#dream is farquad
build-a-batmovie · 2 years
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houseofthelilypads · 1 year
Shrek isn't just a movie picking at of Disney, it's a movie picking at white supremacy.
Notice how all the villains were white people? Excluding Goldilocks & Death, who were antagonists/rivals, the villains were all white humans with a high status, wealth of power (figuratively and literally) who weaponized the status quo to erase, attack or manipulate marginalized groups. They weren't these powerful entities of death (heh) they looked like people we could meet in real life. Charming especially is the Perfect "Aryan" Man: blond haired blue eyed good-looking and white.
Farquad exiled all fairytale creatures from their homes and even implied to have killed some of them. He doesn't even go save Fiona himself, at least Charming made it that far. Instead he expects her love then turned on her when she embraced her true self.
Godmother talked over Fiona by trying to sell her an American Dream type wish, only to ignore her needs and desires. She runs her magic like a business. A testament to materialism and how it is a shallow replacement for genuine relationships. She also raised Charming to feel that he is so special he is above consequences, which sadly led to his downfall. It's also an allegory to how racism/yt supremacy is taught. Tow kids eagerly embrace these prejudices without question or truly thinking for themselves.
Jack Horner was jealous of not being famous like the others without fully understanding the reality magical creatures go through due to the prejudice they face. Instead of being thankful for hus very successful pie company he tries to steal everyone else's things. Showing how greedy people will never be satisfied. But also how racist white people would be jealous of another ethnic group for a naive lens of being "special" without fully understanding the struggles the ethnic group goes through.
Rumple treated the witches like servants than equals, and tried to eradicate a resistance made up of mostly ogres to keep his crown. While I classify him as a fairytale creature he doesn't have that solidarity and only thinks of himself. Showing how some would eagerly throw their own kind under the bus to enjoy the benefits a horrible status quo brings.
Charming wanted to keep his privileged lifestyle by taking over Far Far Away under the guise of helping outcasts, when it was just him nursing a broken ego. He doesn't even entertain the thought his mother is wrong, just that Shrek stole a happy ending he thinks he deserves. Again a reminder of how yt supremacy often fails the very people groomed to uphold these values, and how some simply refuse to change their ways despite suffering their doomed ideology.
They were members of the aristocracy, businessmen, who were already living it high but wanted more & keep things as they were, regardless who got hurt.
Shrek represents the marginalized adopting love and allowing themselves to love and be loved without being forced to fundamentally change themselves. Shrek believed himself unlovable because society already deemed him as a threat. But the interesting thin is Shrek never exactly defeats the villains on his own or by brute force. The villains are taken out by their actions or or by somebody else (a character who is also a victim of the oppression). The villains meet their ends at the same item they used to weaponize the status quo.
By Shrek never directly defeating the villains, it dismantles the preconceived notions of ogre being inherently brutal and violent. It also shows how fighting oppression isn't just through brute force or snark but thru love and community.
Artie & Fiona represent white people who acknowledge their privilege and uses it to help others. That even yt folk suffer under the same conditions they put in the first place as they fear or subjected to the same mistreatment if they stray out of line even an inch. For Artie it's being a softspoken dork and not the hypermasculine warrior; for Fiona it's being an ogre/tomboy & not a dainty princess. These flaws prove to be great gifts, & help them see those expectations for the harm they really are.
Shrek and Fiona's romance are the biggest aspect of the franchise,but another important aspect is community. By building solidarity with other fairytale creatures, they're able to more support then just having only each other. Without Donkey (and Dragon) Shrek and Fiona wouldn't have their happy ending; without the fairytale critters Shrek wouldn't have had the power to stop Fairy Godmother. Without connecting with Artie, there'd be no one to sympathize with the story villains. Without the Ogre Resistance Shrek wouldn't have been able to restore the timeline.
That's also why Charming's takeover failed: he hadn't formed any true solidarity with the villains only really viewing them as props for his happily after. He was so blinded by hate and jealously he failed to actually HELP the villains accomplish their dreams or their needs. He failed to acknowledge his own complicity in the way villains/outcasts were treated. Artie talked to the villains, not talked down to them.
Overall, Shrek offers a very good look at the harm white supremacy inflicts on EVERYONE and the ways to combat it. Remember, you can hate your oppressors/society but it's also important to recognize your privilege, and show up for the oppressed. That marginalized groups do have the power to make their dreams come true through love, community, action and solidarity.
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joeyclaire · 11 months
Dream looks like Lore Farquad and Ed Sheeran’s child if Ed Sheeran didn’t brush his hair or shower
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just-gay-thoughts · 11 months
If I ever did get into musical theature on the acting end my dream role would be lord farquad
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c4tb1t · 8 months
had the most 2018-2019 type of moment in my dream last night it was a rap battle video and it was like
Epic rap battles of epic history
Pepe the Frog
Lord Farquad
Then I woke up
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babovens · 2 years
MP100 Theatre Kid AU
More theatre things because tech week starts today help. I’m living out my dreams of being a tech kid because they’re amazing and so so funny, but you’d never know because they’re always behind the scenes. (Also they’re the ones who hold the snack stash so go to them for the Cheetos kids).
Character sheets for Shigeo and Teru.
Shou Suzuki: Tech/Stage Management
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Shou spent much of his early childhood going to his father’s show rehearsals. He went to so many that he quickly developed a musical talent that far surpassed his classmates.
Once Touichirou learned this, he immediately began teaching Shou how to sing.
He didn’t have lots of times to be a kid, his father whisking him away to rehearsals when his classmates were out having fun.
Even worse, his father was teaching him in a traditional, classical manner. Making him learn music standards he didn’t connect with.
He also never liked the actors he worked with, but he could never pinpoint why.
Even so, he never hated singing.
He knew his father did musical theatre shows because “they’re the quickest way to make the money I need for my own projects,” but he had never seen one until…
He snuck into watch one of his father’s musicals: Little Shop of Horrors.
It was so different from anything he had been learning before. It was brash, it was hilarious, it was loud, it was dark.
He was obsessed.
Not just with the music, but with the tech.
How did they match up the lightning and the thunder? How did the scenes change so fast from the dentist office to the flower shop? How on earth did they make that giant plant move?
He snuck backstage to see the mastermind behind all the special effects: Serizawa. After the show, Serizawa gave Shou a tour of the set, making his interest skyrocket.
Shou announced that night at dinner that he wanted to learn how to tech a show.
Touichirou made it clear he didn’t support this decision. Anyone can learn the skill to tech. Not everyone is born with musical talent like his, and it would be a waste if he was “only behind the scenes.”
It was then that Shou realized why he hated being in the shows his father directed.
It had nothing to do with the music and everything to do with the entitlement of the actors he worked with.
The way they all fought with each other, the way they blamed their own mistakes on other people, the way they dismissed the back stage crew as if they weren’t the reason they had mics and a set to perform on.
That was the final nail in the coffin, and he went to learn how to tech a show at Black Vinegar.
Where he met his mortal enemy: Teruki Hanazawa.
The kid his father replaced him with.
Basically if Teru was in Claw Theatre edition
Tech Kid™
Jack of all trades (Costumes, lighting, sound, set, stage management).
Has a particular interest for pyrotechnics on stage
The type to sing horribly on purpose despite his talent (this drives Teru crazy).
Believes in the theatre ghost and fights with him at least once a week (Dimple).
Ultimate snack stash in the PAC despite the “no food or drink” sign. “Do as I say, not as I do.”
The telepathy club takes full advantage of his snacks (and it’s how he recruits them to be his tech crew).
Checks the stage lights every night before a show at Ritsu’s request. (Shou doesn’t mind one bit).
Has the funniest names for his lighting cues (throw back to Shrek the Musical where the cue name for the dragon eating Farquad was literally named “OOP he “faquin” dead” abdkfhslajs)
Not afraid to call out actors who gossip and put down others Teru
He means well, but this makes his confidence turn into arrogance. (“I’m the reason you even have a show.”)
A bit of a control freak.
Specialty: Punk/Rock/Mega-Musicals
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italiansteebie · 2 years
found in the abyss that is my drafts! enjoy! :)
shrek steddie au where eddie (shrek lol) is some type of mutant/cryptid like idk,,, a werewolf and he has his features all the time, his tail, ears, and strength.
he meets robin (donkey) after rescuing her from hunters, maybe she's like a fairy or shapeshifter or something.
he's tasked with saving steve (fiona) from the lab where his dad put him once he found out steve shifted at night, but he has to get through brenner. (the dragon)
once saved eddie reveals that he's taking him to his arranged wedding constructed by his estranged father who hopes the marriage will stop the shifting. nancy (lord farquad) doesn't want to get married to steve but does it in hopes that marrying the prince will give her more power and attention in order to fulfil her own dreams.
idk lol
shrek- eddie
fiona- steve
donkey- robin
lord farquad- nancy
dragon- brenner (except in this one donkey and dragon DONT fall in love)
pinocchio- dustin (only because of the quote "we were forced to come here!" and i feel like that really... sums up the beginning of steve and dustin's relationship.)
the other banished fairy tale creatures- the rest of the party.
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ggots · 1 year
If I had money I would open a nightclub with like great atmosphere cheap drinks anything you could dream of but every hour I would have them turn on all the lights and people would have to watch that farquad cosplay tiktok and then everyone could go back to their ket or whatever
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internal-bleating · 2 years
So it took my subconscious long enough, but I FINALLY had a dream with Jack Horner in it and OF COURSE it was really fucking weird.
So first off, I was in this sort of Shrek AU where Shrek never did what he did so Farquad was still running the show with an ironfist and then at some point, idk how or when, Jack Horner sort of took control over from him? He also ruled over everyone with an ironfist(also the fairytale creatures were free to wander around the kingdom instead of being banished). And I think I remember him at some point saying something along the lines of "I want this to be a pleasent place to live but(something threatening about everyone obeying or else idk)"
And now we get into the weird part. The fuckin muppets had this entire underground rebellion opporation going on to take Jack Horner down. Ms. Piggy and Kermit even had a wedding at their secret home base before starting the more serious part of their plan cuz they weren't sure if they'd both make it out of this alive. Also Kermit and Jack had this very dramatic crime noir-esque scene where they both passed eachother on the street and without looking at eachother were like "I'm gonna take your ass down" in low serious voices.
I was pretty much a silent observer from above in most of the dream but there was one part where I was a part of the rebellion as a faceless unknown character with no describable features(I think i was a guy tho cuz I tend to be a guy in my dreams a lot?) and I had a couple of scenes, one of which where I was ranting to somone else in the rebellion about how there was nothing but city now and no more trees and I wanted to see a forest again(cuz Dulock/Far Far Away??? suddenly just, morphed into an endless sprawl of modern city as far as the eye could see and was surounded by a wall to keep everyone from leaving).
And I did somehow end up in a forest?? There were a couple of other people there too but they were all running and hiding from these big mechanical dogs which my dream implied were controlled and answered to Jack Horner(seriously what's up with Jack having machines and pistols and walkie talkies all of a sudden??) and they were hunting down these runaways. I could sort of float so I was able to avoid them for the most part, but then I started to float down and grabbed onto some tree branches to stop myself from sinking far down enough to be in reach of the mech dogs(I was sort of less affected by gravity and thats why I could float I guess). I started using the branches to launch myself back upwards by pushing off them, but then the mech dogs started CLIMBING THE TREES with their metal claws cuz I guess they sensed me. They ended up catching me I think and I was like "well shit there goes my place in the resistance..."
I also vaguely remember a part where there was this big gathering and a commotion happened and I guess it was backstory on how Jack gained control of everything? I can't really remember...
There was also this part where I was kind of just wandering down this endless row of outdoor cooking stations and when I got to the portion with the ovens I started freaking out cuz it was too hot and I was scared I was gonna get burned so that's fun lol.
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Fairy Tail Chasing Tails fic
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Fairy Tail Gendercross Big4 Guys
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dream (The youtuber) looks like the secret lovechild of rumplestiltskin and lord farquad
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ashdreams2023 · 2 years
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Dreams face is giving me hot lord farquad vibes
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Makin me feel some type of way
He kinda looks like sapnap and George's child
It’s the jaw I see it 💀
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Dreams face reveal has him looking like if Lord Farquad and Rumple from Shrek had a baby 🤭 LMFAO
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demonica-31 · 16 days
Trigger warning: dead bodies
Had a dream last night that Puss in Boots and Death Wolf from The Last Wish were baking together for Puss’ birthday. You may think that it sounds like regular baking, but oh boy, it definitely wasn’t. They were using the dead bodies of other characters!
Death had told Puss that the point of them doing this was to make Puss appreciate his own life more. He said that by doing this, Puss would get more enjoyment out of his birthday because he was still alive. Puss agreed under the terms that Death would turn the bodies back to normal when they were done baking.
I remember the characters that they used for their recipes, Lord Farquad, Prince Charming, their version of Snow White, and surprisingly, Merida from Brave. That one doesn’t even make any sense because she’s from a Pixar movie, but she was there!
I remember Lord Farquad’s bones being roasted like nuts in a pot, and both Charming and Merida being doused in a strange green liquid that dissolved their bodies into a sort of rock candy.
Basically MLP Cupcakes + Puss in Boots: The Last Wish = Chaotic corpse baking
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whych-whytch · 2 years
Praise Vuall!
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This ain't my first fascination magick rodeo. It's always a roller coaster ride when I need to charm the pants off the wild beasts of the corporate jungle, and today was no exception.
Sorry, no cut. I'll add one later.
Here's the back story: it's complicated. Isn't it always?
It's a tale of sexual jealousy and rampant upper management corruption, and it all goes down at a Fortune 500 company. My best friend, "Old Nick", a shaman, worked in produce. I, "Lilith", a budding sorceress at the time, worked in e-com. We got a new store director, "Lord Farquad" and he decided I belonged to him, as the most "exotic" woman at the store, since you know, beauty and power go hand in hand.
"Lord Farquad" is nicknamed such because he wears lifts in his wingtips. And he hates fairytale creatures... but more on that later.
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There was only one man standing in his way. Old Nick.
So he did what tyrants do, and forbade us from speaking to one another, and did his damndest to keep us apart. Because what goes on in everyone else's beds is his business 🙄 And everyone was convinced me and Old Nick were secret lovers.
So LF promoted Old Nick, and then crushed his dreams by demoting him, telling him that he needed to tell everyone he'd stepped down on his own, and if he told anyone the truth, he'd be fired on the spot.
We did what all good witches do, banded together, and took revenge with magick. But Old Nick ended up quitting and going to work for the competition, and me? Well, I stayed. To bide my time, and plot the juiciest revenge. Because LF crushes everyone's morale, and all their hopes and dreams.
It's four weeks into the holiday season and it's all coalescing nicely together. I started from the bottom, to crumble the pyramid that way. LF suspects nothing. He thought that when he stomped on the snake's head, he killed his biggest enemy. But the female of the species is more deadly than the male...
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In the meantime, I'm playing, because I get bored and life is always ripe for magickal mischief. I need to know that I've got LF right in the palm of my hand before I crush him like a rotten grape.
Here's the story, morning glories: today my truck got stuck in my driveway. After calling my manager, I waited for the plow. We'd had three call outs and we're very short staffed. People keep quitting or transferring internally because morale is so bad at work, and everyone blames LF directly for it. He has "his people", and if you're not a favorite, he treats you like shit. We all hate him.
I got a call, the manager said one of the cashier PICs was coming to get me. She hadn't offered. LF just told her to come get me. She tried to spin it as being an altruistic person, but had almost gotten plowed into by a semi on the icy hill. She also wants a promotion. So you know, when the store director says jump, you say how high...
A few weeks ago, I was shopping. I was on one side of the bananas when I spotted LF lecturing some poor produce guy. I decided he wouldn't notice me if I kept scanning my produce in, but no such luck. He spotted me and lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, jumping up and down and waving and calling my name. "Lilith! Lilith! Hi! Lilith!"
I pretended not to see this forty year old man making an idiot of himself. He came up to me, grinning like an idiot. "Lilith! Didn't you hear me?"
So I get into work three hours late. I'm at the desk. Suddenly he's right there next to me. "Lilith! You made it."
I look up from my task and smile demurely. LF is grinning so big it takes up his entire face, and his eyes are shining. Oh shit girl you got him, I think, and then, Old Nick would kill me if he knew.
Vuall, to create an aura of sensuality, to make men think I will gift them their sexual fantasy. Gusoin, for awe.
LF offered to pay for an Uber to get me home, but when I was finishing up our last shop, Boston arranged me a ride instead.
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lovingmichi · 2 years
whenever I’m unmotivated to open my camera for online classes, i just remembered that dream posted a face reveal looking ugly af
well at least ik i’m more good looking than him so 🫶🫶🫶
My confidence was boosted just by looking at his lord farquad wannabe ass 😍🤭
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