#especially lofn
dark-and-kawaii · 3 months
have lofn and zevlor ever had a fight?
(ᵕ—ᴗ—) They have gotten into disagreements before for sure.
But there’s one time where he was actually upset with her, when he discovered who she actually was. She always kept her title as The Princess Of Thay to herself while at the grove and with her companions, Gale of course knew better since he’s so smart. Zevlor found out while traveling on the road with the other tieflings, two men were looking for Lofn, the missing Princess of Thay. That’s when Zevlor found out, and he was hurt by not only the fact that she kept it from him, but also because if someone found out or knew the tieflings were around her they’d be crucified for breathing the same air as her, that’s just how it went for them since they were “foul bloods.”
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Lofn sat by the campfire, her mind a whirl of thoughts and emotions. She had found Zevlor again, the tiefling who had stolen her heart back in the Druid grove. Their reunion had been anything but the joyous occasion she had imagined though... Zevlor had been distant, almost cold, since she had released him from the capsule. His silence gnawed at her, and she could no longer bear it.
Rising from her seat, she approached where he sat alone. Lost in thought, Zevlor clutched his cup, his eyes fixed on the flickering flames.
She stopped just behind him, “Is there a reason you’ve been hiding away from me?” she asked, her voice firm yet mixed with frustration and hurt, “You’ve said little to me since I released you from that mindflayer pod.”
Zevlor didn't look at her, his back still turned toward her as his grip on the cup tightened, the liquid inside sloshing dangerously close to the rim.
“Can you at least look at me!” she demanded, her patience snapping.
With a heavy sigh and something similar to a growl, Zevlor cursed in infernal before turning to face her, “I suppose I have little choice when in the presence of a princess,” he said, his voice laced with a bitterness that cut through the night air. His arms were held out, the contents of his glass splashing onto the ground.
Lofn’s mouth parted, taken aback as her eyes left his and found the ground, she was going to tell him once their travels- once these things were out of their head… “How did you find out?” she stammered, her heart pounding in her chest.
“Two men came looking for you,” Zevlor replied, his brows furrowing, “They found us on the road first, demanding to know if we had seen a young woman with purple hair, the missing princess of Thay they say.” His lip twitched, his expression a mix of anger and fear. It’s not that he wished to be upset with her, it was the fact that should anyone- especially Aradin, found out about her they would crucify the tieflings for breathing the same air as her… Especially Zevlor, since he himself put his hands on her and laid with her… Though there was no regret with that, not one bit. “Many would have us killed for tainting the air you breathe, that’s just how it goes for us tieflings…”
Lofn closed the distance between them, her eyes hardened, as she saw the pain etched in Zevlor's face, “Any who dare threaten or touch you would be hanged or burned- same if they were to touch the others.” She reached out, her hand resting against his arm, “Zevlor, listen to me,” her voice steady but filled with emotion, “The men that came looking for me, one was a large white haired elf I assume. He's the only one my mother would trust with such a task. If he found you and talked to you then he already knows how much you mean to me, he knows things without words even needing to be spoken.”
She grabbed his hand and kissed it gently, her lips lingering on his skin, “I would never put you in harm's way, nor your people. I know how much they mean to you.”
Zevlor looked at her, his eyes searching hers for the truth and after a long moment, he sighed and pulled her into a tight embrace, “I believe you,” he whispered, “There are many who will try and-“
Lofn nodded, “I know,” she said.
He held her close, his grip tightening as if he feared she might disappear, “I trust you, Lofn,” he said softly. “But let there be no more secrets.”
“No more secrets,” she promised.
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axelsagewrites · 8 months
Could I ask about something fluffy for Halfdan the black from Vikings please for the V day creations 😁🥰🥰🥰🥰Thank you 🥰🥰🥰
Pairing: halfdan x goddess!reader
Word count: 1352
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Warnings: forbidden love, made up norse festival bc they didnt have valentines (or anything similar i could find)
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Halfdan never felt the need to make friends. Not in the way his brother Harald did at least. Halfdan had drinking buddies, war buddies, hell even fuck buddies, but he did not see the point of befriending another lord just for his company. Though Halfdan was not the brother destined to be king.
Halfdan quite frankly didn’t understand why they even had to stop in this godforsaken village. So, when his brother told him they had to stay another five days to take part in their festival he found himself groaning and whining like a toddler.
The only reason he hadn’t abandoned his brother and went elsewhere was because of you. well, he didn’t know your name only your face. But the gods had made it the most beautiful face he’d ever seen.
When he asked his brother about the festival even Harald seemed to know nothing. your village had been named after Freyja so every year you would honour her but neither knew what to expect.
The bonfire was higher than any house with children dancing around the flames and drinks flowing freely with the adults. As Harald nursed his third cup his eyes fell upon you and finally, he felt like this may have been worth him staying.
You were sat alone, a few feet away from most on a fallen tree staring into the flames. Before he could think the alcohol had decided for him and he was crossing the grass towards you. “May I sit?” he asked, trying to act nonchalant but he felt an odd blush raise in his cheeks as you lifted your gaze.
Your eyes scanned over him for a moment in silence, from his tip toes to his hair, before finally you gave a small nod. “I’m Halfdan,” he said, breaking the silence once more as he sat down, and he felt relived you gave your name back. “Why are you sitting all alone?” he asked making you laugh a little, “What?”
“Nothing. I like someone who does not beat around the bush,” you said, a twinkle in your eye that made him blush again before your eyes returned to the fire, “I like to sit with my thoughts especially on days like this. Everyone seems so happy,”
“And you, are you happy?” he asked, his gaze fixed on you even if you do not return it.
However, he did notice the smile that tugged on your lips, “I can be at times,” usually he’d roll his eyes at an answer like yours, but this felt different.
“You never answered my question,” he said, and you hummed in response, “Why are you alone?”
“You were the first person to ask to sit,” you replied, finally turning to face him, “I think the better question is why did you?”
Up this close Halfdan could see the flames reflected in your eyes despite the fire being so far away. he could feel its warmth as if it was sat next to him, “I suppose I just wanted to meet you,” he said, his head becoming hazy.
“Are you well? you look like you may faint,” you said, brow knotting in concern.
“I don’t know,” he muttered, “It is very warm is it not?” he said, pulling at his shirt to fan himself.
He only stopped when you stood up, “Come with me. I know where you can cool down,” you said, and he did not need to be told twice.
He followed you down the hill the bonfire was on down to the edge of the shore where you slowly walked along as the breeze from the water finally cooled him down, “I’m not sure what happened,” Halfdan said when he finally felt he could breathe again.
Your smile almost took it away though, “It’s alright. Many become overwhelmed by the end of the night. The fire can burn awfully hot,”
“What is the fire for? I know your celebrating Freyja but why?” he asked, pausing in his tracks when you laughed softly.
You stopped as well and turned to face him, “We do not only celebrate her. well, I do not at least,” you said, turning your gaze to the sea, “We celebrate love. Freyja is of course only one of the three we celebrate,”
“And the other two?”
“Well one is Sjöfn though some rumour she is just Frigg in disguise,”
“Why would a goddess need to disguise herself?” Halfdan asked, suddenly very interested in every word you had to say. “Is she not the goddess of marriage?”
“She is. as well as prophecy and motherhood however sadly, love does not always lie in the marriage. That’s where the third comes in. Lofn,”
“I recognise the name,” he said though he could not place from when.
You chuckled however, “Many do. Few know why. She is protecting the forbidden love. The true love. The love that cannot always be, but you will never lose. She is who I celebrate on nights like these,” you said as your eyes turned to gaze back at the fire.
Halfdan felt a flare grow in his chest, “Why is that? I cannot imagine a man loving you and letting you go no matter the reason,”
Your lips quirked into a smile as your eyes turned to him, “I am not in a forbidden love. Not yet at least. Though I do find the notion romantical,”
“Romantical. Mesmerizing. Enthralling. Whatever word you choose. The notion of a love so strong it breaks the rules,”
“You do not like to follow the rules?”
“I do not see why I would,” you said.
Halfdan found himself cracking a slight smirk, “I knew there was a reason I liked you,” he said before you decided it was finally time to head back to the fire. As you began to walk up the hill, he decided to ask another question, “Why the bonfire?”
“They say no matter how far you are from the flames you will feel them on your skin if you’re sat with your one love and if you feel a chill stood beside it then it is not meant to be,”
“Is that why there are so many girls sat around it?” he snorted when he noticed just how close to the flames some of them sat. you however chose not to respond to that, and it was enough to make him swallow hard. “Do you believe in it?”
“I do,”
“Because I know it’s true,”
“I just do,” you said with a small smile as you arrived back to your original seat, “Your brother is looking for you,” you said, nodding over at the dark-haired man motioning to Halfdan to come over. “I’ll wait here,”
Halfdan sighed, “I’ll only be a moment,” he said as he stalked over to his brother.
“I was wondering where you went,” Harald said as he held out a drink to his brother, “Another?”
“I went on a walk,” he said as he took the cup.
Harald made a face however, “By yourself?”
Halfdan rolled his eyes, “No with…” he said, turning to point to you only to realise the space you once stood was empty, “She was right there,” he muttered before telling Harald your name.
Harald just shook his head, “You weren’t with anyone brother. I saw you walk up the hill yourself,”
“That’s impossible,” he muttered as his eyes scanned the crowd.
His attention was only drawn back when he heard Harald shiver, “You’d think that fire would feel warmer,” he said making Halfdan’s eyes widen.
His eyes turned to the bonfire, staring into the flames. He saw you through them like before but this time he did not see you on the other side. Perhaps he’d drank too much Harald suggested when he assured him no one had been sitting on that fallen tree. However, when Halfdan saw the tree standing unbent and unwavering the next day he knew he had met you. he just had not realised you were a god. A god who he could never love. It was all so romantical he thought.
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thorraborinn · 5 months
Hi there! I was wondering, would you know where I could find anything on like, social taboos involving marriage? I wanted to know if there's anything in the sagas or maybe in archaeology/anthropology that touches on forbidden unions. I know the goddess Lofn is cited as one who grants permission to such people to be together, but I wanted to know if we have anything on what these forbidden unions could look like? Off the top of my head, I imagine feuding families to be a good start, but I can't find much else on the subject. Thank you!
Marriages in Old Norse society were arranged by families (usually between the prospective husband and the father or other male relative of the prospective bride), and more for political and economic reasons than for personal ones. Some people were married specifically because their families were feuding, to bring the feud to an end (often the people involved wanted out but failure to retaliate could have consequences; uniting the families could end the feud in a way that saved face. In Old English a woman who is married into an enemy family for this reason is called freoðu-webbe, 'frith weaver'). Frands Herschend went as far as proposing to see women in Iron Age Scandinavia generally as hostages (in the sense that Freyr and Njörðr are hostages in Ynglinga saga). If the sagas are relatively accurate there does seem to have been an understanding that the family should be arranging things such that the woman is happy with the result, but they weren't legally obligated to.
In this kind of situation, a marriage that's forbidden would be basically any that either side of the family, especially the woman's closest male relatives, opposes. The reasons were probably diverse and personal, and not generally based on widespread taboos. Most of it probably had to do with money and social hierarchy.
Feuding certainly played a role here, or rather we should say relations based in reciprocity, whether positive or negative, did. As I said, marriages were sometimes arranged specifically to bring hostile families into a single family and end the conflict, but if one side thought they had the upper hand and stood to gain by continuing the hostilities then they would surely not permit such a marriage. Marriages might also be arranged out of obligation to more powerful people.
In fact, it might be possible to frame any actual social or legal prohibitions on marriage that did exist as protections for the woman from being married off to someone she didn't want, rather than restrictions on her freedom, because she hardly had any. We can surely consider divorce in a similar way, which was permitted in certain circumstances.
The main restriction that we do have evidence for is marrying someone who is too close a relation. There were probably situations where the financially or politically advantageous thing to do is to get two close cousins married to each other and it may have actually happened, but it's illegal in the laws we have a record of. This may have been less regulated in heathen times.
Of course, there could have been culturally-assumed restrictions that weren't formally prohibited in the law. There's speculation that, while a Nordic man marrying a non-Norse woman was not uncommon, happening the other way around was not generally permitted. This is supposedly reflected in the mythology, where the male gods marry jötunn women but the goddesses do not marry jötunn men. However, there is archaeological evidence from the Vendel period that contradicts this (the book I'm getting this from is over 20 years old, so by now there could be contradictory evidence from the Viking age too, but I'm not sure), so if there was ever such an ethnic taboo it must have either not been universal, or developed later. I'll also remind that there is a contradiction in the mythology as well; Gefjun isn't described as marrying a jötunn but she does have kids with one, which scholars do typically count as a violation of an ethnic taboo, sometimes as grounds to reject the myth itself as "impossible" (Lindow's description).
A lot of this may have varied by class. We mostly know about the land-owning class. It's hard to say whether poorer people would have even less freedom over whom they married because of their dependence on land-owners, or if they had more freedom because there was less social and financial stake in it. It seems likely that their marriages weren't as regulated, but their ability to actually move from place to place was the major limiting factor.
I'm not aware of any sources for it, but I have no trouble believing that illegal or otherwise unsanctioned marriage happened. The thing that kept people in line was inheritance. So if people were in a position where they could turn down their inheritance (whether because they had another source of resources or because their families were so poor their inheritance was negligible anyway), and could have a place to live, they could probably just do what they wanted.
So I think for the most part, if we were to picture Lofn's intercession as historical events, we might picture the site of those intercessions as kind of distant from the actual marriage, like opening opportunities to get by while forgoing one's inheritance, or unexpected changes elsewhere in the social network. Or a simpler example would be a woman successfully convincing her father, brother, or other male representative to let her do what she wanted.
This is a little out of step with Snorri's etymological explanation of Lofn's name as related to 'permission' but as I explained here I think the actual etymological meaning of her name was 'hope'.
Of course a lot of heathens read Lofn's description in the Edda as affirming of marriages that deviate from gender and sexual norms, which the text does in fact leave room for but probably isn't what Snorri had in mind. There's a lot of room for speculation about how this may have been relevant in pre-Christian times but it would be difficult to move it beyond speculation.
Unfortunately quite a lot of this is already pretty speculative, because of how much later our sources concerning marriage are than the time when Lofn may have actually been recognized. Frankly, the same applies to our sources for Lofn, and the time when she may have been recognized. If I'm right about the etymology of her name then I think it's at least a partial vindication of Snorri but that does not necessarily mean that his description of her is entirely reliable.
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spunky-89 · 3 days
Meet Luna'leivel...
Introducing my new oc that was created because @dark-and-kawaii made Lofn and Zevlor's kid, and he's unfairly attractive and a sweet cinnamon roll, thus this character idea was planted. I wanted to formally introduce her before I start posting blurbs and headcanons about her and Zavrik. I'll probably do some kind of character info sheet at some point soon, but for now, have this lil intro blurb
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Born to a human father and half-elven mother, Luna'leivel being a tiefling child was a shock and a disgrace, especially for a mage of such renown as Iliae'vel Bargou. Iliae'vel and her husband were baffled by this turn of events and wanted to be rid of the 'hellspawn' of a child they'd been burdened with. Ever the creative mind, rather than dispose of the child, Iliae'vel crafted a plan. She had been researching pulling power from alternative sources such as celestial bodies (the sun, moon, stars, etc.) and finding ways to amplify such magics. Rather than test it on herself, Iliae'vel decided to use this child as her test subject. This way she could control all aspects of the child's life and leave no room for error.
As a young adult, Luna'leivel knew nothing besides her room and her mother's study. She spent many of her days reading and playing music, albeit extremely quiet as to not disturb her mother. However, Lulu spent most days being poked, prodded, cut open, and innumerable other horrid physical and mental distress in the name of research. Until luck, or maybe even fate, set her right in the path of Zavrik Cormyr Thay.
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grimnirs-child · 1 year
Next installment of my Handmaidens Project is up on my Wordpress! This time it is all about Lofen & Siofen, my Old English interpretations of Lofn & Sjöfn, Goddesses of love and especially forbidden love.
I go into Their attestations in the Eddas, some of my personal UPG & epithets for Them, and what They have to teach us this Pride month about altruism, compassion, and the sanctity of queer love.
Hail Lofen! Hail Siofen! And Hail the mighty Queer, Trans and Intersex Ancestors!
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sigyn-foxyposts · 4 months
⧼Random Norse mythology ship head cannons: Frigg x Fulla⧽
Back with another ship to add into the series, that I believe some of you have actually heard about! Oh Frigg and Fulla, my tragic little lesbians.. You deserved better. Maybe in another life time 😔
Feel free to use these for your own ideas, I'm simply making this series to show support to random ships we create, basing things off on what we in sources of finds and yes! I'm gladly feeding into them all. ✨
༻𓊈Head cannons 𓊉༺
How did they met?
Fulla was one of Frigg's handmaidens, like many other Ásynjur goddesses, but she held a special role in personally attending to Frigg’s needs. Fulla kept Frigg entertained with engaging conversations, assisted her in managing daily tasks, and took care of her footwear. Their relationship grew more intimate when Frigg, feeling neglected by Odin and hurt by his infidelities, sought solace in Fulla.
This comfort soon blossomed into a romantic relationship. Frigg finding reassurance in knowing that Fulla genuinely cared for her when her husband did not. Meanwhile, the devoted and loyal Fulla, deeply enamored with Frigg, considered herself fortunate to serve and love her lady without hesitation or complaint.
Their dynamic!
They might have a big difference in power dynamic but Frigg never takes advantage of her status, especially not against Fulla. If anything she makes sure Fulla, despite being a servant gets the same treatment as her!
While both Frigg and Fulla love to chat and gossip. Fulla finds herself to be the one listening most of the time.
Fulla from the very start was always so smittend by Frigg's beauty and grace.
Every night Fulla found herself treassuring everything they shared together, excited to see her again.
Sadly when their relationship became romantic, they had to keep it a secret from most of the aesir.
That way Odin wouldn't find out about it and unleash his wrath upon the two.
The two ladies would only be open about their relationship with certain people like: Gná, Hlín, Lofn, Sjofn, Baldr, Nanna, Hodr and Hermod.
The wodden box Fulla holds is very symbolic, containing not only the truth about their relationship but all of Frigg's most precious secrets.
Fulla takes her role as not only Frigg's handmaiden but as the protector of Frigg's secrets very seriously. She would rather die where she stands then tell.
Fulla wears a golden band around her free hair, it being a gift from Frigg. (Gylfaginning Chap.35 reference)
To others it symbolic of Fulla being a virgin, a lady in waiting but little do they know the real meaning behind it.
It's a way to keep Fulla out of harms way and from prying eyes of men. That way, Frigg can protect that she holds dearest! It being almost a similar case to Baldr.
The very few times when Frigg could travel, she brought Fulla with her. Unable to stay away from her even when she had free time to do as she pleased.
On more than one occasion they had to say they were "found sisters" because of how close and affectate they were.
The two women also practiced seidr together, it turning into a intimate ritual between them whenever they were alone. (Second merseburg incantation)
Baldr might have been the favorite son of Odin, but it Fulla who had delivered and together with Frigg, had raised her sons when they were young children!
Because Odin was an absent father in the early days, always traveling. Frigg found herself struggling through motherhood alone without him!
But since Fulla lived in their hall, she was able to aid her lady in need, making their bond even more closer.
The woman was a passionate and caring step-mother, somehow made to manage three wild playful children.
She would also pay special attention to little Hodr, helping him navigate through the world and teaching him how to read runes with his fingers.
Fulla wouldn't dare call herself the mother to any of Frigg's children, in fear to disrespect Odin. But Hermod, Hodr and Baldr view things a little differently.
They absolutely adore Fulla, secretly seeing her as a second mother.
Even accepting her as a part of their family, not just because she helped take care for them but because she deserved their mother's love and affection.
When Baldr started having nightmares, both the ladies were worried sick, knowing through the prophecies Frigg had spoken about it could be time.
Fulla was the one to offer to comfort their family, while Frigg was out.
Once Frigg had lost not only one son, but two. Fulla felt protective over her lady more than ever, refusing to let anyone near them! Not even Odin.
They'd spent days just laying in Fulla's bed, trying to grieve in each other's arms. Frigg didn't even care what Odin thought, all she needed was Fulla.
But even in death Nanna and Baldr would not be forgotten as they gave gifts back to their family, even Fulla. (Gylfaginning chap. 49 reference)
The pet names Frigg gave Fulla are:
"Hirðmey" (court maiden) "Gullband" (golden band) "Fríðr" (beautiful)
While Fulla's pet names for Frigg is:
"Hjartkona" (heart-woman/wife) "Ástvinur" (beloved friend) "Min drottning" (my queen)
Random trivia on the ship!
Their ship name is Frulla!
Frigg is a dominant switch, while Fulla is a power bottom. They're both gentle and soft lovers.. Very wholesome!
I always imagined Frigg being bisexual, because I truly do believe she loved Odin until he cheated. Fulla is obviously painted to be a lesbian in my opinion.
They give off ''forbidden lovers'' vibes!
Songs that remind me of them!
"They're singing about how they'll keep their secrets until the end of days and they don't appreciate people who snitch! Dangerous duo I must say~"
"Frigg singing about how much she wants to be with her dear "friend" Fulla, but she's too scared to make it too obvious that she likes the goddess back."
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ryebread-x · 4 months
Frigg’s Handmaidens Pt 1/4
Pt 2
Pt 3
Pt 4
I decided I’ll be splitting up my interpretations for Frigg’s handmaiden up into 4 post(three designs per post) + some head-canons I have for each of the goddesses.
Brief mythology lesson: The 12 handmaidens of Frigg are minor Asynjur (goddesses) in Norse mythology. Sometimes there are only 11 but I’m including Saga in this series. There was some info so I based my headcanons and designs off the info I was able to find plus just some my own personal/universal fan headcanons as well. This post will contain my interpretations of Sjofn , Gefjon, and Lofn.
General headcanons :
-Sjofn,Gefjon,and Lofn are all sisters and daughters of Freyja(since they all goddesses of forms of love/relationships) and the sons of Ivaldi
-This makes all three of them actually Vanir
-That being said they are also the nieces of Sigyn and Idunn
-Sjofn is the eldest, Gefjon is the middle child, and Lofn is the youngest
-They also have two younger half sisters Hnoss and Gersemi
Sjofn (Godess of Romance, Affection and Love)
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General info: Sjofn is like a Norse Cupid she pushes people to meet and fall in love. Eventually joining them in marriage. She one Frigga’s handmaidens in Gylfaginning and is described as being the one who “directs people’s mind to love both men and women”
Personal headcanons:
-Sjofn main color is dark blue since in some cases it can be associated with love
-I made her look the most like Freyja since thier both associated with Love
-I also headcanon Sjofn as asexual-panromantic since she more associated with the idea of Romantic relationships then sexual ones and probably would have no preference when it comes to a romantic relationship
-Sjofn has had a few romances but she doesn’t disclose much information about them to others
-Sjofn is deeply protective of those she cares about especially her sisters,family,and Frigg and Fulla
-She was the second handmaiden to find out about Frigg’s and Fulla relationship
Gefjon (Goddess of Unmarried Women)
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General info: Gefjon or Gefjun is associated with being a virgin goddess and those who die virgins become her handmaidens. One common myth she is in is from both Gylfaginning and Heimskringla . The myth goes that she disguised herself as a wanderer and gifted King Gylfi some oxen which were actually her sons she had with a giant. Which ended plowing the land so deep it became the Lake Malaren (also known as Logrinn). In Heimskringla she is also said to have married one of Odin’s sons, Skjold. In Snorri, she is accused of being the one the slept with all the gods instead of Freyja. She popularized in both Denmark and Sweden.
-My interpretation of Gefjon is based off a traditional groom and she wears many wedding rings on her fingers
-The rings being symbolic of the relationship she has with her handmaidens
-I headcanon her as Sapphic and Polyamorous since while she has had relationships with men she’s mainly attracted to women and is in a relationship with several of her handmaidens
-Gefjon visit her oxen sons sometimes and does care for them despite the fact she gave them away
-Gefjon is close friends with Loki and Skjold
-Gefjon doesn’t really get along with her mother or her sisters expect Lofn
Lofn(Goddess of Forrbidden Love)
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General information: Lofn is the goddess of Forbidden Love. According to Snorri her kenning are “the comforter” and “loving”. Lofn is credited as the arranger of marriages even if they are forbidden. She often described as a gentler goddess.
-Lofn looks the least like her mother and sisters
-She’s loosely based off a squirrel
-Her color palette is pink since she is a love associated goddess but her pupil is a broken heart due to her being the goddess of Forbidden Love
-Lofn powers allow her to detect forbidden love and she was the first to find out about Fulla and Frigg’s relationship.
-Lofn is more the quieter one of the goddesses and doesn’t speak much
-She comforts those whose relationships have failed or ended in tragedy
-I headcanon Lofn as being Bi-Demiromantic mainly after seeing so many relationships that are forbidden end in possible tragedy she not ready to rush into a relationship just yet till she become close with someone and feels as if she can form a relationship with them romantically
-Lofn is closest with her Aunt Idunn and her sister Sjofn
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perotovar · 2 months
Hi lovely! Are spots still open for your fic challenge? It’s such a fun and different idea, I’d love to participate if any spots are left - particularly interested in Dave York or Marcus Moreno. Thanks! 🖤🖤🖤
hi, honey!! thank you so much for taking part! i'm sure you'll do our lovely marcus/frigg justice.
there isn't a lot we know about frigg, but i really like her!
Odin’s wife, mother of Baldr, and the goddess of domestic life and maternal energy. Has 12 handmaidens; Fulla, Saga, Eir, Gefjun, Sjofn, Lofn, Syn, Hlin, Vor/Var, Snotra, and Gna.
Chariot is pulled by rams.
Domesticity, marriage, motherhood, but also extremely wise. Said to “know the fates of all beings, but says nothing”. Says/uses that information when it’s needed, and sometimes even knows more than Odin does. Stern, tough love. “The more gentle version of Odin”. Wants to help you help yourself.
Herons, rams, fiber arts (spinning, weaving, etc) and is said to have "weaved the clouds". Cleaning, cooking (especially baking) are things I associate with Frigg. High standards but supportive and helpful. Very protective of children.
Offerings: Lamb/sheep meat, mead, fruit wine, ram iconography, heron imagery, keys, fruits, and cups.
your moodboard:
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princehatterene · 9 months
(patiently waiting for deltarune ch. 3 to come out so i can infodump more about my oc)
my deltarune oc is named lofinn, after the norse goddess lofn, who was the goddess of (forbidden) marriages! as such, they're the dark world's matchmaker! they have an admittedly pretty arbitrary personality system that they use to match people together, modeled after card suits. they need some work with their matches, especially considering they were the one who set king and queen up together and uh. that didn't work out too good.
they're also seam's adoptive child!
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esserisupremi · 1 year
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Although her gatherings don't compare to any of the goddesses, Elena still knows how to throw something that will bring all of her loved ones together. It's always all about food and laughter . All of her gatherings usually last into the morning. Especially if Freyja , Sjofn and Lofn are there all at once. By the time it's over there is never anyone not asleep in her backyard or livingroom couch or floor.
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blairsanne · 2 years
for the writer's ask post
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
I think if I had loads of time, I'd probably rework what's posted of GOS because I think my writing has improved a lot already since those chapters and I have so much more fic half-written that if I complete and post it, I'm worried the writing style will be noticeably different when people read through it in order, or the older stuff might turn off people because it's 'worse'.... but for now that's not where I want to put my limited time.
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Lofn ended up being a lot better received than I expected initially, which led to me super expanding it from 4 planned parts to what's now 23 in the WIP (15 are posted).
💋when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
Yeah, I love hearing back from the writer! Especially if I have questions or speculations they can expand on or even tease about haha. I love to know any background hc info or anything about people's process, etc. It's one of the best parts of reading fanfics.
Thank you so much for the ask! ♥
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dark-and-kawaii · 19 days
"Your Grace, he cannot be in charge of the dragons!" Korgus bellowed from the other side of the table.
"My dragons, Korgus. You'd do well to remember that," Lofn coldly reminded him.
Zevlor heaved an inward sigh. His lover had been determined to officialize his stay in Thay, much to his dismay. He knew the resistance Korgus showed was not isolated. Many in Thaian nobility must share his hostility toward him. And with Lofn currently having their very first child, Zevlor naturally couldn't help but worry all this could impact her pregnancy. Of course, Lofn had been too stubborn to give up.
"My dragons are difficult to approach, you all know that. But they trust Zevlor. They see him like they see me. But again, dragons are often more sensible than people..."
"Your mother the Queen may not share your opinion," one of her advisors said. "Devilspawns should not given this much power."
Lofn banged her first on the table, making everyone silent.
"Say this word again anywhere in Thay, dear sir," she snarled, "and I'll have you stripped of you titles. Am I clear? Zevlor is my consort and the father of my unborn child and you will treat him with due respect. If any of you–"
Zevlor gently put his hand on her shoulder, silently asking her to calm down lest she upset herself, the baby or the dragons. Sure enough, Vyrmoth's cry resonated in the horizon and wings could be heard above the castle.
"Let's not get everyone barbecued over such a trivial matter, yes?" he whispered to Lofn.
She chuckled, shooting him an amused glance, and dismissed her council.
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Beside Zevlor and Lofn stood Riznof, her mother's trusted guard, his face creased in a warm smile. His dear princess reminded him just of her mother, strong willed and refusing to not be heard… He chuckled at remembering Lynnania at her age.
“Ah, Princess Lofn,” Riznof boomed, clapping Zevlor on the shoulder, “You've brought a fine soldier back with you!” He looked around, eyeing down each council member before they dismissed themselves- especially Korgus, “we’d do well to remember that the old blood of Thorion runs in her veins, the great king that made and shaped this place into what it is today…” His eyes narrowed, the scar on his eye glinting in the light, “lest your bloodline be forgotten in fire.”
Lofn smiled, and bowed her head in a silent thank you. The man had served her family for centuries, and she knew there was no better ally, or friend, she could ask for. As she cradled her swollen belly, she watched as Zevlor bowed slightly, thanking Riznof for his kind words. “I thank you, Ser Riznof. And I can assure you- I vow,” Zevlor’s eyes locked with Korgus’, whose lips curled down awaiting for what the tielfing had to say, “that I will defend your princess… Your Queen, and the child that will bear the legacy of Thorion to my dying breath. Thay is my home now, and I will show my gratitude by being its shield.”
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Whaaa~ .·°՞(¯□¯)՞°·.!!!!! This is so wonderful and I can’t tell you how many times I read this!!!! I can’t get over how spoiled you make me feel, my wonderful, my lovely, my sweet and delightful Jelly ♡ ♡ ♡!!! I’m going to add to this!!!!!
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cursedregality-a · 5 years
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etresroyaux-a · 4 years
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ooc: let lofn or elena adopt your motherless muses please and thank you. 
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asperitasnixe · 2 years
UPG - Lofn, the spark.
In spending time in the lovely company of lady Lofn, these are the things I've experienced and learned. Of course, keep in mind these are all pure UPG, as our attestations of her are very scarse. Still, we have amazing Ásynjur in the Norse pantheon, who unfortunately we know very little about, and thus need to rely on modern hands-on experiences. I hope to contribute to the conversation by sharing my personal experiences.
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Overview: Lofn is sparkly in nature, light-hearted, curious, hedonistic, and very fun-loving. She appears "fragile", but it's almost as if to induce a misleading judgment, as she's feisty and strong. Incredibly caring, sometimes to a fault. A force to be reckoned with when faced with bullying and segregation. She also feels innovative and forward-thinking, especially when it comes to flexibilizing overly conservative social constructs and promoting a way of living free of taboos.
Suggested Domain: Love (especially that which faces obstacles), healthy self-indulgence, fun, permission.
Colors: Deep royal blue, lilac, lavender, sky blue, pink.
Runes: Gebo, Laguz, Raidho, Algiz, Nauthiz.
Tarot: Page of Wands, The Fool, The Chariot.
Crystal: Rose quartz, carnelian, obsidian, malachite.
Other elements: April, cherries, cherry blossom, blueberries, lavender, waning moon, golden coin flipping over and over, keys, vines, jungle, shield, flame, butterflies, lily of the valley, water lily, drinking horn, Uranian or Neptunian energy.
Offerings: Water, hot cocoa, rice pudding, snacks, alcohol (mead), honey, emotional self-care, love letters or poems, incense.
Devotional Acts: Taking risks, standing up for marginalized people, defending LGBTQIA+ causes, sharing a laughter with someone, enjoying cheesy movies, listening to high energy music, expressing love for another, living your truest self, ridding yourself of guilt, defending someone you care about, establishing healthy connections, giving yourself permission to do what makes you happy.
Other Resources: ✶link 01 |✶ link 02 | Circle of Frith - Maire Durkan.
These were the result of meditation, blóts, tarot readings and rune readings. Other resources lead to the UPG of Linda Demissy and Maire Durkan, who wrote books about the Handmaidens.
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kjatt · 2 years
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Kjat has joined the party(?)
Selection: “Very well.” (when alone) “If you insist.” (when in a party with Kudzu)
Job: Black Mage (DPS)
Weapon: [Black Branch] (upgradeable questline) - A long, darkwood staff marked by countless etchings, its shaft wrapped with old, worn cloth. A deep purple crystal medium is set into the top, and purple flowers sprout from the wood.
As the staff is upgraded throughout her questline, its appearance changes. The flowers are joined by thorns and long, black feathers near the top of the staff. The wood begins to firmly grasp and grow around the crystal, and its glow intensifies. It uses a modified model of Paikea.
AI Behavior
Kjat is a skillful, greedy glass cannon, eager to stand at the bleeding edge of a mechanic, stack marker, or area of effect attack to finish a cast - or several. Her relative fragility and lower HP pool makes her a high risk, high reward choice.
She will rely on Aetherial Manipulation and Between the Lines to navigate around the battlefield. For targets, she prioritizes the largest enemy attacking the tank. If there is a magic-user, she will harry them with spells instead.
Kjat operates on a gauge system that grants her a stacking damage buff with each successive cast as long as she maintains the buff or uses “charges” from her gauge, which has a maximum of three charges. Similar to a WoW Warlock’s Life Tap, she aggressively trades her health for mana. She takes advantage of this to remain within Astral Ice as briefly as possible. While she casts self-buffs only (with a few exceptions), she will take every opportunity to debuff the enemy with spells like Poison, Silence, or Blind.
When pressed, or when certain roster members are in the party, she will utilize minor healing abilities such as Cure - always with some degree of huff or agitated sigh.
Unique Actions & Abilities
Blooming Ward (Replaces Mana Ward): A wall of thorny, deep green vines with purple blooms erupts from the earth, guarding her from a set amount of damage. The vines are especially vulnerable to fire damage, and cause her to take double damage from the element. Can be used on other party members, and will most often (and often only)  be used on Kudzu, Tide Wraith, or Lofn. If used on any other party members, this will incur a heavy Poison debuff.
Bloodflowers (Replaces Leylines): The seals appear at her feet, as the normal spell, and a bright, violet light emanates from her hands and between her shoulders. Her fire and lightning spells take on a purple hue. 
Crawling, deep green vines root her stiffly in place for the duration and make her vulnerable to fire damage. As a result, she requires shields or additional healing, care with AOEs, and bringing stack markers to her to prevent a sudden death. Her damage increases substantially - at the cost of her health slowly ticking down.
She speaks in a tongue that is certainly not Eorzean or any other known language during the duration. She is distinctly dual-voiced. This grows more noticeable if the player has completed her questline. She will combine this with Black Lotus or Purple Lotus. Two charges.
Black Lotus: As with Leylines or Purple Lotus, she is distinctly dual-voiced. When consumed, this phial causes a temporary Stun debuff that lasts for three seconds. Increases spell speed and doubles the potency of the next three spells at the cost of a five second Stun after the effect fades. 3 minute cooldown.
Purple Lotus: As with Leylines or Black Lotus, she is distinctly dual-voiced. When consumed, this phial causes a temporary Stun debuff that lasts for three seconds. Greatly increases spell speed at the cost of a Heavy debuff when the effect fades. 2 minute cooldown.
Waxing Moon: Replaces Triplecast. Three charges.
Waning Moon: Kjat sweeps her staff in an arc, unleashing a wave of purple flame that strangles the target or strikes at their heart or weakest point. This is an execute-style spell that attempts to kill an enemy at or below 10% health.
Umbral Trance (completed questline only): When cast, Kjat gains the effect of each of her buffs, further increasing her spell speed and casting potency. A shimmering, deep purple figure is just at the edge of her form, doubling each of her actions. Kjat is distinctly dual-voiced, and her gait and manner changes to one that is not her own. 1 minute duration. This can only be used once per instance. 
Limit Break 3 - Umbral Dream (Replaces Meteor): Similar to meteor in damage and effect. The field darkens, making the arena near-impossible to see, save for Kjat’s (and Sefka’s) eyes and the purple glow at the end of her staff. A distinct, sharp howl cuts through the gloom, and the spell range is violently engulfed in purple and black flames.
Battle Lines
Waning Moon: "You should have run."
Crit: [scoff] "I'll be going now."
[mocking laugh]
When Rescued: [snarled] “I had it.”
When Tide Wraith is at low health: “Really, Zeika?”
When Kudzu is at low health: “Don’t take unnecessary risks!”
Low Health: “Ah, this could be better…”
“It spins...again…”
“I didn’t think it would…” A single, bitter laugh. "Zeika…"
When Tide Wraith dies: “This will not be the end.”
When Lofn dies: “Forgive me.”
When she dies, or Sefka does: Something spoken fondly in Vieran. It may be a pet name or diminutive.
“So it will be, then.”
[frustrated sigh]
When revived, her Weakness debuff will be half of the normal duration. On her second death, the length of the debuff’s duration halves again. On her third death, the debuff disappears. Another presence seems to take the reins when she is revived.
If Tide Wraith is in the party, she will bicker and insult her at every turn - but become distracted if she is critically wounded, falls unconscious, or dies. In idle moments, she will tend to her wounds and insult the healer if she remains below 50% HP for very long.
If Sefka is in the party, her damage increases by a considerable amount at the cost of maximum HP. If Sefka dies, Kjat receives a buff at the cost of half of her maximum HP. If Kjat dies after this point, she then falls with her and cannot be Raised.
During any party downtime, she will smoke or produce a small pair of pruning shears and inspect (or clip) nearby plants. There is an especially high chance of this occurring in any dungeon with poisonous flora like Aurum Vale. When Lofn is in the party, she will remark on nearby plants and discuss them with her. 
bb “Ugh, that stench…”
Saint Mocianne’s Arboretum and Saint Mocianne’s Arboretum (Hard): “It would be a shame to leave this to further rot…”
The Antitower, Great Gubal Library, Great Gubal Library (Hard): [removing a book from a shelf, with a smirk in her voice] “You don’t mind if I take this - do you?”
Kjat’s spells, damage, and effectiveness can be changed and increased through her staff. If the player completes a hidden side quest to retrieve the pieces of [REDACTED]’s staff, her potency increases. Her appearance also changes, and she gains a swathe of white at the right front side of her head, from her widow’s peak to her crown.
When the player has completed her questline, her Job changes to “Witch of the Deepwood.”
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