lnkedmyheart · 1 year
Chuuya be like- Imma rip Dazi to shreds!!!
Also Chuuya when Dazai gets hurt- DAZAAAAAI!!!!?!! *worried mom mode activated.
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Mechanised Sweeping of the Roads
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maxellminidisc · 1 year
My thing is, you could probably find a lot of negative commonalities in most religion, but I think a lot of white Christians, be they formerly or not, need to idk give a modicum of thought as to how certain religions/religious practices are tied to ethnicity and even race and how your need to dominate the conversation as a white former christian turned atheist or even agnostic or as a white person raised in a predominantly christian influenced environemt/society from the outside looking in can lead to some pretty shit places for the conversation. I think when you butt in as the authority and are trying to cement it all as one big general goop of you're own firmly atheistic perspective, you're losing nuance thats important.
Which is why, I personally would rather hear grievance about say, Islam or Judaism given they're always the main two religions white atheists love to pick at, from people who had to live within the systems of these religions and its intricate ties their ethnic culture because there are levels to this conversation that a lot of people who've never had to deal with say persecution and targeting based on your religion, ethnicity, and race all in the same breathe can understand. They know and live within these systems influenced by said religions so the breakdown is far more informed than it ever will be for someone outside of them. Hell, even within Christian practices, white atheist dont give a single modicum of thought let alone respect to the incredibly complex nature of Christianity, for say, Black americans or other predominant cultures of color where Christianity was used as a tool of colonization, imperialism, and enslavement even. Because like it or not, when white atheists and shit try to lead the convo on this 9/10 you get other white people turning straight to racism, antisemitism, and or islamophobia. It becomes an excuse rather than a conversation....
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I'm obsessed with the cryptid Seekers AU
Consider this; every other Cybertronians that are not flightframes give birth to their offspring. Flightframes lays eggs with a metallic shell similar to an ostrich egg. But metal.
Seekers, however, dear Primus. Their cryptidness starts even before they were born. Seekers' laid eggs in a dark room, the eggs doesn't have a hard shell, but instead sticks to the wall like the Bayverse hatchlings.
Jazz found the rooms where the eggs are and Soundwave teleports behind him, pull him out, close the doors and looks at the saboteur straight in the optics and tells him to go home.
They might be enemies, but Soundwave isn't letting Jazz sees the horror of Seekerlings hatching. Soundwave had seen it once, he is not letting anyone go through that. Autobot or Decepticon.
Their hatchlings come out slippery and slimy and there's always the risk of being traumatized by an egg sac exploding early. The eggs are very sensitive to changes in the environemt; a stranger wandering into the nesting grounds can cause such undue stress the sparkling's sac may rupture prematurely and soak the intruder in horrible developmental fluid.
Whether or not the sparkling survives probably depends on what stage of development we're in. If we wanted to go full body horror we could say, in the event of a rupture in stage 4 or 5 of development, the seekerling will attack the intruder with the intent to use their body as an emergency incubation chamber. Maybe the sac's contents have a paralyzing agent, so the sparkling has a fighting chance. Maybe they go full Alien and climb into the intruder's mouth and take up root in their primary fuel tank to leech nutrients and continue development. It leads to fussy seeker parents chasing down random intruders and demanding their baby back
Regardless. Soundwave tells Jazz to gtfo because 1. He's trespassing and 2. Good lord stay away from nesting seekers if you know what's good for you. If the parents don't kill you then the trauma from seeing their horrifying sparklings will
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Paldea Trip Day 8: Toedscool
too tired to write. read yesterday's post but replace "diglett" with "tentacool" and "wiglett" with "toedscool". similar environemt siilar traits evolve blah blah blah i go sleep now bye
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fapper · 2 years
in the environemtal sciences building and all the environment major kids dress and look the same helpe
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solardick · 4 months
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To find meaning in letters to attach an image.
Letter 21. To tarot, the world card. Letter У(oo) To english and latin. To be mistaken for judgement of the letter Y.
English letter 21, U. Obvious meaning of the one letter word, you.
Curious. Is it not?
One syllable russian words starting with letter У.
To tarot in the absence of vowels is letter Z. The two letters placed together are UZ. The russian word Уз(ооz) is;
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Agree? So far, so good. But wait.
Before we go further. Lets see what google says. Tsh tsh.
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Section 32. By cyclic repetition is letter H the lover(s). Or soft sign letter ь. Ep 16. The tower. Section 28, letter B(v). Or russian letter Ы. Section 21. The world. Da fuk? No, theres no BS here.
Pst. I am threatening your system? What about the film I.S.S.? Where has my “environemtal safety been these last 39 years?disnt america drop a bomb on an entire city of civilians who are still producing mutant children? But never mind all that its not important.
To continue. Maybe later. Ill list all the words they gave me on wiki. And we’ll peace them all together. But we’ll waste another pic slot for this. Look at this. Its insane tonight.
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I dont have the power to distinguish or pronounce the letter ь from no letter ь. And конь is a male horse but, Лошадь means a horse of any gender. Their dictionary must be HUGE. Sorry its an eephus pitch. Though its not a word in this dictionary.
Though the suggestion is that the lover card is a man. Fallowed by the chariot card being a woman. Or driven by a woman. But whatever. In that case the lover card should be changed to appraisal. But since i dont drive. A woman driver seems ok to me. Chauff me wench! Onwards! And so far thats how it seems to be. For letter Ж comes in conjunction to the cahriot card. And that works too for cars are usually gendered as female. Even though english doesnt have a gender grammar system. So men step up inside the womanamd shes the force moving him forward. The problem there is that he’s controlling the woman’s body. While he’s thinking of all the buttons he gets to push with relish. And doesnt care about the deeper implications of being that vessel on the road. Which is a reason why men are more attuned to deeper sounding engines. Gender classing objects is a dubious endeavour. It all cones back to the it/they dilemma of personifying inanimate objects.
To further this sidetracking from google. And bringing it back to UZ. Is Utility. Use. Up. And automobiles in russia have always been lacking that desirable sexual hype.
The propositional accusative case of letter У suggests the same though with the added distinction of being with. У as a single letter word. The most powerful of all is, satisfactorily defined as being in, or With, the immediate proximity by being or having the subject or object of the question in the process of being answered. У меня. У тебя. I have. You have. I am with what i have. I do not necessarily own it. I have a car. I am not with my car. У меня есть машина. This keeps the person in question separate from the subject.
So is there a choice here. Or is it being premeditated by outside influences?
Words included one-syllable words starting with У are; limb, bond,ties , (horse)briddle, urn, ballot box, litter bin, wiskers, antennae, to float, to swim, Morning, dawn, to shoe. Though most of these aren’t standard but forms of grammar variations. While to some of the other nations using these same words based of the same proto-form-language mean variations negative things, like devils and death and so on. And word Уз, to My mistake isnt actually russian. It’s Serbia-Croatian. The mistake was corrected further down with the single letter word У. Which is the same thing. Word for word.
Not sure if i hit that slow ball or not. But all these words put together ontop of the world card Z. And you. Paints a picture of control and the extension of the body.
On a separate thought in conjunction to the russian cease fire on ukraine and my mis-information post. Which ended rather badly.
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exploreneoh · 3 years
Water Wars: Cleveland v. Fiji
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Cleveland has, from its conception, been intimately connected to water. Located where the Cuyahoga River flows into Lake Erie, Moses Cleaveland chose to place his namesake capital of the Connecticut Western Reserve here for its potential as a major western transportation hub. Even in 1796, Cleaveland envisioned what would become the Ohio and Erie Canal, with Cleveland its northern terminus. The city would go on to become a significant port, receiving raw materials for manufacturing and exporting finished goods via the lake and canal. Transportation and infrastructure grew steadily. Environmental conservation, however, was not a concern.
By the mid twentieth century, after more than a century of manufacturers disposing of unregulated waste into the river, the Cuyahoga belched greasy black pollution into Lake Erie. To visitors, Clevelanders warned, “Don’t fall into the river, or you won’t drown, you’ll decay,” only half-jokingly. Since the 1860s, over 13 fires erupted atop the Cuyahoga which, in 1969, Time Magazine reported, “oozes rather than flows.” However, after this final blaze, the American public’s outrage led to the eventual passage of the Clean Water Act in 1972. In the 50 years since, the Cuyahoga has become an exceptionally clean waterway safe for recreation and leisure. It is incendiary no longer.
Despite the Cuyahoga’s remarkable recovery, however, Cleveland still carries a stigma for its past water-related transgressions. While Clevelanders make the best of this notoriety today (Ohio City’s Great Lakes Brewing Company famously totes its Burning River Pale Ale), in 2006, Fiji Water earnestly contrasted its product to Cleveland tap water in a national advertising campaign. “The label says Fiji because it’s not bottled in Cleveland,” read the full-page magazine add. Cleveland’s water department was not impressed.
According to the City of Cleveland, Department of Water, Cleveland city water is sourced from Lake Erie, using four surface-water intake systems, “located a considerable distance offshore to protect our water from possible contamination” (Cleveland Department of Water). 90% of Lake Erie’s water flows directly from the upper Great Lakes and their respective rivers and streams while the remaining 10% comes from rain and snowmelt from within the Lake Erie watershed. Upon acquisition, lake water is filtered, disinfected, and tested nearly 300 time daily to ensure Cleveland’s water, “exceeds federal and state drinking standards.” So, when Fiji challenged the potability of Cleveland's water, the Cleveland Department of Water was galvanized to act. Public utilities director, Julius Ciaccia, ordered Fiji and Cleveland waters to be tested and compared. Both samples were similar with one small exception: while there was none measured in Cleveland’s water, the tests indicated that Fiji water contained 6.31 micrograms of arsenic per liter. The results were clear, Cleveland water was superior.
Backlash ensued from Fiji Water, whose president, Cleveland native Edward Cochran, accused the tests of lacking independence and Cleveland of artificially inflating the quantity of arsenic in his company’s water. J. Christopher Nielson, the Cleveland water commissioner, stated, “Before you take a cheap shot at somebody, know what you’re talking about.” Cochran responded by telling his home city to, “lighten up.”
It’s important to consider that Fiji water was well below the EPA and FDA’s limit of 10 micrograms per liter of arsenic and that, despite its measurement, was safe to consume. More concerning, however, is the environmental and societal cost of bottling and transporting Fiji water, which is shipped from bottling facilities all the way from the South Pacific nation to consumers worldwide. Its distinctive rectangular bottle is particularly wasteful and uses more plastic than its competitors. Additionally, the company has not stayed true to its promised figures to reforest portions of Fiji to reduce its carbon footprint. Despite its alleged concern for the environmental, Fiji Water will not meet its stated goal of becoming carbon negative until 2037. Thirdly, in 2020, 12% of people living in Fiji did not have access to clean drinking water, despite living so close to a company selling world class Fijian water throughout the world. For a company claiming to be working toward a better future, one would think Fiji Water may take into consideration the infrastructure of the country whose name graces its particularly wasteful bottles, whose culture it appropriates to appeal to international customers, and whose limited land it destroys to harvest and sell its highly profitable product abroad.
Ultimately, Cleveland tap water is clean, safe, and potable. Despite the claims of some advertisers, bottled water is nearly identical to municipal water. It is quite remarkable that throughout Northeast Ohio we have such reliable access to clean fresh water. Of course, there are outliers and many cities do not provide quality water to their residents (ie Flint, MI). Our municipalities are obligated to update long-neglected water infrastructure to ensure equitable water distribution. Next time you crave a cold glass of water, consider where your water comes from and who it may affect. What’s really in your water and what’s not in it? Fresh water is likely to become the most important commodity in the world in the coming years. Let’s do our part to consume water responsibly and not at the expense of the environment and others.
For more info regarding Cleveland's water, including the Cleveland Water Crib Cam livestream, check this link: http://www3.clevelandwater.com/your-water/lake-erie
(PS: see description of the images for credits. None of these are mine this time:
Top: Fiji Water, 2006. Iconic Advert
Left: Time, 1952. Photo mistakenly used for 1968 fire, Cleveland, OH.
Middle: City of Cleveland, Department of Water. Image of water intake system in Lake Erie, Cleveland, OH
Right: Joshua Gunter/The Plain Dealer/AP Photo, 2006. A photo of the Cuyahoga River in 1967 compared to the river in 2006, Cleveland, OH [background])
City of Cleveland, Department of Water. (n.d.). Our Source Water. Cleveland Water. https://www.clevelandwater.com/our-source-water.
The Cuyahoga's Comeback. American Rivers. (n.d.). https://www.americanrivers.org/cuyahoga50/index.html.
Fredrickson, K. (2020, February 20). The Truth About Fiji Water. Mashed.com. https://www.mashed.com/189793/the-truth-about-fiji-water/.
WP Company. (2006, July 20). Cleveland Takes Offense at Fiji Water Ad. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/20/AR2006072000322.html.
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haultailapp · 6 years
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adamdorozinski · 2 years
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(via Earth. Our home. Magnet by Adam Doroziński)
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goodmode · 3 years
trying to do literally anything including type this sentence while theres a tv blaring at max volume directly next to my head is really difficult i feel like someones smartphone parsing speech and typing it but im trying actively NOT to type the stuff im hearing i hate this i hate this environment
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stuhde · 4 years
democracy is literally dying and I’m out here stressing over my broken code? email your professors for an extension kids.
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smile-jjk · 4 years
the birds and the bees by joonypear ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭*
like it's not enough that namjoon looks like he should be playing the male lead in all the dramas on tvn, jeongguk must now also live with the fact that namjoon spends his free time saving baby birds from predators and he’s probably also responsible for, like, single-handedly saving all the world’s turtles and red pandas from extinction. of course.
or: jeongguk tries (and succeeds) to woo your friendly campus environmentalist, namjoon.
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nosowoso · 4 years
Playing in Russia must be hard but we have to remember that more then half the team is not from Russia and James wade obviously isn’t so the team environment is accepting
Fair point! But then they’re also living there half the year so I’m sure going out in public is very... sketchy (or terrifying depending on how you look at it). At least the team environment is probably very healthy!
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normal-bnha · 4 years
I have said before that I wish there was a bnha hero with an environmental ethic. But on some level I was being a little facetious because of the dogobah beach cleanup.
Of course it is a funny reference, as so many in bnha, to Star Wars. And of course it’s a use of the old trope of seemingly unrelated task becomes great muscle building (although less disguised than usual) both story ideas that get re-utilized in the hero killer ark and the figure of Gran Torino.
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This idea, that the first step, the bare minimum, the start for our main hero. Is a beach cleanup, riles me up so much.
I know this was not the intention, but death of the author it be. I think it is inceadibly resonant almost poetic that the fist thing to do to become a hero is to leave the world better and cleaner place than you found it despite the fact that it is not your fault the world is dirty and polluted.
I have a very emotional relationship with the sea, I think of it as my only true home and my truest love. So seeing this? Well it meant something for me.
(Also credits to my wonderful partner that decided to take an afternoon to color in the sea for me without even knowing of this blog)
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solardick · 7 months
Teying to make an appointment by phone to make an appointment to see a doctor. Is the equilavent of an existemtial crisis. Ot is so stressful. It becomes an emergency. I hate this place. Call here no call there no, go online. No wait for an hour. No call back over there. Fuck you. No go wait iat the ER for 13 hours. For sevond rate service.
I had a micro hwart attack one day. I could feel a flake moving through my veins. A point of pressure. And pain moving from my heart to my right arm over the period of a couple weeks. Every day it would be further along where it dtarted at. After wiating. For 12 hours. Told me i have heart burn. I changed my diet. To something with high acidity levels. To reduce blood cloating. And eventually it went away sowmwhere in my right shoulder to arm area. Caus ei ate an entire block cake of pastry cake. My body did not like that.
Not an emergency. And im not worried. Not embarrased. Or any of that. So. Since ive been on the waoting list for a family doctor. But since i font have a family. And all that. Iver bene waiting for over what 5 years now.
But, it’s not all bad. After the innitial frustration of having to use a telephone. Because im ol’school. It was arranged pleasantly. As i wait probably on a mars venus transit to get a call.
The foreigner has a good hoscope. Moon in-conjunction sun. For the foreigncy. And a venus mars trine. Mostly all positive aspects. All happy go lucky.
And ih well for havign a jupiter in aqua and not being apart of a “union” for safety issues. Cancels out the demons. Of self expression. Oh well. Im not here to be on the active side or in the know about anything. Whether person, group or place. I did learn about one of the mechanics. That was cool. About the issues troubling him. My stupid moon felt it out. Stupid sensitive compassionate soul that causes nothing but dissatisfaction to my reality.
The head guy, didn’t even bother to look at me for 80% of the meeting and at the end they are all like. Well a decision needs to be made about who. And tried to passover me at the get go. Oh well nothing new same history since childhood. Elders and youngers. While the middle is ignored. Choose the ones that get high at work whatever.
I was primed to thinknof newspaper recently. Somi ho take a look this morning. Hells angels and the blood mafia. At war. Or some dumb crap like that. Depressants are everywhere. The message is criminals run the country. Oh and yesterday. About russia and america. About nuclear hotzones. And about if one asks google about nuclear irradiation zones. It siderracking the percentage of american soil that uninhabitable because of…. Listening to this pod cast about alexander the 1st. Emperor of the soviet union. Or whatever. Anyway. The speaker being rude, mocking, sarcastic about russian history saying “ hey, it’s russian. Always black boxing the truth…. Hypocrisy. In the songs about around the world russian was left out. Media has been dumbing down on “soviet” presence and communism. Since as long as i can remember. They are associated strongly with nuclear holocaust in depictions. Though. In pretty sure america has more irradiated deadzone(s) than the russians. At anyrate. Unlike most people i don’t judge on hearsay.
Nothing is real. Just got to find whatever significance one can to oneself. Cause theres nothign else in life. Nature talks to me. And my insync-ness. Has me on cue about environemtal events. Ok, they sre going to talk next. Look over. Hey, im a second to fast. Come on already say your line.
Why’s ot going to the guy that passively cues and primes specific stressors. “Oh you hate the types of people that sexually harrass you out of a job?” Uh.. ok. Your evil. Oh, he’s soo far in the closet thats he’s in narnia land? Oh. Ok. I thouht hhe was covering for your gay friend… no? Ok. Oh, look at what trash talking she’s preaching her family. Oh ok. “Well, maybe they should ruin the rest of her life for it.”
The deffinition of cocksukr.
Anyway. Still going on. Going on 39 years. Thats just life. Hows ots always been. What donyou want me to do about it? Nothing. Yeah, i know. Theres nothing much else lile being abused at a socio-cultural level.
The pre destination of aan a available position. Is an already decided vote. Hidden behing and chances. Do not bother trying to advance on anything. There. Never try and be apart of something bigger. Not sureni want ajy resposibility. Probably so no to first aid training too. It sucks you smarter than other whom treat you like an idiot. They need the pick me up. Mars sextile pisces moon. I like takign care of and helping people and always there if your hurt. Willing to help. Yeah. No. Where has that ever gotten me but hurt. Its not like ive soent any time in childhood trying to nurse sick animals. Instead the world is populared by dipshits like my family. I must be a fag. Holy shit. A fucken degenerate.
Well i just saved a skunk from dying. Well for that moment. Trying to cross the street. While traffic is going. It left going back across the lawn.
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