#emmett tissar
fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter thirteen: 4} the party (vlad/emmett & alysa)
Emmett: There must be -someone- here that interests you, Vlad.
Vlad: Why are you so preoccupied with what tickles my fancy or doesn't?
Emmett: *repeats dryly* Tickles your fancy? *he smirks* Is this you being delicate again? Your euphemisms are astounding.
Vlad: Honestly, if I could have your head on a silver platter, I would. *eyebrows arch*
Emmett: *smirking still he laughs and then shakes his head, turning to the entrance as Malcolm and Alysa enter, his head tilting in appreciation* Very nice...
Vlad: *he had turned his attention to the entrance as Emmett made a comment, then again Emmett always made a comment because it wasn't like the man to keep his opinions to himself. But 'very nice' was an understatement, wholly inappropriate to describe Alysa. She was...stunning. Beautiful. Enchanting. He could barely keep his eyes away from her.*
Emmett: *looking back at Vlad, not really registering his interest* You're best friend's with her, aye? Set something up?
Vlad: Oh, piss off Emmett. *his eyes narrowed in sudden annoyance* She's your cousin's cousin. Isn't there some incest in there?
Emmett: *laughs* If there is, best not tell Jane and Malcolm.
Vlad: *Yes, they were both his cousins too. So, no, he supposed there wasn't anything morally wrong, but still-* Alysa deserves better, mate. Hard truth.
Emmett: *he chuckles amused, only just now catching on* Like who?
Vlad: *he bit his lip, taking a final sip of his glass and placing it atop a tray walking by* Excuse me, Emmett.
Emmett: *he snorts as Vlad walks away from him without answering his question and then shakes his head, turning instead to the group of ladies a few feet away and promptly smirks*
Vlad: *Walking up to Alysa, he had a genuine wide smile on his face as he stopped in front of her* M'lady. *he bowed, his eyebrows wiggling a bit as he did. Standing up straight once more, he spoke again, softly* You look stunning.
Alysa: *Her heart promptly leaped to her throat. Vlad was approaching her, a look on his face she had never seen before--though it more closely resembled the type of smirk she'd seen offered to his admirers, she thought it was gentler too. Her internal analysis of his smile did nothing to help with her breath (but that was the corset and older, more restricted dress, she told herself), offering a tight-lipped smile and praying her cheeks weren't red in response. As he bowed, her brow popped and she dipped in a soft, curtsy dutifully. Well, a half-curtsy. She didn't know what Vlad was doing, but it felt odd to curtsy to her best friend. Even if he was, she supposed, her future Lord. Grinning nervously but delighted to realize he had approached her instantly, she stubbornly held his gaze at the genuine compliment before saying with an honest chuckle* Thank you. *An awkward, anxious, nervous-heart-fluttering-in-her-stomach silence filled and certain she was blushing now as she kept her eyes on his she added hurriedly* You..don't look so bad yourself. *Then she winced. What kind of compliment was that? Toying with her skirt for a second, her gaze trailed over him very briefly-- no, he did not look that bad indeed--meeting his eyes a second or two later. Not enjoying the awkwardness--it was Vlad for Christ's sake!--she added teasingly, if a bit prying and anxious* What girl am I hiding you from now, Vlad? 
Vlad: *Her smile seemed nervous as he walked up to her, a hint of pink tinting her cheeks. It did not deter him in the slightest, if anything it only encouraged him, his smile widening. The manners and propriety, they tended to be a bit of a game to him, really, but at that moment that wasn't their purpose. He simply wanted to treat Alysa like a lady, not just his best friend, although that would never change. As he stood straighter once more, his lips twitched in amusement at her half compliment of him, shrugging his shoulders before replying easily* Well, I try. *he chuckled, not at all bothered by it; he knew he looked good and while he did enjoy hearing it, there was no need to say it* You know, surprisingly enough I've been able to keep them off of me myself? *he teased, before he chuckled again and shook his head* No, I was rather hoping you would grant me the honor of this dance?
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fycourtera · 12 years
{chapter thirteen: 6} the party (alysa/malcolm & vlad/emmett)
Alysa: *Rosie and Helena had been weighing in on her gown choice for three weeks now via daily owls, yet no matter how many sketches she had sent them, Alysa was half convinced they had gotten it wrong after all. Her dress had a lacy, beige top that split more in a V than anything she had worn in her life, and an emerald skirt with gold embroidery. But maybe it was still wrong...oh, she gave up. The evening that stretched before them was fraught with political mines, yet all Alysa could think of as they walked there was wondering if Vlad really did not have an escort. This was a first, she thought, a ball she was not the person he would either grab to hide on his date, or the friend meant to distract others so he could slip off with them. And--oh, no, no, she'd told herself she was going to stop thinking about him, and she would. She was shivering in excitement; her mother had done her hair up, and without the curtain covering her neck, she felt uncommonly exposed. Yet excited. And as she looked sideways at Malcolm's expression, she was immediately calmed to see his thinly veiled annoyance. While she knew it would disappear by the time they arrived, she giggled and went on her toes to kiss his cheek* Take heart, brother. You can approach Jane at least, isn't that worth a smile?
Malcolm: *Oh bloody hell. He pulled at his tie, feeling as though the damn thing was getting tighter and tighter around his neck every second. Ties, were better suited for more enjoyable activities, in his opinion. That was a nice train of thought actually, as it led back to Jane. Though he couldn't linger too much there, naturally, otherwise he would have much more pressing concerns which he wouldn't be able to take care of. He exhaled, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck: this was a battle, he would treat it as such. It was a shame he was not allowed his sword. At least Alysa was excited about it, and amused at his own behavior. His lips twitch as she kissed his cheek* It is. Then I remember I'm escorting my gorgeous sister in a beautiful dress to a room of excitable young lords and knights, and the smile quickly fades. *his lips twitch again in the slight tease before he bumped her shoulder with a smile* You look wonderful. And Vlad would be bigger idiot than I already believe he is if his jaw doesn't drop to the floor.
Emmett: *his gaze followed without shame as a ridiculously curvy lady walked by, rather off put by his friend's disinterest. He exhaled under his breath, his head tilted a bit, and he licked his lips. He turned to look at Vlad again and then shook his head in disbelief* I swear, Vlad. Successor to the title, or not, I -will- run my sword through you if you continue to deny these...*his gaze flickered again as yet another pair of ladies paraded in front of them, presenting themselves 'as offering' to their future Lord, no doubt. And this was after Vlad's popularity had decreased* ...lovely ladies.
Vlad: *his lips flicked in an amused smirk to know that he was still highly coveted, it pleased him to see so. He genuinely had no interest in them of course, but it pleased him no less. His friend beside him, however, he was most displeased with Vlad. He chuckled and shook his head* You could try, Emmett. *his eyebrows rose* And it's still, m'lord--
Emmett: Oh piss off, -m'lord-. *he laughed under his breath and shook his head*
Vlad: *he smirked still* That's not very knight-like of you, ser-in-training. In fact, that's a direct threat to your Lord. *his eyebrows rise* I could have you hanged for that.
Emmett: *he snorts*
Vlad: You're lucky I like you. *he teased before he took a sip of his wine, chuckling into his cup as Tasha winked at him* Emmett, think of it this way. *he clasped his friend's shoulder* By the end of the night, my rejection of them will leave some of them crying. And this shoulder right here *he patted Emmett's shoulder again* is your key to their hearts.
Emmett: *he scoffed, shrugging his hand off* It is not their hearts, I seek.
Vlad: *he smirked* Well, that too.
Alysa: *Her grin flicked wider as she adjusted her dress nervously again and she shook her head. Oh, honestly, brothers. Even Liam was insufferably protective, and she was nearly two years his senior. Yet it was a good feeling--warm anyways, to be so loved and have it declared. The compliment didn't hurt. But as he bumped her shoulder and mentioned Vlad she blushed, shaking her head instantly and holding a hand up.* No, no, you've got it wrong-- *Okay, he had it exactly right, but she was still wary of how he would act around Vlad now supposedly on her behalf.* --when did I say anything about trying to impress--actually, when did I say anything about Vlad? *Double-blinking, she cleared her throat and straightened her back as they came to the door adding in a simple mutter reluctantly* ...thank you. *Look, was it her fault if she wanted him to be right? What girl would not want someone's jaw to drop--who did not love being idolized and desired? Keeping her shoulders steady as they entered, her smile wide naturally, she took a few steps through. Oh, please let her blush have disappeared or lessened into a barely visible state so that it was feasibly considered non-existent. Please. Her parents were there--she focused on that for a second, brightening genuinely as she saw her father's pride with their entry, their mother's smile, she admitted a moment later this truly did nothing to help her blush. Her heart had skipped another beat, even as she turned to her brother. Through the entry way now she let go of his arm; adding teasingly* Remember, Dad said you have to dance with at least five people besides Jane...we both do. Though, can I dance with Jane too then? I did make Kitty save me a dance, assuming her fiancé does not mind. *She was determinedly not looking elsewhere, not thinking of anything else, trying not to remember she was standing in a ballroom, wearing silk and jewels. Above all she was trying to forget one name, which her brother had unhelpfully brought right back to the forefront of her mind again. Hence her reminder he had to dance with someone besides Jane. Retribution. It was a genuine business term: she saw no reason the Stuarts should be above it.* 
Malcolm: *his eyebrows had remained arched as Alysa shuffled through half sentences and mumbles, and he only smiled at the end, chuckling* Please, Lysa. I'm your brother. Give me some credit. *He winked at her again before turning to the entrance. He inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly before stepping forward into the light, escorting his sister down the entryway. His gaze fell on Jane almost immediately and his smile appeared much more genuine. He loathed to break her gaze even for a moment but he could practically feel his parents' eyes on him and so turned his gaze towards them instead. He nodded briefly, pleased to see their pride, and continued looking forward. He breathed out easier when they were out of sight and then he quickly groaned at his sister's reminder* I know. *he paused and then asked teasingly* What, you're also being barred from dancing with Jane? Lysa, this infatuation you have with the girl I'm courting *--it felt pretty good to say it out loud and officially actually--* it has got to stop. But please *he quickly added* do, dance with her. If I see Robert within 10 feet of her, I will kill him. *Well, so much for propriety. Those words were not meant for this tie.* But I will go see her first, and not even father can tell me otherwise, so. If you'll excuse me sister. *He grinned and bowed playfully before walking towards Jane, ignoring the fact she was with her brother and cousin.*
Alysa: *The pride in her brother's voice as he said 'the girl I am courting' made her swell a moment: she was glad he had talked to Jane's parents for that alone. Though it made her bristle in aggravation to think of their obvious bigotry--and what it meant for Malcolm, due to their mother--she was proud to see him succeed however restricted, proud of his own pleasure with the fact, and maybe, forced to revise her not-so-sweet opinion of Garrett a bit. She did all of this internally, without her smile flicking of course. Her lips didn't twitch in amusement until her brother vows to kill Robert for even approaching Jane, when she said lightly* And so begins an evening of trumpeting burgeoning feelings of good will. *Her brow wiggles, but she squeezes his hand in genuine comfort and support before turning around.*
Jane: *She had merely chuckled -- in spite of herself -- at Frederick's statement, about to point out that all he had frankly advertised was his unwilling-to-commit nature there, when it occurred to her that was the point of the statement. A defensive rebuttal and assertion he was still utterly free to do what he wanted, and that he did, really....well it really only meant one thing. Her mouth opened, when it promptly shut again, delighted to see Malcolm was going straight to her regardless of the little look he exchanged with his father. Her look to Rick seemed to say 'We're not done yet', but she otherwise ignored this and excused herself from both of them to greet Malcolm joyfully, taking his hands and lifting her chin to better display the diamonds dangling from her ears to match those draped around her neck given to her from him for her birthday the previous evening (this gown was from her father, and just as a joke she had the scarf Leah had gotten her as well, though it was tied around her leg so no one could see it. Well, no one but--she smirked). Grinning at him, she teased* Hello--*and under her breath*--again, love. I would ask how it was you managed to slip in and out last night--well, this morning, in truth--but I wouldn't want to ruin the magic...
Malcolm: *At least he wouldn't have to deal with whatever snide remarks Frederick and Charles were sure to be making, for that much he was grateful. He reached Jane with a bright grin on his face, taking her hands and lacing their fingers together, pleased to see her wearing her birthday gifts and then chuckling at her whispered comment. He wiggled his eyebrows in a small smirk before he lifted a hand to his lips and kissed it, knowing anything else would have the hounds descending on him faster than he could say mercy. Except he wouldn't beg for mercy, it wasn't in him.* Hello to you too. *he grinned and then let a wink be an answer to her softly spoken addition. He had his ways and by now he was no stranger to sneaking in and out of places* You look beautiful, love. *he grinned softly, honest adoration in his eyes.* Absolutely stunning.
Jane: *Her eyes had darted to her father as he approached (and her mother appeared to promptly pull him into some other conversation) but she didn't know for certain. Malcolm was in front of her. Other things ceased to matter. For once she was unashamed of her soft blush as she laced her fingers through his after he kissed it. Why shouldn't she blush? Pink cheeks bespoke of innocence -- a lie, but an amusing one -- and delight, which was utterly true. It was the look in his eyes. The softness, the honest love--she felt she might tremble with its remarkable ability to lift her heart to sit at God's right hand. Giggling in an young-girlish fashion -- okay, this had to stop -- she just shook her head at him and said honestly* You look amazing yourself. So what I was scheming...*Leaning in, pretending to be fixing his tie, her breath ghosted across his cheeks and ear as she murmured her thoughts. "Thinking" was too innocent; it was a scheme. Truth be told, she wanted to get the uncomfortable forced-to-dance-with-others and even worse, watch-him-dance-with-others part of the evening over. And as a reward for their good behavior, she had a few proposals. Pulling back, now it was her wink, her blush and girlish giggles (thank merlin) replaced with a smirk.* 
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fycourtera · 13 years
{chapter eleven: 4} leah/emmett/robert
Emmett: *walking in from the field with Robert and Leah in tow, swinging his sore shoulder as he shook his head* You know, half of the time I think you hit me harder -because- I'm your cousin, Leah. *In truth, he knew she was still making him pay for the very first day of her training when he had taken a rather hilarious (in his opinion) jibe at his cousin and she reciprocated with her sword. Whoever thought of giving Leah a reason to walk around with her sword permanently tied to her waist was clearly sadistic and enjoyed the suffering of at least half the knights. Earlier today had been with a lance, now it was to be with swords once more, which is why they were here to begin with. Apparently, Robert -thought- he had left his sword here* Don't tell me you've misplaced it again. *he leaned against the wall, grimacing for a brief moment but otherwise, silently enduring his pain.* Leah: *chuckles, though she's rubbing a sore spot in her arm as well, wondering if she's ever going to feel her arms properly again, answering easily* I think you're putting a wholly unnecessarily negative spin on my actions, dear cousin. *she winks at him, letting the door shut behind them.* Has it crossed your mind it's because I want my family prepared? You know how much I love them. Robert: *chortling at that, he's ignoring the fact he's winded and sore himself from having nearly been unseated by both of them, he ignores the good-natured ribbing from his companions as he was wont to do, spinning to examine the swords. He could have sworn it was here.* I haven't misplaced anything. *He said it with confidence, displeased with the mocking tone and then brightening as he spotted it.* It's right here. *His hand went out to grab the hilt of his sword, which was right there--he hadn't lied, only after a heartbeat or two of holding it, the entire shaft had disappeared, leaving in his place a small, wood object he blinked at* What the bloody--?! Leah: *startling at the clear wisp of sudden magic, she leaned up, her arms  unfolding off her chest as she regarded the ugly, aggravated expression on her and Emmett's comrade's face, her breathing heavy a second. Pinched between Robert's forefinger and thumb was an acorn. ...Oh Mitchell thought he was so funny. (Pay no attention to the fact that she smiled for a heartbeat seeing it).* Emmett: You must love me to death then. You're sending me to an early grave. *he laughed once, not too loudly though for he think he had a bruised rib as well. He wasn't complaining however, girls liked scars and the story behind them. Every bruise was an attestation to his hard work, dedication...and pain, a lot of pain.* Leah: Perish the thought. *her lips twitch at his jest* Then what fun would I have? *she tugs on the bottom of her braid, tightening the tie as she regards Emmett a moment* Emmett: *Turning back to look at Robert as he looked for his sword, he rolled his eyes for a moment as he exhaled. He was about to clap, congratulating his brother in arms for his finding of course, when he blinked instead as the sword was replaced by a...was that a nut? He was half tempted to laugh and half tempted to...no, he wanted to laugh. He thought it a practical joke from one of the other knights, obviously, so laugh he did* I think someone doesn't like you very much, mate. Robert: *Had let out a curse, promptly lifting the little acorn and tossing it at Emmett: it bounced off his armor with ease as the man chortled. He shook his head* Apparently. *Practical jokes were very common, they were all aware of that, but this was his sword --and he wasn't inclined to think it so benign when he went for another practice sword and found the same exact thing happen.* Oh for the bloody love of-- Leah: *had rubbed her lips, hiding her smile as he continued to reach for different swords, eyes widening as the collection of acorns grew to five, eight..oh dear lord. She rubbed her lips harder, eyes a bit wider* Okay, a joke with all of us then... *She took a few steps towards her own sword, or what had been her sword--as she regarded it without touching it she realized quickly there were several distinct differences in the markings of where it was made. And the moment she touched it, she was gifted an acorn as well. Which she promptly pocketed to launch at Mitchell herself and turned around suddenly hearing Robert* Robert: *As Leah realized her own sword was gone too, his voice grew louder* You still think this is just a joke, Weston? *He exhaled in frustration, tossing his little pile of acorns at the ground, saying heatedly and loudly* We've been robbed! And gee, I wonder-- Leah: There's no proof of anything. *She said it instantly, on a reflex, despite being sure Mitchell was involved herself. But that was strange, she realized a second later: Mitchell was hunting at the moment, they hadn't appeared to have any inclination to robbery for that morning at least...And while she thought, Robert only huffed and moved past her, immediately looking to sound the alarm, his words loud and aggravated still as they intimated perhaps the robber was still nearby. After all, the armory couldn't have stood empty for long; since Virgil had gone for his own sword only ten, perhaps fifteen minutes ago...* Emmett: *the gag ceased being funny by the fourth time a sword was transformed from steel to nut, and especially after his own sword, well one of them, his favorite, was plucked up and revealed to be nothing more than a farce. Almost all the swords were gone, some of the armor too- he was inclined to believe Robert on this one* Point fingers later, Robert. Let's just report this first of all. *he shot a look at his cousin, who didn't seem as baffled or troubled by this as they were, but didn't bother to question, just followed Robert out to warn the rest of the knights*
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