#epileptic oc
needlefail · 6 months
Accidentally posted this a day late but March 26 is Epilepsy Awareness Day aka Purple Day 💟💟 Enjoy this little doodle of Kiri with his service dog who will never not be crushing his lap despite being nearly twice his weight
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It’s important to spread awareness about epilepsy so even after March 26 be sure to continue educating yourself and others on it as well as supporting those who do have it!! I think some people really tend to underestimate how impactful it can be so reminder for the love of god tag flashing lights/colors for those who need it 😭
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imagine-creative · 10 months
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absence seizures come on fast and unexpectedly and cause a lasp of attention. Of few moments of time are lost. They are short, lasting only a few seconds, but in only a few seconds so many things can happen.
I myself do have absence seizures. It can be scary. If you have any questions I’ll be happy to answers :) just a little nugget of myself I gave to Lottie for some character and help me process my on going my health journey a little bit
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cripcrowfeather · 1 year
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Wanted to get in on the @mommyclan action! This is Hazydawn. She's autistic and epileptic, and too disabled to be a warrior, both because her seizures endanger her and because the more complex and physically demanding tasks of a warrior are impossible for her. She understands this, and has long since accepted it. She mostly likes to stay in camp. She can usually be found playing with the kits or in the medicine den for a check-up or getting a small wound disinfected. Sometimes she can be persuaded to walk around the territory, but she prefers to stick with what she knows. She's fascinated by the behavior of other cats and often sits around and just watches them.
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bonefall · 2 years
Herb Guide for Warrior Cats: Epilepsy
Requested by an Anon!
A guide to providing treatment to a Warrior Cat OC with epilepsy. Still requires a bit of a leap in logic as nothing can replace our friend phenobarbital, BUT, if you would like herbs and strategies for managing a Warrior’s epilepsy, this guide is for you.
I researched herbs historically used for epilepsy, chose plants growing wild in a ‘common’ clan biome (temperate Europe and North America), and removed things that a cat could not use. Because of the nature of epilepsy, I also delved into some other treatments and strategies your medics can use!
So, keep in mind, this guide is written for a Clan doctor treating an epileptic cat. NOT from the perspective of a patient who has it.
I would recommend doing extra research into first-hand accounts of what it’s like to live with epilepsy when creating your patient character.
Disclaimer Time! I tried to filter out as much ‘quackery’ as possible, but remember that I am not a vet nor do I have formal training in pharmacognacy. You are also not a vet. This is for fake battle cats. LOOK AT ME. YOU WILL NOT USE THIS ON YOURSELF OR A REAL ANIMAL.
Below the cut is:
What is epilepsy?
Non-herbal treatments
Managing the different types of seizures
Preventative herbs
What is epilepsy?
‘Epilepsy‘ is the broad term for dozens of different disorders, resulting in recurring epileptic seizures. A warrior could be born with it, develop it over time, or get it after recovering from brain injury (stroke, infection, head trauma, etc).
Epilepsy also varies wildly, and can be so mild it’s hard to detect, or so severe it could put the cat in too much danger to do warrior duties at all. For most cases, however, the warrior would still be able to do normal tasks* as long as they don’t hunt or patrol alone.
* = Head injury and stress from fighting can worsen epilepsy. Going on battle patrols is a risk the warrior must be made aware of.
So before anything else, your medic will want to identify what triggers the seizures, if anything. There isn’t always an identifiable trigger such as a flashing light/quickly moving object, but seizures can be made worse by stress, lack of sleep, or hunger. Taking note of the warrior’s state preceding a seizure would be extremely helpful for treatment.
Does Wheatwhisker seem to have more seizures when she’s doing certain activities? When she has one, did she sleep well the night before? What has she been eating lately? She may be able to feel it coming-- including sudden intense emotion, an oncoming headache, hot or cold sensations, so on.
Like dogs, cats can detect oncoming seizures. A good medicine cat would take note of all the behavior before its onset to reduce their frequency.
NON-herbal treatments
Once correlation and causes have been identified, the medicine cat should have some lifestyle changes to suggest.
For example, Wheatwhisker has more seizures when she is tired, so the medic prevents her from going on dawn patrol. They’re sometimes triggered by the fluttering of bird wings, so she’s been told to hunt small mammals instead.
A change in diet can also reduce the frequency of seizures. Fatty foods specifically, such as red meat, eggs, and large fish. Trout and carp would be the two easiest* things for a warrior to hunt on a regular basis-- though if the given Clan can’t catch those, it may be worth it to consider trade with another group.
* = If your warriors can cook with fire, fat drippings can be cooked back into the epileptic warrior’s meals. This would make the special diet much easier to prepare than always catching specific prey.
Managing the Different Types of Seizures
Generally there are three types of seizures- ones localized to a specific body part, ones that may seem like “daydreaming”, and ones that cause the well-known convulsions. Less severe seizures are more common.
Seizures do not usually cause pain on their own, except for fatigue in the muscle or headaches. Injury is sometimes caused by external forces, such as slamming against something during a convulsion, falls, tongue biting, or hitting sharp objects.
After any seizure, nausea or a headache may develop-- feverfew will soothe headaches, mallow or fennel will soothe stomachaches. Even if the Epileptic warrior does not take regular medication, the cannabis and valerian root mentioned in the ‘preventative herbs‘ section can be taken on occasion to help the warrior relax post-seizure.
One part of the body (leg, head) seizes or convulses. Can usually be self-managed by the warrior, loss of conscious is uncommon. Rest in a quiet area would be the best treatment afterwards. If the muscle fatigue is bad, kneading the limb will help.
The warrior will seem suddenly ‘absent,‘ like they’ve left their body, for typically less than 15 seconds. They may simply wobble and stare ahead (even pausing mid-sentence), or seem to ‘faint‘ and fall over, but in any case they will not remember the seizure. Prevent them from falling on something dangerous, if this seems likely.
In many cases the warrior will just be able to keep going about their day in a few minutes, or even immediately. If not, just like before, let them rest in a quiet area.
A panicked cat may make convulsions worse by fearfully running around as a seizure starts-- if a warrior MUST be prevented from doing this, it’s VERY important that they are not completely pinned or restrained. JUST kept laying down. Do NOT attempt to stop the convulsions themselves.
Such a circumstance will be extremely rare in a Warrior Cat setting, where the cats are capable of reasoning like a human. There may be a situation where an epileptic cat needs to be brought out of harm’s way-- that’s fine.
Clear the area of anything sharp or hard that the convulsing warrior could hurt themselves on, like stones, or brambles. Roll them onto their side, if they aren’t already. Lastly, cushion their head with something soft, like moss, if possible.
After the seizure is over, the warrior will probably be disoriented and confused. Don’t overwhelm them or offer food or water until they’re fully alert again. Once they do, they might have partial paralysis, nausea, muscle soreness, a bitten tongue, or any variety of symptoms. Just like before, bring them to a quiet area to rest.
If your warriors wear restrictive accessories, such as belts or collars, the medicine cat will remove or loosen them during a seizure if possible.
-what NOT to do
There’s some harmful ideas out there you may have encountered, so here’s some things to keep in mind your medics would NOT do to treat a cat having convulsions:
They would NOT pin them down (this even happened in the books once yikes) Why: This could cause injury to both the restrained, and the restrainer.
They would NOT put anything in their mouth Why: Could damage their teeth or jaw, it does not prevent them from biting their tongue. (also; while tongue biting is common, it is a total myth that an epileptic will choke on/swallow it)
They would NOT start firing out questions as soon as the seizure is over Why: The warrior will likely be disoriented, and not in a state to answer properly. Give them a minute.
Preventative Herbs
Once a seizure is happening, it will have to play out. Warrior cats do not have the medical capability to stop one once started. The anticonvulsant herbs here will help to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures... but they can’t eliminate them entirely.
Anticonvulsants will need to be taken on a regular basis. Stopping these suddenly will cause dangerous side effects; if the warrior’s epilepsy isn’t severe, or herbs are a scarcity for your Clan, it may not be the best choice to medicate them.
Common, and naturalized all over the world. In high doses, this herb will poison a cat. Careful preparation is required to make it safe for the epileptic warrior-- it needs to be steeped in water, like tea*. The leaves should not be eaten.
* = If your cats don’t have fire to brew tea, that’s fine, it can be soaked cold.
This herb also has a side effect of drowsiness. It may make the warrior lethargic and less responsive.
Cannabis is a golden herb for a thousand reasons, it can be made into rope, paper, cloth, oil... but, the thing of note here is CBD oil. Cannabis grows wild all over the world, but ESPECIALLY in North America-based Clans (where it’s called Ditchweed)
Ditchweed has high CBD content, and low THC content. This makes it safe for your warriors (and also prevents them from getting high). Your cats will NOT smoke it, which will damage their sensitive respiratory systems, they will eat it like a standard herb.
Because cannabis is a depressant, this treatment is best for warriors not involved in active tasks. Epileptic warriors that prefer calm, camp-related activities will use this herb. Den-building, tunnel digging, helping the medics, crafting if your Clan makes accessories, so on.
Valerian Root
Known as a sleep aid in humans, Valerian has VERY interesting effects on cats; this is the only Epilepsy treatment that can avoid lethargy entirely. However, in contrast to cannabis, valerian will mostly be found in Europe-based Clans.
(with both, however, it is possible to find each in the other continent.)
Valerian Root has catnip-like effects, perking a warrior up and often filling them with energy. There are some cats for whom this herb will act like cannabis, calming them down, but if there’s a choice, the Epileptic warriors who enjoy active tasks will prefer this herb. Hunting, fighting, patrolling, so on.
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artistryevie · 10 months
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Happy Epilepsy Awareness month! [2023]
Happy Epilepsy Awareness Month 2023!
For those who don't know what Epilepsy is, it's a chronic condition that affect people and their daily lives. It also affects the human brain by the disruption from the normal electrodes, can come in from pseudo Epilepsy (Which mimics the seizure from high amounts of stress, not recorded as Epilepsy activity in an EEG, but still causes it such as low blood sugar, anxiety, etc, rather than electrical brain activity.).
This chronic condition can come from development in childhood sometimes by head injuries, genetics, along with some other causes. Seizures are also deadly to humans and animals no matter what type they have, it is considered dangerous. (Complex partial, grandmal, absent, and drop seizures) are really deadly depending on the circumstances and the environment around them. It CAN also a disability to not only children, but in adults as well, since it affects daily life, needs to be monitored by peers, or in some cases forget or have cognitive delays.
I have Epilepsy which is complex partial on the left side of my brain that could also be generalized. I have both Epileptic and Non-Epileptic Seizures, and while the Epileptic ones are mostly under controlled, the Non-Epileptic seizures are more harder to control due to my anxiety, stress, depression, and emotions. I have mostly Absent seizures, and due to to the condition, have a little bit of some cognitive delays from childhood.
For Those out there who are struggling, they are not alone and there is others who have different experiences fighting their battles.
Speedpaint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMDfExbubo4
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hazbinhappy · 6 months
I PROMISE IM WRITING I have free time tomorrow 🥲
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patheticpretending · 7 months
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mintymayo · 7 months
my life is so cringe rn. i had like 4 seizures after starting lamotrigine for bipolar. which is also an anti seizure medicine. and is just straight not supposed to do that. it should not cause seizures. but i would have them right before i was supposed to take the lamotrigine, and correlated with dose changes/timing. but it was working so well i felt so good!! i didn't want to stop
so i went to the neurologist and he was like "u probs have an underlying seizure disorder. try taking it around the clock instead of just in the morning" and so i do that. and i have 2 more seizures.
and so i go back recently and showed him a video of me having one hes just like "yeah thats a really bad seizure. definitely not to be taken lightly. i have never seen anyone react like this to an anti seizure medicine before. we already did multiple eegs and other stuff, u gotta go to the epilipilogist" (specific epilepsy doc idk how to spell it). so i guess thats where im going next. all the way in may.
ill just stay on keppra. the worst medicine ever that makes me more depressed than when i started and destroys my appetite. while weaning off the medicine that made me feel really great and motivated. in my first semester of college where im already struggling with an accelerated class that has a final in literally 2 days.
this is so cringe tbh.
side note: ambulatory eegs are SO ASS they put glue on your fucking head in ur hair and then don't even remove it all and im STILL finding tiny glue pieces in my hair. it's been like 2 weeks dude stop.
side note 2: there's so much medical shit i hate doctors. my mom got permanently ill, lost her job, our house (main breadwinner) and has energy, confusion and speaking problems after taking something that will not be named for legal reasons. NOBODY believed her ever so she has just slowly recovered some over time (enough to work again and stuff) but without any help from doctors.
i can't even get a fucking root canal done correctly.
which is obvs nothing compared to that but still. i specifically say "hey, my mom had really deep really complicated roots. please make sure to be really thorough." and they were like "sure"! anyway i didn't get a crown put on immediately because i had a gut feeling they fucked it up. guess who can still feel in that tooth. it doesn't hurt much but still. i even told the dentist and he was like "well theres no pain. we classify this as a successful root canal :)" like dude.
AND THEN I've had so much shit going on w the seizures that i haven't been to the dentist and now the tooth about the root canal one is getting a cavity probably bc the sharp edges of the root canal tooth is right below it piercing it. luckily it doesn't hurt (no idea why) but like oh my godd
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do-kontsa · 2 years
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disintegore · 2 years
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chocopowda · 1 year
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pies-aka-psina · 2 years
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evan greetings you here
make yourself at home!
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autobot2001 · 5 months
Unexpected Turn of Events
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Fanfiction Fandom: Transformers Rating: T Warning: None Pairing: Drift X Jamie (OC) Description: Jamie has a bad anxiety attack that triggers a non-epileptic seizure.
@whumpril alt 7; eyes rolled back
Crosshairs and Drift are used to seeing Jamie deal with anxiety, but it’s been a while since she had an anxiety attack. She lies on the bed, hyperventilating. Crosshairs is worried about why Jamie is having an anxiety attack. Brushing aside he thought about his lack of helping Jamie compared to Drift. He worries about Drift’s difficulty getting Jamie to calm down. They worry about seeing Jamie’s eyes roll back before closing. They have witnessed this multiple times. This is the first time they’re seeing Jamie have a non-epileptic seizure. Drift is careful to move Jamie into the recovery position once the seizure ends. Crosshairs sees Jamie is tired. The two assure her she’s ok and can sleep. They know her lack of communication is normal for a while. They await Jamie’s actions or words. Crosshairs and Drift know they shouldn’t make her do anything. After a few minutes, Jamie moves to lay her head on the pillow. Drift covers her with a blanket and kisses her. The two mechs watch her fall asleep. They worry about what was on her mind to cause an anxiety attack bad enough to trigger a non-epileptic seizure.
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aquaticjazstar · 1 year
Epilepsy warning?
Dusty is annoying.
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reindrops927 · 2 years
Check out this article explaining what happens in your brain during a seizure. It simplifies it pretty well.
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1-ker0sene-1 · 7 months
i’m the era of disabled!reader, would you write something for reader who has epilepsy? 🥺 can’t find any fics in my chosen fandom with epileptic reader (or oc) and it makes me sad 🥺
{I hope you don't mind me pairing with Simon on this one ♥️ I hope you enjoy! And please if I get anything wrong lemme know! I'm more than willing to come back and edit!}
CW: improper seizure safety (not by you or Simon), epilepsy seizure description
In full honesty, Simon didn't know if he could do it in the beginning of your relationship. He didn't think he could handle your seizures.. Of course now- having been properly educated about it. He would absolutely scold himself for thinking that, you just need a little bit of help sometimes. You aren't a damn charity case and he hates when people treat you like it. You deserve to be comfortable and safe, not pitied and prodded at. Not only is he your partner and best friend, Simon has become your biggest advocate. Of support for your condition, but also your independence.
One of the first things you both sat down and talked about when getting serious, was seizure safety. Simon needed to know how to help, at least as much as he possibly could without hurting you. He also learned throughout this, that not all seizures are the same. Sometimes you're just.. Absent, with a flutter of your eyes or a quiet mumble as your gaze flickers to nowhere. You just seem lost for a couple minutes. Other times it's the seizures everyone thinks of, where you stiffen, twitch and seize, sometimes even falling to the floor. How can he help? He's a little stressed when learning that there's not much he can do but carefully maneuver you into a recovery position, put something under your head, and just be there for you.
Simon won't ever forget your scariest seizure, you two were just shopping. Simple. He left your side for forty-eight seconds. Exactly forty-eight, he remembers. He just went to grab something you forgot in a different aisle. Picking up a box of chicken stock for dinner, he hears the slam of your body hitting the floor. He remembers the feeling of his stomach twisting into knots, dropping the container and making a run back to your aisle when he hears someone call out.
It's not you calling, you're far into the seizing, a citizen found you before Simon did. Now it's not the bastards fault, this stranger didn't know how to help you, so in the panic the man was holding your shoulders down trying to still you. Simons hackles raise, words ripped from the masked mans throat instantly.
"Off her- NOW."
Simon didn't think, he just moved, his big meaty hand grabbed the man by the back of the neck and threw him away from you. He's honestly been nicer to enemy soldiers. He didn't even spare the stranger another glance, falling hard to his knees next to you.
" 'm right here baby.. Right here.."
He rips the balaclava off his head, definitely taking a tuff of hair from his scalp. Not that he would notice right now. Simon carefully lifted your head just to slip it under, the softer fabric better than the hard floor. Stroking your hair away from your face, he doesn't hold you down- but his hands are close to you, resting featherlight on your cheek.
"You're safe doll.. I'm right here.. it'll pass."
He murmurs to you, unsure if you're hearing, but either way he keeps talking you through. Now, his arms gently hook under your leg, being as gentle as he can- his hands position you to your recovery position and on your side. Fishing out his phone quickly, he's already got the timer going. Less than five minutes. Please be less than five minutes.
"I have you sweetheart.."
Simon is right by you, watching your every movement closely. He's shoved away any items, just you and him on the floor.
"Should we call an ambulance?"
A stranger asks, Simon shakes his head. Never taking his eyes off you. You just had to go through it. If it's not a long one you should recover alright.
"I have her. Just stay back and move on-"
He snaps, he's stressed, he knows they're just concerned but he doesn't want anyone fucking with you right now. Simons eyes light up as the seizing calms, under two minutes, you're coming back to him. He finally lets out the massive breath he's been holding in. His thumb caresses your cheek.
"You're alright.. there you are.. you're okay."
Simon curls himself closer to you, stroking your cheek as your eyes slowly start adjusting back. You're foggy, confused, he's holding you a little closer and whispering softly.
"it's Simon, love.. Your Simons right here. You're right here.. we're in the store baby."
Now that you were coming back from it, Simon slips himself behind you as he moves you to lay against his chest. It's a while before you're able to be moved, waiting until you're fully alert again, he's taking it slow carrying you back to the car and getting you home. The rest of the week is spent easing you through the recovery. Low lights, he knows your head is aching. Lots. Absolutely lots of sweet talking. His strong girl.. he calls you. Making sure you take your meds on time and get plenty of rest.
"I'm sorry Si.. I didn't mean to scare you.."
You mumble, in bed together. Simon is sat up against the headboard, holding you close on his lap. His hand strokes locks of your hair, shaking his head sternly.
"Don't be apologizin' for anything. Didn't do a damn thing wrong-"
His hand slips to hold your chin, making you lock eyes with him.
"Hear me? Nothin'. I got you.. I'll always have my girl."
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