marianxtina · 13 years
Surprise Me
Life doesn't always go how we want it. There are things we wish we could change, that they happen the way we want it, but we can't. But think about it. If things always go according to plan, then the surprise would be gone- and where would all the fun be if that's the case? So for now, though my life isn't exactly how I pictured it, I'm opening myself up to the surprises that this universe has in store for me! 
I just can't wait! 
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noeeeee · 13 years
You always know what to say to make me feel better. Thank you. I love you <3
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marianxtina · 13 years
Two months into our four-month Skills Enhancement Training Program, we were scheduled today for an orientation to the second rotation. For the past two months we were assigned in various general hospital areas, and for the remaining two, we are supposed to be distributed to different special areas. 
Last August 22,2011 the Department of Health issued Memorandum 2011-0238. The memo directs all DOH hospitals to discontinue all "all existing programs involving nurses who deliver free services in exchange for work/experience/ volunteer nurses, volunteer trainings, and all other similar programs." as it does not meet the definitions of Republic Act 9418 (Volunteer Act of 2007). As the institution where I am training in is a DOH hospital, we are directed to comply on this issued memorandum. 
As two months still remains of the contract we signed last June, we are given the chance to file a petition to the DOH appealing to let us finish the remaining two months. However, I still am not sure if I would join the rest of the trainees in filing this petition. Call it my professional ambivalence. Why?
The DOH issued the memo with the good intention of protecting nurses from being exploited. Novice nurses are offered different training programs in different hospitals with the promise of gaining a Certificate of Participation/ Completion/ Training in the end. However, only few hospitals offer these volunteer programs for free. Institutions would usually require a certain fee, some going exorbitantly, knowing that nurses would not pass this opportunity up, as they think that it will help them secure a stable employment later on. This memo, however, is for the nurses, advocating that they avail of these programs without being exploited. 
So if I join the petition, wouldn't I be signing also to the agreement that I further be 'used' and that I would tolerate such treatment of nurses? When our Assistant in Training asked that those who are decided on joining the petition to stand up and that those who disagree be seated, only three remained seated. I was one of those three nurses. Our colleagues looked at us with huge question marks on their foreheads not knowing our reasons behind our stand.
I made my choice. My scales are still tipping on both ends, but I'm leaning on to sticking to my choice this afternoon. I'm an ordinary Filipino nurse bound by the same circumstances that Filipino nurses are in, but I know that some things need to be changed, and those changes can only come if we make sacrifices, know and demand for our rights, and make an unwavering conviction-no what ifs, no delays, no settling for less.
I know that there is a huge nursing crisis in our country right now. Some are blessed to be employed in hospitals and other nursing-related paths, and some even enrolled in the DOLE NARS program of the government. Most nurses are underemployed, found in outsourcing companies, starting a new path such as in business, or what else. And then there are those unemployed- found at home, or in an endless run to different hospitals submitting their résumés to any open personnel window. With nurses found everywhere, our country even gets the nickname of the Country of the Nurses, or the Country that Export the Most Nurses.
When will this end? I do not know. The only thing I know is that it's time we make a stand, nurses. I made my choice this afternoon. What's yours? 
I'd be glad to know and share opinions with you. What do you think?
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marianxtina · 13 years
Last night, I was really holding on to the last shred of control I have on myself. After accidentally cutting myself (which stung pretty bad and bled pretty good, too), and wondering how I was going to get home with the heavy rain and strong winds, I was looking forward to hitting my bed and just drifting off. 
Then came Gerose. Gerose is a fellow trainee in the hospital. She was texting me all night, and I somehow mentioned that I cut myself and feeling a terrible migraine coming. Previously last week when we were on the same shift, her patient went on respiratory distress. Since I wasn't busy, I helped her gather the suction app needed and to call the staff for help. She thanked me over and over again but it was no big deal, I said. ;)
Just on the last half hour of my shift, there came Gerose. "Uy, may pasalubong ako sa'yo!" sabi niya. ("I brought something for you!", she said.) She lead me inside the station and pulled out something from her bag. It was a piece of Peach Mango Pie and a can of cold Espresso coffee. Aww. We weren't close, but I know we're bound to be friends with her being so sweet and thoughtful. Haha. So instead of going home all tired and lonely, I went home with my pasalubong and happy thoughts with me thanks to Gerose. 
Oh life. Just when you think everyone's out being busy and not caring a thing for you, there comes a friend with a bag of snacks and random acts of thoughtfulness. Reminding me that no matter how bleak the weather of life may be, there will always be something beautiful and bright to be found.
Thanks,Ge. And thank you, God, for people like Ge. :) 
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noeeeee · 13 years
Tumblr media
emisfreetosoar replied to your photo
andito lang si tumblr kapitbahay. haha. >:D
love you em. parang superhero ka lang. haha:))
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noeeeee · 13 years
Tumblr media
emisfreetosoar replied to your post: They say marry your best friend
O alangan naman tayong dalawa? Wahahaha. Lalong hinde! >:P
Em, di ako tomboy. Hahaha. :)) Crayons ko, balik mo na!
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noeeeee · 13 years
my favorite people on tumblr
Okay, first of all, this ain't a promotion. These are my personal thoughts and I'm making this list 'cause I want to, and not because the people I included here asked me to. :)
1. Em (emisfreetosoar)
Em's my best friend on Tumblr. I can tell her everything - from the most serious things to the silliest. She listens and she makes me feel important. We call each other "lokaret" (crazy) 'cause that's what we are. It's unfortunate that she lives far away. If only we were neighbors, we'd probably hang out all day with our coloring books (Did I mention that she borrows my crayons? lol) while eating "super thick" chocolate ice cream. HAHAHA.
2. Mitchi (umaasaparin)
Mitchi is the sweetest girl I know. She calls me noee loves and I call her mitchi loves. Haha:) She comforts me when I'm down and not only does she always tell me how much she loves me, but she also makes me feel it too. :)
3. Vi (ftwgifs)
Vi's like my little sister. She always makes me laugh. She's cute and she makes the coolest GIFs. :) When I'm having a bad day, I just visit her page, read her replies and I'm good again. Hahaha:)
SHORT LIST? Told ya this is personal ;)
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noeeeee · 13 years
"Isipin mo na lang, kung manhid ka, mawawala nga 'yong sakit. Pero hindi mo rin mararamdaman yong saya."
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noeeeee · 13 years
miss na kita. lokaret.
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noeeeee · 13 years
Hoy LOKARET! Pwedeng wag masyado magpamiss? :) Haha.
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marianxtina · 14 years
In Time
One of the ironies in life is that the people who hurt you the most are also the ones to teach you best about bitterness, or forgiveness and peace. It's all up to keeping the faith that in time, you could let go, move on, and heal over eventually. And one day, you'll wake up and you just know that things are different. That change, good change has finally come. And you're ready to begin once again... Wait and hope for that day. It will come. In time, it will... 
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marianxtina · 14 years
I try to be kind because I always think that people are off fighting harder battles than mine. I just hope that they show me that least bit of consideration,too. Because they have no idea either of the battle I'm trying to win.
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marianxtina · 14 years
Made My Day
I was waiting for my order in KFC when I felt my hand being tugged and played on. Surprised, I looked around to see who it was. And surprise, surprise! It was a 4-year-old boy looking up at me with the most adorable grin. ^____^ (Yeah, his smile was like that.) I said hello. And his smile grew wider. That made me really laugh and giddy. Haha!
And thank goodness that the order came a bit later than expected because that gave me the time to have a little chat with his grandma and the other cashier lady. The counter lady said she thought I knew the little guy. I said no, I didn't. His grandma chimed in saying, "He's just almost 4, but he already knows how to charm his way to girls!"
True, true, grandma. Because your grandson just captured mine. :p
He honestly made my day. My order came and I waved goodbye.
So long, adorable little boy! <3 Thank you for your cuteness that makes me smile even now. :) 
PS: I wanted to take a picture of Mr.Adorable. But too bad. His grandma looked like she was thinking I was going to kidnap him already. HAHA. :D So I didn't. 
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marianxtina · 14 years
Let Go(d)
I have to remind myself every now and again that there are things that are out of my control, that are not my business anymore. So I need to repeatedly hand it over, and let go of those things again to God's open hands. 
Help me surrender these things to You. Amen. 
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marianxtina · 14 years
Dear God,
Thank you for the many reminders that with you in my heart, I am fearless and invincible. 
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marianxtina · 14 years
Note to Self
The rain won't last forever. It too shall pass. 
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