#egg sammy
alanshemper · 9 months
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kitabearuwu · 3 months
Would you be willing to draw Sammy and Ben being besties? Bonding over Bessie or Bumpy or something.
They’re such an underrated duo I need more Ben and Sammy content IMMEDIATELY
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He’s a tad bit emotional about this baby guys
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pokemon1oadvanced · 4 months
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So Kenji and Ben egg rescue mission?
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notcryingtoday · 1 month
pov : the writers were not cowards
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floofballsammy · 3 days
Saw this while watching a random playthrough.
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Apparantly the poster will change. Have people seen this yet? Oh well.
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mumblelard · 3 months
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the neodymium microcosmos or the anticipation of received forms
last week was the seventeenth anniversary of my first post in this place and after three thousand one hundred thirty-seven posts, i am pretty sure i'm still not doing it right
my kids and my girlfriend came over friday night and we drank pink lemonade tequila spritzers and ate pizza and shared this week's stories. it was a really nice night
yesterday, a cover of thirteen by big star came on the radio, and i was barely able to explain to cassidy how that song always makes me cry just before i lost my voice
last night i dreamt of quitting, i dreamt of a magazine cover with red stars on a blue field and no words, and i dreamt again of walls filled with pastel fauna absent menace or comfort
today, i am spending the day with finn and fall and they have surprises in store!
this week spans bloomsday, the solstice, the full moon, and midsummer
i'm spending next weekend in the mountains up near the gorge and my anticipation grows
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piaojun335 · 11 months
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billymilkshake · 2 years
Gent Prison Break Details
I was screwing around with Batdr today and found that if you go back to the Gent prison during Chapter 5 (after Alice kidnaps you and you return to the safe part of the mansion) you'll find that all the everybody being held there has been sprung!
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Henry's nowhere to be seen
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Sammy's gone
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And they even took the Projectionist with them :D
Plus they grabbed their stuff too
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Nothings in contraband
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And the remaining weapons are gone
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man. nothing hits like a good sammie
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from-thoseghosts · 5 months
Wth was that..?
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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bandtrees · 9 months
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Estrogen could have saved her
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samisnotlegend · 8 months
In Every World
Hey everyone! I wrote a promotional fic for the @nomewithoutyoubkdkzine! Working on this zine has been incredibly fun, and I can't stress enough how honored I am to have been a part of this team. Preorders for the zine open on January 22nd!
“What do you want to play today, Kacchan?”  
Bakugou Katsuki, seven years old, took several moments to ponder the question. His rain boots, superfluous at the moment thanks to cloud-eating warmth of the summer sun, crunched over the rocky ground near a creek bed. 
Deku’s boots crunched right alongside him. His best friend’s hand was clasped in his own, and their hands swung together as they walked. Izuku squeezed his hand, and Katsuki squeezed back, still trying to think of an answer. 
They had played a lot of really excellent games already this summer…
Next to their path, the creek trickled and gurgled pleasantly, briefly tempting with an offer of not only a refreshing dip, but with tiny minnows to play with, and swaying strands of river grass to comb through for treasure.
Yesterday, Katsuki and Izuku had been the most fearsome pirate kings of the seven seas! They’d stood ankle-deep in the creek for hours, building pirate ships out of twigs and leaves, and racing them down the treacherous waters. They’d chased minnows and called them sea serpents, and once, a great kraken that looked a little like a crayfish had reached up with a claw, dragging their pirate ship down into Davy Jones’ locker! 
Katsuki and Deku had barely escaped that one. In the end though, they’d followed the map that Deku drew in the sand to where X marked the spot, and had unearthed their treasure, two shiny, pretty bottle caps. 
Katsuki was thinking of asking his mom for help so that he could turn their treasure into necklaces. He thought Deku might like that. 
Anyway… Katsuki was tempted to pick up where they left off yesterday. Maybe they could find the dastardly kraken and get their pirate ship back! 
But no, Katsuki shook his head. The same game two days in a row was boring. Deku definitely wanted a new adventure.  
Beside him, Deku continued to be patient. He hummed slightly as he walked, and every now and again, he did a little jump to make it over some of the bigger rocks in their path. 
That reminded Katsuki of the time that they had been adventurers. Katsuki was a dragon king, with a sword and a real dragon, and Izuku was a knight! They had some really excellent sword fights that day, and the great hero All Might himself had given them quests! At one point though, Deku had made a pretty gross potion out of mud, leaves, and a cicada shell so maybe they shouldn’t play that one again for a little bit… 
Katsuki thought back to more of their adventures. 
Before that, Katsuki and Deku had been genius inventors, building flying machines out of computer paper and rubber bands. Then they’d been youkai, jumping across the stones in the creek to go play pranks on humans! Another time, they had been brave nomads, trekking across a frigid winter landscape with no one but their trusty wolf and sheep plushies at their sides. 
They’d been rock stars, and superheroes, and doctors, and even angels and demons! Katsuki had been a fearsome dragon, and Izuku had been a sharp-toothed mermaid, and, and, and—!
Katsuki looked over at his friend. 
They passed under the shadows of leaves. The air felt warm, but a little cooler than it had been at the height of summer. Katsuki suddenly realized that their summer break would be ending soon. He felt a sudden pang of sadness, because he was really going to miss being able to play and explore with Deku all day. 
If summer was ending, then that meant that choosing today’s game was even more important. Katsuki huffed, his lips down turning into a small pout. He had to pick something awesome. Deku was counting on him!
“Hey Kacchan…” 
Katsuki glanced over at his friend. A glimmering slant of sunlight sent spots of reverse-freckles dancing across Deku’s cheeks and nose. The edge of his green curls glowed golden with the soft light. Deku smiled when their eyes met, and Katsuki felt his heart start to beat a little faster in his chest. 
Katsuki felt the weight of Izuku’s eyes and attention settle over his shoulders like a blanket, and the edge of his frustration crumbled away. He took a deep, quiet breath.  
“What, Deku?” Kacchan asked. 
Deku blinked as if he were surprised. Then he smiled even wider. 
“I dunno,” Deku admitted, “I forgot what I was gonna say.”  
Katsuki huffed, but the edges of his lips turned upward. “Dumb Deku,” he said, “Y’can’t even remember one thing from two seconds ago?” 
“It’s your fault!” Deku said, leaning in playfully to tip his head against Katsuki’s. “Kacchan’s eyes looked so pretty in the sunshine that I just forgot! They look sparkly an’ even prettier than rubies!” 
Katsuki spluttered, and felt the heat in his face return full force. “Stupid Deku!” He yelled, and pulled away from Deku’s hand to hide his face. 
Deku giggled, apparently unbothered. 
“You–! You pick the game today, Deku!” Katsuki demanded, blindly fumbling for something to distract him from his embarrassment. “Since you’re so—you’re so—!”
“Oh! You want me to pick? Hmm but…” 
Katsuki felt some of the heat leave his face, and he lowered his hands.
“You can’t do it, huh Deku? Psh, that’s why I–” 
“No, that’s not it!” Deku denied. “I can think of good games too!” 
“Oh yeah?” Katsuki crossed his arms. He felt better now that he and Deku were arguing, although when Katsuki skirted his eyes across Deku’s flushed cheeks and bright eyes, he felt his heartbeat quicken again. So he looked away, pretending to be interested in the swaying of the moss-covered branches of the maple trees. “Then why don’t you think of one, dumb Deku?” 
“Dumb Kacchan!” Deku fired back, “It’s because I don’t care what we play, obviously!” 
“Whaddya mean?” Katsuki looked back to see that Deku had jutted his bottom lip out in an adorable pout. Deku huffed, and, reaching out, he reclaimed Katsuki’s hand in his own. Katsuki let him. 
“I don’t care what we play,” Deku said again. “Because I’m happy as long as I’m with you, Kacchan.” 
Katsuki briefly caught sight of Deku’s smug smile before his face once more exploded into heat. 
“Deku!” Katsuki cried, but Deku didn’t let go of his hand, and Katsuki didn’t try to make him. Deku was so embarrassing! How could he just say things like that?!
After a moment, Deku started walking again, and Katsuki followed, hiding his face in his other hand. Their hands began to swing together again.
Overhead, the wind rustled the leaves together pleasantly. Birds chirped in greeting to each other all over the forest, and the creek murmured quiet sighs over every rock and twisted root in its path. A dragonfly, sparkling orange like candied fruit, buzzed over the water for a quick drink. 
Katsuki supposed that he still needed to come up with a game, though it didn’t really seem to matter very much anymore. Deku was right, he guessed. 
They could be astronauts, rebel thieves, superheroes, or even just regular adults with regular jobs! 
Katsuki squeezed Deku’s hand, and Deku immediately squeezed back. 
In every world, in every game, Katsuki knew he’d be happy just as long as he got to be with Deku. 
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pokemon1oadvanced · 3 days
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They have the eggs!
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asksamuellawrence · 2 months
The Magician Anon points at a random useless item with their wand
The item becomes an egg
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mumblelard · 9 months
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happy early solstice present to myself eleven inch nonstick sauté pan day imaginary constructs
for the holidays, i have been treating myself to small life upgrades that everyday mumblelard always talks me out of buying
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