#eastern kyhuine
t34-mt · 10 months
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From 2 weeks ago, Kaah, engineer of section 3, previously a close friend to Bantam.
(non Canon clothes for stuff with friends, the glasses are canon tho)
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t34-mt · 2 years
eastern kyhuine ideas
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Outdated art , wrong posture and legs, please look at my recent posts for their current look instead
thinking of just, making kyhuines fancier, because maanuls have more pattern variation it's not fair is it? anyways here's my first eastern kyhuines , since eastern maanuls are the brightest out of the species t I was thinking of making eastern kyhuines special too. they're a bit uncanny to common kyhuines (salt,south,west) that aren't aware of how eastern look like because their head is so rounded.
I think about it like if a red fox meeting a Tibetan one
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t34-mt · 4 months
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western region kyhuines remake for myself because i thought they looked bad, tho they finally look good to me now. the only guys with blue-ish gular sack and skin around the face
they originated from western savannah biome but like every other ethnic group they've spread out. for short they'll be called western kyhuine because that's where they're concentrated the most
you can view the old one from 2023 under the cut
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may 17th 2023 version ^ , it makes me feel violent
i also tried to redo them in later 2023, though i didn't like it at all either. they're also from a failed ethnicity chart that im not satisfied with anymore, oopsie
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females were based on male wood ducks, and males were based on male mandarin ducks. I don't know what was up with me, ducks are the least kyhuine thing ever yet i did it anyway. the current designs used sandgrouse for reference, pin-tailed sandgrouse to be precise, check them out!
kyhuine has heavy pigeon inspiration in them, mainly because we have pigeons lol. sand Grouse and quails are very much "kyhuine coded" in my brain too. but also, prairie chicken! they have the same feather structure on the head, although angled differently, kyhuine "ears" are just feathers if you pluck them off they'll have a smooth head, the ear hole is near the eye.
might delete the post and repost it if i ever make more of those so it can act as an "ethnicity chart post" (you will never see me make a clean ethnicity chart it will only be doodles like this stuck together. when i start making one i lose my mind because a week later i think the proportions look wrong now im babbling
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you can have a sneak peak on me doing a southern male render cause the only refs i have of them is from 2023 again, when they were just 2 simple colors, you can see the older version on the right. even tahofahs were so tiny it makes me giggle. trying to have western faces be shorter with salt flat and southern valley (the guy right here) have the typical pointy longer face. and then easterns get the round funny head
ok byebye
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t34-mt · 3 months
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ill share it here too since its altuyur related, it also gave me an excuse to paint kitris after perhaps 2 years of not drawing them(?) and their chicks. They are the equivalent of a chicken-cat to kyhuine's, and were originally domesticated by eastern steppe kyhuines. Although these tiny bipedal beings are also appreciated in maanul families too
AF 2024 revenge for Grox on artfight , featuring his kyhuine character "ki'tiki". a kyhuine mixed with a salt flat kyhuine and a mierthri kyhuine. Offsprings of mixed mierthris are not capable of gliding.
You can find his blog here @Grox-Empire if you like the grox from spore 2008
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t34-mt · 1 year
Do kyhuine have a clothing item that is as significant as the maanuls hats?
context: eastern maanul hats are mentioned here
Yes, kyhuines have ridiculous headpieces that can rival if not "win" against eastern maanul hats, while id like to dedicate posts for each region I can still show the biggest one, which I will probably make a whole post about them soon since the art is done.
a headpiece from the salt rock kyhuines/salt desert region, usually worn by males during some very special ceremonies. they're not an everyday hats to wear.
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The eastern maanul's hat holding so much significance socially is quite exclusive to them among's maanuls, while hats are a universal piece of clothing to make none of them can rival eastern hats being so heavy and over the top with jewels. While other maanuls like the west who have hats inspired by the east are toned down+ hat makers like the ones in the eats who can work with shells are quite rare outside of east regions.
other regions of kyhuines also got special headware too, but they're not as big as the salt desert people's. like maanuls some will be for religious purposes, others more of a fashion thing to wear, and so on
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t34-mt · 1 year
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kyhuine mount, after so long (1 year?) ive finally updated its look + their name gets an update too: kriihan in kyhuine, sometimes called mamui ("our gift") in maanul
the "beak" is actually their front teeth, each year a new layer of keratin grows on top. They might be "related" to maanul in kyhuines, by that i mean like how lemurs and humans are both from the primates family but widely different/distant from each other.
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kyhuines are around 110-120 cm on average (3 feet 11 1/4 inches or whatever that works), and their mounts are around 2 meters (6 feet 6). Maanuls couldn't be able to ride them as they were almost the same size as the mounts.
kyhuine mounts are used to transport people and materials, keep livestock protected as when having one or two live alongside herd of other domesticated animals will protect them as they consider them a part of their "flock", small breeds (prob the size of a male maanul) also used as mobility assistance pet in some regions as they're easier to train for that than kitri are but they take much space so in the city of kaar'kchir it would be complicated to own one in streets while in large open villages or in semi-nomadic kyhuine villages it would be easier to have one.
They can be used as animal sacrifices in some regions, animal sacrifices aren't a thing every kyhuine population does it's mainly an eastern one. Though kriihans are rare to see in sacrifices as they're so useful for many reasons, if sacrificed it's an old individual that will be.
Late AOS, first contact, kyhuines gifted some of their mounts to maanuls, which is why maanuls might call the mounts mamui "our gifts". And while for the most part, they weren't so useful since maanuls spend their time at sea, and live at cliffs. They were useful to people who would travel out in the land like for example "botanists" or central north maanuls who are half nomadic and will travel to 2 spots per year because of season and temperatures. But they could only transport materials rather than people with the kyhuine mount.
Thus northern maanuls made their own breed, much bigger so it could transport people. Tho, they would keep many kyhuine breed ones around to just transport materials. And have several maanul breeds only to transport young tired maanuls or maanuls with mobility issues that would prevent them from walking/walking long distances when migrating, before they had mamui central north maanuls used a sort of pulled rickshaw to transport people when migrating. it is still quite common to see because not every central north colony has mounts, and in general pulled various types of rickshaws are common on altuyur.
I will try to take inspiration from the Belgian Draft Horses when i design them, a maanul's kriihan would look like a behemoth next to a kyhuine. i still don't know how saddles work, i need to figure out how a dinosaur shaped creature would ride another dinosaur/ostrich shaped creature
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t34-mt · 1 year
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Simple render, these were done cause we are comparing our alien height on discord for fun
First image are southern kyhuines, second are eastern maanul. Finally a up to date drawing to show them entirely
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t34-mt · 1 year
sorry if you already answered this, but how do the specific colors for each species work when in different regions? are there any specific colors that are more common in one place than the other???
old art and outdated ethnicities, very skinny maanuls/kyhuines up ahead
yes, each region has a group/ethnicity that sports colors that are exclusive to them, even feather type for the mane of maanul divers from one region to another. For kyhuines every group has the same feather types, BUT it is possible to have an individual with curly feather genes like a frillback pigeon. that said gene is a mutation so it's not common but it can be passed down
now im sincerely sorry I don't have a really clean good chart yet, ill use these shitty drawings I once made to explain the color to a friend. while they suck and are not good references to look at when it comes to anatomy you still understand color variation with them at least. I'll start with maanuls!
Western maanuls
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while on the maanul drawings they don't have size dif, if this was done seriously the females would be bigger than males across every group. Western maanuls are ""the basic ones"" if you had to put it bluntly. id imagine that ancient maanuls before they diversified in colors probably looked a bit like a tone-down modern Western maanul.
the examples ill use for each groups are the most basic individuals you could ever think of. Because with dye and modification, an individual from one group could end up widely different from the base look. For example, Morang is a western maanul but she doesn't look like the example shown here, she cut down feathers for a straight-end look and she bleached herself to be a unified white. another we
Eastern maanuls
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now with these guys, i do have a good render of them which you can see here, like western maanuls they got a mane with flexible feathers. the best irl example i can give for you to visualize that type of feathers would be to look at a Japanese roosters's tails. males have a greenish turquoise end some of their feathers. Which is a color exclusive to them. If i ever post an image of yarey'lu ( a male eastern maanul) and you see his yellow feather tips be aware that its not natural, and these are done with dyes. so would be the yellow marks around the eyes, these are also done by paint. another character that is an eastern maanul is ak'laam who doesn't look like the examples because she's melanistic.
Eastern males are the most colorful of all, they've also got iridescent feathers but so do eastern females which is also unique to them. The sea they live next to is a bright blue and within that sea, they have many coral barriers and "exotic" wildlife, even the flora around their region is bright and varied so, i had to make them fancy to go with their place.
Southern maanuls
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now they've got their perks too, maanuls and kyhuines after being an ugly hatchlings they become what they call a fledging, which is a state where they're fully covered in a yellowish coat of feathers with brown stripes. Now every maanul and every kyhuine shed that coat at some point, so they lose the stripes except southern maanuls. Southern maanuls even as full adults still have some reminiscences of their stripes from when they were a fledgling.
The mane of easterns are quite particular too, they've got a mix of the two variants. a top layer with hard shafts that move for emoting or just to dance, and a bottom layer of soft shaft feathers. my only southern maanul character is nau'stikah
North-east maanuls
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northeast are not that far in the north honestly on the map that population just sits on top of keezeh behind mountain ranges where the nice weather shifts into more temperate ones, like a normal winter you'd find in central Europe (i wish snow was still a thing here), their feather mane is usually quite short compared to other maanul groups and it is fully composed of hard shaft feathers that moves unintentionally with emotions or can be controlled at will.
They are quite dark due to the place they live at, which are cliffs that have been tinted black because of ancient volcanic activities. There arent many north east maanuls, they're the rarest of the 5 maanul groups. A character that is a north east maanul to mention would be qua'tuli
Central north maanuls
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and for last with maanuls, central north maanuls which are "real northern" maanuls because they truly inhabit the real north compared to north east. Like north east their mane is fully made out of hard shaft feathers that can move, but unlike them their mane isn't short. you may have noticed but they're more covered too! ears are covered, most of the hand except palms, and the same for feet, except feet can actually be fully covered in feathers in some cold periods of the year.
Compared to other maanuls, central north go out in the land much more often to find food because during cold seasons they cannot always easily rely on the ocean. Their life is harsher than other groups so it sometimes reflects in folklore, like, for example, the way northern maanuls draw haanu (maanul's all mighty mother deity, a sort of Venus of willendorf equivalent) is lets say much scarier than the way other part of the world do it. i dont have any central north characters!
i should also mention that all maanuls have yellow eyes by default, mixing groups can create mutations tho, like orange, red or even brown (monmartre for example, western+central north it has red eyes cause mutation, and while it just looks like a western with neglected feathers it starts to look closer to a central north when it ages in late GA), other mutations can affect eye color too, ak'laam has black/brown eyes because of melanism, and an albino maanul would have red eyes.
kyhuines, commonly have yellow eyes too tho it is plausible but rare to have red, grey and brown eyes without being mixed. These traits can become hereditary too, same goes for maanuls with mutated eye colors they can also be passed down (example with monmartre's litter, but also that was done so its litter would stand out and be recognisable)
Now with kyhuines, there are only 4 groups/ethnicity compared to the 5 of maanuls, and theirs are quite close to one another so claims like "south, west, east, north" is a bit of a stretch but they still use it anyways for communication.
Southern kyhuines
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the most common kyhuine are southern! now with kyhuines the color dimorphism is much more present compared to maanuls. Even talons in females if often darker, southern females can have dark brown talons to just the light pinkish that males have. gular skin is usually less bright too. Like eastern maanuls, i have a proper render of that group that you can see here. notable characters that are southern kyhuines would be satmuh, kapone, oto, and bantam. These 4 are all siblings so they can also be shortened to "southern litter" in literature
Western kyhuines
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body wise, identical to southern. The difference is that they're much lighter. between males and females colorwise it's not that different most of the time. But they still got their quirk, their gular skin is a blue color. first contact maanuls mistaken western and southern to just be the same group variants but not, they are distinct ethnicity despite looking similar. i don't have any character that belongs to this group!
Salt desert kyhuines (or salt rock)
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calling them north is a stretch, while on old kyhuine maps, they are situated up to other groups, on a world map they're just in the center of the mega continent like other kyhuines its just that they live in the salt desert. the talons of a female salt kyhuine can almost be black, to just greyish tones like the example, same goes for gular skin it can go from this tone to a full black one. Then the males sport these blue cool tones and also have iridescent feathers, irredescent feathers in kyhuines is only found in male salt desert individuals.
now the "wings) these drawings suck because while you get the base idea for colors its not good when it comes to accurate anatomy, the feather of salt male kyhuines are long, very long, almost like a Microraptor (on the drawing the leg feathers are not right, not large/wide enough). While they cant glide because they're too heavy and not made for that either way. it does help readjust a fall or jump, you'd usually see males flap their "arm wing" a little when jumping to something high. notable characters of that group are Ame, kaasim, and the egg twin sisters
Eastern kyhuines
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So for eastern kyhuines, i do have a clean render of them but its also outdated when it comes to spine posture. While ill still link it because you get a better look at their face beware that the kyhuine don't stand like that anymore (as you can literally see here). You can go view it here.
They're the only kyhuine that can have green-ish tones (for males), their face is also different its more curved, their face have a more "chubby" look. by the way, a healthy kyhuine from any region will have fat cheeks, best example to look at ig, are these shibas with fat cheeks. Their "wings" and overall look is a usually smoother than other kyhuines, they also have shorter "ears"
My favorite kyhuines honestly, i love their face a lot it's shameful that i didn't make any eastern oc atm.
all done, if you've reached down there then thank you for reading/looking! means a lot to me
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t34-mt · 1 year
do the species of altuyulur have a form of currency? sorry if this was asked before ^^
Don't be sorry, and yes and no, while it does exist its not the most common thing/widespread.
maanuls, as well as sedentary kyhuines colonies, are structured to be self-sufficient when it comes to basic needs (food for example) and will distribute it evenly to everyone. If they want something from another colony that they don't produce themselves, they will barter. within the same colony, it's common to see people barter things.
But if they don't have something good enough to barter with someone else they will use primitive money equivalent, that system isn't widespread it's more common in large sedentary colonies and ones that neighbor it.
But some nomadic kyhuine populations might also use that currency, they sell their crafts/goods in exchange for the currency and then move to another village to buy a specific thing, for let's say some semolina equivalent for example, something they cannot produce by themselves from being nomadic. while they use the currency, if they can just barter they will barter. It's not uncommon for nomadic groups to move from one village to another for various reasons, they're welcome to come. Friendships form in those times despite cultural differences, so when the group leaves but eventually comes back it's just them getting to see their friend again. but the relationship between sedentary and nomadic groups is a whole other subject.
Now what does that currency look like? it is not made of ore because to them it would just be a waste of it, maanuls will use shells! the shell they commonly use are Cowrie shells although some northern colonies (if they have currency) might use different ones (hermit crab shell to name a few), and eastern ones might use colored clam shells. Kyhuines on the other hand might use teeth, in some places they will use fledgling teeth which is very odd to us. Fledglings are known to test their teeth on everything and anything and often lose them a lot (don't worry they grow back). they might use shells of fruits that are pierced so they can be stacked on a rope so its easier to count after.
(fledglings, is the state after being born as naked hatchlings. Both species kids will grow yellow coat with black/brown stripes, good examples to look at are baby emus and baby greater sage grouses. they will all have brown eyes at that state. here's a silly doodle to help you visualize. Left a kyhuine, right two maanuls)
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yes baby fledgling maanuls will even grow a coat on their later-on featherless parts, talons are brown at this state btw I just didn't color it here
thank you for reading and being interested in my stuff!
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t34-mt · 2 years
should mention that when maanul "manes" look hair-like it's because it's composed of long floppy feathers that are identical to those of Japanese rooster's tails
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tho it concerns mainly west and eastern maanuls, northern have multiple layers of flight-like feathers which they have control of and can puff up. southern maanuls have a layer of flight feathers they have control over, then they have those soggy long strands under.
kyhuines manes are like northern maanuls, a bunch of layers of that type of feathers, they generally have much more control over their manes than east+western maanuls. they can stylize them by applying sort of bandages for a period of time, to forcefully make them grow or bend a certain way, its a tedious harmless time-consuming procedure that if done right, let them have "hairstyles"
but "braids" and putting jewelry, beads, or any kind of accessory is common in maanuls with soggy mane feathers as it's much easier to manipulate, kyhuines cannot do the same. "Braiding" is when they pick strands from both sides to tie them together in the front. Not everyone can do that as it reserved for a certain status
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t34-mt · 2 years
ooh is there a calender of sorts? i was wondering how everyone would gather for the festivals in the south if they didnt know what time they occurred!
yes, the south has its own calendar that is also the most sophisticated of the 4 regional colonies of maanuls! while some might keep track of time with flora blooming at certain times of the year, wildlife reproduction, moon cycles, and even types of megalithic structures. the southern maanuls wrote down each moon into a calendar with events in it.
The biggest colony of the south where everything happens (which is called Knà'yark, literally meaning south), has a sort of circular calendar carved into stone in the middle of the surface village. Because yes in the biggest colonies, half will be carved into the cliff and built against it, while the other half might be built on the surface of the cliff. But I'm going off-topic right now, architecture is a whole other big subject I won't be going into now
The circular calendar is divided by each first moon cycle and when a month has a special event, the box will have a decorative drawing signifying x festival or smaller stuff like a colony banquet.
Since they know that other colonies are fond of their most important events, they send travelers months prior to the festival. Maanuls do not have domesticated flying animals like kyhuines, so they will travel by foot which can take a while. tho they only send travelers (also called huak'ahbe) to the biggest colony of the west (maak'thao) since it's the closest. Huak'ahbes are dressed up in bright tissue with scenery patterns, and large colored rings around the neck made out of plant fiber to show that they're special. When small colonies of the west see one pass by, they know it's to announce maak'thao of its southern event.
Keezeh the biggest colony of the east, has a southern calendar written onto a sort of paper that resembles papyrus to keep track and travel in advance, they receive a new calendar for the next event each time they go to the south. Same for the north (Yàarïk), tho northern maanuls show up less at these festivals. Typically, there will be more western maanuls, then there's some eastern and the less common will be northerners. Because traveling down to the south for the north is quite hard, northerners also might use traveling boats but it is surely not as complex as a huge galleon. But the north has boats that are considered to be some of the best in that task.
Tho in the silver age, when kyhuines and maanuls mixed together, southern maanuls start to use the domesticated animals of kyhuines for sending the invites. The job of huak'ahbe becomes obnoxious, but the clothing gets preserved for the sake of remembering history before the two species were together.
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t34-mt · 2 years
You mentioned that you liked thinking about how your Altyur oc's would react to human stuff so, How would they react if they found a peacock? Like just a random ass normal peacock.
Two word: absolutely mesmerized
There are some animals with peacock like display but it's mostly on their head or around the back/neck, and not a huge tail with intricate patterns like them. So yeah they would be blown away at a peacock just displaying its feathers, since some spots can somewhat look like stylized eyes they would associate it with haanu / mahiiti and go nuts over it
peacock in size are close to kitris so if a pre-SA maanul found one they would maybe think it's "one of those pets kyhuines have". I also feel like eastern maanuls, who literally take inspiration from peacocks for the male's colors, could even end up thinking it's some distant cousin they just found. As it's covered in feathers and walks around in a somewhat similar way.
I think about how Yarey'lu would pick it up and show it proudly to his non eastern friends talking about how it ressembles him color-wise and saying stuff like "its as beautiful as me!"
Kyhuines would group it with cazoars, then realise the beak is well, an actual beak (by human standards) . unlike cazoars who's incisives (front teeth) fusioned to form a beak-like structure, so you could sort of call it a "fake" one. They would just noticed the beak isn't a part of the teeth.
I'm just thinking of children circling the peacock, they pet it and touch its feathers and also fight about who gets to keep it at home for the night. Children of both species are ridiculously curious they're not cautious about anything they just want to see the wonders of their red moon
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t34-mt · 2 years
How much interaction do the Maanuls and Kyhuines have with each other in general? Same for south and north, is the world very connected? (thru trade/transportation etc)
In the silver age when the two species live together they just have constant interaction, although yes some colonies of both species did live separately but still had contact with mixed populations for trading as they were quite productive in many domains.
Although for the Golden age (which was before the silver age) since its an age of interspecies conflict interaction between the two is almost non existant, if we don't count nomadic kyhuines who did sometimes trade with small populations of maanuls. although it was so rare that many before the Golden age started though kyhuines were a myth.
Near the end of the Golden age, keezeh (eastern maanuls empire) started a large trading market with kaar'kchir as it was the wealthiest empire due to its territory being full of resources
The southern kyhuines always had great trading roads and was quite connected, due to how harsh the desert was most of them live in a rather small area. Northerners living in the dried sea territory didn't have much interesting resources except their salt, so inside of its own region there isn't much roads but it has many for transportation of its salt to the city of kaar'kchir.
Since I mostly take my inspiration from the Neolithic, transportation isn't the greatest compared to modern humans. Kyhuines use their mounts to travel everywhere, as for maanuls they did have boats to join other coastal empires but their land roads weren't optimized at all. Since maanuls send their deads to the ocean on fortune boats, they always were scared of actually exploring the sea for islands. In their culture what's beyond the sea is forbidden. So they only used their boats to travel faster to other coastal empires and never ventured far, maanuls didn't have mounts and would walk.
The world is still quite connected through efficient roads, although it is obviously not as good as us for example it takes months to travel for North to South, certain types of weather like sandstorms and heat waves can make traveling slower
Although for silver age I'd like to add weird "trains" that mostly look like a weird centipede inspired machanical thing because I think slowly adding things like this to an overall "primitive" world is interesting, although I also like them having a sort of technology that doesn't evolve much because they're self sufficient. But keep that in mind that the "train" idea might be scrapped off
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t34-mt · 2 years
to differentiate melanistic maanuls from north-eastern ones, I think ill make them dark brown
For kyhuines i have no fucking idea yet tho, they're probably black with brown undertones
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