#eighth blood
kagkik · 1 year
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“It had only been a few days, yet Rin was utterly besotted with her.”
nothing like a good hug between friends 🥰💖 (is rin tall for a 14 year old or is octavia just mega short hahaha)
i was curious what they would look like in a real anime setting so i pasted the image on top of a background from inuyasha and i think it looks pretty cool!! huge props to the illustrators who worked on it bc i could never 🤣
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daydreamycrustacean · 3 months
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I wonder how I woke up in the middle of my surgery and I watched them botch my heart.
Since I can´t help but hoard art instead of posting stuff on its own, here is also 5 comic pages of a scene from the EDA Camera Obscura by Lloyd Rose.
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doccywhomst · 9 months
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old dr who whump sketch found while packing - eight after killing eva in vampire science
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eightdoctor · 1 month
sure the master tried to steal the doctors body a couple times but did he rip one of his hearts out of his chest? was there blood and bile and bone? and did it glisten in his fist in the dull light? and did the doctor scream in agony because he was dying? because now he would live? and were they intrinsically, viscerally connected to one another? so that they felt each other’s pain? and weakness? and sick sick grief? ddid they feel a startling shock deep within themselves when they touched each other? i didn’t think so…….
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heimeldat · 4 months
I love him when he's baby but I had to add some horrors sorry.
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ID: realistic digital painting of the Eighth Doctor from the waist up, slouching wearily with his head lowered and eyes shut. He wears a white shirt with the sleeves partly rolled up and presses his right hand against his bloodied left shoulder. His face and arm are scraped and scarred. end ID
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obsessedanddepressed · 6 months
I'm. I'm pissing myself dudes
If you haven't read "In the blood", "The doctor trap" and "shining darkness", you only need to know a couple things before going ahead:
They're Doctor Who books
All of them feature the Tenth Doctor and Donna Noble
The summaries ChatGpd gave are WILDLY inaccurate
Ok, proceed. This is... A ride.
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I... I literally don't know what more to add. The confidence. The nerve to bold them. Just.. wow
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ladyespera · 5 months
final fantasy you're temporarily cleared but doctor who fandom you are NOT marked safe from me tonight yet !!
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You didn't mean it, did you.
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ks-lair · 1 month
Upon the Altar, Lambs
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A single house alone at sea,
An Empire floating in darkness,
Heirs summoned by He,
But they'll find no solace.
Glory to the Necrolord,
Mercy to us.
It is past our wards,
A sickly malice.
A house of two, it becomes one,
Your Will be done.
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mjrino · 3 months
TW: Blood, needles, vampire imagery, bite marks
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what do you believe in?
FINALLY. it's done. this took me a while by my standards, not least because it's in a lineless style that i haven't done before but which i actually really like. Most of the imagery, as well as the quote, is from book two of the bbc eighth doctor adventures 'Vampire Science' because i read it and it fixed itself in my mind-microwave. Sam Jones is a character who I'm fascinated by; she puts up this 'cool, aloof' persona that's not entirely false, but which serves as a mask for her, especially in some more intense situations and moments. also i love how much she cares, yknow?
Version without caption:
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zagreuslives · 10 months
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“Take the blade, Ms. Pollard. Go on. You two have played out this farce before, I believe.”
“Kill me.” // “It’s me. I’m the bravest person here” // “Kill me…” // “Goodbye, Doctor.” // “Go-goodbye, Charley….Thank you…”
One of my favorite scenes in all of Doctor Who. Have some more Big Finish fanart courtesy of my fever that won’t break
(Though for the record: I do NOT recommend listening to Zagreus with a high fever. It starts to actually make sense)
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kagkik · 1 year
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octavia my beloved 💖 i wanted to draw what she looked like in chapter 1 vs what she looks like now. them eye bags ain't going nowhere lol!!!
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demonicnarwhale · 1 month
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So i've been trying to come up with Commons Midnight Swing's carapaces' pasts and such in their respected kingdoms. and yay. I'll probably go back and work on her poncho? back and front cape thing teehee
EN as an esquire doesn't quite understand the knight who's supposed to be her mentor. The sword looks small here but I wanna change it to a bigger one just cuz EN thinks just causing the most damage makes more sense. Her mentor is the opposite, he goes for a more refined and on target attack. Basically his rapier is always poisoned allowing him to stab enemies in their vulnerable unprotected areas as he's still strong enough to cause damage to shells but not so much armor. (basically shells/exoskeletons are tough enough but can crack). She's brutal in the sense of violent but she makes sure her strikes efficiently put the other out instead of making them slowly go out. He's brutal with how unpleasant he executes others and such yippie. (Gonna edit and change how the knight looks later)
oh yeah and so she kills him off due to their conflicting fighting ideals/morals. And Black King understanding her point, ends up exiling her as he doesn't want other esquires or lower ranking soldiers to think "oh hey, if she got away with murdering her own mentor, maybe we can" and later on targeting him. (we all know how well that went-). And so EN is brought to Midlay (will upload a "map" of where everything's located and explanation later) where she meets up with the rest of the carapaces that make up Commons Midnight Swing and the group then come across the others and yay!!!
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holding swords and looking cool is so hard lol and then why would you do that to yourself EN
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loose stitches 🩸
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sollucets · 1 year
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avemakuta · 3 months
Next multi-doctor special wishlist:
Paul McGann as the eighth Doctor, in the flesh, in a full episode, before it's too late.
Eleven, in between the Ponds and Clara, so we get to really see what he's like between companions.
David Tennant does not appear, so that Jenny can appear.
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xanahalfblood · 1 year
Severus snape
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