#editing because it was ashton with the second nat 1
awildofnothing · 1 year
Shared nat 1 for stealth is 100% Imogen and Laudna flirting awkwardly, conspicuously, and loudly at the back of the pack and Ashton and Fearne fully walking backwards to observe
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cchsctv · 7 years
STN 2018
I didn't write this yesterday, so here I will record my experiences of the past two days.
Day 1
I woke up at 4am. I think that says enough. The rest of the day was kind of a blur; it didn't feel like one day, it felt like an eternity. We travelled around downtown Nashville, which was pretty interesting. It made me want to visit again sometime in the future.
Although touring was fun, the highlight of the day was just bonding with everyone on the bus (forgive me for the sentimental fluff). It reminded me of how much I love and appreciate every individual here. Essentially, it was the calm before the storm. My thoughts kept wandering back to Crazy 8s. Which brings me to:
Day 2
Crazy 8s. D-Day.
The most important competition that we complete, because we complete it together. This is the day where we truly collaborate and come up with something amazing.
The position that I'm in is actually quite interesting. As president, I edit the show together. I build the "backbone" as I like to call it (the script with all of the anchor tosses). I see the stories as they are found, developed, and produced. And finally, I watch them all come together into a complete show. My point of view allows me to watch us create something from nothing. Literally.
That being said, today was brutal. You would think that with a prompt related to music ("We've Got the Beat") in Music City, it wouldn't be difficult to find stories.
You would be wrong.
Finding stories was a mess. Our group for hard news didn't get out until about 10am, by which time they should have been in the middle of filming already. Stories fell through, places rejected us, etc. But what else can you expect from the broadcast industry?
Despite all of the complications, we ended up with some of the best stories that we've gotten, including all of our past practices. I could not be more proud of what we came up with. And of course, our anchor shots were literally heavenly. Ashton, bless you and your prime lens. Reese and Melissa, I love you eternally.
The second that we turned our submission into the bin, I felt nothing and everything. Everyone around me started screaming with excitement. I'm not sure who hugged me first, or who I hugged first, but I was somehow swallowed into a sea of people.
At first, I thought Huh. I'm not even crying. This is good. Then I saw Chardo fighting back his tears while filming us all celebrating in the ballroom, and I kind of started to lose it.
Haha. He's such a baby.
Either way, we submitted. And I couldn't be happier with what we turned in. I know that no matter what happens, I will forever be proud of what we've done here. STN will remember our name.
Anyhow, Reese and I have our individual competition tomorrow. NAT PKG. Can't wait to go through all of the stress again :)
(Just kidding. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little bit excited.)
We've got this, Reesey. I can't wait to see what we do.
Well, I need sleep, because I don't know when the next time that I'll be getting a full night's sleep is.
Casey Chapter
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