#ensuring that she could not eat all of the food her dad had cooked
pinksiamese · 4 months
My son came home for the long weekend & his sister has been a big bratty baby (she's 15 1/2) pretty much the whole time & I gave had ENOUGH
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justalittletomato · 2 months
of stews and regrets ( Dad! Maul and co)
you know how long its been since I did a fic? A long time! So happy to get something out! Have some angst as a treat!
@eyecandyeoz @patchiefrog @apocalypticwafflekitten @storm89 @pixiestookourstardust @hannagoldworthy @gran-maul-seizure @mando-cyare
The insistent beep of the steamer went off, the familiar aroma of seasoned meat and vegetables wafted throughout the small ship. It was the very last the prepared food his Star had packed for him. After this it was ration bars. 
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He scoffs, once he had no trouble scarfing those bars when it was required for him to eat. Food was a necessity.  Now his stomach protested at the thought of those dry and tasteless things. 
His Starlight had spoiled him, cooking mouthwatering foods and sharing meals in close quarters. Tender meats and stews that were full of spices and burnt his tongue.  A pocket potato bundled into his pack filled with cheeses and bit of bacon. He has cured the meat himself and had it smoking, he had taking a liking to preparing meats and meals alongside his Star. 
A final plate of bantha steak and grilled vegetables…packed up neatly and with care. The terrors as he and the others had dubbed them aided with preparing this trove of food. The littest Danica, with her toothy grin, was pleased with herself as she had aided with the meat this time. The zabrak licked her lips after sampling a piece, declaring the meat , “ a masterpiece” 
“There will be plenty more when you come back!” she declared, he gave her a smile while his Starlight would not look at him. He was leaving again. 
Maul was too hasty too starved, before he registered it the plate was empty. “A clean plate!” the terrors would glady cheer. Yes a clean plate, for once he did not celebrate it. 
“Maybe we should make…” Little Danica declared to her buir as they walked the passages of the Fortress. Aria Baras tried her best to smile and follow with Danica’s happy plans for what to prepare for when Maul returned, whenever that may be. 
“Maybe some Bantha too! Ba’vodu Savage said it was nice and ready for us to cook up!” Aria was thankful for Savage, Maul’s brother was trying his all to step in as father to the youngest. Though Danica would firmly keep her storybooks tucked under her pillow, only Maul was allowed to read her to sleep, “We will lose our place, ba’vodu,” she explained, “and you don’t do the voices as well as my buir”  
How long would Danica wait so hopeful that Maul would return?  Aria’s eyes wandered to the closed doors of the hanger, how long would she stay and wait? 
Elsewhere in the galaxy Cress Oppress cursed under his breath and set back the sweet potato he has grabbed. It was only him and Leta, no need for more. At the Fortress with the terrors  there was always room for more, “Extra is always best” his beloved buir would say tossing in another cut up sweet potato into the pot.  
His buir always ensured there was extra food, growing up Cress was always the one who asked for seconds and maybe even thirds if possible. His ba’vodu Savage had joked that Cress had inherited double the appetite. His buir, Maul had sported a fond smile at the joke. 
He didn't feel so hungry now, and put the potato away. 
You aren't him. You aren't going to turn into him. 
As if trying to cover the mirrors in the ship weren't always a step too far.  The meat sizzled in the pan, he and his sweetheart were able to take down some game on their mission and Cress wanted to ensure she ate well.  He preferred to think he was more like his buir, Starlight.  Always taking care of others and making sure their tummies were full. 
The mix of spices were just like hers, but it never tasted the same to him. He missed her terribly. He missed her humming away as she worked and stirred the pot, he had been at her side helping as far as he could remember. Always rewarded with the first sampling of the food. He and his twin Aster would at times battle for the first plate. She often won with a sizable bite to his hand or shoulder.  His buir would scold her for the biting and send her to the table second. Cress nursing his bandaged hand. His buir always took care of him. 
The pan sizzled at the drops of water splashing on the surface. He missed his buir. He missed home. 
Maul gagged at the chalky taste of the ration bar. Forcing another bite of it down his throat despite the protests of his stomach. He had to eat. 
Finally finished he tossed the wrapper to the far side of the ship. He glanced at the meager pile of supplies.  A potato a carrot… even some packed ham….he could cook up something. He knew how. He could. 
Yet he remained sitting at the helm, leaving the supplies to sit there until he tossed them at the next station in exchange for more ration bars. 
He deserved this. He left. He deserved this.
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sleepyselkiesims · 2 months
Part 25
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Next on the agenda for the loveday wedding, a special date!
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And where better to have a date than Tiana's Palace!
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Tiana had even hired a new cook for the occasion. The real challenge was to stop her from micromanaging, and keep her focused on that date.
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You too, Hanabi! You're here for a wedding date, not to perform!
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Uhhh.... the seat is out here, Hanabi. Other side of the wall. You can do it!
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Oooooo look who's here! Is Hanabi's dad on a date?? Or mad he wasn't invited to post-wedding parties?
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Ooooo and another special guest! Always a delight to see a Crumplebottom!
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....wait, is it just all elders?? Is this an elders restaurant??
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Uh, anyway, back to the happy couple!
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Hanabi was on a mission to woo the heck out of her new wife!
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...gurl, fix your face!
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Ah, a good loveday wedding meal! But wait, what's this??
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A voodoo doll on Tiana's food!!! Dundundun!!!
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Tiana seemed to think standing up would make eating the voodoo donut safer. It did not, but it did make the benevolent god sad thinking about Chris, who never did manage to sit down for a meal.
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Hanabi was intrigued by the food. It was excellent, but for some reason still not comparable with Tiana's cooking.
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The Hanabi finally succumbed to desire, and settled herself at the piano.
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Nothing holding her back now, Tiana set about ensuring her customer's every comfort.
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Nothing says happy wedding day like cleaning up dishes! Seriously though, Tiana loved it.
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After spotting the meals piling up, Tiana got herself a wedding present in the form of hiring a second waiter! Huzzah!
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But uh.... no amount of waiters could make up for the trainwreck that was Koji's table.
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Tiana tried to pull out all her usual stops; welcoming them, checking on the table, prioritising their food, even giving them a free meal! But she didn't manage to do a single interaction, because Koji kept laughing evilly while his date yelled at him.
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Eventually the sim just got up and left, leaving Koji pretending to throw up in a way that made the benevolent god wish they had muted.
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At least Agatha Crumplebottom and her date were having an amazing time!
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And as the happy couple closed up shop and headed to their next stop, they noticed that Tiana's Palace had actually made a profit this time!! It wasn't much, but they'd only lost money so far, so this was a huge wedding gift!
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tbgblr2 · 2 years
Babymoon - Sophia and John - part 1
“Welcome to Mallorca airport, the local time is two thirty-three PM and the weather is a gorgeous 28 degrees Celsius.   Once again I’d like to thank you for flying British Airways, and hope you enjoy your stay.  For those who are transferring to another flight upon landing, please see the dedicated transfer team in the airport for further assistance if you require it, otherwise, I hope you enjoy your stay in this glorious area of Spain.”
The captain’s voice sounded over the PA system as the plane taxied into the terminal.   Sophia and John had brought the twins along for their babymoon, ultimately to visit Sophia’s parents back at their home so they could catch up before the next baby arrives, and also to allow the grandparents full access to the twins – and perhaps more importantly, look after them so Sophia and John could have a week of child free relaxation.
The twins had now turned 4, and from that September – ironically close to when Sophia was due to give birth to the child she now carried in her womb – the twins would be enrolled in school which made travel outside of the school term significantly more difficult, so it was chosen that they would go in June – the weather had turned towards the summer heat, but not excessive as it would be in July or August (not exactly fun for a heavily pregnant woman Sophia noted several times to John in the process of booking), and prices were still reasonable, being outside of the peak holiday period.
The children had started their independent phase, and were insisting that they walked off the plane rather than being carried, so the small family did so, watching their 2 children bounding down the aisle of the plane with Sophia following behind them, a little slower making sure to ensure that her burgeoning bump doesn’t cause any issues for any of the other passengers, and John following behind carrying the carry-on luggage.
As they got through passport control, on to get their bags and finally through security, a familiar figure met them on the other side of the automatic door – Sophia’s father.
The children rushed forward to hug him, the first time they had seen him in person for over a year – for their birthday this year they had just settled for a video call as they all knew they were coming to visit.   He shook Johns hand and then pulled him in for a hug before turning towards Sophia and admiring the bump.    “My baby making more babies” he grinned.  Sophia leaned back poking out her belly and in an exaggerated way, she ran her hands over her bump returning the grin “much more fun to make them than catch them as they’re coming out of someone, let me tell you!”
As they all made their way to the car, and pulled away towards the house, Sophia’s dad made a passing comment “hope you didn’t eat too much on the plane, your mother has been cooking all day in preparation for you getting here… you might end up twice as wide by the time you leave”
As they approached the family home, around a 40 minute drive from the airport, it was clear that the statement wasn’t at all embellished.   They opened the car door, and even from outside they could smell the exquisite odours of cooked meats and other Spanish tapas specialities to the point where Sophia and John were almost salivating at the thought of Sophia’s mothers home cooked foods.
As the car pulled up, the door opened, and that was it… the tea towel was rapidly set aside and Sophias mother came bounding up to the kids in front, hugging them close, and then onto Sophia who had followed them in leaving John and her dad to sort out the bags in the car.  After taking a moment to admire the bump, she pushed the three of them through into the kitchen where she sat the children down and passed over some plates to them, instructing them to eat.   Sophia sat on a chair near the kitchen work area where her mother was still busying away, and they chatted away catching up as John was lead to the two spare bedrooms where they and the kids would sleep for the duration of their stay.
As the families all joined up together after getting settled in, they spent the rest of the evening catching up, enjoying the food and watching a beautiful sunset on the Spanish coast.    Eventually the children were taken to bed after falling asleep as the adults chatted, and as time wore on the adults eventually succumbed to the effects of tiredness and also went off to bed.
Sophia and John were blessed with children who would sleep through the night but they were unsure of how they would react being in a new environment, so they didn’t end up sleeping much themselves, always tossing and turning hardly drifting off.
It worked to their advantage however when at around 3am, with the house silent, the two were facing each other, awake.   Sophia had brought along a fairly flimsy nightgown – little more than lingerie in fact, in order to firstly get back used to the warmth of the Spanish environment when she would already be running hot due to the pregnancy – but also having the secondary side effect of it sending John wild.
Johh, in turn, was enjoying peeling the flimsy garment off his wife.   He straddled over her hips, gently resting his hands under the material and directly on the bump, as he took some moisturiser and rubbed it into Sophias skin.  Rubbing his hands in circles on either side of the globe, he moved towards the centre and teased each of his thumbs over Sophia’s protruding navel.   Sophia in turn was wriggling under John, trying her hardest not to make any noise as she was unsure if it would wake the children, or worse… the parents.   Johns hands snuck down to the lower half of Sophias belly next, reaching down to her hips, but never quite reaching the middle, the heat of her pussy.
Sophia was grinding her hips around into Johns hands, biting her lip to stop her making any noise, but John wouldn’t allow her any release.   His hands eventually rubbed up to the top of her belly and leaning forward, using his teeth, he exposed her breasts from the cups of her nightwear.   Sophia’s nipples reacted to the air reaching them immediately, going hard and erect.   John dived in, his hands cupping one breast each, and in turn, massaging them, his palms rubbing over the ample area of her pregnancy enhanced bosom before grasping the nipples between thumb and forefinger, and pulling with a small amount of force.
Sophia couldn’t do much more than whimper, finally letting out some noise. John leaned back and pulled down his boxer shorts which he was sleeping in.  His cock was erect and dripping with precum.   He grabbed it with one hand, the other resting atop Sophia’s bump, and rubbed it on the underside, the slick rod running easily over the moisturised skin.
He leaned forward once again, placing his hands either side of Sophia’s head and then leaned his head in close.  “Will you make me cum…” he asked, at little more than a whimper.   Sophia bit her lip and nodded.  “Do you want me to cum over your belly… or your tits… or deep inside you” he continued, again almost silent, but his voice seemed to boom in Sophia’s ears.   She gasped and checked her voice as she whined “in me…”
That was enough for John, he leaned back on his haunches and grabbed her legs, spreading them and exposing her crotch.   Thrusting his cock into her now soaking wet slit, he plunged in deep.   Thrusting back and forth the two settled into a rhythm they had both been in many times before, with Sophia and John reaching their peak together.   As they both huff and puff with exertion, threatening to reach their respective climaxes, Sophia grabbed the fabric of her nightgown and stuffed it in her mouth and bit down hard, to avoid yelling out.
John thrusted and unleashed his load into Sophia with a grunt, the two of them locked in an ecstatic moment together as their bodies tensed up before a final release.  As John rolled over to be by Sophias side, and she spat out the fabric from between her teeth, John played with the cum dripping out from between her legs, rubbing the leaking liquid over her bump.
With a kiss, the two cuddled in close together and finally managed to fall to sleep.
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gamenu · 23 days
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          Fangs ache in his mouth and his throat burns. He's one of the very things he said he hates, a vampire of all things and he hates every second of it. He thinks he hates the hunger the most, it's worst than the hunger experienced as a human. He finds himself biting into a pillow when she appears in the room, fangs rip a hole into the poor pillow as jumps and rips his head away from it as her presence somehow spooks him ( really it spooks him the vampire in the home which in itself is wild ).
         ❝ . . . I'll buy another pillow. ❞
                                                  -- @paetal (feat. Angel)
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          Why she had bothered saving Angel, she's not wholly sure. Nicole is even less sure why he allowed it. All he did was complain while she was busy ensuring he lived. Making sure he was as comfortable as possible when vampirism took hold. How he was less than thrilled, and actually in copious amounts of pain. . .she did what she could to make sure he was as okay as he could be after his attack.
          And why did she do it?
          They both hated each other. He could have easily gotten his wish and killed her when she exhausted herself caring for him. And she could have let him die out there on his own. But. . .she says it's because her dad asked her to be a good host. If nothing else, she'll blame their situation on him. Even so, she found herself going the extra mile for Angel. Especially because he seems to be suffering even more than usual lately.
          She was coming to check on him when she saw him biting into her pillow. Her steps were silent, but she thought he had grown accustomed to her just 'appearing' places! But the way he jumped and tore her pillow gave way to the notion he was. . .not doing great.
          There's a soft roll of her eyes as she walks over to him, taking her pillow out of his grasp. "Don' worry about it. I can sew." Just finding the right thread will be a pain in the ass. . .nonetheless, she places the pillow to the side before leaning closer in his face. Trying to read him as carefully as possible. He was safe, so there was no reason for him to be so jumpy. . .but then again. . .it's been a few days. He hasn't eaten any of the food she's cooked, and logically, she knows he needs blood. He's not going to go out and get it on his own. And she just knows it's better than risking him dying of hunger, or him attacking her or her dog if he goes into a frenzy or something stupid.
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          With a deep sigh, she nudges him to the side momentarily before sitting beside him. Hesitantly, she brushes her hair to the side so her neck was exposed. She felt sorry for him. As much as she wanted to continue to hate him and leave him to his own, she couldn't. Not knowing he was suffering and she could help. ". . .Yer gonna starve if ya don't eat, dumbass. Consider this a favor. Nex' time yer gonna have ta act like an adult an' say yer hungry, an' we're gonna use my wrist nex' time so ya don' risk drainin' me. Bu' fer righ' now, yer gonna need blood faster than wha' my wrist can provide."
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gauntlets-shot · 8 months
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Caitlyn might have worked in tandem with Vander to ensure that Vi was kept a bit busy today. So while she was working and unable to come 'hang out' with her, that left Caitlyn able to set up the perfect dinner date. The Tattoo shop was closed for the day, so she could leave to get the gift she needed and pick up Dinner. Caitlyn wasn't the best cook, she got buy, so instead she found the best dinner from the restaurant she had taken Vi to a few months ago and Vi couldn't stop raving about the food they had.
She lit several candles to warm the dining room with a nice subtle scent of roses and set up the table so that dinner could be set. In the center was dessert, cupcakes made by Vander that she picked up earlier today (just missing Vi in the process) and shaped in the form of a heart.
Yes, it was a little cheesy, but Caitlyn was proud of her work. She was a bit of a romantic, wanting to show Vi how much she treasured her, knowing her favorite food, her sweet tooth, but most of all was the gift. Set on the plate was a small black velvet box and inside was a necklace. While Vi might not wear it, it was the meaning behind it. The sapphire pyrite stone was mixed of blue and gold, and could easily be played with and spun between the fingers. The silver chain wrapped around it, whether to hang up somewhere or wear around the neck. The stone reminded Caitlyn of Vi's blue eyes, how they were deep and all-encompassing, just like this stone. It only took a moment to hear the door open and close and Vi coming up the stairs as Caitlyn smiled. If Vi was in a cranky mood, hopefully, this would be a cure-all to her worries.
random starter (valentine's day edition) | always accepting
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She should've known something was up when Caitlyn denied her request to hang out. Well, it wasn't denying and more so she was busy, which Vi totally understood but that didn't make her less upset. It wasn't too deep though. Vi went about her usual business with going to work in the ring then spending some time with her dad in the bakery. He insisted it, which Vi thought was a little strange but eh, a little extra time with the old man wouldn't kill her. Maybe he was getting sentimental. As Vi went about her day, it had completely slipped her mind what today was and the significance of it throughout the world but again, there were signs all over her face. At work, the ring was decorated with heart, both full and broken ones. There were ads for Valentine's day every where on the street but they had been there for a while now. Vander was making heart shaped treats with her and again, Vi assumed it was in preparation for the day.
When night finally came, Vi offered to eat dinner with her dad since Caitlyn still seemed to be busy but then Vander was telling her to dress nice and head over to her. He had that all knowing smile to his lips, he knew something she didn't and she'd question him afterwards, not second guessing his request. Vi didn't much nice clothes but she wore some semi-fancier clothes before making her way to Caitlyn's. "Cait!" Vi called out and her voice cracked a bit, which made her blush. She cleared her throat before taking a breath and heading upstairs. "Cait, what's—" She started to say before she saw the array before her. A fancy lit dinner with cupcakes in the center and food from the restaurant they went to all that time ago with the steak dish she had forgotten the name of but certainly not the taste. "What's all this?" Vi finished and cleared her throat. "It's...it's not my birthday," She mumbled, her eyes showing she was lost in thought over what could have pushed Caitlyn to prepare such a meal.
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every18things · 1 year
We are having a holiday from 19-25 April. If we had school in the morning, we might have left the dorm by afternoon. On the contrary, my pals who had school in the afternoon, first spent their morning time packing, and left by night.
At least, it was what I thought before. However, we had a downpour in the afternoon, so some of my friends were hesitant to come home due to the extreme lightning.
On 19/4/2023
In my POV, I was too lazy. It was a test day after all. I need more naps. Plus, packing is a difficult task. I have to ensure that my things in the dorm are safe. I have to ensure that I didn't carry useless things too. So, I negotiated with Kristin whether we can go by tomorrow, and she agreed. Luckily, it was a downpour too. My mom asked me to stay low in the dorm first.
We spent nothing except resting. Oh, I forgot to tell you. I bought something for old lady whom generally sweeps the street. She is so kind and frequently greets us when we are off to samit. Her hospitality reminds me of my old-ladies friends. At this point, I 80% agree I suppose to take Kaigo, but hell no, I won't. And so, I bought an extra meal for me. It was astor. I was shocked that it seemed to be made by Khong Guan. The packaging was brand new that I could barely recognized it. Too stunning that I decided to buy it for myself. At night, when only a few people left, I opened my astor, hope people will start make a circle and have a warm chat. And it worked. I'm happy. I love when people gather without any boundaries. Peace heals me. None know this fact, but sisterhood's is as awesome as brotherhood.
On 20/4/2023
I did my last laundry in the morning. We left the dorm by 10:30. I did check how many people left. Before we left, I said goodbye and Sinta begged me to let go of my astor, which I found funny. So I passed down my astor to her. Kristin and I took commuterline. I've offered her to ride a rent car, but she refused. She wanted to experienced riding commuterline. We arrived at 12:30. I saw my little brother sleeping on a couch with my babysitter. We were to fucked up of the road so we went upstairs, washed ourselves, and passed out.
By 4 I checked my brother, he was still asleep. That was insane. So I touched him a little, and called him softly. I said, "Look, who's finally coming home". He recognised my voice and directly smiled and awaked. He hugged me. My younger sister who slept next to him said, "Why don't you do that when I'm coming back home from Purwokerto too, you, kid". We went downstairs to checked whether my mom and dad already back from work. And it was. I greeted them.
Not long after, we broke the fasting. I planned to go the mall to buy a proper fit for rayya. Mom and dad was little worried because it was late already, but they finally permitted it.
I went to the mall by car together with my sister and Kristin. I bought a dress, my sister bought a brand new shoes, and Kristin bought a coffee, just like her. After that, we had a super late dinner in a fast-food restaurant.
On 21/4/2023
I actually forgot what I and Kristin did on this day because the Eid is not happening but tomorrow. Therefore I am just gonna write it: We are totally resting the whole day. Resting means:
- We eat
- We watch
- We sleep
- Repeat
Oh, I just remembered that in the afternoon I did decorating the front counter. I moved the cookies to a good looking jar and displayed the most appealing desserts for the table. My sister helped me with sweeping the floor. I helped her back by do the mopping. I remembered that I still texted Kak Helena to check how many persons left in the dorm.
On 22/4/2023
Happy Eid Mubarak!
I woke up earlier to help my mom cook though I can't cook well. I helped her stay awake by talking nonsense. After that, I woke my brother up and bathe him. I always enjoy talking with my brother. He is just like Kristin. A type of Why-Person. For adults, answering a question why from children is somehow tricky. I learn and practice a lot when my brother asked me such question. Finding a proper but simple definition is thrilling.
For example, what if a 5-year-old boy asked you a question, "Why people who drinks too much Boba can ended up dying?." What could be your best answer? How could you define diabetes in a child-language?
After finished bathed him, I helped my dad cleaned up the house once again. I prepared to take Eid Prayer. My dad and Babang took a larger mosque. My mom, my grandma, and I took the shorter mosque. My sister and Kristin secured the house.
After that, we met our neighbours. We apologized. We shared some money to kids around the neighborhood. Then, we ate opor.
Before leaving to my other grandma's house in East Jakarta. My sister and I did ask for apologies to our parents. My mom whispered and always begged me for the same thing. "Always be a nice girl." From the day I was born until the second I write this diary, the order is exactly the same. My mom always only wanted me to be a good one, and my dad always wanted me to be a success or somehow smart girl that this family can rely on in the future.
On our way, before we visited the cemetery of granddad's, my mom gave me, my sister, my brother, and also Kristin a shopping voucher, hehe. By 6 we arrived at our home back. It's a long trip to ask for 12 hours apologies. At our home, a new guests already awaited us. What a tiring day.
On 23/4/2023
Welcome to the second day of Rayya. It's the first open house for this year. We prepared a lot. We cooked bakso and bought a gallon of ice creams. We served the best snacks for our guests today, or to be precise the younger relatives from my dad. If yesterday was the day where my dad visited the older family, today is the day where my dad be visited by the younger relatives.
I really love the crowd. There are a lot baby too. While parents were busy talking and eating, the babies are busy fighting. I really enjoyed the scene. The babies would fight over my brother's toys collection. I mean it, my brother's toys collection is like a toy store moved to our house. He bought a toy everysecond. People don't have to buy him another toy because he had a lot. Even he had a go kart when he was still 4.
Our house situation is chaotic and really messy. I'm super glad that Kristin is there to help us a lot. Plus, our housemaid is taking her days off, right. So, we need more people to help.
But really, I really like this hectic situations. Kids are running up and down the stairs. Front and behind my house. LOL. This is so lit!
On 24/4/2023
I'm feeling not well today. I have fever in the morning. I'm planning not to do anything, but to remember that my kindhearted teacher assigned me a task, so I'm going to do it today.
Anyway, I am supposed to go to my other relatives' house in Tanjung Barat today. Commonly, I have to visit my relatives for five days straight day and night. I also need two days free for my own schedule visiting my teacher from Aliyah and College. And by Saturday next week, we will do open-house for my dad's colleagues. It's a huge party. There are a lot of food displayed. It's like a semi wedding party without the groom and the bride. Food is everywhere, I love it! It's so weird that we don't do it this year because the time is so limited.
By night, I have finished my homework.
On 25/4/2023
Kristin and I packed to go back to Samit. We are totally unready to face the school and especially the normal FMD. But it's about time, we have to be patient for the rest of two months left. And it's about time, I can finally and gracefully separate seeing that person to my own good.
Writing a journal is not a heavy task for me. You gonna know how I'm used to do it when I explain about my speech sooner or later. The problem is I don't like it when my language is limited.
Also, this is my first ever Lebaran where I celebrated together with other person besides my family. It's so fun having Kristin on my own. I'm a bit worried but I hope our family welcome her well. Kristin is helping us a lot. The only minus she had is she is so shy. Whenever I asked her to come downstairs, she refused. I understand her reluctance. But somehow it's weird. Really weird.
For example, I'm not a person who like to push anyone you know. Eating is what you need to stay alive. You can't be so shy to eat, right? But everytime I asked her what to eat or to ask her let's eat, she said, [I'm on diet/I've just done eating snacks/It's up to you]. This is making me insane.
Or in another case, when we were finally eating together in the dining room with my family. She kept pinching my hand or nudged my leg. Like, come on, can I just eat peacefully in this super beautiful day? Let's worry a little. I have ever be in her position, and to stay calm is a good option. I'm not angry it's just my family don't bite, do they? Why everyone thinks that our family is that strict and have no humour at all. Like we are basically a human living and social creatures too, OMG.
But again, it's cool to have Kristin. I can't thank her enough for helping me on this chaotic Lebaran day. Like my family is always super chaotic when it comes to Lebaran. Because we have so many guests and hectic schedule.
[perhaps you want to skip this part]
Oh, and I watched a lot of series this holiday. I watched an anime entitled Tomodachi Game, Western Series named Euphoria, and K-drama that I binge-watched a lot named Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha. I love them all. Precisely, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha because of the characters is so sweet. It reminds me of Niko Sensei Whatsapp's profile picture. LOL. Too sweet that I can't handle it. Actually there is a woman that resembles me. She fancy pricey things, she is stiff to others, she likes beautiful things, and hates unpredictable things. She also hates someone who is loud. By destination she finally met a man who is on her contrary. A loud, tender, and simple-man that value littlest things highly. And that typical contrary made her comfortable. Once she said,
"I'm the kind of person who makes plans for the rest of my 99 years. I don't like people who cross the line. I fancy higher priced shoes. I guess we're the opposite. I'm sure our blood types and MBTI don't match. Like the distinction between polar bears that hunt sea lions and penguins that consume fish. But I could care less. I love you."
AHAHAHAH, I kicked my blanket a lot when I saw her confession. That's what we call UWU, ladies and gentlemen, trust me. Anyway, this woman is actually a good one, she is a sincere one. She had been hurt before so she was very careful. Good for her, she was fated with the nice guy even though it takes them a lot lot lot of time.
That's the end of my journal. Doesn't sound really interesting, right? Happy giving feedback and tell me yours.
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lunarxdaydream · 2 years
"yes, your practices," he chided playfully, nudging her back carefully. "swear to god, i'm not sure where you got your confidence from." the smirk on his face told her everything, that she was a perfect mix of both mother and father who were exceptional in their fields. now their children were doing the same and he couldn't be prouder. letting her settle in a bit, he shut the door behind them both and started up the kettle, then grabbed a few mugs for the pair of them to enjoy one of their favorite past times. to think that she was so grown now, there would be no tiny dangling pair of legs off the edge of the counter. "ha! did you not travel first class? i guess the flight over wasn't long enough to warrant eating a full meal either... i'd just grilled up a few steaks with sides if you want that? i knew you were coming home so i figured you'd be hungry. tell me what's new. catch your old dad up on all of the brilliant things you've been working on and how you've been kicking ass."
( continuation )
"Funny enough I did but ... ugh, I just can't stomach the meals. Unless there is some hidden kitchen I'm unaware of, the thought of reheated chicken just -- please no." Little by little, Mayu is beginning to understand why her mother often preferred to use her private plane. Aside from controlling who came on board, the foods served were of far higher quality. Not to mention her father's ability to ensure only the best options were offered for his family.
Could she have asked to borrow the plane for the ride back? Possibly. No doubt her father would have immediately obliged with little effort needed to convince her mother. And yet, there is no telling what Ryusei's reaction might have been. Would he have felt uncomfortable? She'll have to run it by him next time.
Arms stretch, tension from the flight finally allowed to loosen up with just a single pop echoing from her left shoulder. "Steaks?", her voice perked with a quick jump to her step as she moved toward the doors leading to the backyard. Savory aroma caught with a whiff, her stomach left to respond with a low rumble. "You read my mind!" If there is anything Mayu missed from home, it was her father's cooking. It wasn't as if her mother wasn't capable but ... all right, she had a soft spot whenever he slipped behind the kitchen to whip up a meal.
"Just promise me you won't decide to take a nap in the middle of it."
|| @sxmnus ||
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parkersroses · 3 years
mother’s day. | harry styles.
summary: it’s mother’s day and harry makes you breakfast in bed, no thanks to your little baby’s help.
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
wc: 2.4k words
warning(s): all fluffy like cotton candy <3
a/n: (disclaimer: gif belongs to @harrysimpact​) happy mother’s day everyone! enjoy this fic about husband/dad!harry !! make sure to reblog and comment if you like it, consider donating to my ko-fi too if you like this or any of my other writings. all the love <3
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The sun is just rising when Harry wakes up; even for him it’s very early and he’s usually a morning person. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes and stretches, feeling a pop between the muscles as he does so. He makes sure to switch off any alarms to ensure his wife doesn’t wake up soon. He even switches off the baby monitor next to her bedside table too, hoping their baby doesn't wake up so soon either, though it would be inevitable knowing she’ll cry for milk. 
It’s mother’s day. What’s more exciting is that it is your first mother’s day as a mother. 
Over the last year, you have found motherhood to be as challenging as you expected. It started off with the morning sickness and strange feeling of not bearing a certain smell. At that point, both you and Harry had already discussed having children. It’s something the both of you always wanted and you knew yourself that Harry would be an amazing father to your children. The thought of having a little human that was half of you and half of the person you love and adore, running and playing around the house as your husband playfully chases after them in your backyard while you watch with awe. It was a cute little dream in your heads that soon became a reality.
You both cried when you found out about your pregnancy. It was a momentous and exciting moment for you. Over the several months during your pregnancy, Harry had grown a bit overprotective about you and your little bub, yet you don’t really blame him for it and assumed it’s just his pre-fatherly instincts kicking in. Harry had always made sure to accommodate to your (weird and odd) needs and cravings. He’d happily wake up in the middle of the night and get you both some snacks, despite being tired himself. 
Your favourite part though, is whenever Harry would talk to little bub. Even when you weren’t showing yet, he’d always talk to the baby girl in your belly, occasionally singing to her, telling her how much daddy and mommy loves her and that he’ll always be around to look after her. That makes you cry sometimes, because you knew already that he is the best dad to your baby. 
Little Amy was soon born before you both know it. You still remember holding the little human of your own in your arms, all swaddled up in a fluffy blanket, her eyes wide open as she was introduced into this whole new world. She had captured both of your hearts and you both knew it. She was the most precious person you’ve laid your eyes on and you both love her immensely. 
Harry for one could not believe that he was finally a father, considering he’s always dreamt of having a little family of his own. It was up until the delivery that he remembers how much you’ve given to carry Amy and how amazing you are to have carried and nurtured her for so long. He’s never loved anyone even more than he loves you and now with Amy. 
Harry intentionally wakes up earlier than you today, despite his schedule begging for him to sleep again. He looks over you next to him, seeing that you’re still huddled up under your thick blankets and your face pressed against your pillow. He takes notice of your chest rising and falling from every breath you take and how pretty you look on this morning. 
He leans over and plants a small kiss on your head, careful to not wake you as he gets out of bed. He pulls on a pair of sweatpants and walks out of your room, gently closing the door behind him. 
He makes his way across the hall to where little Amy is sleeping in her nursery. He wouldn’t be surprised if she’s already up at this hour, probably so she could cry out for some food or comfort from her parents. Harry slowly opens the door, he can already hear the soft sounds of Amy moving around in her crib. 
It’s almost as if she’s been waiting for him to come because her head perks as he leans over her crib. “Good morning, my little bub,” he says gently to her, already smiling so bright at the adorable little human looking up at him. Amy looks up at him with the same bright smile, her limbs flailing around in excitement as she sees her father. 
“Da,” she says, giggling as he caresses her head lovingly. Her arms reach up, signalling that she wants to be carried like the little princess Harry says she is. He gladly picks her up, letting their noses nuzzle against each other before he kisses her head. 
“Y’know what today is, bub?” Harry asks Amy. Amy merely stares at him, not understanding a single word, with the same green eyes she inherited from him. It still makes him choke up just thinking about it. Amy coos as her little hands trace over the swallow tattoos. “Today’s Mother’s Day,” he says in an excited voice, and he chuckles at the way her head perks up. 
“Mama?” She asks, her green eyes staring innocently and adorably at him. He nods, bouncing her lightly in his arms as he carries her out from the room. 
“That’s right, bubba. It’s mama’s day, and you’re gonna help me make her breakfast. Except you won’t really be doing anything but watching me and keeping me company. Let’s be honest, your cooking skills aren’t the most helpful yet, bubs,” he tells her as they enter the kitchen, setting Amy down in her high chair. 
Amy giggles, seemingly finding whatever Harry said funny. He grins at his adorable little baby, sometimes all he wants to do is cuddle with her and smother her with all the love he has for her. “Yeah bubs? Gonna help me or sit here lookin’ cute and adorable while daddy cooks?” He asks as he leans down so his face is levelled with hers. Amy simply giggles and nods at his father, even though she tends to nod at nearly everything they both say to her. 
Harry laughs and kisses her chubby cheeks. “Love you, my little bub,” he tells her. She babbles at him as her hands reach for his face. “Yeah, love me too? I think you do,” he says, kissing her little nose which makes her giggle again. 
Harry begins to make breakfast as Amy sits and watches him, babbling and cooing at him as he does. He nods and talks back to her like they are having a simple conversation, him simply agreeing with whatever she says. 
“Want a bite, bub?” He holds up a piece of strawberry in front of Amy and he grins widely as she tries to reach out for the red fruit. “Taking that as a ‘yes, please’,” he jokes as he bites off a tiny piece of the fruit for her to take. Amy hums in delight as she munches. He watches in awe of the little baby as he eats the rest of the fruit. 
At one point, he heats up some milk as Amy starts to get fussy. 
Harry doesn’t make much for breakfast, simply making some half boiled eggs, french toasts, some cut up fruits and coffee. He hums in the tune of one of his songs, Amy bobbing her head as she drinks her milk, enjoying this quality time with her father as he hums and sings to her. It is no doubt that she has grown familiar with the songs he sings to her. Harry’s convinced that she must’ve heard him even when she was still in your belly. 
As he watches the oil sizzling around the bread, he feels two arms wrapped around his waist and a head on his shoulder. He grins at the familiar touch of his wife. It’s amazing how the both of you have grown familiar to each other’s touch through all the years. 
He turns around, keeping a hand on the handle of the pan and the other arm wrapped around you, kissing your head. “Morning, my love,” he says, laying his head on hers. “Morning, baby,” you mumble out in a tired voice. “Bed was cold,” you pout as you stifle a yawn from your mouth. 
He chuckles at your tired state, knowing how much you enjoy waking up next to him instead of an empty bed space. “Happy Mother’s day, lovie,” he tells you, smiling as he sees how your face lights up at his words. You couldn’t believe it yourself that you’re able to spend this special with your little family. “Thank you, bubs,” you beam at him, leaning up to kiss him. Harry hums into the kiss, his lips moving slowly against yours. 
A baby’s babbling snaps you both from the kiss you shared, you could see your baby girl whining as she reaches out for you. You both laugh at this, breaking away as you walk over to her. “Hello, my little baby love,” you say as you kisses all over her face, eliciting giggles from Amy. “Mama,” she says, nuzzling her face into your neck. 
“Have you been helping daddy cook?” You ask her as you brush through her soft curls. You hear Harry scoff behind you as you say this. “She hasn’t been helping at all, just bossing around in her little high chair,” he says jokingly, Amy laughs at his fake pouty expression directed at her. 
“And you,” he says as he turns off the stove, walking over to you. “Should be in bed. Was gonna bring ya breakfast in bed as a surprise. All romantic and shit.” You slap a hand on his shoulder as he curses. Harry laughs at this as he wraps his arms around you. “Don’t swear around her,” you tell him with a fake angry tone. 
Amy pays no attention to them, busying herself by finishing her little bottle of milk. You turn around to face him, hanging her arms around his shoulders. “Now, I feel bad. I could just run back up, pretend to be asleep until you come in,” you suggest, running your fingers through his curls. He sighs at the comforting feeling. 
“Mmm. The surprise is kind of ruined now, so,” he shrugs as he says in a matter of fact. You roll your eyes at him. “Well, I still would love to have breakfast in bed with my baby and my handsome and loving, made by said husband,” you say cheekily at him. 
Harry grins at you, resting his forehead on yours. “Handsome and loving husband, huh? Gotta be one lucky bloke to have married an amazing woman,” he teases, making you throw your head back laughing. “Alright then,” he says, patting your bum. “Go on then. Pretend you’re sleeping, give me an award-winning performance when I come up.”
You hum as you give him a quick peck on the lips. “See you in bed, my handsome husband!” You call out behind you as you make your way out of the kitchen. Amy puts down her finished bottle and frowns as her mother goes off. “Mama?” She pouts at her father. 
Harry comforts her as he kisses her head. “We’ll join her in a bit, Amy. Gotta get breakfast ready.” She coos in response as she traces over the butterfly tattoo on his stomach. 
Harry puts Amy in the baby sling they bought for her as he prepares the food on a tray. He coos at her as she cuddles up on his chest, loving the warmth he radiates. He slowly balances the food tray as they ascend up the stairs to your bedroom. 
When he pushes the door open, he sees you in bed, seemingly asleep, although the hint of smile on your face would say otherwise. He gently sets the tray down on your bed. Amy is already reaching out for you as he sits next to you. 
He shakes you gently. “Wake up, lovie.” Your eyes flutter open, smiling sweetly at your two loves. “Hello, my loves,” you say to them. You both laugh at the silliness as you lean up to kiss his lips. You take Amy out of the sling and set her on your lap. 
“So, was my performance worthy of an award?” You tease him as you kiss all over Amy’s face, making her giggle.
“Oh yeah, definitely. Couldn’t tell you were acting,” he plays along. 
You sniff in the delicious scent of food laid out in front of you. You moan in delight as you lay your head on his shoulder. “I love you. Thank you.” 
“I love you too, honey.” He kisses your head. He kisses you again, long enough for the feel of his lips to linger on yours. “Happy Mother’s day,” he says lovingly, taking a piece of the french toast he made. 
You beam at him as he entertains with Amy’s babbling. And you think to yourself, you would much rather just stay at home, order in food and watch movies in bed with them today. Perhaps Harry might be up to take a nice bubble bath when Amy has her usual afternoon naps.
Truthfully, you couldn’t wait to spend more Mother’s Days, as long as you are with your two loves. And hopefully, with more little ones in the future. 
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songmingisthighs · 3 years
[9.28] San
⇀ when mommy's not around, it's daddy's time to shine.
San would've want nothing more than to sleep in, knowing full well that his 3 years old son is more than capable to entertain himself especially with Byeol around.
But the tiny hands that shook him awake made him panic a little.
He shot up slightly, lifting his body up from the bed and peek through one eye to see his son on his bed, pouting.
"Hey, bud, why'd you woke daddy up?" He asked, voice still hoarse due to having just woke up. His son pat his tummy twice with a pout still etched on his face, "tummy, hurts," he sniffed.
San sat up and pulled his son into his arms, "your tummy hurts? Why? Do you need to go poo poo?" He asked while slowly caressing his son's back, yawning a tiny bit at the end. It was then when he realized that his wife was not in bed, took him a solid 15 seconds to remember that she's visiting her relatives for a bit, leaving San and Dae alone.
Dae settled his face on San's shoulder, shaking his head to answer him, "no... don't wanna go poo poo," he mumbled, voice muffled as it is pressed on San's shoulder.
Thinking that maybe it's time to wakeup anyways, San held Dae tighter in his arms and lift him up as he stood, "okay, let's see if your tumtum hurts because it needs fuel," he said, pecking the boy's head with affection.
When San stepped out of his bedroom, the first thing he does is check the time which showed 10.02 am. A little bit early than he would've liked to get up, but he'd sacrifice everything for the little prince in his arms.
"Daddy," Dae called, tapping San lightly before pushing himself back a little to look at San, "Byeol's still in my room," San tilted his head at Dae, booping his nose softly, making the boy giggle, "so?" "Get her!! We should eat breakfast together, I promised her I'll give her snacks,"
San nodded at Dae's request, "okay, okay, come on let's get Byeol," he turned towards Dae's room which is right across from his. "Byeol," he called out when he stepped into the room, "come on sweetie, it's breakfast time," the cat merely stare at him with a blank expression from Dae's bed, on the spot she claimed ever since Dae moved from his crib to his big boy bed.
Dae wiggled himself off of San's grasp to run to his bed. He grabbed Byeol's body and drag her to the edge before grasping her in his arms like one of his plushies, "come on Byeol, you need num nums!" He told the cat, who is surprisingly calm, letting the tiny boy handle her however he pleases.
The boy then proceed to waddle of with Byeol in his arms to the kitchen, "daddy come on!" He called out, prompting San to follow behind him, making sure that he won't fall.
Once they're in the kitchen, Dae finally put Byeol down to get to her food container. "Daddy, where's the scooper ??" He called as he began to look for the cat food scooper.
San only chuckled at his son's antics before reaching for said scooper that was near the microwave to give to his son.
"Thank you daddy," Dae grinned widely, showing a missing tooth on the bottom row. He began scooping food for Byeol, remembering exactly how you taught him to ensure that Byeol wouldn't be overfed all the while San rummage through the fridge for both his and Dae's pre-cooked breakfast that you made before you left.
Fascinated with Byeol, Dae kept a close eye on her until San called him to eat his breakfast on the table with him.
The pair ate quietly side by side. San occassionally wipe some stray food from Dae's mouth when he noticed Dae was eating rather messily.
"Does your tummy still hurt?" San asked, drinking some juice as he waited for Dae to finish his food since he already finished his. Dae shrugged, swallowing before answering San, "not really, but I miss mommy," he pouted.
San smiled sympathetically at Dae, patting his head before reaching to move Dae to his lap, "I know bud, I miss her too," he sighed.
"Mommy's gonna come back, right?" Dae asked while looking at San with the most pitiful looking puppy eyes. San couldn't help but squeak and hug his son tightly, "of course she will! Mommy will be back tomorrow morning and we're gonna pick her up! How does that sound?"
Seemingly content with what his dad offered, he nodded hard.
"That's my boy, until mommy came back you're gonna spend time with your old man here, alright? Does that sound like a plan?" San asked, poking Dae's tummy lightly, making the boy giggle, showing his dimples that looks exactly like San's, "then can you teach me to play the game you and uncle Yunho like to play?"
Hearing how his son is interested in something he does made San grin widely, as wide as it could to the point that it kinda hurt. He had to cover his mouth so that his son wouldn't be freaked out.
"Oh buddy, you're gonna be my new gaming partner and we're gonna obliterate uncle Yunho!"
"Yeah! Obli-bliate uncle Yunho!!"
"You'll get there kiddo, one grown up vocabulary at a time,"
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
The Akatsuki as Parents
Was a bit reluctant when he found out he was going to be a daddy ... at first. Not because he didn’t want kids ((he really did)), but because he severely doubted his own ability to be a father. But the second he holds the baby in his arms, he’s hooked. He will be so eagerly helpful and hands-on that during the child’s infancy, the other parent will rarely have to lift a finger. Diapers need changing? Obito’s on it. Baby needs to be fed at 2am? Obito’s already out of bed and warming formula on the stove. Rash? Fever? A cough? Obito is consulting every doctor within a 20 mile radius on what to do. Note that Obito is a hard-core traditionalist and, if he isn’t married to the child’s other parent before he gets them pregnant, he’ll be persistent about doing so before the kid is born. Sobs the first time his child calls him “papa”. As the child grows older, Obito will be a tireless teacher and mentor, and you better believe that the kid will know every facet of what was once the Uchiha clan. Sharingan training is a bit nerve-wracking for Dad, because while he wants his child to grow strong, he knows the power of the eye is a deadly one, and doesn’t like to see his son/daughter get hurt. Is the type to be a bit more strict with his sons than with daughters, in fact being a complete pushover for anything his little girl(s) wants. Very, VERY likely to insist a girl be named Nohara. Also the type to sneak and let his kid eat lots of sweets (like Obito himself does) before meals, much to the other parent’s chagrin. Also involves the other Akatsuki members as uncles/aunt in the kid’s life, especially Itachi and Sasuke as he wants the kid to be exposed to members of the family more often.
The literal first words out of his mouth are “pregnant? Why the hell didn’t you make me wear a condom?!” Takes a long time to warm up to the idea of parenthood, but once he does, he’s surprisingly better at it than anyone would anticipate. He tends to be very fast-paced in his body movements and not really used to being careful, so if he’s holding his infant it’s best to make him sit still in a chair first. Once the kid(s) is older, it’s better, because Hidan’s energy levels will match (and overshadow) even the liveliest of children. It will be a big point of contention between Hidan and his co-parent on whether or not to introduce their kid to Jashinism, and Hidan will eventually promise to wait until the child is an adult to start talking about “all that shit”; although Hidan’s idea of adulthood seems to be when the kid is old enough to use a kunai. Puts a startling amount of emphasis on his kid getting a good education, and will be sure to send him or her to the best village school that he possibly can. The reason behind this is because Hidan himself had a poor education growing up, and is in fact barely able to read or do basic math; and he says over and over that his kid “isn’t gonna be some dumbass like his/her father”.
Nearly faints when told he’s going to be a father. Will immediately get out a calculator and start figuring out expenses like diapers, food, toys, education ... is so preoccupied that he ends up neglecting the person who carries his child, causing them to go off on their own expecting to be a single parent. Oddly, it’s Hidan who sets the old guy straight. He stays on his case and talks to him until the nonagenarian sees the error of his ways, and goes after the person having his baby. Kakuzu will be gentle with a baby, and show a surprising affinity for making up and singing lullabies. As the kid gets older, Kakuzu will be a bit more strict. “Food is expensive; you better eat every bite on your plate.” “A hole in your pants? No give them to me and I’ll mend them; buying new clothes is unnecessary.” His child will grow up knowing how to stretch a buck and budget money better than any other kid their age. Kakuzu isn’t really one for showing much warmth or affection, but there will be a few rare moments in his kid’s life where his father hugs him and tells him how proud he is of him. Kakuzu knows that the life of a shinobi is hard and therefore encourages his kid to pursue other career paths, such as opening up his/her own business.
Konan and Nagato
These two are so closely intertwined that they could only be parental mates to each other. When a baby comes into the picture, Nagato will still maintain his position as leader of the Akatsuki as Pein, but will insist that Konan quit. It’s for a practical purpose rather than a sentimental one; they both lost their collective parents to war, and Nagato always thought that if he had a child, he’d ensure that at least one parent would be around to always take care of him or her. Konan, however, will still keep in touch with all of the Akatsuki members, who will become very enthusiastic uncles to her child. She’s always been a good cook but with a child she’ll level up to professional chef caliber, creating dishes that are fun and healthy. Her child(ren) will be taught all of their mother’s paper jutsus, and Nagato will work to devise a way for the brightest one to get his rinnegan once he passes. The kids will primarily spend time with Nagato through Pein, and only be taken to meet their father when Konan feels they’re ready. Because Konan and Nagato had a childhood devoid of parental love, they’re often at a loss for how to be affectionate or sentimental, instead putting a lot of emphasis on “toughening” their kids up, so that they’re prepared to face the cruelties of the world. But the kids will know that mom and dad love them; it’s obvious in everything they say and do.
Will be the fun, loving, yet highly irresponsible father. As soon as his kid is born he anxiously awaits to see if he or she inherits his explosion-release kekkei genkai; and if the kid DOES, he’s ecstatic. “Art is an explosion” won’t just be a saying in his household; it’ll be a way of life. The child will grow up given complete freedom to express his or her artistic tendencies, with Deidara highly praising any and every impact they make on the outside world. Yet despite being for artistic creativity, he’ll be (surprisingly) strongly against the child joining any kind of organization that’s like the Akatsuki; he regrets his own decision to join as he feels it out a horrible damper on his artistic expression and independence. Likes to tell his young children stories every night, which are actually just heavily edited and sanitized versions of his Akatsuki missions. Like Obito, will be a bit more of a pushover for a daughter than a son, and will love spending hours brushing and styling the beautiful long hair that the girl inherits from him. He’ll let any member of the Akatsuki around his kids except for Hidan (because he doesn’t want his foul language around the child).
There are people in this world who know for certain that their lives wouldn’t be fulfilled by having children, and Zetsu is one of these individuals. While wanting no offspring of his own, he IS rather a good “uncle” to the children of his fellow Akatsuki members ((although the majority of these kids are too terrified of his physical appearance to want to go anywhere near him until they’re at least teenagers)).
A child would be hard-pressed to elicit any kind of emotional reaction from Sasori, as the man cleared himself of most feeling when he underwent his puppet transformation. However, one thing that he could never rid himself of, was his ability to love. Even if he has difficulty showing it, he loves his child and would do literally anything to help or protect them. When the child is a baby, Sasori will spend hours crafting tiny puppet-dolls for the kid to play with. As he grew up with a skilled medic grandmother, he possesses a wide knowledge of herbs and healing, which he will painstakingly pass on to his children. Not one to baby his children by any means, as he lives by the philosophy that the world is tough meaning you have to be tougher; however will offer advice, support, and encouragement on any issues that may be troubling his son/daughter. Early on he expresses a desire for his child to learn to be a master puppeteer like himself; however will be understanding if they choose to pursue a different path. Is very smart and naturally mistrustful of strangers, so will likely choose to educate his kids at home rather than send them to a village school. The type to seem more like a trusted mentor or an interesting uncle than an actual father; also the type to relate to his teen or adult children better than young kids.
Itachi never feels like he deserves any of the good things in life, because of what he’s done, and therefore doesn’t know how to handle blessings that are given to him. A baby is the ultimate example of this. Itachi will feel as though any child of his would be better off not knowing him or being “exposed” to the cursed Uchiha bloodline, so at first he’ll make it a point to barely be around his baby ((even though this kills him inside)). Surprisingly, of all people, it’s Deidara who will talk him out of this mindset, telling him how important it is for a child to be around their father “even if he is a damned red-eyed weirdo”. Once Itachi allows himself to fully commit to parenthood, that’s it — he’ll be the best damned father in the universe. He’ll be warm and affectionate, especially liking to pick his kid up (no matter how old they are or how embarrassed it makes them) and squeeze them. He’s not much of a disciplinarian, believing that kids need to be able to make mistakes in order to grow from them. The only time he’ll ever get angry is when the child does something that could have resulted in a serious injury. Itachi’s intelligence has always been off the charts, and he utilizes this to help his kid be a spectacular student. In fact, as the kid gets older, they’ll start bringing his/her friends around the house in order to receive Itachi’s tutoring. Itachi’s brother Sasuke will adore his nephew/niece and come home more often simply to be with them. Also Kisame will come around practically every day, and the kid will grow up learning an impressive arsenal of water jutsus to compliment the traditional Uchiha fire jutsus.
The tall, somewhat awkward father that scares all of his kid’s friends with his intimidating physical appearance ... until he opens his mouth and they hear a god-awful dad joke come out. Any child of Kisame’s is going to be part shark, and therefore have some affinity for being in/breathing under the water. Kisame’s favorite pastime will be taking his baby (and yes, I do mean baby, as he tends to start his kid on this when they’re young) out for long swims in the ocean. Kisame has always been self-conscious of his looks, so from the time the child is born he will spend a good deal of time teaching him or her to have self-confidence and love for him/herself. Like many of the others in the Akatsuki, Kisame never received much of a formal education, and therefore puts a lot of emphasis on his child going to a “normal” school and giving it their all when it comes to their studies. When the child proves him or herself physically capable, Kisame will start training with them on how to wield/control samehada, as well as fight with a variety of swords. It goes without saying that Itachi will be in Kisame’s kid’s life from the day they’re born, and be their favorite “uncle”.
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blackcatclawsout · 3 years
Majima x Reader- Bento Box
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I also post to AO3 under the same username!
Morning was always her favourite time of the day. Y/N stirred in her shared bed, nestling into the arms that were already wrapped around her. Majima seemed to already be awake; his grip tightened and drew her closer. He peppered her cheeks and forehead in light kisses, giggling at her sleepy groaning. She swatted away his face, chuckling softly.
"No, I have morning breath," she whined, smirking as he drew her near.
They laid in bed motionless, letting dawn's light hit their blanketed bodies. Everything was soft and warm, as the rising sun began to wake greater Tokyo. Y/N could stay like this forever, pressed against his chest, breathing in Majima. He rarely took showers at night, so she always caught a bit of his cologne in their morning cuddles. Stealing glances at her beau, she saw his face, softened as he breathed softly. She admired his thin face and his high cheekbones. Y/N gently reached up, rubbing the backs of her fingers across his motionless face. She cupped his cheek. Majima's eye opened, locking with her. His grey eye was softened in moments like these, pupil lazily dilating as he stared back at her. Catlike blinks between the two of them communicated their mutual appreciation for the silent moment they were currently sharing. Y/N's eyes darted towards his thin-lipped mouth. The hand she rested on his lean chest felt his heart speed up. The anxious pattering edged her to lean in closer. A giddy feeling rose from her stomach, compelling her to shut her eyes in excitement. The harsh melody of the phone cut through their synchronized breathing.
"Son of a..." Majima muttered, immediately turning to his bedside stand. Y/N sat up, calming her still fast-beating heart. "Nishida, d'ya even know what time- No, I haven't since... Fuck. I'll be there in a sec." He sighed, hanging up. Majima sat on the edge of the bed, fingers massaging his temple. His lover crawled to him slowly, resting a hand on his shoulder. Before she could ask, he stood up, turning around to face her. 
"Shit's hit the fan, I gotta go." His hand extended, resting on top of her head. Fingers wandered absent-mindedly through her locks as his eyes flickered over her partly covered figure. His brows were once again furrowed.
"I understand. You better get going." She nodded, smiling up at the older man. His lips parted slightly, almost to say something, but pressed together again. He sauntered to the washroom, closing the door behind him. Y/N glanced at the clock on Majima's side table.
5:56... yikes. No wonder Goro was pissed off. He doesn't usually get up for another half hour. 
She stretched as she got up, wrapping a robe around herself as she left the bedroom. Something Y/N had slowly grown accustomed to in her partnership to Majima was bento boxes. The idea of making someone a packed lunch seemed… childish to her; at least it did at first. She vaguely remembered her mother making her lunch when she was a child, probably because she couldn't be trusted to pack her own. She had learned quickly to become independent, fiercely so, and the thought of relying on someone else to make her lunch seemed strange to her. It wasn't until Goro explained that she caught the appeal.
"When you're a kid, your mom made one of them for you and your dad. It always had great shit in there- homemade and sometimes with cute decorations. Now, she only did this for you an' your ol' man, the two people she shoulda loved most. So when ya girl makes it, it means she loves ya!"  He flashed a cheeky grin as he explained. Y/N just cocked her head.
"You... don't think of your mom when you eat it?" She asked warily, causing him to burst with laughter.
"Hell no, I don't! I just think of my girl, and how lucky I am to have her." he leaned forward, pecking her cheek as he finished. 
Y/N washed the rice absent-mindedly as she thought back to then. A smile graced her lips as she turned the machine on to hum, beginning to make other parts of his lunch. There was a big learning curve at first; the rice balls would always fall apart, or she’d mess up some recipe. Far too often she had left out an element from the lunch box, only to find it waiting on the counter. Despite it all, Majima took a bento each day, calling after he finished to compliment her work. His praise motivated her, even driving her to go to a local bookstore, looking for any sort of help. Slowly, her skills improved. Her routine became more integrated and quicker with each passing day.
After a short while, she looked at her handy work. The layer bento was stuffed full of edamame, onigiri with fish, steamed vegetables, and leftover meat from their dinner before. She felt proud of her handiwork, even if it wasn’t perfect. Y/N glanced at the kitchen clock on the wall. 
It’s been almost 20 minutes... He should be ready soon.
She packed the food up, tucking his chopstick into the small plastic container. After ensuring everything was ready to go, she padded back to the bedroom, looking around for her lover. Muttering leaked out of their washroom, prompting her to follow the growling. 
“Hey, Goro-chan… You’ll need to be heading out soon,” She popped her head into the doorway,  smiling as she saw him already finished. He turned to face her, an exasperated look already carved into his face. 
“Those assholes…” He sighed as he walked towards her, He was dressed in his usual suit jacket and black leather pants. She could still smell the dampness in his hair and his body wash- one of her favourite smells. Y/N gave a soft smile to him. 
They didn’t often talk about his work, they met in spite of it, and he seemed to prefer to keep it that way. When they first met, he was insistent that he was a businessman- he looked the part then too. At the time, his hair was long and neat, his suit always pressed and clean; he had kept himself well-groomed with a clean shaved face, so it wasn’t much of a stretch then. Of course, life got in the way and they fell apart, only connecting years later by chance. The drastic change in his appearance tipped her off that he was into… different work by now. But she respected his privacy. She wasn’t oblivious by any means; Y/N meticulously knew what he did and where he was most days. After a few months of being together, she began receiving text messages from Nishida, informing her on where his boss was, especially during late evenings. They chatted frequently, even going into topics not associated with work. He was her confidant and seemed to share the image of Majima that she had. 
Goro finished with his hair and came to the doorway, kissing her cheek before heading out of the bathroom. He picked up a few things he left out on the bed before also leaving the bedroom. She tidied the washroom, bringing out the damp towel that smelled like him, and tiding the bedspread before also leaving.
“See ya! I’m off!” Majima called from the door. 
“Call you later!” She echoed from the laundry room, “Have a good day!” She waited for the door to click shut before she continued with the laundry. Household chores weren’t her favourite, she didn’t enjoy doing laundry or cooking. But if it was left up to the two of them, both Majima and Y/N would starve and live the remainder of their days on earth as nudists. On her days off, she tried to get everything done quickly, leaving the remainder of the day to read or do whatever else she pleased. Y/N stretched as the washing machine began to purr lightly. She sighed as she looked around for something else to do.
Can’t seem to find anything else… Guess it’s time for breakfast.
Padding to the kitchen, she used the remainder of the food prepared from before to make herself food. She hummed happily as egg sizzled and soup came to a soft boil. The fragrant embrace of food brought her a joy that nothing else in the world could, and she almost hated to admit it. It was half-way through her rendition of some pop song from the radio that she noticed something in the corner of her eye, sitting on the countertop. Turning she noticed it was the bento box she made. Y/N held the container in her hands, turning it over lightly. She felt her brow furrow slightly, thinking of what to do. Should she bring it to him? Glancing at the clock she sighed,
It’s 7:00 am… If I get ready soon I can drop this off and pop around Kamurocho for a bit
It was 10:30-ish when she was dressed and ready to head out. Just because of the occasion, she decided to wear a knee-length black skirt and a simple creme blouse, pairing them with black penny loafers. She admired her reflection in the hallway mirror, her makeup light and perfect for a sunny afternoon out. Y/N made sure to gently tuck in the bento box to the fabric bag she had slung around her shoulder and headed out for the day. 
Navigating the subways always seemed daunting during rush hour, so she grew thankful when she patted down the steps to find the underground mostly empty. It was a short walk through the underground mall to where she needed to go; the large hall filled with all ages shopping for what they needed. Sweet vendors sold their succulent items to the newly freed students, groups of teenage girls fawned over the newest character items displayed, some with their boyfriends. A light smile played over Y/N’s face as she too had been that way when she was younger. She understood the excitement contained within the first week off of school, how it drove young people to be out with their friends. As she left the mall area and came to her line, she noticed a pair of teens waiting. A boy and a girl stood side by side, rather stiffly. She eyed them, noticing the way they both twitched when talking to one another. How cute. She glanced down at her fabric bag.
I wonder what he was like when he was younger…
The train ride was about 20 minutes, dropping her off in the heart of Kamurocho. Despite the bright sun and lack of neon lights, people swarmed the warming streets, chatting and shopping to their heart’s content. The smell of grilled food, cigarettes, and sun-baked concrete filled her senses as Y/N darted through the crowd. Regardless of being the only foreigner for blocks, she was ignored completely by the other’s around her. It sometimes was the only redeeming quality of the busier areas. Endless roads seemed to carry on for miles, the farthest treks waving and fluttering in the edging midday heat. All of Kamurocho seemed to be gearing up for the impending festival season, which always impressed visitors from far and wide. Passing by, attendants called out in hopes of catching a customer, but their calls falling on deaf ears. The Millenium Tower loomed over the crowds in the bright sunlight, casting a sharp shadow; though it was a ways off, it still acted as a centre, or maybe more of a North star. She dawdled towards the quieter part of town where the Majima family office was located. She had vaguely remembered certain landmarks, like the worn down shrine that always seemingly had a fresh bowl of rice, or the old teahouse they had once stopped at. As she drew near the building, a tense feeling probed her stomach, though she had trouble understanding why. It was not like Goro was ever mean or told her not to come, yet she had the feeling like he had lived his life with her around his work, avoiding involving her in any regard. 
Y/N bit her lip anxiously; She would be lying to say she had not considered heading back. Simply calling him to warn him that he might have to eat out for today, or feign ignorance over his forgetfulness this morning. Yet, the prospect of doing anything else plagued her mind with guilt. Glancing at her watch, she decided to head in, despite it being only 11:22, as she’d rather be giving him his lunch early than late. She cautiously walked into the building,  immediately hit with a wall of air conditioning. She shivered in the artificial cool and looked about. The standard lobby was clean but dated and smelled of old carpet. Thinking back, Y/N had never gotten a good look at the inside, the most she saw was whatever she could see through the window the one time she saw Majima exit from here. The lobby only had a hallway attached, seemingly where the elevators and washroom would be. Gloomy plants sat destitute in the corner of the room. As she finished her look-over, her eyes settled on the high desk that rested on the left side of the room. Quietly, she approached.
The man sitting at the desk was middle aged and pudgy. His clothes and hair would have betrayed him for just another typical salary man and not someone who worked with the Yakuza. Several papers were strewn around him as he wrote on the one closest to him. As she stood waiting, she noticed the permanent fowl look on his face. It was decidedly funny when she realized it was the same face one makes at an offensive smell. Holding back a snicker, she spoke up. 
“Um, excuse me…” her voice almost was a whisper. The man whipped his head up, visibly confused. His eyes quickly jumped about her figure as he rose from his seat.
“No english. Out.” He rattled quickly in english, stepping from behind the desk. In her initial shock, he nearly dragged her to the door before she retracted her hand. 
“I’m here for-” She began.
“No english.” The man repeated once again, turning to face her.
“Is Majima Goro here?” She exclaimed loudly. The man froze where he stood, blinking owlishly at her. The air conditioning above them tousled both their hair, the moment silent, still and cold. He cleared his throat before straightening himself.
“Yes, I believe Majima-sama is in his office.” The man responded quietly, looking her over once more. Y/N sighed in relief, relaxing her own posture. 
“Thank you. Can you take me to him?” 
He shook his head softly, walking back to the desk, trailing her along dumbly. At first she thought he was refusing to help her anymore, but as he sat down, he reached for the desk’s phone and irritatedly called a short sequence. He muttered something under his breath before hanging up the phone and returning back to his papers. An awkward pause played as Y/N waited for any further instruction, standing dumbly in front of the pudgy man. Without warning, the elevator creaked opened, allowing two tall lean men to step out. She took that as her cue, and walked towards them. 
Confusion seemed to be the theme of the Majima family office; Both men took a second to look her over before jumping back into action, patting her down rather roughly. While they avoided the obvious areas, they did seem to paw her skirt a little belligerently. She bit her lip to bite back a rude comment, deciding that it wasn’t worth pissing off men who killed people for a living. When one tried to take her bag, she yelped causing them to jump slightly. Her face was hot as she opened the canvas bag herself, showing them the contents After an additional minute of snooping, they led inside the elevator adjacent; The three of them stood compactly to one another. Y/N felt them shift their body weight. The small box had no air conditioning, quickly undoing the chill she felt moments ago. Her heart beat began to pick up again as they climbed slowly to the third floor, seconds stretching to minutes. When they arrived, she was hit once again with the cooled air. 
The hallway was plain and for some reason nerve-wracking. The lack of scenery gave her less to take in as she tried to calm her beating heart. Checking and rechecking her bag, she made sure the food was in there. Her pulse was loud in her ears and her face felt hot. Why out of all the times she had given Majima a bento, this was the time when she was nervous about it? She thought back to their phone conversations after he had finished his lunch- Was he ever lying? What if he just threw it out at work and told her a pretty white lie? It was only an odd electricity in the room that made her tear her gaze from the bottom of the bag that she had been staring at.
Looking up, she found her gaze land on Goro Majima’s face, his brows furrowing as he looked over her.
“Y/N, are you alright?” His voice had an edge of concern as he stepped out a little from the doorway. She couldn’t help but find herself gawking- he felt too unreal to answer to. She had heard before that you often have trouble recognizing people when they are removed from the typical scenario you see them in; this seemed to be a prime example to her. Before she could answer, Majima led her into his office, draping his arm over her shoulder as he led her in. As she bustled in, he closed the door quickly behind them. 
Her eyes wandered over his office- It was small and rather boring, only a small katana on the wall suggested that he would actually use this space. It was surprisingly clean, save for a large desk which was scattered in various papers. The filing cabinets and tables were covered in papers as well, though neatly stacked into piles. It never had occurred to her that he would have done any other work besides physical. Her thoughts were stopped as Goro came into her view. His grey eye was dark and his brow creased, which only made him look older. His gloved hands rested on her shoulders, his gaze even with hers. 
“Are you alright, Y/N-chan?” His voice quivered slightly. Her face reddened in response, forcing her to break eye contact.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine..” she replied quietly.
A stale silence hung in the air before Majima straightened himself, hands dropping from her shoulders to hold her hands instead. He held her hands up, gently rubbing the backs of her knuckles.
“You’re not acting like yourself… What’s really happening?” His baritone voice was soft and pleading, making his concern more unbearable. The woman let out a shaky breath and urged herself to look at him. Her tongue felt swollen in her mouth and her throat seemed dryer than moments before. 
“You left your lunch at home, but I… just feel silly.” She managed to mewl meekly. Her eyes stayed trained on him while he processed what she said. His face betrayed his confusion before he cocked his head.
“My… lunch?” He repeated. She sighed heavily.
“I came into the kitchen and it was still on the counter, and I didn’t want you to be hungry or to have to go out and stop what you were doing to go buy lunch-” She began only to be cut off by his howling laughter. He held his stomach and keeled over, gasping for air while he cackled brightly. Now she really felt embarrassed.
After giggling to himself for a while longer, he looked up at her, still doubled over and gasping, “You’re too cute.” 
She fumbled with her bag, grabbing the bento and quickly shoving it to him. Even though her gaze was averted from him, she could still sense his smile as he gently took the container from her. He walked to his desk, plopping down in the plush leather chair, setting his feet up on the desk. Y/N drew near as he popped the lid open, surveying the contents.
“Okey-dokey, let’s see what we have... Karaage, edamame- always delicious… Ooh! Even salmon onigiri!” He loudly praised the humble contents of the bento, picking through the contents lightly. His lover settled on the edge of his desk, watching his reactions intently. He ate ravenously, akin to a rabid dog more than an actual person. She was the one to giggled this time, watching his face change with each side dish. 
As he finished, Majima sighed loudly, sinking further into his chair.
“Delicious as always.” 
Y/N cocked her head, “You think so?” He smirked, pulling her forward towards him.I know so.”
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blu-joons · 4 years
You Introduce Him To Your Daughter ~ Im Jaebum
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“You’ve got nothing to worry about, she loves everybody Jaebum.”
His head nodded as you lead him up to your front door as your date came to an end. Just the sound of your key in the lock was enough for your daughter to jump up in the living room, racing through to have a look who was there. Once her eyes spotted you, she lit up straight away, sprinting in your direction, throwing herself into your arms.
It didn’t take long before her eyes also looked at Jaebum stood beside you. She’d heard a few things about him from you and knew that he was the one responsible for making sure that her mummy was happy and feeling loved. She smiled anxiously in his direction as you led the two of them further into the house.
It was as you walked into the living room you saw your friend sat on the couch who had been babysitting for most of the afternoon. Straight away she rose to her feet, greeting you both, letting you know all about how their day together had been.
“I’ll head off,” she smiled once she finished filling you in, pulling you into a hug. “She’s been really excited to meet him, so I hope it goes well for you all Y/N.”
As you glanced back around after waving her off, Jaebum and your daughter were already immersed in a game with her dolls, with her plastic dining set placed around in a circle. “Mummy, join us,” she smiled as you walked back into the room.
“Why don’t we give mummy the first cup of tea because she’s so special?”
“Is that so?” You grinned, taking a seat beside Jaebum. His hand instinctively wrapped around you, as your daughter looked up, smiling at how close the two of you were.
His head nodded, nudging against the side of yours. “Apparently Y/D/N is going to be cooking dinner for us tonight, so it’s a good job we didn’t eat whilst we were out.”
“It definitely is,” you chimed, taking the plastic cup and saucer that she passed across to you. “But shouldn’t our guests be the ones that eat first?” You asked her.
Her head shook, looking back across at you. “Jaebum is your boyfriend, so he’s not a guest. If he’s your boyfriend, doesn’t that end up making him a part of our family mummy?”
Your body froze at how open she was, scared to look at Jaebum in case she panicked him. But as his head nodded, ensuring that you got the first plate of food, you looked across at him mouthing a quick apology. Jaebum quickly brushed you aside, knowing just how honest children could be.
“She did nothing wrong,” he laughed as she walked off into the kitchen to continue playing her game. His grip tightened around you as he sensed how frantic you had become by your daughter’s sudden outburst. “Honestly, I’m just thankful right now that she seems to like me, and there’s no complaints from me if she decides that she wants me to be a part of your family.”
“I wouldn’t complain either,” you whispered as you rested against his chest. “It’s just these are things we’ve not really discussed between the two of us before, I don’t want her to overwhelm you or make things move at a pace that’s too quick for you.”
Jaebum silenced you with a kiss as your daughter walked back into the room, taking the two plates that she passed to you, beginning to tuck into the fake meal.
The two of them continued to get on whilst Jaebum pretended to eat her meal, and your daughter sorted out the rest of her dolls. He could only sit back and admire what a great job you’d done with her, and how close the two of you were. When he first heard you had a daughter, he had to admit, he was a little bit apprehensive, but now he’d met her, he had no idea why he ever felt that way.
“I think it’s time that we think about heading to bed soon,” you suggested as time continued to pass.
“But I want to play with Jaebum,” your daughter protested, “can’t I stay up late tonight?”
Your head shook as a pout quickly grew on her face. Jaebum leaned forwards and scooped her up into his arms instantly before she could get too upset, tickling her sides until she was back to her usual smiling self again.
“I’m sure I’ll be here more often, and I promise that we can play properly then.”
“Will you really come again?”
His head nodded, sitting her down in his lap. “I love being with your mummy, and I enjoyed my evening with you, so I’m hoping that we’ll be seeing plenty of each other from now on. As long as that’s alright with you too, can I come and visit your café again?”
Her head nodded instantly, throwing her arms around Jaebum’s strong biceps, mumbling an apology across at you for being so snappy. With ease, Jaebum stood up and lifted Y/D/N up with him, walking in the direction of the stairs. Yet again, you began to panic, not wanting him to do anything that he wouldn’t be comfortable doing.
“You don’t have to put her to bed if you don’t want to,” you whispered to him.
His head shook, already halfway up the staircase with her still in his arms, watching closely as her head settled against his chest as sleep quickly caught up with her.
“She’s no bother,” he assured you once he’d placed her down in the bathroom to do her teeth. “I need to start getting used to all of these things if I’m going to be spending more time here. You shouldn’t have to do all of these things alone.”
“Remind me again how I ever got so lucky with you?”
He sniggered quietly, helping you as you put your sleepy daughter to bed. Once she was tucked up in bed, the two of you headed back downstairs, placing all of her toys away before throwing yourselves onto the sofa to relax.
“She’s a lovely kid, you’ve done well Y/N,” he told you.
Your head shook as you met his eyes, “it’s not been easy raising her all by myself. There were definitely times when it wasn’t easy, you’ve not seen her throw one of her infamous tantrums yet.”
“I’m sure I’ll be able to handle them,” he proudly smiled, pulling you tightly into his chest. “I don’t want to replace her dad, but I want to make sure that she knows that I’m going to be here for the two of you from now on.”
“She already knows how well you look after me,” you assured him, “to be honest, as long as you continue to take part in her fake café, she’s bound to fall in love with you.”
He hummed gently against the side of your head, “I reckon that’s something that I can do. It’s so clear how inquisitive her mind is, she really must take after you. She definitely looks like you, she’s very lucky in that sense.”
“Did you just say she was lucky to look like me?” You asked him.
“Of course, just like her mummy, she’s beautiful.”
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sarahjkl82-blog · 3 years
Sarah! I have a request <3 A meet-cute with Frankie in a supermarket <3 That's it, that's the request
For you @bison-writes
Warning: language and tooth rotting fluff ❤️❤️❤️
Tag list from AI: Tag list of glory (as ever, please ask to be put on or dropped from the list): @astroboots @silverwolf319 @sirowsky @leonieb @disgruntledspacedad @bison-writes @the-ginger-hedge-witch @danniburgh @sugarontherims @green-socks @tardisfangurl @mouthymandalorian @mrsparknuts @zukoyonce @agirllovespancakes @yespolkadotkitty @lunaserenade @theravenreads @lv7867
No more being a vampire with the rest of the undead and their missing shadows, patrolling supermarket aisles with aching knees and thoughts of murdering Karen from HR for stealing their last Diet Coke from the shared fridge at work. Nope. Not you. No siree. You are currently at the barrier of a Foo Fighters gig - close enough to be blessed by the sweat of the god that is Dave Grohl. Gliding on the back of your trolley handles, singing along tunelessly to Everlong as you reach for another bag of Italian bistro salad that’ll more than likely go brown in the depths of your salad drawer - but hey, it’s good to pretend you can make grown up choices, right? Maybe for being such a sensible adult, you could treat yourself to a little something with more sugar than sense?
Frankie is tired. So very, very tired.
There are days the tiredness inside comes in both forms, seeping through both the physical and mental - where his body needs to rest yet his mind needs it desperately to move, to help burn the anxiety right out - extinguishing it like a candle flame. Without physical exercise to get his blood pumping or mental exertion to keep him sharp, his mind will keep him up all night long, not allowing him any rest. He once thought his old man weak for falling into alcohol like he did, but, Frankie now gets it. Three years sober from the little twists of white powder - mostly thanks to the large, searching brown eyes of his little girl.
With her arrival imminent from her mom’s tomorrow, he needed to ensure that he had something to offer her with a little more nutritional value than endless bowls of Captain Crunch. He was there with a fixed list of ingredients. Breakfast would be eggs, milk and flour for airy pancakes that he layers with a mountain of blueberries and endless syrup. Lunches needed to be something that could be packed with snackable bits ready for building dens in the forest together but dinners would be taken care of via whatever diner he hit on the way home from their adventures - praying she didn’t fall asleep before he got something solid in her tummy.
As he winds his way through the aisles, he ticks off items from his hastily scribbled list. Hmmm. Dinner. Shit. He hasn’t thought of anything to feed himself tonight so he stands there in front of the half-emptied fridge stacked with microwaveable meals for one, wondering which would fill the emptiness inside him tonight. One hand rubs his bleary eyes - trying to get them to focus on something - as the other rubs out a knot in his lower back when a swoosh of wind whips behind him making him snap his head in the direction of your rapidly disappearing presence.
God, when was the last time he scooted on the back of a trolley?
Having left him with a pang of jealousy that he’d only grabbed a basket, he turns back to the food. Previously being utterly uninspired by the corporation’s offerings until your momentary presence, he spots a battered package towards the back of the fridge - hidden behind some fluorescently coloured Mac n Cheese. Hauling out a pack of Singapore noodles, a small smile twitches at the corner of his mouth. You - the supermarket witch, gliding down aisles as if on a broomstick - have blessed him with something he feels a pique of excitement about eating.
That is until tomorrow when he has a reason to cook again when his amor de vida will come to fill his heart with her giggles and cuddles.
The Foos have now turned into the Pixies, with Black Francis and Kim Deal forcing you to bob your head and sway by the loo rolls, instead of moshing in between the fruit juice and milk. Grabbing all the essentials on your way through the shop, out of the corner of your eye, you catch the warmly illuminated display of bakery goods. Ooooh! You’ve been such a good girl with your sensible salads and proteins - you totally deserve something sugary to celebrate reaching the end of your first week teaching at a new school.
Not finding it too hard to convince yourself of how much you definitely need a treat, you kick off from the floor, press your tummy against the handles, gliding back through the supermarket as if you had wings. Just as you close in on the cabinet filled with sticky deliciousness, a tall, broad expanse of a man steps out in front of your trolley, causing you to slam on the emergency brake that is your sneakered foot.
“Holy shit! I am so sorry- I need to grow the fuck up and stop pretending I’m five! Are you ok?” hoiking the headphones from your ears, you question the poor almost victim of your cart as the tinny beats spew forth.
“That was impressive braking,” the man lifts his baseball cap to attempt to flatten the dark, unruly curls by dragging his fingers through the fluffy mess, “Not hurt - and a lot of adults could learn from pretending to be a bit more kid-like.”
“Braking by the baking - shit, I’m sorry, that was terrible,” you inwardly sigh at your awful dad joke as you drink in the details of the deep dimple in his right cheek that has revealed itself as his shoulders and soft tummy shake with laughter at your comment, “I’m sorry- it’s been a week of thirty 5 year olds all demanding me at once so I’m a little excited at the prospect of eating something entirely formed from sugar and fat!”
“Hah! You must be exhausted,” the stranger continues as he fiddles with the edges of his brushed cotton plaid shirt, “I just have one three year old half the week and that is pretty full on. What are you thinking of choosing?”
“Not sure - what would you choose?”
“Can’t go wrong with a doughnut,” he says, furrowing his brow and pouting his lips at the selection on offer.
Sucking in a short breath through your teeth, you nod your head in agreement, “Good thinking, Batman! Mmm, raspberry jam doughnut, it is.”
“Oh you’ve gone down in my estimations.”
“What?” You squeak through the giggles, “I go down in your estimations due to my doughnut preferences rather than the fact I almost ran you over?”
“Yeah,” he shakes his head teasingly, “Always go for the custard filling, never the jelly! I am sorry but ...kinda feel we should part ways now…”
“Ah, that’s a shame - I was just about to buy you an apology doughnut for stealing one of your nine lives this evening,” you bat back at him, your eyebrows arched up by your hairline.
“Apology doughnut? Ah - should be more of those in the world,” the handsome man gravely ponders the concept before concluding, “Well, I may have a solution to this disagreement- how about you get two jelly and I buy two custard and then we can compare over a coffee?”
“Deal. What’s your name, custard doughnut man?”
“Francisco Morales - Frankie,” he offers with his hand shyly outstretched.
“Ok, Frankie - let’s go get that coffee and I can prove just how wrong you are,” you grin with a wink - completely ignoring his palm to place a kiss on his flushed cheek before spinning on your heels to head to the checkout, “I might even let you have a spin on my trolley but watch out for sneak attacks from handsome men, who jump out in front of you.”
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bartletforamerica · 4 years
How the Bartlet Administration Reacts to COVID-19
Abbey: is not taking any chances. After losing the fight to get the President to retreat to the farm or Camp David, she gets him to agree to limit himself to the oval office and the residence, with as few in person meetings as possible. Even before they’ve pulled together a White House task force, she’s made sure that everything is being disinfected and that her entire schedule is either canceled or made virtual. Her staff is the first to be working from home (and oh boy does she scold if she finds out any of them did something she thinks is foolish), with most of the rest of the White House staff following shortly after. She makes it her mission to do PSAs on what people should be doing and even does a virtual Sesame Street collaboration to teach kids how to wash their hands.
Zoey: Is not super pleased to be stuck in the Residence 24/7. She’s doing classes from her bedroom, so yay to not having to get out of bed early, but she can tell people are super disappointed that her camera is set up so that she has only a blank wall behind her [it turns out the secret service is very touchy about where you take video calls]. She also gets officially hired and given a security clearance for the sole fact that she’s one of the only people allowed to be near her dad who is tech-literate. She ends up doing some of her reading on the couch in his office so that she's on hand for when he's supposed to be skyping with the senior staff and can't figure out what link to click. She spends a lot of time worrying about Ellie, who helping do research about the virus, and texting her friends.
The President: is not happy to be closed up away from people. He also thinks that Abbey is overreacting where he's concerned. He misses actually getting to be around the younger staff. He and Zoey do a cooking from home video at C.J.'s suggestion, so that the country can see he's alive and to encourage people to not go out. They make chili and fight over whether it needs more cumin or oregano while Abbey records it and pipes in from behind the camera. The country is treated to a history of chili and a diplomatic incident nearly happens because apparently Mexicans deny having any association with it, even though most food historians say it has Mexican roots. The flaming debate doesn't stop a second episode at Thanksgiving where the country is treated to the history of the yam and all the secret spices that go into the President's stuffing. A large portion of the country gives him flack for putting Oysters in his stuffing. [In a small bedroom in an Illinois apartment a woman finally figures out why Joe Bethersonsen sounded so familiar.]
Leo: moved into the Residence because there was no way he was going to talk the President off ledges via skype for however long this lasted. He can only do so much. Zoey helps him learn to use Skype and he finds himself missing Margaret desperately even when he spends most of the day with a computer dedicated to having her on Skype so he can turn to it and ask her questions. She insists he get exercise and eat healthy (something he thinks she’s collaborating with the first lady on behind his back—they say very similar things much of the time). He skypes with Mallory on Sunday mornings over breakfast in his room and they pretend they’re at a hotel having a fancy brunch.
Charlie: is not particularly happy. He got sent home with everyone else because he’s not particularly necessary to have on hand if the president isn’t going anywhere. He’s still getting paid and he does do some work (the most important bit being hanging out on the phone with the president so he can ramble about history so Zoey can get her own reading done, Leo can browbeat the staff, and the first lady can do her own job) but he’s been ordered by the president and first lady to focus on getting extra school done while he can.
Donna: started freaking out the first day there was a rumor of a new disease in China. Then the White House shut down and even senior staff got sent home unless they absolutely needed to be in the building (basically just C.J. and some of her staff). And her roommate (not the one she'd really liked, who had a cat, but one she hopes is only temporary) works for a GOP congressman who thinks the whole thing is a hoax and bans masks in his office, so Donna is not at all happy and spends time she should be working cleaning things her roommate touches and that's sixty percent of how she ends up living with Josh.
Josh: is struggling with not being allowed to leave the house on pain of the first lady taking him to task (something about his lungs and the bullet). Even when he was putting his nose to the grindstone to make it through college and law school, he liked being around people while he studied, so he was usually in the library or a cafe rather than his room. He works best when he can bounce ideas off people and take in new ideas. When he was grounded after surgery it absolutely sucked and that was why he drove everyone crazy calling them all the time. Yeah he was bored, but he was also lonely. Plus he's not the best with technology. He very nearly went on national tv with his boxers showing, if not for Donna skyping him beforehand and making sure he fixed the camera. Between needing not to be alone and needing his assistant to be able to actually help him, the invite for Donna to stay with him slips out when she's complaining about her roommate. She shows up two hours later with two suitcases of clothes and two suitcases with pasta, toilet paper, and flour.
Donna and Josh: are handling the pandemic much better now that they're together. Josh can bounce ideas off Donna without it tying up his phone line. And she can listen in on his calls to the various members of congress about the stimulus package that they're working on. It's an even better look at Josh's job than she had before, and while it makes some of her work harder to focus on, she feels like she understands some things better than she ever has before. Josh even starts listening to her about how to sway certain congressmembers to their side. When they're not working, Donna forces Josh to cook with her so they're not entirely subsisting on delivery. They tried making bread and managed to spill half a bag of flour on the floor in the process but they ate all of it, even though it tasted pretty bland. Josh finally got Donna into baseball when it came back. Toby spit out his beer when he was on speakerphone with them and he heard Donna accurately yelling at the Mets for screwing up. Donna wears Josh's clothes more than her own, since she doesn't have to be on camera most of the time. They're platonically sharing a bed because they haven't found a convertible sofa for his living room that they like, they say, and it doesn't make sense for one of them to sleep on the couch, which they say has a spring that makes it uncomfortable to sleep on, even though Donna lounges on it all day with no problem. They are absolutely not dating and so they tell all their friends.
C.J.: spends five minutes laughing every time she gets off the phone with Josh or Donna. She loves her friends but god they're so completely in denial. It does, however, give her a much needed break. Her job has always involved a lot of people and knowing what venue to meet them in to ensure that she gets or passes on the information she needs. COVID protocols mean no more one-on-one meetings with journalists in her office, no more gaggles following her through the halls. The press corps were not happy when they moved all briefings outside and insisted on face masks and shields in addition to everyone sitting six feet apart. She gets asked about the president's health at least once a day and they start doing weekly waving from the balconies just so the press corps can get footage of him, healthy and shouting down to Danny and some of the others. Someone makes a cartoon of the president in the tower, with Abbey as his dragon keeper and though no one is willing to justify a cartoon with a comment, privately C.J. thinks it's accurate. She's always admired Abbey's fierce protectiveness of her family, even when she doesn't agree with every way it expresses itself or when it interferes with C.J.'s job. She has to come up with new ways to push the White House agenda (keep the economy afloat, stay home, no, don't listen to the GOP governors or those running for the primary, those ideas are not good, go the fuck home and stop having parties) and while some work, others bomb. It would help if everyone would stay on message and not screw up.
Sam: would like to make it clear that he did not know how many people would be at that gathering. He thought he was going for an outdoor meal with just a few old friends who could help raise money for the democratic party, not a fifty-person birthday party. The media fallout nearly gets him fired. Instead he gets yelled at by C.J., then by the First Lady. Mallory even sends him a card about how stupid he was. He's pretty sure that having Donna around is the only reason that Josh hasn't made the same mistake by now. It had to have been a toss up as to which of the two of them would screw up. Sam just isn't lucky enough to have a Donna (Sam is very happy that Josh has a Donna, Sam just wants Josh to realize that he talks about Donna the same way most men talk about their wives, because it's really hard not to respond to "why do I put up with finding her hair clogging the shower drain" with "because you love her and can't live without her, stupid"). He instead has adopted a cat for company. It tries to scratch him every time he tries to pet it. Sam spends his days trying to find a way to say "fuck the economy until we've beaten the virus" in a way that is palatable to the American people while trying to remind Toby that they can't actually say that outright. This is not an easy task.
Toby: would like to tell most of the American public to shut up, stay indoors for two months, pretty much nobody excepted, and if you don't, then you get tossed out to sea. He's come within an inch of telling anti-mask people they deserve to get sick on the record and is strongly advocating that the federal government figure out a way to mandate that every person in the country, minus those with legitimate medical exceptions, get the vaccine as soon as possible. He is also about to get evicted because it turns out his neighbors do not appreciate having rubber balls bounced against the walls for hours on end. Apparently, the thud is rather annoying. He worries about everyone, though this is delivered brusquely. Out of everyone he's taking the new work from home situation the best. No one can pop in to distract him, or comment on his eating habits. And if he doesn't want to talk to someone, he can always turn his phone to silent and pretend not to have seen they called. He's not pleased the Yankees lost to the Rays (necessitating rooting for either the Dodgers or the Rays, one of which beat his team and the other which betrayed New York), but he can at least take solace in the fact that the Mets didn't even make the playoffs.
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twstarchives · 4 years
Hello! There used to be a list about which characters have mentioned to have siblings/be only childs but I can't find it anymore ;; do you still have it or was I imagining it? If so, do you know what is there so far about each student's family life?
Riddle lives with his mom, the status of his father is unknown. He has implied that his parents don’t get along.¹ Both parents are magic doctors, but his mother seems to be more well-known. To Riddle, she is extremely overbearing and planned out nearly every second of his life: controlled his education, his schedule, his diet, his clothing, the supplies he used, and which friends he could have. She put a heavy emphasis on studying and always being the best.²
1. Riddle Ghost Marriage voice lines 2. Main Story 1-19
Older brother
His brother is 7 years older than him and a Heartslabyul alumni.¹ He seems to have often messed around with Ace & make him angry on purpose, but it was all in good nature; they are very close. Apparently his brother was even more excited than their parents when they found out Ace got into NRC.² Ace has also mentioned his grandma a few times; she taught him about the Ghost Camera³ and warned him about magic blotting.⁴
1. Ace School Uniform PS 2. Ace Ceremony Robes voice lines 3. Main Story 0-19 4. Main Story 2-4
He is an only child¹ and loves his mom very much. The entire reason he’s trying so hard to be an honors student is so that he can become a son she can be proud of. He once cried when she called him to tell him just that.²
The only time his grandma was mentioned was when he told a story of his mom crying to her on the phone, thinking she’d failed as a parent (during Deuce’s delinquent days).³
1. Jack Dorm Uniform PS 2. Wish Upon A Star 12 3. Main Story 1-13
Younger brother
Younger sister
His family runs a bakery. As the oldest child, he often had to take care of his little siblings (ie. ensuring they all brushed their teeth at night)¹. They all would pester him to bake them desserts,² but he cared for them a lot—one time his little brother really wanted to go to a live magift game so Trey spent his whole allowance to get him a ticket.³
1. Trey School Uniform PS 2. Ace School Uniform PS 3. Trey Wish Upon A Star voice lines
Two older sisters
Because of his dad’s work as a banker, their family had to move about once every two years, all over the world.¹ Cater hadn’t had any long-lasting friends because of this.
He has described his sisters as “unreasonable,” his dislikes in his profile are listed as “having to suck up to his sisters,” and when everyone was going home for winter holiday, he said he’d rather stay with Trey’s family.² In his voice lines, he mentioned that he can’t relate to Yuu feeling homesick because his sisters would just be waiting for him at home. His sisters rated everything by how cute it was, and if something “wasn’t cute” to them then Cater would have to redo it.³
They would get more excited about his birthday than he would, and buy him all kinds of presents he didn’t particularly like (such as stuffed animals, dolls, perfumes, soaps, etc). But they weren’t trying to be intentionally mean, and recently have started paying attention to what he really wants.⁴
When he was about 10 years old, his mom and sisters were always baking sweets. Cater was excited about this at first because it meant he could get lots of treats, but his sisters would make him eat everything. If he refused, they’d look so disheartened, and Cater couldn’t say no to that, so he kept forcing himself to eat. Because of this, he now hates sweets.⁴
1. Cater Scary Dress PS 2. Main Story 4-3 3. Cater Lab Coat PS 4. Cater Birthday PS
Falena (older brother)
Cheka (nephew)
Leona is a member of Afterglow Savannah’s royal family. His brother and his sister-in-law are the current rulers, and Cheka is next in line to the throne. Leona has constantly felt inferior and bitter that he and Falena are treated so differently based off nothing but birth order.¹ But he greatly respects his sister-in-law; she’s one of the only people he would never talk back to.² Cheka is very affectionate and clingy towards him.
1. Main Story 2-27 2. Ruggie’s Chat w/ Jack
Younger brother
Younger sister
Jack is the oldest in his family with an 11yo brother and a 7yo sister. He and his siblings are all very athletic; they used to play tag with each other for 6 hours on end.¹ Jack has said that wolf beastmen pick one soulmate to spend their whole life with, and his parents + grandparents are always at each others’ side, when they wake up, go on walks, eat, and go to sleep.²
1. Jack Happy Beans Day PS 2. Ace Ghost Marriage PS
Mother (deceased)
Father (unknown)
Ruggie's mother "became a star up in the sky" shortly after giving birth to him. His father went away for work and never came back, and to this day Ruggie doesn't know what happened to him.¹
He lives with his grandma in the slums of Afterglow Savannah. They were poor and struggled to find food to eat, but his grandma could make delicious food out of any ingredients they could find. Ruggie learned to cook from her.² He described her as very kind but also tough.
Ruggie seemed to have taken care of the other kids in the neighborhood too-- when everyone went home over winter break, he brought home leftovers from the cafeteria to feed his grandma and the kids.³
1. Ruggie Birthday PS 2. Ruggie School Uniform PS 3. Main Story 4-3
His mom fell in love with her divorce lawyer while separating from Azul’s biological father. She’s also the owner of the Ashengrottoes’ famous ristorante in the Coral Sea.¹ Because of their business, Azul grew up a foodie and was exposed to a lot of different foods from a young age.²
His stepfather is kind and honest, and very clever when it comes to his work. Azul respects him and they seem to have a good relationship. He taught him about law and contracts.¹
Everyone in the Ashengrotto family is a mage, but Azul’s grandmother is said to be especially powerful. She was known for helping those in need, and very “merciful,” just like Azul.¹
1. Azul Birthday PS 2. Azul Dorm Uniform PS
Jade & Floyd
Their parents started teaching them self-defense since they were little.¹ We don’t know many details of their childhood, but there was an interesting exchange between them—Jade once said “he made the right choice choosing Floyd as his partner,” and Floyd replied that “he’s glad Jade is the one that survived with him, too.”²
In Floyd’s Wish story, he brought up how their father told him to buy a nice pair of shoes when he went on land because “men who don’t pay attention to the small details get patronized” so your appearance is very important. Hearing this gave Idia and Ortho an uneasy feeling about Mr. Leech.
1. Jade PE Uniform voice lines 2. Floyd Dorm Uniform PS
30-40 younger siblings
Kalim’s father comes from a long line of merchants and is supposedly the greatest one in the family. But despite how busy he is, he’s always wearing a smile. Kalim’s mother is the only one in the family who can use magic. She’s described as very kind, is always praising Kalim, and almost never gets angry.¹
Kalim doesn’t know the exact number of siblings he has, but he can put names to faces for all of them, and he often plays hide and seek with them in their house. He doesn’t come from a royal family (they’re just extremely rich), but some of his distant relatives are actual royalty.² One of his distant cousins apparently owns a tiger.³ His family has about 100 servants along with specialists like a personal doctor⁴ and a beast tamer.
1. Kalim Birthday PS 2. Main Story 4-8 3. Silver Lab Coat PS 4. Main Story 4-17
Najma (younger sister)
His family has served the Asims for generations. His parents knew Jamil was a very bright child, but they insisted that he must always let Kalim be better than him, and would reprimand him for talking too casually to his young master.¹ Jamil seems to share a typical sibling relationship with his sister Najma. They often bicker with each other, but they’re on good terms. Najma used to bake him cookies for his birthday² and they would also get into fights because she’d tell him his cooking looked too plain.³ Jamil gave his VDC plus-one ticket to her during Episode 5.
Najma made her first in-game appearance during the Aleab Naria event. Their father had sent her to deliver a message in-person to Jamil, since he isn’t versed in technology likes PCs and phones and didn’t trust that a text would suffice.⁴
Najma claims that she and Jamil look nothing alike, but they tend to make near-identical expressions. She was relieved to see that he has a few friends at NRC because he never talks about them whenever he comes home.⁴ In one scene, Jamil reminds her to wipe her hands before eating and gives her a wet wipe, and she huffs at him to not treat her like a child. Trey notes how well Jamil looks after her, but Cater thinks he is a little bit overprotective.
1. Main Story 4-36 2. Jamil Birthday PS 3. Jamil Dorm Uniform PS 4. Aleab Naria 3-4, 3-5, 3-7
Eric (father)
Vil’s father is an extremely famous actor and goes by the stage name Eric Venue. Even the Leeches’ father is a fan of some of his movies.¹ Vil has mentioned that his dad would come home dressed in special effects makeup & costumes every Halloween,² and also used to read him stories about the Beautiful Queen.³
1. Vil Scary Dress PS 2. Vil Scary Dress voice lines 3. Scary Monsters 3-2
Aunt & Uncle (uncle is biological)
Male Cousin
Epel’s family lives on an apple farm that’s been around for generations. They all live in the same house. His village is also made up of farmers, and they often help each other out during the busy season and have big barbecues together. It feels like they’re one big family.¹
His relatives often send him apples from home since they have such an abundance of them. They seem to have some business struggles; Epel taught himself how to beautifully carve apples when he was young because many were blemished and wouldn’t otherwise sell.² He has also mentioned wanting to make a potion that strengthens weak apple trees to make his grandpa happy.³
Besides Epel, his grandma and great-grandma are the only ones in the family who can use magic.⁴ They ride brooms to pick apples that are too high to reach on foot. Epel wanted to help them when he was little so everyday he would get on a broom and try hopping up and down, and then one day it worked! Ever since then he’s helped with that task as well.
1. Epel Birthday PS 2. Epel School Uniform PS 3. Epel Lab Coat voice lines 4. Epel Ceremony Robes voice lines / Birthday PS
Idia & Ortho
The Shrouds are a noble family and famous for some reason, but Idia has said that being from a noble family isn’t all that great.¹ When he was worrying about being seen at the entrance ceremony, he expected people might gossip about how he’s from “the cursed Shroud family,” and that he’ll “spread misfortune to them.”² At another time, he mentioned that the audience would be apprehensive about what kind of “weird research” he did if he had to present his research on stage.³
1. Idia PE Uniform PS 2. Idia Ceremony Robes PS 3. Main Story 5-3
Lilia, Malleus, Silver
Malleus’ grandmother
Lilia was one of the Queen of the Valley of Thorns’ most trusted soldiers when he used to fight for the royal family.¹ In Cater’s Lab Coat story, they created mandrakes that reflected parts of themselves, and Lilia’s was said to “carry the cry of a tragic hero.”
He has watched over Malleus “ever since he had an eggshell over his head.” An infant Malleus once singed Lilia’s bangs by breathing fire and Lilia was so proud that he raised a glass of tomato juice to him.²
Malleus is the heir to the Valley of Thorns, a descendant of the king “who rules over all creatures of the night,” and his only living relative is his grandmother, the current Queen of the Valley. He spent much of his childhood alone in the castle. He used this time to learn how to play all kinds of stringed instruments. His grandmother is so busy that she shouldn’t even have spare time to write him letters, but every year on his birthday, she sends him one without fail, along with rose seeds from the garden by their castle.³
Long after Malleus had grown up, both he and Lilia took in baby Silver for an unknown reason. Silver thought he was his biological dad when he was little, and continues to refer to him as “Father.” They lived deep in the forest in the Valley of Thorns before coming to NRC. Apparently Silver was very easy to take care of; he would fall right to sleep after eating Lilia’s homemade food.⁴
At one point, Sebek also became one of Lilia’s pupils. He and Silver are the only two from their generation living in the Valley.⁵ When they were little, Lilia would have them undergo training like soldiers, but then he realized he should raise them more like kids, and started making their training more fun. He had them play tag in forests crawling with beasts, hide and seek in vast deserts, and “the floor is lava” in the mountains of needles.⁶
1. Silver Ceremony Robes 2. Lilia PE Uniform PS 3. Malleus Birthday PS 4. Lilia Lab Coat voice lines 5. Sebek School Uniform voice lines 6. Lilia Birthday PS
Older brother
Older sister
Sebek’s mother is a nocturnal faerie and his father is a human who works as a dentist. They met when his mother had an appointment at his clinic. She was immediately charmed and courted him despite her surroundings being against her marrying a human. Now, she works at the clinic as his assistant.¹
Sebek greatly respects his mother and raves about how she’s extremely gifted with magic and has a strong sense of justice. His opinion of his dad, on the other hand, is much different—his dad seems very loving and often showers his children in praises, sweets, and gifts, but it drives Sebek crazy. He doesn’t understand how his mother saw any appeal in him.¹
Since his parents were often busy with their clinic, Sebek spent his childhood running off to visit his grandpa, or fishing and playing in the water with his siblings. Based on the fact that Sebek and Silver were said to be the only ones in their generation living in the Valley,² his siblings are most likely considerably older than him.
All we know about his grandpa is that Malleus also knew him, and mentioned that Sebek shares his hot-blooded temper.³
1. Sebek Birthday PS 2. Sebek School Uniform voice lines 3. Scary Monsters event story
No current info: Rook
Last updated: July 27, 2021
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