#dulwich gym near you
harriejamesbrown · 4 years
Ways to Stay Consistent with Diet and Exercise
If I were to give the shortest weight loss advice, it would be this: do the right thing and stay consistent. Knowing the right thing to do is easy. We’ve all seen the millions of articles on ‘how to lose weight.’ But most folks can’t stay consistent long enough to see results.
Even so, it’s possible for you to stay consistent if you follow the tips below. Here you go – 9 ways to stay consistent with diet and exercise.
1. Start slow then gradually advance
Folks start routines at a pace they can’t keep up with long term. Don’t expect to exercise for 6 days a week without feeling depleted, if you’ve been living a sedentary lifestyle.
Start slowly, then gradually increase the intensity of your workouts as you get fitter. It takes about 21 – 40 days to form a habit. So, as you continue to repeat the easy routine, exercising will become a habit. Start with a 3-day routine for the first 30 days, then advance to a more challenging routine. It’s the same way with diet. Start with a low calorie deficit and then increase the deficit once you learn to control hunger.
2. Stop relying on motivation
I frequently get emails from people telling me that they’ve lost their motivation. Frankly, nobody feels motivated all the time – there are times even I don’t feel like exercising at all. But I suck it up and exercise anyway. Do the same thing. In fact, once exercising has become a habit, lack of motivation won’t stop you. Skipping workouts can be a habit too, so avoid the temptation.
4. Have workout and diet plans
The easiest way to fail is to start a weight loss journey without a meal plan or a workout routine prepared. Plans guide you on the exercises to do and the foods to eat, but don’t download just any plan you find on the web. Find a routine designed for your fitness level and goals.
3. Be accountable
It’s easy to skip workouts or eat unhealthy foods if you’re not accountable to anyone. But nobody wants to disappoint their fitness partner by skipping workouts or eating unhealthy foods. When picking a partner, make sure they’re as committed as you are, you’re both on the same fitness level, and you have the same schedule.
5. Set short term goals
It may take more than 25 weeks to lose 50 pounds. Frankly, maintaining a calorie deficit and exercising for such a long period is hard, and it may seem impossible to reach that goal. Don’t focus on the big goal – instead, set smaller monthly goals. You’ll be motivated to keep going once you attain the short-term goals. A simple monthly goal would be to lose 8 pounds in one month.
6. Set rules and stick to them
One of my workout rules is ‘I’ll never go for more than 3 days without exercise.’ And my diet rule is ‘I won’t go for more than 2 meals without eating healthy proteins and vegetables.’
Such rules help you maintain healthy habits with ease. The idea is to have a few precise rules you can stick to. Write them down if you have to.
7. Form small habits
Small habits like drinking 2 liters of water a day or eating an apple every day will remind you of the bigger habits like exercising and tracking meals.
Not only that, but small healthy habits make a difference in the long run. In this study, people who drank the daily recommended amount of water for 12 weeks lost 44% more weight than those who didn’t.
8. Exercise in the morning
It wasn’t until I started exercising in the morning that I stopped skipping workouts. Morning is the best time to exercise because there are no distractions and you’re fresh (not tired). You’ll also make healthier food choices through the day if you work out in the morning.
9. Stop making excuses
I’m tired, I got held up, I feel lazy, the list goes on and on. Excuses are easy to make and justify. Avoid making excuses and just do what you have to do. Getting fit is not easy, so push yourself and get out of your comfort zone.
0 notes
silentrunner1967 · 6 years
Running Brockwell Park, Herne Hill today on my capital challange has almost come full circle on itself, located just over 1 mile away from where I started my first Greater London parkrun at Dulwich park back on the 25th June 2016 and now so close in finishing this adventure, what a coincidence.
This hilly but beautiful park with commanding views of the surrounding London skyline just simply takes your breath away! I could not think of a better place to relax in this busy city than Brockwell in all it’s summer splendour, I am one lucky man!!
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The course starts at the Lido and consists of 2 anticlockwise laps of the outside parameter of Brockwell park, with the 2nd loop slightly shorter than the first! The surface is run entirely on well-kept tarmac paths that in most parts give you plenty of room to overtake!
Points of interest
Unlike the first lap the second instantly starts off with a sharp climb that leads up onto Brockwell Park Row and the highest part of the course!
The main climb is loaded near the start of each lap, thereafter in the most part the rest of the course is a steady decline back down to the start/finish
This is a very popular parkrun with a bit of a bottleneck at the start, so they recommend you  start in the field of runners where you think you are going to finish at the end of the run!
For the record this is a beautiful challenging course that if you pace yourself correctly on the uphill section a lot of time can easily be made up on the rest of this parkrun!!
Personal stats
Not happy with my personal performance as I simply just walked up the hill section, so reflected in a time of 35:15
Important Info
Free street parking is available just outside the park along Dulwich Road Sat Nav SE24 0PA. In terms of toilet facilities Brockwell Lido kindly let me use theirs before the start of the run and there is also a public toilet inside the park!
For a post run coffee there are two cafe’s serving this park, one attached to the Lido and I decided to try out Brockwell Park Cafe that is base inside the historical grade 2 listed building Brockwell Hall.
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Facilities also included
Brockwell lido boosts a 50M outdoor swimming pool, gym facilities and cafe
A miniature Railway
Brockwell Hall
Events held in the park includes the very popular Lambeth Country Show
Final Verdict
I would like to personally thank Paul and his team of volunteers for making me feel extremely welcome today, well done guys!
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So if you are up for a challenge running around this beautiful South London park then Brockwell is definitely right for you and with a top community feel, what more can I say!!
Mark aka Silent Runner
Run on 13/05/2017
  Event 49 Brockwell Running Brockwell Park, Herne Hill today on my capital challange has almost come full circle on itself, located just over 1 mile away from where I started my first…
0 notes
pedaleuse · 7 years
From the archives…part 1…
Previously I’d written how I started this blog near the end of the season so we’re skipping back in time again...
After my first race with CC London at Hog Hill my next races were at the Lee Valley VeloPark Winter Circuit Series and then the Summer Series where numbers started to increase as the weather improved and the season began in earnest. It was at the Full Gas Summer Series #3 on the 19th April where I moved up to a 3rd cat licence which I was really pleased about. Actually as the season started I was thinking I’d be happy enough to move up to 3rd Cat but a teammate said, on a ride home, “You should get 2nd Cat this year” and I didn’t really believe her, but that’s exactly what happened. 
The bulk of the beginning of the season was racing at Lee Valley, Hog Hill, and Crystal Palace, the former for both the Full Gas League and the CC Hackney Primavera on Saturday afternoons. These races went quite well although the the Tuesday evening Dulwich Paragon races at Crystal Palace started to turn into somewhat of a nemesis. 
The Crystal Palace (CP Crits) races are well known for going off quickly so I’d prepared for a fast start. Unfortunately not prepared enough because, due to a bad starting position and messing up clipping in I was at the back from the start. The ‘sighting lap’ I’d expected to be quite mellow but in fact the peloton screamed around the course at race speed in order to get a decent starting position on the line. I, however, didn’t do this and pottered around starting behind some riders and on the left-hand side. The race started, it immediately strung out, and I was off the back with a bunch of other riders that had been taken by surprise. Working together we had a decent ride but I was really annoyed with myself having been caught napping and vowed to go back again. A note from my race diary said “Start on right!”. My next attempt at a CP Crit was scuppered by the traffic on the way there and I was 5 minutes late for sign-on. So, again CP had beaten me. The third time I went there I started badly, chased back on, went into a corner too hot, another rider went wide, and I crashed off. Getting back on my bike I spent the rest of the race solo TTing, at least finishing.
I was pretty annoyed and upset by that point so thought I’d give up on CP for this season as, while I really like the circuit, I just didn’t think I was assertive enough for it. Naturally, I let people go first and that’s probably the biggest thing I’ve had to work on to improve my racing. You literally will never win if you let others go first. ;) Although it’s a balance, I think, of being assertive, dominant, and also friendly. At least for me.
Focusing on the other circuits that suited me I returned to Lee Valley. Reading back in my race diary I added an entry about the CC Hackney Primavera race on the 13th May which said “Need a faster sprint”; I got 4th that day but got overtaken on the line. All winter I’d been training on the track and working on my sprint but I still didn’t feel like I was getting it. It certainly was better than previous seasons when, if I got to a sprint, everybody — everybody!—would come past me in a sprint. I was wondering what I was doing wrong so decided to spend time working on my sprint and going to the gym weekly for ‘leg days’. This proved to be a really good move as me sprint started to come on leaps and bounds, which I’ll talk more about later. 
My next diary entry is for Gravesend Cyclopark, a course which I really love! More on that next time.
0 notes
mrandyzavala · 8 years
Community Bulletin January 25
School News
» CNY Head of School Letter
Happy New Year! On behalf of the faculty and staff of Concordia International School Shanghai we extend a very warm welcome to our new families! At the same time, it's always great to see our returning friends back on campus after a break.
We invite all families to participate in the Chinese New Year celebration which takes place on Thursday, January 26th in the PC Ford gym at 10:00 am. It's a wonderful school tradition and a fun time to celebrate with our host country, China!
It's an interesting schedule this year as in the same letter we welcome you back, we also bid you safe travels for the Chinese New Year! Wherever in the world you find yourself, we pray God will continue to protect and guide you in your walk each day. It's great to be a Phoenix!
Mary Scott
» Save The Date for the 14th Annual Gala & Auction on March 11. Tickets on sale February 13 - March 3. Tickets cost 850 RMB each.
» Follow us on Concordia's Official WeChat Account.
Get the latest updates. New information will be sent out once a week. Scan the QR code.
» Singing Valentines 2017
Our Concordia High School Choirs have been singing about love on Valentine's Day for over 10 years! And once again the Concordia Singers, Collegium Men's Choir, Bel Canto Woman's Choir and Chamber Singers are preparing Singing Valentines that you may purchase and send to your friends, family and loved ones. For 50-100 RMB you can choose a song to be sung to your "special someone" on the Concordia Campus during morning classes on Tuesday, February 14, 2017 from 8:15 – 11:15 AM. We have 5 song choices..... ♥I Can't Help Falling in Love With You by Elvis (sung by the Collegium Men's Choir) ♥Love Is An Open Door from Frozen (sung by Bel Canto Women's Choir) ♥I'll Be There by Michael Jackson & The Jackson 5 (sung by Concordia Singers) ♥Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Freddie Mercury (sung by the Chamber Singers) ♥Skinnamarinky Dinky Dink Look for more information and order forms outside the Choir Room, M201. (Also attached here) The final day for placing orders will be Friday, February 11.
For further information please contact choral director, Meg Ideker at [email protected]
» Phoenix Shop
The Phoenix Shop is open Monday through Friday at the lunch hour, 11:30 AM-1 PM. Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 PM.
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» The Admissions Office is receiving applications for the 2017-18 school year.
We encourage you to apply as soon as possible to help us plan for staffing and programs. If you intend to enroll your child in either the PS3 or PS4 classes, we advise you to apply by early March. Information can be found here about the application process.
» Sewing Classes will begin on Thursday, Feb 9.
If you would like to participate, stop by the sewing room on next Luther Hall in the Phoenix Commons.
» Towel & Blanket Drive
Do you love animals? Want to help bring comfort and warmth to rescue animals during this cold winter? The HS Environmental Committee is holding a Blanket & Towel Drive. Drop off your unwanted blankets and towels in the box by the HS office. On Saturday, Jan. 14th, there will be a day trip to the Best Friends Animal Shelter in Songjiang to bring these towels and blankets to the rescue animals there to help keep them warm and cozy. For more information about the Best Friends China animal charity, visit http://ift.tt/1J6tjGK.
Athletics & Arts
Season two sports are wrapping up with their final competition at APAC. To find up-to-date scores and watch live streaming go to http://apac-asia.org/.
The season two sports banquet will be help Tuesday, February 14th. If you have any questions, contact Chris Bishop.
» Bake Sale & Treat Sale
To All Bakers please note there will not be a bake sale class in January 14th. All bakers that were due to bake in Jan will be moved to February 14th. If you cannot bake then please email Maria Marquis, the PSO Bake Sale Chairwoman at [email protected]. Anyone who would like to bake or donate any bake goods for
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO.
Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
» Open positions for the 2017-18 School Year
We are nearing the completion of hiring for next fall.
After Chinese New Year we will be introducing the new staff and who will be moving internally in more detail, but we are happy to announce that the following openings for 2017-18 have been filled:
HS Social Studies
MS Learning Support
ES Gr 1
ES Gr 2
MS Gr. 6 Math/Science
Assistant Director of Activities
Assistant Head of School-Personnel
The remaining positions remain to be filled:
Family Life Counselor-final interviews underway
Administrator: HS Assistant Principal-contract offered
Curriculum & Assessment Coordinator
Director of Marketing-finalists identified
A growth position as an ES classroom teacher (grade level to be determined) Support Staff openings:
ES Teaching Assistant or Grade Level Assistant (PRC only)
Accountant (PRC only) For details on how to apply go to http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw
» Service Opportunity Hosting families "Service Through Friendship"
This program offers the opportunity to be a "Big Brother" to two of WILL Foundation boys for one or two nights. The boys will be paired. They're between the ages five and twelve. They could share a bed or enjoy camping-out on a rug. (Sleeping bags available.) But, be warned, they eat like bears Contact [email protected] Click here for more information. Thank you. Looking for host families for the following dates:
Chinese New Year – January 27 – February 4. You pick your dates and boys. Very flexible.
Saturday February 17, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Friday February 24, 2017 3:20 pm until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Friday March 10, 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday March 18, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10AM 1 night
Friday April 28, 2017 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday May 6, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Saturday May 20, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Shanghai Griffins Basketball » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source)
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Moms In Prayer International
Experience the joy of replacing anxiety with peace and hope by lifting up our children, teachers, staff and community with thanksgiving. Join other moms who meet twice a month on campus to seek guidance and wisdom for our children, our school and the Concordia community. Friendly to women of all languages. Please contact Michelle Wu if you have any question.
» Used 13 inch Viola for Sale
We are looking for people who are wanting my daughter's used 13 inch viola. She was using her viola very gently and is in excellent condition!!! Please let me know if you are interested.
Nobue Ko (Email: [email protected] Cell phone number: 13262250802)
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
Please check next week!
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» Health Office Information
Concordia's Health Office has put together this useful list of emergency telephone numbers and addresses in both Chinese and English. Click here for the list or contact the Health Office for more information. Flu Shots For information on Flu shots, contact the Health Office. Contact Jenny or Yukki directly.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices, are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications.
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2jnZ1uA
0 notes
mrmarknewman · 8 years
Community Bulletin January 25
School News
» CNY Head of School Letter
Happy New Year! On behalf of the faculty and staff of Concordia International School Shanghai we extend a very warm welcome to our new families! At the same time, it's always great to see our returning friends back on campus after a break.
We invite all families to participate in the Chinese New Year celebration which takes place on Thursday, January 26th in the PC Ford gym at 10:00 am. It's a wonderful school tradition and a fun time to celebrate with our host country, China!
It's an interesting schedule this year as in the same letter we welcome you back, we also bid you safe travels for the Chinese New Year! Wherever in the world you find yourself, we pray God will continue to protect and guide you in your walk each day. It's great to be a Phoenix!
Mary Scott
» Save The Date for the 14th Annual Gala & Auction on March 11. Tickets on sale February 13 - March 3. Tickets cost 850 RMB each.
» Follow us on Concordia's Official WeChat Account.
Get the latest updates. New information will be sent out once a week. Scan the QR code.
» Singing Valentines 2017
Our Concordia High School Choirs have been singing about love on Valentine's Day for over 10 years! And once again the Concordia Singers, Collegium Men's Choir, Bel Canto Woman's Choir and Chamber Singers are preparing Singing Valentines that you may purchase and send to your friends, family and loved ones. For 50-100 RMB you can choose a song to be sung to your "special someone" on the Concordia Campus during morning classes on Tuesday, February 14, 2017 from 8:15 – 11:15 AM. We have 5 song choices..... ♥I Can't Help Falling in Love With You by Elvis (sung by the Collegium Men's Choir) ♥Love Is An Open Door from Frozen (sung by Bel Canto Women's Choir) ♥I'll Be There by Michael Jackson & The Jackson 5 (sung by Concordia Singers) ♥Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Freddie Mercury (sung by the Chamber Singers) ♥Skinnamarinky Dinky Dink Look for more information and order forms outside the Choir Room, M201. (Also attached here) The final day for placing orders will be Friday, February 11.
For further information please contact choral director, Meg Ideker at [email protected]
» Phoenix Shop
The Phoenix Shop is open Monday through Friday at the lunch hour, 11:30 AM-1 PM. Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 PM.
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» The Admissions Office is receiving applications for the 2017-18 school year.
We encourage you to apply as soon as possible to help us plan for staffing and programs. If you intend to enroll your child in either the PS3 or PS4 classes, we advise you to apply by early March. Information can be found here about the application process.
» Sewing Classes will begin on Thursday, Feb 9.
If you would like to participate, stop by the sewing room on next Luther Hall in the Phoenix Commons.
» Towel & Blanket Drive
Do you love animals? Want to help bring comfort and warmth to rescue animals during this cold winter? The HS Environmental Committee is holding a Blanket & Towel Drive. Drop off your unwanted blankets and towels in the box by the HS office. On Saturday, Jan. 14th, there will be a day trip to the Best Friends Animal Shelter in Songjiang to bring these towels and blankets to the rescue animals there to help keep them warm and cozy. For more information about the Best Friends China animal charity, visit http://ift.tt/1J6tjGK.
Athletics & Arts
Season two sports are wrapping up with their final competition at APAC. To find up-to-date scores and watch live streaming go to http://apac-asia.org/.
The season two sports banquet will be help Tuesday, February 14th. If you have any questions, contact Chris Bishop.
» Bake Sale & Treat Sale
To All Bakers please note there will not be a bake sale class in January 14th. All bakers that were due to bake in Jan will be moved to February 14th. If you cannot bake then please email Maria Marquis, the PSO Bake Sale Chairwoman at [email protected]. Anyone who would like to bake or donate any bake goods for
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO.
Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
» Open positions for the 2017-18 School Year
We are nearing the completion of hiring for next fall.
After Chinese New Year we will be introducing the new staff and who will be moving internally in more detail, but we are happy to announce that the following openings for 2017-18 have been filled:
HS Social Studies
MS Learning Support
ES Gr 1
ES Gr 2
MS Gr. 6 Math/Science
Assistant Director of Activities
Assistant Head of School-Personnel
The remaining positions remain to be filled:
Family Life Counselor-final interviews underway
Administrator: HS Assistant Principal-contract offered
Curriculum & Assessment Coordinator
Director of Marketing-finalists identified
A growth position as an ES classroom teacher (grade level to be determined) Support Staff openings:
ES Teaching Assistant or Grade Level Assistant (PRC only)
Accountant (PRC only) For details on how to apply go to http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw
» Service Opportunity Hosting families "Service Through Friendship"
This program offers the opportunity to be a "Big Brother" to two of WILL Foundation boys for one or two nights. The boys will be paired. They're between the ages five and twelve. They could share a bed or enjoy camping-out on a rug. (Sleeping bags available.) But, be warned, they eat like bears Contact [email protected] Click here for more information. Thank you. Looking for host families for the following dates:
Chinese New Year – January 27 – February 4. You pick your dates and boys. Very flexible.
Saturday February 17, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Friday February 24, 2017 3:20 pm until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Friday March 10, 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday March 18, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10AM 1 night
Friday April 28, 2017 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday May 6, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Saturday May 20, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Shanghai Griffins Basketball » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source)
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Moms In Prayer International
Experience the joy of replacing anxiety with peace and hope by lifting up our children, teachers, staff and community with thanksgiving. Join other moms who meet twice a month on campus to seek guidance and wisdom for our children, our school and the Concordia community. Friendly to women of all languages. Please contact Michelle Wu if you have any question.
» Used 13 inch Viola for Sale
We are looking for people who are wanting my daughter's used 13 inch viola. She was using her viola very gently and is in excellent condition!!! Please let me know if you are interested.
Nobue Ko (Email: [email protected] Cell phone number: 13262250802)
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
Please check next week!
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» Health Office Information
Concordia's Health Office has put together this useful list of emergency telephone numbers and addresses in both Chinese and English. Click here for the list or contact the Health Office for more information. Flu Shots For information on Flu shots, contact the Health Office. Contact Jenny or Yukki directly.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices, are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications.
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2jnZ1uA
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mrrolandtfranco · 8 years
Community Bulletin January 25
School News
» CNY Head of School Letter
Happy New Year! On behalf of the faculty and staff of Concordia International School Shanghai we extend a very warm welcome to our new families! At the same time, it's always great to see our returning friends back on campus after a break.
We invite all families to participate in the Chinese New Year celebration which takes place on Thursday, January 26th in the PC Ford gym at 10:00 am. It's a wonderful school tradition and a fun time to celebrate with our host country, China!
It's an interesting schedule this year as in the same letter we welcome you back, we also bid you safe travels for the Chinese New Year! Wherever in the world you find yourself, we pray God will continue to protect and guide you in your walk each day. It's great to be a Phoenix!
Mary Scott
» Save The Date for the 14th Annual Gala & Auction on March 11. Tickets on sale February 13 - March 3. Tickets cost 850 RMB each.
» Follow us on Concordia's Official WeChat Account.
Get the latest updates. New information will be sent out once a week. Scan the QR code.
» Singing Valentines 2017
Our Concordia High School Choirs have been singing about love on Valentine's Day for over 10 years! And once again the Concordia Singers, Collegium Men's Choir, Bel Canto Woman's Choir and Chamber Singers are preparing Singing Valentines that you may purchase and send to your friends, family and loved ones. For 50-100 RMB you can choose a song to be sung to your "special someone" on the Concordia Campus during morning classes on Tuesday, February 14, 2017 from 8:15 – 11:15 AM. We have 5 song choices..... ♥I Can't Help Falling in Love With You by Elvis (sung by the Collegium Men's Choir) ♥Love Is An Open Door from Frozen (sung by Bel Canto Women's Choir) ♥I'll Be There by Michael Jackson & The Jackson 5 (sung by Concordia Singers) ♥Crazy Little Thing Called Love by Freddie Mercury (sung by the Chamber Singers) ♥Skinnamarinky Dinky Dink Look for more information and order forms outside the Choir Room, M201. (Also attached here) The final day for placing orders will be Friday, February 11.
For further information please contact choral director, Meg Ideker at [email protected]
» Phoenix Shop
The Phoenix Shop is open Monday through Friday at the lunch hour, 11:30 AM-1 PM. Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 PM.
» School Uniforms
The Uniform shop is located in the High School basement off of the PE Commons and is opens from noon to 4 PM, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday For your reference, the uniform policy appears on the Uniforms website. Questions regarding uniforms should be directed to: [email protected].
Our Community
» The Admissions Office is receiving applications for the 2017-18 school year.
We encourage you to apply as soon as possible to help us plan for staffing and programs. If you intend to enroll your child in either the PS3 or PS4 classes, we advise you to apply by early March. Information can be found here about the application process.
» Sewing Classes will begin on Thursday, Feb 9.
If you would like to participate, stop by the sewing room on next Luther Hall in the Phoenix Commons.
» Towel & Blanket Drive
Do you love animals? Want to help bring comfort and warmth to rescue animals during this cold winter? The HS Environmental Committee is holding a Blanket & Towel Drive. Drop off your unwanted blankets and towels in the box by the HS office. On Saturday, Jan. 14th, there will be a day trip to the Best Friends Animal Shelter in Songjiang to bring these towels and blankets to the rescue animals there to help keep them warm and cozy. For more information about the Best Friends China animal charity, visit http://ift.tt/1J6tjGK.
Athletics & Arts
Season two sports are wrapping up with their final competition at APAC. To find up-to-date scores and watch live streaming go to http://apac-asia.org/.
The season two sports banquet will be help Tuesday, February 14th. If you have any questions, contact Chris Bishop.
» Bake Sale & Treat Sale
To All Bakers please note there will not be a bake sale class in January 14th. All bakers that were due to bake in Jan will be moved to February 14th. If you cannot bake then please email Maria Marquis, the PSO Bake Sale Chairwoman at [email protected]. Anyone who would like to bake or donate any bake goods for
» PSO Used Uniform Sales
Gently used Concordia uniform pieces are also for sale at all monthly PSO meetings. The uniform pieces cost 20 RMB each. If you have gently used uniforms you no longer need, please consider donating them to the PSO.
Visit PSO website for more information on our upcoming events, and learn how you can get involved.
Job Openings
» Open positions for the 2017-18 School Year
We are nearing the completion of hiring for next fall.
After Chinese New Year we will be introducing the new staff and who will be moving internally in more detail, but we are happy to announce that the following openings for 2017-18 have been filled:
HS Social Studies
MS Learning Support
ES Gr 1
ES Gr 2
MS Gr. 6 Math/Science
Assistant Director of Activities
Assistant Head of School-Personnel
The remaining positions remain to be filled:
Family Life Counselor-final interviews underway
Administrator: HS Assistant Principal-contract offered
Curriculum & Assessment Coordinator
Director of Marketing-finalists identified
A growth position as an ES classroom teacher (grade level to be determined) Support Staff openings:
ES Teaching Assistant or Grade Level Assistant (PRC only)
Accountant (PRC only) For details on how to apply go to http://ift.tt/2h5eAnw
» Service Opportunity Hosting families "Service Through Friendship"
This program offers the opportunity to be a "Big Brother" to two of WILL Foundation boys for one or two nights. The boys will be paired. They're between the ages five and twelve. They could share a bed or enjoy camping-out on a rug. (Sleeping bags available.) But, be warned, they eat like bears Contact [email protected] Click here for more information. Thank you. Looking for host families for the following dates:
Chinese New Year – January 27 – February 4. You pick your dates and boys. Very flexible.
Saturday February 17, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Friday February 24, 2017 3:20 pm until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Friday March 10, 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday March 18, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10AM 1 night
Friday April 28, 2017 3:20 PM until Sunday 10 AM 2 nights
Saturday May 6, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Saturday May 20, 2017 2 PM until Sunday 10 AM 1 night
Club Sports and Community Sports Organizations
Below you'll find a list of clubs and organizations that offer a variety of sports activities to the community. If you would like for Concordia to consider adding a listing, please email the Marketing Department.
» Phoenix Swim Club » Shanghai American Football League » Shanghai Sluggers Youth Baseball » Shanghai Thunderbirds Ice Hockey » Sport For Life » Active Kidz Shanghai » Shanghai Griffins Basketball » Century Park Football Club - Soccer Training » Tuesday Night Co-ed Volleyball (starts after Chinese New Year) » Shanghai Gymnastics » Shanghai Chess Club Offers Classes at CCS » Multisport » Dulwich Earthquakes (Excellent Soccer Source)
» Please click here for information about Worship Services in Shanghai.
» Moms In Prayer International
Experience the joy of replacing anxiety with peace and hope by lifting up our children, teachers, staff and community with thanksgiving. Join other moms who meet twice a month on campus to seek guidance and wisdom for our children, our school and the Concordia community. Friendly to women of all languages. Please contact Michelle Wu if you have any question.
» Used 13 inch Viola for Sale
We are looking for people who are wanting my daughter's used 13 inch viola. She was using her viola very gently and is in excellent condition!!! Please let me know if you are interested.
Nobue Ko (Email: [email protected] Cell phone number: 13262250802)
Drivers & Ayis
When hiring ayis or drivers, please remember to check references and ask around the community for first-hand recommendations. Even in situations where ads are posted by Concordia families, please recognize that these ads are not vetted in any way by the school before posting. Although names and contact information of ayis and drivers are posted in the Community Bulletin, we do not affirm and/or affiliate ourselves with them.
Please check next week!
» Carrying Copies of Passport and Visa
We have been informed by Public Security Bureau that policemen are being sent to different locations like supermarkets or streets to check people's passport and visa. We would like to remind our community that carrying a copy of your passport and visa in your wallet is recommended so you are fine if you are checked. Please note that the policemen will show you their working ID when they stop you. If they don't, please ask. If you forget to carry the two copies, they could take you back to their office. In this case, we suggest you contact your employer who can confirm your passport and visa information. They may also stop unaccompanied students so I would recommend that you review this procedure with them as well.
» New Residence Permits, Work Permits or Passports?
Whenever you or your family members receive new residence permits, work permits and/or passports, please be sure to send copies of your new documents to the Admissions office, in the Welcome Center (1st floor High School). Or, email soft copies to Admissions. Keeping your children's files up to date helps us keep in compliance with Chinese governmental regulations.
» Health Office Information
Concordia's Health Office has put together this useful list of emergency telephone numbers and addresses in both Chinese and English. Click here for the list or contact the Health Office for more information. Flu Shots For information on Flu shots, contact the Health Office. Contact Jenny or Yukki directly.
» No Bicycles for Children Under Age 12 on Public Streets - Shanghai International Schools Association (SISA)
The following information regarding bicycle riding in Shanghai is shared in an attempt to be helpful to all its member schools. For safety purposes, the regulations in Shanghai allow for bicycles to be ridden on public streets only by children age 12 and above. This regulation is strictly enforced in Puxi, but is unevenly applied in Pudong. The immediate danger is that families may assume that local protections for bicycle riders may be the same as in their own country, but they are not. It is important to be aware that if a child under 12 is involved in any kind of accident on a public street or crossing, the parent may be held responsible. Sidewalks and bicycle paths along public roads are considered part of the public roads. In addition, as accident insurance is relatively new to China and there are not many precedents with these situations, your own accident or medical insurance company has the right to refuse cover in the event of violation of the local law. We hope that better understanding will result in better safety for younger children.
» Community Bulletin Objectives
The Community Bulletin conveys school and student-related information and supports community, volunteer and charitable organizations. The classified section and driver/ayi notices, are meant as a service to parents. With the exception of sharing information and offers from Concordia's official corporate partners, we do not support commercial ventures or for-profit organizations. The Community Bulletin editors reserve the right to omit submitted content deemed to fall outside the scope of the Community Bulletin.
» Parent Directory Privacy Policy
At Concordia, we are very protective of family information and data. The school emails only information that is important and directly related to the school and student issues. Internally, we carefully monitor what is emailed to parents and ensure it is appropriate. The use of email addresses from the parent directory for non-school related or commercial reasons is a severe misuse of the directory.
» Submitting Community Bulletin Items
The Community Bulletin is a bi-weekly newsletter. Please submit text in final format by Wednesday at noon in Arial font (maximum 100 words or 5 sentences in paragraph form with a headline) to [email protected]. Based on the schedule of the next bulletin, submissions may be included the week they are received or the following week. Any submission received after this time on the week scheduled for publication will be included in the next bulletin in two weeks. Submitted items may run for a maximum of two consecutive publications.
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2jnZ1uA
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