#el churros el churros tattoo
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New flashs for november
November bookings: [email protected]
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cilliankelly · 4 years
𝕔𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕒𝕟 𝕜𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕪 → 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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cillian can’t drive. he doesn’t have a liscence and has no interest in getting one. he bikes pretty much everywhere and when he doesn’t bike, he walks.
cillian can’t see for shit, he’s had the same pair of glasses since 7th grade but won’t wear them because they make him look like a dork. he won’t wear contacts because he thinks touching his eyes would be gross.
cillian’s favorite band is weezer. his favorite weezer song is el scorcho bc of course it is. 
cillian went through a period of time where he started every morning shift by downing a 5 hour energy and eating a churro. he paid for neither of these things. how he’s even still alive is a mystery to me.
cillian really desperately wanted to be a cool skater boy in middle school but he absolutely sucked at it. he suffered a lot of skinned knees the summer between sixth and seventh grade.
the majority of cillian’s wardrobe is made up entirely of finds at good will. he owns a lot of dumb t-shirts that say shit like “church of the holy mother annual barbecue 2016” or “women love me, fish fear me”
he’s had the same pair of beat up nikes since junior year and he’s never bothered to replace them.
one afternoon while bored and stoned, cillian figured out how to set a custom ringtone for his contacts. jude’s ringtone is handy by weird al. cillian thinks he’s funny. ( @judetaylorhq )
cillian’s phone screen i cracked as fuck but he refuses to replace it because it still works.
in a vain attempt to impress his dad, cillian decided to get a tiny tattoo of a shamrock on his ankle when he turned 18. his dad did not give a shit.
they used to call him “garbage can” in high school because he would finish anyone’s meal for them.
cillian prefers weed over alcohol and doesn’t drink alcohol nearly as often. he has a pretty low tolerance and gets drunk very quickly.
cillian’s alcohol of choice is fireball but when he’s out and feeling “fancy” he’ll order the dumbest novelty drink on the menu.
cillian always mains as waluigi in mario kart. always.
cillian’s favorite band is weezer. his favorite song by weezer is el scorcho bc of course it is.
cillian’s favorite flavor of gatorade is lemon like aka yellow.
cillian unironically likes the band sugar ray.
cillian’s favorite tv show is it’s always sunny in philadelphia.
cillian’s favorite movie is ace ventura pet detective.
cillian’s favorite flavor of slurpee is cherry.
cillian’s candy of choice is sour gummy worms.
cillian hates rich people.
cillian hates “the man.” “the man” is pretty much anyone who tells cillian what to do.
cillian is a big sucker for flavored lip balm. his favorite flavor is strawberry.
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Aesthetic Tag!
Rules: bold all the aesthetics that you relate to
I was tagged by @changbinniez-princess again
side a - the city
glittering lights, yawning skyscrapers, broken glass shards, street gangs, hip hop music, late night strolls, blinking stars, sleek cars, flickering neon signs, glittery earrings, small tattoos, empty subways, dark eyeshadow, snapping cameras, cozy apartments, fried churros, silver necklaces, dyed hair, ripped jeans, bright lipstick, dazzling smiles
side b - the book nerd
large glasses, steaming hot chocolate, thick books, lofi music, hot pastries, soft smiles, large sweaters, quiet libraries, small flowers, melting candles, sweetened coffee, messy hair buns, soft pillows, fairy lights, vanilla scents
side c - the stereotypical girl
soft pinks, mini skirts, crop tops, romantic fantasies, love songs, strawberry milkshakes, lipgloss, high ponytails, candy hearts, nail polish, starbucks coffee, clear skies, hoop earrings, excited ramblings, stuttering heartbeats, rose bouquets, soft blushes
side d - the stereotypical boy
arcade games, graphic t-shirts, baseball caps, chocolate milkshakes, messy rooms, acoustic guitars, chocolate chip cookies, multi-colored bruises, rap music, nightly escapades, stolen glances, pencil-drumming, chocolate milk boxes, low hums
side e - the nature hippie
mini plants, cloud-watching, star gazing, damp forests, sandy beaches, ocean waves, wildflowers, hiking, iced lemon tea, gardening, hippie music, buttered toast, birds chirping, multi-colored leaves, evening sunlight, fruit cups, sundresses
side f - the rebel
cherry lollipops, devil hand signs, grape flavored bubble gum, rock music, killer boots, dark make-up, horror movies, denim jackets, switchblades, handguns, stargazing on rooftops, glowing cigarettes, large headphones, skull rings, converse shoes, graffiti murals, glowing moonlight, rose thorns, fishnet stockings
side g - the winter
busy cafes, oversized hoodies, drizzling rain, small snowflakes, marshmallows in hot chocolate, loose hair, sad music, reading a book, blanket forts, frozen lakes, crackling fireplaces, old movies
side h - the summer
tank tops, lemonade, sunny days, dripping popsicles, short haircuts, tinted sunglasses, cotton candy, amusement parks, traveling, blasting music on the car radio, wagging dog tails, large sunflowers, snow cones
side i - the autumn
pumpkin lattes, warm bakeries, warm colors, hair braids, soft sweaters, colorful leaves, purring cats, dark chocolate bars, romance movies, soft music, zentangling, vintage cameras
side j - the spring
floral scents, peach tea, mint shampoo, tinkling laughter, video cassettes, colorful paintings, excited smiles, lollipop sticks, blooming flowers, melting snow, action movies, singing in the shower
I tag: @worlds-in-words, @mymycorrhizae, @bethanyluthor, @bethany-zor-el-danvers, @asshatry, @annabelledoth
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Rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people who you want to get to know better.
Tagged by: @endellionaeternus
Nickname: Abbie
Bonus ~ ... None?
Zodiac: Saggitarius
Height: 6′ 0″ (I’m quite tall ^^)
Last movie I saw: Into the Spiderverse
Last thing I googled: Pleiads tattoo
Favourite Musician: Depends on the week? This one is Pablo López
Song stuck in my head: Ummmm today I got El Mundo by Pablo López...As musician it depends on how I woke up... 
Other blogs: None, too busy to even keep up with one, how the hell do you expect me to keep up with another?
Do i get asks: Never
Following: 453
Amount of sleep: Today I woke up at 3 a.m., so basically this is me runing just with coffee at this point of the day
Lucky number: Never thought about it...
What i’m wearing: Blue jumper, Superman t-shirt, dark jeans and a pair of boots.Oh, and my triskele necklace and assassin’s creed wristband
Dream job: Archaeologist and writer.
Dream trip: New Zealand
Favourite food: Hummmmmmm coffee counts? Cocido from my ma, and as a dessert hot chocolate and churros from San Ginés (I’m a cat from Madrid what do you expect?)
Play any instruments: Used to play the xylophone at school, but always wanted to learn piano...
Languages: Spanish, English, a bit of Latin, Ancient Greek, French and several words in different languages like Japanese and Italian
Favourite songs: Everything - Michael Bublé, Somebody to Love - Queen, Natural - Imagine Dragons, Singing in the Rain - Gene Kelly, King of the Clouds, High Hopes - Panic! at the Disco, Prometo - Pablo Alborán, I’m still standing - Taron Egerton, Ständchen - Schubert ... And many, many more...
Random Fact: My eyes change the colour with the light
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: A cup of coffee between my hands, my favourite notebook and pens scattered around, my music playing on the radio and the rain knocking on my door.
Tagging: @roadnotsodark @giraffewrites @shadowolf19 @colonelrogers @stefanidoesstuff @nightowl172 @lynxxk @queendophne @hawaiianohana15
Anyone I’ve tagged who has done this already or doesn’t want to can ignore this! Anyone I didn’t tag who wants to, please do and tag me in it so I can see your replies!
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marlimoerle · 2 years
8. Urlaubstag (21.4.22): Nach der Online-Uni am Morgen und einem Churros-Kaffee-Frühstück im Bett sind wir zum späten Mittagessen nach Candelaria gefahren. Dort haben wir einen frisch gegrillten Zackenbarsch (auf spanisch El cherne) gegessen. 🐟 Dazu gab es die typisch kanarischen Kartoffeln mit Salzkruste und grünes Mojo. 😋
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Gestärkt sind wir durch die Innenstadt von Candelaria geschlendert und haben uns die Statuen der Guanchenkönige an der Küste angesehen. Wilhelm hat Bekanntschaft mit König Beneharo gemacht. 👑 Die Wellen waren dort so hoch, dass wir aufpassen mussten, um nicht nass zu werden. 🌊
Danach sind wir nach Güimar gefahren, um uns die Ventanas (Steinfenster) anzusehen. Der Weg war steil, eng, uneben und nicht für unsere Susi geschaffen. Also haben wir das Auto, sobald die Straße endete und ein steiniger Weg begann, abgestellt und sind die restlichen 1,1 km bergauf gewandert.
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Auch der Wanderweg hatte es in sich und Vorsicht war geboten. 🥾
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Als wir laut Google Maps am „Ziel“ waren standen wir vor einem großen gelben Warnschild und einem kleinen Weg, der sich durch eine Buschlandschaft schlängelt. Wir haben uns entschieden an diesem Punkt wieder umzudrehen und dann ging es den grandiosen Wanderweg wieder bergab. 😅 Trotzdem konnten wir noch zwei Steinfenster entdecken und haben die Aussicht über Güimar genossen. Wer kann schon sagen, er war so hoch wie die Telefonmasten?! Wir waren es! 😄
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Am Abend sind wir mit dem Bus in die Innenstadt von Santa Cruz gefahren und haben die Altstadt bei Nacht erkundet. Bei der Polloteria haben wir uns jeder eine Special-Waffel als kleinen Snack geholt. Die Waffel war fluffig und hat uns beiden richtig gut geschmeckt. 😊
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Dann haben wir Ausschau nach einer Bar gehalten, aber so richtig haben wir erst nichts gutes gefunden. Als wir dann wahllos umher gelaufen sind, kamen wir beim Tattoo Art Café vorbei, das uns direkt in seinen Bann gezogen hat. Dort haben wir jeder einen leckeren Aperol Spritz getrunken. 😋
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angellplan · 5 years
Mi persona ideal. (mi lista).
A muchas personas se les hace absurdo esperar algo de alguien, o hacerse ideas antes de tiempo, dicen que esta mal esperar o hacerse expectativas, yo pienso que ahí afuera hay una persona que es de cierta manera tu persona, ese alguien con quien estas destinado a ser, y no está mal idealizar o saber qué es lo que quieres.
Sí crees que esa persona será siempre la que recordaras como la mejor, tienes razón, tu eliges. En el planeta somos 7.53 miles de millones de personas, alguna debe pensar, querer y sentir tal y como tú lo necesitas y quieres y tal vez ni siquiera esta lejos, tal vez ya hasta la conoces, tal vez se están conociendo, tal vez ya la conociste, tal vez ya has estado de la mano con esa persona y en ese momento sucedió la magia y ni siquiera lo sabias.
Siempre intento que mi persona y energía sólo fluya por ondas de amor porque considero los sentimientos la parte mas importante de cualquier cosa.
Todo lo que quiero de una persona lo escribo aquí y tal vez algún día alguien lo lea y sienta que necesita estar aquí.
Hola a mi persona ideal, hola buen día buenas noches o buenas tardes no sé cuando estés leyendo esto, quiero que sepas que siempre podrás contar conmigo y que quiero contar contigo siempre, quiero que me acompañes en todos los caminos, tal vez debería enlistar todo lo que quiero, pero antes déjame decirte que esto no es pretencioso al final tu decides quien quieres ser y como lo quieres hacer, quiero construir mis sueños a tu lado y estar ahí para ayudarte a construir los tuyos y formar los nuestros contigo. Mejor hagamos esto en forma de lista.
Te quiero querer de pies a cabeza.
Quiero estar ahí para verte crecer.
Quiero estar en tus momentos malos.
Quiero verte despertar.
Quiero verte enojada por mis distracciones.
Quiero hacerte chocolate cuando lo necesites.
Quiero irme de viaje contigo, visitar muchos lugares de México.
Quiero que vayas a Houston conmigo.
Haha quiero ayudarte a sacar tus papeles.
Quiero disfrutar nuestro primer viaje en avión juntos.
Quiero conocer a tu familia.
Quiero que conozcas a la mía muy poquito, okno.
Quiero que nos pongamos ebrios solos.
Quiero que hasta este punto te este gustando mi lista.
Quiero tener un carro o muchos juntos.
Quiero visitar cdmx contigo. (Mejor los siguientes lugares de cdmx).
Amo el bosque de Chapultepec y toda la zona a la que mucha gente no va ni conoce.
El zoológico que aunque esta descuidado tiene abitads vacios que sirven para imaginarte las especies que deberían estar ahí es una visita imaginaria y real al mismo tiempo estar ahí.
Subir a la torre latino.
Hacernos tattoos en algún estudio de la ciudad.
Comer churros con chocolate en Coyoacan.
Ir a la feria aunque me den miedo los juegos xD.
Ir al Caradura.
Caminar de madrugada por las calles de la condesa.
Ir a Morelos muchos fines de semana.
Subir al Turibus.
Ir al Papalote.
Entrar a todas las cafeterias indie que encontremos.
Visitar lugares retro y tematicos de comida.
Ir al Acuario.
Ir al Museo de antropologia e historia.
Ir a Xochimilco de noche.
Ir al bosque en navidad a cortar un árbol y plantar muchos mas.
Visitar Hoteles cool.
Ir a la casa de Frida.
Estar en medio del lago de Chapultepec.
Ir a Gandhi por libros.
Ir al museo de Cera y Ripley.
Ir al autocinema.
Ir a la cineteca.
Entrar a Bellas Artes a un concierto.
Ir al museo del juguete.
Ir al Jumex y Tamayo cada que haya algo cool.
Visitar coyoacan en día de muertos.
Visitar el zocalo en navidad.
Ir a viveros.
Ir al parque méxico.
EN FIN... ir a cualquier museo o exposición siempre me gustará.
Quiero ir a muchos conciertos contigo y si son de mis y tus bandas favoritas mejor.
Quiero pasar las fiestas del año contigo.
Quiero ir al trabajo por ti o a la escuela o a ambos.
Quiero estar acostado contigo escuchando música.
Quiero hacer el super contigo.
Quiero que me ayudes a elegir ropa y sweaters cool.
Quiero que me acompañes al ir por los boletos de conciertos.
Quiero estar en las fiestas que quieras asistir de tu familia.
Quiero estar recargado en ti cada que pueda.
Quiero caminar a tu lado.
Quiero ayudarte a elegir tus outfits.
Quiero ir a la playa contigo.
Quiero que me llenes de besitos siempre.
Quiero tocar la guitarra antes de que te quedes dormida.
Quiero cantar contigo mucho mucho.
Quiero que me ayudes a elegir vans.
Quiero que planeemos viajes juntos.
Quiero cuidarte cuando te enfermes.
Quiero estar cuando te gradúes o en tus mejores momentos.
Quiero cocinar contigo.
Quiero tener momentos contigo mientras llueve.
Quiero ir a eventos de motos o camionetas monstruo contigo.
Quiero que tengamos gatos o mínimo uno.
Quiero que no quieras tener perros.
Quiero que juguemos videojuegos y que compitas conmigo en ellos.
Quiero que me abraces mucho.
Quiero que tu familia admire lo que somos.
Quiero tener casas a donde huir contigo.
Quiero que hagamos arte juntos.
Quiero escuchar todas tus historias.
Quiero llevarte al cine cada que haya una peli buena.
Quiero hacer muchos tours contigo.
Quiero que arreglemos las discusiones con sexo bien hecho.
Quiero ver los simpsons contigo mientras cenamos.
Quiero hacerte de desayunar si eres perezosa para pararte.
Quiero estar en el jacuzzi y cantar contigo.
Quiero cuidarte si te pones peda.
Quiero tener inversiones mutuas contigo.
Quiero acompañarte al doctor.
Quiero caminar de la mano contigo.
Quiero tomarte fotos distraída.
Quiero que cuidemos el planeta juntos.
Quiero que sigas mis redes sociales y te guste que publique seguido.
Quiero ir a festivales grandes de música contigo.
Quiero que me des los buenos días.
Quiero que te guste estar siempre lista para lo que sea.
Quiero que le tomes cariño a la NFL sobre todo a los Texans. xD
Quiero mucho sexo bien hecho contigo de día o de noche o de madrugada.
Quiero apoyarte cuando mas vayas a necesitarlo.
Quiero visitar cafeterias y museos en otros países que vayamos.
Quiero nadar contigo.
Quiero que a veces combinemos nuestros outfits.
Quiero que aprecies todo lo que me gusta y esta lista.
En conclusión mi lista, y siempre podrás esperar las mismas o mejores cosas de mi. Siempre querré ver por el bien de ambos.
Algún día a alguien le importará todo esto pues somos tantas personas en el mundo que alguien quizá estaba esperando algo similar.
Angell Mayo 2019.
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migrately · 7 years
Seeing the Real Lima On A Reality Tour with Haku Tours
Black Watch in the port of Callao
Our first destination in Peru on our world cruise on board Fred. Olsen Cruise Line’s Black Watch is the port of Callao. Located approximately 9 miles west from the center of Lima, Callao is the chief seaport area of Peru.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
The ride in from Callao to Lima had spectacular views
Black Watch docked in Callao and Danielle and I had to take a shuttle into the city of Lima. Why? It’s a commercial seaport and we couldn’t just walk off the ship and into the city on our own. The ride in took about an hour each way because of traffic, but the views were both interesting and impressive.
Our Tour With Haku Tours
Fortunately for us, we were on one of the first shuttles into Lima so we could meet up with our tour guide for the day, Jean Paul of Haku Tours. While we could’ve chosen any one of a number of tour companies to use to explore Lima, Haku Tours really spoke to us. Tours with Haku Tours aren’t simply showing you the touristy part of a city like many companies do. Instead, we were able to participate in a tour that showed what true Peruvian life is from those that live in Lima.
Lima’s Reality Tour
Our arrival to Villa El Salvador
Our tour started with a Shanty Town tour, which Haku Tours says is “an eye opening tour experience that challenges common preconceptions about poor areas. Over 80% of people from Lima live there.”
Another view from Villa el Salvador
We didn’t know what to expect, but Jean Paul gave us information about how thousands of people migrated to this area in the 1970’s. Today it has a population of over 500,000 and even has its own leaders, many of which are women (go girl power!). Jean Paul also told us that the people in the shanty town were some of the friendliest people you could ever meet.
Tiniest form of transportation ever
After a short drive to the south of Lima, we arrived and exited our vehicle. No, not this one as Danielle and I plus our driver, Jorge, Jean Paul, and his trainee tour guide, Yonathan, couldn’t fit into this tiny little vehicle. However, it’s a perfect mode of transportation in Villa el Salvador and it can maneuver the tight and windy roads in this area.
The Market
Market in Villa El Salvador
Only a few feet away from where we parked we could see the marketplace. There were tons of vendors lining the street selling fruits, vegetables, and so much more. The people that live here have friends and relatives in the Andes who make the 6 hour trip each way to bring their goods for sale.
Passion fruit
Now this is where it gets really interesting for me, especially as I’m a vegan. The food is super fresh and the prices were low, making it affordable for everyone. So you can understand the pricing here, that’s 1.8 Peruvian Nuevo Sol or $0.56 USD for about 2.2 lbs of passion fruit.
But there were also things I had never seen before like black corn and the biggest maracuya (passion fruit) I’d ever seen. The black corn isn’t eaten as is, but instead the inner core is cooked and used as medication.
A bounty of vegetables
Everywhere we turned, there were more vendors and more items for sale.
Jean Paul discussing potatoes
Here Jean Paul is telling us about how Peru has over 3,500 types of potatoes. Now that’s a lot of potatoes!
The sweetest mangoes ever
This vendor was kind enough to let us try some of the mangoes that she was selling. I do love mangoes and these were some of the sweetest I’ve ever tasted.
Community Spirit
I felt a genuine and real sense of community here.Click To Tweet
The absolute best part about the market was how friendly each and every person was that we saw and chatted with. They didn’t avert their eyes when you walked by them and instead said hello and smiled. I felt a genuine and real sense of community here.
My heart also melted with the little girls as they walked along with their mothers and spotted me. Not one, but several of them came up to me and asked me where I was from and then started touching the tattoos on my arms and my crazy red hair. It was all from such an authentically innocent place, which made me love this community even more.
Off to See A Shaman
Jean Paul led us inside a building, where we stopped to see a shaman about some cold medicine for Yonathan. He prepared an extremely viscous potion that seriously had the consistency of cheese when he completed it. Yonathan was supposed to down it quickly like a shot of alcohol, but the poor thing couldn’t tolerate the taste and just tried to sip the medicine/cheese. Hopefully, it made him feel better.
Chicken and Fish
We weren't just observers of the touristy side of Lima. Instead, we got in and saw how real people live and helped out a few families along the way. Click To Tweet
As we walked along inside the marketplace, I realized how much it felt like the many indoor markets I visited while in Thailand last year. Jean Paul was buying food to take to some of the families we would be visiting and so Danielle and I decided to buy some extra  fruits and vegetables to give to more families. How could we not? This is yet another reason why I’m so glad we did this tour with Haku Tours. We weren’t just observers of the touristy side of Lima. Instead, we got in and saw how real people live and we were able to help out a few families along the way.
Fruits and Veggies
In addition to more fruits and vegetables, they were selling chicken, fish, herbs and herbal medicine, too.
Ready to use veggie mixes
If you were too busy to prepare a meal, you could even buy pre-chopped vegetables from a woman who arrived early in the morning to chop all the veggies.
Danielle Goes To Work
Danielle working in a stall selling undies
I spotted a tailor in the corner near the fishmonger as well as someone selling DVD’s. But my absolute favorite was the woman selling clothing including some interesting underwear. She convinced Danielle to get behind the stall and take a picture with her because she likes to have her picture taken.
Delivering the Food
Jean Paul leading us up another yellow staircase
With all of our bags of food ready to go, Jean Paul led the way for us to start making our deliveries. We got to talk the same dirt roads and stairs that the people in Villa El Salvador walk daily. It was hot, the sun was beating down on us, but we pushed on.
The view from up high
Along the way we got to take in the view of Lima from up high in Villa El Salvador. Anywhere else these views would command massive amounts of money in real estate. However, that’s not the case here.
There’s no grass, many of the people don’t have running water, but share with their neighbor. Most importantly, they’re not complaining because they’re all family and one big community.
We met a young girl as we passed through who was selling little plastic bracelets. Danielle and I each bought one and learned this little go-getter was doing a nice job marking up her costs. I expect her to do quite well in the future in business.
Haku Tours Is More Than Just Tours 
Our view from up high overlooking Lima
Haku Tours doesn’t just do tours for tourists, but also makes an impact in the community. They have been influential in starting daycare centers and community kitchens in Villa El Salvador. Jean Paul even bought dog food to feed some of the animals that live in the community. You can’t visit here and not be impressed and moved to want to return to volunteer.
Walking through the market
Soon it was time to return to our vehicle and prepare for the next part of our tour, the City of Kings and Queens Tour.
City of Kings and Queens Tour
Convento de San Francisco
After driving back into Lima, we were now ready to get out and about and see more of this great city. Our first stop was at Convento de San Francisco, a monastery and beautiful example of Spanish Baroque architecture. Inside you’ll also find an extensive library of over 25,000 books in a setting that will make you feel you stepped into a Harry Potter movie.
Image via Flickr by Kenneth Moore
But the best part of this monastery was what is underneath in the catacombs. A former cemetery, it’s believed that at least 25,000 people were buried here. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to take photos so I can’t tell you what it looks like, but I did open my Ghost Radar Connect app and started receiving messages immediately.
TSG Tip: I loved the Last Supper painting by Diego de la Puente who made it authentically Peruvian. You’ll see things like potatoes, a guinea pig, and chilis in the painting along with children, none of which were present in the original painting by Leonardo da Vinci. This painting was made to convert the Incas to Catholicism by having them see themselves in the painting.
Churros and Inca Kola
Since we started the tour late because of having to get a shuttle into Lima, we didn’t have time for lunch, but Jean Paul was still going to hook us up with some food. We stopped for authentic Spanish churros and an Inca Kola, of course. They were big like croissants and filled with caramel. I ate a little of the outside and drank my Inca Kola. Even Danielle who doesn’t like churros, loved her Peruvian churros.
Plaza Mayor
Plaza Mayor
Next up was a visit to Plaza Mayor for pics before returning to the ship. Located in the Historic Center of Lima, Plaza Mayor is surrounded by the Government Palace, Cathedral of Lima, Archbishop’s Palace of Lima, the Municipal Palace, and the Palace of the Union.
View from Plaza Mayor
View from Plaza Mayor
View from Plaza Mayor
No trip would be complete without a little shopping and poor Jean Paul and Yonathon waited patiently for us as we sifted through t-shirts, alpaca sweaters, Pisco, and more.
Final Thoughts
Overall, I was extremely impressed with Haku Tours desire to enlighten visitors to Lima while not exploiting the people of Villa El Salvador.  I felt more like a participant in the day’s activities and not a voyeur, which I liked. Most of all, I got to see how real people live and not the artificial and touristy parts of Lima exclusively. I highly recommend Lima’s Reality Tour with Haku Tours if you decide to visit Lima, Peru.
Have you visited Lima? Can you suggest other destinations in Peru that you found equally exciting? Leave your comments below. Discover some other great destinations and travel ideas here on the Travel Shop Girl website .
On my new SPONTANEOUS TRAVEL SCALE of 1-5, with 1 being super easy and spontaneous and 5 being you better plan far in advance, Lima scores a 2 for spontaneous travel since it’s affordable, easy to get to, the country and the people are amazing, and I definitely feel the need to return.
While we were provided a discounted tour from Haku Tours, as always all opinions and photographs, unless otherwise noted, are my own.
The post Seeing the Real Lima On A Reality Tour with Haku Tours appeared first on Travel Shop Girl.
Seeing the Real Lima On A Reality Tour with Haku Tours published first on https://medium.com/@888MigrationServices
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had a lot of fun tattooing this one, thank you Louise!
Paris 19-21 march (one spot left tuesday 21 at 14:00)
Brussels 11-15 April (two spots left)
Barcelona End of summer
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Butterfly for Kevin, thank you Paris, i will be giesting at YosoParis Mar h 19-21, get in touch if you want a tattoo [email protected]
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Thank you Sarah, had a lot of fun tattooing this one!
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Landscape project for Diane, thank you
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Eye *flash* for Noah done at Le 33 Tours - Geneva
Thank you man, it was a pleasure
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Lilies again for Steve, thank you man
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Staring at the sea, thank you Eva for the trust on your first tattoo and the nice project
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Some available flashs (the flower is already taken)
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