End The Night With You Pt. 2
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Pairing: Calum Hood/ Female Reader
Super fluffy again, some mention of cigarettes. 
Word Count: 4,079 oh my god i have no idea how that happened i’m so sorry
 It's now been just under a year since the night you met Calum Hood outside the venue of the show you had attended. The two of you became quick friends after that night and you both made efforts to connect with each other most every day. The two of you were constantly texting, talking on the phone, or snapchatting via the 5 Seconds Of Summer official snapchat. You still could not believe that by some random chance that night, Calum just happened to have wanted a cigarette at the same time that you happened to be smoking one, away from the large post-show crowd. It was not lost on you how lucky you were to not only have met him, but to have actually formed a genuine bond with him. You'd also spoken to the other guys in the band a few times as well, but mostly just when they would steal Calum's phone from him as he was talking to you. You didn't think you'd ever be able to forget your first conversation with Luke. 
   It was about four months after you'd met Calum, he was off somewhere in Europe on tour, taking over the world. He had texted you earlier in the day to make sure that he'd be able to call you at some point, neither of you quite yet sure how to make heads or tails of time differences. You told him to call you at what would have been roughly 1 am to him, but he assured you that he'd definitely call. And you believed him, because like he said the night you two met, he was a man of his word. When the time for his call rolled around you made sure to have your phone on you so that you wouldn't miss it. He called about 15 minutes later, apologizing over and over again for being late and blaming his drunken band mates. You could clearly hear a chorus of drunk male voices in the background of the phone call and offered to have him call you later on, or  even the next day. Before Calum could answer you heard Luke in the background call out "Oi! Is'at (Y/N)?" You heard Calum say yes, and tell Luke to go away but Luke was apparently able to get Calums phone away from him because the next thing you heard was Luke on the other end of the line.
   "Heeeeeey! It's (Y/N)!!!" He said, too loudly, his voice high pitched and slurring. 
   "Hi, Luke." You responded with a laugh. 
   Luke yelled to the people around him "Hey! Guess whaaaaaaat!" You listened as the noise around him silenced, a small smile still on your face. "Cal's girlfriend knows my naaaaaame!" Once again being way too loud, and slurring his words. Your smile fell istantly as you felt your entire body go red hot at his words. Sure, Calum was attractive, and nice, and funny and every other good thing a person could possibly be. But you weren't his girlfriend. The next thing you know a round of cheers and applause can be heard from the other side of the call, along with a roar of laughter from Luke and Calum telling him to give his phone back, peppering in some profanity and one particularly anatomical insult. 
   "Jesus, I'm sorry, (Y/N)." He starts with a sigh. "I'm in a band with a bunch of idiots." He says the last word slightly louder, making sure that they heard him. His statement was met with another roar of laughter and cheers. You assured him that it was okay, and told him to get off the phone and have fun with his friends. When he had protested, saying he wasn't in the mood to party, you jokingly threatened to hang up on him. He had giggled that cute, little giggle that you had come to absolutely adore. "Okay, I'll go. I'll have fun. I'm sorry our call got cut short. We can try again tomorrow." You agreed, and said your goodnights before hanging up. You knew all along that you and Calum were not dating. You were friends, and nothing more, and you were perfectly fine with that. But even knowing that, you still couldn't help yourself from thinking about the fact that Luke had called you Calum's girlfriend constantly for the next week. 
   It was now exactly three days until you would be seeing 5 Seconds Of Summer, and Calum, again and you could not be more excited. Calum was doing his damndest to get you to accept his offers of getting you into the show for free, getting you a meet and greet pass, even offering to bring you back stage with him and the band so that you could be side stage for the show, but you were adamant in declining every offer he made. You just wanted to be like every other fan going to see their favorite band that day. 
   "But you're not 'every other fan.'" He said, mimicking your tone over the phone. "You got someone on the inside now! Do you have any idea how many people would willingly lose an arm to get what I'm trying to give you?" His voice was slightly high pitched, feigning offense, as he tried to talk you into it.
   "Maybe so, but I actually like waiting in line for shows. I've met some of the coolest people that way." You retorted. 
   "But not as cool as the people you meet by sharing cigarettes after the show, right?" His voice trailing up at the end and you swear to god you could actually hear him wiggling his eyebrows as he spoke. You smiled wide to yourself, sitting alone on your bed as you pretended to think about your answer. You tucked your legs under yourself so that you were sitting cross legged on top of your lavender bed spread before answering.  
   "I may have met like one or two cool people that way. Now that I think of it, I simply cannot remember." Calum groans into the phone at this. "Actually, there was this one guy..." You started, speaking as if you were trying to remember a distant memory that had gone blurry with time. "He was kinda cool, I guess. He definitely smoked a lot of my cigarettes, I do remember that." Calum actually gasped before all but yelling "I paid you back for those, (Y/N)!" You laughed and threw your head back, almost banging it on the headboard of your bed as you did so, as you thought back to that night. You heard Calum giggle on his end of the call, and you were really, really grateful that you were able to make him laugh like that. 
   The next few days somehow passed in a blur, and took a month to get through all at the same time. You went about your daily tasks on autopilot, just waiting impatiently for the night of the show. Work seemed to drag on worse than normal, and you found it hard to sleep at night due to the excitement. You spent the entire evening of the day before the show picking out an outfit, eventually settling on jeans and a plain hunter green shirt, basically the same outfit you had worn the last time you'd seen them live. You felt so dumb when you finally decided on your outfit, and you couldn't help but wonder why it had been so important in the first place. 
   Finally, after what seemed like lifetimes of waiting, the day of the show rolled around. You had planned on getting in line early to be sure you got a good spot in the crowd. You woke up well before your 6:30 alarm to a text from Calum.
   You rub the sleep from your eyes as you smile down at your phone. You sit up in bed, throwing the covers from yourself before stretching your tired limbs. You pick your phone back up from your bed to text Calum back.
   You smile to yourself at the thought that he was as excited about tonight as you were. As you waited for his response, you made your way to the bathroom and started to get ready for the day. By the time you had dressed and thrown your hair up into a towel after your shower your phone was buzzing on the bathroom counter, Calums name lighting up the screen.
Ouch, (Y/N). Ouch.
Another text came through at that very moment. 
And here I thought that what we had was special )':
You laughed out loud, the sound magnified by the tiled walls of your bathroom.
Put away the tissues, Hood. I'm probably more excited than you are about tonight anyway.
   You felt your heart speed up just a bit at his response. How did he always know exactly what to say to do that to you? It didn't matter if he was halfway across the world, or two blocks down the street. This boy knew you, and that was scary. Sure, you've had boyfriends in the past, but even the guys that you had been in serious, committed relationships with had never had this kind of effect on you. This friendship was... Odd, to say the least. 
   You finished getting ready for the show, dressing in your pre-chosen outfit and applying a light layer of foundation and mascara before blow drying your hair and throwing it into a high pony. You found yourself getting nervous as you got into your car to go to the venue. You had been looking forward to seeing Calum again since you'd bought your ticket months ago, but now that it was just hours away you couldn't ignore the ball of nerves that had settled deep inside the pit of your stomach. 
   The band sat in the dressing room, the sounds of the opening band drifting in. Calum was bouncing his legs at hyper speed, tapping on his knees with his hands periodically, completely zoned out to the conversations going on around him. The boys had been giving him a hard time about this show for the last few days, knowing that this was the one you’d be at. Luke shot Michael and sneaky smile and mouthed “Watch this!” to him, slyly pointing at Calum. “So, Cal." He started, leaning back in his chair. "Is your girlfriend gonna be at the show?” Calums face broke out into a huge grin as he looked at Luke. Luke wore a mischievous smile on his face. Calum shook his head and forced his smile to drop so he could scowl at the blond. “Her name is (Y/N). She’s not my girlfriend. And you know she’s going to be there.” He paused for a moment, redirecting his eyes to the dressing room door.     
   Michael let out a loud laugh. “I can’t believe you still haven’t made a move, man. Ask her out at least!” He said, throwing his hands dramatically above his head. Calum just shook his head again, still avoiding eye contact with his bandmates.
   Suddenly Ashton stood from his own chair and walked over to Calum, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Guys, let’s be nice to Cal?” Calum looked up at him with a thankful smile. Ashton smiled back down at him. “Our boy is just taking his time, fellas. He's nervous about talking to a pretty girl. He’ll ask (Y/N) out when he’s good and ready.” Calum smacked Ashtons hand from his shoulder and sat forward on his chair. “You’re all a bunch of assholes, ya know that?” The three boys all laughed at once as Calum stood up and walked out the dressing room door, shutting it a little harder than he had meant to. Once he was on the other side of the door he pulled his cellphone from his pocket and sent you a text. 
    You felt your phone buzz in your hand with a text from Calum. You couldn't help but notice the time, making a mental note that 5 Seconds of Summer would be on stage in less than ten minutes.
Where are you parked?
The same place as last time.
Meet there after the show?
   You grinned at your screen, tucking a fallen piece of hair behind your ear, before responding.
I’ll be the one sitting on my car (;
   A few minutes passed, you imagined he was busy getting ready for the show with the guys so you didn’t mind. You were about to put your phone back in your pocket when it buzzed once more.
Awesome. You look great today, by the way.
   You felt your breath catch in your throat the second you read his message. The opening band that was on stage was finishing up the last song of their set, you could vaguely hear one of them telling the crowd that they would be at their merch table for the rest of the night and after the show, but you couldn't pay attention if you had wanted to. Did he really just send that? Did he mean it the way you took it? Are you reading too much into it? Friends compliment each other all the time, right? You put your phone to sleep and replaced it in your back pocket, trying to push your thoughts from your mind so that you could properly enjoy the show. 
   A few minutes pass while the 5 Seconds of Summer techs set up the stage for the band. You get excited when you see them bring out the keyboard that Calum has been playing recently, placing it almost directly in front of you. The team works together seamlessly to get everything ready for the show. Before long, the lights on the stage dim and the crowd around you goes nuts. The show starts the same as every other 5 Seconds of Summer show, with Ashton entering the stage alone and hitting his cymbals to bring the rest of the band to stage. As soon as Calum gets to his microphone you see him scan the crowd. When his eyes meet yours he smiles that big, beautiful sunshine smile that made you absolutely melt. 
   During the show, Calum would occasionally find you in the crowd again and smile at you while he was singing. At one point, you watched as he met Michael in the middle of the stage and whispered something to him. After they spoke, Calum made his way over to the left side of the stage while Michael came over to the right side. He leaned out over the crowd and everyone around you started screaming, putting their arms up to try to reach him. But he was focused on you, not breaking eye contact. He smiled at you, and raised his eyebrows before pulling back and practically running back to his own microphone for his solo in the song. Your mouth went dry as you realized that Calum had definitely pointed you out to him when they had talked. Why? Why would Calum point you out to Michael in the middle of a show? Why did Michael care? Once more, you pushed your own thoughts from your mind and tried to enjoy the show. 
    As the band finished their final song, they once again met in the middle of the stage, bowed together, and walked off. You didn't go to the merch table afterwards like you normally would, too excited about seeing Calum again to put it off any longer. You immediately went to your car in the employee parking lot and got your pack of cigarettes out from the cup holder and lit one. You held the smoke in your lungs again, trying to calm your nerves. You looked over your shoulder again and saw the familiar sight of crew members loading instruments and gear into trailers. You smiled to yourself, remembering the last time you were sitting in this same position and how much your life had changed for the better since that night. You finished your cigarette and flicked the butt into the parking lot in front of you, watching at it landed in between two cars about a yard in front of you. That was when you heard it. That familiar voice that made the ball of nerves in your stomach disappear instantly. 
    "Those things will kill you, ya know." You spun around on your hood to see Calum walking up behind you, his red button down shirt open showing his black t-shirt underneath and both of his hands in the pockets of his pants. You jumped off your hood and walked as fast as you could toward him, his arms now open, waiting for you to take your place between them. Calum wrapped his strong arms around your shoulders, while you wrapped your own arms around his waist, snaking them under his red shirt. He brought one hand to the back of your head, tangling his fingers in your hair. “I missed you.” He whispered into your hair. You smiled into his chest, breathing him in. “I missed you, too.” The two of you held each other for a moment before you stepped back, looking up at him. He was beaming as held your shoulders in his hands, and just looked at you. You took a step forward and wrapped your arms around him for a quick moment. He hugged you back, squeezing your shoulders in a comforting embrace. 
    This time, he was the one to take a step back and break the hug. He put both his hands behind his back. "Close your eyes, (Y/N). I have a surprise for you." You laughed as you did as you were told. "Hold your hands out." He commanded, and you did. "Okay, ready?" You nodded your head up and down quickly. He giggled a little before placing something in your hands. Actually, two somethings. Two small, smooth rectangles of the same size. You slowly opened one eye and looked at your palms to see two packs of cigarettes, one of the kind you smoked and one of the kind Calum smoked. "So tonight I don't have to smoke all of your cigarettes, and you don't get to hold it over me for the next year." You laughed as you brought both hands to the side of your face, and saying in a bad falsetto, "My hero!" 
    You both took your spots on the hood of your car. You lit a cigarette as Calum expertly smacked his own pack against his hand before opening it and lighting his own. The same comfortable silence as before enveloped the two of you as you smoked. You would occasionally look over at Calum to find that he was already looking at you. You blushed and turned your head back to face the ground, earning a small chuckle from him each time. After the third time of this happening you finally asked Calum why he was looking at you. Something on your face? He giggled again and said "I'm just really happy to be in the same city as you again, that's all." You  leaned over, resting your shoulder on his and taking a deep breath. You brought your cigarette to your lips and inhaled, unable to contain the smile taking over your face. 
    When you both finished your cigarettes, you laid back on your hood just like you had before. You asked him about his tour, and he shared the same stories that you had been hearing all year but he still captured your attention as if they were brand new to you. You had one arm behind your head, and the one closest to Calum laid out at your side, absentmindedly playing with a loose strand on your shorts as he talked. He had just finished telling a story about Ashton and something called a "shooey" when you suddenly felt his warm hand against yours. He put his hand on yours, intertwining your fingers. The touch sent fireworks through your entire body and before you knew it was happening, you were pulling your hand away. 
    "Shit! I'm sorry, (Y/N). Fuck... I shouldn't have done that." He sat up straight, running a hand through his curls. "It's just that Michael has been really giving me shit lately and I just thought..." You stopped him mid-sentence. 
    "Calum, it's fine." He took his hand from his hair and looked at you. "It was just a surprise. I don't know why I pulled my hand away, really. Maybe just because I haven't actually held hands with anyone in a while?"
   Calum had a shy smiled on his face as he asked, "So... You're not, like, upset or anything?"
   "No, I'm not upset. Just a little shocked." You answered, moving your hand to capture his again, giving it a squeeze. 
    His smile grew so wide that you weren't sure how his face was even big enough to hold it. "Am I really that bad at flirting?"
   You threw your head back, your hair flying, as you laughed. You leaned into him again and closed your eyes, allowing yourself to be completely submerged in the moment. "No, you're not that bad at flirting." You answered, taking a deep breath. "I'm just having a hard time figuring out why, is all." Calum turned toward you, and looked into your eyes. You were amazed at how beautiful his big, brown eyes were in the lights of the city. He brought his free hand to cup the side of your face, his thumb gently rubbing along your cheekbones. 
    "Because, (Y/N). You are the best thing in my life. Your phone calls make my entire day, and I reread your texts over and over again on the bus when I can't sleep. I talk about you constantly to the guys, and anyone else who will listen. Seeing your pictures on Instagram and Snapchat break my heart a little bit because all I can think about is how much longer I have to wait until I get to see you again." He smiled at you, flicking his tongue out of his mouth slightly to lick his lips. "(Y/N), the guys are always, and I mean always on my ass about asking you out, but I didn't want to do it on the road. That didn't feel right, or fair, ya know?" You nodded your head against his hand, unable to speak. His smile grew as he continued. "I had to cash in every favor I've earned over the last seven years for this, but we don't have a show until Monday. So we aren't leaving until Saturday morning." He took a deep breath, breaking your eye contact to look down at the hood of your car.  He looked back up at you, you could see in his eyes that he was nervous. "I'd love to be able to take you on a real date tomorrow night. If you'll let me, anyway."
   Before you could stop yourself your face was an inch from his. You looked deep into his eyes, then glanced down at his full lips before whispering, "Of course." And closing the space between the two of you. Calum moved his hand that had been cupping your cheek to the back of your head, tangling his long fingers in your hair again as he kissed you back. You left your eyes closed for just a second when Calum pulled back from you and broke the kiss. When you opened your eyes you saw that he was wearing an even bigger smile than before, but now you had a whole new appreciation for it. The two of you laid back on your hood once more, this time you placed one arm around his waist as you laid your head on his chest. He wrapped one arm around you as the other one reached up to yours, lacing your fingers with his own once again. You watched the stars together in that parking lot for hours. You were sure the actual employees of the venue had been judging you as they walked to their cars  to leave, but you could not be bothered to care. 
    Calum was sure that his bandmates would no doubt wonder what the hell had happened to him, but he just smiled to himself. He knew that when he told them he had finally asked you out, they'd almost be happier than he was. 
Tag List: @blue-skies-are-alright @curlious @gotta-try-something-new @cocobuttercalum  
And I’d like to take a second to extend the worlds largest thank you to @crownedbyluke I truly do not think I would have finished this without you. 
As usual, I hope you all love this fic! If you do, please take just a moment to let me know what you thought of it! I appreciate any and all feedback. Hoping you all have a wonderful weekend ♥
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akram-dsa-me · 5 years
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End The Night With You Pt. 3
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Pairing: Calum Hood/ Female Reader
Part three picks up one year after part two. Super fluffy again.
Word Count: 3,308
  You were standing at the door to your closet, trying to choose between two of your favorite dresses when you heard your phone ring from your dresser. You smiled as you heard your boyfriends ringtone sound out through your bedroom. You retrieved your phone and answered it. You took a few steps back to sit down on your bed, putting the dresses down on top of your open suitcase on the floor as you did so.  
     “Hi, baby.”
     “Hello, snookums.” He replied, his voice sounding sticky sweet.
     You smiled to yourself and laid back onto your bed turning to lay on your side. “Funny timing, actually. I was just finishing up packing for tomorrow.” You felt the smile on your face grow as you thought about finally being able to visit him again. You’d visited him in January for a “late Christmas” because he had gone to Australia to be with his parents and sister for actual Christmas. But that was nearly six months ago. And right now you missed him more than ever because your one year anniversary with Calum was the day after tomorrow.
    “I can’t wait, love. I miss you so much.” He sighed into the phone.
    For just a moment, you felt your heart break. You hated being away from Calum for any length of time. You knew going in to this relationship that it would be difficult. You had already spent a year being just friends with Calum before you made your relationship official. You already knew all about the late nights, the missed phone call dates, the heartache of the distance. But knowing that it would be difficult didn’t make missing him any easier to handle.
     “I know, baby. I miss you, too.” You sighed, squeezing your eyes shut. Hot tears threatened to spill from your eyes, but you were able to blink them back. Sniffling, you sat back up in your bed and tucked one leg under yourself, the other dangling over the edge. “Hey, stop trying to make me sad, Hood!” You exclaimed, laughing at yourself for getting so emotional when you would be seeing him again in less than 24 hours.
    “I didn’t make you sad, you made me sad!” His voice was slightly loud. “Why are you even sad, anyway? You’re gonna be back with me tomorrow, love. And then our anniversary is the next day. This is gonna be a great week, trust me.” His voice was calm and quiet now. He knew exactly how to calm you down and bring you back down to earth when your emotions got the best of you. You smiled to yourself and felt one tear slip down your cheek.
    “Have I ever told you how amazing you are?” You asked, wiping the stray tear with the heel of your hand. “I love you so much sometimes.”
     He giggled into the phone, “I love you so much, all the time.”
    The next day you loaded your suitcase into the back of a cab and headed to the airport. The drive there was quiet and far too long, in your opinion. Your driver tried to make small talk with you, but the only thing on your mind was that in just a few short hours you would be on a plane, flying to see your boyfriend for the first time in six long months.
     You paid your driver and made your way into the airport to get checked in for your flight. Once all of that was done, it was time to play the waiting game. You pulled your phone from your purse to text Calum.
I’m at the airport! Now I’m just waiting to actually leave.
Yasss, babe! Can’t wait to see you! And hug you! And kiss you! And touch your butt!!!!!
     You laughed so loudly at his last message that a couple of men in business-y looking suits stopped talking and looked at you as they walked past. But you couldn’t be bothered to even pay attention to them.
Who says I’m gonna let you touch my butt?
You’re gonna deny me butt touches? On this, our relationships birthday? Stone cold, (Y/N). Stone. Cold.
     You laughed again, this time throwing your hand over your mouth before you were able to disrupt anyone else around you. You really did love that boy more than you thought you ever would. You continued texting him off and on for the next few hours until you finally able to board the plane. You sent Calum one last text before turning your phone off and putting it into your bag.
Boarding now. Love you.
     He sent back a picture of Duke, sitting on the back of his couch and looking out the window at the front of the house.
Duke knows and he’s excited!
     When you landed at LAX you knew not to look for Calum in the crowd. Just like last time, he’d hired a driver to pick you up and drop you off at his house. “Too many people.” He’d explained. “Too much of a chance of getting recognized. I want this trip to be just about you, and us.” You smiled to yourself and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear as you walked through the terminal, pulling your suitcase behind you. You spotted a tall guy in dress pants and a plain blue button down shirt holding a sign displaying your full name on it.
     Before you knew it, your driver was making a left hand turn onto Calum’s street. You perked up in your seat like a puppy going to his favorite park. You sat forward, clutching your bag as tightly as you could stand as you did everything in your power to not squeal with excitement. You watched the house number go up and counted down how many more houses until you would reach Calum’s. 5… 4… 3… 2… When you passed Calum’s next door neighbor you felt your eyes start to water with excitement.
     Just as the driver was hitting his turn signal to turn into Calum’s drive way, you saw the front door swing open. He all but ran outside, Duke at his heels, reaching the driveway just as the driver was putting his car in park. Before you had a chance to, he opened your door for you and put his hand out to help you stand out of the car. You took his hand, and your mind flashed back to the first night you’d met him and how he’d helped you get down from the hood of your car in the same way.
     As soon as you were out of the car Calum wrapped his arms around your shoulders and pulled your body as close to his as was physically possible. You put your hands around his back, balling the fabric of his shirt in your hands.
     “I missed you so much, love. So, so much.” He whispered to you.
     “I missed you more.” You responded, your grip on his torso tightening just slightly.
     Suddenly there was a loud cough behind you. You felt a blush fall over your cheeks as you broke your hug and stepped back. Calum walked over to where the driver had unloaded your suitcase from his trunk. He took the suitcase from him and thanked him, and the two shook hands before the driver got back into his car and took off down the road. Calum grinned at you as he walked back to you. He wrapped one arm around your shoulders, the other dragging your suitcase across his lawn. He pulled you closer to him as he leaned down and planted a kiss into your hair. “I’m so happy you’re finally here.”
     That night you and Calum met up with the rest of his band for dinner. When Michael and Crystal arrived at the restaurant they both hugged you, and Crystal made a comment about how great that dress looked on you. After you all took your seats, Calum put his arm over the back of your chair and leaned over to kiss your cheek.
      “So, I see you’re still not sick of him yet?” Michael asked you, smiling slightly.
     You looked over at Calum. He was wearing that beautiful sunshine smile that made your heart flutter. “No, not yet.” You answered him. Everyone at the table let out a laugh at that.
     The rest of the night was absolutely perfect. You spent the evening laughing and joking with everyone, especially Ashton and Crystal, who you had come to learn were the most like you in terms of personality. You loved being able to be there with Calum and his friends, instead of just hearing bits and pieces of conversations in the backgrounds of your phone calls. You left one hand on Calum’s thigh the entire time you were at dinner, his own hand on top of yours more often than not, giving it a slight squeeze every time.
     “So, tomorrow’s the big day?” Crystal asked you from across the table, her eyebrows rising as she spoke. Your growing smile served as enough of an answer for her. She brought one hand to her chest, “You two are so cute. I remember when we were like that.” She said, her voice almost a dreamy sigh as Michael laughed quietly next to her. She and Michael shared a quick kiss. She turned back to you. “Well, since I probably won’t see you tomorrow, happy early anniversary.” She smiled, and you thanked her.
     “What are you guys doing tomorrow, anyway?” Ashton asked, taking a sip of his drink.
     “Each other.” Luke answered suddenly, causing the table to erupt into laughter again.
     Calum’s hand found yours under the table, lacing his fingers with yours. He looked at you with an apologetic look in his eyes and squeezed your hand under the table. You just laughed it off, more than used to the guys and their humor by now.
    The next day was so much better than you could have ever dreamed. It started by waking up next to Calum, who was still sleeping. You took a few minutes to just look at him as he slept. He was on his stomach, one arm tucked up under his pillow, his blanket covering just up to his waist. His lips were parted just slightly as soft snores escaped from between them. You loved how his black curls fell over his forehead, and into his eyes. You wanted to reach up and run your hands through his thick hair, but didn’t want to risk waking him. Instead, you slowly lifted the covers from yourself and found his shirt on the bedroom floor, slipping it over yourself before making your way to the bathroom, Duke following close behind you.
     You walked past the bed again on your way to the balcony. Calum was still sleeping as you pulled on a pair of shorts from your suitcase and walked outside. You closed your eyes and breathed deep, the bustling sounds of the city morning filling your ears. You found your cigarette pack on his patio table and lit one. You were about half done with your cigarette when you heard the glass door behind you open and close quickly. The next thing you knew, Calum had his hands wrapped around your waist and his lips on your neck.
     “Those things will kill you, ya know?” He whispered into the heated skin just below your ear. His voice was hoarse because he’d just woken up. You put your cigarette over your shoulder, and he wrapped his lips around it before inhaling.  He turned his face away from you for just a moment to exhale the cloud of smoke before reattaching his mouth to your neck and shoulder. You couldn’t help the small sound that escaped your lips as his mouth made quick work of discovering every inch of you, and you felt him smile as soon as he heard it.
     “Happy anniversary, love.” He said softly, a slight rasp still present in his voice.
     You smiled and pressed your body closer to his. “Happy anniversary.” You whispered back to him. You turned your head, lips colliding with his. He took the cigarette from your hand and put it out in the ashtray on the table next to you. He left his hands on your waist as you turned around to face him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your fingers raking through the curls at the back of his head as you deepened the kiss. His fingers started to become tighter on your waist. Not tight enough to hurt, tight enough that you could feel the rings he wore through the fabric of his shirt that you were wearing.
     He broke the kiss, and you noticed that his lips were slightly swollen. He brought one hand up to cup your cheek and brought his face back to yours for another quick kiss. “I love you, (Y/N).” He put his forehead to yours and closed his eyes.
     “I love you too, Calum Thomas Hood.” You said, your voice barely audible, placing a short peck to his lips with every word of his full name. He smiled down at you, opening his eyes. He kissed your forehead, lips lingering for a moment.
     “We should probably go get ready.” He said, his hand that had been on your face running down your arm to grab your hand. “I’ve got quite a day planned, snookums.” You giggled at the nickname he’d given you as you followed him into the bedroom through the sliding glass door.
     Calum was right, it ended up being quite the day. First, after going for breakfast at a local cafe you’d loved the last time you visited, he took you on a long drive along the coast. It was absolutely breathtaking. You pulled your phone from your bag a few different times to take some photos. A few of the beaches and some other scenery, a few selfies to send back to your friends in Ohio. But by far the majority of your photos were of Calum, one hand on the wheel while the other was firm on your thigh. After putting your phone back in your bag you leaned over and kissed his cheek, earning a big, bright smile from him.
     You stopped for lunch at a diner that Calum swore was the best food in the state. You were pleasantly surprised to find that he just may have been right about that. After paying the check, Calum’s hand found yours again and he lead you outside, back to his car. He placed his hand on your thigh as he put his car into drive and took off back down the road.
     “How does an afternoon at the zoo sound?” He asked, looking over at you, giggling when he saw the excitement on your face.  
     “Yes! Please! I love the zoo!” You answered, actually bouncing in your seat as you talked. He laughed at you again.
     The two of you spent a few hours walking around the zoo, hand-in-hand the entire time. There were a few fans who recognized Calum as you were there, but they were sweet and excited when they came up to you. They both apologized for interrupting and you just had to smile at them. You knew what it was like to be them, seeing someone from your favorite band. You happily took one of their phones and took a picture of them with Calum. They both thanked you a few times before walking away, looking at the picture on the phone.
     “Sorry about that, love.” Calum said as he returned his hand to yours.
     “Nothing at all to be sorry for, baby.” You assured him. “They were cute, and neither of them gave me the stank eye. I like them.” He giggled and planted a quick kiss on your cheek as you walked.
     Your anniversary night ended with Calum  making steaks on the grill, while you played with Duke in the yard. A few times you’d look up at Calum and find him focused on the grill, the late afternoon sun hitting his golden skin in a way that made your heart beat just slightly faster.
     “Foods done!” He called from his spot in front of the grill, waving a pair of tongs above his head. You gathered Duke in your arms and walked into the kitchen, stopping to kiss Calum on the way. He placed a light slap to your butt as you passed by him, earning a loud laugh from you as he did so.
     As you ate, the two of you talked about your day and what you were going to do for the rest of your trip. Your smile fell slightly as you realized that you would be leaving in just four days. Calum reached across the table and took your hand in his. “What’s the matter, love? Should I give up my dreams of being a Food Network chef?” He asked, gesturing towards your plate and trying to lighten the mood.
     You smiled up at him. “Definitely not. The foods great.” You started, your voice slightly sad. “It’s just that I don’t want to leave. It’s weird,” You laughed quietly before continuing. “I was born and raised in Ohio. I love Ohio. I’ve never known anything other than Ohio. But the last few months, it just doesn’t feel the same. Almost doesn’t feel like home, because you’re not there with me.” Calum rubbed his thumb along the top of your hand, his eyes intent on you as you spoke.
     “Okay, (Y/N),” He said with a sigh. “I need to talk to you. I’m not sure how I’m supposed to bring this up but now seems as good a time as any.” Your mind instantly went to some of the worst case scenarios you could think of. Calum picked up on your change of mood and quickly corrected you. “No, no, no! It’s nothing bad, I promise!” You nodded to him, doing your best to calm yourself down.
     “So, I’ve been thinking for a while…” He started, taking a deep breath. “How would you feel about moving here?”
     You took a second to process what he had said. “You want me to move to California?” You asked.
     “Uh, well I actually meant more specifically here.” He answered, gesturing with his hand that he was talking about his house. Your breath caught in your throat for just a second when you realized what he was asking.
     “You want me to move… In with you.” You said.
     “Yes, I do.”
    “But if you don’t want to, I understand. I know you have your whole life in Ohio.”
     “You’ve got your job and your house and everything. I know this is asking a lot.”
     “Trust me, if I could I would move there! It’s cheaper, and people are nicer there…”
     “Calum! I’m saying yes!” You interrupted his rambling, a big smile on your face. He stopped talking and looked up at you. It always amazed you how expressive his face, specifically his eyes, was.
     “Yes?” He asked, his voice unsure.
     “Yes.” You answered.
     Calum stood from where he sat and walked around the table to you. He leaned down and caught your lips in a heated kiss. “You amaze me every single day, (Y/N). I love you.” He said quietly after he broke the kiss.
     “I love you more.” You answered, pushing your chair back from the table and standing up as you spoke. Once more you reached your hands around his neck, your fingers tangling in his black curls. Calum took your hand in his and started to lead you upstairs to his bedroom.
    “Impossible.” He said, his voice was barely a whisper as he shut the door behind you. 
TagList: @crownedbyluke​ @blue-skies-are-alright​ @curlious​ @gotta-try-something-new​ @cocobuttercalum​
This part was so much fun to write, and I hope it shows! As usual, if you read it please take a moment to let me know what you thought! Any and all feedback is appreciated!
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Writing Update
Okay, so those of you that sent me requests this weekend- worry not, I will definitely still be writing those. But after that, I’m not sure. I’ve been considering quitting writing for a while. I just sat down and crunched some numbers and they were super disheartening. Basically, I’ve posted 20 fics (if you count each chapter of my two series’ separately). They average 1,884 words a pop. They get an average of 65 notes per post. And of those 65 notes, only 17% of them are reblogs. 
Maybe I’m being over dramatic here, maybe I’m not. Who knows. But when I see someone like a fic, but not reblog it, that says to me that it was okay, but not good enough that they’d want to share it with people. And that is just... Well, it sucks. 
I stress over each thing I post for daaaaays (even weeks sometimes, looking at you ETNWY part 5) to make sure that I give the people who read my fics the best possible reading experience. And I’m clearly not delivering on that. 
This isn’t a post to ask for pity, or beg for notes, or anything like that. I just didn’t want to completely disappear from the fanfiction world without an explanation. Okay, now back to your regularly scheduled blogging.  
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I'm at the point with writing FTW that I know how it's gonna end, but not how it's gonna get there. Like, I know I'll figure it out. But fuck this happens every time and I'm always afraid I won't finish it.
0 notes
It's nearly 1 am. I'm tired and need to sleep. But I keep feeling like I neeeeeeed to write part five of etnwy. I don't even have a plot line or ideas or anything but I feel like I need to sit down right this very moment and hash it out to perfection. Why am I like this?????
0 notes
Finally going to tackle part five of ETNWY. Hopefully I'll finish it this week and be able to post it soon. I love this fic so much, I'm almost sad to see it end.
0 notes
Hiii!! I just wanted to stop by and tell you that I love your blog, also I wanted to know if your requests are open?
Aahhh thank you so much!!! My requests are always open! I can't promise how fast I'll finish any requests because I'm really in a groove with ETNWY, but I'll happily take them! 😊
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