#ed sheeran poster print
alarrytale · 8 months
I do feel sorry for Louis because I think he suffers from internalised homophobia from growing up in Doncaster where he would have witnessed his peers being bullied for being gay. Unlike Harry who has two gay managers, gay band members, support acts and close friends like Alessandro who are gay, Louis is largely isolated from his community as an adult especially when he's touring.
Hi, anon!
I disagree with you that Louis suffers from internalised homophobia. I think you are reading this all wrong and like the gp would. I've talked about this before too.
Louis probably grew up in a place where gay was used as a slur by kids, that i agree with. However, when Louis moved to London i think that was very freeing for him and he blossomed. Louis is proud of being gay and proud of his relationship with Harry. Louis has a triangle tattoo ffs, and half his tattoos is complementary to H's tattoos. He was behind the bears too. He sings i love him i hate it and has songs about holding H at an Ed Sheeran concert. He's bathing his fans in rainbow lights at his concerts.
The reasons why it might seem like he's suffering from internalised homophobia is because he is harshly closeted. Probably one of the worst cases of unwillingly closeted in history. Believe me, if he had a choice he'd be out and proud. Both him and Harry has been banging on the closet door for years wanting out. It hasn't been as visible these last few years perhaps, but he does what he can to tell us who he really is. You just need to look past the surface and his constructed het image to see he's gay and closeted. I don't neccessarily think Louis would be the poster child for gay men when he's out and go to pride etc, but that doesn’t mean he isn't proud of who he is and hasn't accepted he's gay.
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I think Louis is close to his childhood friends, and they know about him and H and support him. Louis doesn’t have as many public friendships with queers, that's true, but then again he's more harshly closeted than H is. He is being kept from his community, but that's due to his closet. He does have queer openers and he does have queer members on his touring team, but i get what you mean.
Louis' public twitter account has been one of the most important tools for closeting him. People think it's him tweeting and it has a wide reach. It's easy, because it's low effort and high reward. You hide behind a screen and you don’t have to stunt or say anything on camera where the lies can easily be detected. It's super effective and to the point. You can gaslight the fuck out of people. You get the narrative you want out there. Everything that "Louis" says on twitter shouldn't be trusted. Same with things in printed interviews.
It's a fight to look behind all the bullshit and gaslighting they throw at us, but don't let them fool you into thinking he's an insecure, scared man who hasn't yet accepted he's gay and isn't proud of it. That's simply not true.
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The Unsung Hero of Music Promotion: Offline Marketing Strategies
In a world dominated by digital streaming and social media, the significance of offline music marketing often goes unnoticed. However, traditional marketing methods can provide unique benefits that digital platforms alone cannot offer. This article explores why offline music marketing is still relevant and how artists can use it to build a loyal fan base and enhance their music careers.
1. Why Offline Music Marketing Still Matters
Human Connection: Offline music marketing enables face-to-face interactions with fans, creating stronger, more personal connections. Whether it's a live concert, a signing event, or a meet-and-greet, these interactions can forge lasting bonds with your audience.
Memorable Experiences: Physical events and tangible merchandise leave a lasting impression. Unlike a digital interaction, attending a live performance or receiving a signed album provides fans with unforgettable experiences that can enhance their loyalty.
Building Trust and Credibility: Traditional media, such as radio interviews, print features, and TV appearances, often carry a sense of credibility and trustworthiness. These mediums can introduce your music to new audiences who might value the endorsement of established media outlets.
2. Key Offline Marketing Strategies for Musicians
Live Performances: Hosting live shows is one of the most effective ways to engage with fans. Whether you're playing in a local bar, a music festival, or an intimate house concert, live performances allow you to showcase your talent and connect with your audience on a personal level.
Pop-Up Events and Secret Shows: Creating exclusive events can generate buzz and excitement. Pop-up gigs in unconventional venues or secret shows announced at the last minute can create a sense of exclusivity and urgency, drawing dedicated fans and curious newcomers alike.
Collaborations with Local Businesses: Partnering with local cafes, bookstores, or boutiques can help you reach new audiences. Performing in these venues or having your music played in-store can introduce your sound to patrons who might not have discovered you otherwise.
3. The Power of Traditional Media
Radio Airplay: Securing airplay on local or independent radio stations can significantly boost your exposure. Radio remains a powerful medium for reaching diverse audiences, and being featured on a reputable station can lend credibility to your music.
Print Media: Features in local newspapers, magazines, and music journals can provide valuable publicity. These publications often have dedicated readerships that trust their recommendations, making them excellent platforms for promoting your music.
Television Appearances: Appearing on local TV shows or community channels can increase your visibility. Performances or interviews on television can reach a wide audience and add a layer of prestige to your brand.
4. Making the Most of Physical Merchandise
Vinyl and CDs: Offering physical copies of your music can appeal to collectors and dedicated fans. Vinyl records and CDs provide a tangible connection to your music that digital downloads can't match.
Branded Merchandise: T-shirts, posters, and other branded items serve as both promotional tools and additional revenue streams. Fans who wear your merchandise become walking advertisements, spreading the word about your music.
5. Real-World Examples of Offline Marketing Success
Busking to Fame: Many successful artists, including Ed Sheeran and Tash Sultana, started their careers by busking. This grassroots approach allowed them to hone their skills, gain exposure, and build a dedicated following from the ground up.
Radio Breakthroughs: Bands like Arctic Monkeys and The Black Keys saw significant boosts in their careers through local radio airplay. These early radio plays helped them reach broader audiences and build a solid fan base.
Community Engagement at Festivals: Participating in local festivals and community events can provide significant exposure and networking opportunities. Events like South by Southwest (SXSW) and local music festivals have been pivotal in launching many artists' careers.
6. Blending Offline and Online Efforts
Promote Offline Events Online: Use your digital platforms to advertise offline events. Create event pages on Facebook, share updates on Instagram, and tweet about upcoming shows to build anticipation and drive attendance.
Share Offline Content Digitally: Post photos, videos, and stories from your live performances and other offline events online. This content can engage your existing followers and attract new fans who couldn't attend the events.
Gather and Use Feedback: Collect feedback from attendees at your offline events to understand what worked well and what could be improved. Use this information to refine your future events and enhance your marketing strategies.
Offline music marketing is a powerful tool that complements your digital efforts. By combining the personal touch of offline interactions with the broad reach of online platforms, you can create a comprehensive marketing strategy that resonates with your audience. Embrace the unique benefits of offline marketing to build stronger connections and elevate your music career.
What offline marketing strategies have worked for you? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!
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graphicgaff · 7 years
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Ed Sheeran Watercolour Ink Splat Digital Poster Print
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bondworks · 6 years
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whenitisreal · 8 years
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This is where Julie is celebrating her day! 
#you won't convince me otherwise#except there are lots of snapback on the floor#and also a few bandanas on the shelf#(yes floral ones don't look at me henrik did that)#and isak has taken down all those posters#and instead above their bed now there are a few pics#some of them (yes the ones eskild took you know THE ONES)#the /No Filter/ one too because even was so proud of his boyfriend that day he insisted to print it right away and hang it there#and isak rolled his eyes of course he did while giving even his brightest smile#because he was.... he won't ever admit that even if you threaten him with tickling#but he was proud of himself too what an odd feeling that was in his heart#my beautiful boy all growned up#and pics of the whole squad (boys and girls)#and of course the kollektivet as well because everyone is such a family now a supportive and big family#and there is also one of even's guitar because he loves playing for isak#especially ed sheeran's last album lately and it drives isak's crazy because... even knows that will end up with isak on his laps#trying to fight the urge to kiss him right there and then (when jesus Even i had homework!) and sometimes even dance along... on his own yes#there's also a part of the wall where isak hang up all of even's drawings and still today Even let a few for him#on his pillow in his locker in his bag in the kitchen..#except there isn't two different drawings anymore but only one /in this universe/ with drawings of either isak or the two of them#they tasted quite a few more awful recipes since the Kardemomme and loved each one of them because they were together#well the thing was unsanitary but just the good moments that meant#this is our reality now you are my reality#speaking of that Eskild suggested one day they should change the curtains but no even and isak insisted on keeping the orange one#even if there's one different thing now when before he was always closed now it's open and the light shines in#because in this universe isak and even are together and life is BEAUTIFUL#ALT ER LOVE
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nicholas-martin · 5 years
YouTube Star PewDiePie Feeling Tired
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YouTube star PewDiePie has announced he is taking a break from the platform, saying he is "feeling very tired". The 30-year-old Swedish star, real name Felix Kjellberg, found fame with video game commentaries and was at one point the world's highest earning YouTuber. But he was more recently involved in controversies around accusations of racism and anti-Semitism. "Early next year I'll be away for a little while. I'll explain that later," PewDiePie said in a video post. "I'm taking a break from YouTube next year. I wanted to say it in advance because I made up my mind. I'm tired. I'm feeling very tired. I don't know if you can tell," PewDiePie said, laughing.
Disney cut ties with him in 2017 after some videos he released were found to contain Nazi references or anti-Semitic imagery. He accepted the material was offensive, but said he did not support "any kind of hateful attitudes". PewDiePie had been linked to Disney through Maker Studios, a company with a network of YouTube stars. Later that year, he apologised for using the N-word during a live stream. And last year, he apologised again for reposting a meme which appeared to mock Demi Lovato's hospital treatment for a suspected drug overdose.
Earlier this year, PewDiePie, who currently has 102 million subscribers, was overtaken as the biggest YouTube channel in the world by Bollywood record label T-Series, which now has more than 121 million subscribers. T-Series is a 35-year-old Mumbai-based music label and film production company. Some 15% of the firm's revenues of $100m come from its YouTube channel, which is run by 13 people out of the firm's seven-storey headquarters in the heart of Mumbai's entertainment district. But the 28-year-old Swede then mounted a challenge to Gulshan Kumar's T-Series, to retain his status as the YouTuber with the most subscribers.
Since then, the competition has been raging on. Both PewDiePie and T-Series have moren subscribers than Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift  on the video sharing platform, which has nearly two billion monthly users worldwide. PewDiePie is currently gaining on average more than 220,000 new subscribers per day, while T-Series gets on average about 178,000 a day, according to website SocialBlade. Fans of PewDiePie have hacked tens of thousands of printers to print out messages and posters urging people to subscribe to him. Reports say they also hacked the Wall Street Journal with a note that the newspaper would be sponsoring PewDiePie in an attempt to beat T-Series in the race for subscribers. The Swedish YouTuber's fans have set up online petitions demanding the removal of the Indian label from YouTube "as it is a threat to individual creators" and described it as a "monolithic dictatorship of YouTube analytics" and a "greedy corporation".
The kerfuffle over amassing followers on the Google-owned video sharing platform appears to have, at once, amused and befuddled executives at T-Series. "I have not told my artists to put up supportive messages to boost our followers on our channel. We are not in that game," says Kumar, a boyish-looking second-generation music baron. "Thanks to this controversy, our label has now global eyeballs. Everybody's approaching us. International artists want to work with us. Forget about the rankings - our reach is the highest," he says. And the dust up with PewDiePie couldn't have possibly come for a better time for the label. Next month, its YouTube channel will launch a music video of Guru Randhawa, one of its most popular singers, featuring the Florida-born rapper Pitbull. 
The video - the label routinely spends up to $100,000 to shoot a music video - was shot in Los Angeles and has Randhawa singing a "romantic" Punjabi hip-hop track with Florida-born Pitbull rapping in English. And now, says Kumar, the label is negotiating with a "big international pop star" to do another "romantic fusion" number with a top Indian singer. Over the years, Kumar claims, his label has launched a number of music stars like Randhawa, whose top three music videos on the channel have already grabbed more than 1.5 billion views. The music videos, which are often shot in foreign locations, feature the singers driving cars like Lamborghinis and slinky models dancing against exotic backgrounds. The way music is often made at T-Series is a testimony to the label's nimbleness of operations, and acute sense of the popular zeitgeist. 
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ellafmpflipside · 3 years
I was interested in my chosen flipside words which was ‘Peace and Conflict’ because immediately I thought of WW1 and WW2. Throughout the years of being an artist I have thought about doing a project based on a massive conflict such as WW1/2. However, I never had the confidence to step out of my comfort zone to actually try and something unique.
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The three pieces of artist research that has had an impact on my ideas/artwork was Pablo Picasso, Angie Lewin and Karl Schmidt.  Pablo Picasso had a big impact on my work because of his piece of artwork called ‘Guernica’. His artwork ‘Guernica’ made me realise that I wanted my piece to be based on a massive tragedy and have meaning behind it.
Angie Lewin has been my favourite printer for years. She inspires me because she creates these amazing lino prints using sceneries all around her. I decided that I would use my own photographs of nature and sceneries to base my work on. She had a huge impacted not just on my FMP but me as an artist because her work was the reason for me to start printmaking. I enjoy all types of print making but my favourite has to be lino and that is because of Angie Lewin beautiful lino prints.
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Karl Schmidt has had a impact on my work because again he is a printmaker. Furthermore, he uses geometrical shapes and lines to create this more bolder print and I love including shapes and lines in my artwork. So when I was introduced to this artist I know that I want to include his ideas of the lines and shapes into my FMP.
I did wider world research on the Bayeux Tapestry in Normandy, France. I watched part of a documentary on YouTube about the Bayeux Tapestry and learnt that it was all handstitched with wool. The Bayeux tapestry links in with my flipside theme because its all about a massive conflict. Furthermore, It links in with my thoughts on WW1/2 as that was a massive conflict in the past as well. But it links with my project work as I wanted to create a tapestry with all my prints and hand stitch my work.
The concept behind my work was that I wanted it to be about WW1/2 and the effects of conflict. However, in my work I included peace as I wanted to represent the innocent people that died and suffered during WW1/2. I wanted my work to have meaning and be unique. My main idea was I wanted to create a textile piece of work were I sewed back into my work using hand stitching or even embroidery.
One of the experiments that I did during my FMP for the first time was woodcut printing. The materials I used were fine liners, wooden board, ruler, paper, carbon paper, lino cutting tool, wooden cutting board, newspaper, ink roller, printing press, inking up board, black ink and paper. The techniques I used was wood craving, printing and sketching. I have learnt how to cut out a woodcut print, how to print my wood block design and overall how to create woodblock prints.
Firstly, I started out by drawing out three different designs for my wooden board using fine liners, paper and a ruler. I decided on my mandala design as I thought it was a challenging piece to do. Once I finalised my design using carbon paper I drew out my design onto my wooden board. After I had drawn it all out using my lino cutting tool I carefully cut out my design making sure I cut deep enough so when I printed my design you could see the design. Next, grabbed my inking up board and newspaper and laid them side by side. Placing my wood block design on to the newspaper. I squeezed some black ink onto my inking up board and rolled it out using my ink roller until it was even. I rolled the black ink evenly onto my wood block design. Then I took my design and a piece of paper over to the printing press. I placed my design down first then placed the paper on top. Printed my work I repeated these steps about five times until I was satisfied with all my outcomes.
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One piece of art work from this project that I feel was the most valuable to my learning was my mandala drawings. The reason I believe this is because its opened another side of my artistic talents I didn’t know I had. I have always been interested in mandalas but I never actually artistically thought that I could create artwork from mandalas. I think the drawings were most successful pieces of artwork because I believed that my mandala gifs looked beautiful epically because I digital edited them. Overall, starting my FMP on mandalas had a massive impact because all I wanted to draw was my mandalas and experiment with them. Its helped build my confidence up a an artist as its helped me to experiment with new topics and ideas.
In the beginning on my FMP, I had no idea what my final outcome was going to turn out like. My initial ideas was to use the technique sewing and embroidery into my work. I wanted my work to have both peace and conflict but I had no idea what it was going to be about. When we were introduced at the beginning of our FMP we were give the topic mandalas and I wanted to maybe have a series of posters of mandalas for my final outcome. However, when I had my formative assessment Derek and me discussed about an idea I wanted to include in my work which was WW1. Derek had a gas mask and lent it to me to experiment with. We both discussed about my ‘Flipside mirror faces’ I did during lockdown and thought I could incorporate that into my work. This was the beginning of my final outcome.
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I have learnt that your initial ideas don’t always go to plan. In the beginning I didn’t really have an idea at all, I know I wanted to maybe do a series of posters. I have learnt that doing loads of experiments and workshop can help unlock so many ideas. I mean after all the workshops we had do I just focused on the ones I most enjoyed and went from there.
I am so pleased with my final outcome I think it looks extraordinary, I can’t actually believe I manged to handstitched 20 prints and then sew them all together. It turned out better than what I expected because I thought it would be too plain but I love how it looks. The embroidery stitching helps it to stand out from the crowd and it looks so unique and incredible. I am so proud of myself for hand stitching all of my outcomes.
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My plan to display my work at the end of year show it to use a painted white background and pin it to the wall. At first I thought about making it into a hanging piece but I realised it would just fold in on itself so I would have to pin it up.
If I could display my work anywhere in the world it would have to be the National WW1 Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri, United States. I would want to display my artwork here because I feel like I would be almost given back to the innocent people that died during WW1. As well I want my work to be seen by all the people interested in WW1 just like myself so it could inspire other people to create artwork about this historical event.
     The 10 words I believe that describe my final piece is:
·        Unique
·        Extraordinary
·        Ambitious
·        Glowing
·        Bright
·        Eye-catching
·        Fascinating
·        Vibrant
·        Appealing
·        Astonishing
If I needed a soundtrack or music to go with my outcome it would be ‘Afterglow’ by Ed Sheeran. I would pick this sound track as my work is representing all those innocent lives that was lost during WW1 and its quite a depressing yet happy song. This song sort of makes me think of like all those innocent lives now at peace with the world. I love this song and I feel like it would compliment my work really well.
I spent probably around everyday trying to complete my final outcome. I would go into college, work the entire day then go some and once I had my dinner carry on sewing. Sometimes when my hands were tired I would spend time doing other work such as updating my blog or sorting/planning my week.
At home I work mainly in my bedroom by sitting on my bed or at my desk. Every now and then though if everyone was out I would sit in the living room or up at the dining room table.
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Flipside Theme 
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Final outcome
At the beginning of my FMP I never knew how to produce a woodcut print which is one creative skill I had not done yet. However, one of the workshop we did was a woodblock print and I learnt how to execute and create some. I would like to create some more woodcut prints in the future.
My initial ideas were that I wanted to create a series of posters with embroidery and hand stitching. They have developed from this idea by all of the research and workshops I have done since we have been back from lockdown. As well I started to think about what materials I have access to now that we are back on site and that I don’t have such a small material range. My initial ideas has evolved from the series of posters because I started to experiment with lino printing as that’s one of my skills. Then realised that I don’t want to do posters I really want to create something nobody has ever seen before. I think my ideas really evolved is when Derek formative assessed me and spoke about ‘Guernica’ by Pablo Picasso. I wanted to do something similar to ‘Guernica’ and I wanted it to have meaning.
 As I wanted my work to be about peace and conflict but have meaning I decided to add innocent things like flowers and butterflies to my gas mask to represent the innocent people that died. However, the gas mask to show the fallen soldiers that died in WW1 to save our country. 
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anztogo · 4 years
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Ed Sheeran Poster This Ed Sheeran Lyric Poster is ready for Ed Sheeran’s Fan. Buy this Ed Sheeran Lyric Poster for yourself or your loved one as a gift. You guys will love this poster for sure! You can hang your posters in dorms, bedrooms, offices, or anywhere blank walls aren’t welcome…. Museum-quality posters made on thick and durable matte paper. Add a wonderful accent to your room and office with these posters that are sure to brighten any environment. READY TO HANG POSTER – The hanging hardware included. – Paper thickness: 10.3 mil – Paper weight: 5.6 oz/y² (192 g/m²) – Giclée printing quality – Opacity: 94% === FULFILLMENT & SHIPPING TIME === When your order is ready to ship, you will receive an email with the tracking info. Make to order, please allow 2-5 business days for us to create this unique product just for you. – Shipping Time: 4-5 Business Days for USA Buyer. – Shipping Time: 8-14 Business Days for International Buyer. #birthdaygift #edsheeran #edsheeranart #edsheeranlyricposter #edsheeranlyricposters #edsheeranmeme #edsheeranmerch #edsheeranposter #edsheeranposters #edsheeranwallart #gift #giftforher #giftforhim #lyricart #lyricposter #lyricposterart #lyricpostergift #lyricposterprint #lyricposters #lyricswallart #wallart
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akshay123me-blog · 5 years
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Here we start 30 days song challenge I special that’s to my friend who challenge me to for this .  I wanted to write this blog because it turns out that as I progressed with the challenge, I realized that at the same time it became an experiment and it is about something that many of us are passionate about: Music:
I learned a lot from them through music and I’m glad they shared a lot with me. I learned how human we can be by sharing songs that make us think and feel depending on the song, the melody and its lyrics.
Here I would like to share 30 days song challenge list  that encourage you to do the challenge and  you can know among all of you new songs:
Day 01 song challenge
Your favourite song  Ed sheeran shape of you Is my favourite song    released as on 6 January 2017 “Shape of You” peaked at number-one on the singles charts of 34 countries . it has more than 4.5 billion view on youtube the song was written by Ed Sheeran and having a great success in 2017 and also won grammy award for best solo performance .  It was the best-selling song of 2017 and the decade in the UK.
Day 02 song challenge: A song that you can dance to
“Cheap Thrills” is a song by Australian singer-songwriter Sia from her seventh studio album.  It was written by Sia Furler and Grey kurstin, while solely produced by Kurstin. In Australia, it was eventually certified Quadruple Platinum for shipments of over 280,000 copies, and reached no. 6. In New Zealand, and was certified Double Platinum for sales of over 30,000 copies. The song was awarded Quadruple Platinum in Sweden, Five time Platinum in Spain, and Double Diamond in Poland. In the UK, it peaked at No. 2 for four weeks, and was certified double platinum for shipments of over 1.2 million copies. It has over 106,309,900 views on youtube and the song became the best selling and highest certified single of all time in Italy
Day 03 song challenge: A song that makes you happy
“What Is Love” is a song recorded by Trinidadian-German Eurodance artist Haddaway for his debut album. The song was released on 8 May 1993 as the album’s lead single. It was a massive hit in Europe, becoming a number-one hit in at least 13 countries and reaching number two in Germany, Sweden, and the United Kingdom. Outside Europe, the song was moderately successful, reaching number 11 in the United States, number 12 in Australia, number 17 in Canada, and number 48 in New Zealand. The song which makes you happy while watching video of this song.
Day 4 song challenge:A song from your favorite album
“Baby” is a song by canadian recording artist Justin Bieber alongside rapper ludacrist. It was released as the lead single from the latter half of Bieber’s debut album. It was available for digital download on January 18, 2010. The song received airplay directly after release, officially impacting mainstream and rhythmic radio on January 26, 2010. The song is uptempo R&B, blending together dance  and hip-hop elements, while using influences of doo-moo music. The song has received positive reviews from critics who complimented the song’s effective lyrics and chorus, and commended Ludacris’ part and the song’s ability to have an urban twist.
Day 5 song challenge: A song that reminds you of someone you´d rather forget
ALPINE — Damn Baby:
Alpine was released in Australia in 2012 and in the US in 2013. The album was featured on Triple J  prior to its release, and debuted at No. 1 on the Australian iTunes. After an extended hiatus, Alpine returned in 2019 with a new single, “Dumb,” on May 1. A week prior, the band had announced that founding member and co-lead vocalist Lou James would be departing from the band.
Day6 song challenge : A song that you want to play at your wedding
“Ring” is a song recorded by American rapper Cardi B for her debut studio album invasion of privacy in 2018  featuring vocals from American singer  Kehlani. It was released on August 28 in 2018 as the album’s fifth and final single. On youtube it has around 8,641,355 views and 51.5 k subscribers on the challenge .
Day 7 song challenge: A song that makes you fall asleep
How Soon is Now­- In 2007, Marr said “How Soon Is Now?” is “possibly [the Smiths’] most enduring
record. It’s most people’s favourite, I think.Despite its prominent place in the Smiths’ repertoire, it is not generally considered to be representative of the band’s style. Although a club favourite, it did not chart as well as expected. Most commentators put this down to the fact that the song had been out on vinyl in a number of forms before being released as a single in its own right. The original track runs for nearly seven minutes; the 7” single edit cut the length down to under four minutes. The complete version is generally used on compilations. This isn’t to say that this masterpiece is boring. In fact it is one of my favourite Smiths songs. However, if ever I can’t sleep, I stick this on repeat and I’m soon asleep in no time.
Day 08 song challenge: A song that makes you sad
DJ Snake, AlunaGeorge — You Know You Like It
“You Know You Like It” is a song by English electronic music duo AlunaGeorge from their debut studio album, Body Music (2013). The track was released in the United Kingdom on 20 April 2012 as the album’s lead single. The song peaked at number 39 on the UK Singles Chart in April 2013 after being used in a Tesco advert.
Timed with the release of the album, “You Know You Like It” was re-released on 28 July 2013, as a double A-side with “Bad Idea”. It subsequently reached a new peak position of number 39 in the UK Singles Chart on 4 August 2013. A music video to accompany the release of “You Know You Like It” was first released onto YouTube on August 31, 2011 at a total length of three minutes and thirty seconds. The video is shot in black and white and features clips of Francis dancing.
Day 09 song challenge: A song that you wish you could play
. “If You Could See Me Now” is a song by Irish pop rock band The Script, taken from their third studio album,  (2012). The song video was released as the album’s third single on 18 February 2013. The song was released on 4 March 2013. The track was written by Danny O’Donoghue,  Sheehan, Steve Kipner and Andrew Frampton. The song is an emotional tribute d A music video to accompany the release of “If You Could See Me Now” was first released onto YouTube on 18 February 2013 at a tota l length of three minutes an forty-nine seconds
Sheehan added to O’Donoghue’s late father – and to guitarist Mark Sheehan parents. For the very first time, vocals to a song.
Day 10 song challenge: A song that you want to play at your funeral
Master of Reality is released on 21 July 1971. It is widely regarded as the foundation of doom metal, stoner rock, and sludge metal It was certified double platinum after having sold over 2 million copies. Master of Reality was Black Sabbath’s first and only top 10 album in the US until 13, forty-two years later. The first editions of Master of Reality came in an ‘envelope sleeve’ containing a poster of the band, and with the album’s title embossed in black lettering, visible in relief. Later editions lacking the embossed printing would render the album title in grey. This was the first Black Sabbath sleeve on which the lyrics were reproduced on the back of the sleeve. It has over 2,356,897 views on youtube and around 24k subscribers.
Day 11 song challenge: A song you like with a person´s name on the title
Plain White T’s — Hey There Delilah:
It features the band’s lead singer, Tom Higgenson, singing the song while the band members are in another room behind him. The other band members are not playing in the song. The only other instruments are the strings provided by Eric Remschneider, who does not appear in the video. It was released in May 2006 as the third single from their third studio album All That We Needed. The video was directed by Jay Martin.
In a split screen it shows Delilah, not the backup singer’s girlfriend, played by model Melissa McNelis, who attends college 1000 miles away in New York City. She walks around the city, presumably, from a class to her job.
Day 12 song challenge: A song that moves you forward
Incubus — Drive:  It was released in November 2000 as a single from their third album Make Yourself. It is considered the band’s biggest hit and breakthrough single, eventually reaching the top of the US Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart on March 3, 2001, and number nine on the Billboard Hot 100 on July 28. The song has over 145,370,900 views on youtube and around 619k subscriber.
Day 13 song challenge: A song from your childhood
Busted- In November 2013, Willis and Bourne announced plans to tour together with McFly as the “supergroup”
McBusted  in 2014, and this continued into 2015. On 10 November 2015, it was revealed that Simpson had rejoined Busted after successful secret writing sessions. The band then embarked on the pigs can fly arena tour in May 2016 and released their third studio album, Night Drive on 25 November 2016.
On 26 October 2018, Busted announced their fourth album Half way there, released on 1 February 2019, as well as a UK arena tour.
During 2003, Charlie met fellow songwriter-guitarist Alex Westaway and drummer Omar Abidi at a party. He was by this stage becoming increasingly frustrated by the music he was performing in Busted and stated he had “all of this creativity pent up inside and I just needed to vent it somewhere, and I was writing a lot of songs but I couldn’t play them, because I didn’t have anyone to play them with”. During the aforementioned party, an impromptu jam session took place.More than !14,345,233 views on youtube .
Day 14 song challenge: A song that no one would expect you to love
Drake — God’s Plan: This song received mostly positive reviews from music critics, who called it a typical Drake song. An accompanying music video for the song was directed by Karena Evans and uploaded onto Drake’s official YouTube channel on February 16, 2018. In the video Drake is giving away nearly one million US dollars to people and institutions in Florida. It received five nominations at the 2018 MTV Video Music Awards, including for Video of the Year and three nominations at the 61st Grammy Awards for Record of the Year, Song of the Year, and Best Rap Song, winning the last one. Commercially the song became the 29th song in history to debut at number one on the US Billboard Hot 100, making it Drake’s fourth chart-topper in that country, and second as a lead artist. The single topped the charts in fourteen countries, including the UK and Canada and reached the top ten in nine others. The song broke first-day streaming records on both Apple Music and Spotify, and was the most streamed song of the year on both services. “God’s Plan” received mostly positive reviews from music critics, who called it a typical Drake song. An accompanying music video for the song was directed by Karena Evans and uploaded onto Drake’s official YouTube channel on February 16, 2018.
Day 15 song challenge: A song that describes you
The League: This song was released on 1982 by Hardcore punk , punk rock.  For me, people have to prove they aren’t arseholes before I truly trust them, rather than prove that they arseholes after I have already made the effort to let them into my life.
Day 16 song challenge : A song that no one would expect you to love
“My Heart Will Go On”  is a song recorded by Canadian singer Celine Dion. It serves as the main theme song to James Cameron’s blockbuster film Titanic, that is based on an account of the British transatlantic ocean liner of the same name which sank in 1912 after colliding with an iceberg in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean. The song’s music was composed by Jame Horner, its lyrics were written by Will Jennings, while the production was handled by Walter Afanasieff, Horner and Simon Franglen.
In Germany, “My Heart Will Go On” was certified 4× platinum for selling over two million copies, and was ranked as one of the most popular singles ever released there.It sold over 1.2 million copies in France, being certified Diamond. Additionally, the song was certified 3× Platinum in Belgium, 2× Platinum in Australia, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland, Platinum in Greece, and Gold in Austria. “My Heart Will Go On” was released twice in Japan. The regular edition from January 1998 sold 205,300 and was certified 2× Platinum, for 200,000 copies sold. The remixed edition released in June 1998 sold 111,920 copies and was certified Gold for 100,000 copies sold, due the fact that maxi-singles are treated as an album.
Day 17: A song that makes you think about life
Fiona Apple — Across the Universe:
One night in 1967, the phrase “words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup” came to Lennon after hearing his then-wife Cynthia, according to Lennon, “going on and on about something”. Later, after “she’d gone to sleep – and I kept hearing these words over and over, flowing like an endless stream”, Lennon went downstairs and turned it into a song. He began to write the rest of the lyrics and when he was done, he went to bed and forgot about them.I was lying next to my first wife in bed, you know, and I was irritated, and I was thinking. She must have been going on and on about something and she’d gone to sleep and I kept hearing these words over and over, flowing like an endless stream. I went downstairs and it turned into a sort of cosmic song rather than an irritated song, rather than a “Why are you always mouthing off at me?”.The words] were purely inspirational and were given to me as boom! I don’t own it you know; it came through like that.
Day 18 song challenge : A song that reminds you of a certain event
Fire work : This song was released on july 1983 E.G Records. It reached No. 29 in Uk charts.
The album was remastered and reissued in 2008, with eight bonus tracks: the non-album single “Me Or You”, an alternate version of “Dominator” (B-side to ” Let’s All Go (to The Fire dances)an unreleased early version of “The Gathering” and four tracks from a John Peel session from 1983.
Day 19 song challenge : The voice that you like
“Love the Way You Lie” is a song recorded by the American rapper Eminem, featuring Barbadian singer Rihanna, from Eminem’s seventh studio album Recovery (2010). The singer and songwriter Skylar Grey wrote and recorded a demo of the song alongside the producer Alex da Kid when she felt she was in an abusive romantic relationship with the music industry. Eminem wrote the verses and chose Rihanna to sing the chorus, resulting in a collaboration influenced by their past experiences in difficult relationships. Recording sessions were held in Ferndale, Michigan, and Dublin, Ireland. Backed by guitar, piano and violin, the track is a midtempo hip-hop ballad with a pop refrain, sung by Rihanna, and describes two lovers who refuse to separate despite being in a dangerous love–hate relationship.This song has over 1,908,101,273 views on youtube .
Day 20 song challenge: A song that remind something
Teenager Dreame: Musically, “Teenage Dream” is a mid-tempo pop song with a retro sound. It is styled in the genres of power pop and electropop, while taking influence from other genres such as disco and pop rock. Perry starts the song in a high-pitched voice while her vocals grow stronger as the song progresses. Lyrically, “Teenage Dream” discusses being with a lover who makes one feel young again. The song has topped the Billboard Hot 100, becoming Perry’s third number-one single on that chart, and her second consecutive number-one single after “California Gurls”. “Teenage Dream” has been certified seven times platinum in the United States, as well as receiving platinum and multi-platinum certifications in other countries.
Day 21 song challenge: Your favourite song at this time last year
“On My Way”
On 9 March 2019, Alan Walker began teasing the song via his social media.On 14 March 2019, Alan Walker formally announced the song along with its release date.After the announcement of the song, rumours circulated that Sabrina Carpenter and Farruko would feature on the song. Alan Walker confirmed their involvement on the song on 19 March 2019. On 20 March 2019, Walker announced that he partnered with PUBG Mobile for the one-year anniversary of the game, and that the song would be the event’s theme song.
On 10 May 2019, the alternative video was posted on Alan Walker’s YouTube channel, encouraging viewers to “choose their path” of either two video versions of Carpenter and Farruko in the official alternative music video, both were posted on their respective channels that same day. The two versions of the alternative music video indicated different searches, pieces of evidence, and artifacts that the female protagonist was searching (depending on the viewer’s choice) which led to each versions ending with the same outcome, which is the scene where tombstones with stone formations which were laid on the site, that took place a month before the events of the official music video when the artifacts were being unearthed and discovered .The song has 248,161,421 views on youtube channel and 5.5 M likes.
Day 22 song channel: A song from your favorite album
“Faded” is a hit song by Norwegian record producer and DJ Alan Walker. Incorporating vocals provided by Norwegian singer Iselin Solheim, the single was originally set to be released on 25 November 2015, but was delayed to 3 December 2015. The song was highly successful, peaking in the top 10 in most of the countries it charted in, and reached the top spot in more than 10 countries. Most popular song on youtube is has around 2,603.435,671 views and around 18 millions likes.It is currently the 17th most viewed video on YouTube, with over 2.6 billion views, 18 million likes and 489 thousand dislikes as of December 2019 as well as being the 27th most streamed song on Spotify, with over 1 billion streams as of December 2019.
Day 23 song challenge : A song that you know all the words to
The song reached No. 1 in Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.
“Words” was the Bee Gees third UK top 10 hit, reaching number 8, and in a UK television special on ITV in December 2011 it was voted fourth in “The Nation’s Favourite Bee Gees Song”.The song has been recorded by many other artists, including hit versions by RITA  in 1978 and Boyzone in 1996. This was Boyzone’s fifth single and their first number one hit in the UK. Words is a song by the Bee Gees, written by Barry, Robin & Maurice Gibb. It cross around 12,876,555 views on youtube.
Day 24 song challenge: Your least favourite song
“Smack That”
was released as the first single from Konvicted on September 26, 2006. Commercially, the song reached number one on ten record charts and peaked inside the top ten in nine, including the Billboard Hot 100, where it peaked at number two. It received several gold and platinum certifications and sold over 3 million downloads in the United States. The song earned a Grammy nomination for Best Rap/Sung Collaboration.
Day 25 song challenge : if you love someone
“I Wanna Love You” is a song written and recorded by Akon featuring Snoop Dogg. It was released in September 2006 as the second single from his second studio album, Konvicted. It is also featured on Snoop Dogg’s eighth album, Tha Blue Carpet Treatmet. This song was Akon’s first #1 single on the Billboard Hot 100 and was also Snoop’s second #1 on the same chart. It also reached a peak of #3 on the UK Singles Chart. The track originally had Akon as a featured artist and was performed by Plies, then an up-and-coming rapper from Fort Myers, Florida, but his verse was replaced by Snoop’s and his name has been left out from the writers’ credits. This song was #88 on MTV Asia’s list of Top 100 Hits of 2007.The song was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Rap/Sung  Collaboration at the 50th Grammy Awards in 2008.
Day  26 song challenge : A song you never get tired of
Gustavo Cerati — Puente: Very poetic this song and Cerati as a good representative of Rock en Español (Latin Rock), he left us a very beautiful legacy in the world of music. (August 11, 1959 – September 4, 2014) was a guitarist, singer, musician, composer and Argentine record producer of Latin rock. He began his career as the leader of the band Soda Stereo for after developing a solo career.
Day 27 song challenge: A song that you can play on an instrument
Substance is double CD, double cassette and Digital Audio tape. It sold over one million copies and became New Order’s most popular and critically acclaimed album.
It is the companion to a similar singles compilation by New Order’s predecessor band Joy division also entitled Substance.
Day 28: A song that makes Fun of
Curtain call : – Eminem The song was released on December 6 of 2005 by American Rapper Eminem . The album was certified septuple platinum in the United States and quintuple platinum in New Zealand. It reached number one on several charts, including the US Billboard 200 and UK Albums Chart.
Day 29 song challenge: A song you like with a number on the title
The Smashing Pumpkins — 1979:
The song was released on early years  1988 -1991 .It has around 109,917,324 view on youtube channel and over 499 K likes with 485 k subscribers on youtube channel . On April 26, 2011, Corgan announced that the Smashing Pumpkins would be releasing a new album titled Oceania, which he labeled as “an album within an album” in regards to the Teargarden by Kaleidyscope project, in the fall. As with the previous recording sessions, all four band members contributed to the project. Also, the entire album catalog was to be remastered and reissued with bonus tracks, starting with Gish and Siamese Dream in November 2011.
Day 30: A song that you used to love but now hate
Hybrid Theory I used to like this song along with some other Linkin Park stuff. Now I see the error of my ways. Linkin Park are possibly the most over-rated band in the world. The music that would ultimately become the Hybrid Theory album was first produced by Linkin Park in 1999 as a nine-track demo tape. The band sent this tape to various recording companies and played forty-two different showcases for recording industry representatives, including performances for Los Angeles promoter and impresario, Mike Galaxy’s showcase at The Gig on Melrose.
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calendarstore · 7 years
Ed Sheeran Poster # 15 - signed (copy) - tile effect - music icon - A3 Poster - print - picture
Ed Sheeran Poster # 15 – signed (copy) – tile effect – music icon – A3 Poster – print – picture
Price: [price_with_discount] All our posters are printed on top quality A3 (297×420) 260gsm satin photo paper. We use the finest fade resistant inks. Professional image processing. UK fast post, posted the same day, 6 days of the week. All posters are sent in a cardboard sealed poster tube.White 260gsm satin photo paper.
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chullivan-blog · 7 years
PROJECT TITLE: Still unsure, something to do with kinetic typography
 THE SUBJECT OF YOUR INVESTIGATION AND WHAT YOU WISH TO COMMUNICATE: Scope of idea or concept (max 150 words) You should outline what you are proposing to investigate both in terms of content, form and process/medium
I propose to make an animation which includes moving text and imagery along with a A3 poster in the same style to accompany the animation. The subject of my moving image will be either a short story or a song. This will make it around 3 – 5 minutes long. The process in which I will make my animation is through digital and analogue. I will draw the images, scan them in, edit them on Photoshop and then make them move on after effects. For the kinetic type I will mainly use digital font and manipulate that on after effects to make it move alongside the imagery. The poster that accompanies the animation will be made in Photoshop and use similar or the same imagery from the animation, however it will be still. I would like to get the poster printed and framed professionally to showcase in the final exhibition.
 RESEARCH SOURCES: (primary and secondary) - people, locations, key texts, books, magazines articles, blogs, discussion forms, museums, archives that relate to your content/theme or the anticipated form.
Saul Bass - his title sequences have really inspired me, he was one of the first people to display kinetic typography through film. 
Researchers at the Human Computer Interaction Institute and School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University have traced the first use of kinetic typography to the 1959 Alfred Hitchcock’s 1959 film “North by Northwest.” In the opening credits, type is used in a movable format. A year later, the effect was used again in “Psycho.” “This work stemmed in part from a desire to have the opening credits set the stage for the film by establishing a mood, rather than simply conveying the information of the credits” 
North by Northwest - title sequence designed by Saul Bass. One of the earliest examples of Kinetic typography.
Psycho - title sequence designed by Saul Bass
Catch me if you can - title sequence by Saul Bass. Something that has really inspired my love for moving type/image
Music Lyric Videos
Taylor Swift - Look what you made me do lyric video. 
I love this piece of animations and it has really inspired me. You can clearly tell the maker has been inspired by Saul Bass and I think the style works really well with the song. It’s defiantly something I would love to create. 
Another music video that has really inspired me. Ed Sheeran - Castle on the Hill. I think this video is really well made and I like how the it sticks to a simple colour scheme throughout. I also like the way the imagery is ver prominent and matches with the text to create a story as well as a song.
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anztogo · 4 years
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Ed Sheeran Poster This Ed Sheeran Lyric Poster is ready for Ed Sheeran’s Fan. Buy this Ed Sheeran Lyric Poster for yourself or your loved one as a gift. You guys will love this poster for sure! You can hang your posters in dorms, bedrooms, offices, or anywhere blank walls aren’t welcome…. Museum-quality posters made on thick and durable matte paper. Add a wonderful accent to your room and office with these posters that are sure to brighten any environment. READY TO HANG POSTER – The hanging hardware included. – Paper thickness: 10.3 mil – Paper weight: 5.6 oz/y² (192 g/m²) – Giclée printing quality – Opacity: 94% === FULFILLMENT & SHIPPING TIME === When your order is ready to ship, you will receive an email with the tracking info. Make to order, please allow 2-5 business days for us to create this unique product just for you. – Shipping Time: 4-5 Business Days for USA Buyer. – Shipping Time: 8-14 Business Days for International Buyer. #birthdaygift #edsheeran #edsheeranart #edsheeranlyricposter #edsheeranlyricposters #edsheeranmeme #edsheeranmerch #edsheeranposter #edsheeranposters #edsheeranwallart #gift #giftforher #giftforhim #lyricart #lyricposter #lyricposterart #lyricpostergift #lyricposterprint #lyricposters #lyricswallart #wallart
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payment-providers · 7 years
New Post has been published on Payment-Providers.com
New Post has been published on https://payment-providers.com/discogs-achieves-success-in-dying-marketplace/
Discogs Achieves Success In Dying Marketplace
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If you thought the iPod killed physical media years ago, think again. Sure, Nielsen reports that physical media sales are down (again), but one music marketplace is doing so well it was just able to launch four new marketplaces: one each for film, comics, books and posters.
Those are in addition to the music gear marketplace it launched in the spring selling audio equipment – everything from synths, effects pedals and turntables to gentle brushes and cleaners specially designed to care for vinyl records.
That marketplace is Discogs, and its spinoffs – Filmogs, Comicogs, Bookogs, Posterogs and Gearogs – are all still in public beta. Discogs operates as an online, crowdsourced avenue through which individuals can list their popular and rare audio recordings for sale. Each new listing adds to the overall database. The spinoff marketplaces will follow the same business model with their respective wares, touting zero seller fee charges for as long as they’re in public beta.
After surpassing five million artists and 8.5 million recordings in its database in June, Discogs aims to have a total of nine million releases catalogued on the site by the end of the month.
The marketplace reported sales of nearly 4.6 million records in the first half of 2017, generating an estimated $100 million in sales the previous year, according to Billboard. With its eight percent sales fee, that totals approximately $8 million in revenues – not too shabby for a business that began back in 2000 as one man’s venture to catalog his extensive collection of vinyl records.
Those are some big numbers for a supposedly dying industry. So, why is Discogs growing while record stores – and, allegedly, physical media altogether – are dying?
Current Climate
Forbes reports that Discogs owes its success to the vinyl resurgence and, though some millennials may not want to admit it, to big corporate retailers as well. It’s players like Urban Outfitters and Whole Foods, not mom-and-pop record stores, that are driving the vinyl boom by marketing records as part of an organic lifestyle. By lumping vinyl into a lifestyle that includes other holistic choices in fashion and health, these retail heavyweights have (perhaps deliberately) spawned the next generation of physical media enthusiasts.
There are plenty of digital platforms offering millions upon millions of songs, albums, artists and pre-curated playlists – Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play and Pandora, to name a few. For the enthusiasts, collectors, completists, discoverers and trendsetters, though, these platforms don’t go far enough.
So, while brick-and-mortar music stores may have struggled as the majority of consumers made the digital shift, Discogs recognized there were still people who wanted more out of their music experience – and that there probably always will be.
Business owners in other retail categories can learn from this. It’s not enough to pinpoint the major trends. What eddies have formed off the mainstream? Who is being underserved? Can their products or services be re-branded or associated with forward-moving trends to win over a new generation of consumers?
It’s time to say goodbye to the category equivalent of mom-and-pop record shops and time to usher in the future. Phil Leigh, a media industry analyst, predicted the record store of the future will look less like a record store and more like a hip, music-focused Starbucks. How could this translate into apparel, electronics, home goods and other types of products?
Know The Audience
Amazon, eBay and others sell vinyl, too, so what makes Discogs different? Its shoppers aren’t just looking for Ed Sheeran or the La La Land soundtrack, although some are. Most, however, are in search of older albums and rare releases. They aren’t discovering new music, but are instead adding to a collection with nostalgic value.
A report by Comstock’s magazine said that most retailers get it wrong when it comes to the up-and-coming market. They’re glutted on instant gratification. It’s not millennials, but older generations that want everything to be fast, the report claimed. Meanwhile, it pointed out, young adults are drawn to vintage equipment, because it forces them to slow down and interact with something tangible in a world that is often overwhelming.
These shoppers are looking for music they heard first in a video game, a Netflix movie or a DJ sample used in a popular modern song. New releases aren’t their goal, although Discog’s mid-year report suggests that could be changing, with new release sales up more than 120 percent.
Collectors have specific wants and needs, and that’s been true so far with Posterogs and the other new marketplaces. So, the biggest lesson retailers can learn from Discogs is perhaps that in the long run, it doesn’t work to push just what they want to sell. Rather, it’s important to pay attention to what the consumer wants and adapt the inventory and business model accordingly.
Like its customers, Discogs seems to have placed a high importance on listening.
Apple Music, Bookogs, Comicogs, digital vs. analog, Discogs, Filmogs, Gearogs, google play, marketplaces, Millennials, music marketplace, Music Store, News, physical media, Posterogs, Retail, Spotify, Urban Outfitters, Vinyl Records, What’s Hot, Whole Foods
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thurmantruitt-blog · 7 years
Globe Naked 'Star Wars' Horticulture Day Is May 4
Nevertheless, the truth exists are actually numerous misconceptions about spiders that are merely not accurate. This past times year, our company also effectively implemented our brand new Knicks and also Rangers ticketing policies, driving a significant change in the mix of ticket product offered, consisting of less complete time deals and also even more predisposed plannings, as well as private and group tickets; all, while our teams continuously participate in to at or even near capability groups at The Backyard. Even essential metal hot pad along with a number of locations for vegetations fit-Portal.info are actually a type of vertical yard. Styling your landscape adequately as well as the correct choice from plants are going to let you appreciate this strategy of horticulture. Our most recent residency along with Jerry Seinfeld at the Beacon, and stand-up comic Amy Schumer, Sting and Peter Gabriel and also a multi-show operate by Cure all at the Garden. Our experts adore to enhance with them, as well as you could locate agile insect layouts imprinted on just about just about anything you such as: clothing, house dà © cor printings, posters and fabrics, sticker labels, backyard ornaments and naturally, tinting manuals. In her Web marketing College, she talks about tips as well as techniques that assist customers discover more concerning internet marketing and also website/blog promo. Finish each table with a wonderful floral setup to display your yard concept and include puts from different colors. The totally changed Yard, which was actually recently named the Coolest Field in the Country by Wanderer magazine, will certainly open up on Oct 25. Our company have an outstanding lineup of artists playing the location this fourth, including Pole Stewart, Z100's Jingle Reception, also multi-night runs with Ed Sheeran, The Eagles, Kanye West, Elton John, which are going to do his 63rd as well as 64th programs at The Backyard in December, and our yearly engagement with Phish for 4 nights to terminate the account the year. Like visiting a private yard considering that that utilized to be one, Inniswood is chock packed with tips for your own property landscape, but brushed and also planted in order that it is actually an impressive place to go to as well as spend the time. When producing sizable landscape sculptures, specific glass items can be merged in addition to a plastic sealant, which delivers slight flexibility, a crucial factor for pieces that are actually to be left open to wind. More pricey than getting seeds, yet very trustworthy - these lovage vegetations are actually backyard ready. Her suggestions from creating a backyard are exactly what I am now using even more in transforming this from its effort intense type. Giving them some choice in what to vegetation int he garden provides ownership and creates them feel acquired the job. Think of at all times spent keeping your normal landscape looking good, as well as think of just what you need to purchase a garden made coming from the synthetic grass you need to must do. The synthetic yard is remarkably budget-friendly while there is actually no interest in feeding, reducing, and also manuring.
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Ed Sheeran billboard portrait, Ed Sheeran Pop Art poster, Ed Sheeran Instant download Wall art, Printable Ed Sheeran, Print Music Home Decor
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calendarstore · 7 years
Ed Sheeran Autographed Signed A4 21cm x 29.7cm Poster Photo
Price: [price_with_discount] The Photograph has a Pre-Printed Autograph. There is a white border around the image. Ultra High Quality 29.7cm x 21 cm Glossy Photo. Unique Collectable. Great Christmas or Birthday Present. Every Photo is shipped securely so it reaches you in pristine condition.Ultra High Quality 29.7cm x 21 cm Glossy PhotoPre-Printed AutographGreat Christmas or Birthday…
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