scoobertdoobert2 · 8 years
Is There Somewhere (part 2)
Summary: When you were 8 years old when a man with a metal arm killed your parents, and let scientists experiment on you. In 2005 you escaped their control and you’ve been running since, always looking over your shoulder for the man with the metal arm. Then one day he and the Avengers show up at your door, asking you to join the team.
Bucky X Reader
Words: 1241
Prologue Part 1
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You pull the trigger and the bullet flies towards The Winter Soldier’s head, but it quickly becomes surrounded by a cloud of red mist. A purple man wearing a cape comes out of nowhere and grabs you by the neck, lifting you up in the air, you try to claw at his face but he’s so much stronger than you. You extend your hand towards him and branches come out of your fingers and grows towards the yellow stone on his forehead, the branches latch on the stone and tries to pull it away from the man’s head. The purple man falls into a heap on the ground and you straighten yourself up, preparing to make a run for it, but a force weakens your knees and a pain surges through your body.
Wanda Maximoff twirls her hands around, creating a red mist around you and you try to fight back by building a rock wall around her. The moment the red mist disappears you bolt down the hallway and run through the massive glass window, breaking it into pieces. Your feet land safely on the grass, and you run across the Avengers compound, you look behind you and see men chasing after you, including Captain America and a man with massive bird wings. They were yelling for you to stop running, which causes you to run even faster and occasionally sending a flying boulder towards their direction. You take one last leap, trying to jump high enough to send yourself flying far away, but as you leapt, your head becomes dizzy and you lose consciousness while midair. You were falling from the sky but you couldn’t get yourself situated enough to land on your feet, as you fell, going in and out of consciousness, you close your eyes, preparing to hit the ground and die, but the man with the bird wings grabs you midair and you safety land on the ground.
They didn’t hesitate to put you in cuffs, Captain America places black leather gauntlets on your hands, which prevents you from using your abilities and everyone else looked at you in disgust, like you were an inconvenience they have to deal with. You were now their prisoner.
Bucky POV
It took over 2 hours to free Bucky from the thick roots that Y/N conjured, they were wrapped around his body so tightly they couldn’t use saws to cut through it, in fear that he would get hurt, they had to slowly cut away at the branches until one broke down enough for him to climb out of it. Bucky knew Y/N was in the compound, he was the one that begged Steve and the rest of the team to find and save her. He also expected her to hate him, after all he’s done to her, he was expecting no less. He just wasn’t prepared to see her so soon; she took Natasha by surprise, the entire compound wasn’t prepared to deal with her powers, they knew she was strong but she’s stronger than Bucky remembered.
After they caught Y/N, they placed her in a holding room equipped with cameras to watch her every move. She’s been yelling profanities for the last 4 hours and it made Bucky sad seeing her so broken and angry.
“They want to charge her Buck.” Steve walks into the room, watching Bucky as he looks at the one-way glass of Y/N’s holding cell.
“For what?” Bucky looks at Steve, his eyes were sad and tired from the day’s event.
“For the murders she committed.”
“She was under HYDRA’s control Steve. They implanted a microchip on her hip that connected to her spinal cord. If she didn’t obey them or tried to run, all they had to do was push a button and she would have been dead. She was forced to commit those murders, she’s a victim of HYDRA.”
“I know pal, she’s just… dangerous. You’ve seen what she can do, she destroyed the entire east wing and put 5 agents in the emergency room. Vision is lifeless, we still don’t know what she did to him. She tried to kill you, God knows what kind of real damage she could do if she wanted to hurt innocent people. They want to control her powers, so she can’t hurt anyone else.”
“She felt threatened Steve. She doesn’t want to hurt anyone, she’s just scared.”
“Bucky she’s a wildcard. If we give her up to Ross, he can make sure she’s safe.”
“By locking her up? She doesn’t deserve that Steve.”
“Buck, she’s not worth all this. She’s going to try to kill you again, you know that, right?”
“I deserve it. After everything I’ve done to her, everything I put her through…”
“That wasn’t you pal, you know that.”
“Yeah, but I still did it.”
You stare at the white ceiling of your holding cell, waiting for them to ship you off in a prison somewhere, you knew they were watching you, maybe he’s even watching, you thought.
You stood up from your bed and walked over to the one-way glass window, you couldn’t see who was on the other side, but you knew someone was watching. You stare at your reflection in the mirror and notice that you had cuts and bruises all over your body, it looks like you were back in HYDRA again. It sure felt like you were.
“Why did you take me here? Why did you have to bring me back? WHY?” You scream at the mirror, anger filling your entire body. “Answer me you coward! Come and face me! Isn’t this what you wanted? To save me? To prove to yourself that you’re not a monster anymore? Well guess what? You are! You’re a monster and you will always be one.” You spit at the mirror and punch it repeatedly until your knuckles bled. A door slams behind you, revealing Captain America in pain clothing. He looked angry, your comments had great effect on him, it hurt him as much as it hurt Bucky.
“That’s enough! You’ve done enough damage for today. We’re here to make you an offer.” He stalks towards you and towers over your 5-foot frame.
“I don’t want your offer. Just let me go and I’ll be on my way.” You say innocently, widening your eyes for more effect. His eyes flicker in confusion for a second before it turns back into an angry scowl.
“We can’t do that, now that we know what you can do. If you stay here and become an Avenger you can still be free, all the crimes you’ve committed will be erased and pardoned. You can start new.” Captain America’s eyes softens as he looks at you intently, the blue of his eyes glistens in anticipation. He wants you to stay, for Bucky.
“What if I say no?”
“General Ross will take you into custody and you’ll live the rest of your life in prison.”
“So it’s one prison or the other.” You cross your arms and hold your head high, even though every inch of your body is terrified of your future. It wasn’t really a choice; you could rot in prison or be forced to work with the Winter Soldier. If I plan things right I could have another chance to kill him and escape, you think to yourself.
“Fine, on one condition, you don’t give me one of those stupid superhero names.”
part 3
@lost-in-the-stories @andaddalittlesarcasm
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