small giggle. “Lo?”
“Hm?” Logan said, trying to go still, thinking he’d disturbed Patton.
“If you need more, I can lie on top of you?”
“Please, yes.”
Patton giggled again as he maneuvered himself between Logan’s spread legs, settling down against his chest, tilting his head to see the computer. Logan wrapped his legs and arms tight around Patton, trying to draw him ever closer.
It was barely enough, and Logan knew they’d have to lay there for a while before he really started feeling better. His skin craved this and it was an insane relief to finally have it.
The two lost track of time while cuddling and watching their cartoon. It was mostly silent, aside from Patton’s giggles at the show. Eventually, he spoke up.
“Hey, Lo?”
“Yes, Pat?”
“You’re my best friend.”
Logan nuzzled the top of Patton’s head a little. “And you are mine.”
Silence for another episode and a half. Then:
“Hey, Lo?
“Yes, Patton?”
“I love you.”
If possible, Logan tightened his hold.
“I love you, too.”
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Fanders Fanfic: Patton is allergic to cats
Idk what this is. If anyone reads it, I hope you enjoy.... /////////////////////////////////////////////////// Roman is confused. It’s weird that Patton would be the only one allergic to cats right? Well he’s going to try to get to the bottom of all this! /////////////////////////////////////////////////// It was after the nostalgia video part two and Logan was sitting in his room finishing a crossword puzzle to calm himself after the emotionally charged day when suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Come in,” he replied calmly as he placed down his puzzle. He was surprised to look up and see a rather puzzled looking Roman. “Hey Logan. I just have a quick question and then I’ll be out of your hair.” Logan motioned towards his bed for Roman to sit. “Ask away Roman.” “Okay, I was just wondering how Patton is allergic to cats but none of the other sides are. Unless someone else is.” Logan pondered this moment, “no I don’t think any of us besides Patton have that allergy and as to why that is, I sadly have no clue.” Roman stood up thoroughly disappointed. “Wow way to go nerd. That was utterly disappointing.” Logan frowned, “like you could do any better.” Roman closed the door to Logan’s room and headed to his own room, a plan already formulating in his mind. Time skip “Patton could you come out to the studio,” Roman called as he checked his set up. “Sure Roman just give me a second.” Roman smiled and placed the final item in of his plan. He looked up and saw Patton in his normal blue shirt and boring grey cardigan. “Hey Roman. What’s up?” “Oh I just had a quick something I wanted to test.” Roman turned around and pulled out a small notepad. “So you say you’re allergic to cats right?” Patton was extremely confused, “I CAT believe you missed that I literally told you in the last video.” Roman took down a note, “and you do realize we are the same person right?” Patton nodded, but he was still confused as to why Roman was stating the obvious. “Okay, I am not allergic to cats.” Patton smiled widely, “Awww. You’re so lucky!” Roman smiled, “you are adorable but since we’re the same person doesn’t that mean you don’t ACTUALLY have a cat allergy?” Patton was taken aback by this question. It would make sense that since Roman and him were the same person cats wouldn’t be a problem for him if Roman didn’t have a problem with them. “Okay then. Would you like to do a small experiment?” Patton nodded his head, his smile returned. “Okay do you are going to be with a cat for the rest of today and then we’re going to try to figure out what in the name of all things Disney is going on here.” Patton backed away from Roman a little, changing his mind. “I don’t know Roman. That doesn’t sound like a very good idea.” Roman frowned and gave Patton the puppy eyes, “please Pat? Just one day?” Patton didn’t want to take the cat, but he didn’t want to hurt Roman even more. “Okay what harm could one day do?” “Great!” Roman conjured up a small grey tabby cat and handed it to Patton whose eyes immediately started to itch. “Have fun with your new friend Patton!” And with that, both of the sides returned to their rooms. Time skip “Umm a name. You need a name.” Patton sniffled as he stroked the cat. “How about-about-“ Patton paused and tilted his head towards the light on the ceiling. He inhaled deeply and sneezed loudly. Patton heard Virgil let out a sudden gasp, “please don’t be loud.” Patton blushed. “S-sorry Virgil.” Patton heard Virgil muttering and rubbed his nose. “How about Muffins?” Muffins had gotten off of Patton’s lap when he had sneezed and was now parked comfortably on Patton’s pillow. “Do you like that name?” Patton sneezed again, but quieter so he didn’t give Virgil an anxiety attack. Muffins meowed and walked back over to Patton who pulled out his phone. “Hey Roman texted me Muffins.” Patton read a text that said hey are you having fun with the cat, hope it’s going well. Anyways we’re doing a video tonight, so be ready for Thomas to pull you out of your room. Patton sighed and rubbed his nose again. When he heard a knock on his door. “Umm just a sec!” Patton opened his large closet door and put muffin and the pillow inside carefully. “Come in!” Virgil opened the door and removed his oversized headphones. “Oh hey buddy what’s happening,” Patton said as he grabbed a tissue off of his nightstand. “Oh I was just wondering if you were okay. I heard you sneezing, and uh just ummm not that I care or anything but I do so I wanted to check on you.” Patton laughed and pushed his glasses further up his nose, “well thank you for not caring, but I’m fine really just a little ummm-“ Patton’s nose tickled again and he sneezed. Virgil flinched a little bit regained his hostile demeanor. “Sorry Kiddo. It’s just a little dusty in here I guess.” Virgil looked at Patton and cocked his eyebrow. “Dusty?” Patton smiled, “yup.” He felt awful for lying to Virgil , but he didn’t want him to get mad or be stressed. “Well then maybe you should get a breath of fresh air or something in the in between.” Patton chuckled, “I’m fine. I should probably dust anyways.” Virgil smirked, “well just knock on my door if you need any help with that.” Patton smiled, “sure thing.” And with that Virgil put on his headphones again and closed the door. “Whew. He almost caught us. I hope he isn’t to stressed about it.” Patton said to himself as he opened the closet door. Muffins rubbed herself against Patton’s leg. “You know what-“ Patton sneezed and grabbed another tissue as he sat down on his bed. “Maybe I was over reacting. This isn’t that bad.” Patton was so happy about the cat that he let deceit blind him without putting up a fight. And with that, Muffins crawled up next to him and they both took a little cat nap. Time skip “But why would it be wrong for us to not help Talon move? I mean if we’re busy we’re busy!“ “I’ll take redundant statements for 200.” Patton sat up abruptly and remembered that they were recording. He moved over to his closet and changed into a fresh pair of clothes before rising into the living room. “Now Logan. Talon is a good friend and would do the same for us. How much time would it take to re-remove,” Patton sneezed and Logan sighed with irritation and Patton continued, “Anyways as I was saying, how much time would it take to remove something else from that day to help out a friend?” Logan pondered for a moment and made eye contact with Patton. “Okay time-out Patton, your eyes.” “What about them? EYE can’t SEE what you’re taking about?” Virgil leaned in a little and gave a low toned whistle, “they’re more bloodshot than mine, and that’s saying something.” Logan nodded in agreement. “Did someone say prince?!?” Roman rose up and smiled a dashing smile. “Hey Roman, how are you?” “Handsome as alway- Patton are you okay you don’t look to....ummm how to put it.....presentable.” Thomas motioned for Roman to calm down. “Oh I feel handy dandy.” Roman looked down at the ground suddenly feeling guilty for the cat. What if he is actually allergic to cats, Roman thought as he zoned out. “Roman, are you good,” Thomas asked. “Yeah-you-don’t-look-to-good-yourself-right-now,” Patton managed to rush the sentence out before sneezing again. “Hey let’s record another day. I think you’re getting sick Patton and the best thing for sickness is rest,” Logan declared as he powered off the camera. Oh good so it isn’t the cat, it’s because he’s sick Roman thought as he turned off his camera. Virgil and Thomas did the same. “Guys I’m fine let’s just,” Patton coughed, “let’s finish the video.” “No Patton, rest...please,” Virgil begged. “Okay. But tomorrow we record no matter what.” Patton replied as he shut down his camera. Time skip “Patton? How are you,” Roman asked as he brushed his teeth. Patton was washing his face with cold water. “Good. I’m glad this is because I’m sick and not because of the cat. She’s actually really sweet. I named her Muffins.” Roman smiled. “See I told you, nothing to fear. You can keep her if you would like.” Patton’s face lit up. “Ya mean it Roman?” Roman nodded and spit his water into the sink. Patton coughed aggressively, his face flushing a dark red. “Just try to get lots of rest okay?” “Will do buck-“ Patton sneezed, “buckaroo.” Time skip Virgil sat up in his bed drawing a sketch of Talon when he heard Patton cough again. He started counting in his head. It was 15 seconds before Patton’s breathing become normal again. Virgil closed his art book and stood up, walking towards Logan’s room. He knocked on the door softly and was soon answered by a disheveled looking Logan. “Virgil?” Logan slipped his glasses onto his face and frowned. “It’s 3 in the morning what are you doing?” “It’s Patton, I’m worried about him and I was wondering if you would check on him for me.” Logan nodded and closed his door. As they walked towards Patton’s, they heard an aggressively loud sneeze and Virgil flinched. “If he keeps doing that I might have to leave.” Logan rolled his eyes. Dumb emotions, he thought as he opened the door to Patton’s room and was shocked when he heard a soft purring noise. “Has Patton ever purred in his sleep?” Virgil shook his head and followed Logan into the room. “Patton? Patton I’m going to turn on the light real fast okay?” Patton sat up, “no please,” he replied his voice hoarse. Logan flipped on the light switch and saw muffins sitting at the end of Patton’s bed. “Explain, now.” Logan said as he picked up the cat and handed it to Virgil. “Well Roman was convinced I wasn’t allergic so he asked me to test it and I did and I’m fine, like you said I’m just sick.” Logan sighed, “Patton you have rashes up your arms and your neck is swollen. We need to use some Benadryl.” Virgil scowled, “Roman gave you this cat?” Patton nodded slowly. “We will talk to Roman tomorrow Virgil, for now, there’s some Benadryl in the top left drawer in the bathroom, can you retrieve it for me?” Virgil placed mittens on the floor and retrieved the Benadryl. Logan poured the liquid medicine and gave it to Patton. The swelling reduced almost immediately. “God Patton what were you thinking?” Patton frowned. “I just wanted to make Roman happy.” Together the three sides helped move Patton to the in between for the night so that he could sleep semi-comfortably. They also moved Muffins to Virgil’s room and soon enough all three had fallen asleep to the sound of an occasional sneeze or cough. Time skip “Roman! What the hell were you thinking giving Patton a cat?!?!” Virgil was starting to panic again as he thought of what could’ve happened to Patton. “Virgil I’m fine please don’t be mad at each other.” Patton sneezed and chuckled a little, “it was a SNEEZY fix and it’s okay now, we know not to do that in the future.” Roman looked up at the other three sides. “I’m sorry guys. But I’m especially sorry to you Patton. I shouldn’t have used my emotions to get you to do that.” Patton smiled, “well shucks. I forgive ya Roman. Despite all,” Patton sneezed again, “yeah all that, I enjoyed Mmmmmuffins company.” Roman smiled. “Are we all good verge and Logan?” Roman asked as he moved closer to the other 3 sides. “Don’t do it again,” Logan and Virgil declared at the same time. Patton chuckled and pulled them all closer together, “group-group-“ Patton started, but he felt a tickle in the back of his nose. “Hug,” Virgil finished as Patton sneezed loudly. The whole group flinched, including Patton. And soon enough all of them were laughing again while Mmmmmuffins relaxed in Virgil’s dark room
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cathygeha · 5 years
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Getting Hot with the Scot by Melonie Johnson
Sometimes in Love #1
Cassie Crow and her friends have been planning their trip to Europe for years and finally, about five years after they graduate from college, they have gone on their dream trip together.
This book begins in Scotland and is the first in a series of books that will no doubt showcase each of Cassie’s friends and how they find the person who will become t heir partner in life. But, this is Cassie and Logan’s story.
Cassie is in a Castle and happens upon a hunky kilted Scot inside a library wall. Is he a time traveler or??? Well...when Cassie realizes that the tall gorgeous redhead with the brogue is Logan Reid, prankster extraordinaire, she put the kibosh on his hopes of putting the impromptu kiss they shared onto his website. Not wanting to give up on getting her to sign the release form he puts the moves on to see if he can change her mind. Little does he know that HER goal is to have a torrid European fling while on her dream vacation. And thus begins their journey toward a HES...maybe. Beginning in Scotland they move on to England, seems to end, picks up again in Chicago and continues on from there. How they manage to find their HEA involves some maneuvering, includes Cassie’s friends and sets the reader up for book two that will be the story of one of Logan’s friends getting together with one of Cassie’s friends – these two meet on the European vacation, too.
This book had a New Adult feel to it so my guess is it will be a favorite with those who read this genre.
Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC – This is my honest review.
3-4 Stars  
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The first in a new series, a journalist focused on her career and a sexy Scottish comedian turn a one night stand into forever.
Cassie Crow leaves for vacation with two goals: fill up her empty charm bracelet and have a one night stand. For once, she wants to have fun instead of obsessively checking her work email. And kissing a man in a castle who’s dressed as a Scottish Highlander is the perfect solution.
Except when that man turns out to be Logan Reid, the host of a popular sketch show—and Cassie has just been roped into his latest prank. She wants nothing to do with his antics, but that was a really great kiss, and one night together couldn’t hurt.
It’s clear that one night isn’t enough and when Logan’s show brings him closer to Cassie, they decide to give dating a try. Can the woman who’s focused solely on her career and the man who refuses to take life seriously make it work?
Would you look at that? The man is wearing a kilt.
Note to self: Cassie Crow—be careful what you wish for.
The man groaned again and raised a hand to shield his eyes from the sunlight now cutting across the hidden al- cove.
“Are you all right?”
“I will be fine once ye douse that blasted light.” He squinted up at her. “Be ye a new chambermaid?”
Chambermaid? She eyed the wide sleeves and open neck of the old-fashioned piratey shirt he wore. “Not sure what kind of weird-ass stuff you’re into buddy, but I don’t do RPG.”
“Weird . . . ass?” His dark red brows drew together as he shaped his mouth around the letters. “Are pee gee?”
“Role playing games. You know, like cosplay or what- ever.” She pointed at him. “Look, you’re the one wearing that get-up and talking like a reject from Macbeth.”
He narrowed his eyes at her finger. “Be ye a witch?” “What did you call me?”
With another groan, he lurched forward. Oh God, what if he was hurt? For all she knew he was a member of some
historic castle tour who got lost in a back passageway and hit his head. She leaned down to inspect him for bruises.
He threw a hand out, palm up, warding her off. “Back away, sorceress,” he hissed.
“Seriously?” She slapped his hand out of the way. “Here, let me help you out of there.” Cassie tugged gently on his shoulder. The voluminous shirt was loose, but she could feel—and appreciate—the thick spread of muscle beneath the soft fabric.
Just my luck, I finally run into a hot Highlander, and he’s delusional.
The man waved off her assistance and struggled to his feet, shaking a wild tousle of thick, red hair out of his eyes. Cassie never fancied herself to be a ginger girl, but it worked on him . . . or maybe that was the kilt talking. She eyed the swath of plaid fabric wrapped around his hips and wondered, like any female in her position would, what might or might not be under there. Reluctantly, she raised her gaze and caught him scrutinizing her in return.
“What be these strange breeks ye wear?” he asked, moving in a circle around her.
Cassie swore she could feel the weight of each of his eyeballs resting on her denim-clad backside. Fair enough. After a prolonged moment, she glanced over her shoulder. “Get a good look?”
“Aye.” He swallowed. “’Tis most unseemly, lass.” He shook his head, gaze still glued to her ass.
“They’re called jeans.” She pivoted to face him. “Are you for real?”
He met her gaze, his answer falling from his lips in a deep, rich brogue with trilling r’s that curled her toes, “Aye, lass, I’m real.”
Cassie’s heart hiccupped. Of course he’s real. Unless
those shots were stronger than I thought. “Were you at the whisky tasting?”
“Whisky?” His green-gold eyes lit with interest. “Do ye have whisky for me, then? I could use a wee dram. Be a good lass and fetch it for me.”
“Ha! I think you’ve had enough, mister. Is that how you ended up stuck in there?” Even as she said this, Cassie doubted it. She didn’t smell a hint of alcohol on him, though she did pick up other pleasant smells. Mint and clove and man and . . . Stop being ridiculous.
His broad shoulders lifted and dropped. “I dinna ken.” “How long were you in there?”
Another shrug.
Cassie dragged her attention away from the wide curve of his shoulders and leaned past him, inspecting the dark, narrow space behind the bookshelf.
He grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, panic edg- ing his voice. “Nay, lass. Doona be going in there.”
“Why not?” She inched forward and tried to get a bet- ter look.
“It canna be safe.” He tugged on her wrist again, his fingers warm and firm.
Tiny butterflies danced along the path where his skin touched hers. She brushed away the tingling sensation and slipped out of his grip, careful not to snag her bracelet. “Well, you were in there, and you appear to have man- aged.”
“Are ye daft, wench? I was trapped!”
She sniffed, not sure she liked being referred to as a wench, and frowned up at him. “What’s the last thing you remember?”
He closed his eyes and slumped against the shelf. “I canna recall anything afore the moment I woke to find my-
self crammed within yonder wall.” He blinked and fo- cused intently on her. “The moment I found you, lass.”
Cassie decided she liked being called lass much better than wench, especially when he was looking at her like that. Gazes locked, her other senses sharpened, heighten- ing her awareness of his body and its proximity to hers. She cleared her throat. “Hm. I think it’d be more accurate to say I’m the one who found you.” Telling herself she was only searching for injuries, she reached up and tentatively skimmed her palms along his temples, her fingers trailing his scalp.
“Looking for devil’s horns?” The man cocked one wicked brow at her as he raised his arms to mirror her movements, running his hands over her head and shoul- ders before brushing his palms down her back. “Ye’ve naught got any fairy wings, so I’d say we’re even. In fact,” he whispered against her hair, standing so close the low burr of his voice became a purr in her own chest, “ye feel perfect to me.”
Like the migrating monarchs her dad studied, the but- terflies made a return trip, enveloping her in a fluttery haze. She shivered. Whether it was the Scot or the scotch or both, Cassie didn’t care. He was here and she was here, and damn it all, it was about time she skipped to the good stuff. With a forceful mental click, Cassie turned off her brain, tilted her chin up, and caught his mouth with hers.
He made a low sound in the back of his throat, of pro- test or surprise, she wasn’t sure. But then his hands settled at her waist, and he returned the kiss. His mouth was somehow soft and hard at the same time, and when he slipped his tongue between her lips, she felt more light- headed than if she’d downed every shot of whisky that had been on that tasting list.
Cassie rolled her tongue against his, savoring the deli- cious contact. He met her thrust for thrust, deepening the kiss until she was swept away on a tidal wave of desire. This. This is what I’ve been waiting for. She clung to him, hands gripping his shoulders, swimming in sensa- tion, drowning in it.
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A Star Wars junkie and Shakespeare groupie who quotes both Yoda and the Bard with equal aplomb, award-winning author Melonie Johnson—aka #thewritinglush—is a two-time RWA Golden Heart® finalist who loves dark coffee, cheap wine, and expensive beer. And margaritas. And mimosas. And mules. Basically any cocktail that starts with the letter m. She met her future husband in that most romantic of places—the mall—when they were teenagers working in stores across the hall from each other. They went on to live happily ever after in the suburbs of Chicago with two redhead daughters, a dog that’s more like a small horse, and a trio of hermit crabs. After earning her Bachelor of Arts magna cum laude from Loyola University Chicago, Melonie taught high school English and Theatre in the northern Chicago suburbs for several years. Now she writes smart and funny contemporary romance and moonlights as an audiobook narrator under the pseudonym, Evelyn Eibhlin.
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