#drill boi
technically-human · 29 days
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Hey, don't cry. Ghost yuri, okay?
(Now that you know the girls, they need to meet the boys!)
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tragedy-machine · 3 months
After Edwin's confession Charles tries to figure out his feelings and in the process starts to unconsciously treat Edwin a little differently, and he doesn't even notice the change because it just feels so right to him.
He was already protective before, but now it kicks up to a whole other level. He volunteers to do the most dangerous parts of cases with Crystal, starts opening the door for Edwin and often when he goes to grab the other ghost to move him, instead of going for his arm, he goes for his waist, his touch extra gentle (and perhaps lingering).
Edwin overanalyzes the shit out of this and thinks that somehow after Hell Charles thinks of him as weak. He keeps catching Charles constantly glancing at him, as if making sure Edwin's still there and still okay. He nearly pulls something, rushing to pick Edwin up when the older ghost falls over after a particularly complicated mirror travel.
Edwin finally gets fed up after his friend's yet another unnecessary and dangerous move to protect him during a case and confronts Charles about it and poor, mortified Charles (after finally coming to the realization that he's definitely in love with his best mate) has to set the record straight:
"I'm not treating you like someone weak, I'm treating you like someone I fancy"
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purgetrooperfox · 3 months
tired: fox has never done anything wrong in his life he was under control of the chip he didn't mean to kill fives he would never do that
wired: fox was being deliberately, continuously manipulated by palpatine into doing anything he wanted under threat of severe bodily harm, no chip necessary
inspired: fox is a product of brainwashing and genuinely believes in the senate and the republic, which is in constant conflict with the rhetoric he hears from politicians and his general dislike of senators, but that conflict is ultimately irrelevant. he believes in the institution with his entire self. he was born to die for this system and would lose his shit if he started questioning it in any meaningful way. The Institution told him to kill fives so he killed fives, it told him to hunt down ahsoka so he did it, etc etc. conviction that this is all worth it because the republic Can Only Be Right (or else his entire existence and everything the guard puts up with are meaningless) is what gets his ass out of bed in the morning. he'll do terrible things to protect it, and by extension his sense of self, and he won't apologize for it because it's categorically Right in his brain. none of this changes the fact that he's routinely abused by this system, or the fact that he's enslaved by it, or that he has no real choice in anything, only how he personally reconciles it all
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magnusbae · 1 year
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Obi-Wan is being so normal about Anakin. (Clone Wars Gambit: Siege)
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ju5t777 · 1 year
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ratatatastic · 3 months
"LETS GO CAP, OVER HERE FELLA 🗣🗣" "coming! coming 😣💦!"
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wario-land · 5 months
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Game Boy Advance's All Stars in...
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A concept idea made by me, because i love GBA and it's various games
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sol-arise0 · 2 months
1. Sketch Cmm for @/queendominthestars🧡(insta)
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2. Sketch Cmm for @/neon.froot (insta)
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3.Another sketch cmm for @/dumb.los3r (insta)
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essektheylyss · 8 months
I think Orym is a fascinating character in a way that is often underappreciated, because he is fundamentally a soldier, he was trained as a soldier, and that's... not a bad thing? It has no moral indication, and certainly doesn't imply that Orym is going dark. In fact, in the current circumstances, Orym acting as a soldier is very important and may actually get them through this in one piece.
I do feel that this aspect of his character is frequently approached in the fandom as an afterthought or even swept under the rug, or flat out viewed as a flaw to be overcome (especially given the overall landscape of military conflict in the real world), but being a trained soldier is not inherently indicative of specific morality or ideology. I think it's a judgment that also gets levied against paladins, because, much like any organized forces in fantasy are equated with modern militaries, fantasy worship is equated with Christianity (sometimes in the guise of 'organized religion' with all of its problematic connotations). It's incredibly black and white, and it doesn't fundamentally make sense in much of Exandria, but in this case especially.
You cannot fundamentally map the Tempest Blades onto any real life military, because the task of the Tempest, and Ashari culture as a whole, is protection against both extraplanar threats and also the malicious or misguided intentions of those on the Material Plane trying to fuck with the elemental planes. This is distinctly different even in universe from, for instance, Caleb, who was trained as an assassin in the name of nationalism, or Yasha, who was trained to be a leader in the name of tribalism.
And these two threats that the Ashari are tasked with resisting are both frequent, credible, and existential! Failing at this task is liable to have major sweeping repercussions for the rest of Exandria! It is highly probable that a soldier with Orym's training is expected to need to make incredibly difficult decisions in defense of the common good at more than one point in their life—decisions that would make every person who laughs at the premise of the trolley problem shit their pants.
And crucially, Orym wants his friends to get out of this. He has in fact already promised his entire life to ensure that they do, because he also fundamentally needs them to be able to do what they came for, without hesitation, because the singular mandate that he has devoted himself to is protecting the Material Realm from extraplanar threats, and regardless of the fact that the rest of them do not have the same training, that is also the task that the Hells have chosen.
If Nana Morri can get the Hells out in one piece, regardless of what choices they make, then their personal risk doesn't matter. I imagine that Orym isn't going to tell them that, because given the scope of the threat, there's not necessarily a guarantee that Morri can make that happen, so the rest of the Hells have to make the choice themselves to take the risk and trust that the others have their backs. And in the end, if Orym has to live with that no matter which way fate plays out, he will. He's already had plenty of practice.
They're at war, and that's how soldiers operate. Because when they're behind enemy lines, it's the only way missions get completed and they have a chance of making it back alive.
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Saw some bell bottom pants. Thought „these are so Gabriel“. Did this. Enjoy.
Have a great week guys 🌻🐝
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sinistersinita · 7 months
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Screenshot redraw! Finally after a year I have a Drill Boy design.
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fishleeks · 23 days
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he is so damn cute
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peach-coke · 4 months
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➤ The Boys || 4.01 - Department of Dirty Tricks June 13, 2024
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footballshowrot · 1 year
intricate rituals etc
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zu-is-here · 17 days
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The preview doesn't show but Error is leading
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(≧∀≦) With all our desire for Error to become the second again, looks like he has much more support against Geno Σ੧(❛□❛✿) Only time (& votes) will tell...
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excedrinextrastrength · 5 months
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hello internet, here have some giant robots blushing
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