#eggie collection
unniedolls · 5 months
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Coco with her bunny friend:) For more dolly photos follow me on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/unniedolls/
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eatember · 7 months
I keep having dreams about an mmo with amazing graphics where you can be a samurai but it has minecraft game mechanics
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
Reasons the Mothman should die, collectively written by the residents of the Hazbin Hotel:
Coding for Characters: Vaggie, Charlie, Pentious, Alastor, Niffty, Husk, pretty much everyone
TW: References to abuse
He’s holding back Angel’s progress. (Vaggie, is killing really necessary?) (I am concerned about going after a Vee)
I’m hungry (ALASTOR!)
Ms. Angel gets nervous when on the phone with him.
His coat is tacky.
He’s a bug! And bugs must be DESTROYED!
So Angel stops feeling like he has to be so damn fake. This is getting on my fucking nerves.
HE LICKED CHARLIE!!! (Vaggie, wait it’s okay.)
Color scheme sucks. Purple AND red?!
He makes Angel sad, NOBODY should make Angel sad.
Those obnoxious glasses just make him look stupid.
He’s a manipulative, abusive prick.
ANGEL DIDN'T KNOW BOUNDARIES WERE A THING?!?!?!?!?!? (Honestly that explains a lot.)
NOBODY deserves to be in an abusive relationship.
Too many arms. Nobody needs that many. (...Angel has that many?) (Well maybe he shouldn't.)
Ms. Angel keeps coming home all messy!!
He’s ruining hearts for everyone. Me and Angel already have enough. At least those are on our bodies, what’s his excuse?
Hearts should not even be ASSOCIATED with Valentino, THIS IS NOT LOVE.
I can do without all the sexual depravity. While I am in Hell this is NOT one of the reasons.
If I have to hear that ringtone one more damn time-
The Eggies found some of his films. They should never be exposed to such horrors. Now I have to explain what “a sex” is.
Makes picture shows that are a disgrace to the idea of “entertainment.”
He’s making a bad name for Uncle Ozzie. This is NOT “lust.”
So we don’t have to listen to another one of Angel’s pornos. (Agreed, it’s quite horrifying!!)
So Ms. Angel isn’t tired when she gets home and can save the kinky stuff for then :) (Niff, really?)
So the kid stops coming home with bruises and cuts that I fix up at 3 am. (Husk, what the fuck?)
Because what the FUCK Valentino?
He keeps forcing Angel to do drugs. (HE WHAT?! Like crack??) (That but also I’m pretty sure whatever comes out of him is an aphrodisiac.)
I want to use his antenna as a backscratcher
Has that whole red color thing going on. Only I am allowed to wear red :) (Al, your text isn’t even red.) (My what?)
What is up with his red spit and smoke? Seriously disgusting.
The red stuff from him may be what allows Velvette to create her “Love Potions” which funds Vax’s stupid endeavors (Do you mean Vox?) (Who?)
FOR MY COLLECTION :D (…yeah okay.)
Really is making a bad name for Overlords. And not in the fun way.
Angel’s shown trauma signs of abuse in our meetings. Im pretty sure it’s Valentino.
Make a doll out of his fur so I have a main villain for roach puppet shows!!!
His only purpose is to keep Veks occupied but considering Vixen’s inane attempts to catch my attention it isn’t working.
So Angel can have his soul and he and Husk can run off into the sunset together like in a fanfiction!!! (Ah, yes that would be nice.) (WE WHAT?!) (Oh Husker, denial doesn’t suit you.)
So Angel can get a good boyfriend THAT’S NOT ME to stop these bullshit allegations.
So Angel can admit his feelings to Husker because our cat surely isn’t going to be the first to do it. (ALASTOR I SWEAR TO GOD!)
Who knows how many other people he’s abusing.
Seems to give Vicks confidence. He has enough of that as is. It much more fun to destroy him.
He makes Angel sad which makes Cherri sad!
Called my dear Rosie an "old hag" NOBODY CALLS ROSIE AN OLD HAG.
Angel is a good friend and deserves so much better.
I’ve forgotten what moths taste like.
He keeps trying to get Angel to move out :(
Told the kid he had to lose weight. What the actual FUCK. (Ill kill him.)
He’s annoying and looks quite stupid. How has this not been added yet?!
He’s making a bad name for Spanish speakers everywhere. (Yeah it’s embarrassing.) (Wait… what?)
He’s making a bad name for pansexuals everywhere.
He’s making a bad name for wing-holders everywhere. (HE HAS FUCKING WINGS?!) (Oh, yeah, I didn’t tell you?)
Too tall. This is ridiculous.
Won’t admit he’s blind so he’s become even more of a public safety hazard.
If I get one more transmission of him and Box commiting lascivious acts someone will be eaten. I don’t care who. What the purpose of these are I don’t know. Advertisement? (I think it’s to make you jealous boss.) (Ha! Jealous of what? Mediocre sex with a pathetic excuse for a businessman with a TV as a head?)
Because Angel deserves fucking better.
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glitterstarly · 5 months
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I was thinking about how to design the new eggy and I was like, "we have already a lot of cute designs for all the children, why not make the new one a little bit uncanny since this is cucurucho's kid?" and a new gate was opened for me.
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this is Nacho, the official assistant of cucurucho and the nightmare fuel of (almost) every islander! when the bunnies watched how happy and engaged where their guests with their interesting children, they also wanted to surprise the white bear with one made 100% by them after a few months of investigation and collecting samples! what? the bear didn't like them instantly? no problem! we can modify them as many times as possible until reach perfection! after all, they were made for each other! :]
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mayisgoingnuts · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel characters in a "tickle war" (TKL HEADCANONS)
Something happened and now it's everyone against everyone inside the hotel!! ✨️
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— At the same time that she saw this as an opportunity for everyone to create a bond she's kind of terrified
— Everything and everyone is so silent too
— Probably will fall into a trap and get tickled
— However, if anything triggers her she'll be terrifying herself
— Either an innocent and adorable lee or a tickle monster, no in-between
— Not scared to the point of hiding either way, trying to live normally
— Deep inside it's actually pretty fun to her
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— Tried not include herself into this but nobody respected so now she's forced to participate too
— Unlike Charlie she's taking this way too seriously
— Threatened everyone
— As soon as she got her first "victim" she began to enjoy this whole thing a little more
— Team up with Charlie (obviously)
— Acts like if it's an actual war
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— Everyone thinks he was the one who started the war
— Most dangerous there tbh
— I mean. 4, 6 arms?? THIS MF IS CHEATING!! /ref
— Him and Husk are each other's main targets
— Got a bit anxious at first because of touch and everything but since Charlie was his first ler there it was the perfect beginning
— Favorite hobby is scaring Sir Pentious in a hide and seek
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— To catch him you'll need to find him first, and I assure you that he's professionally sneaky
— Avoids all of this as much as possible
— But we all know that he'll get tickled at some point (cough cough ANGEL)
— Did he hated it? No Yes.
— Too ticklish for his own sake
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— Okay let's be honest WHO WOULD TRY THIS MAN
— Not really participating but will go after you with if you try including him in this
— But he refuses to respect when Vaggie says she's not participating,, he's an asshole
— Watcher/Bystander
— Everyone is pissed that apparently they can't touch him but he can, so they all collectively agreeded with a little plan involving Niffty
— "Threats" (pokes and squeezes) others and then blame the closest person next to him just to cause some chaos
— Everyone has a temporary truce when he's being tickled just to watch it because it's just so rare that they don't wanna lose it
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— Takes it to another whole level
— Got armors for himself and is always acting like he's in those action movies
— "There's no such things as 'friendssss' anymore..."
— Orders his eggies to protect him at all costs but they always get distracted
— Surrenders pretty quickly if attacked
— But don't fool yourself, he's most likely to pretend to team up with you as a trap
— At the end of the day the experience was worth it
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— The ONLY ONE inside this hotel who's entirely safe since she's not ticklish
— But as expected, she's a menace
— They had to tell her the tickle war was over because she kept going after everyone and anyone in their way and she just,,, won't stop
— Charlie told her "If you ever see Alastor tickling someone you go and tickle him back!" and it worked perfectly
— Official ticklish spots rater and she's always creepily accurately right
— Don't got any sides, kinda like an anti-hero
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stellarumexp · 8 months
The QSMP Zine idea has not left my head (im partially blaming the drought but also i am the kind of person who goes "i would want this, therefore i should make it happen" and here we are) SO Behold! A QSMP Zine interest check! (for those of you new to zines, a fanzine is a collection of fanart, fanfic, and other creative works centered around a topic/theme that are collected and published together by a team of creators for their fellow fans to enjoy!) This interest check is for the QSMP Egg Zine I've mentioned before: A zine focused on each of the eggs (All of them! yes, even those we haven't seen in a very long time or have never met at all.) In this zine, every egg would have their story shared. Each egg will have their own section focused on them (with cameos from various islanders and other eggs!) where we get to showcase how great these little eggies are. This zine will be SFW, and only include canon ships, however it will allow for headcanons and speculative work (especially for eggs who have very little to no canon appearances or information.) If you are interested in this zine, please take a moment to fill out the interest form! Your answers will help to decide how this zine will be structured! If you have any questions, please feel free to include them at the end of the form. I'll do my best to answer any questions that people submit!
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ama-a93 · 2 months
Have you considered adding Bad and his two(three?) eggys as part of the charm collection in the future :o
if this first batch does well then yes :D i will do other families as well
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dicediceking · 4 months
The power of teardrop TD’s final boss villain arc 😎
srsly tho can u tell us more about that
even if it’s just a one off drawing it looks rlly cool :D
Prepare for a yap session-
So this was originally a roleplay w/ my brother but I liked and wanted to turn it into a comic or something. But I never found the motivation so ill just tell you what i had planned.
TD gains powers (somehow idk) she uses this to turn everyone into water, but they still look like their old objects don't worry. She also uses it to communicate without needing to talk. But she is kinda on her villian arc, so she forces everyone to compete in The Power of Teardrop. They don't care about a winner, they just want to not be made of water anymore
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Here are all the contestants! (Some of these drawings are quite old)
She then locks the hosts up so they don't interrupted
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The challenges go as follows
Challenges 1 is to come up w/ a challenge (how original right) it ends in a tie between.... shit I don't remember lol. Anyway they solve it w/ a race. TB wins, Gelatin gets eliminated
2 is a golf course. I bet you can guess who wins. GB! And Lollipop gets eliminated
Next is flower collecting. Tree wins and Match is eliminated
Hide n Seek!! Ends w/ a tie race again. Cake wins, TB is eliminated
The final one is a cooking/baking challenge. Eggy wins, Tree is eliminated
The losers are put in jars and locked away behind TDs thrown (Oh yeah btw she has a thrown)
In one of the competitions, Coiny sneaks off to free the hosts. He gets caught and is killed (drowned?)
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But while TD isn't looking, GB recovers him. And they eventually set the hosts free and they put everything back to normal.
It ends in a cute heart-to-heart w/ TD and Firey
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This isn't exactly it I just wanted a hug cuz Fireys water and they can hug now!
The plot twist is this whole thing was just one of Teardrop's comics. Quite the imagination :D
Yeah, that's it. Sorry for the yap session, I just wanted to tell someone all my ideas
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pollenallergie · 2 years
Since the last set of miscellaneous best friend!Eddie headcanons I posted did so well, I figured I’d type up some more. :)
do not interact if you’re under 18 years old!
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Eddie makes fun of you for being lactose intolerant. “Bunny, you can’t even digest ice cream correctly. It’s like god wanted you to live a joyless life.” <3
Eddie sneezes obnoxiously loud. He doesn’t really do it on purpose, he’s just a naturally loud sneezer. <3
Remember how I said Eddie loves naps? Yeah, if he gets bored with whatever he’s doing, he’ll just drag you back to the bedroom for an impromptu nap and you kind of just have to accept it. <3
Eddie will challenge you to a burping contest and he expects you to put in genuine effort every single time because “this is not a game, this is serious shit.” <3
Eddie takes periodic breaks from smoking and drinking to make sure that he doesn’t build up too high of a tolerance. During these breaks he simply replaces drugs with sugar, which is somehow worse. He’s like a hyper little kid on Halloween night. <3
Eddie still goes to a pediatrician/family medicine doctor and he gets very upset when they don’t offer him a lollipop and a sticker at the end of his appointment. “Why did I even show up? What’s the point in me even being here if they’re not gonna give me anything, jitterbug? I really fucking wanted that Gandalf sticker. This is horseshit.” <3
Eddie calls french toast “eggy-loaf.” No one knows where he got that name from, but he’s been calling it that for as long as you’ve known him. <3
Eddie’s gotten poison ivy way too many times to count. He got it on his dick twice in the summer of ‘84. Wayne laughed at him both times. <3
Most of the mugs in the Munsons’ collection are technically Wayne’s, but the Garfield mug? That’s 100% Eddie’s. He got it on a road trip with Wayne when he was ten and has heralded it as one of his most prized possessions ever since. Interestingly, when Eddie drinks coffee in the morning, he uses one of Wayne’s mugs because he refuses to use his special Garfield mug for anything other than hot cocoa and soup. One time you made the mistake of brewing Eddie some tea in his Garfield mug while he was sick. Of course, Eddie still drank the tea because he’s not wasteful, but he did so while glaring at you ceaselessly. <3
Eddie is a lighter thief… and a scrunchie thief… and a pencil thief… and a t-shirt thief. Basically anything that you own also belongs to Eddie and he will take it without warning. In his defense, he doesn’t mean to steal anything from you, he just borrows your stuff and forgets to give it back to you. <3
Eddie draws little sketches for you all the time. For example, he once drew you a picture of your favorite flower cradled in the bony hand of a skeleton; it was actually insanely good. However, instead of giving them to you like a normal person, he folds them into paper airplanes and throws them at you as hard as he can. <3
Eddie says “safety” every single time he farts. <3
Eddie almost always has a tiny piece of gravel caught in his shoe, it’s the bane of his existence. <3
Eddie is surprisingly strong (as we all know) and he uses that strength for nefarious purposes, like body slamming you onto the couch for no fucking reason; something he does almost daily. He always finishes this epic move by pinning you down and counting to three. Then he’ll spend the next two minutes celebrating his ���victory.” <3
When Eddie gets really excited, he’ll grab your hand and squeeze it just a little too tight. He doesn’t even really mean to do that, or at least he doesn’t mean to squeeze quite so hard, but he can’t really contain himself when he gets all hyped up. <3
You’ve learned not to talk about how heavy/big you are around Eddie because he almost sees it as a challenge. “What, so you think I can’t pick you up? You think I can’t lift that much? You think I’m a whimp, huh?” He’ll then hoist you into the air just to prove a point. <3
Also, whenever you talk badly about yourself in front of him, he makes you say three things that you like about yourself off the top of your head. It’s a trick that you started using on him during the dark days of puberty and, honestly, you regret teaching it to him. <3
Eddie is insanely competitive when it comes to board games, especially Pictionary. <3
Eddie often randomly challenges you to thumb wars and, when you don’t accept, he pouts like a baby. <3
Whenever Eddie’s hands get cold, he’ll sneak up behind you and press them against your cheeks or the back of your neck just to shock you. <3
Eddie loves it when you torment him like he does to you because he thinks you look especially beautiful when you’re being ornery. <3
Eddie talks about you to the new Hellfire members as if you’re dead and not just away at college. “Our very own Hellfire queen, the beloved bearer of snacks, may her memory live on forever,” He declares theatrically. “Oh, damn, how’d she die?” One of the freshmen asks. Gareth sighs, “She’s not dead, Munson’s just a dweeb.” <3
He impersonates Yoda… like a lot, one could even say he does it a little too often. <3
“Grub, can you turn your music down a bit? I’m trying to study.” “Do or do not. There is no try.” “Eddie!” <3
Also slips into Shakespearean mode every now and then. <3
“Hey, grub, should I wear my hair up or down with this dress?” “To wear it up or to wear it down, that is the question.” “Dude, you’re such a dork.” <3
He’s tried to create a special friendship handshake for the two of you multiple times, but the problem is he makes them way too complicated so neither of you can remember them. <3
Any time you have ever worn a two piece swimsuit in front of him, he’s blown a raspberry on your tummy. He doesn’t do it to embarrass you or to make you feel insecure about your belly, quite the opposite, he likes your belly so much that he can’t suppress the primal urge to blow a raspberry on it every time he sees it. In his mind, it makes perfect sense, but, in yours, not so much. <3
Eddie physically cannot go twenty-four hours without seeing you or, at least, talking to you on the phone. <3
Eddie will take you and your friends to see a rom-com if you ask him too. If it’s good enough, he’ll even secretly enjoy it too. <3
Eddie actually really enjoys hanging out with you and your friends, so much so that he’ll forever be bitter about the fact that he’s not allowed to come to your group sleepovers. Of course, you want to invite him, but they typically take place at one of your friends houses and, given that he is a dude that’s attracted to women and that has the capacity to knock up the majority of your friend group, none of their parents are super fond of the idea of him spending the night with you guys. He gets it, obviously not everyone can be as forward thinking as your angel of a mom, but it still sucks nonetheless. </3
You try to make up for that by doing some of the same activities at your sleepovers with him; face masks, hair braiding, makeovers, taking the quizzes in your copy of this month’s issues of Cosmopolitan and Seventeen Magazine, etc. Honestly, Eddie has had to lie on so many of those goddamn quizzes, just so you wouldn’t find out that he’s hopelessly in love with you. <3
Eddie makes NPCs for his Hellfire campaigns that are inspired by you; it’s his way of including you in the campaigns while you’re away at college. He’ll even fill you in on how your NPCs are fairing in the campaigns every Friday over the phone after he gets home from the club’s meetings. <3
Eddie kinda uses Philby as his therapist. Whenever he’s had a hard day, he’ll take your dog on a long walk, talking through whatever’s on his mind all the while. You accidentally caught them in the midst of one of these therapy sessions once and Eddie’s face went beet red from embarrassment. <3
Eddie’s brain short-circuits every single time you boop his nose (which is often, because how could you not?). It’s like his reset button. He’ll just be rambling on and on about something, most likely either an upcoming campaign or a sick guitar riff he came up with the other day, and you’ll just give that sweet little nose of his a quick, audible boop and suddenly the words are dying on his tongue. His cheeks flush a sweet rosy hue and his mouth parts in an inaudible gasp. It’s a rare moment of speechlessness for him, as if that one affectionate touch was enough to halt his ever-racing thoughts. Unfortunately, the more often you boop his nose, the more quickly he begins to recover, but that initial moment of quiet shock never fully goes away. <3
When Eddie was a kid, he couldn’t keep a secret to save his life. The holiday season was always so stressful for him because he constantly had to fight the urge to tell people what he’d made for them. In fact, back then, you all frequently received your presents from him weeks before Christmas because, as soon as he would finish making them, he’d get so excited to give them to you that he just couldn’t wait. <3
Now that he’s older, Eddie’s gotten way too good at keeping secrets… for the most part. If someone confides in him about something serious or wholly private in nature, then he’ll take that shit to the grave with him, won’t tell a single soul about it. However, when it comes to less severe secrets, Eddie tends to make an exception, at least for you. Case in point, you know about all of the Hellfire boys’ crushes simply because Eddie cannot keep his big mouth shut. <3
Eddie has this general disposition about him that just makes it so easy to confide in him and many of his customers frequently take advantage of that, venting to him about their shitty parents or opening up to him about whatever’s stressing them out. He always listens to them attentively and without judgment, and, occasionally, he’ll even offer them some genuinely good advice. Truthfully, Eddie gives great advice, the problem is that he often doesn’t follow this advice himself. <3
Eddie writes poetry and, sometimes, he’ll even read his poems to you, but only the ones that he’s really confident in and that, importantly, are not about you. <3
Eddie’s not worried about being stuck in the friend zone, mostly because he’s worried about a second, worse thing: the brother zone. Due to how close your families are and how long you’ve known each other, Eddie worries that you see him as nothing more than a brotherly figure and the thought of that kills him because is it even possible to get out of the brother zone?? The way Eddie sees it, at least the friend zone might, maybe have the potential for future upward mobility. The brother zone, however, might as well be a limitless vat of swiftly drying cement, because once you’re there, you’re there for life. </3
Given how close Eddie and your mom are, she’s told him many times that, if he’s comfortable with it, he can call her mom. However, Eddie refuses to do that. Not because he’s uncomfortable with it, but because he refuses to do anything to further increase his chances of ending up in the goddamn brother zone. </3
He’s irrationally afraid of ladybugs. Whenever one lands near him, he freaks out, much like most people do when wasps start buzzing around them. Unlike most people, he’s not too bothered by wasps, just ladybugs. Fuck ladybugs. <3
Eddie really enjoys baths, but his trailer doesn’t have a tub, so your mom lets him use the one in her trailer while she’s at work. He’d spend all day there if he could. However, he also gets really lonely, so he forces you to sit just outside the bathroom, talking to him through the closed door. <3
He also gets lonely while he poops, but he feels like asking you to sit on the other side of the door to talk to him while he poops is just a tad too intimate, so, while the two of you are still just friends, he’ll make do with reading the ingredients on your shampoo bottle. But if (when) the two of you ever start dating, that shit will be fair game (pun intended?). <3
Eddie likes to play footsie with you whenever you’re sat across from each other at a table. It doesn’t matter if the two of you are eating at your favorite diner, reading books at the public library, or simply sitting across from each other at the kitchen table, sipping on some coffee, the man will initiate it anywhere. This is also to his detriment, though, because it means that he ends up with a lot of awkward boners in public places. Oopsie. <3
He likes letting you do his makeup and paint his nails. Really, the man will take any opportunity for you to dote on him. <3
He secretly loves it when you call him Eddie Bear or Teddy, but he’ll never tell you that. <3
He spends way too much time looking at you, studying and admiring all the features that make up your pretty face. How you fail to notice his incessant staring is beyond him. <3
Eddie very much enjoys clinging onto you like a sloth. Oddly enough, he kinda wishes that he could go eight days without needing to poop or eat, like sloths can, just so he could get to really maximize the amount of time that he gets to hold you. <3
Eddie’s weird, really weird. Adorable and unexpectedly charming, but also weird. He worries that he’s off-putting, but your mom tells him that he’s just eccentric and that the right person will like that about him. He hopes that person is you. <3
He’s kind of obsessed with you; talks about you all the time, craves your attention 24/7, would do anything for you, etc. Just as Eddie used to say when he was little, he loves you long time. <3
Eddie Munson is the biggest hopeless romantic on this side of the Mississippi River. <3
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headcanons-osc · 2 months
*ahem* im just gonna list some
flower is obsessed with dress to impress and rages a lot. she can sprout petals and leaves at her will. she is a pansexual trans girl (she/her)
the gradient around black hole grows more colorful the more emotion she has, also has stars surrounding them ! he is omnisexual agender (she/he/they)
bomby has many slightly visible scars from exploding so much. he developed an unhealthy obsession with bananas after bfdia. they r nonbinary + bisexual (he/any)
pie enjoys playing sudoku and has a bearded dragon named edward. she is an aromantic transfem demigirl (she/they)
book has heterochromia and is a twilight sparkle kinnie. she is super touch starved + physically affectionate but scared to cross boundaries after bfb. she is a lesbian trans girl (she/her)
pillow is dyslexic and loves eye contact, thus often makes people uncomfortable. she collects antique dolls and has tea parties with them. she is a lesbian (she/her)
two cries to taylor swift and loves anything pastry related. they like to play matchmaker and has matching friendship bracelets with gaty! they love the color pink and thinks that four is their best friend(very one sided). they are pansexual + agender (they/them)
eggy has a short temper (she admits it's something she's working on) and changes opinions a lot. will talk for hours if you let her, but gets annoyed when you pry(she's complicated okay). she is a lesbian (she/her)
lifering (my pride and joy) is autistic and has a special interest in health. he has a degree in object biology but chooses to work as a lifeguard. loves marine animals and would always memorize random facts from huge books as a kid(projecting). he is a huge foodie and loves everything tea kettle makes for him. he gets overwhelmed/anxious easily. he has heterochromia and casually enjoys musical theatre. he is pansexual + transmasculine (he/him)
clover sometimes wears a flower crown to be in touch with nature. she has a sweet tooth and loves butterflies, it has always wanted to open a sanctuary. it can't spell restaurant. she likes to crochet sometimes, and tries to help the environment with the help of her luck. it is genderfae + pansexual (it/she).
taco is mexican + born in britain. she has never slept and owns many tea sets(mostly stolen). she pirates tv shows and has a mole on her right cheek. she's really corny and sappy but embarrassed to show it (incredibly touch starved). has bpd and is obsessed with being recognized/rich. only truly realizes the damage she has done after it's too late. she is a lesbian (she/her).
cabby has memory loss and is autistic. she created wikipedia and has trouble in social situations. she's very awkward and feels like she could never find true love. she is super guilty about things she shouldn't be guilty about and tries her hardest to be likeable. she is very open-minded and enjoys reading! she loves to listen to others infodump. she is pansexual (she/her)
microphone is easily startled and likes punk rock music. they have bpd + anxiety and likes to infodump. loves splatoon + bats! she is scared of hurting her friends and does their best to be kind. they are transfeminine nonbinary + lesbian (they/she)
knife is siblings with silver spoon and is a desperate housewives superfan. he secretly has a lot of "feminine" interests. they are a soundcloud rapper and has an eyebrow slit. he is transmasculine agender + omnisexual (he/any)
suitcase is schizophrenic + has anxiety and likes to be in touch with nature(especially animals). she loves to play the sims and beat the shit out of them. she has permanent eye bags, mascara and freckles. feels guilty about everything and anything for some reason, and can't say no easily. she is asexual + panromantic + transfeminine (she/her)
bot is a huge fan of digital horror and steven universe(both canon). they love bugs, especially moths/butterflies! despite having spent more time with test tube, they are more connected with fan, and see tt as a bit overbearing. they consider tt and fan as "creators" rather than "parents". they are NOT a minor PLEASE!!! likes cartoons in general and loves to draw, especially fanart. they are defensive/protective of their friends! they are very independent and hate being seen as otherwise. they are nonbinary + omnisexual (they/them)
silver spoon knows the piano but refuses to play it for anyone. he throws tea parties but no one shows up. tries to bribe her way out of anything despite not having anything to bribe. knife's younger sibling. likes cheesecake and money. wears mascara and has reallyyy rich parents but is NOT getting the inheritance😭 he is bigender + bisexual (he/she)
okay that's all i have for now
(can you tell which show i analyze more)
My jaw genuinely dropped when I saw this in my ask box
You are so dedicated I low key envy you /pos
But anyway, yea I agree with most of these! :]
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Late Night Call Prompts: Threatening to hang up on the other every time they mention something specific. -- Tony & Rhodey -- broTP (or slashy, if you prefer)
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: Gen Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies) Relationship: James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Characters: James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Tony Stark Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Canon Compliant with Movie: Iron Man (2008), Canon Compliant with Movie: Iron Man 2 (2010), Canon Compliant with Movie: Iron Man 3 (2013), Canon Compliant with Movie: Captain America: Civil War (2016), Canon Compliant with Movie: Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Canon Compliant with Movie: Avengers: Endgame (2019), Tony Stark Needs a Hug, James "Rhodey" Rhodes Needs a Hug, Humor, Best Friends, Phone Calls & Telephones, Cell Phones, Emotional kick to the gut Language: English Collections: Tony Stark Bingo Round 8 Published: 2024-08-31 Words: 5,641 Chapters: 1/1
Summary: Five times Rhodey and Tony talk where the conversations veer into subjects one or the other doesn't want to talk about, so they threaten to hang up on each other. And the one time neither threatens to hang up.
For @polizwrites Late Night Call Prompts: Threatening to hang up on the other every time they mention something specific. -- Tony & Rhodey -- broTP (or slashy, if you prefer) (Poliz)
For @tonystarkbingo Free Square
Notes: No, this isn't my usual fluffy, humor-filled story. It is one of the few canon compliant fics I've written. Usually I don't "go there," but for some reason, this fic wanted to. I hope you don't mind the angsty place I went to, Poliz. The guy wanted this. Blame them.
Back to my irregularly unscheduled fluff, humor, Easter eggy-goodness in future.
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goron-king-darunia · 1 year
Eggtober 12th 2023
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"Forbidden": Fried Eggs and Bacon
(Clip Studio Paint, Gouache Brush, Dry Gouache Brush, Gouache Blender, and some Pencil Brush details. Labor of love, however many colors, 2 hours.)
If you guess the source before you see the speedpaint, then I did it correctly. ;D
@lady-quen's breadbugs will have to wait for the fire to die down before they can snatch an eggy or two. And tagging @quezify, the, ahem, Wizard of Fried Eggs.
(This time I am not forgetting the speedpaint! Look at all those beginning details that end up hidden. XD
In other news, fire is hard to draw. I will have to do a study of it. Last time I drew fire it was for the background of my current icon and I used a method that would not work for this piece.
The reflection in the pan was hard too, the fan art I was referencing did is so perfectly. I'll have to study it further to properly do it justice.
I was going to use the grid method to make a more perfect study, but honestly it would have taken way longer and put way too much stress on it for me, I think, trying to get it perfect. Especially trying to put eyes on Calcifer. So it's all freehand and all eyeballed so you can see the pan is a little wonky. Also I couldn't find a good reference for the log-holder/grating in the hearth and I wasn't gonna pull out my DVD and get sidetracked for an hour for that one detail. So yeah, that part is just... being cleaned by Sophie. Or Howl disappeared it from the frame.
Anyway, 10/10, Ghibli really knows how to make food look ethereal and perfect and otherworldly and I hope I captured that with the unrealistically red bacon because yeah, I want to eat it even more when it's bright red for some reason... I was going to try to fit in a slice of bread and bowl of tea (That IS tea, right?) but didn't have a good place composition-wise to put it.
I wanted to do this piece last year but I decided that I would save it for a potential "film only" eggs ensemble, but couldn't resist this year. The pull was too strong. Besides, if I do more eggs from movies and TV, then I can always make a collection of them later.
Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys! And this time I made SURE not to forget the speedpaint! The file is too beefy for me to share on discord with friends, so I'm happy Tumblr can accept my hefty chunky speedpaint file!
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kedreeva · 1 year
wow did some googling on the saharan sand boas and not even the hobby seems to have a great grasp on these guys. seeing a ton of different species mixed up with each other, majorly differing opinions on expected lifespan, and debates on whether they're oviparous or viviparous! (kenyan sand boas, which seem to get mixed up with saharans a lot, are viviparous). Mad kudos to your friend for being able to wade through all this nonsense and successfully get eggies! my best wishes to the kiddos
Yeah that's kind of the thing, lots of people can't even tell the species apart (IT IS SO EASY THo??? I literally know nothing and it took my friend 15 seconds to teach me enough I made a flyer explaining how to tell), so how the hell do you collect info when people don't even know what they have, much less what to do with it? And then there's a few people.... like I think she said 4 people, in the entire US that have (to her knowledge) produced captive bred babies. And they won't share the info on how, they won't help others do it. idk why (I know why, it's gatekeeping). But I know she's gonna figure it out and then help anyone that wants to do it, too. She loves these snakes.
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Look how easy! Now you know, too.
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eggyrocks · 8 days
for YOUR favorite fic… - share your favorite line - share your favorite detail
ask game :3
of course im doing rot the supreme ruler of all eggy fics
favorite line: from chapter four, "But still, in his sheets, she feels fresh."
yeah this moment was so important to me and also to yn and in the iwayn relationship and i know i kinda overdid it with the rot but it all ties into that one line and i love it
favorite detail: from chapter one, "Without looking back at him, she moves about her cabinets, opening one to find her (frankly, pathetic) collection of mugs. She pulls out one with a chipped-up, knock-off version of Pikachu (a yellow rat-looking thing called “Ponkadu” with the iconic catchphrase, “ponka, ponka,”) and another with unsettling, discolored cats, knocking around a ball of orange yarn that she's fairly certain used to be red."
i love u ponkadu mug you're so special to me honestly idek why
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snazzynacho · 11 days
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Gary “Eggsy” Unwin x Fem!oc
Summary: In which the posh girl and the chav fall in love. Closed-off and un-admittedly stuck-up Gwendolyn Winslet is one of ten candidates training to be chosen for the open place at Kingsman. If she passes she will become a Kingsman, or rather, Kingslady. One person in particular - who on paper does not belong there - catches her attention, for better or for worse?
Fanfic Masterlist
My masterlist
Read on ao3
Read on wattpad
Chapter one:
The metal door swings open. Gwendolyn enters the room and all eyes land on her. Her heels click on the floor as she struts closer to the group. Her chequered pink Chanel skirt and jacket combo stand out between their boring beige smart attire and she ignores the judgmental stares.
"The princess has arrived," The ruder man of the lot comments on Gwen wearing an all-pink outfit, smirking at his remark, to which she rolls her eyes and places herself next to a woman with dark blonde hair — the only one who seems to be smiling at Gwen instead. Before Gwen can tease him back, the metal door opens again and in steps a young man who looks completely out of place. He's wearing a blue cap, Adidas joggers, a grey jacket over the top of a blue polo top and white trainers. Very casual and not at all smart like he should be.
The tension in the room is palpable as the group stares at him with intense judgment, far more than what Gwen received. They don't have time to make comments as a sharply dressed man holding a clipboard walks swiftly behind him, maintaining a vital amount of authority.
"Fall in," He says, prompting everyone to stand straight and give him their full attention.
The man lingers for a moment, which feels like forever for the candidates. He's passing a silent verdict on each of them, determining who is the strongest and ruling out those who will crack within the first few days, or hours, even.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Merlin...You are about to embark on what is probably the most dangerous job interview in the world." He speaks in a Scottish accent.
"One of you, and only one of you, will become the next Lancelot."
Merlin walks over to one of the beds and picks up a muddy green bag, "Can anybody tell me what this is?"
Immediately everyone raises their hands, apart from Blue Cap — the odd one out.
Merlin picks on the rude man from earlier who snappily answers: "A body bag, sir."
"Correct. Charlie, isn't it?" To which Charlie nods in confirmation.
Gwen sees the sly glance Charlie gives the man with the blue cap, and makes note of it.
Merlin continues instructing, telling them they will each need to collect a body bag and write their names and details of their next of kin on said bags. "This represents your acknowledgement of the risks that you are about to face as well as your agreement to strict confidentiality. Which, incidentally if you break, will result in you and your next of kin being in that bag. Is that understood?" He doesn't wait for an answer, seeing the rigid looks on their faces. "Excellent. Fall out." Merlin promptly turns and leaves.
The group slowly begin to separate, each going to choose a bed and proceed with the task at hand.
Gwen chooses her bed and it happens to be next to the man with the blue cap on. She overhears Roxanne (Roxy) introducing herself, and in return, he does too.
"I'm Eggsy,"
"Eggy?" She mishears.
"Nah, Eggsy," He corrects her.
Then, Charlie's irritating voice perks up, making her skin crawl. "Eggy? Where did they dig you up?"
Gwen looks up now, seeing Charlie obnoxiously resting his hands on his hips, trying to seem superior to him.
"You know we're not allowed to discuss who proposed us." Roxy attempts to defend Eggsy.
One of Charlie's sleazy minions walks over. "No need to bite his head off. Charlie's only making conversation. Isn't that right, Charlie?"
Gwen rolls her eyes so far back she thinks she can see stars. She thought attempting to join Kingsman would get her away from men like them, but she guesses not.
He introduces himself to Eggsy as Digby, but Gwen will call him Minion from now on.
A second minion walks over claiming to be Rufus, but she now sees him as Minion Two. "So, Eggy, are you Oxford or Cambridge?" He asks.
"Saint Andrews?"
"No, wait. I think we may have met. Did you serve me at the McDonald's in Winchester service station?" Rufus jokes except it is not that funny. Gwen rolls her eyes again. Everyone knows Winchester is too posh for Eggsy.
"No. But if I had I would have given you an extra helping of secret sauce." Eggsy teases them back and motions his hands as if he's pretending to jizz in their faces.
Gwen cannot help but snort at this. She admits this guy is funny.
Out of the corner of his eye, a blob of
pink catches his sight, and Charlie glares at Gwen. "The princess hasn't said much, has she?"
To which, Gwen smiles and sticks up her index finger and middle finger — a British gesture to politely tell someone that they're being a c*nt.
Eggsy flashes her a look of surprise. He never expected a posh girl to do something like that.
Focusing back on the task they have been set, Gwen locates her pen to write her information on her bag.
"You need a pen," the only other woman in the group says and offers Eggsy a pen. "Do you need one too?" she asks Gwen.
"No, thank you," replies Gwen.
"Amelia, isn't it?" Roxy asks, and she nods, prompting Roxy to introduce her to Eggsy.
Amelia glances around to see Charlie and his minions gossiping about them. "Don't take any notice of those guys," Amelia advises Eggsy.
Gwen finishes writing and looks up just in time to see Amelia and Eggsy's handshake. She cannot understand why they're all pandering to him.
Roxy notices Eggsy's wary look at the label on the body bag, which asks for his name, blood type, and next of kin. "It's just scare tactics. Classic army technique. No one's gonna die." she reassures him.
Eggsy looks around at the trio of twats. "Shame,"
The sound of trickling wakes Eggsy up in a start. He pats his bed in confusion before realisation sinks in. His bed sheets are cold and soaked. Water is flooding the room, and rising. Fast. It is almost as if the room is sinking. It is dark even with the bright white lights in the bathroom, so he twists around to flick his lamp on, and in the warm hue, there is a terrifyingly clear view of the pool of water.
By this time, everyone has woken up and done the same thing he has. With all their lamps turned on, it's apparent the reality of the situation is much more dire than they realise. The water has not stopped rising.
With his bed now submerged underwater, Eggsy struggles with what to do. He decides to stand on what's left of his bed and grabs onto the ceiling to stay dry. Everyone seems to have thought of the same idea as he glances in all directions, observing.
"All right no one panic. Listen to me," Charlie advises, as if he were in charge.
Eggsy catches a glimpse of Gwen to his right. Her eye roll would have been amusing if they weren't in a life-or-death scenario.
"Loo snorkles. Loo snorkles!" Charlie begins pointing to his left where the bathroom is.
"Loo snorkels?" Eggsy's beyond confused and shocked. He's just woken up to the room flooding so very quickly and now they're shouting about snorkelling from a toilet?
"Showerheads!" Roxy shouts from next to him, and he's even more confused and scared. Now his only friend is joining in on the lets-shout-about-bathroom-appliances game.
He looks to Gwen again, though she has an unreadable expression on her face.
"She's right. Fucking go!" Charlie yells and on cue, they all start to swim towards the bathroom, leaving Eggsy.
"Hey, hang about, what's wrong with the fucking door?" Eggsy cries after them, using his last breath, as the water rises so high he only has time to take one last deep breath before the water reaches the ceiling.
Eggsy looks at where Gwen is again, expecting her to be swimming as well, but she is not. They catch each other's eye — a silent action that speaks volumes.
They swim over to the door but it's locked. Gwen, who has already figured this out, taps him on the shoulder, shaking her head. She points in the direction of the opposite end of the room, where the others are in the bathroom. From here they can't see exactly what they're doing but it looks like they're breathing from the lead of the showerhead. Gwen knows you can get an unlimited amount of oxygen from a toilet but that is not on her wish list. She'd rather drown than breath toilet air. Literally.
Speaking of drowning, with not much time left, she yanks his arm and insists they need to swim in their direction. Eggsy feels betrayed in a way, thinking she's joining the others on their toilet extravaganza, but with his life on the line, he follows her cue. They end up swimming over there, and that's when Eggsy spots the large mirror. It's almost comically too big. There's something about it that is suspicious to him, and that's when a thought pops into his head — it is a two-way mirror.
He rapidly swims towards the mirror, using all the strength of all his limbs to glide through the water. Gwen follows his lead and reaches him as he's throwing his first punch into the glass, his muscles flexing.
She joins in on the punching, but her knuckles irritatingly don't puncture the glass nearly enough as she wants. Gwen gets an idea though. She swishes around in the water and swims away to her bed.
Eggsy is thinking the worst — that she's gone back to her bed to drown or that she's joined the others in their snorkelling. How that's going to help? He does not know.
He spots a flash of pink to his left and stops punching the glass momentarily. She is swimming to him again, holding something pink in her hand. He wants to comment about her wasting energy by swimming all the way to her bed area just to bring something pink back in this dangerous situation when she starts to help him. The pink thing is actually one of her stilettos, and she uses the long thin dagger-like heel to their advantage, hammering it against the glass.
Eggsy begins to punch the glass again, next to her hammering. Cracks in the glass begin to form around their hits. They glance at one another again - silently agreeing to utilise all their energy on one final blow to the glass, hoping that'll be the end.
They nod at each other, and raise their arms. Eggsy's fist is closed tight and ready to pound, and Gwen's high heel is held up, prepared to slam.
Their weapons hit the glass hard. So hard that it gives way, and the large glass panel crashes in on itself, sucking all the water out, along with Eggsy and Gwen, the others follow, being dragged by the tidal wave.
They all crash in a heap onto the hard floor of the secret room that was behind the two-way mirror. They're all coughing and spluttering, dripping wet and cold on the floor. Merlin stands before them, holding his clipboard again. "Congratulations on completing your first task. Charlie, Roxy, well done."
"For those of you who are still confused, if you can get a breathing tube around the U-bend of a toilet you have an unlimited air supply," Merlin explains. "Simple physics, worth remembering."
"Eggsy, well done for spotting that was a two-way mirror." Merlin then focuses his attention onto Eggsy.
"He's probably seen enough of them," Charlie butts in with as usual an idiotic comment.
"And, Gwen, well done for being imaginative in your choice of weapon. But you can all wipe those smirks off your faces. Because as far as I'm concerned, every single one of you has failed. You all forgot the most important thing...teamwork." Merlin points to an area in the room.
One by one they stand up, stepping closer to where the mirror used to be. Over by the beds lays a body — Amelia.
"So much for classic army technique," Eggsy thinks out loud.
Gwen believes that even she and those around her don't fully comprehend what they've committed to.
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kingmaxstatic · 3 months
Wishing Star
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A 996 word fanfiction with Starvoltz lore stuff. Takes place during IDW sonic issue #36. Wrote this late at night so it might be a tad disjointed.
Toyhouse Version Link.
"Voltz has silly thoughts about someone he barely knows."
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“Everyone remain calm! The chateau was built to withstand this sort of event!”
Was the only thing Voltz could pick up on before he was dragged back to his thoughts again. He couldn’t help it, his world was just shattered. His name wasn’t known to him but his features were etched in the two instances of him. Cream fur, magenta eyes, he glowed? How did he even do that? Platypus, he was a platypus, any good mobian doctor could deduce that. He leaned against the railing as he watched a familiar blue hedgehog along with an unfamiliar black hedgehog pop out from the snow. To the cheers of the small group around them. Some faces are familiar, some unfamiliar. A pit formed in Voltz’ gut for a moment.
Did Sonic even know who he was? The years he spent helping Eggman attempting to kill him? Those hours he spent in meetings within those cold walls discussing that "blasted hegdehog". He never met the famous blue blur formally but… He shook his head, he couldn’t think about that. Not now.
The platypus, right, the platypus. 
Pressing his back against the railing, Voltz forced out an exhale. Emerald eyes scanned the crowd, hoping those magenta ones would stare at him back. That they’d share a glance. His heart fluttered at the thought. Gaia, did that platypus even know what they shared? He rubbed his coat, his thumb gliding across the cheap fabric at the thought of seeing him.
From murmurs around the chateau, he gained that he was an Eggman assistant (or “eggistant” as Eggman insisted they be called). The most important word was… well was. He WAS apart of the empire. He WAS his assistant. He WASN’T anymore. Yet there he was, about to bury an entire chateau’s worth of people, including him. On his own.
He rubbed the railing as he thought about this. Back when he was an eggi- assistant he didn’t have that sort of agency. An accessory, an extension, that’s all he was. But this guy? This platypus? He was his own villain after this. Voltz felt his chest well with some unknown feeling. Brought back to those enclosed metal walls of the prison egg, he didn’t get a choice. He was so small, so tiny. Another name on the wall, another Eggnet file to be updated. Another whisper to be spread amongst future coworkers.
But this platypus changed that. He didn’t have to be that.
His heart fluttered again as his thoughts were brought back to the figure. The hues that shined from his body as he darted and dashed. A collection of colors that made his eyes seek out the same hope in the stars.
One star shined brightly to him, it sparkled and glimmered in the sky. As guests around him spoke about refunds and avalanches, he reached up to the sky. A webbed hand clasped the distant shine, as if he could grab it. As if he could touch a star. As if he deserved to, Voltz was stuck on the ground, after all. Things on the ground could never reach things so otherworldly. Not things like him.
Fear welled up in his chest as he slouched against the railing, needing to steady himself once more. Oh Gaia what if the empire found him before he could? It was a fear Voltz had about himself for so long he had never considered he would feel that for someone else. He had to do something about this. He had to make sure he wouldn’t suffer alone.
He heard all the happy commotion but glanced around at all the guests, all of their chatter was enough of a distraction to allow him to slip back into the building. Voltz felt his breath quicken as he walked through the hallways, adjusting the raggedy coat that covered the Eggman Empire logo on his jumpsuit. Would he reveal it to him once he met the figure? His beacon of hope in this sea of… well currently snow at the moment. There was so much snow in the lobby. Pushing some to the side, he looked around, he didn’t want any of the staff to be weary of him.
Swallowing down the tense air in his throat, he finally pushed out some words “H-Hello? Are you there?” the words struggled. Voltz was not good at first impressions. Moving more snow to the side, he desperately looked for any signs of a bill or webbed hand. Alas there was none in the snow, though through the shattered window he glanced and saw the figure. That coat draped over his shoulders. The moon envied the light of his beacon. Voltz was so caught up in the moment, much like his words in his throat.
If he had just called out…
Then just as he saw the coat, the hues of warm against the cold vanished into the trees. Words found his throat too late. “W-WAIT!” He called out to deaf ears, his hand reaching out, as if he could touch a star. As if he deserved to. Falling onto the pile of snow, his chest felt as damp as his heart. His beacon disappeared into the mountains. Chances of those familiar glows now scattered across the ground.
Voltz curled up, almost by instinct. He could chase him, he could go on a wild goose chase for someone he didn’t even know. Well, he did know him, he knew his story all too well. Another one of Eggman’s assistants, a kindred spirit. Hopelessness covered him like the lazy coat on his back, though it was far heavier. If he could wear it, he'd probably feel hot in this weather.
No, he had to find him, he KNEW he had to. Legs shakily straightened themselves out as he stood. A determination flowed throughout his body, but first… he had to find out where to start.
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