#eden: it's an endless world!
ryo-maybe · 6 months
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manga-and-stuff · 9 months
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Source: Eden: It's an Endless World! エデン
by Hiroki Endo
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Kim Kang-rae ⁇ Son Seo-ah, Day and Night Continue Date ... I think I'll reach the couple Yoga ⁇ (Edin 2)
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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bozemane · 3 months
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nyaa · 27 days
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arcadebroke · 21 days
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verytallfox · 1 year
The end is here, and the Counsellor begins his descent.
The Counsellor will sink. He’s not in a good state of mind it seems.
Side Note: On another note I finished reading truly the most missed out on manga of our generation, especially in how it touches on all the injustices of our world directly and without room for misinterpretation. Eden: It’s an Endless World offered hope amidst all its despair. Warning though, it’s very fucked up. Some pretty serious content warnings apply to it and it is definitely for the faint of heart or really young people.
Noone was gone longer than ever before, coming back only in the morning, appearing in the institute’s courtyard. The Counsellor takes this personally, believing the Ferryman let her go to fuck with him.
He’s looking into the Zaheer’s (Zahir’s?) Gaze. He’s gonna use Noone OH FUCK HE’S GONNA TURN HER INTO AN ASTROLABE! Yeah he’s not Otto anymore as far as I’m concerned. Thankfully, Noone has hands to throw at him.
She calls out the Counsellor on all his lies, and says that he hurt her more by hiding the truth about her tumor instead of telling her outright. He’s still trying to win her over. He says they can fight her monsters together. Also, he phrased this as her “letting him in.” It’s always been about him.
Oh, and he didn’t tell her the Candleman goes by another moniker. Noone is a smart kid and knows where he got that name from. She’s putting up resistance but he’s still pushing her. The Counsellor wants to hook her up to a machine that will “put her into a deeper sleep than ever before” and also allow him to join her. It’s noninvasive, apparently.
And now this arrogant fuck is saying there’s no going back! GOD DAMMIT COUNSELLOR! He’s forcing her to consume sweets which I’m suspecting have drugs in them.
Now we’re back to the dream sharing.
Gonna summarize this more briefly:
-Noone floats down through an endless dark
-She reaches a musty room with tons of fabrics piled up
-There’s a smell of candy apples and enchanting sad music alongside a machine whirring
-Oh and there’s mannequins without arms because of course there’s mannequins
-I don’t recognize the other clothes but maybe they’re from other characters we’ve met
-There’s smaller outfits in a chest
-The Puppet is in here too, pinned down by rusty shears in his torso
-I don’t think he’s just a sentient puppet but it’s not impossible he’s a strange puppet given life (or used to be something that wasn’t a puppet)
-I lied I’m totally giving live reactions
-The Puppet is still alive and grabs Noone with his one remaining arm but she fights back, smashing a bottle into his head
-He stops moving after a bit and the music stops, so she hides in the chest
-There’s a mannequin standing in the doorframe with a dress on
-Her movements are stiff and mechanical, “her hair too shimmery, her lips too wet, and her eyes too glassy”; she’s not fully real or fully fake; she’s definitely made out of a person or outright used to be one
-She’s examining Noone’s killing of the puppet (it might not be dead just unconscious, but a number was already done to it)
-The mannequin lady opens the chest while Noone burrows herself deeper inside
-She describes the mannequin sewing clothes like how the Nowhere is sewing pieces of Noone back together, making her stronger and free
-She’ll be next soon so Noone holds the lid shut tight
Back to real-time stuff! The Counsellor is harmonizing frequencies as Noone reaches the “hypnagogic state” and he’ll be able to join her after that. The chest is opening too soon, which is freaking out the Counsellor.
Noone is now both asleep and awake at the same time. It appears she’s back in the chest while also present in the room. The Counsellor (I keep catching myself from calling him Otto lmao fuck youuu Otto) is pleased by this and wants her to wait. She’s now in a halfway place.
She’s sinking and floating, and there’s the brightest stars above or below her. This series is cosmic horror galore hehe! There’s a door in the distance, and the Counsellor is begging her not to go to the door without him. No matter which direction she turns, the door is there, approaching her. It’s “ancient, the color of twilight, made of knotted wood.” It’s alternatively liquid or both at the same time, and the frame is squirming.
Lastly, there’s no doorknob but there is A FUCKING EYE SHAPE IN THE CENTER! And I believe the door has opened.
Uh oh, the Ferryman is present. The Counsellor is asking questions.
He’s welcoming Noone over, and now there’s stairs. Noone is enthralled with the beauty of the stars and the pulsing red moon… “no, not a moon, not stars either. They’re all eyes, too. Every size and shape you could imagine… watchful, shimmering, their light dripping into the dark mist.”
Apparently they are peering into Noone and like what they see. She asks the Ferryman to take the Counsellor with them. THE FERRYMAN HAS BEEN SPEAKING TO THE COUNSELLOR THIS WHOLE TIME. HE WANTS HIM AFTER ALL.
He is really hard to understand, but I can make out “BUT TO PLUNGE YOU MUST BE PUSHED.”
The eye in the door is changing, with a blur of faces. The door is drifting away now. The Counsellor is begging for information. The Ferryman appears to agree but the Counsellor has to figure it out for himself.
“SLEEP NOW RUTH (dunno what that means, was she called Ruth before or have I painfully misheard this guy). SLEEP INTO NOWHERE.”
Noone takes his hand.
The Counsellor begs to see his sister again.
Things are changing.
Everything is rushing away.
And then, silence. But wait, Noone is still talking. And she is concerned. The darkness is still here. That’s the secret, apparently. “It hides in this place. My body knew all along.”
And the sound of a door presumably swinging shut occurs.
Sorry for this atrociously long, half-conceived summary.
Noone has vanished and the Counsellor is genuinely broken up it seems, saying “not again.” He’s now questioning how his older sister could have left him behind.
5 minutes left y’all. HE COULD HEAR THE FERRYMAN. There’s a toll the Counsellor must pay to enter. He’s gotta sink lower and lower until he wakes up again, somewhere else.
LMAO he’s considering this a burden on himself. He believes the Ferryman has revealed another means to enter the Nowhere, and his toll will be paid in “bricks of fear.”
There’s another child here now. Ethan’s dreams have led him to the Counsellor. He’s sleepwalking. OH NO. DON’T DO IT. He’s gonna use the kid.
“I think I’ve just found it.”
“And tomorrow, together, we’ll dream, and dream, and dream, until we sleep again anew.”
He’s giving Ethan a sweet too. There’s definitely something in the candy. “Sweets for my sweet.”
And that appears to be it. Goddamn, more answers than questions, yet I’m also content I think? This could only ever end in some fucked up way, and it has.
There’s a cycle here. I think the Counsellor has to pay the toll in children to enter the Nowhere.
The Ferryman does appear to serve the Eyes directly. I love his voice so much. Also, Noone was existing in two places at once, it seems. The dream gradually turned into reality and took her entire body out of her world. Farewell Noone, may you survive your trials in the Nowhere!
And it appears that they’ve explicitly hinted CiCi is Six after all. I think the repercussions of the Counsellor’s desperation are going to have an impact on the upcoming game. ALTERNATIVELY (just saw someone suggest this) she could be the Raincoat Girl from Very Little Nightmares. It’s possible as well that Six once had a yellow rain jacket as well. I’m torn between thinking which one she could be.
EDIT: I’m more convinced that CiCi is the first kid with the raincoat in VLN or that the raincoat has had other owners besides her and Six, given that there’s a portrait in the Maw of someone with the Lady wearing it (or something similar).
He may indeed be the person in the mirror after all! All he has to do is make dark sacrifices to these twisted things, and “a quarter will be granted.”
I’m not sure how but I think it’s implying either that the Counsellor is accelerating or improving the process to send kids to the Nowhere; the process happens more often than we realized; or they’re being directed to him so he can pay his way to the other side. Maybe it’s a combo of the three, or maybe it’s none.
I am certain however that the Counsellor is now in service to the Nowhere. Also there’s no fucking way he’s smart enough to realize he’s being played lmfao! Who knows, maybe they’ll be content to let him in without twisting him apart to see his sister. However, if Six really is his sister then one, I don’t think the Nowhere wants to let her go, and two, she can eviscerate him with her teeth or newfound powers. If it’s Raincoat Girl, uh that’s not gonna have a happy ending no matter what.
I also suspect that CiCi is still a child over there and has been all this time, assuming (gonna say this a lot lol) that she is still alive and/or that she’s Six or Raincoat Girl.
God I am so stoked for the next game.
I love this podcast. I didn’t expect it to turn into an explicitly cosmic horror (perhaps cosmic horror lite) tale full of the consequences of being unable to move on or heal from the past. I’m not gonna blame the Counsellor for still suffering from that, that’s the most natural thing that’s happened in this whole damn story lol. Yet his obsession has cost the safety and possibly the life of at least one child, with more likely to follow.
What a dark, quirky, twisted little story! I actually kind of love the Counsellor as well as hate him! I know friends who will find him insufferable, and I think other friends will find him disturbingly charming. He’s a great character overall. And Noone just blew my expectations away. She’s an awesome character and I hope there’s some hope for her wherever she’s going.
Anyway, this has been very fun to share with all of you who’ve taken the time to read these! I’m not super ingrained into Tumblr but I’ve enjoyed sharing my reactions to this series on here.
Hope there’s some good nuggets of info to take away in this, I hope you enjoy the last episode for yourselves, and I hope y’all have a lovely day or night! Looking forward to where this all goes from here.
See you next time, whenever that may be!
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talentforlying · 9 months
i need to jump back into my treatise analyzing hellblazer's theistic system one of these days because it absolutely fascinates me. like, these are just some of the things stated as truthful/expected to be believed throughout the comics:
every religious belief system is true/rooted in truth, therefore all acts deemed miracle/magic/curse are in some way, shape, or form real.
gods cycle in and out of power depending on the strength of their following; belief is implied to be sustenance.
there's a judeo-christian heaven and hell, given all the ultimate power as if they were the Only versions of heaven and hell, which they can't be if every religious belief system is true/rooted in truth. ( mind you, their narrative importance might be constantine's own worldview coming into play, since he does believe he's damned, but who the fuck knows. )
the earth is a living body, forged from the harmony of the god-of-all-gods, a dualistic deity.
ley lines are real, but they were also created by male priesthood to subvert the feminine energy of the earth.
stone circles are capacitors for nature's energy.
there's also something called 'the world dream', which is either synonymous with or separate from the realm of the dreaming and the endless, which are their own set of variables.
and this is all Without taking into consideration that hellblazer's magic system is largely rooted in the power of human imagination and will. which opens up so many more doors.
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justyokorebirth5 · 6 months
Where online have you guys read eden? The version im reading is translated to english from spanish and it suuuucks
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limeadeless · 8 months
Reading Eden:it’s an endless world right now… this tickles my little liberal bones
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manga-and-stuff · 1 year
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Source: Eden: It's an Endless World! エデン
by Hiroki Endo
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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"Would you like to put your hand in my pocket?": Lee Hong-gi and Yoon Bomi 'horrified' at the explicit pairing ('Eden: It's an Endless World!2')
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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bozemane · 5 months
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