#eh popularity that’s overrated
adhdtsukasa · 3 months
everyday i grieve that it's pretty much unlikely for wxs to cover songs that are on the calm and slow side due to the theatrical group they are and it means that we'll never get an by deco*27 wxs cover. such a wasted potential. such a wasted opportunity
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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-> -> -> 2AL playlist drop!
Answered all the music related asks under the cut!
Question reference btw!
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4 - a lyric you like
"Triangles are my favorite shape" From Tessellate by Alt-J !! Do I know why? Nah. I just also like triangles :)
11 - a popular song you think is Good, Actually
On Time by The Disco Biscuits !! Its not popular more than it is mainstream? Its one of those songs you swear you have heard everywhere, because its very much played everywhere, but like its actually good! Either its played everywhere or it just gives me loads of nostalgia? Eh whatever, its still good and im bestowing it upon you.
13 - a playlist name without context
"To Enter The Beyond" Past Human City Soundtrack
18 - a song or lyric that reminds you of the asker
Oh this for sure belongs on your AMW playlist!! Gives some absolute Tea vibes!
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5 - ramble about a song
FORGIVENESS BY ALICE GLASS!!!!!!! OUGHOUGHOGH I LOVE THIS SONG WITH ALL MY HEART god something about it just vibrates my insides and tickles my eyes. I dont know how to describe it other than each time I hear this song I feel nothing but pure power and hopelessness at the same time. Drifting along in never ending darkness, and the only thing you have with you are the spirits and memories of those who have passed. The spirits call for freedom. You should listen to them. This song gets real for me alright?
7 - a song for which you like a cover more than the original
Not really a cover moreso than it is a remix!? But im counting it! Silk by Giselle, the original, somber and sweet but just sorta missing something you know? This remix by Favored Nations though? SLAPS. Its so upbeat and I am so here for it!
11 - a popular song you think is Good, Actually
Honestly literally anything by Electric Light Orchestra. Though to be more specific, Evil Woman!! Alright is also a good one, but less popular!
16 - do you sing or play any instruments?
No instruments here! I actually have one really nice/complex song memorized that I can do on the piano but unfortunately thats about it whoops~ As for singing apparently I actually sing good when I try!?
23 - a song you remember liking as a kid
You are going to laugh at this one. Actually. I still like it. But damn was I a weird kid. I once had a solid 150 digits of pi memorized because I would just play this stupid song on loop for like a whole ass hour every now and then???? I think I still have about 50 memorized thanks to this song.. whoopsies
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5 - ramble about a song
YESSSSS YESSSSS I GET TO RAMBLE ABOUT ANOTHER SONG The World Is Ending by Matt and Kim !!!!!!!!!!!!! good GOD this song is so dear to me. Not because of the song really, but because of what the song means to me? The connections I have too it?????? Longish story short, someone made a killer AMV using it? The AMV using clips from the show Final Space! No clue if you have seen the show but no matter. Final Space is definitely up there as one of my favorite shows, not only because its good but because it actually helped me get closer with my dad, we watched it together! In other words I associate this song with just so much joy. The AMV if you were curious btw!
14 - an unpopular music opinion
Glass Animals is overrated <3 <3 Dont get me wrong I love their music! It just gets so tiresome hearing them everywhere!??? Probably just a me problem though
24 - a song people often misinterpret
I dont think I have much an answer for this one, apologies! Mostly because its not too often I pay attention to lyrics, and even then I think its cool that everyone has their own interpretations of someones song!
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17 - a song that has made you cry
... honestly? Any song in a tv show that is played during a sad scene! A REALLY sad scene... one that comes to mind is Enter One by Sol Seppy (would recommend skipping to about 2:30), because it is played in the death scene of one of my all time favorite characters... alright im going to weep about that death scene more now because listening to this again is NOT helping pfft... oughh honestly now im tempted to add it to the 2AL playlist... maybe.
24 - a song people often misinterpret
Answered above!
30 - a song that makes you nostalgic
Divinity by Porter Robinson, listen this used to be my favorite song for the longest time... and it might even still be my favorite song?? Either way, I DARE not listen to it anymore for the sake of I fear for the day where this absolutely nostalgic gem gets tiresome for me...
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17 - a song that has made you cry
Answered this one above! Though for a less serious answer, any of the finale songs in Centaurworld... oops.
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1 - which artist(s) have you listened to the most lately?
The Asteroids Galaxy Tour has been a fav in the past month! Heres a good song by them if you would like~
I am going to use this ask as a chance to also say how much I love Hugo Kant!! He makes great stuff to chill too when working! If I could log hours on youtube, my most listened to videos are so just listening to the guy live!
21 - favourite album
Not to pull out my inner cowboy, but Harlequin Dream by Boy & Bear. I fear for the day I get sick of this album its such a trip for me!
28 - rank the songs in an album
#1 - Celebrate. This is the song that introduced me to the band and gives me SUCH a blast of nostalgia each listen, and it shows. Best song in the album by far. Its so weird though since I knew this song before I knew about the rest of the album, so when I finally discovered the whole album each time this song comes up its so out of place pfft! Still such a bop though!
#2 - Blind Valentine. This is just one of those songs I love singing too whenever it comes on alright!?????
#3 - Lie Lie Lie. This is the first song in the whole album, and honestly? What a knee slapping way to start an album too god damn!!!!
#4 - Cascades. I am begging you to skip to about 3:15 in this song, its a little on the plain end before that end, but THAT ENDING??????? SLAYS.
#6 - For Kicks. The beat is just so unique here!!!!!!???????
#7 - The Face Part |. Just some funky cool down beats at the end of the album that are very enjoyable!
#8 - Fortunes. A decent enough second song in the album, helps sets the tone for whats coming!
#9 - The Shade. Its actually a good song, just nothing special about it you know??
#10 - The Governess. vibes are there, the vibes are sure there
#11 - The Face Part ||. Just more cool off tunes to end the album with
#12 - Other Side. No. Why are you here. your ass does NOT fit with the rest of this god-tier album. goodbye.
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Edit: @kiaxet Thought I should add you to the masterpost here!!
5 - ramble about a song
Ok. Adventure Time by Yoann Turpin. I am usually not too big on 16 bit video game sort of vibes but this??? Is such a MASSIVE exception. Holy????? THE HEART THE GUY PUT INTO THIS SONG MAN. The beat is just so unique, its impossible to try and guess whats going to happen in the song next, you strait up feel like you are on an ADVENTURE. I am so here for this song, god and its so upbeat I am in LOVE.
By the way, I linked the whole ass album because the whole album overall is so nice to listen to to pump you up when doing dishes or something lmaooooo, the first song in the album is also an amazing trip!!
8 - an artist you think underrated
HUGO KANT!!! God!!! mentioned above as well, I love Hugo Kant with a passion! He makes such good stuff just to chill too, and him live is absolutely incredible!
With the ask above I linked a video from him preforming live, so this time around I bring you two favorite albums of mine!! Far From Home and Out Of Time
I get in SUCH a zone listening to his stuff!
9 - a song you think is underrated
Phleps by C418!!! C418, the producer of the original music behind minecraft, but the guy has so much underrated personal music that is SO underrated! This song in particular, is vastly different from his usually stuff and I love it for that. Definitely underrated for being overshadowed by his work on minecraft and his work that isnt minecraft but sounds like minecraft..
29 - what do you look for in a song or artist?
I always look for something where you can tell it has genuine love and heart put into it! That + something that just sounds truly unique in its own right!
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plushiebimbo · 5 months
Contrary to popular belief: Hellsing Abridged isn’t my top favorite of Hellsing media. Have I watched all of it? Not really. Do I understand some of the memes and give it a snortle? Yeah sure, why not.
But isn’t my favorite? ….. eh. I will say it’s a bit overrated but at the end of the day, just so long it’s Hellsing content, I’ll enjoy it.
I love the tv series and Ultimate and the manga, but Abridged will have that silly lil place in the far backs of my brain.
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silvyslayer42 · 1 year
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ok so (explanations under the cut)
in order of worst to best we have-
F - satosai. get out of my face, satosai.
full disclosure though- i used to really like satosai, but then i grew as a person and part of that is realizing satosai is painful amounts of overrated and mid (im joking obviously, though i do truthfully dislike it, no shade to you if you do. plus i still look at ship content of it sometimes because it’s there in mass amounts and they’re cute sometimes). also some satosai fans are so annoyingggg (you know the ones) and will go after other saiki ships and be like “anyways satosai better” and i do genuinely think you’re annoying and should get off of my page if you do that.
E - kuboyasu x teruhashi. it goes in E tier for “Eh?” because i do not get it
i have nothing to say about them, to the point that it’s not even funny. this is like, a very sober crackship to me. im sure someone who does really like this ship could sell me on it but it hasn’t happened yet. i see this ship around sometimes and just get so confused. i do not see the chemistry
D - kubosai. even more confusing than the last one in some ways but i kind of see the charm of it.
again though, nothing much to say. they work aesthetically, like—the bones of a good ship are here, but there’s no meat to tear into. in their canon/close to canon versions i cannot see it at all (probably because i like other ships with both of them a lot more), but in a good fic or au i do very much indulge in the BAMF x BAMF content. yeah idk what else to say, they’re so low on here because i just do not think about them as a romantic pairing or seek it out. i don’t know why it’s so popular (unless there’s some solo chapter with them as a duo that ive never seen)
C - imuteru, hii x satou, and makoku (with one u). yeah, I know, C tier for “Contreversial Take” i suppose.
imuteru used to be higher up on the list, but then terusai took over my body and soul, and i just can’t really see them together anymore. whenever i think of imuteru i think of unrequited imuteru on imu’s end and that makes me sad :( for some reason this same effect didn’t happen with teruchiyo or mikoteru but that might be that those two have other ships with the characters aswell idk
satou x hii would be further up because i do really like them together and i think the whole luck balancing thing is super cute, i just don’t think about them enough to put them higher. yes, your boos are understandable, and your tomato throwing. someday i’ll decide to read a fic about them and it’ll probably become B tier idk
.. ok now you REALLY HAVE TO HEAR ME OUT. makoto x kusuo could be so funny. this is a true crackship, and one laced with the absolutely most fatal drug cocktail you’ve ever seen. in a world where makoto isn’t literally a walking incest joke and is just a protective and pretty idiot it slaps so hard. kokomi would hate it, kuusuke would hate it, his parents would be questioning how kusuo managed to bag a famous actor without mind control. it is utter chaos and so so much better for it. i think they should be more popular and it’s probably my worst saiki k take. still, putting them any higher is basically saiki k fandom sacrilege atp so.
B - nendou x saiko, mikosai (+mikoteru and teruchiyo which weren’t on the tierlist for some reason), kaisai, and yumekai. now we’re getting somewhere. i quite like all of these.
nendou x saiko is just very fun to me. idiot for idiot but it’s in the romcom rich guy who doesn’t know shit meets guy who doesn’t know shit either. silly x tries to be serious but can’t really pull it off. i think they can both mutually make each others lives better + their interactions in canon were great. i wish they were more popular
oh boy mikosai!! oh boy, mikosai… mikosai is the first sight of my polyship i like to call “psychicshipping” which is where i ship all of the PK psychickers together romantically as a weird kind of OT4. i have so much to say on mikosai and a lot of thoughts about them, and i do genuinely like them as a pairing a lot, BUT. it ranks lower than the other psychicships because the fandom put a bad taste in my mouth with it. often, i see a lot of people hating on terusai in favor of mikosai or saying that mikosai is somehow more valid and im like “?”. it often feels like mikosai is the het saiki ship for teruhashi haters, which SUCKS because i do see the vision. like, THIS:
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this is great, yk? they look good together and the dynamic is great, but the way the fandom treats and characterizes them is not even close to how they should be, at least to me it’s not. this image sums up my feelings on them pretty well:
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closing thoughts: i should be the only one allowed to ship mikosai because only i understand them NEXT
mikoteru + teruchiyo bonus round because i like them too and they deserve to be here: these ships are both great in my professional opinion, but their paragraphs get combined because i don’t have a lot of vested interest in them specifically despite really liking them. I think teruhashi’s problems could all be fixed if she had at least one girlfriend (preferably more) and that is my only thoughts really. i get very happy when i see people making ship content for either of these, please make more yuri content with teruhashi now thank you !!
kaisai!! this was the first saiki k ship i read a fic for and the first ship i enjoyed. it’s very nostalgic to me because of that. to me they give “greasy gamer who could be blown over by a ghost of wind boyfriend who likes getting himself into trouble x stoic but secretly sweet boyfriend who subtly protects him” which is a rare and overlooked dynamic i think, and something you can’t really get from kubokai. kubokai might still be better but that doesn’t mean kaidou doesn’t have two hands now does it? closing thoughts: i think they’re very cute and need more people to see that, romantically or platonically.
yumekai. i think they should’ve been canon in the end idc idc. i might like other ships with these two more but that does not mean i won’t acknowledge how much i like them. they are honestly one of the best het ships in the entire fandom and need more recognition!! they can be angsty mutual pinning. they can be toothrottingly fluffy. they can be so infuriatingly stupid (they are always stupid but shush). they can be the incarnation of young love. they can and should grow old together. the only reason they aren’t higher up is because, like i said before, i like other ships with either of them so much already so there’s not enough room in my heart for them 😞
A - mikosuka (plus aikechi and torikechi bonus rounds that will both be getting their own paragraphs this time), saikechi, torisai, kubokai, and nendou x hairo. OH YEAH BABYY! all of these are solid and the fandom hasn’t ruined them, in fact all of the stuff ive seen of them slaps. 10/10
mikosuka. please be more popular aaa!! the only reason it’s not is because of how much toritsuka got done dirty in canon for the “pervert character” trope- and how much the fandom just despises him. they’re hilarious in a “married couple who do nothing but fight all the time but everyone can tell they love each other anyways” way to me, not to mention how they’re also a part of psychicshipping. i do think they work better as part of a polycule with saiki to center them, but i saw a post about how aiura could’ve been mistaken and toritsuka might’ve actually been hinted as her soulmate and it’s been a majority of my thoughts since. i think they should get married after a long journey of selfdiscovery for them both where at the end of it they decide they both like life better with each other. i think they should stay in a “will they won’t they” like idiot love interests in a bad but popular tv show forever. i live laugh love mikosuka. i think they both deserve better (mostly aiura but toritsuka too in some ways). closing thoughts: brain running wild all the time 24/7 for these guys forever and ever.
aikechi. i hadn’t really thought about them before making contact with @/no-psi-nan’s posts about them but now my eyes are OPENED!! honestly before that i just saw them in the polypsychiccule as connected via their mutual love for saiki but not with each other directly, but now they are so much more than that to me. he’s the right amount of calm to nicely contrast her passionate fire in a way that the other two just aren’t. they are the pinacle of competent 4 competent while still being idiots in their own ways. aiura shows a picture of him to someone and says “this is my loser pissboy husband. i love him so much”
torikechi. i started liking them in a similar way that i started liking aikechi but the vibes with them are so very different than aikechi. compared to toritsuka, akechi is the cool one and that is crazy 2 me. really really dumb x only a little bit dumb but extremely unhinged in other ways. akechi can finally talk at someone who and be halfway listened to without annoying the other person because of toritsuka being used to ghosts randomly appearing to talk to him all the time and he is ecstatic. toritsuka is just happy to be here and also very confused tbh.
saikechi. what’s there not to like about saikechi tbh. a lot of canon backing and the childhood friends trope? peak. the potential that this ship has for angst and hurt/comfort is sososo good gahhh!! akechi being torn up about saiki leaving and saiki feeling guilty. saiki thinking that he’s done something horrible and not expecting forgiveness, but receiving it anyway :((( aaaaa!!! “you really shouldn’t forgive me. you should hate me” x “i already forgave you, and how could i ever hate you when i love you so much?”. like??? hello??? they make me cry. they make me so happy. they can help each other heal and become better. they could even make each other worse if you play your cards right (you’d be evil for it tho). closing thoughts: screaming crying shaking sobbing throwing up clawing the ground and punching my pillow because of how much i care about them
torisai. they are so funny lmao. also they complete the psychicshipping love square
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(^the psychicshipping love square. pink line between names means those two characters are dating, in love, married, etc.) so ofc i love them. as mentioned, i think they’re very funny (a common trait of a lot of the ships i like) and i think saiki could fix him (/j). not much to say since they are my head empty ship but yeah i like me some torisai
kubokai. do i even need to explain?? like torisai there’s not much i really feel i need to say about them but like. who doesn’t like kubokai? these two could not go an episode without doing something gay and we love them for that. not to mention the piles upon piles of content for them. closing thoughts: ofc i like kubokai, who doesn’t like kubokai?
nendou x hairo. HELL YEAH BABYY!! <- my reaction when i see a post about them. underrated as hell, just like how these two are as characters. they’re my sillies. the silliest gay couple ever. aso shuichi agrees trust me. also that chapter where they got mistaken for a couple was so fucking funny. it’s a shame like no one knows about it since it’s basically softcore in some parts so it didn’t get animated
S - terusai and aichiyo. MY FAVS! i eat breathe and live on this. i have a current pintrest board of these ships because i love them so much.
aichiyo. give me more aichiyo content, NOW. aichiyo is seriously my favorite aiura ship, and i look it up on this godforsaken website, and you know what i find? LIKE THREE POSTS. THREE. THATS BASICALLY NOTHINGGG. and there’s not really a lot of fics ive found about them either (if you have recommendations i want them. please). that episode where they interacted was so gay it outshined nearly everything else. like- they’re so in love!! *shakes you* listen to me damnit!! they love each other!! they’re just so adorable i don’t know what you want me to say. look at them LOOK AT THEMMMM
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(^made by @/wowneh_toon on twitter) closing thoughts: they make me feral
terusai (ending with this one instead of going in order because they are my number one favs out of any saiki k ship to have ever been concocted). AAAAAHH!!!!!! I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCHH!!!! terusai is the kind of ship that grows on you the longer you’re a fan of the show, and now it’s my straight up comfort ship. anyone who disagrees is WRONG this whole fandom is WRONG and im not afraid to say that. if you don’t like them at least queerplatonically i think your takes are immature and stupid and im blocking you. terusai is perfect for a fluffy future au where teruhashi is the breadwinner and saiki is her housewife. infinity/10 best romance ever written no complaints. there’s so many terusai moments and chapters (remember when teruhashi was about to confess to him as kuriko and he was blushing???like??? how could anyone see that shit and still think he genuinely hates her… i know i sound so mean here but idc im so so tired of this fandom and the absolute DISRESPECT terusai goes through on a daily basis) thank you aso shuichi for gifting the world with teruhashi and terusai. closing thoughts: i love them and if you don’t i do NOT want to hear about it. id fight the whole fandom over them if i had to im not kidding.
phew that was a lot of writing. i hope you enjoyed my ramblings because all of these came from deep within my heart. also my opinions are all cosmic truths so if you disagree then i guess we’ll just have to both live with you being wrong 🤷
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brucebocchi · 4 months
Most overrated QB and/or manga?
i'm a known ben roethlisberger hater but he wouldn't have had half the career he did without antonio brown. matt stafford would have a hilariously weak case for the hall of fame if not for the ring aaron donald won him in LA
as for manga, eh, insert mega popular battle shonen here. i'm very selective of which of those i read because the ones that hit it big always end up being insanely long. i'm not in love with every single manga i have read but i'm not sure i'd call any of them overrated
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malottie · 2 months
I'd assume you have a lot of strong opinions about indie games (supported by the fact you've talked about some a couple of times). By "strong" I mean things you're passionate about, rather than "oh I just like this and that" or "eh this is a bit mid"
yes 100%. i was obssessed with hollow knight, especially the lore, for like. 4 years, in middle school/high school. the otherwise most influential game in my life, hello charlotte, is so niche it makes me insane. 3/4 of the series is free and no one i've recommended it to has gone past the first 1/3. i promise it gets good i swear.
i also have general "strong" opinions (aka hot takes), like inscryption is overrated. loop hero's story deserves more attention, including from the devs honestly, it is brimming with even more potential but alas. children of morta's combat system is desastrous. i just played q.u.q. yesterday, and it's half "i like it it's quite nice" and half "i could've done it better". lobcorp/library of ruina deserve at the very least as much popularity as limbus has. hollow knight is starting to get overrated, we've had enough, we've had every video essay possible about it please, it has the popularity it deserves don't push it further. every game i love dearly has heavy flaws and i know them already no need to insult my beautiful ugly children to my face
sorry, i got sidetracked. yes
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haleigh-sloth · 6 months
Hello, can I ask from this ask game :
For anime/manga : Fullmetal Alchemist, Ouran High School Host Club, Black Butler, and BNHA.
Thanks 🌻
Hi! Yes I’ll answer 🙂
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Favorite character:
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: I think In the Belly of the Beast is my favorite arc (Ed and Ling are trapped in Gluttony’s stomach), my favorite scene is Envy’s death bc of how the characters are involved in it
Character I Think is Underrated: Envy heehee (he’s my favorite so biased, but I also think ppl don’t appreciate how he gave us one of the greatest scenes in existence with Roy deciding not to kill him despite wanting to more than anything)
Character I Think is Overrated: Uhhhh none? I think all the characters in Fullmetal Alchemist deserve every hype they get
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Roy/Riza
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: Happy ending, EVERY character gets what they want, ends up with the people they love (both romantic and otherwise), Arakawa wasn’t afraid to be unapologetically forgiving
Ouran High School Host Club:
Favorite Character: Tamaki Suoh
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: The last arc is my favorite, my favorite scene is when he and Haruhi finally tell each other that they’re in love with each other—good shit
Character I Think is Underrated: Hmmmm idk if any of them are underrated, I love the twins and they’re plenty popular, Tamaki and Haruhi are plenty popular so idk
Character I Think is Overrated: None tbh lol
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Tamaki and Haruhi ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: I love the satire, I love the romance, I love how head over heels Tamaki is for Haruhi—from day ONE
Black Butler:
Favorite Character: Sebastian ❤️
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: I think so far I’ve enjoyed the Book of the Atlantic arc the most in its entirety, I am however enjoying the current arc I’m on (twin reveal and dismantling of the blood collection arc? but I’m not done with it (I’m on break)
Character I Think is Underrated: Mei Rin, she’s so fucking badass and gets shit done
Character I Think is Overrated: Eh none really, everyone who gets hype deserves it imo
Favorite Ship/Pairing: idk if any ship here interests me rly, I’m here to just see what happens
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: I love the mystery aspect, how each arc is solving a mystery. I love Sebastian and I love the Phantomfam with the house staff and Ciel and Sebastian, ahhhh all of them
Favorite Character: Tomura Shigaraki
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: Current arc, favorite scene is…probably going to be whatever is in 418 or 419, but existing I’d say chapter 305 still
Character I Think is Underrated: None
Character I Think is Overrated: Idk I don’t get the hype behind literally any of the side characters like like the Big 3; I also think outside of aesthetics, Mirko is overrated, I think because Touya is often seen as something he isn’t (someone fighting for everyone to live how they want—he’s not) I think he’s gotten to be a little overrated. He’s still one of my top favorites but I tend to disagree with how a lot of people view him
Favorite Ship/Pairing: IzuOcha is good, BakuCami makes me laugh, TogaChacko is also good
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The feel good narrative behind it all, I love how much the author cares about his characters, I love how forgiving the story is
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kinopioa · 5 months
>Me seeing Classic "purists" and later fans treating Sonic with headcannoned flanderizing in either woobifying or animalizing
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It's funny how common it is, throughout 20+ years of fandom
For the former I generally see them overly push the Felix cat and rubberhose inspiration, and aggressively ignore the Japan influences (despite saying they're anti US) unless relevant to dunk on others. The fact throughout Sonic 1 dev we can see environments get less weird and Oshima admit Sega Harmony stuff misrepped Sonic into being percieved as "innocent", along with Oshima admitting to liking Greg Wray/Martin's art despite other members of Sonic team before he left is funny. The glorification of bringing stuff scrapped in Sonic 1 dev for fangames is ironically, creatively bankrupt. Those fans awkwardly think Classic Sonic can't throw a punch or do anything outside rolling entirely just to prop up Metal Sonic the overrated. Eggman is either ignored, or treated as silly thing only with no threat, a mirror to what later era fans do. They overall treat Sonic as a bootleg clone of 90s Felix, which is ironic cuz Felix wasn't wacky for the 1940-60s, then dead until the 80s movie based on that era, and thep 1995 show reintroducing wackiness. And then this ignores design parallels or flaws they purposefully ignore to dunk on later eras, and generally ignoring other chars unless relevant to dunking on later. They hate "gotta go fast", but sure love "gotta bitch fast". And only liking at max 3 games, unless relevant to dunking on later ones
Either that or they're the US Sonic fans that act like Sonic wouldn't be popular without the design changes, which eh. Heavy doubt
Later Era fans meanwhile latch SO HARD to Sonic X and Archie/IDW over games despite inaccuracies, half likely cuz they still are seeking approval from none fans, the other only liking Sonic superficially. And I'm gonna admit, I liked X and OVA and other media back then, but they aren't Sonic, and the former definitely is shitty in aspects. The aspect of flanderizing or misrepresenting Sonic and co while hypocritically attacking companies for doing so is annoying. Same for ignoring char dev, but then crying that Sega is ignoring it when they didn't really (looks at Shadow). The pushing of IDW being canon so that they can prop up another "fan" is exhausting. Same for unfunny fandom jokes
Both are annoying as fuck on Twitter, especially when they attack others that are right on how Sonic isn't a slapdash OC creation tool for personality. And the fangame/romhack scene has been miserable under wraps since the early 2000s with the pushed "Fans do what Sega can't" mentality and nostalgia spam. No one learned from Omens
No one
Ps. you'll notice I ragged more on Classic Sonic fans. This is cuz everyone mostly has already bitched about later fans. Older fans are pretty ignored these days, though I find that an issue. The Sonic 4 campaign was hyper toxic for a reason...
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the-stove-is-divorced · 7 months
Here again about the ask game. Let's try 13 and 16.
Also, your opinion on Invibcible is SO true. Nolan was basically throwing Mark into the water and told him to swim or drown. Mark did the best he could with what he had. I was so obsessed with the first season I immediately read the whole comic. Currently waiting for season 2 part 2 to come out so I can watch it in one sitting.
THANK YOU! Nolan did nothing to help Mark when facing so many dangers, this kid is always on the risk of dying istg. And while I haven't read the comics, I prefer the show, I UNDERSTAND. Invincible is so good oh my goodness. I binged it in like one day when it came out I couldn't put it down. Even months ago I decided to go for a rewatch thinking I'd stop after an episode, and I was up till 3am. Cannot put that show down!!!
13. worst blorboficiation
I actually don't know. If a character's way too OCC I usually backpedal my way out fast. I usually try staying in my own little corner to save myself the sanity depletion of seeing too bad blorboifications. I see it happening with Batfam/Comic characters but comics are incredibly inconsistent if not downright malicious with characterization, so semi-understandable. Honestly, can't think of a truly worst one other than that at the moment! (。。 )ゝ
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Oh, these are really making me think, ty! :3 I've stated before but any cut and dry fics with Bad/Terrible/Abusive Bruce Wayne. That's just lies and slander and I will not stand for it. (」><)」
Otherwise, maybe it's my aroaceness at work here, but there's plenty of shipping I kinda don't get? I mean, obliviously, I can understand what people are getting that, but there's tons of shipping I've just accepted as a Thing That Happens. Characters are just dolls and people do whatever, and usually people make them kiss and fuck. Whatever. Sometimes I think it's boring. A lot of the times, actually. I try to focus on what I found most interesting, I suppose, and for me that's like angst and time travel! Eh, so a lot of shipping is the answer, haha! (。。 )ゝ
Otherwise, Zuko from Atla. He is a well written character that had his redemption one of the few well written ones in popular film/media history, yes. We all now that. Move on. But is he massively overrated to me? Incredibly.
Oh, and like self insert x insert any fandom character imaginable. I get it, I understand, sure, but the way the I will just check out a show that aired 0.07 seconds ago and there's already the "hottest" character biting a mf's thighs or something, like damn. The speed is crazy. And I've been in pretty small fandoms, so like 60-99% is smutty self/reader fics drives me crazy. ٩(ఠ益ఠ)۶
And, again, ABO. Why.
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countlessrealities · 7 months
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@technodromes sent:
[♞] "You know, screw that guy for giving a bouquet of roses to Monica instead of you. Valentine's Day is such a highly overrated capitalistic day anyway."
To the public eye, Subprime is just a petite punk girl who has seemingly nothing in common with the anger-fueled alien that operates from within. He, respectively Irma, is strolling next to Summer who just complained to him about a potential crush dumping her for someone else. What a Valentine's Day this is, indeed.
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"Eh. The truth is, I grabbed his envelope with the concert tickets inside while he was busy being too full of himself. Don't have me mention his 'love letter'. He obviously asked an AI to write it for him, go figure. Girl, you really missed out on nothing there. You and me get to enjoy the front rows tonight, while this Monica chick gets a bunch of dying flowers and a small-brained guy who smells of too much cheap aftershave."
(Valentine Prompt: Subprime to Summer)
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Being dumped for someone else is no news for Summer. The fact that she tends to have a thing for "bad boys"...even if now she's wondering whether she should change the label into "assholes"...doesn't help her get dates with someone reliable.
Besides, it's no news that teenage boys are hardly mature at this age.
While the irritation lingers, hot enough to keep her bitching, it isn't the only prominent emotion she is experiencing. Right beside it there's a good deal of surprise, because Subprime is the last person she would have expected to show up and save her day. Sure, they are friendly, but this is next level.
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"Yeah, it's all about getting you to spend money on flowers, sweets and fancy restaurants," she grumbles, kicking an empty can out of their way. "It's not that I, like, care, but high school hierarchy does. Being dumped on V-day is lamer than being dumped in general."
Which means that it's yet another step backwards in her plan to get in the crowd of the popular kids.
When "Irma" shows her the tickets she has stolen, Summer's eyes go wide. Alright, this is next next level of effort from the alien's part. Now she really owes him to return the favour, somehow.
"Damn, you did not!" She exclaimed, voice filled with wonder and delight. She has to exert a great deal of self control not to throw herself at Subprime and catch him on a hug. "Fuck you, David! We'll have a lot of fun in his fucking face! Especially since I found these tickets for us. And the jerk was going to use them for that cheap bitch."
With a scoff, the girl grabs the android's arm, steering her in another direction.
"You know what we earned? A shopping spree! My treat, as a thank you."
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ilexdiapason · 9 months
AND 19 and 22. for sillies
did 19!
22. Any popular fanfic you heard a lot of buzz around and thought "eh it's fine" just to read it later and decide "oh it does deserve all the hype it gets!"
ummmm notreally. this would probably be . what's that one fic. the dbh crime boys au that clout farm was always screaming about when it updated, that would probably be great if i read it. or bee's longfics like clinic which i also have not read in any capacity. stuffed bird was good, but i never thought it would be bad, i just happened to not read it for a while. theres nothing that i can think of tbh. and passerine was overrated 👍
thank u :> (ask game)
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thediktatortot · 1 year
tag game: stranger things edition
I've been tagged in a few things over the last few days and hadn't been able to get to any of them but i'll do them now all together :3
Thank you @discodeviant & @weird-an
ride or die ship (your otp): Harringrove!
2. most annoying ship: I don't consider any ships annoying really. I might not generally enjoy the fans of a ship, but not a ship in particular.
3. second favourite ship: Mungrove! This is only listed as second because Harringrove came first but Mungrove is at the same level as Harringrove for me as far as love/enjoyment wise :3
4. favourite platonic relationship: Hollogrove!
5. underrated ship: Calicheer! I just- I love them.
6. overrated ship: Eh- I mean there's popular ships but nothing is really overrated. All ships, even popular ones or ones that don't makes sense are worth while to someone.
7. one thing i would change in canon: One thing....that's hard uhm- Keep Billy Hargrove alive of course :3
8. something canon did right: Lumax. They are just good for each other. Probably one of the most wholesome, true to life ships that just feels right.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom PLEASE BRAG ABOUT YOURSELF I WANT TO SEE/READ YOUR ART: My J.C.Leyendecker inspired pieces are like- my bread and butter pride of this fandom. Hellcheer | Eddie
But also my Billy Hargrove Accidental Christ Figure piece I did :3 and my Mungrove Cowboys piece.
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Murray!!!!!!!! and you're all lucky I've kept my murrayposting private because he lives rent free on his own couch in my brain
11. the character i relate to the most and why: Steve is the one I personally relate to the most. I do have a few things that I relate too with Billy & Eddie, but Steve is the one I find myself reminded of most. Not for what people would think, but for certain personality qualities.
12. character i hate the most and why: Hate is a strong word for fandom because these are just characters in a story that have no real effect on me. However my least enjoyed characters are Nancy and Jonathan. I see a lot of my own family in them for various reasons and I just don't enjoy them. No hate though. I don't subscribe to the concept of vitriol against fictional characters or those who enjoy them.
Jason is a close runner up, but I don't necessarily hate him in any way but I just am uncomfortable with shipping him for myself. He's a great character and I truly wish I could enjoy him in fics.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: Mistakes aren't the end all be all of who we are. We make them and if we make up for them through action, then they don't have to define us forever.
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: Hurt/Comfort | Whump | Slow-Burn
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character:
Cutting Crew's "(I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight" Corey Hart's "Sunglasses At Night" Ricky Montgomery's "Lover Man" TOTO's "Hold The Line" Nick Lutsko's "Sometimes" Dido's "White Flag"
These are all songs that are intrinsic to my personal Steve Harrington vibes for various reasons.
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3. Unpopular Ringo opinion?
5. What is the most overrated Beatles song by Tumblr users specifically?
8. Single worst Beatle look?
yay!!!!!! thanks Ashley
3. god what even IS a popular Ringo take? … I think a good portion of his work on Plastic Ono Band is lazy but I haven't listened to the album in a long time so..... maybe only quote me on that wrt Mother.
5. I think maybe Don't Let Me Down? I love the middle eight but the rest is eh to me.
8. John and his stupid beard and his stupid Skimpy Amish Chic outfit. why is it on their artist page on spotify I wanna stop looking at it.
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whycantwegivellove · 2 years
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it was everything i had hoped and more. AMAZING acting, singing, dancing, set, costumes, special effects, sound, everything.
my favorite scene and song was definitely popular. i was laughing so hard. my favorite song from act 2 was definitely no good deed (lissa deguzman went OFF holy shit, i was in awe) but my favorite scene from act 2 was probably the gelphie fight in the corn field, even though i found them arguing over a man to be silly but it was so funny and well done that i didn’t even care.
honestly i thought i was going to be so annoyed by fiyero/fiyeraba but i really wasn’t! tbh it probably has something to do with the fact that i was absolutely in love with fiyero’s singing voice (can’t remember the actor rn) that i wanted him singing on stage at all times.
another thing i was surprised about was that glinda was by far my favorite character. up til now it has always been elphaba, but i just totally fell in love with glinda for some reason. eh i’m not complaining haha, i love my little lesbian.
(speaking of which, i’ve converted my family into gelphie shippers so i’m pretty proud of that)
anyways, i thought the ensemble was phenomenal omg. their vocals were soooooo *chef’s kiss*. i also iced madam morrible’s actor, she did a great job at being weird and vaguely unsettling.
the plot was very different from the book, which i knew going into it, but it was interesting to see the differences for myself.
back to gelphie though, i LOVED all the hand holding and especially the face touches!! there was one part during defying gravity that glinda caressed elphaba’s face and i sort of felt my soul leaving my body. and then there was another moment in for good when glinda cupped elphaba’s face and i almost cried. all in all very gay, although i am still waiting for a proper gelphie kiss.
also, not to sound basic but defying gravity is amazing and deserves all the hype it gets. it is in no way overrated.
anyways, it was an amazing time in general and i’d love to see it again someday. if you haven’t seen it yet i recommend it so so much.
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thejellybeanboys · 2 years
Mmm there’s something pretty sus going on between Luis, Hoagie, and WilLiam. Sandwich and purple eyes sure did seem a little jelly when that other guy was mentioned. I’m guessing there’s a possible love rectangle going to transpire? 😮‍💨😱
(Music Sniffer: (/Command: isolate ask for @Muisc Sniffer)
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Leroy: “ooooh I'm taking this one. Yoink! But uh yeah glad y'all noticed... cause it is the most freaking obvious thing in the world, I got no idea why any of them think they're good at hiding stuff...well actually Wil-Liam doesn't seem to care to hide it but still he's very cryptic about it--like he can't just say or act it upfront but I get it.”
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Leroy: “Basically the deal is that Luis likes Chris, but art freak hasn't noticed it. Hoagie likes Luis but uh either Luis is oblivious to it or he does not care enough to acknowledge it. And Wil-Liam definitely likes Luis but...hmm, I don't know if Luis just straight up hates him too much to say anything about it or Luis is a dummy who thinks anything Wil says is (/j) and has no idea he's actually (/srs) because he's too angy all the time. I'm pretty sure Hoagie and Wil-Liam don't know yet that the other one likes Luis (somehow) cause I would have already gotten a rant dm by Hoagie about Wil-Liam by now.”
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Leroy: “I mean I sure do hope it doesn't turn into a messy love triangle, it's already weird as it is, them all finding out the truth would just make things so unessaryily complicated. Two dudes fighting over the same dude but that dude is living in fantasy world where he thinks he can snag a popular; three-years-older walking paint rack. Like I think romance is overrated and we're all just dumb teens so why should I care, but Luis is my bro, so I do gotta be invested just this once. All i want really is for this to just blow over smoothly y'know? Luis gotta get rid of that crush cause no way him and Chris are ever gonna happen. Hoagers and Wil hopefully learn that maybe they're feelings won't get returned and it's best to just keep it to themelves forever?? Idk, I never know how that unrequited love crap works. But y'know let all these feelings become low-key and move past them like normal ppl do, but eh I guess none of us are normal people so probably not.”
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Leroy: “And if ya tell me exactly why Wil-Liam and Hoagie like Luis... well yeah he might just appear like a walking talking insecure ego who's rude all the time to y'all, but he's still pretty cool, he can understands you in a deep level and even though he might say he doesn't care...he cares a lot. He's extremely passionate in what he wants to do and really wants to be seen for that, all of us here do. Also there's apparently just something he does to ppl whenever they get to know him, he has an effect, I joke at him that maybe that's what his weird half alien powers are but--no, I like to think that Luis can charm people without the use of weird Lexiconian shenanigans (it'll definitely make him feel better about himself if that's true). Hoags and Wil probably got their own mysterious reasons why they like my homeboy so much but I won't speculate further. I'm not that nosey like Codey.”
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2, 4, and 11? for the writer asks
2. What's the most overrated thing you've written?
this fic, which haunts the top of my stats page. it's still okay, but like... eh? it's years old, i wrote it in about three days, and it's just... blatantly uncanon, and not in a canon divergence way, i just didn't fact-check. but lucifer was a really popular fandom, so... 4. Something a commenter did point out that you wish they hadn't.
this has only happened a few times, but it annoys me when commenters take some metaphor or bit of figurative language literally. i don't like being misunderstood, especially if i thought the line was clear about its intention.
11. What "don't ever do this" writing rule are you guilty of constantly breaking?
hmmmmm. i think a lot of "writing rules" are kind of bullshit, so i'm not sure what to say for this one. maybe reusing metaphors. i do that a lot.
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