#enjoy my random trope appreciation O suppose
kyofsonder · 2 years
One of my favorite tropes is when a character (especially in a manga or graphic novel) has a moment of clarity about themself and then looks into a seemingly empty space to look at their child self. When they see that kid's face and then tell them that this moment of clarity has shown them the truth in some way.
I especially love when what they say to their child self comes out as an apology or an assurance.
"It wasn't your fault, you can stop feeling guilty."
"You didn't deserve to suffer, nobody is punished just for existing and all you did was exist as best you could."
"I'm sorry I didn't face you sooner."
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you."
"The things you feared never came true, we're okay."
"The things you feared all came true, but you survived them so much better than you'd ever expected."
"The dreams you held onto until I stole them away from you as we grew up, they really did come true in the end."
"I'm sorry I didn't believe in you."
"The parts of you that feel broken and strange, they fit into places you'd never expect and we're happy in the home we've made for ourself."
"You won't be denied the things you want all your life, just because of who you are and how you feel."
"The things about you that don't make sense, you'll get answers about them eventually."
"You're not alone, there are others who are similar to you."
"You did so well carrying us through our childhood, I'll do my best to keep carrying us now."
It's happened in a few stories I've read recently, and it's how I envision the conversation when I write letters to my own past self for therapy homework. It's cliche and oversimplifies some concepts, but it's so healing to see. It's so good. From realistic fiction to fantasy, from horror to slice of life, from plot-convenient hallucinations to actual time travel, I love this trope in every iteration.
Bonus points if they hug their crying childhood self, or are crying while getting a hug from their cheerful childhood self. Extra bonus points if the realization is about either trauma or a queer and/or disabled identity.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Hello again! Im the tinfoil hat anon with the long ass asks and I finally had the time to read your response. Thank you, it makes my day reading your answers. I honestly just enjoyed them over a cup of coffee like a good book.
Now, the gun pointing scene I mentioned was in fact the one from the droid fight facility like the other anon suggested. But I really liked that you covered the boat scene too, I haven’t thought of it much myself and now I definitely have!
I also would like to mention I love your “candy bar” choice analogy and I 100% agree Hunter’s “invitation” to join back wasn’t welcoming in the slightest. It is very likely just an obligation as you said. Sort of “you gave us a chance, we owe you a chance too”.
And the problem with it is now I am struggling to figure out how the batch members might change their attitude toward Crosshair going forward, especially Hunter. As of right now Crosshair’s best relationship is not with his brothers but with Omega(as surprising as this is). And I think he does realize now she cared about him the most out of all of them during the short time they interacted(both 1st and last episodes). Even between themselves(not counting Omega) I find most of the bad batch members to be cold and distant to each other. They feel less like a family than Rebels for example. And they aren’t even a “found family”(a trope everyone loves) but an actual one! And I get that they’re soldiers and supposed to be tough, I don’t expect them to share all “the feels”. I just can’t put my finger on it but something feels off. I agree with your previous post, the show doesn’t do a very good job showing or even telling they love each other.
Will Hunter and co only start caring about their brother again only after he leaves the empire?(assuming he does at some point). What about Disney’s prevailing theme and message that “family always love and care for each other no matter what”? I guess it’s “family always love and care for each other but only if you’re good guys making right choices”. There is no room for mistakes or wrong decisions. In the last episode everyone form the batch seemed to have given up on Crosshair(besides Omega). For now their attitude seems to be just “you’re not our enemy” and that’s that.
I realize Crosshair is a “bad guy” and consciously made his choice(and we know it’s the wrong one) but to me it felt like he thought he didn’t even had a choice or rather became so lost and confused he actually thought he chose the empire as “the lesser evil”(as in the less shitty choice out of all the other bad ones). We as audience have the benefit to know exactly how atrocious the empire really is but maybe Crosshair still doesn’t realize that.
So what exactly must Crosshair do to get back “in their good graces” as you say? Start saving “the good guys”? Save the bad batch multiple times? There is a popular opinion on how Crosshair can redeem himself. That he eventually heroically sacrifices himself to save them. I personally REALLY hope it’s NOT what’s going to happen but I heard so many people speculating his story is set up to be redemption=death. I know you mentioned you don’t want “Vader style redemption” either. Personally I think it would be a waste of a character who has a lot of potential. And I just think that the batch kind of don’t really deserve his sacrifice(maybe save for Omega) after how they never tried to save him themselves and how they treated him overall. Maybe he will risk his life to save Omega at some point and that will “prove” to Hunter he cares? Although he has already shown he cares by saving her(even if in Crosshair’s own words it’s just so they’re “even”). And the thing is, he doesn’t need to prove that he loves them, he already did that in episode 15 and made it clear he does care. He actually went to extreme by shooting his squad to prove his loyalty. What were the moments the batch demonstrated they care about him? Hunter saying “you never were our enemy” and taking his unconscious body to safety? To me Hunter “not leaving him behind” during bombardment felt more like guilt about the last time it happened and an obligation to Crosshair for helping them with droids, rather than them showing care. And I kinda of think if that was any random civilian(or anyone other than an enemy or a threat) they would carry them out too just because that’s what good guys do and not because it’s their brother. You also mentioned that minutes later Hunter snaps at him with “if you want to stay here and die, that’s your choice” which I agree can be interpreted in different ways. And I think it’s one more point to it being an obligation that in Hunter’s eyes is fulfilled now. He corrected his mistake of leaving a brother behind and saved him this time, now his guilt won’t burden him any longer.
Anyway, I can’t wait for season 2 and I appreciate you and all the anons sharing the tinfoil hat, interacting and speculating together. Those discussions have been a lot of fun!
TLDR: How do your think the relationship between the brothers will mend or evolve in the next season? Do you think S2 will improve in portraying the batch more as a family rather than a group of mercs doing missions together? What are your thoughts on the popular idea of Crosshair’s redemption by ultimate sacrifice? As in, how likely do you think this scenario is?
Anon, that is just wonderfully hilarious to me. Ah yes, the sunrise, a good cup o' joe, and the overly long character analysis of a snarky, fictional sniper. Exactly what everyone needs in the morning! 😆
You know, TBB is far from the first show I've watched where there's an obvious, emotional conclusion the creator wants the audience to come to—the squad all love each other Very Much—yet that conclusion isn't always well supported by the text. It creates this horribly awkward situation where you're going, "Yes, I'm fully aware of what the show wanted to do, but this reading, arguably, did not end up in the story itself. So what are we talking about here? The intention, or the execution?" It's like Schrödinger's Bad Batch where the group is simultaneously Very Loving and Very Distant depending on how much meta-aspects are influencing your reading: those authorial intentions, understanding of how found family tropes should work, fluff focused fics/fan art that color our understanding of the characters, etc. And, of course, whether someone saw TCW before they watched TBB. I personally wouldn't go quite so far as to say they're "cold" towards one another—with Crosshair as an exception now—but there wasn't the level of bonding among the squad that I expected of a show called The Bad Batch. Especially compared to their arc in TCW. The other night I re-watched the season seven premiere and was struck not just by how much more the squad interacted with each other back then, but how those interactions added depth to their characters too. For example, Crosshair is the mean one, right? He's the one picking fights with the Regs? Well yeah... but it's also Wrecker. While they're trying to decide what to do with Cody injured, Jesse calls out Crosshair on his attitude—"You can't talk to Captain Rex like that!"—and Wrecker's immediate response is, "Says who?" and he hefts Jesse into the air. And then he just holds him there, clearly using his superior strength to do as he pleases, until Hunter (sounding pretty angry) tells him to put Jesse down. If Wrecker had put him into a more classically understood bullying position, like pinning him to the ground, it would probably read as less funny—less "Haha strong clone lifts Jesse up in the air!" and more "Oh shit, strong clone can do whatever the hell he wants to the Regs and few are able to stop him." It's such a quick moment, but it tells us a ton about Wrecker. That he's going to stick up for his brothers, no matter the context (Crosshair deserves to be called out). That he will gleefully assist Crosshair in bothering the Regs (something that is reinforced when he later throws the trays in the mess hall, after Hunter has already deescalated the situation). That he's likely been hurt by awful treatment from the Regs too. That he'll only listen to Hunter when it comes to backing off. Little of this work—that interplay among the squad that shows us new sides to them other than basic things like "Wrecker is the nice, happy brother"—exists in TBB.
Or, at least, little exists after Omega becomes an official member of the squad.
Because, as said previously, she becomes the focus. I don't mean that as a total criticism. As established, I love Omega. But if we're talking about why the squad can feel so distant from each other, I think she's the root cause, simply because the story became all about her relationships with the Batch, rather than the Batch's relationships with each other. Having dived headfirst into reading and writing fic, it occurred to me just how many of the bonding moments we love, the sort of stuff we'll see repeated in fics because we understand that this is where the story's emotional center is, are given to Omega in canon:
Someone is hurt and in need of comfort. Omega's emotional state is the focus + moments like her being worried over Hunter getting shot.
Someone needs to learn a new skill. Echo teaches Omega how to use her bow.
Someone reveals a skill they never knew they had before. Omega is a strategic genius and plays her last game with Hunter.
Someone is in serious danger and in need of rescue. Omega rescues the group from the slavers + is the most vocal about rescuing Hunter. (Which, again, is a pretty sharp contrast to the whole Crosshair situation.) Omega, in turn, needs rescuing from things like the decommission conveyor belt.
Similarly, someone is kidnapped and in need of rescue. Omega is kidnapped twice by bounty hunters and the Batch goes after her.
Someone saves another's life. Omega saves Crosshair from drowning.
Someone does something super sweet for another. Wrecker gives Omega her room. Omega gives Wrecker Lula.
A cute tradition is established between characters. Wrecker has his popcorn-esque candy sharing with Omega.
Someone hurts someone else and has to ask forgiveness. Wrecker is upset about nearly shooting Omega and they have that sweet moment together.
Note that most of these examples could have occurred between other Batch members, but didn't. Someone could have created a space for Echo on the ship too. Wrecker also could have apologized to Tech for choking him, etc. It's not that those moments shouldn't happen with Omega, just that there should be more of a balance across the whole season, especially for a show supposedly focused on the original squad. Additionally, it's not that cute bonding moments between the rest of the Batch don't exist. I love Hunter selling Echo off as a droid. I love Wrecker and Tech bickering while fixing the ship. I love the tug-of-war to save Wrecker from the sea monster. Yes, we do have moments... it's just that comparatively it feels pretty skewed in Omega's direction.
So, as a VERY long-winded way of answering your question, I think we need to fix the above in order to tackle Crosshair's redemption in season two. Now that we've had a full season focused on Omega, we need to strike a better balance among the rest of the squad moving forward. We need to re-established the "obvious" conclusion that the rest of the Batch loves Crosshair and that's done (in part) by establishing their love for one another too. To my mind, both goals go hand-in-hand, especially since you can develop their relationship with Crosshair and their relationships with each other simultaneously. Imagine if instead of just having Wrecker somewhat comically admit that he misses Crosshair (like he's dead and they can't go get him??), he and Tech had a serious conversation about why they can't get him back yet, despite very much wanting to. Imagine if Echo, the one who was rescued against all odds, got to scream at Hunter to go get Crosshair like Omega screamed at them to go back for Hunter. Imagine if we'd gotten more than a tiny arc in TCW to establish the Batch's dynamic with each other, providing a foundation for how they would each react to Crosshair's absence. Instead, what little we've got in TBB about Crosshair's relationship with his brothers is filtered through Omega: Omega's embarrassment that she knocked over Crosshair's case, Omega treating Crosshair's comm link like a toy, Omega's quest to save Hunter that just happened to involve Crosshair along the way.
Obviously, at this point we can't fix how the first season did things, but I think we can start patching over these issues in season two. It would be jarring—we'd still be 100% correct to ask where this "Brothers love you, support you, and will endlessly fight for you" theme was for Crosshair's entire time under the Empire's thumb... but I'd take an about-face into something better than not getting any improvement at all. It is frustrating though, especially for a show that I otherwise really, really enjoyed. For me, the issue isn't so much that the show made a mistake (since no show is perfect), but that the mistake is attached to such a foundational part of the franchise. Not just in terms of "SW is about hope and forgiveness" but the specific relationship most clones have with each other: a willingness to go above and beyond for their brothers. The focus on Omega aside, it's hard to believe in the family dynamic when one member of the family was so quickly and easily dismissed. I couldn't get invested in Hunter's rescue as much as I should have because rather than going, "Yes!! Save your brother!!!" my brain just kept going, "Lol where was this energy for Crosshair?" It messes with your reading of the whole story, so in order to fix that mistake going forward, we need to start seeing the bonds that only sometimes exist in season one. Show the guys expressing love for one another more consistently (in whatever way that might be—as you say, soldiers don't have to be all touchy-feely. Give us more moments like Wrecker supporting his brothers' bad habits) and then extend that to Crosshair. Which brother is going to demand that they fight for him? Which brother is going to acknowledge that they never tried to save him? Which brother is going to question this iffy statement about the chip? In order to buy into the family theme, Omega can't be the only one doing that emotional work.
Ideally, I wouldn't want Crosshair to go out of his way to prove that he's a good guy now. I mean, I obviously want him to stop helping the Empire and such, duh lol, but I'm personally not looking for a bunch of Extra Good Things directed at the Batch as a requirement for forgiveness. Simply because that would reinforce the idea that they're 100% Crosshair's victims, Crosshair is 100% the bad guy, and he's the only one who needs to do any work to fix this situation. Crosshair needs to stop doing bad things (working for Empire). But the Batch needs to start doing good things too (reaching out to him). Especially since Crosshair made a good play already, only to be met with glares and distrust. He saved Omega! And AZI! And none of them cared. So am I (is Crosshair) supposed to believe that saving one of their lives again will result in a different reaction? That doesn't make much sense. And no, his own life wasn't at risk when he did that, but does every antagonist need to die/nearly die to prove they're worth fighting for? As you say, he's already shown that he loves them, far more than they've shown the reverse. Every time Crosshair hurt them (attacking) it was while he was under the chip's influence. In contrast, the group has no "I was being controlled" excuse for when they hurt him (abandonment). Season two needs to acknowledge the Batch's responsibility in all this—and acknowledge that they're all victims of the Empire—in order to figure out an appropriate arc for Crosshair's redemption.
Right now, the issue is not Crosshair loving his brothers, the issue is how Crosshair chooses to express that love: trying to keep them safe and giving them a purpose in life by joining the organization that's clearly going to dominate the galaxy. The only way to fix that, now that his offer has been rejected, is for him to realize that a life on the run from the Empire, together, is a better option for everyone. And the only way for that to happen is for the Batch to seriously offer him a place with them again. They need to make the first move here. They need to fight for him. And yeah, I totally get that a lot of people don't like that because it's not "fair." He's the bad guy. He's with the fascist allegory. He's killed people and has therefore lost any right to compassion and effort from the good guys... but if that's the case, then we just have to accept that (within the story-world, not from a writing perspective) Crosshair is unlikely to ever come back from this. When people reach that kind of low, they rarely pull themselves out on their own. They need other people to help them do that. Help them a lot. But with the exception of Omega's reminder—which Crosshair can't believe due to how everyone else has treated him—they leave him alone and seem to expect him to fix himself first, then he gets their support. It needs to be the other way around. Support is what would allow him to become a good guy again, not "Well, you'll get our love when you're good again, not before." That's unlikely to occur and, as discussed, it doesn't take into account things like this bad guy life being forced on Crosshair at the start. If the story really wanted this to be a matter of ideological differences... then make it about ideological differences. Let Crosshair leave of his own free will, right at the start. Don't enslave him for half the season, have him realize he was abandoned, imply all that brainwashing, give him no realistic way out, and then punish him for not doing the right thing. This isn't a situation where someone went bad for the hell of it—the story isn't asking us to feel compassion for, say, the Admiral—it's a situation where Crosshair was controlled and now can't see a way out. That context allows for the Batch, the good guys, to fight for him without the audience thinking the show is just excusing that behavior. They should have been fighting from the start, but since they didn't, I hope we at least start seeing that in season two.
Ultimately though... I don't really expect all of the above. The more balanced dynamics and having the Batch fight for Crosshair rather than Crosshair going it alone... I wouldn't want to bet any money on us getting it, just because these are things that should have been established in season one and would have been more easy to pull off in season one. (If the Batch wouldn't fight for Crosshair while he was literally under the Empire's control, why would they fight now when he's supposedly acting of his own free will? It's backwards in terms of the emotional effort involved.) But again, it could happen! I'd be very pleased if it did happen, despite the jarring change. I don't want to make it sound like I think they're going to write off Crosshair entirely. Far from it, I think there are too many details like his sad looks for that, to say nothing of Omega's compassion. But the execution of getting him on Team Good Guys again might be preeeetty bumpy. I expect it to revolve around Crosshair's sins and Crosshair's redemption, even if what I would like is balancing that with Crosshair's loss of agency, the Batch's mistakes, and their own redemption towards him.
Honestly though, I just hope that whatever happens happens soon. It's a personal preference, absolutely, but after a season of Crosshair as the antagonist, I'm ready for him to be back with the group, making the Empire (and bounty hunters) the primary enemy. Whether his return happens through a mutual acknowledgement of mistakes, or through Crosshair being depicted as the only one in the wrong who has to do something big to be forgiven... just get him back with the squad lol. Because if the writing isn't going to delve into that nuance, then the longer he remains unforgiven, the longer some of us have to watch a series while going, "Wait, wait, wait, I really don't agree with how you're painting this picture."
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lululawrence · 5 years
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Lululawrence’s March 2020 Fic List
There is no associated podcast this month, but I’m easing back into the monthly fic lists, so here we go! 
Please remember to always leave kudos and nice comments for the authors to show your appreciation!
what's mine is yours to make your own by @soldouthaz / soldouthaz (40k, E, Harry/Louis, Friends with Benefits, Dom/Sub, Pining, Canon Compliant, You’re so in Harry’s head you get very frustrated at times trying to figure out what is going on lol, It’s wonderful)
His and Mine by @kissyboystyles / glitteredcurls (66k, M, Harry/Louis, Soulmates, Soulmarks, Dystopian, Adoption, Soulmark Removal, This is such an interesting take on Soulmates, I loved the world building, kind of open ending but also not?, It’s hard to explain)
Unchain My Heart (Baby, Set Me Free) by @fallinglikethis / FallingLikeThis (49k, E, Harry/Louis, Royalty, Slavery, Angst, Happy Ending, This fic is so rich in so many tropes that I remember from when I first entered the fandom, Which makes sense I suppose since it’s an older fic, Please be careful and read the tags)
Fellowship of Eroda by @sadaveniren / SadaVeniren (5k, E, Harry/Louis, Kink, DnD, Three Night Stand, Enemies to Lovers, Ish, Basically it’s the sexiest DnD has ever been, And you don’t need to be familiar with the game to follow the fic)
ain't no stopping your plans by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface (4k, M, Nick/Louis, Canon Compliant, Established Relationship, Bastardized pronunciation of Givenchy, Banter, Sexy Times, Basically excellent Tomlinshaw content)
Knead You Now by @writsgrimmyblog / Writcraft (11k, E, Nick/Louis, Banter, Bad Cooking, Cooking competition, Matchmaker Harry, or is it Wingman Harry?, Either way it is excellent and a wonderful read)
Dress You Up in My Love by @rsadelle / rsadelle (7k, E, Harry/Louis, Girl Louis, Flirting, The other lads are boys, They’re still in a band, I don’t really know what else to describe it as, But I enjoyed reading it!)
Your secret's safe with me by @lightwoodsmagic / lightswoodmagic (sarah_writes) (7k, M, Harry/Louis, Royalty, Famous/Non Famous, Friends to lovers, Hidden Identity, Pure Adorableness)
No One But You Got Me Feeling This Way by @runaway-train-works / runaway_train (4k, E, Harry/Louis, Camboy Louis, Pining, Longing, Something else I don’t really wanna tag because the reveal is too great, so just please read this and scream with me kthanksbai)
adjudication by @bottomlinsons / bottomlinsons (75k, M, Harry/Louis, Royalty, Arranged Marriage, Miscommunication, like a LOT of miscommunication lol, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending, One of my fav reads this month tbh)
with no way out and a long way down by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same (21k, T, Harry/Louis, Royalty, Soulmarks, Soulmates, Angst, Happy Ending, I cried reading this, but it was 3 am and I was feeding the baby so maybe you won’t, I loved it)
laktatsiya by @jaerie / jaerie (6k, E, Harry/Louis, Girl Direction, Lactation Kink, Trans Harry, Pregnant Louis, What more do I need to say? lol)
light my heart up baby like a matchstick by estrella30 (9k, M, Nick/Louis, DJ Nick, Intern Louis, Banter, Miscommunication, Flirting, They get it right eventually, I love them in this fic, and Niall and Liam are the best little cameos ever)
Silicone Knot by @jaerie / jaerie (2k, E, Harry/Louis, A/B/O, Camboy Louis, Omega Harry, He identifies as alpha, but alpha Louis makes him wanna explore things, yaaassssss)
Series of random ficlets. by @himynameiszayn / Greenmetblue28 (344, T, Harry/Louis, Only one is posted so far, A/B/O, I love it so much, I kinda want more hehe)
some things fade (some never do) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same (25k, T, Harry/Louis, Exes to Lovers, Magical Tattoos, Pining, Longing, Hurt/Comfort, Happy Ending)
social distance psychic by @jaerie / jaerie (2k, NR, Harry/Louis, Psychic Louis, Referenced Cheating, not between them, Meet Cute, This fic was so short and so perfect and so lovely, I barely ever reread fics, I’ll probably reread this one though)
touching me, touching you by @disgruntledkittenface / disgruntledkittenface (6k, E, Harry/Louis, Meet Cute, Strangers to Lovers, Listen, There are such lovely details in here that have me continually thinking about it, pretty much every time I wash my hands, it’s so great, and you’ll understand that comment if you read it, please read it)
For As Long As I Can Remember (It's Been December) by @greenfeelings / green_feelings (128k, E, Harry/Louis, Exes to Lovers, Amnesia, Angst, Alllllllll the Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Secrets, Friends to Lovers, Happy Ending, I am like the last person to read this fic, So I’m not trying to sell it to you, but DAMN I loved it)
Destiny Won't Be Denied by Jesapeak (10k, E, Harry/Louis, Royalty, Exes to Lovers, Harry runs away, Louis finds him, Shiall is the CUTEST)
I Like It Better When It Hurts by @dimpled-halo / dimpled_halo (7k, E, Marcel/Louis, Dom/Sub, Exploration, I just have to say that this was fucking hot, and I can’t wait for later installments)
Sometimes You Just Know by @2tiedships2 / 2tiedships2 (34k, M, Harry/Louis, A/B/O, Exes to Lovers, Miscommunication, Longing, Pining, Soulmates, Just everything you always love about Mel’s fics, but then she takes it and twists it around a little, so it feels brand new)
Lean On My Shoulder (I See Myself With You) by Jennifer_Kaid (20k, E, Harry/Louis, A/B/O, Royalty, French Louis, Courting, Period Typical Prejudices, Except in like an A/B/O world, Just go with me on this)
We'll Never Fall Apart by @goodmorningtoyouuniverse / GMTYUniverse (21k, M, Harry/Louis, Exes to Lovers, Oliver the Cocker Spaniel, He’s adorable and very important tbh, Famous/Non Famous, Gosh this fic was just, perfection)
Falling Again by Halos_Boat (15k, M, Harry/Louis, Exes to Lovers, Friends with Benefits, Pining, Angst, Happy Ending, With the amount of exes to lovers on this list, you’d think I’m turning into Anitra, lmao, for real though this is also kinda a song fic, it’s so good)
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Fanfiction Reader Tag
Tagged by @eyeliner-vampire  ♡ ♡
Fanfiction Reader Tag!
1. When did you start reading Fanfic (How old you were or how long ago)?
When I was probably...11 ish? so like 13 years ago
2. Do you have an AO3 account?
Yeh (LadyWisteria)
3. Do you read WIP (work in progress)? Why or why not?
All the time. I’m not picky about this at all. I’m a simple person. I see fic I think I’ll like? I read. doesn’t matter if it’s finished or not. I’ll make up my own ending til it is lol. also authors need that encouragement. finishing stuff is hard
4. What time of day is your ‘fic reading time’?
Usually late at night (like 1 a.m. and later..much later) but sometimes I’ll waste an afternoon instead (2 p.m. ish til I either have to go to work or I finish the fic)
5. How much time do you spend reading fic per week?
Not remotely as much time as I used, that’s for sure. Anywhere from an hour (if I’m rereading That favorite fic) to 2-4 hours if my friend has sent me a longfic again.
6. Do you listen to podfic (fanfic recorded like an audiobook)?
I...didn’t even know this was a thing tbh, so no. Sounds very neat but also I don’t listen to audio books anymore bcus my attention span re: audio input has gotten so bad over the years I can’t focus for more than a few minutes. 
7. What’s your favorite fic genre to read?
AUs AUs AUs. and fantasy. and fantasy AUs (although good long AU fics are harder to find). I am a very simple person. I see magic mentioned, I read. I also read a lot of romance fic (proving once again that fanfic writing is often better than mainstream original writing, bcus romance is one of my least favorite YA/movie genres). I don’t read as much of them but I also love mystery and paranormal fics
8. Are there any genres that you tend to avoid?
Super angsty no happy ending type stuff. “Major Character Death” is an automatic nope lmao (unless the summary looks reaallyyy interesting or it was recc’d to me). Tragedy is definitely Not my thing
9. What tag(s) do you track?
I don’t track any fic tags (I stopped tracking tags at all since Tumblr changed it from “keeping track of new posts in said tag” to “dropping random posts from that tag into the middle of your dash, and usually the same three”)
10. How do you find new fic?
Nowadays I mostly just read what friends send me or the new stuff a very few writers I follow post, but sometimes I also come across stuff through Twitter or Tumblr and curiosity wins out
11. How do you organize your fic bookmarks?
I..don’t? Is this a thing people do?? If I wanna reread something I either search through my bookmarks by title/author or just. filter by fandom. 
12. Do you subscribe to authors or stories?
Yeh. I only keep up with a very select few of them though. altho part of that is due to several of them being people I followed on fanfic.net years and years ago and never unfollowed, even though our interests may no longer be the same. (the other part is me going “oh I’ll read that later” and then just. never doing it.)
13. What is your favorite fanfic trope?
fake dating and bed sharing are always good
everyone is gay. also Good
14. What kind of plot line are you always here for?
“everything’s the same but they’re soulmates” (oh my god they were soulmates)
mafia AU
I really like in-between scene fics too. the events and character interactions that happen off-screen. I like writing those
15. What can an author do to make you love them?
write about my faves frequently
cool AUs
write about minor characters
good sense of humor
16. What can an author do to make you avoid them?
not into mpreg fics
a/b/o fics make me super wary I usually pass on those, even if the summary looks mildly interesting. they’re rarely if ever done in a way that isn’t rapey and gross
don’t care for fics period that have rapey scenes but you’re supposed to find them romantic
adult/minor ships
characterization is a big deal to me so if I don’t like how they handle the characters, especially faves I probably won’t be back
17. What do kudos mean to you?
when I get one I have a few seconds of “oh someone kinda liked this thing I wrote” and then I carry on about my day >.>;;; (I do appreciate them tho)
18. What kind of commenter are you (No comment, short comment, keyboard smash)?
I don’t comment as often as I mean to or wish I did, but when I do they’re loong comments (I’ve passed the AO3 character limit at least once kshg)
I tend to quote favorite parts and then react to them, and I like to theorize and ask questions about character’s thoughts at a certain part or what author imagines happens before/after the fic
19. Have you ever stopped reading a fic? Why or why not?
Yes. Once because I stumbled into a very sexually explicit fic when that was. Not at all what I was expecting (I was also very young lol), I think there was a very few I quit because they were boring or very poorly written, but most often I “quit” a fic for the same reason I don’t do audio books anymore lmao: because my attention span is sht and my motivation and commitment are extremely fickle things. I either forget or just wander away for a bit and then forget. Often I mean to come back and finish it; it’s just a matter of how long it takes. (I also second hand embarrassed out of a fic so hardcore that it’s been a whole 9 months since I’ve touched it khdfgd)
20. Have you ever read a fic more than once? What is it about that fic that makes you want to read it again?
YES. This requires like a minimum 4 separate posts to really answer but:
Behind Bricks and The Penance of a Killer by Deathbelle
this person is my fricking favorite author ever and these are two of my fricking favorite fics ever, I must’ve reread Behind Bricks 6 or 8 times now and Penance is the BokuAka-centric companion piece to my favorite fic of all time that I always wanted 
Mending Bonds and If the Heart Breaks, Does That Mean There’s No Home? by RussianSunflower3 
Mending Bonds is soft found family fluff centering on a very minor fave of mine and If the Heart Breaks is very angsty found family fluff that also focuses on some minor characters and it always hurts my heart but the ending and the soft middle always heal it right back up (“[Hanamaki] has a heart big enough for everyone in the world, and then some.” ohhhh my godd)
Boiled Frogs by ReginaGalaxia 
this one is. a really hard read centered around emotional abuse and manipulation and hoooo boy it is a rough read especially if you’ve experienced any of that personally but it’s so well written and the character dynamics are great and in its lighter moments it’s fricking hilarious. 
(bits and pieces of) The Roost by Ugglabarn 
 bits and pieces only bcus Roost has a lot of very heavy dark content that I’d have to be in a specific mood to reread the whole thing because it hurts my heart way too much but also it’s one of the best Fukurodani-centric longfics I’ve ever read (PLUS AN AU..!!) and I love love how they write the characters and how much focus there is on the minor members and ships and in its lighter moments Roost is also really funny the most recent chapter was hilarious
Expensive Hotel by Crown_of_Winterthorne
smut. explicit smut. excellent explicit smut with loving polyamorous boyfriends and plenty of consent discussion and kissing. my entire jam right there
Class 1-A Whomst? by Ya_Boi_Hal
this is the funniest chatfic I’ve ever read in my life and the first good chatfic I ever read. absolutely hysterical. also has some really good serious content in the middle and some Aizawa dialogue that punched me right in the feels. 12/10 will read again. sometimes I just randomly say “Mineta whomst??” and cackle to myself
and back in the day it was:
The Flame of Betrayal by DataIntegrationThoughtEntity
I guess traitor! Tahu was a popular trope back when Bionicle fandom was at its peak?? and not everyone liked it apparently but I enjoyed this fic greatly every time I read it it was well written and had interesting OCs and I am actually highly tempted to go reread it again
and Asleep Beneath a Wheat Field by Feline Freak
this was a very peculiar little OC-centric one shot that was also very sad and I don’t know why it grabbed me like it did but I remember rereading it 3 or 4 times at least
21. Do you like sequels?
The fics I like don’t usually come with sequels but The Penance of a Killer is one so Yes
22. Do you like dabbles?
I guess? I haven’t read too many I don’t think but hey, more fic is more fic. Who’s gonna complain about that?
23. What do you wish more fic authors would do?
Write about minor characters more
24. What do you wish more authors would stop doing?
that thing where they latch onto one facet of a character’s personality - or worse, one that fandom made up - and write them as if that’s the only trait they have
25. Do you like one-shots or multi-chapter?
Multi-chapter. I mean both are great obviously but the majority of my faves are multi-chapter and obviously if I like a fic I’m gonna wanna spend as much time in that universe as possible
26. How long do you like chapters to be?
Usually I feel the longer the better. once in a while I’ll hit one that’s so long it’s kind of distracting but extremely rarely
27. What’s your favorite POV (point of view) to read (first, second, third)?
28. What do you think of OC’s?
I didn’t use to care for them very much but as I started reading fic by more advanced writers I found several I really liked. have a very small list of OCs from recent fics I’ve read I would actually kill a man for I love them so much
29. Do you download fic?
No, but seeing as my absolute favorite Bionicle fic vanished off the face of the earth several years ago and I cannot find anything about it an y wh ere sometimes I think about saving my faves. I never got to finish reading that fic and I am absolutely devastated every time I think about it. 
30. Tell me something else about your fic reading! Anything else!
best thing is when my friend and I buddy read a fic and send each other our favorite parts
@yaelathewordsmith and @samantha-girlscout  ♡ ♡ ♡
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