breakmuses · 5 years
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“I will never be like ordinary people. If I must be different, then let me keep that which sets me apart. As long as I can control this power, as it seems I now can, I have no objection to carrying this burden, for it shall be by my choice and not forced upon me by your magic, Eragon. Ha! From now on, I shall answer to no one and no thing. If I help anyone, it will be because I want to. If I serve the Varden, it will be because my conscience tells me I should and not because you ask me to, Nasuada, or because I’ll throw up if I don’t. I will do as I please, and woe unto those who oppose me, for I know all their fears and shall not hesitate to play upon them in order to fulfill my wishes.”
Name: Elva
Nicknames: Silverbrow
Chronological Age: 16
Physical Age: 25
Mental Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Orientation: Demisexual
Species: Human/Graceling
Grace/Power: Elva’s power is a type of prophetic mind reading, she can feel everything that people around has felt in the past, and even sense a bit into the future if she looks for it. If someone is going to be hurt however she can sense their future pain and tell what it is that causes it without trying to look.
Elva’s mother was the only sister of Darby; she was married 3 years before Leck became King to an Inn Keeper who she had met on some errands out of the Castle. When he learned that she was pregnant with her first child he feared for the safety of the child’s life; knowing the danger that it would be in if she had a girl because of the kinds of things Leck did and managed to sneak her onto a ship. The ship however got caught in a storm out to sea, ending up in a land called Surda where her Mother met a women named Greta who was visiting the country on a trip from the Varden which was a Resistance group. Greta took Larina in immediately because of the fact that she had no family and the fact that King Orrin wasn’t to keen on having a strange Women who had washed up on the shore in the wreckage of a boat and had mismatched Sea Green and Ocean Blue eyes staying in his city. Her Mother in fact being a Graceling who was graced with being able to navigate and survive in the water longer then most anyone.
She made it back to the Varden where she was accepted into their fold; and gave birth to her daughter not 2 weeks after arriving only to die few days after; the strain on her body from the trip at Sea having been very bad; and then combined with the Trek back to the Varden’s Base of Operations–it’s likely that if she had not been Pregnant she wouldn’t have been able to hold on for as long as she did. Soon after that their was an attack on the Varden; and during the celebration of being victorious after wards was when the magic was put on her that corrupted her Grace; though it was far from an intentional thing-this is also when she received the star mark on her forehead. The magic caused her to grow and learn at an accelerated rate so that she would be able to help people with her ‘gift’; and within a few months she had grown to 6-7 years of age-though that was just a guess to her Physical age since you couldn’t really be sure.
From then on till the end of the war she worked as a body Guard to the leader of the resistance Nasuada; though she really doesn’t like to talk of the time she spent helping with the war because it was something she didn’t want to do-and she was able to feel the pain of everyone injured in any of the fights. Wither they were friend or foe. After the War in Alagaësia was over though she moved on; leaving with a Angela–having sought Greta out and offered for her to come with them after asking Angela if it was alright. Greta did come with them; however about 3 years after they left Greta fell ill; during this time they had been staying with the New Order of Riders, Elva having been chosen by a purple colored dragon who she named Esterní-meaning Good Fortune in the Ancient Language. When Greta came closer to death Nasuada sent word and said that they could come to say goodbye without fear of her trying to detain them and so her, Angela and Esterní flew back to Alagaësia.
Hours before her death Greta told Elva about her mother; and how she came from a land with 7 Kingdoms and an Evil King who clouded the minds of his subjects. She told her about her mother’s green and blue eyes; telling her that it was no wonder that her light blue eyes had turned to two different shades of Purple when she’s begun to grow faster. After Greta passed she asked Angela for help in finding the pace that Greta had talked off; but their was really no need to look. Angela had been to the land before; and had suspected for some time that Elva might have ancestors from their because of her mismatched dark purple left eye and bright-Amethyst like right eye. She suggested to the girl however that she return to the New Rider Order and compete her training before she left. And so she did gaining a sword that she named Raudhr, meaning misfortune, once she graduated to a full fledged Dragon Rider. After this she and Angela left, the Herbalist only accompanying her to show the young Dragon Riding Graceling how to get there.
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ofbrightscales · 8 years
I am going to be dropping all threads and rebooting this blog, so like for a starter!
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cookyvampiricancestor · 10 years
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              piss me off,   and you shall see the MONSTER   deep inside of me.
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ofbrightscales · 9 years
|| O P E N |||
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“This form may seem beautiful to you, but my original one is so much grander! Granted I would look beautiful in any form, but I miss my magnificent bright blue scales, my deathly teeth and  claws--My wings and my magnificent blue fire breath! Most of all I miss the blue in my vision though, if entirely honest. All of these different colors make my head hurt.”
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